#anon this is dedicated to you
originalartblog · 6 months
Part one here, part two ↓
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Dazai is very eager to get to work today idk...
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nothorses · 4 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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I think trying to find one perfect answer that applies universally is the critical mistake here. I mean, I am a gay man. I say this because as of yet, that's the clearest answer I have for myself personally; maybe there's a possibility I experience attraction to a woman at some point (maybe I already have???), but I don't really have clarity on that right now, and it doesn't serve me to shape or explain my identity around "maybe"s.
Trying to pinpoint exactly what it is that attracts me to other men, specifically, is also like... not that useful. I used to find myself really attracted to feminine men specifically; not feminine women, not masculine women, not masculine men, not androgynous anyone, but feminine men. Specifically, men who were feminine in a very particular, long-hair-certain-attitude kind of way.
Recently, I have found myself appreciating, more and more, a certain kind of masculine body type and gay masculinity that I was never really interested in before. I find it incredibly hot. A lot of that coincides with things I appreciate about my partner, too, and things I find myself appreciating more about my partner as time goes on- as well as things my partner expresses appreciation for about me!
And I haven't even touched on attraction to nonbinary folks here because, like, it's a massive spectrum. "Nonbinary" means something different for every individual nonbinary person. To my mind, of course there's a possibility I experience attraction to a nonbinary person; how they identity, present, and what attracts me to them are all even more impossible to know for certain than the "maybe"s and the "why"s around my attraction (or lack thereof) to men and women.
My relationship to my own orientation was vastly different pre-testosterone versus post-testosterone, too. I was much more reserved and uncomfortable with relationships and attraction before I started T, and the only dynamic I ever felt was even a little bit tolerable was one where I was the "masculine woman" in a lesbian relationship. I didn't realize until very shortly after starting T that, actually, I like men. A lot. I felt comfortable with my body and my masculinity in a way I never had been before, and I felt comfortable in relationships with men; I no longer felt like I was The Woman By Default in contrast.
And that's all just me! This is my personal, specific, individual relationship to attraction, and how gender- both others' and my own- factors into my relationship with orientation.
I don't think it's necessarily inborn, or completely unchanging for everyone. I also don't think the same factors apply for everyone. I think a lot of different things can be true for different people, all at once, and it's not really useful to try to pinpoint a specific, universal explanation for orientation.
Everyone has a different relationship to orientation and gender; everyone will be influenced differently by cultural factors, by their own ways of processing and understanding the world around them, by the ways different aspects of their culture, identity, personality, and inborn traits and how they all interact with one another, and sure, maybe even by biological factors and tendencies.
Trying to solve this puzzle for the entire world of diverse human beings isn't going to make it any easier to understand yourself. Focus on what this all means for you, personally, and accept that you will never, can never, fully and perfectly understand anyone else's internal world and workings. Things get a lot easier when you can let go of that & just appreciate the diversity of human experiences, y'know?
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gailynovelry · 4 months
Thinking a little bit about that one "I'm an English major and a professional as opposed to you amateurs" anon. Gonna roast 'em a little bit, but with the intention of addressing a thing we've had in mind for a while.
Real talk, coming from someone who WAS an English major; majoring in English is not necessarily a guarantee that someone is a good writer. For one, you can be bad at your major, full stop. For another, it's not even a guarantee that someone identifies as a writer to begin with. English as a major is pretty broad, and it covers reading too, among other things. There's library science, analytical academia, historical preservation & interpretation (MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS HELL YES), editing, nonfiction trades (often crosses over with STEM majors), marketing (crosses over with business majors), and also book design and typography (<3 <3 <3 our favorite, crosses over with art majors).
Someone can major in English and take a specific minor with the goal of falling into a trade that is not writing literary fiction. In fact, we would argue that most people who get something useful out of their major are the ones that do that.
It's also worth noting that it's possible to be an English major focused on "lowbrow" fiction. There are people who major in English and use the experience towards the end of writing erotica. There are people who major in English with the intent to write genre fiction. There are people who major in English to study the history and social context of fanfiction.
These things are, in fact, worthy fields of study! The realm of the "amateur" is the realm where a lot of cultural conversations and innovations happen!
Expecting English as a major to be a tract specifically for producing acclaimed literary fictionists is not realistic, not how the discipline typically works, and it's certainly not a thing you can use to hold over other writers' heads. It is perfectly possible for people to write good things (professional-grade things even) without ever touching a college course.
I sat through so much bad writing in college. Technically bad, thematically bad, gramatically bad. And I routinely bump into non-graduate authors who write texts, formal and informal alike, that blow my own writing clean out of the water with their quality.
In short, dismissing other people in your general field as "amateurs" who are beneath you is an incredibly unprofessional thing to do.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 9 months
a collection of various unposted ace attorney doodles and shitposts (featuring poultry man and welsknight from hermitcraft)
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy happy birthday 🎂🎉🥳 Are you still doing the “cursed identity porn” au where LWJ can’t really see the Yiling Patriarch (because the mask?), but still tries to settle into being married to him? (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1
“Where do you want the talisman?”
Lan Wangji looks up from checking over his pack one last time to see his husband in his doorway. He lifts an eyebrow.
“I’m going to be wearing the mask but there’s no reason for the enchantment to affect you,” Wei Wuxian says. “You already know what I look like. I have to paint it somewhere on your body – preferably someplace there’s no chance of anyone else seeing.”
Ah. That explains why Wen Qing have never seemed to have the same problems looking at Wei Wuxian that everyone else did during the war.
Lan Wangji considers several locations before untying his belt and shrugging off several layers of robes, letting them pool at his elbows and leaving his chest bare. “Wherever you think is best.”
Wei Wuxian hasn’t so much as given him a covetous glance since their marriage. Lan Wangji can endure it, if he must, endure the lack of his husband’s affection and even endure the way he seems so willing to share it with others. He does not have the soft, delicate features and willowy body of Wen Ning, Meng Yao, or Jiang Yanli. But if nothing else, his place as the number two most eligible male cultivator means that he’s not without his charms.
If he is completely outside of his husband’s tastes, it’s best that he knows that now.
He braces himself for indifference, keeping his expression bland to ensure that Wei Wuxian can’t see how surely it’ll crush him.
“Oh! Uh, um, sure, great,” Wei Wuxian says, voice at least two pitches higher than it is normally as his eyes dart up then down several times, blood rushing to his cheeks and painting them scarlet.
Lan Wangji stares. He has seen Wei Wuxian walk across a battlefield and stare down sect leaders and be harassed by a dozen uncles at once and surrounded by three screaming children and never has he seemed as out of sorts as he does right now.
He lifts up the brush and hesitates. “Is it okay – do you mind if I, is this okay?”
“Yes. You can touch me anywhere,” he says.
Wei Wuxian freezes, blinking rapidly before he swallows. “Oh. Kay.”
This is the best day of Lan Wangji’s life.
His husband steps closer, curling one hand around his bare shoulder to keep him steady and using the other to make small, sure brush strokes against the skin of his left side of his chest, right above his heart. He likes the symbolism. He also likes how Wei Wuxian’s blush doesn’t fade at all.
“There,” he says a few moments later. “Just give it time to dry and it should be fine for a week or so, then I’ll have to reapply. “
“Thank you,” he says, quirking his lips up at the corners when Wei Wuxian finally manages to look him in the eye
His returning grin is blinding. His eyes fall lower twice more before he leaves and Lan Wangji feels the low hum of satisfaction down his spine that he normally only gets from a particularly difficult spar.
His husband is capable of finding him attractive.
He just has to somehow encourage this behavior.
Twenty minutes later Meng Yao sticks his head into his room and demands, “What did you do to him?”
Lan Wangji pauses. Is he upset that he’s gotten Wei Wuxian’s attention? He never seems to mind Wen Ning, but perhaps that arrangement has already been settled between them and he sees Lan Wangji as an intrusion, regardless of his status.
“This is hilarious. Whatever it was, do it again,” he orders before continuing his way down the hall.
With pleasure.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
just a small idea for your Vox x reader series. I don’t know if it’s a specified gender for the reader but I think it’s be funny if the reader was in their period and they’re just texting Vox like-
reader: omg I’m in so much pain rn I feel like I’m about to die holly fuck-
Vox: yikes to bad for you, luckily I don’t have that problem
Hahahaha that's how he was like before the events of "You're Just Being Mean!" He didn't really care if Reader had issues and kind of just found entertainment in their suffering. Events after that interlude though- you can't really joke about death anymore or Vox straight up throws a whole tantrum about it. You worried him to death(as comical as that may be since he IS dead) so he's going to be pissy.
"Awwww you were worried about me?"
"Oh fuck you." 🖕
"That's cute Voxy."
"Shut up."
"Love you too ya dumbass."
And he just fucking dies instead HAHAHAHA
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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Today was Baby Poldine’s first day of school ! The idea for now is just to get her used to being in a narrow enclosed area without getting stressed, and pet her everywhere while she’s in there to desensitise her (especially her head & legs), so she can start wearing a halter next month.
People who were here in 2019 might remember that this simple gentle curriculum didn’t work very well with Baby Pampe. No amount of nothing happening while stuck in a small enclosed area ever made Pampe accept the concept of small enclosed area. It just made her more determined to escape. One of my posts about this ended with:
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This didn’t make me worry too much about Poldine’s education, because by now I’ve accepted that you can’t use Pampérigouste as an indication of how llamas in general behave. Getting Poldine to enter the chute was incredibly easy in comparison to her mum! She saw that her hay net was here and trustingly went up to it—while Pampe was standing outside the corral like
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Poldine was quite stressed in the beginning, her little legs were shaking and she folded herself up like a caterpillar trying to find an exit—
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—but at no point did it occur to her to jump over any fences, because that’s wrong. Once she stopped squirming I gave her a treat and then petted her for a bit. She was very tense, poor thing, and making anxious little hums.
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It’s raining and you’re soggy and smell like wet goat. This isn’t fun for either of us.
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She was clearly wondering what horrible thing was about to happen to her, and then I opened the chute and let her back up and out of it and she was looking around like “That’s it...?” She even got distracted from her initial project to get the hell away from here, when she realised her breakfast was still there. (Baby Pampe never would have let food distract her from freedom.)
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To congratulate her for remaining in the corral a couple more minutes than she strictly had to, she got an extra clementine peel that was meant for Pirlouit.
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Still, she ran to her mum as soon as she was out of the corral and tried to nurse for comfort. The chute was a little bit scary. (And Pampe was like no, we’ve got hay right here, are you kidding me.)
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Pampoldine took the rebuff philosophically. She didn’t look very traumatised by llama school, unlike Pampe who was extra annoying and elopey on days when she had to spend 5 min in the chute. Baby Poldine looked almost proud of herself !
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Also unlike Pampe who sulked and avoided me for a while after every lesson, Poldine followed me when I went to give my last clementine peeling to Pirlouit, and tried to argue that she was more deserving of it.
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And finally, when I looked back on my way home I saw that all the animals were outside the corral finishing the hay, except Poldine who had gone back inside all by herself and was curiously examining the chute she was stuck in 10 min before, like “what was that about”
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So, a very positive first lesson! Poldine was such a good girl, and the drastic contrast with 2019 is another confirmation of what all of us already suspected (Pampe is Pampe.)
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ofmd-ann · 5 months
Them: I don't like Taika Waititi
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ariseur · 3 months
THE ROCK IS BACK‼️‼️‼️ And has brought you… Cloud Strife x Baker!reader. Imagine teaching him how to bake and he’s just standing there like “huh?” After you just reread him the instructions for the millionth time, which results in him being covered in flour.
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“then you just mix them in like,” you paused as you whisked the thick batter around, cloud noted how your tongue poked out in concentration, “this!”
cloud’s eyebrows furrowed, mako infused eyes flickering between the mixing bowl and you as he cocked his head. you simply grinned at him, hand still mixing the thick cake batter. your hand looked comically small against the big silver bowl.
you had decided to bust out one of your old recipes, chocolate cake with some raspberry mousse on top. simple but definitely one of your favorites. you had offered cloud to try some, even if he wasn’t so much a dessert type person. but then aerith found out. and then tifa. and then biggs. and suddenly—you’re making a lot of chocolate cake. you decided that you underestimated how much help you would need and the duration of time it’d take you to just bake these cakes. so who else to call but your trusty mercenary boyfriend?
“wha—?” with another tilt of his head, cloud watched you curiously as you grabbed his hand, having him hold the whisk while you let out a singsong, “keep it moving!” while you twirled your way to the cupboard and grabbed some cocoa powder along with some various other ingredients.
you giggled as you watched cloud hesitantly stir the mixture, big eyes following you while you walked back up to him and held the ingredients out to him. you beamed at him, “do it just like how i said, ‘kay?”
cloud let out an unsure, “okay.” while you held your hands behind your back and watched as he scooped some cocoa powder out with a tablespoon. mako eyes hesitantly darted between you and the cake batter, unsure if he was doing it right. his worries melted away though—when he saw that your smile never faltered. to be honest, cloud hadn’t been listening to a word you said, only focused on the way your lips moved and how you seemed so sure of what you were talking about.
“i still don’t know what you find fun about this, though. it’s so many..” he trailed off.
“yeah.” was all he said. he watched as you put a hand up, signaling for him to stop as you stepped closer, mixing all the powders and liquids together in one big, chocolate-y mess.
a small silence fell over the two of you as you could feel cloud’s presence behind you, watching each of your movements intently to try and find some sort of meaning behind it. you were doing so many things at once, it was hard to keep track of. a soft smile rested itself on your lips, watching cloud through your peripheral try and lean his head over your shoulder to get a better look.
“have i ever told you how cute i think you are?” you said. your eyes never left the whisk, watching as it created swirls and ripples in the thick chocolate. you heard cloud make a small noise, clearly taken aback as his eyes widened and his posture became stiffer.
“what makes you say that?” he finally asked.
you simply giggled and pointed at the mixture that lay in the bowl below you, “because you put way too much powder in this.” you finally put the whisk down, it making a clank as the metal hit the cool countertop, littered with an assortment of packages containing ingredients.
cloud tipped his head over to get a better look, his face trying its hardest not to redden as he felt your fingertips graze his jaw, softened with the flour that covered them. you were right, he thought, as he saw the clumps of leftover powder that wouldn’t break down. the corners of his mouth quirked downwards as he felt your gaze on him, almost shrinking like a dog that’s been caught red-handed.
“‘s alright, cloud. we can just try again.” you gently guided his gaze towards yours, watching as his eyebrows knitted together once you made eye contact. you rubbed your thumb along his cheekbone, peaceful grin still painted on your face when you looked at him. cloud had wondered how you could be so soft, sometimes. your hand slowly fell, the pad of your thumb making sure to run itself along the entirety of his cheek.
“did you just smear chocolate on my cheek?”
“sshh..” you said, bringing a finger to his lips. you closed your eyes as you took in the moment before you, removing your finger and giving cloud a chance to actually lick his lips and confirm it really was chocolate. it also gave him the chance to grab a pinch of flour from the counter behind you, except instead of a pinch, cloud more so grabbed a handful. and perhaps he dumped it on your head, too.
you gasped, watching as he narrowed his eyes playfully at you. backing away with his hands in a smug surrender motion, before you grabbed a handful and threw it at him, too.
“you’re on!” you shouted, and then began what would soon be referred to as ‘the flour war’.
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yuwuta · 3 months
If megumi asked uzhsjdhshd omg I totally see it tbh him wanting you, but I don't think megumi would ever ask yuuji to share you, in any type of way at all. (not trying to push my own hc here!!) I feel like yuuji himself would be the one asking megumi. Yuuji knows that he's yours just as much as he knows you're his. And he loves you too much, a lot, it's purest type of love he has ever felt for anyone. And megumi is his best friend, he loves him just as much, right? Yes, not the same love between you and him ofc but yes. And I have no idea what they were doing but yuuji's just says, kind of out of the blue, that he'd let megumi fuck you. The reason being exactly cause he knows you're his, and you're just so so good that he needs to have someone to talk to (about you and always so respectfully) and who better that his best friend?
you’re opening the pandora’s box that is itfs + reader…. god….. 
okok i agree. if you’re dating yuuji, megumi would never ask, yuuji would be the one to bring all three of you together. definitely because he loves you and you’re his, and he loves megumi too, so it just makes sense that his two favorite people also get to have each other—but also, yuuji can tell megumi likes you, and he can tell you think megumi is attractive and since yuuji’s so nice, what kinder thing to do than to set you two up so he can watch (: he definitely enjoys being the mediator, also enjoys the somewhat awkward air between you and megumi, how yeah, maybe it’s a little taboo that the two of you are about to make out while you’re boyfriend watches, but yuuji likes that too… also he likes knowing that you both like him. like how lucky is he that his best friend and his girlfriend adore him so much :(( you two together makes so much sense in his head, because he talks to megumi about you, and he talks to you about megumi, and now, he can just pour all his love for both of you out at the same time
but also…. i’d like to think that yuuji’s maybe not so nice when it’s the other way around—when he and megumi get together first, and you’re megumi’s best friend. he’s not mean, but he does like to tease... how naughty of megumi to ask out yuuji knowing he’s still got a crush on you, and god does yuuji like to tease him about it :/ jerks him off and taunts about how he knows megumi’s dirty little secret—that he’s in love with his best friend and fantasizes not just about having you, but about watching his own boyfriend fuck you too… 
yuuji knows megumi would take his feelings for you to the grave if he could (he’d have done the same with his feelings for yuuji if yuuji wasn’t the one to ask him out), but where’s the fun in that! you and megumi are sooo cute together after all, so yuuji doesn’t mind trying to get you two to confess to each other too. uses his proximity to megumi to get closer to you, takes advantage of his bubbly disposition to be physically affectionate with you, uses megumi’s feelings to his advantage to tease, to wink, to smirk whenever you and yuuji hug a little longer, when he texts megumi that he’s meeting up with you for lunch, when he gives you his jacket and doesn’t ask for it back… there’s so much fun in watching megumi blush and whine and get off at the thought of his best friend and his boyfriend together. and the thing is, yuuji genuinely does like you, too, he sees what megumi sees in you, and he thinks megumi is crazy to have not asked you out before, but he supposes everything happens for a reason, because now, this way, yuuji gets to be there and watch it all happen under his guidance. there’s something about the power, about being the bridge between you two even though you and megumi have known each other for much longer, about being in control of a dynamic that could have, but wouldn’t exist without him…
#anonymous#can u tell... ive thought about this before.... GODD#the locked folder in my notes app dedicated to itfs + reader..... maybe she will see the light of day after all LOL#my itfs heart.... anon u dont know what you've done..............#also the divide between the way the 3 of u come together is like....#if ur with yuuji its just like.... hes got too much love for either one of u#and even when he gets to share u with megumi its not enough he loves u both and there's no real proper way to ever fully share or express i#but watching u two fuck is about as close as it gets to feeling like all his love is coming full circle#but the other way... when hes with megumi and can see that megumi still wants u and then yuuji gets to know u and wants u himself....#now h'es got too much power and its power that neither u nor megumi truly see or understand until ur all in bed together#which is crazy bc in theory u and megumi should be stronger should know each other better should be the two friends sharing him#but it's not. it's yuuji who brought u three together and it's yuuji that knew about ur feelings for each other before u and megumi did#and in some weird twisted way u owe it to him and he definitely likes to reap his rewards#and even when u three are together he doesn't stop teasing...#sometimes he makes megumi be meaner to u... coaxes him into thinking he should teach u a lesson for never being able to see his feelings#u owe it to ur best friend to show him how much u love him dont u....#but then other days he'll turn it around... make u the baby and soothe ur tears...#because its only fair u take the both of them bc they love u sooooo much they just wanna be good to u#but also how fun is it for yuuji to remind you that megumi knew he liked u and still asked him out... maybe u should want revenge for that#maybe u take it out on megumi maybe u take it out on yuuji idkidkidk#anyway...#itafushi x reader#yuuji x reader#megumi x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yuuji.ask
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2011 Japan Post-Qualifying
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tosahobi-if · 4 months
How would the ROs react to drunk!MC angrily "flirting"(??) with them in crushing stage like - "Oh my god i hate you, why are you soooo attractive?! I hate your stupid pretty hair and your stupid pretty eyes and your stupid, tantalizing lips aghhhhhh! Don't you know that it's illegal to look this good?!"
jinwol would have this train of thought: mc is complimenting me + mc is drunk -> mc probably thinks i’m someone else (someone please help this boy.) he’d say something like “you don’t really mean that.” and then basically do this
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yul would be like “oh really? tell me more?” and try and get as many compliments out of you as possible. they’d think you were being totally adorable like this and would get super affectionate with a drunk!mc HAHAHA. if there were other people in the room i think they’d get possessive and try to move the two of you elsewhere — they don’t want anyone else seeing you like this.
iseul would be drunk too. there’s no way the mc would get smashed without her joining them, so i think the two of you would start trading compliments and getting increasingly aggressive about it. “no YOU’RE the most beautiful person in the world” “no YOU” (dumbass4dumbass)
??? would raise an eyebrow at the behavior but the longer it went on the more they’d start teasing the mc about it and seeing what they could get them to admit while they were under the influence. ??? is a horrible person when it comes to situations like that JAJDJJFJJF
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ianthedebonair · 15 days
What is this whole Vote Chen propaganda? I know that the Marshal is our wronged unappreciated princess. but you all are forgetting our origins. So let me remind you of what Ricardo has done for our country:
• Managed befriend a wild, aggressive Possum with rabies that lived in the sewers and alleys of Lós-diabos, better known as sidestep.
•poker face, all the way to hell when he saw our face being the carbon copy of the guy who killed his only good father figure. because he truly believes in us and that we are not our past or the people who raised/made us (sweet)
•fell in love with Sidestep (Stupid)
• fell in love with Sidestep while he was being a womanizer, closet bisexual and in a complicated relationship with his ex-girlfriend that he asked us to erase/change her mind/memory with our powers. (Messy)
• realized that this was a Fucked up thing to ask of us. and apologized. supports local restaurants, takes us to eat whatever we want with his Rangers's no limit/government money credit card (humble).
• Agreed to be our Boy-toy, no strings attached, sexy Fling. ( a Romantic )
•took us to live with his mother when we practically became a ticking time bomb of telepathic powers after the Nanoverse incident (a family man)
•saw his dearest friends and his team under his command fail fatally in the heartbreak mission, saw the person he loved most jumping out of a window to his death in front of his eyes and could do nothing (traumatized)
•had to endure give a speech to an empty coffin, and show the defeat publicly while still in mourning, hit a journalist in the process (iconic)
•become an alcoholic, begins to see and talk to a ghost version of us in his mind (got crazy)
•has his driver's license confiscated after riding his motorbike the wrong way on a busy highway, his electrical part of the arm generators is turned off, retires as Marshal, and threatened with losing the part of the generator that moves the legs if he doesn't go to therapy, shouts at his therapist, cries in therapy, process some of the grief in therapy( Got a lil better)
•spends the next seven years now trying to balance being part of the new team and justice for his dead mentor. a fresh start, right? (Haha oh, boy…)
the love of his life returns from the grave. More crumbled, alert, suspicious and ragged than ever.
reveals that was held in tortured captivity (that you didn't help escape)
reveals that they escaped alone and DIDN'T want to look for you back
a new villain appears and beats the shit out of you
You start dating this person 20 years younger than you for information and they give you this feeling of familiarity like your now-not dead friend, who keeps avoiding you.
Haha you still Love them.
they can now be either a villain, or in contact with the criminal siblings who killed your mentor, or creating a criminal group, or killing heroes, or an anarchist or a ReGene version of the person you once loved.
Or could it be that this person was always a Re-gene, and you were always too focused on self-affirmative theories to realize, Or ask?
a Tumblr sexy man. has to be tragic, traumatized at the same time as comically tortured by the narrative. a grown adult at the same time as a baby girl the people want Ricardo, because he is All of that AND obsessed with us ( Sidestep ) in every way, shape or Form and we deserve that
(and even if you don't take the romantic route with him. He's still obsessed with you the same way. We are, above all, his best friend and he won't let go of us)
I finish my case.
You know what's more tragic, traumatizing, and comically torturous? Him losing the tumblr sexy man tournament 😌
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pkmn-smashorpass · 3 months
Unofficial poll of if Bidoof was the HM pokemon for everyone? There have been many an HM pokemon, but bidoof stands out to me since it could learn surf (or at least Bibarel could).
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
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i've been seeing a few cross in a maid dress drawings on twitter and i wanna contribute to the cause<3333
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devourable · 1 year
I just read your church boy fic and I am OBSESSED. 🥺. I would love to see more if you've got the time. Could we see how far would Abraham go as in bending the rules of "courting"? What boundaries of his religion would he push, especially if his darling was non-religious?
How would he deal with the guilt of "straying away"?
Even more so, how would he react to his darling's affection? Knowing he should resist but being so weak to their touch and love. If he were to open up to them about his thoughts of them being an angel but also somehow temptation and they would respond " maybe I am, who says angels aren't sent to test you". They mean it in a joking way but it just makes him spiral.
Thank you that's all I have
oooh this is such a good ask!! i’m gonna have fun answering this 👀 there will be more of abe in the future! just gotta get through my other ocs first 🫶
abraham is an interesting guy when it comes with coping w his feelings abt his darling. i could not say for certain what abraham would consider pushing the boundaries of his faith since he’s an expert at excusing himself one way or another ; part of him genuinely believes that nothing he does or feels regarding them is bad because clearly they have to be otherworldly to make him feel the way he does ; and just being with them must be inherently purifying! nothing truly bad could make him so happy, so fulfilled. far more than his religion ever has. he won’t mind if you’re not religious yourself (it’s a bonus to him either way tbh).
the part of him that knows that’s not entirely true tries to validate and compartmentalize his feelings in various different ways. he’s been such a virtuous man his whole life so it’s okay to indulge a little now, right? sinful thoughts and sinful actions are entirely different ; as long as he doesn’t act on any of them, he’s still good! his faith is so strong, he’s sure if he asks for forgiveness, he will receive it. things like that. he’d pray every night and beg to be forgiven, because he truly cannot help himself when he’s around his darling.
as for his reaction to affection, honestly? it depends on what it is. but in general, if darling is doing something to him, then he’s technically not doing anything wrong so long as he doesn’t actively reciprocate. but he will inevitably reciprocate, and when he does, it won’t be his fault because he didn’t initiate. that’s how it works, isn’t it? he has to mentally victimize himself a bit in order to accept any sort of affection but it is so worth it to him.
and genuinely, if darling ever told abe that they were in fact an angel, he would genuinely believe them. tbh it’d make him feel a bit better because if you’re truly an ethereal being then it really does mean that nothing you do together is wrong. an angel wouldn’t purposefully lead him astray; maybe you’re a reward for being so devout all his life? he wouldn’t be sure. but any excuse to make his adoration for you as virtuous as he feels it to be, he would accept.
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