#anime magical girls
Lemon and Cinna but make em ~magical~
Inspired by Cinna's post here: Click Me! This isn't a trick - Cinna requested that I (Bee) draw her as a magical girl! I decided to also draw Lemon as a magical boy, because...Siblins B) No anthro pony today, this is more along the lines of equestria girls, since i wanted this to look more anime and less MLP
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🐝 Art rant, Design tips, and my thought process bc Cinna mentioned that Mocha struggles with outfit design:
Anime magical girls amiright? So, the design Mocha came up with was cute, I like the bright colors, an it gives off a lot of Star vs the forces of evil vibes. Im gonna be real clear here; this is not a diss on Mocha's magical girl design.
That being said, when I was drawing my version of magical girl Cinna I wanted her to look more anime magical girl, rather than SVTFOE. here were some things i kept in mind
Magical girls usually have one main color, with a few accent colors. Not always, but from what i've seen it's a really common design element that helps differentiate the characters and make them stand out within their show. This is especially the case with Magical girl shows that have a team of girls, and not just one girl. Things like Madoka Magica, Sailor moon, Most precure generations i've seen images of, Yuki yuna is a hero, etc.
Repeated patterns like polka dots or floral patterns, aren't common, but stripes (like along the edge of the skirt, or lining the bodice), and small accent designs ARE common.
Typically, magical girl outfits are very frilly and cutesy. Some would be more impractical in battle than others irl, but either way femininity and looking beautiful while still being super powerful is a big magical girl thing
I personally like looking at, drawing, and designing magical girls with more structured bodices, mock-corsets, or sort of armor(?) with short, flowy skirts. The illusion of practicality, if you will.
I didnt want to completely lose the stars and hearts that Mocha used in Cinna's original magical girl design, so I used those in her little accessories. I mostly kept the hair the same, it's very on-brand for magical girls. HOWEVER, I tweaked the purpley pinkish colors on the design to a darker reddish pink/magenta, since I felt that fit Cinna's coat color a little better. The colors in Mocha's design also heavily influenced what colors i picked for the final drawing.
Since Cinna's hair was made pink for this drawing, I decided to make her whole magical girl outfit be mostly pink. I used the blue and yellow from the pattern on her dress to determine what her accent colors would be. I struggled a little bit at first with color placement, but in the end I think it looks okay (if not a bit...easter-egg-y). If i were to redo this, i might ditch the yellow and just do pink and blue (excluding neutral tones).
Now for Lemon!
I wanted their outfit to contrast Cinna's. Since cinna has a lot of bright colors, I decided that Lemon was going to be restricted to red and yellow, with black making up most of the outfit. Also because Cinna has a very innocent outfit, that for the most part covers her pretty well, I gave Lemon a very revealing outfit.
Playing off of the structured bodices mentioned before, with mock-corsets n all that, i gave lemon a corset-inspired top that laces in the front instead of the back (Possibly both, since its not actually doing anything to compress). This allowed them to have an exposed chest and midriff. Since i wasnt giving Lemon their wings or feathers for this magical boy design, I decided to give them shoulder pads that resemble wings, and wing accessories on their corset and wand thing. The rest of the design was to mostly just to support the main aspects of the design and add visual flavor.
For the magical wand things, I just wanted something that went with the main outfits. Cinna's wand was inspired by the big ol staff she's holding in Mocha's drawing. Lemon's has a moon design to go with the black-heavy outfit, and wings for...obvious reasons. I imagine these could be used as wands for magical attacks, or the handles can be extended for swinging it around and whacking people.
Alright i think thats just about all i have to say B) thanks for reading, and have a nice day! :D - 🐝
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I personally voted for The Owl House, but if you like the magical girl genre I would highly recommend Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Princess Tutu, if you haven't seen those yet!
Anon is referring to this poll
I heard about those two, so I'll definitely add those to the list ASAP.
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lostbluejayart · 7 months
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✨A gentle lamb bleats in a single call, sweetly, meekly. The wind carries its voice through the fluttering of leaves and over mountain tops, across meadows where baby deer dwell under the shadow of their mothers.
Precious lambs you are, Sweet whispers...✨
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Two beautiful dark skinned sisters who are twins are seen looking softly at the viewer, resting in a meadow like area. They are wearing long white dresses. with short puffy sleeves on their shoulders. One sister relaxes her head on her sister's lap while the other supports her sisters head. A little baby lamb also lay beside the twins, one ear up while the other ear is down. The lamb's white wool almost blends into the white dress's the sisters are wearing. In the background,the sky is a soft shade of baby blue, no clouds are visible. And there is a mountain in the background that stretches to both sides of the picture and a few trees at a distance.]
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sailorsenshigifs · 1 month
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egophiliac · 1 month
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we were fucking ROBBED
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taruolentow · 4 months
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when she dies, you will follow her. this was never going to end well: you know this already.
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theosviscera · 1 month
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xephia · 3 months
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isawiitch · 7 months
magical girl wip
(girls from this post) (youtube)
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oponions · 5 months
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Well, that was easy.
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pinkprettycure · 4 months
oomfies wake up and support other magical girl projects from black creators!! :0
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Wheels and roses is really close to their goal! They need 20k to get their pilot made and they only have 4 days left!
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Non-pony art
Sneak peek for my next tiktok (@ lem0n_b0i on tiktok, i dont post much pony content but most of what i've been drawing lately is for tiktok)
Here's Brooke; She/her, 18-19 y/o, transfem mermaid magical girl. Mom of the group, also a bit of a flirt. Most of the time not quite as forward as the fourth image though, that's for comedic purposes. All designs of my magical girl characters are subject to change, they're not yet set in stone, any critique or suggestions are welcome in reblogs or replies!
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Take care yall! B) 🐝
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
It should have been TWILIGHT not TWILIGHT!!!
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months
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sailorsenshigifs · 5 months
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neovisceral · 1 year
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