#andrew garfiels spiderman
t4tadrienette · 1 year
I loved the different art styles for all the spidermen in the movie, but I was not expecting for the live action characters to appear in this movie
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johanna-swann · 1 year
I think it's kinda weird for characters to know they'll end up together by prophecy or destiny or whatever. Like a breach of consent and it's so much worse when only one of them knows.
So anyway, when Peter (Andrew) Parker meets his MJ, they shouldn't be introduced as such. It should be revealed much later on when they're already in love with each other. Like a childhood nickname offhandedly mentioned by a relative, "Remember that phase you had when you'd only respond to MJ?". So it's not the reason Peter starts persuing his MJ, just further confirmation after he has already build a stable relationship with them and they've put in the work together.
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cbmnet · 4 months
#Spiderman #CBM
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http-barnes · 2 years
the sex scene || andrew garfield
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: being a new actress in the scene is hard enough, especially with sudden script changes. ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: andrew garfield x fem!reader ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: as many as I please ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut
[ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2]
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Holding the script in your hands felt unreal. Although it was just a supporting role you felt incredibly proud of yourself for pulling it off, but there was still a long way to go. Your screen test was with one of the casting crew since the actor who was cast for the main role had interviews scheduled for the day, and a million questions went through your head. What if you didn't get along? What if there just wasn't that chemistry that makes movie couples so special? What if you failed to connect and that got you kicked off the movie?
Just as tears of nervousness and stress brimmed in your eyes, you realized you were gripping the script so hard it had started to crumple.
"Oh God..." You sighed and flattened the paper on your table, as you messily wiped away the tears.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door of your room.
You mumbled a couple of curses as you tried to make yourself look presentable and opened the door.
"Good morning miss, I hope you slept well, Andrew has arrived to the set so the directors can see if you work well together."
"Right now!?" Your heart started racing and the nervousness that you had just calmed down from came back.
"Yes, since the shooting starts in two days they want to make sure you two work well together, if we wait any longer it will be harder to find a replacement for your role if you two don't get along in your roles."
Well there was a nice way to say 'we need to do it now 'cause if you fuck it up we have time to replace you'...
"Alright, could you just give me a second to change?"
The man nodded and informed you he'd be waiting at the reception for you.
"Shit, shit, shit."
You showered in record time and fixed yourself up as fast as possible to meet the man that was waiting for you, and once you found him, you two were off to the set. It was at a walking distance from the hotel you were staying in.
Every step you took seemed to fuel your stress and anxiety, and had you not been in public, you would have slapped yourself to calm down, but since there were people around, counting to 10 backwards would have to suffice.
The second you entered the room your eyes met with Andrew's, and he smiled at you. You smiled back, trying your hardest to hide how nervous you were.
"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you!" You introduced yourself, and held out your hand.
Andrew immediarely stood up and shook your hand.
"I'm Andrew Garfield, it's a pleasure."
You took your seat and the director proceeded to explain to the both of you that you'd be doing an exercise, sort of like the screen test, to test your chemistry together as the main couple. The man indicated which scene you'd be playing and you both stood up to act it out.
"No need to be nervous." He whispered, as you two walked to the place where you'd be performing.
You smiled shyly, embarrassed that he'd picked up on your agitation, but happy he was actually really nice.
You took a deep breath, and did your job as best as you could. And it went a lot better than expected. Turns out that Andrew was really approachable and easy to work with, making it a lot better to get through. The director still had some tips and fixer-uppers, which you very much appreciated, and although it wasn't perfect, you were happy at how comfortable you had become by the end of the session.
"I'm looking forward to working with you, I hope you're not as nervous as you were..." Andrew told you, as he slipped on his jacket.
"I'm less nervous now, but I'm still very shaky 'cause this is my first time in the big screen. I've done some small roles but the vibe is a lot different right now."
Andrew nodded, as the both of you headed outside.
"It is pretty harsh, I remember my first time and I was just as nervous as you, but you'll do great. If you need anything you can always come to me!"
"Thank you so much! You've been so helpful, I'll make sure to buy you dinner after we shoot, if I'm not kicked off that is." You laughed.
Andrew laughed along.
"Don't say that! But hey," he stopped and pointed at you, with a cheeky smile on his face "I'll take you up on that offer!"
The man told you goodbye, as you went on your separate ways. Andrew had his own place on set since he'd be needed for a lot longer than you.
You hid your nose and mouth in your jacket, trying to warm your nose while simultaneously hiding the way you were smiling like an insane person, after the night had gone that well.
However, your happiness wouldn't last for long. The very next day you received a call from the directors about a script change. They told you you'd need to come by to pick up the new script, so they could discuss it with you and Andrew (since the scene they changed happened to be between the two of you).
Once you got there everyone was already sitting down, with the script in their hands. You greeted the men in the room and immediately sensed the discomfort in Andrew's voice. You found it strange, since you seemed to get along just fine the night before... Your tried to remain calm, however, and just took your seat.
But the reasoning of his uneasiness came rather sooner than later. The robust man handed you your new script.
"Well, Y/N, after yesterday we thought the scene wasn't enough, it was lacking a certain something that we saw would really get a good reaction of the spectators, and since you seemed to click so well we've decided to add a sex scene after the fight scene."
Ah, so that is why Andrew was so uneasy. You could see him staring at you from the corner of your eye, searching for what your reaction would be. You gulped, trying to suppress all feeling rushing right into you at the moment, and smiled.
"Sounds good!"
It had to sound good, you were far too scared of losing your first decent role by objecting to a director decision.
"Alright, Andrew agreed as well, so we're all done here, tomorrow we'll start with that scene, since it will be a rather climax point in the movie we want to get it done first."
You nodded and left without another word.
"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you.
You stopped and turned around, to find Andrew with a worried look.
"You alright?" He asked.
You smiled slightly and nodded.
"I'm okay."
There was an awkward silence, one of two people who knew the conversation was pointless. He knew you weren't okay, and you knew he was aware of your lies.
Andrew stepped in front of you.
"I know you're nervous, it's a big scene that just got bigger, with more feelings and emotions to act out, it's okay to feel nervous, it's the most normal thing in the world... Why don't we go over the scene tonight? I can come by your hotel and we can act it out."
You looked up at him.
"I don't want to bother you, you have weeks on end shooting scenes I don't wanna take up your last night of proper rest."
"It's okay, I was going to be up all night anyways, I can never sleep well before the first day of shooting, I'm always too anxious and excited." He told you.
You bit your lip, trying to hide how happy you were he offered to help you through it.
"So you really don't mind?"
"No ma'am." He replied with a smile.
You laughed at his goofy antics and nodded.
"Alright then, I'm in room 104B, come by whenever."
"I'll see you then!"
You waved goodbye to each other as you went your separate ways. The state of your room sent you into a slight panic. You had asked for the cleaning ladies to not clean your room since you had a bunch of things related to the movie around and you were afraid something would get leaked to the public if someone came in and saw those things. As a consequence, everything was everywhere. Clothes on the floor, papers all over every surface, makeup brushes sprawled on the sink counter and shoes and bags covering the floor. You continuously cursed yourself out as you cleaned your room and put everything in its place. You made the bed, folded the clothes neatly and put all the makeup in a proper bag.
By the time you were finished you were sweaty and hungry, so you made some 3 minute ramen on your room and took your sweet time taking a shower, so you'd at least be presentable when your co-star arrived.
You were blow-drying your hair when you heard a knock on the door.
"Shit- Just a second!"
You turned off the blow dryer and got dressed at the speed of light, you didn't expect him to come so soon, but then again, you might have taken a little too long cleaning up and lost track of time, with the dance breaks you took during a couple songs you played to help with the chore.
You opened the door, breathless, as soon as you were done.
"Hi! Sorry you had to wait I was... fixing myself."
"Oh no need to worry," he said, as you stepped away so he could come in "I didn't wait for long."
"You can take a seat, do you want anything to drink? I have tap water and tea made with tap water." You joked.
His laugh and smile were contagious, and you couldn't help but follow along as he giggled at your joke.
You sat in front of him, on the chairs by the big windows that showed the bright city underneath you, divided by a small circular table, where you placed your scripts. You had taken a little time to read it so you weren't unprepared when he came.
Andrew made sure to hit you with continuous small talk, to make you more comfortable with the scenario, and it worked very well.
By the time you started the scene, you were fully relaxed for the first time while holding those pages.
You started out by just reading the lines to each other, getting accustomed to it, and imagining the scene in your head. And you thought that was going to be it.
"Should we act it out now? Or do you want to read one more time just to make sure?"
You choked in the water and looked at him with big eyes.
"Act it... out?"
"Yeah I mean I thought that was the point? Acting it out is sort of the hardest part, trying not to look awkward on camera. But if you don't feel comfortable that's totally fine! I can help you out tomorrow when we shoot."
You looked away and chewed on your bottom lip as you thought. It should be a no-brainer really, but you weren't mentally ready for a fake sex scene with a man that good-looking, alone. If you made a fool out of yourself it would give you a couple sleepless nights, but you figured it was better to look like an asshat for one person only.
"Alright, let's do this. But please take the lead and tell me what to do."
Andrew set down the script on the table and stood up.
"Let's take it from the end of the fight scene, 'cause you have that one down really well."
You blushed slightly at the compliment.
"Alright so we end looking at each other angrily, and then I'll push you against the wall, alright?"
"Okay, let's do this."
You took a deep breath and shook out all the nervousness, as you got into character.
"So you can go fuck yourself!" You yelled the last line of your character and stared daggers at Andrew as he looked at you with the same intensity.
Just as promised, he gripped your hips and pushed you against the wall. The man inspected the way your body stood, and his hand crept down until it settled on the small of your back. He pulled you towards him softly yet confidently.
"Try to arch your back on this part, the closer our bodies are the better." He whispered.
His hand went back to holding your waist and your body maintained the shape he had carved, when his lips finally took yours, you were surprised at how passionately he kissed. Andrew had the sensation of someone who was incapable of being rough, but there he was, handling you like you were his puppet, and for a second you wished it wasn't all fake.
You instinctively pressed your crotch against his, and Andrew had to suppress a couple sounds that threatened to leave his throat. It wasn't his first sex scene, but the fact that you two were practicing alone, touching each other so intimately alone made him feel something else.
His fingers trailed up your body, from your waist to your hips. They went under your shirt, and his touch on your skin made your hand grip his hair a little harder. With one movement, Andrew removed your shirt, and his lips grazed your neck.
"Keep your back arched, lean your head against the wall, and make sure you don't cover your chest with your arms." The man whispered once more, before his lips left a wet trail of kisses down your jaw, kissing and sucking on some spots on your neck, hard enough so you'd feel it, but soft enough as to not leave a mark.
It was insanely hard not to say 'fuck it' and beg him to do it harder, but you maintained calm. His lips trailed back up and caught yours in a passionate, sinful kiss that would have you dreaming with him that night.
His hands held your ass, and he gave you a little pat as a signal, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, so he could carry you into bed.
Andrew laid you down quite harshly, then muttering a small 'sorry' in your ear.
He bent your legs and spread them apart so he could settle between them. The man glued his body to yours, your lips almost touching.
"Your thighs," he started, running his hands up your legs slowly "need to be covering our crotches to mask the fact that we won't actually be... well, fucking." He blushed a little as he said those words.
He kept straight eye contact as his hips moved steadily against yours.
Suddenly, you felt something hard against your crotch, and then Andrew stopped moving.
"Ah, shit... Sorry, that's... That's awkward."
He looked away for a second, unsure of what to do. A shot of adrenaline suddenly ran through your body, and in an unknown moment of bravery, you held his chin and made him kiss you again. Andrew gripped your thighs as he deepened the kiss. Your hands tangled in his hair and for the first time you didn't have to hold back.
Your fingers trailed down his body, and hooked around the hem of his shirt. The man got the message and immediately removed it. He looked into your eyes as you admired his physique. His tongue explored your mouth once more, as your hands grew more and more curious.
You undid the button of his jeans and slid one hand inside, earning a breathy moan from the contact of your hand against his boner. You teased him a little by squeezing his hardened member.
"I'll make you regret that, darling." He whispered in your ear.
His hand slid inside your underwear so fast you only noticed it when his fingers teased at your entrance.
"This wet? Already?" Andrew whispered, before kissing the spot right below your ear.
One finger entered you, followed by a second one right after, and then a third, stretching you out just enough.
You were trying not to be loud, and he could tell.
"None of that princess, I wanna hear you." He demanded, keeping a steady grip on your neck.
That was your kryptonite, and moans left your mouth non-stop. You were so drunk in pleasure from his fingers you didn't even notice him getting rid of the rest of his clothes. That is, until he pulled his fingers out.
"Open wide."
He placed his fingers by your mouth, which you gladly took and licked clean, never breaking eye contact.
"Good girl."
You winked at the man, and his soft side was brought up once more as he blushed, looked away and smiled slightly.
"Are you ready?" He then asked, his tip by your entrance.
You gripped the sheets and nodded as a response. Once he had your permission he didn't take it slow, he rammed inside of you, and a scream-like moan left your lips.
His hips snapped against yours almost melodically and you gripped his biceps for dear life.
"S-shit you're so good-" You moaned out.
He desperately tried to hide his blush every time but to no use. Your eyes were focused on his pleasure-filled face.
You clenched around him, and a string of curses left his mouth as Andrew tried his best not to cum yet.
"You're doing s-so good, y-you feel so good princess."
The praises sent you closer and closer to the edge, and as he hit just the right spot multiple times, your walls tightened around him and you came with a cry for his name. You didn't have time to ride out your orgasm, as the feeling of you and the way you moaned his name threw Andrew over the edge, and he pulled out, staining your body with hot spurts of cum.
Your foreheads rested against each other as you tried to catch your breaths.
"So... Are we doing it like this tomorrow?"
Andrew smiled and kissed you softly, tucking a strand of your messy hair behind your ear.
"If you want to, I don't mind."
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loveonlayouts · 3 years
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andrew garfield x louis tomlinson
like/reblog if you save
do not repost as your own
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stylesxreads · 2 years
Selling Marvel/Harry Styles Merch
Hello! I’m trying to raise money to fund my trip to see Sebastian in Atlanta in March! I have an Etsy shop open and would love for you guys to check it out!!!
The newest items I have are POLAROID films of Sebastian Stan/Bucky Barnes, Tom Holland/Spiderman, Andrew Garfield, and Harry Styles! There’s also a ton of other stuff listed on my shop as well!! 
Your support is always appreciated, even if you can’t purchase anything, a like or reblog helps so much!! DM me if you have any questions!
Etsy Shop
All the love in the world,  T. xx
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radiomashupok · 5 years
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Hoy celebra 36 años el actor y productor Andrew 
Garfield Feliz Cumple!!
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oblivion-crackships · 6 years
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Mary Jane: Has he mentioned me? Peter Parker: Yeah. Mary Jane: What'd he say? Peter Parker: Uh... I said... he asked me what I thought about you. Mary Jane: And what did you say? Peter Parker: I said... uh... Spider-Man, I said uh... The great thing about MJ is... when you look in her eyes and she's looking back in yours... everything... feels... not quite normal. Because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and at the same time, terrified. The truth is... you don't know what you feel except you know what kind of man you want to be. It's as if you've reached the unreachable and you weren't ready for it." Mary Jane: You said that? Peter Parker: Well, something like that.
CRACKSHIP gifs → Andrew Garfiel x Holland Roden  requested by  pretty-little-lost-things
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moongirl-2 · 3 years
i’m going to keep it real guys… i can’t watch the amazing spiderman movies bc they make so horny WHY IS ANDREW GARFIEL SO HOT IT’S NOT FAIR
like look at this…………
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