#anders x fenris
pinkfadespirit · 1 year
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More things I never got around to posting before. I did these little watercolour doodles for a Fenders card exchange. I made these for @contreparry @fustianriddles and @dalish-rogue 💖
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sulky-valkyrie · 1 year
fenris/anders/nate prompt: da2 quest 'finding nathaniel', fenris seeing anders flirt with nate, and nate also seeing anders flirt with fenris. bonus points for being jealous and in denial, DOUBLE bonus points for any reflections on changes or consistencies in anders from awakening to da2
hullo my darling!! This may have run off the rails a bit, and I'm not sure I earned all my points, but I hope you like it regardless and HAPPY FRIDAY 💖💖💖 for @dadrunkwriting
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“That was foolish, but timely; thank y - Anders?”  The Warden they’d rescued stopped mid-sentence to gape at the man in question.
Regret and . . . something else flickered across his face.  “You can’t get rid of me, Howe.”
Howe shook his head.  “Never wanted to,” he said softly, so softly that Fenris was certain no one was meant to hear it. 
Hawke prodded at one of the corpses with their staff.  “So, why are you down here, anyway?  Other than to upset your sister.”
“Delilah’s here?”  He sighed.  “Maker, she’s as bad as our m-”
“As bad as the Commander, right?” Anders cut him off with a tinge of hysterical desperation in his voice.  “’Where are you going, how are you getting there, when will you be back, did you bring mittens, don’t let the darkspawn smack you on the ass on the way out?’”
He frowned.  “It’s his -”
“Anyway, let’s get out of here, right?”  The mage took a few steps forward, then glanced back at Fenris, clearly conflicted.  “I - everyone, this is Nate.  He’s -” He cocked his head and looked at Nate.  “There are more of them.”
Nate nodded grimly.  “There were six of us originally.  I tried to lead the rest of the pack away to give Dworkin’s cousin time to set the lyrium charges.”
“Maker, is he as bad as -”
“He is,” Nate chuckled.  
It was like they weren’t even speaking in Trade anymore.  Fenris gave Hawke and Isabela a helpless look.  Bela, of course, made a rude gesture impling sex, and Hawke shrugged as they crouched down to pick at the nearest corpse for anything useful.  “You said you had to lead them away?  Away from where?”
Nate shook his head.  “I can’t tell you that.”  He turned to leave.  
“Asshole, do you want help or not?”  Anders snapped, lunging forward to grab at the quiver on his back and spin him around.  “If you go back down there alone, you’ll die!” 
Nate shrugged.  “You did.  Suppose it’s my turn now.”  He started to pull away.  “And if you get involved, I won’t be able to keep everyone quiet.  Not this time.”
“Do I look like I care?!” Anders hissed, grabbing at his elbow as cracks of blue light spilled out from his skin.  “This isn’t about me, this is about people in danger, and I’m not about to just let you die if we can help it!”
Nate looked down at the fingers digging into his arm, then smiled sadly.  “I suppose not.  Good to see you, Justice.”
Justice pursed his lips in annoyance.  “You were not happy to see me before.”
“I -”  Nate closed his mouth.  “I was wrong about that.  Can this wait?  If you want to help, if anyone is still alive, we need to move.”
“It would not be just to allow innocents to come to harm while selfishly looking for my own answers,” Justice agreed.  He released Nate’s arm and pulled out his staff.  “Lead on.”
He didn’t even check to see if the rest of them followed as he and Nate headed down the hallway.  
Hawke sighed, pulled themselves back up to their feet, and started after him, with Bela close behind.  Nothing about this felt right.  Anders was being cagey, Justice was upset, Hawke was following instead of leading, and Bela was keeping her mouth shut.  Did she know this other Warden from back in Ferelden as well?  
Hawke’s voice echoed as Fenris hurried after them.  “Nate, do you know my brother?  Carver Hawke?”
There was a long awkward pause.  “We’ve met,” Nate said slowly.  “He was - he’s in Orlais.”
Bela leaned close to Hawke to stage whisper in their ear as Fenris caught up.  “I smell a story there.”
They barked a short laugh.  “That’s not all you smell.  Was it this bad last time?”
“Thaw’s ending,” Anders answered.  “More of them around.  A lot more.”  He tilted his head, like a dog scenting something.  “Emissary?  No, two.”
Nate chuckled fondly.  “Justice finally taught you how to do that?”  
“More like Kristoff.”  He tapped his temple.  “It’s pretty crowded up here.”
Fenris frowned.  Who was Kristoff?  And why was Anders so concerned anyway?  He’d spent the last seven years bitching about Vigil’s Keep; had it all been a lie?  And if it had all been a lie, what else was he hiding?  Before he could ask anything, as if by some sort of unspoken agreement, Nate and Anders broke into a sprint around the next bend.  
There was a woosh of fire, bright enough that Fenris had to look away, and a rasping scream that turned into a gurgling death rattle. Fenris rushed forward, sword at the ready, but found nothing to attack.
“These seem . . . less fearsome,” Anders mused thoughtfully as he toed at a charred corpse and juggled a small ball of lightning from one hand to the other.
“I’m not sure anything could be scary after the Mother,” Nate replied as he yanked an arrow out of a genlock’s corpse.  
Anders snickered.  “Too many tits, that’ll scare any man off.”  
The easy camaraderie between them made Fenris’ heart clench.  He’d never considered himself jealous or possessive before, but the look in Nate’s eyes when Anders laughed made him want to rip them right out of his skull.  What was their history?  Any fool could see they had one.  
Another pack of darkspawn rounded the corner.  They didn’t seem to notice or care that there were three other people in the cave, just screamed in that almost-language of theirs and charged directly at the two Wardens.  
Fenris was too far to intercept them, and coming from the wrong angle, but he tried anyway, flaring his lyrium for the extra speed.
And it didn’t matter.  Anders threw the lightning out almost casually, and Nate sent a volley of arrows out so quickly it was a wonder the force of the spell didn’t shatter them.  The darkspawn were pinned down in a matter of moments, and the ones that hadn’t been stunned outright pulled out makeshift bows and slings.  
The entire side of the cave crackled with magic as Anders continued to hurl electricity and fire, and Fenris decided he was better off just sitting this one out and watching.  They fought together seamlessly, almost like a dance, constantly moving, constantly weaving in front of each other, and somehow never hitting the other with a spell or an arrow.  It was a dizzying display, and horrifyingly effective.  Each spin and turn they did left another darkspawn dead and another two grievously wounded. 
Fasta vass.  Fenris had never felt so useless in his life.  He’d been ready to fight tooth and nail to keep him here, keep him safe, but . . . even in the Deep Roads, even surrounded by charred genlocks and exploded emissaries, Anders looked happy.  Happier than he’d ever seen him in Kirkwall.
Whatever their history was, it was obvious that they still cared for each other, and who was Fenris to stand in the way of that?  A runaway slave and an elf living in a derelict stolen mansion.  What could he offer him?  Certainly not safety or security.  The Wardens might come with their own kind of death sentence, but at least he’d be safe from Templars.
“You’ve gotten sloppy,” Nate said, breathing hard and smiling.
“Not much call for Warden practice drills in the sewer.” He shrugged.  
Nate’s arm circled his waist in a way that was clear he’d done it many times before.  “Come home.”  
Anders leaned into his touch, then shook his head, almost like he’d suddenly remembered something, and stepped back, tossing an apologetic glance at Fenris.  “I - I can’t.”  He shook his head again as Justice surfaced.  “There is too much to do and we are two souls in one body.”
“Aedan and I could protect you,” Nate protested.  “Void take it, even the bloody King likes you, so-”
“No more hiding, Nathaniel.  The Grey Wardens have their own justice to pursue and we have ours.”
Nate caught his sleeve. “But -”
Justice receded as Anders patted his hand gently.  “I’m not the man I was, Nate.  You wouldn’t like this one as much anyway.”
“I like him alive,” Nate grumbled, letting go and walking stiffly over to the pile of corpses to retrieve his arrows.  
An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as they continued through the tunnels, broken up only by brief skirmishes and briefer thank yous afterward.   Anders wouldn’t meet Fenris’ eyes, but he also kept his distance from Nate as much as fighting in close quarters would allow.  By the time they finally made it down to the lyrium charges, not even Bela and Hawke could keep the conversation and they could talk about anything.
They found a dwarf with a head wound behind an outcropping near one of the explosives.  As Anders patched him up, Nate sidled over.
“He’s trying to hide it, but I’ve seen how he looks at you.  Are you and Anders . . . something?”  he asked quietly.
“Were you?”  It was petty, answering a question with a question.  He might not fight to keep him, but he wasn’t going to surrender either.
Nate sighed.  “Felt like a lifetime ago.”
Anger flared up in his chest, spreading out like fire through his markings.  “Then why did you let this happen to him?” he hissed.  “Why take the cat, why let them try to kill him?  Why let him merge with a-”
“You think I had a choice in any of that?”  Nate snapped back.
“There’s always a choice,” Fenris growled.  “And you chose to -”
Suddenly Anders was between them, pressing them apart, and eyes flashing blue.  “Not now, Temmerin says Merrin was still alive when he ran.  That cut to his head was still fresh, he can’t have been unconscious for long.” 
Nate nodded sharply and turned to follow the trail of bombs back to their source.  Anders watched him and sighed wistfully as he tucked his hand into Fenris’ palm.  “I never thought I’d see him again,” he muttered softly.  “Didn’t expect it to hurt this bad.”
He squeezed Anders’ hand lightly.  “What did Justice mean about him not being happy to see him again?”
“We - he found me.”  He shuddered.  “After we . . . you know.  Covered everything up for me so it would look like I died.  Wasn’t happy about any of it.”
“And Ser Pounce-a-Lot?”  Fenris asked.  “Did he -”
Anders barked a harsh laugh.  “No, that was someone else who ordered that.  Nate suggested giving him to his sister, actually.  We gave him to my - Kristoff’s widow.  We were going to see her when Rolan cornered us.”  He shuddered.  “We should keep moving.”
The stench increased the deeper they went; it was that sickly sweet odor of decaying flesh, but mixed with burned hair and excrement.  Hawke had their face covered with a sleeve, and even Bela looked a bit green, but the two Wardens didn’t seem phased at all.  Was this some other side effect of the Joining?  Or were they simply used to it?
They found Merrin’s corpse surrounded by charred pieces of ogres a few hours later, though ‘corpse’ was a generous way to describe it.  ‘Smear’ was more accurate.  Nate crouched down to examine the remains.  “He must’ve waited to detonate it until they were practically on top of him,” Nate said, suddenly looking years older.  “We were too late.”
“Story of my life,” Anders muttered.  
Nate exhaled slowly as he stood up.  “Thanks for the help.  I suppose we don’t need to worry about anyone finding out.”
Anders ran a hand through his hair and made a frustrated noise.  “At least come back to Kirkwall.  Prove to Delilah you’re not dead?”
“Weisshaupt is waiting for a report.”
“They won’t get it for three months, they can wait a few more days.” Anders caught his quiver, in almost the same gesture as before.  “At least have a hot meal and a night’s sleep in a real bed? For old times sake?”
Fenris frowned.  “Anders, I’m not -”
“I’m not inviting him home,” he sighed, then tugged at Nate again.  “Just a night at the Hanged Man, choking down mystery stew and making friends with the fleas.”
Nate chuckled softly.  “You drive a hard bargain.  Fine.”
They camped out near the surface that evening.  Bela and Hawke had spent most of the trek talking quietly.  Fenris caught a few snatches here and there of what sounded like a hushed argument, but he wasn’t about to get involved in any sort of lovers’ quarrel.  He wasn’t about to get involved in any ex-lovers’ quarrels either, but Venhedis, it was difficult.  
His lip twisted up grimly as he glanced over at Nate while he speared some foraged mushrooms on a stick to roast over the fire.  Anders was circling the perimeter anxiously, apparently too full of nervous energy to rest even after spending all that mana fighting and healing.
“You’ve been watching me,” Nate said.
There was no reason to deny it.  “So have you.”
“He makes terrible decisions sometimes,” Nate replied, answering the real question that hung between them.  “I hope you’re not one of them.”
“Were you?”
Nate flinched.  “In the end?  Probably.  Don’t let him push you away when he’s -” he sighed.  “Does he even still get like that?  Those moods when everything is wrong, especially him?”
Fenris thought back to Anders arriving on his doorstep after he and Justice nearly killed a girl, begging him to tell him whether he was a monster.  “He can,” he answered slowly.
“And you’ve stayed?”
He snorted. “Do I look like I’ve gone anywhere?”
“Don’t.”  Nate wiped at his eye.  “He’s - he needs people.  People who don’t leave.”
“Like you’re going to.  Again.”  Why was he arguing with him about it?  Was this even an argument?  Shouldn’t he be glad any former lover would soon be on his way and out of their lives?  Fenris turned to watch Anders picking his way around the camp.  Blue light flashes across his skin occasionally, and his mouth was moving constantly.  Some sort of discussion with Justice, no doubt.  
No.  He shouldn’t be glad.  Not when it hurt Anders like this.  The man had lost enough, and seeing him regain a measure of it, even for a moment, just to watch it fade away?  Unacceptable.
“You heard him: the Wardens have our own justice, and he has his.”  He shook his head ruefully.  “Literally.”
“Come home with us.”  Fenris felt almost as surprised by his words as Nate looked.  He swallowed and tried to backtrack through whatever reasoning had lead that snap decision.  “He - you said it yourself: he needs people who don’t leave.”
Nate arched an eyebrow.  “And where will you be?”
“Wherever he wants.”  His face warmed as he realized how many ways that could be taken.  Fenris walked over to the other side of the fire to crouch next to him and offer his hand.  “We know you can’t stay, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave.”
He looked down at his palm curiously.  Cautiously.  “They’ll come looking for me.”  It wasn’t an excuse, but a warning.
Fenris bared his teeth.  “Let them.”
Nate answered him with a feral grin of his own as he clasped his forearm.  
“What Andraste’s oversized bloomers are you doing?”  Anders was closing in on them, and squinting suspiciously.  “You’re not telling him about all the dumb shit I did in Vigil’s Keep, are you?”
“Haven’t had the time.”  He stood up fluidly, pulling Fenris up behind him with an unexpected strength, then cupped Anders’ cheek.  "But I'll make it later."
Anders' eyes widened, then rolled toward Fenris in surprise. "I don't - what?"
Fenris smiled and stepped to his other side to wrap an arm around his waist and press a gentle kiss to his jaw.  “If you wish it, he’ll be returning home with us.”
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flamsparks · 1 year
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Mermaid AU. Because.
[Instagram - DeviantArt]
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markmefistov · 2 years
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Commission for @justcallmecappy ✨
Commissions : open
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What’s your opinion on Fenders?
i was going to make a "you must be new here" joke since it's no secret that i ship them, but i'll go ahead and elaborate.
i find anders and fenris's canon relationship to be one of the most disappointing wastes of potential in the series. it makes sense that they'd start off hostile, but i think we can all recognize that the writers played up the rivalry between these (and other) characters solely for the sake of drama.
they spend seven years in the same social group, routinely fighting alongside each other. i cannot believe that in that time they would never manage to find common ground. and in fact, them going from hating each other to sympathizing with and understanding each other would have been an AMAZING arc.
i'm not saying they needed to be besties or 100% agree with each other, but a mutual respect of the others' perspective and having debates where they actually listen to each other would make more sense than anders approving of selling fenris back into slavery and fenris approving of making a deal with a demon to kill anders ever did.
the thing is that anders and fenris are so similar. but because of their respective origins and traumas, it's difficult for them to see that. and there is SO MUCH you can do with that, so much angst and drama you can milk from that premise. but instead we get the cheap, cruel drama of fenris implying karl maybe deserved to be tranquil and anders calling fenris a wild dog.
it's just such a waste! they both fundamentally oppose institutions of oppression and seek freedom for themselves. they fight on behalf of their respective peoples (anders championing mage rights and post-da2 fenris hunting slavers). they both struggle in dealing with their trauma, and are both passionate, determined, loving men.
to bring this back to fenders, i enjoy exploring the potential of what could have been; like i said, there's lots of drama and angst and emotional catharsis to draw from it. and on a personal level, i enjoy relationships with 1) unexpected pairings and 2) where the people involved have to put in effort to make it work. and fenders has both of these in spades.
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cullenakingirog · 1 year
Ever since I drew Benedicta, Anders and Fenris I have been dying to know more about them.
Because I'm a Leandra whore I want to know about your All That Remains moment. I would love to know the dynamic of how they comfort Benedicta and just how those three get along in general. I can see Benedicta having to corral a lot of fights lol but in that moment I definitely see Anders and Fenris setting their differences aside to help Benedicta through that.
udfgviudfg thanks for wanting to know about how the ship works more??? hhh
So here's the thing about Leandra and Benedicta's relationship. It's horribly complicated and a bit of a big mess. I don't think Leandra hates Benedicta but she favours Bethany over Benedicta and it is very obvious. (Some of my Leandras aren't the best mothers while some of my Leandras have great relationships with my other WS Hawkes)
So like, Benedicta grew up having to understand this weird expectation of being a caregiver, a parent, a breadwinner, a protector and so many things that if they don't succeed in doing that it makes them feel ill and anxious. Like they weren't physically hurtful but Benedicta was hurt and for years they just thought it was normal.
When she blamed Benedicta for not saving Bethany it was really because she expects Benedicta to since Benedicta's been shouldering everything for the family post-Malcolm death and it just kinda normalised this expectation for Benedicta to do these sorts of things. Then the Deep Roads Expedition happened and Leandra chooses Carver over Benedicta. "You, I could understand but leave your brother out of this." When Benedicta returned from the expedition without Carver, they got struck by Leandra hard enough to make them fall to the floor and have bruising on their face. Benedicta ended up leaving Gamlen's home to stay over at Fenris', Anders' and Varric's places. (Merrill wanted to offer her home but she realised it was too close to Gamlen's place so she chose to just constantly visit Benedicta instead)
Anyway, come Act 2 and we have Leandra proposing various suitors to Benedicta who had politely turned each of them down until Benedicta ended up sleeping with Fenris and Leandra decided that that meant Benedicta and Fenris were gonna get married now that Benedicta slept with someone. Of course, we know how the song and dance went with Fenris leaving after having sex. Benedicta respected his need for space and would only call on him or ask for his help when absolutely necessary. A few weeks later, Benedicta starts getting sick and a week later, Bodahn decides to call Anders over since Anders had been taking care of Benedicta ever since they formed a very close friendship in the later parts of Act 1 (especially thanks to the Deep Roads where Anders got exposed to Benedicta's side that involves them singing lullabies to Carver or singing a nonsense song they learned to sing as a child). Anyway, Anders finds out from Benedicta about the sleeping with Fenris things and adds two and two to find out they're pregnant. He gives them the option of keeping it or not and Benedicta chooses to keep it so Anders went into doctor mode (I HC him as someone who had helped care for pregnant mages back in Kinloch Hold as well as someone who helped deliver the babies). Benedicta swore Anders into secrecy tho into keeping their pregnancy from Fenris, at least until they have to tell him since they don't want Fenris to feel obligated to stay with them and they refuse to give Fenris another crisis over anything.
So we have Anders who stays with Benedicta to make sure they're taking care of themself - or taking care of them when they're unable to - and we have Fenris pining. Fenris actually assumed that Benedicta and Anders got together and was lowkey jealous anytime Anders would shield Benedicta from anything he suddenly considered was dangerous or whenever Anders would send Benedicta off to safety when they get ambushed.
Then All That Remains happened and Anders almost slipped into allowing Justice to take over too many times, Fenris watched as Benedicta's normally calm and warm and gentle face crumpled into grief and anguish as they held Leandra and they cried over Leandra after telling them how proud she was of them. But that wasn't even the worst of it all. On the day of Leandra's funeral, Bodahn sent two letters. One to an abandoned Hightown estate, another to a drab clinic in Darktown. Fenris arrived first and Bodahn was escorting Orana and Sandal out, smoke was coming out of the window of Benedicta's room and Fenris panicked. He ran to Benedicta's room and saw it in flames and there, in one corner was Benedicta sobbing. Fenris ran in and didn't care if the fire touched him, he noticed that Benedicta's fire spells never harmed anyone they called friend, and when he got to Benedicta, he pulled her close.
"I loved her, Fenris, I loved her and it was unfair. It was unfair of her to make me into who I am now."
Those were the words she sobbed as he held her because, at that moment, it finally sank in that all their life, what they were raised to be was wrong. Was unfair for a child and unfair for even an adult to feel this responsibility over the fate of their family, of their home, or perhaps even the world. Benedicta mourned Leandra but they were also finally, finally angry about what they experienced. They wanted to shout at their mother but it was too late. So all they could do was cry in both grief and frustration.
Anders' arrival ended the fire with him filling the room with frost to end the inferno caused by Benedicta's emotions.
"Let me, Fenris, I know how to help."
Fenris didn't want to let go since Benedicta was still holding onto him tightly but he did, choosing to trust Anders in this. He watched as Anders spoke to Benedicta in hushed words and allowed Benedicta to lean on him as they calmed down, he was chanting "Forgive yourself." to them like a prayer and a spell. It took a very mild sleeping spell from Anders to help Benedicta calm down completely. Anders offered to take Benedicta to his clinic and Fenris agreed, adding that he will drop by to make sure they were safe.
After ensuring that Bodahn, Orana and Sandal were safe, Fenris and Anders worked together to fix Benedicta's burned room. Bodahn helped and Orana dropped by with new things to replace the broken and burned ones. Fenris and Anders set aside their differences in that instance though neither will admit it or the fact that they grew to even like the other's help and presence and when Benedicta woke up, the two were also there to help. (Merrill helped Benedicta with processing their sense of responsibility being fucked up but Anders and Fenris were the ones that started them opening up about what they went through growing up.)
This ask got rather sad but uidxgidxufv it's All That Remains ogvdxfuv
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myucaloveschoclate · 2 years
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Fenders for the wonderful @wanderingnork ♥
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tea42 · 2 years
I've drawn nude people before and sexy poses but never something so lemony. Fenders was the first sex scene I've written too lol. Enjoy my hot garbage art.
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
Please say more about this countweight/dragon age au where Anders is the candidate of the divine justice it sounds amazing
i have notes abt this somewhere and i cannot find them at the moment but like. the divine justice/vengeance would be such an obvious parallel to peace/order. and i'm not very good at picturing mechs but i've been thinking of justice as sort of like the amp runner, but able to switch between being quadrupedal and bipedal and also Obviously he's gotta have a ram's head. i think it would be sexy if there was some physical integration of justice into anders, like sokrates and integrity.
in the version of this that exists in my head fenris is also a candidate, but an utterly unwilling one (probably not for something as big as rigor but. the same vibe) who eventually escapes and meets anders shortly after. doesn't trust him or justice, and is especially horrified by the fact that anders and justice are... you know... but when they're both like "sure we'll help you get revenge on this giant machine god that was abusing you" he's forced to challenge his perception of them. and eventually anders and fenris bone in justice's uh. cockpit.
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
Thinking of touch-starved men…, their eyes follow your hands and fingers so carefully, anxiously, getting easily jealous at how casual your touches are with others who are not them; always lingering where you are, seeking out your presence and just wanting a sliver of your attention away from everyone else; touch-starved ones who have a quiet gasp whenever you place your hands over theirs or just a casual friendly touch; chills along their spine and entire body as you play with their hair; hugs make them freeze in their tracks before arms tentatively wrap around you like your made of glass or a stardust that will vanish the second it’s over
EDIT: they can’t help but swallow down their moan(s) when your fingers brush through their hair, lightly touching the exposed back of their neck
Just….touch starved characters…
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alltears · 7 months
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. KIRKWALL GANG
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pinkfadespirit · 2 years
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The first of my latest batch of YCHs for the lovely @dalish-rogue. Anders and Fenris look so sweet in this pose! I really loved painting this! 🥰
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sulky-valkyrie · 10 months
"[ TOGETHER ]:     when the receiver awakens, they discover that the sender has been sleeping next to them, arms wrapped around one another for warmth, comfort, protection" for fenders?
Hello hello to my favorite SpudMage 🥔🧙❣️
for @dadrunkwriting
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Fenris woke up with warm feet.  Not an oppressive burning of walking too long or simply standing on the scorching roads of Kirkwall, but a cozy one.  It brought back a memory.  It was faint and incomplete - something involving sitting in a chair while wrapped in a blanket on a chilly night - but it was more than he had before.
He rolled over as he tugged the blanket up over his head.  Even after three years, Kirkwall winters were a difficult adjustment: one day so cold that there were icicles hanging from the hole in the roof, and the next day back to that uncomfortably damp heat that sucked the air from his lungs.  Today had been one of the frozen days.  Yesterday and the day before had been as well, and he hoped Hawke wouldn't need him for anything so he could continue to huddle in his warm little nest.
His eyes snapped open and he found himself face-to-chest with Anders.  Not unwelcome, but not expected.  Somehow, their difference in size and height made them ideal tent mates.  His protests had died on his lips the moment Anders’ had warmed up his bedroll with magic, and since then, he’d looked forward to camping with him.  But they hadn’t been camping well over a week, and Fenris had been holed up in his mansion waiting out the cold.  "Mage?" he asked, voice muzzy from sleep.  "What are you doing here?"
Anders snorted.  "I think you mean, 'What am I doing here?'"
Fenris frowned and peeked out over the covers.  "This is not my house," he mumbled.  "This is your clinic."  He blinked slowly then rubbed his face.  "Why am I in your bed?"
Anders reached out to squeeze his shoulder.  "Hawke stopped by.  You didn't answer, so they broke in.  It was snowing, Fenris.  Inside your mansion."
That didn't make any sense at all.  "Snowing?"
"I didn't believe them either," he said irritably.  "But Merrill said it too.  And I’ve been too busy to actually check myself."
Fenris' ear twitched at the agitated tone.  "Busy?" he asked neutrally.  "With the clinic?"
Anders glanced away.  "In a manner of speaking," he said slowly.
He huffed as he shook Anders' hand off his shoulder and moved to sit up.  "Speak plainly, I am too tired for your riddles."
"Busy keeping you from freezing to death, you ass," Anders hissed as he pulled him back to the bed.  "And you're still too cold for my liking, so get back here."
He fell back against Anders with a thud, shocked at how weak he felt, only now noticing that they were both shirtless and he was wearing a pair of soft trousers nothing like his own clothing.  "I - how long?"
Anders tugged him closer and wrapped his arms around him.  "I've had you since yesterday - no idea how long you'd been like that before Hawke found you."  His breath was warm on Fenris' neck, and oddly soothing.  "Don't - don't do that again, okay?  If it's freezing out, go to Hawke's."
Something squirmed uncomfortably in Fenris' belly at the suggestion.  "Why?"  he asked.  What he meant, of course, was why Hawke? but that felt too . . . complicated a question.  Not when what he really wanted to ask was why not here?
"You want to put Hawke through this again?"  Anders demanded as his arms tightened.  "Or worse, find you a dead little elfsicle?  Haven't I - haven't they been through enough?"
That slip of the tongue suddenly made everything make sense.  "Perhaps I should simply stay here then," Fenris said quietly.  "Until this weather passes"
"I can't believe you'd even - wait, what?"  The rant Anders had clearly been winding himself into vanished.  "You'd - you want to stay here?  With . . . with me?"
Fenris rolled over in his arms to snuggle closer and tuck his head under Anders' chin.  "You're warm."
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flamsparks · 1 year
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Inquisition agents at Halamshiral. Because I love the picture they make.
[Instagram - DeviantArt]
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sns315 · 10 months
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And you thought his written manifestos were bad…
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hel-unleashed · 11 months
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Yet another normal day in Kirkwall
Original template by ReddsMess
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