#and yet. here we are
fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
out here fighting for my life on Twitter trying to convince people that the company that managed to bag Leigh Bardugo and Shannon Hale is perfectly capable of finding at least one talented woman on the planet to write the main Wonder Woman title instead of Tom King
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
the one thing that's worse than having people hate on your blorbo for incorrect reasons is when their reasoning is absolutely correct. like yeah she IS badly written, lacks development, and has a role in the story that unintentionally gives her moral failings the author didn't intend her to have.
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corishadowfang · 5 months
It's appreciate a dragon day, apparently, and I don't have time to do art or fics because. Time. And Energy. But for the past week or so I've had my Kingdom Hearts dragons AU on the mind...which wasn't supposed to be an AU AU, but just kind of a way to draw the characters since I'm not good at drawing people. But because I have no self-control, there's worldbuilding suddenly, and I really want to ramble about it, haha.
I really need to stress that this was originally just me thinking, "Hey, if I'm drawing them as dragons, wouldn't Scala have to look different, too? Since dragons would probably need different things than humans." And then it just. Spiraled.
I didn't know what to do with the Keyblades initially? I, uh. Wasn't sure if I wanted to go the "wielding Keyblades in the mouth," haha. Which kind of spiraled into, "What if the dragon thing just...replaces the Keyblades? Like, people become dragons, basically."
So the idea is kind of like...magic is still A Thing. Everyone can use it, with the right training, but the more you use magic, the more it changes you. (Yes, I've used this idea before, but shhh.) It very gradually changes your appearance, abilities, etc. Your magic gets stronger, but you become less and less human. Eventually, according to most people, you basically lose yourself to it and become a monster, so it's something of a controversial subject.
(The "become a monster" thing is only partially true. You can become a Heartless, but there are a lot of people who just become normal dragons, too. Unfortunately everyone just groups the two together.)
Anyone who used magic kind of like...filled a very weird niche in society where they weren't exactly accepted, but their abilities were still useful, so they were kind of both shunned and respected equally.
The Master of Masters and the Foretellers are the ones who really changed this; MoM went hardcore on the narrative that the "normal" transformation wasn't really monstrous at all, and painted the Foretellers very much as mythological heroes who could fight the actual monsters much more effectively than any normal person. Magic and dragons still made a lot of people wary, but it was tempered a bit, especially with kids.
SPEAKING OF--that's why a lot of kids ended up in Daybreak Town. Less pre-existing ideas on magic and dragons, so it's easier for them to see this as a good thing.
(And then MoM goes and ruins it with the whole "war" thing.)
Once you turn into a dragon, you can take human form again for short periods of time, but it's often uncomfortable, so Daybreak Town and Scala are both designed more with dragons in mind.
Daybreak Town was an abandoned human town that MoM and the Foretellers just repurposed, so while there are still buildings, they had to be modified a lot. The Clock Tower is an abandoned castle, haha.
Scala is basically a mountain range on the edge of the ocean! Or mountains on islands...? Uh. Something like that, haha. Lots of bare white rock and caves and stuff. I think the main island's a little more open, just because like...I like the idea of them wanting more "light" as a sort of symbolism thing.
Dragons are the only ones that can fly to other worlds without assistance! Their magic kind of protects them, basically, but they do actually have to fly. Lots of young dragons like to bring back trinkets from different worlds (which is generally how their hoards are formed, haha).
Uh, I only have loose ideas of how some characters would've actually gotten into this. Ven I think was basically born with an excessive amount of magic that he couldn't really control, so he turned really, really young, and there wasn't much he could do about it. Brain thought that the fear about magic was stupid and actively fostered his out of spite. Ephemer was super curious about the idea, and ended up digging deeper into things. Skuld and Lauriam I'm less certain on. (I could see Lauriam doing it as a way to help protect Strelitzia--maybe she was like Ven, and turned accidentally? And Skuld--honestly just could've done it because she was swept up in what MoM/the Foretellers said, haha.)
Aaaaand I'm looking at how much I've rambled and will spare your dashes, but uh. Yeah. Dragons!
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plugnuts · 1 month
We need a longer queue limit
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dulcesiabits · 2 months
Your Li and Mhin writing made me hurt and yearn and do you understand how I will carry this in the recesses of my mind for who knows how long
Superb writing! Don't be afraid to spill about them because the the wedding (no air quotes, i stand by that it was as wedding as it could be for their circumstances and for them) scene made my heart SQUEEZE
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It is actually the most flattering thing in the WORLD to hear that you're invested in my silly oc/canon ship <3 !!! They made you feel yearning and it's going to be in the recesses of your mind??? Then my mission is complete... I have succeeded as a writer...!!!!
(And I'm definitely going to be posting more about Li later haha I've been refining her lore for like. a year now lol)
I'm glad you mentioned the wedding scene bc I drew from Chinese marriage customs to write it!!! Li (李) is Chinese and Mhin is also Chinese to me. And one day, I will write diaspora-inspired fic about how they both deal with their alienation from their culture and community lmfao. There is something about having to reinvent or adapt traditions bc of lost roots...
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talentforlying · 6 months
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i always figured if i got through life without adding any more bollocks to the world's sum total of bollocks . . . then i could hold me head high and say i wasn't part of it. now i've gone and done what all the self-righteous fat bastards are doing — taken our magness and dumped it where it isn't wanted. one more reason why i can't look at meself in the mirror in the mornin'.
it's fine, i'm fine, i'm normal about this.
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ninas-gf · 1 year
if you went back in time to december 2021 and told me that scaramouche, the dendro archon, and a completely brand new mondstadt character were all getting banners before a eula rerun, i would have laughed at you
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glass-expanse · 1 year
My first serious original superhero project secondary protagonist: Bristol Wilcox, a dark-haired womanizer who learns from mistakes and has a heart of gold
My most recent serious original superhero project secondary protagonist: Wilson Brixley, a dark-haired womanizer who learns from mistakes and has a heart of gold
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jennifersbod · 10 months
sad hours ✌🏻
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torchickentacos · 2 years
okay, so while the temptation of shitpost meme fics is very high, I did not account for my fandoms list having to look like this.
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rac1ngsundays · 1 year
this can’t be a real podium
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classicdaisycalico · 2 years
Fuck it we ball, 🌻
The first thing on my mind when I was this was about musicals, which I haven't talked about on this blog in a LONG time so here goes:
I read a few days ago that "Phantom of the Opera" is gonna be closing on Broadway within a year or so???? I knew it would happen eventually but like.....I thought it would be when I was closer to 40 and not 30. What a time to be alive
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trollbreak · 2 years
*reads something cool* *immediately gets inspired to write something new in spite of my various open drafts*
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8pxl · 3 months
PSA: Tumblr/Wordpress is preparing to start selling our user data to Midjourney and OpenAI.
you have to MANUALLY opt out of it as well.
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o0kawaii0o · 3 months
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Wet cheese
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parlerenfleurs · 1 year
I sporadically realise I'm living with my beautiful boyfriend, who is not only a whole, separate person from myself, and thus unfathomable despite how familiar he is to me, but also an incredibly pretty man who sees me be a half-naked potatoe in improbable positions like an ungainly naked cat all the time and still, somehow, loves me.
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