#and yes good times indeed
medicalunprofessional · 5 months
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life is wasted
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rhaenin-time · 3 months
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mxwhore · 25 days
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some martins from my latest +18 sketchpages on patreon...
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kazoologist · 14 days
congratulations to Mme. Pascale Leclerc, who has surely just experienced both the funniest and most unhinged weekend a mother could ever have. Dear fucking christ, I hope your middlest son brought you a bottle of champagne for yourself, ma'am.
#kazoo noises#charles leclerc#cl16#monaco gp 2024#zoomies posting#sports posting#like man. where to begin. one of your racecar children is back in town for the weekend. he has yet to have a truly good work#weekend it seems in town. now this year. we're feeling ourselves a bit. we're feeling optimistic even. and then ur son becomes talk of town#because he keeps doing fucking bits on twitter about adopting his coworker who is friends with your youngest son. this goes on long enough#for actual reporters to comment on it. no one is willing to blink first so by friday night we've yes-anded ourselves to a grandson#(congratulations mme leclerc)#things go well. and then at qualifying they go DAMN WELL#BETTER THAN EVER REALLY! but man. im superstitious. i dont trust shit until its over and the dust has cleared#(the adoption jokes have continued by the way) and MEANWHILE everyone is eyeing that starting grid. were humming. we're making vague hand#gestures when commenting. we're all thinking. Maybe? (the streets can hear u tho. keep it down)#race starts. lap one CHAOS. so many fucking crashes. i'd faint if i had a child even in karting honestly.#(every parent in this sport deserves a prescription for laudanum)#but he's not in it. hes at the front. and he. well. he just Stays There. Through It All. and the laps tick down. until the race is run. and#there he is. your middlest son. cross the line and into the books. first place. home town. what curse indeed. thats your boy!!!!!!!! THERE!#they play the radio of him winning and the audio is peaked because he screams out so loudly. you can hear the water in the laughter.#later theres gonna be videos and photos taken of him pushing his boss into the harbor and diving right in after the man. those photos are#gonna be fucking studied in photography classes one day. and STILL! everyone involved with that goofy joke about him adopting his coworker#(who. despite all the silliness of the race stayed second place and got a podium) is still carrying the bit like a baton relay. Do you have#him over for family dinner? might as well add a plate i guess! people are joking about your youngest son having two nephews? a dog born#maybe a month ago and a man born about... what twenty three years and about a month ago? fuck it! family dinner#sorry this bit got away from me but as someone who loves my homecity and my mom so much it might actually be like.#a visible growth inside my body if they do an autopsy on me at time of death or like. my love will eat me alive. sometimes the charratives#gets to me#anyway cheers mme leclerc i hope you party so fucking hard this week
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parlerenfleurs · 5 months
Starting to think, going by the MXTX fandoms, that a lot of people are comfortable with being a bit terrible and not thriving for an ideal whatsoever, because they really really reeaaally want to believe Xue Yang and Jiang Cheng are poor cuties who weren't lucky and the heroes are a bunch of holier-than-thou arrogant bitches who need to be taken down a peg when the text says the opposite, because then it justifies their own faults and hatred of genuinely awesome people who seem to have it better in life and isn't that sooo unfair and isn't it fair that they should suffer to learn what it's like to suffer like them, poor tortured, petty, flawed humans who see themselves in the villains rather than the heroes.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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So, it is now three days into Pride, and the gayness just keeps on coming. This is a screenshot from 2019 of Michael responding to a piece of Ineffable Husbands fanart of Aziraphale and Crowley at the cinema in the 1980s.
For those who may not know (as I didn’t, not being from the UK), La Scala was a cinema in King’s Cross, an area of London that (pre-Soho) was a haven for all things LGBTQ, and showed many LGBTQ-themed films throughout its notorious run.
But the extra special thing about these gay all-nighters (and which Michael would have undoubtedly known when writing that tweet) was that all sorts of debauchery (a.k.a., gay orgies) tended to ensue among its patrons:
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...So, not only do we know that Michael has thought about Aziraphale and Crowley fucking, we also know that he has thought specifically about when and where they would fuck...and it’s in a place nicknamed The Sodom Odeon. On top of all that, we now have GO season 2 coming out with a scene filmed in the Bo’ness Hippodrome and Michael looking incredibly smug on the day of filming said scene. In a dark cinema. With David. I just don’t even know what else to say...
(Also...What were you doing in King’s Cross in the mid/late ‘80s, Michael? Is this knowledge all from firsthandjob experience? Because I would not be at all surprised...)
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eek-a-tron · 2 months
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Screenshots from X-Men '97 S1E6.
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hyah-lian · 3 months
Sleepy prompt 41! With whoever you'd like. <3
THIS GOT A LOT A LOT LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. I had a lot of fun writing it tho. Hope it is fun to read. :)
41. “Sleep.  I’ll keep you safe.”
Legend sat with his head on his palm, propped up by his knee, and watched the same child run through the plaza for what had to be the fifth time since he started watching. There were several kids wearing the same 'hero's costume' running about, it seemed to be a festival of sorts, but this one kid kept coming through the same gap between bushes and running the same path so steadily it wouldn't be a surprise if a divot was worn into the street.
If he didn't know better, he'd worry it was some sort of time loop. But no, the air seemed stable enough, there was no other odd tang of magic. Just the same kid, running the same path, through the same plaza.
Though, Gods and Goddesses alike did enjoy their entertainment too. Why else would he be on yet another adventure, and now split from the group too? Why not add weird time shit to it.
Just as he sighed at the though, the little blond streak turned to rush through the plaza again, but tripped and skidded a few feet forward on hands and knees.
Before he registered the movement, Legend jumped up- twisted knee grumbling and causing a pronounced limp- and rushed over.
"Hold on, kid," he crouched and kept his face and tone deadpan at the small scowling face and watery eyes glaring at him, "pretty bad fall. You okay?"
Bright eyes scrunched up around the sharp little nose with only a huff. A second passed before the little one turned up their palms to show off the newly reddened scrapes crisscrossing half-healed ones. Legend guessed their knees would be the same.
"C'mon, my knee is busted up too. Let's sit over there in the shade, and I'll help you out," Lege gestured back to the bench under the tree off to the side. "I've got lots of experience with patching up all kinds of hurts."
He held out his hand, unthinking, and was surprised when the smaller hand slipped into his. They both limped over to the bench and Legend helped the kid shift his legs up to rest on the bench.
"Quite the speedster, you are. You could probably power a windmill all on your own like that. Did you lose somebody, or just have a real zest for life?" Legend chattered while looking for his health kit.
The kid tensed a moment.
"I'll be careful, don't worry. I can't promise it won't sting to clean out the scrape- but it won't hurt as much as the fall. You took that-"
"'vi's lost...." the kid's eyes screwed up again, and they were swiping at them.
"Hey, if you're lost, it's okay-" Legend dropped the wrapped bottle of his wound solution to the bench.
Legend dragged his hands down his face while the kid had their eyes covered, now what?! How do I end up in these situations, I am not the guy for this.
"I'm lost too," Legend ventured, "maybe you just got lucky but found the wrong person first."
The kid looked up. Legend tried to give a reassuring smile, but it felt more like a lop-sided grimace. The poor kid looked exhausted.
"I'm with my... brothers. I fell too, and hurt my knee. So now I'm going to sit still and wait for them instead of running around and getting more lost."
A chubby little fist rubbed up under the kid's nose and eyes again. It almost looked like they bit back a yawn.
"Your turn. I'm going to clean your knee and palms, if you talk it won't sting as much," Legend tried. Maybe he could at least help the kid find whoever is supposed to be watching them.
"Missing... um," they stared at the cloth Legend doused with the solution.
Legend hid it behind a curved hand so the kid couldn't see it when he went to dab the scrape.
"Ow..." they pouted, but let Legend keep working and kept talking, "missing um. My friends. I didn't mean to hurt one, but he put on a mask, and now I don't know where he went. And- and-"
"Breathe, kid."
"I don't know where my other friend's house is anymore. And- and I miss home. But I- I think I got really lost. I don't remember how to get back-" They cut themself off with a yawn before jolting and looking around frantically.
"Tired?" The kid shook their head side to side so hard the back of the hat and the tufts of hair sticking out from under it whipped their face.
"Sure. Well. Waiting in one place can help if you're lost, your friends might be able to find you easier. And you should probably stop running around for a little bit to let yourself heal."
Legend tied off the last bandage around the kid's hand and was met with very slow, confused blinking.
"If you want, when my brothers show up, we can help you look for them or try and help you get home."
Legend busied himself with packing away the kit and giving the kid a minute to think. After another minute with no answer, Legend looked over to see the smaller hylian's head nodding while they methodically ran their finger over the newly applied bandages.
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe," Legend offered.
The kid jolted up again, but let themself relax and lean back with a little nod. Legend offered out his pack for the kid to lean against. They took the offer, quickly tucking it under their head and curling up on the bench. Legend watched the small kid trace their running path across the plaza with their eyes while keeping up their methodical brushing across the bandage.
Legend leaned forward onto his palm again, searching the plaza for any other stray kid with a festival mask, or a parent looking for their child.
An hour quickly passed, the kid snoozed on, and Legend had no luck finding anyone who the kid may belong to. At one point, two little heads poked around the tree that was providing shade, but by the time Legend turned, all he caught was the sight of a parting swish of a grass skirt and a giggle.
He groaned and rubbed at his face again. It was starting to feel like nobody was even looking for either of them.
After another long wait, Legend himself starting to doze, a small finger poked him in the side. He jumped to awareness and whipped his head to glare at a young boy dressed up like a sheikah stealth agent to his side.
"Who are you? Why do you have my friend with you?" Blond eyebrows creased dramatically and arms held akimbo as the boy spoke.
"You're their friend with the mask? Kid's been running all over, looking for you, you know. Fell down 'n everything. Thats kind of a crap way to treat your friend- they were worried."
The boy tilted his head and pulled down the cloth over his chin. Yeesh, these kids are way too young to be running amok alone, Legend thought when he was met with another round face of baby fat and youth.
"That's not me, but he is my friend too, why do you have them?"
"I don't have anyone," Legend balked. What a weird way to talk, it must be one of those things that doesn't translate well from era to era. "I am watching them because they were alone and hurt."
"Hurt?! How!"
"Zea?" The kid woke up, great.
"Yeah! You were gone for so long! My dad was gonna- got all- psssh bust a top! 'Cause the - Wait, how did you get hurt?"
"I fell, see. It's okay," they showed off their bandages like a badge of honour.
"You know this guy, kid?" Legend asked, on the border of relieved and suspicious.
"Yeah, I know Zea. He's my friend too," the kid rolled their eyes with another yawn. "Her dad lets me sleep over when I visit."
"OH- Yeah, dad said to find you because it's time for the play on the stage! C'mon!"
"Bye, I like your skirt." And with that, the two kids held each other's hand and ran off, back through the gap in the bushes.
"Finally-" Legend looked to the sky before pushing himself to standing and carefully turning, "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!"
"Relax, we found you eventually - why do you look so tired?"
"I've been playing babysitter to some random kid who ate shit on the plaza. Do we know whose era we're in yet? Full of weirdos."
"Pffft, says you. Everyone we've met has been delightful! Even met the King of Hyrule and his kid for a little bit. Apparently we're just outside of this era's Hyrule, and the King and Princess- er, Princx I think was how they said it, are here on a visit for the festival. Looks like this is a good place to end up while you wait for our busted up selves to heal."
"Great," Legend hopped over to grab Time's offered arm and began hobbling along with the group, "please tell me we have a room somewhere, I feel like I could sleep for a week."
Time paused, and Legend caught the smirk and shift of his good eye right before he went into action.
"No- NO! Time I- uhf!"
"I'll keep you safe," Time laughed, "I promise I won't drop you. Sleep, and this'll help keep the weight off that leg. Can't have you running around on it if you expect it to heal. We haven't gotten accommodation yet, but Warriors is working on it."
Legend paused for a moment, glancing at the bush and plaza falling rapidly behind.
"You cryptic bastard." He let his chin fall to Time's shoulder and yawned.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 8 months
How often has Alphys caught Blue or otherwise called him out on keeping secrets?
Actually caught him, I’d say a handful of times. Not super common, and the first few are really the only ones that Blue was like “oh shit” about lmao. She’s a smart cookie! It’d be weirder if it never happened. (Un)fortunately, her noticing is an easy fix. Just need a new Reset.
Calling him out, though, that happens a lot more: from little comments here and there that make him sweat, to full on asking him wtf is happening. Just depends on how well he was hiding his stress and “uncharacteristic” behaviors! Blue’s learned to talk his way around a lot of it without majorly concerning her, though. XD
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I know for Tailgate/Cyclonus/Galvatron I like my Galvatron being the mostest power bottom to ever power bottom. Cyclonus is a service top. Service bottom. Service switch. He is service. Tailgate is the gentlest dom you can imagine. Very awkward. Fun pairing!
You're right, oh so very entirely right.
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bitimdrake · 1 year
how would you describe arrowfamily in canon? Cause i have seen conflicting things ranging from "Oliver Queen is a terrible horrible person" to "canon arrowfamily is what people think batfam should be like/if you want fanon batfam you want canon arrowfam" and it is confusing
Disclaimer first. A full, proper, arrowfam read-through is next on my list once I finally catch up with the bats, but I haven't gotten there yet. I have still read a whole bunch of comics, and by virtue of how the DC universe works, I've seen a fair bit of the arrows scattered throughout. (In particular, I've read a lot of Roy via Titans and Outsiders.)
So I can give a broad strokes answer here, but I'm not going to try to claim a deep meta analysis of the arrows yet.
I think the quickest way to explain the contradictory information is this:
batfam fans take up most of the space in DC fandom
for whatever reason, it has become highly popular bat fanon to use Oliver Queen as a scapegoat Designated Terrible Dad to show how much better and cooler and nicer Bruce is.
This is not a fair or accurate depiction of Ollie.
(Nor, for that matter, an accurate depiction of Bruce, but that fanon diversion is intentional and less like throwing shrapnel at a guy who isn't even part of this.)
People who actually read comics and like Ollie therefore try to push back on this extreme and ooc demonization of him, and also vaunt the arrows in general.
Said pushback is sometimes an exaggerated overcompensation.
Basically, no, Oliver Queen is not a terrible horrible person, nor even a terrible horrible father.
And I would say the canon arrows are a lot closer to what fans are desperately trying to find (or just make up) in the bats. There are various things that are true of the canon arrows/Ollie and of the fanon bats/Bruce that are not true of the canon bats/Bruce. [All post-crisis disclaimer.] Examples:
Ollie is outspokenly liberal and this is a well accepted piece of his canon characterization. (Meanwhile DC writers try very very hard to make Bruce Totally Apolitical and therefore acceptable to all readers. Not that anything is ever actually apolitical.)
Ollie also hates cops! And rich people! For a significant chunk of comics, he lost his fortune and was better off for it, realizing he could never be truly good if he were still a billionaire.
The common fan argument about how Bruce totally isn't abusive; he's a good dad who's just been written that way once or twice by bad writers is...actually not that far off from describing Ollie? He hit Roy once in a comic about How Not To Respond To Addiction; in another comic he was revealed to have secretly known about and abandoned Conner, despite this not lining up with previous comics showing how he really wanted to be a dad. Both of these things are canon and bad, no doubt! But he is also usually a lot better, and has shown an ability to grow and change. (Meanwhile canon Bruce just has a consistent pattern of abuse.)
Subjective, but Ollie seems to really think of himself as a father and delight in it in a way that Bruce just kinda...doesn't.
All the arrows, from what I can tell, actually like each other.
They don't try to murder each other either.
But, as you surely notice, being closer to batfanon desires doesn't mean the arrows literally are the fanon batfam. Like the bats, they are not a perfect model nuclear family (nor should they be!). They too have had conflict and dysfunction (Roy and Oliver stopped talking for a significant period of time!). And they do indeed exist in a comic book world driven by crime and superheroics and conflict, not a fluffy fanfiction world driven by comfort and interpersonal reassurances. (This is not a dunk on fanfic, which I love, just a reminder).
so tl;dr, the arrows aren't a perfectly fluffy fanon family either...but if you see a batfam fan throwing Ollie/other arrows under the bus to make their fave look better, that is definitely bullshit.
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kyshiwarrior · 4 months
something so healing about them acknowledging where jet went wrong but also holding so much consistent empathy for him healed me
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rachymarie · 2 days
Ok so my mind has been really "poppin off" with rampant "A-HA moments" a lot and so i need to get some of it out, ima just leave this here for y'alls consideration:
Since ADHD autistics have the convenience of using the term AuDHD, shall we get started on a term for autistic schizospec? I'll start:
Autischizospec - Schizotistic - Autizospec - Autistiphrenic - Autizoaffective - AuSchizospec - Schizospectistic
Idk trying to find something that rolls off the tongue more and isn't just a cocophany of excessive syllables, a tongue twister disaster lol
Yes I know this is a whole ass mess but that is how it feels having a long-ass illness/disorder name you're too dang fatigued (running on low RAM to fuel the whole ship that is the body and mind) to type out in its entire all the time. Help a sister out here lol
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mikurulucky · 1 year
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Just wanted to draw lil Johan next to his present day self. Guess in a sort of time travel/dream sort of deal where his older self gives him a pep talk? :p
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theflyingfeeling · 7 months
If Aleksi really went to Oulu all alone to celebrate Olli’s bday I’m gonna cry they are so in looooveeee 🥺❤️
right?? 😭 and I mean, judging by Aleksi's IG post earlier today it's safe to assume he's in Oulu also for some music stuff I guess, but I think we all agree his primary reason for being there is Olli birthday tomorrow 🥰
and yeah they really are so ridiculously in love, because they had almost literally just came home from a month-long tour, and immediately Aleksi travels up north to see Olli again? for his goddamn birthday?! that's fucking amore 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕
edit. OMG
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scuddle-bubble101 · 8 months
Funny how Lye works as a cop when their name sounds like "Lie"
unless its pronounced differently
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I suppose it does! The man's just a tired lad though. Tic tends to give him quite the hard time. His name is actually the spelling towards a chemical used in soap making actually! Its a poison though, so its best not to eat!!
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