#and while there's only one magikarp
50c14lly4nx10u5 · 1 year
not to kirby post on main but i was out and found kirby socks and i can't wait to wear em 😔
i also found kirby gum in freak lunchbox which i did, in fact, post on my kirby account akdbdkfn
pokémon sparkling water was also there... i had got a pikachu one (lemon) and squirtle one (sea salt cheese... yeah i got my dad to drink that one lmao) before, so i got a magikarp one (litchi) and igglybuff one (white peach) today
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vaugarde · 4 months
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Made some Hunter x Hunter Pokemon teams cause I gotta do that whenever I get into a new thing. Some of these are based on vibes and some are based on their abilities.
Couple of notes on Kurapika: I did him last but if I didn't, then I would've done all these on the modern card maker because the old one hasn't been updated with the gen 9 dlc. My choices for him are actually the Bloodmoon Ursaluna specifically, and Pecharunt cause of Toxic Chain
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alannah-corvaine · 6 months
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gamerchip · 3 months
All Visible Pokémon in the Legends Z-A Trailer (New Kalos Pokédex)
So I'm sure I may miss something but with the Legends Z-A trailer they showed off a series of Pokémon, many of them distinct being the only colored models in the New Lumiose. I went thought to find all the Pokémon available in the New Kalos Pokédex! (Speculation at end).
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The first mons we see are series mascot Pikachu running through a group of Litleo and Pyroar (male and female).
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Next we pass by our outdoor café with Flabébé, Klefki, and a Matron Trim Furfrou. Based on the coloration, we can assume all the Flabébé are holding red flowers.
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Next we come to the waterway, presumably the one between Vert and Jaune Plaza. It's where we see the most Pokémon starting with Fletchling on the top left railing, Dragonair and Staryu in the water, and a Hawlucha with the trainer catching Dragonair.
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Pulling out further we can see a Gogoat and Arbok on the bridge, and Hippopotas and Absol with people on the lower right walkway. In the waterway we see more Staryu along with Magikarp and Gayarados. An Emolga flies in before we switch scenes, (Its impossible to get a screen grab with both Absol and Emolga in frame).
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We move on to the battle between Sylveon and Aegislash, several Pokémon are seen in the background. From left to right they are Female Meowstic, Diamond Trim Furfrou, and Krookodile with several Sandile.
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As the camera switches to Sylveon attacking we can see Bellsprout, Heracross, and Pinsir to its right.
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As the camera switches to fallow the Talonflame, we see it fly towards an Eevee, Onix, and Pangoro.
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Continuing the flight, we see an Ariados scaling one of the buildings on the left and a Dandy Trim Furfrou on the right. There is also a Pokémon walking next to a trainer, while it is hard to make out I assume that this is an Espurr.
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The final scene with Pokémon fly's us over what I assume is the new Jaune Plaza. On the far left there is a Heart Trim Furfrou. In the center plaza Tyranitar and Male Pyroar appear near a trainer while Krookodile and a Sandile are playing in the center fountain. Finally a Noivern and two Noibat fly in from the right.
Assuming that no evolution lines change, there are currently 56 Pokémon in this new Pokédex all which appeared in the Original Kalos Pokédex, 5 of which have Mega Evolutions (Absol, Heracross, Pinsir, Tyranitar, and Steelix). Interestingly the trailer showed off no Ice type Pokémon. Regardless I'm super excited to see this new urban based Pokémon game!
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ringtownrangerlark · 6 months
Pokeballs vs. Capture Stylers
As a ranger, it is my deeply held belief, based on observation and experience, that Pokeballs are an under-estimated danger to pokemon and the environment. They can cause harm even when used properly and with good intentions. When used by someone with criminal or otherwise nefarious intent, they make causing harm ludicrously easy. Let's do a little comparison, shall we?
How do you get it? Pokeballs can be bought for money in Pokemarts, and are often handed out for free at promotional events. Capture stylers are given only to certified rangers.
What about more advanced versions? Some types of Pokeball require a certain number of League badges to purchase. Others are gated only by cost alone. Capture stylers have built-in limits that can be gradually removed by senior rangers once a ranger has proven experience and risen in rank.
Who regulates it? Pokeballs are produced by the Silph and Devon corporations. While they have some cooperation with the Pokemon League, and are regulated by government, their fundamental motivation is profit. Capture Stylers are regulared by the Ranger Union. Even if one could mass-capture using a styler, it would not benefit the Union to do so.
How many pokemon can you catch? While league battles allow only a fighting team of six, a person can buy and own as many pokeballs as they can carry. Even for the highest-ranked rangers, the maximum number of friend Pokemon is 7.
Can you take pokemon somewhere unsafe for them/the environment? Capture stylers prevent taking a pokemon out of it's native habitat, a limitation removed only for Top Rangers. A brand-new trainer could catch a magikarp and then immediately release it into the desert if they wanted.
What happens if you capture a wild pokemon? With a pokeball, the pokemon is now permanently registered as captured by the trainer. It can be released. Depending on the training experience, it may or may not be safe/appropriate to release back into the wild, even in its native habitat. With a capture styler, the pokemon remains wild. It can temporarily assist a ranger, and then return immediately to its natural environment and behaviors.
What if you try to catch someone else's pokemon? A pokeball prevents re-capture of an already registered pokemon. A capture styler can be used to capture an owned pokemon (this is often done to return lost pokemon, or soothe agitated or injured ones) but it does not change the ownership of the Pokemon.
Is there skill involved? There is strategy in Pokeball capturing, especially via battle. But theoretically, one could still bombard even a legendary pokemon with enough pokeballs and capture it by sheer statistical chance. Proper use of a capture styler requires education and training. Even if someone stole a capture styler, they would not automatically be able to use it.
What if someone "bad" tries to catch a pokemon? Anyone can buy and use a pokeball regardless of intentions. A capture styler conveys the intentions of the ranger. No matter how skilled/experienced, a person could not capture a pokemon they wished to harm in an unmodified/unhacked styler.
What about evil teams? Criminal organizations where pokeballs are readily available (Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, etc.) have simply used regular pokeballs for purposes of robbery, poaching, etc. Evil teams in regions where capture stylers are popular (Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia) have either heavily modified an experimental styler (Super Stylers) or needed to invent and produce an entirely new capture system (Gigaremo, Capture Gauntlet). This vastly limited available supply to team members, and speed of plans. I'm going to repeat that bit. Without access to pokeballs, evil teams found it easier to make, manufacture and distribute their own inventions than to use capture stylers for crime.
What happens if you defeat a criminal using a pokemon? Defeating a criminal (such as an evil team member) in a trainer battle may lead to an arrest, but they may also run away and keep the pokemon they own. When using a styler to capture pokemon controlled by other means (e.g. gigaremo units) the pokemon return to the wild.
You see why I think it's insane that of these two methods, one is meticulously regulated, and the other can be bought for pocket change at a corner store? In case anyone lacks reading comprehension, I'm not saying pokeballs make people evil. But it is a hell of a lot easier to commit crimes like mass trafficking with pokeballs than with stylers. And even well meaning, perfectly nice people can do things like drastically alter local pokemon populations by catching many in a short time span, or releasing them inappropriately. Pokeballs are insane and I'm so tired of people thinking I'm the weird one for saying so.
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For funsies, do you have thoughts about what pokemon each Cullen would be most likely to have? Like idk why but I picture Emmett with a Growlithe
I swear to god I had answered this somewhere but since I can't find it, I doubt others can find it.
Let's do it.
Per the Pokemon universe, Alice is very clearly a psychic and while a powerful one is more or less bog-standard and less terrifying than Sabrina.
I imagine Alice would have a Kadabra and they would have great fun together as Alice communicates for them and uses them to teleport her places she wishes to go.
Bella has an Eevee, not only is it appropriately normal/non-interesting looking but it's very vulnerable looking, weak compared to its potential evolutionary forms, and has that evolutionary potential to become almost anything for all Bella wouldn't really recognize that fact.
She'd love Eevee because it's a normal type, just like her, because Bella is so normal it hurts.
"Bella, that means only fighting types are super effective against you"
"I am so average."
Carlisle has a Chansey that becomes a Blissey that is his wife Esme. See, Carlisle was working at a Pokemon Center (as one does) and one day came in a tragic Chansey that had had to run away from its trainer and in the process lost its egg.
Everyone had given up on Chansey and Carlisle, cursing himself for being a vampire and probably terrifying the life out of her, ends up taking her home.
Chansey thrives in her new environment and, as all Chansey do, becomes progressively weird the more happy she is. Chansey evolves into a Blissey, a creature that will run at lightening speeds to offer you an egg in your time of need.
It is accepted in the Cullen household that Esme the Blissey is the Cullen mom. It's so accepted, they forget it's weird.
Bella comes to their house and Edward promises she'll love his mother.
Who is his mother?
The Blissey making Italian food in the kitchen because Isaballa is Italian right? (Despite Blissey only saying "Blissey" the plot does not change at all and Bella just assumes that when Blissey goes on a long chirping rant to her it's about how great Edward is.
Yeah, Edward must be her favorite blood sucking child.)
Edward doesn't have a pokemon.
This is because as a vampire he didn't want to corrupt a good, benign, pokemon with his presence (only the fact that Carlisle and Esme are so pure prevents him from feeling too terrible about Esme). So, Edward wants to gravitate towards more... ah... let's call them tempermental pokemon such as Gengar.
However, Edward doesn't actually want a Gengar, as he wants to be a good person worthy of the world, and a Gengar also doesn't want him for that same reason.
When he meets Bella, there's a dramatic moment where she helps him accept that he too can have a pokemon like a real boy. As Bella tells him what to get, and he wants to impress her, I imagine he gets a Dragonair as it's so beautiful and elegant, just like Bella thinks Edward is (he's never allowed to evolve it into a herp de derp Dragonite).
Growlithe and Arcanine in the pokemon world I think are a little too associated with duty/law enforcement to quite be Emmett's thing. Growlithes, while dogs, are very much watch dogs and have a steadfast seriousness when it comes to protection/the law or what have you.
I'm really struggling with him, actually.
I'm going to go with Aipom, good natured but extremely mischievous (and perhaps a little short sighted) who love to live in groups and are just looking for a good time.
Emmett would think his Aipom is the shit.
Emmett also has a Magikarp because he thinks it's hilarious. Its name is Splash. He will never ever trade it.
Esme is a Blissey. See above.
Though, a happy (but weird), day might come about when coming back from doing the shopping (which Blissey happily does now without having to worry about eating people even if the towns people of Poke Forks are a little surprised that the Blissey is just out there shopping... alone... or going to parent teacher conferences and just... acting like people) and what do you know there's an egg.
"This is our egg, Carlisle" Esme the Blissey clearly pantomimes.
"Sure," is what Carlisle says because he doesn't want to disagree (and pokemon work in mysterious ways) but he did not do the thing that you know humans do to procreate.
Anyways, point being, Esme at one point might have a little Happiny.
Rosalie looks on it with envy because while she adores Esme, EsMe CaN HaVE ChiLDrEN anD isN't a VAmPIrE.
Jasper has a Houndoom from his glory days at war. He tries to tell people it's not a Balrog.
Jasper is wrong, it is a Balrog.
There's a story here.
There is great debate over what pokemon Renemsee should get as it should be as special and wonderful as she is. Edward wants to give he ran Eevee, like her mother (Bella's Eevee having since evolved into some state Bella thinks is more cool/better) and for the symbolism of potential and growth that Eevees represent.
Bella wants to give her daughter a Dratini, something that will grow up to be beautiful and elegant and otherworldly (and never a Dragonite, never, it will only stay a Dratini).
Esme of course offers her beloved daughter Happiny (but isn't that your child Esme???) as well as an egg in Renesmee's time of need.
Alice wants her with something adorable like a Pichu, Azumarill, or what have you. It will look great in pictures. And must never ever be allowed to evolve.
Emmett wants to give her a Magikarp which they will name "Splash Two" or "Splashnesmee".
Jacob, of course, wants to give Renesmee a Mightyena because it's a wolf. "It will eat her face, Jacob" Bella does not want to do this even if she admits the symbolism is touching.
In all the bickering, Renesmee stumbles across a Cleffa (stumble being that a spaceship arrived and hit her in the face). Cleffa, being extremely rare and alien, is not recognized by the Cullens who stare and wonder "what is that thing".
Alice supposes it's cute, if not what she had in mind, she can work with this. Bella, Edward, and Jacob are all still upset and trying to get Renesmee to give the thing to Esme to raise so she can have their pokemon instead.
Renesmee ends up with all the pokemon, but does not get rid of Cleffa.
I actually put Rosalie as having a Chikorita. Chikoritas are steadfast, loyal to those they love, as well as courageous. While a Vulpix and Ninetales would appeal to Rosalie's aesthetics, being incredibly beautiful, Chikorita would have all the qualities she'd look for in a friend/partner that is a Pokemon while also being able to be nurturing/help with chores and things (via the use of helpful vines versus well fire balls).
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incognito-lionbeast · 5 months
Anyway, while I'm sure there are probably more fitting Pokemon, in this AU Luo Binghe is a Magikarp that Shen Yuan met whilst visiting a lake at the bottom of a nearby waterfall-- doing his Disney Princess shtick with the local poke-fauna. He offered the sad, bullied little fish some food, because all Pokemon are good Pokemon. SY figured that the poor thing had been carelessly dumped into the lake, since Magikarp are one of few weak Pokemon humans will touch/keep as pets.... for a little while, anyway.
From that point, he visits regularly, because the lake is a prime spot for all sorts of research & Bingkarp grows very, very attached. Yet, Shen Yuan never invited Binghe to join his team. After all, SY already has a few decent Pokemon companions & he'd grown so accustomed to seeing Binghe at the lake... it really just hadn't occurred to him as an option.
So, Bingkarp grows determined to improve his cultivation & achieve human form so that he could one day be useful to Shen Yuan/properly thank him for his kindness. With words. That SY can understand.
TLDR some time later, Shen Yuan finds a freshly evolved Gyarados in human form, nearly unconscious, who... being so new can only mutter his own name. Gyarados. Assuming, as one might, that his Magikarp friend had evolved & attacked this stranger for being in the wrong place at the wrong time (given Gyarados' general temperament), Shen Yuan feels responsible. So, he takes Binghe back to Cang Qiong for treatment--
And everyone on Cang Qiong assumes that the very obvious Pokemon is one of Shen Yuan's new companions (which happens on occasion; he is a trainer, after all). Therefore, Shen Yuan is shocked that the "human" Binghe is just. Allowed to stay. With little to no effort to convince Yue Qingyuan. Satisfied, he's delighted to have a incredibly handsome new human disciple to help him & they start to bond. Again.
(Binghe is nervous/isn't sure how to correct him... so he's put in a similar position as everyone else. Unsure how to tell Shen Yuan the truth, but at least he seems happy..?)
After trying & failing for weeks to locate his potentially rampaging Magik--Gyarados friend, there is an actual rampaging Gyarados that the sect is forced to deal with (and SY fears the worst). Yet, seeing his chance to make Shizun happy, Binghe covertly assumes his Pokemon form & neutralizes/chases off the other Gyarados. At this point, Shen Yuan recognises THIS Gyarados as his Gyarados [due to a unique mark on his forehead/crest], and finally realizes.... he should have asked this a long time ago... he asks if Binghe wants to join him.
Bingyarados slams his face into the pokeball so eagerly that he nearly knocks Shen Yuan over-- a Shen Yuan who was expecting to at least battle Gyarados first. Y'know, as is proper & respectful. Binghe's pokeball doesn't even wiggle once before it clicks closed, a successful capture.
...now Binghe has to juggle both identities. It's very comical. They'll figure it out eventually.
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book-of-legends · 5 months
[Response to this reply from @ask-team-misfit]
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The Meowstic seemed to stare in confusion momentarily as he attempted to process all of the information Lief was saying. When he finally did, one thing stood out from the rest.
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"Um. I'm... not sure what you mean by that. I don't understand how spice tolerance is related… Is this some kind of new-age informal language?" Sirius seemed extremely confused at this.
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"I really don't get out that much, Is 'spicy' a common slang term Pokemon use now? ...Maybe I need to catch up with the outside world more..." It appears being stuck in his office constantly was starting to take a toll on his knowledge of current trends.
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"But to answer your questions... You're actually the, um. Third or fourth intruder? I've lost count already, it's all quite stressful I just got back from a job a few hours ago." He sighed before, thinking over Lief's other questions, they were good but a little hard to explain in one go.
"I'm sorry but I think you might be mistaken, we do not fabricate the U-gates. We can make parts to repair them, yes. But it's virtually impossible to make a deity U-gate. Every time a U-gate attempt has been made by us mortals, they're limited to in-universe travel only. The U-gates I specialize in fixing are made from god magic, they're a type of Hoopa ring. Mortal-made U-gates are under an entirely different subject." "Asking me to explain those is like trying to ask someone who raises Magikarp to tell you how to take care of a Feebas. They're both fish but they have completely different needs."
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"Shutting down a gate is... a complicated subject. I could go into the process of how a gate is 'closed off' but I fear we may be here for a while if I do. I will try my best to sum it up, however." "If we're discontinuing the use of a U-gate we're required to assess why, report back to Earendel and if we're able to, contact the Keeper to discuss the matter further. A common reason U-gates are discontinued is because they're located in either feral universes, extremely dangerous ones or the U-gate is just completely broken." "At that point, it's a matter of removing the core safely, dismantling it and bringing it to Lunala for disposal. After that, we ban or remove the universe from our star maps."
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"And yes, we can control the gates. That is what the Keepers are for, they help everyday travellers operate the U-gates and be sent on their merry way to whatever universe they'd like." "We keep star maps updated so Keepers can do their jobs. I hope that satisfied your curiosity!" He gave a smile before nodding. "If you have any more questions I'm happy to get into it further."
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dittolicous · 4 months
More on my One Piece x Pokemon train:
Sanji's Milotic is his Little Princess, even before she evolved. Daddy's little girl. Queen of doing no wrong. It's a good thing she's actually quite well-mannered and sweet, because he'd honestly let her get away with murder.
If her and Gyarados do ever have an egg, Zoro will have a fight to keep Sanji from turning Gyarados into sushi. For now, both are entirely unaware their Pokemon are mated.
Actually imagine one day she finally DOES, Sanji coming across her curled around an egg and losing his ever-loving-shit - immediately calls a crew meeting to find out who DEFLOWERED HIS PRECIOUS BABY GIRL, demanding to see every water type in her egg group (which lbr they wouldn't keep up with that so that would then devolve into a debate over egg grouping and pokemon breeding all while sanji is fuming). of course, except for zoro, everyone else knows who the father but is staying quiet either 1) for the lulz 2) to keep damages down or 3) isnt paying attention (aka luffy). this goes on for a while when suddenly
CRRK CRRK the egg begins to hatch! theres silence on the deck as the new baby burst free, sparkle sparkle sparkle sparkle
its a shiny fucking magikarp
sanjis neck cracks so loud from the speed he turns on zoro, steam pouring out his ears, chopper almost drags him to the infirmary just to check him out
he'd rather kick Zoro's ass
sends him flying off deck bcuz he was napping the entire time
here come the swords!
its mass chaos
poor franky is overworked
once things calm down it turns into a debate on who takes ownership of the magikarp, zoro n sanji feuding like bitter exes divorced thrice over determining custody time for lil timmy
(they end up leaving it in Momo's care as symbol of friendship - he takes very good care of them)
Luffy never just catches Pokemon. He's the Ash, his team is entirely composed of Pokemon that are like ‘his vibes are immaculate’ and join him. There are numerous Pokemon he considers ‘his’ or part of his crew strewn out across the seas, but he never caught them and they stayed behind for one reason or another.
For a good portion of his travels, he didn’t even actually catch them with Pokeballs. He only did so after Marineford, because having them in Pokeballs would've made things easier and safer for them. Still doesn't keep them put away often.
Sanji and Nami are scared of Bug Types, which made getting along with Zoro's Scythor and Usopp's Spinarak difficult at first. They got used to Sythor easier thanks to his less buggy nature, but Spinarak took time. This was not helped by Spinarak constantly trying to get chummy with them only to accidentally scare them.
One incident involved him pulling a Charlotte's Web in the gally, writing a compliment to Sanji in his web (Usopp taught him how to read and write because why not - bored island kids do whatever). Unfortunately, Sanji's horrified screams could probably be heard in Skypiea. Usopp spent hours cleaning all the webbing up and Sanji smoked about three packs that day.
They do eat Pokemon but it's less common compared to regular animals. There are debates that Pokemon just tend to not taste very good regardless of cooking skills, which lends itself to the idea that their powers are somehow connected to the ever nasty Devil Fruit.
Y'know that gag from Pokemon where Brock's own Pokemon would knock him around when he goes girl-crazy? Ya, that but Sanji. His team absolutely takes him down a peg when he gets too fuck-boy.
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It's usually his Blaziken, who will just straight up knock him out and carry him away if need be
The only one who doesn't is Milotic and that's because Sanji is her baby just as much as she is his and she wuvs him too much. Spoils him, really
Usopp gets Robin one of those baby slings for her Houndour as a joke but they love it (she puts on matching sunglasses too so he can travel in style)
it's to the point that Chopper gets a little jealous so they have to get him one too
Usopp's Octillary is still a lil shit no matter how much he respects Usopp, so it's not uncommon for her to cover whoever happens to be nearby in either ink or water
her favorite victim is Sanji - she never did forgive him calling her scrawny (even tho it meant they wouldn't eat her)
All of Franky's Pokemon have a star painted or carved somewhere on their body. They like posing with him!
Franky does want a Blastoisite but they haven't had much luck finding one
Brook's Chatot picks up many, many phrases…. unfortunately he, much like Brook, favors the one asking to see panties - the only upside is that he asks everyone regardless of gender
Chatot is not allowed to talk to strangers for totally unrelated reasons
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spotlightlowlife · 3 months
Pokemon Concierge Haz a lot it could teach Hangout Hotel
Pokemon concierge had a young lady lead named Haru who lacked confidence, direction and presence.
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She was venturing into a new job where she would be hosting and helping pokemon at a peaceful location.
Haru isn't very sure of herself around pokemon, she doesn't know where to start with them and being that she is entirely new, she doesn't know their stories, she doesn't know her coworkers, she doesn't really know what the resort has to offer.
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Charlie has yet to be seen expressing an interest in the backgrounds, what they think and feel or the future aspirations of any of her guests or residents, even though we have the very ambitious Alastor and major secret holding Vaggie right under her nose, we also have Mimzy who remembers her past life, how many others do? Who knows, Charlie doesn't seem interested. Would all these things not be vital in rehabilitation?
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Charlie we know to be on the clueless side. While pilot Charlie had some humility, current Charlie is an occasional sulk. She isn't a sinner and she isn't in their position but she wants to help, she has a plan to rehabilitate them at her hotel, however she has yet to see her plans take off. It is unclear how long she has held her intentions.
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Lack of confidence and direction became Haru's strength
Haru is quiet, doesn't have a particular trade and dwells upon areas where she is behind others
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she definitely finds her strength in working with pokemon.
Haru had several moments being a downer on herself and her clumsiness looking like bad luck, but that was quickly used to have her empathise with the numberours nervous and awkward guests and residents, such as the infamous, awkward hapless psyduck
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who went on to be her sidekick.
As for the series mascot Pikachu, we had a storyline of a pikachu very unlike it's type
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a nervous and low energy introvert with a lack of interests who struggled to find its voice.
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This pikachu wasn't what it's owner expected and had him concerned, but that wasn't a problem, the owner could approach Haru with his concerns, no judgement just understanding all around and many things to try out.
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Pikachu did open up with losing any of its docile nature.
Charlie faces few challenges, which could easily be a good thing. It isn't important that we see her get her hotel, it's clear that being a princess is how she got it, but still, what is she doing with it? What's the appeal of this place?
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Charlie pushed daddy issues only for her daddy issues to boil down to 'give me what I want to prove you love me', which could have been excellent had Charlie come across as a spoilt princess which could explain her immaturity. Her dad was hardly resistant to her ideas, they have actually been given to him.
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Charlie is not out on her own, dispite her lack of chemistry with anyone.
Some pokemon are regulars at the resort
We had the sweet story of the disabled magikarp who made the effort to keep up.
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Magikarp wasn't a strong swimmer and was reliant on its float ring which got swiped.
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Haru set off to find the float ring, a simple yet gesture but one of he most helpful things she could possibly do.
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She didn't succeed in returning to ring, not for lack of trying, however magikarp soon made huge improvements upon being facing the challenge of it's go to tool being absent and evolved.
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Magikarp benefited from that one unprompt push that it had no control over. Haru was able to instantly and instinctively go to the most obvious option to help and she wasn't all talk, she made the effort, she spoke what she set out to do and went forth to do it, clearly this touched Magikarp enough to find her.
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As covered, what is Alastor up to?
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She knows he is shifty, she ignores others concerns and since he's a sinner, does she not hope to rehabilitate him? Would he not be a particularly challenging case and a perfect success story?
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As covered, Mimzy remembers her human life, she actually remembers Alastor from back then, Mimzy has money troubles, would an invite into this big hotel not be beneficial for their atleast an effort to help a situation on Charlie's part?
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It's pretty debatable if Charlie even wants those she likes to move on anywhere?
What exactly had Vaggie done to become a sinner? How had the two of them known eachother for years and at some point started dating yet Charlie never once asked how Vaggie grew up
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or what was going on when they met?
Why should Angeldust move anywhere when he puts on an act of confidence which Charlie buys and is now in a big hotel running shoulders with a princess?
We have a variety of characters, all hosting a load of personality, abilities and connections, then there's Charlie who's just there waiting on someone to present her with something, take into account her apparent lack of interest in those she likes and ask, how often does Charlie bother with those who she isn't cuddly with?
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Use of power
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Where Haru is a kind and patient, inoffensive debbie downer with her heart in the right place, who ultimately thrived hanging out with inhumans, Charlie is simply nice because she's not doing anything wrong (or anything at all), Hazbin misses out by not having Charlie show any elitist side and reminding us that she isn't really one of them.
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Redacted Incorrect Quotes Pt. ?
Haha you really thought my lazy ass was gonna work on WIPs? Nah. Have some redacted incorrect quotes based on tweets I saw, either on the app or screenshots of.
No I don’t care if the dashes are uneven.
Redacted Masterlist
Angel: *Flirting poorly with Davey at the grocery store* Hey so do you eat food often?
Sweetheart: Curious George is not a monkey because he has no tail. He is an ape. He will grow into a silverback gorilla and kill the man with the yellow hat in a display of dominance.
Milo: I’m literally just trying to read to Aggro.
Milo: I love when kittens yell, but their heads are too big so they squint.
Guy: Roommate broke up with boyfriend that cooks for us. Excuse me while I go die.
Angel: In 1920 we took children out of the coal mine. In 2020 the most popular game on the market is minecraft. 
Baabe: Children yearn for mines.
*3 AM*
No one:
Asher, in wolf form: I wonder if I can break the record with how loud I can lick my paw.
Darlin: If civilization crumbles, I have a little flashlight in a drawer somewhere.
Sweetheart: Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” is about friends practicing magic but when someone walks in they have to play it cool.
Milo: No. It isn’t.
Sweetheart: *starts singing* The moon is bright, the spirits up. We’re here tonight, and that’s enough. *whispers* This is the part where someone comes in. *Continues pointedly* Simply having a wonderful christmastime!
Angel: My husband gives people a thumbs down instead of flicking them off when driving. He reports that a thumbs down makes them a lot more angry.
Adam: I would be such a good “dead wife”. Like, can you imagine how good I would look in a dead wife flashback sequence? Someone make me their “dead wife.
David: As a kid I thought Simba was crazy for running away after the death of Mufasa. But now watching it as an adult, I get it. It did look pretty incriminating of him leading Mufasa to that gorge. Witnesses saw him singing “I just can’t wait to be king.” A persecutor could do some real damage with that conviction.
Honey: I don’t like the saying “don’t speak ill of the dead”. It always struck me as disingenuous. People are multi-layered. Yes, I did light up a room. But I also stole my roommate’s milk to make mac and cheese blackout hammered. Let’s acknowledge both sides.
David, giving a pep talk to the pack: For anyone feeling down, just remember Velveeta cheese has been on the market since 1918. If trash cheese can succeed, so can you. And for anyone who likes Velveeta cheese, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you like trash cheese.
Angel: Lying awake thinking about the time I ordered a giant magikarp plush from Japan but then got refunded because the plushie got crushed under a shipping container.
Asher, and maybe Guy too: I’m here if you need moron support. It’s like moral support but I’m stupid.
David: If I have to throw a party for my pack, it will be breakfast. Not lunch. Not dinner. It will start at 8:30 am so there is a valid reason for no one to come and I can kick them out before noon because I only promised breakfast, not lunch. The introverts will win even if it kills me.
Milo and Ollie: My cat has no responsibilities, but all day he walks from around the house, from room to room, with this sense of purpose, as if he has a long to-do list of tasks no one asked for. Just a weird small furry dude going about his little cat errands.
Freelancer: Aww my microbiome fancies some high quality fermented foods, does it? A little kombucha perhaps? I don’t give a shit. I’m a megabiome, I do what I want. I’m having a fanta lemon. I’ll swallow coins.
Lovely: I would be an awesome drug dealer. Like, can you imagine? *giggles* We don’t have coke, is pepsi okay?
Freelancer: Math professors be wildin like “a man tossed a coin, find the probability of him getting a head?” BRO WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU GOT A H-
Huxley: I wanna reply back same to my data analytics professor so badly!!
David, at the pack solstice parties: I, myself, am understaffed at this time.
Milo with Marie watching Aggro for him:
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Asher: Fuck your zodiac sign, what button do you press when it says “press any button to start”
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the-true-noodles · 9 months
incorrect miraculous ladybug quotes 2! (because we need more of them)
part 1
Nathalie: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Nathalie: *upends the bottle*
*Marinette's second day of interning for Gabriel*
Gabriel: Hand me the people opener.
Marinette: ...
Marinette: Pardon?
Gabriel, annoyed: The people opener! Just hand it to me!
Marinette, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER?
Gabriel: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle?
Marinette: Knife. It's called a knife.
Adrien: *walks to cabinet, removes oreo box, takes half a sleeve, throws empty box out* Hi!
Nathalie: Hey- what are you doing-?
Adrien, shoving an oreo into their mouth: I am saving space :D
Gabriel: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name?
Nathalie: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know.
Gabriel: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
Chat Noir: honk.
Gabriel: WHAT.
Chat Noir: HONK.
Ladybug: So, what's it like living with Hawkmoth?
Mayura: They once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter."
Ladybug: ...
Mayura: I love him so much.
Mayura: Where's Chat Noir?
Hawkmoth: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Hawkmoth, shouting: Ladybug sucks!
Chat Noir, distantly: Ladybug is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Hawkmoth: Found them.
Nathalie: I just heard Gabriel call the dog a “fucking liar” because he barked like someone was at the door and no one was there.
Chat Noir: You know, Hawkmoth, when you generalize, you tell general... lies.
Hawkmoth: ...
Hawkmoth: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Nathalie: How are you gonna carve a gigantic pumpkin?
Gabriel: The same way I make onion rings!
Gabriel: *grabs a chainsaw*
Nino: Hey, you want a tarot reading?
Gabriel: Those are Pokemon cards.
Nino You got a magikarp.
Gabriel: ...
Nino: It means 'fuck you'.
Hawkmoth: Here's two facts about me.
Hawkmoth: 1. I hate hot people.
Hawkmoth: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
*the day this man goes out of the house by himself*
Gabriel: Keep it running. *Tosses keys over shoulder into empty parking lot.*
Ladybug: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Chat Noir: I saw you.
Ladybug: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Hawkmoth in a turkey costume.
Marinette: My hands are cold.
Adrien: Here, let me hold them.
Marinette: My lips are cold too.
Adrien: *covers Marinette's mouth with their hand*
Gabriel: If we lose, you’re out of the will.
Nathalie: I was in the will?
Nathalie: Are you having another depressive episode?
Gabriel: A depressive episode?
Gabriel: I'm having a depressive series and we're just on season one.
Gabriel, entering the room: *Sees Adrien and leaves*
Adrien, watching Gabriel leave: There’s my monthly dose of my dad…
*Marinette and Nathalie are planning to break in somewhere to save Adrien without Gabriel knowing he was missing*
Marinette: We need to distract the guards.
Nathalie: Right.
Marinette: What are we gonna do?
Nathalie: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Marinette: Deal.
Hawkmoth You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Chat Noir: Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
Adrien: *Gasp*
Marinette: wHAT??
Adrien: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Marinette: *inhales*
Gabriel, in another room with Nathalie: Why can I hear screeching?
*during a temporary ceasefire because reasons??*
Ladybug: Hawkmoth learned how to fold origami penguins from Chat Noir the other day. I told them, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day they put them in the fridge.
Gabriel: Where did you get that tomato soup?
Adrien: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
Gabriel: Christmas is cancelled.
Adrien: You can't cancel a holiday.
Gabriel: Keep it up, Adrien, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Adrien: What does that mean?
Gabriel: Nathalie, take New Year's away from Adrien.
Hawkmoth: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Gabriel, digging their grave: Long story short, this is my grave.......Want me to make you one too?
*marinette's internship is something i want to think would be really funny*
Marinette: Hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Gabriel: What the hell!?
Marinette: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Marinette, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson?
Gabriel, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
Marinette: So, are you two friends?
Gabriel: Yes.
Natalie: No.
Chat Noir: You use emoji’s like a straight person.
Hawkmoth: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Gabriel: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind.
Gabriel: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months.
Gabriel: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year?
Nathalie: This is Monopoly.
Hawkmoth: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
Gabriel, putting their hands over Nathalie's eyes: Guess who!
Nathalie: It's either Gabriel or the cold, clammy hands of death.
Gabriel, putting their hands away: It's Gabriel!
Nathalie: Dammit.
Ladybug: We need to open this locked door. Nathalie, give me your credit card.
Nathalie: Here.
Ladybug, pocketing it: Thanks. Chat, cataclysm the door.
Nathalie: When was the last time you cried?
Adrien: Uh 15 minutes ago, why??
Nathalie: really? That recent?
Adrien: Yeah *voice crack* is that a issue? *starts crying again*
Ladybug: Why are you always trying to aggravate me?
Hawkmoth: To relax.
*Something crashes*
Adrien: Shoot-
Gabriel: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?!
Nathalie: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
(sorry for taking so long)
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obscuriites · 3 months
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octopath 2 as pokemon trainers! extended commentary (SPOILERS FOR BASICALLY EVERYONE'S STORY) under cut so it doesn't take up 2+ pages. Please do not think too hard about the trainer sprite choices 💗
Okay! Some of these were really easy to make (Ochette, Castti and Temenos), and some were... a bit of a challenge (Partitio and Throné)
VERY self explanatory. Solgaleo is Juvah (white lion), Decidueye is a combination of Mahina and Ochette's hunter class (owl and elemental arrows), Thieval is.. a fox resembling Akalā that's physical based, Shiny Magikarp is Acta (not that good, evolves after putting in a lot of effort), Turtonator is Tera (anatomy, typing), and finally, Articuno is clearly Glacis (Legendary ice bird)
Ochette's whole story is about collecting legendaries, of course her team is half legendaries and pseudo-legendaries
Here, we start to have some more pokemon that integrate character's personality. Mega Kangaskhan is Castti's very mother bear-esque personality, nurturing yet ready to chop off someone's limbs anytime. Combusken is also an extension of this (with Castti often being called a mother hen). For some reason to me, Combusken felt more fitting to me than Blaziken, probably because it resembles a chicken more.
Lapras! This one has two reasons. It knows Sing (Castti's nighttime path action knocking people out), and Surf (We all know Castti's history with maritime traveling). Its personality also matches with Castti's drive to care for everyone.
Breloom was chosen because of its Poison Heal ability combined with it's grass/poison duotyping. Torkoal is similar as it was chosen because of it's drought ability. Both of these tie into her final chapter.
Mamoswine is Wooly-Ooly 🙂
Lillipup is her buppy 🙂... + the pokedex entry for shield
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Klefki is Throné's keys for her collar coming from her parents (Klefki can learn thief, her thief parents carry her keys)
Tandemous, the Couple Pokemon, represents Mother and Father! They both teach moves to Throné that she uses throughout her life (Charm, Thief, Substitute, etc.)
Sneasler is Throne's (NO ACCENT, MY CTRL-V BROKE FOR TUMBLR ONLY.) collar, with the ability Poison Touch. Its lone wolf personality, combined with its general abilities works well as Throne.
Seviper is a black snake. Dodrio is meant to represent the structure of The Blacksnakes though, constantly fighting with its other heads until one becomes the "leader".
Overall I did try to give Throne more speedy pokemon to fit her class and Aeber's Reckoning.
Drampa! This represents his fatherly personality that he keeps behind his scary looks. It's very Osvald-coded to me, can you please just look at its pokedex entries? (burning homes to the ground. haha. it's almost like his third chapter... and his backstory)
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Charizard is his ever-burning flame in his chest, his life. Blaziken is like this except for its extra fighting typing as well as it's ability to learn Knock Off, an move that damages opponents while also removing their items (Mugging)
Alakazam... let me just pull up the dex entry. This also ties into Osvald's "Calculations complete!" battle line.
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Golurk is Rita (I didn't want to do Golem the pokemon so I chose the next best thing, and the ghost typing helps. I'm so sorry.), Kirlia is Elena (beautiful child, only becoming more beautiful through a better environment)
This is a trainwreck (cue boos). Partitio is the result of me throwing things together despite him being one of my favorite Octopath characters.
I tried to give a lot of his pokemon a secondary business advantage!
Fidough is one of these! It's bread, one of the things he could barely get enough of as a child. Fidough can kickstart the fermenting process w its yeast and it's adorable. Its also Garnet 2, less of a meanie.
Shuckle... hah. Shucks. Another one for the business advantage of berry juice (unless that harms it. then it's there for comedy). Good at foraging, probably a Partitio trait.
Snorlax um... rest move... Partitio's nap action. Needs high friendship to evolve.
Rapidash is from Partitio being described as a wild stallion as well as it's ability to learn Ember, magic that Partitio also knows.
Meowth is there because it holds an Amulet Coin, acting as the Grows on Trees ability
Musharna is Partitio's dreams and how he's made his big dreams help the whole world defeat poverty 🙂
Okay, there's a lot of obvious dancers here. There's also a lot of grass/bug types to show that she's a countrygirl from the Leaflands
Hitmonlee is there because it's the first kicker of the fighting types (Dancer's Ruinous Kick). It's flexible also, like Agnea (I assume superstar dancers are ?? really flexible???)
Leavanny, while it is graceful, only knows Swords Dance. Leavanny is actually meant to represent Agnea's father, with its ability to make clothing (See below).
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I chose Oricorio's Baile form as Agnea wears a more flamenco-esque dress
Swoobat is there because of its klutz/clumsy ability (we are introduced to Agnea by helping her find her lost purse), and because of its heart stamp attack (This references the travel banter between Agnea and Temenos in her final chapter where he tries to teach her how to remember each of the 8 gods, "Dancers seal with a kiss".)
Clefairy is just very Agnea to me, very cute and adorable little fairy.
Roserade is a straight forward Agnea reference, grass dancer
We start off with a Crick reference right away: Honedge. It's a steel-ghost, just like Crick 🙂. Unevolved base form pokemon, like how Crick is only a "newly anointed knight". Also bc Crick uses swords, I'm sorry.
(Mega) Houndoom is Temenos, the Pontiff's Hound. Having Temenos be a dark type fits him best, considering how he barely fits into the church and brings down the Sacred Guard.
Lycanroc's Midnight form is what Roi looks like to me. That's it.
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Hatterene is Temenos'... off-putting nature ("Omg so cute ^_^ wait holy shit what's wrong with you" energy) as well as his inquire ability (see below). Disarming voice is like Breaking during an Inquisition in my head. Dazzling Gleam is like Holy Light. Misty Explosion is like Temenos' EX Heavenly Shine, except with swapped consequences (Misty Explosion wipes out your entire HP bar, Heavenly Shine wipes out your entire SP bar).
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Zoroark is Temenos' mask, that only comes off at the very end of the game. He's the black sheep of the church. He's lonely, but he's there. Does anyone hear me. Literally look 🔽
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Samurott. It's a sword-wielding pokemon. It's a samurai. Hikari needs water.
Machamp is Mugen, look at those arms.
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Braviary is an eagle, like Kuzan! With the psychic typing of its second form, it reminds me of Kuzan's transition in the end from being Ku's greatest tactician to Oboro of the Moonshade Order who revived Vide.
Arctozolt is Rai Mei, electric ice type (electric abilities living in Stormhail). The only one in pokemon.
Mightyena is well. Hikari's loyalty reminds me of pack animal behavior (lovingly). It also knows Swagger and Taunt which reminds me of Incite.
Marowak is there because Bone Rush reminds me Aggressive Slash as both are multi-hit moves. See also, its dex entries
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blueisquitetired · 7 months
Ages ago back when Legends Arceus first came out, I toyed with the idea of completing a shiny dex. (Replacing every dex picture with its shiny counterpart) I got halfway through before massive mass outbreak hunting kinda killed my motivation. But! With Eevee week in Violet finally letting me complete the entire shiny eevee family, I regained some of that former vigor and have decided to give it another go!
I won’t spam you with updates since this is first and foremost an art/writing blog, but since I mostly do submas stuff I thought some of you might be mildly interested lol.
My two rules for myself are-
1: Transferring from other games is both allowed and encouraged. Shiny hunting distortion spawns is an exercise in misery and I will not participate in its madness. Those bad boys are getting Mesuda methoded
2: I’m not doing legendaries or mythicals. While I DO have the resources to do most of them, I find legendary hunts boring and uninteresting. (It’s mostly loading screens) And they’re long!! I could maybe do it if I only had to do one… but 10ish is far far too many (especially since I’d have to replay through bdsp TWICE to even START some hunts) Hunting all the legendaries would take up most of the time if I let it
Anyway, I’ll only post about my progress every so often (less then once a week lol) but if you want to block them completely I’ll be using the tag #blue’s shiny hunting adventures
All that being said- I’m currently at about 123/224!
(Extra info under readmore for those curious)
Here’s my current list! There’s probably some errors in there (as well as spelling mistakes but everything is highlighted in red so I’ll never know what’s ACTUALLY spelled wrong) but this is fine for now lol
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Shinies I’ve transferred from other games so far include:
- a shiny patcharisu that I caught in bdsp via radar
- a shiny magikarp and garados I caught in a new years event in sword AGES ago
- a shiny sneasel (+weavile dex entry) that I hunted in violet named Lady Baby
- a shiny bergmite who I hunted in Violet named Akari (who I did NOT evolve so I’ll need a new one anyway)
- a shiny umbreon and espeon who I painstakingly hatched with perfect IVS in Violet
- a shiny vaporeon who I spent AGES hunting in Violet
- a shiny flareon and glaceon who I accidentally ran into ten seconds apart from each other when I wandered into their mass outbreak in Violet
- a shiny jolteon and leafeon who I casually hunted for and found later that day in Violet
- a shiny abamasnow, rufflet (+braviary dex entry), snorunt (+frostless dex entry), toxicroak, and golduck I found randomly while playing Violet
Since starting this challenge yesterday I have found a shiny starly, chatot, remoraid (+octillery dex entry), and tangela!
I also currently am at 32 perfect dex entries and will hopefully have more by the end of this lol
And, of course, here’s my current shinies physically in Legends Arceus!
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ask-team-misfit · 2 months
@vi-riolu @azurriea-gods Judir and Ytri
The two approach Lief, Judir shoveling some food into his face hole
Ytri: "You seem to be of weak will in this place? Your mind wanders and doesn't seem to appreciate the company?"
Judir: "She means you seem out of place and uncomfortable."
Ytri gave Judir a certain look
Ytri: "Not much is going on though. Thought we could ask to hang out with you?"
Ytri would continue speaking but in some ancient language that only Judir seemed to understand.
[ @vi-riolu ; @azurriea-gods ]
Well that was fast. Perhaps he really did stand out that much.
With a somewhat judgemental glance, he looked at Ytri, then Judir. He slowly took another bite of his snack.
Lief: "Well, yeah? And you aren't? I mean we're both seeing the same thing here, right?"
His gaze briefly shifted towards the humanoid 'mons in the crowd.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. He is frowning visibly. An angular question mark is floating next to his head at the left. End ID ]
Lief: "Like what is that? I may as well be a Magikarp out of water here. No shit I'm feeling weird about it."
He focused back on the duo in question, swallowing his mouthful. He huffed at the Azelf's last question.
Lief: "Don't know why you want me of all Pokemon, but knock yourself out, I guess. But on one condition; how I feel, or how I don't feel? Not your business."
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pokeheadcannons97 · 1 year
Hey hey I really enjoy your writing so why not request something when I have the chance? I really liked the headcanons you did for wally with a short s!/o so may I request the same ones for Silver, Cress, Cheren and Curtis? I hope I didn't break any rules with this, have a nice day/evening! ^^
Is such a brat. Will unbashingly tease you when you can't reach things, but will still help you with a teasing smirk on his face.
Will call you things like, "short stack, shortie, fun sized.", but only in a private setting. It's never in malice though.
When you're out in public however, he drops the nicknames and usually tends to use your first name.
If someone other than him teases you in public about your height?
His Typhlosion will desecrate them without a moments hesitation. Both him and his pokemon are very protective of you.
He's the shorter twin, he gets you. Sometimes it sucks to be on the shorter side but you gotta make some good out of it.
Good thing that since he's still taller than you he can hug you from behind and rest his head on top of yours.
He likes to do this at the more private of times though.
If it gets you down he is quick to reassure you, and overtime you come to be comfortable with it if you weren't already.
He is always offering to help you reach things like ingredients, or tall placed dishware in the cupboards.
He's even named a dish after you since your stature reminds him of a little Pidove.
Surprisingly but not really, a popular item on the menu, especially when you serve them to the customers yourself. Pidove hairclip for all to see.
He's such a tall guy compared to you that it'd been more than one occasion you've both gotten comments on it.
He secretly likes that your shorter than him because your face would come to the middle of his chest when he hugged you. It made him feel like you were safe with him and he could protect you.
When he has classes as a teacher when he's not a gym leader his students comment on how short you were compared to him.
He would chuckle softly in reply before telling them that there were all kinds of people and it was nothing to feel different about.
This made your heart melt when you heard this while you were holding the lunch he forgot outside his classroom door.
He wouldn't care in the slightest, absolutely not. He would take it as the list of ever expanding aspects he adored about you.
He is so busy with his idol work that he never figured he would be able to date anyone and fall in love, so when you came along it absolutely didn't matter to him. Didn't matter what size, looks, height, etc.
He loves you so much and is so protective of you when you're out in public and will immediately shut down any comments that would even have the chance of turning sour.
He likes when the two of you are fishing and you catch a rather huge catch that you have to stand in your tippy toes so the poor Magikarp isn't bending at the earth below as he takes a picture.
If you can't see something he lifts you up from your sides to where you can see and has offered to give you a lift to take a picture of things closer when your camera wasn't cooperating. He surprisingly strong.
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