#and they’ll only have a king if they are in dire need of a ruler
grooviestsadpapaya · 27 days
Sorry if this is too much of a bother but I gotta know…
Do you have a design for Princess Ruto??
(Not for any specific reason definitely not)
You may have :] a sneak peek :] I based her design on a flapper because!! I don’t know!! I was seized by a destructive spirit!! Okay it was the feather. It was definitely the feather.
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She likes Twilink
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Part 4
Summary: You confront Jon about his true parentage and discuss what to do next. You win a new ally but lose a person dear to you and become on the verge of exploding.
Part one, two, three
Warnings: GoT seaosn 8 episodes 4 & 5 spoilers, character death.
A/N: this was to be a three parts one shot, but it turned out to be a mini series. There are going to be one or two more parts. Also, I’m writing and posting this from my phone since I’m on vacation in Spain, so I won’t be able to add a keep reading link, sorry!
Word Count: 1777.
“Are you drunk?” after the celebration, you went to Jon’s room to talk about the situation. He was sitting on his bed and thinking about something.
”No” he stood up and tried to walk but almost fell” Only a little...I didn't know Ser Jorah well but I know this.
If he could have chosen a way to die, it would have been protecting you”.
“He loved my mother and me as if I was his own daughter. As much as I want to wish that I you'd never told me, I can’t. The truth hurts sometimes but I’m happy that you did- well, If I didn't know, I'd be happy right now. What I meant is that I appreciate your honesty and thank you for not keeping the truth from me even though you knew the risks of what might happen. I swore to my mother that I will take back what’s rightfully ours, but then you told me and
I saw them gathered around you. I saw the way they looked at you. I know that look. So many people have looked at me that way, but never here. Never on this side of the sea”.
“Y/n, I-“ he had an apologetic look on his face and was about to say something before you interrupted him.
“I have been thinking about that night and what you’ve told me an I couldn’t stop about the promise I made my mother, but she trusted me to do what’s right and she sent me here to make my own decisions and I have made a decision. You are the heir to the iron throne. You have a better claim to it that my mother or I. I promised her to take back what’s rightfully ours... but it isn’t rightfully ours, is it? I will not pursue the Iron Throne anymore. It’s all yours, Jon Snow”.
“If it was any other man standing in front of me, I would’ve never given it up, even if he was the rightful heir to the throne. You know why? Because I know men. My mother warned me about them. She said there are only a few good incorruptible men left and it would be rare to find one, but I found you and Iove you. I believe you will make a good king and be just. I know you have no desire for whores or heavy drinking. You are an honorable man and would do the best you can when given a job and you take care of your people and are responsible for them. The truth is, I never wanted the throne. I never wanted to be a part of this. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best and I’ve been playing this game for a long time. I don’t want to be a corrupt ruler”.
“I don't want it” after pouring your heart out that was all he said.
“Did you hear a word I said?” You questioned.
“I did. You are my queen and I don’t want it” he rejected and knelt in front of you.
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“Then let’s just run away together. We’ll go somewhere peaceful where no one would recognize us. A warm place or cold” you chuckled and cupped his face in your hands. You knew it was not possible, but you had to try.
“I wish we could, but we can’t. We both have responsibilities that we can’t just run away from” he reminded.
“If you don’t want the throne and you don’t want to leave with me, then you can never tell anyone who you really are. Swear your brother and Samwell Tarly to secrecy, and tell no one else or it will take on a life of its own and you won't be able to control it or what it does to people-“ you caressed his face.
“I have to tell Sansa and Arya” he insisted.
“Sansa will want to see me gone and you on the Iron Throne”.
”She won't and even if people found out I’ll refuse. You are my queen and you always will be”.
“No matter how many times you bend the knee, no matter what you swear, it won’t stop them. I want us to be together. And if you truly don’t want it, then I will take the throne. I trust no one else with it. If you tell Sansa it will destroy us” you warned.
“It won’t”.
“It will. I’ve never begged for anything but I’m begging you, don’t do this, please! Everything my mother and I have worked for would be for nothing. Even if you don’t want the throne, they’ll never accept me as their queen and then another tyrant will sit on the throne. Please, Jon” you stood up and begged him, but it was no use.
“You are my queen. Nothing will change that. And they are my family. We can live together” he held your face in his hands, trying to convince you.
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“We can. I've just told you how” you left him room angry.
After discussing your plan of how to attack King’s Landing and destroy Cersei, you went for a walk outside and someone found you. It was Ghost. Jon hasn’t introduced you, so you didn’t know it was his.
He ran up to you but didn’t attack you, instead he just stood there and examined you.
“Hey there” you went on your knees and petted him, which he seemed to enjoy.
“I have never seen a dire wolf before. We don’t have them in Essos, I think. You’re beautiful! Where’s your family?” he started licking you and rubbed himself against you “good boy!”.
“Come here, boy!... I see you’ve met Ghost” Jon called him and he came.
“Oh, he’s yours?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“He is. Your grace, this is Ghost. Ghost, this is queen Y/n Targaryen” he introduced.
“You never mentioned you have any pets”.
“With all that’s been going on, I couldn’t find the right moment”.
“We’ve had plenty right moments, Jon Snow” now you were referring to your relationship.
You needed some time away from Jon, so you made him ride down the Kingsroad to Dragonstone with the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki, while a few of them were to sail from White Harbor and you flying from above.
Before you left, you tried to make Sansa an ally one last time.
“I’m glad you agreed to go on a walk with me, Lady Sansa” you expressed.
“You are the queen and your orders must be obeyed” she was displeased and didn't bother to hide it.
“It was merely a suggestion. I didn’t come here to make more enemies, I came to win allies. To free the world of tyrants and bad men. So just tell me what will make us allies?” you asked.
“We already are. Jon made sure of that” she reminded.
“But you don’t like me and I wish for us to be friends. What is it that I have to do for you to trust me and leave this hatred behind?” You knew the Starks were an honorable and powerful house, without them you can’t take back the seven kingdoms.
“The North. We’ve bent the knee one too many times. We’ve been betrayed as well. The men are tired and done kneeling” she admitted.
“Are you saying that you will defy me?”.
“No, your grace. You asked what would make us allies and friends and I just told you how and what people think of you”.
“Alright. If this would truly bring peace to the seven kingdoms and would make us allies and more importantly friends, then I will grant you independence once I take the seven kingdoms back, you have my word. I hope you are true to yours. After all, I’d never grant someone something this big, but I’m giving you the North because I trust you and your family and I hope you won’t disappoint or betray me or disgrace your family’s name in doing so”.
“I won’t, you have my word. Thank you, your grace” she finally smiled.
“Call me Y/n”.
“You really do love Jon, don’t you?”.
“I do. He’s the only man I’ve met who’s been honest from the start and didn’t lie to me once or break a promise. He’s also the reason, I’m trusting you with the North”.
While sailing, the Iron Fleet surprised you and almost killed Rhaegal, but luckily the arrow only pierced his wing and then you managed to fly away with him and Drogon. Of course, not everyone was so lucky. Many men were attacked on the ships and killed and they took Missandei.
You have been patient for a long time, but now the time for waiting is over. You had to act and do it fast. You were angry and wanted to get Missandei back. She was your handmaiden. Your mother freed her, when she took Astapor back. She was a little girl then, a bit older than you. You grew up together and she took care of you, when your mother was hard on you. She was your best friend. She was like a big sister to you. Somehow, deep down inside, you knew she was as good as dead.
You wanted to attack the city with the dragons and get her back. Varys and Tyrion advised you not to, because you’d be killing innocent people. Instead, Tyrion suggested that you speak to her. You knew it’d be a waste of time, but you did it to prove a point. You also send people to tell everyone to evacuate the city when the fight starts, but the people chose Cersei’s side and decided to hide there.
The day came and Tyrion tried to negotiate a truce with Cersei, but as expected it didn’t work. At least, you were able to see Missandei. She looked strong, even though she was in chains and surrounded by enemies.You wanted to shout, cry or just talk to her but you couldn’t show weakness. Cersei made her guard behead Missandei and you had to watch. You didn’t close your eyes or turn away. You needed to see this, to be reminded of the cruel world and the tyrants who will misuse the power they have and do awful things. You needed to see this, so when you attack you’d have a strong reason to. The moment she was executed, you lost three fourth of your heart. Viserion was first, then Jorah and now Missandei. There was only one more part, before you exploded. You were filled with anger and hatred.
Tags: @simonsbluee @octaviareina @winterscommander @patdsinner @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @doctorswife221b @marvel-addict-95 @capsheadquaters
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killian-whump · 5 years
Wondering if you watch GOT given all the whump, and what are your feelings heading into tonight if you do? I’m hating the Season 8 writing because none of it makes sense for my fav characters. I don’t need happy endings for everyone, but I need it to make sense. Just interested in your opinion.
Oh, I sure DO watch GOT! Honestly, I’ve watched it more so for the story and characters and the overall epicness than the whump. Although I did really enjoy Theon’s torturous adventures with Ramsey Bolton and the resulting PTSD that lasted throughout the rest of the series ;) And I also enjoy the sheer number of Dudes Without Dicks running around the place. I mean, seriously. Cocks must be one of the most endangered species in Westeros or something. Oh! And Jamie’s captivity in the beginning of the series was great - when he lost his hand, and the bath scene with Brienne where he gets all vulnerable and then passes right out. Goooooood stuff. I also love Tyrion. He makes me laugh and is probably the most eligible bachelor on the whole damn show, which is probably why Peter Dinklage keeps showing up in my dreams wooing me.
So yes, to answer your question, I do watch Game of Thrones!
As for Season 8′s writing... Man. Wow. The thing is, I don’t actually have fault with any of the events of the season thus far. I merely have issue (and it’s a BIG HUGE ISSUE) with the timing of it all. Were these events spread out over one or two full seasons, I think it would all be acceptable. Instead, they crammed it all into 6 hastily-made and oddly-spaced-out episodes and it’s just... really, really unsatisfying.
For starters, I guess I have to address the Mad Queen thing. I don’t mind it, in and of itself, but the timing of it is all a mess. Had they actually taken the time to SHOW Daenerys actually going mad instead of pulling a total 180 on her character in the span of an episode or two, I would have no problem with it. I mean, it’s been foreshadowed since the beginning of the series, and she has a genetic predisposition towards psychosis. I don’t think having her go mad is off-brand or out of character at all. In fact, I find some of the arguments about that a bit off-putting, as they start sounding suspiciously like “But she’s done such good things with her life! Why would she fall prey to a genetic predisposition towards mental illness?!?!” As someone who HAS inherited mental illness from a parent, I bristle at the implication that, had I maybe freed some slaves in a far off country or raised a couple of dragons, I could’ve completely avoided debilitating mental illness! Oh, if only I’d known!!! :P
My Mom (wise watcher that she is) actually made a brilliant point, though. The various deities of Westeros have obviously been taking an active role in the events of the series, and particularly when it came to defeating the Night King. Consider the dude who was brought back to life a gajillion times... just so he could save Arya’s life at that one crucial moment, so she could then defeat the Night King. It isn’t outlandish to think that some divine force could have held Daenerys’ madness at bay long enough for her to do what needed to be done to lend her armies and dragons to the fight against the undead. And once that fight was won, and her purpose served, that deity let nature take its course - and Daenerys went from Zero to Batshit in about 2 episodes to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, that’s a GREAT theory, but it’s not what the show has actively presented to us, which completely sucks.
I’m also mad at Jamie’s entire character story. Again, had they taken a season or two to show us him reverting to his old ways, then I could forgive the sudden “I’m a horrible man” revelation and his return to Cersei. As it is... I mean, why the fuck show him slowly and progressively becoming a better man just to have him go, “Hahaha, fuck no, PSYCHE!” and go running back to Cersei? It’s ridiculous. They fucked up somewhere in his story line, either in working so hard to “redeem” him or in his ultimate backslide into the man he started out as. That said, I do know someone who LIKED his ending, because they found his insane dedication and love for Cersei to be compelling, and were happy to see him choose her (even if it meant DEATH with her) when the chips were down. C’est la vie, I guess. To each their own. As for me, I just think his ending turned him into a waste of a character and that pisses me off.
As for tonight... Well, I mean. It’s gonna end. Daenerys obviously has to go, now that she’s gone completely bonkers. I have some theories about how that’s going to happen, but I won’t share them before the show airs. I don’t really know who will end up on the Iron Throne, although I suspect it will be some manner of Stark or, most likely, they’ll do away with the “single ruler for everybody” thing and instead embrace being an autonomous collective of local governments. Personally, I just hope Tyrion makes it through alive, as he’s just about the only character I still care deeply for at this point. Also, he’s now the only living Lannister left, so he might as well retire to Casterly Rock or King’s Landing, or wherever, and enjoy repopulating his entire House.
Truth be told, I think I’d rather watch an entire episode of Tormund and Ghost’s adventures in the Wild North. And then he finds out Brienne’s been dumped by the asshole captain of the football team and he goes off to win her heart with his horn of titty milk and his trusty pound rescue dire wolf sidekick.
I mean, seriously. What am I paying these people for?!
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pine-cloud · 5 years
GoT hot take
Everyone is really angry about what GoT did to Dany’s character and I get it. They wrote it badly. BUT, it was always going to end this way. The problem is the show made us so invested in her character, had her triumphs celebrated, and then turned her evil in like 3 episodes and sighted flimsy evidence about foreshadowing. Saying that she was cold because she watched her  abusive brother be killed and that was enough to say that she would burn down a city full of civilians 7 seasons later is not enough. Her character ALWAYS wanted to preserve and protect the innocent.
Daenerys being brutal to bad people is not necessarily foreshadowing that she will be brutal to innocent people, as the show seems to think HOWEVER, it does illustrate her ability to be brutal, and could show how she will turn to brutality when she thinks she is right or that it’s for the greater good. The show said some of this afterward, but they didn’t properly set it up. I think GRRM will.
The irony of Dany being corrupted by power is exactly the kind of thing GRRM would write. It illustrates the corruptive power of the throne.
Jon being forced to kill her fulfills the Azor Ahai/Nissa Nissa story, further proving that he is the prince who was promised. The prince who was promised prophecy being fulfilled will tie in the red God in a much more satisfying way then the show ever did.
In the house of the undying, Dany touches the throne, then goes through the gates of the wall, then sees her dead husband and son, foreshadowing that she will die before getting to sit on the Iron throne.
Dany wants to tear down the systems that have kept corrupt people in power—but she always excludes herself and her house form that power structure. She is blind to her own flaws.
While the show shows her conquering people and the Dothraki as badass and admirable, and her intentions are, there is more nuance. “A Dance With Dragons explicitly undermines the white savior narrative by suggesting that violent interventions to reform foreign societies are always more complicated than they appear, no matter how good their intentions. But this nuance may be lost in the television medium.” (I recommend reading the full article, it lays out a good example of the nuance of the white savior trope in the books versus in the show-but that’s a whole different post.)
All the ASOIAF characters are morally grey and Dany is no different. She’s not a monster, she’s wrong. Unfortunately, her mistakes she have the power to cause devastation.
Dany has often had violent impulses, but when she listens to council, she sees reason. What will happen when she is stressed, paranoid, distrusting of all those around her, and so close to her goal? So far she’s been on the right side, but her ability for brutality and power hunger can turn (just not in only 3 episodes).
The whole point of the story is that it doesn’t matter who sits on the Iron Throne. The power is corruptive. Even good kings have parented bad ones. Why would it end with another Targaryen on the throne? What would be the point?
Bran is king and it makes perfect sense:
Yes I get the critique that he is very connected to the North and it’s culture, but he’s not Bran Stark of Winterfell anymore. He holds the memories of all of living history.
Bran rebuilding the realm echoes Brandon the Builder, it comes full circle.
He makes sense as a ruler. He can see through corrupt officials and councilors. he will probably live hundreds of years (unless he needed that tree to support his life in which case, never mind), which will give the necessary time to rebuild and be stable after the 30ish years of massive instability. He is the only person ever that is completely subjective. He set a precedent of electing rulers. Although both he and Dany are infertile, she still probably would have chosen her successor. It is not in her character to establish any form of democracy. She always believed that the throne was her family’s birthright, even while admitting that her father was bad.
People are mad because he didn’t do anything to help and now he’s king. Here’s the thing, he’s a bigger character in the books, after season 4 they just kind of dropped his story, but he has much more power than they ever showed.
He is the antithesis to darkness and death and all that the White Walkers represent. His character represents human life and redemption.
If his mystical powers don’t come to some fruition, then what was the point of his, or any magic, storyline?
The Wall is where Jon should be:
He was raised as Ned Stark’s son, he won’t forsake his watch vows in the end. He would never have abandoned his brothers forever, especially since he has a duty as their lord commander (both 998th in his old life and 1000th post resurrection)
 Even though the night’s watch is no longer needed to fight the white walkers, but they are necessary to have as a place for displaced people. Also they can help assimilate the wildlings into the north, and no-one would do that better than Jon.
Jon belongs in the North. So does Ghost, and Ghost is a physical embodiment of Jon’s soul and the dire wolves have always represented the Stark children’s connection to the North. It’s not a coincidence that the only one with a dire wolf in the end is the only one in the “true north”.
If his true heritage was found out, he would always be a threat, someone would always be trying to use him in a plot. At the wall, it doesn’t matter. That’s why Ned wanted him there in the first place.
Jon will want to do penance for the rest of his life for what he did to Dany. At the wall he will have purpose.
Other things:
Jaime and Cersei-I agree that it was total bullshit. Yes I think they will die together, but not like that. Jaime’s character development had no payoff and the Valonqar theory wasn’t addressed. I get the irony that she died because the world she built literally crashed down on her, but that will not be how Jaime ends.
Arya going off adventuring makes perfect sense. She was never going to sit still, especially after all she’s been through. But she also will never give up being Arya Stark.
“It doesn’t make sense that they repeated ‘the lone wolf dies but the pack survives’ if all the stark children are going to be apart!” It is completely different. They were apart due to circumstances beyond their control, they lost track of each other and they didn’t know who was alive or dead. They found their way back to each other and now they are closing their own paths, not being ripped apart by circumstance. They know where they are, and they’ll see each other. Jon never felt truly at home in Winterfell, so he’s ended up in the only place he felt fully accepted. Arya will never again sit still, even in her own home, but she’ll return someday. Bran has a larger purpose now. Sansa wanted desperately to leave in the beginning, and then she realized she just wanted to be home. She is the best fit to rule the north.
In conclusion; they (more or less) followed George’s plan, but they didn’t have the books to go on after season 5, so the way they set up the story is barebones. The books have lots of problematic things but they are also more nuanced and much better planned. Even if you are disappointed with GRRM’s endings, I think they will make sense.
Anyway watch Emergency Awesome’s video on the book vs. show’s endings.
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nyangibun · 7 years
GoT S07E06 Thoughts
So I don’t know if this is late or early considering technically the episode doesn’t air till Sunday, but whatever, here we go: 
There was only one awesome thing about this episode, which was anything to do with the Night King and the Wight Dragon. Everything else was a complete departure from all we’ve come to learn about these characters, but that aside, let me try to understand it as best as I can.
We start the episode on Jon and the rest of the A Team trudging along and making fun of Gendry. I actually really liked all these scenes because the male bonding was done well, the dialogue was funny and the chemistry between these characters was believable. I mean I didn’t know I needed a Tormund x Sandor best friendship till that episode, especially when they begin talking about Brienne. Mr Tormund “I want to make babies with her” Giantsbane. It was brilliant, needless to say. 
What’s not so brilliant but a great moment of foreshadowing was Tormund’s conversation with Jon. He essentially tells Jon that although Mance Rayder was a great man, his pride got a lot of people killed, echoing Jon’s own words to the man: 
“"Isn't their survival more important than your pride?”
And of course Dani’s words to Jon in the Cave of Invisible Chemistry. 
The problem I have with this is that it comes from Tormund, a wildling man whose pride is as much as a defining factor as his ginger beard. But whatever, I see what they’re trying to do here. They’re trying to justify what happens later because if Tormund can understand the dire need for Dani’s help over his own pride then Jon should too, and he does, of course, as we later find out. 
Here’s the thing though. I am still firmly of the camp that it’s all a ruse, and this is the moment Jon realises he might have to bend to Dani’s will for her alliance. He doesn’t want to and he knows fully well that the Northern houses will not accept her as their queen in any capacity, but all he cares about is his people’s survival through the Long Night. He’s willing to lose his kingdom for their safety. And this thought becomes even more concrete in Jon’s mind the moment Dani arrives to save his dumb ass with her three dragons. The look of awe on his face as those dragons rain hellfire on the wights is indicative of this because up until that point, he’s had a very abstract understanding of what these dragons are capable of and how they can help him. Seeing it in person, seeing them turn a hopeless situation into a victory, Jon fully understands now that the only way to survive is for Dani to fight with them with her dragons. 
It’s the only way this exchange makes any sense: 
“How about my queen?”
“How about those who swore their allegiance to you”
“They’ll come to see you for what you are”
“I hope I deserve it”
“You do”
Now I’ve bolded that line because this is very foreboding. Although I believe Jon is playing Dani, I don’t believe he fully grasps who she is yet for himself. I think he truly does believe she has a ‘good heart’ to an extent, but going by what we’ve seen in the past five episodes, he is also extremely wary of her. He’s seen her temper tantrums, her questioning of Tyrion (her second biggest fanboy)’s loyalty over his family and how quickly she can go from Coolheaded Ruler to Firebreathing Tyrant. He might not know the extent, but he’s been warned plenty of times not to trust a Targaryen and to be much smarter than Robb and Ned. So although she says she’ll fight with him, he’s reaffirming his loyalty to her. He doesn’t need to do it, but he needs her to fully trust that his allegiance is to her, that he’s as taken by her as she’s obviously by him, because Jon is putting his pride and honour away in order to be a little more ruthless, a little more manipulative. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s used a woman’s attraction to him as a means to get what he wants. Yes, he did fall in love with Ygritte, but you can’t say that a lot of his devotion to her, in the beginning, was done so to prove that he’s just as much a part of the wildlings as anyone else. 
For Jon to bend the knee to Dani because he actually believes in her good heart or because he ‘loves her’ would be a complete character assassination when he turned his back on his first love for the Night’s Watch. Duty, honour and loyalty are huge pillars of Jon’s personality. He’s put aside his honour to bend the knee to Dani, but I refuse to believe he would truly put aside his duty and loyalty to the North for ‘love’, especially when he knows that no Northern house will understand why he did it. 
There is also a moment when Dani leaves the room that he looks up to the ceiling and sighs wearily. That’s not the sigh of a man because he was nearly killed. That’s the sigh of a man who knows the repercussions of what he just did but having no alternative than to do it, because like I said, there’s absolutely no way the North is going to accept what their king just did. His position is already so precarious. They didn’t agree with him going south and for him to not only do that but bend the knee as well? Without consultation with the Northern houses which they will consider a slight in and of itself? Well, Jon basically just lost himself his kingdom when it comes to light what he did. And this ties in nicely with Sansa’s S7 arc, which has basically been a montage of all the ways Sansa is a fit and just queen in comparison to our other two queens, who are so hell-bent on defeating each other, one burnt a bunch of food reserves and the other one is... well, Cersei. 
Of course I believe Jon knows all of this. He knows he’s going to lose the North because of his actions, but Dani doesn’t, so it’s essentially an empty offer. And he knows he can do this because he has Sansa at home and he’s always had unwavering faith in her ability to rule. Jon is the Odysseus to her Penelope, and the trials and tribulations they’re both going through right now respectively only continue to highlight that for me. 
Jon will be seduced by a Calypso and Sansa will have to outsmart her suitor. 
And speaking of Sansa, let’s bring it back to Winterfell because that’s the other major plot point we need to talk about.
Arya and Sansa need to be locked in a room together to talk their shit out because this is getting ridiculous. Arya threatening Sansa’s life, blaming her for Ned’s death, essentially dismissing the trauma and abuse that Sansa had to endure for years because Arya can’t empathise with her own sister is the most uncharacteristic bullshit I’ve ever seen. The Arya we’re seeing right now is acting more like the waif than the Arya we know, and as someone who has loved and adored Arya for years, I’m justifiably angry about this. 
Now there are two reasons why Arya is acting like this. One, D&D is making Arya the mouthpiece for all the Sansa haters that have been spouting their crap for years, blaming Sansa for every discrepancy while celebrating the same nonsense in other characters, only to have Arya (thus the haters) be proven wrong when it comes to light that Sansa is loyal to Jon and the North. If this is the case, I can understand what they’re trying to do, but at the expense of a beloved character? By pitting two sisters against each other? Just goes to show how little D&D actually understand about women and writing real female friendships. I mean they had Jon and Gendry basically declare themselves best friends in a manner of seconds but two women who have suffered unimaginable horrors and have been desperate to be home and safe with their family, aren’t allowed to care about each other. Bullshit. 
The other reason is that Arya and Sansa are both playing Littlefinger, fully aware of what he’s trying to do. I want to believe this because it would explain why Sansa seeks Littlefinger out in the first place to talk to him as if she would willingly go to him for advice. After everything that’s happened, after knowing what she does about him and saying all those things about not trusting the man, her going to him for advice seems highly suspicious. Sansa is not that stupid. It would also explain why Arya would threaten to kill Sansa yet hand her the dagger right after.  
It would also explain why Sansa sent Brienne away to King’s Landing when Cersei invites her. Of course, there was no way Sansa would go anyways, but the coldness as she orders Brienne to go right after Littlefinger tells her that Brienne would do anything to uphold her oath to protect the Stark sisters, even from each other. And considering Brienne swore a separate oath to Sansa specifically (not Arya), this suggests that if Arya were to try something, Brienne would be duty-bound to protect Sansa from harm. If Sansa and Arya were planning something, they wouldn’t be able to risk having Brienne interrupt. Either that or Sansa would rather die than let anything happen to her sister in spite of what Arya’s been like. I don’t believe Sansa would try to hurt Arya herself. It’s not who she is. 
Now moving back to Dani, I found two very interesting things about her this episode. The first was her conversation with Tyrion. Aside from the extremely contrived high school musical type dialogue where Tyrion assures Dani that Jon is in love with her because he’s been staring at her longingly (which I have to say is where!!! I haven’t seen that at all), he also criticises her for burning both Randyll and Dickon. I find it extremely telling that any time he tries to put the blame of anything on her, she gets angry, deflects, accuses him, questions his loyalty and basically absolve herself of all crime. 
“When have I lost my temper?”
“Burning the Tarly’s”
“That was not impulsive. That was necessary”
That wasn’t necessary. The burning wasn’t necessary. It was a cruel and sadistic punishment, which has been shown as such all throughout the show. Does anyone remember Jon putting out Mance when he’s burning in the pyre for this very reason? And burning both Randyll and Dickon was unnecessary. Only one of them had to die in order for Dani to make her point across, but she chose to kill both because Dickon dared to defy her. Not to mention her ‘burn or die’ wasn’t necessary if she wants to be a just ruler, which she clearly doesn’t anymore.
Again, Dani is showing her true colours more and more here. I mean do you know of anyone else who constantly insists they’re the rightful ruler and loathes being criticised? Oh yeah, Joffrey. And wasn’t he a peach? 
Then you have Tyrion and Dani’s conversation about her succession in the case she dies. Not only does this foreshadow her death, which I believe is inevitable at this point, but it highlights just how short-term her thinking is. All Dani has ever cared about was sitting on the Iron Throne, not the actual ruling, because if she did, she would realise that everything she wants to do would be meaningless if there isn’t an heir to pass the legacy onto. Dani even gets angry at Tyrion for his ‘long-term thinking’ but what kind of ruler doesn’t look to the future when they make their decisions? A really poor kind. Like I’ve said, Dani is a conqueror and that’s it. 
The second thing I found interesting was when she looked at Jon’s body as they peeled back his clothes and saw his wounds, confirming that he was literally not metaphorically stabbed in the heart. I said in my last review that Dani is in love with the idea of Jon rather than Jon himself. The awe in her eyes when she sees that confirms it to me. She sees Jon as her equal, as a mirror image of who she is, aka the prophesised hero, beloved by his people just like her. That’s what she finds most attractive about him. She is essentially Narcissus fallen in love with her own reflection. The kicker though is that Jon is as far from Dani as can be. He is her polar opposite as a ruler. And when it all comes to light that he’s a Targaryen, she’ll feel threatened and TargBowl will commence. 
Stray thoughts: 
- We’re going to have a Braime reunion and I’ve never felt so blessed!! It’s been 5000 years and I’m ready for Jaime to realise he’s in love with Brienne. Make it happen, D&D. 
- Where is the Hound going? 
- Where the fuck is Bran? 
- Are we ever going to see Ghost? 
- WIGHT DRAGON!!!!!!! 
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nerdybubblebee · 7 years
No Longer Alone
Summary: Dany’s first night at Winterfell leads to talks of dream lovers and loneliness. Two lonely people coming together, fall in love and are lonely no more. 
Rating: General Audience 
Word Count: 3548 words
Can be read on Ao3 as well :)
Hello! This is my first ever Jonerys fic. Hope you guys like it! XD
The mother of Dragons was cold, so very cold and she was never cold. Having spent her whole life in the South, across the narrow sea where the weather was hot and the days were long, the North and its snow was the polar opposite. The cold desert nights could not even compare to the rigid, snowy blizzards of the North. Even the fire and blood of the dragons coursing through her veins seemed to be momentarily doused out by the chill of winter. She shivered atop her horse as it trotted along the Kingsroad towards Winterfell.
“You must be excited to be returning home.”
“I am. I can’t believe I’m going to see Arya and Bran again. They must have grown so much.” Jon smiled at her. His eyes were twinkling with elation. Dany felt her heart beat stutter. He looked so happy, almost beautiful even. Smiles looked good on him, she decided.
“I’m very happy for you.” Dany felt the urge to let go of the reigns and reach out her hand to clutch his, to share his excitement through touch.
“I can’t wait for them to meet you as well. They’ll like you, especially Arya. As a child, she loved to read about Targaryen dragon riders and their heroic battles.”
“Hmm… I suppose we’ll find out soon.”
Ahead of them, the castle doors of Winterfell loomed. The king of the North was home. Upon their arrival, he dismounted his horse as fast as he could to embrace his awaiting family, hugging a petite brunette to him so tightly that she was lifted off her feet. A red haired girl and a boy in a chair watched on. Dany saw the beaming grin stretching across Jon’s usually brooding, stoic features. The smiles they’ve shared thus far were sweet but never this unbidden and free. It made her heart soar, almost as if she could feel his joy, making her crave to see more smiles like that, especially ones coaxed to the surface by her.
“Your grace, welcome to Winterfell. I am Jon’s sister, Sansa Stark and this is our brother Bran.” The red haired girl greeted Dany with a curt nod.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Sansa. Pleasure to meet you both.” Dany nodded at the two of them with a courteous smile. As their eyes met, she noticed Bran staring at her with a contemplative look on his face, like he had something to reveal. From Sansa, she could sense the distrust radiating from the girl. It was evident that the Starks still held resentment towards what her father did to their family but she hoped that they would not judge her for her father’s actions and in time, come to accept her for her own capabilities, for who she was, just like Jon did.
“So, you’re our new queen? Do you really ride dragons?”
“Arya! Do show some respect!” Jon chastised his little sister.
“It’s alright. Yes, I am and I do. The dragons are my children. It’s a pleasure to meet you Lady Arya.” This young girl with a cheeky glint in her green eyes was just as straightforward and blunt as Jon. Unlike her sister, she seemed genuinely pleased to meet her new queen.
“That’s incredible! However, I am not a lady. It’s a pleasure to meet you, your grace.” Arya stated with a slight bow and a grin. Dany had a feeling she would be quite comfortable around this girl and maybe even come to like her.
After a few more introductions and reunions of handshakes and warm hugs, it was time to meet the representatives of the houses in the North. The great hall was filled with Jon’s banner men. Some of them eyed her with awe and wonder, the only remaining Targaryen alive in their midst; others eyed her warily and even hatefully as she sat with her fingers clasped together on her lap beside their king, not trusting a foreign queen to truly be here to assist them. Murmurs of discontent could be heard whispered about the room, increasing in volume, only to be silenced by the scraping of a chair against the hard wood floor as the king of the North stood up.
“Look, I know it’s hard to accept a Southern ruler, but we need all the help we can get if we want to survive.” Jon paused to regard his people. “We don’t have time for disagreements! The Night King and his army are approaching the Wall as we speak. Queen Daenerys is here to offer her help and we will accept it gratefully. Did I make myself clear?” His accented voice echoed throughout the room.
It was at this moment that Dany realized that this solemn man of few words was truly a great leader. His sincere, severe tone of speech and firm words implored a sense of authority that made people want to agree with him. However, would they riot against their king now for bending his knee to her? Dany gazed at the faces of the people in front of her with bated breath, watching the cogs churning in their heads. Eventually, to her relief, resounding ‘Ayes!’ echoed throughout the room. Dany’s presence was accepted, albeit begrudgingly but it was a start at least. She hoped that after the war was over, she’d gain the full support of these people by proving herself worthy of their allegiance.
Regally rising from her seat, the mother of dragons glanced up at the king of the North, giving him a nod as thanks before addressing the room. “I am thankful for your cooperation, my lords and ladies. I promise you I will do my best to aid you. We will survive this Long Night. Now, shall we begin the tactical discussion?” Over the next few hours, strategies were shared and debated and planned for the upcoming battle of the living versus the dead.
As the hours went by, the sun went down, the sky grew dark and the flames in the hearth had burnt down to glowing embers. Weary faces could be seen around the room. Jon noticed Dany suppressing a yawn beside him also. The long day of travel was getting to her. She needed to rest and so did he and everyone else. “Alright, it’s getting late. We’ll pick this up tomorrow.” Jon dismissed his people to their rooms for supper and rest for the night. The people began trickling out of the room without much hesitation.
“Shall we head to your chambers, your grace?” Missandei approached her queen.
“No, I wish to take a walk and have a look around the castle. You may take your leave. Go get some rest. I’m sure you and Grey Worm have many things to talk about.” Dany jerked her head towards the Unsullied soldier lingering by the door and watched in amusement as a blush spread across her dear friend’s cheeks.
“Very well, I’m sure the king in the North will take good care of you. Have a good night, your grace.” Missandei teased back with a knowing smirk at Dany and a quick nod to Jon who was trying unsuccessfully to appear disinterested in their conversation, before striding towards the door and ushering Grey Worm out. Finally, it was just the king and queen left.
Now that it was just the two of them alone, the palpable tension was rising rapidly, the atmosphere around them growing gradually amorous. They haven’t had the time to relish in each other’s company since docking at White Harbour. Every night since their first passionate tryst aboard her ship, they’ve spent them together, in each other’s arms, making love or some nights just talking. They traded stories about their lives, talked about anything and everything or nothing at all, content with lying together listening to the waves splashing against the ship. The last time they laid together seemed like a lifetime ago. Frankly, they both missed those quiet moments together. Moments that allowed them the just be Jon and Dany.
Dany let her eyes drift up to meet Jon’s. They were coal black windows to his soul staring deeply into her own with utter adoration and tender longing, the very same looks he’s given her since the day they met and every other time he thought she wasn’t paying attention to him. Doreah told her, long ago, love comes in at the eyes. In his eyes, Dany could see it so clearly it made her breath catch. Without breaking eye contact, she twined her fingers with his, his warm hand engulfing her smaller one. The contact alone chased away any trace of cold in her body and replaced it with a warmth spreading from her chest and out to her limbs. It bubbled up, traveling to her face, bringing a silly grin and a giddy giggle with it to her lips. Jon wore a matching grin on his face as he leant forward, resting his forehead against hers. They relished in their closeness, feeling that ever-present connection between them strengthening once more.
“Did I hear you mention something about a walk, my queen? Or was that just an excuse to spend time with me?” Jon teased.
“You heard correctly. And maybe that as well.” Dany replied slipping her other hand into his.
“Well I’m glad because I want you to meet a friend of mine.” Jon gave her hands a little tug and began pulling her towards the door. “Come on. I haven’t seen him since we arrived. Let’s go find him, my queen.”
“Who is this person? And to meet this late in the evening?” Dany asked as they exited the great hall, heading towards the now empty courtyard.
“I didn’t say he was a person. There he is! Come here boy!” Jon let go of her hand and crouched down with his arms outstretched. Dany watched in amazement as a huge, white dire wolf with glowing blood red eyes bounded over to them.
“I’ve missed you so much, boy! Have you been good?” Jon laughed, embracing his furry friend who was bestowing him with slobbery kisses. Dany sniggered at the sight. Seeing Jon this happy made him look so much younger and carefree. She loved it.
“Ghost, I have someone very important I want you to meet. She is our queen. Don’t go pouncing on her, you hear me?” Ghost let out a whine as if declaring his disappointment. Jon looked back at his queen and reached out for her hand to pull her closer to him. “Your grace, this is Ghost, my dire wolf. He’s been a loyal friend and companion since I was a boy.”
“Hello, Ghost. It’s so great to meet you.” Dany ran her fingers through his thick white fur. It looked almost luminescent under the moonlight and so very soft. Ghost panted and wagged his tail at her touch. He reminded her of her dragons when they were little, leaning into her touch and purring as she stroked their heads.
“They used to call him the runt of the litter because of his snow white coat and red eyes.” Jon scratched the patch of skin between Ghost’s ears. “He may be different but he’s beautiful, Jon.” Dany exclaimed. Jon nodded. “Aye, that he is.” Ghost barked, seemingly agreeing with their compliments towards his appearance.
After playing with Ghost for a while more, Jon stood up and turned to face Dany. “Shall I escort you back to your chambers? You must be famished.” As soon as the word escaped his lips, her stomach let out an unladylike grumble. Jon laughed as the edge of his thumb caressed the apple of her cheek. “You dare laugh at your queen? I could send you to Drogon as his next meal.” Dany said with a huff, compelling herself not to give in, not to melt at his touch.
No man had ever made her feel this way, almost like a young woman her age should. Happy and in love with a suitor. The cruel reality of life made her build a wall around her heart, forcing her to grow up too fast, too soon. Dany learnt the hard way, being vulnerable would only get you hurt. Never trust anyone other than yourself. If she wanted to claim the iron throne, she couldn’t afford any vulnerability. With Jon however, she knew it was okay to let her guard down for a while because he understood what she went through, how far she’s come and how much further she wanted to reach. Even without her permission, this White Wolf with his honourable ways and warm eyes, tore down her walls and crept into her heart, making a home in there alongside the dragon within.
“You wouldn’t. You care for me too deeply, Dany.”
A nickname her brother Viserys gave her all those years ago when they were children. He was her big brother whom she trusted, who she thought cared about her wellbeing. Even after so long, it still hurt. He was her only remaining family and he abused her and sold her like a broodmare when her body was no longer a child’s, in the pretence of wanting to get them home. In hindsight, looking back now, she supposed she had to be thankful for what Viserys did, for all that happened to her. It got her to where she was now. When Jon called her by that nickname that though, it only brought about feelings of affection, sweetness, erasing the emotions they used to invoke, emotions associated with the pain of betrayal.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself, Jon Snow. Women are unpredictable creatures.” She ran a finger along his scruffy cheek. Jon took hold of her hand and placed a kiss to her palm. “You couldn’t be more right. Come, let’s get some food in you.” Together, they walked hand in hand in the dark of night to her chambers with Ghost trailing along behind them.
A supper of lamb and potatoes with gravy was devoured and washed down with glasses of blackberry wine. Wanting to spend more time together but not wanting to call upon the castle help and risk the whole Northern kingdom knowing about their newly blossoming relationship, they had to stop by the kitchens to “acquire” Jon’s supper and sneak it to Dany’s chamber. The lovers reclined against the headboard of the bed, bellies full, huddled under fur blankets to keep the chill at bay. In the hearth a roaring fire blazed, providing pleasant warmth to the room. Ghost dozed in front of it, snoring quietly.
“Will you be staying the night?” This would be Dany’s first night at Winterfell and she did not want to spend it alone. She’s missed not sharing a bed with Jon; she desired his warm body beside hers. His presence made her feel safe. He made her feel less…. alone.
“Do you want me to, my queen?”
“I would like it very much if you did.” Dany turned on her side to face him.
Jon smiled as he lifted his right arm to welcome her into his embrace. “Then I will stay the night with you.” Dany cuddled into his arms enthusiastically, laying a palm atop his chest and tucking her face into the crook of his neck.
“Good.” And preferably every night as well, she thought to herself.
It was too soon in their relationship to be talking about things like marriage, even though Tyrion would definitely encourage it. A military alliance between a king and a queen would be beneficial in her quest to secure the seven kingdoms. But, for now, she would just enjoy as much time with him as she could because who knew what the outcome of the impending war would be.
He smelled of leather, snow, pine and sweat, but most of all he smelled of home, a place she could belong. Her whole life was spent moving constantly from place to place, it would be nice to settle somewhere for a change. Finding home in a person was definitely not something she foresaw happening in her future anymore after the loss of Drogo. Until, she met the King in the North. Someone who frustrated her to no end but intrigued her so much at the same time, who quickly evolved into someone she could not imagine losing, someone whom she treasured dearly.
“What are you thinking about, Dany?”
“I’m thinking about you.”
“And may I ask what about me?”
Dany pushed herself up to look into his eyes. “Did you know, in the past, sometimes at night, I would dream about a faceless lover?”
“And this is related to me how?” Jon narrowed his eyes at his queen, not sure where she was going with this conversation.
“If you would let me finish please!” Dany rolled her eyes at the very attractive but oh so vexing man lying by her side.
“My apologies. Do continue.”
“Some nights, a dream lover would appear. He was always shrouded in shadow. I could never see his face, but I knew he was handsome and close to my age.” Dany lay back down against Jon’s side, wrapping an arm around his neck.
“You see, there were times that even with a lover to warm my bed and followers and advisors accompanying me, I’m not too sure why, but I’ve always felt alone in this world. Something told me the person that I truly needed was out there, somewhere and no one but that person out there could complete me. All the people around me was not this special person whom I’ve yet to meet.” Jon twirled a lock of her hair round his finger as he listened.
“What I remember distinctly from those dreams was a feeling of completion, deep in my heart. When he lay with me, the feeling of loneliness left for a while. That is until I woke. Despite being a very short respite, it still felt good. Even if he was just an image conjured up by my unconscious mind. ” She smiled wistfully as she recounted the dreams of her mystery lover.
Dany shifted even closer to Jon so that they were chest-to-chest and the tips of their noses brushing against one another. “This relates to you, because I experience the same sensation every time when I’m with you. That feeling of completion my dream lover brought me. Could my mystery lover have been you all along, Jon Snow?”
Jon shuddered, feeling the wisps of her warm breathe against his lips as she spoke. Looking into her mesmerizing lilac eyes, he whispered: “I’m not sure, Dany. I can’t peer into that stunning mind of yours to identify him.” Jon tapped the tip of his index finger against her forehead. “But, I am extremely glad that I could chase away some of your loneliness. I understand how that feels, to be surrounded by so many people and still feel lonesome.”
“Absolutely, my queen. I’ve always been somewhat of an outsider. As you know, being a bastard your whole life does that to you. Having my siblings, my brothers of the Night Watch around me didn’t do much to fill this… empty hole in my heart. Something was always missing, like my heart was reserving the space for someone.” As he spoke, his fingertips began tracing nonsensical patterns on Dany’s back.
“That’s how it’s always been, until I met you, my queen. This space, in here?” He lifted her hand and placed it on his scarred chest, directly above where his heart beat strong. “Seems to have been filled.”
“Do you think we were destined to meet, Jon?” All the suffering would have been worth it, if it meant meeting someone who was your equal in every way, who respected you, who shared your ideals, who wasn’t afraid to point out your mistakes and loved you for you, inside and out completely.
A soulmate.
“I’m not much for prophecies or fate.” Jon threaded his fingers through her silver locks, stroking through the curls. Without her tight braids, the silver strands cascaded like a luscious, silky, wavy, moon kissed waterfall, down her back and around them both like a curtain. “All I know is, meeting you was the best thing to happen in my life, in a very long time. Thanks to you, I don’t feel alone anymore. So, thank you, Dany.”
His heartfelt confession struck a chord in her heart bringing forth tears to her eyes. Dany let out a wet chuckle as her heart swelled with love. She couldn’t resist closing the distance between their lips, kissing him deeply, prying his lips apart and delving her tongue into his mouth to intertwine with his. Their tongues danced and battled hungrily, never getting enough of the remnant taste of sweet blackberry wine and a distinct flavour uniquely their own. When air became essential, the lovers broke apart reluctantly, panting, faces flushed, with breathless laughter and smiles of mirth quirking at their kiss-swollen lips.
“I am so very happy that you walked into my life, Jon Snow.” Dany nudged his nose gently with hers. “Let’s vow to enjoy the happy moments that come by, however fleeting they might be.”
“Aye. I promise. We’ll do it together.”
“Yes. Together.”
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Winx Club Season 8/13
In which we see some new and old faces.
13 Valtor’s Shadow
Our heroine is stuck between a rock and a hard place!  What will become of her?
We’re right back with Bloom and Valtor.  He repeats his deal for people who missed the last episode.  And taunts Bloom.  “What’s wrong?  Don’t you want to be the hero?”
Bloom asks how he came back after they “beat” him before.  I coulda sworn he was dead as a doorknob after season 3 but let’s go flashback! Flashback Valtor screams and is blown up by pink lightning, reduced to nothing.
“After you defeated me, my remaining life force drifted across the magic universe.  That’s when someone unhappy with his life, blinded by rage, called to me.”  we see Valtor’s cloudy evil remains drift down, and then a shadow on the ground.  Who could it be?  “he managed to channel my energy, and with the power of the stars he returned me to my body.”  Mysterious figure does magic, Valtor reforms and looks stunned!   “In return, I granted him my dark magics.  Therefor he became known as Obscurum!  I was very weak at first, I needed to drain the stars’ light to regain my strength. So, I offered him a deal.  If he helped me I’d make him king of Lumenia!”
Bloom is slightly distracted from her predicament, “So who is Obscurum really?  Why did he do all this?”
Valtor: ‘Think carefully.  Who would want Dorana’s throne so much?”
Finally Badass Valtor is so great!  We’re about to cut to Obscurum on Lumenia, so let’s look at Valtor’s story.  So basically, when the Winx killed him they didn’t finish the job and he drifted as a cloud of evil. Just like his mothers the Three Ancestors, who could’ve taught him the trick.  And it would explain why he keeps Obscurum around, the guy saved his life even if valtor doesn’t seem to appreciate it much.  I still like my “it’s not the same Valtor” theory better.
Ok, on to Obscurum, approaching the palace on Lumenia, I guess figuring now is a good time to claim that throne.  He portals in a bunch of staryums that go after the core again.  Lumens panic.
Dorana floats from her throne, troubled.  Her home is under attack, and earth’s sun’s gone out.  Things are lookin’ pretty dire and Dorana doesn’t know what she can do.
She turns back and there’s Obscurum on her throne!  Dorana is shocked!  She says she won’t let Obscurum harm the lumens or destroy her home.  Go Dorana!
“This is my home too, sister!”
He’s Dorana’s brother!  He was tired of always being in his sister’s shadow, ‘So I made shadow my strength and joined forces with Valtor!”
Dorana does the, ‘you’re still my brother!” thing and Obscurum zaps her.
Cut to Orion’s ship where he and Twinkle are making new star cores.  Orion’s having a great time.  Tecna calls and tells them they’re in trouble.  There’s no new core ready, but they can have the mini core.  Twinkle offers to deliver it.
Down on the beach the Owl arrives to a scene of stargoyles chasing everybody.  The Specialists leap into action with their flying suits!  Sky protects Bloom’s parents, a nice touch.  Soon the beach is saved!
The dark giants may be more of a problem.
In the sun it’s Winx versus megachomop.  The girls manage to get it to break apart into normal chomps.
Tecna: “Achievement unlocked.”
The starchomps flee through portals and the Winx frantically collect the dust that’s left from the star core.
Specialists ship versus giants!  Their blasts have no effect!  The giants reach the drilling rigs that are still there from season five, and stomp them as the crews flee.  The boys drop a life raft to them.  Giants continue tromping towards beach.
The girls can’t hold the core dust together much longer.  Why don’t you just use a morfix bubble?  Well I guess morfix is translucent so light would escape.
We’re back with Bloom and Valtor now.  He’s taunting her and Bloom… just gives up.  Well, holds her head in an agony of indecision and then gives up.  Even Valtor looks surprised, then says she made the right choice.
Bloom holds out her hands and summons a ball of glittering stardust and Valtor takes it—but when he tries to absorb it the light kinda… eats him.  He lights up and screams and his face contorts horribly and then the starlight just sort of erases him.  Two blasts of light fly at Bloom and hit her in the chest and she screams and lights up and then appears back in normal space.  She explains for us, “The Cosmix power rejected Valtor on its own, it stayed with me!”
Implying that transformations have some free will and can choose who gets them.
Twinkle flies past with the mini star core and Bloom sends her on to Earth to find the Specialists while she goes to help the rest of the Winx in the sun. She joins them trying to contain the sun’s core dust.
Musa asks about what’s happening on earth and Bloom mentions the dark giants.
Stella: ‘Dark giants?  Nevermind.  I don’t want to know.”
The boys in the ship are still blasting the giants.  Riven wonders why Brandon keeps trying when the weapons don’t do anything.  Timmy points out that without a sun it doesn’t really matter what the giants do.
On the ship Brandon breaks out the ‘photon detonators’ and he and Nex give those a try.  No dice.  The giants blast the flying specialists with beams from their eyes.
Then Twinkle shows up with the mini core.  Sky flies up and sticks the thing inside a giant, where it explodes with light and blows the giant apart.  But that was their only mini core!  Nothing can stop the other giant!
The winx are still straining to keep the sun going when Orion gets there in the nick of time with a new core.  The Winx fill it with light and the sun is restored!
On the beach a giant reaches for Mike and Vanessa—and the sun returns and blasts the giant apart.  Riven cracks a joke.  Vanessa thanks the guys and says they made her birthday memorable.  Guess that’s so!
We’ve had a lot in this episode, but we still need to return to Lumenia.  Obscurum is gloating, he’s got Dorana trapped in a bubble.  She says she didn’t know how he felt and says he can be co-ruler of lumenia.  That’s not good enough for Obscurum, and he’s done with being a brother!
Lumens show up to say the staryummies were defeated, and they’re shocked to find their queen trapped.  Dorana does the, ‘Please don’t hurt them!” and then the, ‘There’s still good in you!”  And she lights up and busts out of the bubble.  She hugs Obscurum and he turns back into Argen.
And he’s adooooooorable!
The lumens are inspired!  They go off to hug some staryummies!  The staryums are still eating the core, they don’t look very defeated, but the three lumens get glomping and pretty soon restored lumens are popping up right and left.  Not just yellow ones either, all the kinds of lumens we’ve seen so far.  Pretty soon there’s a whole cloud of colorful lumens flying around.
Dorana welcomes her brother back.  He apologizes for all the trouble and she’s sorry for not understanding his feelings.  They’ll both rule Lumenia together!
Back on earth the line of cars is coming back into Gardenia now that the danger is over.  The Winx and specialists meet on the beach.  Bloom and Sky finally get a moment.
Then the Winx give a concert because of course.  Bloom dedicates a song to Sky since she felt his support even though they didn’t get to be together.
Song: Time of my Life.  It’s livelier than some.  Then Bloom and Sky run off to the ocean to kiss.
But wait!  What about Valtor?  Where did getting eaten by Cosmix power send him?  A roundish room with brick walls, three bricked up archways, and a Celtic pattern on the floor.  Valtor is on his knees on the pattern, knocked for a loop by all the getting zapped that just happened to him.  He used up all his magic trying to absorb the Cosmix power and “defeat the Winx once and for all.”  Too bad Valtor, Cosmix power and your dark magic just don’t mix.
Valtor’s still keen on catching the Wishing Star.  He needs something more compatible with starlight, He needs, “Someone with power like the Winx, power from the same source, to take the star for me.”  Valtor gets an idea, maybe from seeing the three archways.  He summons his last remaining magic and three celtic-knot patterns glow in the archways.
Valtor: “Come forth, my old friends.”
It’s the Trix. Of course it’s the Trix.
It’s the Season ONE Trix, in their original clothes.  I guess their shapeshifting witch forms were just too cool to remain.  It’s just tragic, I loved their half-beast forms so so much. The episode ends before the Trix speak, so we don’t know if their first words will be, “What happened to our powers?!” but I bet their later forms are just lost to the Season 8 Timeslide.
The next episode intro explains that Valtor was blasted into “limbo” and “freed the Trix from their space-time prison.”  
I wonder if the Celtic patterns were like summoning sigils, like the demon circles in the ye olde grimoires.  If I draw one, can I summon my own Trix?
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diabolikdrabbles · 7 years
In Endless Time With You [Sakamaki Ayato x Reader]
Title: In Endless Time With You
Chapter: Night 1
Word Count: 2112
Summary: [Name] and Ayato practically live in a dreamful state, preparing for their wedding day and looking forward to spending the rest of their days together. But as the new Vampire King, Ayato faces unforeseen challenges, calls for war, and dire issues that may cut his time short with his new bride. Will the two of them be strong enough to stay on each other’s paths forever or will the sudden diversions of life make sure that they never cross paths again? Time is of essence. [Sakamaki Ayato x Reader]
Author’s Note: Here is the promised 1K+ Special fan-fiction series starring the winner of the poll, Sakamaki Ayato. Please enjoy and give me feedback or your thoughts about the first chapter! I would love to hear what you guys are feeling, and it helps me write the chapters faster!
The sun was setting peacefully in the west and coloring the sky with a rosy gold glow as [Name] sat outside watching and waiting for the return of her beloved. Fidgeting with the diamond encrusted ring on her finger, [Name] wondered how much money Ayato had to save and scrape up to purchase it from the jewelry store. When Karlheinz died, he left no money for his sons, prompting Ayato to attend college in the daytime and spend his evenings working at the local convenience store to earn a wage.
It was truly strange to see the current Vampire King work at a part-time job in the human world. [Name] even noted that it was unlike him to go this far for her, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t happy to see him as a different person. Brushing her hair back behind her ear, [Name] wondered if Ayato was close to home. Unlike the other members in the household, [Name] didn’t have the enhanced abilities to sense another presence from a far distance.
“You’re so hopeless, Chichinashi. It’s almost sad to watch you moping around out here,” a familiar voice teased as a pair of arms wrapped tightly around [Name]’s waist.
“Ayato-kun! You’re home! Welcome back,” [Name] greeted as she patted his hand.
“Of course I’m home, dummy! It’s not like I wanted to be at work longer.” Ayato retorted with a scoff.
“You haven’t had dinner yet, right? Let’s go back inside then. I’ll make you something to eat.” [Name] suggested.
But before [Name] could turn on her feet to head back into the mansion, Ayato roughly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards him, forcing her to collide with his chest.
“What if I eat you instead? My hunger will be satisfied then.” Ayato remarked with a sadistic grin.
[Name] remembered the predatory gaze Ayato used to have for her back when she first arrived to the mansion, but for some reason, he didn’t seem as frightening as before. Staring back into his Vibora eyes, [Name] reached over to caress Ayato’s cheek with her free hand, sidetracking the confident Sakamaki.
“Can’t I do something more for you than give you my blood for once, Ayato-kun? You always do small things for me, yet I can’t even pay you back for it properly.” [Name] surmised quietly.
Ayato became dumbfounded by her statement and furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn’t understand why she felt guilty. All he needed [Name] to do was to stay at his side and offer her blood to only him. He didn’t expect anything else from her.
“Tch...just shut up and let me have your blood already. Unless you want to be thoroughly punished for resisting me?” Ayato inquired in hopes of scaring [Name] into submission.
“Ayato-kun, if I’m going to be your bride, I don’t want to be seen as just your convenient blood bag. You have to start seeing me as your equal too.” [Name] reminded him.
“If you let me turn you into a vampire, I will.” Ayato offered as he crossed his arms.
His appetite was lost at this point with his mood turning sour. He wasn’t one to back off from verbal fights unless he knew he couldn’t outperform his opponent, but he would be persistent when it was [Name] he was fighting against.
“You know I don’t want that, Ayato-kun. I’ve already expressed my feelings to you about that issue. That conversation ended long ago. Stop trying to bring it up or guilt me with it.” [Name] warned.
“Tch, whatever. You always say that you love me and that you want to be with me, but your actions don’t mean crap! How do you expect to be with me forever if you’re just a stupid human with a short life?!” Ayato questioned with his fists clenched.
“I thought you knew I wouldn’t be with you forever if I married you and stayed as a human! How dense can you be?!” [Name] shouted.
“You agreed to staying at my side forever when you accepted the damn ring and became my bride! You’re the stupid one for not understanding that part!”
“Then maybe you should have never asked for my hand in marriage, Ayato-kun! Maybe you’re the dumb one for making this decision!”
“I never asked or expected anything out of you except for two things. To stay by my side forever and to give your blood to me only. I’m not like other stupid humans that want money or fame or anything else out there!” Ayato growled.
“Well, you certainly act like one. You never let me do anything for you besides those two things, but I should be so much more than that to you. If you really can’t see me as your equal or accept me for who I am, then we shouldn’t get married.” [Name] reasoned.
Stunned into silence, Ayato watched as [Name] turned her back from him and walk away. He was too upset to go after her, choosing to just stay where he was at and think about their argument.
“Oh, what’s this? The couple’s first quarrel? I guess it can’t be helped, nfu~”
Ayato looked over his shoulder to see his triplet brother smirking at him and leaning against the oak tree behind him. He was already irritated by [Name], and Laito’s arrival couldn’t have set him in a better mood.
“What do you want, Laito?” Ayato asked with a scowl.
“I came to fetch you. Reiji is asking for you because one of our familiars has a letter from the Vibora clan. I think it’s their official agreement to be our allies.” Laito revealed.
Grumbling how hellish it will be to write them back, Ayato joined Laito and made his way back into the mansion towards the living room area. He could see his brothers sitting or standing around the room, but what surprised him the most was the appearance of his uncle Richter.
“You bastard...what are you doing here in my home?” Ayato interrogated.
“Simply to help and guide you. I was invited by Reiji.” Richter replied calmly.
“Tch...Reiji. Didn’t I say that this guy can’t ever come to our house?”
“Yes, but under these circumstances, it can’t be helped. Just sit and listen for once, Ayato. It will do you some good to do so.” Reiji answered.
“I am not here to cause you trouble, my nephew. I only want to be a source of help to you since you are now the Vampire King. It’s not as if you are knowledgeable of everything yet.” Richter declared as he felt Ayato’s darkening glare on him.
“Now now, everyone. Let’s not get feisty so easily. After all, we should be level-headed for important things like this, right?” Laito chirped up.
“That’s if Ayato can be level-headed in the first place.” Shu remarked from his sleeping position.
“Tch, shut up, Shu! As if you know any better!” Ayato retorted.
“Ayato and Shu, you’re both too noisy! Both of you be quiet so that we can get this over with already!” Kanato shouted, prompting everyone to grit their teeth and move on with the conversation.
“Moving forward with the conversation, we have not heard back from the Founders. Uncle Richter fears that they may not agree with you becoming the new Vampire King, Ayato.” Reiji started as he adjusted his glasses on his nose bridge.
“We don’t need them as allies, do we? We’ve had troubles in the past with them anyway.” Subaru stated.
“While that may be true, it is best if everyone in the Makai can agree upon Ayato being their new Vampire King. More allies will be better than more enemies as well, and Ayato needs all the support he can get now while he’s learning to control his new powers..” Richter responded.
From above on the second floor, [Name] was watching quietly with a sorrowful expression plastered on her face. She knew Ayato was most likely stressing out from the issues of the demon world, and she felt a little guilty for adding more salt to the wound too. Perhaps she should apologize to Ayato later? Maybe. It depended if he even wanted to see her.
Walking away from the scene, [Name] decided to head to her room, until she spotted one of Ayato’s familiars zoom past her and rushing towards the Sakamaki family meeting downstairs. Strange, she thought. The familiar looked as if it was in a hurry to tell Ayato something. Pressing her back against the pole once more, [Name] waited to see what the urgent news was.
“Hm? What is it?” Ayato asked when his familiar reported to him immediately.
“What? They rejected the alliance offer and want war? For what purpose?” Reiji asked in shock.
“It said...to take the throne. They want to control all of the clans again and rule as a supreme ruler...does that mean they have no one as their ally?” Subaru pointed out.
“It’s a possibility unless the other clans agree with the Founders’ viewpoints.” Shu murmured, awake now that there was a mention of war.
“This isn’t good then. I wonder if we’ll receive more replies from the other clans soon in order to fight against the Founders.” Laito muttered.
“If it’s war they want, then they’ll get it. We’ll fight them for the throne then.” Ayato announced, instructing his familiar to go off and deliver the message.
“Just a moment, Ayato. War is not a trivial affair. You must take into account for the other clans too. For now, we can plan out and prepare for what is to come. You have a lot of work to do as well, so you’ll have to disappear from the human world for awhile.” Richter responded.
“Tch, don’t remind me! I’ll do it then. Even if I can’t control the old man’s powers yet, I’ll...I’ll have to learn soon.” Ayato summarized, staring at the palm of his hand and clenching it in distress.
[Name] held her breath as she placed a hand over her chest. War? At this time? What could the Founders be plotting now? Were the Sakamaki family even ready for war? Would the other clans even be successful in the end? So many questions ran in her mind, but [Name] couldn’t help but fear that Ayato would run off and join everyone in battle. Knowing him, he’d want the honor as proof to show that he was capable of being the Vampire King, even if it meant him trying and dying for it.
Later on in the evening, [Name] quietly knocked on Ayato’s door, asking if she could come in. When she received no response, [Name] decided to enter anyway, figuring that Ayato may be hiding somewhere in his room and sulking.
Seeing him nowhere around his room, [Name] guessed that he had hidden away in his iron maiden. Kneeling down beside it, [Name] sighed and tapped lightly on the iron maiden to make her presence known to Ayato.
“Ayato-kun...you should come out. We need to talk.”
No response.
“I...I listened to your meeting with your brothers and uncle about the upcoming war, and I wanted to know what you were planning to do. Maybe I can help you.”
No response.
“Listen, if you’re mad at me, I understand. I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier, and if you’re hungry, I’ll make you some takoyaki tonight. Doesn’t that sound appealing?”
Still no response.
“You really are like a child, you know. An annoying but cute one who strives to be the best. But even with that, I still feel very lucky to meet you in this lifetime. You’re unforgettable, you know?”
“I’m going downstairs to the kitchen to make you food. When you’re hungry, come down and meet me, okay? You must feel as if the world is suddenly against you and I know you have a lot of pressure to face now, but you have allies and people that will support you, including me. Don’t feel as if you have to shoulder everything from now on, alright? I’ll see you soon.” [Name] ended before getting up and walking away.
Despite her unusually silent conversation with Ayato, [Name] felt as though he must have heard her words. There must be something she can do to lighten up Ayato’s dark mood.
Even with her ignorant wishes to help Ayato, the dangers that lurked ahead in the future were ones that she would not be able conquer so easily. Where will the strengths of their love find each other again? Only time would be able to tell.
End of Night 1.
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Omega’s Dragon: Desert Heat (The Sunfire Brothers Book 1)
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Dragon Alpha Tyran Sunfire knows it’s good to be King. As ruler of the dragon clans of the desert, he’s used to owning the best of everything: a glittering casino on the Las Vegas strip, a palatial estate in the desert, and gorgeous men at his beck and call. There’s just one catch: In order to keep his position of power, he must produce an Heir to the throne. And fast. Bailey, a human Omega, spent his childhood one step ahead of the law, but his sister promised that one last heist would set them up for life. Unfortunately, getting caught stealing from a dragon has dire consequences. In exchange for his sister’s freedom, Bailey offers his body to Tyran. But the dragon is interested in more than just a one night stand... When sparks start to fly, will the growing child inside Bailey be enough to hold them together? Or will their differences tear them apart?
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Sneak Peek:
“Tell me the plan once more.”
Bailey sighed, but obediently counted off the steps on his fingers. “We get to the blackjack table. You sit down at the one where Mark is dealing. I sit down two tables away and pretend to be drunk and sloppy. At five thirty two pm, I pretend to pass out, making as big of a scene as I can.” He rubbed the cheap digital watch on his wrist just to confirm it was still there.
Rachel nodded approvingly as she paced the dingy hotel room’s worn carpet. “And then?”
“During the commotion, you and Mark swap the casino’s deck of cards for your counterfeit one. Once you make the swap, I miraculously recover and exit, to meet you back here. You do your crazy card counting magic, bet it all, win, and we walk away from all this.”
His sister smiled. “Well, a little simplified, but correct. But you don’t need to understand the card-shark stuff, just your part. You feeling ok?”
“I still don’t see why we’re picking the biggest casino on the strip for this. They’ll have the tightest security, won’t they?”
Rachel ruffled his hair affectionately. “Oh, little brother, I’ve taught you well.”
“Seriously, Rach. Why?”
She sighed. “I know it’s not ideal, but do you know how hard it is to get an inside man who’s willing to take the risk? Mark works at the Golden Dragon, so that’s where we’re hitting. Besides, all that racket about Vegas casinos having super tight security is a myth.” Rachel waved a hand dismissively. “They spread stories about their special tech and godlike surveillance to discourage idiots, but even the best security system is only as good as the people watching it. They’re only human, after all.”
Bailey frowned. “And you’re sure Mark is legit?”
“Trust me, I can pick out a cop in ten seconds. He’s not one of them. Besides, he stands to lose just as much as we do if this goes bad.” Her eyes softened, and she rested a hand on his shoulder. “Relax, Bailey. I know you don’t like this, but hitting it big is our best chance at a good future. We’re not going to be stupid and greedy like the people who get caught. We’ll finish this job, take the money, and go live somewhere quiet. Isn’t that what you always said you wanted?”
Bailey felt the familiar pang of longing deep in his stomach. He nodded, unable to speak.
Rachel knelt down so that they were eye to eye. “Like I promised you when you were born, kiddo, I’ll always take care of you,” she said. “I’m no saint, but I love you. You know that, right?”
“I know,” he said. “I love you too, Rach.” And he did.
“I’m glad you’re looking out for us, but don’t worry. Just do your part and we’ll be fine.” She stood and stretched like a cat in the sun, flashing him a warm smile. “Besides, I’m feeling lucky.”
“Yes, that’s it,” growled Tyran, as his cock hit the back of the stranger’s throat. “Slower.” He twined his fingers in the man’s hair and guided him up and down, just the way he liked it. The dragon had picked up his latest boy toy at the pool that afternoon: he could spot a Beta from a mile away. Tyran couldn’t recall the man’s name; probably because he hadn’t bothered to ask. And after all, who needed a name when you had an ass like that?
Outside the window, Tyran could see the last rays of the setting sun sinking behind the mountains, painting the desert sky a vivid gold. He’d selected the suite on the 40th floor for their little tryst on purpose: the height gave him a fantastic view of the Strip. As the sun faded, the famed lights of the city began to glow like multicolored jewels, tempting tourists to come try their luck. His kingdom. His playground. His Hoard.
As if sensing his distraction, the stranger ran the flat of his tongue up the underside of Tyran’s cock, making the dragon smirk. Needy little thing. “Where did you say you were from, again?”
“Nebraska,” mumbled the Beta, the sound muffled by a mouthful of the Alpha’s thick cock.
“That’s right. In town for a sales conference?”
Tyran chuckled. “You want some business advice? Quit sales, go into whoring. Because fuck, your mouth feels good.” In truth, the stranger was about average. But the dragon knew how to get the best performance out of his toys.
As expected, the Beta enthusiastically increased his speed, sucking like he wanted to drain every last drop from the dragon’s cock. Tyran’s eyes fluttered closed as he lost himself in the pleasure. The hot tight mouth was drawing him closer and closer to the edge. As always, it was so good to be the King.
The harsh buzz of his cell phone, vibrating like some giant bee on the nightstand, stirred Tyran from his reverie. He reached for it, careful not to move too much. The stranger shot him a disapproving glance, but the dragon ignored him and thumbed the answer button without looking at the screen. “Hello?”
“Tyran, do you know what time it is?”
“Good evening, Mother. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Her voice was girlishly high and soft, yet Tyran could hear the anger beneath it. “This isn’t a social call, Tyran. You missed the appointment I had scheduled for you today. Didn’t Kael tell you? Do we need to find a new assistant?”
Tyran smirked. “He told me you had scheduled a lunch meeting for me and a certain friend of yours. I told him to ignore it. I don’t appreciate being set up on a thinly-disguised date with some ancient dragoness. She’s closer to your age than mine, you know. How would that look?”
The Beta’s eyebrows furrowed in a look of confusion. Tyran smiled and gave the back of his head a gentle push, encouraging him to continue.
His mother’s voice interrupted his reverie. “She may be older than you, but her Clan is famous for their strong fertility magic. Why, her sister is mated and has four children already.”
Tyran made a face. As if his mother could see him, she sighed heavily.
“We have been over and over this, Tyran. You are the eldest son. I’m not nagging you because I enjoy it. It is your responsibility to us all to produce an Heir. Otherwise, our status as ruling Clan could be compromised. I know you don’t care about ruling, but think of me. Think of your brothers.”
He scowled. “I will mate when I choose to. And I do not choose to yet.” At the sound of the word “mate,” the Beta perked up. Tyran rolled his eyes. “I have to go, Mother. We can discuss this later.” Or never. He hung up without waiting for her reply and reached out to stroke the Beta’s hair. “Business. You know how it is.” He was pretty damn sure the stranger had no idea.
The Beta smiled anyway. “I’m sure running this place and dealing with all that money is so tiring. Let me help you with some of that stress.” He drew Tyran’s cock into his mouth again. The dragon sighed and laced his fingers behind his head, letting his eyes close. The Beta wasn’t the brightest, but he gave a decent blowjob. Tyran lost himself in the surge of pleasure, the hot tightness of the stranger’s mouth.
When the phone rang again less than a minute later, Tyran was sure it was his mother calling to berate him for hanging up on her.  But when the caller ID display lit up with “SECURITY,” he sat bolt upright in bed. The Beta made a little choking noise, but Tyran ignored it and punched the call answer button.
“Sir, you’d better come down here. We’ve had a breach.” Despite her jarring words, the voice of Magda, his chief of security, was calm.
He cursed under his breath. “What kind?”
“Someone tried to bribe one of our dealers. He let us know in advance, so we set up a sting. Idiots never saw it coming. We have them in the holding cells now.”
Tyran felt a rush of triumph. “Good work. I’ll be down in five.”
“Yes, sir.”
He hung up and patted the Beta’s shoulder, causing the man to look up. “Looks like we’ll have to cut this short. Get dressed and see my assistant Kael on the way out, he’ll get you a car.”
The man looked startled. “But I thought… don’t you want me to wait until you get back? Don’t you want to fuck me?” His tone was pleading, with an overly submissive whine that set Tyran on edge.
Tyran smiled. “No. I won’t be needing you any longer.”
The Beta’s face reddened, and he sputtered something, but Tyran was already off the bed and headed for his closet. Too bad he hadn’t gotten to finish, but this was Las Vegas. Easy come, easy go.
And he had some people’s lives to ruin.
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avengersfluff · 7 years
The Art of Deception. (preview)
AU!Bucky x OFC (Inspired by Kings)
Warnings: None this chapter. JUST A SHORT PREVIEW!!!!!
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Summary:: Prince James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is given a choice, continue being the media labeled “Play Boy Prince” and go on his carefree way while the crown is pushed further away from his grasp or agree to a marriage that would not only make his kingdom stronger but also prove to himself and his father, that he had matured and was ready to take on the heavy burden of becoming King Barnes. Of course the logical decision would turn out to be much more difficult than he imagined.
Continued summary:: Princess Madelyn lives in a war stricken country where now funds are tight, her marriage to the Prince of her neighboring country will unite the two Kingdoms and bring an end to the war that had begun to spread into other lands. The only problem was that this prince had a terrible habit of making a name for himself as the “Play Boy Prince” and to her people, she was know for her more conservative nature being labeled the “Virgin Princess”. This was a match made in hell!
“You're joking?” Prince Bucky deadpanned. His gaze fixed solely on his father, George, the King. “Please tell me your joking.” He added tearing his eyes away from his father that sat at the head of a long mahogany table. Lined down the sides of the table sat the men responsible for keeping their large country up and running behind the scenes. His regulators, finance advisers, and foreign diplomats. About thirty men in all and all had their eyes glued to the Prince's reaction. 
Next to Bucky sat his adopted brother, best friend and Captain of the military, Steve Rogers. “Buck,” Steve interjected quickly before anyone else could speak up and cause Bucky to snap. He Bucky had a short temper when provoked and the men who sat at the table with them didn't think too highly of Bucky and his reputation. Steve knew they were all afraid that Bucky couldn't live up to the expectations of King and ruler. “This is the best way to secure your crown.”
Bucky knew his reputation wasn't necessarily one to be proud of but Bucky was just doing what made him happy, having fun made him happy. Women made him happy..for a little while...Bucky was just flowing with the lifestyle that came with being one of the most powerful men in the free world. “I understand, but her?” He asked, his brow raising up in shock. “Out of all the women in the world you pick the 'Virgin Princess'?!” He couldn't stop the laughter that echoed from the back of his throat.
A few of the older men cringed at the Prince's use of wording. Most hated the names the tabloids and papers gave these young people. It all seemed so vulgar. The Prince loved the attention and power the media gave him, over his twenty-two years he had learned to play the media to his own advantage which most of these elder men frowned upon. “Your highness, Princess Madelyn was the proper choice and your father's first pick.” One man finally spoke up causing Bucky to stiffen.
“Son, your image is getting out of control and most people are beginning to question your ability to run this country when the time comes. You have to win back the trust and favor of the people or they will rebel again you and you /KNOW/ who's next in line.” King George sighed tapping the pads of his fingers on the dark table top.
Bucky felt his shoulders tense and a wave of frustration wash over him, “Rumlow..” He muttered through gritted teeth. There were many royal families after the last great war that divided the world up. Most countries claimed their own sovereignty and elected four or five families to take the place as Royals. However a shortage of food and resources allowed some of the smaller countries to join with larger ones for survival. That was how Brock Rumlow and his family came into the picture.
The Barnes had ruled their kingdom for nearly one hundred years, each King passing down the crown to their first born son and son on. They were lucky that their country was in fact the largest and most prosperous out of all others. Mostly because of the Barnes knowledge of the world, amazing engineering department and a nearly unstoppable military force---thanks in large part to Steve and smart judgment.
“Rumlow is a dictator not a leader which is why it's so important that you do this. I don't want you or your sister to live in a world where war once again takes over the people. Rumlow is ruthless, vile and doesn't have an once of compassion in him.” The King continued. “The Princess you're betrothed to is a symbol of purity and kindness. Her country is small and in dire need of our help. More invaders from other lands have attacked them and their defense while admirable isn't matched in numbers. If we join together and become one unified nation the wars will stop. We'd be and entire continent with unmatched abilities. King T'Challa has already sword allegiance to the Princess Madelyn and her people and we could definitely use them at our backs.”
Bucky listened to his father intently. He knew ever word was true but to give up his freedom to a woman who he didn't even know? Or hadn’t even seen? The idea was preposterous to him. However, that being said, there wasn't anything Bucky wouldn't do to keep Rumlow from having power. Even if it meant marrying the Virgin Princess and having an unhappy marriage....that alone was worth it. Anything to see Rumlow squirm.
He knew that was the wrong reason to want to agree but the crown was his and his alone. He didn't sit through ever boring lesson that all Royals go through, he didn't learn to speak seven languages just for shits and giggles and he SURE as hell didn't take all those military training courses just to stay in shape. Despite his crude behavior at times, Bucky would be a wonderful leader. He care for his people, his family and his country. He'd die to protect them all.
“If I agree to this...” Bucky started as his weighed the options in his head as he spoke, his fingers absentmindedly pressing against the table top with each word, his eyes drifting down to his shaking hands, “..it has to look like my idea and mine alone. Rumlow is going to run this all over town that I'm being forced to marry against my will and that'll just cause backlash.” he began glancing first to Steve who had a ghost of a smile tugging to his lips. Steve already knew Bucky was working his magic against the tabloids. “So this conversation goes no further than this room and the Princess' family. It has to look genuine. The courting period has to last at least four or five months so we can convince the people we are madly and deeply in love. I've heard how much her people love her, if they love her that much they'll be skeptical about anyone she marries. I'll have to win them over first.”
George couldn't help but grin at his boy. He was smart and witty, that was for sure. “You wont have to act, I hear this Princess makes everyone she meets fall in love with her. You'll be head over heels in not time, my boy.”The Prince cringed at the word 'love'. This wasn't love! It was business and strictly business. “We can fly over this weekend, the King was expecting an answer by then, you'll spend a week there learning her culture and winning the people over, then back here where you'll show her everything. I'll have your mother and sister plan the announcement party. It'll be the biggest news all over the world.” George beamed happily that Bucky didn't flat out refuse them and stomp out in a huff.
The King had always planned on having Bucky married by twenty-five so he could have heirs by thirty. It was important for his legacy to have as many as possible. Plus the upside of seeing his boy grow up from the spoiled rich boy into the respectable ruler was a great dream of his. He loved his children and wanted nothing but the best for both of them. Hopefully this Princess could save Bucky from himself and turn him into the man Bucky was deep within. The man he buried away so long ago.
AN:: Sorry for typos. Going on no sleep and I just wanted to get this short drabble out there. Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? Should I make this a very lengthy story? Sorry for the bad writing, it’s been since October that I’ve written anything like this.
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