#ishi. my zora shadow
grooviestsadpapaya · 27 days
Sorry if this is too much of a bother but I gotta know…
Do you have a design for Princess Ruto??
(Not for any specific reason definitely not)
You may have :] a sneak peek :] I based her design on a flapper because!! I don’t know!! I was seized by a destructive spirit!! Okay it was the feather. It was definitely the feather.
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She likes Twilink
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grooviestsadpapaya · 1 year
And so it begins :]
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So I’m starting off Zora May with another Shadow character, she’s like Twilink in that she’s got a Twilit Insect that makes her all spooky. To put it short MORPHEEL ZORA! She’s actually nice but she’s soooooo tired.
She’s also just absolutely fuckin ripped. Feel free to send asks and I will make little doodles of her doin funny shit!
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