#and they both don't think that they're actually that important or deserving of what they've given each other
thebibliosphere · 9 months
I both believe "poor people deserve art" and "artists deserve food", but it's hard to reconcile those beliefs. I blame capitalism. And I suppose it mostly matters who you're stealing from?
I don't mean to question you at all, I'm against people pirating your stories. I guess I was just wondering if you had more thoughts regarding the reconciliation the two beliefs I quoted above.
I think the reconciliation is working toward a future where things are better, and authors and artists don't have to beg people not to steal from them because they think every author is Stephen King, who wouldn't notice if you stole the pennies found under his couch when in reality most of us are hunting for spare change down the back of the couch because we are earning below minimum wage.
We need people to embrace the idea that art belongs to the working class, both in terms of consumption but also creation.
If you don't support the working-class creators, you'll only end up with rich fucks with no scope of the world beyond their own narrow view of privilege.
Indie creators are actually working very hard to change the way the industry works, and the publishing industry is shitting itself over it. They don't like the success some of us are having. It's why they keep upping prices while slashing corners on their own production (while never affecting the man at the top) to try and stay competitive within the rat race they've created.
They're not interested in the proliferation of art. They're not interested in making sure their authors can afford to live. They don't want more diversity. They don't want inclusion. They want profit at whatever the cost.
And while indie creators very much need to get paid because we live in a capitalistic society and everything is burning down around us, and a carton of eggs now costs more than what I earn per hour, our creativity is directly at odds with the type of profiteering big publishers want.
The money should go to the writers. Not the CEOs. The money should go to the workers in the print houses. Not the CEOs. No one needs the kind of wealth these people have. It's obscene. We need direct action against these conglomerates. We need unionization. We need a means to fight back so that we can make art and make it accessible.
So, how do we do that? I don't know. I'm just a very tired, disabled creator doing my best to keep my head above water. But I think getting people to realize that art and books are worth saving up for would be a good start.
That putting money in the pockets of creators is just as important as your own enjoyment of their art. Because if there aren't any artists, you've got nothing.
Getting them involved with their local libraries would also be a great start. Educating them on how the industry works is part of that. The number of people telling me they had no idea libraries paid authors is staggering. And that's intentional. It's a by-product of right-wing propaganda to make you think libraries are worthless and just sap taxpayers' money.
They're not.
If they were, the fash wouldn't be trying so hard to take them away.
Basically, we need working-class solidarity and for certain people on the left to rid themselves of the idea that just because something isn't borne of manual labor, it doesn't have worth. We need the artists and the dreamers as much as we need to bricklayers and the craftsmen. Otherwise, what's the fucking point of it all?
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AITA for being semi-close to someone a lot younger than me?
This is something I've been worried about for a while, but it's become more prominent lately after me seeing several people say it's inherently creepy for an adult (or even just way older person) to be interacting with a child. And I really don't want to be like that, I don't want to hurt a kid ever, especially since I know what it's like to be groomed myself.
So I (18F) have known this kid (13) for about 3 years now. They reached out to me online because of similar interests- mainly in games and in YouTube channels, and we bonded a lot over that. They didn't have their age in their bio so I didn't immediately know their age, but I did find out a few months in.
Over the course of when we've known each other I've been as careful as I can to be age appropriate. I never bring up anything sexual for obvious reasons (the only time it ever came up was them asking what a sexual term meant, which made me very uncomfortable and I tried to change the subject... to which they started repeatedly inappropriately using the word. They ended up looking up the definition and where horrified. Even that conversation makes me feel wrong).
I also make sure to not put any of my personal issues on them. I couldn't always hide when I was upset- both because for the first year of us knowing each other I had unmedicated ADHD that made my mood swing a lot, and for the past 2 1/2 years or so I've been in a very toxic relationship that I still don't know how to get out of and quite frankly, am scared to get out of because I don't know how they'll react if I do actually leave them. Do to this, there's been times they could tell something was off and would ask me what's wrong. I avoided telling them as much as possible, just giving them something vague and reminding them that it's not their responsibility to help me, because they would always try to help cheer me up, and even that didn't feel right because they're a kid. They should be focusing on themself, not me. The worst of this though, is there was a time I was struggling heavilly with suicidal thoughts. I was planning to attempt, and sent out a vague "goodbye" type message, trying not to make it too obvious what was happening. They caught on though. They weren't the one who helped me calm down from that but I still know how awful it is to be sitting there, scared you're going to loose someone important to you. Especially for a kid. I've apologized for that happening many times, and it hasn't repeated, but every time they just go "It's fine, you were a struggling kid too back then" as if that makes that okay. It doesn't feel right.
Throughout the 3 years we've known each other, I've also tried to help out where I can with several issues they've had. Which was pretty much just me giving advice for how to handle difficult situations where I felt I could, and offering comfort and reassurance where I couldn't. Among other things, I helped them recognize several instances where other people they met online where intentionally trying to groom them. I explained to them that it wasn't normal for someone my age to want to be with them/find them attractive, because there where several instances of them telling me of 15/16 year olds getting with them. That no responsible person my age would be doing that to them, and that it wasn't okay for them to do that.
Because of the help I've given them, I notice they look up to me quite a lot. They have told me they see me as a role model and "the best person they know" (I can guarantee I'm not, and have tried to get them to not see me that highly because that seems unhealthy). They even see me as a sort of parental figure, including calling me parental-like names. That by itself I don't mind too much, I know they had a terrible home-life and didn't feel they could actually look up to their real life parents. So if I am giving them something I think every child deserves to have (a parental role model they can look up to), I'm glad. I just worry I'm not as good a role model for that as they think I am, and that I'm a creep, just like the ones I have gotten away from them in the past. I do care about them a lot, and do see them in that sort of familial way, and I want to protect them and help them have a better life, because I know they have struggled a lot and if I am able to help them, I want to. But I'm worried I'm causing the same harm that has been caused to me, and that others have tried to/have caused to them in the past without even realizing what I'm doing wrong. I don't want to be like those creepy assholes.
What are these acronyms?
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nothorses · 1 year
it's really funny how 'transandrophobia truthers' are accused of being both TERFs and MRAs because i'm pretty sure those ideologies are like. complete polar opposites
it's almost like they just want to lump us with any group of bad people without actually listening to what we have to say lol
it really clarifies how they think of those groups, i.e., as "people I don't like" rather than specific ideologies.
it isn't important to them whether we actually literally agree with any of the ideas there, or if those groups would even begin to consider accepting our ideas- these are just New Internet Insults that they've found to her particularly effective in the online spaces they occupy. "TERF" and "MRA" are just convenient words that make people's brains turn off and jumpstart rage & hatemobs, and that's very convenient when you dislike someone and want to hurt or punish them.
Conversely, they aren't really interested in learning what either group believes in or how to genuinely spot someone who is a part of those groups, or whether they agree with any of those groups' ideas themselves. It's much easier to think of them as Evil Monsters who are inherently and fundamentally different from you, as people you could never ever be like or agree with, than it is to entertain the possibility that you might have flawed ideas too, or caused harm without knowing it.
TERFs are just "women who want to hurt all trans women" because as long as they say they don't hate trans women, they're never in danger of being a TERF; and MRAs and are just "men who hate cis women" because as long as they say they love cis women, they're never in danger of being an MRA.
They can twist just about anything into "hating trans women" or "hating cis women" (like "thinking trans men also deserve not to be hated, hurt, or killed" or ,"acknowledging trans men are oppressed") in order to distance themselves from, and punish, anyone they dislike.
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meadowmusing · 5 months
my thoughts before the PJO finale
overall? A good fun show but with some definite stumbling. Faithful in a "remake" sense, but as much as a "port" would be. Still a genuinely good time with a likeable cast, gorgeous visuals, and an engaging (mostly) interesting plot.
Beware spoilers for ep1-7!
My biggest gripes
Pacing. the first episode was horribly paced. Somehow both rushed, not well condensed, and yet also failed to effectively deliver tension in important scenes it was needed in. Scenes like the minotaur felt dragged out and lacked the urgency it deserved, and the fight/victory fell kind of flat. Pacing got better in later episodes thankfully.
Sally Jackson. Yeah I know, not a hot take. She's a more realistic depiction of a mother in that kind of situation but I didn't find her likeable outside of her first scene talking about the name Perseus. She's not necessarily a "Bad Character" per se, but she is not the Sally Jackson from the books. Frankly, I didn't find book Sally all that important, but seeing this version has definitely wised me up to importance of her kindness and patience. Sure she might have seemed like a "doormat" at the beginning, but the more u learnt about her, the more her inner strength and self sacrificial love for Percy was apparent. TV Sally just doesn't have that, it doesn't feel like she has that much affection for Percy, she seems more distant and less loving. TV Sally has far too many scenes of her raising her voice at Percy and being frustrated with him, it makes it seem more like she was randomly stuck with this child and while she loves him, she knows deep down she would have been happier without him. Again, understandable but not book Sally. I feel they've sort of played up Percy's fierce love for his mum (or maybe it just feels more so because its more present in his spoken lines), but it doesn't feel as justified. If anything, id believe a more messy wrought relationship between the two. Its not a bad thing she's not the exact same as her book counterpart, but I do think it was a bad decision when they went so hard on Percy being ride or die for her, when most of her longer scenes are her being just frustrated with Percy being a child.
Gabe. ok more of a hot take I guess but I seriously disagree with his re-characterization. I don't mean to downplay anyone's experiences with toxic or abusive partners, but Gabe is far too bland and inoffensive. At worst, he's kind of annoying and maybe lazy. But he is nothing like the human sht stain that was book Gabe. Book Gabe deserved petrification and a lot worse, TV Gabe does not. The guy deserves a break up, not murder. Me and my friend actually laughed at him, because he didn't give "beats his wife and emotionally abuses her and her child", he gave "dead beat crypto boyfriend". Maybe it was the casting as well, the actor was funny and just seemed more goofy than actively horrid. "what makes u think he hasn't hit sally?" have u met TV Sally?? are u kidding me? she would have that man arrested.
Hades. I don't actually dislike making Hades friendly and more sassy. Sure its not book accurate, but you could argue its a little more mythologically accurate (maybe). My real problem is that he lacks PRESCENCE. Yes he can be nicer ect in this, but he is still the GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD. He should still be able to command a room! His words, even if they're not malicious or intimidating, should hold a certain kind of weight. I don't blame the actor here, I think he does well with what he's given but pretty much everyone else dropped the ball here. If they had supported him, we could have had a friendly Hades that was still a fitting lord of the underworld. Writers, directors, lighting, sound, ect let him down.
Persassy. Percy was great in the beginning but I felt like he started to lose that as the show went on, to give more of his lines/sassy moments to the other members of the trio. Which wasn't a terrible idea, I just think they did it too much, especially with the Ares scenes. Percy is meant to have an epic beef with Ares so much it transcends magic amnesia, but I could not believe that with the current lack of sass. Even the upcoming battle doesn't feel as weighty or deserved as it should. Again, don't hate the idea of sharing the sass around, just don't think it should come at the cost of Percy being toned down so much.
Getting into the underworld / mattress scene WHAT WAS THAT. I can accept that Percy knows more about Greek mythology because of his mom and i feel generally from just current cultural zeitgeist, but WHY THE HELL WOULD HE KNOW WHO CRUSTY IS?? and why was it so quick? there was no quick desperate clever thinking, it was like bro had read the scene from the book and then SPEED RAN IT. Also the Charon scene was far more interesting imo and I don't like that they cut it in favour for Crusty, without even doing that scene well. God that was so poorly executed.
Anyway thanks for reading my rant. Its long so it may seem like I didn't like the series but im being truthful when I say I did. I pretty much liked the rest of it, even some of the changes. I thinks a good show and adaption with some flaws, thats all. Im excited to finish up the season and im so pumped for season 2 and hopefully the rest of the series :D
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heartfulselkie · 2 years
Prereveal Adrinette going one one (1) date together, probably due to some hijinks pulled by Alya and Nino to get them together without Marinette escaping.
At first its a little awkward since Adrien in unsure what his warm fuzzy feelings for Marinette are exactly, while Marinette is panicking over being unable to escape the situation because she knows it'll make Adrien feel bad.
But they slowly start to get comfortable. They have fun. That little bit of teasing from the end of Puppeteer 2 comes back and they are actually able to laugh together. The shoujo bubbles are constant because - wow! Marinette really is an incredible girl and really smart and funny! - wow! Adrien is still so sweet and genuine and Marinette can't help but constantly blush when he smiles at her so much!
They get closer and its looks like they'll hold hands! They're so close a hug could happen any second! Their faces almost within kissing range! Maybe Adrien is realising what his feelings are. Maybe Marinette is able to briefly let go of her fear because he just helps her feel so at ease.
But then an akuma attack happens and they both have to leave. They feel terrible that they can't go and hide with the other. They make hasty excuses that are accepted just as quickly.
And when the attack is over and they find each other again there's just...this moment of quiet. Adrien is reminded of Kagami sitting alone as she waited for him time and time again, her disappointment that he was unable to let go of his feelings for someone else (Ladybug). Marinette is reminded of always running late, leaving early or just not turning up at all on her dates with Luka. She remembers his sadness when she couldn't tell him why. That there was a huge part of herself she had to keep closed off and hidden. And they both realise...they just can't. Even if Adrien/Marinette is so important to them. They're just too important to constantly disappoint again and again whenever an akuma shows up. For someone who they think the world of and deserves the world...they don't think they can ever be the one to give it to them.
So they smile at each other and thank each other for a fun time. And they leave it at that. Adrien pushes aside unpacking his feelings for Marinette. Marinette returns to her denial and self punishment.
They care about each other too much to put them through all the hurt and disappointment they feel they've inflicted on others. They blame themselves for it not being possible, not knowing that the other is doing the same. They don't know that they're letting go of the one person who could understand completely how much it hurts.
So they walk their separate ways, letting something so wonderfully sweet and fragile end before it can even start. Before they can even have the chance to break it.
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brnineworms · 7 months
My thoughts on the trans rep in "The Star Beast"
This episode is haunted by the spectre of Good Representation™. Representation is a topic too expansive and nuanced for me to interrogate fully, so I'll just say I'm sceptical of the approach and the way it reduces trans (or otherwise marginalised) characters to plot points or blandly by-the-book portrayals. Also the idea that any single character can accurately represent an entire demographic is tenuous. Anyway.
Throughout the episode there's a huge focus on how beautiful Rose is, which is... I mean, I'd hardly be the first person to point out how Weird people (cis people especially) can get about how trans people look. And I get that this is probably a deliberate attempt to counter transphobia, to stress that trans people are cherished and deserve the world. It is a sweet sentiment I suppose, but it can come across as a bit... insincere? patronising? fetishistic, even? You have to recognise that correlating a person's worth with how beautiful you think they are is problematic in and of itself.
I actually really like the scene where Sylvia is stumbling on pronouns and worrying about whether or not it's okay to call Rose gorgeous. It's cute. It's genuine. I wasn't sure about the boys on bikes scene that preceded it – I thought deadnaming Rose was a clumsy way to establish that she's trans – but I've watched the episode again and my opinion has softened. I think it works well to have the malicious misgendering side-by-side with the accidental misgendering, showing that, yes, there is a difference. I know this already, but cis people who get confused about terminology and etiquette might benefit from watching this.
Speaking of pronouns... haha. Yeah, I did not like the "are you assuming he as a pronoun?" "my chosen pronoun is the definite article" exchange. Very awkward and nonsensical. It could have worked with some tweaking, but as it stands it feels more like a transphobic joke than actual dialogue. Ditto "male-presenting Time Lord."
Side note: why are some people so thrown off by the Doctor's gender? It's really not that complicated. The Doctor's pronouns vary depending on whether we're talking about an individual incarnation or the Doctor as a whole, encompassing all incarnations. If we're talking about a specific Doctor, they've all been he/him so far except for the Thirteenth and Fugitive Doctor (both she/her). If we're referring to all Doctors as one entity, it makes sense to use they/them since they're not consistently one gender or another. The Doctor is technically nonbinary I guess but only because they have the ability to regenerate into any gender. They're genderfluid only if you squint.
Is Rose nonbinary? Again, the "binary, binary, nonbinary" line just felt like a joke. Plus it doesn't make a lot of sense as a plot point/reveal. Rose's gender shouldn't actually be relevant because what's important for the meta-crisis thing is that she's Donna's offspring. There's also the fact that Rose had been presented as a trans girl until that point – no indication that she's nonbinary. Yes, it is possible to be a nonbinary girl, but it seems more likely to me that RTD just thinks nonbinary and trans are synonymous. Which is not the case.
The thing is, as I've alluded to already, Rose is an example of trans rep written by cis people for cis people. RTD's heart is in the right place, for sure, but he doesn't really know what he's talking about. I would say I appreciate the effort? But I don't know what the effort was in aid of exactly. I suppose it's nice for cis people to be told it's okay to stumble on pronouns sometimes, and to be shown that transness isn't a horrible and scary thing. I dunno. It's frustrating that trans people in life and in fiction have to educate and inspire and reassure cis people all the time... but we live in a society, don't we? And I'm sure there will be plenty of young trans people thrilled to see someone like them on TV, even if the execution could have been better.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 month
Big congrats on 2.5K!!! You deserve all of the success!!!
I don’t remember if I hit send after typing this earlier in the week but I had a difficult question!
What is your favorite episode of Daredevil? Or even a favorite from each season!
Thank you so so much, friend!! ❤ And don't worry, you definitely hit the send button but you really did send me the most difficult question out of all the questions I received, so I was really trying to think before I answered it 😆 Especially because I have been doing a very slow re-watch of Daredevil and it's been about 2 years since I last watched it all the way through, so I don't remember off the top of my head which episodes would be my favorite. Especially because I have favorite scenes that I've watched over and over and they're scattered throughout different episodes. But my answers for what are currently my favorite episodes are below the cut!
Season 1 Episode 10 Nelson V Murdock
Yes, that episode. I both love and hate this episode SO MUCH and that's why I ended up picking it as my favorite from this season. I don't think any other episode of Daredevil actually affects me quite as much as this one always does no matter how many times I've watched it. I love seeing the glimpses into Matt and Foggy’s friendship over the years and seeing how important they've become to each other. And it hurts me so damn much when Foggy finds out the truth about Matt and goes off on him like he does because I can feel both of their pain in this episode. Like Matt suffers a lot of physical pain throughout the whole show (and especially in this episode) and that makes me want to take care of him and help him, but that stray tear when Foggy is going off on him on the couch??? And that broken face and his fidgeting hands when Fog is just done and leaves??? THAT HURTS ME. EVERYTHING FOG SAYS HURTS ME. But so does the pain I feel for Fog for having been lied to for so long. It just makes me want to lock them both in the apartment and force everyone into a group hug with me and not let them leave until somehow they fix everything 😭
Season 2 Episode 4 Penny and Dime
It was hard to pick one episode for this season for many reasons, especially because Episode 5 shows us Matt's two very different relationships (even though Karen isn't quite a relationship). And as a fic writer for him, that plays a big role in how I write him romantically and how I write him handling relationships since I can actually see the few examples we really get of his love life here. And they're vastly different from each other. But ultimately I think getting Frank’s backstory in episode 4, watching Matt come rescue him and then having that very emotional moment in the cemetery where he's telling Matt about his daughter and what he lost is probably my favorite scene out of the whole season. Frank is just so vulnerable and Matt can see the redeeming and human bits of Frank here. Which I think is incredibly important and plays a big role in why Matt wants to take his case to keep him from getting the death penalty. I think it's a big moment between the two and it got me in my feels the other week when I was re-watching it.
Season 3 Episode 13 A New Napkin
There's a lot of great moments in season 3 but I think the final episode is the best. After watching Matt’s struggle through the whole season after the loss of Elektra and his senses, to slowly gaining those senses back, to pushing his friends away to keep them safe, to how he decides he won't let Fisk ruin who he is by killing him after wanting to the entire time... There's a lot of growth in Matt in this episode. He even tries to begin a relationship with his mother despite that whole messy history after finding out the truth about her. And the way he comes back to his friends at the end instead of trying to push them away and pretending he can't be Matt Murdock anymore is such a big moment. It's truly my favorite part of season 3 seeing how everything comes together in the end. And I've been dying to see where things went for everyone after this episode ever since it first aired but we never had the opportunity. So I'm hoping Born Again gives us some of what I was hoping to see since Netflix couldn't continue the show.
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thatgirl4815 · 8 months
Everything hits the spot except for sand. I mean doesn't he have enough to care for. Hell his primary caretaker is someone who needs to be cared for and he cares for himself. Isn't that difficult enuf. The urge to fix something that's broken, that has potential to be beautiful, i understand. But why love him...sand is confident. Then where does his need for acknowledgement stem from. So many options and he still falls for messy selfish problematic ray? I mean other than that face and an occasionally entertaining mouth he has nothing going for him. Ok fine the money and sex. And sand has definitely refused the former, the later I bet isn't all that happening at the moment. So it begs the question why. If they do get together what's in it for sand? Or is it the overall love is love stuff. But that means sand is one of the only person in this messy story that is actually in love. Not sure if i'm supposed to say ew or aww...
You raise an interesting question here, which is Why does Sand like Ray anyway? I think this question is so important because I imagine it's the same one Sand has been asking himself this whole time.
You're right, Sand has lived his whole life having to support both himself and his mother. Ray isn't particularly special—he doesn't make exceptions for Sand the way Sand does for him, and he certainly doesn't always treat Sand the way he deserves.
I think there are ultimately two parts to this answer of why Sand cares about Ray. Firstly, even though it's difficult being in a caretaker position, Sand has grown so accustomed to it that those responsibilities have become a part of who he is. He sees himself as a helper and provider, as someone others can turn to when they're in need. I’d argue he gets fulfillment from knowing that he's taking care of others well. His mom is grateful to him, and I believe he savors the thought that she's okay largely due to his efforts. The term ‘savior’ might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I don't think it's too far off. As you say, fixing something that's broken is a thrill in and of itself, so I imagine that factors in as well.
If Sand sees himself as a natural caretaker, then Ray is the prime example of someone in need of caretaking. Ray is reckless and immature in a lot of ways, not all of which are his fault. Even before Sand learns part of Ray's backstory, he consistently helps him and indulges him. Part of it is Sand's instinct to help people, but I think it's also due to intrigue. Additionally, while Ray has a lot of flaws, he's shown that he can admit his faults. (He's also incredibly thankful, which I think Sand values even more than his apologies.)
The second reason Sand gravitates towards Ray is because of their genuine chemistry. For how cruel Ray acts towards Sand later (I'm referring specifically to their fights, though Ray is notably drunk/high both times they've had a real argument), Ray is quite flirtatious and friendly towards him in general, if a bit pushy. It's implied in episodes 2 and 3 that they spend a lot of time talking and enjoying each other's company. I imagine a lot of Sand and Ray's relationship development happens offscreen, when they're just hanging out. Ironically, those quiet moments are some of the most important when it comes to growing feelings.
I get frustrated when Sand and Ray's relationship gets reduced to "Sand is a pushover and Ray is just using him," because to me that's discounting all of the actual relationship building they've done. Not to say Ray has not used Sand in some ways (then again, Sand also used Ray to get his revenge on Top), but for Ray to be strictly using Sand, I don't think he would show such active engagement with Sand's own interests. The clothing store, the record store, the concert, the club—those are all places that Ray went with Sand because he wanted to get a better sense of his life. He wouldn’t dedicate such time to doing what Sand wanted if his sole intention was to have Sand take care of him/offer his companionship.
You could argue that Ray goes along with Sand to convince him that he cares without actually caring, but there are signs suggesting Ray has been paying close attention (more recently, someone pointed out how Ray recognized the Freddie Mercury costumes in Ep8, while he didn't even know who Queen was in Ep4). To sum it up: I think Ray cares too much about learning who Sand is for him be a mere distraction. At first, this argument made sense to me, but not so much now.
We see Sand grappling with this question of why do I care?" a lot in Eps 5. In Sand's monologue in the intro and conclusion, he sounds almost perplexed, like he can't believe he's really carved out a 25th hour in his day for someone like Ray. We see Ray through Sand's eyes there, and it's clear Sand has this pull towards him that he can't quite define.
That's the other tricky part about this whole "What makes him care?" discussion…it can be hard to articulate what draws us to people. Their aura, their personality, the way they look at us, their sense of humor—all of these could have some role to play here, but I don't think Sand could boil down his interest in Ray to a single answer. The two of them just click. Add some deep discussions and a few fun dates, and the feelings develop naturally from there.
If I were to condense all of these argurents down, I'd say that Sand's care for Ray developed out of an inclination to help someone in need, someone he recognized as being a victim. Sand's smart; he noticed early that there's more to Ray's drinking than a college kid's bad habits. That inclination to help morphed into intrigue, and from there he got caught up in the thrill of being with Ray, enjoying his company the same way Ray enjoys his. As the audience, we've seen the worst parts of Ray, but I think it's easy to forget that Sand and Ray have had a lot of friendly interactions behind the scenes. We don't necessarily have to see those scenes to know how deep their impact is on the relationshug.
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thinking about Ena and Rui parallels (they don't actually really exist probably they're just my two faves and i'm EXTREMELY normal (by that i mean insane) about them)
Ena and Rui are both incredibly creative people who are skilled at what they do (art and inventing), but for the longest time, neither received the praise and appreciation they deserved from their surroundings (Ena's dad + art teacher and Rui's classmates)
instead, they got harsh criticism for their creations (Ena's art not being "good enough" and Rui's show ideas being "weird and too much")
but now, they've both found groups of people that love and acknowledge their hard work and talent and them in general (N25 and W x S)
also, Mizuki is pretty important to them both
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Hi, I recently played the RAE...and I have a LOT of opinions, but-
I'm very disappointed in how we're meant to be empathetic, kind, and understanding towards Rika and V to get a good ending. I guess, not entirely, but enough that there's a CG of Rika breaking down and hugging us, thanking us for understanding her.
This was very upsetting for me.
I'm a lot like Saeyoung, I guess I hold onto grudges. I understand in depth what led these people here, but I cannot forgive. I cannot be okay with how they have hurt Saeran. Trauma isn't justification for traumatizing others. The good ending route forces us into a position of empathy, where I want to tell them that they should suffer for not only hurting him, but continuing to justify that hurt by further hurting him...over and over in a cycle of self-importance.
What about those of us that don't want to forgive abusers? What about those of us that are angry? What about those of us that don't want to feel forced to ""understand""? I feel so invisible and so ripped away from my own choices and forced into making choices that make the bad people feel better about themselves. What about the victims that can't forgive?
You don't have to hug Rika, actually. You don't have to forgive V or Rika, either, and nobody's asking you to do that in the After Ending. Saeyoung won't forgive these people anymore than you will. A sad backstory will never be justification for wrongdoing.
I don't care what kind of horrible thing somebody went through, it will never erase the horrible things they did to other people beyond that. I feel sympathy for anyone who has gone through suffering in their life because nobody deserves to suffer, but while we can empathize with the pain someone went through? It doesn’t mean we forgive or justify what came after that. 
Rika suffered horribly at the hands of her adopted family, to give the most basic example. She didn't deserve to be treated that way. I can empathize with the pain she went through because I know what it feels like to be treated horribly by people who are supposed to love you. However, outside of that? I feel nothing but anger toward her for what she did.
There is no justification for her actions.
People suffer every day but many don't turn to make others suffer just as they suffered. Cool motive, still murder! 
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I know what you want to say in the game. I know you want to tell all of those people to go fuck themselves.
You want to tell them what kind of people they are to their face and make sure they understand what horrible things they've done and how there is no way in the world you could ever forgive them for what they did. There are instances throughout the RAE where you can say these things, but a lot of them are not as forthcoming as many wish they were. 
Listen, when I had to watch V drug Saeyoung, I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to tell him that his mother would be disappointed in the man he was because I knew that would crush him more than slap ever could. I wanted to tell him that because I know he can be better than what he is at his lowest points, in the Secret Ending and RAE.
There are plenty of instances where you get to drag Rika for what she's done, too. God, both in Ray Route AND the RAE. You get to tell her what she is in countless chat rooms, making it clear that she has hurt Saeran and that she can't control him, but I get that’s not as satisfying for many people.
Trust me, I understand where you're coming from here because I'm not the kind of person who forgives others, either. I hold on to my grudges because they're not hurting me or anyone else the longer I hold on to them. Do I wish the after ending had way more instances where you could be more forthcoming in your words to V, Rika, and Saejoong?
Yes, while there are some instances where you can say what you want to say about what you feel here, I also wish there were more of them because I wouldn’t mince words if I was there.  
But, I think it's important to understand that you don't have to forgive somebody even if you hear them out. Frankly, in that scene with Rika, she speaks at you. You're not exactly in a position where you can ignore her, so to speak. You have no choice but to give her and V the benefit of the doubt because they are the ones who can lead you to Saeran.
You have to choose to trust them in one moment because they are your only hope in finding him before it's too late. Just because you choose to trust them in that moment does not mean you accept them, you know? I always thought of that scene as one where I had no choice but to listen to them for the sake of what I needed to do for Saeran.
This is her perception of things, not yours.
She's speaking at you and you don't have the opportunity to say otherwise. She may feel that you have allowed her to feel accepted by you since you decided to “trust” V, but at no point in the RAE do you allow her to do that. I can’t recall a single instance of us giving Rika a chance but I can see where this might be confusing. It is only her opinion that you trusting either one of them means that you want to understand or give them a chance.
Do I think it would have been wonderful to have a moment with her where you ream her out in a visual novel for all of the horrible things she's done? Like, in this specific moment? Absolutely, I think this scene would have benefited from allowing both sides to have that option.
She's at a point in her journey where she would be willing to hear everything you had to say about her and take it. 
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This is what happens if you decide to listen to what she's saying and not embrace her.
The scene cuts away right there and you immediately go into the hunt for Saeran, who’s still by the lakeside. This is the option they give you to not embrace Rika. You are not at all obligated to do that. Like I said, would this have been a great instance to put a third option where you tell her like it is?
Absolutely, but that's not what they did, unfortunately. This would have been the perfect place for us to finally have the opportunity to say what we want to say as people who do not choose to forgive others for all of the things they've done, even if they decide they're no longer going to do anything like that ever again and they want to work on being better people. 
Just because that person goes on to try and be a better person doesn't mean you have to allow them to show you what they're like on their journey to right their wrongs and be better than they were the day before. You don't have to give them a second chance. 
But, do you know what Saeran needs?
You don't have to give somebody a chance to explain why they did what they did or try to excuse it. But I will say this here, if you value Saeran’s wants and desires in life, you understand that he wants to hear them out.
He wants to forgive them, not because he's okay with what happened to him, or because he's somehow saying that he wants them in his life going forward. He is choosing to forgive them so he can learn how to forgive himself for what he did to you and anyone else he’s hurt.
He has been holding on to what he did ever since he realized he was in the wrong, and he did not forgive himself at the end of Ray Route when you did. I believe it's going to take a long time for him to forgive himself for everything, and that's because he knows how to hold himself accountable for his actions. 
He's not going to shy away from anything he's done. He's going to own up to it every time and promise to be better today, tomorrow, and the day after that. For him to be able to find true peace, he needs to hear why the people who hurt him did what they did and what brought them to that point. That is a part of his journey. That is why his good ending centers around you facing his father, making that man explain himself in bitter detail so Saeran has the chance to hear it. 
The normal ending doesn't allow him to have that chance. It allows Rika to hold herself accountable in front of Saejoong Choi. She tears that man to filth because she knows that she is no better than he is, and she's not going to allow that man to do what she's done any longer, and she's going to face what she needs to face because she's chosen to face punishment. The only good thing she can do at that moment is take that man down. 
However, this makes it the normal ending because it does not allow Saeran to have what he needs to be at total peace. Sure, he's still happy in the normal ending and he has everything he needs, but for him to feel fully at ease he needs to hear his father speak.
I understand that not everybody agrees with what he's doing because the topic of forgiveness can be so misunderstood in this world due to the way it's taught.
So many people are taught to forgive and forget, but that is not the only act of forgiveness. You can forgive somebody if that brings you peace, and then you can tell them to leave you alone forever. You can hate somebody forever and hold on to that pain as long as you want.
You can forgive somebody and allow them to come back into your life with the stipulation that they prove themselves. You can tell that person to go fuck themselves and never bother you again. As long as you are not hurting yourself or anyone else, you feel what you need to feel and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. 
When you do what you do in the good ending, you do so on behalf of his feelings regardless of how you feel. I certainly don't forgive any of the people who hurt him, and I likely never will, but I value what he needs and wants.
Did I have to do that for him? No, technically speaking, I didn't have to ask those people anything or talk to them in any capacity. He would never judge anyone for choosing to hold on to their pain and never forgive another person. That's the point. I respect his choices and he respects mine. I know what I feel in my heart and I know what he feels in his.
This After Ending makes it abundantly clear that it is your choice and nobody should ever make you feel bad for what you choose.
Saeran respects Saeyoung.
He does not expect his brother to forgive their father or anyone else for that matter.
I'll be clear with you, I think one of the reasons why Saejoong Choi walked out of that room to specifically find Saeyoung is because Saeran told him to. Saejoong didn’t have a magic change of heart! But, for whatever reason, he's decided to face the music because there's really no other option for him. The only reason I can think of as to why that man would walk into that hallway is because of Saeran.
Saejoong could’ve turned himself into any authority figure, but he WENT TO SAEYOUNG. Saeran likely reamed into him and let him know that if he wanted to do SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE, he would let Saeyoung be the one to take him down once and for all. Because he damn well understands that his older brother has lived his life in fear of that man.
Every waking second was dedicated to being afraid of that mysterious figure around the corner.
He may not be sure what he wants to say to his brother, but he knows what his brother needs to find peace. The game may not say it out right but I will always believe in my heart that he advocated for his brother to have the opportunity to be able to beat the shit out of their father and take him to jail. 
Saeran respects people who don’t choose to forgive. He would never tell you to do something you don't want to do. He doesn't want anybody to tell him what to do anymore, either. His entire arc was about discovering what it meant to be free and what it means to have autonomous consent over your own choices. I don't think for a second he would ever put somebody in a position where they had to choose something that did not align with what felt right to them. 
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree with you that they could have done more to present this perspective, but with what they have done, it's a great basis to start with if you want to work on writing your own fanfiction about it. This game series isn't perfect, but I know we love it all the same.
I'm sorry that the way the game presents it doesn't do so in a way that allows many of us to express the way we feel about trauma. I know it can feel disheartening at times to not have the opportunity to do everything you want to do to find your peace. 
The execution may be a little messy but the attempt is there. God knows this ending did it a little bit better than V’s After Ending where you’re forced to Forgive to get the better ending.
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cgspirl · 2 years
Regarding Antlers (Spoilers for NOPE [2022])
Working on a video essay for 'Nope' and I ended up ranting on Discord about Antlers, so I'm gonna post it here, unedited for the Full Effect™️ of the brain damage Mr. Jordan Peele has inflicted on my churning little brain:
ALSO. antlers. antlers is such an interesting character because he comes off as like. the apathetic, jaded remains of someone who is a hollywood legend, who never wanted to be a hollywood legend, who just. now has to live with that because that's just how it is.
and on the surface? yeah! that's antlers holst. but frankly there's more to him than just. grizzled jaded cinematographer who was going to fuck everything up for everyone because he's a selfish artistic prick.
to make a long comparison short he's like o.j. down to earth (heh), no-nonsense, straightfoward type of guy who knows what to do within his field of expertise and only wants to do his job and be left alone to do that job
unfortunately, because he is someone that can be commodified by hollywood (cinematographer), unlike o.j. who can't (animal-wrangler), he's stuck in the claws of the fame machine even though he doesn't want to be.
a big thing i noticed on my rewatch was the purple people eater scene. at first, it comes off as threatening and ominous, like a warning; and then you put it in perspective of who the fuck he's actually talking to. these 'kids' (grown adults but antlers is old n therefore probably refers to anyone younger than him as 'kids') have already been through the worst of it. all that's left to do it pull it off. think about it in perspective of the lyrics, specifically the verse he chose to recite:
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'tree' of course. not being an obvious tree but rather being a reference to the mountains jj resides in; but the specific one is the "i wouldn't eat you / 'cause you're too tough" because. because they're quite literally the protagonists. they are too tough to eat because of plot armor. this was quite literally antlers' strange artistic way of saying how much he believes in them because he sees them as 'too tough' for jean jacket to eat. they'll outsmart it. they'll outpace it. n by god they'll get the impossible shot.
also extremely important to me that antlers a) predicts his own death and b) always stands away from the group, which can symbolize both him being an outsider AND his foreshadowed death. i also think it's very important to mention (because so many people have been so quick to write it off as 'selfish' or 'stupid') how antlers dies.
if you watch the scene before the run, antlers takes. some sort of cocktail of medication while angel watches both vaguely concerned and confused but ultimately chooses not to say anything because frankly. well frankly it's none of his business whatever they've got shit to do.
now they get the shot! they get the shot, everyone's celebrating, overjoyed they got it! except antlers. antlers comments on the light, how it's going to be magic soon.
remember he joined this operation late; to him, he hadn't done enough to fully like. constitute his contribution (despite bringing the equipment that actually allowed this come to fruition but to him that isn't enough. it's not enough. he has to get the impossible shot. the shot that will finally, finally prove to himself that he is, in fact, the artistic genius hollywood claims he is. but instead of getting it right there, with angel and the equipment near by, he chooses to walk away, to distance himself from angel, the equipment, and essentially the rest of the group. why? he didn't want to put them in danger.
what he was about to do was essentially suicide! fuck he even leaves angel with a warning before he goes: "Don't worry Angel, it's gonna be alright. We don't deserve the impossible."
|now a lot of people have imposed this 'we' as antlers referring to the group, but frankly? i 100% he was talking about himself and hollywood as a whole. they don't deserve the impossible; they'd just squander it. these kids? these kids do. these kids have put their asses on the line far more than any big wig hollywood anybody has in his lifetime; they deserve the impossible.
granted, if he'd been less cryptic, angel's stupid ass probably wouldn't have followed him up and nearly gotten himself killed by that's neither here nor there at this point tbh THE POINT IS. antlers knew exactly what he was doing (give or take on account of The Meds:tm:) and wasn't going to let those kids get hurt for him to do so because, at the end of the day, it wasn't them who had anything to prove to hollywood; it was him.
tl;dr antlers is a weird cryptic old man who might've been on a lot of drugs but his heart was (kinda) in the right place
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Thumbs up or thumbs down on the following headcanons:
Full poly DDLC, including MC.
2. MC (or our) actions regarding going back and getting the actual good ending (Sayori saying "Thank you for playing DDLC" and "We love you") to the base game because they/we felt they deserved it is what moves her to help rescue Monika from the digital void and forgive her. Unlike before, Monika doesn't take Sayori's feelings and actions for granted anymore and vows to do better by everyone.
3. MC helped Monika see the full error of her ways, after some hesitation about accepting herself as a character in a dating-sim world, by showing her glimpses of what our world actually looks like--take your pick of any number of "Where Were You When..."-type events in US or world history--and why many of us turn to games like DDLC for escape and comfort because of the general discrepancy in quality of life between game and reality. Monika feels much more secure about herself and her meta and in-world purposes to us and her friends after processing these revelations with MC.
4. The DLC side stories might actually take place after the good ending, rather than before the game proper, with everyone exploring their friendships with each other and Monika still being in a place where she feels some remorse for what she's done, but is unsure how to move forward in either a meta or in-universe sense (i.e., before MC shows her our real world).
5. Yuri and Natsuki were VERY slow to forgive Monika (Nats especially) after she finally sat down with everyone and explained everything that's happened. Once they see the daily/weekly efforts she makes to be a better person and friend (and later partner) to all of them, though, they gradually soften up to her over time.
6. The polycule came together haphazardly at first; with MC and Sayori picking up right where they left off and Yuri and Natsuki developing feelings for each other. After rescuing Monika, though, Sayori eventually admits to MC about catching feelings for her, too, something MC begrudgingly admits they've also been dealing with off and on since first joining the club. Once forgiven and persuaded, Monika makes a trio with them, and after earning Yuri and Natsuki's forgiveness over time, Yuri eventually persuades Nats to make the jump together to a love pentagon (the latter being VERY against the idea at first for reasons of past trauma and fear of being alone again if it all fell apart) after both begin to see some of Monika, and the others', more positive qualities too--Natsuki admits that she had fleeting crushes on the other three off and on but was too scared to act on them before and didn't want to hurt Yuri once they hooked up, and Yuri says the same.
What do you think? (Sorry for the infodump.)
You said "thumbs up or thumbs down" but if you've seen my blog at all, you'll know I'll say a little more than that XD
Poly dokis + MC? Could work! Not my personal preference, but I could definitely see it working out, particularly with the transfem MC headcanon I enjoy so much! these girls are gay i don't make the rules
Club President Sayori saving Monika? 🥺 Yeah, yeah she does
This one could work, especially in the context of the DDLC+ Side Stories. She comes to accept that while she is still a "character", she is oh-so important to the people around her, and they're all more real than she may have realized. I think she would definitely come to accept her world and learn to embrace it!
This one is a very interesting take! I think by our best canon estimates, the side stories take place before, but placing them after has an interesting affect on #3 above! I like this idea, but if we're still rolling with MC joining them, I don't know how to explain his absence ahaha!
I agree wholeheartedly with this one, Nats and Yuri are definitely the kind who find it hard to trust in the first place, and even harder to open up again when they feel that trust to be violated.
I like it! Again, within the context of the side stories where every pairing of the girls got their own time alone, this lends itself to all of them realizing they can't pick just one, and forming a polycule. Honestly this point makes me feel like I'm responding to a fanfic outline! XD
I mean, all of this felt like I'm responding to a fanfic outline, in a good way! It seems you've put some time into thinking about these things, and I think that's really cool :3 keep it up! And thanks for the ask!
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beautifulterriblequeen · 11 months
One thing I've noticed is how some people are always villainizing and demonizing Runaan and Ethari, seeing them as nothing but the worst, most awful parents in the show. Saying things like "they don't deserve Rayla or her forgiveness at all." They don't love her or even care about her at all," "she was never important to them." "She deserves better parents who actually love, appreciate, and defend her." While I admit, in all honesty, that I've enormously condemned both of them for the choices and decisions, how they contributed to Rayla's losses, sorrow, and heartbreak, but I feel that it's way too extreme and way too harsh.
But I also believe that they've been obviously hurting and suffocating from the brutality of their horrendous punishments for their own failures. Because I feel that Rayla will be incredibly unforgiving towards them because at some point, she'll have to deeply process and sincerely express all her harsh, angering, heavy, resentful feelings towards Runaan and Ethari. Maybe during these two years, Rayla has probably convinced herself so deeply that they never loved her nor cared about her, and even if they're effortlessly apologizing to her, pouring all heart and soul into every single apology, her mind tells her things such as "disregard every apology they made, do not believe them nor trust them." "Why should she believe them if they never believed her?" Something along those lines.
Just wanted to give my own speculation because, yes, Rayla's had her mistakes, but Runaan and Ethari had even greater failures and bigger wrongdoings. Because I know that the show will address Rayla, not only confronting her own true sentiments towards both of them, but Ethari and Runaan being hit where it really hurts them them the most: with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
This is in no way me hating on them. I adore Runaan and Ethari, but I don't want the show to let them off the hook for how they technically abandoned Rayla because they need to be held accountable and responsible for what happened.
In your honest perspective, BTQ, how do they even go about reconciling and repairing their relationship with Rayla? I genuinely hope that there can love, acceptance and forgiveness again, especially from Rayla. It'll be very hard for her, but I believe all 3 of them will overcome this. I have faith in them.
Apologies for the long post. Much love, fam.
Hey, thanks for your honest thoughts. I think we might have different perspectives on the idea of atonement/forgiveness/redemption, but that's okay. Since you were kind enough to share your thoughts, let me return the favor!
At the heart of my perspective is simply this: the more catholic we are in trying to shame and guilt people into admitting they messed up, the less likely they are to ever admit out loud that they were wrong (even if they want to). And that fear of rejection, of being shamed, keeps real change from getting started.
We get to be mad when we are hurt. We get to advocate for ourselves, to defend ourselves. And Rayla might have some feelings about her dads that she wants to yell at them about. But maybe she doesn't. Maybe she's not even looking back, or maybe it's been resolved and we'll see it in a flashback with Ethari or something. We don't know yet. She hasn't really spoken on the topic, and it might take her a while to do so.
The issue of intent should matter, too. TDP is a hopepunk story, and that carries certain themes that I'd love for more people to look for and enjoy:
resilience - as forgiveness or growth
imperfection - familiar to everyone, messier options and solutions
earnestness - folks are just folks, no evil masterminds
good and evil - not a state of mind but a series of choices
community - everyone still cares for their group/others
As we wait for S5 (and the rest of the series) to drop, it feels a little risky to me to pin so much personal expectation on it to deliver extremely specific emotional rewards like this. S5 was written, gosh, maybe a couple years ago? I don't know exactly, but it's been a minute, and we just got S4 - and its expectations - last November. Animation is a really really long process!
I'm content to wait and see what happens next. TDP doesn't work for me, and they don't have to do what I want, and it's too late to make any S5 changes now anyway, so I will take what I am given and appreciate it for the story it is, actually. I love this show, and I respect the people who work hard to create it. And there's really nothing more I feel I need to add to that, so that's where I'll stop.
Okay, I lied, one last thought! Bahaha.
Rayla already knows what it's like to be mistrusted by her dads. She did get angry at them about it.
For about 10 seconds.
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Ethari confessed, and Rayla forgave them and had tea with them, snuggled up safe and sound, at home where she was loved.
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It wasn't a big deal. They talked about it, they were honest, and they found a way to move forward together as a family. It took 3 panels - a single page - of BH to address it.
If there is a next time for confrontation, it will probably go at least a bit differently, if for no other reason than Rayla is several years older and has matured as a person. But this is her precedent for conflict resolution with Runaan and Ethari, specifically.
If everyone wants it to work out, it'll probably work out. If someone wants to be Right, or to be a Victim, or to make Drama, then that'll probably happen instead. But I covered my expectations up in the hopepunk stuff, so that's what I'm expecting from anything similar: everyone will at least want to resolve their grievances.
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
L and Matsuda for 002?
How I feel about L: hhhhh sigh. hhh. sighhhshhshsiigggh. honestly? he's kind of like my favourite jumper. he's my number one comfort character ever and I came very close to crying in bed for days after he died. i am not 'typical about this man.
How I feel about Matsuda: he's such a cutie!! teehee!!! look at this silly fella who probably cuts his own hair!! giggling and kicking my feet cause he's funny and silly and would be a good friend doncha think?
All the people I ship romantically with L: Matsuda, Misa, Rie, other people's OCs (if they're shipped with him by their creator xD). Light deserves a mention because while I don't ship LawLight romantically I do think they're an iteration of the "red thread" trope because no matter what time, no matter what place, they'll write history together with a pen filled with their own blood in place of ink. that said I was genuinely surprised that so many people ship them just because I don't see it at all. I don't hate it, there's just nothing that clicks for me when looking at L and Light.
All the people I ship romantically with Matsuda: mostly just L, I've seen Matsu + Misa stuff but I think they'd be cuter friends.
My non-romantic OTP for L: Light 100%. You can't have one without the other. I can't explain all my thoughts about them without a whole post dedicated to it, but anyway, Light is my answer.
My non-romantic OTP for Matsuda: mentioned it above, Misa! They're two sillies and they're both :3 so they're besties and they've probably got matching friendship bracelets.
My unpopular opinion about L: he does eat normal food on a semi-regular basis. specifically, meat, usually I think steak. I hc him as anemic but also Watari wouldn't let L die or become malnourished and there's important things in food that you can't necessarily get in vitamins or tablets. and actually, as someone with anemia, I think L would actually have really strong cravings for rare or medium rare red meat when his iron is low and thus when he eats it he enjoys it.
My unpopular opinion about Matsuda: He's actually really smart, especially with humanities subjects. Just doesn't have great detective skills. A different career path may have been beneficial but he actually really believes in justice, probably more so than L and Light, and he actually QUESTIONS his own sense of justice which leads to more balance. he's such a great guy.
One thing I wish had happened with L in canon: he survived. and actually, I'd just really like to see him solve lots of cases. idk how many/if any he solved outside the anime but you know. a side series where he solves cases and explores the world and has tea parties with Watari would melt my heart.
One thing I wish had happened with Matsuda in canon: honestly I just wish we got to see more of him in general. I wish we got deeper into his character - into everyone's character, actually, they're all a little 2D and it's not just the animation - but yeah. more Matsu. how he works.
My L OTP: I'm not sure if I can pick one HAHAHHS I love all his relationships (well, my headcanons for them) from platonic to father and son to mentor and mentee to enemies together to lovers. yeah. I just like L LMAO but maybe Matsu. hm idk. I hear some people ship him with BB or Naomi and I wanna look into that.
My Matsuda OTP: lowkey L and Matsuda are one of my favourite ships. in Matsu's case I don't really ship him with anyone else so this is the only answer. some of you might have noticed that in my headcanons Matsuda plays Pokémon Go! and L is a Pokémon fan too... hmm... Also I like them cause they're both childish: like yeah L is always calling Matsuda stupid but does he call any other task force members stupid, even when they deserve it? no. arrogant child and silly child. even in non ship situations I think they're actually on similar wavelengths in a way.
My crossover ship for L: (platonic) Saiki K. you can't tell me they wouldn't be best friends come onnnn smnsndndm hehe
My crossover ship for Matsuda: I dunno actually...
A headcanon for L: if he has to wear shoes, he has to wear blue socks. not dark blue or navy, LIGHT, SATURATED BLUE. it's like neon ahhaha. there's little yellow flowers at the hem bits but his jeans cover them.
A headcanon for Matsuda: he doesn't like chips because they're too crunchy. he likes chips though. curly chips. YES I CALL BOTH TYPES CHIPS AND IT MAKES IT HARD TO DISCERN OVER TEXT SHSGYAYDH SORRY
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fivveweeks · 1 year
i am so crasy abt ur tweet abt verdante being a tragedy its like in my mind at all times. like ,,, im rotating it in my head, im so ruined, this idea consumes me u do not understand i am opening up google docs and writing a fic im morose im captivated i am making an ao3 account
like ur so right 4 that one banger
KYAAAA ON MY KNEES... i have so much feelings on it u have no idea. twitter doesn't let me go ham but since we are on tumblr let me write a goddamn essay on this
the thing is that yes i enjoy both verdante being a romcom comedy or a tragedy or anything in between. ofc we'd like them to be happy but part of me like to explore what would happen if we really stayed canon-compliant
and like. let's take a look at them both. Vergilius is canonly someone who's weighed down by his past sins (killing and assassinating and orphaning children), who fully well accepts that he deserves the karma that comes for him (like this man literally is expecting it and doesn't fight it), yet he chooses to drag himself forward bc if he doesn't he will sink into despair. he is full of guilt and shame. verg also seems reluctant to form new bonds which is understandable considering that he lost everything prior to limbus, and how he doesn't want to drag people down with his karma, at the same time it would be extremely hard for him to trust people due to the risks of betrayal and manipulation in the city. he KNOWS that kindness and empathy will be consumed by the city if they don't adapt (see leviathan and his thoughts on garnet) therefore anyone would be wary bc there's always a catch. vergilius is also extremely duty bound to restoring garnet and lapis and it weighs down on him a lot
now i dont see Vergilius as oblivious bc the man would obviously recognise signs of attraction from Dante. but vergilius, despite his harsh exterior, is also kind deep down or at least practical, so taking the above into account, in this scenario he would probably outright address it to dante that he has... personal goals. maybe dante will be sacrificed at the end for limbus company as a whole, maybe not, but Verg makes it clear that he WILL choose lapis and garnet over dante bc that is his responsibility. what he owes to them.
executive manager, he doesn't say, do not be a fool.
and to his surprise, dante just nods and writes him, "I'm aware. It's ok, I understand."
bc dante respects him. they respect his space and not push anything at all (alongside how they probably feel that they are not worthy yet, or that they don't want to burden Vergilius, bc c'mon they're stumbling through their responsibilities after losing their memory, work is more important than personal interest now), i also like to think dante isn't say, self-depreciating, but more like they've accepted that they have so much to live up to and Vergilius has something to achieve and they will not stand in his way, so they're content to just spend time with Vergilius as manager and guide.
and there's that. they don't talk about it after the day. nothing changes between them. they continue on as manager and guide.
the only exception is that now Vergilius is aware that Dante fully accepts that he will sacrifice them for his own goals. yet Dante is content to spend time around him and vice versa (he doesn't admit it)
and isn't that the tragedy?
vergilius, to be aware that something could have sparked between the both of you, yet you cannot afford to cross the line due to circumstances. occasionally imagining what it could had been if the both of you were actually allowed to. how should you feel when the other person still seeks you out and befriends you despite knowing that you will never pick them
and dante, getting the confirmation that you will never be picked and will be the third or fourth or whatever choice but that's okay. manager and guide is enough, you WILL enjoy whatever there is between the both of you without asking for more
personally, unrequited love as a tragedy is not effective to me bc it's not that hard to respect another person's feelings and not make yourself the victim.
the REAL tragedy here is being aware of the lost potential and what-could-had-beens, yet IN SPITE OF THAT theres the quiet acceptance and humble enjoyment of whatever there is between the both of them bc that's all they can afford. how fate and the city fucked them both up. yet they stay professional because they respect each other too much (to the point of suppressing their personal feelings for the other) to make this into a hassle
maybe dante dies at the end of limbus and verg would reminisce on what it could had been. maybe verg dies and dante occasionally recalls the little moments they get to spend together. maybe they both die. maybe they both live but they walk a too different path to ever converge again. maybe we slap canon in the face and let them survive or meet up again in the future.
whatever it is, i just really enjoy the sweet sweet pining between the both of them throughout limbus company. the horrors of Knowing. i'm going to bite something
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I am so delighted to see we can send platonic ship and that you are insane about it!! (same here i love it so so much, tahat all my life) so what about Nami&Robin or/and Nami&Zoro
there are so many people asking me my opinions i can't believe y'all actually care about what i have to say ilysm <33
nami/robin: i love them and i wish they had more scenes together in canon :(( i love that they share a room and their beds are literally next to each other. i'm sure that they cuddle when they sleep. no doubt about it. robin reads out loud while nami does her nightly routine with makeup and stuff and then they talk for a bit before falling asleep. i love that they're the only girls in the crew but their role isn't just that. they both keep the guys in place but robin has that silly, satiric dark side that scares nami sometimes, and nami has that impulsive, thief side that robin loves too. and kjsdcjksdnjkasd they make me ill. they have girl nights. they go shopping. they talk shit about people together. they eat sanji's food together. nami talks about how much she misses her girlfriend (vivi, i miss you too. come back) and robin comforts her but instantly nami complains about her "not getting it" because she has her husband on the damn ship!!!!! then nami goes and hugs robin back again. i think they're the smartest and brightest girls ever and they deserve all the love. neither of them has ever had real friends and now that they have the chance to live freely, they finally can hang out together. robin is older and tbh i think she sees nami as this cute, young, brilliant girl with so so much potential. and nami sees robin as, like, this older, mature woman that's also her bestie and that's awesome!!! a lot of people ship them romantically but i personally see them as besties or sisters ngl. i think robin is still getting used to having friends like a normal person and nami teaching her how to enjoy life is so,,, so beautiful,,, they also have their own shenanigans and i need them to have wayyy more scenes together c'mon!!!
nami/zoro: i am so not shutting up about them i apologize- i love them. i am obsessed with them. we need to talk more and more about them. "they're overrated" they should be. they deserve it. i fucking love everything about these two. so, so much... the thing that makes me like them it's probably the fact that they're part of the romance dawn trio, and i'm very nostalgic about those three. they're all important to luffy, of course, all of his nakama are. but... there's just something about zoro and nami being the first ones that makes me insane. they're the ones that had to deal with luffy together when they first met, and ever since, they've just been sooo chaotic. i'm happy opla gave them scenes together (uhhh not so much the fact that people see them romantically. it's obvious they wanted to make them romantic. please don't, netflix, i'm watching you) because they mean so much to me! they have this lesbian/gay solidarity and hostility (yes, at the same time) that i LOVE. i'm obsessed with zoro being all edgy-wannabe (he's just quiet lmfao his dramatic gay ass wanting to be a dark swordsman is so funny) and nami like "??? shut up you're just dumb". the fact that they argue and zoro complains about her manipulative behavior but still always helps her and saves her every time,,, that's so,,, i love them. i know we all say zoro is luffy's guard dog, but that's not true. zoro is luffy's cat and nami's guard dog. he stays behind nami protectively with a dark stare and nobody dares to approach her bc they know they'll die if they try to hurt his navigator. he'd never admit it out loud, tho, but he cares for her an insane amount. and she loves him too. thinking about them cuddling when it's too cold and zoro's just the perfect pillow!! zoro braiding nami's hair!!! nami helping him clean his swords!! they look after the other all the time,, and they are the ones that know luffy the best, of course they're going to be the first ones to talk things out together if something's wrong with him. also, my zolu shipper heart needs to say that nami would be the first one to find out about them. in every universe. i love them.
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