#and they already know and like my mom
milo-is-rambling · 8 months
Ughhhhhh I love being me but after too long hanging out with normal people and adults and I’m like hmm maybe my bedroom walls being covered in stuff like that is childish and maybe everything I like is forming an invisible wall between me and other people because I can’t be normal about media but it’s all I focus on like I feel like I have no social skills outside of smiling and nodding while high and eventually everyone I like is going to get sick of me because I act like a child
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puppetmaster13u · 27 days
Prompt 308
Honestly, Damian is so disappointed in his father right now. And his so-called siblings. The friends allies he had made over the years and he had been swapping multiple times, and still they hadn’t realized. Danyal was as pale as a corpse, closer to Drake for Pit’s sake! Jordan had red eyes! Elena was a girl! Respawn had white hair! Surely someone noticed- thank fuck, hello Todd, no he’s not on patrol, listen, listen, he needs you to know that Father? Blind. An idiot! The others more so! Yes yes, they’ve been doing their single-person trick, but surely someone should have caught on yes? And they haven’t- Oh? What a wonderful idea Akhi, he shall inform the others of this idea, the Lazarus waters do make dna testing quite hard to do. 
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oneluckydragon · 10 months
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BREAKING NEWS!!! Local idiot ghost absolutely blown away when boyfriend gives him a nickname for the first time, more info after this broadcast.
Bonus pet-name edition:
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(Yeah I know it's ooc for grovyle to EVER use the term "babe" but lets go ahead and assume he's done it accidentally a few times rather than intentionally. He's deeply in love with the dumb ghostman, ok. Sometimes it just slips out.)
Dusknoir is still recovering from hearing it. And when he finally calls grovyle "love" himself on accident a few days later, he falls deathly ill for two weeks cause his body couldn't handle the aftermath and started rapidly shutting down on a molecular level.
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lokh · 10 months
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mom avoids dead anime mom curse because he transitions. he’s always had a complicated relationship with pregnancy because of how woefully little people are told about potential complications and aftercare, and also because of how gendered it is, so after the birth of his second child he’s finally had it and decides to transition
he joins a local community group for mothers and at first it’s played for laughs how often they fall to the dead mom curse, but soon we find out more about how society has failed mothers and people who give birth, from information being withheld, procedures being carried out without consent, lack of accommodations and maternal and paternal leave, racism…
it also turns out that becoming a man doesn’t help with this, not really, because being a pregnant trans man brings its own problems. follow along as he learns more about being a parent and a mother, and maybe even… finding love???
coming to you never because I can’t write!
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the-meme-monarch · 3 months
ok sorry i didn’t go insane over emesis blue like i thought I would but it is making me scared irl now. i can’t turn over in bed bc what if there’s a severed head positioned like it’s peaking around the doorframe. what if i look over and The Butcher is there
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captainbrookeworm · 5 months
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“Now which one of you gutter punks is next?”
Likely be posting MHA for a while I’m still neck deep in the hyperfixation 2 months after making this drawing lol
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ghouljams · 1 year
*shakes you* I need to know how Goose’s mother is doing in the later years when Ghost and Goose’s story takes place. I NEED TO KNOW.
Funny story, when I conceptualized this au for fic I didn't want to have an oc standing in as Goose's mom so I marked her as deceased.
However, now that I may potentially be writing more cowboy!Price,  and given that I think Ghost is a big mommas boy, I will say that in Tumblr au Canon she has been away for work. She does doctors without borders/Red cross stuff and was serving her last tour since Price announced his retirement. I actually have a little Goose/Ghost drabble with her coming home, But I’ll post her/Price’s side of it here(smut under the read more because this got a little long):
This has to be your favorite part of your job. Not the saving people, not the changing lives, not even the joy and relief that you bring people. This. Coming home.
No matter how late your flight gets in, Price's always there to pick you up. When you spot him leaning against that beat up farm truck you drop your bags and run. His resulting smile as you jump into his arms is absolutely worth the fact that you’ll have to go back and pick up your luggage. You hold his face between your hands and kiss him like you’ve been wanting to for months, his arms tight around your waist holding you up off the ground as you tip his head back and take your first proper welcome home.
He tastes like smoke and cheap coffee and you melt against him. All the stress of travel falling away as his lips slide against yours. His teeth tug at your lip and you’re dying to get home. You pull back and smile at him.
“Ma’am,” He smiles back, letting you just…look at him before he sets you down, “Go on, get your crap and let’s go.” You roll your eyes and go to retrieve your bags, earning an affectionate pat on your ass. It’s a long drive home, but it’s worth it for his hand on your thigh the whole way.
“Fuck,” Price swears, you bite into his shoulder harder, nails digging into his back as he inches his cock into you, “know you can take it, come on sweetheart.”
You love this part too, getting stretched by him again. God, there’s nothing like it. You feel like you’ve been on edge for months, your body just waiting to get back to him. And now that it has you feel like you’re on fire for him. Maybe it’s the summer heat. Maybe it’s the way he groans your name in your ear, slick cock filling you fuller with each shallow thrust. Each delicious drag of his girth helps your cunt remember the shape it was made for, makes you whimper at the stretch. His fingers are never enough to prepare you, but you love it. 
He lights up your senses, drawing a shudder from you as he finally thrusts in to the base, the tip of his cock nestled deep against your cervix. He holds there, letting you adjust and kissing your temple. You pull your lips from the bruise you’re making on his shoulder to kiss him properly.
“Missed you,” He murmurs against your lips, letting you slide your tongue against his in a desperate attempt to get him to move. It’s your last sweet moment before he pulls out, the head of his cock holding your desperate clenching cunt open before he slams back into you. 
“Fuck,” You gasp, dropping your head back against the pillow, arching your back into the harsh rhythm Price sets. He bites at your neck, fingers digging into your hips as he pulls you to meet his thrusts. Everything hot and electric as the sound of his cock pounding your wet cunt fills the space between your whines. He’s never more than you can handle, but you think he tries to be. You think he times himself on these first few rounds when you get home. How quickly he can make you cum. 
His calloused fingers move to rub your clit, tight circles in time with his thrusts. You clench and arch and sweat for him, hardly able to catch a breath long enough to beg. He hits that perfect gummy spot deep in your stomach and you fall apart for him, feeling his thrusts deep and slow, easing you through your orgasm.
“That’s it,” Price says low, tongue slick against your thrumming pulse, “let’s see how many more you got for me.”
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the-catboy-minyan · 28 days
I saw you are Israeli with an asexual flag icon. I know you it's not your job to educate me and have no obligation, but if you don't mind, could I ask what your experience of views towards asexuality in Israel are? I'm an American asexual with Israeli family I'm just getting to know since we were in different countries and weren't really in contact until recently. I'm wondering how asexuality is viewed there and what to expect about social attitudes towards it?
honestly I got no clue, the only people who really know I'm ace are my queer friends (who are already educated from western media on what lgbtq is), and my mom.
my mom is all "don't label yourself because you're putting yourself in a box and blocking yourself to new experiences, you're you and that's what matters (also asexuality isn't a thing you're just childish)", I don't know if her views are an accurate example of what the average Israeli thinks, because I'm pretty sure she's somewhere under the NB and bi umbrellas and just doesn't feel the need to use labels, but she's the only "negative" experience I had with coming out as ace, other people probably wouldn't care about your lack of sex life.
also my dad is a whole other story but I gave up on explaining to him what queerness is, he tries to support at least, in a way of "I have no idea what this is and I don't really like it, but it's your life and I can't control what you do with it, I'm gonna give my opinion sometimes (aka scoff and say it's bullshit) but I'm not gonna force you to do anything". which is better than nothing! I can't force him to understand what non binary means or why I want top surgery (he's against all cosmetical surgeries not just gender), and he can't force me to be Normal™, win win ☺️.
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anonfromtheflight · 5 months
I'm going to share something extremely silly that happened to me today and that made my whole "back to work day", bearable and amusing!
I shared this OMR Beauty post in my instagram story, thinking I was only sharing it to my "close friends" aka my sister but accidentally posted for everyone to see and got more comments on it than whenever I post a personal picture lmao
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My message was "LOOOK AT HIM!!!! 😍😍" (in Spanish) and the comments I got were like "I AM LOOKING" and "I CAN'T STOP LOOKING! 😍" lmao
Didn't know so many of my instagram acquaintances had such good taste in men, to be honest, but even my more conservative friend was like "Who is him and where can I find more about him?" LMAO
My friend who rewatched Young Royals with me also told me she always forgets how beautiful Omar is until she looks at him again? lol I don't know how she can forget about it, I think about Omar being the most gorgeous man in this planet all the time 🤭
Ohh and my sister's actual comment? "Okay I get it. I don't share it but I get it. And showing skin in the middle of winter, wow Omar Rudberg wow" lol
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spoofyleaf · 1 month
Sometimes I remember that my whole house was so obsessed with the show Merlin, that we named the first tree we planted in the yard Merlin.
When it was given to us 11 years ago it was hardly a scraggly stick, and now it looks like a giant bush
Artist rendition
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moghedien · 29 days
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The way Viconia can’t even be cruel to her own kidnapped daughter because these two immediately started throwing tomatoes at her and calling her ugly and stinky 😭
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makorragal-312 · 1 month
Yeah...I don't really buy that the guy who had a panic attack over his last girlfriend being mistaken for his wife and was more than ready to dump his current one for being a former nun is even going to contemplate proposing to her.
Knowing him, he would be so deep in his eventual gay crisis that he accidentally sends false hints that made Marisol think that he was gonna propose to her. And then, when she's expecting him to get on one knee, he's telling her to go the fuck home and stay there. (because dumping is still hard for him)
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three small joys/victories from yesterday:
I made my first Big Parenting Decision on my own despite pressure/guilt from my (beloved but at times overbearing) family. I feel secure in my choice and I spent a lot of time thinking about the underlying reasons for it, which was a good values-defining exercise. and you know I love a values-defining exercise.
I don’t know many lullabies but I discovered that he really likes it when I sing “but daddy I love him” to him slowly and with dramatic facial expressions. you can tell this kid was subjected to a lot of tswift in utero lol
pip is being almost unbearably sweet and gentle with baby 😭 he’s my velcro dog and loves to sit in my lap so I was worried he’d get territorial about me holding the baby all the time. but he’s just seamlessly adapted and now he curls up next to me or by my legs when my lap is occupied. he’s also been a lot calmer in general, which might pass once the initial shock of A New Arrival wears off but is helpful right now as we settle into routines.
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stuckinapril · 16 days
You guys don’t know how much yearning for Baghdad takes up of my mental real estate
#I have so many videos saved of last year’s trip#Me and my cousin laughing and joking w my dad while getting ready#The fact that multiple men asked my dad for my hand in marriage (lmao)#Me calling my mom every night to make fun of my “suitors”#All the gorgeous restaurants#Forcing my dad to rate every dress I tried on whenever he took me somewhere#Being catcalled by guys was an unpleasant experience but it was still fun to laugh ab it w my mom#Me having a MASSIVE crush on a family friend#That one time my dad said all the dresses I brought were too short so he bought me a dress that#Went down to literally my ankles#But the family friend was gonna be there so I showed it to my mom and she was like#“You’d wear that??? The queen of mini skirts????” And then she IMMEDIATELY clocked me and was like#Ur behaving strangely. U must have a crush. Who is it.#The hot fuckin summer nights that I spent sitting outside w my cousin on the big swing in the garden#The capital when it was drenched in sunset#When my aunt’s husband took me to the University of Baghdad and I got to literally play act being a student there#Which was a profound experience bc it’s the university my mom went to#Sneaking into the library even though u needed a student pass for that (:#Shadowing my uncle in his laboratory#My first ever nishan !!!#No weddings sadly but I got to see the buildup to the wedding so#And I think getting to call the shots and fly solo from the states to Amman and then to Baghdad was sick as hell#My mom never let me fly abroad by myself before and now im probably gonna be going solo all the time#Help I need to go back#Bro I wish I could drop everything#But before I go to Baghdad I’ll probably have to go to Belgium first for my uncle#SO many stops before I get to where I rly wanna be#I never explicitly told my dad im not religious but I think he already knows im full of sin. Memories..#Omg and my bibi’s delicious food
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hatchetsfield · 1 month
y’all look at my birthday cake! do you think if we sing the summoning instead of happy birthday the lords in black’ll appear
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puppyeared · 2 months
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Ouhhhh friendship I love friendship……..
#I’m reading volumes 14-16 of the ouran manga OOUGHHH MY HEART#I love this weird little friend group so much its unreal#like u have this charming sweeps you off your feet prince but he’s actually a huge lovable idiot with a kind heart and his friends#who are all misfits that he reached out to and drew in because of his kindness and own weirdness like that shits TIGHT BRO#and the trauma part where he has some deep seated issues with love bc he thinks that itll break a family apart like with his mom#how his family isnt allowed to be together because his mom and dad fell in love and how he says he wants to build a big house#so that way one day everyone will get along as a family like. all he wants is not to lose everyone and the only way to do that is#by maintaining a certain order.. he both wants a complete family so bad and doesnt want anything to sour between anyone#so he assigns each of his friends a family role based on how he sees them and YEAH its mostly played for giggles and tamakis#already weird so its his way of showing theyre close to him but. god damn this boy has LAYERS#it also feels kinda meta towards how found family tends to get thrown around to assign characters as 'siblings' or family roles instead of#using it to describe characters who are close enough to be each others family. cuz tamakis doing that EXACT THING in a way tht#ties in with his character and i have to say its fascinating using that within the story itself and its completely plausible#theres a lot of things i can say about ouran that are good bad and questionable but. god i love it when characters are niceys to each other#i remember i really liked the mall episode bc kyoya and haruhi got to spend time together and their relationship isnt very close#but it was really nice to see their personalities bounce off each other. i think i also wouldve liked to see haruhi alone with kaoru#i also firmly believe all of the hosts are at least a little in love with haruhi and this can be anything like endearing romantic cuz like#who DOESNT love haruhi. kyoya i think would want to study her under a microscope like his fascination with her draws him in#but im fucking obsessed with whatever haruhi and tamaki have going on because YES hes obsessed with her YES he jumps at the chance to#put her in a cute costume but haruhi? she just fucking goes with it because she knows hes fun to be around even if hes a little wacky abt i#theyre all so. NNGGHHHH#ouran#ohshc#yapping
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