#I need to meet more young ppl I think cause hanging out with women in their 50’s with actually decorated places is making me feel like a
milo-is-rambling · 8 months
Ughhhhhh I love being me but after too long hanging out with normal people and adults and I’m like hmm maybe my bedroom walls being covered in stuff like that is childish and maybe everything I like is forming an invisible wall between me and other people because I can’t be normal about media but it’s all I focus on like I feel like I have no social skills outside of smiling and nodding while high and eventually everyone I like is going to get sick of me because I act like a child
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Elements from the Broadchurch novelization that were of particular interest::
- Ellie is a bit uncomfortable returning to work because her “suit feels strange after three weeks in a bikini and sarong”. You go get it, Ellie. Anyone wanting to write confident-and-body-positive-knows-she’s-got-dem-curves Ellie, here’s your semi-canonical backing. mother of two, rockin’ a bikini. Excellent.
- Although the division of work/responsibility between her and Joe worked for them, Ellie Worries that ppl will “think he is emasculated”, or that he will begin to feel “emasculated”, so while “the other wives are on the phone begging their husbands to come home in time to put the kids to bed, she is virtually throwing him out of the house and into the pub”, really trying to encourage him to hang with the guys or whatever, whenever the opportunity presents itself.
- Hardy is already on the edge when we first see him, talking to the farmer whose tractor has had its gas siphoned. He’s carefully staying away from the edge of the cliff, scared it’s going to induce vertigo and heart palpitations.
- The sections that are a close POV on Hardy have way more detail about the Sandbrook case than was originally clear in S1 (I assume, because the book was published after the bulk of the writing/story construction stuff was finished for S2). For instance, When Hardy is first inspecting Danny’s room, he’s struggling, trying not to think about [Pippa]’s room (she’s not named here, but it’s clear that’s the child he’s referring to). in the midst of this turmoil, he notices the height measurements on danny’s doorframe, and is overcome by the realization that there will never be any more above them. And then there are these heart-wrenching sentences: “For some people, tears dam behind the eyeballs. But when Hardy wants to cry, he has to hold them in using the back of his throat. He sometimes feels it’s the only strong muscle in his body.” yeah, c’mon, just fuck me up.
- Maggie being into women is present from the beginning here! She has a partner, Lil, whom we see/meet several times! First time she is referenced is when Rev. Paul Coates invites Maggie and everyone to that first church service about Danny. She mentions that a predecessor of his made it clear she was unwelcome there, once. He assures her that’s not him, and that she is welcome, and Lil too. She says something like “as it should be, “ and ends the convo without indicating whether or not she will come. Excellent.
- At one point the inside of Ellie’s car is compared to the inside of a bin/trash can, with empty cans and food wrappers strewn about. This further reinforces my theory that Ellie and Alec need each other to balance out their eating habits to something actually healthy. He eats very well, as far as nutrition is concerned, but he just sort of stops eating when there is work to be done. She is going to eat, goddamnit, come hell or high water, but it is plenty likely to be anything from an entire loaf of bread to whatever the vending machine has. It’s a wonder neither of them has died of malnutrition. (she also makes mention that she’s lost weight, in a probably unhealthy way, by the end of the investigation, and has a sudden realization that she’s maybe kind of, turning into Hardy).
- End of Chapter 17, Ellie offers a hand to help Hardy in or out of a boat, he has a realization “unexpectedly painful” that he cannot remember the last time he held a woman’s hand.
- In general the poor bastard really is constantly on the edge of vertigo and panic attacks.
- Reminds me again, whatever did happen with Ellie’s sister??? did we ever see any kind of furtherance or resolution of her gambling issues in the later seasons?
- Oh Shit. “I didn’t take your money.” The money Joe gave Danny, that SOCCO found taped beneath his bed, that was Ellie’s holiday money, and she assumed her sister had stolen it. Shit. What a shitbag.
- One of Hardy’s favorite things about Tess was the ability to come home, throwing last minute ideas and theories at each other, being able to pass idle thoughts back and forth, turn them over, hear them in a new light, and see what they grow into. (incidentally, exactly what he’s developing with Ellie)
- The exchange between Alec and Ellie after SOCCO Brian hits on her is great here as well. She giggles, he asks her why, she figures she needs to share this with someone, and tells him. she thinks “his face froze in another one of his Does-Not-Compute expressions”. So he seems just as weird to her as to us, does a terrible job hiding the awkward nerd within. And she totally thinks it’s cute. Bet me. Goes on to think, after they talk about SOCCO having dirty hands, “ ‘Dirty Brian’, Hardy says, with a playful roll of the ‘R’ ”. They’re totally playing with each other and it’s adorable. “She thinks to herself that it’s the first moment of genuine humor they’ve had between them, so of course she immediately messes it up.” asking about Sandbrook.
- Oh Shit, Jack’s wife shows up at his funeral. hides her identity the entire time, and Spits in Karen-the-reporter’s face before she gets in a car and disappears again.
- Hardy has a panic attack after calling Daisy and giving up for the night. “I can’t do this, Hardy hears himself say, and the words are followed by an agonizing pain, a huge fist squeezing his heart to the bursting point. He staggers back until he hits a wall, and slides helplessly down it. Hardy assumes his childhood comfort position, knees pulled up to his chest, so close that he can rest his chin there. Experience tells him that he can hold this pose for hours and hours. He remains motionless amidst the debris of his investigation until his heart rate returns to its version of normal. By the time he gets up with a low wheeze and click of joints, it is dark outside.”
- Ellie calls Joe to say she’s still stuck at her desk and she’ll be late, on the night Susan Wright is arrested. He says it’s okay, but she can hear in his voice that it is not. (So, is that the last straw? she keeps staying late, it’s clear that this shit is going to drag on forever, and his family and life are NOT going to return to normal, no matter if he keeps getting away with his crime? And this is the window, his only window maybe, where she might be too busy to intercept if he confesses? This is the opportunity to confess to Hardy, and not her?) because very shortly thereafter (and leaving his kids alone and unwatched???) they receive the call from Danny’s mobile, and they catch him out at the cabin... and holy shit, even knowing it’s her (and he must know it’s her), he slams the cabin door open into her face, probably hard enough to beak her nose, and then minutes later shoves her to the ground so hard the reader spends a moment wondering if she’s broken her wrist.
- (if someone wanted to write an AU, one where he is also injured that night, and his failure to hide that injury tips her off the next day, or that night, and so she is the one to put together the pieces.... and arrest him? god that would be heartbreaking. But perhaps would enable a situ where she doesn’t beat the shit out of him in custody, thereby invalidating his confession, so that shit actually sticks...)
- When Hardy gives the interview to Maggie and Ollie, the book makes it clear that he expects his confession of being cheated on is going to cause them to regard him with pity and shame. He is embarrassed to have been cheated on. He calls himself a cuckold in his head. poor bastard. so confused when they respond with empathy and admiration for him, and disapproval and dismissal toward his wife.
- Happily, an answer to the argument Jack saw, between the Postal worker and Danny. Turns out, the punk had had his truck keyed, and knew Danny on his paper route was one of the only ppl who would have been out and about at the right time of night/morning to have done it. he confronted Danny, and that’s what Jack witnessed. He comes clean to the police towards the end, insists that that is as far as it ever went, and admits that he lied because he was afraid that having had that argument, having had sort-of-a-motive, that would make him a suspect.
- Fuck, I mean, we all know Joe is dangerous, but talking Danny back off the cliff and back into the house consciously with his paramedic voice, with the kind of experience and calm honed over years of professional work... goddamn, so many ways in which he had power over young Danny.
- The moment she believes Joe could have done it. She says it can’t have been him, because the boat was burned while she was away. He would have had to leave the kids alone while he did it, and he would never take that risk. Hardy confirms that he did, that he left them, and Ellie (immediately believes Hardy, btw) finally truly understands that the moral partner she’s been building a family with no longer exists, if he ever did in the first place.
- Hardy briefly considering telling Ellie about Tess, to empathize with her pain and betrayal, and immediately knowing the situations are too different to be useful. being disappointed in himself for having thought it. pulling on every little bit of experience and training he’s ever had to try to get through the conversation.
- Oh shit. the slug trails. the slug. that little bit of symbolism didn’t feel established in the tv series, she just squishes a slug the last time she enters the house. but in the novel, her merry war trying to find the slug is a constant recurring thing, seeing the trails on the carpet, but never able to find it, the thing only coming out when they’re asleep, Joe cleaning up the slug trails after they come back from vacation. Her staring at them in despair as she cries into the carpet one night, over Danny. and then, after Joe has been revealed, she comes home and there the bastard is, big fat slug that’s been lurking in her house all this time, sitting, glistening, in plain sight. and she squishes the hell out of it. And I was so caught up in the story that, even though I BEEN KNEW how it was gonna end, I never picked up on the fucking foreshadowing until that last moment. Am I just dense, or is it just good storytelling? XD
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wheretogofrmhere · 7 years
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young and hot CEO/company owner niall. you meet him at a business conference and hes quite charming; moving from group to group, chatting ppl up and making them laugh with his witty sense of humor and his inviting smile. he only says a few words to you, you kinda clam up when he comes over, but he hands you his business card and that is the pic on it. he thinks its rather fitting, smart looking. you think he looks hot as hell and you stuff the card in your pocket and shoot him a polite smile. he tells you he likes your dress and that you look very pretty, his accent melting over you like ice on a fire and you dont really know what to say bc thats not a normal conversation for a business related function and also you are taken aback that he would even think that about you, but he smiles big when you thank him and tell him the speech he gave earlier was truly inspirational. he just stares at you for a moment, and its in that split second that his bright blue eyes meet yours that you feel your heart literally beat out of your chest. he steps away with a smirk and a little wink and you are left standing alone, staring at this man, who had not a second ago taken you breath away, saunter off in his well tailored suit and calmly chit chat with more clients. 
the day slowly draws closed and there’s a huge business cocktail party going on that evening, something the hotel where the conference is being held at is putting on for all the vendors and clients and you go, considering its mandatory. you dont really know anyone else there, you had come alone on this trip, but he catches your eye the moment he walks into the room. its almost as if a light follows him around and shines down upon him wherever he goes. you watch him from a distance; sipping your wine and rolling your foot back on the heel of your shoe while secretly hoping that he will come over and talk to you again. you have no idea what you would say if he does, but you just want to hear that surly accent and stare into that pretty face again, even if its for a moment. he doesn’t tho, and not for lack of trying, but every time you notice him glance over at you and start to take a few steps closer, hes stopped by someone else to converse about god knows what. 
its very frustrating and by the sixth time that it happens, you guzzle down your third glass of wine, determined to bite the damn bullet and go over to talk to him. you turn around to toss your empty glass on a nearby table and peer down to straighten your dress. as you swing your head back up, hes gone. your eyes search the room for a minute, more and more ppl filing in and after another few minutes it becomes hopeless. huffing out a breath, you decide to call it a night and come to the irritating realization that obviously it was not meant to be, and you were once again caught in a stupid daydream. he was an extremely successful and very attractive multi-million dollar business owner, what would he want with you?
finally getting back up to your room, you set your stuff down and kick off your heels, slumping in a huff onto the hotel bed. it really seems like the entire night was a bust on your part and even though you cant seem to get his gorgeous blue eyes and perfect bright smile out of your head, you know it was a long shot anyway. hoisting yourself up out of the bed, you start to undress yourself, ready to put on your pj’s and get some much needed sleep knowing you have an early flight the next morning, but something stops you. 
shoving your fingers down into the pocket of your dress, you feel the hard paper of his business card and slowly pull it out. you look down at it between your fingers and see that it has his cell phone number printed under his name. and for a second you think you cannot be that desperate that you would call his cell phone at this hour when he was probably still downstairs somewhere mingling and drinking with a bunch of hot women...but then you think, you’re leaving tomorrow, really what do you have to lose?
plopping down on the edge of the bed, your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you pull out your phone and dial his number. your hands are shaking as it rings. once and then twice and just as you are about to hang up from sheer embarrassment at what you are doing, he answers. 
you’re quiet, probably too quiet and your mind is struggling with what you should say. “um, hi...”
“you’re the pretty girl with the pretty dress..” 
your brows furrow, surprised by the nonchalant tone in his raspy voice. “uh, i-...how did you know that?”
“well, cause, truthfully, you’re the only one i gave me card to,” he admitted, my breath choking back as he continued, “and...i’m not gonna pretend i haven’t been sittin’ up here in me hotel room for the past half an hour, hopin’ you’d call....”
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