#and then. she gets very drunk and ends up kissing multiple people at the party
i want to speak into the void so bad rn
#fuck it we’re doing it in the tags if u see me oversharing no u don’t#mari is irrelevant#basically. for a lot of first semester i thought i had a small crush on one of my best friends bc she was being very touchy w me#and i liked it and objectively she’s hot and has a great personality and was recently single so i was like this is great#but i didn’t say anything to her abt it bc she had been dating her ex a long time so i wanted to give her time plus she kept talking abt how#she wanted to do casual stuff with all of these people and i was like oh i’m one of her best friends it will be Weird if it’s me#but then she almost hooked up w another one of our best friends. it didn’t happen but it was close#and i was like oh ok cool shoot my shot time maybe?? maybe not??#and again every time we would hang out as a group she would be very physically affectionate to me more so than anyone else#aside from her roommate whom she is very very close to but is straight#but i didn’t do anything again bc she started seeing this guy around halloween#so i was like ok let me be respectful she literally stayed with him over holiday break#plus i had met a couple other people that were hot so i was like this is fine i’ve got options#but then like for the superbowl another friend through a party and she said it was an open relationship and i was like Oh Cool#and then. she gets very drunk and ends up kissing multiple people at the party#i am one of the people. it is my first kiss#and i freak out bc i’m like oh my god i did not like that why was it so wet why don’t i like it more if i have a crush on this person wtf#so i’m like ok cool crush over back to friendship#except. she avoids me and all of our friends for weeks bc she is (rightfully) stressed abt school#and then the next time i see her again she is Very Very physically affectionate w me#like sits on my lap hand in my hair stroking my cheek w her thumb saying she missed me and she loves me and it was very overwhelming#and i was like oh. ok crush not gone bc we could literally kiss rn#AND EVEN ONE OF MY FRIENDS POINTS IT OUT AND MAKES THE JOKE LOL ARE U GOING TO KISS AGAIN#and then throughout this party she keeps bringing up the fact that she was my first kiss#and at one point i think she even said something abt “if u ever want practice let me know” which. GIRL.#and then. AND THEN. she announces AT THIS PARTY that her relationship is no longer open.#meaning i have again waited too long and fucked around too much and now i have to wait for them to break up.#which i have no idea if that will even happen any time soon given her track record in relationships.#AND IM SUPPOSED TO HAVE A COFFEE DATE W MY HOT NEIGHBOR TOMORROW BUT THIS IS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT.#god FUCKING damnit.
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gracieheartspedro · 10 months
Cool About It
it's here. the third and final part!
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joel miller x fem! reader
Description: it's been over a year with joel and some things have just fallen apart. you miss him, more than you'd like to admit. after some time apart, you find yourself at tommy's christmas party. your recent endeavours catch up with you, and joel doesn't like the way it's looking.
Part 3/3
Links for Part 1 Part 2
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings: MINORS DNI! this is 18+, post!outbreak joel, very angsty, age gap, joel being very protective, use of homophobic slang, guy being creepy towards reader, very smutty, unprotected p in v, fingering, oral (f and m receiving), overstimulation, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, pet names
Author's Note: I'm so happy to bring this final part to you beautiful people. I've loved writing this series so much! Thank you for your patience and kindness. please leave feedback, I love hearing from you guys.
Once, I took your medication to know what it's like
And now I have to act like I can't read your mind
I ask you how you're doing and I let you lie
But we don't have to talk about it
I can walk you home and practice method acting
I'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning
Tellin' you it's nice to see how good you're doing
Even though we know it isn't true
“So are you and Joel going to work it out?” 
It was a question bearing on your mind for months. You really didn’t want to hear it from Ellie.
You and Joel had officially been broken up for three months after seeing each other for over a year. It was never a concrete thing, the foundation of your relationship was cracked due to some unresolved trauma from both of your pasts. Joel was in the same boat as you when it came to not being able to cope with his grief. His daughter being taken from him so young, the horrors he went through trying to survive the end of the world, and of course the deep and complex relationship he had with Ellie. You had a lot of unsettled trauma from losing your entire family and being alone for most of your life. You also always had this sinking feeling that he was not telling you the full story about the last couple years. He seemed hesitant to discuss how he found Ellie in the first place. You could tell there was some awkward tension and unresolved issues between the two of them. You just wanted to help.
He started drinking a whole lot towards the tail end of the relationship and you weren’t sure why. He’d stumble back home drunk, not even able to kiss you goodnight. 
It was getting complicated. He was terrible about communicating his feelings and you were too stubborn to accept you were ever wrong. 
Of course, there were good times. Like all of the Saturday nights going out dancing with Tommy and Maria. The game nights with Ellie. Sitting outside on his front porch with nothing but his guitar, making you sing songs only your father would know.
You missed him terribly. But you knew it was for the better. It has to be for the better. 
Ellie sits next to you at the annual Christmas party which was hosted by Maria and Tommy. They usually did it at their house, but with a toddler, it just didn’t seem realistic there anymore. So instead, they had it at the large food hall and invited all of Jackson. 
You glance over at her, your eyes glazed over from all the alcohol you’d been consuming. 
That was another thing. You couldn’t stop drinking, now. It was the only way you could get to sleep at night. You had even started going to the Tipsy Bison every night to get wasted and on some rare occasions, have a guy take you home. 
You were almost positive Joel was sleeping with one of the other patrol leaders too, a girl named Kelly. She had made eyes at him before you two got together. You’d seen them around a couple times, just talking and getting close. The first time you saw them, you got wasted at the Bison and threw up your entire breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
It only made you want to get over him faster, so having those guys take you home was a distraction. But you’d never fully admit that.
“I don’t know, kid,” Is all you could think to say to Ellie. Your mind was muddled with stupid emotions and disgusting whiskey. 
“He’s nicer when you’re around. Now, he’s just… angry.”
You felt bad. But you couldn’t fall back into that routine with Joel. Fight, makeup, fight again. There was an extreme disconnect in communication. It was exhausting. 
You stand up on wobbly legs, “I’m gonna go grab ‘nother drink. You want somethin’?”
Ellie was technically underage but you knew she drank with her friends sometimes. She looked at you with a bit of contempt. 
“No, thanks.”
You shrug, sauntering back over to the bar. 
You notice a familiar silhouette at the end of the bar, but don’t bother glancing that direction. You knew he was watching you and Ellie talking a second ago, his eyes always trailing you. You didn’t want to look over and see Kelly beside him, so you act like he isn’t even there. 
“Another whiskey, pleaseeee,” You beg the bartender standing nearby. He doesn’t look too happy about serving you more, but you had lost all sense of self control about an hour ago and he knew that by the look on your face. He pours you some more dark liquor and sends you on your way. 
As soon as you turn to walk away, you spot another familiar face walking directly towards you. 
Josh Hall.
He was one of the guys you slept with. He was a nice guy, kinda. He was a know it all, shallow, and a bit arrogant. So maybe not a nice guy. 
You slept with him twice, both times when you were drunk. From what you could remember, he didn’t make you cum. 
He was only a bit taller than you, blonde hair and blue eyes. He was cute enough to get into your pants. But every time you thought about any other man, you reminded yourself that it wasn’t Joel.
“Hey there,” You try not to slur, “How are ya?”
“Hi beautiful,” He grabs your hand, pulling you in for what you assume is a kiss. You wince, directing his lips to your cheek. He presses his chapped lips against your skin. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, trying to avoid the gazes of the people around you. You could feel his eyes on you even from 50 feet away. 
“Thought you’d wanna come dance with me,” He has his hand slipping around your waist. You feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. He knew you were drinking, your glass swaying right in front of his face.
Your red flags are raising quickly. Josh never approached you any other times of the day. Never during patrols, never just around town. He only showed interest when you had a glass of liquor in your hand. 
“I am actually bringing this drink to someone, so please get off of me,” You lie, trying to get him away. 
You had to be patient with a guy like Josh. He could be pushy sometimes, so you had to be firm but sweet. You wouldn’t want to start a stir at a party with a bunch of families, right?
But he wasn’t letting go. 
His eyes were piercing into yours. You could tell he was drinking, his eyes a bit glassy like yours. You hadn’t even seen him come into the party. It’s like he just appeared to make you mad. 
“Just have one dance with me,” His breath stunk of alcohol and unbrushed plaque. You wanted to vomit.
“No, I need to bring this drink to someone.”
His grip is getting progressively tighter and he’s walking you backward.
“Who? Who’s drink is it? New boyfriend?”
You swallow hard, not knowing who to say.
“It’s for Ellie.”
He smirks, “You givin’ an underage dyke a drink? Don’t think her daddy would like that.”
Something in you flips. Rage. Pure unadulterated rage. Your body doesn’t even give your brain a moment to mull over your next move. You throw the drink on the ground, the glass shattering all over the floor. You step back, finally breaking away from him. 
“What did you just fuckin’ say?!”
He releases you, backing up. He had this offended look on his face, like you had kicked a puppy. 
It made you even more mad.
“What did you say, Josh?” You emphasize his name, never breaking eye contact, “You fuckin’ call her that again I’ll fucking kill you.”
You stomp forward, your hands reaching up to him. You had never snapped so quickly in your life. Something about him saying negative about Ellie made your protective maternal instinct go into overdrive. Ellie meant a lot to you, especially after spending the last year with her and Joel.
Your fingers wrap around his scrawny little throat. He was trying to back away, but a table stopped all his movements. He was pinned. 
“You fuckin’ dare talk about her or anyone I fuckin’ know, I will make sure you never utter another wor-“ You feel hands around your waist, pulling you back from possibly choking him out. It almost takes the wind out of you. Your hands let go of his neck, but not without digging your fingernails into his skin. 
You are so blindsided, you don’t even know who has a grip on you. 
“Hey, hey, stop!” His voice is familiar. Almost Joel’s, but not. 
No, because Joel is instead grabbing Josh from the spot you pinned him to. You look back and see Tommy, his face panicked and confused.
You watch as Joel grabs Josh by the shirt, throwing him towards the middle of the dance floor. A bunch of people are standing around watching Josh stumble, trying to gain his composure. The music completely stops, bringing the hall to complete silence. Joel doesn’t give him enough time to stand up straight. You try to push Tommy off of you, but he’s got an iron grip on you. 
“What did he say?” Joel yells towards you, gesturing towards Josh. Everyone has completely stopped what they are doing to watch the scene unfold. 
You look towards where Ellie is, her face twisted in horror. Jesse stands next to her, his face serious. You know this is probably embarrassing for her, so all the anger leaves your body, replaced with guilt and shame.
“Joel,” You warn, “Please.”
Joel was extremely protective when you two were together. Ever since you two split, he has tried his very hardest to not snap. Once he sees a man’s hands on you, though, he can’t help but let fury fill his entire being. Tonight was no exception except this time, you got violent before he could. Which only meant you had no other choice. You usually keep a calm exterior, trying not to step on anyone’s toes. When you drink, you’re actually sweeter and more complacent. 
“What did he say?”
Instead of you saying anything, Maria steps in. She wedges herself between Joel and Josh, making sure neither one of them takes another step. 
“Cool it!” She yells, her eyes flying over to you being held back by Tommy. 
“He better get his ass out of this tow-“
“Shut it, Joel,” She warns, reaching out for his arm, “Let’s take a walk.”
“‘m not going anywhere,” His voice is booming which sends a chill down your spine, “Get this fucker out of here and away from her.”
He looks towards you, Tommy slowly loosening his grip on your upper body. You wiggle out, trying to steady your breathing. You didn’t even realize that you were panting like a dog.
You’ve completely sobered up. The dizziness you feel is just from adrenaline.
Maria guides Josh to the door, listening to him rant about his side of the story. You look back at Tommy, who’s obviously taken aback by the way you snapped. He’s never seen you so mad.
“I’m… I’m sorry, Tommy. He just said something about Ellie,” You whisper it, trying to ensure Joel didn’t hear. You know well enough that if he found out the words Josh uttered, he would have a pistol between the poor guy’s eyes. 
“I think you need to go home and cool down,” Tommy suggests, “This is not the place for that.”
You felt horrible. Everyone’s eyes were still on you. You nod, understanding Tommy’s reasonings for practically kicking you out of the party. He gestures Joel over, grabbing him by the shoulder.
“I’m gonna have someone walk her home,” He nods to you, “Would you be willin’ to or should I ask Jesse?”
Joel shakes his head, “I’ll get her home.”
“I can get home myself,” You retort, trying to regain some sort of control over the situation. You didn’t want Jesse or Joel walking you home, it felt like a walk of shame times a million.
“Get her home safe, Joel,” Tommy remarks, tapping you on the shoulder. He wasn’t giving you an option. 
You step over the shattered glass, while Joel guides you to the door. You felt so humiliated, not knowing what face to make at the people who were scowling you. So you keep your head down, grabbing your coat from the chair beside Ellie. Joel is trailing behind you. You look up for a second, meeting Ellie’s brown eyes. 
“I’m sorry, kiddo,” You mumble, “For everything.”
She shakes her head, her lips thin, “It’s okay. Get home safe.”
Joel taps your shoulder, nodding his head towards the door. You put your winter coat on, pulling out your hair that’s stuck between it and your thermal.
It was snowing, soft pillows of white ice covering all of Jackson. You breathe out a loud sigh when you get outside, while Joel shuts the dinner hall door. 
You didn’t know what to say to him, really. You felt like he shouldn’t have stepped in, but deep down you were glad he did because it probably put the fear of God into Josh. Maybe he won’t ever speak to you again.  
When you start on your journey home, you and Joel are silent. You hadn’t spoken much since your separation. You two got into a huge blowout fight in which the both of you said some pretty terrible things to each other. It was the first and last time you yelled at Joel. 
“Why can’t I just make my own decisions?”
“You almost got yourself killed! You almost got Ellie killed. How the fuck am I supposed to react? Just let you two back on patrol like nothin’ happened!? No fuckin’ way. You’re not going back out unless I’m with you.”
Your heart was going to beat out of your chest, “I had it under fucking control, Joel! You always find ways to blame me for something! I brought her home. I did. You weren’t fucking there because you were too fucked up to even get up this morning,” You knew that stung, the way his face twisted in disgust, “You’re the last person on Earth to make decisions for me or Ellie.”
You struck a nerve, you could tell by the deadly serious look on his face. 
“You don’t know what’s good for, Ellie. Stop actin’ like you fuckin’ do. You have manipulated her to believe she knows what’s good for her. She doesn’t, okay?”
He couldn’t be serious. 
“You’re not even her real father, Joel. She is going to remember all the times you shut her down and made her feel like she didn’t have a choice. Is it really worth your pride?”
He slams his fist on the table, “Get the fuck out!”
You accept that as the end of the conversation and the relationship. 
You start to walk through the slush, knowing you had a good 15 minute walk home. You felt sick with anxiety.
“How have you been doin’?” 
You laugh, “Fuckin’ fantastic, Joel.”
“Yeah me too,” He lies. He clears his throat before continuing, “So, what did he say?”
“Drop it Joel,” You warn, a hiccup coming up your throat, “Let’s just not talk about it ever again.”
“I’ll get it out of ya one day,” He comments, zipping up his jacket some more. You shake your head, chuckling a bit at the absurdity.
“You didn’t have to step in,” You add, “I had it handled. Like I always do.”
His pace picks up, matching yours. 
“Wrapping your hands around ‘nother guys throat is not very you, darlin’,” He says, grabbing your arm to halt your next step, “He had to of said something pretty bad for you to throw your drink and choke him out in front of a bunch of people.”
You knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to lure it out of you, but you weren’t caving. He was good at making it seem like there was no choice other than tell him what happened. 
“Guess you’ll never know, Miller,” You tug your arm away, “Tommy said you’d walk me home, not interrogate me.”
He huffs, “You are so stubborn.”
You stop mid step, turning to look him in the eye. You couldn’t believe your ears. 
“You’re the one to talk, Joel.”
“And you need to quit the drinkin’. Makes you sloppy.”
His tone was condescending and for him to call you out on drinking? No fucking way.
“You sure were sloppy the last couple times I saw you drinkin’. Remember the four patrol shifts you had last summer you couldn’t get to cause you were too fucked up the night before? Or how about a couple weeks ago when you tried to fight that guy at the Bison?”
He takes note of your aggressive tone. You weren’t just going to cower your head and take his shit. 
Maybe you were using the drinking to not think about the fact that you missed his stupid ass. Maybe it was to medicate the anxiety that rattled your bones every time he slipped your mind. Either way, he was such a hypocrite for trying to use that against you. Make it seem like he wasn’t doing that same thing when you were still together. 
“I’ve quit all the drinkin’… and hey, he called you a name,” He mumbles, “Had to put him in his place.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his statement, “What do you mean he called me a name?”
He continues to walk, almost trying to physically dodge the question. But if he was going to be persistent, you were going to be, too.
“Garrett said you were whoring yourself out to him and a couple of the other guys. Called you a slut,” He confesses, not looking towards you at all.
You felt sick to your stomach. Garrett was a guy you had patrolled with, a guy who seemed really nice to your face. The same guy Joel gave a black eye to. 
“I’ve only slept with like, two other people.”
You could tell it rattled him a bit. It was a statement he couldn’t be mad at, really. He was a man with needs, too. 
“Well, the word’s gettin’ around. He said you told him he had the best dick you’ve ever had,” He laughed as the words slipped his tongue, “God knows that’s ain’t true.”
You push your hands into your pockets, “I never slept with him. It’s only been Josh and…”
You stop yourself, instantly feeling sick to your stomach at the next name that almost came out your mouth. It was something you regretted so deeply in every fiber of your being. Something you tried to forget the very second the interaction.
“Who else?”
“No one,” You say, trying to steady your voice, “None of your business.”
“It was Jesse, wasn’t it?”
You cough, clearing your throat. You never wanted to talk about this to anyone, let alone Joel. You were desperate and no other guys really made you feel appreciated. 
The wind picks up, which causes the snow to billow towards your face and take your breath away.
“Can we just,” You shake your head, trying to get the hair out of your face, “Can we just discuss this when we get to my house?”
He leads the way, moving quickly. You follow close behind, almost using his body as a shield from the snowstorm. When you finally see your house through your frosted lashes, you feel some sense of relief. 
Joel walks up to your front porch, gesturing to you to lead the way. You knew you’d have to light a fire in the living room and warm up the small abode, so once you open the door, you rush to your fireplace. You stack wood, not taking much mind to Joel who’s kicking off his shoes and removing his coat. 
You didn’t want to do this with him. You didn’t want to discuss anything, explain yourself, or hash out any unresolved bullshit. After the night you had, you wanted to carry yourself straight to bed. 
“Want help?”
You crouch down, flicking a match into the pit, igniting the old coals. 
“No, I got it, Joel.”
He huffs, sitting down on your slouchy red couch. Nothing in your house was particularly nice, but you kept it clean and tidy. Everything had a spot, except for the man taking up space before you.
“So,” He slaps his hands on his knees, “You want to explain or?”
“No Joel,” You respond, “I don't feel like I owe you an explanation, truthfully. I honestly don’t wanna rehash all this shit with you.”
His lips tighten into a half smirk, “Okay, that’s fine.”
Silence fills the room again. You were shocked he didn’t press it further, but a bit relieved. 
“Just wanna ask one thing,” He grumbles. You stand up straight, shimmying your coat down your arms.
“Was his dick the best one you’ve ever had?”
You feel like all the air has left your body. 
“Jesse. Josh. Were they the best you’ve ever had?”
Hearing their names made you cringe. You knew your answer, but you wonder if you should indulge him in the truth.
He knew it already, but he wanted to hear it from your lips. The haze and exhaustion from the crazy evening makes the confession slip from your lips. 
“Joel,” You whisper, “You know damn well they aren’t shit compared to you.”
It’s like you blinked and he’s on you. His hands slide up your waist, grabbing your hips and pulling you into a bruising kiss. You don’t pull away because this is what you’ve been wanting. 
The sex with Joel was like nothing else. Maybe your relationship was rocky. Maybe you hated the way he spoke to you sometimes. Maybe you hated the way he tried to control every little thing. 
But the sex made it all worth it.
The way his hands molded around your body. His lips trailing up and down from your neck to your calves. He knew your body better than you probably knew it yourself. He never walked away from an encounter without making you cum several times. He could play you like his guitar. 
You two are falling all over your furniture to make it to the couch. He sits down, holding you close while you straddle his thighs. He’s not letting up, his kisses feverish and hurried. 
You pull away to catch your breath. His pupils are huge and his lips are already swollen. 
“What are we doing?” You whisper, using your thumb to brush across his pink lips. 
“This is what we do, baby,” He grabs your ass, pulling you flush with his crouch, “We fight and fuck. That’s all we do.”
You lean up, grinding down on his growing bulge. 
“I shouldn’t want to, but fuck,” You throw your head back, trying to ease the throbbing you feel, “I always want you, Joel.”
“I always want you too, sweetheart,” His hand finds the back of your neck, rubbing circles into the sides while you grind yourself on his lap, “I don’t want any other pussy but yours. No one else compares.”
You smile in sick pleasure, “We are so fuckin’ toxic, Joel Miller.”
He laughs, pulling your head forward. Your eyes meet his and it’s a sudden realization that you two are just actually insane. That after all the bullshit you put each other through, your horniness always wins. He wants you just as much as you want him, and yet you two can never figure out how to work problems out like actual adults.
“Tell me you don’t fuckin’ like it that way,” He trails a kiss up your neck to earlobe, “And I’ll stop right now. Leave you alone forever. Keep your dirty little secret that you like to fuck guys half your age.”
The rise Joel Miller can get out of you should be studied. He knows exactly how to push every button you’ve ever had, even the one’s you didn’t know existed. The idea of people knowing you fucked Jesse makes your stomach twist, especially since he was Ellie’s friend. 
You and Joel’s age gap never really bothered you. Maybe it was because he was older than you, but he didn’t feel that much older than you. You felt ancient with Jesse and even Josh. Joel made you feel like you were on the same level with a man.
You stop grinding on him, grabbing a handful of his hair and pulling him back to meet your gaze. He’s smiling a shit eating grin, knowing you’re pissed. 
“You’re the guy who’s fucking people half your age,” You lift yourself a bit, looking down at him with half lidded eyes, “And you flaunt it. You love having me as your little play thing. Y-”
“And you fuckin’ love it.”
“I’m talking,” You shush him, “You are going to let me talk.”
You grab his belt undoing it like you used to almost every night, “You’re going to sit back like a good boy, and let me remind you why this is the only pussy you want to fuck.”
Joel has never seen you like this. It’s like the distance between you two gave you time to gain more confidence. You tested him now, and he kind of liked it. He’d never say but he loved when you were bratty to him. Sure, before you were a little smart ass, but you were practically dominating him. It was a good change of pace. 
“Talk ‘bout toxic, baby girl,” He groans, “You know I can’t sit back and be a good boy.”
You use one hand to reach into his pants and grab his hard on. 
“You’re going to learn today,” You smile, “Because if you don’t, you’ll walk home with blue balls and you can call Kelly over to fuck you.”
He chuckles a bit, “Sounds like you’re jealous.”
You stop your actions, looking at his smug fucking face. 
“You literally just interrogated me about how I fucked half of Jackson,” You spit, “I can continue adding to the tallies. Have you watch me whore myself out to all of your patrol partners.”
“You ain-”
“Maybe I’ll get even bolder,” You continue, “Maybe I’ll even try to fuck the other Miller boy.”
You were completely fibbing. You’d never cross that line. You loved Maria and you respected her more than any other person in Jackson. You just really wanted to get under Joel’s skin.
And you quickly realize you did.
He flips you on your back and cages you under his arms. 
“You’re a fuckin’ dirty slut,” He is grabbing at your pants, yanking them down. Your jeans were skin tight and wet, but it took no time at all for him to tear them off your body, “You ain’t in charge here.”
“Let me up,” You demand, pushing at his chest. He wasn’t budging, he was on a mission. He tears off your underwear, exposing your wet slit. You didn’t even realize how dripping you were for him. 
“Look at you,” He teases, “Fuckin’ pathetic. Tryin’ to say you’d fuck my brother?” 
He shakes his head, using his fingers to trace up and down your slit. You wanted to scream out, but your mind goes blank. You were quaking with anticipation. You surrender to him pinning you against the couch. You’d get him back eventually.
“He’d never fuck a slut like you,” He continues, “No, he doesn’t know how to handle someone like you.”
“And you do?”
“I’ve been at it for awhile,” He sticks a single finger in you, making a squelching sound as he does, “Think ‘m gettin’ pretty good at ruinin’ you. Puttin’ you in your place.”
You finally moan out in pleasure, which makes his face twist in satisfaction.
“Fuckin’ Christ, I’ve missed how tight you are,” He groans, “Squeezin’ my fingers and cock so good.”
You’re practically soaking the couch with how wet you are already. All the build up and smack talk really put you in bind, his fingers driving you absolutely wild. 
He eases out of you, tracing your body to begin lifting off your shirt. He throws your shirt across the room, noticing you were actually wearing a padded bra. You smile at his realization. 
“Found one of these,” You gesture, toying with the straps, “Bet you’d never see the day.”
You had gotten used to never wearing a bra and Joel usually enjoyed it that way. You could never find a comfortable one and all your old ones were ragged and gross. On a recent patrol, you found a red bra in your size in an abandoned home. You stole it, tucking it carefully in your backpack to try on back home. Lucky enough, it fit and made your boobs sit better than they ever have. 
“Jesus Christ,” He mutters, lining the bra with his fingers, “As pretty as it is, it needs to go.”
You reach around your back, undoing it without another word. As soon as it is off, his fingers make work at pebbling your nipples. He smacked one with a gentle open hand. You squeak at the impact, watching Joel’s eyes revel at your bare body. He loved seeing you like this, crumbling under his touch. 
He props himself up on his knee which is wedged between your thighs. He pulls his shirt over his head, discarding it on the coffee table next to him. His buttons are already undone after you found yourself with your hands down his pants, earlier. He pulls those down too, letting them pool around his ankles. 
“For being a brat,” He nudges you, making you move your legs and plant them on the ground. You sit up, his hand ripping you off of your spot on the couch. He positions you between his legs, his cock standing up waiting for you. You sit back on your heels, enjoying the view. 
“You’re gonna try to be a good girl and suck me off.”
You smile eagerily, slowly running your hands up his thighs and to the base of his cock. Instead of getting straight to it, you bring the head of his cock to your lips and kiss it softly. You toy with the idea of completely ignoring his demands, but you come to the conclusion that you’d probably get nothing if you did that. And you wanted him so bad. You thought about this moment for so long. 
“Stop playin’,” He groans, watching you with his arms laying across the back of your couch. He looked like one of those statues you saw in old textbooks when you were a teenager. The ones you’d see at an old art museum scuplted from marble. The ones with the small dicks. That’s truly the only thing that differentiated the two. Joel was massive. 
“I’m not playing,” You disagree, “Shush.”
Before you can continue your tease, he grabs the top of your head. He is usually pretty assertive, but good God, he was not letting you get away with anything. You widen your lips, taking his cock into your mouth. Instead of progressing down his shaft slowly, he makes you take it fully down your throat. It causes you to gag a bit. You pull back, only for him to push you down again. 
You grip onto his thighs, digging your nails in a bit. You knew you would probably leave marks with how hard you were pressing into his skin. He winces, but continues to practically face fuck you. 
“You don’t tell me to shush, little girl,” He moans, watching your saliva drench his cock. He finally lets you pull up off him, holding your face in the process, “You hear me? You take this cock like a good girl.”
“Yes,” You manage to say, your throat already hurting from taking him in. 
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, now come sit on my face.”
You oblige, standing up to let him reposition himself. 
You two have done this maybe twice. Each time you practically suffocated him, but he fucking loved every second of lapping you up. You knew that you were in for a ride with the way he was toying with you. 
He lays on his back, his hands keen on pulling your legs up to his shoulders. Your ass is positioned on his chest, his face between your thighs. You look down at him, sitting up straight before you ease down, letting your pussy take up the bottom half of his face. 
He dives in instantly, his mouth hungrily devouring your pussy. You scream out, letting your body relax against him. His facial hair brushes across your folds and inner thighs while his tongue begins tracing your insides. He stops at your clit, flattening his tongue and pressing forward. You couldn’t control yourself, sinking yourself down further onto him. His nose nudges your folds before he runs his mouth down your slit again, so his nose is now pressed against your clit. He moans into you, the vibrations sending you into ecstasy. 
You cum, your juices flowing down his face and your legs. He is moaning so loud, mewling at the fact that you never warned him you were about to cum. 
He taps your thighs, advising you to get off of him. You shakingly remove yourself from his face, standing up to look down at him. He was so hard and his lips and beard were soaked with your cum. 
“You fuckin’ squirted on me,” He laughs, sitting up. You felt kind of embarrassed, like you couldn’t even contain yourself for more than 2 minutes. “I’ll forgive you since it was hot. No cummin’ without permission.”
“Okay, sorry.” 
Even though you weren’t sorry. 
Your legs were practically numb and still quaking from your orgasm. You’re breathing heavily, trying to regain your composure. He notices your quivering and starts pulling you into his lap. You widen your legs, mounting his thick thighs. You look down at his cock, it sliding so perfectly between your pussy lips. He was a fucking dream. 
He doesn’t even say anything, just watching you try to catch your breath. 
“Relax baby,” He mumbles, “We haven’t even gotten started, yet.”
He grabs his cock, stroking it a bit before having you lift off of his thighs. He eases you up and onto the head of his dick. He spits into his hand, coating his shaft with it.
One thing about Joel, is he’s still the biggest you’ve ever had. No one ever got close to him. 
The stretch makes you moan out in pure euphoria. You missed it so much. It was something you craved almost every night. 
“Fuck,” You whimper, “Never gets old.”
He laughs at your admission, “Likewise.”
He snaps his hips against yours, settling into a slower pace. He was dragging it out, letting your walls become accustomed to him again. After a minute of slow strokes, he picks up his pace. He repositions, kneeling with his one leg extended out to the floor. You’re lifted up in the air partially, grinding down as he meets your motions with his strokes. Your hands are wrapped around his neck, your fingers finding his hair. His hands and grappling at your sides while you two moan in unison. 
You two were finally on the same page, not bickering, just fucking out your feelings. You felt the aggression, resentment, and fear dwindling away from you as you sweat out the brutal pace he’s bringing to the table. 
“I don’t want anyone else,” He sighs in between his cock hitting you at the perfect angle, “I only want this.”
You don’t think to hard about it, whimpering your response. 
“Please let me cum. Please.”
“So pretty when you beg.”
He’s drilling into you at this point, your tits bouncing right into his face. You lazily throw your head back, letting him take one of your nipples into his mouth. You’re so overly sensitive, you don’t know what to say other than beg him to let you release. 
“Fuck Joel, I’m gonna cum. Please, let me cum.”
He releases your tit with a pop, “Cum for me, baby.”
After two more strokes, you’re falling apart in his arms. He wraps himself around you, fucking you through the second orgasm. 
He’s a whimpering mess, chasing his own release. 
“Fuck, baby, fuck.”
“Cum for me, Joel. Moan out for me.”
His deep and guttral moan sends shockwaves through your body. You could feel his cum release inside you, while his arms grow tighter around you. After he finishes, he lays you back onto the arm of the couch. His cock still rests inside you, twitching at every little movement your hips made. 
He swipes his forehead for sweat, marveling at you. He looks so endearing, like he didn’t just fuck your brains out and call you a bunch of names. The thought makes you giggle.
You shake your head, touching his chest with your fingers, “You’re just handsome.”
“Yeah, I bet.”
You swat him while he slowly eases out of you. You whine a bit, letting the heat from the fireplace warm your body as oppose to Joel’s body heat. 
He stands up, abandoning you on the couch as he picks up his discarded clothes. You prop yourself up, trying to sit up but your body feels like jello. 
Your really didn’t want to watch him go. 
“You should stay.”
His back is turned away from you. He freezes as he grabs his shirt from the coffee table where it landed. 
He clears his throat, “Why?”
“Because I don’t want you to leave.”
It was true. You wanted to figure it out. You wanted so badly for this to change everything. But it was just sex. Exactly how this trainwreck started. 
He starts to get dressed. You didn’t want to take that as his answer, but deep down you knew this is how things worked. You’d been through it with Joel before. You just had to wait for Ellie to come in and call you his “lady friend” and have him demand you “go get dressed”. It was the same thing every time. You thought it meant something but it really didn’t. 
Once he slips his shirt over his head, he walks back to sit next to your naked frame. He brings his hand up to trace your leg, which is perfectly nudged up against him. 
You really don’t want to believe all the things running through your mind. You craved an explanation.
“You said you only wanted this, Joel,” You grab a blanket from the back of the couch to cover yourself. You could tell he was at war with his thoughts, “Why can’t we start again? Do I seriously not mean anything to you?”
He realizes you’re pleading with him. He felt so guilty and it was written all over his face. 
“Of course you mean somethin’ to me,” He acknowledges, “But we can’t keep doin’ what we were doin’. We always end up screamin’ bout somethin’ stupid. I don’t want to make you unhappy. You deserve to be happy.”
You contemplate for a moment, unsure how to respond. 
“If being with you means screamin’ about something stupid and fighting over patrols and drinking too much and bickering over Ellie’s future,” You huff out, trying to not let the hitch in your throat become obvious, “Then I want it. I want it all. All the shit, all the fights. I want it because it’s with you.”
He doesn’t say anything immediately. The silence was deafening.
“We can try,” He mutters, “But we gotta stop tryin’ to fix everythin’ with sex. We gotta like… talk about things.”
You laugh out loud, noting his seriousness. You two were seriously thinking the same things. 
“Can we talk about our problems, like, during the sex?”
You were completely joking. You wait for his response, but it comes with him shaking his head. You wrap your arm around his shoulders, pulling him in. Your boobs press against his now clothed chest. You feel his hands slide up and down your sides. You groan in pleasure, his touch sending chills down your spine. You wanted it like this. Forever. 
He clears his throat, “Well if I’m sticking around… round two?”
taglist: @pedrotonin @mysingularitybts @harriedandharassed @paleidiot @misatoad @lottieellz101 @cool-iguana @bbyanarchist @am-3-thyst
284 notes · View notes
*The Boss–Keys
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Warnings: rough sex, sneaking around kink, language
Being vice president of a video game company is not as glorious as gamers think. It's even less so when the president is an absolute moron. I am basically running the entire company. Antwan shows up at 11 o'clock, orders food, walks around, randomly fires people, and then usually leaves between 2 and 3.
I usually have to get as much work done as I can in the morning because I spend the rest of the afternoon un-firing people. I have to reassure them that Antwan doesn't have any actual firing ability. He has to talk to me before he can fire someone.
"So. . . I'm not. . ."
"You're not fired, Dominique," I reassured her. "You are a great designer. Keep it up."
"Thanks, Y/N," she sighed.
I walked her out of my office, patting her on the shoulder as she left. I closed the door and leaned against it. I do this multiple times a week. Antwan hasn't even noticed yet. He usually forgets who he fired the next day.
With my back still against my office door, I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. I dialed the number to his desk phone and closed my eyes as it rang.
"We need to have a meeting," I sighed as soon as it stopped ringing, not giving him a chance to answer. "Now."
"On my way."
I hung up and kicked off my door so I could start clearing off my desk. If I didn't do this, it would end up on the floor. There was a soft knock and the door creaked open. I didn't bother moving. I stayed, slightly leaning over my desk. I smirked when the door closed and the lock clicked.
I heard him slowly walk over to me. He gently placed his hands on my hips and stepped up behind me. He slid his hands around my body until his arms were wrapped around my stomach.
"Let me guess," Keys whispered in my ear. He kissed my jawline a couple of times before continuing, "Antwan was a dick and fired someone. You then had to un-fire them and clean up his mess."
The second he stopped talking, he returned to kissing my neck.
"I only want to think of one dick right now," I moaned.
I closed my eyes and focused on his lips on my body. He had a way of relaxing every part of me. Keys never struggled to help me forget about work.
He bit my ear, slightly sucking on it. He started nibbling down my neck, moving my shirt aside so he could kiss my collarbone. I bit back a moan as he slipped his hands under my skirt until he found my underwear. I leaned my body back against him as he slid them off.
"Get on the desk," he ordered.
I spent all day giving orders, correcting Antwan's. Keys was the only person who gave me orders. And it was incredibly sexy.
"Yes, sir," I whispered. I turned around and saw Keys reach up and tossed his jacket onto my couch.
Without breaking eye contact, I sat on my desk and opened my legs. He walked over and grabbed my thighs, spreading them apart even more. He stood between them as he played with my skirt. I gasped when he grabbed my thighs and roughly brought me to the edge, half of my ass hanging off.
Keys leaned down and pressed his lips roughly to mine. I let out the moan I'd been holding back since he walked into my office as our tongues instantly started fighting for dominance.
As we battled, I reached over and started unbuttoning his shirt from bottom to top. I tore it off of him, tossing it to the side. I started to unbutton my shirt but Keys grabbed my hands, stopping me. I put my hands on the desk, slightly behind me as Keys started unbuttoning my shirt. This was exactly why I always wore button-ups to work.
It's why we both wear them. Whenever I get tired or frustrated or irritated with work, I call Keys and ask for a meeting. He comes to my office at his earliest convenience. The second he walks in, we tear each other's clothes off and he orders me around.
It all started after a very drunk Christmas Party Keys's first year at Soonami. We started the night with flirting but soon added too many drinks. We ended up hooking up in the supply closet. The next Monday, I called him into my office to talk about the party. We didn't talk about it. Instead, we ended up having sex on my desk.
And so started our routine. We've been hooking up for about six months. A month after we started, we were at his apartment on his couch. We were about to move to his bedroom but I stopped it. I asked him if we could finally talk about it, about us. For the first time since we started, Keys and I had a real conversation. The conversation started off awkward but eventually, we confessed to caring about each other.
I was brought back to current events when Keys put his face between my breasts, slipping his tongue into my bra. As he explored my chest, I reached down and started undoing his pants. When they fell to the floor, Keys instantly pushed me back onto my desk and climbed over me.
He pressed his lips to mine as he reached into my desk drawer and found the hidden condoms. I grabbed it from him and tore it open. Keys bit my bottom lip as I slipped it onto him. The second it was on him, he pushed into me. I squeezed my eyes at the new pressure.
I broke the kiss and arched my back as Keys instantly started thrusting in and out of me. We moaned quietly as he took control. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. Keys knew exactly what I liked. Still thrusting into me, Keys gently grabbed my chin.
"Look at me, baby girl," he whispered. I slowly opened my eyes, looking directly into his lust-filled eyes. Whenever we did this, Keys liked to keep eye contact.
"Oh Y/N," Keys grunted. "I want you to scream my name. So fucking badly."
"You know we can't," I gasped when he hit my G-spot.
Keys slightly repositioned himself before going back to thrusting into me. When he pushed in, he held it before pulling out.
"Shit," I moaned. "Keep going, baby."
"I thought I was supposed to be the one giving orders during our meetings," he groaned as I squeezed myself around him.
I grabbed his face, forcing his lips down onto mine to shut him up. I felt him smirk as he kissed me back. We broke apart when my office phone started ringing.
"Son of a. . ." I mumbled.
"Answer it," Keys said. I looked at him to see him smirking at me. We kept eye contact as I reached over and answered the phone.
"This is Y/N."
Keys let out a soft moan as he returned to thrusting into me. I bit my lip, not listening to a single thing that Antwan was yelling about as I focused on Keys ravishing me. I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood as Keys put his face between my breasts and quickened his movements.
"You got it," I mumbled before hanging up.
"What did Antwan want?" Keys asked as he decided which breasts to make out with.
"No idea."
Keys grabbed my thigh, wrapping my leg around his waist. He snaked his hand that wasn't holding him up under my back, pushing me closer to him. We rode out our highs a little longer, our grunts and moans slowly starting to get louder.
"Next time," Keys grunted as he started pushing me towards my breaking point, "I want you screaming my name. As loud as you can."
With one final thrust, I was sent into orgasm. I arched my back and gave in.
"Yes, sir," I gasped.
Keys pulled out of me and didn't give me a chance to relax. He grabbed my hand, roughly pulling me so I was sitting up. We were back to the position we had started in; me with my legs spread open and Keys standing between them.
"My place," he said, catching his breath. "Tonight. Bring wine, I'll handle the dinner. And then, for dessert. . ."
"You want me screaming your name as loud as I can?" I teased. Keys leaned in and smashed his lips to mine. I instantly ran my fingers through his hair as our lips moved messily in sync. He broke the kiss with a soft moan.
                                * * * * *
I fixed my shirt, making sure one of my shoulders was exposed. After our meeting, Keys and I sent saucy texts back and forth. We sent descriptive texts of what we wanted tonight, what we wanted the other to do, and sneak previews.
Keys and I didn't hook up every night. It was only on weekends. He'd come over Friday night, we'd spend all day in bed, go out Saturday night and he wouldn't leave until Sunday afternoon. Whenever we did go out, we went out of the city so we wouldn't risk running into anyone from our company.
Part of me wondered if anything would change at work. The other part of me wondered if Antwan would have one of his classic temper tantrums when he found out I was sleeping with an employee.
I smirked when the door was roughly swung open. Keys didn't wait for me to say anything. He grabbed my waist, pulled me close to him, and pressed his lips to mine. I moaned as I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him back.
Without breaking the kiss, Keys pulled me into his apartment and led me over to his couch. He picked me up, gently laying us both down. He rolled his body against mine as we relaxed into the cushions. Within minutes, we were in the middle of a full makeout session with nothing but our underwear on.
Keys finally broke the kiss and started kissing my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut, slightly arching my back as he bit the skin peeking out behind my bra.
"Baby," I moaned, "don't you want to eat first?"
He pulled away and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to his room. I gasped when he dropped me onto his bed. He crawled on top of me with a smirk that gave me chills.
"Remember what you promised," he said through his teeth. I smirked as I snaked my hands up his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Loud and proud," I said softly. Keys let out a deep moan as he lowered himself and started grinding his body down on mine. As our bodies moved in sync, we finished undressing each other.
In just a few minutes, we were in his bed, under the covers, with our underwear randomly thrown around his room. I roughly switched our positions and sat on his hips. I kept eye contact as I reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I felt him harden under me as I took it off and tossed it aside.
I grabbed his hands, slid them up my thighs, and continued up my torso. He knew what I was doing and I could feel his anticipation building. When I finally got his hands to his favorite spot on my body, he squeezed them on his own.
I moved my hips so he would slide into me as he continued to massage my breasts. The movements in his hips soon fell in sync with his squeezes.
"Oh Y/N," he moaned. "Keep going."
I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He instantly started roughly moving his lips against mine. I broke the kiss, making him pout.
"Yes, sir," I whispered before pressing my lips back to his. I began running my fingers through his hair, pulling on the strands that I caught, something I knew he liked in bed.
We continued this for some time. The longer I was on top, the tighter I started to feel. I smirked when I got an idea. A dirty idea.
"Bring your knees up," I mumbled against his lips. Without breaking the kiss, he obeyed.
I bit his lip before I broke the kiss. I sat up and leaned against his knees, making sure he was still inside of me. I watched his face, wanting to see his reaction to me. With as much force as I could, I squeezed my folds around his member inside of me.
"Fuck," he gasped.
I giggled when Keys quickly sat up, so quickly I almost fell off of his lap. He grabbed my thighs and started moving my hips faster against his. He didn't kiss my lips. Instead, he wrapped his mouth around one of my breasts. I arched my back, enjoying the feeling of his tongue on my nipple.
"Holy shit, Keys," I moaned in sync with my movements. "You're so fucking big, baby."
"Can you do me a favor?" Keys grunted, pulling his attention away from my chest. The look on his face made me stop. I sat up a little so he would slip out of me.
"Anything, baby," I whispered as I delicately placed my hands on his shoulders and started massaging them as I rocked my hips against his.
"Don't call me Keys."
"What?" I asked, all sexiness and heat between us disappearing. I started to get off of him, completely embarrassed. "You don't like that nickname?"
"No no no no no," he repeated quickly as he grabbed my thighs, stopping me from getting off of him. "I didn't mean it like that, baby girl. I love my nickname. It's just. . . I meant. . . I want you to call me by my first name as we keep going."
"Oh," I said under my breath. "Any particular reason?"
"I don't know," he shrugged. "I mean, I know why. . ."
"It turns you on."
He smiled softly at me. "In a way," he whispered. "But even more so, you calling me by my name makes it more intimate. And that turns me on."
"You got it," I said softly, "Walter."
Keys moaned as he smashed his lips onto mine. I smiled as I started to kiss him back. As our lips moved hungrily in sync, Keys rolled us over so he was back on top. Once he was, he tore away from my lips and started sucking on my neck.
"Say it again," he asked through his teeth.
"Anything for you," I whispered, "Walter."
When I said his name, he growled. I gasped when he swiftly pushed into me. I arched my back, his name slipping out of my mouth in moans. I asked him to keep going. I asked him to go faster. I asked him to go deeper. Every time I asked him to do something, I called him by his name.
Our orgasms built faster than they ever have. Things felt more intense. When we reached our peaks, we both let out loud moans. He stayed where he was as we came down. I chewed on my bottom lip as I felt him soften inside me. I took a shaky breath when he finally pulled out of me.
"So much better when you moan my name," Keys chuckled as he rolled off of me.
"The louder the better," I agreed. I gasped in pain as I shifted. Keys looked over at me, a small amount of guilt in his eyes.
"You doing okay?" He asked. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"
I leaned over and pressed my lips delicately to his. I pulled away but kept my face inches from his.
"I'm okay," I whispered. "It's the good kind of pain."
I kissed him again before rolling onto my back. When my head hit the pillow, I was also hit with an insane amount of guilt. I looked over at Keys, my heart sinking. I grabbed his hand, making him look at me.
"What's wrong?"
"I've been lying to you," I said under my breath. Keys' eyes narrowed as he rolled onto his side and studied me. I sat up, keeping the blanket close to my chest as I leaned against the headboard.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Life Itself."
Keys sat up, fully turning towards me. He waited for me to continue, so I did.
"I lied to you and Milly," I said, my voice breaking. "Antwan didn't shelve your game, Keys. He built Free City around it."
"Which means there's proof in Antwan's game," he said slowly as he caught on. I nodded, nervously biting my bottom lip.
"All you have to do is cross the barrier at Hitman's Beach," I explained. "Then the whole design will fall and the world will see your original design. Antwan won't be able to deny it any longer."
Keys thought about it for a second before his demeanor changed. "Why did you suddenly decide to tell me all of this?"
"You deserved to know the truth," I said under my breath.
Keys smiled softly as he scooted closer. "But why now? I've been working for you for over a year. What made you suddenly go behind Antwan's back, and I'm guessing against your NDA, all of a sudden?"
"Because. . ." I hesitated.
We were just hooking up. If I answered that question, it may ruin our usual routine. Adding feelings to a sneaking around relationship could end it.
Keys scooted even closer to me as he reached up and gently cupped my face in his hand. He pulled me in and pressed his lips delicately to mine. As our lips began to move in sync, Keys pushed me back onto his bed and instantly climbed over me.
"You're trying to protect me," he whispered, breaking the kiss. "How sweet."
"I don't want this to just be a hook-up," I confessed, breaking the kiss. "I like you, Keys. I mean, really like you. And if we did start a relationship, I didn't want to start anything with this big lie between us."
"Damn," Keys whispered.
"I don't want this to be just a hook-up either," he continued. "I really like you, Y/N. And you're right. We shouldn't start our relationship with a big lie between us, so. . ."
"So what are you going to do to help me get my game back?"
Keys gasped, covering it up with a deep chuckle as I rolled us over, switching our positions. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He let his hands roam up and down my bare back as our tongues danced. I broke the kiss with a soft wine.
"Anything, baby," I said breathlessly. "Anything you need me to do, I'll do it."
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
I looove your writing and I would like to make a request with tony stark, tony and reader as friends with benefits and they have a little drunk unprotected sex (after a party or a date) and she end up pregnant, she's all nervous about telling him, but when she tells him he's so happy to become a daddy and they officially become a couple? Thank you 😘 maybe a epilogue with them and the baby
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Pairing: Tony Stark x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 2000 words
Outline: Having long been in a fwb situation with the famous Tony Stark, you never thought that this would be the next step.
Author's Note: So this is set in my favourite Tony era, post im2, pre-avengers, no aliens to make my man sad, okay!!! Nonnie thank you for this lovely request, sorry it took a while, thanks also to anyone else who helped with their asks and thots, hope you will enjoy! Kept the baby nameless and gender neutral in the end so choose your own fantasy <3
Warnings: alcohol consumption, previous drugs mention, pregnancy, abortion talk, giving birth, breeding kink, hair pulling, oral fixation, daddy kink, public sex, bulge kink, multiple positions, spit play, oral sex (both), creampie, it gets messy and nasty basically.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Tony Stark Masterlist
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“You like it when I fuck you like that, huh?”
Tony grunts as his cock are full deep down your throat, a bit of mascara running down your cheek. 
“What, mouthful? Mummy didn’t tell you it’s good manners to answer when someone asks you something?” He seems unfazed as he chuckles before he releases your head from his cock and you cough while spit and cum fall down your chin. Messy exactly as he likes it. 
“Yeah, I do, daddy.” You smirk as you use your fingers to lick some of the excesses. 
“Get up by the sink, grip tight then baby, daddy’s gonna fill that pussy.”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
Getting up fast you position yourself on the sink, your skirt still pulled up and your shirt on the floor, from ten minutes ago when Tony was eating you out pressed against the wall so you could look at yourself in the mirror.
The music from outside was loud, followed by cheers, Tony’s downtown club had a famous rapper performing tonight so of course, you had to come. 
And coming you were indeed.
Tony pushes his spent cock inside your slickness, your hands automatically wrapping around his neck. You had both been at it, friends since the first time you met at an expo a couple of years ago, and fuck buddies since that one time you both got drunk on that cruise ship. And you had to admit, Tony’s cock was your absolute favorite. 
“Fuck me, please!” You plead, your fingertips creeping on his luscious hair while his hands grip your waist, descending on your ass, and his mouth stays on your neck, biting and kissing. 
Tony was very much well into marking you whenever he got to spend time with you, after starting his life as iron man three years ago, that wasn’t as often as any of you would like. 
He snaps his hips forward, gripping your body tight as he freely starts moving you against his cock, back and forth, switching it to fast slapping skin on the skin when he bit down your neck. 
You scream to your heart’s desire, nobody could truly hear you and you wouldn’t even mind if someone could. The people closest to Tony already knew about your beneficial friendship so they knew where you had disappeared. No one would come looking for you two.
The dark-haired man didn’t have to do much besides spanking your ass during the concert and then grabbing your hand and leading you to the VIP bathroom. 
“You look so good with my cock inside you baby.” 
He muses when he pulls his teeth from your neck staring down between your two bodies. He stops his movements taking a moment to admire you like this. On his favorite position, with his cock inside you. If he could he’d never get out.
Or maybe only long enough so he could fuck your mouth. 
He slowly brings a hand forward, pressing it on your stomach and pushing your body backward. 
“Feel me, baby?”
“Yeah!” You breathe, as he presses his fingers on your stomach, his cock visible there. 
“Impressive how well you can take it.”
“I can take anything daddy, please.”
“Please, what?” He asks amused.
“Fuck me deep, breed my pretty pussy, please!”
“Oh, but now I am admiring this work of art.”
“It’s gonna look much better when you will be fucking it right back in.”
He doesn’t even respond when your words make him pistol his hips, setting a fast and brutal place, letting you try and grab his hair for support. He is going fast and desperate at it, the sounds intensifying while you are pulling his hair tightly.
“Fuck.” He growls, evidently, your new way of positioning yourself has him feral, something evidently he hadn’t yet learned, and he is fucking you like a sex toy.
When Tony spills inside you, he only stops for a moment before going right back to it, fulfilling your previous request. Your legs could barely close from the intensity of the fucking and your multiple orgasms, so Tony instructs you through the back window, calling for a suit of his to safely fly you off to his tower. 
Tony always got a little more feral on nights like this, drunk and a little high. By the time he got tired of fucking you, it was deep midnight. He had you on the bed, in the shower when you tried to wash away your sins, in the balcony when he headed out for a smoke, completely insatiable and utterly horny.
One could say that he could never ever have enough.
Not of you anyway. Or maybe he knew. 
Several hours later, when you wake up, he’s back in his office having a meeting, so you leave him a note, thanking him before Happy is driving you safely back to your apartment. You shoot him a text as well with a grinning emoji and he replies back with a suggestive one. That’s how it always was, anyway. You’d see him soon enough.
Yet four weeks later, you are sitting in the middle of your bathroom holding a pregnancy test between your fingers as the lines begin to appear. You shut your eyes close. That’s not how things are supposed to happen.
Tony and you hadn’t met up again yet, he was busy on an iron man adventure away from the country and you were focused on a big project at work. 
For the next two weeks, you try to reason with yourself. Do you want this baby? Do you want to tell Tony? Could you keep it and then pretend to him it wasn’t hit? He will come to look for you when time allows him to. Would he even like it? Does he even wants kids?
Career-wise, you could raise it all by yourself, and if you’ve always wanted children, your mother would be more than happy to help you. So that’s the first person you call and she also encourages you to talk to him and so does your best friend and her best friend. It was only one phone call. Hell, you could even text him. But you knew it had to be in person. 
Eventually, you head to a doctor, confirming your pregnancy and determining the exact date and it’s very obvious it’s his. You sit in the doctor’s office, legs crossed, impatient, with the weight of the world on your shoulders as the tv on mute is playing an interview of Tony smiling and gesturing as always does so and in your heart, you know. That man had to know. You couldn’t bare the burden on your own anymore. 
So you take your phone out of your purse and call his number and hear his voice asking for a voicemail. In one breath you leave him a message telling him you need to talk cause it’s important. 
Tony on his end believes you have met a man, and he tries to surpass his jealousy when he shows up at your door holding a bouquet of flowers. Now that was unusual.
You greet him warmly, invite him and offer him a drink before sitting on the couch with him. You are rubbing your hands on your body trying to gain more confidence until he stops you and gently holds your hand.
“Just tell me. Blurt it all out in one go. Whatever it is.”
It always surprised you how serious he could be at a critical moment. The soft smile on his face was to give you strength even if his heart was beating faster. 
“Tony.” You pause look him in the eyes and then look down. You wouldn’t wanna see him disappointed so you will be speaking to the floor. 
“Tell me, I’m all ears.”
“I’m pregnant. I wanna keep it.” You whisper, staring at the floor, your fingers nervously trembling against his hand.
There is silence for a bit, and the only thing you can hear is your heartbeat until you turn your head a little to look at him. He is grinning, looking down with a tear clearly hanging off his beard. He is slowly moving his shoulders, trying to come up with something to say. 
You have to say something, and fill the room with sound. 
“If you don’t want..”
“Stop.” He clears his throat and looks at you squeezing your hands with one hand and bringing the other to your face. “I want you. I want this. I want your baby. Our baby.”
“You should take all the time in the world to think about it.”
“I am thinking about it. This is everything I ever wanted.”
“Tony…” You try to form another sentence, trying to alleviate him of this burden but he only wraps his arms around you as you clearly start sobbing.
“You make me the happiest man in the world. Honestly and sincerely. I always dreamt of a family, I never thought I could get it, not with the drugs, the parties, and anything else.” His hands are caressing your back as you are still unable to grasp your emotions.
“I never thought you could want me like that.” He continues, smiling to himself. “Like a baby daddy.” He chuckles. “Though I gotta say I’m a traditional man and you know the inheritance and everything.” Now you are laughing too between sobs burning your face inside his chest and this newfound happiness. 
Later you both call your parents together, and Tony asks for your hand over the phone. Your mom insists on a family dinner. He agrees. He brings a diamond ring, with your initials on it. He knows you’d never take his last name, your mom is happy, and so are you. 
You agree on civil marriage, with Happy, Rhodey, and your best friends in attendance, and away from the spotlight. You just give a small announcement to the public along with a picture from your wedding day. All smiles, you are both wearing white. 
The next several months of your pregnancy are straight out of a movie. You look for a penthouse together, Tony simply refuses not to be on the top floor. He agrees on you paying for the groceries and anything else you might like. You make plans to adopt a pet soon. He brings you flowers every day. Sometimes when he needs to stay away for iron man reasons, he sends Happy to keep you company. You want every show under the sun together. Tony still shows up with flowers.
When the day comes, you are well into your tenth month begging the doctor to take the baby out of you and you agree on induction. Doesn’t take long for the baby like this, and even though is painful and gut-wrenching Tony stays by your side, holding your hand no matter how much you are threatening that you are never doing this again. 
Too bad he had already plans for five more. But you didn’t know that back then.
When the baby is pushed, he is right there grinning and exclaiming “I see a head! I see a head!” followed by a “they look just like you, baby!”. The nurse allows him to cut the cord and then carefully, they wrap the baby up to bring them to you. You never knew you could feel such happiness and such exhaustion in one moment. 
He wraps a hand around your back and kisses the top of your head, you are looking at your baby, you know they look just like him. “They look just like you.” He smiles and rubs his chin on your head. Looks like you found something to disagree on. 
When you need to leave the hospital, he has a helicopter booked for you. You tell him ‘there’s no fucking way” and he brings over Happy with a car. You leave the hospital hand in hand, reporters are waiting outside, and you both smile and go on your merry way. 
And your happiness can only grow stronger. 
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on post notifications!
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lizthewriter · 4 months
pansy parkinson as different romance tropes
〉fake dating  fake dating queen!! pansy is doing her best to get over draco but it's not as easy as it seems. he seems to be well aware of the fact and very much a dick about it, doing his best to embarrass her. she refuses to be disrespected, so she comes up with the best idea she can - fake dating. it doesn't matter who you are - her best friend, a background character, however you imagine yourself. you are her best choice and one to shock all. she didn't seem to think this through, however, when you're forced to do many a romantic thing that involves touching, kissing, and being generally adorable, you both start to fall in love. i think the FIRST (that's right, first) love confession would come from you but she wouldn't reciprocate, either because she hasn't gotten over draco or because she's scared to ruin what you guys have. the second love confession would be during that classic scene, where pansy would have to admit you had never been dating all along to dozens of people but that she had developed feelings for you and really wanted to try again. your love would be heartening and wholesome, something many wouldn't expect from the ice queen of slytherin.
〉pen pals to lovers  now hear me out, hear me out!! one day, you accidentally leave a little journal note in your library book when you return it, and pansy stumbles across it accidentally. she reads it (for juicy gossip ofc) but then finds something heartfelt and vulnerable instead. in a moment of perhaps insanity, she writes something back and sticks it in the book before she can change your mind. when you realize you lost your journal entry, you go crazy and search everywhere - it takes you almost the whole day to realize you might have left it in your library book. finally, you open the book and find another piece of parchment sitting there. and so it begins. without either of you knowing who the other pen pal is, you write letters to each other multiple times a week and start to bond more and more. bonus points if you're enemies or if you're friends with one-sided pining / one of you is dating another person. when you finally figure out who the other pen pal is, it's not at all some crazy emotion - you feel calm, content, like you always knew you loved pansy. the love confession would definitely be a mind-blowing soft and loving kiss. your love would be sweet, innocent, and honest.
〉mean girl to lover  / internalized homophobia  okay so ofc we know that pansy was the og mean girl in the books. i feel like, because of how she was raised, she definitely has some internalized homophobia. so put two and two together . . . this works well with an outcast/unpopular!reader. pansy is so gay, like sooooo gay, but she doesn't let anyone know. she dates men to keep up appearances. however, one night at a slytherin party she gets a bit drunk and . . . let's just say you two end up in a very compromising position. after that night, she can't get away from you. she needs you, in whatever way you'll give her. at first you're okay with being treated as a booty call, but then you come to your senses. you refuses to keep meeting her in secret - you want her to stop hiding you away like your relationship was a bad thing. she gets upset, screams at you, and leaves. but she, too, misses you. a lot more than she thought she would. her love confession would come in two forms, both during breakfast in the great hall. either she grabs you by the tie and kisses you in front of everyone OR she stands up on the slytherin table, loudly claims to everyone that she is a lesbian and then procedes to ask you out. your love can be passionate and hot, but most of the time it's flirty, sweet, and fun.
[movie recs: dash and lily (netflix)]
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lianecartmanstimtoy · 11 months
Sm South Park Headcanons for the characters that hold my brain hostage. (Also this is them as older teens/adults)
-Biromantic/Asexual who just lives happily in comphet for years. He just kinda appreciates and sees the value in everyone but obviously guys just date girls. They just appreciate other men equally you know?
-King has OCD up to his god damn teeth but refuses to see a therapist because there's nothing wrong with him he's just being "proactively cautious".
-Sick kid to neurotic adult pipeline
-Very much takes comfort in the rituals and structure of Judaism
-Often ends up defaulting to mom friend despite how much his friends make fun of him for it
-He's kind of a normie. Like yeah he reads philosophy and psychology but if you try to talk to him about anything remotely indie or punk he kind of just stares at you blankly
-Basketball Guy
-Also hes the one who has a car and is exploited for it
-Does not like Stan hanging out with the Goth kids
-Closet homosexual trying so hard to be straight
-Bipolar and easily falls into deep depressive lows that he self medicates for
-Randy put him in therapy just so he could rant at the therapist about how toxic Stan is
-He believes deeply he's just a fuck up and has kind of given up on trying. Why play the rat race if your destined to lose? Might as well just party
-Gets tired of Kyle nagging him constantly
-Hangs out with the Goth Kids more and I think he and Michael become close
-He gets crushes easily but the big ones are Kyle and Michael. But Kyle's straight so that's just another reason to self destruct
-He wants to like Wendy so fucking bad. He wants to be good. He wants to be her boyfriend. He just..doesn't know how to pretend good enough to make it real
-inevitably they break up for real in highschool and it sends him into one of the deepest lows of his life
-After this he gets insanely drunk and kisses Kyle but Kyle just assumes he's out of it and never brings it up again because he doesn't want to embarrass Stan. This drives Stan mental
-His parents seriously discuss military school and Stan is considering just joining out of highschool anyways
-He's just a body why not put it to work
-So very insanely closeted out of fear of being rejected
-Kenny knows
-On anti psychotics that he regularly forgets to take
-Writes explicit fanfiction about him and his friends and posts them on A03 under different names
-Has a Twitch stream drag hustle like Finnster (initially he was using butters for this but then she came out at Margarine and said she didn't want to be a online whore because she was a respectable lady and Eric took up the mantle himself)
-Clyde is one of his regular watchers and donators but has 0 idea it's Eric
-Eric eventually blocks him because Clyde keeps sending him dick pics
-He wants his attention so bad it's insane
-His best friend is his mom
-They have weekly spa nights and watch romcoms and dating reality tv together
-He taught her a skin routine
-He has sent in online auditions for Kidzbop multiple times
-Kenny was his first kiss and first time
-Any Pronouns genderfluid bi king
-Mostly gets He/Him'd by his friends but brushes it off
-Has done his rounds in the school but no relationship has ever lasted long
-He has a tendency to let himself be used as he sees his service and time as the only thing he can offer other people (this extends to his friends as well)
-Sweet goofy persona that quickly turns dark if someone really fucks up (this happens rarely but they're terrifying)
-She works as a mechanic apprentice outside of school and has a cobbled together motor bike she built herself
-Flirts with everyone and craves touch and affection
-Kind of one of the only people who genuinely likes Eric and sees past his bullshit
-The friend who knows how to get things
-Was Elated when Margarine came out and wants to be her boygirl wife so bad
-Microdoses some back alley E as a treat
-Only ever really hangs out with Stan when Stan wants to party
-Despite being friends with everyone Kenny often feels incredibly isolated and lonely
-Everyone calls him when they need something but who does she call when she needs something.
Michael (Goth Kid)
-he/it, stealth trans, just IDs as Queer
-Jewish but insanely quiet about it
-Used being goth initially as a way to distract kids from making fun of him for his heritage. Now he's in deep
-Very vocally loathes Eric Cartman and will beat him
-Cane is passed off for aesthetics but is a needed mobility aid for joint issues
-The older goth kids are an acting Polycule but will date outside of each other
-He starts to get close to Stan and enjoys how real he feels.
-Has a contentious relationship with Kyle and how he kind of morally lord's himself over Stan and others
-Doesnt have much of a relationship with his parents. His mom and dad are separated and although he lives with his dad his father regularly travels for business so he often gets the house alone to himself.
-Secretly takes a lot of comfort from his dad's old records
-He also has a secret hiding place in some abandoned sewer pipping where he goes to get away from everyone including his friends. Stan is the only one who knows about it
-On a first name basis with a lot of the unhoused people in South Park and will hang out with them as well
-He has a black kippah for holidays or temple (though his father rarely goes to temple anymore
(I will write more for others later this has already taken me an hour
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Kiss It Better (J.WY)
Word Count : 1910
Warnings : drinking, partying, swearing, slight angst (but mostly fluff)
Synopsis : A drunk confession leads to tears and there's only one way to fix it; kiss it better.
Author's Note : This was a really cute request, and I had a lot of different ideas for it, but this is the one I landed on. I hope you enjoy it 💕
Music spilled into the deserted streets, getting louder the closer she got to the house. There were drunk students sprawled out on the lawn doing varying activities. Some were making out, others were just talking. But she took no mind to it, by passing every single person, and entering the house.
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            An overwhelming scent of booze and sweat wafted up her nose, and she wondered why she even came in the first place. “Y/n!” His voice was clearly heard over the music, unsurprising to her due to the fact that Wooyoung is known to be very loud. He practically ran over to her, pushing passed people trying to talk to him, and pulled her into his arms.
            This is the reason she came. Jung Wooyoung, her best friend for as long as she can remember. He had told her about the party weeks ago and she had originally agreed to make an appearance, but with multiple deadlines and other stresses, she had told him she would have to skip out just once.
            But that wasn’t good enough for Wooyoung who took to texting her every 5 minutes telling her to come. Every time his frat threw a party, she was right by his side. Or with one of the other frat members, which usually ended up being Hongjoong. But she would always end up wrapped up in Wooyoung’s arms by the end of the night, without fail.
            “I’ve shown my face, can I go home now?” She asked, pushing away from the hug, trying her best not to breathe through her nose as the scent of alcohol exuded off Wooyoung.
            “You just got here.” He pouted. “I haven’t seen you in two weeks and now you’re here and you want to leave.” She shook her head at her very obviously drunk best friend. Wasn’t Hongjoong supposed to make sure he didn’t drink too much?
            Glancing around the room, she could see Hongjoong chatting it up with his long time crush, answering her unasked question of how Wooyoung could have gotten so drunk. “Well, seeing how drunk you are, I don’t think I should leave you alone. Let’s get you to bed, Woo.” She snaked her arm around his waist to lead him towards his room.
            “Will you stay with me tonight?” He slurred, tripping over the first stair. It happened every single time he got drunk and she wonders sometimes if he does it on purpose as a way to pull her closer.
            Physical touch has always been a love language of Wooyoung’s, and when they first met, and for the first few years of their friendship, she had no problems with how touchy he got with her. She had quite enjoyed all the movie nights curled into his side, wrapped up under the same blanket despite there being multiple other ones that one could use. Or the mornings she would wake up with him clinging to her even though she clearly remembered falling asleep alone the previous night.
            But over time, she noticed some changes. The way her skin would burn with every lingering touch. How her heart would speed up every time his face was close to hers. She would glance at his lips while he spoke and wonder how they would feel against her own.
            She hated the way jealousy would bubble up when a girl would hit on him in front of her. Or how her heart would break every time he laughed when someone asked if she was his girlfriend. These things never used to bother her. He never used to effect her like this. She used to see him as just a friend, but that wasn’t true anymore.
            In true rom-com fashion, she fell in love with her best friend. One day he was her idiotic best friend and the next he was the endearing guy that was always there for her. “Please stay with me.” He whispered after hearing no reply to his question.
            “Okay.” Why did he have to be her only weakness?
            The upstairs was only slightly quieter, the music still loud, but the people were scarce. Despite Wooyoung’s entire body weight leaning onto her, she got him to his room pretty easily, quite used to drunk Woo. “Wear my shirt. I like seeing you in my clothes.” He let go over her to lift his shirt over his head, handing it to her with a smile.
            “Wooyoung, I’m not going to wear your sweat covered, booze smelling t-shirt to bed.” She protested, causing him to pout and whine at her, shoving the shirt into her hands. “You’re such a baby when you’re drunk.” She giggled to herself. “Can I at least wear a clean shirt?” His face lit up as he nodded, rushing over to his dresser, and throwing open the t-shirt drawer.
            “This one!” He shoved a simple black, crew neck tee into her hands, pulling a similar one over his own head. “We can match!” Why is he so much cuter when he’s drunk? It’s not helping the growing fondness in her heart, or the ache she felt when she remembered that he was just her friend.
            “Okay. But we also need shorts to wear.” Without a second thought, Wooyoung just pulled his pants down, proudly showing her his boxers.
            “Boxers are like shorts.” He chuckled, quickly sliding into his bed. “You can sleep in your underwear too!” He looked at her with childlike wonder in his eyes, and though she really didn’t want to, she gave in, disappearing into his bathroom to change, and wash her face of any makeup.
            When she came back, she had expected him to be asleep already, but he was still sitting exactly where she left him, same childlike wonder in his eyes. “Wooyoung, you need to sleep now.”
            “I just wanted to see how pretty you looked in my shirt.” He pouted, making grabby hands at her, signalling that he wants cuddles. She placed her clothes on the chair in the corner of his room before crawling in beside him, Wooyoung immediately pulling her into his arms. “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, Y/n.”
            He was tracing shapes into her exposed skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. Her heart was racing as he wrote I love you over and over into her skin, peppering short kisses onto her shoulder each time he finished. Jung Wooyoung was not good for her health. “Wooyoung.” She said sternly, but he didn’t say anything, just continued writing on her skin. But when she went to speak again, she heard a sniffle, causing her to whip around in his arms to face him, quickly noticing the tears falling down his cheeks. “Hey, talk to me, What’s wrong?”
            She cupped his face so she could wipe away the tears, but they just kept coming. Wooyoung was a clingy drunk, a childish drunk, a danger seeking drunk, but he was not an emotional drunk. He was the kind of drunk that would jump off the roof into a pool and then wrap you in a tight hug, getting your clothes all wet, laughing in your ear the whole time. But he was not the kind to talk about his feelings, let alone cry.
            “I’m scared if I tell you, I’ll never see you again.” He could barely meet her eyes, and that hurt her more than anything. Never in their years of friendship had Wooyoung ever been so afraid to tell her something that he couldn’t even look into her eyes. “You abandoned me for 2 weeks and I have never felt so lonely. I don’t know what I’d do if you left permanently.”
            “Wooyoung, no matter what you say to me, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life, okay?” Slowly he looked up, as if they were filming a cheesy rom-com and the two main leads were meeting for the first time.
            “Even if I told you I’m in love with you?” All her movements halted. She stared into his eyes, looking for a sign that he was lying, that he was pulling her leg, pranking her, anything. But all that she could see was more tears welling up the longer she stayed silent. “I knew it.” He whispered, averting his gaze once more, pulling her hands off his face, and turning away completely.
            This caused her to snap back to reality, allowing his words to fully process in her mind. He had just confessed, and she said nothing. How could she not say anything? “Woo, look at me.”
            “Wooyoung is sleeping now.” He mumbled, but she could still hear the sob he choked back. She slid out of bed and walked to the side he was facing, gently grabbing his face in her hands so he couldn’t look away. She could feel his face burning under her touch, bringing a small smile to her face.
            “Did you mean it?”
            “Of course I did. I’ve been in love with you for so long. Everyone says I’ve been so obvious with my feelings that you obviously knew and just didn’t feel the same. And that’s okay, I can’t force you to love me, but I really don’t want you to leave. I can deal with you not loving me back, but not having you at all, that would be hell. So please-“
            She cut him off with a kiss. Gently pressing her lips to his, telling him to shut up with a sweet gesture. His lips were a lot softer than she imagined. They tasted salty from the tears still streaming down his cheeks mixed with the booze he had earlier, but that didn’t stop her from getting addicted to the feeling of his lips on hers. “Who said I don’t love you?” She whispered once she pulled away. “Because they couldn’t be more wrong.”
            “Holy shit, you just kissed me.” She laughed, slightly shaking her head at how cute he was being. “Oh my god, you just said you loved me.” His eyes went wide as he stared at her, and she just nodded. “Can I get another kiss?”
            “In the morning, if you still remember everything that happened, you can have as many kisses as you want.”
            “I’ll never forget this moment. Now come back to bed.” He pouted, wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling her on top of him, before rolling onto his other side, successfully getting her into a spooning position. “I love you.”
            “I love you too, Woo.”
            The sun was shining through the window, but that’s not what woke her up. Wooyoung was peppering kisses all over her face, barely missing her lips each time. “Oh good, you’re awake!” He then pressed his lips to hers in a series of small pecks.
            “Well this is certainly a nice way to wake up.” She giggled, slowly sitting up. “So I’m guessing you remember what happened last night?” He nodded, the biggest smile she’s ever seen plastered on his face.            
“And if I remember correctly, you said I could have as many kisses as I want. And I want them all.” Before she could say anything else, he had tackled her onto the bed, pressing kisses all over her face once again, before placing a kiss on her lips. Multiple I love you’s were whispered in between kisses, making up for all the time they had lost hiding their feelings behind friendship.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Always Been You - Jesse x reader
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Summary: Y/N is part of the Jesse; Ellie and Dina trio. Despite being the most observant you are the most oblivious to Jesse’s feelings towards you
Words: 2K
Warnings: mentions of sensory overloads 
Notes: @thefictionalgemini and @moonchildpc​ here’s another Jesse story for ya, the man needs all the appreciation and love he can get. I will tag you in every Jesse I write x
You wouldn’t be able to tell there was an apocalypse going on with the way everyone is dancing and laughing, the music upbeat and the whole atmosphere merry. Most of the town are here, except those few who don’t like the parties and those with young kids who need to stay home for them. I usually take babysitting duties during these but tonight Nancy and the other mums decided I had to go have fun at the dance. 
So here I am, leaning against the wall, sipping on a rum and coke that Ellie forced into my hand a while ago before she disappeared off to somewhere, probably to find Dina who she would follow to the ends of the earth. Both of them are very dumb as they are head over heels for each other but they cannot see for the life of them that the other likes them. It makes me want to just grab them and snap ‘now kiss’ as they cause so much sexual tension when around and when drunk. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” That smooth southern lilt drags me from people watching to look up at the Asian American. He’s got that smile on his face that has my face flushing. Jesse is fit, he always has been and ever since arriving in Jackson with Joel and Ellie he’s on my radar. Ellie’s teased me multiple times about just asking him out but I’m gonna be the one to ruin the little quartet we have going on.  
“Yeah, Nancy told me I had to come.” I shrug lightly as he stops next to me, elbow brushing mine and cognac eyes sparking in the fairy lights strung up around the old barn. His smile is soft and everything about him is welcoming and warm and it makes me rest my head on his shoulder and just go back to people watching as Jesse doesn’t say anything.  
It gets a little uncomfortable after a while so I grab Jesse’s arm, wrapping it around my shoulders in front of me so I can lean my back against his side. He shifts a little before accepting the position and resting his chin atop my head as I finally spot Dina. She’s dancing with a member of the community, he helps in the meat shop but I’m not too sure of his name as he’s man of few words. I think his name might be Adrian but again I could be completely wrong as all I’ve said to him is ‘hi’ and ‘bye’. He seems like a sweet man, I should try talking to him more. 
“What are you thinking about?” Jesse hums, arm pulling me a little closer while I take another sip of my drink as Dina and Adrian spin around the makeshift dance floor, quite a few people’s gazes on her as she’s shameless and her confidence is hard to ignore. If I wasn’t straight I could definitely see myself having a crush on her but she’s been in a weird on and off relationship with Jesse for almost eight months now and honestly it’s killing me. The pair are terrible for each other, Dina and Ellie having wayyyy more chemistry. 
“She’s putting on quite the show, isn’t she?” Ellie’s low voice appears from my right as she joins us, leaning on the wall next to me with a whiskey in hand. Not sure how she managed to get that as she’s not legal for another two years and Maria is quite strict on keeping the age limit to 21, even in a post apocalyptic world. I somewhat admire how she leads with fairness but how even those like that bigot Seth are scared of her. 
Jesse just hums in response, his chin moving against mine in a short nod that has Ellie sending me a knowing smirk that I really hope Jesse doesn’t notice. I focus on drinking my drink and just scanning the room, eyes falling on Tommy and Joel. It’s always great to see the brothers reunited again and being able to as much of a family as they can, Tommy having become a father figure for me. That did surprise me as I always thought Joel would be the father figure in my life after travelling with him and Ellie for almost a year yet Tommy took me under his wing almost immediately. 
I didn’t even realise Ellie and Jesse were having a conversation until Dina’s making her way over to us asking what they were talking about. I don’t mind not being part of the conversation as it’s just nice to have their company and be surrounded by their lively conversations about god knows what. Last time they were talking this animatedly it was an argument over DC and Marvel comics they had found in the old shopping mall just south of Jackson. Personally I’m a Marvel kind of girl, loving the character of Hawkeye and loving the representation for the deaf. 
“She’s not with us, is she?” Dina’s sweet voice floats through my thoughts and I turn to see Ellie and Dina watching me. They smile lovingly at me, Ellie squeezing my arm before they return to their animated conversations and I go back to watching the way Joel throws his head back in a genuine laugh at something Tommy’s said. I’m vaguely aware of Jesse putting his now empty glass down and wrapping his other arm around my front, arms moving to wrap around my waist as he gently begins swaying us in time to the live band. I could be imagining it honestly but I won’t question it as I want it to be real, my body sparking with electricity at the feel of his arms around my waist and his head still settled on top of mine. 
I let my eyes slide shut, leaning back into Jesse with all of my weight and just enjoy the sounds around me . The cute giggles emitted from Dina at a stupid pun Ellie said, Jesse chuffing and chest rumbling against my back. The sounds of many other conversations merging and mixing like the way the fairy lights flow through the rainbow over and over again. The smell of different types of alcohol mixing and the smell of sweaty bodies making an almost sickly feeling in my gut
I grip Jesse’s arm, suddenly aware of and not liking the sticky heat surrounding me from all the sweaty bodies dancing and running around. The three of them seems to understand, Ellie and Dina seeing the slightly panicked look in my eyes as Ellie taps Jesse’s shoulder, saying, “Time to go. Too much.” 
Jesse understands, unwrapping his arms from around my waist to have his right slide down my left arm to grip my hand in his before he begins to navigate his way through the crowds to the exit. I’m gasping in the cold air, resting my forehead to his shoulder as I try to focus on the feel of his hands in mine. 
“What was it this time?” Ellie asks, voice soothing as we all sit on one of the benches outside, Ellie and Dina opposite me and Jesse as I find myself unable to let Jesse’s hand go. 
“Yeah that checks out,” She nods, freckles sticking out against her pale skin when she scrunches her nose up, “Was starting to smell really stale in there.” 
“You didn’t have to leave with me.” I mumble, feeling embarrassed now as they’re all focused on me and I have nothing to distract myself with. 
“Yeah we did, we’re not going to just leave you behind dumbass,” Dina reaches out and squeezes my free hand. Then the three of them continue the conversation they were having inside like nothing happened. It helps me relax and I know that they know from the small smiles on their lips. I just spend this time taking in the two girls opposite me. 
Ellie’s auburn hair is done up in a low bun with a strand or two escaping the style. She’s wearing a white tee shirt under the blue checked flannel that I recognise being from my wardrobe, the sleeves rolled up the elbow. The blue draws out the darker shade of green in her clover eyes that are sparkling with every counter Dina throws her way. She’s wiping her hands on her skinny jeans, the tattoo she recently got to cover the bite so she could stop wearing those bandages. Ellie always gives off such a tomboyish style and attitude and I wouldn’t change that for the world because it’s just so Ellie like.
Dina on the other hand is very feminine. She’s also in skinny jeans but she seemed to opt for cowboy boots unlike Ellie’s scuffed and worn converse. Dina’s hair is up in a high bun, completely slicked back except for a select section at the front that frame her rounded face in gentle waves, the only hint that her charcoal black hair isn’t straight. It’s very obvious from her complexion that she’s an IsY/Nlite and jewish, no hate or prejudice. I think she’s beautiful with her chocolate brown eyes a smouldering against the burgundy v-neck she’s wearing. 
They’re both beautiful and everything about them compliments each other. I still think they would be absolutely perfect together if they would stop dancing around each other. The way their hands are always brushing again some part of the other’s skin and they way their gazes linger on each other for a little too long. 
I know what Jesse looks like without having to turn my head and look at him. His appearance seems to be burned into my eyelids with his shaggy liquorice coloured hair that always has strands of his fringe falling into his cognac brown eyes. No matter how many times you brush the hair out of his eyes it’ll fall right back into place. I find it cute and it gives me a reason to be touching him, caressing his cheek when I bring my hand back down. He’s tall and lanky but by no means weak, his muscles are well defined under the long sleeved grey henley he’s currently wearing: not rock solid as there’s definitely give and softness to those muscles. He’s wearing jeans like always and his sturdy boots as he never knows when he’ll have to spring into action when out so he tries to always wear sensible clothing, no matter the occasion. 
Long fingers hook under my chin, causing my eyes to fly open and my face is being turned so I’m looking up at Jesse, eyes bright as he says, “I can hear the cogs turning in your head.” 
“O-oh,” I can’t help but blush, trying to look anywhere but at him when I notice we’re alone, “Where’d Dina and Ellie go?” 
“Dina was getting cold so Ellie offered to walk her home,” He tells me, that southern lilt all I can focus on and the way his lips move around every word, “Shall I walk you home?” I don’t respond, just watching him, unable to respond, “Y/N-“ 
Something comes over me and I’m surging forwards, lips slamming against his surprisingly soft ones. He doesn’t pull away or yell but instead his hands fly to my hip and my cheek, guiding the kiss into a softer one that has me straddling his waist. The kiss is sweet and new territory for us but at the same time it feels like we’ve done this a thousand times. Jesse’s tongue brushes along my bottom lip and I’m parting them with a sigh at how right this all feels. 
“You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this,” Jesse murmurs against my lips and I’m pulling back, the grin on his face widening at the probable shock on mine, “Have you seen me let Ellie or even Dina manhandle me the way you do?” I just shake my head knowing if I speak I won’t be able to keep the quiver out of my voice and he’s holding my face in his hands, laughing softly as he says, “It’s always been you idiot.” 
Maybe I should listen to Ellie more often.
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h4rring1on · 2 years
Heyyyy!! Angst to fluff. I was wondering if you could do a story about being Eddie’s girlfriend and going to a party with him to celebrate his bands success at performing at a big music festival. Eddie ends up getting really really drunk and gets alll clingy and touchy feely with his girlfriend and all sooky craving her touch
Like he can’t keep his hands off her he’s like SO wasted and stumbling around hiccuping while he’s slurring his words to his girlfriend he keeps telling her “baby give me a hug pleaseeee” “Eddie misses you” he’s doing it in front of all the crew (Dustin, Steve, robin etc) she’s talking to and hugging her from behind and swaying the both of them. They’re all looking at him like 🙄 Because he’s being a big puppy and can’t keep his hands off her. Then she just ends up snapping at him telling him to get off her and leave her alone.
They end up having a big toxic fight in front of the whole party and separate from each other for a couple of hours. Meanwhile Eddie is just getting more and more drunk doing multiple shots and downing more beers then things take a turn for the worse for Eddie he becomes very pale and starts violently throwing up and like he’s gonna pass out.
All his hellfire friends go over to help him because he’s feeling so so so sick then he just begs them please find my girlfriend because he really needs her comfort. She finally comes running over and helps him then they have to call hopper to drive them to the hospital because Eddie is so sick then he ends up having alcohol poisoning.
I have no idea where this idea came from hahaha like idk I feel like it would be a really good story hahsha. Cute nicknames I feel like Eddie wouid use are baby, sweet heart, pretty girl and honey idk why ahaha
Only if u want too of course! Love your writing btw
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warnings: swearing, eddie acting really clingy and touchy to the point where even reader is sick of it, that’s it but please tell me if i missed something !!
pairing: drunk!eddie munson x fem!reader
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“i’m so proud of you, eds” you said to eddie as you sat on his lap with all the other party members around
after years of playing corroded coffin at the hideout, eddie finally got the chance to preform at a huge music festival, and to his luck, lots of people enjoyed the music and became fans of the band
so to celebrate, you, eddie, the rest of the band, and some of your friends, decided to all have a party at steve’s house since it’s the biggest
eddie smiled at you and gave you a peck on the lips before grabbing a cup and chugging it
“eddie!” you said
“what? don’t worry about it, baby. just celebrating” he said as he rubbed your back in comfort before chugging another cup
soon enough, you went to talk to nancy and robin, and before you knew it, eddie was drinking way more than you thought he was
you saw him talking really loud and being a bit weirder than he usually is. you held his hand and he looked to you, “eds, that’s enough, okay?” you said
“baby!” he exclaimed and hugged you tight, “missed you so much” he whined as he kept holding you, his other hand slid down to your ass, “jus wanna touch you so bad” he said as his other hand snaked it’s way under your shirt and your eyes widened, quickly grabbing his hand and pulling it away from you
it’s not that you didn’t like it when he did that, you’d definitely did. but you were in public and your friends were staring at you. so it wasn’t exactly the time. especially when he’s way too drunk.
it was a rule that you’d never allow him to do anything when he was drunk, knowing he wouldn’t be in his right mind and that it wouldn’t be okay
but eddie never seemed to follow that rule, because even when you pulled away, he kept his hand on your ass and kissed your cheek, slowly kissing down to your neck and you pulled away
“eddie” you warned
“just wanna give you love, sweetheart” he smirked and gripped your ass tighter
you rolled your eyes and kept talking to your friends while still sitting on his lap, you got up and he was quick to grip your wrist
“where you goin, pretty girl?” he pouted
“i’m just going to the bathroom”
“let me go with you” he whined, steve and the others chuckled
you awkwardly laughed and quickly pulled away from him, hearing his annoyed groan
when you got back, you could literally hear him calling your name
“what, eddie?” you said, thinking something happened
“there you are!” he said and held you tight, “couldn’t bare to go one minute without you”
your patience was running low, eddie was never like this and it was kind of bothering you
for the rest of the night, he kept touching and clinging on to you way too much.
but one thing. one thing really set you off.
after the countless times that you’ve pulled his hand away when he started touching you somewhere you didn’t want people in public seeing, his hand started fumbling with your zipper and you quickly got up
“what the fuck!” you yelled, catching the attention of your friends
“what! you like it when i do that!”
“oh my god” you hysterically laughed, “i do like it eddie but this is the fifth fucking time that i tell you not here! i’m doing this when you’re drunk!”
“well i’m drunk and i consent”
“okay well i don’t! why don’t you just fucking go away! you keep clinging onto me like a helpless baby and it’s so annoying!” you shouted and looked to the bottle in his hand, you grabbed it and threw it away, “and i told you a million times that you drank enough!”
“you don’t tell me what’s enough. it isn’t your choice. give me another goddamn bottle” he sternly said
“you know what? get it yourself! if you wanna be so fucking annoying do it alone. i’m leaving and you’re not going with me. fuck. off.” you glared at him and walked out
eddie paused for a second and looked at his friends, “the fuck are you looking at?” he muttered and got up, getting another drink
he drank another one after another one after another one, he felt like an idiot. and he just wanted to forget about it with the help of alcohol. but now, even his friends noticed how much he was drinking
“munson, that’s enough” steve said as he grabbed the bottle from eddie’s hand
“why don’t you go home, you look very sick right now” nancy pointed out, noticing how pale and sick eddie looked
“why don’t you—“ eddie cut himself off as he ran to the nearby bin and violently threw up
“oh shit” jonathan said and the band members ran to help him
“eddie do you need to go to the hospital? that looks really bad” robin said
“i need…” he took a second to catch his breath
“what do you need?” nancy asked
“my girlfriend—call my—i need her right now” eddie said as covered his face with his hands
“your girlfri—okay, yeah okay. robin go find y/n, now!” nancy said and robin was quick to go around the house to try and find you
steve had invited a lot of people so it was quite hard, she finally got to the top floor and saw you in a empty room, sitting in silence
“shit—y/n!” robin called out as she finally reached you
“robin? what’s…what’s going on?”
“it’s eddie” your heart dropped, “he’s really sick and looks like he’s literally dying—i’m not even kidding he really needs you right now” she said and your eyes widened as you quickly ran downstairs with her, pushing your way to him to see him sitting on the ground, the bin next to him
he looked extremely concerning. he really did look like he was dying, he was all pale and sick.
“eddie!” you breathed out as you ran to him
“baby” he desperately said and held your hand, “i’m so sorr—“
“not the time! cmon, up. we need to get you to a hospital” you said as you helped him up
“i’m fine—“
“you’re going” you sternly said as you steve helped you get eddie inside the car
once you got there, you waited with steve as the doctor checked eddie inside one of the rooms
steve saw your leg shaking and put his hand on it, “hey, you don’t have to worry. he’s gonna be okay” steve tried to comfort, but the only comfort that could ever work on you is eddie’s.
once eddie walked out you ran to him and hugged him tight, “woah hey” he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you
“i’m okay. doc said i have alcohol poisoning so…expect me to throw up a lot for the next few days. but i’m fine, okay? don’t worry your pretty head about it, love” he said and you could feel your eyes tearing up
“hey…hey it’s okay, i promise it’s okay”
“i shouldn’t have left you—“
“what?” he furrowed his eyebrows, “no. you really taught me a lesson. i was way out of line and i was drinking way too much. you were right, i don’t know why i was acting like that, im sorry. please don’t cry, sweetheart” he said as he wiped your tears
your bottom lip wobbled as more tears slipped from your eyes
“baby” he whined, “you gonna make me cry now. cant have you being upset” he said as kept rubbing your back in comfort, and kissing your forehead
“i love you so much eddie” you whispered as you kept holding on to him
“i love you more, sweets” he chuckled and kissed you
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sevoir · 1 year
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event plot call ! ! so excited to see what plots we stir up, like or msg to plot. i'll be prioritizing event threads & replies will be short n quick (famous last words) plot ideas under the cut xx
summary : seryung arrives late with no intention to stay, a coat hurriedly thrown over a slip she’d been wearing all day. in a mask borrowed from someone in line outside, she pops in to leave her gift for aera on the designated table, but ends up staying well into the morning.
plot ideas. all are up for modifications and brainstorming! i'm also open to plots not listed here of courseee x
limbo / person she borrowed her mask from. they were standing in line outside at 10:50 pm when she arrived. she never returned it. maybe they see each other inside, or they were a little bit starstruck when seryung approached them, or something else. open to one.
lust / she's partying hard all night so people she dances with, does body shots off of, kisses on the dance floor, hooks up with in the bathroom and all that. also just people she drinks with and has cute little fun times with because she is very friendly especially when she's drunk. open to multiples.
gluttony / they get into a drinking game, probably seryung goaded them into it. unfortunately, they're on opposite ends of the heavy-lightweight scale. seryung's a heavy weight. they're not. seryung takes it upon herself to stick by them and watch them for some of the night. open to one.
greed / seryung takes her 16 million won coat off for a second when it starts to get hot and leaves it on a bar stool. she comes back twenty minutes later and it's gone. they stole it, or they thought it was someone else's jacket, or something. seryung has to spend most of the night freezing in a flimsy slip-on. open to one.
anger / they meet in the early hours of the next morning, with the party still raging. seryung's at her most drunk, wanting to go home, tearing a path to the exit. no specific plot here but this is a good jumpoff point for conflict or altercation or something. open to two.
heresy / they bump into each other or something and accidentally end up taking each other's phones. open to one.
violence / they see her freezing her ass off after her coat went missing and offer her their jacket. she's so drunk, she starts crying. something about how most people want to take her clothes off, and here this good samaritan is, showing her a kindness she doesn't usually receive. open to one.
fraud / they hear about private rooms and set out on an adventure to find them. not exactly a hookup plot but could be, would also be a fun jumpoff point for a first time meeting or something. open to one.
treachery / seryung makes her way out of the club on her own. a drunk girl in a thin slip dress out in the dark, looking for a phone she doesn't seem to have, is disaster waiting to happen. they take her home or take her back to their place because she won't say where she lives. open to one.
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Gil is always the patient sweet teddybear we all love dearly!
What if he loses his patient towards someone who won’t stop flirting to Thena? Who won’t listen to Gil’s 2 warnings? Him being so bold to even touch her and press her to his body? This would be the final straw where Gil finally loses his patient and just gives him a clean hard punch! (You can do a little fight or you can make him unconscious after the first punch. However you like!)
You choose the AU! I’m looking forward to read it :)
Thanks for your work!
Gil had told him--he had told Eros multiple times at this point that he needed to back up when talking to Thena.
Not that the little whelp seemed to really excel in listening to people and behaving respectfully. And he already had a history of not listening to Thena when she was trying to be clear that he was in her space.
But this was different.
Gil was on the outskirts of the after-party, as were plenty of other personal security guards. They could enter and mingle if they liked, but most of them weren't willing to risk lowering their awareness of the environment. Gil in particular was keeping a very close eye on Eros and how close he was getting to being in Thena's space.
These sort of after-events were just as crucial to mingling in the business as the awards themselves. It was at Kingo's insistence that she was here at all, all things considered. Although it did put her in the position of not being able to refuse any unwanted conversations.
"Do you've any idea?" Eros squeezed his eyes shut as he slurred out his words, "how good we'd be t'gether?"
Thena - who hadn't drank a drop and was really feeling the gap between her sobriety and Eros' intoxication - squirmed. "I suppose I don't."
"Thena, Thena, Thena," the young pop star shook his head, his perfectly coiffed hair swaying and bouncing after the long night it had endured. "We were made for each other, I just know it!"
Thena turned her head away from him as the stench of his breath puffed into her face.
"Aw, don't be shy, dearheart," Eros purred, leaning closer and wrapping his hands around her lithe little arms.
"Believe me, that's not what is happening," Thena grumbled, trying to pull away from him without making a big deal of it. She pulled, but it only ended up pulling Eros with her. "Let go."
She could have screamed the words or she could have whispered them, but Gil heard them loud and clear, turning around with a look of fury on his face.
"C'mon," Eros attempted to sway her again, leaning his head closer to hers as she squirmed in his grips. He moved closer, his knee now pressing into the inside of her thigh. "I'm called the God of Love for a reason, you minx."
"Get off me!" Thena hissed at him, fingers pressing into his skin as he tried to lean in for a kiss.
It was all Gil needed to hear. He had been on his way over to them already, and hearing it even more loud and clear from Thena made him break into a jog. "Hey!"
Eros barely turned around before the crack of Gil's fist meeting his cheek caused half the room to turn and look at them. Eros stumbled before falling flat on his back. He looked just as drunk as he did before, although he was remarkably more sober after a hit like that.
"Oh my god, someone call an ambulance!"
That seemed like a bit of an overreaction, Thena rolled her eyes. She looked up at Gil, who was already leaning over her closely, making sure she was okay. She leaned into him and the safety he offered her just by existing.
"Sorry," he whispered to her as he wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. He held her hand in his as he moved them out of the way of people rushing to Eros' side. He was of a certain fame of his own, being Thena's bodyguard. She was rarely seen without him, after all. But at an event like this, he could offer Thena the distinct protection of anonymity. "Let's get you outta here."
Thena just nodded, happily huddling close to Gil as he led her out of the eye of the storm. "I don't think anyone's ever seen him like that before."
"He's lucky I didn't break his jaw," Gil growled out, and really he only resisted it because he really couldn't afford to be sued for it by Eros or his agency.
Kingo appeared beside them, although he didn't stop them in their rush to get Thena outside and - hopefully - in a car and on the way home. "You wanna tell me what that was before I start getting DMs asking if Thena beat the shit out of Eros?"
"He was harassing her, Kingo."
The usually chattery manager/stylist went deadly serious. He looked at Thena, who was opting for silence, holding onto Gil's arm. "Thena?"
She sighed, as if every word she had to speak was a chore. "Kid was drunk, tried to kiss me--even grabbed onto me."
"We'll find footage of it, or we'll come out with a statement," Gil mumbled for Kingo's sake, although his focus was getting Thena away from people so she could try and relax. "But that little bastard does not get to play the victim about this."
"I'll get on it," Kingo answered readily, already with a phone in each hand. "You take her home."
Gil was way, way ahead of him on that one. He led Thena straight to the car, which he always had waiting in case she wanted to leave at any given moment. It wasn't very standard practice, but Gil always told their rental services that he always wanted to be ready.
"At least this gets me out of that party," Thena sighed as soon as Gil closed her door for her and was in the backseat with her. She ran a hand through her hair, "even if I do need a shower after that."
Gil moved over on the seat, letting her know he was there for her in not so many words.
Thena already knew, moving over eagerly and setting her head on his shoulder. "Thanks for coming to my rescue--again."
"It's my job," he settled on saying, although it was so much more than just a contract he signed. He rolled up the divider between the backseat and the driver escorting them, offering Thena true and genuine privacy. He turned his head against her hair, "you okay?"
"Hm," she sighed heavily, letting go of herself against his shoulder. "I was getting ready to claw his eyes out, but I should have known you were already on your way to save me."
"Every time, Thena," Gil promised, letting her lean all her weight on him as they drove him. She would probably be asleep by the time they got to her building, but the staff knew who he was by now.
And he still had a key to her place.
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escapetheshark · 1 year
The Missile Toad Mishap, an Aki x Himeno Christmas drabble
(SFW, very very light mention of smut, mostly fluff)
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"I saw this in some American movie," Power explained, holding a little decoration in her hand. "You hang this somewhere and if two people are underneath it together, they have to kiss."
Of course Denji was utterly excited about the prospect of a kiss, even if he was still traumatised from his previous kissing mishap.
"Yeah, a little smooch," Power chuckled. "I'm putting it up here and see what happens!"
The day went by so fast and so busy that everyone nearly forgot about the mistletoe, except of course Denji, who frowned when miss Makima informed him she wouldn't be coming home with them for an after-dinner get together. Kobeni and Arai also had other plans, so it would be just the three of them plus Himeno, who was always up for some extra drinking.
Power ran in, screaming about needing to take a shit, and Denji followed suit, also screaming about needing to pee; Power kicked Denji, he tumbled and fell on his ass in the middle of the living room but promptly got up to sprint down the hall towards the bathroom.
"Idiots," Aki rolled his eyes, not drunk enough for these antics, but not all that sober either.
"You should loosen up, Aki," Himeno laughed. "Even after drinking you're still so serious!"
They entered the house together a few seconds after the previous pair and heard Denji scream from down the hall.
"They're under the missile toad!"
Aki sighed, seeing Himeno's confused look.
"Power said she saw in some American movie that if you're under this thing, you have to kiss the person next to you," he explained begrudgingly. "Dumbass fiend...!"
He avoided looking straight at Himeno because he felt a little hot in the face but, when he glanced, fully expecting her to have stepped away, but she hadn't. He towered over her and she realised he was impossibly close. So close, in fact, she could feel his warm breath against her forehead.
"I guess we have to..."
"I mean, it's tradition... I guess."
"Power, come here! They're gonna kiss!"
It ended almost as soon as it began, a quick smooch, their lips pressed against one another for just a second.
"That was it?" Denji seemed more frustrated by the whole ordeal than even Aki or Himeno. Although, Himeno was so frustrated she let out a sad sigh.
"Sorry," Aki trailed off, disappearing in the corridor. "Clean up after yourselves!"
"Yes, dad," Denji and Power screamed in unison.
Himeno wasn't sure what to do. The two idiots seemed to be in one of their rooms playing some game judging by their screeching, and Aki was probably fast asleep. Some party that turned out to be! She lied down on the sofa and turned the TV on, frowning.
Her luck would change, however, when she saw Aki's tall frame in the corridor lazily walking towards the open living area.
"I thought you went home," he said.
"Sorry, I was dozing off," she lied. "I'll call a taxi n-"
Was he blushing?
"I mean, you don't have to. Just sleep here, it's late..."
She nodded.
"Come to bed," he offered.
Himeno took the offer, they had shared a bed multiple times throughout the years. She changed into one his oversized t-shirts and got into his bed and he soon joined in, leaving a glass of water on the night stand.
They lied wordlessly for a minute, the air in the room feeling a bit too hot. It was Aki who broke the silence:
"We should kiss again," he whispered. "That was barely anything."
Her heart jumped at his sudden confession and she couldn't help but falter. Sure, Himeno was usually bashful and open, but that felt way too intimate even for her.
"If you want to, we c-"
Sooner than she could finish her sentence, she felt Aki's hand pulling her body close, his lips smacking against hers with no further warning. Any shyness in his body seemed to have left and it wasn't long until their moans echoed through to the next room.
"Lucky asshole," Denji commented, as Power snored sprawled in his single bed like a starfish, their UNO cards long forgotten. "Looks like Power's dumbass idea worked after all."
Merry Crisis everyone!
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Hey bestie!!! I was wondering if I could request a Billy fic.
I don’t know where I came up with this scenario hahaha
Billy goes to another party with his gf he’s had a really bad week dealing with his dads abuse so he really needs to blow off steam and get wasted and spend time with his girl.
Billy internally is super anxious and in his head because of the week his girl notices on the drive there and tries asking if he’s okay but he just shuts it down then there’s an awkward silence for the rest of the drive there.
Once they get there Billy’s straight off to his famous keg stand - he ends up doing like 4 and multiple shots. And just ends up completely hammered. He eventually finds his girl and gets super super clingy and all affectionate like a puppy. Which she finds weird because he’s not that big on PDA. He’s like begging for hugs and kisses in front of the people she’s talking to and he’s just like all over her hugging her from behind and just being all touchy.
All Billy’s friends are watching from a distance like “what is up with Billy tonight?!” Because no one has ever seen him so clingy. But in reality Billy is just in desperate need of physical affection after the horrible week he’s has but he’s too embarrassed to ask. Doesn’t want to be seen as a pussy.
Eventually she just snaps and screams at his to leave her alone and that he’s just embarrassing her. They both start yelling at each other in front of everyone at the party. Eventually they split up for hours and in those few hours Billy starts picking fights with people and drinking even moreeee alcohol then he already has in his system. His friends are trying to tell him to calm down and not fight with anyone and to just go talk to his girlfriend because he’s clearly very upset and she’s the only person he can open up to and be him self around but he hates fighting with her so he just keeps saying no don’t get her.
He eventually takes a turn for the worse and starts violently throwing up and heaving. He keeps making himself throw up because he feels like he deserves it. He’s mentally scolding himself for being such a dick to his girl all week so he’s paying the physical price. He starts to turn extremely pale all his friends are super worried about him at this point he’s still throwing up and sobbing and trembling. Then he just begs them to find his girlfriend he’s like super upset they find her and she immediately goes to comfort him helping him through the nausea and everything.
He ends up saying sorry for his behaviour and she apologised too for yelling at him in front of everyone they have to call hoppper to drive them home because there both drunk especially Billy.
Angst to super fluffyyy some cute nicknames I feel like Billy wouid use are sweet heart, pretty thing/girl, gorgeous, beautiful and baby
I really hope you can write this you write Billy so well.
Love your writing so much xxx
I’ll be posting this at some point tomorrow! (8/30) and I’ll edit and add the link.
Side note: THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA. I want to try something a little different with it and I hope you like it!
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catnherthoughts · 2 years
retelling of the night of 11/12-11/13
after mentioning i write and how this story would be an interesting topic to indulge upon, i was told to write about it, so this is for him.
11/12 in itself start to finish was chaotic, from my friend telling me mutual friend of ours coerced her into doing things that she wasn't comfortable with, my romantic endeavor at the time telling me he wasn't ready to fully commit to anything, said mutual friend being rude and odd, many things were to lead up to this moment.
I was getting ready with pure rage in my heart, who was he to even imply that i could even want to possess him in that way, and why wasn't i seen as such a prize that he wouldn't lay down his life to have me be his. after verbally expressing my anger by myself in my room and drafting a message full of pure rage, I decided that I would use this anger to be the hottest woman on earth, and not just hot headed. I was determined to make something of this anguish that i threw anger over. the mentality was, "if he doesn't see my worth, im done with him, im on to the next.". im genuinely so sick of not being worshipped by men and instead being treated like an annoying pet.
regardless, i left my dorm looking hotter than hell and being drunker than necessary. me and my friend screaming about how terrible men are and how each of our respective horrible men were... well horrible. walking to this frat party, i had the objective of finding someone new, or even multiple new people. anything to get the taste of him out fo my mouth. we walk in belligerently drunk, conversing about littering and get more drinks.
the 10 minutes or so that i did spend pre... him were just spent dancing, feeling too drunk for my own good, talking nonsense to my sober friends, bonding with my equally as drunk companion over men being horrible, getting another drink, and trying my best to have a great night.
then, i saw him. he was dancing with a friend of his, i forgot what sound it was to specifically but i do remember seeing him, looking away, taking a double take at how pretty he was ( important word choice ), looking away, and then thinking. thinking and stealing glances at him. simply just thinking about the possibilities with this man i knew nothing about. in that moment i decided to let him know that he was in fact, pretty. tapped him on the shoulder and let him know. I could tell he was pretty gone by his response and a visible lack of understanding of what i had just said but after that i decided to simply let the situation go. let the universe do what it needed to do. it certainly wasn't the first time i've complimented a frat guy so i was not expecting much to come after that. after a few minutes of him dancing with a group, holding onto the ceiling which i did admittedly think was pretty stupid, and simple being a frat dude, he tapped me. this is not what i was expecting. he seemed like he wanted to tell me something and that he was on his way to another area of the house. he pulls me in to tell me that i was also very pretty. in that moment, a spark went off in my inebriated mind. i thought, in this moment, nothing is real and i can do whatever i would like in this life, even this man next to me. so in the very next moment, i asked if we could kiss.
earlier in this night, i had promised myself to kiss someone. this was my shot, he said sure and we kissed. i was shocked that my boldness got me to kiss such a beautiful man. and in no way was i going to let anything pull me out of this moment. i will admit his kissing style is very admirable and very compatible with mine. we kissed through many songs, sometimes we pulled away from each other to admire a certain song or simply admire each others presence. I did end up having to ask his name, out of curiosity and just a general feeling that i should know. he told me his name ( one i will not be sharing with tumblr dot com i apologize ) and i was in a bit of shock because i was not expecting that name to be attached to him. i couldn't explain why but it just was surprising. i told him my name and we continued to kiss. i remembered periodically looking over to my friends like :0. due to the fact that i was very much surprised that this was real. i will say that i have a habit when in lustful situations like this to feel as if nothing is real and im simply in my head. there is nothing actually happening in the outside world and it is simply my imagination running wild at an odd point in time. i indulged in this dream for as long as possible, dancing with him, continually having our mouths conjoined in a very pleasing way, touching, being touched. was very poetic in a girly way.
eventually though, i had to acknowledge the reality of my existence and go back to my friends. i ended up asking him for his number. this was very intentional. do i remember the intention? no. but there was a purpose. i texted him that very moment so that he could also have my number and then chatted with my friends about what i had missed and the situation i was just in. i assumed that i was there with him for about 40 minutes, not too long but long enough for me to acknowledge it was a long kiss. i was wrong, very wrong. my judgement was lapsed. i was informed by a sober pal that we had been kissing for two hours straight. wow. that news hit me a bit too hard. two hours. how could his man and our enchange of lips be so captivating that two hours of my life felt like 15 minutes. love was felt in that moment. i had moved on from whoever the fuck held my soul just a few hours before. no way could i kiss him for two hours straight. i ended up going upstairs to breathe air that had some aspect of freshness, drunkenly talked about him, worried about my hair and makeup that was all over the place, saw him a bit, and then went back down to party a bit more. at this point, i started missing him, you'd think that after being in his arms for two hours straight, i'd be okay for 20 minutes or even 20 hours without him but no, i am my mothers daughter.
I saw him at the bar and convinced my other drunk companion that if she went back to the man she was kissing earlier i would go back to mine as well. he was talking about drinks and i did not care. there was a pint where i drank straight form the nozzle of the jungle juice pitcher and the after, admitted i just wanted to kiss him again, he said that was fair and then we went back at it, and it was equally as captivating. i fear there are few moments in life where i can escape the world like i can during a kiss. eventually me and my friends had to leave, due to the party ending and i felt as if i left half of my soul at the pi kapp house. humorous statement i know.
I drunkenly walked back. actually, a better term for what i did was stumbled as i was being held by a semi sober friend. i was just conversing with my drunk friend about how we both made out with frat guys and reflecting on our coping skills. when i finally made it back to my building, i spent some time on a friends floor, looking like a complete mess. thinking about him and a text that was sent to me from him asking me if we could hang out. there was no doubt in my mind about letting him stay over, since my roommate was gone and i was infatuated with this man. there was some resistance to the idea from my sober counterparts but i simply was not letting my independence as a drunk teen-adult be compromised.
we talked about going back to his but in no way was i leaving my dorm, i had already gotten back so it was either he came over to me or i passed out somewhere within the building. he was fond of the idea of coming over so i ran over to the communal showers at 1:30 am and took a very impressive shower for someone who was out of it.i got dressed and cleaned to the best of my ability before he told me he was on his way and then, waiting to be let in. complete shock arose to me and i just ran out of my room to the wrong entrance, i ended up going back to my room just to get my key and spray some perfume so i smelled nice for whatever was going to happen.
i saw him outside, led him into the building and simultaneously saw him in proper lighting for the first time. somehow he was cuter than before. at that moment, for no reason whatsoever i became into conversational cat. i asked him about himself, due to the fact that we didn't do much talking. he told me that he is a poly sci major and that he's a sophomore. the amount of relief that came when i knew for sure he wasn't older than 19.
then began our conversation. i went into this just thinking that we'd be talking for maybe 20 minutes and then we'd continue what we were doing at the frat. just to get to know each other and everything. oh boy was i wrong. what started as self introductions turned into me getting to know all about him. his relations within the frat, frat dynamics, his hometown, what he like and disliked, his family, his hobbies, priorities, so much about this man, i also indulged some information about myself but nothing too revealing. at one point, he checked the time and we had been talking for two hours. we were both in complete shock. it felt like it had only been about 30 minutes, i guess thats a common theme with us. time flying by. we both admitted multiple times that this was very unlike what we were expecting. at that point, i thought we would go into something more physically involved, but we just kept talking, the conversation was captivating and i felt like i was just learning more and more about this man who i just saw as pretty. we ended up reflecting on out time at the party and how it did not seem as long as it was and the minor details that were not us kissing each other, such as a whole drink being spilled on us and someone yelling " get a room ". was very nice to be able to talk about our experiences with each other in a very honest way. through the conversation i found myself sobering up and really wanting to get to know this man. eventually my back started to hurt so we laid down and i put on midnight gospel. very good show on netflix btw. we talked about the show and some other things that i cannot seem to remember. he started to talk about how he dislikes ketchup and that became a very big conversation. at this point it had been like 4 hours of conversation and delusion was starting to kick in. i started talking about how he needed to face his fears of ketchup and even threatening him with it at some points. we talked about my infamous hate of burgers. we talked about ice cream flavor and how utterly ridiculous it was that his favorite was just vanilla. we did all this as the sun came up and we then talked about the sleeping people, those who would be insane to get up at the hour we were at, at this point it was reaching 7 am and looking at those passing by through my window. we also got indulged in the show and talked a bit about the philosophical principles that it showed.
there was a certain point in our conversation where i sat up, i do not remember what for but i simply did. then, a few minutes later i yawned. i think he took this as me subliminally telling him to leave. while this wasn't what i meant, i was not going to tell this man to stay, just because i don't want to have to ask a man to stay with me ever again. so he announced he was going to take his leave and walk back to where he lived and we said our goodbyes as i walked him out.
i fell asleep at 8 am, went to eat a waffle, went back to sleep, and woke up around 6pm to a text from him telling me how he had a good time and how he wants to see me again, i told him i'd like that and another meetup is in the works as we speak. im surprised he is still interested in me not going to lie. from a mans perspective, going to a girls place after kissing for two hours just to talk for 6 hours, would not be a funnest time. or at least thats how i think men think.
of course i cant get him off of my mind now and with not even a 6 hour break, i have a new man to obsess over. because thats what me as cat does. i just thought i'd write about this experience not only because it gave me inspiration to log back into tumblr, but because i think it would be nice to be able to recall this night, regardless with how things with me and him go. im sure ill update as this goes on, for now, goodnight <3
xoxo cat
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sellieellie · 2 years
okay little update. lots of things happened so i’m gonna bullet. we had two nights of party.
night one
- bella talked to connor.
okay so here’s the first thing. after giving bella my permission, she spoke to connor. he said that he did want to kiss me but he didn’t want it to be weird because i was drunk but he was drunk too. i was too shy to initiate a kiss which is stupid but i literally just can’t do that lol. and i feel like since it would be my first kiss but he’s kissed people before then it’s kinda on him to do it.
- i talked to spencer but he kept bringing it up.
at one point in the party, i was talking to bella, isaac, and another one of bella’s friends that i just met about connor and spencer walked in. isaac and bella’s friend had gone to smoke and bella wasn’t really in the convo. i was drunk so i wanted to talk to spencer about us and clear the air. i said something along the lines of “i’m really sorry because i was such a bitch the last few times we hung out but i just want you to know i’m not upset with you. i don’t want you to ever feel like i’m mad at you because you didn’t owe me anything and i don’t want you to ever feel isolated from the group. i’m not mad at you at all and i’m sorry if i ever made it seem like i was”. he said that i wasn’t a bitch to him and that it’s totally cool and we completely cleared the air. but a few times throughout the night, at completely random moments he would bring it up again and he would always say the same thing. for example, i was playing a video game with spencer and jason upstairs and everyone else was downstairs and spencer just randomly went “i think you’re cute like it’s not your fault” and i’d be like “no it’s cool you didn’t owe me anything” and he’d go “it’s not about owing anyone anything” and i don’t really remember what he’d say after but he did it numerous times. i’m just glad that we cleared it up and we’re cool now. but the next day he was leaving and he went to dap someone up but they didn’t see it so i dapped him up instead and i was like “why didn’t you dap me up first?” because i was the only way paying attention when he left and he said “i didn’t think you’d want that” and i was like “what? we’re good now don’t worry!” and then he left. so i think we’re good but he’s being kinda weird so idk. i thought it was fixed though.
- i talked to connor a bit. said i was the nicest person ever.
okay so after bella talked to connor, she filled everyone else in and everyone wanted us to get together. bella and spencer rounded us up upstairs and we actually got to talking really easily. bella told me that he was too stubborn to kiss me and spencer said i just had to do it and that connor would appreciate it. when we first got up there we weren’t being too serious and connor asked me to explain this scientific concept to him but i was too drunk to do so in an understandable but he told me to keep trying. it’s just nice to know that he likes to hear me talk. connor told me about his trauma more and i told him how grateful i was that he trusted me with it. he said that he didn’t really talk about it before he became friends with bella and i. he told me things that he’s never told anyone before and he said i was the nicest person ever. multiple times. we talked about it more and i told him he could always tell me anything without judgement and he said he appreciated it. we joked around a lot too. we came close to kissing a few times but it never felt like the right time and i was too scared. but he was really touchy with me the rest of the night, like putting his hands on my back and touching my arms and things like that.
-cod with connor.
the boys were playing cod and i asked them if i could try so jason gave me his controller but spencer was absolutely kicking my ass. connor asked if i knew how to play so he got very close and taught me the buttons on the controller and coached me through it. it was just a cute little moment.
- movie with connor.
at the end of the night, connor and i were the only ones left in the movie room and we decided to watch goblet of fire. we were joking around the whole time and i feel asleep with my head on his shoulder. our friends only left us one blanket and one pillow.
night two
- i fought with my sister.
i think i’ll make a separate post for this but just know we’re fighting and because of it i had to show up at night two of the party a few hours late.
-arrival at the party
when i got there, it was so loud and everyone was drunk except for the people who arrived at the same time as me, will and spencer. i was feeling kind of overwhelmed but everyone was so excited to see me and it made me so happy like they were all giving me hugs and dapping me up and saying yay. when connor realized i was there he immediately told someone to get me a drink and he expressed his excitement for me being there. he was being pretty touchy and led me to the kitchen to get my drink. i was a little stressed about the fight with my sister so i started cleaning.
- burger with connor and holding hands.
i don’t eat meat. at one point in the party we got mcdonald’s so i just got a burger with no patty and connor asked what it was so i let him try it. he asked if i was sure and held my hands about it and it was really sweet. then he asked why i was vegetarian and let me talk about myself.
-talk with bella and sobbing.
bella and i had a really good talk and we both sobbed. but we also solidified our friendship so much and we both admitted that we’re each other’s favorite people and we talked about everything under the sun. but we sobbed to each other and i’m glad that we had such a good convo about how we love and appreciate each other.
-the cake with connor.
a few of the people who were really drunk were trying to make a cake so i took it and told them that i was gonna make it. i told everyone to leave the kitchen but i let connor stay so he could be my sous chef lol. and he seemed like he really wanted to stay. we teased each other and talked about stuff while making it and he made sure to drive in the point that i’m the nicest person he’s ever met. bella told me that they talked about that when i wasn’t there and she also told me that she knows how insecure i am but when i was late to the party everyone was asking where i was.
-the cuddle with connor.
at the end of the night we were all playing a card game and connor let me sit in his chair with him. it was a smaller chair so we had to squeeze in and he put his arm around me. we were playing as a team in our card game and he let me take charge because he said i was the brains lol.
that’s pretty much all i can think of right now. this took me forever to write lol. i’ll update if anything else happens. bella and i are going to a movie tomorrow night so maybe she’ll remind me of other stuff.
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julietas-basil · 2 years
A little bit of anguish.
A one where Y/N is Juliet's lover, she always goes to visit Juli in hiding. Sometimes the reader gets extremely upset and acts possessive in public places, grabbing Julieta from behind and hugging her waist. The angst: there is a public party in Encanto, Y/N had dressed up especially to get Juliet's attention, but this goes down 'cause Julieta has been drinking and starts flirting shamelessly with Agustín. Upset, the reader gets a face full of it too, she leaves and angrily takes off her own clothes feeling like an idiot and spends the rest of the night crying.
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You really love challenging me with emotions my friend omg!
Julieta x fem!reader
Υοu knew Julieta as long as you can remember. Endless were the times you would stop by her table in the square to drop a few things-vegetables and such-as a gift from your parents. Or ended up in the long line awaiting the moment you would face the sweet girl once more,dying to see her form one of the most stunning smiles she could ever give you.
 You were madly in love with her,while growing up,as your bond evolved you couldnt help but grow feelings for the thoughtful nurse. Her whiskey eyes spakling every time your gazes locked,her messy curl bangs waving across your face,could be an addition to your bittersweet weaknesses. She was a dream coming true in your mind,everything else was an excess...
 Sometimes both of you would go for a walk at night or sit on the roof top,after Alma fell into deep sleep pepa and bruno,would always help with that. It took you awhile to finally suggest her an alternative activity.You would share secrets noone else beside you would know. You could smile at the thought of that recalling how her giggle would fill  your ears,the most beautiful sound in the whole world,her laugh ringing still in your mind, Its as if you could hear her now.
A sigh escaped from the bottom of your throat...
The friendship that was built in memories of the past,changed into a heartful relationship. Longing kisses,lingering touches and romantic confessions behind closed doors. You felt high,drunk in her existence,as always and insane at her absense. During the mornings you would stop by her stall just dropping a smile,the real feelings would only be shared in secret afraid of Alma’s reaction for her oldest daughter.
There were times,where you felt helpless,envied by the fact people would approached Julieta,often flirtariously managing to get their ways into supplying themselves with more arepas...or leaning closer to the nurse to mutter a few compliments. That’s were your eyes went red,grabbing the short woman into your arms and touching her backside fondly. the cook would always slap you slightly over your shoulder and give you a teasing kiss...
 A warm night you went outside the kitchen’s window in Casita,jumbing right into the room,the smell of fresh made empanadas tingling your nose “Cuidado,(Y/N)!” the brunette’s caring whisper managed to break the silence 
“You looked exceptionally beautiful today,Amor” you whispered in her ear,your hot breath falling on her neck. Julieta shivered,turning around to meet you staring into her very soul “Querido!” she jumbed,arms around your neck she pulled you into a soft kiss,your hands around her waist circling the fabric of her cloth with your thumb. 
“I missed you!” you exclaimed breaking from the lovely affection “yo también te extraño,mi Amor” she laughed,eyes sparkling with excitement. Another memory bulding in your love book...
Today was a party near your house,you could already hear the music echoing through the night. You were in front of the mirror,a beautiful,white off-shoulder top,with small flowers painted in multiple shades of colors,you had chosen a long brown skirt with two series of pleats hanging at the end. Your earrings were two gold hoops a pair of sunflowers falling off them,as for your hair...you decided it looked better in a loose french braid resting messily on your shoulder blade,your make up was of earthy colors. The whole outfit was inspired by the times Julieta would compliment you or give emphasis to your looks,while scanning you out. A gentle smile of yours was enough to complete the romantic look heading off to find your lover...
Upon arriving at the desired destination you immediately rushed off to find her. To your surprise she was nowhere to be seen. Though your excitement couldn’t fade,as you were waiting to see your favorite person, to let the brunette tease you with her mischievous comments...
“ ¡Julieta,Amor! where are you-” before you finalized your sentenced you heard giggles “You look pretty handsome today!” a drunk hiccup following soon “I don’t look half as alluring as you Julieta” a young man’s voice was heard in the short distance 
Your eyes widened in shock ‘Julieta?’ your head picked at the corner,you could see your rightful lover hanging by the arms of a pretty tall blond man who was equally as drunk as she was,their hair was messy their hands chancing from place to place in their bodies...You felt the taste of vomit covering your mouth. Julieta could never do this,yet the image of her in a party getting away with another person was heartwrenching. Teardrops descended over your cheeks in ‘hundreds’,the path to your home felt like a marathon. You carelessly dropped the clothes to the floor ,once you hit the door to your room, your head was a mess of thoughts,voices,memories. 
The cracks forming in your heart,were loud almost perceptible. It didn’t matter what Julieta liked now,the image in your mind could really kick the adoration off your sweet moments with the nurse. You laid there,naked in the bed crying your self to sleep,engulfed in your own silence now. It wouldn’t be the same without her...
I apologize in advance for not replying immediately,ah uni is a long distance and it really drains me out...i hope you enjoyed the angst!
p.s. if you find errors please don’t hesitate to reply or send a dm I’m always open to meet new friends!
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