#and then there's also lloyd being a huge little shit
lloydfrontera · 11 months
javier resolving to himself to go with lloyd anywhere he goes to so he can protect him including hell itself and then getting soooo cranky when lloyd tells him he's also going with him to hell is so fucking funny. like he's already going that's not the issue he'd already told himself he was going to stick himself to lloyd no matter where he goes but he's so offended at the fact lloyd volunteered him for it akdjsksls
javier, to himself: if master lloyd decides to go hell i'll go with him
lloyd: i want javier to come with me to hell
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writer-room · 8 months
One among many things I love about Dragons Risings writing is that they're so unapologetic about making the original team very cool, but also absolute dorks.
It's just kinda refreshing to me? Like, yeah, sure, Lloyd's the super-awesome Green Ninja who's a descendant of God, Kai could set the world on fire if he wanted, Nya does not hesitate and was the ocean that one time, Zane will casually mention the most insane shit he did on a whim, Cole has a lava and rock monster form, etc, but like...they're also losers. Lloyd gets bullied constantly and tries to explain what a crab is, Kai has so much intelligence but so little wisdom at all given times, Nya has a 'shit happens' attitude as if she is not actively failing through this shit happening, Zane talks to a broom with Pixal's face on it, and Cole has it together the most by being a 9-to-5 dad with a boyfriend who he 100% believed was his power crux.
They're just people, y'know? Saving the world a hundred times over doesn't mean they're not still 20-something nerds who've been stuck doing this since they were teenagers. One cannot erase the time they had bad boy doppelgangers for like two minutes. Or had to raise their teacher. Or had the weirdest relationship drama. Or were huge video game and tech geeks.
And Dragons Rising isn't afraid to let them be that. To acknowledge, yeah, objectively, they're cool as hell, but to also admit that they're just kinda fucking around and finding out. It's a wonder what consistent and likeable characterization can do, who woulda thought?
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cherrybombfangirl · 2 months
I see Autistic/ADHD Lloyd headcanons all the time, but none for his parents which is weird because both ADHD and Autism are genetic. So lets fix that, and during Autism Awareness month no less, yay, #RedInstead bitches!
Autistic Garmadon and ADHD Misako Headcanons (for Autism Month!)
Misako hate is not welcome, we don't do that here, you will be blocked. Autistic Misako headcanons are welcome, I love you if you have that headcanon :). I'm autistic and adhd, so a lot of these will be based on my experience, and I'll try to keep it mostly fluff headcanons, featuring a little bit of Lloyd's autism and adhd <3
Autistic Garmadon
He and Lloyd share a lot of the same autistic traits
Like how if you distrupt the routine or there's a change in established plans both of them will start getting anxious and irritated
You don't distrupt the routine! Stick to the schedule damn it-
Or how both of them CANNOT stand bright lights, never turn on the overhead light, lamps and low lights only. and only predictable/controlled loud noises like music is ok, other loud noises bad
Also they both auditory stim ALL the time. Same song on repeat for days until the new favorite comes along, and they have the same taste in music (rock and punk), so while working on stuff or training one on one they'll blast the same song on repeat
Also both of them are hyperempathetic and get emotional very easily. Hence why they're a lot more emotional and open around each other
Also the Pathological Demand Avoidance is VERY STRONG with both of them. tell them to do something and they'll immediately dread and despite that thing and that thing is the last thing they want to do. (i.e. *is about to go do the dishes* "Hey can you do the dishes?" ... "I was about to. Even wanted to. Now I hate them and that's the last thing I want to do. Thanks for that. Fuck you.")
Both of them also have a very hard time unmasking (for different but similar reasons of how their childhood was), and get exhausted and burnt out fast. Luckily being around each other helps them unmask a bit easier
Garmadon loves Mac-n-Cheese, he'd eat just that for the rest of his life if he could. But only Misako's recipe, all other Mac-n-Cheese tastes WRONG (Lloyd also loves Mac-n-Cheese, but only his mom's recipe)
Sometimes he straight up forgets to talk. Like, he doesn't need to, he doesn't like talking to people, and he just... forgets that he has the ability to talk. So sometimes he might go a while without talking, thinking nothing of it. Then he'll vocal stim or use his voice and shock himself a little because oh shit i forgot i have a voice-
He hid it for a while because he thought it was embarrassing, but he has a huge special interest in sharks, and he is the number one shark defender, he could talk about them for hours (his favorite species is the Lemon Shark and Cookiecutter Shark <3).
^After he starts unmasking a bit he starting being a bit more open about it as well, and that year for his birthday Misako gets him a shark onsie. He just about melts, immediately puts it on, and wears it almost every night. (She thinks its adorable)
For a really long time, he thought the things he was experiencing were a side effect of being part dragon/oni, but then Wu told him "I don't experience any of that, sorry." and then he thought it was a side effect of the venom, but then after the Final Battle it was gone AND HE WAS STILL EXPERIENCING ALL THESE TRAITS, so he couldn't figure out wtf was wrong with him
^Misako was like "Idk sounds normal to me *shrug*" (She has ADHD, of course it sounds normal to her XD)
Lloyd knew he was autistic and adhd for a while because of the other ninja, who were also varying neurodivergencies. When he told his parents about it, they both didn't think anything of it because they didn't know it was genetic yet.
Then Garmadon found out it was genetic and was like "No... me? No way... I'm just an anxious introvert, there's no way."
Then he takes like ten different online assessment tests, and is like "Yeah, i knew it, i knew i wasn't autistic, those questions were worded dumb anyway. No I don't have a problem with socks, you see I have a system-"
And then Lloyd (who connected the dots once he found out autism was genetic) was like, "Dad... Dad... that- that is autistic... having a system for socks to avoid having problems with socks, avoiding places with loud noises and bright lights, and prefering to be by yourself or in silence is very autistic..."
Garmadon: "WHAT"
They figured out how to unmask and fuction as their authentic selves together and it's awesome
ADHD Misako
Similarly, she and Lloyd share a lot of ADHD traits
Like fidgeting, A LOT, always needing extra stimulation and needing to fidget. Usually with nail biting or lip chewing, until they learn less self destructive stims
They also hyperfixate in the same way. Both of them will get lost in the hyperfixation for hours, forgetting to eat, drink or sleep. until they try to stand up or someone reminds them. (Lloyd hyperfixates on comics the same way she hyperfixates on archeology)
Both of them have the worst sense of time and object perception. ("Oh yeah that project will only take fifteen minutes" *takes four hours*) (*losing track of important items and forgetting to eat ro drink water all the time*)
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is very strong for both of them, constantly worrying about annoying other people and being a burden, so they're people pleasers a lot and the slightest whiff of rejection sends them into a self hate spiral that can last for days or weeks (It took a very long time for her to get out of the self hate spiral after her and Lloyd meeting for the first time and him blowing up at her, which she thought she deserved for her huge mistake that she deeply regretted. Eventually they talked and Lloyd came to her and said she shouldn't hate herself forever, he wanted her to be his mom, and she could make up for it now. She still gets into that spiral sometimes.)
Also both of them zone out a lot. Sometimes many thoughts. Sometimes zero thoughts. Staring into space (they love car rides for this reason)
Both of them can be very all or nothing in a lot of things. No social interaction or all the social interaction. Doesn't talk at all or can't shut up. Constantly overshooting it.
Also due to the lack of object perception, both of them are kind of terrible at driving. They can't tell how far away the signs are until they're right in front of it, and are always taking turns that are way too big. Over or underestimating distance a lot. (Garmadon is a pretty terrible driver too, he gets overwhelmed easily). (Also Kai and Nya can confirm that teaching Lloyd to drive was a nightmare, Zane had to do it)
Always hyperfixating on something archeology/history related, she's a huge nerd and cycles through ten different topics (she was a weird kid that liked the morbid stuff in history). Usually dinosaurs, she's secretly obsessed with dinosaurs and hyperfixates on them all over again every other week. A lot of the time Garmadon has to remind her to eat or sleep because she'll be lost in hyperfixation for several hours.
Also has a lot of anxiety and has a hard time sitting still, always has to be moving or fidgeting with something in her hands
Similar to Garmadon, she didn't think anything of it when Lloyd told her he had ADHD, and when she found out it was genetic she thought, "No, it couldn't be me, I just have anxiety..."
She was in denial about it for a while, until Lloyd talked to her with Kai and Jay (Also ADHDers).
Kai asked, "Your teachers sent a lot of notes home about you being 'a pleasure to have in class' weren't you?"
Misako: "How the fuck did you know?"
Kai: "That was me before I had to drop out. I was the perfect little teacher's pet. So was Nya."
Misako sat there for a minute having a crisis because everything made sense now but also like no way, really?
She and Garmadon love talking about prehistoric sharks like the Megladon because that's where their interests intersect
^he also gets her dinosaur encyclopedias every year for her birthday and she loves it (they have diagrams of skeletons and fossils and stuff)
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guplia · 2 months
My second fic for @badthingshappenbingo!
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Fandom: Ninjago
Trope: Medication Tampering
Also available on AO3!
A Poisonous Shade of Red
For the master of fire nobody could expect Kai to keep his cool.
No, not when the title of the Green Ninja, which Kai had been longing for for ages, was given to the kid he hated the most. Lloyd Garmadon. Kai had despised the boy since the very moment he met him. And instead of even the mildest of punishments Wu treated him with kindness. For unleashing the Serpentine tribes.
But much to everyone's surprise, Kai was totally cool about it. As soon as he realised Lloyd was the Green Ninja he swore to protect him like it was nothing. Maybe he finally had some sense knocked into him. None of the other ninja really brought up the topic, however.
What nobody had thought of though, was that maybe Kai was keeping his true feelings a secret. Maybe he was waiting for the perfect moment to strike, to get his revenge. Maybe he still wanted to be the Green Ninja.
But that's just a hunch. Right?
No. Kai hated Lloyd even more than before the whole incident in the volcano. He initially planned on just leaving him there but remembered that he would have to face a very angry Garmadon. Probably Wu too.
He needed to get rid of the eight year old without anyone suspecting him. But how?
A few weeks after the Great Devourer had been defeated, Lloyd had gotten sick. Wu let him rest for that reason, alongside the fact that he had trained way too much for someone his age. Lloyd needed a break.
That night, Kai was in his room scrolling through his phone when Cole entered the room. The master of Earth was wearing a tuxedo instead of his usual ninja gi.
"Hey Kai, Dareth's hosting a party and he invited us, are you coming?"
The red ninja was not in the mood for spending time with Dareth at the moment. "No thanks."
Cole smirked. "Okay. Hey Sensei, Kai's gonna take care of Lloyd!"
Before Kai could react, Wu responded. "Very well then. Goodbye, Kai. We'll return in a couple of hours!"
Kai threw his pillow at Cole. "You maniac!" The black ninja ran out of the room, laughing.
How wonderful. He was left alone to take care of the little brat. That piece of shit.
Kai kept scrolling through his phone when someone else opened the door. "Kai?" Lloyd's voice croaked. "I feel sick."
I know that, he wanted to say. That's why I'm stuck with you. "Do you want medicine?" He spoke gently instead, not even a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Lloyd nodded slowly. "Uh-huh."
Kai went to the kitchen to see where the medicine was being kept. He opened a cabinet to find a small bottle of paracetamol inside, next to a huge bottle of bleach.
If only I could feed him the bleach instead, Kai thought as he grabbed the smaller bottle. All my problems would be over.
And that's when he froze. Because he had just unintentionally came up with a scheme to get his rightfully earned title of the Green Ninja. Nobody would know what he did. The kid already had a high fever.
Kai tentatively put the paracetamol on the counter before taking out the bleach as well. He looked behind him to make sure the door was closed before continuing. He took the smaller bottle and drained its contents in the sink. He grinned wickedly as he poured the bleach inside.
That isn't enough to kill him.
He took a glass and poured a very small amount of water in it, just enough for it to look the same when the bleach would dissolve in it.
After double checking that there was no proof of the incident he went back to Lloyd with the bleach and a teaspoon instead.
"Hey kiddo," Kai said quietly while smiling at Lloyd. "It took me a while to find your medicine, but here it is." He gave him the dosage and gave him the glass. "It might taste bad, but that's just because you're sick. Have a glass of water."
"Thank you." Lloyd whispered. After consuming the bleach, he looked pale. "Kai, I don't feel so good."
"Your fever must be going up. Just go to bed and you'll feel better when you wake up."
Lloyd was shaking now, and Kai was doing his best to stop himself from smiling. "Kai, I feel terrible."
"Shall I call the others?"
"Please. My mouth is burning."
Kai walked to the other side of the room and took out his phone. He wasn't even done with dialing Cole's number before Lloyd threw up all over himself. His breathing was short and quick.
"K-kai!" The smaller boy shrieked. Kai looked at him with fake horror like this was unexpected. Cole finally picked up the call.
"Cole! Come quick, all of you! Lloyd's throwing up and he says his mouth is burning. I think he had an allergic reaction to the medicine!"
He could hear Cole's voice talking to someone else on the other side, albeit too muffled for him to catch a single word. "We're coming now! Tell Lloyd to hold on!" He ended the call. Lloyd's entire body had turned red now. There would be no way he'd be alive by the time the others reached the bounty. Kai decided he would have his fun now. Even if Lloyd somehow survived and told the others about what Kai was about to do they'd think he was delirious.
'Kai? No way he would do that, he would die for you!'
Speaking of the devil, Kai slowly walked up to Lloyd and grabbed his neck, choking him.
"You see, Lloyd? This is what happens when you steal my destiny."
And those would be the last words Lloyd ever heard.
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evansbby · 2 years
Bestie, come online window shopping with me for lingerie to seduce the cevans characters in 😌
He buys this for you, his wife 🥰, because he loves to bring you home a treat everyday, no matter how big or small it is, like a pretty bouquet of flowers, or a sweet cupcake from the local pastry store, or an expensive piece of risqué lingerie. He just wants to treat you good and right because you’re the perfect housewife for him, all pretty and cute, always having his favorite meals ready for him when he comes home. Of course you model the lingerie for him that night - he bought it for you to thank you for being the woman of his dreams, and as thanks to him for buying you it you of course let him wreck you any way he so pleases - just another normal night in the Levinson household 😌
When he’s away chasing some guy to kill next, he orders this to his house, the same house he has you nestled and locked away in ☺️ It comes in an elegant white box wrapped in black silk accompanied with an envelope containing a card instructing you to wear this and be ready in front of the door with your legs spread wide at the extact time he knows he’ll be returning home. And in the same envelope he also attached a dick pic 😍
Cannibal daddy’s always so sad and brooding 😔 So you just wanna give him a treat, and since you’re a passenger towards the front of the carriage with your own room you dress up in this lil red racy number. He already invites himself into your room every night and one night he finds you dressed in this get up and he just can’t believe how fucking slutty and sexy and good you look 👀 Cue him pounding out your pelvis all night long
This is soooo totally what poyt Steve would get for his omega - the innocent white and ivory colouring, the sweet pearls, the angel dangling from the centre - completely encapsulates how he sees her: his innocent perfect angel who he wants to do the most depraved dirtiest of things to 😇🥰 He hands the box over to omega in the morning telling her not to open it until he leaves for classes and to wear it ready for when he returns home from football practice. At practice his mind is preoccupied with thoughts of how she’s gonna look in it, like he’s missing all the passes thrown to him, throwing all the balls out wide, his game is just distracted as fuck but he doesn’t care. He leaves practice 30 minutes early not even giving a shit, because when he returns to see omega, you better believe he fills up his phone’s memory drive with hundreds, HUNDREDS, of pictures and videos of her and them fucking that night
Bestie, your mind is literally beautiful and amazing for coming up with all this!! I literally love lingerie specifically, so this is just the best!!! And it’s inspired me to write some sexy words, so thank you!!
Warnings: smut, minors dni, noncon, dubcon
Ari — oh bestie, this is my fav lingerie from the ones you sent! I love the vintage flower detailing and the colour/vibe of it matches my blog theme so much! I can imagine beefy older dilfy daddy husband!Ari buying you this lingerie. He’d make you model it for him, and he’d think you’re so sexy that he wouldn’t be able to stop pawing at you, finally just pulling you into his lap when you twirl around and it gets too much for him. He impregnates you while you’re wearing this lingerie, and that’s why this piece will always be special to you moving forward…
Lloyd — Being a spoilt rich brat, you’re bored in the huge mansion where Lloyd keeps you (he’s kidnapped you and is holding you for ransom). So when he gifts you a box of sexy black lingerie to wear for him, you do it. You don’t think he’ll fuck you because he promised your dad he’d return you ‘pure’ and ‘untouched’ as long as he gets his money. Oh, but Lloyd goes feral when he comes home and sees you waiting for him in it, calling you his special little kitten. You lose your virginity that night, and things only get more depraved from there on out.
Curtis — Let’s say Curtis is feral and sex-starved. He breaks out from the back of the train and makes his way towards the front. He’s on a mission, but wait! He sees you through the window on your door, dressed in this slutty, racy red lingerie. He’s never seen anything so hot and pretty on his end of the train. And his dick’s so hard. He breaks into your room and just… wrecks you. Fucks the living daylights out of you — loving how small, cute and sweet-smelling you are especially compared to him in his grease and grime. You secretly find it so hot how dirty he is, how he just has his way with you, treats you like his bitch. He threatens to take you to the back of the train and whore you out if you don’t obey him, but you’re so far gone… so ready to be completely submissive for him. The red lingerie is in tatters by the end of the night.
POYT!Steve — Something snaps inside Steve when he sees you in the cute white lingerie that he’s bought for you. He’s always so rough with you but you look so sweet, so virginal, so perfect. He has the sudden urge to just… marry you. Like, drag you to the nearest church and just marry you. And then fuck you on the altar. It’s the first time he’s tender with you during sex, that feral animal inside of him kept at bay, replaced by the need to just hold you and protect you. “Tell me you’re my wife.” He whispers when he’s deep inside you, hovering over you and pressing his forehead into yours. And you do say it, and he kisses every inch of your face, “Tell me you’re Mrs. Rogers.” He commands you, and of course you comply and you say it. “That’s a good girl.” He coos, thrusting into you deeply and sensually, “If anyone asks, you say you’re my wife. And don’t worry, baby. I’ll make you my wife for real one day, and that day’s gonna be real soon.”
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Hello, love your work btw, it's tied with another fic series for the number one slot of best fics I have ever read, anyway what are your headcanons on what flavour of ice creams the ninja+ your ocs would like, and what are their reactions to the Dairy Dragon? Do they love it, hate it, or meh about the fact that the flavours are named after their villains? Do they even like the ice cream in the first place? How traumatised is Lloyd, post s5 after they name an ice cream flavour, 'the mango morro'. What are Jay's and Nya's reactions when they find out the flavour 'Bananakan' exist? Are the sprinkles and toppings named after the ninja then? Also wouldn't it be funny that while the rest of ninjago gets destroyed by a villain (for the umpteenth time), the Dairy Dragon still stands cuz its that good even the villains love it? Anyway, have a great day/night.
Well thank you!!! I'm honored to share such a flattering title!! :'3
But now, what we all came here for...ICE CREAM THOUGHTS GO
Kai: Is not a huge ice cream guy but will still eat it when the opportunities arises. Pretty meh about the Dairy Dragon; all ice cream places are the same to him. Is a little wary about the villain flavors and generally avoids them. Likes lemon + berry flavors primarily, but will try something wild like a chilli pepper flavor or a spiced chocolate and wind up utterly addicted. Has a topping called "Kai Krunch".
Jay: Loves ice cream, but likes Ice Planet more than Dairy Dragon. Flipped his shit upon seeing the Bananakhan flavor (especially because Skybound events aren't erased this time around ahahaaaaa), but is also amused by the fact it's a banana-flavor. He likes ice cream that has "Stuff" in it, like cookie dough, brownie pieces, fruit bits, peanut butter bites, cheesecake pieces, candy crunches, pop rocks, etc, etc. It's about the texture for him (...and he tends to get Kai Krunch loaded on top of everything, but don't tell Kai that)
Cole: Love ices cream, indifferent on Dairy Dragon. Amused by the villain flavors and thinks there should be more, but will not say that to anyone's face. Like sorbets and sherbets the most as he had those for dessert a lot while growing up, but otherwise isn't all that picky. Has a flavor called "Cole's Rocky Road", which is just Rocky Road, but it's very popular Jesse buys it by the carton
Zane: Indifferent on Ice Cream and Dairy Dragon; much prefers ice pops as a frozen treat. He does make a habit of tasting the villain flavors just to see if they're accurate lmao. Has no real partiality to any flavor, but makes Ninjapolitan his go-to, since its four flavors are based on him and the Core Four (which is cherry, (blue) raspberry, blackberry, and french vanilla).
Nya: Likes ice cream, liked Dairy Dragon until Bananakhan became a flavor (she was always more of an Ice Planet gal anyway), aaand is a huge chocolate ice cream junkie. The "Nya Special" is literally chocolate ice cream filled with chocolate brownies filled with fudge and covered in chocolate syrup and fudge sprinkles, and just looking at it is enough to put even Lloyd into a sugar coma.
Lloyd: Loves ice cream and Dairy Dragon, but is the vanilla fan. "You can make vanilla into any other flavor, but you can't make any other flavor into vanilla, and plus vanilla is always good by itself", is his motto. Hates the villain flavors and is especially put off by Mango Morro and is a little bitter about how popular it is snksnknsnk. "Spinjitzu Swirl" is actually a flavor based on Lloyd specifically, which is essentially a green-colored cake batter flavor with frosting (...which exists and I have had it. It is to die for).
Jesse: Prefers frozen yogurt to ice cream, not that he won't eat ice cream. Likes mystery flavors or not knowing what he's going to get, because he likes being surprised (in this specific instance lol), and finds the villain flavors to be a bit distasteful. Also really enjoys Ninjapolitan and Spinjitzu Swirl. Lowkey slips in some suggestions for a "Fruity Fuchsia" flavor. The time will come, he's sure of it.
Antonia: Ice cream is like her favorite treat ever, but doesn't even discover Dairy Dragon until way later on and kicks herself for it. Doesn't mind the villain flavors, but thinks they could be more creatively named. Is a Buttered Pecan kind of gal, but otherwise just gets whatever she's in the mood for. Is also a strong advocate for making "Fruity Fuchsia" a thing, but for different reasons.
Harumi: Used to like ice cream a whole lot, but the novelty wears off over time. Will still go to the Dairy Dragon if Antonia's egging her on about it. Likes strawberry the most, sometimes shares in Kai's penchant for spicier flavors...but is also unfortunately a huge fan of Spinjitzu Swirl and Ninjapolitan (she tried the latter out of spite) and there's literally nothing else like it in the world so she has to get that specifically if she wants to indulge RIP. Would also actively boycott Fruity Fuchsia if it existed hgdhsfhfs
Miranda: Not crazy about ice cream but certainly isn't going to turn it down either, especially if it's from Dairy Dragon (which Nelson gets her hooked on). Surprisingly has simple flavor preference, as her go-tos are mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream. Also has a whole list of idea for future villain flavors that they could and should use (such as Time Twin Tropicana, Pythor Punch, Mechanic Marble, Overlord Overload, and a Garmadon popsicle with gumball eyes)
Olivia: Might be contradicting something I said previously but she tends to avoid ice cream—the cold is really sensitive on her teeth. She can force herself to eat it but it's not usually a good experience. She does, however, like chocolate-flavor almost as much as Nya does, and can manage some salted-caramel flavor on occasion as well. Attempts to destroy the Dairy Dragon once or twice just to figure out how it manages to stay standing throughout everything lmao
Pixal: Does not like ice cream at all, but can be encouraged to at least try a bite or two, but will never go overboard with it. Therefore, indifferent to Dairy Dragon. Can stomach some vanilla on occasion, but like Zane, would probably go for a fruity ice pop first.
Skylor: Has not really had the chance to indulge in ice cream until getting off the island, and then the Dairy Dragon winds up becoming one of her favorite spots. As with her drink preferences, like a lot of the more tropical flavors (pineapple, coconut, dragonfruit, etc) and finds things like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry a bit bland. She can get behind citrus flavors, however. Really hopes they don't make a flavor out of her dad—she's already got enough bad publicity to deal with.
Bridget: An Ice cream hater, somehow even more than Pixal.
Sunni: Is lactose-intolerant and probably shouldn't even be eating ice cream but that's not going to stop her from indulging in Ninjapolitan or Spinjitzu Swirl snksnksnksn. Would also probably die if she attempted to eat the "Nya Special", and very loudly attempts to boycott Bananakhan (with reluctant help from Samantha).
Harleigh: Not a big ice cream fan herself, but is lowkey waiting for them to make an ice cream flavor out of Ronin (for better or worse)
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sadisthetic · 5 months
end of the year fic asks! give us a behind-the-scenes look at "for want (for nothing)"; why did you include a scene, when and where did you figure out that one tricky sentence, which part wrote itself, things like that!
thats a fucking thing? well lucky for YOU i LOVE talking about my own writing and that fic DEFINITELY has quite a few "bts" things i could talk about lmao
first thing to start off with is that i actually rewatched and studied that corruption scene in canon quite a bit while i wrote this. i needed the refresher and Man did i realize i forgotten a bunch of major plot points (most of which werent actually relevant to the fic) lol. but anyways the structure of my fic is pretty strongly based on its canon counterpart and theres a lot of little things i took inspiration from and just injected more flavor to it. like kai uses lightning a lot??? which make sense production wise bc thats like. probably easiest element to show off and make it look cool. so yay! excuse to use my jay bias and favor using his powers lol
in general that fic was a means for me to write a character study for kais character which i love a lot. he is my second fav blorbo. i have a huge weakness for older siblings in media. and kais shift in character is so interesting even if it was never done with conscious intention. ninjago Definitely uses every single one of their characters as pawns to advance the plot of whatever rather than you know. treating them like characters who are people. so theyre inconsistent with or contradicting themselves. characters are used however the writers seem fit with the situation at hand. i think the corruption scene is a fair example of it. kai was over it right? the whole green ninja thing? and yet. anyways my fic was an attempt at reframing and adding context and depth to kais character bc man did think about these fucking legos a lot for some goddamn reason when its a bad show!!! maybe some of yall will hate me for saying it. but man. ninjago sucks more often or not. not Entirely BUT A LOT OF IT IS NOT OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY.
and that sorta gives me an awkward segue into lloyd. haha. you know the line "A brat who had everything handed to him by destiny. It wasn’t because he deserved it. It was simply because he was born special."? well. it makes sense in the context of the fic that kai feels this way bc thats the natural conclusion the fic flowed into. But Also. i wont lie. that is my own genuine thoughts about lloyds development as a character. lloyds writing fucking BLOOOOOWSSS. and none of it is his fault. its the writers fault. but MAN its the LAZIEST DESTINED HERO/LEADERSHIP CHARACTER ARC I EVER SEEN. IT COULDVE BEEN INTERESTING. but no it was too simple too forced too Cheap. too shallow. its like they picked his little minifig and decided he Must be the prophesied hero no matter what :) and they forced his little lego feets into the studs of Destiny above everyone else and made it happen in the easiest way possible. by simply declaring it. forcing him into the role unnaturally. and because hes the Chosen One that means hes very very very important right? so NATURALLY hes the leader also! HELLO HES A FUCKING BABY??? NO SENIORITY?? any leadership skills he gained is because he was Forced to develop them, not because hes a natural leader. i could talk shit about his treatment all day but all in all i hate the flagrant favoritism the show gives lloyd when its meant to be a show with a team dynamic. i dont hate lloyd but i sure do hate the way his character "developed". this fucking baby was fed too many rare candies and some evolutionary stone on top of it. hes not the best he could be as a character because none of it naturally happened. no care put into developing his characters. i could accept lloyd being the green ninja or being a leader. if it were written well at least. ANYWAYS. kai is a subtle projection of me. or closer, a messenger. he was corrupted by me in way considering i was the writer lol. but it works because theres a bit of truth in there isnt there?
also that fic also happen bc i wanted to writer fun elemental power stuff along with fucked corruption. i love fantasy power things. and i LOVE rancid rotting feelings
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amigac0debasic13 · 6 months
inhaling so heavily so so heavily,, hey guys its me im back. ninjago. This is just a huge rant about me HATING how trauma is handled in this show. ignore this if you do not want to see my HORRORS.
WHY. IS TRAUMA NOT A FUCKING THING IN THIS STUPID ASS SHOW. Im on another rewatch because im FUCKING INSANE but it drives me actually mad that there are so many downright horrific things that happen to these characters that are just NEVER addressed. lets talkabout the fucking first one that caught my eye when I was first watching the show!!! Im basically going from least infuriating to most infuriating, im trying to cut this show some slack but dear god. !!WHY IS COLE OKAY MAN. HE LITERALLY DIEEED. HE TURNED INTO A GHOST. listen Iknow ninjago death means nothing, and im going to talk about that too but he literally could have ceased to exist if he so much as touched water. after he got his body back, why was this never FUCKING mentioned. I think. if I was in a perpetual state of being horrified my existence would amount to nothing and id just stop BEING when I touched some clear shit coming out of my sink id be pretty scarred for life. I loved possession man, but this happened to TWO CHARACTERS. TWOOO. AND THE OTHER CHARACTER IS LLOYD. lets not even MENTION that hes been exploited the moment everyone found out he was a green ninja, and before that a bunch of grown ass people were bullying a CHILD WHO IS ACTUALLY HOMELESS, lets talk about how his fucking body was taken over by Morro while he ALSO worries about his DAD BEING STUCK IN THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD. IM LOSING IT. IM LOSSINGG ITT. On a smaller note, MISAKO ABANDONED LLOYD. KILL HER. I am the hashtag misako hater garmadon deserves better. The show made no attempt for them to bond or try to make amends for what happened when Lloyd was a kid, she barely appears at all really and it just makes me fucking despise her. ALSO MORRO. this kid. reminding you, CHILD, fucking died in a cave. the cave we SAW in the pilot, if i remember right which is FUCKING INSANE>,,?? we SEE HIS SKELETON. THAT IS A CHILDS SKELETON. never mentioned again after episode 8 I don't think. now the MEAT. THE MEATT. whatever the FUCK went on with garmadon after he got resurrected. They actually did cover this a bit with how Lloyd acted around garmadon, but crystalized also sucked ass and really gave us nothing on how Garmadon felt about this. on god im so sick that hes so normal shaped in crystalized too, He was literally growling with every breath in sons of garmadon why is he normal now. Its been years, i get it. also the Garmadon comic. but he SHOULDNT be a normal person whos just an asshole, I want him to be feral okay?? ok??? I am playfully gesturing to Devils Horns by TeuthidaRegina (did i spell that right. idk man. Its a super fucking good fanfic.)
ALSO Vinnys apartment is very inaccurate there should be scratch marks on the walls and then they should kiss. ANYWAYS Besides this, Lloyd being mad at Garmadon was really all we got for how *he* was effected by his once loving father now randomly coming back with his ribs exposed and only being able to say like. 3 words. and also him immediately trying to kill Lloyd. I feel like we should have gotten a LOT more man. Now this isn't really a problem with the show (Its a huge problem in crystalized but that's a given) but more a problem with the fandom, so that's why I'm putting it at the end. this does not hold relevancy over garmadon becoming a BEAST. (also garmadon becoming a beast is the best thing that ever happened in this show btw. you all are wrong and he should have been animalistic from the beginning. still nice. but he should have also growled. all the time.) My issue is with how people portray harumi. I already had my Harumi spout in a post I made earlier, but I only mentioned the toxicity of the ship with her and Lloyd a little bit. Let us THINK BACK on how she literally feels nothing for Lloyd at all. He was a stepping stone in getting Garmadon back, and she probably straight up hates him. She pretends to like him to manipulate him into helping her resurrect garmadon ok?? do we understand?? Ive seen actual tags on AO3 that say "no harumi hate here" and I am so done. all the harumi hate. dont FUCKING talk to me if you want to justify the downright horrendous things shes done. That ship is toxic as hell and Lloyd is downright being abused AGAIN for like the FIVE BILLIONTH TIME IN HIS LIFE. I dont care man. shes an abusive bitch. i HATE HER. Crystalized made the worst fucking decision trying to justify her and I genuinely hate whoever thought that was a good and right decision to make. If she comes back in dragons rising i hope she dies AGAIN, but Im honestly rooting for them to ignore crystalized's existence. Now finally, this is the absolute peak of how Ninjago shittily handles trauma. the ICE EMPEROR. Zane was stuck in a fucking hellscape of a realm for like. what was it. EIGHTY YEARS??? he went fucking mad man, he turned into a bloodthirsty tyrant during that time. and when this seasons conflict was fixed with the "power of friendship" the show literally mentions that the ice emperor is STILL INSIDE ZANES NOGGIN. AND WHAT DOTHEY DOO?? THEY MAKE IT INTO A FUCKING JOKE. its honestly almost disgusting to me how they handled it, Zane has DIED BEFORE. that's bad. he should have trauma. BUT Zane LITERALLY HAS A BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER IN HIS FUCKING HEAD. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ACTUALLY. HE SHOULD HAVE SOME RELUCTANCE TO USING HIS POWERS OR SOMETHING, ANYTHING MAN. HE KILLLED AN ENTIRE RACEE. Genuinely this is one of my favorite shows, and I love adding onto the shaky ass plot and making it better, but I cannot DEAL with this. Im going to throw in the shit that happened in the spinjitzu brothers book, because oh my god Wu and Garmadon should be fucked up with all the stuff they have had to deal with for like. 5 thousand years. but its fine. its okay. its the book series. I wont mention it. (that book series is so good please release the final book please) ((I LOVE wu and garmadon they are some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE series im blinking my eyes at you. please go indepth on those two. also give Wu a dragon form, or an Oni form, or literally anything he IS NOT HUMAN.) Also if anyone tells me im ignoring skybound its because I do not need to say anything about skybound. we all know what happened. we ALLL know what the fuck they did to Nya. and fucking. mister possibly a pedo creep man who does not care about consent. I dont even remember his name thats how bad I hate him .
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xdxenon · 8 months
My thoughts on Dragons Rising (Spoilers)
At first I was very skeptical about dragons rising replacing the ninja with a bunch of new characters. It happens in a lot of shows I used to like and it never feels the same. However, I have grown to love them just as much. They're all just younger versions of the ninja, and they're starting to realize that.
First there's Wyldfyre and Kai. Aside from basically having the same power, (I'm still saying heat and fire are almost the same, idc that some cans burned and some melted) wyldfyre is very unpredictable with a more showy style of fighting and huge love for pranks. She also has a very hot temper, and thinks she's in charge. At first they're always at each other's throats fighting and yelling until Kai finally realizes that she's just like he was when he was younger. Did we really think we would ever see Kai, KAI???, of all people teaching meditation? I don't think so. And they're duo is absolutely deadly. We saw that armory explosion. I'm so excited for more WyldKai duo (Not a ship name, just a duo name) Aside from all the fighting, which lets be honest is bound to happen any time Kai is in the room, they are perfect partners and any time you need an explosion, they'll be there.
Sora and Nya fit as well. Tech savvy? Check. Trying to prove they're strong enough without their parents? Check. They both also struggled to find their true potential. Both had different specific problems, but in comparison to the other ninja, it was the hardest for Nya, and that might be true for sora as well as she's still reliant on Ryu for her power. Another big thing for Nya was being the "Girl Ninja", and I think that might come up in conversation with those two if Sora ever feels powerless. They would also make some absolute killer mechs and vehicles working together. With Nya's experience and intelligence, along with Soras intelligence and Powers? So many possibilities for kick ass rides and kick ass Lego sets (unfortunately at a price that kicks my wallets ass.) Nya also having Sora there is definitely helping distract her from Jay's absence. She still absolutely misses him, but having someone like herself around is definitely good for her.
Then, there's Lloyd and Arin. If these too match up just as well as the others, I'm quite scared about what Arin might have coming. The absolute amount of trauma that Lloyd went through throughout this entire thing is absolute absurd. And Arin is just finding out that Lloyd is the grandson of God himself. But I feel that Lloyd having a pupil is very good for him. He never got a childhood, literally having his child body taken from him by the aging potion, and he had to spend what short one he did fighting against the embodiment of evil inside of his father, multiple times. And if Arin is to follow in his footsteps, I don't even want to imagine what he's eventually going to have to go up against. Im hoping we can see some of father Lloyd peak through. Maybe him being the father and mentor he always wanted Garmadon to be but wasn't. And I wholeheartedly believe that Lloyd will be a good teacher. He doesn't have thousands of years of experience, but he's definitely been through the ringer. (And if Arin falls in love with a princess and Lloyd tries to talk him out of it I will lose my shit)
All of the ninja are now realizing just what Master Wu had to go through in order to train them all. They've learned and grown from his teaching tremendously yes, but now they're watching and teaching younger versions of themselves and relearning what they were like back then. I can't wait for the 6 million times Arin, Sora, or Wyldfyre make a mistake and say they don't deserve to be a ninja, and they all get to look at each other and laugh, and tell almost too many stories of all the times they've let the entire city get destroyed, died, been resurrected, destroyed realms, and all the fun quirky little traumatic world ending shit that they went through at their age. I'm glad that Dragons Rising still focusses on the ninja and they truly have just moved on to a different stage in their life by being teachers and mentors to the new generation, instead of just being cast aside as "Legends' and nothing more.
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arrieebooks · 1 year
early morning discussions
Precious Weapon drabble (after chapter 3)
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Author's note : This is a Precious Weapon drabble that occurs the morning after chapter 3, in her house. Six is still fast asleep while all this happens.
Pairing : Lloyd Hansen x F!OC (Elle)
Word count : 2.4k words.
Summary : They wake up earlier than everyone else in the house and have a conversation in her kitchen while making breakfast or in other words, he teases her at six am in the morning.
Warnings : Mentions of previous smut. Some mild cursing. A lot of sexual tension. Lloyd being a little soft for her but still being an asshole at the same time, somehow.
Her yawns fill her quiet bedroom and dark one. She's yawning as softly as possible since she's still aware of the two guys sleeping beside her.
It's early. Very early.
She can't reach her phone at her nightstand to check the time without waking up Lloyd beside her or even Six.
They're too peaceful when asleep and she wants to appreciate this rare moment of seeing them like this.
She lets her eyes stare at Lloyd for a moment, knowing that this will probably be the only time that he'd be this quiet and less annoying. He's actually pretty nice when he's like this, she thinks. She could tell that he's sleeping really well from how his eyes are completely shut and his head is buried deeply onto her pillow that smells all of her.
She slowly turns to her side to see Six still asleep beside her, his arm is still wrapped firmly around her body and her lips curve into a small smile at the sight of that.
She liked it when he boldly declared to Lloyd about them last night. He practically just said nothing and placed his hand around her body in front of him to see and casually asked him if he had a problem with them or not. It was showing his dominance even though she's never seen a side of him like that nor he's ever acted like that before her. But she liked it. Maybe, even a little too much considering her damp pajamas's short. It was hot, what he did. She never even thought he'd do something like that. She was even beginning to think that he was a little too gentle for her, just like with all the other guys she's been with in her life.
She stretches her arms a little wider and accidentally hits Lloyd's body beside her. It didn't really affect him since her arms are small compared to his huge and hard muscles.
Shit. Please don't wake up.
She squints her eyes and scrunches her nose, hoping that she didn't wake him up because then she'll wake Six up too but she's also aware of how early it is because she can't hear anything outside yet.
Her neighbors are still asleep, her dogs are too and so are the agents guarding the house.
She guesses that it's probably around 6am or something or maybe even before 6. But she needs to get up and wake up because she can't go back to sleep anymore, she's had enough sleep already. She slept well, really well. Probably the best sleep she's gotten ever since last week.
She takes Six's arm off of her gently and slowly slips down out of the bed, crawling her way out of it without making a single sound. She sighs out of relief as her feet touch the ground and she quietly goes to the bathroom, that's wide open.
Turning on the sink as quietly as possible, she washes her hands with the soap and begins to wash her face with the water. She grabs her facial wash as she pours it onto her face before rinsing it with the water as quickly as she could. She dries her face with the towel and thinks to herself to just brush her teeth later because it'll make loud sounds if she does it now.
Elle exits her bathroom and opens her bedroom door with her mind as it opens immediately without any sound. She steps out of her room and the door closes behind her by her mind. She's getting good with telekinesis, she's actually always been good with it because it's her favorite thing to do. Moving an object without actually moving it. It's fascinating for her. And defies the law of science, which is incredible for her, being a huge science nerd and all.
She walks to her kitchen and starts to make some tea. White tea is her favorite. It's light and not too sweet for her.
While she's waiting for the water to boil, she leans back on her kitchen counter and sighs, taking a moment to think about some things. A lot has happened for the past few days and she's never thought that it would bring her to this. Not that she regrets bringing herself to the CIA, but she just can't believe that she let herself get involved in it and still not back away.
She could hear her judgemental mother's voice in her head now, telling her that what she's doing is wrong and pointless, and that trying to become a hero is just selfish. She liked calling Elle selfish a lot but she just needed a mirror handed to her face to know who was the real selfish person. She never treated her as a daughter, she was just a test subject for her, nothing more.
Now that she's thought about it, she just realized that she thinks about her horrible parents a lot nowadays. She usually just forgets they exist just like how they've been doing it to her all these years. She thinks it's because of what happened last week with the lab blowing up. She could just hear her parent's voices in her head about all this, saying that she was too emotional and too weak at that moment and that it was all her fault, as usual.
"You're up early." Lloyd's voice echoes through the kitchen as he casually walks in there.
And again, she didn't even hear the door open. She was too caught up in her own thoughts.
Elle snaps out of her thoughts and clears her throat, walking to him as she stands in front of him, her sleepy eyes looking up at him. "Hi. Morning." She greets him weakly with a faint smile on her lips.
He observes her figure and she's still in her pajamas, just like him. Her pajamas are a plain pink matching set and her shorts are very short, barely covering her thighs. Her hair is a little messy and she's…not wearing a bra because he could clearly see her nipples poking out. Shit. He knows he wasn't supposed to see her like this. Especially not after what he saw last night. He's really crossing the line here and he's actually aware of it.
He looks back up to her eyes and she's completely unaware of what he just saw. "Are you hungry?" Lloyd asks, out of the blue. He never asks that to anyone at all because he could care less about anyone or their hunger.
She nods. "Mhm. Sort of. I'm making tea. We could…make some food together? I bought some fresh groceries last night." Elle offers him.
He looks into her brown eyes for a while and nods his head. "I don't know how to cook, though." he tells her and she snorts, breaking into a short smile.
"I could teach you. We'll just make some simple eggs and bacon. You like your eggs scrambled, right?" she asks him, recalling the morning before when she had cooked breakfast for them.
Lloyd nods again. "Yeap. That's right." he confirms before she turns around to the stove, turning it off as her tea is ready.
"Okay, what now?" he asks as she pours the hot water into her mug with her tea already inside of it, while she stirs the sugar in it with a small spoon.
"Now, you grab the eggs and the bacon from the fridge." Elle orders him in a soft tone and he does what he's told, going to the fridge to get the ingredients needed.
He hands it to her and she places it on the kitchen counter, about to make the eggs first as he just stands behind her. She grabs a small bowl and cracks one egg into it with only one hand, after that she continues to crack four more eggs into it as fast as she can.
Sometimes she wishes that she has super speed. Would've been cool.
"So, how old are you actually? Six and I took some guesses last night." Lloyd casually says while watching her every move with the eggs.
Elle frowns confusedly. "I'm 29. I told him, back in the bar. Didn't he tell you?" she asks back as she puts some salt and pepper into the eggs.
He nods. "Well, yeah. He did say you were 29 and you technically are but what is your real age? Because you clearly don't look like 29. Trust me, I've seen enough girls to know that you are definitely not 29."
She scoffs gently, rolling her eyes playfully. "Of course you have. Okay, well, I'm 24 years old. Everyone knows that I'm 24 and I've only lived 24 years of my life. I don't remember much of the five years that I was being experimented on, so yeah." she responds.
"Great. I'll be sure to tell Six that. We talked a lot about you last night, when you were cooking dinner." Lloyd informs her as she lightly squints her eyes in suspicion.
Elle stops making the eggs and turns around to face him "Really? What'd you guys talk about me?" she asks softly.
His eyes look down on her, getting a genius idea to tease her at six in the morning. He steps even closer to her and almost closes the gap between them, they're not touching but they're close to. She gulps slowly and she's suddenly nervous around him. She tries to keep her body still and remain unmoved.
"We talked about a lot of things. I asked him a few questions about you, too." he gently says, his face getting closer to hers.
She swallows thickly. "What kind of questions?" she quickly asks.
His lips slowly turn into a small smirk. "Oh, you know, I was just being curious. Like if he's tasted you yet…or if he's had his fingers in you again…or if you still taste as sweet as I remembered…" Lloyd whispers onto her face as slowly as possible with a raspy voice and she softly bites her bottom lip while he watches her do that.
Her breath hitches as she keeps her eyes pinned on him and she could feel that the tension between them is getting thicker by the second. She doesn't even know why she's so affected by him when she doesn't even want him that way because he doesn't want her that way. So why is he even doing this? Just to tease her? To get a reaction out of her? He's acting like this is a joke, like his dick doesn't get hard everytime she does anything around him. He's more affected by her than her with him. He just won't ever admit that, how much effect she has on him, more than anyone has ever had in his whole life.
His smirk turns wider as he sees her licking her tongue a little and her eyes still looking up at his. He steps back from her and gives her a half smile. "Nah, I'm just fucking with you, sunshine." he finally tells her, breaking the tension between them.
She scoffs out loud, her eyes looking away from him. "Of course you were. Jeez, Lloyd. We're never going to make this damn breakfast if you keep fucking with me like that." she tells him.
He raises his hand in surrender. "Okay, okay, fine. I'm not gonna do that again. Now, let's make that damn breakfast together." Lloyd says.
"Yeah, after this, I need to shower and do my daily skincare." Elle casually tells him, turning around, back to the eggs as he clears his throat, his hand brushing his stache while his mind replays the flashback from last night of what he saw of her, when she was showering and he has try to brush off the thoughts and forget about it completely but he knows it'll never leave his mind.
"Okay. Yeah. But we'll just wait for Six to wake up first." he tells her.
She nods. "Help me turn on the stove, please. I'm going to cook the eggs first."
Lloyd immediately does what he's told without a word as he turns on the stove. "Let me help. I know how to cook eggs, Elle." he insists and she turns to him, handing him the bowl of raw eggs.
"Fine. Just make sure it's cooked well."
"I will."
She goes to walk out of the kitchen before turning back to say something. "Oh, and Lloyd, if you try to fuck with me like that again, I'll chop off your fucking dick and feed it to you. And I won't even have to use my hands. Okay?" Elle lightly threatens him with an innocent smile on her lips as her index finger points at him.
Fuck. That shouldn't make his dick even harder but it does and he has to turn a little so she doesn't see the very large bulge in his pants that is very obvious especially now that he's wearing sweatpants. The way that she's so much like him turns him on. He threatens people all the time and it'd be the most brutal threats ever with a smile or a smirk so it's like a light threat but they'd actually do it if it comes to it because they're capable of doing it.
He clears his throat, acting as if her words didn't do anything to any part of his body. He looked at her and his eyes bore into hers. "Keep dreaming, sweetheart." Lloyd retorts.
That fucking nickname again.
She snickers, breaking into a chuckle as she turns to tea and sips it casually like it isn't burning hot but she doesn't feel anything. "Yeah, and keep watching the eggs or we'll have burnt scrambled eggs for breakfast." she reminds him, pointedly while walking to the dining table.
He does what he's told, continuing to make the eggs before looking at her one last time as she takes a seat at the table and leans her whole body onto it while sipping her hot tea again. It makes him wonder sometimes if she feels the same or if she's just completely reserved for Six only. Even if she was, he's willing to share anyway so that'll change overtime.
He needs to focus more on the eggs than on her or he'll actually burn the eggs and they won't have anything for breakfast at all.
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honestmouse20 · 9 months
Random ninjago hcs, go!
Mistake isn't dead! she was badly injured in her fight with Garmadon in Hunted but used Oni trickery (shapeshifting) to assume a new identity deep within the city. The only person who knows she's still alive is Lloyd. He found her on accident while walking down the street and was able to sense that it was her
more of an Au but I hc that either just after the Garmadon comics or Just before Crystalized, Garmadon was sent back in time to just after he died in Possession. Mostly it was the universe or FSM showing him his son and how much he needed him/loved him. But the kicker was that he could only watch. He was like a ghost. No one could see or hear him so he just watched Lloyd go through All the Posession shit and how much he'd missed Sensei Garmadon. It's the inciting incident that makes Garmadon go to Vinny and try to learn how to be good again
Kai absolutly has a scrapbook/photo album that he's always working on. It's massive and one of the ones where you can add more and more pages to. It's filled with photos and keepsakes of the team. He started a little after Lloyd was aged up by putting the first pictures they took together as a team into the album. But now it's huge and there may or may not be tear tracks on some of Nya's pictures bc he'd flip through them after Seabound (He thinks the other ninja don't know about it but they all do and they think it's super sweet)
Lloyd can sing! He's actually pretty good and he loves a lot of the same music as Cole. So they'll put music on sometimes and just jam out. The first time he started singing really loud in the car the others just stopped and stared bc they had no idea he was so good at it. Nowdays (DR) he's Always humming and singing to hismelf to pass the time and as a way to remember the members of his family they still havn't found
more on Garmadon bc he's my favorite sorry
While he was imprisoned in the Cursed Realm, he was able to sort of extend his senses and watch over Lloyd. He saw everything that was happening but was unable to help. It's probably only possible bc of his father being FSM and shit but it's a super useful thing bc it helps pass the time yk. He Knows he's going to spend eternity in there; you don't die in the Cursed Realm. You just turn into a ghost once you're relased. So he knew he would never get to live again. But he was okay with that bc his son was OKAY and happy and protected by his friends.
But then Morro shows up and I bet the reason Garmadon is the ony one fully chained rather than just in a little cell like Chen and Clouse, is because he raised absolute Hell to try and get to Lloyd. And he nearly Did. He nearly became the first person to escape on his own. But the Preimenent caught on and nearly destroyed him before she chained him so tightly that he could never escape. She made sure he was too weak to put up a fight liek that again. Tho i think if given a few months Garmadon would have been able to escape. Thats why he looks Like That when Lloyd sees him at the end of Possession
Garmadon also Knew that the Preimenent was going to be destroyed and was actually at peace when he went to the Departed Realm.
A part of him (the good part) remained in that realm for a long time, even after Harumi brought back the Oni part of him. But through time and his Oni part's hard work, he's slowly beginnign to re-merge his seperate selves. It's not really a conscious thing but it is happening.
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aethergalaxias · 1 year
ninjago crystallized rewrite (kinda)
UGH so i guess i deleted that post i made where i asked people about complaints they had about crystallized??? so here i am making a brand new post instead. please kill me
spoilers below!!!
give her a consistent character please. please. please. ple
redemption arc?????
im giving her a redemption arc instead of keeping her evil because i think thats what the writers were aiming for,,, it just didnt turn out well :/
also i feel like keeping her as a villain would be way easier so i wanna do the opposite >:)
no llorumi. get away. die 
in this version shes only working for the overlord because he brought her back to life and she doesnt want to die again
a lot less cruel; shows genuine regret over her actions 
still doesnt like lloyd, but willing to work with him to get rid of the overlord
refused to explode the ninja in ep 14 which led to the overlord replacing her with clouse (yes. clouse is here) as his second in command
some shit happens with pythor and harumi finds out that he freed the great devourer. harumi gets pissed and decides to betray the overlord
instead of lloyd escaping on his own harumi helps free him and they escape the temple together. emotional conversation ensues. harumi officially leaves the council and becomes an ally
shes down fighting with the main gang during the climax instead of at the overlord’s floating island thing
after helping to rebuild the monastery she pulls a garmadon and goes off on her own to go on a journey of healing and self-reflection or whatever
or she goes to jail and then goes on a journey of healing and self-reflection or whatever. consequences babeyyyyy
i mean i could also just keep her as a villain
i feel like that would be a lot easier. not rewriting a lot here since keeping her evil takes way less effort than giving her a legitimate redemption arc
getting rid of all the scenes where shes like “noooo dont kill lloyd D: possible redemption arc?? oh no wait nvm im evil again” shes just consistently evil now
lloyd doesnt take her with him when he leaves the temple she just jumps out after him. because she is insane <3
uhhh idk what to do with her at the end. she either dies or goes back to prison
problem one fixed. onto the next one.
oni lloyd oni lloyd oni lloyd
it was built up to be this huge thing and we got like five seconds of him??? unacceptable. where is my boy??? let him be angry and go feral and destroy stuff he deserves it
while escaping the council lloyd goes partial oni. he only realizes this once he ends up in the river, which ends up freaking him out, which ends up with him being unable to revert back to Normal Human Form. not full oni at this point hes just got like. the horns and fangs and stuff
(he stays like this until the final battle because why not)
(he stays like this AFTER the final battle because why not)
lloyd is like “oh no im a monster :( what have i become :( this is horrible :(“ until garmadon tells him to stfu and starts training him
(training goes better in this version since lloyd’s stuck with the oni traits which leads him to be a little more accepting of them)
episode stuff happens. yea h
uh uh overlord “kills” garmadon, lloyd goes batshit and turns full oni, Fucking Murders the overlord, crap now hes lost control of his oni form oh no. garmadon is freaking out, garmadon turns into an oni, the elemental dragon shows up, cool epic battle, lloyd regains control, yayyy happy ending cue the music
post battle he still keeps the horns and stuff. its part of his acceptance arc or whatever. im a very big fan of creacher lloyd okay
problem two fixed. man i am killing it
um uh those were my two major problems i guess i’ll just put minor stuff here
nya doesnt get her powers back. consequences for being turned into the ocean. sorry bbg 😔 no more elemental powers all the ninja are average human beings except for zane who is still a robot
“bbbut then howd the merlopians get the message that they needed help???” idk power of friendship. someone sends them an email. nya just yells it really loudly. general Bad Vibes or smth
nyas still a ninja bc like you dont need elemental powers to be a ninja. or something inspirational like that idk
pixal stays as samurai x because nyas too busy being an epic girlboss 
the elemental dragon IS the og 4 ninja. they had an awesome magical girl transformation or whatever. dw they turn back to people afterwards just without their powers
clouse should be there. clouse needs to be there. clouse is revived as part of the council and becomes a major antagonist
lloyd legitimately thought his friends were dead in that one episode??? and then he found out they werent and he was like oh ok cool :D ??? anyway now theres a scene after nya and wu rescue him where hes like hhhhhhow the fuck. are you alive i thhought you all got murdered and then he has like 50 emotional breakdowns at once bc i! like! suffering!!!!!!!
wu’s wing mechs are actual dragon wings because garmadon got wings therefore wu should also get wings. i think thats only fair
wu DIES. he falls off the temple and DOESNT land in the water and the newspaper kids DONT find him. sorry dude its for the greater good (lloyds character arc again)
the new ninjas actually do stuff. they are helpful!!! annoying but helpful. also they dont get turned to crystal right off the bat wtf writers
vania gets lines. and a cool emotional fight with her father
lloyd’s problem with his father learning empathy is less focused on the fact that he’s part oni and more focused on the fact that he was literally brought back as a violent destructive overlord hellbent on murdering his son and conquering ninjago
i get rid of the birthday card line. like i get the significance behind it but you could have picked literally anything else??? turned the emotional moment around real fast 
also lloyd and garmadon get a better reconciliation arc instead of just arguing Forever
minipix gets a name goddammit. she literally saved their lives and they’re like “oh yeah minipix 7 is a good name” what the hell. why 7. are there 6 other minipixes who've saved your ass from exploding?? yeah i dont think so
that is ALL I HAVE RN ill probably come up with some other stuff later
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gravyhoney · 1 year
Just got home from a 12 hour shift (at the time of writing this). I have been personally victimized by Turkey Gravy, that shit can die.
ANYWAYS!! I’m gonna make a list of what I think the Ninjago characters’ love languages are because I am abnormal about this show and also I love love languages.
These are going to be a mix of what we can observe in canon, ~vibes~, and shit that I make the fuck up because I’m deranged.
Jay’s love language is 100% words of affirmation (he just like me fr). This has basis in canon, he is always telling Nya that he loves her, and complimenting her, and he is very outward with his affection towards her. I like to think he enjoys being told he’s doing a good job or that someone is proud of him. That’s mostly projection but let me have this ok? Anyways, I think he’s very vocal about his feelings towards his friends and family. Words of affirmation.
Lloyd can fit so much made up backstory in him. (I don’t want to rewatch all 16 seasons rn, if I do I’ll update this for sure) I think Lloyd’s love language is physical touch. I don’t think he necessarily has to be actually touching someone, but the act of being physically close to people as well. He does like, the supportive hand on shoulder thing, hand holding in a platonic sense, a huge hugger, all that stuff. Growing up the way he did, I feel like he’d be uncomfortable or have trouble expressing his feelings through words, so like, physical touch is a good way to get it across for him. Idk he seems like the type of person that just likes to be held.
Kai’s love language is also physical touch, but slightly to the left. Obviously I think he’s a hugger, but I think his love is expressed through. Uh. Physical violence. Not severe physical violence! But like, occasionally punching someone on the shoulder, shoving, bumping people, lightly kicking, stuff like that. He loves his friends, don’t get it twisted, he just shows it through means of beating them the fuck up.
Cole’s love language is gift giving. This has absolutely no basis in canon, I’m basing this purely off of vibes and the shit I make up. He gives ppl little things. Like. Whatever he finds. Like a crow. It’s a very special ritual for him, he finds stuff and is like ���hmm, (friend/family member) would like that.’ And gives it to them. When ppl give him things, no matter how important or not, he always keeps it. He’s got a little box filled with stuff that people have given to him, it’s very important to him.
Zane’s love language is quality time. I had a hard time figuring this one out, but I think he would just enjoy being in the presence of his friends. They could all be doing wildly different activities and also not acknowledging each other, but if they are in the same room and all doing wildly different things together, then it’s like, ‘whoa, my friends and I love each other so much’. Parallel play I guess would be the best way to explain it.
Nya’s love language would be acts of service. This one is probably supported in canon to some degree, but once again I’m not rewatching 16 seasons rn. I feel strongly about this, because she is the ‘girl ninja’ and joined the team (officially??) fairly late, she’s kind of got a lot on her shoulders. So it really means the world to her when people do things for her. It can be little things like, idk getting her water or a snack or something, but little, easy tasks that make her life just slightly easier can go a long way.
PIXAL’s was the hardest to figure out. She’s one of my favorite characters, but I just could not place what I think her love language would be. But I think it would be words of affirmation. I’m mostly thinking about the one episode when she had to fight The Preeminent and when she beat it, Wu was like ‘PIXAL ur amazing!!’ So I’m gonna use that as my evidence or whatever. But yeah I think she likes being told she’s doing good every once in a while.
Skylor is being included because I love her and have so many feelings about her (she should have gotten her own episode send tweet). Hers is cooking (acts of service). It’s one of the joys she finds in life and she shows love by sharing her cooking with her friends.
Vania is also being included because she deserves more love. Her love language is quality time. She loves doing activities with people, and also she’s a big talker. She could go on for hours about things that interest her and I think that would play into it as well. Her love language is quality time with added info dumping.
Ok that’s all. Again if I end up rewatching it and my feelings change, I will update this. But I feel pretty strongly about these already so here you gooooo.
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nacho-business1 · 5 months
Yu-Lin movie au ( mostly pre-movie stuff)
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This was a quick sketch, I might do her ninja suit sometime
Lin is in 10th grade ( don’t remember what it’s called)
most of the kids are absolutely terrified of her, even older ones
She lives with mistaki who in this au is her aunt
her older sister is in college and her younger one’s a drop out and she doesn’t really ever talk to them
her dad… her dad is a bitch, we don’t talk about him, basically the same as his counterpart in the show
the only reason she’s still in school is because of her aunt and because of the ninja
Lin can fully control her shapeshifting but chooses to keep her oni marks, ears, purple eyes and fangs ( scares the shit out of Chen)
she goes back and forth between hanging out with the ninjas and Morro’s group
she is rumored to have a criminal record (she doesn’t)
Lin met Lloyd in middle school when she moved schools and saw Chen picking on him so she defended Lloyd , which ended up getting both of them in detention ( she didn’t really care though)
Lloyd at first isn’t really sure about Lin at first ( this kid got trust issues) but after getting to know her he actually really likes her
Kai and Nya ( his only friends at the time)think Lloyds crazy at first to trust her when they first meet Lin but eventually warm up to her
Jay was pretty terrified of her until she stopped one of the bullies that were picking on him
actually that’s a lie, he’s still terrified of her
Cole kinda didn’t really trust her but he also didn’t not(?) trust her, he was kinda chill with her
Zane is the expectation since he can literally just look through city files to confirm she’s not a threat and immediately gets along with her ( or at least tries)
Lin didn’t really know what she was expecting when she met Lloyd but it certainly wasn’t a smallish kid that looked like a bit of a nerd being beat up by bullies
she’s also rather impressed he managed to become friends with two once popular people
Kai and Nya used to live in the same neighborhood as her before they moved so she does kinda know who they are(not really, all she knows is that her little sister broke Kai’s arm which doesn’t narrow it down a lot)
Lin doesn’t think much of Jay
Cole’s pretty cool for the most part, has good taste in music
Zane… Lin thinks Zane is kinda weird but she can see he’s trying to fit in and there for makes him tolerable ( same doesn’t go for any of the others when they do something stupid)
Lloyd has a huge crush on her but she is oblivious as hell
she would beat the shit out of Chen if she could
same goes for Garmadon
she is rather surprised that Wu would pick her to be part of the ninja team
her code name is violet
her mech is like Lloyd’s just purple and looks more like a sea serpent
that’s all for now
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refriedrambles · 5 months
Manhwa time~
I Became the Chef of the Dragon King, The Greatest Estate Developer, and The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine are all written by the same dude and at least the first two have wonderful dynamics.
First one we get this Korean girl from a pre modern period being tossed into another world after her father sells her off as a sacrifice and like the whole isekai bit is incidental it's great, she super diligent and hard working and the dragon king she decides she serving now just wants to sleep but she keeps waking him up with food or getting into some sort of trouble. It's great. Amazing. Lovely little slice of life romance.
Then we get to Lloyd and Javier. Best bromance in comics you can't convince me otherwise. Like probably my otp just in the fact it's the only thing I read where I stopped while actively reading and went 'oh man these two should fuck', and I mean they're not gonna, it's strictly platonic and that's honestly probably for the best in this particular case but still. Lloyd is a lazy, money grubbing, insanely competent lunatic with a system basically demanding he save as many people as possible. He's like Cale from Trash of the Count's House (if I fucked up the name of my fav light novel Imma be pissed) but he's not cool and no one thinks he is, the faces don't help that fact nor does the groveling or bootlicking but they are certainly part of his charm. Between his unhinged one man performances you get glimpses of genuine depth from the man only for him to start howling or cackling in greed moments later. Javier on the other hand was supposed to be the main character of the novel, he's a bodyguard who detested his charge cause the original Lloyd was a fucking mess. He is a swords master or at least very close to becoming one with a strong sense of duty and justice. He's got Cale's cool and collected demeanor which only breaks to show disgust for Lloyd and his antics, but his loyalty only grows as the plot goes on. He's so completely done with Lloyd's shit though. And beyond that they grow this bond. This undeniable chemistry, so strong it makes them gag when it's in the air. Yeah, it's fantastic
Side note Cale is probably my favorite character of all time. The red hair and eye bags on top of this characterization is just so perfect to me. The constant struggle between 'I just wanna do nothing' and 'I need to fix this' is perfect. He's a workaholic with the only goal to relax. Also we get world building for both worlds he resides in that really deepens his character, I reiterate it's perfect. But this is irrelevant. The Trash of the Count's House is a totally different property by a completely different author.
I don't have much to say about The Crown Prince Who Sells Medicine yet. Like Mc was a doctor who possesses the Crown Prince who's kinda dying and a huge piece of shit, pretty standard isekai nonsense at this point seen it a thousand times typically with noble ladies but quite a few have princes as MCs too. Like it's one of the generic backgrounds for an MC dies and possessed the body of whatever character in a novel, other variants being the socially isolated office lady overworked to point exhaustion, the betrayed lover, the abused orphan and chef. It's a weird little bag but it's what we got for the vast majority of story with the isekai possession trope that actually decide to even slightly touch on backgrounds. (Then there's the common 'your modern past life was actually your second life and your first was another iteration of your current one! There wasn't actually any possession cause it was you to begin with!' tropet which is convoluted but weirdly common.) His doctor/servant is left terrified and balking when the prince stabbing himself with pins and needles (questionable acupuncture) and starts requesting poisons only to down them in front of him (it's supposed to for medicine but the system aspect of this one isn't really helping it in this case) but I get the feeling he'd not gonna be a big part of the main dynamic. I'll have to keep an idea on it
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artinandwritin · 2 years
Okay okay okay I wanna hear all about that next gen thing bc that is crazy dude how did that even happen omg
OH YES alright! This is gonna be another full-on Mona-rants-moment so strap in bestie!
I don’t know exactly when I started thinking about a HTTYD next gen, but it must’ve been somewhere around 2014, after I had watched both movies almost right after each other. Gotta confess, before watching HTTYD1 on a vacation to Germany as a little 10-almost-11-year-old, I thought it was a horror movie. Oops. I thought the same about Shrek, but now I unapologetically adore both of them.
So as little kids, me and my twin brother (let the record state, he’s younger than me. By four minutes. It’s a real thing) were absolutely obsessed with HTTYD. So much, that we would roleplay as dragons and – wheeze – HiccStrid’s potential twin kids. Oh, yeah, we were deep into it. We were so deep. We played out adventures and pretended to fly on our pretend dragons, whom we named Fly Fly and Toe Toe and they were, you are allowed to laugh, the kids of Toothless and a Whispering Death. My brother’s favorite dragons were the Whispering Deaths, and we were great at biology. Nope.
After that whole shabang, we went to middle/high school, my brother grew past his Dragons-phase, I stayed right where I was cuz ofc I did, and after meeting some new friends who were just as much into HTTYD as I was (one of them was the friend who gave my the nickname Mona and helped me with Of Thrones and Heirs!), we kinda created a new next gen based of what we thought was cool lmao. I couldn’t find a lot of information on that on my laptop, since most of it was handwritten or only spoken to each other – and tbh, I’m not really feeling up to checking my chats about it with one of those friends cuz I’m not friends with them anymore. But that’s okay, we have a lot more information for what came next!
I developed the next gen a bit on my own, I remember, still with some influences from the friends I had created the last version with. And for this one I still got a lot of details, so let me grab them for ya.
In this next gen, HiccStrid had five kids. Yeah, they be being busy. Zephyr and Nuffink got added a bit later, after I had seen THW, before that they only had the oc children I created as a lil 14-year-old. They had, in order, Zephyr Stormfly (20 y.o.), Nuffink Toothless (18 y.o.), Alischa Valka (14 y.o., aka, the main character), Stoick Finn (13 y.o.) and Lunette Ansfrid (3 y.o.). Oh yeah, that’s a mouthful.
Next to HiccStrid, back then I also shipped Heather and Fishlegs. Not sure if I still do now, but back then they had the following kids; Helen Windshear (19 y.o., she was Zephyr’s best friend), Fay Heather (16 y.o.), Veena Astrid (16 y.o., she and her twin sister were created by my friend I think), Beril/Hugo Oswald (13 y.o., not sure which of the two names. All I know is that he was Stoick’s bestie).
To the more… complicated part, young me put some drama into this next gen by making a divorce plot. So what I thought was cool (and because I didn’t really like Snotlout back then. Very stupid, he’s the kingest of kings), was the idea that Snotlout and Ruffnut had a son right after THW after a one-night-stand (Thorvald Hookfang, 21 y.o., all I know is that he had a huge crush on Zephyr). After that, they tried to make things work, but they didn’t, and they did a divorce thing. After that, Ruff went with Eret and had twins, Audun Eret (19 y.o., he’s the guy I wrote down as the Gustav of the next gen lmao) and Hialti Ruffnut (19 y.o., I don’t think she had a very good life). Meanwhile, Snotlout had a daughter with Minden, Ylva (13 y.o., she had a crush on Stoick).
Tuffnut had two kids with some chick, Annika Macey (19 y.o., she and Nuffink were in love or something) and Kjell Lloyd (19 y.o., I don’t know shit about him).
For the rest, I only had kids for Dagur and Mala cuz oh yeah they were a thing. Don’t think I really shipped them, but they were fun to include. Their kids were Ingrid Heather (16 y.o., I literally don’t know anything about her), Oswald Dagur (5 y.o.) and Siri Mala (3 y.o., the first Siri! I don’t know anything about her).
So that was that next gen. Alischa was the main character, she later got a whole fledged out story involving Grimmel’s grandkid, Arcum (who she got a crush on ofc, I basically redid the whole “enemies to lovers” thing I loved doing in Of Thrones and Heirs), while trying to prove herself to her overprotective dad Hiccup, finding the Hidden World and the Night Lights in the process. She bonded with Toothless’ daughter, Safire, which would’ve been pretty cute.
That whole thing was pushed aside in favor of Siri in December 2019, unfortunately. While I did try to recreate the next gen several times (I am still figuring out what the actual fuck I wanna do with ships in the original cast and who would have kids and who wouldn’t. All I know is HiccStrid has Zephyr and Nuffink cuz that’s canon and Tuffnut is aroace and the cool uncle. For the rest… man, I don’t know. I love FishLout, I love RuffLegs, I love the idea of Minden and Snotlout, I wanna see Snotlout with a daughter, etc etc. I just don’t know anything lmao), things never really stuck, as I was in the height of creating Siri’s story, and in addition, Niv’s story. Now I primarily wanna think about the next gen cuz I wanna give gussiri’s kids some friends pff
Like, at some point I tried to change up the entire next gen; I paired up Tuffnut and Heather (some weird idea from the friend I’m no longer friends with. I don’t know why), they had four whole kids (Dagny, Kyll, and Lloyd, who were triplets born in 1018, and Oswald Loki Chicken Sverd, yes, who was born in 1028). It was a weird move. I also cut down on Dagur and Mala’s kids, giving them only a daughter, named Hedvig, born in 1022. Zephyr (1018) and Nuffink (1021) still existed, but they no longer had any siblings. Lloyd and Zephyr were in love and it was very cute, and Hedvig and Nuffink had a thing going on.
Next to that, I removed the whole thing with Snotlout, Ruff, Eret and Minden, now Snotlout and Minden only had twins (Vidar and Ylva, born in 1021, Vidar wanted to become a wingmaiden). Eret and Ruff had a son named Sol (1023), which is very weird now, considering one of my best friends is named Sol lmao. Fishlegs had a son from a one-night-stand (Kjott, 1019), and the only reason for that is because the friend I’m no longer friends with didn’t like Fishlegs for his “disgusting” relationship with Meatlug. Glad I’m finally allowing to love this precious boy instead of being forced to go along with their opinions.
At this point, Sunniva and Helene didn’t exist as GusSiri kids, rather being replaced by a daughter named Funnet (1025) and a son named Agnarr (1028, Aggie and Oswald had a cute thing together). Niv did exist! I created him and he never changed, he’s just too much of a baby boy for that.
So yeah, that’s how it all shifted and turned over the years! I hope I can point my vision on trying to point down some good characters to be- WAIT A FUCKING SECOND
Okay so turns out this is from 2021 and luckily for all of us it’s short and to the point so let’s get cracking. HiccStrid only had Zephyr Valka (1018) and Nuffink Stoick (1021), Snotlout had Vidar and Ylva (both 1019, idk who their other parent is), Dagur and Mala had Hedvig (1017), Ruffnut and Fishlegs had Reider Fishlegs (1018), Saga Meatlug (1023), Amund Tuffnut (1025), and Steinar Barf (1028). For the rest, nothing, and honestly, better, I don’t really wanna keep track of so many kids lmao. I’m not a daycare (read: has created a new oc last week)
Anyways, I think that’s all for now! Thank you so much for being so appreciated, I really appreciate it bestie <333 you’re amazing!!
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