#and that's why Nyxly get through her
karaluthorzorel · 1 year
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Supergirl's felt Nyxly when she's with Lena..
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just-another-josh · 6 months
Kara had the best of intentions.
She really, really did.
But let’s be honest, she didn’t stand a chance. She was setup to fail since childhood. During her time on Krypton, she never saw an actual, honest-to-Rao wedding proposal; not anything resembling Earth standards, mind you. No, it was basically your parents marching you down to the local council building when you came of age and submitting your DNA to the Matricomp to find a genetically suitable partner. The nobler the house, the better. It was no different than an arranged marriage on Earth.
On the off chance you did meet someone you wanted to bond with, the process was the same, save for your DNA was only tested against your potential mate’s. When Kara reached adulthood and reflected on the matching process, ‘cringy’ was the best way she could describe it. She was honestly happy the ritual didn’t survive Krypton’s destruction and by extension was not practiced on Argo. She loved keeping her culture alive and all, but she had no interest in telling Alura and Zor-El to “piss off” if her parents ever had the audacity to suggest she of submit her name.
Her exposure to proposals on Earth were limited, at best. Sure, she’d seen her fair share of people popping the question in the multitude of rom coms she’d watched and books she’d read, but her sample of real-world proposals was…sketchy. Eliza never shared the story of how Jeremiah proposed to her simply because it brought up too many bad memories. Kal and Lois were always vague when sharing the story of their engagement. As for Alex and Sam, their proposal took place immediately after destroying Al’s bar fighting Lex and Nyxly for the Love totem; any guidance they had to offer lacked credibility.
Without any authentic, trustworthy examples available to her, Kara decided to forge ahead on her own when she made the decision to propose to Lena. She convinced herself she didn’t need any help; she’s the editor-in-chief of CatCo magazine, hell, she’s Supergirl for Rao’s sake. She could come up with the perfect proposal that would blow the CEO’s mind! Something that would ooze love, devotion, and romance.
Kara spent a month coming up with the perfect set-up. She’d already forged the bonding bracelet in the Fortress and, with a little help from Sara Lance and Iris West-Allen, had purchased the perfect engagement ring (she didn’t involve her sister in the process; Alex had a big mouth whenever she hung out with Lena). She had a special box created to house the bracelet and ring for an optimal presentation; lining it with blue felt on the exterior and red felt inside.
As for the location, she decided to keep it simple and propose at their penthouse. She would fill the living and dining areas with candles to set the mood; sparing a few for the bedroom in case they decided to celebrate their pending nuptials in a more intimate setting.
She wanted to look particularly radiant that night, and with Nia’s help, Kara found the perfect dress at an upscale boutique. Not wanting the Naltorian to know why she was getting the dress (much like Alex, Nia also had a big mouth), Kara told her that she and Lena were going to dinner at a fancy new restaurant. Kara was nervous and disappointed when she was told the color dress she wanted had to be fitted and altered and couldn’t take it home that day, but the sales clerk assured her it would be ready before their “special night”.
Kara planned the perfect meal for her zhao. It would be a magnificent dinner filled with her favorite Irish foods. The Kryptonian knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she felt confident she could prepare Irish stew, soda bread, Colcannon Mash, and traditional Irish apple cake with custard sauce after watching a few YouTube videos.
Last but not least, Kara spent weeks preparing the speech she would give Lena when she proposed to her. The first draft went through multiple edits before she scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it. After rewriting the speech from scratch four more times and dozens of edits, Kara was finally satisfied. The hero thought it was the greatest piece of writing she’d ever done; in her mind, eclipsing even her Pulitzer winning expose on Lex and Red Daughter.
The plan was simple: Kara would propose to Lena on a Friday night. The CEO always got off in time for dinner on Fridays; a compromise the CEO made with the hero when they moved in together. She would meet Lena at the door wearing her very expensive dress; dinner already platted and on the dining room table. They’d enjoy a candlelit dinner with her and Lena’s favorite sappy playlist playing softly in the background. Once dinner was finished, she’d ask Lena to dance with her and when the playlist hit their special song (Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift, of course), Kara would produce the box that she had strategically hidden under the coffee table, get down on one knee, and propose. If Lena said ‘yes’ (Kara was at least 90% sure she would), her and her new fiancé would enjoy dessert and later head off to their bedroom to make love the rest of the night.
“Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy” as Winn would say.
The first indication that things were not going to go smoothly was a delay with the alterations to her new dress. The clerk at the boutique called her three days before the big night saying that the seamstress had been ill and was behind on her orders, but before Kara could hyperventilate, the clerk assured her it would be ready Friday morning with plenty of time to spare before dinner. Kara spent the next fifteen minutes doing controlled breathing exercises Eliza had taught her when she first arrived on Earth, reassuring herself that everything was going to be okay.
The rest of the week passed without further complications; it wasn’t until Friday morning that everything started going sideways.
Kara received word from the clerk at the boutique that her dress had been destroyed in a sewing machine mishap. Kara tried to roll with the punches and asked if they still had the dress in the color that she initially tried on. Unfortunately, the clerk informed her that that style of dress had sold out. After receiving a half-assed apology from the clearly disingenuous clerk, Kara poked her finger through her phone as she ended the call. The Kryptonian rushed to her private bathroom and spent several minutes doing breathing exercises again. Kara quietly mumbled to herself between breaths, “Everything’s going to be okay. This is just a minor setback. It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll just dig out that dress I wore when we crashed Morgan Edge’s party. Yeah, that’s it, that’ll work. Everything’s going to be great!” She got up, splashed some water on her face, and went back to work.
Fortunately, Kara was able to escape CatCo in the early afternoon. With her personal phone taking up residence in the trash can, Kara grabbed her seldom used work phone, shot a text off to Lena telling her that she’d be using it the rest of the day, and flew (literally) out of her office to pick up the ingredients for the night’s special meal. The hero hated that she had to wait until the last minute to hit the grocery store, but between EIC and Supergirl duties that week, she just hadn’t had the time. Luck seemed to be on Kara’s side as she had no issues finding the supplies she needed and getting out of the store swiftly.
She returned home around 4pm and began fixing dinner in earnest, super-speeding through prepping the ingredients. She boiled potatoes, sliced up beef, apples, and veggies, whipped together dough, and sauteed some of the chopped vegetables in olive oil. She had everything prepped and ready to cook within twenty minutes (the potatoes took forever to boil, and she didn’t trust speeding up the cook time with her heat vision).
Kara didn’t realize the stew would take three hours in the crock pot before it was ready, creating a slight problem; Lena was due home in two hours. Kara turned the heat up to its highest setting to speed up the process. The bread, Colcannon, and apple cake would only take a half hour in the oven, so she moved on to the next phase of her plan.
Placing the candles throughout the penthouse was simple enough, but she ran into a bit of an issue when she went to pair her phone with the built-in sound system. Her work phone did not have the playlist she wanted downloaded on it and she couldn’t download it from the Cloud. Lena refused to connect any phone that didn’t have her personal encryption software installed, hence the reason why Kara never used her work phone. The Kryptonian for a generic YouTube playlist to stream directly into the living room speakers.
After speed cleaning the penthouse, setting the dining room table, and checking the progress of the stew (it was lukewarm at best), she readied her other dishes for the oven. A slight hiccup with the remaining dishes: each had to be cooked at different temperatures for different lengths of time. Unfortunately, the penthouse only had one oven, but Kara had prepared for this. Her plan was to average out the cooking times of the three dishes and repeat the process for the cooking temperatures. Bubbling with pride at her ingenuity, the blonde put the remaining dishes in the oven.
Her tasks completed; Kara noted she had forty-five minutes before Lena was due to arrive home. She used the time to take a shower, get dressed, and do her hair and make-up. As per usual, she kept her make-up light, save for using a darker shade of red lipstick. She styled her hair in a pompadour-style updo reminiscent of the way she wore during her exposure to Red K. Although she would never admit it to another living soul, she actually liked her wardrobe and style choices while she was infected; her fondness for that awful experience ending there.
Twenty minutes later, Kara exited the bedroom looking (and more importantly) feeling sexy and confident. She spent the next five minutes lighting the candles spread about the penthouse. Sadly, she had to light each candle at human speed; the candles would be blown out if she went any faster.
With twenty minutes left before Lena walked through the door, Kara walked into the kitchen to inspect her still-cooking food. Everything in the oven looked like it was progressing as planned; nothing was burned, smoking, or on fire, a win in Kara’s book. Much to her chagrin, the stew was still undercooked. Starting to panic, the Kryptonian decided to take a risk and use her heat vision to heat the stew to the appropriate temperature. Focusing on the simmering meal, Kara released two narrow, blue beams of heat vision. She had to use the utmost control to ensure she didn’t incinerate the stew (or the crock pot for that matter). She was reminded of all the times Eliza had had her finish cooking the Thanksgiving turkey in a similar fashion. Heating up a turkey was easy in comparison to what was essentially a thick soup; the slightest slip up could result in a boiling cauldron of inedible slop. As she slowly brought the hearty meal to temperature, she could smell a delicious combination of meat, vegetables, and spices. She couldn’t help the beaming, congratulatory smile on her face.
As far as Kara was concerned, she was killing it.
As if the universe had decided that Kara’s cockiness needed to be tempered, the alarm from the smoke detector roared to life causing the hero to lose focus; an intense burst of heat vision blowing the crock pot and its contents throughout the kitchen. Kara screamed as she was covered in thick, viscous brown chunks. The startled hero backed away from the oven and collided with the food prep area; the force of the impact crushing the lip of the marble counter with a loud crunch. Kara spun around to inspect whatever damage she’d done to the counter and in the process smacked the bottle of olive oil she’d used earlier. The oil splashed in all directions; some ending up on the candlelit dining table. The highly flammable oil ignited when it made contact with the candle’s open flame which resulted in bright flames springing to life on the tabletop; increasing its intensity quickly when the cloth napkins turned to kindling.
Seeing the mini-inferno spreading across the tabletop, Kara released a panicked yelp. “No, no, no, no, no, no!” she cried. She swiftly positioned herself near the table and extinguished the flames using her freeze-breath. The force of the artic blast knocked several candles off their perches: some landing on the floor and some on the furniture. Luckily, the candles were extinguished by the same force that knocked them over, but hot, liquified wax splashed onto the carpet and furniture indiscriminately.
With the table fire quelled, Kara turned back towards the kitchen to identify what had set off the smoke detector. The blonde zeroed in on a plume of smoke billowing out of the oven and rushed back into the kitchen. In her panic-driven haste, the Kryptonian ripped the oven door clean off its hinges and carelessly flung it away. The freshly launched door smashed through the glass sliding door and landed with a loud clang when it landed on the balcony.
Kara peered into the now doorless oven. “No!” she bellowed when she saw the soda bread burned to a crisp; thick black smoke rising from its charred corpse. The apple cake was well on its way to becoming charcoal but had yet to transition into a gaseous mess. The Colcannon resembled a Jello mold.
Kara, a crushed look on her stew-stained face, stepped back from the oven and doused the still smoking dishes with a quick burst of freeze-breath. She slowly became aware of the obnoxious shriek continuing to be emitted from the smoke detector. The Kryptonian removed the glass dish containing the Colcannon from the oven and flung it at the detector, smashing both to pieces.
Mercifully, the penthouse fell silent.
“Miss Zor-El, there is an incoming call from building security.” Hope’s soothing but indifferent voice broke the silence.
“Okay,” Kara quietly responded, clearly in a haze.
“Miss Danvers, this is Chet at the security desk. We’re monitoring a smoke detector activation coming from your unit. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just a little accident. Everything’s fine,” the hero flatly responded.
“Another issue with your toaster oven?” the guard said jokingly.
“Something like that.” She let out a shuddering breath at the guard’s playful ribbing, but the joke fell flat as it was just another reminder of her past cooking failures and compounded the gravity of her current situation.
“No worries, Miss Danvers. I’m glad everything’s okay. Please contact us if you need anything. Have a good night.” The guard hung up without a response; not that Kara really cared at this point.
Kara surveyed the penthouse; slowly taking in the scope of the damage. The kitchen counter and dining table both sported large scorch marks; the counter also showed a Kara-size indentation. Chunks of crushed, white marble littered the floor. The front of the oven sported black smoke residue that made a trail up to the ceiling. She turned towards the living room and saw that multiple candles were strewn about the carpet. Their white couch and loveseat bore splashes of now-cooled wax. The shattered sliding door and the severed oven door lying on the balcony floor added the finishing touches to the carnage.
Kara’s eyes filled with tears, but she refused to cry. She turned away from the damage and nonchalantly made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she robotically wiped the brownish, caked-on stew residue off her face with a wet washcloth. Her face clean, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her once well-quaffed hair had wild strands hanging loose, her dress had crusty brown splotches running from top to bottom, and, turning to look at her backside, pieces of plaster and crushed marble covered her ass.
Kara squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head in disbelief. She exited the bathroom without making any other attempts to clean the remaining muck out of her hair or off her dress.
Kara returned to the living room and sat on their wax encrusted couch and the very edge of the cushion, her body ramrod straight.  After a few minutes sitting quietly, the Kryptonian reached under the coffee table and retrieved the blue box containing the bonding bracelet and engagement ring. She set the box on top of the coffee table and longingly gazed at it. She closed her eyes and, as if finally giving permission to break free, a trickle of tears began to slide down her cheeks.
This is how Lena found her when she entered the penthouse.
The CEO mindlessly glimpsed at the mangled penthouse; mere seconds passed before her brain caught up to what she was seeing. “Kara!” She moved quickly to the couch, a look of panic in her eyes. “What happened? Did someone attack you?” Kara gave no indication that she was aware of Lena’s presence, let alone respond to her questions. Lena sat on the edge of the couch next to Kara, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning the seemingly catatonic Kryptonian’s body to face her. Lena closely examined her stunned girlfriend. She focused on the brown stains littering Kara’s dress, going so far as to scrape some of the crusted substance off with her fingernail.
After a brief examination of the unknown substance, a perplexed Lena gently cupped Kara’s cheek and ever so slowly turned the hero to face her. Lena saw a smattering of tears running down her cheeks.  “Darling, what happened?” she asked with all the gentleness she could muster.
A look of pure anguish fell over Kara’s face and the floodgates opened. The hero pulled Lena into an almost too tight hug and buried her face in the CEO’s shoulder; uncontrollable sobs erupted from her. Rage, disappointment, embarrassment, and a litany of other emotions poured out of the blonde as her body was racked with an onslaught of tears. Muffled wails soon followed, the hero’s body quaking with each mournful cry.
On the verge of tears herself, Lena kept her composure as best she could. Her girlfriend needed her to keep her shit together and, although the CEO had no idea what was going on, she intended to support the hero in any way she could. She squeezed the blonde as tight as she could and ran her fingers through her hair, periodically planting chaste kisses on her forehead and softly whispering reassurances that everything would be okay.
After fifteen or so minutes, the Kryptonian’s cries were reduced to shuddered breaths and occasional sniffles. Taking this as a sign the blonde had finally calmed down, Lena decided it was a good time to get to the bottom of her girlfriend’s meltdown. “Are you feeling up to telling me what happened?” Kara’s body briefly stiffened, but the hero nodded into the brunette’s shoulder, nonetheless. She slowly extricated herself from Lena’s embrace and situated herself on the couch so she could properly face her.
Lena took one look at the bloodshot and puffy eyes on Kara’s tear-streaked face and her heart broke. “Oh, my giehrehv-divil, please tell me what happened.” Lena tucked a few strands of wet, matted hair behind the blonde’s ear.
Kara nodded and took a deep, shuddering breath. “I…I tried to plan a…a special evening for us. I ordered a special dress from Matti D and…and…I…was going to make some authentic, Irish food…and…and…so we could have a nice candlelight dinner…and then I was going to put on our favorite playlist…so…so we could dance…and then…and then…I was gonna…gonna give you…” Kara glanced at the blue box on the table and let out a painful, hiccupped whimper. “But everything got ruined!” she said with an angry stutter. “The seamstress destroyed the dress…so I had to put on this…this old rag which I know you like…but it’s four-years-old…and then…and then I broke my phone when they called me, so I didn’t have access to our playlist…” The intensity in Kara’s voice began to increase, as did the intervals between stuttered breaths. “…and…and I tried to cook dinner…but everything burned…and then…the table caught on fire and…and…I broke the counter…and…I ripped the door off the oven and threw it through the sliding door…and the wax on the couch…” Kara choked on a sob. “I wrecked everything!” she howled before crumbling into heaping mess of tears.
Lena deftly pulled the hysterical Kryptonian into her arms and began rocking her. She rubbed small circles on her back and planted more soft kisses on her forehead. The hero didn’t take long to recover but Lena refused to release her. Instead, the CEO slowly moved herself and Kara into a lying position on the couch; Kara readjusting her body so Lena could spoon her. The brunette planted soft kisses behind the Kryptonian’s ear, Kara melting further in her embrace.
The couple stayed cuddled together for an indeterminant amount of time before Lena broke the silence. “Is that for me?” she asked, indicating the blue box.
Kara somberly sighed.  “It was supposed to be.”
“Now I don’t get it?”
Kara scoffed, “I don’t think you’d want it.”
“And why is that?” Lena asked, eyebrow raised inquisitively.
Kara sat up and turned to face the CEO. “Why?” she said incredulously. “Look at me…look at all this.” Kara waved her hand indicating the living room and kitchen. “Lena, I’m a dumpster fire!” the Kryptonian pleaded.
Lena sat up and grabbed ahold of Kara’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Is that really what you think?”
Kara shrugged. “It’s how I see myself sometimes. Especially after I do shit like this,” she said as she motioned towards the kitchen again.
Lena thinned her lips as she carefully considered how to respond to Kara’s unfair assessment of herself. “So, because you see yourself as a dumpster fire, I should reject whatever’s in there.” Lena pointed at the box.
“You would if you knew what was in it,” Kara whispered defeatedly.
Lena chuckled. “Oh, my sweet, sweet, darling. I’m fairly certain I already know what’s in there.” The CEO confidently smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.
Kara gasped, her shoulders slumped, and she looked away; attempting to avoid the certainty in her girlfriend’s gaze.
Lena pulled at Kara’s hand. “Hey, don’t run away.” The Kryptonian turned towards the brunette but refused to make eye contact with her. Lena cupped her chin and gently guided Kara to face her. “I need you to look at me and listen,” Lena said with conviction. “You say you see yourself as a dumpster fire. Do you want to know what I see?” Lena asked rhetorically, not giving the blonde any time to reply. “When I look at you, I see a loving, considerate, romantic, and giving woman who…I don’t know…for the quadrillionth time since I met her, went out of her way to show me just how much she loves me…no one has ever gone to the lengths that you have to make me feel like I’m cherished. Honestly, you could accidently destroy our entire penthouse and I would still love you.”
Lena laid a soft kiss on Kara’s hand. “We’ve been through hell and back to get to where we are. I would be a damn fool if some broken appliances and a few scorched furniture made me question how what we’re trying to build here.”
“But I had this perfect plan…” Kara whispered.
“Darling, I can’t imagine how disappointed you must be, and I’m so sorry all this happened.” Lena squeezed her girlfriend’s hand tighter. “But please understand, I don’t need perfect, Kara. I just need you, imperfections and all…especially the imperfections…they’re what made me fall in love with you in the first place.”
Kara minutely nodded, still not looking convinced. “I just…I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough for you…like…somehow I’m not worthy of your love,” the hero said, averting her eyes.
Lena couldn’t help the astonished gasp escaping her lungs. “Kara. How could you say that? How could you ever think that?” she said with a hint of anger in her voice. The CEO lightly grasped the Kryptonian by the shoulders and made sure she had her attention. With a pained look on her face, Lena calmly said, “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I of all people understand how you can feel like that sometimes. When it came to you, I felt unworthy for years. I thought to myself ‘There’s no way I’m a good enough person to have Kara in my life’.  And don’t even get me started on where my head was at when we started dating. I felt like a fraud. I convinced myself that I didn’t deserve your friendship, let alone your love.”
Lena’s eyes were filling with unshed tears. Kara noticed and mirrored her girlfriend’s painful expression. “But I don’t feel that way anymore, and do you want to know who finally got me out of that spiral?” Lena leaned in to rest her forehead on Kara’s. “You, my giehrehv-divil. You spent years showing me that I not only deserved to be loved by you but loved by our friends and family. You never gave up on me. I spent those same years doubting everything you tried to show me. Until one day, one day I started to believe it. There was no special event or earthshattering circumstance that opened my eyes. I just remember one day I was looking in the mirror and came to the realization that I was good enough, that I was deserving of your love, and that I was worthy of you.”
Both had tears cascading down their cheeks. Kara leaned in and gave Lena the gentlest of kisses, the blonde grinned into her girlfriend’s lips. The couple broke apart and Lena filled Kara’s hands with her own. “And let me tell you something, if that box has in it what I think it does, you, Kara Zor-El, are more than worthy enough to ask me the question that goes with it.”
A light dusting of pink appeared on Kara’s cheeks. “Promise?” she said bashfully.
Lena softly smiled. “Promise.”
Kara slammed the brunette into the arm of the couch with a bone crushing hug; almost knocking the wind out of the surprised billionaire. The Kryptonian ended up atop her girlfriend and buried her face in the crook of her neck. Lena could feel Kara’s smile tickling her skin, the blonde adding a hum of contentment once they were comfortably settled.
After enjoying a few minutes of happily snuggling with her girlfriend, Lena, staring contemplatively at the Kryptonian curled up on her side, brushed her lips against the blonde’s forehead and asked, “Kara, do you know what the odds are that, out of all time and space, the two of us would end up here, on this couch, in each other’s arms?”
Kara thought a moment before mumbling “no” into Lena’s neck.
“Well, in the interest of saving me the trouble of rattling off an obscenely long number, let’s just say a person would be more likely to be randomly struck by lightning...” Lena paused to let her words sink in.
Kara removed herself from Lena’s neck and leveled a raised eyebrow at her; clearly unimpressed. “That’s not a big…”
“…25 times,” Lena interrupted, sporting a mischievous grin. Kara’s eyebrows flew to her hairline, and she let out a low whistle. Lena nodded in agreement. For the first time since she arrived home, Lena was treated to her girlfriend’s trademark, radiant smile. The CEO cupped the Kryptonian’s face and slowly ran the pads of her fingers down the baby soft skin. The brunette’s features softened into a look of adoration and something akin to awe. “I don’t know if it was fate, a cosmic coincidence, or hell, even Rao that brought you to me, but I cherish every moment I get to be with you.”
Kara’s eyes began to well up again. She swiftly captured Lena’s lips with her own, her kiss desperate and hungry. They kissed until Lena had to come up for air. Kara leisurely moved off the brunette and sat up straight. She glanced over at the kitchen and frowned; a frustrated sigh followed. “Well, I guess I better get to cleaning up this mess.” Kara moved to get up but was quickly stopped by Lena’s hand grabbing her wrist.
Lena scoffed, “The hell you are. I didn’t triple the insurance coverage when you moved in for nothing. I’ll have a clean-up crew in here tomorrow to deal with this.” Kara reluctantly nodded in agreement. “No, you and I are going to order some take-out because I’m starving…as are you, I’m sure. While we’re waiting for dinner to be delivered, we’re going to get you out of that dress and into the shower, hopefully we can wash that goulash out of your hair.”
“It’s Irish stew…or it was supposed to be,” Kara said with a hint of embarrassment.
Lena’s face lit up. “Darling, that’s so sweet of you!” She sat up and gave Kara a quick peck on the cheek before continuing, “The food should be here by the time we get out of the shower, so we’ll eat, and then it’s straight to bed so I can show you how much I love you.” Lena seductively bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows. “Multiple times.”
Kara giggled excitedly and rose from the couch. “I’ll go get your phone out of your purse, I have no idea where my work phone ended up and I have no interest in finding it right now.” She had barely taken a step before she felt Lena’s hand grip her wrist again. She looked down at the seated CEO confused.
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Lena said, eyeing her girlfriend with an expectant look.
Kara scanned around the room; not finding anything that needed to be attended to immediately, she asked, “What am I forgetting?”
“Didn’t you have something you wanted to ask me?” Lena motioned towards the blue box on the coffee table.
The Kryptonian followed her girlfriend’s eyeline and when she realized what the brunette was alluding to, a deep blush and a look of shock overtook her features. “Oh…yes…right…okay!” She let out a long breath and shook her arms to loosen them up. Kara took several deep breaths and rolled her shoulders. “I can do this…I can do this,” she not-so-quietly told herself.
While Kara was having a mini-nervous breakdown, Lena sat silently trying her best not to laugh at the Kryptonian’s panic induced calisthenics. The brunette could not hide how much she was enjoying watching the blonde come unraveled.
Appearing to have psyched herself up sufficiently, Kara lifted the box up and cradled it in her hands. She opened her mouth as if to speak but stopped short. The Kryptonian set the box back on the table and began patting at her chest with both hands. Having not found what she was apparently searching for, she slid her hand into the top of her bra and, after digging under the cup for a few seconds, removed her still empty hand. She repeated the process with the other cup, once again coming up empty handed.
“Kara, what are you doing?” Lena said, leveling her girlfriend with a perplexed look.
The Kryptonian smiled sheepishly and held up her index finger. “Ummm, be right back.” She super-speeded out of the living room leaving a bewildered, windswept Lena without answers. Kara reappeared in front of the CEO within seconds, her face reddening and her jaw clenched. “I left my speech at the office,” Kara said through gritted teeth. “I worked on that speech for weeks.”
A small giggle escaped Lena’s lips, but she quickly slapped her hands over her mouth trying to quiet herself.
Kara threw her hands up in defeat, her body completely deflated. “Seems to be the theme this evening. Well, I guess I’m gonna have to wing it!” she said in exasperation. She aggressively swiped the box off the coffee table and unceremoniously plopped down on one knee.
Lena smiled, took Kara’s hand into her own, and lightly kissed it. “Relax, darling. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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scorbleeo · 4 months
TV Series Discussion: Supergirl
Season 6 (2021)
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Source: Google Images
The adventures of Superman's cousin and her own superhero career.
Source: IMDb (2015)
A Bittersweet End
I am going to start this out by saying I had no expectations for Supergirl Season 6. I might have watched all the previous seasons, but I was disappointed with the last or last 2 season(s). Although I adore Supergirl and the Super Friends, the plots were often average. Now thinking back, I can't even name a Supergirl villain that stuck to me.
That being said, this final season of Supergirl was much better than the previous seasons. It got me hooked onto the show and there were times when I was actually emotional. Although the villains were way below mid, the storylines were solid. And the action, I absolutely enjoyed it. Even the character developments were good. As a Supergirl season, season 6 was one of the better ones. As a final season, I believe it could have been better plotted.
Lets start with the villains. I'm not saying Nyxly was a marvellous villain but because of her existence and actions, it created several great storylines, especially the role it played into Kara's self-realisation, then development.
Lex on the other hand, his arc was so weirdly written. The Lex Luthor I was used to disappeared in season 6, for real. Him being in love really ruined his arc, when he could have gone down as one of the show's better villains. But, I like what the writers did with this character. I mean, people have tried to kill Lex, he lived. People have tried to incarcerate Lex, he walked away scott free. Other than the Phantom Zone, I doubt there would be another way to get rid of Lex once and for all.
As for Lillian. I hated her throughout all 6 seasons. I really did not like the idea of her redemption in the end but her redemption meant enlightenment for Lena. For that, I eventually accepted that there was a redemption arc for this infuriating woman. Perhaps, if her redemption was shown gradually through this last season, I might not have disliked the idea as much.
Through the entire season, I enjoyed more than I was bored. I liked more than I disliked. Unfortunately, there was something I seriously wished the writers never wrote down. What happened to William did not need to happen, or at least, not to him. It's not as if William's death meant the whole Super Friends was going on a revenge path, so why bring him back from being shot only to have him go permanently by being shot? He was the one character I constantly wished nothing happened to him since his first appearance...
Moving on to brighter topics, lets talk about Kelly. First thing first, that episode that was Kelly-centric? Wow. It was the first time Azie Tesfai impressed me. The way Tesfai portrayed Kelly in the episode, it was almost like I could feel everything Kelly was experiencing. Then came their wedding scene and I am never one for vows, not a romantic and could care less about wedding vows. However, Kelly's vows to Alex touched my heart. I really don't know if it's the words, Tesfai's acting, or the combination of both. Whatever it is, I finished Supergirl extremely aware of what a magnificent actress Tesfai is.
Next, Nia. Not only did Nia (and Dreamer) grow, Nicole Maines improved so much too. I never disliked Maines nor her character but the acting always felt a little awkward. Usually, I just let it go because if Nia is one awkward girl, Dreamer will be awkward too and thus the awkward acting. This last season proved me wrong because I still see awkward Nia but the acting very obviously improved. Completely off the tangent here but when Nia confronted Maeve? Atta girl! I loved it when Nia told her sister, she will not forgive her but she can give a second chance. That's the way, actually. How do people forgive without seeing how others handle their second chances?
Lastly, Kara's character arc. I have always loved it when Kara showed vulnerability. In this season, she's practically always vulnerable even when she's not actively attacked. It hurts to watch Supergirl lose hope so often but then the way the smallest things brought back some hope to her? Love it. The courage plot was something else too, something I did not see play out the way it did. As much as I loved it, I still don't know how I feel about the season ending with the world finding out Supergirl's identity.
After watching several Arrowverse shows consecutively, Supergirl was a nice end before a break from the Arrowverse TV shows. Although Kara and Mon-El are not endgame, I am still very happy that the finale brought back the old faces.
Rating: ★★★★☆
More Arrowverse here: Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 | The Flash Season 7
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owl-with-a-pen · 2 months
So, I have reached the final episode of season 6 of my Supergirl rewatch and I just have to reiterate: they did Nyxly so dirty.
I still don't understand what they were thinking. Nyxly is the first person to pass the Courage Totem's test, she's inundated with empathy from the Humanity Totem, she's completely open with the Truth Totem and is granted access to the Love Totem by choosing the life of a child over her own quest for power.
So, why did they just bung her back in the Phantom Zone!?
It wasn't a satisfying ending, it wasn't even a character arc - it was a circle! She ended up exactly where she started. Sure, Lex's hubris being his own downfall made sense for him, but him being in the second leg of season 6 at all felt so unnecessary that that wasn't satisfying, either.
Here's how I like to imagine this story arc going, because I'm never going to have the time or energy to do anything with this idea besides writing it down like this:
So, we've got Humanity, Hope, Courage, Dreams, Love, Truth and Destiny. 7 Totems. 7 Super Friends. Say, each Totem was tied specifically to a member of the Super Friends and so we're given an episode per Totem exploring a member of the team and their unique relationship to what that core element represented for them. (They sort of did this in the show but only for a couple of the Totems and they never really committed to it as a theme).
Narratively speaking, the Super Friends are working together to beat the trials, which is exactly what a superhero team should be all about. Together, they represent the best the planet has to offer.
Except, that's not the point of the trials. To gather the AllStone, you have to do it alone. And who's doing it alone? Nyxly. Nyxly bares her soul to these Totems, she gains most of them independently without cheating and the further along she gets into the trials, the more she's able to overcome the very reason for her pain and anger that led her down this path to begin with.
The Super Friends aren't looking for power, that was never their goal, and so of course they aren't playing by the rules to gain it, they're doing it in a way that everyone equally shares a part of the burden and so the effect isn't as intense. For Nyxly, though, by gaining all 7 Totems and going through those associated trials, I like to think that by the end of her arc, she willingly gives up that power.
And maybe that's the whole point of the AllStone. Only someone worthy of power should gain it, and the only people worthy of power are the ones that don't want it. The AllStone isn't meant to be a weapon or even a tool used by an individual, it's supposed to be for the whole world to share. And so the very mechanics of the trial will either fail those corrupted by their thirst for power long before they get a taste, or teach someone the true values of their own humanity by fairly passing every test.
I know the show wanted to go out with a bang and a big-stakes CGI battle with all the trimmings, but Nyxly was never designed as a villain. She was hurt and angry, but that never made her evil. She was a fifth dimensional imp, all she ever did was cause mischief, and so having her face her own reality through the trials would have been a major grounding factor for her.
To have the final villain of the show willingly give up their power not because it was beaten out of them, but simply because they decided to feels right to me. They built up the stakes so high in this season to make Nyxly out as the most powerful villain they'd ever faced -- and so maybe the only way to beat her was for her to decide that the fight was no longer worth fighting.
I dunno, it just would've been nice if the AllStone had actually meant something at the heart of it, and that Nyxly actually had a satisfying end to her story that made sense for her character.
Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fourcolour-ace · 2 years
Supergirl Season 6 Thoughts
This is gonna have finale spoilers, so watch out if you're one of those people who didn't finish the season.
First off, some general, overall stuff: this season was too short. The pacing was off, and too many things happened offscreen. There wasn't enough time for everything to happen in a way that felt good. I particularly felt this with Lena's arc, but basically everything in the second half of the season felt that way.
The fact that a giant cat attack that lasted all of six minutes onscreen was a highlight for me explains a lot about my experience, I think. The best part of the season was the Midvale stuff(not just because I love Peter Sudarso) because it was actually paced okay and felt good. The characters were handled well, even Kenny(i thought he might show up in the present but no) and it actually wrapped up nicely without feeling incomplete.
Everything post Phantom Zone was... eeh. Nyxly was a good character, but I feel maybe for the final season a villain we already knew would have been better. Some people have suggested Brainiac, which I approve of, though one wonders if it would have been the one from the Krypton show. I'm not sure myself, maybe just Lex would have been good, but the fact is that there was no time in the second half of the season. Zero reprieve for characters or viewers. I missed seeing National City as a setting that the characters actually lived in.
Characters who got decent arcs were: Alex, Kelly, and Kara. J'onn was just sort of there, Nia's arc was ???, and don't even get me started on Brainy(he gets his own paragraph later). I do feel like Alex and Kelly's adoption and marriage was a good progression for them. They are very wholesome lesbians, but c'mon y'all this is the CW, the best we'll get is Nia yelling and wanting to murder(very good work Nicole). Not even touching Lena and Kara, they were fine. Just fine. I think Lena needs friends more than anything else. Nia was great this season but her arc was just so not. I mean I get that she wanted her mom, but they just glossed over that in season 5 so it felt really out of nowhere. She just seemed all over the place in season 6. Lena's arc was paced poorly, and while there's nothing wrong with magic, there hasn't been much precedent for it in Supergirl(except maybe in crossovers? idk) so same as above. I have no idea what to say about Kara revealing her identity. I guess she felt it was the right choice, but doesn't she realize what will happen? You've got enemies Kara, and they've already come after your friends, now they'll come after even more of them. I suppose it was meant as a conclusion to her ongoing identity crisis but man, literally anyone who's read the comics knows why superheroes have secret identities, especially the Superfam. This problem could have been solved the way I thought they were going to seasons ago, by having Kara go to the future to join the Legion, but that would have required a very different procession of events, for longer than just season 6. Do I mean KaraDox? Yeah, I guess, but I no longer care at this point. Supergirl is just a little disappointing, in general.
As for how they massacred my boy... Brainy's characterization and arc for the first part of the season were not bad. I feel like they gave up and just made him a joke character, but also tried to keep giving him depth? Most opportunities for deeper exploration were passed over in S6, including his relationship with Nia. They hardly spend any good time together in this season, and I'm expected to believe he said "sprock the timestream" for her? I barely believe it even if I can hear Jesse's voice in my head as I type. His end-of-season arc was just so random and poorly executed. Those sorts of things can only be meaningful if the character goes through with it! But they just said no, he's gonna come back without sacrificing himself actually. I'm also certain it was out of character for him. He'd rather Brainiac 5 die saving his planet, because then he's finally redeemed his family name, and there will be no more Brainiacs(presumably, in this universe). Do you agree, fellow Querl Dox syndrome havers? I think having him go and not come back, and showing him giving up his sense of self to the(so-called) Big Brain would have been a meaningful end for him.
*sigh* I've run out of steam, but this post is long enough. Thanks for reading.
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blackbirdblackbird · 2 years
The first time Kara notices is during sister night.
She forgets exactly what they were talking about. She remembers being on her couch, cuddled up beside Alex. She remembers the dumb Christmas movie they were watching – and rewriting it in her head because the lead obviously had more chemistry with the best friend character. She remembers the topic somehow turning to Lena.
“She’s your… friend.”
And she remembers the lengthy, blatantly obvious pause preceeding the word friend. She wanted to ask about it, but Alex carried on with whatever she was saying, and it slipped out of Kara’s mind.
The next time is at work.
There are a few things Kara is almost always passively listening for. People in distress, calls for Supergirl, the heartbeats of her family and friends, and any mention of Lena’s name.
(Just so she can get ahead of the latest gossip people are spreading about Lena. To hopefully nip it in the bud, or to be ready to be there for Lena when it does blow up. What are friends for, right?)
When she hears Lena’s name and her own, she focuses in on the conversation. Nia is speaking, answering a coworker who apparently just asked her something about Kara and Lena.
“They’re ‘best friends,’” she says, with finger quotes. “Y’know, gal pals.”
The other woman responds with an exaggerated ohhhh. Kara resists the urge to zap her (and Nia too) a little bit with her heat vision. But then a source calls her back, and she gets a new lead for a story she’s working on, and this is forgotten.
Until game night.
They’re gathered at Kara’s, as usual. They haven’t quite started yet, and Kelly realizes they left some of the snacks in the kitchen. She’s about to untangle herself from Alex to get them, when Lena stands.
She’s still laughing at a joke Nia just told, her laughter and brilliant smile bleeding into her words. “Stay! You’re a guest. I’ll get it.”
As Lena leaves, Kelly relaxes back into Alex’s side. The two share a brief look, then Kelly’s eyes linger on Lena and strange little smile grows on her face.
It’s after this that Kara pays attention to everyone, and their interactions with Lena. Throughout the night, she catches all of their friends watching Lena like that at least once or twice. And sometimes, they’ll glance over at Kara only to find her looking back and quickly avert their eyes. One time, when she’s talking to Lena, she catches J’onn in the corner of her eye, staring at Lena intently as if trying to pick up an impression of her surface thoughts.
Five days later, they’re all at Kara’s again.
All except Lena.
“I’ve gathered you here tonight to talk about Lena.” She pauses, and corrects herself. “To talk about how you’re treating Lena.” A collective groan ripples through her audience, but she silences them with a glare. “I know some of her past actions were… not ideal, but she’s part of this team now. Part of this family.”
“Kara – ”
“She helped get me back! She fought Nyxly with us! What more does she need to do to earn your trust?”
“Kara!” Alex tries again, louder, interrupting her impassioned defense of her best friend. “We do trust Lena. We,” she nods towards Kelly, “asked her to be Esme’s godmother, remember?”
“Lena is as much a part of this family as you are, Kara,” J’onn chimes in.
“Then why are you all always watching her and suspicious with her and calling her my ‘friend?’” She punctuates the last one by glaring daggers at Nia, who seems to be trying to stifle a laugh.
“Oh my god, Kara! Do – ” Nia is silenced by a look from Kelly, then Alex speaks up again.
“Okay guys, I think this is something I need to talk to Kara about alone.”
The rest of them murmur in agreement, and start collecting their coats and heading for the door. Kara’s weak protests of “But… Lena!” don’t do much.
Finally, after a lingering hug with Kelly, Alex closes the door, and they’re alone.
“What – ”
Alex holds up her hand. “Can I just ask you a couple questions first?”
Kara nods. They sit at opposite ends of the couch, turned to face each other.
“Why did you do this now?”
“Because I want to know why everyone’s being weird with Lena.”
“No, I mean tonight specifically.”
“Oh, well, Lena is out meeting with some potential big donors for the foundation.”
“Uh huh. And where would she be on a normal night?”
“Here, usually. Unless there’s Superfriends stuff, or she’s visiting Andrea or something. I’ve got her to mostly keep work to actual work hours now.”
“Okay, okay. She’d be here. And what about after she’s done tonight?”
Suddenly, Kara feels put on the spot. Like she’s in a courtroom drama and the opposing lawyer just asked a question they definitely know the answer to and Kara definitely should’ve seen coming.
“She’s coming home?” It comes out like a question not because she’s unsure of Lena’s plans, but she’s suddenly unsure of where these questions are going.
(Or, she does see where they’re going and it’s a place she hasn’t let herself actively think about.)
“Home,” Alex repeats softly, and Kara can just from the look on her face that she’s thinking of her wife and daughter. She’s thinking of her home, with her wife and daughter, but she talking about Kara’s home, with Lena.
And suddenly, just like that, it all comes rushing out. Every stray thought and feel she’s bottled up. All the strange looks and calling them ‘friends.’ Basically everything from the last few months – hell, the last five years. It all comes together and fits into the proper context and she’s feeling approximately every emotion, all at once.
Alex scoots closer, and wraps an arm around Kara. “I know it can be hard taking that step when she already means so much to you. But Kara, I don’t think there’s anything for you to be afraid of.”
Alex leaves just when Lena is coming home. They chat briefly, then Alex is gone and Lena is hanging her coat in its place next to Kara’s. Kara absentmindedly returns her greeting, but remains deep in thought, staring blankly at the window.
She’s almost startled when Lena drops onto the couch beside her. “Hey,” she says, her voice low and a little smile on her lips. “What’s on your mind?”
Kara comes very close to answering you. It’s almost a surprise when she realizes that the way the thought makes her heart pound is less fear and more anticipation. She’s been analyzing and overthinking it all while Alex tried to reassure her. But now, all of that suddenly seems distant and strange and nearly incomprehensible. Another wave of realization, a sense of everything finally fitting into its proper place, comes over her. Now, with Lena in front of her, all she feels is happiness, contentment, and that she is exactly where she belongs.
She also realizes that Lena is looking at her with that little concerned scrunch in her brow. As adorable as it is, Kara just wants to ease her worries. She meets Lena’s gaze, and sees Lena make the subtlest of movements. A flick of her eyes slightly upwards, a little inclination of her head towards Kara. It registers to her then that she still has her glasses on, and returns Lena’s silent communication with the tiniest of nods.
Lena reaches out slowly, letting Kara see clearly what she’s doing. With the lightest touch of her fingertips, she gently lifts the glasses from Kara’s face. Briefly, she pulls back to set them on the coffee table, then settles back even deeper into Kara’s space.
“You okay?” Her voice is quieter still, barely a murmur in her throat. That rush of emotion, the contentment, the belonging, overcomes Kara again. The way Lena, even knowing her power, is so careful, so gentle with her when she thinks Kara needs it almost overwhelms her. This, she finally really, deeply understands is the true connection she’s been looking for. This is Lena seeing, knowing, understanding – and loving – all of Kara.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Her breath hitches as she says it. She knows Lena can see the tears sparkling in her eyes, but knows she can also hear the truth in Kara’s words. Kara takes Lena’s hand, and Lena squeezes back, just enough for Kara to feel. “Alex was just helping me figure something out. Y’know how I said I wanted to connect with someone?”
Lena nods, not daring to speak, as if she too senses what Kara is heading towards.
“I think that connection, that person, has been right in front of me for a long time, and I wasn’t letting myself see them.”
“Who,” Lena asks, “who is it?”
“I think you already know,” Kara whispers in reply.
There’s a sharp, but quiet intake of breath. The look on Lena’s face is the most open, vulnerable Kara has seen her. At once so hopeful and so fragile. “Yeah?” she asks.
Kara nods.
Lena lets out a quite little laugh, so sweet and joyful, as the tears spill out of her eyes. She shifts her hold on Kara’s hand, clasping it in both of hers. She lifts their joined hands and, never looking away from Kara’s eyes, plants a feather-light kiss on Kara’s knuckle.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
Kara and Lena take their time eating their way through the chinese food Kara brings. They do that these days-- lounging, savoring, enjoying. Despite the urgency of Nyxly's threat hanging over them, when it's just the two of them, time softens, slows, until Kara feels like she could float on it like a cloud.
They talk as they eat, laughing and teasing the way they used to. Only this time there's more to it, a substance beneath the camaraderie that wasn't there before. Kara tells herself it's just the new foundation they're building, and the mindfulness with which they're doing it. Because they both know that today could very well have broken them again, fractured the painstaking progress they've made to resume their friendship. If Kara had pressed just a little harder, if Lena had dug her heels in any more, they could have spiralled off again, except here they are, sharing smiles and potstickers.
Eventually, though, as the night deepens, their conversation dwindles to comfortable silence, and Kara watches as Lena's eyes soften with exhaustion, all slow blinks and head tilted against one hand. She looks at Kara with a gentle yet inscrutable gaze, until Kara tilts her own head in response.
"Anything wrong?" she asks quietly.
Lena blinks again, a smile curling her lips. "No. Just tired, I guess."
"No doubt. All that magic today must have taken it's toll."
Lena rolls her eyes, before uncurling from the easy chair and rising to collect the food trash from the small table between them. "I'll clean up, and then head to bed."
"I'll help," Kara offers, taking up the emptied potsticker carton and rice box. Lena offers a smile of gratitude, and together they silently clear the food and trash away. As they work, Kara realizes that she hasn't ever seen Lena leave the Tower before her. She's always stayed late, to study and practice or work on a side project. Seeing Lena's muted movements, liquid with imminent sleep, Kara determines that she'll make sure Lena gets home tonight.
"Can I take you home?" Kara asks, once all traces of their meal has disappeared.
Lena waves off the offer. "I still have some things to do--"
"Lena," Kara delivers flatly. "You're plainly exhausted. You need to rest."
Her answer is a heavy sigh, and in the sound Kara hears a note of resignation. "You're right. I should turn in."
"Good," Kara chirps, reaching for her purse. "Come on, let's go."
Lena blinks. "Oh." She motions over her shoulder. "I'll just use the cribs."
"Why? Is there something you need to monitor? If there is, I'm sure Brainy wouldn't mind keeping an eye on it." Kara watches Lena, studying her. Then it finally clicks. "Lena.... have you been sleeping here?"
Lena's eyebrows lift, lips parting as she scrambles for an excuse, but finds none. Kara gives her a stern look, then thrusts one arm towards her, reaching for Lena's hand.
"That's it. Come on. You're going home." But Lena hesitates. Kara frowns. "What's wrong?"
Wringing her hands together in front of her, Lena shrugs. "I have been staying here. At first it was to get you back, but now, well...."
"Well, what?"
"I just don't think it's a good idea to stay anywhere Lex knows the address to."
Kara freezes. She blinks, then mentally kicks herself for not seeing it sooner. Of course Lex wouldn't take kindly to Lena leaving, let alone working with Supergirl and her friends. Lena was right to be cautious, but... she also deserves a better home than the Tower.
After a moment, Kara extends her hand again, this time softening the gesture into a grabby hand.
"Come on," she beckons. "You're coming home with me."
"Oh, Kara, no, that's not necessary, really--"
"Yes it is," Kara counters lightly. "If you stay here you're going to work, and then I'll be up all night worrying about you working, and we can't have Supergirl being too tired to fly, can we?"
Lena smiles quietly, her eyes twinkling in the low lamplight. "No, I suppose we can't."
"Darn tootin'." She beckons again, grasping at air until Lena's hand settles into her palm. They walk into the elevator hand in hand, and if their hands continue to hold hands as the doors close, well-- Kara's not going to complain.
Back at her apartment, Kara reluctantly detaches herself from Lena to paw through her dresser drawers to find something comfortable for Lena to change into. When she returns to the living room armed with an old NCU t- shirt and a pair of gym shorts, she finds Lena removing the back cushions of the couch, stacking them in a tidy pile to one side.
"Whaaaaaat are you doing?" Kara asks. "You're not sleeping out here."
"I'm not going to impose on you any further than I already am," Lena returns simply. "The couch is perfectly comfortable."
"For dozing during movies, maybe, but not post-witchcraft zonkouts." Kara rolls her eyes. "You're not sleeping on the couch."
There's something heavy in Lena's tone, a weight that smacks Kara between the eyes. She'd never considered that Lena may not want to share the bed with her, after... well, after.
"I'll take the couch," Kara says quickly, ducking her head. A lump rises to her throat, thick and sudden, even as she scrunches into a thin smile. "I usually end up sleep floating anyway, so..."
"You're not surfing the couch in your own home," Lena scoffs.
"I mean, I just thought we'd share the bed, like we used to, but if you don't feel comfortable, then I am taking the couch. You're my guest," Kara reminds her, as though that trumps everything. Which it does, obviously. But Lena's features soften.
"Oh... what?"
Lena swallows audibly, and this time it's her turn to tuck her chin, hiding her eyes behind the long hair that falls in front her face.
"I just assumed... I didn't want to presume that we were... there. Yet." Lena's voice starts and stops, uncharacteristically stilted. When she reaches up to tuck her hair behind her ear, her fingers tremble.
Kara takes a deep breath to steady herself. "I'm okay with it. I mean, if you are."
Finally looking up, Lena offers a hesitant smile. "Okay."
When they've both washed up and brushed their teeth, Kara is the first to climb under the covers, shuffling to the far side of the mattress to take her usual spot. When Lena emerges from the bathroom, she grins at the sight, and Kara can't help but grin back as she lifts the covers in invitation.
Lena takes her up on it, getting comfortable on her right side so that she faces Kara. Looking into each other's eyes, neither of them can give voice to the intimacy of it, of suddenly being closer than they've been in over a year. It used to be a regular occurrence, but now the air they share is charged with a new electricity that steals Kara's breath away.
"Thank you," Lena says finally. "For letting me stay."
"You're welcome," Kara says breathlessly.
"And I don't just mean tonight. I mean... thank you for letting me stay in your life, after everything that happened. I wouldn't have blamed you, if you hadn't--"
"Hey." Kara fishes around in the sheets until she finds Lena's hand, and holds it tight. "There was never a moment I didn't want you in my life. Never."
"We both made mistakes. I'm just grateful you were able to forgive me for mine."
Kara holds Lena's gaze, willing her to understand. Understand how even in her darkest moments during the last year, she only ever ached for Lena, mourning her absence. Lena nods, furtively wiping her eyes with the edge of the bedsheet.
"I missed you," Lena breathes, sniffling slightly.
Kara smiles. "I missed you too."
The next morning, Kara wakes to face full of dark hair. Lena's turned away in her sleep, but Kara can see from the rise and fall of her ribs that she's still deep asleep. Reaching up, she brushes the hair out of her face. Sleepily, she rolls the soft strands between her fingers. She can smell the fragrance of Lena's shampoo-- something light and unmistakeably floral.
Behind it all she hears the steady thud of Lena's heart beat, and in that moment, Kara is utterly at peace. Smiling softly, she presses her face deeper into the pillow and closes her eyes, fingers still burrowed in Lena's hair.
The world can wait just a few more minutes.
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frenchpuppycormier · 3 years
Tumblr media
“There’s something I need to tell you,” Kara bounces her leg up and down, uneasiness settling into her bones. She’s the girl of steel but whenever she’s around Lena her limbs become jelly. She chuckles lightly, “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”
Lena steadily places her hand on Kara’s knee and squeezes, effectively pausing its activeness. “Kara, whatever it is, it’ll be alright. I’m here for you. Always.”
Kara gives her a shy smile and ducks her head out of embarrassment. Lena loosens her hold but before she retracts her hand completely, Kara holds it in place. She curls her fingers around Lena’s and neither of them speak for a moment, relishing in the peacefulness that comes with being near each other.
Eventually, Lena breaks the spell and quietly asks, “Kara?”
“Right, sorry,” Kara flushes a deep red.
Lena flips her hand over and laces their fingers together, squeezing three times to let her know she’s listening.
“So, has anyone told you about Mxy yet?”
Lena shakes her head. “No, but I’m guessing he has something to do with this Nyxly person?”
“Yeah, they uh—they have a past. A rough one, I guess you could say,” Kara shakes her head. “But um, they’re from the 5th dimension, they have magic, and I sort of have a past with Mxy.”
“What?” Lena’s eyebrows furrow.
“It’s not what you think,” Kara explains quickly, internally gagging with what she thinks Lena is probably assuming. “When you and I were….not on speaking terms, he sort of offered me a deal.”
“What kind of deal?”
“He showed up at my apartment blathering on about how he couldn’t use his powers anymore unless it was to help those he had wronged.”
“And let me guess: you were one of those people.”
“Correct,” Kara rolls her eyes. And so she tells Lena all about the opportunity for a do-over. A chance to tell Lena about her secret identity before she actually did, and unfortunately the implications that followed each time. While Kara talks, Lena listens intently, casually stroking her thumb along their connected hands, her expressions that of complete understanding and her overall presence acting as a balm to soothe Kara’s worries.
“Wow,” Lena breathes as soon as Kara’s finished. “You really did all that for me?”
Kara nods solemnly. “But as you now know, each time I told you my secret, nothing ever went right. Someone always got hurt or worse. Once I realized nothing was working, I thought maybe you would’ve been better off not having known me at all,” she swallows thickly and hangs her head, drops of salty tears falling onto her lap. “That version was almost the worst of all.”
Lena pulls their connected hands closer and holds them in her lap. “I’m sorry, Kara…”
Kara sniffles, “No, it’s fine. Because no matter how awfully terrible all those scenarios were, none of them can hold a candle to this one.” She faces Lena with clear adoration written on her face. “Lena, you’re still here. I still have you. I’d go through all of it again because at least it means you’re alive.”
“Me too,” Lena replies with tears pooling in her eyes. She wipes them away and to hide her pain she smirks and says, “But hey, at least I got to die in your arms.”
“Lena!” Kara cries. “Don’t joke about that!”
“I’m sorry,” she laughs. “I had to lighten the mood.”
They giggle with each other for a moment, their eyes locked the whole time. As their laughter dies down, Kara grows serious. “I figured you’d want to know about the man we’re trying to save. The one who thought to help save…us…”
“I can’t wait to meet him,” Lena smiles.
“Oh, he’ll love you,” Kara teases. She traces over every inch of Lena’s face with her eyes and delicate precision, and thinks now’s the time to bite the bullet. “But not as much as I do.”
Lena’s breath hitches in her throat.
“I love you, Lena,” Kara brings their hands up to her lips and kisses the back of her hand. “So much. It kind of snuck up on me recently, and I realized how much my life revolves around you. I feel complete when I’m with you and everything is just so much warmer. You’re my home, Lena.”
Lena stays silent, her eyes cast downward and she’s frozen, almost like she’s in a daze. Kara thinks she’s made a huge mistake. “Lena, I know I probably just created a whole new slew of problems by admitting that, but I just needed to tell you and I understand—
“—Kara, look,” she nods at the totem in Kara’s other hand. “It’s glowing.”
Kara gasps, “Courage…” They smile at each other in tandem disbelief. Kara clears her throat and stands up quickly mumbling, “Uh…we—we should go tell the others.”
“Wait,” Lena grabs her hand as she turns to leave. Kara looks down at her in question and watches in awe as she rises in front of her, until they’re eye to eye. Lena’s twinkle with unshed tears and her gaze drops to Kara’s lips. “Don’t go get,” she breathes.
Kara shakily brings her free hand and cups Lena’s cheek, her fingers getting tangled in wavy hair. “Lena—
Her voice gracefully (and gratefully, she thinks) becomes muffled by Lena’s lips on hers. It’s a short and sweet kiss, but tender and full with promises of more to come. Lena pulls away just enough to rest her forehead on Kara’s, their noses brushing. “I love you, too. Just thought I’d let you know before you go rushing off as you’re wont to do,” she teases.
Kara giggles helplessly and whispers, “I can’t help it. I just get too excited sometimes.”
“I know. That’s one of the reasons I find you so endearing,” she quickly presses another kiss to her lips and smirks at Kara’s blushing. Lena slowly backs away and turns to leave, an extra sway to her hips. She takes a few steps, but frowns when she doesn’t hear footsteps behind her. Turning around with a smile thrown over her shoulder she asks, “You coming, Kara?”
Kara’s mouth is slightly hanging open, but she shakes herself out of her stupor, and nods. With a sly grin on her face, she skips over to Lena and says, “Race ya,” before quickly kissing her on the cheek and superspeeding out of the room.
“Not fair!” Lena yells. She chuckles to herself and smiles the whole way to their friends.
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aphantacanta · 3 years
A day or so after being reunited with Mon-El and Winn, someone pulls her aside.
Kara looks at them, flabbergasted to see...herself? But in different...odd looking clothes? She can't be certain...but this version of herself looks older somehow. In the eyes.
"Who...what...huh?" she says eloquently.
"Listen very carefully to me. When the time comes, make a different decision."
"What do you mean?" sputters Kara. "What decision?"
"You'll know it when it's here."
"How am I supposed to make a different decision if I don't know what the original one was?"
Future Kara huffs in annoyance. "Whatever your gut instinct is....go with that. Don't overanalyze."
Kara just stares at her, mouth still agape.
FK mutters, "Did I always look that stupid?"
"Hey!" protests Kara. "Don't be a jerk!"
FK rolls her eyes and then stiffens suddenly when a familiar presence makes itself known. She superspeeds away before Lena sets eyes on her rude doppleganger.
"Were you just talking to yourself?" asks a slightly bemused Lena.
Kara chokes on nothing, laughs awkwardly.
Lena looks at her curiously, waits for a response. When she doesn't get one she says, "I can't imagine what it's like seeing Mon-El again. Must be quite the experience, reunited with an old flame...from the future."
"Yeah, yeah," responds Kara, distracted. "It's weird for sure." What the heck did her doppleganger mean??
"Well, I just wanted to let you know that I've finally perfected the spell, so we should have a good chance of dealing with my brother and Nyxly next we meet."
"That's great, Lena," says Kara, barely paying attention.
Lena makes a brief affronted look, then sighs. She turns to leave, and finally Kara snaps out of it, reaches out a hand and pulls her back.
"Sorry!" apologizes Kara. "I've just got a lot on my mind."
"Well, you know I'm always here to talk things through."
"Yes, I know," says Kara with a small grateful smile. "You've been my rock lately. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Lena returns the smile and they stare at one another for so long and so intensely that Kara just barely hears the disembodied groan.
She blinks back to awareness just in time to see a figure disappearing out the tower window. Kara hastily excuses herself and chases after her doppleganger.
"Why are you here?! Why are you spying on me?!"
FK comes to an abrupt halt which was probably a good thing because Kara could barely keep up. Apparently she gets even faster in the future.
FK flicks her on the forehead, the force of which would've instantly killed the strongest human.
"Ow! Why did you do THAT?!"
"Considering you're the youngest ever member of the science guild, you're an absolute moron!" responds FK, agitated. "Can't even see what's right in front of you!"
"All I see is an obnoxious bully!" retorts Kara. "I can't believe you're what I become!"
FK grinds her teeth hard enough to crush steel. "You're the reason I become like this. Because you're so blind and stupid."
"If I'm so blind, then help guide me a bit more! Tell me what you want me to do!"
"I can't," snaps FK. "You have to figure it out on your own. I'm just praying you get it right this time."
"Get what right?!"
Rather than answer, FK just takes off again.
Irritated beyond belief, she nevertheless heads back to the tower.
Lena raises an eyebrow at her louder than normal clomp onto the balcony. "Everything okay?"
"Just peachy," complains Kara, crossing her arms and pouting.
Lena eyes her for a long moment, then opens her arms, a clear invitation.
Kara gratefully accepts the embrace, sinking into it enough to almost knock Lena off her feet.
"You sure you don't want to talk about it?"
"Oh I do," she sulks. "But I'm pretty sure I'm forbidden."
"By whom?" queries Lena, who has now begun to stroke her back softly. Kara almost moans at the contact.
"Just a badly dressed interloper."
"Hey!" exclaims the disembodied voice again.
Kara smirks to herself and sighs in content, practically oozing into Lena, becoming one. She really was an amazing friend. The best she ever had. And they had been so in tune lately, it was almost like they had developed a psychic connection. She really did love her best friend. She knew Lena knew that. There was no need for words.
Suddenly she's struck by a terrible idea. She pulls away from a very confused Lena and shoots out of the tower once more.
"I wanna talk again!"
"You know you don't have to yell," says FK appearing shortly after.
Kara grabs FK by the collar of her new and frankly stupid looking supersuit and pins her with a serious look.
"What happens to Lena?"
FK stares back, unblinking. "What do you mean, what happens?"
"Is she...is she going to...die?" she gulps in a near whisper, just the thought of which nearly makes her cry.
"She's human. Of course she's going to die."
"I mean...right now. Here today. Is she going to die?" asks Kara with more force.
"You know I can't answer that question."
"Yes, you can!"
She shakes FK roughly.
"Hey, watch it! This suit is brand new!"
"Just tell me what I want to know!"
FK eyes her impassively. "Don't you think it's curious that you asked about Lena, but not about the rest of your family? Don't you think it's curious how you're always thinking about her, that she's always the first and last thing you think of before you go to sleep?"
"She's my best friend, of cour-"
FK growls like a dog and flicks her in the forehead again. Instinctively Kara lets go, rubs the area.
"You are seriously the stupidest person I've ever met! And I once saved Donald Trump!"
Before Kara can retort to that whooper, there's a lovely voice in her ear telling her to come back to the tower. Apparently it was go time.
Just before they head off to deal with Lex and Nyxly, Kara pulls Lena aside. "Whatever happens, stay close to me."
"I'm touched by the sentiment, Kara, but if anyone is doing the protecting today, it's going to be me."
Lena looks so confident and fired up...and Kara desperately wants to do something...but she can't figure out what. She settles for squeezing Lena's shoulder and then picking her up and heading into the fray.
"Make the right choice," says the disembodied voice again. "Listen to your gut."
The entire battle Kara is anxious that something is going to happen to Lena, to all of her family, but then miraculously, they all escape unscathed.
With Lex and Nyxly defeated, they head back to the tower, and a makeshift wedding ensues, a necessity after the first one was crashed and ruined.
Brainy officiates and finally, FINALLY, her sister officially gets the family she's always wanted. Naturally she starts crying tears of joy. Naturally she hugs Lena tight. Naturally she pulls back and stares at her for a heated moment, running her hands down her arms.
Music starts playing and Mon-El approaches, holds out his hand. "Care to dance?"
Kara looks over, studies his hand, then looks back to Lena's, which she's just realized, she's now holding.
This couldn't possibly be the pivotal moment FK was talking about, right? Something so mundane as holding her best friends hand and contemplating one dance with her ex, couldn't possibly have far reaching, disastrous consequences, right?? But what if she's wrong and messes everything up?? What if she turns into that rude, unhelpful asshole??
Don't overanalyze. Listen to your gut.
Calmness washes over her frazzled mind and just like that she knows what to do.
"Actually," says Kara, looking into Lena's eyes, "I think we're going to dance now."
Lena looks shell shocked by this pronouncement, heart pounding.
When the disembodied voice yells, "fucking finally!" somewhere in the distance, Kara grins and tugs Lena to the dance floor.
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trampohlena · 3 years
It’s going to be so bittersweet when Supergirl ends. Bitter because it was my favorite show and had an amazing start with such an incredible cast; but sweet because of the plethora of nonsensical writing and missed opportunities it has turned into (and having this cringefest end will be such a relief).
I know so many people have said this before but WHY bring Lex back? WHY give him a convoluted story line? And WHY have it be about loving Nyxly? Our own hero, the TITULAR character of the show, the one we’ve grown to know and love can’t even get the self exploration and character development (in love) that both these egomaniacal villains get?? I genuinely don’t understand the choices the writers have made and continue to make.
I have so many questions that I know will remain unanswered. What happened to this current timeline’s Lex? Where is he? Is he detained? Was he sent to the future? How the FUCK could Nyxly have acquired the all-stone incorrectly which resulted in her death (as Lex insinuated)? If so that would mean that Lex and Nyxly would HAVE to have met during the acquisition of all the totems aka NOW in the PRESENT TIME! Unless once you obtain all the totems it takes a year to activate the all-stone which is just hilarious and so fucking stupid that it wouldn’t be an immediate transmutation of energy and power? It literally makes no fucking sense. The only option I can think of that would explain away this horrendous writing choice is that Nyxly (in the future) becomes a disembodied voice after dying and her consciousness either inhabits an object or the all-stone itself? But then that would mean that Lex would have to find said object or obtain the all-stone which would give him unlimited power and he could bring this imp-bitch back in corporeal form with the snap of his fingers. Right?? I’m so lost.
Supergirl is so plot driven and I understand that it’s an action-centric show about a hero with powers but like...I want to know everything about Kara and her journey in life through character development NOT PLOT! Especially when the plot has more holes than Swiss cheese that if you think about it too much the fabric of reality will surely unravel itself.
The only saving grace of the episode was the adorable Dansen double proposal. Very gay and very welcome!! And Esme being a part in all of it? Too fuckin’ cute! This is the content we thirst for.
And Supercorp?? All the romantic framing, sweet conversations, little glances and smiles, becoming more tactile...JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN ALREADY! I’m so sick of waiting. I really do think they are going to make Supercorp canon, I truly do believe that (because if not, everyone involved in the decision making process is an actual fucking tone-deaf, blind as can be, useless doorknob). But what bothers me is that if they do this we as a long-standing audience will NOT get to see it play out and evolve as it should. They’re totally gonna Korrasami us and it’s just honestly not good enough. It’s not. It would be a really easy and shitty way to get the fandom off their backs by nodding/alluding to a relationship that has been so concretely established via subtext and the actor’s choices...but we want to SEE it, not just allude to it.
I want to see Alex telling Kara that while she was in the Phantom Zone and they had to make the tough decision to use the recording crystal to defeat the phantoms and save National City (losing their only link to finding Kara) that Lena couldn’t do it. I want to see Kara confronting Lena and asking her why she would do such a thing. I want to see moments between them where maybe they’re a little awkward around each other because they both realize that maybe the other one has feelings for them? Like if my best friend went against my wishes and was willing to sacrifice the city and possibly the entire world just because she can’t live without me I would think she’s a little...💅. (I don’t know the lesbian emoji equivalent, sorry. Is there an emoji of a hand with trimmed nails and a thumb ring that I’m unaware of?).
I want to see them sitting a bit too close on the couch in the tower, only to shift away slightly when someone else enters the room. I want to see them make dinner plans with each other only to be left questioning if it is indeed “just dinner” and not something more. I want to see Kara going to Alex for advice and trying to be subtle about why specifically she thinks her big sister would understand. After all, why not go to your best friend for advice rather than your sister who has her own shit going on? I want to see Kara confide in Lena about her trauma from the PZ. I want to actually hear about the fear visions that Kara herself endured during her stay in the PZ and not just her seeing the stupid fucking phantoms (All the superfiends have seen the phantoms and we as an audience have all seen their individual fear visions so why THE FUCK have we yet to see any of Kara’s?!). I want to see Lena getting up to leave after having such an emotional and cathartic conversation with her best friend, only for Kara to grab her by the wrist and ask her if she would stay. I want to see them get ready for bed and ask which side of the bed they want. I want to see both of them unable to sleep because they’re both overthinking, wondering if it would be inappropriate to reach out and cuddle each other. I want to see them wake up together, limbs tangled with questioning eyes only to be interrupted by a Supergirl emergency or Alex knocking on Kara’s door to check in on her and then Alex commenting curiously on their little sleepover.
I want to see the stakes at an all time high. I want to see Lena willingly sacrifice herself to save Kara in the final battle to defeat Lex and Nyxly. I want to see the look on Lex’s face when he watches the fully-powered kryptonite blast he sent Supergirl shoot Lena in the chest instead. I want to see Lena collapse into Kara’s arms as they fall to the ground. I want to hear Kara’s agonizing scream as she realizes what has just happened. I want to see Lex reload his fucking kryptonite canon and point it at Supergirl only to see that Supergirl has her back turned to him (giving him a clear shot and making it too easy) simply because she is hunched over his sister and crying into her chest with such anguish that only a lover could feel. I want to see the recognition in his eyes when he finally understands that Lena was NEVER a Luthor and never will be because she loves too strongly and that that love is reciprocated.
I want to see, against all odds, Lena surviving and waking up in the tower’s medical bay to a hovering Kara. I want to see Kara cry, and yell, and scream at Lena for doing such a stupid, stupid thing. I want to see Lena pull Kara’s tear-streaked face into her own, resting their foreheads together. I want to see her wipe away Kara’s tears and whisper apologies. I want to see Kara’s grip on Lena’s wrists tighten as she breathes the witch in and say “I can’t lose you. If I lose you, I lose everything. Don’t you understand that?” And I want to hear Lena say in return, “You won’t, baby. I promise you, you won’t.” And I want to see them both finally surrender to the one thing they have both wanted since they first met, a kiss between soulmates.
Is that so fucking hard? Is that genuinely asking too fucking much? Also by the way HUGE missed opportunity this episode, so glaringly atrocious I don’t know why they thought it was even okay...not using/playing the song “I Belive in a Thing Called Love” by The Darkness?? Are they fucking joking? It’s the literal title of the fucking episode. You’re telling me they couldn’t play it at the end during the engagement celebration and have everyone enjoying themselves and maybe dancing and Lena and Kara dancing goofily with each other or in the very least standing close and sharing a knowing look as the lyrics “I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rythym of my heart. There’s a chance we can make it now” playing them out as they’re looking at each other with heart-eyes? Get the fuck out of here CW. What does that stand for anyway? Can’t Write?
Jk but also seriously, what the fuck?
An exhausted fan.
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korra-the-red-lion · 2 years
Supergirl 6x20: Kara.
Here it is. The final episode of Supergirl ever. I’m saying this right now, I cried. Supergirl has been my comfort show for a long time now. When my sister, my best friend, left for Japan for a year, I was really heartbroken. Then I found this show with two sisters who were best friends, and I just instantly felt connected to Kara and Alex. The show was never perfect, and never really live up to the potential it had, but that’s okay. I’m okay with this show the way it is. Kara got me through some really tough times. I love Supergirl. On to the review/recap. As always, SPOILERS AHEAD.
Episode starts with Kara sharing her realization with the team. She just needs to share a Hope Speech(tm). DUH. It’s Supergirl, she has to save the day with this.
A nice little nod to the comics that Brainy had his Legion Crown. I enjoyed this Easter egg.
Oh, Lillian died. She gave Lena a really wonderful speech about how much she loved her and how it was time for Lena to move on from the Luthor name. I’m going to miss this woman, she was great. And Katie just kills this scene.
Kara, Lena, and Brainy get ready to transmit the speech. The whole world is in Black and Grey at this point, and slowly colour returns to the show as people listen to Kara’s words. She empowers them to do their best, to be their best. Supergirl herself inspired little girls everywhere around the world, so I loved this moment for personal reasons.
Kara’s speech works, because of course it does, and the villains are depowered. Time for the Superfriends to get to work. They show up looking pretty badass and Lex and Nyxly realize they’re outnumbered, so they summon previous baddies of the show including Red Tornado, Overgirl, Dream Monster, Imp Dragon, and so on. I thought it was a cool call back to previous seasons. The only reason why Reign wasn’t there is because she was too powerful and Kara couldn’t beat her on her own haha.
But it’s okay, because the Superfriends have back up too! Mon-El, James, Winn, and ELIZA? YES OKAY. Mon-El helps Kara with Lex and Overgirl. Kelly and James share an amazing sibling moment to defeat the Kyrptonite robot whose name I can’t remember, starts with M. Nia gets an assist from Eliza and her SHOT GUN? QUEEEEN. Not to mention I loved the callback to her being the first Supergirl. I really liked the whole action sequence, truthfully.
Lex decides the best way to defeat Supergirl and co. is to reopen the Phantom Zone. Nyxly clearly thinks this is a horrible idea and wants no part of it, with good reason. Just when things are looking grim, the people of National City come to stand with their heroes, completely forgiving Kara for earlier haha. The plan backfires on Lex and Nyxly and they end up getting taken into the Phantom Zone.
I have to say, this was a anticlimactic way to end the battle lol. And while I think it’s appropriate for Lex to end up there, I don’t think Nyxly should have gone back. She was a really sympathetic villain, a woman who got dealt a bad hand in life. I thought they were going to have Kara let her go back in the end, explain to her that just because bad things happened to her doesn’t make her a bad person. But oh well. I personally would have had Kara give her a second chance.
This all happens before the first 14 minutes of the show lol.
On to William’s funeral. Listen, this death is still pointless. All you had to do was send this guy back to London. Nope, they killed him for shock value. The whole thing lasted 30 seconds. Jeez.
J’onn is happy to announce that the DEO is allowed to return if they want. Alex isn’t keen on it at first, but Kara explains that they can rebuild the DEO the right way. You know Kelly is just happy that Alex is getting a job again lol. That apartment can’t be cheap.
There is a montage of all the good that the Superfriends do because they’re empowering people. I really liked it.
The Legion is returning to the future and let me tell ya, it’s a little weird. Alex obviously wants Winn at the wedding, that makes sense. But Mon-El’s goodbye felt a little mean. Kara asks him if he’s coming to the wedding, he says no. “I don’t think I’ll ever be back in this timeline.” Like okay? Bye Kara, I’m at your friend’s funeral and I’m not coming to your sister’s wedding. BYE. I don’t know, it felt weird to bring him back just for that.
Brainia has a beatiful goodbye that will make you ugly cry. When Brainy says “I’ll see you in my dreams” and “goodbye Nia Nal” with the voice crack, IT HURT. It’s so well done.
Kara is feeling a little lost without a job or without people really needing Supergirl. She’s supposed to be doing the flower arrangments for the wedding but she’s just feeling lost. Then she gets a phone call...FROM CAT GRANT! YES, YES. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS YES.
Ahem. So Cat tells “Kira” (I can’t even explain how hearing Cat call her this again brings me joy) that she’s bought CatCo and Kara is the new editor-in-chief. I’m sobbing. 
Alex tells Kara she needs to the job. Kara is feeling so lost, without Supergirl and without her job. The Danvers sisters have their last ever couch conversation and I’m sobbing. I can’t believe it’s coming to an end. The conversation doesn’t do much sway Kara unfortunately.
BRB Eliza is making me ugly cry. Her conversation with Alex is everything.
BRB James is making me ugly cry. James and Kelly have a lovely conversation about how proud of each other they are, and that their father would be proud of them too. James gives Kelly a watch to call him whenever. If you watched the CW broadcast, you missed a sweet scene of James telling Kelly not to tell their mom about the watch because otherwise they’ll be over for dinner every night haha.
Brainy is BACK. YES. He says “sprock the future” because he would rather be with Nia. The future is always changing. I’m so glad that they got to stay together.
Kara and Winn singing together is wonderful.
J’onn officiating the wedding is amazing. Also him walking Alex down the aisle? Yes. His speech about Alex is so lovely. I cried (this happens a lot). J’onn may have lost his daughters, but he got two more.
The vows are just everything. The acting is just perfect. If you didn’t like the Dansen wedding, you’re the problem. It’s just perfection. I can’t believe we got this beautiful wedding from the Supergirl team. They may have messed up a lot of things, but this was not one of them. I want this on repeat forever.
Okay, I’m so happy they mentioned M’gann, even though she should have been there. And they’re having a son! Yay!
James and Esme had a lovely scene together. He gave her a camera after she gave him a birdhouse she made. I hate that they cut this moment because it was really sweet. A great bonding moment.
Alex and Kelly ask Lena to be Esme’s godmother, and it’s awesome. Lena is so excited to be a full member of the family (until her and Kara get married of course). I think it’s such a sweet moment to show how close they’ve all grown to one another.
The Original Superfriends sitting at the table remembering the good old days was so nice. I like that Supergirl separated itself from Arrow and Flash by doing this. Kara didn’t hide her identity from them at all. Which is part of why the Lena thing is a whole conversation but anyway. I missed them together and I’m glad we got one last chat between the three before the end.
Cat calls Kara and wants to know why Kara hasn’t signed the contract. When Kara has a hard time explaining herself to Cat, she finally just calls her out “Why? Because you’re Supergirl? La dee la.” Love it. This scene was 6 years in the making and it’s worth it. Cat tells Kara she needs to stop being two people and she needs to be one person. One spectacular person. She tells Kara she believes in her, always has. Anyway, not only am I crying through my tears, it just feels so good to come full circle.
Nia cheats haha, but I don’t care because they’re getting MARRIED. Brainia forever.
Ah yes, the totally platonic friendship conversation between Lena and Kara. Okay, despite my salt this was a beautiful scene. You have to watch either the Showcase broadcast or go watch the full episode on the CW now because there’s nearly a minute, if not more, worth of scene cut here. Kara and Lena have one last major heart to heart and Lena finally convinces Kara to just be Kara. She doesn’t need to hide because she has people who love her who will can can protect themselves. Kara finally, after weeks of anxiety over this, loses it and sobs. Kara and Lena embrace one last time, saying that they pushed each other to be the best version of themselves. I’m a bias Supercorp shipper, but this conversation is so romantic I can’t even comprehend it. It’s amazing. A lovely moment.
The way I sobbed when Kara put down the glasses and walked away from them.
The show ends with Game Night, with Landslide playing in the background. Slowly we pan away from the game and hear Cat discussing her new interview with Kara, both Supergirl and Editor-in-chief. The last shot ever is one of a smiling Kara, who finally is done fighting herself and embraces who she is. It’s a beautiful way to end the series. Kara has always struggled to balance her two lives, but seeing her this way, seeing her ready to stop hiding, it wonderful. I’m actually crying writing this because the ending just feels really well earned.
Supergirl was never perfect. There are a lot of things that they did wrong. But this finale? It was what I needed it to be, in a way. Everyone got a happy ending. I’m upset yet unsurprised that Supercorp wasn’t made into the official endgame. The queerbaiting done by the CW is inexcusable. And who knows whose fault it is. The writers? The showrunners? The executives? I doubt we’ll ever know. But we got a happy ending. We got Kara staying on Earth, with her family, being happy. Dansen got their happy ending. Lena got a happy ending. Brainia got a happy ending. J’onn got a happy ending. With finales in the last few years choosing not to give people that, it was a worry of mine that Kara wouldn’t get hers. But Supergirl was always about hope, and that’s what the ending gives me. It gives me hope. Supergirl inspired so many young girls and women. We may not have gotten Batwoman and Stargirl without her, or Naomi. I’m proud to say I’m a Supergirl fan. I’m glad I got to see how this show ended. I’m sad to see her go, I really am. And I’m sure I’ll share some more thoughts on this later, but for now, I’m so glad that we got the happy ending.
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I Believe In A Thing Called Love
woot! had to watch this one over a horrid wifi connection so i may have missed a few things:
- something something love totem. something something exposition. something something that doesn’t sound logical but we’re going with it because who really cares at this point?
- william is part of the mission briefing why?
- also lena has suddenly graduated from avoiding magic like the plague last week to creating a decoy love totem this week?
- also also. if lena's magic is strong enough to mimic 5th dimensional energy of the totems and if the dream totem alone is enough to make nyxly unstoppable and nia can wield dream energy, why are the super friends getting their asses kicked by a very human lex?
- everyone’s reactions to kara quitting were pretty benign. especially lena and alex
- kelly and lena’s little side hug is such a small thing but i shrieked! show us their friendship dammit!
- i feel robbed of that brainy, nia, kelly, lena scene
- j’onn and kara were privy to alex’s plan to propose which of course makes sense. her sister and her dad. but why the fuck is william getting enlisted? over your other friends who you’ve known for years? a quick call over facetime to your mother or even james? anyone but william
- either al’s bar got a facelift or the lighting used to be so shitty that i can’t recognize it anymore
- esme is too cute for words. “don’t you believe in love?” - only when i see dansen and supercorp on screen
- sigh. fucking lex, i guess we’re really doing this and it’s not that i want a whole lot of backstory but i just have questions. 1) why did lex decide to go to 31st century specifically? 2) how the fuck did he get there? 3) how long has he been gone? last time we saw him, he was stepping through a portal in 6x03. was he just chilling in the future for that whole time? 4) does the portal watch now moonlight as a time travel device because how did he get back? 5) is nyxly still a villain in the future? and if so, what has the legion been doing about it?
- i enjoyed the lex and nyxly scenes more than i thought i would. i don't ship it but they were funny and i am just a human.
- round of applause for otis for reminding lex that he literally thrives in toxic relationships. 
- i have never seen the family resemblance between lex and lena until lex said “you can’t just tell a woman how you feel. it'll scare them off” because this is 100% lena with kara
- okay okay lena “magic is unreliable” luthor using magic throughout this episode like a pro just because kara bat her eyelashes, pouted and said please while between her legs last night (joking, joking)
- lena was ready to go fucking feral when kara got hurt and i’m living for this.
- the way lena was hovering over kara. fellas, imagine waking up to that beautiful face in your field of vision. and i felt very robbed of a hug but the convo was nice
- and so the medbay scenes have gone from just alex to alex and lena to just lena. lena continuing to thank a god she doesn't believe in because kara is okay. lena popping that extra button cuz the power of titties can heal
- dansen proposal had me weeping. the inclusion of esme and that little callback to 5x01 when they shared the same fav movie villain, the way the fucking love totem showed up in alex’s pocket!!!! i didn’t think the writers were capable
- but seriously, how reassuring is it for the love totem to seek you out while your love is proposing to you? im fragile right now
- esme: you guys had the same plan! it's fate!
look at esme out here being the biggest dansen shipper! alex and kelly are soulmates and idk how some people can't see it.
- esme shouting supergirl a la alex in S5. can she get a little mickey mouse signal watch too?
- my little brainia crumbs. nia bless your soul for giving our boy what he needs
- okay j’onn’s courage test was actually so tragic. the potential his character had. they really did him dirty too
- listen. lena has officially protected kara now in every possible. with her tech, with her money, with her support and now her magic. who else is checking all the boxes the way lena does?
- but also kara going to lena to have her humanity protected? that level of unwavering faith and trust? it is one of the most consistent things about her character
- i love how kara has been incapable of delivering a hope speech since 5x19, even in the hope totem episode but suddenly has one ready because lena needs it
- it’s not that i don’t like the dialogue between kara and lena. their scenes are lovely but it’s this incessant use of “us” and “we” and "you all" and “this team” when they are clearly talking about each other only. it’s not a group moment, they are alone, they don’t need to include the others. they are a given. kara wants to say��“i have you and you have me and i’m your family now” and that fits the scene a lot better. so just have her say that, what are you so afraid of? it can’t possibly get any more romantic at this point.
- love totem reappearing on esme and im stressed. they're really gonna kidnap a child! well, if that doesn't motivate the super friends to finally go all out against lex and nyxly, idk what will
- lex giving a "then i met you" speech. are you fucking kidding me???
- the amount of times my 🤡 brain thought supercorp was gonna kiss/say i love you
- not kara waiting for lena with two glasses of champagne. not kara saying lena always protects her. not kara leaning in AGAIN but not kissing this woman.
- supercorp scenes following canon couple scenes as per the bait. am i supposed to ignore the constant confirmation that lena is kara's person and vice versa. don't touch me
- also does william get kidnapped again? cuz i didn't really care the first few times he was in danger so....
- lord help me with the bachelorette party. everyone is looking like a snack in the stills. im so ready.
- seems like we're finally getting some acrata after a whole damn season. what a waste.
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Supercorp phone call episode 11: “Myx in the Middle“
The off screen phone call Lena had with Kara after finding some answers in Newfoundland Ireland.
“Hello?” Kara's sounds tired and Lena wonders if she calculated the time difference wrong. It should only be half past 8 in National City.
“Hi,” Lena breathes. “How are you?”
“Lena!” All the exhaustion leaves Kara’s voice. She sounds happy to hear from her. “Good. I'm good. How are you? How is your search going?”
Lena smiles slightly, glad she called Kara after this eventful day. Andrea's support had helped her through it but now that she had her answers, she needed Kara’s help to understand what they meant for her.
“I'm okay,” Lena answers. “I found some answers.”
“That’s good,” Kara smiles. “Does that mean you'll be back soon?”
Lena starts playing with her braid. “I think so,” she answers. “I miss everyone.”
“We miss you too,” Kara replies immediately. “We could really use your help against Nyxly.”
“Nyxly?” Lena wonders, not having heard the name before.
“She was with me in the…“ Kara stops and Lena hears the sharp intake of breath before the blonde practically spits out, “Phantom Zone.”
“What happened? I haven’t watched the news yet,” Lena asks, worried.
“It’s okay. We’re okay,” Kara deflects. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure? I can get on a plane right away, if you need me,” Lena offers. If Kara wanted her there, she would leave immediately. She could come back here anytime.
“No, we’ve got it,” her friend assures her and Lena believes her. Kara first and foremost is a hero. If she needed Lena to save the city, Kara would already be standing here in front of her and pick her up to fly her back herself. Lena almost wishes she would. If just so that Kara can giver her a hug beforehand. “What about you? What did you learn about your mother?”
Lena starts fidgeting with the hem of her shirt but answers anyway. There are no more secrets between them. “Everybody hates her. She murdered someone.”
She hears Kara loud gasps over the line. “Lena, I’m sorry!”
Lena chuckles drily, “Don’t be. It’s only fitting. Other family’s have royals in their blood line and mine has murderers.”
“Lena…” her friend protests but Lena is already speaking again, “You know, I always wanted to be good. I wanted my dead mother to be proud of me and I wanted to prove that I was nothing like the Luthors. And now I learn that she is just like them,” Lena's voice breaks. “Where does that leave me?”
Lena knows she’s unfair towards her mother since she had only tried to help, but the anger and sadness eating her up make it hard to be rational. She had idolized her mother, had spent her life blaming herself for her death and trying to live in the image of her, trying to be good. She had never felt worthy of her love.
And now with the truth out in the open she realizes she is exactly like her, maybe even worse. She had also killed someone to protect another. Yes, Lex had almost killed half the population of the earth but in the moment Lena had pulled the trigger she hadn’t thought of that but of the people she wanted to protect. Kara. Supergirl.
“It leaves you as Lena Luthor, my best friend who has a heart bigger than anyone else. As Lena Luthor, a hero who saved the earth countless times and the lives of billions of people with it. As Lena Luthor, your own person, not defined by blood or family history but your own words and actions.” Kara’s voice is quiet and sincere and Lena can’t stop the tears from falling now. “And those are good, Lena. You are good. That fact doesn’t change anything about you.“
Lena presses a hand to her mouth to muffle her sobs but she is sure Kara can hear them anyway. She doesn’t tell Kara the other fact she has learned about her mother today; that she had allegedly been a witch and Lena has inherited “the spark”. Foremost because she doesn’t believe in it but also because she is sure Kara would.
Lena has seen countless supernatural things, starting with the alien that is her best friend and can fly and shoot lasers out of her eyes. Followed by the kryptonian worldkillers, one of which had resided inside her other friend’s body, a body that could change its whole genome whenever the worldkiller decided to come out. And lastly, to top it all, a whole new universe created by a wish (as Kara has told her) after the multiverse had collapsed.
There were some scientific explanations for parts of this. For example, Kara's alien DNA and the way the yellow sun granted her powers was something Lena could work with. However, larger parts she couldn’t quite explain. Yet, Lena used to emphasize. Things that seemed impossible 30 years ago are now used on a daily basis and phenomena that are unexplainable today will be understandable in the future, Lena is sure of that. Magic is just a term for science that isn’t comprehensible yet.
But then again, aliens with supernatural powers are a thing, why not humans?
Lena shakes her head at herself, wiping away the tears that wet her cheeks. If magic is real, she possesses it and all she has ever accomplished can be traced back to it, then who even is she?
“Where are you right now?” Kara asks into the silence. “I can fly over.”
“No,” Lena clears her throat. “I’ll be okay. National City needs you.”
And she means it. She will get to the bottom of this and she has to do it alone. This is her demon to face. Kara already has enough on her plate.
Her friend sighs quietly, accepting her choice, “Okay. But I’m here if you wanna talk. Anytime.”
“That goes for you too, Kara,” Lena reminds her, not able to keep the hint of worry out of her voice. Kara is used to playing strong and giving her all, but after everything she's been through, Lena hopes she'll finally allow herself to share her burdens, to take a step back and let the others help her. “I know I left right after you came back from… there. But I’m always here for you if you need me.”
“I know,” Kara breathes. A beat goes by until she adds, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” Lena replies quietly. “Say hello to the others for me.”
“I will,” Kara agrees. Her voice is hopeful when she asks, “I'll seen you soon?”
“Soon,” Lena promises.
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lifeofanerdygirl · 3 years
So, why exactly did Kara fail her test? “Supergirl” showrunners Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner say fans will find out the truth.
Apparently, Kara’s test all traces back to the “Supergirl” series premiere. On the night Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) became Supergirl, there was a moment where she lacked true courage. Initially, she thinks it was when she passed up saving someone right after rescuing her sister’s plane, for fear of getting exposed. But that wasn’t it, and it apparently wasn’t any other rescue she ignored that night.
By the end of the episode though, we still have no idea what it was. Well, according to the “Supergirl” executive producers, the clue lies in Nyxly’s revelation at the end of the episode.
“Nyxly explains it in the episode that what the totem wants to see was their vulnerability, and that the courage kind of went in that direction,” Rovner told TheWrap. “And that is something that Supergirl will have to get to the root of on why she couldn’t pass it. The answer lies in that.”
Really, she’s going to have to figure it out quick, because there are still six more gauntlets for her and the Super Friends to go through — each totem has its own. According to the showrunners, the most challenging one will be the love totem. Queller notes that it will be the most brutal, “in terms of what it will put our characters through to achieve saving the love totem.”
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templedragon · 3 years
Supergirl 6x14 Magical Thinking
Supergirl 6x14 Magical Thinking
What's not to love about an episode that starts focused on Alex's dextrous fingerwork and ends on Kara telling Lena she's going to use her fingers? Actually, quite a bit, and most of it hanging on William Dey being embedded into the Tower and being presented as flawless in personality since the Earth Prime reboot. There's a continuity issue that Andrea made everyone's contract so they couldn't work for competitors, yet here Dey says he'll take his story to the Daily Planet if Andrea gets fussy as his boss about his boundaries (is it an Earth Prime reset?). As with season 5 and his quick access to the DEO, it's an insult to Lena being denied and the inherent suspicion behind her motives. Why do they trust Dey so much? If gaining public support is a desire of the SuperFriends, why doesn't Nia or Kara have this role as they are also reporters (in theory) for CatCo? Nia is constantly usurped by him, so even though she says she'll help Lena with the intuitive aspects of magic, it's Dey who provides the breakthrough with his baking experience. Whatever help Nia offers is off screen and her onscreen role is comic relief when Lena's early spells go awry.
In the poor use of characters, Brainy is totally absent in this episode, and his actions are alluded to by are-they-romantic-again-or-not Nia. This is a pattern of the show - Nia and Brainy inform others of their status, Alex and Kelly do, and Kara and Lena do (and I think when M'Gann was here it still applied). So many parallels between the canon romances and the coded assumption ones. In poor use of screen time, Nyxly and Kara each figure out that the humanity totem (kinda weird that the universe has this species everywhere but hey) is giving Nyxly all the feels while the bipeds on Earth take joy in causing suffering. I don't need to hear the same thing twice, especially when there's seven episodes left and the main cast are absent from episodes to make space for repetition or characters that diminish others (*cough* Dey's tour of the Tower is longer than Lena's *cough*). In terms of plot, I'd be stoked if the seven totems turn out to be rainbow coloured. The order of activation is unknown, so Nia decides to pick the Dream totem as that's her forte - they only have to stop Nyxly from getting them, so hiding it in a box will do for now. I was initially irked that it was a male fight club that was chosen for the Humanity totem as seeing women in sports is sorely lacking representation, but then I realised it was about glee in violence for the sake of it and that's definitely a man problem.
Dansen have great progress. Kelly is absent from the Tower as unlike Kara and Nia (and Alex and Brainy and Lena, and I assume J'onn pays with his PI gig), she cares about the job that pays the bills. Esme nearly had a foster home, and during Guardian/Sentinel fight scenes they have domestic conversations about the girl's progress and have time to show off the rainbow friendship bracelet Esme made as a thank you. It's fine until the foster parents use her fire breathing / mimicry alien ability to fend off attackers, and Guardian and Sentinel step in to save the day. The final scene should have more social issues in it, like calling the cops for child endangerment and banning those parents from fostering or adopting ever again. But what we do yet is this silent communication that Esme is the perfect adoption for Alex and Kelly.
As with last week, the through thread belongs to Lena. She's the one who is tasked with embracing magic to save the day, after her initial the-press-have-never-been-good-to-me-why-is-there-a-reporter-coming response to Dey. I'm confused about J'onn wanting to keep Lena Luthor's identity secret, as there was a pretty big court case at the start of the season, and she openly worked with Supergirl at the Earth Prime DEO. It can only be in reference to her budding magic ability, and we have another hero in need of a mentor.
The episode itself belongs to Supercorp. From the opening surprise games' night where Lena assures Kara will be home soon, akin to a prior games' night where Kara knew Lena was travelling to Newfoundland. Kara is still desperate for quick resolutions since returning from the Phantom Zone, to the point of recklnessness. I'm pretty sure every scene they have together there's no-one between them, until Dey coughs to announce his presence and Nia escorts him away from the 'parents' arguing. It's this symbolic romantic framing, a continuation of the 'no homo' he represented in season 5 and my biggest fear is Dey becoming Lena's new partner akin to getting James, Kara's previous ex.M second biggest fear is the Nyxly connection ruining a key Supercorp moment with an emotional outburst. I trust in Benoist and McGrath's performances, and there's so much heart eyes and innuendo emphasis which draws a character breaking laugh from McGrath akin to the secret handshake last season.
Ah yes, last season, home of Kara's "For a friend like you there are no boundaries" and Lena's Non Nocere stripping people of their humanity for the greater good. They are both in a better place, able to have arguements respectfully, and helping each other through their fears. Kara's fear is not protecting people from Nyxly, while Lena's is continuing a family legacy of unintentional harm through magic. Healthy boundaries, pushing people out of their comfort zones, pointing out what happens in the pursuit of the greater good. The compromise is, instead of making a few people royal assholes, making more people moderate assholes until Nyxly is outed and the totem found. I can't pick a favourite scene, but Kara being Lena's bodyguard and effortlessly shoving an angry white man back so Lena can pick flowers is up there, especially as Dey is getting beaten up in the background and Kara leaves him to it. Then there's the cooldown at the end, where (Kara?) has set up comfortable furniture in the Tower training room so she and Lena can relax and eat potstickers and make innuendos about using fingers. It's so... domestic? I mean, technically Lena's magic book was posted to her apartment (however that is funded) so this isn't Lena's home (I'm guessing Brainy sleeps on the Legion ship now people don't care about using future tech). When Kara got back from the Phantom Zone, Alex and she pledged they would get through things together but they haven't had a solo scene since, instead finding laughter and growth through their (non) canon romantic partners. Food is a love language, and the CW said dumplings were for girlfriends. Here we are. Queerbait until canon.
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
Gloria, Jet-lags and Imps [6x11]
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Let’s jump right in:
Kinda love how Kara lamp-shaded addressed the fact she didn't tell the gang about her adventures in the PZ. She’s not wrong, tho.
...what do I want to say about Mxy using what's basically a well-known gay-anthem to tell his tale? I mean, it didn’t lead anywhere. The original song is about freeing oneself, liberation, stepping out of a (gone bad) relationship and moving on, stronger for it - empowerment. The only connection I could make, is that originally it was Nyxly’s aim to just do that (freeing herself and her kind from an oppressor), but in the way Mxy performed it, that part of the parallel was long over before he even reached the chorus. It’s also a popular Karaoke song, tho, so... he chose it because it’s catchy? I’ll try not to overthink it for now. At least, the Superfriend’s reactions were fun.
Nia exiting the elevator, "And what's this Old Stone?" I love it when ppl enter a room / situation and pick up on words that they couldn't have possibly heard. I think cinema sins ding such... Are we to assume, she dreamed Mxy's rendition of ‘I will survive’? Or is the elevator not sound-proof at all? (If it’s the latter, Nia later apparently telling Brainy “in private” between scenes / during the elevator ride about her Nyxly adventures, was a silly thing to do.)
So, "Jared" created the ring Old Stone to rule them all, it got shattered into the Paragons totems? Nyxly needs the totems and to get them she needs a crystal which also belonged to "Jared" - who happens to be Mxy's ancestor, which is why she needs Mxy / his blood, too.
I have one important and incredibly relevant question here, tho... 
With the introduced imps and their names... Why’s dude named Jared of all things?!
Really, did I mishear that? If so, I’ll leave it as is and never edit, bc that would be hilarious in its own right 😋
Not sure what to make about Supergirl paraphrasing a Dirty Dancing quote.  "Nobody puts Mxy into a power crystal on my watch."  ...is he Baby now? (Seriously, though: Which of the writers thought that was a fitting quote to use in that particular context?)
...now, is the exposition section of the episode over yet?
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Sensitive Brainy sensed something was up with Nia. He can relate... Nia doubting Kara would understand, too, is ridiculous. But I get it... insecurities and all. But, I mean, just 5 minutes later Kara announces she wants to save Nyxly despite her wrongdoings. And yet Nia still remains convinced, Kara wouldn’t forgive her own personal mini-me... After having witnessed Kara forgiving Lena for a whole season of the writers being stupid messing up to the nth degree. But I digress, Lena’s Lena.
...how old is Nia meant to be again? Just asking out of completely unrelated curiosity.
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F*ck. They really went with NewFoundland...
Imma assume it was an executive choice after realizing they couldn’t find enough actors and actresses with a convincing Irish accent... maybe. Again, no offense to Newfoundland! Just... we got the insinuations of Ireland, not Newfoundland... And truthfully, when I think of magic, Ireland is an easy association. Whereas I only due to this whole debacle learned Newfoundland has Irish ancestry. So, okay, the show forced me to learn something new... I give ‘em that.
An easy journey, she said.
Lena's been off-screen for two whole episodes, Kara announcing at the beginning of ‘Dreamweaver’ [6x09] Lena being “back east” (at least insinuating Lena’s left the west-coast already), which span over at least one full day (feat. a scene at night), and ‘I still rise’ [6x10] at least another a whole day (the whole Nia’s mom back for a day deal). And, now, after at least 48 hours she barely just arrived.
Lemme check how long a regular plane would need to fly from California to NFL......... ... .. .. So... approx. 10 hours with at least one layover. 
Yeah, using a private jet made it easier, but apparently also much, much slower...
Or, Lena randomly went some other places / did some sight-seeing in NFL before she decided to finally visit her mother’s hometown...  [Either that or the timelines don’t match up and Lena’s scenes are flashbacks of sorts.]
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Optimistic and relaxed Lena is a sight to behold. I rewound 3 times, just to enjoy it for as long as possible. We all knew it was going to be short-lived... 
Let’s check off a few more items...
OMG, Kara hiding behind Alex at the mere sight of the PZ-projector broke my heart!  😢
"Elisabeth Walsh" is the new 'the one you shall not name'. ...poor Lena. 😭
Oh, so Mxy wants to be Patrick Swayze instead of Baby... gotcha.
...is this going anywhere?
KITTY!!! Okay, this must be the best opponent in the history of CWSG. 
Despite the horrible CGI, SG using her heat-vision to project a laser-beam to distract the cat had me in (happy-) tears! 🤣
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Gotta love the civilians of National City quickly returning to business as usual once the giant cat is gone. Even the police officers looked rather chill...
Nyxly did look fabulous this episode ^^ 
Andrea being Lena's rock is both great and annoying. I can't fault Andrea. It's just, that we still have to see an on-screen interaction between Lena and Kara and that bugs the heck out of me. I can’t help it. I’m sorry, Andrea.
Nia: "...is my fault." Kara: "Nu, is MY fault!" J'onn: "Stop fighting, kids!" Space-dad has spoken.
Mxy used an LuthorCorp copy machine... and of cos it's faulty. It's not an L-Corp product.
Kara forgiving Nia came as a surprise to her... Oooookay. I mean, the show has been writing Kara a bit inconsistently the past two seasons... so, yeah, maybe being unsure which of her traits apply this week was not such a far stretch...
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Maybe it's the hair, but I wished, Florence was played by Alex Kingston.
So, not-Alex-Kingston shows Lena herself with a funny wig and tells her how her mother was still watching her...
If it wasn't for Katie's acting skills (I love her.) I would have already hit my head against the wall repeatedly. Something about these scenes had me constantly cringe and I made it through 5.5 seasons of this show already... Can’t quite put my finger on it, but it was highly distracting from the story that explained Lena’s mom was special even to another witch, where there was domestic abuse, and an accidental murder. Y’know, important stuff, deep-cutting stuff! 
At least, poor widddle Lena got some closure there. Elisabeth was a good cookie. And filled with magic. And Lena’s gotta have that ‘spark’, too... 
....so... Lena’s gonna stay in NFL for how much longer, to train becoming a witch?  Please, just hand her a how-to manual and send her back home, to figure it out on her own, please... (Yes, that would be horrible decision-making, but I need her back with the team!)
On to the finish line: 
So... Mxy IS Nyxly's brother? Wait, that doesn’t sound right... then Nyxly would have the same blood... Did I miss something? Can someone explain, please? Or is he her ex, and that’s where his rendition of “I will survive” makes sense?
Hnn... I can't help, but think Kara's speech for Nyxly was 85% based on her experiences with Lena in s05.
Awww... he said "stronger together"... Mxy... I hope, you'll be okay!
Lena believes in magic now. And I absolutely love how Lena wants to science magic XD
...but apparently magic isn’t science that hasn’t been explained yet, but parallel... powers? concepts? ether strings?
Nyxly has a loyal henchman now. Which was a bit heavy-handed. Took way too much of screen-time, so it better leads to something interesting.
And Kara is on a warpath now. Wooooot! Girl’s got enough.
...what else? 
Did I miss a third Patrick Swayze hint / quote / mention?  I learned, these things come in threes... Y’know, basic writing rules... 
I guess, for once the episode title was meant to be taken literally, Mxy popping up between characters, to try and help. (I need in-show footage, of Mxy sneaking up on ppl, without his powers, on all fours / crouched, just to get the desired effect.) I mean, I’ve never really watched Malcom, but wasn’t he like what Mxy usually is? A bit of a trouble-maker, prankster, chaos-ensuing wherever he goes? ...well, in that case, the episode title didn’t hold up, as Mxy’s scenes were not fun or really goofy. Yes, there was some superficial humor, but just to serve Mxy dealing with not being able to use his powers, which in turn was only barely scratched at (although it turned out to be his final character development crisis, appreciating not having powers and - in turn - facing consequences for once). Again, a whole lot going on in the episode, so a lot of that may have ended up on the cutting-room floor.
...where’s Kelly? Secretly adopting a kid, maybe?
...Kara’s still a reporter, right? I mean, whenever it serves the immediate plot, yes? ...Not even a throw-away line, that she has to pop up at CatCo for appearances sake? Since Andrea is already upset with her AND looking into her friends’ identities? At least, Kara should take a peek to make sure Andrea hasn’t uncovered anything yet... No?
Well, that’s all I’ve got for now. Kue out.
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