#and probably rework dawn's too because
narcoticwriter · 8 months
I'm Finally Breaking My Silence.
I can't take it anymore. Someone has to know about this. It's been years since the realization dawned on me and years since I've kept my lips sealed, but I can bear it no longer.
It makes no fucking sense how the tall Genshin women have heels.
This is a meme, but I'm also on something else entirely. Maybe it's delusion.
I don't care if it's for the fanservice, I don't care if it's hot, and I certainly don't care if people like it because it makes no sense whatsoever.
I don't know how people can run around in varying landscapes and roads on heels. I don't know how the heel itself would survive such treatment. And I don't know how the wearer, no matter how skilled, would not trip and fall on their ass.
Some instances can be afforded more forgiveness than others, but this will not stop me from compiling a list of how I feel about them individually and as people:
Actual Insanity -
Beidou: The Alcor is a wooden boat. One day, that heel is slipping through a small hole in the floor, snapping off, and sending her careening across the starboard. Someone's going to laugh. And then they will be tossed into the brine before being pulled back out and promptly begging for forgiveness. I cry.
Jean: The Gunnhildrs are masochists. The pain is worth it for Mondstadt, as always. How does she do it, running around everywhere and carrying the Knights of Favonius on her back? There's no way that she doesn't kick off the boots while sitting at her desk when it becomes too much to bear.
Dehya: When she says that she wants to slay on the battlefield as much as her looks, I did not think that the shoes would also be a thing to consider. And in sand? Are you mad? Those heels are sinking. No wonder her burst cancels when she jumps. Imagine having to rework your precarious footing every single time.
Yelan: This sick woman unironically likes it. She probably enjoys the sensation of pain every single time it becomes borderline pleasurable. It doesn't help that she looks forward to it being treated too. Herbalist Gui is getting really sick of having to wrap her feet in gauze after slathering it with medicinal foot cream.
Rosaria: I don't know if she's capable of caring anymore, actually. She doesn't seem to process this the same. The woman has an aesthetic to commit to and she doesn't do anything halfway, including her fit. She says she doesn't get drunk, but you know damn well that it and the nicotine numb the pain.
Eula: Anyone who says that they can do reconnaissance work and wear those things is lying, and Eula Lawrence is no exception to this rule. To add insult to injury, she also has spurs on them. Spurs on those beasts of shoes. Respectfully, she needs to twist her ankle and be put on bedrest for the day, so she can think about it.
Candace: I can't believe that this mentally brought me to my fucking knees. How dare you? You live in an area that is mostly sand and dust! You go out in the night and kill things! You're constantly out and about taking care of things! WHY ARE YOU IN SUCH HIGH HEELS?!?
Shenhe: (head in hands) I don't even know if she knows that this isn't normal to wear. I'm going to Cloud Retainer's domain and demanding that she be put in something that makes more sense. She lives in the mountains for Archon's sake! She may not act entirely human, but trust me, she is one at the end of the day.
It Makes Some Sense -
Kujou Sara: She's won, actually. Geta are allegedly much more comfortable to wear than heels. She slays, stays stylish, and isn't suffering while doing so. Good for her, because this is one of the only wins she has in a long, long list of L's, mostly attributed to Yae Miko if you take the time to really look at it.
Lisa: Is she really going to be running around all that much? No! Because she has her little helpers to go around and do things for her. And even if she has to go around by herself, she does so at a rate that isn't breakneck speed. Also, I personally believe that she has some potions and enhancements to help out with it.
Ningguang: She barely gets a pass. Barely. I personally don't believe she takes that walk around the pier every day. It's every other day at the most consistent. At every other function, you can trust that she has a seat and that she's not on her feet. She can afford to have such accommodation.
Raiden Shogun: If her body wasn't a puppet that she made for herself, I would absolutely put her in the other category. She absolutely made sure that she wouldn't feel pain while wearing those things and it shows with how she's able to move like she does in combat.
Yae Miko: I won't call it foul and say that since she can shift into a kitsune form, she's not going into this category, but provide the proof in other ways. Do you really see her going anywhere in a hurry? Precisely the point. She could probably get away with people carrying her places.
Arlecchino: I have no words for the atrocity that is those heels. None at all. If I think about them too much, I'll start frothing at the mouth, and not in any good way.
Conclusion - My heart weeps prematurely for Clorinde and Navia. Fontainian fashion can kiss my ass. I mourn their feet.
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musingsofvenus · 15 days
imma need the director’s cut and literally everything there is to know of pink cheeks, two left feet 😭😭 -teamjacobthot
oooo an oldie but goodie! i haven't thought about this fic in a looong long time. i really had to go read it to double check, but "pink cheeks, two left feet" was originally a fic request based on wild side!!!
director's cut below the cut! you will get my original outline notes, the final-ish outline notes, and then general thoughts about some chapters
if you don't want to read spoilers, i recommend reading the fic first
thank you sm for the ask! ily 💕
my original thought process:
when i started outlining the fic, it was going in a completely different (and sadder?) direction. it was basically going to be a "right person, wrong time" vibe where bella returned to forks and reunited with her old flame (jacob). during her limited time in forks, she and jacob re-hashed the past and realized they still have feelings for each other, but they don't act on it because they're currently seeing other people. when bella eventually left forks, their feelings were still unresolved.
but that was too angsty for the original request lol. it's supposed to be a slow burn/ flirty situation... so i scrapped that idea. i did write some of it anyway, so maybe one day i'll polish it up and publish it.
my actual outline notes:
because of the nature of the request, i wanted bella to be an adult adult. like cerebral cortex fully developed. so for the sake of the fic, bella moved away for college and landed a job in california. i think she's a research assistant? idk what research she's helping with, but she reads tons of books for said research and writes papers
she never gave jacob a real chance, too wrapped up in edward when she was younger, but they were always flirty with each other and stuck in a "will they won't they" situation
ultimately, i wanted the fic to end with them not necessarily getting together, but on the verge of a potential something. 
bella is literally only in forks for about 4-5 days, and each chapter more or less covers each day.
general notes/ word vomit:
overall, most of the fic is reworked scenes from either the books or the movies. if you have the books/movies basically memorized like i do, then you probably picked up on a lot of it. some are obvious, some are subtle
most of chapter 1 is lifted directly from twilight's first chapter.
for example (pink cheeks is on the left, twilight is on the right):
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i have an entire document dedicated to which lines from this fic are direct references. i don't know why. i am insane
chapter 2 has a lot of new moon and eclipse references. it is literally the spaghetti dinner we were robbed of in the movies. the dish washing scene is from eclipse, when jacob visits the house to get a whiff of the vampire scent. the almost-kiss scene is another new moon reference; it's when jacob is about to kiss bella and the phone rings, interrupting them. i also live for wing-woman leah
chapter 3 is mostly original, but it has some lifts from breaking dawn. sue and charlie's wedding colors are the same colors as bella's in bd. jacob's "pink cheeks, two left" feet comment is a direct line from bd (and the fic's title, of course). the rest is literally just bella imaging all the things she wants to do to jacob
chapter 4 came about after a happy hour and i drunkenly wrote it up in my notes app. i specifically remember laughing about including the interruption from buttcrack santa. and naturally because it's a slow burn, i ended the chapter right when it was getting good lol
i genuinely don't know where chapter 5 came from. it was only supposed to be semi-spicy and i kinda took it a little further. i wrote it in one sitting and overall just had the goal that i wanted bella to have an unforgettable, um... send-off? lmfao.
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dominimoonbeam · 9 months
Bite to Bruise - 19
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: modern-fantasy mashup, werewolves, witches, monsters, romance, learning to trust, hurt/comfort, blood, violence, explicit sex, explicit language
The earlier parts can be found under the tag or over on patreon. <3
Ever stared down at her.
The girl on the ground under him looked like Piper. Her face was the same shape with features more adolescent than grown, speckled in freckles under the wild mess of her brown hair. Yellow eyes stared up at him, seeing him but not quite recognizing.
She had smelled like fenrir, but it wasn’t right and it certainly wasn’t his niece. Now she smelled like blood and power. Witch.
She cried in shallow gasps, like she was barely holding back a scream.
He wished she would let it out. Better that than this.
“Bellamy,” Ever said. He wouldn’t use her true name out there. He wouldn’t risk anyone overhearing it.
Her expression shuddered surprise and then dawning understanding.
“Bellamy,” he said again, gently. Where was the blood coming from? He couldn’t see any injuries, but he also couldn’t see the bandages and wounds that should be on her arm. Another glamour, this one to make her look like Piper. Could she make herself look like anyone? There were stories about that sort of magic, fairytales really, and never good ones.
She exhaled and he watched her let the illusion go. Her eyes rolled shut and her whole body sagged on the grass like it had been a physical burden to uphold. Her black hair fell limply around her face, her body shrinking and her clothes changing. Blood smeared the side of her neck around an oval wound, red soaking into the collar of her top. Bits of glass clung to her, her leggings ripped, and her leg scratched up. Almost as quickly as one glamour dropped, the illusion of Bellamy slid into place. The clothes stayed the same, tears and stains too, but the body wearing them changed and her skin smoothed over—not even a welt left behind.
“Bell… Leave the wounds. I need to see them.”
She cringed, tears still rolling off her eyes, but her lips pressed into something close to a snarl, her hand coming up to grab at the side of her neck. “He bit me…” she whispered what he already knew. “He knows,” she added with dawning horror.
Ever shook his head, gently stroking her now blond hair out of her face. “He’s dead.”
Her eyes lost focus as exhaustion dragged her down but she reached up to push her palm against his chest, her fingers twisting in his shirt like she was trying to ground herself in him. “They don’t die…”
He leaned down, so that she would see him again and hopefully hear him before she passed out. “No one will find him, and he will never find you again.”
She stared up at him, either trying to hear him or trying to believe him.
Ever waited those long seconds with her until her strength finally failed, her hand releasing his shirt and falling.
She hadn’t changed the glamour of Bellamy to let him see where she was hurt, but he’d memorized what he could. He pulled his shirt off and pressed it against the side of her neck, soaking up the blood there. The flow was slowing. It would stop, and he’d clean it and bandage it when they got home.
A sharp howl sounded off behind him, telling him that the problem was settled and waiting for him.
Ever scooped up Bellamy carefully and started back toward the road.
Sunny shifted from wolf to man, standing beside the pavement over what was left of a shade. He spat blood into the grass. It wasn’t his own and it was nothing compared to the mess on his skin. Theo growled at the dead shades, probably because he remembered a time when fighting shades had seemed like an endless battle.
Ever hoped not to lead him back into those times, but he couldn’t control what the shades did and there were only so many options when it came to his response.
Sunny looked over his shoulder at him, his expression softening at the sight of the witch in his arms. He pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call. Oakley answered and in a quick exchange of words, Sunny had told the other man to get in his car and drive out to them.
“Tell him to bring kerosine,” Ever added. “And some plastic bags.” He settled his witch down in the soft grass beside the road, a patch clean of bloodshed and glass. What a fucking mess.
Sunny finished his call, eyes always on Ever. Leigh kept glancing between him and the fallen shades, while Theo knew to keep his eye on the not-always dead things. “So, I can guess what the kerosine is for,” Sunny said. “But why the plastic?”
Ever stepped over one piece of gore to reach the bulk of the shade who had called him—the one who had been crusted in Tate’s blood—the one who had had his hands and his teeth on Bellamy. He poked the side of the shade’s chest with his boot, rolling him thoughtfully on the pavement.
“That one’s not dead,” Theo told him what he could already feel. “I think the other three are though… We’ll know for certain if we wait.”
“We’ll wait,” Ever agreed. “We’ll burn whatever stays down, along with their car and that field.” He pointed at the orchard where he’d come from—where he’d found his witch.
“Burn the orchard?” Leigh asked, quiet even in their thoughts.
Ever growled lowly. “It belongs to the biters.”
“But not to Blackwell…” Theo pointed out. His head lifted and swung to the side, whisps of shadow trailing him with slivers of silver in all that darkness, outlining scars and underlining age. He looked at the witch, nostrils flaring before his gaze cut to the orchard. The old wolf huffed. “Burn it,” he agreed, but sounded less than happy about it.
“And the plastic bags?” Sunny pressed, one hand to his hip.
The shade under Ever’s boot twitched, his heart reforming from the growing matter inside his open chest. This one was too old to die.
“Do you think you can use him to barter with Blackwell?” Theo asked, but something in his tone suggested he already knew Ever wouldn’t do that. Couldn’t do that without this shade telling his master about their witch.
“I don’t want to barter.”
Sunny grinned, blood making his lips bright red and, for a strange second, Ever thought his baby brother would have made a great shade—if he weren’t wolf to his core. “We’re taking prisoners?” he asked excitedly.
Ever shook his head, watching the way that corpse put itself back together. It was making everything out of nothing, unstoppable. He wondered exactly how little it needed to regenerate. He had heard stories of shades being rendered to ash and still coming back. “We’re starting a garden.”
They moved the wreck of the car off the road and put the three dead shades in the grass nearby while they waited.
When Oakley got there, Ever moved Bellamy to the backseat of the car while the others pulled the supplies from the trunk. He splashed a trail of kerosine from the wreck, through the grass, into the orchard, following the path she’d crawled in her attempt to get away. He’d have to ask her later how she managed to crash the car, not that he doubted it had been all her doing.
When Ever came back to the road, the shade’s face had mostly reformed and his lungs were working in his chest again. One bright eye stared up at Ever, lips wide to drag gasps that reminded painfully of the way his witch had been sucking at life when he reached her.
Ever crouched over the shade. “Can you hear me?” he asked evenly. He wasn’t sure how their revivals worked. Was his mind repaired or just the bulk of that upper torso? He hadn’t regrown the lower half of himself yet. How long would that take? He could find out if he wanted to make a study of this…
The shade gulped, twitching in a way that suggested he tried to nod but realized his spine wasn’t all there. “Yes,” he ground out.
“What’s your name?” Ever asked. It seemed right to know and he’d like to have it for his next conversation with Florian Blackwell.
The shade cast his one eye around, making out all he could of the scene—the shadows of fenrir and the fire light shining against his sclera. He seemed to be deciding whether or not his name was a secret to keep. “Soren.”
“You fucked up, Soren,” Ever said, not raising his voice but studying the points of those teeth that had dared to break the skin of his witch.
Soren’s eye flicked to the side, toward the burning trees. Understanding dawned, and he grinned madly when he remembered what had brought him ruin. His gaze snapped up to Ever again. “What are you up to?” he marveled, voice rasping and the inner workings of his throat jumping. “Do you understand who she is?”
Ever tensed. He knew the others were listening too now. Sunny had known, yes, but the others had only ever known that they had a witch in their woods—a witch who had saved them once and was being spared.
Soren’s throat undulated. “You do.” Another twitch like he wanted to nod. “We can make a deal then. For that witch, you may be able to keep your woods. To give the duchess leverage like that… She could crush him…” His voice came in faster and faster rasps, like the possibilities were mounting before his eyes and making him salivate.
It was hunger.
It was greed.
Bellamy was something they wanted to own. Blackwell would want her because Baron wanted her. Fucking shades…
Ever thrust his arm down, right into the mess of that rebuilding cavity, and grabbed that new heart. The shade’s mouth dropped open in surprise, his one eye bulging up at Ever. Confusion gave way to shock. “No…” the shade rasped and Ever felt the man’s panic battering his palm. “Wolves and witches don’t coexist… You can’t…”
Ever closed his fist and pulled. He rose to his feet but didn’t let go, eventually the shell of the shade fell back onto the pavement, a little more hollow than before.
Theo, Leigh, Oakley, and Sunny watched him.
He pitched the heart into the fire and Sunny grabbed the plastic bags. They collected the husk of the shade and bagged him, tossing him into the trunk.
Theo and Leigh started on the run home and Oakley got into the front seat of the car and started the engine.
Ever stood by the backdoor, hesitating to close it. He’d intended to send Oakley back with the car, but then he laid his eyes on Bellamy in the backseat. His shirt was still pressed to her neck. If it weren’t for that and the red blooms soaking through the gauze on her arm, she would look like a beautiful, careless creature asleep in the back of that car. Her clothes were tattered and dirty, and bits of glass still flecked her hair, but the scratches and welts were unseen.
It felt impossible for him to close the door and leave separately from her.
But it felt unnatural to ride when he could run.
Sunny squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll ride back with Oakley.”
He said it like it was his idea and not an offer. Sunny loved to run and after a night like this, he’d probably be bouncing off the walls if he didn’t.
Ever shook his head, still watching her. “Run ahead and tell Sky what happened.”
Sunny nodded but didn’t move, still holding onto Ever’s shoulder. The blaze was loud and rolling heat through the night air around them. “She looked like Piper,” Sunny said quietly. He had been right there with Ever, ahead of the others, when they reached the scene. But he hadn’t known that Sunny saw that. “Why would she do that?” he whispered the question but Ever thought he knew the answer. Or, at least, enough of it.
She had done it to save Piper.
Ever’s heart constricted. No, it was to save him. To save all of them from what could have happened tonight.
He carefully moved Bellamy when he slid into the backseat, collecting her in his lap. Sunny nodded like he’d been given an answer and closed the door.
Even with the head start, he’d be back to the valley ahead of the others and the car.
Oakley drove, fists squeezing the steering wheel and gaze fixed ahead, like looking at the rearview mirror would be an offense. Ever wasn’t sure if he thought it was dangerous to look directly at the witch, or directly at him right now. Both seemed true to some degree.
She turned her face into Ever’s chest, breath puffing against his skin in a rhythm that soothed him in ways he’d never imagined. He absently stroked her hair, beginning the process of plucking out pebbles of glass.
Oakley was taking tight breaths.
“You can put the windows down,” Ever said, realizing it was the scent of her blood that was making the other fenrir anxious.
He remembered how overwhelming it had smelled when he found her wounded at the cabin. When had he gotten used to it? While he was cleaning her up, probably.
Oakley coughed gratitude and hit the button to drop the windows. Cold night air rolled through the cab. Bellamy didn’t seem to notice but Ever wrapped his arms around her anyway. It wasn’t a long drive at that speed. They hadn’t gotten far past his territory.
Still, he sighed gut-deep relief when they crossed that invisible line back into pack lands.
“Why did they take her?” Oakley asked. He was about the same age as Sunny and the youngest of all of Theo’s kids. His older sister and her family lived in the valley but the rest had passed away or moved elsewhere.
“They didn’t mean to,” Ever sighed. “They thought they got Piper and that we’d trade the land to get her back.” We would have, he thought. If they hadn’t been able to find another way, a way to get Piper back safely, they would have given anything. Of course, that wouldn’t have been the end of it. They would have gone to war and been forced to do it on their own land.
Oakley glanced in the rearview, at the back of the woman in Ever’s arms, and then quickly away again. “She doesn’t look like Pip…”
Ever rolled some of her blond hair around his fingers, thinking about how dark it had looked when she dropped the glamour. “Not anymore, no.”
“Witches…” Oakley exhaled, with awe rather than suspicion.
When they got to the valley, there was a gathering of the pack waiting in front of his house.
Sky had his big arms crossed and his chin down. Theo was talking and Sunny was baring teeth.
Ever got out of the car with Bellamy still in his arms.
They all went quiet and, again, he couldn’t be sure if it was because of him or her. They stared and they tried not to stare, but they all moved aside when he approached and no one tried to say anything when he walked up the porch steps.
Sunny got the door and Ever went inside.
They waited.
He carried her to the back of the house and settled her on his bed. He’d really hoped to lay her there under better circumstances, but he couldn’t imagine putting her anywhere else just then.
He closed the door gently and then marched back through the empty house and out front. No one had tried to follow him in, and they were just as silent and flustered as they had been seconds ago. He closed the front door and came to stand at the first step of the deck.
Sky wasn’t looking at him, and that chafed. Was he blaming him? Did he have the right to? Maybe… Maybe Ever had handled the situation with Blackwell wrong.
“She can’t stay here,” Theo said, breaking the silence.
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Quick overview on Lilli's Pokémon... Rewrite? Verse? Idk what this is lmao
All I really know for sure is that I have a lot of thoughts about pokemon's lore and plotlines. I want to try my hand at connecting stuff with a little more continuity because it's fun! There's no way I can get to everything because we'd be here all day, but I figured I'd set up the basic premise and include some fun notes/headcanons!
My general idea is focusing from the anime (up until Horizons) while also including more components from the games (such as more of the SWSH plot/rivals, Emma from XY's post game, Zinnia and the Delta Episode, etc). I also include a multitude of my own original characters, along with some of my friends' (most prominently @starkitters's goobers). Storylines are generally divided up by "sagas" based on the original generation they take place in! I may include some Horizons as it would coincide with ScaVio, but I need to catch up with that series (though from the looks of it it’s all pretty banger)!
This concept is definitely going to mostly get smaller things of art/comics/drabbles and whatnot rather than a full-fic/comic series or whatever because... oh gosh there's way too much. Also obviously not going to cover every single anime episode bit by bit because that would make me insane!!
As for a general timeline— a lot of this main stuff would kinda unfold in the span of 2-3 years? I might make it longer, but then again a lot can happen in even just a month, y’know? Generally, Ash would stay 10 between Indigo League-Advanced, 11 by DP-XYZ, and 12 during SuMo-Journeys. The Legends Arceus shenanigans would probably be during Journeys and the ScaVio stuff is definitely after (I'm thinking potentially a year or so after Journeys' saga would be wrapped up? Though it could even be immediately after idk).
There is. A ton of information even just in this little intro post, and a lot of it isn’t even fully concrete either. But if you find the time to read through it all, I’d really appreciate feedback!
General/Introductory Information
Earlier involvement from rivals/evil teams such as the Galar Rivals, N and Team Plasma, Team Skull, etc! All of that will be covered more in the respective sagas they all appear in, lol
I'm kind of on the fence for whether or not more player characters would be included? May, Dawn, and Serena are canon companions/major characters the anime, I'm including Brendan as Birch's son and Lucas as Dawn's twin brother, Akari and Rei are both going to be native to Hisui, etc.
So far, the mc roles that are taken up by OCs include my characters Lilac (involved in XYZ/SuMo but becomes a Swsh Gym Challenger), Stacy (Emmet's daughter, travels back to Hisui to find her missing Uncle), and Chrys (main Naranja student involved with Nemona, Arven, Penny, and also Kieran and Blueberry stuff). @starkitters's oc Arthur also kinda takes an mc role as Hop's bestie/neighbor and the two of them work with the knight-wolf duo (Zacian and Zamazenta) instead of Ash and Goh just kinda... feeling shoved in there. Ash and his Journeys buddies still get involved in the Darkest Day shenanigans, but another Gym challenger/Hop's bestie)
While characters like Red and Blue/Green aren't really going to be involved since Ash and Gary already kinda take up those roles, there is potential in making like... Ash's dad a Red-esque character? A character based on Leaf? We've also gotten cameos of Jimmy (Gold/Ethan) and Marina (Krys) from the old OVAs and Lyra is briefly seen during DP... but tbh we get so little on them it wouldn't be too difficult to make the OVAs an au or something? I'll have to play with all of it.
The Black and White/Best Wishes saga is going to get some major storyline reworks. Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobuffet, etc) aren't going to start actually doing evil shit/working directly with Giovanni out of nowhere. Rather, they get have their own route uncovering stuff about N and Team Plasma, which follows more of the storyline from BW1. Characters from BW2 like Colress and Hugh are definitely still going to appear and their deal won't really change too much, but I'll have to figure out their involvement (especially with Colress he’s got a lot of potential for his own stuff imo). Cheren and Bianca are in a "halfway" sorta period and acting as apprentices for Lenora and Juniper respectively.
I'm mostly going off of the Scarlet side of the ScaVio storyline, with Naranja Academy being in Mesagoza and Sada being the professor inside Area Zero. However, Uva Academy and Turo are also going to be involved! Essentially, Naranja is a school that focuses on helping its students figure out and prepare for careers connected with pokemon (trainers, coordinators, breeders, doctors/nurses, etc) in a more general sense. Uva Academy in Zapapico is primarily a research school (especially prominent for professors and scientists) while Blueberry in Unova specializes in professional battling (League Members, Battle Facilities, etc). Naranja provides courses and connections for careers Uva and Blueberry have niches in, but it's the difference between attending a more well-rounded school and attending a specialized one, if that makes sense.
Turo develops the Terastral Orbs used throughout the Paldea region, while Sada focused on Area Zero and develops the time machine that brings past and future Paradox Pokemon. Their relationship is super complicated and messy /pos. I don't think they ever got officially married, but they're 100% divorced in spirit.
Since the games kinda write Sada and Turo interchangeably (even outside of the whole AI deal) and they're described in the same ways besides pronouns and stuff, I want to make the professors a little more distinct from each other. Sada dives head-first into her passions and doesn't like anything or anyone holding her back, Turo is more conscientious but can come off a lot colder than he intends sometimes, etc.
I know most people hc the Subway twins (Ingo and Emmet), Elesa, Skyla, etc to be in like their late 20s/early 30s... but since I gave Emmet a daughter who's the mc of the Legends Arceus saga... they're actually gonna be slightly younger than Lusamine (around 38 or so) lmao. Let's get more nice and hot older adults up in here
Silver (Giovanni's son/Johto rival) is included! Since there's already a baby Lugia in the anime named Silver and that's just... too perfect, this rendition of the character is going to be named Sage (Yomogi in Japanese). I'm still figuring out his personality and stuff since Paul's whole "be the strongest/pokemon are just tools" thing was pulled from game!Silver, but I kinda want to play with Sage being a little more mellowed out by the time we would meet him in Johto Journeys? He acts as an assistant for Professor Elm, and is surprisingly great with raising pokemon despite the edgy tough-guy act he usually keeps up. He and Brock can nerd out about breeding and nuturing techniques and stuff.
An original team I made myself, Team Comet, acts as a foil of sorts to Team Flare. They’re fighting over (literal) life and death
I’m not entirely sure how to make this work, but I really want AZ’s ultimate weapon to be the (super buffed up) prototype of the healing machines used in pokemon centers. Like… the current machines extract infinity energy from deceased pokemon’s remains (such as ashes and stuff) instead of. Y’know. Draining living pokemon of that energy directly, causing them to die. AZ himself developed this practice as an attempt to redeem himself from all of the tragedy he caused in the name of his Floette. His full name is Azrael Jovalie… making him a pivotal ancestor to the Joy family.
Several large family-clans are the primary leaders of international organizations. The Joy family runs the pokemon centers and overall healthcare facilities, Jenny family runs the international and local police departments, the Jordan family are firefighters who provide aid and try to prevent natural disasters, etc (they may be involved with pokemon rangers? I’m not entirely sure). Others are obviously welcome to work in these forces as well, and members of these families aren’t (usually) forced into working the family business if they want to pursue other goals.
Obviously the anime has all the service-people look identical to safe on time and everything, but I think making unique designs and characters for the Joys, Jennys, etc is a fun concept! No matter their gender or ethnicity, almost every member of a poke-business family have hair and eye colors in the same spectrum. For example, almost every Joy has pink hair that’s styled in circular/drop shapes to some capacity, and blue eyes. Jennys have teal/turquoise hair in lightning shaped styles, and brown eyes. Jordans have charcoal black hair that looks like smoky wisps, and fiery orange/gold eyes.
Xerosic (creepy ass scientist dude who forces you to push a button and coaxes Emma into his expansion suit testing) was originally from Ultra Megalopolis. I’m not entirely sure how to connect him to all the Team Flare stuff??? Or even how exactly he ends up in Kalos but he was part of the Ultra Recon Squad and volunteered to travel to the “main” pokemon world for the to see where Necrozma might try to take all the light next. But when he actually shows up there, he just. Doesn’t care. He’s so fascinated by all of the different pokemon and how energy manifests in such different ways… All he wants to do is learn everything he can about it
Eternatus is an Ultra Beast! The ricochet from AZ’s Ultimate Weapon woke it up and caused the first darkest day.
Builing more from the Adventures manga, Galar was already starting to lose its energy, but the issue is actually going to be addressed far more openly. As Eternatus slept for thousands of years, its dynamax energy gradually dies down to the point where it can’t really be used as a proper resource— especially not to power so many of Galar’s communities. Rose definitely pushed a lot of the reliance of dynamax energy in recent history, but I’m certain Galar has relied on Eternatus for even longer. What makes Rose’s plan to wake Eternatus up again even more messed up (besides putting so many people and pokemon in danger), is that he’s essentially harvesting Eternatus of its energy: Wake it up to get the dynamax levels up again, (have Leon) catch it so it doesn’t go back to sleep… Rose sees the pokemon less as an actual creature and more like a walking power plant, definitely in part with how different Eternatus looks from “normal” pokemon.
The original Sun/Moon storyline with Lusamine and her kids happens first (Lusamine is a mix of the doting from the anime and her abuse from the games… she’s messy /pos). Then, around the time Ash and his friends meet Poipole, that’s when we’d meet the Ultra Recon squad and get into the Necrozma stuff.
Y’know Goh’s whole thing with wanting to catch Mew? How Jessie’s mom died in pursuit of Mew? And the eventual data she found was used for Mewtwo’s creation? Do you see how I’m connecting the dots?
Misc Information
Harley is one of Karen's cousins, making them both descendants of Sanqua (Galaxy Team's Construction Leader) and her little brother, Melli (Diamond Clan Warden of Coronet Highlands). Obviously... we can tell who took after who even after all these years, lmao. They also have a baby cousin (one of my ocs lol) named Jimson from Laverre City (Kalos) who is currently one of the Blueberry League Club's Biome Leaders! He specializes in psychic types... and is lowkey a chuunibyou (really commits to the wizard/witch act)
While Serena is in Hoenn, she meets Lisia and the two become girlfriends besties! They’re like twelve so idk if they’d actually do anything with their feelings but the mutual pining is very very apparent. Their ship name is Dreamshowshipping!
Chloe is highkey a lesbian. That’s just always how I’ve interpreted her??? She’s constantly shocked that Ash knows all of these cute girls. I think her and Iris eventually being a couple would be very cute. If Flowershipping isn’t taken, I shall call them that!
Because I am not immune to @yamujiburo’s propaganda of Hanamusashipping (Hiii Kiana if you’re reading through all of this I am so honored and so sorry it’s so much gjdhdhdhs), I love the idea that Jessie and James start a poly/ish thing with Delia!! By that I mean Delia and James are more so queerplatonic and Jessie is smooching both of them lmao. Ash’s step parents have been here the whole time yippee!!
Arven gets a harem to make up for all the trauma (/j but also not). He gets 2 boyfriends (Giacomo and Drayton) and a girlfriend (Copaia, my main Uva student character). They are all bisexual, bet u didn’t know that ;p
Carmen and Amarys are lesbians and girlfriends!! They’ve been dating for 2 years until the main events of the ScaVio saga
I’m not entirely sure what to do with Indigo League’s Elite 4 since it changes between Kanto and Johto?? Will and Karen are definitely well-known trainers (and possibly even coordinators?) in their own right, but idk if or when they would take Lorelai and Agatha’s places. They might become members around Journeys (since I’m treating that as a general 2 years since Indigo League), but that’s very much up in the air.
Xerosic straight up ditches his daughter (Zossie). Which. He was never that good of a parent anyways but.
Klara is the younger sister of Lacey’s mother (who I have as an oc), making her an aunt! She gave Lacey her Galarian slowpoke/slowbrow.
Lucy is Kieran and Carmine’s older cousin. I know the go-to is that she’s their mom but Lucy’s vibe is more around her early 20s or so to me.
Because I adore the concepts I’ve found from @critterbitter and their mutuals, Ingo and Emmet are Drayden’s nephews. Which makes Stacy and Drayton second cousins— there’s so much comedic potential there you have no idea. Keep in mind that Drayden is also paternal figure to Iris, and Hop and Leon are her cousins… the family tree gets real complicated real fast lmao
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arrows-asks · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh hey, Jay! Fancy seeing you in my ask box! ^^
Also, a chance to talk about my own fics! Why, yes sir! And in no real order, besides numero uno!
Lost Memories (AO3/reworked version) / Lost Memories (FF.net/original version) - Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuxadow
To probably no one's surprise, this thing is my baby. I am slow as fuck with it and I don´t think we even hit the half-way mark yet, but I really do love this story. I definitely bit off more than I can chew with it though. It's a slow burn from hell and believe me, it probably kills me more than it does any of you, but... it's still my baby. However, someone please make these two fucks kiss already! Pleaaaaase!
2) Not quite as planned - Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuxadow
I dunno, I just think it's neat. Really liked how it turned out too.
3) Between dusk and dawn - Sonic the Hedgehog, Lancewain
Some spice for the sinners here. 👀 But underneath the detailed horizontal dance, it's just Lancelot and Gawain being in love and tender and just wanting to be with each other. Sadly, their time period didn´t allow for their love to be open... also, this idea haunted me for two years until I finally had the skill to write it down!
4) There for you - Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuxadow
To quote our lord and savior Shrek the third "Ogres have layers" and so does our boy Knux. Honesty, this was just me being fed up with how underappreciated and often unrespected Knuckles is. He's a complex character that deserves far more than the scraps he's been given. (This was before Movie 2 came out btw and since then I'm pretty happy with how he's been handled. Now give him his own damn game!)
5) Sweet treats are made of love - Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuxadow
It's sweet, it's domestic and simply slice of life. Also, I unintentionally made Shadow funny and that's more or less the reason it's here XD
For some honorable mentions.... one currently in progress (not Knuxadow, shockingly enough) and one new multi-chaptered Knuxadow fic I plan on starting once LM chapter 13 has been written! Stay turned for that one, because I'm excited 👀
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nemo-in-wonderland · 1 year
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And before I go to sleep, I decided I will share also Eos and Mirana's design when they were two wee babs.
I have to be honest, I wasn't truly planning to post this, because this is on those references that I usually do just for myself,so that I have a clear idea of the palette, the general vibe of the character and the details of the outfits, but I decided to make a small exception.
Tbh, I am glad I worked on this, because these references will be useful when I will be working on the whole "This is my idea" redraw project that I have in mind.
I mentioned in a previous post, a while back, that I had to rework Eos's design to better fit the new ideas that I thought about for her, and I have to be honest, I am quite happy with the direction I am taking for her! Mirana, instead,was pretty clear from the beginning, so her whole design will pretty much remain untouched. But I am particularly happy with how both my cinnamon rolls turned out.
One thing that I love is the dichotomy they represent: in fact they are Dusk (Mirana) and Dawn(Eos) and their colouring is inspired by the colours of the sky at dawn and sunset (also, along with Dorothea, I have completed my Sun-Moon-Star trifecta for Genshin as well! Call it a sort of "brand" that comes with all ocs that I create).
I swear, I can see these two ending up in SO many TROUBLES with baby Diluc and Baby Kaeya, with Diluc probably trying to be the voice of reason, and Eos trying to lend a hand.
Too bad Kaeya and Mira are busy causing havoc around the Von Rosenberg Manor of ar the Dawn Winery!!
Well, that's it for tonight!!
I hope you will like this!!
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brutalage · 8 months
house of savage concepts .
so , I’ve stated before that the house of savage is such an underutilized idea in canon . especially since , as I recall , we only see it once ( in savage dawn ) . & now , in gotham war , it’s being written that vandal wants to … uh … take over the league of assassins ? sigh . at least that’s what I can see so far . it’s going to take some time brainstorming and writing up the plans for this one , though , since I’d want it to be a concept i keep on this blog . so canonically , the HOS enacts as a group of vandal’s children in a plot to help him manipulate his meteorite back to earth , activating whoever has his DNA inside of them ; doing so would give them all stronger powers & make Vandal even more powerful than he is ( he basically achieves an almost god-like state of being later on too ) .
I’m going to push that back further in time . It be written that the HOS has always been in development, in the back of Vandal’s brain . Even if he doesn’t care about his children as a legitimate father figure , he could easily mold his kiddos into weapons of war . They could all be brainwashed , gaslight , hateful killing machines & that’s exactly what vandal would want of them , should he ever put the time towards this plan . However , canonically , vandal is known to not give a shit about his kids LMAO but like . Listen . he still wouldn’t beyond just using them to achieve his goals and , they’re not the LOA because they didn’t set out to BE the LOA , they’re diplomats & warriors & cannibals . Probably . Idk . They’re also all not children , some of his descendants are fully grown adults too !
my vandal is part Greek , so what if they had a Greek Mythos naming convention as well ? One of his child canonically is already called Hades ( who I’m reworking btw ) , so . Going off of there , that’d be more like a code name system : Vandal is Kronos ( of course ) , Olympian god names serve as generals , less powerful & younger members are drafted into lower-ranking sects , etc . And ya know , he eats you if you fail him , so . :)
House emblem is like the symbol on his belt from demon knights , etc . Maybe . They’re all over the world . Hiding . Definitely also would be sort of a metagame if other people outright knew about it past a certain point in time because Vandal would keep this SECRET for a VERY long time . Either that or he casually covers it as being None Of Your Fucking Business until it’s time to unleash his literal pack of warhounds . It’s its own faction , it’s own party , it’s own army . They’d have bases all over the world !
Uh , basically , I think that vandal needs his original own organization aside from Secret Society , Injustice Society , & the billion other evil groups he’s been a part of . I think Savage Dawn gave us something neat & I think it deserves to be fleshed out . I just need more time & ideas …
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turboacek-blog · 1 year
I wonder when they knew journeys would be the last Ash series
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Just something I thought about when I remember everyone arguing/going back and forth about if this was Ash’s last series
And since it is his last series I wonder if this was always the plan or was it a decision that came later?
As in, when journeys first started some saw the traveling to every region/world traveling aspect as a sign it was the last series for Ash
Some saw the PWC/WCS as a sign
Some saw it when Ash was seeing so many of his old companions
And others by the time it was the Masters 8 and most were sure Ash would win they felt there was nowhere else to go
Nothing has come out yet officially
But my thoughts are that they didn’t know when Journeys first started
Maybe they thought about it since it would be after SM and Ash won the league but they didn’t make journeys in mind that this would be Ash’s finale series
I don't know how legit you can take it
But I saw something that implied that as the games got more and more nonlinear the anime team had a harder time making the series
This could explain the school idea for Sun and Moon and the world journey for Journeys since the gen 7 games broke the badge formula and Galar put a different approach to it
So if they think it’s too hard to make a series with Ash as the games get less linear then maybe Gen9/ Scarlet and Violet was the straw
As SV is very open world and not linear
So when they started to brainstorm for Gen 9 maybe they truly got stuck on what to do with Ash
As for the other “signs” like companions
Maybe by the time of Serena's appearance we can perhaps think they thought about it
But Korinna was probably just a nice cameo from a gym leader people would have a connection to and does make it seem more like a world tournament as it went from mostly Kanto trainers to Kalos Gym leader
And then afterward with Iris, Dawn, etc it was mostly just ideas and other stuff and didn't play too much into a final series
Like Iris being champion probably wasn’t because Ash was leaving but maybe they just wanted her in the M8 over Alder as the we’re going to do all champions and take advantage of the character they actually developed already that became champion in the games over Alder who had the occasional episode in BW
Dawn was because of Gen 4 remakes clearly but maybe her final appearance to watch the finals was a finale thing
All in all I don't know and no one truly does unless they explain why
But just from how I perceived the process of Journeys from beginning to end
If anything they might have thought of passing the torch from Ash to Goh due to Goh being a co-lead but since Goh was a co-lead they still wanted Ash to be there which might say that even if no ideas they still wanted Ash there
Then as it went on, and maybe some of the complaints and critiques of how they were handling JN in the beginning really took a hold that
When they were doing the near complete rework of JN, that Goh got Project Mew, Chloe had her Eevee storyline, etc they maybe had a clearer vision for the series
So they had a clearer plan and was doing well for a good stretch of episodes, people were excited by Iris and Gary and that kept up for Sophocles, Clemont and Bonnie, Serena and etc
Then what happened?
I think it's a mix of things one of the more glaring ones is the animating problems they were having as with all the recaps and such they had
I think the first real hint in hindsight is the two kids calling him champion in Alola, as before it wouldn't have been mentioned as it wasn't brought up in the previous Alola episode with his classmates but it was brought up here and I think that was the writers saying ‘ok were not trying to minimize it anymore Ash had a major accomplishment and he's a champion and has battled champions (Iris) and will work his way up to be amongst the champions like Lance and Leon
But I do just generally think while doing the planning and etc for the Masters 8 they thought that this is a nice climax for Ash and to end it here
Not necessarily that they couldn't move past this point as SV has a set up to justify Ash’s strength and still have him lose and learn and etc
Him beating all the champions including the best in the world and then going back to gyms would be a little weird sure
Plus if you already kinda believed they thought about it for Gen 5 since it was soft reboot, and Gen 7 with the different formula then this is a better ending than if they ended him in Gen 4 or 6
And just other factors that probably had a small percentages in the grand scheme but could add up to a decent chunk, like Ash’s Japanese voice actress is getting older, the time window from game announcement to the anime having to “adapt” it, the general viewership not as high, older fans and younger fans wants clashing at times, series direction etx
I do just think this is a high to go out on
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tiredassmage · 11 months
800 years later, finally settling in for @kemendin mentioned me for an AO3 by stats thing, SO! Here goes <3
Most Hits: before the new dawn, one of two fics I wrote for Far Cry 5 back in uhhhh 2019? I'm actually still immensely proud of both of these. BTND in particular is a rewrite of the end of the game to give my poor Deputy and the companions a bit of a softer end, and was ultimately a part of a larger hc string of events that was meant to set up Alastar & Joey for an appearance in the ~sequel, Far Cry: New Dawn which, perhaps a bit to my shame, lmao, is still a game I need to finish uhhh.. 4 years later. oops?
the second fic for FC5 is, fun fact, my second highest in hits.
for exclusively SWTOR however, that honor goes to answer together, not to my surprise, lol. a short spin around the quinncident with one of my f!warriors and, of course, our beloved quinn.
Most Kudos: another close race between before the new dawn (27) and answer together (26).
Most Comments: sksk gently pushes answer together under the rug because it'd take this one, too, but uhhh second place goes to take me, which is. special in my heart and probably one I'd like to hold up like simba for more attention, if I could chose one, hehe! it sees tyr try to grapple with some of the implications of having survived the destruction of marr's fleet and now being saddle with the alliance, all with theron at his side, of course.
Most Bookmarks: I'll give you one guess. so this list is not literally several entries of the same, the second place of this one is overcoming us, an entry of rhystyl and savosta's unexpected alliance turned friendship, circa the coalition of yavin iv. it's one of the earliest moments savosta seeks advice from rhyst after they grew unexpectedly close battling the revanites and the implications of the emperor's plans together on rishi.
Most Words: wweeee! variety! i'm still going to give the top two though skfnslfd. technical top spot goes to when the sirens call our names (3,178), a brief exploration of iokath because my one pain in life of tyr siding with the republic on iokath and being sent back to spy on the empire later is where the fuck do they put quinn after this, give him back. this needs a bit of a rework in my head though, so for now, i've kind of cut it out of canon.
second place then is sacrifice (3,165), another entry for savosta and rhyst focused around the events of asylum in kotfe: taking flight.
also the technical champion is a fic i wrote eons ago for a pixel horse game which is still probably my favorite work i did for that fandom but do not perceive me lmaooo
Fewest Words: lovedrunk and other ramblings; a single prompt fill for uhh kinktober one year. this was the only one i finished and it will probably remain that way, lmao. i very rarely write bedroom material (awkward aces club), but! this one i loved enough. it's for astor & eden (@fatewalker-phoenix), who ofc deserve all nice things. so of course the prompt was body worship.
i have... no idea which friends have and haven't been tagged/done this at this point so!!! ao3 writer friends i am perceiving you. if you want. eyes emoji and heart emojis and etc etc etc
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blorboclaw · 2 years
You have a rewrite? Can you tell us more about it?
Well I call it a rewrite but it’s more like a “rewrite that will later be made into a human au and then the names will be changed and I will call it a totally original idea for a fantasy book” but let’s talk about it.
Working title is Rains of Fire.
First thing is that they are faes/faefolk, which explains why, although humans, they still have very distinctive markings and colours (Bluestar is litteraly blue for example), and why they have litters instead of individual births.
The kittypets’ origin comes from the story of the Great Tribes: LionTigerLeopard (except with better names because they’re faes not big cats). The three great tribes were living in that territory (that is not exactly the forest but is closer to the forest territories than the lake territories) that was going on until the horizon. Then the Invaders (twolegs but here they are more like eight-legged octopus-shaped aliens, i will have to rework that part to make sense) came and the Lionclan, who was lazy, decided to strip themselves of their honour and their mane to become kittypets/slaves/kittypets but humans. Leopardclan prefered to hunt alone and split between the rogues and loners we know today’s ancestors. Tigerclan is the ancestor of the four tribes we know right now. It’s both a legend and actually kinda true, but I don’t know how true yet.
As for other things, there are:
- The Windclan succession war will actually be bloody and make victims.
-There will be something akeen to royalties: while Tigerclaw is the closest to royalty since his father and grandfather were both leaders, some consider their line ended and dynasties changed when Sunstar came to power, and he’s Lionheart and Goldenflower’s grandfather in my rewrite so Lionheart as a new deputy is just Bluestar (adopted by Sunstar after Moonflower’s death) continuing Sunstar’s line instead of starting her own (by naming Whitestorm for example, or her stepson Darkstripe). Also deputies are called Chancellors and leaders are called Monarchs.
- A few ages or families change: Lionheart and Goldenflower will be Sunstar’s grandchildren, Tigerclaw will have trained at the same time as Lionheart and Redtail, Thrushpelt is Graystripe and Darkstripe’s confirmed father...
- Working the “fae” thing I think Starclan’s attribute (instead of looking like they’re covered in stardust) will be that they have fairy wings.
- All the magicky/reincarnationsy/darkforestandimpostor things will be toned down, either metaphorical (Thornclaw doesn’t train in the Dark Forest: he is just seduced by Tigerstar’s ideology and wants to stage a coup against Firestar, etc. Lionblaze is such a good warrior that he must be a reincarnation of a tiger lol joking etc) or explained by Starclan giving their powers to warriors and medics because the living won’t take kindly direct interferences...
- also yeah medcats are blacksmiths.
- the iconic couples (SorrelBracken, DustFern, CloudBright...) won’t die separately: they will die in the same battle, or in the same epidemic, or storm, etc.
- FireSand will have two litters and a half (explaining the half right now). They will have SquirrelLeaf at first (although Leaf won’t be called Leaf), then Redkit and Tallkit (named after Redtail and Tallstar, who just died, born in Dawn, who will become Redflame and Tallwhisker or something like that) and in the Sight they will pretend that LionHollyJay are their kits because they don’t have another medic to take care of the clan if Leafpool is forced to step down.
- Also scars and such won’t be seen as ugly because they’re a mofing WAR CULTURE. So basically Daisy will still be like “oh my gosh what’s that” when she sees Brightheart’s face, but everyone else will be like “what do you mean that’s her face??”. I will probably scar Thornclaw and Brackenpelt too in some way because only their sisters have been disabled by Tigerclaw’s plots and I will have that change.
- There will both be more and less “named-after”: for example Sandstorm’s death will prompt the birth of a Windkit because storm = wind. It will be like people naming a little Esteban after his uncle Stephen: it’s basically the same name but it doesn’t sound the same at all.
- Also almost all elders’ death will prompt the naming of a kit with their name in their line, because if the name is “strong” enough to make them live old, we would be fools not to give it to them. Half-Tail dying means Runningwind’s kits will count a Sparrowkit, but Dappletail died without offspring so no cat will be named like her for a while. There’s a whole culture about names and inheriting names and family names.
- Actually I think names will be like the most important part of my rewrite. Fireheart is named after Lionheart, who took him in (it will also be an argument when he is named deputy: he is more or less the adoptive son of Lionheart, who was deputy and who was a leader’s grandson, so he’s got a right on the throne). Sandstorm after Whitestorm. No one will be named “tail” for a while because it was “reserved” for Ravenpaw as his father’s suffix (father who was murdered during his apprenticeship: not all kids get their parents’ suffixes) but since he’s “dead” too...
- Also Raven, Tulip, Cricket, Lynx, Swift... not being reused anytime soon will be explained by the fact that if a person dies before becoming an adult their name is considered bad luck somehow.
- Naming someone after someone who is still alive is considered a great mark of honor to the “source” person. The reason why there are so many “Tangle-”, “Claw-” “Stumpy-” etc under Brokenstar’s reign is because his closest allies named their kids with similarly derogatory names in order to honor him.
- Laws regarding who can marry whom. Basically taking it from the Catholic Canonic Law, where you can’t marry your godfather/godmother/godson/goddaughter, here you can’t marry your mentor/apprentice. No law against marrying their sibling but most of the time siblings don’t train together, and here anyway the age difference is way bigger between people than in cat years. You also can’t marry your first cousin unless the Priest(ess) and the leader both agree to the union. Snowbush+Lilyheart would not have been approved for example. The law comes from the dawn of the clans when Skystar tried to make Thunderstar marry one of his half-sisters (a kid of StarFlower and Skystar) as a proof of alliance between Skyclan and Thunderclan. Yikes.
- Chestnutblaze will get married with Runningwind and give birth to his kids but then he will be killed by Tigerstar. Longtail (who was not blinded) will become her second husband around Twilight.
lots of other stuff.
But anyway you’ve got the jist. Also I wrote twice as long as that before deleting half of it, just so you know I’ve spared you some.
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coraniaid · 2 years
sorry, hit the ask button so soon:
Coexist - ⭐
Um.  So I'm going to talk about chapter 21 of Coexist in frankly excessive detail.  It’s one of my favorite chapters so far, but the problem with writing dream sequences without a beta reader is that you do sort of feel the urge to ask anybody who reads it: “hey, did you spot that bit of symbolism?". Even, or perhaps especially, when the symbolism probably isn't as clever as you'd like to think.
And I sort of think that the actual fic should speak for itself, but ... well, on the other hand I've just written a thousand words about it, so:
Let's start with the title, which is meant as a reference to Sarah McLahlan’s Full of Grace, as heard in Season 2's Becoming Part 2, specifically to this verse:
I feel just like I'm sinking
And I claw for solid ground
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
Which is later echoed by Faith's speech to Joyce in Season 4’s This Year’s Girl – “It's like you just keep sinking a little deeper everyday and no-one even sees” – in the very same way that Faith herself echoes Buffy’s situation at the end of Season 2 and into Season 3’s Anne (“no friends, no hope“, as Angelus puts it).  And … well, this is a chapter which is all about Faith and how she defines herself in relation to Buffy, so it seems appropriate.
Up to this point, every chapter has been a reworking of a specific episode from Season 3.  Sometimes the connection’s been very clear (especially in the earlier chapters), and sometimes it’s been a bit less clear (and in one case there are two chapters devoted to a single episode). 
But this chapter is slightly different, in that while it basically takes the place of Season 3’s Doppelgangland it doesn’t really have much in common with that episode (although I guess one of the vampires from The Wish rewrite does make a cameo).  Instead it's more or less Restless from Season 4: a series of dream sequences culminating with a final Slayer versus Slayer showdown in the desert.
(As an aside: I’ve always thought that it was a shame that Eliza Dushku was apparently unavailable for the filming of Restless, because Tara’s role as a mediator for the First Slayer in that episode would make so much more sense if given to Faith.) 
That said, it's not just Restless that's being referenced here: there's obviously quite a lot of This Year’s Girl too and the opening scene borrows heavily from the dream sharing scene in Graduation Day.
One idea I had for this sequence that didn't quite make it through to the final version was that each of the individual dreams Faith had should feature a character that has been used to mirror Buffy at some point.  Not necessarily as a full shadow self, but at least as a deliberate parallel.  There’s still a lot of that original plan in the published chapter – it’s why we see Dawn and Drusilla and Lily, among others  – but the big absences are obviously Cordelia and Spike.  
Spike’s sort of there by omission, if that makes sense, in that Faith at least mentions him to Drusilla, but Cordy’s not present at all.  The original version of the scene where Faith sees Buffy and Angel sleeping together was originally going to have Cordelia take Buffy’s place – complete with Faith “remembering” that Diana had told her about the Slayer before her, Cordelia Chase – but in the end I just thought that was too confusing to really work.
It was fun writing cameos for Dawn and Drusilla here, but at a certain point while writing this I really wished I just let both of them introduce themselves to Faith by name.  It’s hard not to make repeated use of “the vampire” or “the girl” not sound really clunky.  
Also, and I don’t know how well this comes across, but the idea is definitely that this is Drusilla here, not just a dream or a prophetic vision. If Faith and Buffy can share dreams, and we know they can, and if Buffy and Drusilla can share dreams, which Season 2’s Surprise strongly suggests, then I figured that Faith and Drusilla should also be able to share dreams here.  
(Also a very, very early draft version of this chapter, when it followed the plot of Season 3’s Doppelgangland a lot more closely, was that Drusilla would actually arrive in town trying to find Spike, and end up taking on the role that vamp!Willow plays in that episode.  So her little appearance here is sort of a nod towards that, as well.)
One idea for this chapter that I did stick with is that Faith -- in all cases except one --always transitions between dreams by falling or moving downwards.  Which makes sense because, as well as the general theme of falling and sinking that I mentioned at the start, Faith is literally in a coma after being thrown off a building.  I think it makes sense that she’d be dwelling on that, even if she’s not consciously able to remember what happened.  
She first falls down to the sewers from the collapsing hospital, then falls down through a door into Dawn’s bedroom while running from Angelus, then is escorted back downstairs and out of the house by Joyce, then in the classroom she falls through a broken window and down into the warehouse, and finally she’s pushed down through the portal in the floor into the desert. The one exception to this is that after vamp!Buffy dies Faith wakes up, which I like because it deliberately breaks the pattern and stresses what a big deal this moment is for Faith. 
Also, I should perhaps admit that I have no clue how obvious it is that the “something worse” [than vampires] that Faith keeps mentioning throughout this chapter – the thing that’s always close by, that she can’t escape; the same thing that kills vamp!Buffy here and later attacks Anya – is meant to be Faith herself, or at least the Slayer part of her.  (This is one of the things I sometimes wish I had a beta reader for, honestly, but I know from experience that I’d write even more slowly if I had one.)
The final fight in the desert was a lot of fun to write.  It’s also the closest I’ve come in this fic to writing something like “canon” Faith.  (I mean, I hope that this fic’s version of Faith does come across as reasonably in-character given all the changes in what happens to her – I wanted to make it seem like this Faith is somebody who could have turned out more like she does in canon, even if she doesn’t.  But in terms of temperament this version of the character owes much more to Amends or the first half of Revelations than she does to Enemies or Consequences.)  
And of course the “I’ve got somebody…” line at the end of this scene is a reference to  (and repurposing of) what Faith says to Willow in Choices.  That moment’s really what the whole chapter has been building towards.  Well, that and the image of Faith questioning whether she’s really a monster, deciding not to give up on herself and carrying her own unconscious body out of the desert.  Which I like a lot, even if it’s not particularly subtle.  (Actually maybe I like it because it isn’t subtle.)
Anyway, I liked working on this chapter a lot and I’m really pleased with how it turned out.  There are lots of other little details that I probably forgot to mention, some of which are going to be relevant before the story ends, but … yeah.  Probably written enough for now.
Thanks for the ask! 
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starsweepersold · 5 years
in this essay i will... explain. ( typos most likely heavily present because time... )
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lets start with dawny bear.  my heart, my soul, the absolute queen of this blog.  i think the easiest note is, yes.  she has a disability.  but that’s not going to be my focus because battling her condition isn’t really what makes her strong.  it’s her reality, she just embraces it and lives with it and improves upon it.  of course it’s a major influence, but it’s hardly meant to be “look, my soft girl has a disability, admire her strength” sort of part to her.  it’s just.  a part of her and that’s that.  it’s her normal and her reality, it’s not her defining characteristic.
what really makes dawn strong is her courageous loyalty and her refusal to give up on what she believes in.  i recently rewatched the first two n.arnia movies ( mostly to see gray’s fc ), but i was heavily reminded as to how lucy is one of the people i draw inspiration from for dawn.  lucy doesn’t fight, even though she is given a dagger and the like.  still, she’s one of the strongest of the siblings because of her open mind and her open heart.  dawn is similar.  it would take quite the situation to get dawn to even hold a weapon.  she’s not a fighter, she’s barely one to argue.
but she doesn’t give up on anything she believes in.  and she doesn’t give up on people.  it’s somewhat a weakness just as much as a strength, as she could easily be played and manipulated.  she so strongly seeks out the good in others that she can be blinded by false motivations.  still, if she has your back, she will stand up for you.  even against her father, and she is daddy’s little girl before most anything else.  standing up to scott is a serious move on her part, but the refusal to give up on people... the “fighting” she does to help redeem and give them a chance and help them find happiness.
not to mention dawn has MASSIVE insecurities.  she’s just astounding at hiding them, always putting on a smile for her family and friends.  it’s difficult to believe she’s battling much of anything, but there are fears and sadness sitting in her chest.  she can’t bear the idea of being alone, she can’t bear the idea of disappointing her family, she cries over being unable to help when someone is suffering.  she wants to do good in the world, and sometimes she wants to do it on a scale she can’t achieve.  she wants and needs love, and she is fearful her personality does the opposite of what she seeks and tries for.
dawn puts on the bravest face, the biggest smiles, and steps in for those who are cast aside because a part of her knows what that is like.
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they’re not identical, but they have similar enough traits that i can put them together in this regard.  these two are my most feminine and my most romantic.  they’re almost as stereotypical as you can get, having a love for fashion and falling in love and beauty and makeup and you name it.  laila is partially inspired by charlotte, even ( despite being human lady, laila has developed a great deal on her own, as well, and so she draws attention from a number of characters ).  though there are certainly some strong differences, as well.
sure, both are the type to cringe at getting gross and dirty, but if you get in the way of their dreams or their friends or their friends dreams?  ooooh, you better watch out.  they’re not keen on violence or the like, but they’re not opposed to doing what they need to in order to protect themselves, their family, and anyone close to them.  laila knows how to throw heels and, in some verses, knows how to fight physically.  charlotte, while not exactly trained, isn’t one to shy away if she needs to.  she did slam naveen with a book... granted, he was a frog but.  she’s clearly shown signs of strength and bravery against moments that you’d think would have sent her running.
these two aren’t afraid to slap or use their power ( money, mostly ) to prevent those with wrongful intentions from hurting others.  they can be diplomatic, quick thinking, and intelligent.  they will negotiate, they will use force, they will not back down.  if you think lottie and laila are the types to back down from challenges or wrong doers... think again.
...also they will use seductive tactics if necessary.  they know they got ways to manipulate with more than just words.  though, of course, this only works on very specific types of “enemies.”
other strengths with them is certainly hiding insecurities.  not being pretty enough, not being good enough, not being enough.  there are some battles money and attention can’t win for them.
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though i’ve never explored it... sweet flower faith is physically strong and actually pretty brave.  it’s not her go-to but.  cause problems, and she will kick your ass.  she’s probably more likely to try and fight than ben is if needed.  long story short, she will pick up a chair and swing it at your face if necessary.  she just hopes it will never come to that...
she’s also had to battle the disappearance of her twin.  the heartache of never having a father.  the struggle of helping her mom have the money to keep food in the pantry.  faith acts like her life is put together... but there’s more underneath the surface that she can’t quite hold up.
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arahxdjarin · 3 years
Get Some Sleep
The Rebel and The Mandalorian, Chapter 1
Mando finds you with a bounty, he takes you back to Peli's hanger on Tatooine to help patch up your wounds. He ends up hiring you on as crew, but you have a past of your own that you're trying to run from. Will the two of you stay together despite the secrets?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader
Word Count: 9k
Tags: canon type violence, injuries, talks about past abuse, f!masturbation, m!masturbation, Din needs a hug, Reader needs a hug too
Notes: Hi besties!!! I'm reworking one of my earliest fics, I deleted it because I realized how many errors there were and I wanted to rework the plot again. I know this chapter is wildly long but it's a lot of story building, back stories etc. The rest of the Chapters won't be this long! I hope you guys enjoy <3 ily all!! Also a big shout out to @r0-laren
Warning: This work is going to have talks about past torture that reader endured, she has been put through so shit.
Next Chapter
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Mando finally caught wind of the bounty he was tasked with hunting. He didn’t think Tatooine had many places to hide but this bounty obviously has some kind of vast knowledge of Mos Eisley. He walks up to what looks like an abandoned building, it has multiple holes and burn marks from blasters and blunt force burned into the decaying exterior. He pushes the crumbling metal door open and watches as it all but disintegrates straight from the hinges.
The building looks empty to the naked eye, but his helmet is picking up two sets of footprints and two heat signatures. He heads deeper into the dark building, his fingers twitching over the blaster at his side. It's times like this he's grateful to have acquaintances like Peli. He doesn't want the kid to be anywhere near this vile, disgusting, wasteland. His foot hits a few empty glass bottles that litter the dust covered floor, they fall with a loud crash, causing him to cringe.
“Fuck” Mando whispers, if the residents of this shithole didn’t know he was there already, they definitely did now.
There’s movement from across the room, someone shuffles to their feet from behind a bar top with a grunt, pointing an old blaster directly at Mando. The empty bottles are obviously his, a bender from the previous day probably. He turns and shoots the man in the arm that’s holding the blaster and then again in the chest when the man hardly stumbles from the first shot.
Mando crosses the room, identifying the man as the bounty he’s supposed to bring in. Thankfully, the guild didn’t care if he was brought in dead or alive, they just needed him to be brought in. Mando kicks the man onto his side so he can cuff him and that’s when he notices you.
You lay unconscious right behind where the bounty had fallen, you're covered in bruises, dirt and dried blood, it's very obvious you've been beaten. Your hands are tied to a pole sticking out of the ground. Mando curses under his breath again, there's no way he'll be able to leave you here while you're hurt and helpless. He pulls the bounty up and ties a rope between the guys cuffs then Mando attaches it to his belt, he’ll have to drag the guy back to Peli’s.
Mando lifts you as gently as he can, slinging you over his shoulder and leaves the abandoned building to make his way back to Peli’s hanger. He arrives at the familiar location just before dawn. Mando sets you down onto the ground in front of the Razor Crest before opening the hull to put the bounty into a carbonite chamber.
When he comes back down the hull you’re beginning to regain consciousness, your body shaking, fighting to sit up.
“Where am I, who are you?” Your voice comes out shaky, he can tell how disoriented and frightened you are.
“You’re in a hanger on the other side of Mos Eisley.” Mando makes sure to stay a few steps away from you, even in this state, you seem feral and ready to strike given the chance.
“Where’s Kar at? Did he sell me to you?” There was venom dripping from every word, your face twisting into a deep frown.
“He’s frozen in carbonite, and no.” Mando cocks his head to the side, trying to figure why the dead man would sell you. You bring your injured arm to your face, wincing when you take in just how bad the damage is.
“You’re a bounty hunter? Good, hopefully that fucking bastard rots in jail, why did you take me though? You didn’t have to.” Your face contorts into a grimace, you start to wheeze in between words, He’s sure your injuries are causing you severe pain.
“Let me look at your wounds, they must be extensive, I have some bacta.” Mando walks back up the hull to grab the med kit. He must be right about your wounds because you don’t try to protest or run from him when he approaches with the bacta and med kit.
“Don’t waste your bacta on me, that shit is like gold. You said we’re in Mos Eisley? Kar must have had me drugged for a while. The last planet I remember is Corellia. Is he really going to jail?” Your voice breaks with your last question, Mando can’t tell if you’re excited or upset.
Mando kneels down to look at your injuries, you have a large burn that covers most of your upper right thigh, a nasty bruise that runs all the way across your abdomen and a large open wound on your left forearm as well as other small cuts and bruises scattered across your entire body. Mando frowns, you’re definitely going to need bacta to heal these properly. Why would you tell him to not waste it?
“I’m using the bacta, your wounds are bad. And he's dead, so probably not jail. Was he your boyfriend or something?” Mando can’t resist asking, he’s curious about you. You scoff loudly at his accusation.
“No, Kar kidnapped me about 3 years ago from Imperials. Once he realized I was a mechanic and a pilot he wouldn’t let me leave, the only reason I’m this beat up is because I tried to escape. I ripped the tracker out of my arm. He usually kept me pretty drugged unless he needed me to fix something, but on Corellia,” You pause to wince, your breath coming out really shallow. Mando gives you a second to rest before you continue. “I was coherent enough to take a knife to my arm and rip the tracker out. I was hoping I’d be able to escape on a freighter. Must have caught me, probably why he brought me to Tatooine. It’s the only place you can still purchase embedded tracking devices.” You close your eyes, your shoulders slumping a bit as he applies some bacta to the wound on your arm. Mando nods while he continues working on your larger wounds. You hiss when his hand touches your thigh to apply the bacta to the burn, but you immediately relax when the healing properties take effect.
He can't believe you're still alive after being a prisoner to someone for 3 years. He wants to ask why you were with Imperials but decides against saying anything. He instead works in silence to bandage your wounds. It seems like you’re tired of talking as well. You stay quiet as he continues wrapping cloth around the wound on your leg, you’re almost completely patched up when Mando hears the familiar voice of Peli.
“Mando, who is this? My hanger isn’t a med bay you know.” Mando looks over to the woman with wild hair who’s holding onto the child protectively. Her eyes move between Mando and you trying to access the threat level. It is a sight to see, you’re wearing old clothes that are ripped to shreds, your entire body covered in blood, dirt and old oil. While Mando kneels at your side wrapping your exposed thigh with bandages.
“She was with the bounty, I couldn't leave her to die.” Mando says, going back to wrapping your wound.
“Well make sure you finish up quickly.” Peli tries to hold onto the kid but he’s wiggling in her arms trying to get loose. Fighting to be put down to come over and check out the new person being introduced. Mando looks down at you and sees your eyes are trained on the kid too. He worries you may actually be a threat.
“Thank you for letting the Mandalorian patch up my wounds here, I promise I’ll be on my way shortly, I’m a mechanic as well and would be very upset if I saw this happening in my own hanger.” You peel your eyes off the kid to offer Peli a bright smile.
Peli smiles back at, realizing you aren’t dangerous, she always says she’s an excellent judge of character. She walks closer to Mando who just finished wrapping your thigh. Peli shoves the kid into his arms as he stands and then kneels down to help you up.
“You’re a mechanic? How’d you get yourself wrapped up with one of his bounties?” She points her thumb back to where Mando is standing. Peli steadies you with one of her arms under your elbow, helping you walk away from Mando and the kid. He tries to calm the kid down, the little womp rat is still trying to break loose, it seems like he wants to greet you.
You smile again, “A very long story, Peli.” You turn to look at Mando who’s now fighting to calm down the small green ball of energy. A battle he seems to be losing as the kid squirms in his arms so much he almost drops him.
“Thank you again, I’ll be on my way now.” You give them both a short nod before turning to walk away, you stumble and limp, holding your injured arm against the bruise on your stomach. Both Peli and Mando can hear you wheezing for air as you try to walk away.
“Wait, you said you’re a mechanic right? Well shiny here needs one, maybe he can hire you on as crew, I’m sure you don’t have many credits, probably isn’t safe for you to head back out there with nothing, plus you’re still injured.”  Peli calls after you. She puts her hands on her hips and smiles, shooting Mando a wink.
Mando stares at Peli, not believing she’d offer something like that, it isn't her place even if she is right about him needing a mechanic.
“Uh- my ship is pre-imperial, you’re probably too young to know how to work on it.” He says awkwardly. He’s angry Peli put him in this situation. She’s right about needing a mechanic and you’re definitely too injured to venture out on your own but he never hired crews. He always does everything on his own.
You roll your eyes at him, “I can assure you I am well versed in pre-imperial machinery, especially ships. Thank you Peli for the offer, but I don’t think the Mandalorian would appreciate me taking an offer that wasn’t yours to give.” You lean against the wall of the hanger, obviously trying to support your weight off your bad leg. Mando frowns under the helmet and lets out a defeated sigh.
“Peli is right, I could use a mechanic and a pilot, we leave in 20 minutes.” Mando turns to move up the hull of the Crest with the kid in tow. He hears Peli’s laugh in the distance as he grumbles to himself.
You’re sitting in the co-pilot chair in the cockpit of the Crest fiddling with the jumpsuit Peli generously let you have to replace your horribly torn up clothes. You didn’t want to take the Mandalorian up on his offer but you needed to get off Tatooine, and he offered you 8% of his earnings from here until he returns to the guild to drop off his bounties just for keeping his ship in order. From what he said there were still 3 bounties to hunt.
The Mandalorian and you have been sitting in silence for a couple hours, the small green child is asleep in a floating pram next to the pilot’s chair. You didn’t want to break the nice silence but you had questions.
“So is the kid your son?” You ask, turning your head slightly to gauge whether the question you asked was too personal.
The Mandalorian sighs, “No, he’s my foundling, I’m trying to find his people.” The Mandalorian turns in his seat, you nod your head as he looks at you.
“Should I keep calling you the Mandalorian? Do you and the kid have names?” The Mandalorian pauses before answering. “You can call me Mando, it's not my name but it is what everyone calls me, as for the kid I have no idea, if you haven’t noticed he doesn’t speak much.” You let out a small laugh at that and turn your head to watch the planets and stars whip by you in blurred lines. Mando and you fall back into silence and it’s him who breaks the silence this time.
“Why were you with Imps?” You laugh, but turn it into a cough when you see Mando’s shoulders tense up.
“An even longer story than the Kar one, I was part of the Rebellion. A pilot, I was taken prisoner by them. They kept me prisoner until Kar kidnapped me.” You turn back to look at Mando, he’s looking at you and his entire upper body is turned to face you. He doesn’t say anything, just nods and turns back around. You didn’t tell him the entire story but he doesn’t need to know that. He stands up quickly after another short silence.
“I’m going to go rest, you should try too. There’s probably an extra blanket with the med kits, next planet we stop on I can get you some supplies.” He leaves the cockpit pit and takes the child with him. You sigh, and get up gently. Your body is still sore from your injuries, even breathing has proven to be difficult.
Instead of resting you decide to look over the control panels and learn some of the codes for the Razor Crest, you weren’t lying when you told Mando you knew a lot about pre-Imperial machinery. You just haven’t been around any for a couple years. You’re elbow deep in a control panel fixing some frayed wires when gloved hands pull you up by your shoulders.
“What are you doing?” Mando asks, his modulated voice fills with irritation. His fingers dig into your shoulders. You wince from the strong grip he has on them. You frown at him, both from pain and confusion.
“I was doing what you hired me to do, the wires in this control panel are frayed and dangerous, I was cleaning them up, I’m sorry?” You say the last part as a question because you aren’t entirely sure why he is upset. Mando sighs and loosens his grip on your shoulders. His warm hands cover your shoulders for another moment before he finally drops his hands back at his sides.
“You’re hurt, you need rest.” His voice still sounds angry, you don't really think he’s upset that you aren’t resting, it seems like he’s upset because you’re touching his ship. Which is something he’ll have to get used to, since he hired you to be the ship's mechanic.
“I don’t really sleep, once you’ve been a prisoner for as long as I have, you kind of just learn to stay alert.” You put your hand on your hip and look up at him, he’s still wearing his armor. It doesn’t look like he was resting either.
“You aren’t a prisoner anymore, you don’t have to be alert all the time.” He thrusts a blanket into your arms and turns to climb down the ladder. He looks back at you, “Get some rest, we’ll be at our next destination in a few hours.” And with that he disappears down the ladder.
“Easier said than done.” You mumble under your breath taking the blanket and wrapping it around your shoulders. You usually didn’t sleep, it wasn’t just because you were a prisoner though, you’re just cursed by nightmares whenever your eyes closed. You try to take his advice though, even if you just rest your body.
You lean back against the chair, your body immediately relaxing into it. Your eyes flutter close and you breathe in the scent of the blanket. It doesn’t smell like a med kit blanket. It’s more homey than that, like old leather and some kind of spice. It smells like someone’s personal blanket, realizing that this must be the blanket Mando sleeps with. It makes you feel warm and safe, helping you fall into restless sleep.
The second you fall unconscious your own screams of terror fill your brain. The soft hum of a lightsaber near your sweat covered body makes your dream self cringe. The pain of the torture, searing your skin as if you're still strapped to the table.
You wake with a start, breathing erratically, and covered in sweat. The second you shoot up, an all too familiar and uncomfortable pain starts to ache in your abdomen where your bruises are. You groan into your hands and curse the Mandalorian. This is why you don’t sleep, nightmares. Nightmares of the man with the red lightsaber, torturing you to give in to the evil you swore to eliminate. You stand and let the blanket fall from your shoulders. You aren’t sure how long you slept for but you're guessing it couldn’t have been long since the ship is still quiet.
You go down the ladder that leads out of the cockpit and into the rest of the ship. Wanting to explore the hull of the Crest, you notice a few blast doors and assume one of them has to be the refresher, you take a guess, and open the door further to your left. It wasn’t the refresher, it’s the armory, the room is half the size of the cockpit and filled with weapons. You quickly close the door, not wanting to be found in front of Mando’s armory thinking back to how he reacted to you fixing simple wires. The next door you tried was the correct one, the refresher’s door opens to a small room, smaller than the armory. It has exactly what you’re in need of though, a shower.
You close the refresher door and immediately strip out of your jumpsuit, your hand lingering on the old healed scars that paint your sternum and abdomen. You let your hands roam to your fresh wounds and quickly unwrap the bandages and get into the shower. Not wanting to dwell on how disformed your body must look with the new scars covering your body.
The water is weak and slightly cold but it still feels amazing against your skin. Kar rarely ever afforded you the luxury to an actual shower. You sit under the water for a while before actually washing yourself, you just want to enjoy the feeling of water against your body. You find a simple soap bar, it’s probably Mando’s. You aren’t sure how he’ll feel about you sharing a soap bar with him but at the moment you don’t care. You just want to rid your body and hair of the dirt, blood and grime from the previous weeks. You end your shower after washing yourself off, not wanting the noise to wake Mando or the child up. You get out of the shower and decide to air dry. You look back down at the wounds on your leg and forearm, both are healing quickly thanks to the bacta that Mando applied. One or two more applications and your skin will almost be as good as new.
Your fingers find the bruise that's on your abdomen and you lightly touching it. Your mind goes to Kar kicking it repeatedly for ripping the tracker out of your arm, you’re grateful Mando found you before he could put another one in. You put your jumpsuit back on and leave the fresher only to run into the wall of armor that is Mando. You let out a groan as you bounce off him and back into the door of the refresher. He grabs your arms gently and helps you steady yourself.
“I need to redress your wounds.” Is all he says before letting you go and walking to the med kits on the wall. You sit on a crate and unzip your jumpsuit to show the wound on your thigh, grateful that you still have some kind of under clothing on to cover your crotch. Mando walks back to you with the supplies, if he was surprised to see the bare skin of your thighs he doesn’t show it. He kneels in front of you again and gently pulls up the sleeve on your left arm, he applies more bacta and wraps it up in the same kind of cloth bandaging as before. He works quickly, moving onto your thigh to do the same thing.
“How did he burn you?” Mando asks, as he focuses on applying a generous amount of bacta to your thigh. The question was simple but you still hesitate before answering.
“Kar would shoot his blaster a bunch and then put the hot barrel onto my skin, he did it whenever he got too drunk, I’m assuming he was drunk the night you killed him.” Mando tenses at your answer, his hands balling into fists around the cloth bandage he holds. You want to soothe him, tell him you’re ok but in reality it’s a pretty fucked up thing to do to a person. Especially considering you weren’t conscious the night Mando rescued you. Mando continues to work in silence cleaning and redressing your wound. He took his gloves off this time and you could see his large hands moving over your body as he worked, the muscles and veins moving under his tanned skin. It’s been so many years since you felt a touch so gentle, it almost makes you hum.
Mando’s hands move to your abdomen, he feels around a bit and asks if it hurts more today, you shake your head ‘no’ in reply, not trusting your voice. Once he’s done with checking your wounds, he stands up, putting his gloves back on. He gives you one nod and leaves to the cockpit.
He leaves the child down in the hull with you, the little guy immediately smiles and waddles your way, you return the smile and greet him.
“Hey buddy, you’re pretty cute aren’t you.” You rub your finger on his large ear, which earns you a cute giggle-like sound from the small creature. He grabs your finger, staring directly into your eyes. You can tell he feels safe with you. Another smile forms on your lips as you stand from the crate, scooping the small child into your arms, you start to make noises at him to get him to giggle again. You aren’t sure how long you hang out with the kid but Mando’s voice startles you when he speaks.
“He likes you, that’s good, I’m going to leave him with you while I hunt. Safer for him that way.” You look over to where he stands against the wall of the hull, arms crossed over his chest.
“Oh boy, I get to be the babysitter?” You realize it came off more mean than sarcastic. “Sorry I didn’t mean for that to sound so bad, of course I’ll watch the little guy, do you mind if I work on some mechanical things while you’re gone or are you gonna yell at me again?” You raise an eyebrow as you shift the kid to your hip.
Mando sighs and pushes off the wall, he walks over to you and the kid. He’s so close to you, his chest armor almost brushing against your arm. You can even smell the same scent that's on the blanket you used a few hours ago. He brushes his finger against the top of the kids head. He turns his helmet to look at you as he speaks.
“Work on the control panel and maybe the hyperdrive too, if you have time.” He turns back around and walks towards the ramp that leads out of the hull. He slings a large ambien gun over his shoulder and stops half way down the ramp before speaking again.
“I should be back within a day, there’s food next to the med kits, I’ll bring back supplies for you.” With that he walks off into the dark of a mysterious planet. You clutch the kid closer to your side as the ramp ascends closing off the outside world from you and the kid, you smile down at him.
“Well, let's eat some food, huh kid, how does that sound?” You aren’t sure if you imagine it but his ears perk up the second you say food.
A few hours pass after the Mandalorian leaves, the kid falls back asleep in his little pram shortly after tearing through 2 ration packets. You start back up on the wires you were working on before you had fallen asleep after you settle the kid down. You’re able to fix them quickly and then you turn your attention towards the panel that the hyperdrive is in.
After hours of work, the cockpit gets blistering hot prompting you to remove the top of your jumpsuit. Leaving yourself in a tight tank top Peli gave you to go under it. You tie the arms of the jumpsuit around your waist to make sure the pants portion of them stay put. You continue to work on the hyperdrive for a few more hours, before finding the source of the issue. Whoever put the compressor on this power converter did a piss poor job of it, the compressor was limiting the hyperdrive from moving smoothly and efficiently through space. You completely remove the bad component and get to work on fixing it. Once you finish that you stand back and smile at the work you did, it has been a while since you got to work on a ship of your own volition without being forced to do it for others. You had come to miss it.
You wipe your hand against your forehead, stopping the sweat that’s forming there from getting into your eyes. You rest your arms on your hips. Letting yourself catch your breath in the sweltering heat. A large hand covers your shoulder and nearly makes you jump out of your skin. You grab it without thinking and flip the person over your body, causing them to land against the floor of the cockpit with a loud thump. It was only then you realize the person who grabbed you was in fact Mando.
He groans from the floor. Your hands shoot up to cover your mouth in shock, as he sits up and cracks his neck.
“I’m so sorry Mando, I was so focused on fixing this fucked up compressor I didn’t even hear you come into the ship.” You stare at Mando who’s now standing to his feet rubbing his back. He leans back and lets out another groan as his back cracks, oh yeah, he’s definitely angry.
“It’s fine, I didn’t realize you had combat experience. I'll keep that in mind the next time I sneak up on you.” He chuckles while rolling out his shoulder.
“In my defense you said you’d be gone for an entire day, it has only been like 12 hours.” He looks at you for a little too long, you finally look down and realize your jumpsuit is still tied at your waist. Your white under shirt is sticking to you with sweat and your nipples are starting to peek through the thin material. You quickly turn and your body heats further with embarrassment. You work to untie the arms and gather your jumpsuit back around your shoulders. You zip it up and make sure it’s secure before turning around. You feel more blood rushing to your cheeks as Mando’s helmet goes from looking at your chest to looking at your face.
“I’m sorry, it got really hot in here while I was working.” You decide to stare at his boots instead of looking up into his helmet, you’re thoroughly embarrassed.
“What did you say about a fucked up compressor?” He says, changing the subject.
“Oh yeah, someone put the compressor into the hyperdrive wrong it was fucking with the power converter which is why the Crest has been lagging so much while jumping into hyperspace lately, the compressor was working against the converter not with it.” You turn your attention back to the hyperdrive and close the panel off with a thin piece of metal that matches the ship’s walls.
“I was the one who put the compressor in, I didn’t realize I did it wrong.” His deep modulated voice says behind you. Your shoulders tense, Maker, you really have it out to piss him off today.
“Thanks for catching it. The bounty came willingly. I got your supplies as well.” Your stomach flips at the small praise he gives you, turning around and giving him a nod. You finally give him a once over, he looks the same as always but he does have dried mud covering most of his armor.
“I’ll get the coordinates to the next bounty into the flight computer, you should go take a shower.” He gives you one last look before descending the ladder to the hull.
“Mando, wait.” His helmet pops back up into the cockpit and turns to look at you.
“Thanks for getting me stuff. And sorry for uh, you know.” You avert your eyes to the wall, still feeling bad for hurting him. He doesn’t say anything and leaves the cockpit again.
You stay in the cockpit for another few minutes before you realize the kid was probably up now, and hungry. You walk down the ladder and cross to where you left him in his pram. Noises from the refresher stop you in your tracks. You hear the shower running, as well as deep sounds coming from Mando. You walk closer to the door to hear what was happening, you hear him moan. He says something but it’s too muffled to make out exactly what he says, he grunts one last time and then it’s quiet except for the sounds of water hitting the floor.
Your eyes go wide, as your whole body goes warm once you realize what he was doing. You walk away from the door, your breathing heavier than it should be. That was such a personal moment that you just listened in on. But was Mando touching himself to the thought of you? That couldn’t possibly be the case, you tell yourself. You’re pretty sure he doesn’t even like you. He did stare at your chest earlier though, and the thought of him staring at you did turn you on. Sex wasn’t something you had even thought about in the past years. And now wasn't a good time to start thinking about it either.
The cooing sounds of the kid brings you out of your thoughts, you walk over to him and pick him up with a smile on your flushed face.
Mando doesn’t know what comes over him in the shower. He’s usually so well composed, but watching you breathe heavily after flipping him over your body, your nipples pressing tight against the thin material of your white under shirt, it did something for him. He needs release, he thinks about what you would look like on top of him, blindfolded riding his cock. How you would sound begging for him to rub his fingers against your clit. He thinks about how hard he can fuck himself into you.
His hand moves quickly over his cock at the dirty thoughts. His other arm is bracing himself against the wall of the shower, the shower you were in only a few hours ago. He lays his head on shower wall and curses under his breath. His thoughts quickly change to how fucking pretty you would look in this shower on your knees, getting soaked and waiting for him to shove his cock down your eager throat. Mando fists his cock faster, moaning out your name. He thinks about what it would be like to taste you, how sweet you must be. He comes with your phantom taste on his tongue and lets out a groan, knowing he’s being too loud.
He leans against the shower wall, breathing deeply, riding out the high. Mando rinses off letting his shame wash over him before getting out of the shower, his post orgasm guilt gnawing at him for what he just did. He feels wrong for thinking of you like that. He barely knows you but all he’s wants to do is rip that stupid jumpsuit off you and fuck you until you couldn’t walk. Mando shakes the thought out of his head and gets redressed.
He doesn’t put the beskar back on, just his helmet and regular clothing. He leaves the refresher to see you standing next to the supplies he brought back and notices you've changed into a cream tunic and long pants, he had to guess your sizing but it seems like he guessed fairly well. You’re holding the baby, feeding him one of the rations he picked up. The little guy’s face is completely covered in crumbs.
He tenses when you turn to look at him, more guilt washing over him as you smile innocently. He just hopes he wasn’t loud enough for you to hear.
“Hey look kid, he’s out of the shower, yeah, yes he is. You can hang out with him now and pull at his clothes, instead of pulling at my hair.” You smile down at the kid and bounce him in your arms. He smiles back at you, letting out a little coo while reaching up to grab at your hair as if he’s emphasizing your point. He relaxes at that, you’ve been busy with the kid. You didn’t hear him. You bring the kid over, Mando holds his arms out to take the baby from you. He runs an ungloved finger over the kids head, he gives another little coo of approval. It seems he’s happy Mando is back. You give them a smile which you drop quickly, your mouth forms a small frown, your eyes look him over a few times and your eyebrows furrow as your finger points at his clothing.
“Where’s your armor?” Mando looks down at himself. He had taken the armor off feeling comfortable enough around you to leave himself vulnerable.
“I’m allowed to take it off, Beskar can be uncomfortable sometimes. I trust you enough to not to murder me on my own ship.” Mando shifts his weight uncomfortably, he isn’t used to having to explain himself. A smirk with a hint of mischief in it stretches across your face.
“I don’t know about that one Mando, I totally beat you up in the cockpit a few hours ago.” Your fist brushes against his arm in a playful, friendly way but the way his pants tighten doesn’t feel friendly. He shakes his head and decides to change the subject.
“Where’s the nav taking us next?” Your face drops at his dismissal of your comment.
“Cantonica, we should be there in about 4 standard hours.” As you say that the Crest rocks and jolts forward, Mando reaches out an arm to steady you from falling. You swear under your breath and immediately shoot up to the cockpit. He follows closely behind you, towing the kid up the ladder with him.
“Why did we drop out of hyperspace, what’s happening?” Mando stares at you through his helmet watching you open the hyperdrive panel. From the look on your face he knows something’s really wrong.
“Uh I can’t be sure but I think the converter just overheated and fried the entire circuit.” You look back at him over your shoulder, your expression filled with stress and he watches as you nervously bite your lip.
“Mando there’s no way for me to fix this without us landing the Crest, we’re gonna have to coast to Cantonica without any help from the hyperdrive.” Mando lets out a frustrated sigh and sets the kid down in his pram. He protests some but after Mando places a firm hand on his head, the kid seems to understand that he needs to stay put.
“I thought you said you fixed the hyperdrive, made it even better.” Mando’s angry, without using hyperspace to travel. The trip to Cantonica was going to take an extra week, which meant a week of not being able to do his job. You’ve already moved to the pilot’s chair, your fingers working over the nav control system, typing in different codes. Your eyebrows pull together in concentration and your teeth still nibble on the skin of your lower lip. Mando thinks about it, a week alone with you could either be torture or heaven. He decides quickly it’ll probably be both.
“I found a planet we could stop at on our way to Cantonica, we could pull into a hanger space and I could have the new part and the hyperdrive up and working in 6 hours, the planet is in the same system as Cantonica. It's only one system away from us right now. It could cut our travel time significantly.” Mando isn’t sure if you didn’t hear his rude comment or decided to not address it, either way he moved on.
“What Planet?” Mando has to be careful when it comes to random stops, making sure to never run into rangers from the New Republic, or the Imperials.
“Dantooine.” You look up from the controls, you have a wide-eyed expression on your face, it seems like you want to go to Dantooine less than Mando does.
“No” Mando says shortly, “We’ll have to just coast to Cantonica. We can’t stop on Dantooine.”
You sigh, “Mando, this will be our only chance of getting the part to fix the hyperdrive before we get to Cantonica, it’d shorten the trip by 3 days, are you sure you don’t want to stop?” You look like you’re almost pleading with him to say no again. He isn’t sure why you’re even making a case to stop there since you seem so opposed to the idea of Dantooine.
Mando shakes his head, placing his hands on his hips. “No, we can’t, I can’t be on Dantooine, too many New Republic rangers, I may or may not have a couple dozen warrants for my arrest, I’m not taking that chance.” Mando turns around to leave the cockpit but still notices the breath of air you let go in relief.
“Ok, I’ll route us to Cantonica without using hyperdrive, this trip should take us about 6 days.” You say quietly. He leaves you to type in the coordinates on the flight computer. Mando’s actually grateful to have you controlling the Crest because it’s been far too long since he’s had to use the manual controls on the ship for sub-lightspeed travel. He’s still gambling taking this route instead, light speed traveling is one of the only things keeping him safe. The Crest’s signal is blocked so as long as the ship flies under the radar of patrolling Rangers he assumes you’ll be fine.
He starts walking down the ladder when he hears you mumble that you’re sorry for messing up. Mando’s chest tightens, he wants to tell you it wasn’t your fault but instead he makes his way to the supplies. He grabbed as much as he could on Felucia, which will come in handy during this journey. He counts out the food rations he acquired, they have more than enough to get them to Cantonica even with how much the kid eats. Mando shakes his head thinking about how the little guy can put back full on frogs, he isn’t sure where any of it goes. He’s so small. He starts to pack the food rations away, next to the med kits and water supply, deciding to clean up the ship a bit since now he has nothing but time. He takes the blanket, pillow and clothes he bought you and puts it in a nook of the hull, it looks comfortable enough. More comfortable than the chair you slept in that’s for sure, he’s slept in those chairs before, they fucking suck.
After he puts all the supplies away he goes to his cot, it wasn’t much but it was something to sleep in, he keeps it tucked away in a small room next to the refresher. His blanket is back on the cot which means you not only put it back but also knew he had given you his own blanket to use. Mando lays down on the cot with his arms tucked behind his head. He isn’t sure how long he stares at the ceiling for but he decides instead of doing a whole lot of nothing he can at least bring you and the kid something to eat. He heads back up the ladder to find you slumped in the pilot’s chair. He gently shakes your shoulder, you shoot awake and scream out something about a red man. Your shoulders and chest are falling heavily with your ragged breath, your eyes find Mando’s visor and calm at the sight of it.
“Sorry, I- that’s what I meant when I don’t sleep.” You look out the transparisteel to the planets and stars moving around the Crest.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have woken you up, I just wanted to bring you some food. I’m sure you’re hungry.” Mando hands you a package ration. You thank him with a small smile.
“The kid fell back asleep, I don’t know if you want to wake him up to eat.” You open the ration package and begin eating it quickly.
“No that's ok, he eats so much he can miss out on one snack.” Mando sits in the co-pilot chair and watches as you eat.
“Yeah, I thought maybe you just didn’t feed him but holy bantha can that kid eat, must be a growing boy.” You hold a hand over your mouth as you laugh. Mando joins you and lets out a small chuckle.  You finish the package of rations and relax back into the chair. Mando looks over at the sleeping form in the floating pram and watches the small child’s chest rise and fall.
“Yeah, I think he is, I’m supposed to bring him back to his people, the Jedi, I don’t know if they eat a lot or if it’s just him.” Mando looks back at you, your entire body tenses. Your face is filled with pain and you look scared.
“Hey is everything ok? Are you in pain?” Mando moves to touch your arm but you stand up quickly and back away from him, he notices your hands are shaking.
“I think I’m going to go lay down in the hull, I saw you bought me a blanket. Thank you.” You move down the ladder into the hull quickly, leaving Mando confused about your sudden outburst, did he say something? He looks at the chair you were just sitting in, trying to figure out what he had said that made you so upset. it seemed like you were both getting along until he mentioned the Jedi. He isn’t sure what he did to make you that upset, but he feels bad. He wants to apologize but decides maybe it better to just give you space instead.
The words keep turning over in your head as you lay on the cold floor of the hull.
“ The Jedi, the Jedi, the Jedi, the Jedi.” You press the heels of your hands against your eyes as hard as you can trying to force the words out of your mind. You know you won’t be able to sleep but you needed to get away from Mando before he started to ask more questions. You don’t want to tell him about your past, you never want to tell anyone. You want to forget about it yourself. You lay on the floor for a while longer before you hear Mando’s footsteps coming down the ladder. You prop yourself up on your elbows to look at him. Ready to apologize for leaving the cockpit the way you did. He turns and heads straight for the med kits.
“I need to change your bandages.” Mando stops at your feet, his helmet cocks to the side looking down at you.
You sigh deeply before getting up and sitting on the crate you sat on before. Mando grabs your forearm, the heat of his skin feels amazing on your own. The rough pads of his fingers run gently along the angry pink scar forming where your tracker used to be. The bacta is working wonders, it’s still there but it hardly hurts. Come to think of it, the only injury that still hurts is the bruise on your abdomen. Mando moves to touch your thigh, once again, you’re grateful for the long tunic you had changed into. You hook your thumbs in the waistline of the pants and tug them down, to give Mando access to work on your burn. His hands feels even better on your thigh and your mind roams back to what you heard coming from the refresher earlier today. Your breath hitches in your throat, Mando’s attention turns from your thigh to your face
“Is this ok? I’m not hurting you am I?” You shake your head no, not trusting your voice to come out even. Mando turns his attention back to his hand rubbing the bacta on your thigh, his other hand grabs the inside of your thigh to turn it so he can get a better look. You let out a little whimper and his helmet whips up to look at you again.
“Sorry, it’s still a little sore I guess.” You shrug your shoulders and bite your lip as you lie through your teeth hoping he doesn’t catch how breathy your voice sounds. He applies the bandage to your thigh and then stands up. Allowing you room to pull your pants back on over your hips. You stand up, your chest almost brushing against his. His hands move back to touch you, bunching up the tunic, excitement bursts through your veins before you realize he’s just checking the bruise on your abdomen. His fingers brush across it gently and it leaves a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“How does your bruise feel? Your other wounds look ok but I’ve noticed you wincing a lot while breathing or moving.” Your face gets warm at that thought, he pays close enough attention to you to see those small movements. His hand stops at the large, angry scar next to the bruises. You quickly put your hand over his, ripping it away from your skin. You lower your tunic back down and try to hide it from his view, that scar is just your past painted on your skin. He pulls his hand back, dropping it back to his waist.
“I’m ok, it’ll heal in time. It feels better than it did earlier, thank you again for helping me.” You say the words quickly and hope he won’t point out the scar. You finally look up at him. He gives a quick nod before turning his helmet to the small bed you made in the corner of the hull.
“You can go lay back down if you want, the kid’s still asleep. I'm also going to lay down for a while. We have a long way till Cantonica.” You let out a breath, grateful he didn’t bring up the scar. He moves back towards his cot and disappears behind the door. You decide to lay back down hoping that maybe you can get a few restful hours without nightmares.
Sleep never comes, you stare at the hull for a couple of hours just thinking, you hear Mando’s door open and then the refresher door and finally the shower. Your entire body gets warm at the thought of his last shower. He was moaning so loudly, you think about what he looks like under the helmet, how his face looks when he’s rubbing his cock. Your hand mindlessly moves between your thighs. You aren’t a stranger to sex or masturbation. You just haven’t gotten the chance to practice either for the past 5 years. Your fingers start to move around your entrance and you almost gasp at how wet you are. You move your fingers back towards your clit wishing it was his hand instead of yours.
You think about how his hands feel on your thigh, how the rough pads of his fingers would feel against your clit. You bite your arm to keep from moaning. Your fingers move faster thinking about how it would feel to be fucked by him. You haven’t been fucked since you were a part of the rebellion, and even then it was never any good. You bet Mando can make you feel good. The thought of his lips against your body makes your fingers move faster, your hips bucking up trying to get more friction. You stifle another small moan before it could leave your lips. You’re getting so close to release, feel it building deep inside you, five years overdue. Your hips start moving in rhythm with your fingers and the sweet familiar heat starts to lick up your body. You bite into your arm wishing it was Mando’s shoulder instead.
“What are you doing?” The voice startles you out of your thoughts, your thighs clamp close over your hand. You look up to see Mando standing at the foot of your small bed, staring down at you with his hands on his hips, like he just caught a small child stealing candy.
No-Nothing.” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper, your heart beating wildly in your chest. You can’t believe you just got caught in the act. Mando drops to his knees in front of you.
”Really because from where I’m standing it doesn’t seem like nothing.” His voice seems deeper than usual, you try to catch your breath and pull your hand out from your pants.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just laying down.” Mando rips the blanket off of you and stares down the hand that’s still moving out of your pants.
“You were touching yourself.” He doesn't pose it as a question, just a simple statement. His helmet drags it’s gaze up from the scene in front of him to look at your face. Your cheeks heat with the accusation. “Well don’t stop on my account, keep going.” Mando stares back down at your hand in the waistband of your pants. Your breath gets stuck in your throat. His words send shock waves of pleasure through your body. You continue to stare at him though, too confused to move.
“It sounded like you were close, I want to see you come.” Mando shifts back on his legs, getting a better view of your body. You move your hand back into your pants and your fingers find you clit easily. You refuse to look away from Mando’s helmet.
“D-Do you want me to take my pants off?” You ask while slowly moving your fingers against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Mando shakes his head, “No I want you to do exactly what you were doing before, I just want to see the look on your face when you come.” He moves like he’s going to touch your legs but decides against it. He puts his hands back on his thighs and just watches as you get yourself off. Your head lolls to the side as your orgasm comes back into view. Your fingers move back to your entrance, teasing yourself to prolong this moment as long as possible. You quickly fall into the pace from before, chasing your release.
“What are you thinking about, tell me.” Mando cocks his head to the side, his hand now pressing against the large bulge in his pants.
“You, I was thinking about how your hands feel on my skin.” There’s no time to be embarrassed when an orgasm is close in your future. Your hand moves quicker against your clit now, knowing he’s touching himself. It only turns you on more. You want nothing more than to come for him right now. Mando hums at your response. “I heard you in the shower earlier, moaning, I was thinking of that too, thinking of you touching yourself.” Your confession makes his hand pause over his bulge for a split second before he continues and mumbles out something in a different language.
Your release was on the edge, your fingers moving quickly as your chest rises up and down. Your eyes move down his chest to look at the way his hand moves over his pants rubbing his cock, while watching you masturbate.
“I was thinking of you on your knees in the shower, your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock.” His voice is breathy even through the modulator and his hand finally moves out to touch the inside of your thigh.
“Fuck Mando I’m gonna-“ His touch on your thigh is all it takes to push you over the edge. Your hips buck up into your hand and your eyes roll into the back of your head, as your first orgasm in 5 years rips through you with a vengeance. You finally let out the moan you've been holding in, tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes as you whimper and thrash letting the waves of it crash over it. Mando works soothing circles into the skin of your thigh through the fabric of your pants, his helmet watching your legs shake as your fingers finally slow to a stop.
When you finally come down from your high you pull your hand out of your pants ready to wipe it on the blanket but he catches your wrist.
“Close your eyes.” you oblige, still reeling from your orgasm. He grabs your hand, you hear some movement and then a wet, warmth envelops them. He dipped the fingers you used to bring yourself to orgasm into his mouth. The thought brings more pleasure to your core as he sucks your release off both of them, humming contently. Your fingers leave his mouth with a pop, he drops your hand and moves his own away from your thigh. You finally open your eyes to see him standing above you again, he stares at you for a few moments with his head tilted.
“Get some sleep.” Is all he says before turning towards the ladder that leads to the cockpit.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
too early
this is a lil fluffy blurb after the state of his ig stories the other mornings I also realise I am VERY late on this but hey ho
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fluff + implied smut
It was simply too early to function. Too early to think. Definitely too early to have any logical thought or attempt any form of comprehensible communication. That’s why when the frankly obnoxious chimes of the default iPhone ringtone reverberated through the previously peaceful room, the reaction of the two inhabitants was delayed to say the least. 
It took at least 2 cycles of the noise for you to be pulled from your deep sleep into a semi-conscious state, at which point as a reflex you just rolled over hoping to muffle out the noise with your head pressed downwards. Yet, the pitch of the ringer was just at that ‘sweet spot’ where it was impossible to even try to drown out - one that physically reverberated through your skull. It made you groan whilst growing a lot more consciously aware of your surroundings - particularly to the deadweight of a boyfriend you were currently trying to hide your face into - his strong chest still proving no match for the incessant alarm noise. Fed up and angry for being disturbed, you unpicked your arm from the weird sleeping position it had somehow ended up in , curled weirdly under your right boob, and then shoved at Tom’s side multiple times - rocking him back and fourth. 
With a sleepy and incomprehensible word falling off his lips, he then jerkily and suddenly craned his neck up - you felt the movement against the top of your head.
“Turn your fucking phone off” Grumbling into his side, you reworked your legs to try and get comfy again - more than ready for him to decline the call and the two of you to go back to bed. Tom was still incredibly confused and disorientated from the haze of sleep, taking him moments for the cogs to start turning as he stretched over to his bedside table and grabbed the vibrating device from hell…. maybe a bit dramatic but you loved your sleep. 
With a mutter ‘shit’ as he winced at the phones brightness, Tom pressed his eyes closed, building up the bravery to face the offensive blue light again. It took a couple of blinks for him to be able to focus on the screen, but when he did his eyebrows furrowed even more at the name and he swiped to unlock the phone - which due to the lack of speed surely was about to ring out. 
“-ello?” The hoarse and croaky sound of his voice reverberating round in his chest had you instantly arching up, looking at him with a puzzled and puffy eyes. You couldn’t hear the voice on the other end, but tried to get the drift of the situation purely from reading Tom’s facial expressions in the low light of the bedroom.
“You’re late Holland”
“I’m-I’m late? It’s like-“ Tom cut himself off with a cough to try to clear the morning voice, whilst simultaneously looking over at the bedside to read the clock that said 5:37 am. “It’s 5”
“No it’s 5:40 and we agreed to be at the gym at half past”
Ah. Tom realised. He might’ve forgotten about the fact he agreed to an early morning training session before the morning shoot for Spiderman. 
“Oh shit um I-“
“Overslept? Yeh could tell mate. Just get your ass down here I’m waiting on your fucking door step and it’s fucking freezing”
“Sorry I’ll be right down.”
With that Duffy instantly hung up, the automated tone allowing Tom to throw his head back in sheer desperation. Because he knew he had your pouty eyes to face.
“What the fuck did you do?” Of course, your sleepy eyes were still managing to pierce Tom’s soul as he sighed, feeling your chin lying on his sternum, knowing the disapproving way you were looking at him. 
“I-“ Opening his eyes and trying to soften you up by cupping one of your cheeks with his hand, thumb gently stroking up and down your cheek. “I might’ve forgot I’ve got a PT session.”
“In the middle of the night?” The look in your big y/e/c eyes was so close to making Tom leaving Duffy on the doorstep all morning- instead opt for a blissful start to the day with you cradled in his arms. 
“Before the morning shoot… you go back to sleep love, you won’t even realise I’m gone.” Sighing, Tom lugged himself into a sitting position, forcing you to slide off his body and curl up in the now emptiness of the bed. Honestly, there was nothing Tom would rather do than crawl back up to you and fall asleep in your arms, yet he knew that realistically tomorrow was his day off so that was very soon on the itinerary. Also he just would feel exceptionally crappy if he didn’t get a work out in today, because even if it didn’t feel like it at this very minute, exercise was one of his happy places. You were probably the happiest but the gym made a close second or third place.  But finally and most importantly, he was not getting out of this because his shrt tempered and incredibly bulky PT was waiting impatiently at the doorstep. 
The issue Tom had though was perhaps just how quickly you agreed,  he felt like no sooner had he told you to lie back had you already started to collapse into the pillows. So, after throwing a heather grey top and his simple nike hoodie on he couldn’t help but lean back over the bed to dust your cheek and nose with light kisses. 
“You’re not missing me?” He spoke with a pout, while you groaned slightly, eyes fluttering open. 
“I love you, but …. I love my bed more” Your sleepy grin completely had Tom enchanted, even in the dim light of dawn, he wanted to memorise every little detail of your face. 
“Could the bed have made you cry out its name like I did last night?” The glint of mischief was infuriating, a dirty smirk on his face.  
“Maybe you do have you some uses” Sniggering, you pulled at the tufts of his brown curls at the base of his neck, enjoying the way he leaned further into you at the action. “Anyway you absolutely cannot leave like that.”
“Am I just too sexy in my joggers?” Feeling incredibly self fulfilled, at what he thought was a compliment Tom smiled, leaning back up and starting to edge toward the bedroom door. The small beam of light from the hallway that reached through the door even more illuminating the state of him, as if backlight just to exaggerate his stupid look even further. It had you giggling incessantly, even though you were currently being deprived of sleep, it was all worth it to see the absolute birds nest on top of his scalp - the way his brown curls extended and stretched out in every direction, similar to if he had been fried with electricity. The only possible cause for anyone to have the audacity of their hair doing that, only had a single explanation - and the truth of it had you biting your lips slightly, the memory of last night washing gloriously over you. 
“Nope… you still have sex hair you idiot and I’d prefer for Duffy not to know the intimate details of our Friday nights.”
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calenlily · 2 years
2021 fic year in review
Total # of Completed Works: 30
Total Word Count: 67374 published on AO3 (plus probably quite a bit more on WIPs, but I don’t have a system for tracking those)
Fandoms I’ve Written In: BtVS/AtS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992 movie), Fairytales & Related Fandoms, Original Work, Stardew Valley
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?: More. 2020 was an extremely productive writing year for me, and then I ended up in near-complete writer’s block from sometime in mid-November all the way into April 2021. So when I looked back at the end of the year and realized that I’d somehow managed to surpass my 2020 published word count (even if only by a slim margin), I was very surprised and impressed with myself.
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?: Gotta be Buffy And Angel Versus Dracula. It’s the first time I’ve done a full episode rewrite like that, and one of the longest and plottiest things I’ve written in a long time (which is admittedly a low bar, but long and plotty are very much not my strengths), and I’m so glad I stretched my writing muscles to do so. Reworking the canon scenes to reflect changes in cast and storyline and provide sufficient context without wholly rehashing canon was a fun puzzle. I got to practice my ensemble writing skills and my action scene skills, and I’m really happy with how it turned out in terms of the balance of action and humor and romance and of plot versus character/relationship focus. And the bite and hurt/comfort scene in Act II (which I consider the emotional core of the fic and originally was going to be the entire story before it started expanding in scope on me) is probably in my top five for my favorite scenes of intimacy I’ve ever written.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?: I’m not quite sure whether to define them as risks, but I definitely did quite a few things this year that were venturing in new territory for me as a writer. I wrote my first threesome fic (and then within a month and a half wrote three more). I wrote my first explicit BDSM fic, my first explicit noncon fic, and my first major character death fic. I wrote two new-to-me fandoms (Buffy movieverse, and Stardew Valley), and three new POV characters in my Buffyverse fics (Willow, Joyce, and Dawn).
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?: Publish at least one fic per month (on track for January and February so far; this has been my ongoing goal for a few years and I keep coming close but not quite making it). Get more of my non-exchange projects finished and published. Write a broader range of fandoms and pairings, since my 2021 output was vast majority Bangel and even less that wasn’t Buffyverse.
Most Popular Story Of The Year?: By kudos, my most popular was Give Yourself Over. Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow got the most comments.
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: The Stanford Slaying Society. I mean, it’s Connor&/Dawn pre-ship gen, I knew it wasn’t going to have a huge audience. But I’m still sad it hasn’t gotten more love because I’m really happy with how it turned out.
Most Fun Story To Write: Probably Clearing the Air, which was the fic that finally broke through my writer’s block last spring, and incredibly self-indulgent for a fic that doesn’t include any smut. It’s one part indulging my love of cathartic conversations, and then the whole bit with Buffy being in denial about her attraction to Faith and Angel accidentally calling her out on it just amused me too much not to write.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Probably (There’s a Reason Not to Want This) But I Forgot, which is far too rooted in my college relationship drama; both main characters are basically me, except when they’re my best friend and my ex.
Biggest Disappointment: I’d have to give that title to Noble Idiocy. I can’t say it did badly, but it’s lagged in engagement compared to the other E-rated multi-chapter fics in the same series just enough that I can’t help noticing, and it’s especially frustrating to me because it’s one that took a lot of effort to write.
Biggest Surprise: I’ve been blown away by the performance of where’s the girl with the blaze in her eyes? It’s probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, and between the Major Character Death warning, the weird Buffy/Willow flirting, and being Buffy/Angelus without any smut, I’d expected it to have a fairly small audience. Instead it’s the most bookmarked thing I’ve written this year, has gathered some amazing comments, crested 50 kudos within a few months and still has new kudos coming in fairly regularly, and has a great hits-to-kudos ratio into the hundreds of hits. (It’s also one of my favorite things I’ve written recently, despite having struggled a lot to get the idea into words on a page in the first place, so I’m all the more thrilled that it’s doing so well. There may be sequels in the works.)
Thank you for tagging me @mrs-steve-harrington
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it, since this is belated as hell
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opaljm · 3 years
not gonna lie, but i liked you better when you were just doing your own little thing on tumblr. youre hybrid stories were so good and your hades!taehyung story was so promising. but now instead of writing and posting fics- literally where is eye of the tiger it's been more than a year since you teased it and where is turbulent part three?! your becoming a shooter for people that dont even like you as much as you like them. why do you hype up hantaev and chateautae when they never hype you up naia. i dont think they've ever read a single thing by you either. naia their never gonna become your bsfs and its pathetic to see you keep trying 💀 you should just write and post your fics (you know the ones that we ACTUALLY WANT) why did you even release yours truly. just give us eott youve had more than a year to work on it i dont get it. the more you draw it out the less people will care when you finally post it.
Um wow. Okay so, my readers know I have a policy of not answering hate asks and in general the treatment I get from my readers is so good and so pure and I'm always grateful for it but it seems like this motherfucker wants to ruin that relationship, but you know what? I have thick skin and I don't even know if you're actually one of my readers or you're one of those toxic anons that @hantaev and @chateautae have, that decided to come over here and bother me now.
The reasons why I'm suspicious whether or not you're even one of my followers or just fine combed my blog to find ways to hurt me is because I have actually explicitly stated why there is no Turbulent part 3 yet (It's a drabble series that I work on when I have inspiration for it or when I am not working on other works. But I literally have so many WIPs right now. All my readers know that Turbulent is the least of my priorities and they're so respectful of that).
And when it comes to Eye of the Tiger, I've literally stated that I've lost over 20k words of the fic when the file got corrupted and that actually put me into a slump and not want to write that fic anymore. Since then I've decided to completely rework the plot into something that I would want to write again. I had made it into a chaptered form before changing it back to a one-shot. It's even on my list of WIPs for this year. But let's assume for a second that you actually have read my stories and you're not a random anon from the depths of hell. Congratulations! You have delayed Eye of the Tiger for everyone. I was going to work on it next month but now it looks like everyone is going to have to wait until August at earliest. I also don't care if you think that Eye of the Tiger's anticipation is going to die down and no one ends up reading it when I finally do post it. It's not like you have clairvoyance and can see the future.
Now moving onto you insulting Yours, Truly and saying no one wants it. Anon, just because you love Taehyung to the alarming degree that you keep harassing creators for their Taehyung fics just cuz it's not set to your specification or whatever the fuck does not mean that everyone else is such a rabid crazy Taehyung stan. It literally makes no sense for me to put more importance onto your opinion of Yours, Truly over the hundreds of people who have reblogged and hearted it and even asked to be on the tag list. Not to toot my own horn but I really like Yours, Truly and I wish you would open your eyes so you could enjoy it like everyone else. Except I don't know that I want someone like you on my page so 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe it's a blessing in disguise that you don't like Yours, Truly and won't be able to bother me about it in the future.
I left this for last because it's literally so stupid that I even have to address this. Anon, I don't think you realize this but Hads and Sammy are friends in real life, they are the type of friends that talk every day, facetime and text, and send each other presents. Not only that but they are also the same age. IN contrast, I am... get this... their online friend. I am not as deeply involved in their lives as they are in each others lives. And you know what that's perfectly fine and I'm okay with it, maybe one day it'll turn into something IRL maybe not, it's cool we're chilling either way. Also, I can't believe I even have to say this but anon do you realize that Sammy and Hads are both 19 and I am 23? I'm actually rubbing my forehead right now because there is literally no situation where it's normal or acceptable for a 23 year old to be jealous of a relationship that two 19 year olds have with each other. I just treat them like my little babies that I'm so so proud of.
If you think I'm trying too hard to be their friends, I feel like you genuinely have never seen people act kindly towards others without expecting anything in return. It literally costs me nothing to interact with them and brighten up their days. Also maybe it's my age but I'm not insecure about whether or not my mutuals read my fics or constantly reblog and promote it. We are all so busy I'm never going to ever demand that from someone. Sammy and Hads don't demand anything from me either. How can you say Hads as never read anything by me when she's listed as the beta reader of Yours, Truly (yet another reason why I think you have never read it but are just insulting it because you can)? Sammy has given me private updates of how much she's enjoyed my work. Just because she or Hads never posted a review for YOU to see on multiple works doesn't mean that they don't read and support my stuff. And it's so weird that you're claiming that about them but you're not holding me to the same standard? The last time I reviewed one of Sammy's Maybe I Do chapters was probably for chapter 4 but I've privately been keeping her updated on my progress with reading her fic. I haven't even read Hads' Before Dawn yet. But you know what? It's fine. We're all okay with it and we don't have insecurities like that, we understand that we will all read and support each other's fics when we can and when we're free. I feel like as you get older you realize that friendship is not just what you can physically show off to others its more so all the ways you can be there for someone. I thank Allah that Sammy, Hads, and I are all so much more understanding than you are and that there is not even an ounce of toxicity in our relationship.
Lastly, maybe I'm not jealous of Sammy and Hadiyah being best friends because I have my own best friends? @vivian146 is literally the light of my life and we're going on strong for almost 7 years 😭😭😭
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