#and opened my eyes to pieces of me i’ve never been allowed to notice before
mothermoth92 · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Is this still a thing people do?
All right. Ya girl has never written smut before, never written fic before, swore off all fiction writing over a decade ago, but something about BG3 and Halsin in particular has broken me and here I am picking up the pieces lol.
This (currently untitled) WIP features a chronically ill Tav in the wake of in-game events just doing her best and gettin’ it on with the big elf when he’s around.
The full version will be smutty, fluffy, a liiiiitle angsty, and domestic as all hell. If that ain’t your thing, feel free to scoot.
Excerpt rating: M
Excerpt tags: Refs to genitalia; bad wordsies; everyone is horny after being apart for a while; allusions to plus-size Tav; hot and heavy making out (for now)
Here we go! Eek! I feel deep fear.
When he was finally close enough to touch, Tav reached out with two fingers and slipped them under one of the leather bracers that encircled his bicep and gave it a playful tug. Halsin raised his arm in response, sliding his massive hand behind her head to cradle it, tangling fingers in her dark waves as he did. He leaned into welcoming space between her jaw and shoulder and breathed her in, setting Tav’s skin alight.
“My heart,” he said on an exhale. “My whole heart.”
“Hello, my darling. I’ve missed you.”
Nothing in this realm or the next manipulated Halsin’s resolve quite like the sound of Tav’s voice, its low richness when she sang, its constant melodic lilt, exaggerated whenever she lovingly teased him, the rasp it took on in response to certain pleasures of the flesh. Bottled, it would be the color of the deepest amber honey, and just as sweet. He had known from the moment he’d heard that voice bouncing off the walls of the Goblin encampment all those months ago that he was saved, in more ways than one.
He gently extricated his hand from her hair and leaned down just enough to grab each of Tav’s thighs and slide her up the outside wall of the cottage so she was closer to eye-level with him. Were her thighs plumper than they had been four months ago? He allowed his fingertips a moment of greedy exploration and gentle massaging. He felt his cock leap. He’d have to do a proper investigation, soon.
Tav linked her arms around his neck and gasped as Halsin lifted her against the wall and leaned in for a string of sloppy, unrestrained open-mouthed kisses. It was impossible to tell where one ended and another began. He nibbled at her chin, her jaw, her collarbone. With her legs wrapped around his waist, she could feel him stiffen. Her mind went white with the possibility that he’d take her right there in the garden and fuck the old door right off its rusted hinges. Her lover was always passionate, singularly focused. But this was an echo of their stolen encounters during their adventure—making the most of whatever time they had together. His kisses were hungry and desperate, like he forgot all his promises to be cautious with her aching, healing body. Tav wanted to keep him this way. Gods above, did it feel good not to be treated as a fragile, delicate thing. She let out a moan. He bit down hard on her shoulder as he slid her dressing gown open far enough to reveal the tops of her breasts. Yes.
And then, with the shocked suddenness of a child who’d been caught stealing, he pulled away. Puzzled, Tav’s eyes fluttered opened to search his face, half-afraid of what she’d find. But he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, his head was craned downward at his feet. Tav caught a glimpse of a cloud-like gray tail wrapping itself around Halsin’s ankle.
“Small friend, hello,” he greeted the cat. The cat trilled in response.
Tav laughed. “That’s Ash. Or, well, I’ve been calling her Ash. Sometimes she spends evenings with me by the hearth. She comes and goes.”
“Then I shall forgive the intrusion, seeing as she’s been good company to you in my absence.”
His mouth returned to hers, gentler now. At this slower, languid pace, tongues entwined, he noticed a familiar sweetness coating her mouth. Tav felt him smile against her.
“You taste of honey,” he said, his low voice sending reverberations through her chest.
“Mmm, it seems a bear has fallen into my trap,” she said. She pressed her forehead against his. “Honeybuns. Inside.”
Halsin chuckled. “Honeybuns. Now, is that a treat or a new term of endearment?”
“Could be both, if you like,” Tav replied, letting one hand drift toward his backside. “Are you hungry?”
“Ravenous,” he said, his voice a shade darker than the one he used to tease her with mere seconds ago.
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weaveintheends · 2 months
“The Spirit Bares Its Teeth” is a book packed with ghosts, and yet it was the Speakers, men, who brought every moment of horror. I haven’t felt dread quite like this before while reading.
Andrew Joseph White has the ability to make me close a page mid-sentence and refuse to keep reading because my brain didn’t want to process what was happening while it processed the implications immediately.
This portrayal of spirits was beautiful
The fear was more relatable than I want to admit right now
and honestly this book fucked me up (positive but like heed the warning)
I just wish we’d been able to see Silas on the cover instead of the rabbit
i just wish the consequences had been so much louder
and i want to embroider “They must have convinced themselves they would never rot in the same dirt we do.” over a pair of frozen statues really badly
Anyway Andrew Joseph White is my absolute favorite author. I want to go out immediately and buy the two novels he’s written since I borrowed both from the library.
and that’s like the highest honor i could bestow
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the-hidden-pages · 8 months
Kinktober Day 1 - 'Love' Bites | Overstimulation - Astarion x Fem!Reader
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Love bites | Overstimulation | Impact play
Coming out the gates strong with 3500+ words for this man. It has not been edited, I have work in the morning, I'm going to bed.
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Summary: With the promise of taking you to a quiet little piece of nowhere to forget all the madness of the adventure, Astarion pulls out all the stops to ensure you forget everything, except the pleasure he gives you.
Warnings: NSFW, Blood, Vampire Kink, Overstimulation, Crying, Light Choking, Dirty Talk
You and Astarion had always had an arrangement.
To say you bonded quickly with your party would be an understatement - having the tadpole within your mind and surviving the same crash tends to form that immediate trauma bond. But you and the vampire had formed a deeper understanding of each other much sooner than the others.
That night, so early on in your adventure, when you awoke to the man perched over you, fangs bared and your throat exposed for the taking, things simply couldn’t go back to the status quo.
It fogged your mind the entirety of the next day, the proximity, the adrenaline, the pure, undiluted hunger.
You’ve allowed him to feed from you every night since.
You played it off as trust, at first. Trust in him, a want to have him fully strengthened for battle. Nothing but business.
But it didn’t take long for him to understand your underlying motivation, the reason you allowed yourself to feel drained, exhausted, and weak for each battle moving forward, perpetually distracted by the memory of his lips and teeth at your neck. The memory welcomed the fantasies with open arms, fantasies of his hands wandering as he drank, kissing your lips with your own blood on his own, his fangs sinking into your thighs, before wandering higher…
Still, you were never going to force it. 
So, you allowed him to continue to drink, both aware of the growing tension, both refusing to move further.
Until that changed.
When Astarion came to you, offering for you both to find a “little piece of nowhere”, somewhere to “forget all this madness”, you sure as hell weren’t about to decline.
A chance to get him out of your head was exactly what you needed to think clearly.
Night had long since fallen, as you sat pretending to read one of many absurd tomes Gale had collected throughout the journey. A life of adventuring doesn’t make for the most consistent sleep schedule, and as such awaiting for the entire party to call it a night was practically torment as you tried to ignore the growing heat between your legs.
But no amount of pretending to study the Oral Histories of Faerun could distract you from wondering what pleasures tonight would bring.
When finally, finally, Karlach decided to call it a night, you waited a few moments more before creeping off to where Astarion had told you to meet him.
Any other night it may have been eerie, creeping through the woods unarmed  as the moon rose high in the sky. But all you could feel was the anticipation growing, humming in every nerve of your body like someone had struck you with a Witch Bolt.
Your heart nearly stopped as movement caught your eye.
There, emerging from the trees, already shirtless, was the vampire.
You had seen him in various states of undress before - curing wounds of various weapons and spells will do that. But there was something different about it in this circumstance, seeing him perfectly unscathed, strong and confident from the weeks of draining your life from your veins, silver hair and pale skin hauntingly beautiful in the moonlight.
“There you are,” he spoke lowly, striding slowly towards you. “I’ve been waiting. Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you. Waiting to have you.”
While the words themselves made you blush, you couldn’t help comment.
“The moment you set eyes on me you had a knife to my throat.”
“Ah,” he sighed, walking slowly around you, bringing his fingers to lightly trail up your arm. “But if you remember, I did notice then and there what a darling neck you had, I just knew it would be heavenly.”
He closed the distance between you, and you could promptly feel his strong form cold against your back, a prominent bulge pressing into you, and his breath on your neck making you lightheaded.
His hand trailed down your neck to trace the marks he had been leaving nightly. “And I was right.”
Despite how little he had done, you had grown so wound up from the endless fantasies from his nights of feeding that you were already weak in the knees.
His left hand lightly began to caress your thigh, as his right takes to untying the strings of your loose shirt, his mouth never stopping.
“You’ve been so helpful these last few weeks darling, allowing me for the first time to indulge in the blood of a human, giving me strength at your expense. You’ve been so good for me too, holding back all those little sounds you’ve been wanting to make, pretending like you don’t get wet just at the thought of me drinking from you, like you don’t get soaked from the moment my lips touch your neck. Hmm?”
Your breathing was already heavy, your thighs already squeezing together in some attempt for stimulation - it was already too much. All you could do was nod, a breathy “yes” escaping you as your shirt is undone, falling to the forest floor.
His hands begin to explore, lightly tracing up your arms, down your stomach, across your collarbone. “And you’ve been working so hard, haven’t you my love? To keep us alive, to keep us all going. You’ve been so helpful to all of us, to me, I think it’s time I take some weight off of those pretty little shoulders.”
Suddenly, forcefully, he spins you around, steadying you by grabbing your hips. You look into the red eyes that gaze at you intently, with an emotion that is so close to something like love, devotion, but feeling just slightly too forced, slightly too uncanny.
That gaze is a problem for another day, you determine, as he sinks to his knees and gazes up at you, untying your trousers.
After all, the love may not be real, but the lust in his eyes sure as hell is.
He makes slow work of the fabric, speaking up at you the entire time.
“Dearest, I intend to do exactly as I promised. I want to repay you for the kindness you’ve given me, the trust you’ve placed in me. Allow me to please you, to make you forget about everything, if only for a night. Will you allow me this?”
You nodded, mutely, as you stepped out of your pants.
He gazed up at you again, eyes drinking you in, darkening as they travel up your body, stopping at between your legs, your chest, your neck.
When his eyes met yours again, he stood up quickly, cupping your cheek and pulling you into a deep kiss.
You had thought about this moment too often.
What he would taste like, how his fangs would feel against your tongue, how his lips would feel against yours. He pulled you into him desperately, and the sensation of your bare chest against his made your head spin, gasping into the kiss as he took full control, kissing you with such a passion that you might have thought there was more to it than a simple need for release, repayment.
He pulled away all too soon, thumb caressing your lower lip as he gazed at you in that absurdly sultry way of his.
“Before I take your breath away,” he breathed out, pausing to kiss your cheek. “I need to know what you want from me darling.” Another pause, a kiss to the jaw now. “Tell me how to please you.” A kiss behind the ear. “Tell me how to make you scream.”
You were barely keeping it together, eyes already fluttering closed.
A sharp bite to the neck, not enough to bleed, but enough to make you gasp, brought you out of it. His red eyes gazed at you intently, awaiting your response.
“I want you to take control,” you speak, feeling as though you’re giving a confession. “I don’t want to think. I want you to drain me of my blood, of my thoughts. Make me cum, make me scream, make me feel so good it hurts, until I’m begging you to stop, Astarion.”
“Oh, darling,” he nearly growled, his hand caressing your cheek. “I'll do just that.”
He spun you again, once again catching you off guard. Within moments, you feel him press up against you again, this time the hardness of his cock being released from his pants, discarded far into the forest you assumed. 
“You mustn’t keep a sound from me, by the way,” he spoke lightly. “I’ll know if you do.”
You aren’t allowed much time to consider that as you feel his lips on your neck, pecking and lightly biting and sucking. His hands trail upwards to cup your breasts, slowly, softly, deeply massaging, as though he’s trying to feel every inch of your skin. His fingers lightly pinch and tug against your peaks, and he leaves soft bites on your neck, never enough to break the skin.
It had only been moments, but you’re whining, and you can feel your wetness dripping down your thigh.
“Astarion, please,” you breathe, hand coming up to lace in his hair in an attempt to force him deeper into your neck.
He just laughed. “Darling I’ve barely touched you and you’re begging. Allow me to take my time with you.”
His left hand stays at your breast as his right once again wanders downward, slowly reaching your inner thigh.
“I can smell it, you know,” he muttered lowly in your ear, and you almost squeak, flushed with embarrassment. “Every time you’re so wet you can barely think, stuck in your little fantasies as I drink from you. You do so well, hiding your wants from me, but I’ve always known, and I’ve always wanted to push it further, to let my hand wander between your pretty little legs and feel just how wet for me you are…”
As he takes a pause, his fingers reach your folds, lightly caressing up and down, circling your clit, and you both sigh.
“Hells, you want me so badly don’t you?”
“Oh, I’m not here to deny you, angel. I’ll give you everything you want…”
Without warning, two of his slender, delightfully long digits enter you, and you release a moan louder than you expected.
“Very good,” he praised, fingers thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace, as he resumed his work on your neck. He continued to suck and bite, no doubt leaving a myriad of bruises and marks that you would have to explain away tomorrow.
He growls again, biting a little harder, though still not hard enough to draw any blood, you notice. His fingers within you speed up, spreading in a way that has you choking out another moan.
“I can hear you thinking, darling. That’s not what we want now, is it?”
“No - fuck, there,” you moan deeper, head tilting back as his fingers reach a place in you that is forever out of your reach.
“Oh, good girl,” he purrs, focusing on that one spot. “Good girl, telling me what you want. Focus on your body, darling, not your thoughts. Feel me against you, feel me in you, feel how badly you need that release.”
“Astarion please.”
“Please what, darling?”
“Bite me harder.”
“Oh, not yet my sweet. We have all night for that, and I would quite like to sample the nectar between your thighs before tasting your heavenly blood. But I’ve left such a wonderful piece of work on your neck, now everyone at the camp will know now more than ever that you’re mine.”
“Fuck,” you gasp out, feeling the waves of heat overcome you and your thighs begin to collapse, your release hitting hard and fast at his use of possessive language.
“Very good, darling,” he praised, holding you up as your vision spun. His fingers didn’t cease as you came, immediately riling you back up, moans spilling out of you louder than before. You hadn’t noticed when he had added a third finger, but you felt the stretch as he pushed in, the emptiness when he pulled out.
You needed more, and he was clearly eager to give it to you.
“Lie down, my darling,” he whispered in your ear. “Allow me to worship you further.”
You did so without hesitation, resting back on a relatively flat portion of the forest floor, spreading your legs as Astarion knelt down, bringing your legs up on to his shoulders and staring down hungrily at you.
Despite the ferocity in his eyes, he took his time, kissing from your ankle to your thigh on your left leg, and then your right. The moment you felt your frustration grow to a peak, he bit down, once again leaving marks but never breaking the skin, marking the soft flesh of your thigh.
He teased you for a few moments before the impatience struck him as well, and leaned forward further, licking a long stripe up your folds.
“Oh darling, and I thought your blood was heavenly,” he breathed, and before you could respond, he went to work.
Immediately your hands were in his hair, pulling and pushing in some attempt to regain any sort of sanity in this moment. His tongue worked wonders, knowing exactly how to work inside you before retreating, teasing at your clit, before the vicious cycle repeated. His hands clenched your thighs as though they were a life line, and the moans that left him traveled into the depths of your core.
It didn’t take long, you were already falling over the edge again, now shouting as the pleasure grew blinding.
“I could stay here forever,” you could barely hear him lament, mind fogged. You blinked blearily as you focused on his face that was now above yours, glistening with your release as he grinned ferally, hand briefly coming up to clench at your throat. “But I have more planned for you.”
Despite your exhaustion, you feel the warmth in your core grow, another release of slick as his cock presses up against your folds.
“May I, pet?”
All you can do is moan pathetically, something between “yes” and “please” falling out of you as you weakly nod.
“Darling, you’re a vision,” once again, he strokes your cheek, uncharacteristically loving for the cold vampire. “Completely fucked out, and we haven’t even arrived at the main course.”
With that, you feel him enter you, no resistance give how worked up you are.
You take a moment, joined, as he breathes heavily into your neck and you let out quiet moans, words completely failing you.
“Divine,” he breathes, returning to kiss your neck, the sensitivity of it making you clench around him immediately. “Oh, so divine, darling I could have you for eternity, such a better use of our time than fighting all of these tiresome battles.”
He began to pump in and out of you slowly, your mind spinning from the weight of him on top of you, the sensation of being fucked so deeply, overwhelmed by the afterglow of all that had happened.
And still his words didn’t cease.
“I could keep you forever, a precious little pet, tied to the bed to fuck whenever I wanted. Or perhaps the other way around, I would wait an eternity just for another chance to taste you, to please you. Whatever fantasy you wish darling, we can fulfill it tonight, I swear to you - fuck.”
He picks up the pace as you clench around him yet again, your release not even having a build up, but instead crashing against you like a tsunami. You feel the wetness seep down your thighs, coating where the pair of you connect.
“Ast-ar…” you can barely breathe, and he laughs almost maniacally.
“Very good, darling, just like that. Give in to me. You don’t need a single thought in that head now, focus only on me and let go. You can cum again, you can, for me.”
“Can’t - I can’t…”
“Oh, you can and you will, if you want me to drink from you tonight,” he muttered darkly, and you feel tears prick in the corner of your eyes.
“You have to cum again, to get what you want. Just one more time, my darling. One more and you’ll please me so well. You want to be good for me, don’t you?”
You muster up the last of the strength you have, words falling from you without control. 
“Yes, fuck, yes please, Astarion, please I want to come, I want you to bite me, I need to be yours, I need you ~”
It was almost as though your last orgasm hadn’t ended, with how quickly this one had began. An endless torrent that had the tears breaking, pouring down your face and into the dirt. You nearly choked out a scream, clenching around him so tightly that you feel Astarion tense, cursing wildly as you feel a warmth flood you.
You take a moment, trying with all your might to remember how to breathe, mouth gaping, expecting Astarion to move from you any moment.
Instead you shriek as he thrusts again, hand once again curled around your neck, stopping any chance you had at catching your breath.
“We aren’t done,” he growled, your own slick and his cum leaking out of you as he continued to fuck you, harder now, less restrained that before, nothing but pathetic whimpers leaving you. “We are so far from done, my love. You’re mine, you’re mine.”
Finally, what you had been begging for all night came to pass, and his fangs sunk deep into that claimed spot of your neck. You felt the familiar warmth and euphoria as your blood drained into his hungry mouth, his moans reaching a crescendo and hips moving at an inhumane pace.
And he was right.
You were his, blood and body and mind, it was all his. He had consumed every inch of you.
It was incredible, it was numbing, all you could think about was Astarion. Every molecule of you was on fire, and screamed to be connected to him, to never leave this moment, to stay in an eternity of this torment, but after four orgasms and on the verge of a fifth, with the ecstasy of his fangs in your neck, you simply couldn’t continue.
“Too much,” you manage to croak out, tears streaming down your cheeks and your entire body screaming. Your hands grip the vampire's arms tightly when he doesn’t immediately stop, nails biting into his skin. “Too much, stop!”
Immediately the fangs retract and he’s gently pulling out of you, red eyes wide with a hint of a rare expression on his face.
“Darling I’m so sorry, did I take too much? I felt you going limp but, hells you’re so delicious I must have been lost in it-”
You shook your head quickly, placing a hand on his chest as you tried to collect your thoughts, tears still streaming.
“No, no, no,” you breathe out, still gasping. “Not the blood, you’re alright. It was too much, I really can’t cum again, it's too much. Too much good, I promise.”
The fear melted away to a more familiar expression, a smug smirk. 
“Oh darling,” he purred, hand trailing up and down your inner thigh in a soothing but teasing manner. “I don’t know about that, you can still manage full sentences. Clearly too much brain power left…and I could go all night.”
A rare, genuine chuckle left the man as he began softly stroking your arm and playing with your hair, easing you down from your intense high.
When your breathing leveled out, he began to stand up, and you nearly whined.
Sensing your distress, he waved lightly. “I’ll be but a moment.”
He sauntered away, and you laid back, taking the moment to look up at the stars, basking in the glow of the orgasms and the moon.
He really had done his job, you had to admit to yourself. You were struggling to form a coherent thought.
When he returned, he had clothed himself, and had a small cloth in his hand. Striding over to you he gently knelt down yet again, running it over the blood stains on your neck, the mess between your thighs.
You stared at him, and he caught your look of surprise.
“What?” he asked, an affronted tone. “I know how to treat my lovers, darling.”
“Hmm,” you chuckle, closing your eyes. “Just a softie, I knew it.”
“Hardly,” he huffed, chucking the cloth off to who knows where and pulling you up against his chest. 
He began to play with your fingers, lightly tracing the veins in your hands and up your arms. The pair of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, no words passing between you, but a silent understanding growing.
“We ought to go back to the camp,” Astarion eventually broke the peace, smirking at your disappointed expression. His arms encircled you once again, and you tried not to dwell on how good it felt. “Despite your rather loud vocals, I believe the others didn’t hear us, and unless you’d like to explain to them why you aren’t walking properly tomorrow…”
You snort, pushing him off of you. “Goodnight, Astarion.”
“Goodnight, my darling.”
One thing was certain, you noted as you returned to your bedroll, the sun beginning to peak over the horizon. 
You’ll need extra healing from Shadowheart in the morning.
Thank you to @flightlessangelwings for their Kinktober list this year!
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zepskies · 10 months
Hello my lovely friend! I would love to see an imagine/head canon of Dean and the reader seeing each other for the first time after he either comes back from hell or purgatory if you’d be up for it 💕 up to you whether it’s an established relationship or mutual pining 😉 thank you! 😘
Hello, my dear!!
Thank you so much for this imagine! I needed a bit of Dean. 😘
Now I went with Purgatory for this one (S8, E01 – “We Need to Talk About Kevin”).
I diverged from canon of Sam not looking for Dean to make sure if he was dead. Not just because I think that choice by the SPN writers wasn’t true to Sam’s character (Even Jared has said this lol), but because I think if Dean had a girlfriend at this point in time, Sam wouldn’t just abandon her to deal with Dean’s loss alone. 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Song Inspo: Yes, I had one for this! Weirdly enough, it was the entire “Moneyball” soundtrack. The whole smooth but intense pace of it really drove me on this.
Word Count: 2,200 Warnings: 18+ only for some smuttiness.
Imagine: Reuniting with Dean, not knowing if things will be the same.
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You’re doing the dishes when your phone rings.
You check the caller ID, frowning when the number is unfamiliar. But you answer with a thread of wariness while you’re holding a glass.
“Hello?” you answer. For a moment, there’s silence on the line. Your brows knit together in suspicion.
For months, you’ve been living with Sam and Kevin in this dusty cabin in the woods. Literally, in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. It was the only way you and Sam could try to protect the prophet from Crowley.
So the fact that you're getting a call at all is surprising in and of itself.
Your frown deepens. “Whoever this is, you have three seconds before I hang the hell up.”
“Hey…it’s me.”
Your suspicion fades, but shock overtakes you. Your breath stills in your lungs when you hear Dean’s voice. However, your brain can’t compute.
It’s been a year.
“Sweetheart, are you there?” he says.
You finally choke on a gasp, and the glass slides out of your hand and shatters in the sink.
“Hey, you okay?” his gruff concern is so very Dean that it continues to choke you into tears.
“Dean,” you utter. Your mouth trembles as your eyes close, and your tears find their own way down your cheeks. “I…I’ve been…you’re okay?”
“Well, I’m here,” he answers, with some dry humor, but he sounds off. You don’t know what to make of that, but now you’re worried.
You look down at your shaking hand, and you realize that there’s a small piece of glass that ricocheted into your palm. You ignore it, because all you can focus on is your boyfriend’s voice in your ear.
“Where…are you?” you ask. Every trembling, heave of breath brings you closer to a sob.
“Louisiana. Clayton, Louisiana,” he replies. His voice is even, but there’s emotion there too. You hear it, only because you know him so well. “Where are you?”
And how soon can you get here? his tone implies.
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After Dean disappeared in the aftershock of Dick Roman’s death, you, Sam, and Kevin had been scouring every lore book on God’s green Earth. Nothing has gotten you closer to finding Dean in the last year.
You hadn’t allowed yourself to fully give up, but in recent weeks, you would never admit that your heart has been starting to falter. So has your body.
Sam watches you closely on the way out of the house, heading to the Impala. You’re grateful for the way he’s been looking out for you, but you also resent it. You don’t need help. You’re fine…mostly.  
As strange as it’s been living in this house, it’s become your safety blanket. Your cold shell where you can block off the rest of the world, as if time hasn’t been ticking by all these months outside of it.
But now you’re practically shaking. Call it nerves, lack of sleep, too much caffeine, too much crap food, stress, and grief. You ignore it, taking a firm grip of the passenger door handle and yanking it open. Sam drives.
The hours are excruciating. Your leg bounces restlessly, and Sam notices, but doesn’t comment. He does try to soothe you with your favorite music in the car. He tries to pick up conversation, but you’re not having it.
You’re even being pretty selfish right now. Sam had been without his brother for a year, just as you had been without. And here he is, trying to comfort you.
You can’t help it though.
You’re not okay. You don’t think you’ll ever be okay again until you see him.
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Sam eventually pulls into the dingy motel in the middle of rural Louisiana. (And yet, somehow on the corner of a Hustler, one of Dean’s favorite sex shops. Your lips curve slightly.)
Sam’s calling Dean on his cell, but you’re too impatient to wait for the man to come out.
You jerk the car door open, and in your haste, you don’t realize that you’ve slammed the door shut.
“Hey, easy on my Baby.”
You turn with a gasp lodged in your throat, but not even that can escape when Dean comes into view. Complete with red plaid and old jeans and rough stubble that approaches a beard, and a duffel bag.
Dean’s smirk fades into a softer grin when he takes in the familiar curve of your face, the gentle frame of your body, the sight of your tears, welling up in your eyes.
You take in a shuddering breath, and you go to him. Dean drops his bag so that he can properly welcome you where you’re supposed to be.    
His arms wrap around your waist, a hand coming up to cup the back of your head. He smells like motel soap and second-hand clothes, but all you care about is that he feels solid and alive and your heart’s just shy of shattering, or knitting back together. It beats a fast flutter in your chest.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he rumbles in your ear. You nod, even though you can’t help the way you’re shaking, crying, clinging to him.
“I’m sorry,” you say. You hate that those are your first words to him, but you can’t help it. That’s what you feel, down to your bones. “We tried so damn hard to find you…”
Dean pauses a bit on that, but he just shakes his head. He meets Sam’s gaze behind you and offers his brother a smile. Sam smiles back; he’s full to the brim at the sight of Dean, but for you, he’s patient. He can wait his turn.
“I know,” Dean tells you, holds you a bit tighter. “I'm all right. It’s not your fault, you understand?”
You draw another shaky breath and lean back far enough to see his face. You raise a hand to touch his cheek. When he stares down into your eyes, you know you’re going to be okay.
And so will he. You’re going to make sure of it.
In lieu of words, Dean leans down and captures whatever you might’ve said then with his lips. The kiss is heat and longing, both sweet and rough. It’s everything you need.
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It’s a long drive all the way back to your cabin in the woods. Dean checks on you often while you’re passed out asleep in the backseat. He’s back in the driver’s seat of his car, hands wrapped around the familiar leather steering wheel, but he still doesn’t feel totally…right.
Despite being wrapped around the leather, his right hand feels empty. Like it needs the weight of a weapon. He’s still tense and on edge, even now, and Sam notices.
“What was it like?” he asks, quietly so he doesn’t wake you. He’s glad you’re finally sleeping.
“Purgatory?” Dean scoffs. “Like being deep in God’s freakin’ armpit.”
Sam’s brows knit together, but he waits, seeing if Dean will continue. And he does, after giving Sam a brief glance.
“It was monsters, Sam.” A never-ending twilight. Never a moment to rest. A wide-eyed existence of gnashing teeth and blood and black ooze.
When Sam inevitably asks how he got out of Purgatory, Dean is vague, evasive. Castiel didn’t make it, he admits, also in halting detail. But Dean is more willing to focus on how tired you and Sam both look. How pale your skin is. How it seems like this is the first hour of sleep you’ve gotten all week.
“How’s she been?” Dean asks, once again checking on you through the rearview mirror. Sam inhales deeply, making Dean frown.
“She’s been holding on,” Sam replies. “Strong, for Kevin especially. Poor kid’s too scared to go outside half the time.”
Dean turns to him with a frown.
“You’ve been taking care of her, right?” he asks.
Sam huffs, with a wry smile. “When she let me.”
Dean quirks a bit of a smile. That sounded like you. Stubborn at your best, damn near impossible at your worst. But the latter is what he’s worried about.
He later carries you inside the cabin, acknowledging your sleepy mumbles that you can walk, but not actually heeding your words. Sam tells him which one is your room, and Dean carries you there. By then you’re awake, but resigned to the fact that he isn’t going to let you down.
Your hand smooths up his arm, up the back of his neck and into his hair. It makes a pleasant tingle run up his spine.
“Your hair’s gotten long,” you muse, sorting your fingers through the strands. His hair’s darker too, not quite so dirty blonde, now leaning closer to light brown.
Dean smiles a bit. “If that’s all that’s changed, then I’d say I’m in good shape.”
He lays you down on the bed, and you bring him down with you by grabbing onto the front of his gray undershirt. He sinks down onto the edge of the bed and drifts a hand from your arm, to your face. He refreshes his memory of every angle, the soft feel of your skin. He knows his hands are rougher, but you feel the same.
You draw him into you and it begins.
Kissing him feels like taking a much needed breath. The way he grips your arms when you lick sensuously into his mouth—a sudden squeeze, an iron hold—it ignites your blood and the fire in your lower belly.
Your fingers rake into his hair. His solid grip moves to your hips, and you lie back when he guides you onto the mattress.
The sound of your breaths mingling together become shallow as you shove the plaid off his shoulders and ruck up the shirt. He does the same for your shirt and jeans, followed by his own. All that’s left it his skin against yours and rough hands squeezing fingerprint bruises into your hips and thighs.
You don’t mind at first; the strength of his hold and how much he wants you spurs you on. You’re slick and pulsing with need when Dean eventually slides home inside you. He has a hand tight in your hair, gripping tighter as he begins to move hard and fast.
“Dean,” you pant. You moan on his name, but you’re also trying to get his attention. You wince as his hand tightens, both in your hair, trapped against the pillow, and on your hip. You hold onto his wrist.
“Ease up, baby,” you whisper. You don’t want Sam or Kevin to hear you, even though you’re sure they could guess what you and Dean are up to.
But Dean doesn’t seem to hear you at first. You look up into his eyes, and you’re not sure if he’s entirely seeing you. It’s not like him, and it triggers warning signals in your mind. You have to wrap your legs tightly around his hips, squeezing his wrist even harder to stop him for a moment.
“Dean,” you insist. And he finally sees you.
When you soothe a thumb against his wrist, his eyes widen. He releases his hand from your hair, bracing against the bed instead.
He frees the other hand from your hip, and he sees the shape of his fingers already forming in your skin. He knows his hold was tight enough to bruise down to the bone.
It’s happened before, but not like this. Dean’s never lost control like that. Not with you, even in times like these.
“Fuck,” he mutters as he catches his breath, frowning deeply. His green eyes meet yours, raw and guilty. “I uh…I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
You tilt your head at him with a thoughtful frown. You reach up to frame his face with both hands, and you wordlessly tug him down to you. Dean is somewhat reluctant, but he follows your guiding hands and meets your waiting kiss, tender and slow.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats against your lips. His voice is low and coarse, filled with the true depths of his emotions. Everything he's been trying to hide from you.
Your eyes sting with the threat of tears.
“It’s okay,” you reply, through sweeter kisses. “I love you. We're gonna be okay.”
He hesitates. Then, he nods, accepting your words and your warmth.
His hand slowly brushes against your thigh, soothing along your bruising skin. You still have your legs wrapped around his hips, but you lessen your own hold, now that he seems to have come back to himself.
You both realize then that it might not be okay for a while. But that too is all right. Because you’re nothing if not stubborn, and Dean is worth the challenge.  
He closes his eyes to breathe and center himself. They blink open at the feeling of your hand, insistent on his shoulder. Your face is both tenderness and determination.
You push against him and twist until he's the one on his back, on the bed, holding your hips, the two of you still joined. He looks up at you still with a measure of reluctance.
"I've got you this time," you tell him, stroking his cheek. His almost-beard prickles against your palm.
After a moment, you can see in his eyes that he believes you.
And you begin again.
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AN: Gaaaah, this man. I'm weak every time I write about him. 🥲
I have another Dean imagine coming soon. Some special anon asked for the reverse of "Sam being in love with Dean's girlfriend."
So stay tuned for "Dean gives you an impossible choice." 😉
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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kwanisms · 11 months
The Library of Illusion — the Restricted Section (finale)
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➮ incubus!Hongjoong × fem!Reader wc: 9.6k (I'm tired. You didn't see that lol) summary: After obtaining the final key and incapacitating the Keeper of the Keys, Y/N finally enters the Restricted Section, hoping to find the famed treasure and access her freedom but instead funds something much darker and more sinister awaiting her. genres/themes/au: angst, smut; fantasy, horror, supernatural, biblical & demonic; non idol au, demon au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, demonic themes, predator-prey dynamics, pierced & tattooed!Joong, Hongjoong is a demon (he has horns, demon eyes, and other attributes like hoofed feet, a tail, sharp teeth, forked tongue, etc.), sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut!
permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife @luvsooby @thesolarplanetarysystem @salty-for-suga @devilsmatches @dmnspiit @simeonswhore @yangracha @seonghwalover @atinypurr @aikyubi @labyrinthonmymind @bintificreads @toxic-babexe @prestineaugstine @sunwoosbaby @lilramennoodle @deadgirlwalking3
special tags: @thelargefrye @hwasangelbaby @yourfatherlucifer
ateez taglist: @2hodefender @cixrosie @pyeonghongrie-main @flowerboykun @sanjoongie @anyamaris @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21 @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @mlysalt @cinnamoon-belle @briannabk22 @is4b3ll3s @hyukssunflower @vampiirose @0325tiny @ateezstanforever @justiny @jeongwangjessmina @lacie220900 @aaaaajonghooooo @dementedaly @rangerobbie @yunhosmelonbar
join my taglists! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED.
a/n: the restricted section is supposed to be taboo subjects, which is why I went in this direction. Of course, if you aren't not comfortable with these subjects, do not read this piece. You can always read the beginning for the lore but there will come a point where there's no return so to speak. Thank you so much for joining me for this journey and for reading my works. As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. Header and banners made by me. Adult content & reblog banners made by me with a template made by @cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All my writings are ©️ kwanisms.
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TW: THERE ARE HEAVY DUBCON & NONCON THEMES IN THE BEGINNING. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I will include a warning before the dubcon and noncon again. You have been warned and will be warned again.
smut warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it, especially if you're gonna fuck a demon lol), use of pet names (sweetheart, angel, princess, slut, etc), fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving), rough sex, dacryphilia, big dick!Joong, demon cock!Joong, choking kink, breeding kink, forced orgasm, Joong has an oral fixation, impact play (mainly spanking), Joong has a tongue ring, mention of blood during sex. I think I got all of them but let me know if I missed any!
“Welcome to my home.”
You stared at the man before you, eyes glancing up at the horns protruding from his forehead. Your eyes continued to look him over, trailing down to his exposed stomach, noticing black ink decorating his skin. You hadn’t noticed he was watching you watch him with an amused grin
“Hasn’t anyone told you that it’s impolite to stare?”
Your breath caught in your throat as he crossed the distance between you in seconds, leaning into look even closer as you stumbled backwards. He let out a dark chuckle.
“Someone’s shy,” he whispered. “You weren’t this shy before,” he added.
You narrowed your eyes. “B-before?” you stammered. Hongjoong sighed, closing his eyes as he rolled his shoulders before opening his eyes again to look at you.
“Never mind that,” he murmured. “As I’ve explained, this is my library and it’s my home. You, mere mortal, have wandered into my home,” he started to explain, slowly starting to circle you, keeping his eyes trained on you.
Almost as if he were a predator and you were his prey.
“Why are you here?” he asked suddenly. “I—” you hesitated. Hongjoong waited for you to speak, tilting his head to one side. “Are you here to find the treasure?” he asked softly. You shook your head, closing your mouth quickly.
Hongjoong’s head tilted the opposite way, like a puppy. “Are you perhaps looking for… satisfaction?”
Your heart skipped a beat, your stomach lurching. ‘How does he know that?’
Hongjoong’s curious expression morphed into another mischievous grin, like he had a secret or knew the answer to something you didn’t.
“This is my library,” he reminded you. “I know everything that goes on in here.”
“Like Seonghwa?” you asked, noticing the way Hongjoong’s smile fell.
“No,” he said, all amusement gone from his voice. “Seonghwa’s vision is limited. He may be able to see what happens in the sections, but he cannot see into this one. Only I can truly see and hear everything,” he explained, continuing to circle.
You fell silent, following Hongjoong with your eyes, only turning your head when he left your line of sight. He continued to slowly circle you before speaking up again.
“Have you found what you’ve been looking for, little lamb?” he asked. “Have you found satisfaction?” You shook your head silently, keeping your eyes on him. “You haven’t?” Hongjoong asked, stopping in his tracks. “After all those lovers? Are you truly that insatiable?” he asked, a smirk spreading over his face again.
You shook your head again. “That’s not the satisfaction I meant,” you answered, your voice meek and small. Hongjoong’s smirk grew. “It’s not?”
You nodded as he resumed circling. “I didn’t set out to find this place only to fuck multiple men,” you added. Hongjoong snorted. “Only two of them were men,” he answered. “The other five were monsters.”
You felt heat settling in the pit of your stomach as well as rising to your cheeks. “I hardly think monster is an appropriate term,” you retorted, drawing his attention. “Sure, they might not have been human,” you continued.
“But they weren’t awful.”
Hongjoong let out a laugh this time. “That’s not what I meant by monsters, sweetheart,” he explained. The alien and the elf are one thing,” he continued. “But the jorogumo? The vampire? The naga? Those are all bestial creatures. Sure they’re part men but they’re mostly driven by animal instinct. Even that alien is driven by pure instinct.”
You watched him as he continued. “And despite not looking for that satisfaction, you seemed to leave each section satisfied.” You narrowed your eyes before scoffing. “Because I managed to obtain the keys,” you explained. “The sexual aspect was unintended.”
Hongjoong let out another deep chuckle.
“If that’s the case,” he started, stopping to turn and face you. “Then why did you keep accepting their advances?”
Your words failed you as you were faced with the truth of his inquiries. Why did you keep accepting the advances of each guardian? You could have easily killed for the keys. All encounters seemed to have one common denominator.
You easily, and in some cases willingly, gave into the carnal pleasure. Why?
You tried to wrack your brain for any reason but found none. ‘Why did I agree to have sex with all of them?’
Wooyoung, Mingi, and Seonghwa had all mentioned their venom being an aphrodisiac so that could easily explain your behavior but what about Yunho? Or Jongho? Or Yeosang? Or San? What was the excuse? What was the explanation?
Looking up, you decided on one thing. It didn’t matter.
You did what you had to, reminding yourself you needed each key to get to this point. To access the restricted section so you could escape the Library of Illusion.
“Does it matter?” you finally asked, trying to keep your voice steady. Hongjoong tilted his head, a playful expression on his face. “Does it matter? No,” he said softly. “I suppose it doesn’t.”
You nodded once. “Exactly. I did what I had to, I gathered the keys, all to escape this place. I want to leave and return home.”
Hongjoong’s eyebrow raised. “Without the treasure?” he asked. You exhaled a deep sigh. “I’ve never wanted the treasure,” you admitted. “I came here to find knowledge, see what my parents were so keen to find. And I’ve found nothing of importance.”
Hongjoong’s smile fell, replaced with a scowl. “Nothing of importance?” he snapped. “Is that what you think?” You took a step backwards as he glared at you with an intensity you hadn’t been prepared for.
“You think your experiences aren’t important?”
You shook your head. “Had I not come here, I wouldn’t have had to do those things to escape. I expected to find something of note. Some kind of knowledge or something of great historical importance. Like the Library of Alexandria,” you explained. “But instead, I found a magical library full of horny creatures and men!”
Hongjoong bared his teeth before relaxing and standing up straighter. “Fine,” he finally spat. “If all you desire is to escape,” he continued. “You may do so.”
You stared blankly at him. “Just like that?” you asked.
Hongjoong scoffed. “Of course not,” he answered.
“You still have to find your way out of here,” he explained. “I’m going to give you a head start,” he explained. “A head start? What for?” you asked softly. Hongjoong smiled at you, the points of his fangs barely visible.
“I’m going to count down from fifteen,” he explained. “You have fifteen seconds to find your way out.” You felt a shiver run up your spine. “And what happens when fifteen seconds are up?” you asked in a quiet voice.
The smile on Hongjoong’s face widened. “Then I start hunting.”
Your stomach dropped, heart skipping a beat. “W-what?”
Hongjoong tilted his head, an eyebrow raising as he stared at you.
“You think I’m going to make it easy for you?” he asked, an amused tone in his voice. “You have fifteen seconds to get as far as you can before I start hunting you down.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat before speaking, your voice cracking.
“And if you c-catch me?”
Hongjoong’s eyes glazed over. “Satisfaction,” he bit back, smiling and displaying his fangs.
You stared back, frozen to the spot as terror coursed through your veins.
Hongjoong licked his lips before opening his mouth.
“Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen,” he said softly, staring at you, eyes full of excitement.
“Twelve, eleven, ten,” he continued, tilting his head, smirking at you with a devilish look. “You should probably run,” he whispered.
Heart pounding, you spun on the spot, glancing around quickly before taking off as Hongjoong continued to count down. You shined your light around, looking through the aisles, stepping over ruined books and crumpled paper.
‘Where is it? Where is the exit?’
Your eyes landed on a distant neon sign that looked to be an exit sign. You started to sneak your way towards it, ducking behind shelves and turning off the light, taking slow deep breaths to try and steady your breathing and your racing heart.
“Five, four, three, two…” Hongjoong paused for effect, the thud of his heavy boots echoing around the room as he walked towards the edge of the circle.
You held your breath, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill. The room fell silent and you peered through a gap in the books beside you, allowing you to see into the center of the room where Hongjoong stood.
Your eyes widened as he seemingly scanned the room, stopping briefly over the shelf you were hiding behind. When he continued to look around the room, your shoulders relaxed before his head snapped back to the shelf you were hidden behind. “One.”
In a split second, the demon had crossed the room, grabbing the shelf with a clawed hand and ripped it from the floor, carelessly tossing it aside.
You screamed as the shelf crashed into another, wood splintering before scrambling up and dashing off in the opposite direction. You ducked around bookcases as Hongjoong laughed in the background. The echoing thud, thud, thud of his boots started to follow you in a casual manner.
“Keep running, little lamb,” he called out as he walked. “I’ll always find you.”
You managed to sneak your way to the opposite side of the room and squeeze yourself into a small alcove, focusing on slowing your breathing, making sure to breathe through your nose and keep quiet as Hongjoong stopped walking.
You could hear him start to chuckle, turning into laughing as he started walking again, each foot step heavy against the ground. “It’s so funny when you try to steady your breathing,” he said as he continued walking, drawing closer and closer. “But you could hold your breath and I’d still find you.”
Your heart hammered in your chest, hitting your sternum with a tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump. Hongjoong clicked his tongue, allowing you to deduce he wasn’t far away. “That right there,” he continued. “That’s what gives you away. Your heart is so loud. I could hear it in the other room while the vampire had his fun with you.”
You peeked around the corner, making sure the coast was clear before silently sneaking away as quickly and quietly as you could. You needed to get your bearings and find that exit sign again. You peeked over a low shelf and saw it off to your left. If you could just sneak around the corner, you could hopefully make a dash for the exit.
Upon scooting closer towards the exit, you found yourself at a dead end where two bookcases blocked your path. ‘What the fuck?’ You turned around and crept back to the center of the room, keeping your eyes open and avoiding the circle of light as you crept around the edge of the circle.
“You’ve discovered my little maze, haven’t you?”
You froze, ducking behind one of the shelves as Hongjoong stepped into the light. His appearance had altered slightly. He still had the same horns but his eyes were different. Black scleras with golden irises. He also sported a tail that had seemingly torn through the back of his pants.
“Oh, that was rude of me,” Hongjoong continued. “It’s not fair if I read your mind.”
You cursed silently as you listened. ‘Shit, I completely forgot!’
“Tell you what,” Hongjoong said, coming to a stop in the center of the room. I’ll give you another chance,” he said, holding his arms out in a grand gesture.
“And because I’m so generous, I’ll give you another head start but since I already gave you a large one, I’ll give you a smaller one this time. And I promise not to read your mind or use my super hearing. I’ll give you ten seconds this time,” he added with a mischievous smile.
You glanced back to find the wall behind you was solid. You decided to follow it, keeping low and out of sight as you crept behind the short bookcases until you slipped into an opening as Hongjoong began to count down from ten.
“Nine… eight… seven…six…”
You pulled a bandana from your bag and wrapped it over the front of your flashlight before clicking it on, the cloth cover dimming the beam and casting a dull red glow in front of you. He was right. This place was a maze.
You followed the path until you reached a large open area. You had two options; you could go left or right. You chose right, following the shelves until you reached a dead end.
Cursing silently, you backtracked, taking a left and following the shelves to another fork. This time you took the left path and followed the narrow aisle until you reached another crossroad. You chose to continue to the left and let out a soft swear when you reached a dead end.
Now you had to backtrack again.
You moved quickly, keeping your eyes and ears open for any sign of the demon. Once you reached the second fork you’d come across, you went the opposite direction, taking the right path instead of the left you chose earlier.
This path took you to another fork. You shined your light at the right but upon hearing a book fall from that direction, you took the left path which led you to…
“Another dead end?” you whispered, shining your light around. You backtracked, freezing when you heard the familiar thud, thud, thud.
He’s coming.
You decided to take refuge behind a bookcase, hoping Hongjoong would take the path to the left like you chose so you could sneak past him.
A shrill whistling met your ears as he whistled a tune, walking slowly until his footsteps stopped just on the other side of the bookcase. You ducked down, hoping he couldn’t see through the wood or books.
You heard him sigh before he started whispering.
“Eeney, meeney, miney, mo…” he trailed off. You held your breath, blinking tears away before you heard his footsteps head for the left. ‘Yes!’
Once you were certain the coast was clear, you peered around the bookcase before silently sneaking out from your hiding spot. You cast a glance back as you backtracked to the first fork. You’d tried two routes already and hoped the third would be the correct one.
You made it back to the first fork and took the left path, following it around, turning left and right as you followed the narrow aisle. From behind you and several aisles over, you could hear the heavy thudding of Hongjoong’s boots. “How clever, little lamb,” he chuckled as his voice echoed around you.
“Making me think you went one way. Such a clever little girl.”
You choked back a sob as you hurried forward. The bookcases opened up and you could see Hongjoong standing in the center of the room. You made eye contact, stomach churning as he smirked at you.
Before your eyes his coat ripped, wings sprouting from his back and making you scream. You turned away and made your way towards the green neon sign that you could now see read ‘exit.’
“You can’t escape me,” Hongjoong called, the wings shaking off the remnants of his jacket before he took to the air as you reached a straight shot towards the exit door. You glanced back once more and let out another shriek as the demon started towards you, flying over the bookcases, filing cabinets, and tables.
You ran as hard as you could, finally pushing the door open and slamming it behind you.
Blinking at the sudden light you looked around before something hit the door. You screamed, looking for something to barricade the door and decided to push the cabinet beside you against it.
You managed to block the door and backed away as the demon growled, roared and pounded against the door. “Come out, come out, little lamb,” a deep gravelly voice said. “Leave me alone!” you screamed, tears freely flowing now.
“Aww, you want to be alone, little lamb?”
The deep, demonic layer to his voice was gone now. A beat of silence was followed by his maniacal laughter. “You’ll never be alone again,” he said, the threat in his voice apparent as he scratched against the door, his nails grinding against the metal.
Turning away from the drawer, you scanned the room. It was a small room with a few bookcases, a rolltop desk, and a hutch cabinet. The glass on the cabinet was either broken or coated in a thick layer of dust. Everything was coated in dust.
You looked around, eyes settling on the desk where a stack of papers was strewn across the surface. You slowly walked over, inspecting the contents now that the banging had stopped though you knew you couldn’t linger for too long.
Your eyes landed on a specific sheet of paper. It was old with loopy handwriting. You carefully picked it up and read, eyes scanning the sheet.
‘Twenty-third of June, in the year sixteen-hundred and twelve,’ the first line read.
‘We’ve gathered at the town centre, many of us coming from villages from far away. The town has called upon us to act. Residents have complained of being plagued by a demon. Yunho was the first to arrive—’
“Yunho?” you whispered, pausing your reading as the face of the alien from the science fiction section flashed in your memory. ‘What does he have to do with this?’ you wondered before continuing to read.
‘Next to arrive was Jongho, a young priest from an ancient sect. The youngest in his order.’
Jongho’s face, a shy smile on his lips, filled your mind’s eye. ‘What is going on?’
Continuing to read the manuscript, you learned that all of the Guardians were based on these priests and the one who had written the manuscript was Yeosang.
“This doesn’t make sense,” you whispered, turning the page over to look at the back where a symbol had been drawn. It was something you’d seen before. The insignia on Seonghwa’s key and it happened to be an amalgamation of all of the guardians’ insignias.
“So these priests were drawn to the town to capture the demon?” you whispered to yourself as you looked over the other sheets, seeing hastily written scripture, crude drawings of what appeared to be various rituals and symbols.
‘Were they trying to banish him?’
A chill ran up your spine and you decided you’d seen enough. “I don’t have time for this,” you said, tossing the paper onto the desk before turning to look at the open doorway you’d seen when you first looked around the room.
It was dark and made you hesitate to enter but you knew that was probably your only way out. Your feet refused to move though. You glanced back at the desk, looking down at the papers before letting out a frustrated groan and pushed the papers aside.
You found sketches of the priests, eyes widening as you looked each one over. There they were. The faces of all six guardians staring back at you. “What the fuck?” you hissed. The details were uncanny. It wasn’t like they resembled them. The guardians were exact carbon copies of the priests.
“If the guardians are modeled after these priests,” you whispered, setting the pages down. “Then who is Seonghwa? How does he fit into this?”
You started rifling through the pages, setting aside the ones you’d already looked at. You knew you didn’t have time for this but you’d never have this question answered if you didn’t look now. ‘I don’t have much time,’ you reminded yourself.
‘But I have to know!’
Your search concluded as you read an old newspaper article from the late 1870’s. Your eyes scanned the page, reading a story about a woman and her fiance who went missing in the jungle you currently stood in. Your eyes widened as you looked at the pictures of the couple.
The woman was beautiful, she had long dark hair, styled into an elegant updo. She wore a dress with a high neck, reminiscent of the fashion of the Victorian era. The man was the spitting image of Seonghwa. ‘Is this…’
Your thoughts were cut short by a distant metallic clang coming from beyond the door frame. You dropped the newspaper and turned to look at the doorway, the blackness both inviting and intimidating.
‘That’s enough research,’ you told yourself. ‘Time to go!’
You made a dash for the doorway, peering into the room on the other side to find it was actually a stairwell. Rushing past the doorway, you leaned over the railing, looking down to see the steps continued for a long while, eventually descending down into darkness.
Raising your head, you looked up, squinting slightly as you were met with bright light coming from what seemed to be a square cut out in the ceiling. You raised a hand to shield your eyes as you looked. ‘Is that… daylight?’ you wondered, feeling a slight swell in your heart. ‘Is that the way out?’
“Finally,” you whispered, starting for the steps leading up. “This nightmare can end!”
As you reached the steps, you froze in the spot, one foot on the landing, the other raised to step onto the bottom stair.
Something felt wrong. You looked up, peering between the cases where you saw a face peering back from several floors up. Your eyes widened in horror as you made eye contact with Hongjoong. The eyes were the same black sclera with yellow irises, his horns were still the same black but his skin. His skin had changed.
It was now a sickly gray and flaking, giving him a grotesque and monstrous appearance. He grinned at you, showing all of his sharp teeth. “Hello,” he said cheerfully. You gasped and turned tail, heading down the stairs instead of up. Footsteps pounded against the stairs, following you down as you used the railing to turn the sharp corners.
‘Come on, come on!’
The darkness never came as you ran down several flights of stairs before finally bursting through another door, glancing back to make sure you were followed.
You ran into a solid body and screaming, hitting the figure only for them to grab your arms and yell at you to calm down. “Stop! Stop!”
You glanced up, eyes widening as you looked into the face of…
The vampire held you firmly as he inspected your face. “W-what? How did I get here?” you asked, looking around. You weren’t back in the lobby but you were in a dark hallway. The walls and floor were made of stone. The same sandstone as the temple. “Wh-where are we?” you gasped, turning to look behind you where there was nothing but an empty wall.
“I heard you screaming,” Seonghwa started to explain. “So I came back here and I found you running away from that wall,” he added, nodding towards the empty wall. “Are you alright?” he asked, looking back at you.
You turned back to meet his gaze. The same golden eyes you’d seen before looked back at you. “Y-yeah,” you gulped down air as you nodded. “You’re almost free,” Seonghwa said, giving you a kind smile. “This is the last stretch.”
You let out a tiny sob as he pulled you into a warm hug. “You’re doing so well,” he whispered. “Come on,” he added, pulling back and pulling you forward, taking a step behind you. “You’re so close now,” he added.
“Don’t give up.”
You felt him give you a small push towards the direction you were facing. At the end of the hall was a door. It was unlike any of the doors you’d entered before. It was white painted wood. You approached it slowly, turning to look back at Seonghwa who nodded, gently moving you forward.
“I can’t open it for you,” he added. “You have to do it yourself.”
You strolled forward, stopping just short of the door before taking a deep breath, reaching for the knob and twisting it.
The door swung open to reveal your living room. You let out a shocked sob, looking around the room. You turned to look back at Seonghwa who nodded, giving you a smile and gesturing for you to enter. “Go on,” he urged.
You stepped past the threshold, looking around the room. Everything was as you left it. You ran your hand over the dark stained wood of your staircase bannister, a smile spreading over your face. “I can’t believe I’m home,” you whispered.
“This is goodbye,” Seonghwa said from behind you. You turned to look back at him. He had a somber expression on his face. “Come with me,” you said suddenly. “You could escape him, too,” you added.
Seonghwa gave you a sad smile. “No one ever escapes him.”
His words seemingly froze you in place. Your breathing increased, heart racing as you stared at the vampire. “Wh-what did you say?” you breathed.
Seonghwa had looked down at the ground. “No one escapes him,” he repeated before looking up. His eyes had changed. You let out a gasp as the facade of Seonghwa melted away to reveal Hongjoong.
“I told you I’d find you, little lamb,” he said with a dark chuckle. “N-no,” you whimpered, backing away from him. “You can’t. I’ve made it out!” you screamed. Hongjoong glanced around the room from outside the door.
“Are you sure about that?”
Glancing around the facade broke. You weren’t in your home. You were in a large room. There wasn’t much except a table with some chairs, an old four poster bed with dusty sheets, an old wooden chest and a wash basin.
You looked back at Hongjoong who gave you a menacing stare before stepping into the room. You backed into the table as he entered. Your lips parted, eyes widening as you took in his true form.
His pants had faded away into black fur, his legs were no longer that of a human but were bent the way a goat’s legs bent, fur covering from his waist down to his feet. The heavy black boots were gone, replaced with black hooves caked in either mud or something else you didn’t want to imagine.
Your path out of the room was blocked, Hongjoong now standing before you at an impressive seven feet tall, his tail flicking behind him with excitement. The tattoos adorning his torso and arms faded into a smoky black at his waist and near his wrists. His fingers were capped with sharp claws, also an inky black.
���Please,” you whimpered, edging away from him along the table. “Please let me go.” The tears flowed freely as you begged him. Begged for him to let you go. For him to spare you.
“Let you go?” he asked, tilting his head. “But we’ve had so much fun,” he explained, advancing slowly on you as you backed against the wall.
“F-fun? Chasing me all over, stalking me? That’s fun?” you whispered. Hongjoong let out a deep, frustrated sigh. “Maybe that was more fun for me but what about everything else?” he asked, leaning in and caging you against the wall.
“What are you talking about?” you snapped, trying to cower away but the wall kept you from escaping. You flinched as Hongjoong brought one of his hands up, taking your chin gently in his hand. “The hut in the jungle?” he asked, tilting his head. “Or what about the cave? All that web? That wasn’t fun?”
You gasped, about to ask how he knew about all of that but he kept going.
“And what about at dinner? When I cut your dress open? That wasn’t fun?”
You shook violently, trying to push him off. “S-stop,” you whimpered.
“And what about the section after that? The crime section? That wasn’t fun? I lost control for a bit there,” he said, chuckling as he remembered and it suddenly clicked for you. When Jongho had you bent over the counter. His voice had changed and he’d known about the other encounters.
Had it been Hongjoong the whole time?
Hongjoong chuckled again as recognition passed over your face.
“And what about in the treehouse? You have to admit that was fun,” he continued. When you said nothing, he tilted his head in the opposite direction. “And what about in the temple? I’ve always wanted to try having two coc—”
In response, you brought your hand back, slapping him across the face. “SHUT UP!” you screamed. “Stop talking! Just shut up!”
Hongjoong blinked slowly before turning his head to look at you again. “Wrong move, sweetheart.”
You felt his fingers close around your throat. You grabbed at his wrist as he lifted you against the wall, pinning you. You gasped for air, feet dangling inches from the ground. “Please!” you gasped. “Put me down!”
Hongjoong let out a growl before throwing your body onto the bed. You sputtered and gasped, coughing as the dust rose around you. A stretching rubber sound caused you to look up to see Hongjoong’s appearance had shifted again. The black goat legs were gone, his black pants back as he knelt on the bed.
You backed away until you were cornered against the wall and the headboard.
“Don’t touch me,” you hissed. Hongjoong let out another frustrated huff of air before grabbing your ankle and pulling you towards him. “No!” you cried, trying to grab onto the sheets and trying to pull away.
You tried kicking him with your free foot but he caught that one and pinned your legs to the bed. “This will be a lot easier for both of us if you’d just cooperate.”
You thrashed wildly, trying to free yourself but his grip was too strong.
“You gave into me before,” he said, pulling a bed restraint from under the mattress and cuffing one of your ankles. “What’s so different now?” You screamed, trying to pull free but he grabbed your other ankle, cuffing it as well. You sat up, trying to pull the cuffs but he was too quick, climbing onto the bed and pushing you back, pinning your hands against the mattress.
“Six times,” he said breathlessly. “Six times you’ve given yourself to me.”
You blinked up at him, tears streaming down the sides of your temples. “Why is it so different now?” he asked again, sliding his hands up your wrists and lacing his fingers with yours as his head ducked between your head and shoulder, tongue dragging over your neck.
“Haven’t I proved myself a very capable lover?” he asked softly, trailing kisses up your jaw to your cheek slowly. “Haven’t I satisfied you more times than anyone?”
You choked back a sob. “Haven’t I pleased you? Made you cum every single time?” You let out another whimper. You shook your head. Hongjoong pulled back to look at your face. “No? That’s not what you said before,” he added, leaning in, his lips inches from yours.
He was so close you could feel his hot breath on your face. “Shall I recall each and every orgasm you’ve had so far because of me?”
You shook your head again, a small sob leaving your lips. “P-please,” you whimpered. “Please let me go…”
Hongjoong huffed, dropping his head briefly as he shook his head slowly. “I told you already,” he said softly. “No one escapes.”
“Why are you doing this?”
Hongjoong hesitated, the tip of his tongue sticking out, playing with the metal tongue ring you’d barely gotten a glimpse of earlier.
“Why am I doing this? Doing what?” he asked softly, leaning in to brush his lips against your cheek. “Why am I trying to seduce you?” You shook your head.
“Why does no one escape? Why won’t you let me go?”
Hongjoong sighed heavily. “You really haven’t figured it out yet, have you?”
You stared up at him as he sat back, keeping your hands pinned to the mattress.
“What am I?” he asked, tilting his head. You glanced over him quickly. “A demon,” you answered, albeit hesitantly. Hongjoong nodded, giving you a grin. “I am,” he answered. “But I’m no ordinary demon,” he added.
“W-what does that mean?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. “It means,” Hongjoong said leaning in. “I know you read those papers,” he whispered. “You know what I really am.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat. You had read those papers, he was right about that. You learned about the binding ritual, the priests that had come from all over to seal the demon, the man hovering over you now, to this location. You learned about Seonghwa’s involvement and how he came to be here.
You’d also read Yeosang's notes about what Hongjoong was and the kind of havoc and terror he wreaked over the town.
‘In his most vile form, the demon is half man, half goat, blackened skin on his hands, almost as if he’d been burned, the skin charred from the flames of Hell. Black patterns like vines creeping over his arms, torso, and back. His black fur covered legs bent like that of a goats. His eyes black as night with golden rings in the centre. Black horns extending from his forehead and curving back over his caramel hair. Truly a hideous beast to behold. But to the women of the town, he appears much different. A man, not a beast. There’s only one word for his kind.
You nodded slowly, looking up into his eyes. The black sclera had changed back to white but the same golden glowing irises looked back at you. “What am I, sweetheart?” he asked softly. You tried to speak but your voice failed you, tears burning at the corners of your eyes. “Speak,” Hongjoong said softly.
“I-in-incubus…” you whispered, your voice no louder than a breath.
“Do you know what an incubus is, sweetheart?” His inquiry made your breath catch in your throat. Had you not known before reading those papers in that room, you would have learned what an incubus was.
Thanks to your upbringing and your parents’ instilling a love and thirst for knowledge in you, many nights had been spent reading as many books, texts, and documents as you could. The vast library at your childhood house was home to many books in a vast array of differing topics.
You were around 18 when you first learned what an incubus was. The texts in the Library here had explained in further detail the deeds Hongjoong had performed before the priests arrived to seal him away.
‘Many women have fallen to the advances and lies of the demon. He’s managed to seduce and ensnare many of the town’s women, both married and unmarried. He’s defiled much of the town’s female youth, seducing and bedding them. He would have their very souls if left to continue. He must be stopped.’
You nodded silently. “Yes,” you whispered. The smirk on Hongjoong’s face grew.
“And you know what I’ve done?”
Again, you nodded, blinking away the tears. “And you know what I’m capable of?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered. “I could easily force you,” he continued. “Force myself on you.” Your heart hammered in your chest, stomach lurching and heat rushing to your core. Hongjoong seemed to notice the shift in your body.
“Does the thought of me taking you by force arouse you, little lamb?” he asked, grinning mischievously, the points of his fangs exposed. You tried shaking your head but you could ignore the feeling between your legs when Hongjoong pressed his erection into you. “I think you’re lying,” he muttered, an amused tone in his voice.
He rolled his hips against you again, this time earning a soft moan which you tried to hide by biting into your bottom lip. “It’s okay to enjoy it,” Hongjoong murmured, watching as your face contorted in pleasure each time he grinded against you. He could smell the arousal pooling in your panties and the heat radiating from your skin.
“It’s okay to give in,” he added, leaning in to nip at the skin just under your ear, chuckling when you whined in response. “Sex is nothing to be ashamed of,” he continued, nipping at the skin up and down the side of your neck.
“Sex is natural,” he added. “Humans are sexual creatures, Y/N.”
You felt a shiver run up your spine. “You are a sexual creature,” you heard him whisper in your ear. “I’ve seen firsthand what your body can take, sweetheart,” Hongjoong continued, one of his hands moving down to your hip, fingers digging into your skin.
“I’ve explored almost every inch of your body,” the demon whispered, tongue sticking out to lick a long strip up the side of your neck. “Every time I get to have fun, it’s always through one of those infernal incarnations,” he growled, tips of his pointed canines brushing against your pulse point.
“And now I get to have fun as myself only for you to deny me.”
You moaned, feeling him grind against you.
“I can smell it, you know,” he continued, raising his head to look at you. “You reek of sexual desire. I know you want me,” he added. “I know you want this.”
He punctuated his words with another roll of his hips. “You’ve been such a responsive and receptive slut,” he continued when you still couldn’t speak. “You’ve welcomed all my advances. I can change into any one of them again,” he added, the corners of his lips curling into a devilish grin.
“You want that alien again? I can add more tentacles,” he whispered, fingers teasing the top button of your shirt. “Stuff all of your holes at once,” he continued.
You moaned at the idea of seeing Yunho’s face again, the way he growled and pushed you against the floor as he took you from behind.
Hongjoong kept his eyes on your face as he undid the first two buttons on your top. “Or maybe you’d like the naga again. Maybe you’d let me fill that pretty pussy with both cocks this time,” he added, pressing his hard cock against you.
Your shorts were starting to stick to your slick folds, the pressure of his heavy cock against your clit was driving you mad. ‘Say yes,’ your brain kept telling you. ‘Give in.’
You weren’t sure if it was your own brain or if Hongjoong was somehow influencing your thoughts. Could he even do that? You didn’t know the extent of his powers but you knew he could accomplish some incredible visions. Illusions.
‘The Library of Illusion. They’re his illusions.’
You heard Hongjoong chuckle, seemingly having overheard your internal monologue.
“You’re just now piecing that together, baby?” he asked, shaking his head slightly.
“Maybe I should just be myself,” he murmured. “Stop playing with your head.”
You choked out another moan as he pressed his erection into your now soaked shorts. “You’re so fucking wet,” he added. “I bet I’d slip right in.”
You felt another two buttons of your shirt release. “You aren’t exactly stopping me,” he added, moving his hand to the button on your shorts. You glanced down through a heavy lidded gaze. “Joong,” you breathed.
He looked up from your shorts, meeting your gaze. “Joong?” he asked, raising a brow at you. “That’s different,” he continued. “Please,” you whimpered, hips seeking friction against his cock. “Oh little lamb,” Hongjoong said, moving a hand to cup your cheek.
“You’re gonna have to beg better than that.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Please, Hongjoong,” you choked out. “It’s so hot.” The demon tilted his head to the right. “Hot? You want me to help? Want me to cool you off?” You nodded frantically. Hongjoong’s lips parted in a grin, his pointed fangs making your walls clench around nothing.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he added, leaning over you, fingers hesitating at the button of your shorts. “I want…” your voice trailed off as you looked up at him, his glowing golden irises studying your face.
“You have to say it,” he urged, eyes narrowing. “So say it.”
“I want you,” you finally breathed out. “Want everything.”
Hongjoong let out a huff before easily undoing the button of your shorts before finally undoing the last couple buttons on your top. “You want everything? You want my tongue? My mouth? My fingers?”
His eyes darkened before adding “my cock?”
You nodded quickly. “Yes, Joong, I want it all,” you whimpered.
Hongjoong let out a deep rumbling growl and slowly tore your shirt off you with a slow and nasty rip sound as he pulled the fabric apart and tossed it aside. You moved your hands to rid yourself of your shorts but he stopped you, pushing your hands above your head. “Keep them there,” he instructed before climbing off the bed.
You could feel how embarrassingly wet you were through your shorts as he stood at the foot of the bed. “You want me to release you?” he asked, one hand wrapping around the post of the footboard. You nodded as you looked at him standing near your feet.
“And you promise you won’t run?”
You nodded again. “I promise,” you breathed out. “Just want you.”
Hongjoong barely touched you but your ankles were suddenly free and he was back between your thighs, kneeling in the same position. His hands grabbed the back of your thighs, pushing them against your stomach. “I can’t wait to fuck you like this,” he growled, squeezing your thighs.
“Pump you full of cum and watch it leak out of you,” he added.
You moaned, cunt convulsing around nothing at his words. “You want that?” Hongjoong asked,, a hint of amusement to his voice. You managed to whisper out a yes as his hands moved up your sides, fingers skimming your skin.
One of his hands moved up to your neck, lightly squeezing it before you felt his thumb brush over your bottom lip. “Open,” he ordered. You obeyed, parting your lips. Hongjoong pushed his thumb past your open lips, almost groaning when your lips wrapped around him, tongue tasting the pad of his thumb.
“That’s it,” he murmured, watching you. “Open again, pretty girl,” he added. When you did, he pulled his thumb out, replacing it with two fingers, pressing them against your tongue. You felt him grind against you again, pressing your wet shorts against your clit. “Maybe I should remove these,” he mumbled, keeping his eyes on your lips wrapped around his fingers.
Without a word, he removed his fingers from your mouth, leaning over to take your lips in a searing kiss. Your thighs instinctively clenched around his waist, legs wrapping around him. Hongjoong parted your lips, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You tasted steel and moaned against his lips.
He pulled back much too soon for your liking but your complaints failed as he started leaving wet kisses down the side of your neck, trailing to your chest. “I’ll stop teasing you,” he murmured, giving you another thrust before taking one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue swirling around it.
You moaned unrestrained as his other hand moved to knead and massage your other breast. “Joong, please. I need you,” you moaned, back arching. Hongjoong chuckled, the sound muffled against your skin. “Not very patient,” he murmured, letting your nipple fall from his mouth.
“Very well,” he added, scooting back to leave wet, open mouth kisses down your stomach, stopping to nip and bite your skin.
You looked down, meeting his heated gaze as he smirked at you before ducking his head and taking the zipper of your shorts in his teeth, pulling it down and making you gasp, dropping back against the bed.
A thin sheen of sweat had started to cover your body despite losing more and more clothes. You weren’t sure when it had happened but Hongjoong had managed to lose his clothes in the process. The leather pants had been replaced with the black fur you’d seen before.
Your thoughts were interrupted as Hongjoong kissed back up to your navel.
“Oh god,” you moaned, back arching as Hongjoong bit into the skin of your exposed hip, slowly tugging your shorts down. He raised his head slightly, looking up at you through his lashes. “Now that’s just mean,” he murmured.
“Saying his name when I’m right here,” he continued, grinning when your eyes met his. “S-sorry,” you breathed. Hongjoong shook his head, finally pulling your shorts down your thighs and tossing them aside. “I know,” he replied. “It’s just an expression.” His hands slid under your behind as he lowered his mouth.
“But I promise I’ll have you saying my name real soon,” he added with a wink.
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before you felt his tongue against your sex, lapping up your essence. “Shit!” you hissed, one hand moving down to comb through his locks.
“That’s not my name either,” he mused before moving his hands, spreading your folds. You tried to bite back but the sudden sensation of his tongue against your clit, the cool metal brushing against the bundle had your mind going blank.
Your thighs threatened to close around his head but he pushed them apart. “Hold them open for me,” he ordered. You moved your hands, grabbing the backs of your thighs and holding them open, leaving his hands free to pull your folds apart again. He gave your clit a couple light licks before spitting on your aching hole.
“What’re you— oh!”
Your words faltered as you felt the metallic tip of Hongjoong’s piercing against your entrance. You moaned as you felt the muscle enter you, squirming against your walls. It wasn’t human. Human tongues weren’t this long. You were briefly reminded of Yunho’s tongue but Hongjoong’s growl and the way he pulled his tongue out of you brought you back from those thoughts.
“Don’t do that,” he growled, making you look up as he hovered over you.
“D-do what?” you whimpered. “Think of other men. I’m right here,” he answered. “Think of only me. Those men aren’t even real. They’re illusions.”
Your mouth acted quicker than your thoughts. “They were real at one point.”
Hongjoong’s eyes narrowed and he was quick to wrap his hand around your throat, holding you against the bed as two of his fingers on the other hand plunged into your wet hole, making you squeal at the sudden intrusion.
“Whose fingers are in your cunt, sweetheart?”
“Y-yours,” you answered. You felt his fingers around your throat squeeze.
“I can’t hear you,” he growled. “Yours are!” you almost shouted.
You let out a moan as he slowly started to pump his fingers in and out of your hole, ignoring the wet sounds as he stopped to curl them against the soft spongy spot inside you. Your back arched, a low moan leaving your lips.
“If you keep thinking of other men when I’m right here, I won’t hesitate to punish you. You’re mine, little lamb. No one else's,” he growled. “Not even the vampires. You’ve always been mine. From the moment you step foot into the Library.”
Your words failed you as your mind went blank, whimpers and moans leaving your lips as Hongjoong’s fingers moved quickly, your arousal no doubt spilling from you and onto the bed. Your hands moved to grab his wrist as he kept a firm hold on your neck. “J-Joong, please, I’m gonna—”
Hongjoong removed his fingers quickly, making you cry out in protest.
Can’t have you come undone just yet, angel,” he said, a hint of amusement to his voice. “I’d rather have you come undone on my cock.”
You tried to follow his movements but his hold on your throat kept you immobilized as he took his cock in his hand. You wanted to see it but he refused to let you move. “You don’t need to see,” he muttered as he stroked himself slowly, coating his cock in your juices.
“It’ll be inside you soon enough.”
You felt him press the tip against your hole and you gasped as he pushed only the head of his cock past your folds. Your entrance stretched to accommodate the size and you knew you were in for a rough time. He was bigger than any of the others you’d taken.
You were dazed out of your thoughts with a light slap against your cheek as Hongjoong pulled the tip of his length out of you, instead resting it against your clit. “I told you not to think about other men when I’m right here,” he growled. “This is your last chance,” he warned.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered as he rutted against you, the weight of his cock pressing down on your clit as he coated the underside of his cock with your wetness.
“I mean it,” he said. “Keep thinking about other men and I won’t let you cum,” he warned. “I’ll fuck that pretty throat of yours and cum down it and not let you cum.”
You whimpered, moving your hips to grind against his cock.
“I’ll—hn— I’ll be good,” you stammered. “I p-promise!”
Hongjoong leaned over, pressing a slow, deliberate kiss against your lips as he guided the head of his cock to your waiting hole. “This doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you,” he mumbled against your lips. “You’re in for a long night.”
Your brain emptied as he pushed his cock into you, stretching your walls as your body tried to accommodate his impressive size. He bottomed out quickly, the tip of his dick pressing against your cervix, a small bulge resting under your navel.
“S-so full,” you whimpered, eyes blurring with unshed tears. Hongjoong’s grip on your throat loosened. “You like that?” he chuckled. “You like being split open?”
You nodded, unable to speak as your tears flowed freely. Hongjoong had to resist the urge to slam into you if only to see you cry harder.
He never was good with self control though.
As he pulled back, leaving only the head of his cock inside, you braced yourself for the return but you still weren’t prepared when he snapped his hips forward, the head of his cock hitting your cervix.
“Oh fuck!” you gasped. Hongjoong placed his hand on your stomach, pushing against the bulge that was the head of his cock. You moaned out as he gave you another thrust, and then another, setting a slow but hard pace.
Each thrust had you gasping as you felt his cock hit your cervix and just under your navel each time. “It’s so d-deep,” you choked out in a sob, tears flowing more, staining the sides of your face.
Hongjoong let out a deep growl, his free hand grabbing your hips as he thrust faster, keeping his eyes on your face. The tears spurring him on, he made it his goal to have you screaming, his thrusts increasing by the second as he drove his cock into you repeatedly.
Your walls clenched around him as your thighs shook. “M’gonna cum!” you gasped, your grip on his wrist tightening. “S-stop, stop! I’m gonna cum!” Hongjoong let out a dark chuckle. “I’m in charge here, princess,” he murmured. “You cum when I say so.” You let out a shriek as he slammed into you.
“Hongj-joong!” you sobbed, walls convulsing around his cock as you came, the demon helping you ride out your high before he pulled completely. You had no time to come down from your high as he rolled you onto your stomach, lifting your hips and reentering you from behind.
Your face dropped into the sheets as he resumed the same relentless pace, driving his cock deeper into your pussy, though how he managed to go deeper you weren’t entirely sure.
“I’m not stopping until you’re screaming,” you heard him growl over the sound of his skin hitting yours.
“So you better start screaming if you don’t want this to last all night.”
You felt one of his hands hit your ass, your walls clenching around his girth.
Another smack caused your body to jump.
“J-Joong!” you whimpered, feeling your wetness slowly rolling down the inside of your thighs. Hongjoong glanced down, noticing it got much wetter. “Oh,” he murmured, slowing his hips. “You’re bleeding,” he added.
Your fingers dug into the sheets. “Don’t stop! Please don't stop,” you begged, pushing back against him. Hongjoong shook his head before taking a firm hold on your hips and slamming back into you. “Be careful what you wish for, angel.”
You cried out into the sheets, your voice muffled as your walls clenched around his cock again, cumming with a shriek but he didn’t stop this time. He fucked you through another orgasm. Your back arched as he placed a hand on your back between your shoulder blades and pushed your chest down.
“You seemed to like this position before,” he chuckled. “Stay down,” he added in a growl.
Your nails dug into the sheets as his thrusts sent you hurtling towards another orgasm, walls hugging his cock as you came again. “Scream,” he ordered. “Scream for me.”
He gave you a much harder thrust, the head of his cock pounding into your cervix and making you finally scream into the sheets.
Hongjoong leaned over, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you up, your back pressing against his chest as he moved to grab your throat. “Again,” he hissed, slamming into you and making you scream again, this time unrestrained.
“That’s it,” he groaned, hips never faltering as he fucked you through yet another orgasm. You’d cum more times than you cared to count. Your mind wasn’t in the state to be keeping track. “I’m close,” you heard the demon growl in your ear, his hips hitting your ass with a lewd wet smack as your essence coated your entire ass and inside your thighs.
You were sure you were a mess but couldn’t be bothered to care.
“Gonna cum and fill this ruined pussy. You want that, princess? I've already ruined your pretty pussy. You want me to fill it with my cum?” You moaned as he tightened his hold on your throat. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckled breathlessly.
“Open your mouth, slut,” he grunted. You obeyed, parting your lips enough for his fingers to enter your mouth, pressing against your tongue. “Suck,” he growled. You wrapped your lips around him, sucking as his other hand moved down, fingers finding your clit and circling the sensitive nub in time with his thrusts.
“So close," he gasped. "I’m gonna fucking fill you. Breed you like a bitch in heat.”
Your walls tightened, fluttering around his cock as you came for the nth time, Hongjoong finally finishing. You moaned against his fingers, spit covering your lips and rolling down your chin as he exploded inside you, cock twitching with each spurt as he emptied himself in your walls, coating them with a heavy load.
You felt it start to seep out of you, rolling down your thighs and no doubt dripping onto the sheet but he wasn’t done. As he continued to pump more of his seed into you, he pulled his fingers out and pushed you over, thrusting into you and forcing his cum further into you.
“You’re going to take all of it,” he growled, fingers digging into your hips, his sharp nails leaving marks. “All of it,” he added, thrusting as he finally emptied the last bit. You moaned loudly against the sheets, feeling impossibly full as he kept his cock buried to the hilt inside you, the cum he’d emptied inside you filling every crevice.
You were sure some of it had managed to seep into your womb. You were incredibly full. “Just like that,” he murmured. “Stay still.”
Your walls clenched, pushing out a small amount of his cum. “If you keep pushing it out,” he growled, looking down at the semen that had trickled out and was rolling down the inside of your thighs.
“I’ll plug you up.”
You moaned, walls clenching involuntarily. Hongjoong clicked his tongue.
You felt him pull part of the way out only to push back in, the base of his cock now thicker. You screamed into the sheets as he forced a knot you knew wasn’t there before into you, plugging your cunt and now keeping everything inside you.
“I warned you,” he said simply, thumbs tracing circles into your skin.
“Full of my cum and my cock,” he murmured. “Now you really are mine,” he added. “No one else can have you.”
You whimpered as he thrust forward, a slight laugh escaping him.
“And now I have all of eternity to breed you over and over again.”
The demon let out a dark chuckle as he snapped the book shut and got up from his seat. He walked over to a shelf with brightly colored books. Seven of them, each with their own special insignia on the spines.
The green book with the stars and moon, the red book with the spider on its web, a gold book with a palace, the silver book with a magnifying glass, the purple book with a dragon, the tan book with the snake, the blue book with a bat, and lastly the book in his hands.
The orange book with a demon mask on the spine.
Hongjoong placed it next to the purple book and looked up at them all.
“Right where you belong,” he said softly, turning away and walking from the shelf.
“No one escapes.”
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samkerrworshipper · 7 months
leah williamson x reader
warnings: smut, self harm, hurt n comfort with fluff n protective leah. 18+ minors dni.
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There was country music thrumming across the living room, drowning out the background noise that came from the bustling London street outside the door of Leah’s house. You were both lying down on her couch, lazily making out, Leah was on top of you, her lips moving rhythmically against your own. It was sweet, the taste of Leah’s spearmint gum and glass of wine welcome on your tongue as you granted her access to your mouth. All you could hear was the sound of Chris Stapleton and laboured breathing as you both took a break to breathe every once and a while. The telly was playing behind Leah, a premier league game or something that neither of you had been paying much attention to once you’d gotten your hands on each other.
Leah’s hands were gently rested on your hips, her nails grazing up and down the delicate skin, her soft and luscious lips caressing yours like you were a piece of fine china, delicate to the touch. It put you on cloud 9, just allowing yourself to be completely enveloped by the pure love and adoration that was flowing from Leah’s body to your own. You felt immaculate, like you were made of a million dollars, Leah had a habit of making you feel that way. You’d never gotten past this stage, never beyond heated kisses and little feather light touches. Leah was cautious of how young you were, and as long as you were happy so was she. But right now, all you wanted was more, you felt desperately greedy as you allowed your hips to grind up into hers. Leah didn’t even notice the first time, until you bucked them up into her and her eyes bursted open, looking at you with a mixture of shock and complete adoration.
“We don’t have to do anything.”
Leah was an absolute golden retriever, never wanting to push you more than you could handle, but that also didn’t mean that she didn’t have desires of her own, desires to make you feel better than you ever had before.
Leah lowered her lips to your neck, sucking a light mark into your unembellished skin, leaving her mark on you. You moaned open lippedly, your hips arching upwards into her own, your back attending back into the pillows.
“Lee, please.”
Leah smirked against your neck, her innocent girl begging was something that she’d never get over. She lowered her head down your neck, to the top of the tank top you were wearing, kissing along the lines of it. She moved her mouth down, to the part of your stomach that was on show, the milky abdomen that she loved so dearly. She flattened her tongue out against your stomach, making you feel better than you ever had before with her tongue sensually sliding against your soft skin. Leah’s hands moved to hook into the waistband of your shorts and suddenly your had shot out to stop her.
Leah jerked away from you, a guilty look on her face as she looked down at you with regretful eyes.
“Fuck I’m so sorry, I read the situation wrong, we don’t have to do anything, I didn’t mean to push y-.”
You stopped Leah’s worrying before she could say anything else to you.
“Leah it was perfect, I wanted it. I just thought I should warn you, there’s a lot of scars on my thighs and hips, and I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable about them.”
Your voice is anxious, full of uncertainty about what questions Leah might ask or what presumptions might come to her head. You knew this moment was inevitable. that as perfect has your relationship had been in the last few weeks, you were going to need to face your fears and eventually venture to this part of your relationship.
Leah moves back up your body, pressing a gentle peck to your lips and smiling against them.
“You're beautiful to me no matter what, if you feel comfortable I’d love for us to keep going. Have you done this before?”
Your lip jutted out between your teeth, your evident embarrassment about your virginity coming to light.
“Not exactly, but I’ve experimented and I feel safe with you, I don’t want us to stop.”
Leah nods her head against your lips, smiling and sliding her body back down yours, to the space she had previously occupied between your legs.
“I’ve got you sweetheart, we’ll just take it nice and slow.”
Leah’s hands rehooked into your waistband, this time with zero push back from you. When you nodded your head at her she smiled, pulling your shorts down tantalisingly slow. You bit the inside of your cheek, watching Leah’s face expressions closely as she tugged your shorts down to your knees. Suddenly you felt so vulnerable, so scared. Leah’s face didn’t falter, as she continued to tug your shorts down to your ankles and then down onto the end of the couch. She kept her eyes trained on the lines between your thighs, a completely neutral facial expression as she surveyed the tattered skin. It wasn’t something you were proud of, the raised skin all over the insides and outside of your thighs and hips. It wasn’t a pretty sight, there was a reason why you never wore bikinis in front of anybody. Leah did something you never would have expected, she leant down to the space between your thighs and gently placed a series of kisses to every single line. There were hundreds, she could spend hours between you thighs kissing them and it wouldn’t have mattered to her, all that mattered to her was making sure that you knew just how loved you were in her care.
“So beautiful, so perfect, so brave.”
Leah’s words were murmured warmly against your skin, there was nothing sexual about her actions, just complete honesty and pride at what you’d gone through to get to where you were. She took her time with the old, new, raised, red, white, faded. Every single one was equally important to her, every single one of the proof of just how brave you were, just how hard you’d fought.
“Lee, please.”
Your words were desperate, the image of Leah between your thighs mentally imprinting on your brain, like a tattoo to your skin. She was doing everything but dealing with the wet patch between your thighs though, the place where you desperately needed her the very most. Leah smiled up at you, the corners of her lips stretched tightly with a smile on her face.
“Is someone getting inpatient?”
Leah’s head came to rest on the inside of your thigh, as she looked up at you with hooded eyes that held pure desire in them.
“I need you.”
The pure want in your voice sent shivers down Leah’s back, shocking her straight to her core.
“I suppose.”
Leah’s hands came up to the elastic of your black thong, a simple enough piece, nothing particular about it, yet Leah felt like she could worship that item of clothing for months if you let her. She tugged it down though, down to your knees before deserting it and looking down to appreciate your glistening sex.
“So wet, I haven’t even touched you where it matters yet?”
You mewled at Leah, desperate for her to just give your dripping hole some much needed attention.
She smirked at your needy tone, almost a whine.
“Fingers or mouth?”
It was such a simple question, and yet you struggled to answer out of the sheer amount of pleasure that the ultimatum brought you.
As soon as the words left your mouth Leah’s mouth was diving into your folds, licking a stripe from your clit all the way down to your hole. It was inexplicably perfect, and you let her know as much by the moans that feel sinfully from your lips. She licks again and again, and again, and again and again, until her lips finally suction to your clit and you almost fall from the couch from the electric shocks that are sent all over your body. Leah sucks gently, treating your clit like the treasure it is, savouring every single second that her mouth gets to taste you and learn what you like best.
“You taste so good, baby.”
Suddenly your hand is on top of your mouth, muffling the scream that Leah’s words force your body to produce from the pure desire coursing across your body. One of Leah’s arms comes to rest on top of your hips, to stop their unsynchronised bucking so she has a stabler grip on your pussy. Her voice sends vibrations across your sex, Leah suckles at your clit one last time before moving her head down to your hole, giving you her nose as a means to grind on. Your wound so tight from the simple actions that Leah knows you won’t last much longer, not that she minds, as long as your feeling pleasure thats what matters the most to her.
She thrusts her tongue into your sex and suddenly your thighs, the muscular thighs that not long ago Leah had been littering with adoration are wrapping around her head, somewhat cutting of Leah’s air supply. Leah doesn’t hesitate, only diving in further, helping you to chase your impending high. Leah’s hands come to rest on your thighs, pushing them open carefully so she can breathe and then diving back into your hole, thrusting her tongue in and out of it and resonating in the moans that fall from her mouth as she does. Leah’s taste buds are being completely bombarded with your scent and taste, it’s the best thing she’s ever experienced.
When she realises that you need a little bit more she brings one of her hands down from your hips and to your wetness. Your body jerks at the sensation of her rough pads making contact with your clit. Leah doesn’t spend long on it, replacing her fingers with her mouth and moving her fingers down to your clenching hole. It comes as no surprise to her when one of her digits slides in with zero resistance, your needy pussy sucking up whatever Leah gives it.
Leah begins a relentless pace, pumping her single digit in and out with rigour, It’s great, but you want and can take more.
“Leah, fuck, more.”
Leah only hums against your sensitive drippiness and on the next pump she adds another finger, slowing her strokes slightly to allow you to adjust to the intrusion. You’re so tight on her fingers, clenching down on her so hard that she has to put a little bit more effort into pushing her fingers in and out of your entrance.
When she begins to curl her fingers you're a goner, moaning wildly above her.
“Fuck Leah, fuck, fuck.”
The coil in your stomach is wound as tight as it can go, the need in your stomach at its capacity.
“Cum for me sweetheart, I’ve got you, cum all over my fingers.”
Leah’s words are enough of a booster for you, and in an almost embarrassing lot of moans and jerks your body is falling directly over the edge, your thighs shaking on either side of Leah’s head. You try to press your legs together, to protect your spasming cunt while it clenches and makes a mess all over Leah’s face, but she holds your legs open with her spare hand, desperate to see exactly what she’s done to you, the way she’s ruined your perfect little pussy. She guides you through your orgasm, gently cleaning you up with her mouth and easing her fingers out of your cunt when the aftershocks have dulled down. She cleans her fingers with her mouth, savouring the taste of you on her tongue. Once she was done cleaning up she snaked her way up your body, resting her head on your chest and admiring the thoroughly fucked-out facial expression that adorned your face.
“Your a devil.”
Leah only smiled at you, pressing a series of kisses all over your face, covering your skin with her lips.
“It was good?”
You nodded almost immediately, still shocked at how good Leah had been able to make you feel with just her fingers and mouth.
“It was perfect.”
The smile that graces Leah’s face is perfect, it’s full of happiness and pure bliss.
“Are you doing alright?”
Leah can’t help herself but ask, because the part of her that’s constantly worrying about her teammates is now worrying about you, worried if she’s been missing the signs that you're not doing okay.
“Leah I’m doing better than ever, you make me so happy, moving to Arsenal has been the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Leah nods dutifully, observing the information that warms her soul, knowing that you're happy and that her home is making you happy is music to her ears.
“Can I ask you why you do it, or did it?”
Leah’s voice is shaky, uncertain, she doesn’t want to push you, but she also wants to know this part of you, all she wants is to care about you and prove to you that she loves you like you deserve.
“How about we move up to bed and get into pjs and then I’ll explain it all to you, or as much as you want to hear?”
Leah nods quickly, pushing herself off the couch and picking you up easily, walking towards her bedroom. She helps you into the bathroom, the both of you doing your business and going about your night time routines. Whilst you’ve only been dating Leah for two months now, since you started at Arsenal, you’ve very quickly intertwined your life with hers, your toothbrush had a permanent space in Leah’s bathroom, your clothes in her wardrobe, your favourite snacks in her pantry. You stayed over at Leah’s house more often than not, claiming it was convenient because she was closer to the training ground. Leah loved your company so she was hardly one to object.
Once you’d both finished brushing your teeth and going about your nighttime skin care she dragged you into her wardrobe, throwing one of her hoodies and a pair of her boxers at you. You threw them on nonchalantly, watching curiously as Leah found her favourite oversized shirt, an old Arsenal one and a pair of sleep shorts. Once she was done you both walked into her room, her arm wrapped around your waist as she led you under the covers.
She leant her own body against the bed head, bringing your head to rest against her chest whilst she carded her fingers gently through your scalp. It was everything you’d grown to love about Leah, sure, Leah was terrifying on the pitch, terrifying as a captain, but in private she was one of the sweetest people you’d ever met.
“I started when I was 14.”
You let your words hang in the empty space, focusing on the feeling of Leah’s fingers working their way through your scalp, it was almost as good as the massages you got at the hairdressers when they were washing your hair.
“You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”
Leah wants to know, she wants to know every single little detail about you, but she also doesn’t want to push you, good things come to people who wait, and as far as she’s concerned her biggest worry is you and making sure that you feel comfortable with her.
“No, I want to, I just haven’t really talked about it like this with anyone.”
Leah nods her head and continues her movements across your scalp, smiling to herself as you relax into her touch.
“It was my coping mechanism growing up, in a house with so many kids and parents who are stretched so thin isn’t easy, and I was going through a really tough time. So I turned to self harm, a few of my friends had been joking about it so I tried it. I never really did it with the attention of seriously harming myself or killing myself, it was just my stress reliever. It’s not a healthy coping mechanism, I know that, I’ve tried my hardest to quit it over the past years, I really have tried. I hae a therapist, you know that though, and we’ve been working on it for a few years, I’m 4 months clean currently, I’m trying my best.”
Leah just nods at your words, forever supportive of you.
“I’m not here to tell you what's wrong and right, obviously I would love for you not to hurt yourself, but I also understand that everyone has coping mechanisms that work for them, I bite my nails when I’m nervous, and obviously there not the same things but I have my ways of coping as well. All that matters to me is that you are happy and doing okay, you’re putting in the work through therapy, you're trying your hardest and that’s all that matters. I’m here to be your person, to be the person in your corner, not here to tell you that you’ve fucked up your life. You are so incredibly strong and brave y/n, that’s what I see in you, a girl who has struggled but she found a way to survive, a way to get herself through the day. Sure, cutting yourself isn’t the best alternative, but you learnt how to survive and I commend you for that, I commend you for finding a way to deal with all the pain that you were going through. I love you so much sweetheart, all I want is to support you and be here for whatever you need.”
You can feel tears welling up in your eyes, you bring the corner of Leah’s hoodie to your eyes, wiping away the wetness from your face.
“I love you too Lee.”
She smiled down at you, your face shining under the moonlight that was flowing in through the open curtains.
“I know sweetheart, now get some sleep, we can talk as much or as little about this in the morning.”
The topic doesn’t come up for a few more weeks, both you and Leah enjoying the absolute bliss that your relationship is providing. You're riding on cloud nine at Arsenal, scoring goals in most matches and earning your spot on the squad. You feel so happy, so secure, more than you ever had at any stage in your life, it all comes crashing down after a game though.
You didn’t even notice what was happening when it was being pointed out. You were post game, getting changed in the locker rooms after a tough loss to Chelsea 3-2. You weren’t really thinking straight, if you had been you would have waited until you were in the shower cubicle to get changed, but all you wanted to do was throw on some sweats and find Leah so she could take you home. You tugged off your shorts and compression shorts without much care, slinging them into the back of your locker whilst you searched through your bag for the sweatpants that you were sure you’d packed.
“Chook, what are those?”
It’s Katie’s deep Irish accent that catches your attention, your eyes moving to meet hers, which are fixated on the outside of your thighs. Katie’s voice attracts the attention of some of your neighbouring teammates and suddenly you're frozen to your spot, staring at the same marks Katie is looking at.
“Y/n/n, goo game darling.”
It’s Leah’s arms wrapping around your shoulders that draws your attention, her eyes quickly fall to where both you and Katie are looking.
“Mccabe, do we have a problem?”
Leah’s voice is so defensive, she had known this day was going to roll around at some stage, she’s just glad that she was here for you when it happened.
“Er, I was just asking y/n about what was on her thigh.”
You body goes rigid in Leah’s arms, Leah’s defensive mode doesn’t falter though.
“Hardly any of your business, I’d think.”
Katie gulps, but her confidence doesn’t waiver, and she’s now attracted the attention of Caitlin, your national teammate who is peeping over her girlfriends shoulder to get a view at what the focus of the three of you is. Caitlin’s eyebrow raises in questioning, but she doesn’t vocalise.
“Was just curious.”
Leah glares at Katie, and you can tell by the facial expression she’s going to bring this up at a later date with her, but not right now, not when you're present.
“Take your curiosity somewhere else.”
Leah’s hands reach for your sweatpants, and you're forever grateful as she hands them to you and you quickly slip them on. Leah helps you with your hoodie and packing up your bag, before leading you out of the rooms with one of her hands on the small of your back, guiding you out to her car. You don’t say anything much on the way there, but as soon as your in the safety on Leah’s car you just turn to her.
“Thank you, you don’t know how much I appreciated that.”
Your voice is quiet, shy, something that Leah wishes you’d never feel in front of her, but she understands that your teammates curiosity has gotten the best of you, and whilst she loves Katie like a sister, she’s just a little bit pissed off at her bluntness.
“Not a problem my love, I’ve got you remember, I’m here for you.”
Leah notices a change in you after that interaction, you shut down a little bit, especially in front of your teammates. She doesn’t push you, she understands that you're going through an adjustment period, plus you seem pretty happy when it’s just the two of you hanging out. That’s why she didn’t hesitate to go out tonight, it was a pre planned dinner with Alex and a few of their other mutual friends, you insisting that she go out and enjoy herself.
It’s a fairly relaxing night, Leah eats salmon and veggies, her go to when she’s out for dinner, drinks a glass of wine and catches up with her best friend, it’s nice, but she wants to come home to you, that’s why she stays sober, she doesn’t go out clubbing when Alex asks, because she has something to go home to now, somebody she can hold in her arms and feel so incredibly fulfilled. Alex jokes about Leah being completely infatuated with you, puppy love, and Leah can’t find any reason to deny it, because it’s true, she’s fallen head over heels in love with you. She leaves dinner at a more than reasonable time, just past nine.
She drives home with an almost giddy smile on her face and when she pulls into her driveway she can’t help but feel completely inebriated with the sheer amount of excitement coursing through her body at getting to see you, and love you and just be with you. She knocks her door open as she rushes through the entryway, her eyes searching for you. She doesn’t see you in the kitchen or lounge room, so after sliding her coat and shoes off she moves into her bedroom. When she doesn’t find you in bed she’s a little bit shocked, but then she hears the sound of the shower steadily beating down against the tiles of her bathroom and everything makes sense. She moves to the door, sliding it open, hoping to be rewarded with the sight of your beautiful naked form, and secretly hoping that maybe she’ll be able to join you. What she hadn’t expected was to find you sitting on her bathroom floor, a razor blade in one hand and red lines bleeding all over your thighs.
Your eyes snap up at Leah, unaware that she’d even entered the threshold of her house, let alone the bathroom that you were currently sitting on the floor in. Your eyes almost pop out of your skull, as do Leah’s as she realises exactly what’s going on. You shriek, involuntarily, absolutely terrified of the predicament that you’ve been found in. Leah freezes, her body unmoving as she stairs down at you, completely unsure what to do.
“Leah it’s not what it looks like.”
It’s exactly what it looks like, your sitting on her bathroom floor, with a razor pressed to your thigh, blood dripping steadily down you skin. It’s a sight that Leah never wanted nor expected to see, you’d been doing so well, she’d even sat in on one of your therapy appointments and talked with your psychologist about just how much of a change they’d seen in you since you’d made the move.
“Fuck-sorry, I didn’t mean to walk in on you- Fuck. Fuck, I’m going to go get some towels, and bandaids, and disinfectant.”
Leah’s words come out in shambles and you manage to soothe her with your own voice.
“Leah, beside me, I’ve got it all.”
Leah’s shocked at your preparedness, her eyes darting to the pile of supplies beside you, telling her that this was clearly premeditated.
“Okay-Fuck-I’m so sorry, do you need me to help? I should help, shouldn't I? Fuck, what do you need me to do?”
You nod at Leah, the both of you are clearly so unsure about this whole interaction. Leah’s brain seems to be short circuiting, and it doesn’t help with your uncertainty.
“Leah, just leave, I can sort this out myself.”
Your voice is short, dismissive, you don’t want to push Leah out but you're also so unsure right now and Leah’s own insecurity isn’t helping you. Leah’s captain instincts seem to kick in though, and before you can object she’s shaking her head and walking towards the shower, turning it off because it’s clearly not being used and then moving to sit down next to you.
“How about you let me clean you up, hmm? We’ll talk about it later, just let me look after you, you don’t have to do this all by yourself, I’m here for you.”
You look into Leah’s eyes, and whilst there’s still uncertainty hiding in them somewhere, she looks so much surer, so much more caring and you just nod your head helplessly, like a goldfish.
Leah reaches for your pile of supplies, first reaching for a damp towel and pressing it down onto the inside of your thighs, essentially using it as a form of absorption and tourniquet for your bleeding. She holds it like that for a few minutes, just waiting for your blood to clot. Once it does she throws the towel into her hamper and reaches for the disinfectant.
“This one will burn, just be brave for me yeah, my brave, strong, beautiful girl.”
Leah’s words of comfort do wonders for you, your body relaxing as Leah moves between your thighs. She smears a dollop of the disinfectant on her finger before gently bringing the pad of her index into contact with your scars.
You groan out in pain, the disinfectant searing as it ingrains itself in the lines that you’d inflicted on yourself. Leah tries her best to be quick about it, but she also does a thorough job, ensuring that none of the lines are going to get infected. Once she’s done with the disinfectant she moves for some bandages and takes her time addressing each individual scar. Once she’s done she pressed a kiss to every mark that she’d dressed, pressing her lips gently to the bandages. It makes you think of when your mother used to kiss every single football injury you’d procure, telling you it would feel better, and it never really did make it any better, but it made you feel safer, happier, like everything would keep moving even with the pain you were feeling in the moment. This time with Leah was no different, the action making you feel all cosy and warm on the inside, something that a few minutes ago you’d felt like was completely unachievable.
“I’m going to go get some shorts and water for you, is there anything else you need?”
You shake your head shyly, and take notice of the way that Leah palms the blade that you’d previously been using and watched as her eyes search around the bathroom to see if there are any more.
“That’s the only one.”
Leah nods and smiles at you, pressing a kiss to the point of you nose before leaving the bathroom.
She isn’t gone long, returning in a record amount of time with the water and shorts she’d gone out to get and a protein bar. She opens the bottle and packet of the bar for you, handing them to you whilst she sits herself back down in front of you and helps you into she shorts, being eternally careful of the bandages that she’d just put on your legs.
Once you’d drunk the water and eaten the bar she gives you a lopsided smile, on that tells you that you have a lot to talk about.
“How about we get into bed chook, tonights been a lot.”
You nod at Leah, she helps you off the floor and leads you into the bed, tucking you under the covers before lying down beside you.
Leah wraps one around your waist, her hand coming to hover on top of the scars that not long ago you’d inflicted on your own skin.
“I’m sorry.”
Your words are a whisper, meant for only you and Leah, not that there’s anybody in earshot to hear you.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for chook.”
Leah’s words come out as a sigh, she’s disappointed in you for a series of reasons, but not because of your actions.
“Why do you look disappointed then?”
Your hands fiddling with the corner of your pillow, your eyes trained on Leah as she ums and ahs over how to answer that question in the best way. She lets out a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m disappointed in myself for not seeing that you were struggling this much. Never at you though, I told you that I understand why you do this, and I meant it. I’m a little bit disappointed that you didn’t try to talk to me, but I understand that it’s not always that easy, I’m worried about you more than anything, chook and I was just a little bit shocked when I walked in on you. That’s not to say that I’m in any way shape or form angry with you, I could never be angry at you, I’m just doing a lot of thinking.”
You nod at Leah, trying to compartmentalise every single word that leaves her mouth.
“I didn’t want to bother you, especially when you were so excited to see Alex.”
Leah bites down on the inside of her cheek, she feels a little bit guilty about the fact that Alex had taken priority over you, tonight of all nights.
“Baby, I don’t care if I’m in the World Cup final, I want you to talk to me when your struggling. I love Alex, yes. But there’s a reason I came home so early to you tonight, because I wanted to spend my night cuddled up in bed with you, because that’s how I love to spend my free time, with you. I would pick you over anyone else in the world. You can always call me, I’m always here for you, I’m always going to be your crutch or tourniquet.”
Leah’s words bring tears to your eyes that you didn’t know where there, and it pulls a guttural sob from your lungs.
“I’m sorry, I was just so stressed, and feeling so alone and it was all I could think about, so I walked down to the drugstore and bought a blade, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to use it, but then it was in my palm and it felt so good and I missed it so much, but then you were home and I realised that I don’t have to do this anymore, because you make me so happy, you make life worth living and you make my world turn.”
Leah brings her hand up to rest on your cheek, her fingers brushing away the stray hairs that are falling down in front of your eyes.
“I love you too chook, you make me happier than anybody else in the world. I’m by your side for it all, this world will never be enough for you but I’ll try to okay, from now on it’s you and me against the world, and if you feel like this I want you to talk to me about it. I’m not going to try and stop you, but at least I’ll be by your side, I’ll bandage up your body and your bones and every single one of your bad days as well, okay? Just promise me that your going to try and talk to me about it, that’s all I care about, that you feel safe enough with me that you can talk to me.”
You nod at Leah, the fat, warm, wet tears dripping down your face. Leah’s thumb wipes them away, clearing your vision and allowing you to see the welcoming smile that has graced Leah’s lips.
“I promise, you make me feel safer than anybody else and I’m going to do my very best for you, because I love you and I want to be happy with and for you.”
Leah nods her head, it’s all she can ask for, that you are happy and healthy and doing well.
“I’ve got you sweetheart, if you're not doing it for yourself then do it for me, show me just how strong and brave you can be, whatever you need, I’m here.”
You nodded your head, letting Leah’s words sink in like a tattoo on your skin.
“I need hugs from you, right now, you need to hug me.”
Leah just chuckles, but she obliges your request, wrapping her arms around you tightly, tight enough for you to know that she’s never letting you go if she can help it.
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
All The Things I Did (3): Don't Leave Me Alone
chronology: chapter 1 chapter 2 interlude 1 chapter 3 interlude 2
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a/n: well well well. here i am again. not as sad as interlude 2 i promise. i put them in chronologic order up top for all the new fans of this fic. focusing on gale and cass this chapter. i've appreciated all the screams in my ask box (i will explain anything about spook x bucky i've got going on in my head whenever you want, shoot me a dm) and will work on more interludes this weekend. keep the prompts coming! good a good mix of current & post war bucky x spook. love you guys and enjoy this longer one in celly of the finale.
Of all the places for them to bump into each other, no one should have been surprised it was in the base library. It was small and quiet and didn’t have the nicest lighting. But it had plenty of books on plenty of topics and very few people ever frequented it. Normally, it was her place to unwind and seek solace. Breathe in the scent of the worn bindings and get lost for a few hours. Cass wasn’t sure if John even knew it existed so it only made sense that this is where Gale would find her first.
Gale Cleven had been in communication with John Egan since their first day of basic training. Had watch him fly and crash on occasion. Watched him flirt and dance and take girls home. Only a few times had watched him give a piece of his heart and never once had he watched it go anywhere. When he had sent him the unicorn to pass along as an apology to a bar owner in Greenland, John had written one line at the end that made him more confused than the figurine had. A little note at the bottom: P.S. I think I’ve found my girl. 
Gale hadn’t known then, wouldn’t know for awhile, that Bucky had only seen her across the airfield when he had written that. Hadn’t even spoken a word to her. Had taken one look at the way every man on that base stopped and parted for her. One look at the way she navigated herself around the airfield while never looking up from the paper in front of her. John Egan had been gone like a freight train.
“Excuse me, Lieutenant Cooper?” She was in an armchair in the back of the library, curled up as much as her uniform would allow, thumbing through a book on Prussian history with two others opened and balancing precariously on either side of her and a stack of yet-to-be-read books piled on the floor. “I don’t mean to intrude. I just thought I’d introduce myself. Gale Cleven, friends call me Buck.” 
“My friends call me Cass.” She shook his hand as firmly as she could, her right arm in a sling. “You know, John has a whole thing planned for us to meet. He’ll be heartbroken.” Him and Cass had spent the night on a blanket in the flowers, just like she had wanted upon her return. He told her all about his best friend Buck and that introducing her to him was almost like her meeting his sisters or mother. Joked that she needed Buck’s approval before he could take her on another date.
“We can work on our story. Let him still have his moment.” Cass smiled and motioned for Gale to take the chair next to her. She placed a notecard between the pages to keep her place before giving him her full attention. 
“I’m sorry your first impression of me was when I got off that plane yesterday. I promise I’m not always that dramatic.” Gale laughed. The swelling in her eye had gone down slightly and there was color back to her cheeks. Maybe a couple of new bruises on her neck but he assumed his friend was more likely the culprit of those than the secret police.
“I barely noticed over the commotion of Bucky.”
“I wasn’t expecting that,” she noted shyly. All of a sudden her fingernails were much easier to look at than Buck’s gaze.
“I’ve known Bucky, John, a long time. You’ve enraptured him, Lieutenant.” Gale hadn’t expected such a reaction either. Bucky had always been somewhat impulsive, sure, but always with a personal gain in mind. Win the bet. Win the girl. Win the game. But yesterday had been near primal. A base instinct to protect. To put himself in between her and those who would do her harm. It had come as natural as breathing.
“Your word choice is inspiring, Major Cleven.” Her eyes twinkled. She knew.
“Has he serenaded you yet? Then you’ll really be inspired.” 
“I don’t know if that is what I would call it. I haven’t worked my way to that level of affection yet.” He thought back to the desperation in John’s voice when he called Cass’ name yesterday. Thought back to the venom that replaced it when someone got in the way of him reaching her. 
“I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.” She ducked away from his gaze again.
“Don’t tell him I’m telling you this, but I’m pretty enraptured by him, too.” Gale reached over and squeezed her hand, locking the secret between them, and stood up to let her get back to her reading and to find the book he had come here looking for in the first place. “Cass? I’ve got a favor to ask. It’s kind of a big one.”
“Something wrong, Buck?” 
“No. Just something that’s been on my mind since he left.” He mulled over the words for a moment. “He’s got a big heart. Does a good job at hiding it. I’ve been doing my best to protect it since the day I met him but if something happens to me up there…”
“You don’t even need to ask, Gale.” She would be his armor. Protect John Egan the way her soul had told her she should from the second she laid eyes on him. Had recognized the purity within him and felt the need to protect it. Cassandra Ann Cooper had been gone for John Egan the moment he stepped foot in England.
Gale nodded in appreciation. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight.” He walked to a shelf out of her sightline and Cass sighed deeply. She had faced down some scary people. But that interaction had her stomach in more knots than any of them. She had met, and talked to, and hadn’t made a fool of herself in front of, Major Gale Cleven. Cass smiled. John was going to be so happy when he found out.
The man in question was having a bit of a devious streak. Decided he was going to be early to pick up Cass instead of simply on time. Decided, after five minutes of waiting, that it had been too long since he last kissed her. Mary rolled her eyes when he came strolling in, thinking better of it when she opened her mouth to ask what he was up to. 
“Mary, I swear if Major Egan is early, tell him I’m not ready.” He smiled as he heard Cass answer his knock.
“Too late, Spook. Let me in so I can see whatever potions you're brewing to look so goddamn beautiful.”
“Are you calling me a witch?” Her voice was closer this time. John pressed his palm to the door where he imagined hers was.
“I miss your face,” he provided simply.
“I have curlers in my hair.” Her mother had never let her father see her with her curlers in. Even after thirty or so years of marriage. Told Cass it took away the allure of femininity. 
“Good. I’ve been imagining what you might look like in my bed in the morning-” He almost fell through the door when she opened it, her fist around his tie and all confidence choking off in his throat. 
“No remarks like that in the hallway where anyone can hear you.” Cass sat back down at her vanity for the finishing touches of mascara and powder. 
“Afraid they won’t find you so spooky anymore?” There weren’t too many artifacts of her life for him to look at. Photos of what she presumed were her parents and her siblings. A pile of letters with a return address in South Carolina. A jewelry box on top of her dresser.
“I don’t mind the nickname. I never had one growing up.” John stopped to admire her in the mirror as she pulled the curlers from her hair. He swallowed. It did look like he imagined she would be waking up next to him. How she would be after spending the night letting him worship her.
“Hey, wait on that for a second.” Cass put the tube of lipstick down and looked at him with a question across her brow. “Don’t want to mess it up when I kiss you.” She smiled and crooked her finger to beckon him forward, standing on her vanity chair as he got closer.
“So handsome,” she sighed as she took the opportunity of her newfound height to really take him in. She knows he would disagree but Cass found something ethereally beautiful about John Egan. The slope of his nose and the angles of his cheeks. The soft hair on his upper lip that she had found such joy in kissing. 
“I’m glad you think so.” He started with just a quick peck, enjoying the look of annoyance on her face. 
“That’s not worth holding up my lipstick application for.” John took that as a challenge. He felt guilty for only a second as he tangled his fingers into the curls at the back of her head and held her steady. John was trying to be mindful of the healing cut on her lip but she was pushing herself closer and closer and he had no choice but to give her more and more. It wasn’t slow. It was a spark spinning itself into a fire. An ember catching fire on all the things around it. He was a man starved for her oasis. She was a girl all too eager to tantalize him in the desert. 
John slid his arms to wrap tightly around her waist, lifting her against his body and turning so her back was against the wall. Instinctually, she wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped into his mouth at the sensation. “Fuck, Cass.” 
“John, we have to slow down.” She was enjoying his lips that had moved to her throat all much. Was so flushed with desire for him that beads of sweat were collecting in her collarbone. Cass unwrapped her legs from around his waist and John smiled with pride when her knees buckled ever so slightly. 
“You’re right. Do this the right way. The slow way.” He straightened his tie and bent down when Cass reached up to fix his hair.
“Doesn’t have to be slow forever. Sir.” She knew exactly what she was doing when she said it. Relished in the way it made his eyes darken with lust again immediately. “We’re going to be late to dinner. And I already made a literally bloody first impression with Gale.” 
“Come to think of it,” he noted as she expertly coated the red pigment around her lips, “it might’ve been more fun to try and kiss it off of you, Lieutenant.” 
“There’s always later.” 
He watched her hips sway to the Jeep, held her hand while he drove and smiled so wide it hurt when she slid across the bench and kissed his cheek. It all felt so normal. Felt like he was back home taking a girl to a movie and milkshakes on a Friday night. Felt like being with her was exactly where he was meant to be.
“Before you ask, no, we are not going back to the pub tonight.”
“Oh?” she asked as they drove right past. “Our memories from the other night incapable of being topped?”
“Just thought we would meet him somewhere nicer. This little bistro up the way a little bit.” 
“John Egan, are you nervous?” 
“Maybe.” She laughed but snuggled into his side. 
“It’s very sweet that you love Gale so much.”
“Don’t tell him. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.” Cass thought back to her conversation with Gale in the library. About the mushy heart right behind the very ribcage her cheek was resting against. 
“You know, I’ve been told I’m good at keeping secrets.”
Gale watched from the window by the table as John’s Jeep pulled into view, smiling to himself as Cass held his friend’s and kissed him. Stayed close to whisper reassuring words and knock his nose against hers to seal the promise.
“Bucky you lucky son of a bitch,” he muttered. They held hands as they walked in and when she let go to shake Gale’s hand, firmer this time as the sling hadn’t gone with her dress, John had kept his hand on the small of her back. Looking back on it, Gale doesn’t think there was a moment the whole night they weren’t touching. 
“Cass, this is the best man I’ve ever met, Major Gale Cleven. But I call him Buck.”
“Gave everyone else no choice but to call me Buck, too.” John pulled her chair out for her and pushed it in, sitting straight as a rod in his own until her arm locked around his comfortably. He visibly relaxed and kissed her forehead when she offered it.
The conversation flowed smoothly, John none the wiser the two of them had already met. Buck had her giggled over stories of a younger Bucky, taking her back to their days when they were first learning to fly. She asked about Marge and John noticed the way her chin dropped into her hand and she watched Gale with adoration as he spoke about the woman he had loved since he was a child. And would love until the day they died. 
“She sounds absolutely lovely, Gale.” Cass reached across the table and squeezed his hand when his gaze turned melancholy for a moment. 
“If you’re crazy enough to see it through with this one,” his chin jutted towards John, “I’m sure you and Marge will be thick as thieves.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad of a guy,” he spoke around bites of his dinner.
“John, you’ve got a little…” Cass motioned to the corner of her mouth to signal a bit of sauce was lingering on his. Without even really thinking about it, she used the corner of her own cloth napkin to dab away the offense. 
“Perfect.” Gale could lose his stomach with the sweetness. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me to the powder room.” John stood as she left, watching her with a dazed smile on his face until Buck coughed.
“She’s something, Bucky. A real class act. Whip smart. Has you wrapped around her finger many times over.” John hummed around his sip of whiskey. 
“I’ll keep wrapping myself around it as long as she’ll have me.”
“Yeah? I should tell you she’s too good for you.” 
“You’d be right. I don’t deserve someone like her.” He swirled his glass pensively. “You know I love you and I love Marge and I love the little world you two build whenever you're together. I’ve always wanted that but kept getting in my own way. Chasing the immediate instead of being patient. Cass and I, it’s going fast because of this fucked world we live in. And I’m not getting in my own way because I’ve found a girl who won’t let me.”
“Watching you two, I think it’s real, John.”
“I think it is too,” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “We’ve got to make it through this thing, Buck. I came here with nothing to lose but now I’ve got something I couldn’t stand to.” There was something desperate in his eyes. The same look Gale had seen yesterday when he was fighting the officer to reach Cass. 
“Feels nice to have someone to live for, doesn’t it?” he teased.
“Nice, scary, like I’m being mauled by Meatball.” They both laughed in spite of the truth. “You think she’s smitten with me?” Gale rolled his eyes.
“I do.” Bucky nodded.
“Good.” Cause he thinks he might love her. 
“Sorry for the prolonged departure.” She came back with a  smile, John standing and kissing her gently. “Major, I just reapplied that.”
“Couldn’t help myself.” Didn’t want to. 
He watched her and Gale banter back and forth the rest of the night with a smile on his face. Cass was the first girl he was introducing to his best friend, wished it was under better circumstances. Wished he had met her somewhere the threat of not making it to tomorrow didn’t exist. That he could court her properly and take her to the drive in and canoeing on the lake by his parents house and listen to a ballgame on the radio in the summer. Wished he had the courage to tell her and Buck that he was scared of losing them both. That he had been up there once and would back up a hundred times more if it meant they could live in a safer world. 
And one day, after all three of them had done their part to end this war, John will mention this dinner at Buck’s wedding. And Buck will mention it when John asks him to be their child’s Godfather. But they didn’t know what they would have to go through to get there. That John’s fear of losing them both will come true. And that he would almost lose himself in the process of getting them back.
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adorethedistance · 1 year
Do It, Then - Frat!Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, PDA, crying (PG-13)
Words: 1213
Summary: Today was not your day and your only hope for any kind of redemption lies in the hands of your TKE boy.
A/n: The newest addition to the TKE literary universe is this piece I’ve been sitting on for a while. I hate it and if I keep looking at it in my drafts it’s never gonna get done so here we are. 
“Y/n?” Trevor looks at me confused as he opens the door. In a second, he raises both eyebrows when he notices the tear tracks painting my face. He reaches out to swiftly grab my tricep and bring me inside the house. This is the first time the rain has let up all day which is evident in the way my light-wash jeans have become increasingly two-toned. He ushers me further inside before closing the door and engulfing me in a soft hug. His strong chest smells of cedarwood and vanilla, and I slowly melt into him, thankful for his warmth preceded by a long day of cold. 
“Hey.” Shoulders relaxing, nose running, and tears still forming. One of his arms rests across my shoulder blades and his other hand cradles my head. Trevor gingerly rubs my back and presses scattered kisses to the top of my head. 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.” As I take in his cologne, he breathes in my dry shampoo and I wonder if my scent is comforting to him in the way he is to me. 
After a few minutes of standing like this in the entryway, my crying dissipates and Trevor pulls away to try and look at my face. I don’t really feel ready to face him but I allow myself to look up at him anyway. He smiles at me, the hand behind my head moving to hold my face and trace the pad of his thumb over my cheekbone. 
“Come on, let’s get you dry.” Trevor takes my hand, leading me up the familiar route to his bedroom. We don’t talk the entire way to his room which I think is a new record for him. He knocks on the door and waits for Jamie’s reply before letting us in. I hesitate before I walk in, unsure of whether or not I want to subject Jamie to the full-length sob story that’s about to happen. I enter the room and Jamie immediately notes the puffiness of my eyes. He slips off the headset he was wearing.
“You okay, Y/n?” He asks, sweetly lifting his eyes to look at me. I shrug and half-smile to not freak him out. “I was gonna invite Val over, should I not do that or…?”
“You don’t have to cancel, it’s okay,” I’m able to whisper.
“Jamie,” Trevor grabs his roommate’s attention before motioning to his phone. He begins typing furiously for a solid minute, then he turns his phone off and walks over to their closet. Standing in the doorway, he scans over his half of the clothes before grabbing a pair of sweatpants and his black Golf Wang crew neck. He brings me the change of clothes before taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom down the hall. The place is of suspicious sanitation but I’m indifferent after the day that I’ve had. 
Trevor’s clothes smell like him and the sensation is comforting but it makes me miss his touch. I swing open the bathroom door and fling myself back into his arms. He laughs in surprise but gladly accepts the affection, kissing the top of my head for the second time tonight.
“You feel a bit better?” He asks sincerely and I nod against him, having difficulty finding the energy to speak. Trevor lets go of me and takes my hand, kissing the front of my knuckles and then leading me back to the bedroom. Jamie is engrossed in an intense round of Call of Duty, too focused on the game to acknowledge us in any way. Trevor walks us over to the bed and sits me down against the headboard, propping up on his pillow and grabbing a fluffy blanket for me. 
“You wanna talk about what happened?” He asks and sits on the bed, moving back to lean against the wall, perpendicular to the headboard.
“I just had a really terrible day.”
“I figured.” He laughs but nods along for me to continue.
“Y/n, do you prefer tea or coffee?” Jamie asks not looking up from his phone. 
“Usually Coffee.”
“You were saying?” Trevor asks to guide me back on track.
“I’ve just had an awful day. I got locked out of my apartment and then when my landlord finally came with the master key, the power went out so I’ve been freezing all day and I couldn’t cook any food so I’m starving. I’m so behind in one of my classes because I haven’t watched the most recent lecture and we have a paper due next week. I have a massive headache from crying so much. And on top of all that, my friends got pissed at me for a misunderstanding and they’re refusing to hear my side of the story… It’s just been a really bad day.”
“I’m so sorry. That sounds really shitty.”
“And I didn’t want to intrude or be overbearing by just showing up unannounced but I knew seeing you would make me feel better.”
“I’m happy I can be that for you.” I smile at the kindness of his words and Trevor waits a moment before speaking again, “I mean, yeah, it’s whatever. I’m not a simp or anything so, don’t get it twisted, shorty.”
My jaw drops in fake shock and I laugh at his effort to double back. He shrugs playfully but then laughs with me, smiling sweetly at my reaction. His ability to cheer me up feels like it should be more ineffective; I can’t fathom how thorough his hold on me has become. 
“Bro what?”
“It’s cool, you know?” Trevor crosses his arms over his chest for emphasis and I can’t help but laugh.
“Trevor- You are such a dork.” 
“But I’m your dork?” He states tilting his head forward for added persuasion. Jamie audibly and exaggeratedly gags from the other side of the room, despite having headphones on, which makes the two of us laugh.
“Seriously, Z, that is the corniest thing you’ve ever said.” He tears his gaze away from the monitor as the CoD match he was playing timed out. Trevor merely shrugs before he leans forward to place a kiss on my cheek, right in front of his roommate. Jamie huffs a laugh before turning back to his game to start the next round. 
“I’m genuinely happy about being yours though.” He says, grounding the moment in sincerity once more. 
“How come? I didn’t think you were mine.” I’m only semi-teasing. Trevor rolls his eyes and then puts his right hand on my leg to nudge me.
“You know what I mean!”
“I really don’t.” 
“Is this about me not asking you yet?” He asks straight up.
“I don’t know, maybe.”
“Oh, come on!” I smile and sit up as tall as I can to playfully puff my chest, 
“Do it, then.” Trevor lets out a big sigh before sitting up a little straighter. He uncrosses his arms and then takes my hand in his before asking,
“Y/n, will you please be my girlfriend?” I pretend to think it over for a moment before nodding softly.
“Yes. I’d want nothing more.” He smiles dazedly before leaning in to give me a soft kiss. 
“You guys are cute. You’re making me sick.”
a/n: I’m hoping posting this will get me out of my writers block rut. we’ll see lmao
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renren-006 · 11 months
Poloroid |Sierra Six x Reader
Summery: When Six was given the Poloroid that Claire took of him he only had one person in mind to give it too. AS soon as he was done with the job he headed straight home to you.
Word Count: 466
Warning: fluffffff
A/N: hey hey!!! have not written anything for Six/Court in a bit and i thought this was a cute idea to do!! this is a very short little one shot!! hope you enjoy!!!
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Six got that polaroid not too long after Claire got out of the hospital. She placed the picture next to his computer. When Court looked up at the girl she gave him a big smile.
“You know i'm really smart for my age” she told him, “i've seen you take only one caller the entire time you've been here” Court glanced down at his phone to see your name pop up. He glanced back up at the girl before he tucked the photo in his pocket and rushed to answer your call.
“Hey hun” you spoke to him over the phone. Your voice was like music to his ears. You were only allowed one phone call a week, per Court telling you so. 
“Hey there doll” he said, the photo burning holes in his pants. “I got a surprise for you when i get home”
“Oh yea? Please tell me it's not another thing for the kitchen. I love you but you don't need to get something new for the house every time you leave for a mission out of the country” you told him, exclaiming loudly over the phone. Court laughed, making not only your heart swell but also Clairs who was sitting on the couch, an ipad in her lap on the lock screen but was content on watching Six on the phone. She'd never seen him this happy, but when she noticed him pull a special photo from his jacket and a lady's face was on it, she knew he wasn't so straight laced and sticked as he had to be on missions. Court got off the phone with you not long after that, promising to be home soon. 
Once the last week was over and he was home to you the photo was in your hands before his bags were even dropped at the door. When you looked down and saw a polaroid of Court you smiled. He looked down at you with loving eyes. 
“Clair took this?” You asked, knowing all about the girl he was looking after. 
“Yea, surprised me the first day with a camera but i didn't get it back till last week after she was out of the hospital” Court told you. When you flipped over the photo a little note was stuck to the back. When you opened the folded piece of paper, it was a letter Claire. 
Dear Six’s lover…I still don't know your name,
I think he loves you. Well, I have a feeling that you two have been together for a long time. It's cute. Please tell him that I will be keeping the gum I stole from him and I hope he doesn't forget about me. He looks like a happy puppy when he's on the phone with you. Don't let him go.
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mackenzielovee · 1 year
protection (3) — ari levinson
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summary: Ari and your father have been business partners for ages, and it seems that he doesn't care for you. This doesn't stop you from trying; scheming to make the older man fall for you the same way the rest of your father's men have, too.
pairing: dbf! ari x reader
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warnings: mentions of blood, death, guns, violence, smut (kissing, grinding, sexual language/content)
wc: 3.2k
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     For hours, you feel too humiliated to even try to venture out of your room. You try not to think about how Ari made you feel — how he tested you, embarrassed you, but made it seem as if he was doing it all for your safety. 
Your mind reels as you try to figure it all out. Figure him out. Eventually, you resign to thinking you never will. That doesn’t mean you’re willing to stop trying to get to him. 
It’s dark out when you decide to venture down the stairs. You can hear your father and his men in his office, and your skin crawls at the thought of facing Ari again today. You’re sure you’ve pushed him far enough, and maybe, just maybe, it would be wise not to push any further.
You hurry across the house and into the kitchen; socks sliding against the glossy wood floors. You’d taken a bath, just as your father suggested, then put on black shorts and an oversized tee shirt you’d stolen from an ex-boyfriend. 
Your stomach growls, and you begin to dig through the fridge in hopes of finding something; leftovers, microwavable meals, or even just something to snack on.
“There’s pasta on the top shelf.”
You tense and spin around, finding Javier standing on the opposite side of the kitchen, watching you. Even in the darkness that surrounds you, you can make out a cut on his bottom lip and a bruise around his eye. 
“Javi,” you breathe, “What happened to your face?”
“Ari,” he replies, then looks to the floor, “You okay?”
“Yes, you,” he nods, “I’ve never gotten used to being shot at. Even in my line of work. I can’t imagine how much it must have rattled you.”
You swallow, but you suddenly realize that there’s no pang in your chest. There’s no hear sunken feeling; no dread, anxiety, fear, or anything. You just feel numb. Before now, you hadn’t even realized the lack of emotions you felt about the day — unrelated to Ari and his behavior. 
“I’m fine,” you squeak, and it’s obvious Javier doesn’t believe you. 
“Well, I’ll be here when you’re not,” he promises. 
You frown, “He hit you?”
Javier finally allows himself to look at you now, then nods once to answer your question. 
“Three times,” he explains, “It’s not a big deal.”
You shake your head defiantly and flip on the kitchen light, then walk over to where Javier stands. You notice him looking you up and down, but you don’t call attention to it. 
“He can’t just hit you and get away with it,” you mumble, “Especially after he had a gun to your head.”
Javier smirks, “I’m fine, bonita. Truly.”
“I should give him a piece of my mind,” you grunt, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“No, you shouldn’t,” Javier chuckles. 
You open your mouth to speak, but the sound that travels through the air makes your blood stop cold in your veins. 
“Give who a piece of your mind?”
Javier’s smile falls and he immediately steps back from you, tucking his hands into the pockets of his dress pants. You spin slowly, coming face to face with Ari for the first time in mere hours. His glare is harsh and his jaw is clenched as he looks between you and Javier. Like a wave, the fear washes over you. It registers immediately that you only seem to feel anything when Ari’s in the vicinity — even if those feelings aren’t good ones. 
His gaze is strong as he stares at you, seemingly begging for you to try him. Again. You inhale deeply, then shake your head. 
“Nobody,” you mumble. 
He nods, but his jaw ticks victoriously, “Javier, get the car ready. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”
“Yes sir,” Javier replies automatically, stealing one quick glance at you before adding, “Goodnight, Miss Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Javi,” you whisper. 
The room falls silent, but it seems that Ari finds comfort in that. He leans up against the doorframe and crosses his arms, following in Javier’s steps and not bothering to hide the way he looks you up and down. The idea of him looking at you that way makes you squirm, and you let it show. 
He smirks as you fidget with your hands, doing your best to avoid his eyes. 
“Are you still mad at me?” you ask, your voice sounding weak and powerless compared to his. 
“Yes,” he replies, “Are you still mad at me?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, finally daring to meet his eyes. Your heart feels like it’s burning up in your chest when he looks at you, and your mind races as you try to figure out why Ari has such an impact on you. 
“Yes,” you mumble. 
He nods, “I’m not going to apologize.”
“Neither am I.”
You watch as his lips tip up, but he lets the expression fall. Then, he takes a step forward, then another, watching as you move back. He continues his pursuit forward until your back meets the counter, trapping you in.
“I’m not asking you to,” he rasps. 
Your throat is suddenly dry, and all you can smell, all you can see, is him. He’s too close, and every alarm bell you’ve ever had is blaring inside of you. Instead of moving, you allow him to take the remaining steps to you, then set his hands on the counter on either side of your body. He’s caging you where you stand, maintaining eye contact and showing no fear. 
“Are you flirting with me, Mr. Levinson?”
You know it’s a risk, but it’s your plan. To lure him in. You count yourself victorious, given that it’s only been one day, and he’s already so close. You refuse to show fear, even though your heart is racing out of your chest. Calm, cool, collected. Make him sweat. 
“Like you’ve been flirting with me?” he counters, raising a brow. When you don’t answer, he dips his head down, requesting an answer and adding, “Huh?”
“Maybe,” you answer shyly. 
His smirk widens, and you swear he moves even closer to you before he stands up straight, nodding in approval when you follow him with your eyes. 
“What, you’re gonna play the game and then get all shy?” he teases, “I’m falling for it, sweetheart.”
You furrow your brow, “Falling for what?”
“For your little game,” he shrugs, his hand dragging along the counter and ghosting over your waist, “You’re clearly in desperate need of attention. You’re upset because your Daddy doesn’t give you enough—”
You shove him then, realizing Ari’s playing his own game that you don’t know anything about. He chuckles dryly and stumbles back, but catches himself and recovers quickly.
“Fuck you, Ari,” you say. 
He laughs dryly, “You ought to know better than to speak to me like that.”
“I’m speaking to you like this because you’re being an asshole,” you fire back, “I’m not desperate, and I don’t have Daddy issues.”
Ari snorts, “Okay, sure. And I’m not about to go shoot a guy in the head for looking at you the wrong way today.”
Your eyes widen at those words. Ari shakes his head and runs a hand through his beard, sighing with frustration as you stand in front of him. Motionless and fearful. 
“You’re going to kill him?” you ask quietly.
“He tried to kill you,” he replies instantly. 
You grow quiet at that; unwilling to beg for a man’s life when Ari’s standing in front of you like this. He radiates strength and power, and even though a small part of you is afraid of him, a bigger part is squirming because of how much he makes you feel. 
The idea of Ari killing the man from the street today brings a pit to your stomach, but not for the reason it should. 
“What if he tries to kill you first?” you question. 
His smirk returns, “Then, I guess you’ll be free to run off into the sunset with your precious Javi.”
You look up at him, but you don’t verbally respond. He licks his lips as he stares down at you, both of you feeling as if silence is a better communicator than words. 
He doesn’t step back, doesn’t attempt to move or give you more space. He merely remains still, remains focused, and leaves the next move up to you. You know you shouldn’t take it — not after what he said about you having Daddy issues and essentially calling you desperate. But, you can’t help yourself. He’s right there in front of you, and you justify your action by telling yourself that it’s all part of getting the big, bad Ari Levinson to fall to his knees. 
He freezes when you press the palm of your hand to his broad chest — clearly not expecting this in the slightest. He’s warm, you think, and strong. Your lips tip up as you feel the power come back to you.
“You’ll be careful, won’t you, Mr. Levinson?” 
He swallows, not daring to move a muscle. Your smirk widens as he works to form a response, although his eyes never leave yours. 
“No,” he answers, stepping closer and drawing your palm further up his chest, “Not with the motherfucker who tried to kill you today.”
Your insides burn as you imagine what Ari is capable of. Even so, you don’t bother dropping your hand. 
“I’ll wait for you to come home,” you whisper, watching his eyes drop to your lips, “You’ll need someone to clean you up, right?”
You watch every thought fall from his head except for one. Mindlessly, Ari nods. You smirk, knowing you have him right where you want him.
Until you don’t.
All at once, Ari snaps right back into it — and it takes you too long to realize that he never lost control at all. With his hand placed lightly around your throat, he pulls you away from the counter and over to the pantry door. He roughly sets you up against it and boxes you in again, then leans down so that his lips are only inches from yours. 
“That’s real cute,” he murmurs. 
You swallow roughly, gasping when he presses his body up against yours. The entire facade slips, and all you can think about is how close he is, how good he smells, and how much you want him. 
“What is?” you ask breathlessly. 
“You,” he replies, “Thinking you can play with me. You should know better, baby.”
Frantically, you shake your head, the feeling of being in trouble somehow clouding your judgment. You’ve forgotten the game, and all you can think about is him. 
“I do,” you whisper. 
He raises a brow, “You do, huh?”
“Mhm,” you hum, leaning closer. 
He grins, “Prove it.”
Ari pulls his head back when you rise on your tip-toes, desperate to prove it to him in any way possible. You can’t seem to think of anything besides kissing him, feeling him, being this close to him. 
“Ari,” you whine, trying to tug him in by the end of his shirt. 
You watch the look in Ari’s eyes change as you say his name, and for a moment, you think that’s the key. The answer. Just say his name, and he’ll look at you like he’s ready to drop to his knees. You’re sure he almost does, but stops when he hears your father’s office door open down the hall. His voice is faint, but the sound of his Italian loafers against the wood floor tells you he’s coming to the kitchen. 
“I’ll come back when he’s dead,” Ari whispers to you, “I can’t fucking think straight knowing he’s out there thinking about you like that.”
You bite your lip to hide a smile, then run your hand down his chest. He groans deeply, but doesn’t stop you. 
“Will you bring me back a souvenir?”
Ari’s jaw ticks, “If there’s anything left of him.”
You smile, and so does Ari. Your father rounds the corner just as Ari takes three large steps back, not breaking eye contact with you for a second. 
“Oh, hello, my love,” your father greets you, “What are you doing up so late?”
You give your father a convincing smile, “I just needed a snack.”
He steps over to you and kisses your forehead, clearly unsuspecting. Javier leans in the doorway of the kitchen, but you can’t find it in you to look at him. He’d left you alone with Ari several minutes ago, and you still haven’t come any closer to making something to eat. 
“Eat whatever you’re hungry for, darling. We have some business to take care of tonight, but Vick will be in the house if you need anything, and Derek and Mateo are at the front gate. Get some good rest, okay?”
You nod, “Okay, Dad.”
He beams, then kisses your forehead once more. When he turns back to Ari and Javier, you allow your eyes to float back up. Ari’s watching you; fists clenched tightly at his side.
“Let’s get moving, boys,” he says. 
Javier nods and walks off without a word, and your father follows. Ari lingers, stealing one last glance at you before swallowing and turning his back. 
“Be careful, Mr. Levinson,” you say quietly, only for him to hear. 
He turns and raises a teasing brow, then licks his lips. You ignore the feelings that stir in your stomach. 
“Get some rest,” Ari says, repeating your father’s words before adding, “You’re going to need it.”
     Your mind doesn’t stop buzzing after Ari leaves. You’d watched him from the window as he climbed into the bulletproof, black SUV, dripping power and dominance with every step. He doesn’t look back, not even once, and you swear you can feel anxiety swirling at the thought of him not returning to the house. 
After they leave, you’re far too anxious to eat, so you end up wandering around the house. Vick stays in your father’s office, and you don’t even attempt to bother him. After an hour of deafening silence, you head back upstairs to your room, where you do your best to distract yourself. 
Around one o’clock in the morning, you fall asleep. Keeping your eyes open proves to be too difficult, and your head falls to the right as you sit up in your bed. 
     It’s not until almost four o’clock that you hear the doors slamming and the boots against the wood. Your father barks out orders, and the second you register his voice, your eyes go wide. If he’s home, that means Ari is, too. 
You scramble off your bed and over to your door, pulling it open without a second thought. You can hear your father talking downstairs, but it all fades quickly. 
Ari appears at the top of the stairs, and the breath escapes from your lungs. His eyes take their time traveling up, then down, and finally, he looks right at you. 
You take in his appearance; bruised and bloody knuckles, blood spatter on his face, neck, and shirt, and dirt covering the rest of him. He’s dirty, but you don’t care one bit. 
“Here,” he says gruffly, walking over to where you remain frozen, “A souvenir.”
Obediently, you hold your hand out and take what he offers without even considering what it might be. When you feel the cool metal touch your palm, you look down. 
“What is this?” you ask quietly.
“His wedding band,” Ari answers, emotionless, “He’s dead. You know what that means?”
You snort to yourself as you go through the possibilities he could say next. Even though you should be repulsed at the idea of holding a dead man’s wedding band, you’re not. Strangely, it’s because Ari gifted it to you. 
“What?” you whisper, looking back up at him. 
He steps closer and lowers his voice, “That means, the only man fantasizing about you tonight will be me.”
You don’t even have to think before you’re reaching for him, tracing over the dried blood on his shirt with your perfectly manicured finger. 
“You don’t have to fantasize.”
That seems to be all the permission Ari needs, because you’re not at all prepared for the way he steps forward and grabs you, picking you up and pushing your back against the wall in one quick motion. You grasp and lock your legs around his waist, then your arms around his torso. His mouth meets your jawline, neck, and collarbones, leaving traces of harsh, wet kisses and bite marks in their wake. His breath is hot on your skin, but you love the feeling more than you could ever describe. 
“I fucking knew it,” he groans into your neck, “Skin’s so fucking soft. You like teasing the fuck out of me, baby?”
“Mhm,” you hum, unable to form words, “Ari—”
“Shh,” he hushes you, pressing another kiss, then another, then another to your jaw and cheeks, “I’m gonna stand here and savor every bit, and you’re gonna let me. Understood?”
You grind your hips against his abs, and he pushes his midsection closer into you, forcing a moan from your throat. You let him do whatever he wants; doing exactly as he ordered you to do and remaining quiet and still for him. Your fingers comb through his hair and tug, which bring short groans out of his throat. 
It isn’t until he bites down on the right side of your neck that you let out a loud sound, a moan of his name, that he covers your mouth with his large hand. 
“Oh, baby,” he chuckles against your neck, “You want your Dad to hear how desperate you are for me? How willingly you spread your legs for his business partner?”
“Ari,” you whine, “Want you.”
“I want Javier to hear you,” he continues, ignoring your words and the way you grind against him, desperate for friction, “I want him to hear your weak little gasps every fucking time I touch you. He’s never heard them before, right, baby?”
“No,” you say immediately, “Don’t want Javi. Want you.”
“Aw,” he grins, his smile and his tone patronizing, “You’re so needy. You just want attention, huh?”
“Yes,” you pant. 
He grins, and you feel hopeful. You imagine him carrying you to your bedroom, stripping off every article of clothing, and keeping you in your bed until the sun comes up. You move closer, wanting to kiss him, but he pulls back. Just as you start to frown, he reaches around and unlocks your legs from his waist, then practically drops you onto the floor. 
“Don’t you dare forget this,” he says deeply, “How I can reduce you to fucking nothing in under five minutes. You think you hold the power with your little shorts and that fucking smile? Not a chance, baby.”
Your eyes widen and your lips form into a pout — Ari leaving you feeling embarrassed and humiliated for the second time today pushing you too far. 
“Ari?” you question, watching his smirk deepen. 
“Enjoy your souvenir,” he replies coldly, then turns away, “It’s the last one you’ll get from me for a while.”
He descends down the stairs without another glance or word, leaving you standing there, desperate, sad, and needy. You watch him go, and let the embarrassment settle in your chest. You’re not used to this — the feeling of being rejected or denied. Although Ari challenges you, no part of you wants to face these feelings. You wanted it to all be easy, and Ari Levinson is proving to be very, very difficult. Especially when it registers as you walk back into your bedroom that he didn’t even once kiss you on the lips.
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed! leave me some feedback if you can or want to! reblogs are appreciated :)
*i no longer have a taglist , follow @mackupdates for updates!
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jiveyuncle · 7 months
Hi omg!!!!! I just saw the book you posted for TNAHP and I am dying! It looks GLORIOUS!!!!! Turned out so beautiful binded like that! And the art is absolutely stunning, may I ask what company printed it? Like what shop did you use? I’ve wanted to print certain stories just for myself so badly over the years but there are so many places and I can’t decide and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!!! 😍😍😍 thank you so much for sharing!
Hi, anon! Thank you! 💕 I was so happy getting to hold it and put it up on my shelf! Look!!! 😭💕
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I want to preface everything I’m about to say with this: if you use a third party service to print any material (fics, art, art in fics, etc.) please, please, please reach out to the author/artist and get permission to use the service before printing! It doesn’t matter if someone else already has permission, make sure *you* have permission. Also consider if the art in the fic belongs to someone other than the writer (like if the work was a collaborative piece or if it features fanart of the fic) and get permission from them, too! You may have to wait for a response, or you may never get one (in which case, don’t print without permission), but it really is worth it to make sure the authors/artists feel comfortable and confident that they keep control over their own work.
This is the first service I’ve used, and I have no experience binding, so I’m just sharing what I did and what I noticed with my untrained eye.
First, the service I used is Barnes and Noble Press. Here’s a link:
You can make books publicly for sale or books strictly private for personal use. If printing fanfic, be certain that you are creating a “personal” print. It will appear like this in your projects section (note the “PERSONAL” banner above the cover art):
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As you can see - the price is pretty decent as far as books go! After tax, shipping, and handling costs, this book turned out to be $21.82.
You can choose how you want to customize the materials your book is made up of. Different materials cost different amounts (i.e. printing color pages inside is going to increase your price a lot). If you don’t know where to start, here’s the preference settings I selected for my copy:
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Now, understand that they are not editing your book for you - you’re still going to have to do all the formatting and arranging in a document yourself and designing your own cover (so be prepared to still spend a lot of time on this project). They simply print and physically put all the pieces together for you.
Lastly, I want to address quality. While this is far better quality than I could manage on my own, it’s still not 100% up to quality of most books I can purchase in a store. For comparison, I’ll show a couple side-by-side images of the fic print next to my favorite published book, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.
Dust jacket: Feels great! Literally no complaints.
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The hard cover: A bit cheaper feeling. Definitely noticeable difference with a printed visual texture instead of real texture. The printed texture creased and wore away to reveal the white beneath. It’s visible here after just a few openings of the book. Also, unfortunately, you cannot customize the hardcover under the dust jacket, so no spine labels and you’re stuck with this color blue:
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Finally, my biggest concern, the binding of the pages: looks a lot more like a paperback that had its cover glued onto a hardcover than an actual standard hardcover. Again, I’m no expert and idk if that’s normal, what anything is called, or how this affects the lifespan of the book, but you can even see where the spine kinda hovers away from the hardcover casing and how that compares to the The Raven Boys.
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Anyway, the service isn’t perfect, no, but it works for what I wanted, looks nice, is user friendly, and allows me to hold a fic I otherwise never would have had the opportunity to. I appreciate it for that.
Hope this was helpful! Print responsibly 😊
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just-dino-maggie · 1 year
could you combine 21 and 28 for jack hughes??
i love your writing!!
Thank you so much for the request I hope you like it!
21. “What if I kissed you right now?”
28. “I hate you.” “No you don’t.”
Jack Hughes and I have never been friends. We are rivals in a way. To put it quite simply I think he’s an arrogant prick and he doesn’t think very highly of me either.
I think it all started in high school, I worked part time at the USA hockey rink. Mostly cleaning but I did whatever was asked. The guys noticed that I was always there and befriended me. Well all of them except for one. The first over all pick himself, Jack Hughes.
I was embarrassed that he felt he couldn’t stoop down and talk to me. I felt like I didn’t belong and I didn’t. I was a poor kid amongst the rich and soon to be famous. I allowed myself to get close to the other guys but never to Jack. His scowls remind me how I’m never enough.
Quinn and Jack Hughes bought a massive lake house on Lake Michigan. They’re both multimillionaires so I guess its just what you do. I was invited to go to a party there after they bought it. They called it a housewarming party and I’m only going because Quinn invited me. I can’t say no to Quinn, he’s too sweet to me.
I get there early to help set up. Right when I walk in I feel out of place. It’s an absolutely beautiful home. I’ve never been in one as extravagant. When Jack catches me looking around in awe I flush in embarrassment. He probably thinks I don’t belong here too.
He solidifies my thinking by asking, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to help set up for the housewarming party,” I reply. Jack is standing in front of me shirtless and barefoot. He’s wearing swimtrunks which I imagine he lives in during the summer. Even with all of my issues with Jack I can’t deny that he’s attractive.
He’s a specimen in front of me. He’s bigger then he was in high school. He has freckles and a tan because of the sun. His hair is long and wavy… he’s stunning and I hate it.
I notice that we are both eyeing each other and I suddenly I feel a weird guilt. How can I possibly be checking him out, he’s such an asshole. “I’m going to go find Quinn.” I mutter, quickly walking away before he has a chance to respond.
I spend the next few hours helping Quinn set up. When the party starts more people come then I realized. I thought it was more of a get together but I was clearly wrong. I get overwhelmed being around too many people so I decided to go upstairs.
I take my time wandering the halls, appreciating the beauty of the home. I end up in front of an open door. I don’t go into the room but I scan it, wondering who it belongs to.
“If you wanted a peek into my room you could have just asked.” I hear a voice from behind me tease. I turn and the smirk on his face is tempting me.
I step toward him. “I hate you.” It’s a reflex, the easy reaction to his cockiness.
“No you don’t, you like me. We both know it, I see the way you blush around me.”
I immediately bring truth to his words when I blush red. I hope the dimness of the night hides it. “You must be drunk.” I mutter scanning for a sway in his step as he walks toward me but there isn’t one.
“I’m not drunk, I’m fed up.” He says with his back against the door frame. I do the same so that I’m directly across from him.
I cross my arms across my chest, “Fed up with what? Me?”
“No, not you.” He smirks, “This little game we’re playing.”
I scowl as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. “What game?” I ask. My body is on fire due to his close proximity.
“The one where we pretend to hate each other. I don’t even know why it started but I’m ready to stop pretending.” He looks so sincere. I’m incredibly confused.
“I know why, you were so rude to me when we first met. You acted like you were better then me because I didn’t have money like the rest of you guys.”
He pulls pack a little, shocked at my words. “Y/n I swear I never cared about any of that. I -well I was into you and you didn’t give two shits about me. Which was smart because I was a dumbass who didn’t treat you right. You’ve always been way smarter then me.”
“I never knew that.” I practically whisper. “I was into you too.”
His face lights up, I wish I could capture it. This moment. He’s so boyishly handsome with that grin on his face. “What if I kissed you right now?” He asks
“I might just kiss you back.” I say breathless before he’s even touched me.
He grabs my hips and pins me against the doorframe. His lips are soft yet demanding and my body is pleading for more of him. When our hips start grinding together I gently push him off. He groans and I can’t help but smirk.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, there is a whole party going on downstairs for you. Maybe we should get back to it?” I play with his hair as I speak reveling in the physical contact.
He softly caresses my hips as he responds, “I don’t care who’s here for me. I only care that you’re here.”
“Trevor is going to be so pissed that you said that.” I giggle.
He chuckles then brings my lips to his once again. He pulls back and whispers, “Come back to me after the party dies down?”
I nod and he quickly kisses me before jogging down the stairs.
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olinblogin · 4 months
Good morning! I woke to lovely piece of yours with a Yan!Mayor & Yan!LBD with a fem reader. It was a wonderful piece that didn't stretch too long but left me feeling very happy due to the lack of Mayor/LBDxReader content there is here & anywhere from what I can see. If it's not too much trouble, may I please request a reader who can actually fight back against the Yan!duo?
Maybe she gained immortality because the women of her family had witnessed the Mayor's & LBD's powers generations ago, thus building the subsequent generations after the first witness (maybe someone who also caught the two's attention but managed to escape thanks to SWK, his "you should have stayed buried" line has cemented into my head) saw what they were capable of & feared their return. Generational training & horror stories ensue. The day of the ritual arrives & Mayor comes to collect Y/N but is shocked to see her resilience against Lady's call & chains. Maybe she [Y/N] uses the chains against him & he ends up bound instead? Same with LBD (not Bai He possessed tho, pls). I really think they'd be shocked & intrigued about reader's strength & ingrained tactical knowledge added to resistance to both of them... Might be very interesting~.😈
Bonus points if Y/N says something like "I see why you use chains, Chief; you look so darling all wrapped up~!" or "That is a lovely song you sing, but I am not one for such melodies, Baigujing." [<-LBD's real name] Imagine the reactions!
Sorry for the long read, I'm just so curious to see your spin on this if you wish to write it. Thank you for reading!
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P.S. Did you notice that Baigujing & Bai He have the same three-letter-start, 'Bai'???
I can absolutely do that! I’m ngl this is the longest req I’ve had before! (Not trying to be mean :])
I may or may not have taken a bit of inspiration from Naruto with this one, specifically with a “sharingan” kind of ability :3
—this is relatively short bc I didn’t know what much to do auaughhhh—
PS, the amount of times I’ve had to rewrite this bc I wanted it to be PERFECT…
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Being part of a family that had gained immortality and power was not always the easiest.
All your ancestors were always present, if they hadn’t been killed.
Your family had gained partial immortality; meaning they would not die of age. But if they were, perchance, given a life threatening wound, they wouldn’t survive.
But that just made your family more careful of how they used their immortality. Every day in your extravagant home you would witness the generations before you, still walking, talking.
It would be eerie to most. But to you, it was normal.
Another good thing that came from your family with immortality, is that among the generations power grew, you being the recent generations, it was strongest for you. It wasn’t very well combat-wise; but it allowed you the ability to deflect an attack and mirror it just as it was performed.
Your family never explained how they harnessed this. But listening in as a child to your ancestors at the alter briefly mentioned a name; Baigujing.
Your family soon brought you with all cheers to the alter, they had dolled you up with traditional robes of white, holding incense sticks and sage.
It dawned on you.
Your family made a deal for immortality. A sacrificial deal. You didn’t know what to feel. You couldn’t feel anything. You were kept in the dark for so long and for what, to be sent like a lamb to the slaughter.
You had no choice but to let it happen.
How else would your family progress.
A cool most wafted around you, a feeling of floating. It was like you were weightless. When you opened your eyes, you were standing, met with two people, a man. He wore a shockingly wide grin.
“My lady will be pleased with this sacrifice. How pleasing you are.” He hummed in an unstable voice.
Chains shot from under your feet, making you reel back briefly, before honing your ability to deflect and conquer the chains, sending them the man’s way; watching as they coiled around him like snakes and held him still in front of you.
The chains were strong, stronger than any you’ve seen; they emitted a soft, ghostly glow. Joining your hands under your sleeves, you kept a blank stare. “I see why you use chains, Chief;” you muttered, watching him stiffen. “You look quite lovely being held by them.” He could hear the coo in your voice, it made him wonder how this was a possibility.
But he didn’t have the time for that, unfortunately,
As the Lady Bone Demon seemed to materialize just behind him. “And what seems to be the problem,” there was a slight sneer in her voice before she laid her eyes on you. “Ah, our sacrifice. What a beautiful one, a shame.” She’d spoke calmly, releasing the Mayor from his own chains you deflected onto him.
“Come now dear, there is no use in resisting. You were chosen to be killed in return for their immortality.” The Lady Bone Demon hummed, walking circles around you, as if she were gliding.
She tried to latch onto you with a chain of her own, letting out a shocked gasp when the chain came back her way and clamped around her wrist. “What a lovely song you sing. I’m not one for such Melodie’s, Baigujing.” There was an eerie silence.
“I see you have done your research on the two of us; but still hadn’t known your family would sacrifice you to my will.” She spoke calmly, releasing the chain from herself once more.
“My dear, how do you deflect my chains so simply,” Baigujing said with a hiss, walking towards you; that’s when you realized how tall she truly was.
“It’s something I was taught..” you would simply respond back to her. She did not seem to buy it, however. But accepted that nonetheless.
“We are taking her back with us. We will hold the family’s end of the ritual; but we are keeping her.” There was a semi-shocked “What?!” From the Mayor, before he cleared his throat and corrected himself when the Lady Bone Demon shot a pointed glare his way, it shut him up very quickly.
“Come now, my dear. Or shall we have to take you by force.” YIU could only respond with a glare. This made the Lady Bone Demon turn her nose up with a huff, before she grabbed your face and tucked you close to her body, so you would not be able to get away. “Come now, let’s start anew.”
You reeled back your elbow hit her in the rib, making her groan in disdain. The Mayor immediately leapt into action. No, literally. He leapt on top of you and held you down. Sliding his hands up your neck and into your hair, he roughly yanked it back, which earned a strained groan from you.
“That was a horrible mistake, dear. For that we will have to discipline you. Since you wish to do this the hard way, we will treat you as you’ve chosen.” Her words were eerie,
And for as long as you would fight back, the more they would break you down.
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pedroscurls · 8 months
Always Been You (Part 8).
Character(s): no-outbreak!Joel Miller x fem!Reader Summary: You can't hide your feelings for him any longer. And fortunately for you, neither can Joel. Word count: 3.3k Author's Note: And we are here y'all! I just want to thank you guys for being patient with me while I go through some things. I really appreciate every single one of you! Please, please, please tell me what you guys thought about this chapter. This is going to set up for what's gonna happen next... Warning: None. SERIES MASTERLIST
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After Sarah’s birthday, Joel started to reach out more often. You didn’t mind though, you missed him and missed your friendship. But it still felt like he was keeping his distance, maintaining that boundary. All you could think about after this past weekend was that mystery woman who made him laugh, touched him in a way that made it seem like they were something more, and kissed him like she belonged to him. 
You tried to not let it bother you, and you tried to force yourself to be happy for him, but even Joel rarely talked about her. You didn’t want to bring it up either, afraid of what his answer might be and knowing that either way, Joel was still so out of reach. 
You were in your apartment, deciding to take the day off to gather your thoughts. Usually, busying yourself with work helped you forget (at least temporarily) about what was bothering you, but when it came to Joel, your mind just wouldn’t shut off. He occupied your thoughts every second of the day and it only made you upset when you realized that you would probably never have your chance with him. 
Even if you firmly believed that Joel was your one. He felt like he was your person… the person you were meant to spend the rest of your life with. 
You were lying on your couch, arm draped over your eyes to try and take a midday nap when you heard a knock at your door. You wondered if it was one of your employees, but when you stood up to open the door, you were surprised to see Joel standing across from you.
“Hi,” he said. “This a bad time?” 
You shook your head and opened your door even further, allowing him to step inside. The last time he was here was three years ago when he spent the night and you both fell asleep in each other’s arms. It felt so long ago, yet it also felt like no time passed at all. 
You shut the door once he stepped inside and you looked up at him, tilting your head in confusion. 
“Everything okay?” you asked.
“I stopped by the coffee shop and didn’t see you,” Joel began, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “One of your employees said you had taken the day off and I just wanted to see if you were okay.” 
“I’m fine, Joel,” you chuckled, reaching out to rest a hand on his arm. You watched him look down at your touch, noticing him bite his lower lip and step just an inch closer to you. “You don’t have to worry.” 
“Kind of hard not to,” he smiled. 
“You could have called me.”
“Wanted to see you,” Joel admitted. 
“Well, since you’re here, you hungry?” 
“I can eat,” he smiled. 
“I have leftovers,” you giggled, dropping your hand from his arm and walking towards the kitchen. You heard the faint noise of him removing his boots before the soft sounds of his footsteps trailing behind you. 
You grabbed the leftover lasagna and grabbed a plate for him, cutting a piece for him to reheat. Joel was leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you move around your kitchen. 
“I wanted–”
“Joel, I–” 
You both looked at each other and let out a hesitant laugh when you both realized you had interrupted one another by talking at the same time. He took a step closer to you and nodded his head, “You go first.”
You sighed and looked up at him, biting your lower lip. “I miss you… I miss my best friend.”
“I’ve been here,” he said with a sigh.
“We both know that’s not true.”
“I needed to keep my distance,” Joel admitted. “But I didn’t mean for it to last as long as it did.” 
“Our friendship isn’t the same anymore,” you whispered. “And I don’t know how we can get back to the way we were.”
Joel shrugged, “Maybe we move forward and be better than what we were?” 
“What’s better than that?” 
Joel tightened his jaw; he could think of a few things that were better than being just your friend. Being this close to you and being in your apartment made his feelings for you grow stronger, made the love he had for you blossom in a way where he felt like he could just pull you into his arms and confess his love for you. He thought keeping his distance and maintaining the boundaries he decided to set in place was going to give him clarity that his feelings for you weren’t as serious as they were, but when he saw you at Sarah’s birthday party, he realized that the past three years had been miserable without you. 
When he saw you watch him kiss that woman, Joel felt guilty, felt ashamed, felt like an imposter. The woman he had been seeing was no match for you and seeing you this past weekend proved that. 
Joel still loved you… And he loved you as much as he did all those years ago. 
“I don’t know,” he finally responded. “But I have missed you too. Sarah’s missed you also.” 
“Can I ask you something?” you asked hesitantly. Part of you didn’t want to know who that woman was, but you also realized that it was one of the reasons that kept you up at night and occupied most of your thoughts throughout the day.
“Sure,” he replied.
“That woman,” you began, looking up at him. “Is she–”
“We’re dating,” Joel said, feeling a sense of guilt as soon as he answered. “She’s one of the parents at Sarah’s school. We met one day and–”
“Are you happy?” you interrupted. 
Joel looked down at you. This didn’t feel like a conversation he wanted to have, especially not since things were going so well; it almost felt like things were beginning to fall back into place. He wasn’t sure if he was happy, but the woman he had been seeing did distract him from the thoughts that were now coming back to his mind: you. It was unfair to her, using her as a way to try and forget the feelings he had for you, but Joel didn’t know what else he could do to try and move on. 
“It’s still new,” he shrugged. “She just got divorced.” 
“But are you happy?” you repeated. 
“Darlin’,” he sighed. “I don’t think I’ve been as happy as I was when you were more involved in my life, in Sarah’s life,” Joel admitted. 
You sighed, looking up at him and feeling a sudden sense of courage. “We won’t ever get the timing right, will we?” 
Joel furrowed a brow. “What does that mean?” 
“Nothing,” you shook your head, hearing the sound of the microwave alerting you that his food had finished reheating. You grabbed the plate and set it on the counter next to Joel, taking a fork from your drawer and setting it down. As you were going to walk away, Joel grabbed your wrist and pulled you flush into him. You let out a quiet gasp and stared up at him, both hands moving to rest on his chest.
“Joel,” you whispered. 
“What are you not telling me?” he replied, voice quiet. Joel’s face was inches away from yours, lips dangerously close. 
Just as you were about to say something, his phone started ringing, which prompted you to pull away before you did something that would be difficult to come back from. Joel was seeing someone and you were so close to kissing him; you didn’t want it to happen this way. 
Joel cursed under his breath and pulled away from you to see an unknown number on his phone. He excused himself and went to answer it, but all he could think about was how close your lips were to his and how badly he wanted to just kiss you. 
“Hey,” he said. “Can you come pick me up?” 
“Where at?”
“Jail,” Tommy replied.
“What in the hell, Tommy?” 
“Can you save the lecture for a later time?” 
“Which jail?” Joel’s jaw tightened; the moment he looked up at you, though, he saw the concern written all over your face. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with you, to slowly build up the courage to tell you how he really felt, but it always seemed like life got in the way. 
“I’ll be there soon,” Joel finally said. He didn’t bother to wait for Tommy’s response before he hung up the phone. He ran a hand over his face and let out an exasperated sigh; he knew that Tommy had his troubles, but being the big brother Joel was, he always bailed him out. Joel was always there for him. 
“Hey, darlin’,” Joel sighed. “Can we take a raincheck on this?” 
“Is everything okay?” 
He shrugged. “Tommy’s in jail and I gotta go bail him out.” 
“What happened?” you asked, eyes wide. “Is he okay? Is anyone hurt?” 
“I ain’t too sure.” Then, Joel felt all his anger dissipate when he felt you reach out to rest a hand on his chest. The past three years had been difficult on him, but one simple look, one simple touch from you gave him the comfort and relief he didn’t realize he needed. 
“It’ll be okay,” you said reassuringly. “And if you need anything, call me, okay? I don’t mind watching Sarah while you get this handled.”
Joel bit his lower lip. “Can you–” he sighed. “Can you actually do that for me? Watch Sarah, I mean.”
“Of course, whatever you need.” 
“I’ll pick her up and drop her off here before heading to pick up Tommy. He can sit there a little while longer.” 
Before you could respond, Joel wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, burying his face against the side of your neck as he held you against him. You bit your lower lip and moved your arms to wrap around his shoulders, leaning your head against his as you shut your eyes. You wanted to whisper in his ear and tell him that you loved him, that you’d be here when he got back… 
But instead, you pulled away and looked up at him. “I’ll see you in a bit then, cowboy.” 
Joel’s lips lifted slightly and he gently gave you a kiss on your forehead. “See you soon, darlin’.” 
You and Sarah were sitting on your couch, watching a romantic comedy as she gushed about this boy she had a crush on. It made you smile (and a bit emotional) to see her like this; you knew she was getting to that age where boys her age had caught her interest – after all, she was a preteen now. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Sarah asked, turning to face you. 
“What’s up?” 
“And can you answer honestly? I promise that nothing will leave this room.”
You furrowed a brow. “Okay, you got me worried. Just ask the question, sweet girl.” 
Sarah sighed. “Did you ever– I mean, do you–” she bit her lower lip nervously. “Have you ever had feelings for my dad?” 
Your eyes slightly widened. After all these years, you thought you managed to keep your feelings for Joel to yourself, hoping and praying that no one would notice. You didn’t know how to answer; part of you wanted to tell someone how you felt about him, but you didn’t want that someone to be his daughter. 
But you knew Sarah would be persistent. And you knew that this young girl was too smart for her own good and if you lied, you knew that she would be able to tell right away. 
Though, what you didn’t know was that this same young girl knew just exactly how Joel felt. While Joel was seeing someone (for how long, you weren’t sure), Sarah wasn’t much of a fan. In her eyes, there was only one woman for her dad and she was staring right at her. 
“Sarah,” you finally replied. “I don’t think–”
“I promise I won’t say anything.” 
“It’s complicated,” you admitted. “It isn’t as easy as me telling you how I feel about your dad.” 
“But it is…”
“Sarah,” you warned with a sigh. “Your dad is seeing someone right now and I don’t think it’s fair if I–”
“But he doesn’t even like her, I don’t think,” Sarah pointed out. 
“I don’t think that’s true at all.”
“He doesn’t light up when he’s around her… Not like how he lights up whenever he’s around you.”
“We’re best friends, Sarah, and he’s told me that this woman… It’s still new. Give it time.”
Sarah sighed. “She isn’t you.”
“Sarah,” you pulled her to your side and looked down at her, seeing her big, brown eyes staring up at you with a slight concern in her features. “You and your dad mean the world to me. I know the past few years have been tough, but–”
“I know you love him,” she interrupted. “Whether or not you admit it out loud, I know you do.” 
You narrowed your eyes and gently tapped the tip of her nose. “You watch too many romance movies.” 
She rolled her eyes and leaned further into you. “I think you and my dad should just get it over with and kiss each other already.” Then, she turned her attention back to the movie, giving you time to just reflect on the conversation you had with her. 
Your arm remained around her shoulders and as the movie went on, you heard her quiet snores. You smiled to yourself and grabbed one of your throw blankets to cover her with it, seeing her move away from you to lie down on the couch with her head on your lap. 
Your mind then drifted to Joel. The fact that Sarah wanted the both of you and Joel to get together seemed like something you didn’t realize you needed: a confirmation from Sarah that she was fine with you dating her dad. All these years, you had been hesitant to admit your feelings to Joel because you were afraid of not only losing him, but also losing Sarah. You didn’t want a potential relationship to cause a rift between you and Sarah, or Sarah and Joel, but now that you knew that Sarah was more than okay with you and Joel getting together, it gave you hope. 
It gave you a bit of courage. 
Maybe, just maybe you would finally tell Joel how you felt. 
A few hours later, you had put on another movie while Sarah remained asleep on the couch. By this time, you were just downstairs at your coffee shop, making yourself a cup of coffee when you saw Joel round the corner to knock on your door. You walked over to him and led him inside, noticing the tiredness in his features.
“Need your usual?” you asked, locking the door behind him.
“I wanna say yes, but it’s pretty late and I still gotta get Sarah home–”
“Just spend the night. She’s already asleep upstairs.” 
“You’ve done enough already, darlin’, and I don’t wanna impose.”
“You won’t,” you smiled. “Besides, I’m offering.” 
“I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Joel chuckled. “Then it looks like we’re spending the night, but we’ll be out of your hair tomorrow morning.”
You sighed and rested a hand on his chest, biting your lower lip. In the back of your mind, all you could hear was Sarah’s words.
I think you and my dad should just get it over with and kiss each other already.
“You act like you’re a burden on me,” you teased.
Joel stepped closer to you and bit his lower lip. He saw a few strands fall in front of your face and he lifted a hand to tuck them behind your ear, feeling you lean against his touch. He had a stressful afternoon, but all he wanted to do was get back home to you and Sarah. It made Joel start daydreaming again about the possibilities of coming home to you every day.
“I just know that you’re busy and–”
“Joel,” you interrupted. “I care about you and Sarah. Whatever you both need, I’m always here.”
“Why are you so good to us? To me? After all that I put you through…” Joel sighed. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Joel, you know I don’t blame you for that.” 
“But I blame myself,” he admitted. “I was miserable without you.” 
“Me too,” you replied honestly. “I missed you, a lot.” 
Joel’s hand remained light on your cheek, thumb brushing against your jawline as his eyes darted between your eyes and your lips. He thought that having boundaries and keeping his distance was going to help him get over you, but now that he was standing in front of you, Joel realized that he would never be able to just get over you. 
The amount of love he had for you scared him – sometimes, the love would become just so overwhelming that he didn’t know what to do with it. It filled his entire being, screaming for its way out, to express his feelings to the one person that mattered most to him: you. 
“You,” he whispered quietly. “You’re somethin’ else, y’know that?” Joel knew exactly what he wanted to do, wanted to say, but he didn’t want to do it this way, he didn’t want to cross that boundary while he was seeing someone. 
“Let’s get you upstairs, okay?” you replied, pulling away from him and grabbing your cup of coffee. You led him upstairs and when you opened the door, Joel let out a quiet chuckle behind you when he saw his babygirl lying on the couch, her snores filling the living room. 
“She only snores like this when she’s really comfortable,” he pointed out, removing his boots. 
“Well, she’s snoring pretty loudly then,” you giggled. “Come on, let me get you the air mattress.” 
Joel followed you down the hall to your bedroom, watching you set your mug down. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you – it was an effect you had on him. Whenever you were around, everything and everyone around you seemed to disappear and all Joel could concentrate on was you. Even now, as you stumbled and tripped over your own feet, Joel caught you instantly, arms wrapping around your waist. 
“Little thing,” you interrupted.
Joel smiled, looking into your eyes. “I really wanna do somethin’ that I think I might regret later,” he admitted.
You bit your lower lip, dropping the air mattress to the side as you looked up at him. “I really want to do something too, but I’m scared it’s going to change everything,” you replied honestly.
“I promise it won’t,” he whispered.
“But what if it does?” 
“It won’t,” he reassured. Joel moved one hand to your cheek again, stepping closer until the front of your bodies pressed against one another. 
“Joel,” you whispered, parting your lips when you felt his thumb brush against your lower one. “If I lean in and kiss you, will you pull away like you did all those years ago?” you teased, asking hesitantly.
Joel let a small smirk line his lips, shaking his head. He knew that there would be consequences for what was about to happen next, but all he could think about was how your lips would feel against his. “That’s been my biggest regret… And it’s been somethin’ that I’ve thought about all these years.” 
“Really?” you whispered, feeling his breath against your lips. 
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first night we met,” he admitted. 
At this point, you didn’t care about the consequences. You didn’t care that he was seeing someone. All you cared about, all you wanted, was him. 
“Well, kiss me then, cowboy. I’ve waited five years, don’t make me wait anymore.” 
Joel grinned and leaned in, his lips finally pressing against yours.
prev. - next.
taglist: @casa-boiardi || @veryprairieberry
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❝ i've seen the way you look at her/him/them, if she/he/they is/are the one, then leave. be with your true soulmate. ❞ + pierre x
don't ask why i'm writing angst on valentines day. also modified the prompt.
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love like you (pg10) ─── euphoric & addictive- all he'd ever dream of
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pierre never knew love like you. it’s like a warm blanket wrapped around him on a cold winter morning. a cup of tea after a long night. it’s euphoric, addictive— everything movies and books make love out to be. you stared up at him with such adoration, wide eyes, a smile on your lips. he loved the way you looked at him. your fingers fit perfectly in his own, like you were made for him. you molded into him— a piece of his puzzle he had been missing. he loved every bit, every piece of you. 
loved you so much, he blinded himself to the reality beyond rose colored lenses. he didn’t catch the moment your eyes lost that sparkle, or the way you were more than willing to slip away from his grasp. he didn’t notice the way you had fallen asleep at the farthest end of the bed as he shuffled over closer to you. he doesn’t notice the way your kisses were sparse, the way you had begun to take that warm blanket away from him, the cup of tea suddenly cold. 
he doesn’t notice until he was driving to dinner at a friend’s house, your hand laying limp in his own. he squeezed your hand, hoping you’d hold him the way you usually do. but your fingers stay idle, partially opened around his hand. he felt the chill when you he watched your face light up when you greeted friends he’d never met before. he hadn’t seen the look in a long time. 
“pierre, this is jack. jack, this is my boyfriend pierre.” the two shook hands, and that was that.
dinner was isolating. he sat quietly, observed the way you seemed to radiate in a way he had never seen you. he fell harder, all while his heart had begun to rip at the seams. 
it wasn’t the last he’d seen jack, not the last he heard of him. as the days moved along, from city to city, you’d always seemed to be with jack. he watched through a screen, listened on the other end of the line. your stories were filled with laughter shared with him, filled with adoration at the work he’s done. you always reassured pierre that he was just a friend, and the selfish part of him believed you. truth be told he wasn’t quite ready to let you go, not ready to be without love like you even if deep down he knew you were already slipping away from him.
he did everything he could to keep you happy, a one-sided competition with jack to see who could make you smile wider. it was a battle he seemed to lose, time and time again. he gave you everything— gifts, lavish vacations, even went as far to invite jack to a race. 
it was torture, climbing into his car and catching of a glimpse of the way you looked up at jack and spoke excitedly. it stung, driving away knowing full well that he had completely lost you. he felt like a fly in a wall, had become a side character in his own story. he stood still as the world moved on with out him, as you moved on without him. 
he wonders if you noticed, and just didn’t say a thing. wondered if you felt the way things had changed… and how long you might’ve been feeling it. 
he won france. took you and jack to celebrate. watched as jack made you laugh till your cheeks hurt. he sipped his wine, allowing the sound of your voice break him apart, piece by piece. 
“why are you so quiet?” you asked him after dinner, shutting the door of his hotel room.
pierre sat at the edge of the bed, fingers rubbing against beard. he watched as you take steps around the room, beginning to get undressed for bed. he watches your slow movements, almost as if you were unaware of the tension in the room.
“do you still love me?”
“of course i do.” you don’t even turn to look at him, don’t even question why he asked in the first place. you don’t even repeat the words back to him
“i’ve seen the way you look at him…”
“who?” “jack.” “pierre—”
“i know that look anywhere… you used to look at me like that.”
you turn after slipping on a large shirt. hands rest on your hips, head tilted as you study his sullen expression. “where is this coming from?”
“do you still wanna be with me?” 
he sees the hesitation, the way you bite your lip and avert your gaze to the corner of the room. it was an answer enough, louder than when you nod and say yes. he shakes his head, standing as he begins to hastily shove his belongings into his suitcase. you follow him, like a lost puppy, pleading for him to stop and asking why he was doing this. he didn’t dignify you with an answer, not until your fingers grasp at his wrist and force him to turn away from his belongings. 
“pierre why are you doing this?”
“because i can’t do this. i can’t sit back and watch you fall in love with him any longer. i've seen the way you look at him, if he is the one, then i should leave.” 
“pierre, i love you.” 
“maybe you do. but you’re not in love with me cherie, you don’t want me the way i want you. i see it in the way you look at me, feel it in the way you hold me and that’s if you do.” 
you’re speechless, the words caught in your throat. but there aren’t any tears, no look of grief. just guilt, because deep down you know he’s right. you stand there, watching as he zips up his luggage and puts it on its wheels. you’re glued to the ground, watching as he walks further to the door. it’s when he grips the handle does it all become too real. you take long strides to him, hands wrapping around his torso and cheek pressed against his back.
“please, don’t go. we can fix this.”
his heart aches at your words. he almost caves, nearly gives into your touch. but he knows that he’ll wake in the morning and nothing would have changed. that he would spend another day watching you fall more and more out of love with him. he would be prolonging a hurt he was destined for. 
he turns in your hold, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. “i have to. before love turns into resentment.” 
“pierre please i—“
“all i want is for you to be happy” “you make me happy.” 
he shakes his head, lips landing on the skin of your forehead in a gentle kiss. “but it’s not enough anymore. go, be with your soulmate. whether it’s jack or some other guy you meet along the way. i hope you find someone your happiness never fades for cherie.” 
he kisses your forehead one more time, before his hands wrap around your wrist and pries your hold off him. 
“stay here as long as you need, okay? i’m gonna go stay with charles.” 
his hands twist the knob, door squeaking open. 
“so this is it?” you whisper, “it’s done, just like that?”
he only turns his head halfway, just enough for you to see the sad smile on his face, to see the subtle nod of his head. 
“goodbye cherie.” he shuts the door quickly before you can stop him, and he lugs his luggage behind him with tears in his eyes.
pierre never knew love like you. and he fears he may never find it again. 
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Blood Out: Nestor Oceteva x Reader
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @danzer8705 @drabbles-mc @alwaysachorusgirl @witches-unruly-heart @mysoulisasunflower @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @the-wandering-lunatic @multifandomloversworld @est1887 @genius2050 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @nessamc @oureternalbond  @lexondeck @weiwei0210
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The lamp is on when Nestor comes home, and for a moment he wonders if he left it on this morning because you’re not supposed to be home for another couple of days. It isn’t until the bathroom door opens that he realises you’re actually there. His breath catches in his throat because you look like shit. Your face looks gaunt, your eyes hollow, you’re clad in a simple black bra and jeans, a bloody t-shirt in your hand.
“Hi.” He says softly.
“Hey.” You return.
Your smile is weak, a ghost of what it usually is. It’s when you lean against the doorframe that he sees the mess you’ve left in the bathroom. He sees the medical kit resting on the toilet seat, gauze spilling out of it. There’s blood streaked in the sink and his eyebrows furrow into a frown.
“Is it yours or someone else’s?” He asks, studying you intently.
You wave off his question before snatching up a spare t-shirt from your go bag by the door.
“Rosa, let me see.” He requests, reaching out a hand to steady you as you waver.
You let out a sigh as his hand touches your skin, it’s cool and clammy underneath his fingertips. He catches sight of the bandage on your back, haphazardly stuck with tape. It’s in a weird place, one that he knows that you can’t quite reach.
“At least let me wrap it properly.” He requests, gesturing at the injury.
You allow him to escort you to one of the kitchen chairs because truthfully, he doesn’t think you have the energy to fight him. You look exhausted and all he wants to do is tuck you up in bed and let you sleep but he’s concerned because your skin has an ashy pallor, one that he recognises from the last time this happened. You wince when he peels the tape from your skin, and he apologises under his breath.
When he sees the wound, he knows it’s infected. It’s warm to the touch and red around the edges, he can see it’s weeping, it’s been like this a couple of days he can tell from the smell. He wants to ask how this one happened but right now he has more pressing concerns.  
“It’s infected.” He tells you grimly and you incline your head at the sound of his words. “I’m gonna call Stitches, see if there’s anything she can do.”
He makes the call before he places his cellphone face down on the kitchen table. There’s silence between the two of you for a moment before he bites the bullet and asks you.
“Do you ever think about retiring?”
“I’m starting to.” You tell him wearily. “This is the second time in two years. The first time was distraction, but this… I’ve not been the same since I was stabbed. It feels like I’ve slowed down.”
It’s hard to admit, he gets that. You’ve lived this life for such a long time, but he senses your heart isn’t in it anymore. You can only take so much death he thinks before you start to lose little pieces of yourself. You’ve been better over the past year, healthier. He notices that you’re not taking as many jobs as you used to, that you’re home more. He finds he likes that idea more than he thought he would. Here he knows you’re safe, that you’re alive and happy…
“Do you want me to retire?” You ask him curiously.
“I would never ask you to do that.” He tells you frankly.
“But…” You prompt.
“It’s the second time in as many years.” He says, gesturing to the wound with a hand on his hip and earnest eyes. “I’m worried that the next one you don’t come back from.”
“Yea.” You say quietly, your head coming to rest against the back of the chair. “Me too.”
Love Nestor? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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