#and my best friend since i'm now on oce is still a year older than me!
astrxealis · 1 month
making myself suffer looking thru ffxiv stuff on tumblr when i could be playing ffxiv rn but i eternally love and miss ffxiv
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#Ough... oooooggghhhhh..........#unrelated but i will probably make my next theme mr leon kennedy bcs how iehehebfknsnd i am over him lately#is... kinda insane! silly <3#like. damn! damn. amidst darkest despair light everlasting.#ffxiv is so so so so so crazy from 1.0 to 6.0 and beyond and soon 7.x and and and#i miss raiding :( i miss my friends in ffxiv too. esp my best friend.#def will get back into raiding by the time 7.x ultimate comes out bcs GOD !!! god.#and okay pandaemonium & eden are my fav tiers aesthetic and story and fight wise#and memory wise bcs eden 9-12 was my first ever savage tier. meant a lot to me. still does#i played through that shit when i was . 14 y/o and newly 15 y/o LMFAO#and then pandaemonium just like. the year after. when i was 15 y/o... not even reaching 16. damn.#it's tough playing ffxiv when you're young but it's nice seeing more & more ppl around my age playing#even tho these guys most likely did Not start playing when they were like. 13/14 y/o. since i started on my bday LMFAO#it's crazy bcs i am playing w majority adults and maybe the occasional minor who is still like. at least almost an adult#^^ back then i mean bcs ok the closest friend i made when i was on eu was this guy 3 yrs older than me. that is already insane to me.#and my best friend since i'm now on oce is still a year older than me!#and it's silly (?) bcs eu i tried to hide my age at first but then they kinda found out bcs probably the way we r is just. too Different LOL#but i mean obvs it changed some stuff bcs it would be weird for probably 30 year old to be besties w a half their age kid#but the whole lil fc was just rlly sweet. :(( made a great friend i see as my big bro i am still friends w. that probably 30 y/o guy and the#kinda mom of the fc lowkey saw me & my twin as sweet kids. the person we got into xiv was like a big bro figure too and Damn his gf is rlly#cool! and the uni age students were super cool and fun to talk w. and the friends of my close friend who were also my friends were so fun.#i miss that but i look back on it all fondly ..... :3 and then w oce it's a bit more complicated bcs#i haven't had much time or opportunities to Find a group like that? but instead i found a best friend :((#rlly close in age and w similar likes and interests and personality..... etc etc etc.......#and separately the static i & my twin joined was. Funny lol! it's silly bcs we kinda had to hide we were lil 15 y/o kids w these guys who#were all at least uni. and all of these guys were def 20-30 y/o#and one guy liked making Daddy jokes (nothing bad tho LMFAO) bcs. hesperos sheesh!#silly bcs bunch of aussies and we were almost all miqos and Thankfully ye god one other filipino YAY !!!!!#anyway. max tags. so i love ffxiv man. i miss it always even when i'm playing it.
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seleneprince · 3 months
If Severus had been a girl, her story would have been mostly the same as canon, except that the Marauders maybe wouldn't have been so harsh with their bullying because "she wasn't a threat to James' crush on Lily" and "she's just a girl, girls are fragile". However, she would have still been in love with her and James knew that, so he still despised her, thinking she was holding Lily back from him.
Now unto my personal headcanons (because they fit and they make me happy):
- Fem! Severus wouldn't have shared a room with Mulciber and Avery, so she would have befriended her female roommates instead. I believe the fanaticism for the Death Eaters cult was more prominent in boys than girls, because society expected them to stay at home and raise more purebloods than participate in battles. However, she would've still hung out with them because they shared the same interest for Dark Arts.
-Her roommates would be Dorcas Meadow, Pandora Rosier (Evan Rosier's cousin) and Theresa Flint (the last one is an oc of mine)
- She would be a tomboy for the first few years, having her hair cut short and wear the male uniform instead of the female one. Partly because she's used to wearing boy clothes and partly to avoid embarrassing pranks from the Marauders. Due to this, she's often mistaken for a boy and fits in better with her male classmates.
- She knows wizards are more respected that witches, so she strives to imitate a masculine appearance to earn that (at first). It's not a case of "I'm not like other girls". She wants to survive.
- She's been infatuated with Lily since they met, but this crush wears off as Snape sees Lily's selfishness and hypocrisy. By the time their friendship is over, Snape is already disillusioned with her but still tries to hold into their old bond out of emotional attachment rather than love.
- She faced her own prejudice and hardships in Slytherin for being a poor half-blood, with a disgraced pureblood mother. She only earned her place when she showed off her talent and bested a few of her housemates. Basically, she had to win fights, physical and magical, against her own housemates until they deemed she deserved to be in Slytherin.
-In canon, Lucius took Snape under his wing and treated him like a brother in Hogwarts. In this, it's Narcissa who sees the potential in Snape and practically adopts her, and Lucius follows her example. Thanks to the older girl, Snape experiences nice clothes and good school tools for the first time. Narcissa is quite her sugar mommyl, but Snape is also her pet project.
- She's a bit of "one of the boys", although they're not really friends until fourth year. The boys were Mulciber, Avery, Wilkes and Rosier. They accepted her because they didn't really consider her a girl and they begrudgingly respected her skills. It was a mutual understanding that they used each other for their own benefits, Snape helping them with her intellect and spells while they helped her into getting assimilated with the other Slytherins. As they grew and got to know Snape beyond her blood status, they became protective of her and started to cherish her truly as a friend (althought Rosier took it to another level)
-Which brings us to my next headcanon. In my au, Rosier and Snape had a nice connection on first year when they sat together during History of Magic. He's one of the few that was welcoming of Snape since the start and always treated her like an equal. She's very fond of him because of it, and they grow to be very close friends.
-Regulus still looked up to her when they were students. He didn't trust her at first, because of her blood status and all, but seeing she had Narcissa's favour, he decided to look past it. And after witnessing her talent, he decided he wanted to learn more about her, so he began to follow her around to know her better. Snape was annoyed initially, but she eventually appreciated his company.
-She showed some genuine kindness to Barty Crouch Jr on his first year at Hogwarts, and the boy latched unto her like an eager puppy since then. That's how he befriended Regulus, with both of them following her around so often.
-They were both her little brothers, her precious babies, who couldn't do nothing wrong even if they tried. She was patient and permissive with them in a way she definitely wasn't with her other friends.
-She's the brain of the group, so she's usually saving their asses from the consequences of their actions (Mulciber, Avery and Wilkers) and helping them with their schemes (Dorcas, Rosier and Narcissa).
-In her desire to remain in Lily's life and have the girl's love, Snape repressed herself and kept her Slytherin friends at arms' length, which caused many arguments. When she and Lily had that fallout, Snape fully embraced her identity and, in return, her housemates embraced her too, as if they had been waiting for her.
-She was a natural Occlumens, unconsciously developing her ability while she learnt to mask her feelings and thoughts, product of the abuse and harassment she went throught.
-Her boggart used to be her father, Tobias Snape, but after "the prank", it became a werewolf instead.
-After what happened in the Shrieking Sack, she inmersed herself in researchs about lycanthropy and possible cures in order to forget her fear.
-When she experimented with potions, she tried them first on small animals, mostly rats and birds. Then bigger animals, like owls and cats. And lately, in the final phase of testing, she tried them on herself. Only her friends knew about this practise, since Snape made them promise to not tell a soul, since she didn't trust the Hogwarts staff to be understanding about it.
-When something goes wrong on the final test, she heals in the privacy of her bed while her friends take care of her, lying to the teachers that she's sick. They dread this practise of hers, since they can't stand seeing her in pain, but also had mad respect for her because of it.
-She was a control freak, obsessively cleaning and arranging her stuff with systems only she understands. She always knew when someone touched her things, just by seeing them moved the slighest bit to the different position she left them. Her housemates knew better than disrupt her order.
-Her talent with potions surpassed even Slughorn himself, but he preferred to praise Lily because her looks and attitude fit more in his club. He came to regret that decision years later, but Snape knows how to keep grudges.
-She considered Mulciber, Avery, Dorcas, Pandora, Rosier, Regulus and Barty her closest friends within Slytherin. The rest were just acquaintances. She was also close to Aurora Sinistra, from Ravenclaw, and Charity Burbage, from Hufflepuff.
-She and Charity danced around the lines separating friendship from romance for a while, but Snape wasn't ready for that step and Charity moved on. They remained good friends.
-She was a raging bisexual, because obviously.
-She didn't support the Death Eaters' beliefs, but she really looked up to the figure of Lord Voldemort. A poor half-blood like her, who paved his way to the top of the hierarchy with his charms, wit and power, making all the pureblood families submit to him. He was everything she aspired to be, everything she wanted to have. However, she soon realized her vision didn't exactly match reality...
And that's all. I have more but I wrote too much already. I'm on a hyperfixation, so I'll definitely write more about her in the future.
Feel free to tell me your own ideas or headcanons. I'll love to discuss them.
Tagging @love-the-purple-cat because she's also a fem! Snape stan. She has an amazing au, so go and check her!
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arcademgmt · 3 months
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hey guys it's me mr. oc x canon gay rivals with a little oc x canon gay rival compare/contrast for you. Long winded infodump incoming
by now you may be aware that hop and yasuta have known each other since they were like 8 years old. ever since they met the two of them have sort of just hung off of each other all the time like. hop's always just been a very physically affectionate person and yasuta latched onto him (quite literally) because he was a very anxious child and trusted hop as a sort of "anchor". so as they get older they continue kinda just being Like That yknow. and as they start developing feelings for each other they don't really... Realize? the line between platonic and romantic is just so blurred for them and the process happened so slowly and gradually neither of them realized. there is no very distinct "oh shit i think i'm in love with him" moment for either of them. like there was of course a realization for both of them but it was sort of just "oh wait huh. that makes sense" and they're both pretty comfortable with the idea of being in love with each other. like the realization perhaps isn't as nerve-wracking as you would think it might be. sure there's some nervousness in the form of "would anything change if i told him" (mostly on yasuta's part tbh) but the IDEA of loving the other feels very natural and like. i think the best way i can put it is that it doesn't feel foreign to them because of the way it was built up SO slowly over time and how they've always behaved around each other.
now on the flip side. yuki and kieran did not meet that long ago. by the end of mochi mayhem and after yuki's uh. Little Plan. it's been a couple of months. kieran obviously fell for yuki fast and hard but i think until end end of indigo disk it was largely infatuation. it gets Very real after ID though. and like... he Knows how he feels about yuki and is having a lot of trouble figuring out how to deal with it. obviously he doesn't wanna fuck up their friendship and figures yuki does not and never will feel the same. kieran doesn't even really feel like he deserves the second chance at friendship he got and the fact that he feels the way he does kinda scares him! he sort of bounces between moments of boldness in which he strongly tries to make gestures that imply how he feels and moments of getting really nervous and being like "what am i doing i have to stop before i scare him away he would never feel the same"
and yuki. So yuki i think did develop a little bit of a crush on kieran in teal mask but it was not like. on the same level of kieran's infatuation with him. and i also don't think he like... Realized he had even DEVELOPED that little crush in the first place. much like his brother before him he just goes "i feel a little differently about him than my other friends. how quaint!" and moves on without thinking about it further. weirdly enough i think it was during ID where those feelings started getting a lot stronger as his worry for kieran grew. and at somepoint between ID and MM he has a very distinct "i think i'm in love with him" moment.
so. that's the big thing i think. unlike hop and yasuta, yuki and kieran did not grow up together and sort of have time to grow into those feelings so that they didn't seem so scary. when yuki realizes this it is SCARY because it's such an unfamiliar thing and like. it also requires him to think about himself which he doesn't like doing. nevermind the fact that he was a disaster between ID and MM so this stacked on top of all of that did not do him any favors emotionally. but even after those other things are resolved it still makes him SOOO fucking nervous. i mentioned it earlier but it literally makes him so nervous he gets nauseous over it sometimes. and it's unusual because yuki is typically very headstrong and just Goes For Shit and nothing makes him this visibly nervous. but like i said this requires him to consider his own feelings and i do not think he likes that ❤️ this isn't even to mention that he is somehow FULLY UNAWARE OF THE FACT THAT KIERAN LIKES HIM AS WELL AS IF IT WASN'T THE MOST OBVIOUS THING ON PLANET FUCKING EARTH. he's still working on distancing himself from the idea that he's not a burden and deserves to live and feel and this whole situation is really putting that to the test i think
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emocl0wnpp · 1 month
Time to introduce one of my other creepypasta ocs,Alma! :D
(Featuring some old art cuz i don't draw them enough💀💀)
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◇Basic info◇
(Okay i actually forgot their birthname💀 my bad)
Name: Alma
Birthdate: 31st of December,2008
Age(before death): 28
Gender: non-binary(biologically female if it matters to anyone)
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: lesbian
Nationality: Chinese, Norwegian
Height: 176cm/5'7
Personality: laid back, cool, easy going, loyal, basically Rainbow Dash in a different universe-
Other info i can't categorize-
Went through a lot of alt styles,but stuck with being punk for the longest time
Their mother was Chinese and their father was Norwegian
Lived in Norway until they were 15,which is when their parents got divorced and they moved to britain with their mother and grandma
The name "Alma" came from a nickname Claws gave them when they were teens. Short summary: their friendship started out awkwardly by Claws giving them a green apple,and them giving her their chocolate bar..this went on for a few months until they actually became friends. Because of this whole "apple trading" thing,Claws gave them the nickname "Alma" which means apple in hungarian..and they loved it so much they stuck with it (and it's an actual name too!)
Never really fit in with the other kids...not like they wanted to anyway,kids were cruel back then yk
BEST FRIENDS WITH CLAWS SINCE HIGHSCHOOL!!! (totally didn't have an undying crush on her for years...doomed yuri my love </3)
Religious trauma. (Thanks daddy dearest)
During their time alive,they had albinism(the reason why they have white in their hair and red eyes)
Dyed their hair dark blue all the time
Lost their right eye and arm in a camping accident
Despite their "tough looks" they're probably the nicest fella around
Since they and Claws were besties as human,her death BROKE Alma
They visited her grave every day until they met their fate as well (again..doomed yuri my love </3)
After their death they became a ghost and now haunt the cemetary they were buried in
Cause and date of death:
Because cringe culture is dead, the loveable Jeff the Killer got Alma in the cementary
Date: sometime during 2008
Since Alma didn't change much, time for some fun and not so fun facts:
Keeps the cementary safe and peaceful for the other ghostly beings, and they're kind of the "cool older sibling" for the ghost kids there
Drags anyone under the ground if they disturb the peace
Alma's biggest dream was to become a rockstar
Since they met their fate early on,now they usually just preform in pubs in the Underworld with their beloved guitar
Owns a shit ton of rock,metal,punk, ect. band merch, especially My Chemical Romance merch (I wish💀)
Probably met Gerard Way
The "cool aunt" of Claws' kids..honestly they're the "cool aunt" of all of their friends kids-
Had a very active MySpace account
Would and will treat everyone younger than them as a little sibling
Didn't like the fact that Claws and Jack were together at first,especially considerint the stuff poor Claws went through with her ex...but later on they and Jack became sort of friends
The most loyal ghost friend anyone could ask for
Their wife's name is Rina(she's the oc of one of my friends) and they love her very much,more than anything else in the world<3
I'll probably add more later on but sadly Alma got forgotten for quite some time so i'm still working on them :")
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playertwotails · 1 year
Okay I got thoughts about Tails and how much of a little badass he is and this is gonna be a long ramble with spoilers for like most everything I can think of so buckle up if you keep reading.
The villains of the Sonic universe are doing themselves a disservice by only seeing Sonic as a threat and that if they take them out they’re good to go. But Tails is arguably the main problem to all their plans going south and none of them have really taken that into account in any media that I can remember.
Like okay Forces didn’t do a great job of portraying this side of Tails and they murdered his characterization in that game. Frontiers had to backpedal hard to try and fix it, I think they did a pretty good job for the the band-aid they had to slap on for an explanation as to why Tails was like that in that game honestly. Saying he was essentially overwhelmed and couldn’t be brave and fell apart cause he is you know still just an 8 year old child, is a pretty solid explanation honestly. But still Forces really didn’t know how to write Tails around the Sonic OC monstrosity I know most of us made. If they wrote Tails with his previous characterization in mind there wouldn’t have been a point to the player character cause Tails probably would have kept Eggman at like 50% and saved Sonic. (side note making the OC player character lowkey terrify was hilarious in cut scenes if you went that route and if you didn’t go back and play the game and just make the most terrifying creature game lets you trust me it’s worth the laugh).
But stumbling off my Forces soapbox, none of their rogues gallery seems to put two and two together that they’d probably win if Tails wasn’t there to come up with a counter plan to theirs.
Just to like build on why Tails is such a threat the their villains I’m gonna start with just Tails’ physical traits:
To start, Tails can keep up with Sonic. Very few characters are listed as being able to do that (granted most game mechanics have to make it so other characters can also keep up with Sonic). But in all the written out lore and characterization it's usually mentioned that Tails is an outlier in how he can keep up with Sonic and that's part of the reason they became friends.
Obvious one, Tails can fly. Meaning he has a whole other terrain he can fight in and leaving it to gravity in a fight with him will fail. And combine that with his speed being up there with Sonic's and now nowhere is safe from him.
Tails can pack a punch. He's been fighting since a young age, younger than most of the older characters even, and is best friends with Sonic and Knuckles so of course the kid knows how to hit something and fight.
Tails is really strong. I know that one twitter take over has a joke that Tails is ripped but like he'd kinda have to be. We've seen him able to carry both Sonic and Knuckles at the same time and not to mention all the heavy machinery he works with regularly. That 8 year old is pure fluff and muscle.
Now here's where Tails goes from menace to threat for their rogues gallery:
To start with Tails is a super genius. At 8 he's on par with Eggman in intelligence, a man with a doctorate and who's been at this for years, and at times out out classes him (i.e. see the zombot arc Tails figured out a cure when Eggman couldn't against his own virus)
He's made a fake chaos emerald that was next to indistinguishable from a real one. Like I might make a whole separate post about this one later but this child made something that was essentially close in power to a god-like entity, like what the actual fuck.
He's defused a nuke. Eggman did not foresee a baby that apparently has a part time job as a one man bomb squad wrecking his plans.
Ace pilot skills. Wasn't sure if I should put this here or the list above, but I'm putting it here cause my list. But just any sort of air battle Tails has covered either with his own tails or a plane, the sky's are his.
No one really talks about this from Sonic X but Tails built a whole ass functioning space craft Star Trek Enterprise style that they all lived on for months, had artificial gravity, and fuck you levels of weaponry. I know nothing is really canon from that show but I mean how could I not list it.
Tails is the one that comes up with the plan or invention that Sonic and gang use to win (usually he is...Amy seems to have taken over the more plan side of things in IDW comics during/after Forces for big battles, and we love this for her in this house). But like Tails is the one whose invention or plan usually ends up being the main reason they win.
Tails has a super form and can use chaos energy. Like despite what the line up of the cast who can go super form would have people believe, this is actually stated to be a rare trait that few have the ability to actually do. (it's like going super saiyan, cause it ripped it off, stated to be rare then everyone can just do it cause plot)
Tails is just such a one man army at 8 years old that I see him just becoming an even bigger threat as they get older. Cause he's canonically 7 years younger than Sonic and one of the youngest characters in the cast. Meaning he's got room to grow still and if he can keep up with the older character at 8 how strong is this kid gonna be by the time he reaches Sonic's current age of 15.
Like I see it that as they get older Sonic will still be the main protector of the planet and a thorn in all their villains sides. But like if Tails walks up that's it..fight over..you lost..don't stop at go to collect $200 just do your self a favor and go straight to jail.
Out of the whole cast, though they are all young and could only get stronger at this point with age, Tails has the most potential out of all of them with just how many skills this kids has on him.
Also throwing this in here cause I can, Sonic is one of the few if not only person who recognizes this about Tails. It's why he trusts Tails so much and falls back on him when things go bad (also trusts him cause Tails is his best friend/little brother/family figure). Sonic is well aware that his little brother will more than likely one day surpass him and he's proud of that. Sonic pretty much raised Tails so he has a weird combination of proud older brother/almost-parental proud feelings about it. They're brothers you honor.
Welp this is my ramble about Tails cause he's one of my favorite characters ever. Feel free to add on to it if anyone else thinks of anything that I missed. This was all 100% rambles from memory and I have shit memory so I know for a fact I missed something.
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some-pers0n · 7 months
Know When To Hold Em'
Fandom: WoF
Characters: OC Heavy, but Blister makes a small appearance :)
CW: Nothing
Summary: A couple of dragons are hanging out and playing a game of poker. Right when they're about to finish however, a young dragonet walks in with a stash of money.
Word Count: 2.0k
A/N: I was originally just gonna keep this for myself and the Wiki, but honestly I really like this headcanon and I'm showing it to you all.
Mulga sipped his brightsting cider, glancing back up to his fellow guards. "So, whatcha gonna do?" He tapped his talons on the table. "Gopher, you're looking a bit rough there."
"Hm? Me? What makes you say that?" he replied, wiping away that slightly nervous expression to a forced, overly-confident grin.
"I dunno, just saw you shaking in your claws a little." He looked at his pot, only a couple of coins left. "Not much there, huh."
A moment of stillness before the SandWing sighed. "Fine. I fold." He slid his cards back to the dealer.
"Atta' boy. Probably best for you right now." 
"Oh shut up..." Glare grumbled.
Mulga relaxed his shoulders a little. It was supposed to be a nice little night after all, or at least one where he could make some cash off of these dragons. The three of them had a rather boring day, so they decided to come around to Gopher's uncle's friend's cousin's tavern for a nice of gambling.
It was a run-down and rustic hole-in-the-wall type of shack. Dark and dreary with a couple cracks in the roof, showing the night sky above. It was lit dimly by candles and jars of fireflies. It smelt of dust and age more than anything. The dealer once mentioned how this place had been around since the foundation of Scorpion Den way back when, and Mulga believed it.
The cards in Mugla's hands were made from clay, hardened with time and age. The numbers and inscriptions of kings and queens, while worn and hard to see in the dim light, held a charm to them with their homemade nature.
That and also he got one fire hand. A pair of twos, with the remaining ones showing up in the drawn cards. Four of a kind. Hard to beat that. He was sitting there comfortably, knowing that he could do just about anything. Of course, Glare could always have another trick up his wing, but he had doubts. Right on his smug face held the same worried glint in his eyes that any experienced poker player could sniff out. 
"Alright," the dealer said. They flipped over the final card, the river, and it showed a simple, disposable seven. 
"Check." Glare tapped the table.
"Check." Mulga revealed his hand. "What'dja have there, then?" Mulga smiled.
Glare furrowed his eyebrows. He practically threw his cards down. A measly five and a three.
"As predicted, I win. Again." Mulga grabbed his earnings, pulling it over towards his section. A heap of gold coins, glittering in the candlelight. Oh, they were just beautiful. A wonderful sight for such sore eyes.
"So, what do you wanna do? Play another round? Maybe you'll get lucky this time."
"I dunno," Gopher muttered. "I'm getting kinda tired. I don't think Topaz'll like us being out here for too long-"
"Who cares what the captain thinks? It's the night out with the boys. Real dragons. When's the last time you've both been out like this? A couple of months at least, huh?"
"...fine. Sure. One more game." Glare grumbled. "But that's it. You aren't taking any more of my money, snake."
"I don't know. Like I said, maybe you'll get lucky this time around. Win big. All luck's in the cards, no?" Mulga gave a toothy grin.
"So," the dealer began, "are we all in agreement? One more round?"
"Yeah, why not," Gopher said.
"Definitely." Mulga nodded.
"Mhm..." Glare scoffed.
"Yes, one more round would be nice." A voice came from behind. Mulga leaned over, blinking in surprise when he saw who it was.
A little dragonet. She couldn't have been older than two years. Her pales looked white in the low lighting, with black diamond patterns trailing down her neck and all the way to her tail. Her scales were well-kept and free from the dust and grime you'd see on regular dragonets. 
Yet, her eyes... There was something about them that Mulga couldn't place his talon on. Something off. The same pitch-black that all SandWings had, but there was a serpentine quality to them that, strangely enough, made the atmosphere in the room thicker.
"Where'd you come from?" Glare asked. "You aren't supposed to be in here."
"Oh, apologizes for coming in so suddenly. I saw you three were wrapping up and, well, I wanted to simply play a round. See how to play."
"This is a tavern, missy. Younglings like yous aren't supposed to be in here." The dealer sighed. "It's late. You should be getting sleep."
"Oh, pleaseeee... I promise it will be quick."
"I don't think I can exactly-" The Dealer was cut off by the heavy sound of a bag being lifted up and onto the playing table. The dragonet had tossed a bloated sack up there, the little drawstring around the top loosening. Inside was a treasure trove of polished coins and even a couple of precious gems. Diamonds, rubies, even a few emeralds spilled out along with the golden doubloons.
"I want to play," she repeated, her voice much colder and firm in tone.
The fellow dragons looked at each other. This kid can't be serious, right? She probably just coloured a bunch of rocks to be like this. Maybe they're fake or something. But, the more Mulga looked at them, the more he could tell that, no, this was genuine. What kind of dragonet could get all of this stuff? Perhaps she nicked it all from dope. Even then, was she really going to bet with this? That seems far too stupid. 
Which played exactly in Mulga's favour. All he needed to do was win one game and he would get some of these earnings.
Mulga laughed. "C'mon, kid. I think you deserve a seat at the playing table." He traced a circle in the spot next to him with his barb.
"Thank you, sir," she chirped. She had to stretch her neck to even properly see the dealer's table. She tapped on the edge of it. "May I have my cards?"
"Ight, so, now we're playing." The dealer shuffled the deck, spreading out two cards to each dragon. Mulga glanced at his. A four and a nine. Looks terrible from the get-go, but perhaps there'll be something later on that makes work of it.
He had to play this round. The chance for any of those gems was too much for him to ignore.
"Excuse me," the dragonet asked. "What do we do first?"
"Oh, you show your cards to everyone," Glare said.
"I know I'm not supposed to do that!" she snapped. "But...what next?"
"Well, you call. Calling means that you want to play this round with the cards you have."
"Oh. Call?" she tapped her talons on the table. "I saw you doing that earlier. What does it mean?"
"Courtesy. Just a lil' thing you do." The dealer answered. They looked back to the others. "So, what now boys?"
The three SandWings looked at each other. One by one, they all called. They were all in this for the money. They threw in a couple of coins for the starting bet and finally began.
The dealer pulled three cards out for the flop. A jack, a nine, and a seven. Okay, he's got a pair now. That's something of note.
Mulga looked at the other dragons. They were sweating coconuts, looking at the giant pile of gold and crystals that the dragonet had. He chuckled lightly as he threw in a couple more coins. "Betting five."
"Call." Gopher threw in the same amount.
"Raise to ten." Glare threw in ten coins.
Finally, they all looked towards the dragonet. She looked so confused and innocent. "I put in money now?" she asked.
"All in." She pushed the bag forward.
Mulga nearly spat out his drink. She was betting it all? Everything in that bag? Moons above, he had just hit the jackpot! It took every fibre of his being not to start laughing.
"...alright then." The dealer pulled the turn card. A ten.
"Going all in as well," Mulga said. He pushed his pile of coins towards the bag, staring the dragonet right in the eyes. "What'll it be for the rest of you?"
"Folding." The both of them said in sync. They tossed down their cards. All that's left was Mulga and this small, tiny dragonet.
"Check," she said.
"You're staying in, huh?" he asked. "I mean, you could fold like the rest of them."
"I don't want to."
"Alright then. Whatever you say, little lizard."
Finally, the dealer pulled the river. A jack. 
"Check." Mulga grinned.
"Check." The dragonet tapped on the table.
He chuckled. "I'm sorry," he said, flipping over his cards. He had a pair of nines. "What do you have there then?"
She flipped over hers and Mulga's heart dropped.
It was a queen and nine.
"A straight," she said with a smug, cocky grin on her face. "I do believe that beats your measly little pair." She grabbed the bag, stuffing her earnings into it. "Thanks for the game, but I'll be leaving now. I think my mother would be upset to see me out this late." She giggled.
"No, wait, hold on!" Mulga hissed. "You don't get to leave with all my money. That was supposed to be mine! You tricked me!"
"Tricked?" She tilted her head. "I don't believe I tricked you. Luck's in the cards, is it not?" And with that, she turned away and walked out the tavern's door.
"Blazing scales," Glare laughed. "What kinda kid was that? Managed to sweep ya of everything."
"I-" Mulga blinked. Who even was that? What kind of dragonet just waltzes into a tavern, takes every last coin he has in one round, and then leaves? Where did she get the money? Where are her parents? Who even is she?
Princess Burn was just about to put the finishing touches on this new project when she heard the sounds of wings flapping from behind her. She put down her scalpel and turned around, wrapping her barb around her talons. "What is it now?" 
She looked out the window to see a dragon approaching her tower. A bag was clutched in her talons and a confident, wicked grin was painted upon her face.
"For moons sake, Blister!" she snapped. "You know you're not supposed to be out this late!" She backed away, letting her get through the window.
"Yes, but does that really matter?" Blister touched down. "Look." She dropped the bag, letting its contents spill onto the floor. "Just from using that one little diamond of yours, I've managed to score this in a single night." She smirked. "Thanks for that, by the way."
She sorted through the pile of coins, picking up the largest diamond out of all of them. "Remember, I get a fifth of it all because of it."
"Oh, of course! I wouldn't forget about that part." 
"Why do you even do this?" Burn asked as she picked up a talonful of coins. "It doesn't mean anything."
"I think it's funny." Blister picked up a ruby, looking it over. "You haven't seen what it's like. All these dragons convinced that I'm helpless and have no idea what I'm doing. Then, right when they think they've won it all, shark them. Take everything for what they've got."
Blister scoffed. "You wouldn't get it. You think cutting up insects and rats and hanging them on walls is fun."
"Taxidermy and pinning insects is not 'cutting them up'," Burn said defensively. "And, like you said, different strokes. I like fighting and researching. You like...doing this." She motioned to the bag.
"Mh-hm. Well, when I'm queen I know I'll be the richest of them all."
"I'm still the eldest. I'll be the queen."
"We'll see about that." She grabbed the bag and walked out of the room. "Thanks for your help," she said as she closed the door.
Burn grumbled. She was thankful to have some coins, but it still bothered her how Blister went about doing this. There was something to her that wasn't quite right, and she definitely knew she needed to keep an eye on her at all times. Sooner or later, she's going to plot something against their entire family, and by the moons will Burn do everything to keep it from happening.
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forffax · 4 months
returning the favor with oc asks since i always wanna hear about yours !! if you had to pick like your top 5 favorite characters who would they be and why 👀 bonus if you want to pick your favorite like settings/worlds/universes youve made for ocs too!
OOOUH thank u chase!!!
I'm gonna list out my favs then talk abt my main oc universe a bit ^_^
This got ridiculously long so it's going under a readmore <3
1. Tos Family (sorry this is going to be. the whole family bc I cannot possibly choose between them)
i. Lux Tos (he/him)
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(realizing now i haven't drawn him in a hot fuckin minute)
MY DAD. guy of all time ever. everyone's favorite half-human time traveling alien war vet. it always feels weird referring 2 him as part alien even if it's technically true sdjfgs. fun lore fact: he was the Dead Older Brother in original iteration Zephyr's Sad Backstory but I liked him too much so I decided he got to live <3
Lux is one of my older ocs that I still actively draw and think abt (late middle school...) and he's changed a LOT over the years but he's so so so dear to me. my guy who has Seen the Horrors and is now happily gay married with a kid :') sdfkjsk most things abt his story is just me being So Incredibly Self Indulgent (cool powers, complicated sibling relationships, gay) but it makes me happy and I love sharing it with ppl! Someday Voided 2 will be real and ready to share with the world...
ii. Ferdinand Tos (he/him)
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Dad....2!!!!!! I don't remember when exactly I thought him up but it was probably around when Lux's backstory was getting a major overhaul... He's a man out of time he's training to be a doctor and his will to live is so strong he spent the better part of nearly two decades building himself a new body! Guys who died but got better <3. I think I literally got brain blasted one day and decided he's a non-op trans man and it was the best thing ever for him actually. He's a southern californian stuck in the cold northwest (probably. either that or the northeast im not settled on that aspect yet skdjfs). He's been super fun to write from a worldbuilding perspective too bc his main goal is to pioneer a new branch of medicine using his powers! His relationship with Lux and the rest of the family (and his reconciliation with his sister) is sooooo important 2 me :]
iii. Athanasius Tos (she/her)
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THANAAAAA most normal sibling (lie). She was adopted formally right after Lux "died" and had a bit of a complex about just being a "replacement" for a good while, and she THOUGHT she had worked through that when Lux suddenly re-appeared... they're on great terms now but it was Tense. She's a biochemist and probably makes the most out of the household (she shares an apartment with Zeph!) It's very important 2 me that she can let herself be vulnerable with her family and close friends after years of bottling everything up... Epic nerdy autistic butches in your area <3 Fun fact she is the only full human of the main cast!
iv. Zephyr Tos (she/him)
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My fuckign auncle. Within the story she only recently realized he was bigender and is much happier for it, even if you couldn't tell by her permanent scowl skjdfgs. Zeph was the original protag (along with Thana) of the short story I wrote in middle school that turned into Voided 2! In-universe he was very clearly supposed to be the protag but missed/ignored the "call to action" phase and just got a shitton of Issues and Traumas instead <3 She's so everything 2 me he's a freelance writer/artist she's kinda cringe and he is trying only as hard as she absolutely needs to in order to get by. While his relationship with Lux is MUCH better than it was when Lux first came back, she's completely inseparable from Thana and would do anything for her (I feel like they spent equal times protecting each other from bullies as kids...) He's changed so much from her original incarnation but developing him has been SO much fun <3 Since Voided 2 runs on real-world time (in that I have specific real-world dates for most major events) she turned 50 fairly recently and that's fucked but also funny. old.
v. Alan Tos (any)
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Alan! Love this kiddo. He's Lux and Ferdinand's adoptive kid! Xe doesn't learn about it for a while but she was a government secret experiment test-tube baby (they were trying to artificially fuse souls together, distantly related to the later Child Soldier School ze was placed into) (kid cannot catch a break). He's a good kid, if not a little clueless and naive... someone who would hold no ill-will if you had to cut their leg off (this is not a hypothetical GJSKDS). Somehow, despite all this, she is by far the most Normal out of xer family <3 His fashion sense is some kind of spectrum between 60s businesswoman and scene and tbh? Very fun to draw! Her friends and family are very very dear to them and at the moment xe's just kind of letting life take zem wherever.
2. Vague (it/they)
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unauthorized fucking thing kill it with hammers NOW!!!!!
Vague started as I think just a proxy for myself in vent art I drew in like early high school sdhjfgds they have since become. something. my mascot I guess? (I still end up using it for vent art sometimes bc it's functionally unkillable and it's fun 2 get narsty sometimes.)
originally it was just the weird cat-shaped angel thing but a couple years ago I gave them a human design that I really love too <3 vague technically has a place in Niko and my other cat furry ocs' story but their human form exists in the real world and is just Like That i think. vague is just a little guy okay? they're sorry about crying and bleeding all over the place (not bc it sees any issue with this they just noticed you looked upsetskjdfhs)
3. Niko (he/they)
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Baby's first fursona! Niko was always mostly his own character but now that I have new This is Just Me sona(s), they've been officially retired from that front <3 Niko's story is mostly planned out, I just desperately need to write it somewhere skjdbfs but the gist is that Niko works a shitty minimum wage call center job and finds meaning and love through forming a band with people he happens to meet... also there's some whistleblowing and betrayal and vague slams down out of the sky at some point <3 Niko's band doesn't have a name but they're the lead vocalist! (Niko 🤝 Blue (is blue and sings in their band)) This is a universe where everyone is cat furries simply bc I wanted to design lots of cat furries but also I haven't drawn like half of his bandmates/friends.... orz
Fun fact I found my original doodles of him in an old math notebook and apparently I seriously considered the name "chandler" for them. Help,
4. Larkspur (they/them)
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Laaark my friend lark :] they're my player character for a friend's tabletop campaign! *hands you a bug* *hands you a bug* *hands-
Their design was super fun to come up with and they're fun to play as :] They were raised on a farm and have a deep love for animals (insects in particular), but they have a hard time connecting with others and understanding why people act the way they do.. They wear an eyepatch to cover their multiple other eyes bc it gives them bad sensory overload to see with them! They also spent quite a bit of time as a bounty hunter before they were blacklisted from further work bc they let a target escape on purpose... Lark is a ranger/bard and they play the hurdy-gurdy! They're dear to me and I really need to draw them more sjdfhgs
5. Chungy Fresh (she/he/they)
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Chungy my belungy.... she's a mimic who spent most of his life being a chest in the temple of a forgotten goddess until they gained sentience and saw a fursuit from far away and decided yep! I'm gonna look like that Now <3 She didn't get all the details right but he's never been happier! I think Chungy spawned from me drawing a weird fox thing and simultaneously thinking "hey wouldn't it be funny if a character had a verbal text/forum signature and it was also their name" skdjfgjskdfls. Chungy is def up there with "most fun ocs of mine to draw" bc she's so Noodly and Malleable... I started playing as him in a friend group's tabletop oneshot thingy (where multiple ppl write different unrelated oneshots but we use the same characters for each session) and it has been a lot of fun!
OKAY OC UNIVERSE TIME. I call my main oc story "Voided 2" bc it takes place in the same universe as my v personal self insert oc story "Voided" that I have been working on/writing/thinking abt since late middle school... It's kinda vaguely modern fantasy/sci-fi? Main things are that there are beings born at the beginning of the universe made of pure energy called Lunoirs. There are countless universes, and each universe has Lunoirs in some capacity. They mainly exist to "keep the balance," but if you ask any specific Lunoir what that means you'll get a million different answers. Mainly they gravitate towards any life within their universe and integrate with them, observing them and protecting them from Shadows and Vacares. Shadows are the unliving souls that will eventually be reborn and reformed into a living soul inside any given universe-- they exist in the space between universes, called the Void. the Void looks different to any being that crosses into it, and it's hard to say what its "true" nature is. Vacares are Lunoirs that have had their souls corrupted and eaten, usually by other Vacares. While Shadows, being amalgamations of soul energy, are strictly neutral, Vacares seek to cause chaos and eat more Lunoir souls, increasing their numbers in a vain attempt to satisfy their endless hunger.
The Lunoir population on Earth is fairly numerous, and since Lunoirs can take on whatever form they choose, many of them live and love and have children with humans, making partial-lunoir children (physically they are nearly indistinguishable from full humans, save for longer lifespans, odd hair and eye colors, and sharper teeth. also they have semi-physical wings, but these have to be manually brought out and often ppl don't even know they have them (*cough* zephyr *cough*)
Lunoirs aren't fully immortal, but they have a different life cycle to most other forms of life. When a non-lunoir dies, their soul disintegrates and is amalgamated with the souls of others in the Void to become Shadows. When a Lunoir dies (outside of having their soul completely corrupted/destroyed), they instead go into a sort of stasis and are reborn later; they have no memories of their previous life (the ones on Earth don't, at least) and they can take on wildly different appearances.
Lunoirs and partial Lunoirs have powers in the form of energy manipulation, particularly when it comes to the energy of their own souls... They can use their souls to form weapons, mainly to fight against Vacares that tend to be immune to physical weapons. Most people have one weapon that they specialize in, but in a pinch nearly everyone can form a knife. Humans can manipulate their own soul energy in this way too, but this ability must be taught/"unlocked" by a Lunoir or a partial Lunoir first (Zephyr, at some point, did this for Thana without either of them realizing it). Lunoirs can also manipulate the energy of the very universe to create Rifts in time and space, sometimes leading between separate universes... These rifts also open of their own accord from time to time, and there's a good number of people who have been displaced from their time or even their universe by unwittingly falling into one.
Every living being has a "soul" (a collection of their life energy), and through a kind of "reaching out," one can feel/taste/smell/hear/see another's soul... every soul is a bit different, so this is an easy way to identify people even from a distance!
The Earth Lunoirs once had a country where they congregated called Saluria, which was the site of a brutal multi-year war against an army of Vacares that wanted reign over Earth... Many Lunoirs and partial Lunoirs across all of Earth's history felt drawn to Saluria, often willingly or unwillingly being rifted to the time of the war to go fight in it... Some partial Lunoirs especially believed it was their sacred duty, while others believed it was a curse leading them to inevitable death... there's even whispers that Saluria itself is alive, luring in young partial and full Lunoirs out of self-preservation.. who's to say. Ultimately, the Salurian War was a victory, but not an easy one.
Lux and Zephyr are half Lunoirs (their mom being full), and Ferdinand is 3/4ths Lunoir! Alan is a bit of a weird case but functionally he's also half Lunoir :]
This is v much simplifying Years of worldbuilding ssjhdfgjks and I can FEEL I missed a bunch of stuff but it's all very very dear 2 me :]
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Ara being Ara -Danny Words: 2,298 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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II: Help! People Are Treating Me Like They're Supposed to and Now I'm Uncomfortable
"Your brother hates me."
"He doesn't."
Leo stops and looks at her. "That guy's going to throw me under the elephant at the first chance he gets."
Ara tries not to laugh. "Percy has a resting bitch face, that's all. You'll be best buds in no time."
"Sunshine, no offense, but you're too close to the danger to see it."
"He doesn't hate you," she insists. "But if he did, I'd still love you."
Leo smirks. "What if I turn into a worm, would you still love me?"
"We've already had this conversation," Ara resumes her walk.
"Last time it was a three-legged dog with rabies!" He quickly catches up with her. "But that one was way out there, so mad respect for saying yes."
She laughs. "That should make it clear enough, then."
"The dog still has some personality though," he teases her. "Worms don't even come in fun colors."
"Worms are useful. You could be bait in my direst moment of need," she jokes.
Leo holds her hand. "Okay, you win. I'm the best boyfriend ever."
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"Well, what now?" Nico eyes my Tyrian cape and the laurel crown with little interest.
"I gotta move out of my cabin," I reply. "Preferably before the campers get here, Chiron doesn't want me to distract them."
"You can't stop that from happening," Nico raises a brow.
"Shut up," I reach up to take the crown off.
Lily stops me. "Wear that with pride. We broke out backs training so you could get it." 
I glance at her hand, the scar on my wrist that used to match Lily's is gone, and I'm half glad about it, I won't be reminded of Michael as often now.
"Is there a rule that says she has to wear the whole fit from now?" Nico taunts her. "Please say yes."
"Can I slap him one last time?" I beg Lily.
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Ara is starting to understand why Jason didn't escape this camp as soon as he got the chance. Everyone's seated where they please, old and young demigods—even older than Beckendorf—surround her and her friends. They all look healthy, happy, and like they've enjoyed a fulfilling life. If this is the one thing Roman demigods can aspire to have... she wants it too.
Everyone has been nice to her to a decent extent, except for the Octavian guy, but he's rude to everyone, so it doesn't matter. What keeps bothering her is that Percy isn't the only one staring at Leo weirdly. Hazel Levesque keeps stealing glances at him and Ara doesn't know how to interpret that. 
Percy told Annabeth that she was someone else's girlfriend... but there's a faint lavender glow coming out of Hazel ever since Leo took the seat next to her. "...My brother, Nico, went looking for the doors," the girl mentions as they start talking about the prophecy.
"Wait," Annabeth frowns. "Nico di Angelo? He's your brother?"
Ara tenses. "About that... Can I talk to him?"
"Ara..." Percy stares at her with a look of warning.
"We're talking about a fourteen-year-old boy, tall and severely malnourished, right?" She ignores him.
"Ara," he presses.
Hazel tilts her head in confusion. "Wait, he's fourteen?"
"Nico Di Angelo has been here before, even though he's Greek," Ara continues, anger bubbling up in her stomach. Percy tries to talk but she lifts a hand to stop him. "He brought you here?"
"Yes, last September," Hazel replies awkwardly. "But he never mentioned your camp, I swear."
"Ara," Percy looks at her sternly. "Chill."
"I'm chill," she replies, clearly not chill at all. "I just wanna talk to Di Angelo."
"You can't," Percy continues. "Hazel was about to tell us what her brother was doing before he went missing."
Ara's soul leaves her body. "He's missing?"
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The first time I met Nico and Bianca Di Angelo wasn't even the first time for real. We met in the Lotus Hotel, but I only remembered a year after we found them.
The first time we spoke isn't as important as the time we almost killed each other, anyway. The first time, I mean, when Nico shattered the Pavilion's floor. But you've heard that story, so I'll tell you about the first time I officially met the Di Angelo siblings.
Percy, Thalia, Annabeth, and I arrive at the creepy military school, where a monster is already there to welcome us. He didn't notice me at first, which was good, I could sneak my way towards Bianca and Nico without the monster knowing.
Bianca gives a start. I've interrupted some kind of argument between her and her brother. "Hi?"
"I'm Ara," I reach to shake her hand. "Jackson."
It's not the first time I introduced myself with that last name, but it is the first time that sounds natural. Bianca shakes my hand. "Bianca Di Angelo. Are you new?"
"Yeah! And I saw you two from across the gym, you seem nice," I look at Nico and grin when I see the cards he's holding. "Cool deck! I have a friend who's a huge fan of Mythomagic."
The boy's eyes widen. "You wanna play?"
"Sure," I take a sit next to him.
He's the same age I was when I met Percy, and I'm the same age Percy was then. My vanity tricks me into thinking that's enough to dazzle the boy, but people aren't interested in age, just power. When I met Percy, he had my respect 'cause he was strong and cool. 
It didn't matter if I was older, I was a nobody to Nico.
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Ara makes an effort to be quiet now, too shaken to argue.
"The last thing he said to me was that he was going to look for the doors of death. That's all I know."
"We'll look for him," Percy assures Hazel. "Right, Ara?"
"Of course," Nico is annoying and difficult, but he's a camper, and he was her friend once, she doesn't want him gone and out of her life permanently. "But let's recap—The doors are in Rome?"
"That's what Thanatos said, yeah," Percy responds. "And finding them should be our priority anyway, as long as Gaea's army has control over them, the monsters will come back as soon as we kill them."
"Like water leaking through a dam," Piper mumbles.
"Yeah," Percy glances at Ara. "We've got a dam hole."
"What?" Piper blinks.
"Nothing. Inside joke. The point is we'll have to find the doors and close them before we can head to Greece. It's the only way we'll stand a chance of defeating the giants and making sure they stay defeated."
"You propose an expedition to Greece in your warship," Reyna says. "You do realize that the ancient lands—and the Mare Nostrum—are dangerous?"
"Mary who?" Leo asks.
"Mare Nostrum," Jason corrects him. "Our Sea. It's what the Ancient Romans called the Mediterranean."
"The territory that was once the Roman Empire is not only the birthplace of the gods," Reyna continues. "It's also the ancestral home of the monsters, Titans and giants... and worse things. As dangerous as travel is for demigods here in America, there it would be ten times worse."
"You said Alaska would be bad," Percy points out. "We survived that."
"Percy, traveling in the Mediterranean is a different level of danger altogether. It's been off-limits to Roman demigods for centuries. No hero in his right mind would go there."
"Then we're good!" Leo smiles. "Because we're all crazy, right? Besides, the Argo II is a top-of-the-line warship. She'll get us through—and Ara's the daughter of Olympus, she'll keep us safe."
"Ara can't look after all of us, it would be selfish to expect that," Percy scolds him.
"He didn't mean it like that," Ara is quick to intervene.
"Then he shouldn't say it—"
"Percy, don't start," Ara snaps at him. 
Percy glances at Leo with irritation, and Ara wonders why is he so hostile towards the boy.
"We'll have to hurry, I don't know exactly what the giants are planning, but Gaea is growing more conscious all the time," Jason continues, nervously glancing at the trio. "She's invading dreams, appearing in weird places, summoning more and more powerful monsters. We have to stop the giants before they can wake her up fully."
"Seven half-bloods must answer the call," Annabeth quotes. "It needs to be a mix from both our camps. Jason, Piper, Leo, and me. That's four."
"And me," Percy nods. "Along with Hazel and Frank. That's seven."
"And then there's me..." Ara grabs a fistful of grapes from a passing platter and eats a bunch at once.
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I blame myself for not trying harder. I keep thinking that maybe if I'd befriended Bianca, none of what happened would've happened. Not in the way it did, anyway.
I didn't understand why she left Nico. He was her family and she dropped him just like that? I begged for something like what she had my whole life, and this girl gave it up so easily! 
I wasn't nice after she joined the hunters, and this caused Nico to attach to me. I was the same age as his sister and I was validating his feelings, I was Percy's sister as well, and he wanted to know all about him.
Nico punished Bianca by latching onto me and Lily, and that made her dislike us. In the end, Nico hated me for it. If I hadn't encouraged his behavior, the Di Angelo's would've parted on friendlier terms, and then maybe he wouldn't hold such a grudge towards me.
Despite all this... I still don't understand Bianca's decision, I gave up on having my own life to look after my loved ones forever, because that's what you do when your love is real.
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Octavian stands up. "We're just supposed to accept that? Without a vote in the senate? Without a proper debate? Without—"
"Percy! Ara!" Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary rush in, there is a harpy seated on the hellhound. "Ella is scared!"
"N-n-no more boats," the harpy shivers. "Titanic, Lusitania, Pax... boats are not for harpies."
"Did that chicken girl just compare my ship to the Titanic?" Leo asks Hazel.
"She's not a chicken," Hazel avoids Leo's eyes and blushes. "Ella's a harpy. She's just a little... high-strung."
"Ella is pretty," Tyson continues. "And scared. We need to take her away, but she will not go on the ship."
"No ships. Bad luck," she spots Annabeth. "There she is. Wisdom's daughter walks alone—"
"Ella!" Frank tries to stop her. "Maybe it's not the best time—"
"The Mark of Athena burns through Rome," the harpy continues. "Twins snuff out the angel's breath, Who holds the key to endless death. Giants' bane stands gold and pale, Won through pain from a woven jail."
Ara's eyes land on Annabeth, whose entire face is flushed. "Was that—"
"I know!" Percy interrupts her. "How about you take Ella to get some fresh air? You and Mrs. O'Leary—"
"Hold on," Octavian's hands twist a plushie anxiously. "What was that she said? It sounded like—"
"Ella reads a lot," Frank explains. "We found her at a library."
"Yes!" Hazel continues. "Probably just something she read in a book."
"Books," Ella hums. "Ella likes books."
Ara's skin tingles with curiosity. They want to keep that harpy away from Octavian, and she wants to know why. 
"That was a prophecy," the guy insists. "It sounded like a prophecy."
Annabeth laughs, but Ara can tell it's fake. "Really, Octavian? Maybe harpies are different here, on the Roman side. Ours have just enough intelligence to clean cabins and cook lunches. Do yours usually foretell the future? Do you consult them for your auguries?"
While the rest of the demigods around them chuckle, Octavian seems to hesitate. "I, uh... No, but—"
"She's just spouting lines from some book," Annabeth dismisses the subject, "like Hazel suggested. Besides, we already have a real prophecy to worry about. Percy's right," she turns to Tyson. "Why don't you take Ella and Mrs. O'Leary and shadow-travel somewhere for a while. Is Ella okay with that?"
"'Large dogs are good. Old Yeller, 1957, screenplay by Fred Gipson and William Tunberg."
"Great!" Percy clasps his hands together. "We'll Iris-message you guys when we're done and catch up with you later."
Reyna's people look at her for approval whilst Ara's crew turns to her. The girls share a look, Ara would like to talk to Ella, but now's not the time, she doesn't want Octavian around for it, and he's clearly not well in the head. 
Reyna raises a brow. Ara can read her expression easily: "Your call, General." 
The girl leans back on her seat and shrugs, popping another grape into her mouth. Reyna turns to Tyson and Ella. "Fine. Go." She then turns to the others. "Octavian is right about one thing. We must gain the senate's approval before we let any of our legionnaires go on a quest—especially one as dangerous as you're suggesting."
"This whole thing smells of treachery," Octavian sneers. "That trireme is not a ship of peace!"
"Come aboard, man," Leo suggests. "I'll give you a tour. You can steer the boat, and if you're really good I'll give you a little paper captain's hat to wear."
"How dare you—"
"It's a good idea," Reyna intervenes. "Octavian, go with him. See the ship. We'll convene a senate meeting in one hour."
"But..." Octavian locks eyes with Reyna and grumbles the rest. "Fine."
"I'll go with you," Ara offers.
"No need, Arae," Leo winks at her. "We'll be back soon. This is gonna be epic."
Ara watches him walk away with a bad feeling, something rubbed her the wrong way, but she can't put a finger on it.
"Uh, Reyna," Jason speaks. "If you don't mind, I'd like to show Piper around before the senate meeting. She's never seen New Rome."
Ara wants to throw grapes at Jason's forehead. Can't he read the room? Reyna's been glaring at him this whole time! Poor Piper looks like she wants to crawl under the table and stay there for the rest of the day.
"Of course," the praetor responds tensely.
"Yeah, me, too," Percy adds. "I'd like to show Annabeth—"
"Sorry?" He frowns.
"I'd like a few words with Annabeth and your sister," Reyna explains stiffly. "Alone. If you don't mind, my fellow praetor."
"Okay," Ara stands and fixes her cloak. She's a good talker, this will be fine. "Lead the way."
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13 notes · View notes
lordkingsmith · 5 months
Tommy Oliver Canon and Oc Children and grandchildren
My god this man has so many. Why did he have chemistry with everyone he met. This list is going to be long. Very very long. A cut is necessary this is going to be a wall. I'm also just doing all the ones off the top of my head, but if there's any i miss you wanna see, just request and I'll add them to the list. My only hard no's are Rita, Rito, and Zedd. not for any super specific reason other than I don't really feel like trying to think of how a kid would work given how much Tommy deeply hates and fears these three. Kim and Kat I could reason through, even if I didn't like the ships, same with Bulk and Skull. I...just cannot come up with good ones for Tommy for those three, sorry.
but! I am so so SO glad you guys are taking this opportunity to make your own kids. That was my intent and I love seeing them! I can’t wait to see even more ��😁 if anyone wants to cover the ones I don’t/won’t, feel free too~
Canon children:
Katherine Hillard;
JJ Oliver. He seems to be in his early to mid 20’s in comics, and is child aged in tv show. Personality wise we know he’s got a chip on his shoulder, he has a misplaced sense of danger and is perfectly happy sassing someone while they’re threatening to kill him. Seems to be messy and enjoys outdoor activities such as cross country biking and competitions and fighting and is in karate competitions. His relationship to his dad is Rocky. Unfortunately unknown how he gets on with his mom. Possibly good since she’s the one attending his competitions and Tommy is. Not. Personally I actually like JJ, but more because he’s got some interesting groundwork. Do I think he should be green? -cackles- nooooo. He’d be a more interesting Pink. We’ll see if I like his alternate reality half sister more lol. JJ is the SPD green as well as green dragon mighty Morphin ranger.
Kimberly Hart;
Olivia Hart, seems to be in her 20’s, more information will be added later
Canon Grandchildren:
Grandchildren by Katherine Hillard;
While I have made an au version of Tommy and Kat's grandsons, and will animate them, I will include the canon two. Nameless kids at the end of a Christmas special for zeo. One of them is a zeo red ranger. Technically the first canon legacy ranger, but he’s nameless and seems preoccupied. Seems on good enough terms with his grandparents and baby brother so that’s good. Their parents are unknown but their dad is probably JJ. I named the older one Ethan, too bad he was never given a canon consideration. Both these two and JJ are blank slates. This is a good and bad thing. But I like thinking this canon version is in a world where Zordon is still alive and the little red Zeo ranger doesn’t know his grandparents are the first zeo rangers. Yet.
Alternate universe grandchildren:
JJ Oliver;
Two sons. One was a red ranger, and then became a blue. He’s dating the purple ranger of his current team, a troll named Milo. Ethan is mute due to an injury and fluent in ASL. His best friend is Chloe Bulkmeier-Hart, who is the pink ranger of his current (and previous-girl is just an absolute pink through and through) team. He misses his younger half brother a lot. Ethan was born by accident while JJ was undercover. He loves his stem mom Anara, however. He knows when Milo meets her he will, too. He was Red of the team Fable Force and is currently Blue if the team Hellion Squad. He’s Hellion Blue, and his element is blue fire. He’s 21 and has been at the mercy of Rito Revolto while being presumed dead for the last two years. He used to babysit Pepper Skullovitch with Chloe, and had an antagonistic relationship with both Iva Song and Max Irons. He finds it funny that the two former comedy duo are both rangers, now. Manages to break mind control because of his brother attacking Rito Revolto.
His half brother, (haven’t decided on name) is ten years old. Sarcastic little so and so, not afraid to kick magic skeletons in the knees. Is babysat by Pepper and Charlie. He wants his brother back and he loves power rangers.
Olivia Hart;
Although Tommy died long before he could really get to see his daughter grow up, she did and she’s thriving. She never got married, she did have two kids. One adopted one not, but the other parent doesn’t matter-at least, they’re not at the age that it matters yet and she’s not going to contend with the fact the baby may or may not be a demigod. Theo, aged twelve, and Clover, eight months, love their mom and grandma. At least Theo does. Clover’s just a baby and generally loves everyone who holds her. Adopted at two, Theo knows about power rangers, knows about his mom being one, knows his grandparents were. Doesn’t particularly care aside from the fact his family helps people. Theo reads a lot, and draws, and helps his mom take care of things. She’s trying to run a small business while also being a Green Ranger, and Theo when he’s home from school is used to juggling school work and babysitting. His only hard me time days are the weekends, when he’s got little league baseball or chess. Olivia supports and understands this, and so far she and Kim have attended every single game and tournament. Has bashed putties in their faces in defense of Clover, before. He got a cake for that one. Privately Olivia knows Tommy loves these two, if he’s watching. And she’s certain he is.
Neither Theo nor Clover are associated with a color. Nor do I see them ever being associated with a color.
Alternate universe oc children:
Billy Cranston;
After surviving the world of the coinless together, the two got very close. Tommy was the first person Billy came out to, Billy was the first guy Tommy went all the way with. They have one daughter. Her name is Amanda Oliver. Aged 19. Amanda is adopted, and completely spoiled by her dads. She wants for nothing, and she loves them back deeply. She's a karate instructor, and a power ranger mentor. She's got a really open relationship with her parents, and trusts them to trust her, and they do. A little bit of a heartbreaker, finds it difficult to lie, loves science and kids.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Tommy invited Skull to a carnival. After first being asked if Skull was a rebound-with a fast follow up to make sure Tommy wasn't taking him to something run entirely by putties-and then asking if he was sure sure Goldar and Skorpina wouldn't be there-Tommy decided he was going to make this a date. and the best one of Skull's life. The effort to help this guy have a proper, healthy, fair love life, meant it more or less accidentally lead to falling in love and while not marriage, they do live together. They have Spike, an adopted daughter Eliza, and a son together named Hunter. Rita thought it'd "bury the hatchet" and had the forethought to let them know she'd decided her first act of being nice would be something that would benefit them. Has not in fact, buried any negative feelings but the effort did mean something. Tommy's straight up told all three of his kids they're not allowed to go to Briarwood. Just in case.
Eliza "Lizzie" Oliver is 21, and wants to be a reporter. Thinks Tommy's worries are a little extreme when they directly affect his kids' lives, but she humors him even as an adult, because she loves him and wants to see him happy. A little selfish, but very smart. Good at picking up on subtext and helps explain things that go over her brothers' heads when she's with them. Tommy's too because he might be smart, but the man is kinda dumb. Not very organized, but somehow always has what she needs in her giant purse. Very resourceful, knows how to pick locks, and is capable of two types of martial arts.
Hunter Oliver-Skullovitch is 16. He's just trying to get through highschool guys, please let him get through highschool. He's been kidnapped twice, and he really just wants to be left alone. More of a punk than Tommy gets, but Tommy and Skull are supportive of his tastes and choices in life. Unfortunately everybody wants a piece of this kid, and while he's not associated with any color (by sheer force of will), this is not from lack of attempts. Hunter's just very very good at making himself too much of a nuisance to be worth taking. Like his siblings he knows two types of martial arts, can pick locks, knows how to get into vents, knows four ways to get out of ropes and other bindings, and can say "help me I've been kidnapped" in twelve languages. as well as "fire!" and "that's not a human!". He loves monster movies, because the monsters actually seem to pose a challenge. He and Tommy do have an understanding, and Tommy and Skull are both happy to let Hunter have a choice in becoming a ranger. He won't get forced into it, if he does he will do this fully with his eyes open and knowing what he's getting into. He will become a black ranger, when he's around 20, and it will be his choice.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Bulk had been mildly afraid of Tommy since day of the dumpster but after the first couple weeks, he mellowed out. A LOT. Unfortunately Tommy's walking eye candy and that entailed a lot of attention by a lot of pretty people. Bulk found it easier to simply antagonize him rather than directly compete with everyone else. They've had a fun flirtatious back and forth for years. Things got a lot more of a lot more when Bulk came back from Mirinoi, and Tommy of all people got him in a hug so tight he thought he was going to actually get a broken back. They reconnected and opened a small hotel together. It's nothing spectacular but it's consistently filled with people, some of whom even choose their hotel again for future vacations. A couple years after the 'this is going to flop' fear subsided, business partners became married partners. Tommy and Bulk chose to go the adoption and surrogate route. Adoption because Tommy wanted to give a good life to someone who needed it, much like he'd been given, and surrogate because a friend asked during New Years when they were gently shooing them out of the hotel a little after midnight so they could sleep and their kid could sleep. The question had stuck around, which lead to an awkward conversation, which lead to asking around if anyone was willing. The surrogacy via Trini lead to twins, much to everyone's surprise. David thought this was hilarious. Tommy apologized profusely to Trini, who had to remind him he didn't control that. And she was willing to help them prepare for twins if they were.
They have three kids. Beckett, adopted at nine and currently 21 and working at the hotel to save up for college, and the twins. Trinity and Leon, born when Beckett was twelve. Rambunctious, and taking after Tommy a lot. There is no brain cell between them. The hotel is their personal playground when they have to spend time at home, much to the chagrin of Tommy and Bulk, though they have managed to make this work in their favor, and many of the twins' games also double as their chores.
Beckett's the straight man type. He's very up front, responsible, and charming when he wants to be. He can switch from business to leisure at the drop of a dime, is good with money, and knows Angel Grove like the back of his hand. He is practically a walking tour, and has debated whether or not it'd be worth setting up a tour guide side business to help the hotel, and his wallet. Bulk respects the hustle. Tommy just wants him to be careful. Beckett's going into business management. He doesn't necessarily want to take over; it'd be fun to open up a rival place for a while just to see how he does. He's also prepared for any and every eventuality. Living with this family, he's got to be. Not that he minds, he used to wander Boston streets all day and go to the boy's home at night. Tommy ran into him on the street wandering back, and it was basically an immediate whirlwind of Beckett becoming Beckett Oliver and going to live with Bulk and Tommy.
Trinity is the older of the twins by four hours. She's also the go getter and more of the risk taker. She is dragging Leon along after for better or for worse, because no he's not going to let his sister do something dumb alone. That's lonely! They've had run ins with a lot of supernatural things, but that's par for the course so half of them Tommy and Bulk don't know about. Trinity is more likely to fight something twice her size. Also more likely to jump from the second story railing to see if she can fly (she nearly gave Bulk a heart attack and he caught her before she could begin her downward trend. Luckily he knew her by that point). Not currently a color but she's Tommy's. She's going to be a green ranger when she's older. Tommy and Bulk have the twins in judo classes.
Leon's the more careful of the two but that's not saying much. Still the one that decided to experiment with dishsoap in the laundromat. He was grounded for a month. He's also more of the curious one, in the book sense. If he doesn't know, he asks. It's less of a headache. More of a direct talker than his sister, very polite. Is not adverse to using his sister or brother as a distraction. Enjoys parkour, even at nine. He likes detective stories. Enjoys birdwatching. This isn't a calming activity for him; he walked onto a cliff to see if a bird was an eagle. It was. He nearly got very very hurt. Tommy, fortunately, knows him. general rule with the twins is if Beckett Tommy or Bulk is with them it's for everyone else's protection; not their own. Leon is not associated with a color, but he's Tommy's. He'll be a white ranger when he's older.
Although many adversaries did have their eyes on these kids for a time-absolutely not, it's too much trouble. Tommy and Bulk are at least a little self aware and their kids are fully prepared to turn the hotel into a massive booby trap. There's a protocol and everything.
in a tangential au, Beckett is a ranger and passes the Power to either Leon or Trinity as his chosen replacement, so depending he's either white or green.
Matthew Cook;
Tommy and Matt did not really like each other at the beginning. Matt blames Tommy for so so much, but can't do anything about it, and Tommy's missing Dragon Green something terrible and dealing with massive amounts of PTSD for related but different reasons than Matt. Rita trapped them together in a gladitorial area of the Dark Dimension, and Tommy and Matt managed to talk to each other and get into an understanding. When they started dating, it was actually Grace who saw an opportunity, not Rita. But it’d be three more years before she could enact the plan. She didn’t tell Terona, and she was intending to eventually get every coin as well, for a full set.
Verdun Cook is 24, he’s the green dragon ranger, and he’s never met his dads. He’s a top agent for protection of earth. He thinks his parents gave him up to Grace. They think he died in infancy, an unfortunate complication in how he was made. They also think the dragon dagger was destroyed as well, around the same time. When parents and son finally meet, Tommy and Matt are furious. Billy’s furious. Terona's furious. He got Verdun to Tommy and Matt when he found out, even. Everyone’s furious. Matt and Tommy have Verdun live with them to acclimate to civilian life, and get used to being a person. His entire life has been as a weapon; he’s trying to very rapidly learn how to be human. It’s not like he was a success in the program either; the plan was a whole team of legacy rangers in their parents Colors, and he was the only one they could get.
Currently the only people allowed to mess with Tommy and Matt’s DNA is Billy and the Aquitarans and, hilariously, Zedd. He only made a clone. He was very transparent about what he was intending for the clone. Tommy knows where the clone is. He DIDN’T know where his son was, that he was alive, what Grace was intending or what he was doing. He and Matt are in agreement; If they had to chose they’d choose Zedd with their DNA.
When they thought their biological son had died; they adopted. Ricky is fifteen, not associated with a color, and is trying to get used to this with along with their dads. Ricky really is trying to be nice as well, but his overenthusiasm and attempts at bonding are often coming off too strong and borderline antagonistic. He doesn't mean to be. But the bright side is Ricky’s got someone to hang out with. And better yet, Verdun knows nothing about video games, pop culture, or really anything. So. Who wants to watch Star Wars? Ricky's got mixed feelings about his brother, but they're ranging from sad to excited, there's nothing jealousy related. Their dads are awesome, and he's sad Verdun never got to grow up with their dads. And he's excited to be able to have fun with his brother. Ricky is very excitable, and works on the school newspaper. He does volleyball, and has goals to be valedictorian when he graduates. Friendly, upbeat, can sometimes take things too far, but he tries to make those moments right.
They’re all making up for lost time with Verdun. It’s long overdue. At least both kids get along.
Jason Lee Scott;
It started with a challenge, because for these two, it always starts with a challenge. Trying to out do the other in asking each other out, the date, and then the proposals. Because the one who can't top the last proposal has to say yes. because you can't one up a proposal if you're already married. So they've been engaged with no wedding date in sight for decades, going back and forth with proposals. Most everyone is amused, but their two kids are mostly Done with their dads. Travis Scott, aged 26, and Celeste Scott, aged 22, love their dads but cannot with either of them. Travis is a famous race car driver and a gold ranger, Celeste is going into mechanics with a focus on teaching, her goal being a shop teacher for highschool students and a red ranger, and they love their dads but everything is an eternal competition between Jason and Tommy, and it sometimes feel loving their kids is a competition, too.
Violet decided to help Jason and Tommy when they were looking at surrogacy, and was not amused by the fact they decided who the father would be with an arm wrestling match, best two out of three. Jason won. Violet insisted on naming the kid for them so it wouldn't turn into another contest. Jason and Tommy do love each other, but it's so hard for them to be anything but competitive. It's literally their love language. They do make a great team raising their kids, however, and Travis was a bit of a gearhead almost before he could walk, fascinated with cars and bikes and everything with wheels. His first (self chosen) halloween costume was the megazoid, made lovingly out of boxes, construction paper, paint, and paper mache. When he found out Tommy had been a race car driver when he and Jason were considering kids at all, well. His fate was sealed. He's got a rap sheet for illegal drag races, speeding, and a few other things. Jason had to take away the keys for a year while Tommy worked on getting Travis on board with the concept of "time and place" because while Tommy is dumb of ass and pure of heart, he does not fuck around with safety around mechanical objects. especially cars. Now, however, Travis is thriving. He is not on the same team as his sister, ironically while he hates how competitive his parents are, he and his sister are almost worse with their rival ranger teams. Travis is just like Tommy, but tends to have the same manner of dealing with feelings as Jason; bottling to the detriment of everyone around him. Intense, but well meaning. Strong willed and stubborn, but often gets into things on pure righteous fury, or out of a sense of competition or excitement. More than one person has asked him "how are you still alive".
Celeste was adopted in infancy a few years after Travis was born. Tommy has always liked the idea of adoption, and was always grateful for being adopted into the family he was. David threatened them both with their lives if they turned this into a competition, and watched them very very closely through every step. When she was two years old, Celeste stole Travis' toy car and he bopped her in the face to get it back. if you ask Jason, that's the moment the two became rivals. She's been a mild terror, taking apart most things she could get her hands on and later figuring out how to put them back together. The vacuum, the family car, she's just having fun. She also is a little bit of a know it all, especially over mechanical things, and will lecture to whoever listens, though the complexity tends to depend on who she's talking to. Her teammates? a good way to practice going over the subject with teenagers. Her parents? as indepth as she likes. Her brother? middle ground. He knows how cars work, but not how to fix in a pinch. She's become a red ranger because opportunity presented itself, and her brother's two towns over and she loves sending him selfies of her exploits. He's quickly gotten into it as well.
Rocky DeSantos;
Rocky and Tommy always had a rather amicable relationship, which lead to a very comfortable dating life. It wasn't a sparks fly insta love thing, but more like a very slow burn of embers. And after years and years of doing things and having each other's backs and being red and blue and white and red and all that this all entails...it got to the point they looked at each other and couldn't think of anyone else they'd want to be with. They have four kids; Dannica DeSantos, aged 26, Markus DeSantos, aged 24, Johanna DeSantos, aged 20, and Halen DeSantos, aged 17. Tommy and Rocky are currently taking a break (being teammates and lovers on several teams and effectively at each other's hips for decades will do that), but are doing it more to save their marriage than preparing to divorce. Halen's living with Tommy during this, as Rocky is the firefighter chief, and is only at the house three days every two weeks during fire season. Better to have a parent who can actually dedicate time to being a proper parent to the one kid that still needs it. All kids except Halen are scientifically mixed dna of Tommy and Rocky, through cashing on a favor of Billy and the Aquitans. Halen is adopted.
Dannica DeSantos is a racecar driver. She's been a speed demon since she learned how to ride a tricycle, and has been relatively unstoppable since. She has given her parents panic attacks. She's been in jail over the fact she used to do illegal drag races in her teens. Tommy had to put a stop to this by getting behind the steering wheel again and taking his own daughter on in a race. If he won, she waited till she was 18 to pursue this as a career-the legitimate way. If he lost, he'd give her the keys and say nothing. Tommy won, barely. She was pissed, but she honored her word. They had a few years of tenuous peace with warnings interspersed that yes, traffic is awful, but no you can't drive through a park to get to your job on time, Dannica, no.
Since starting her career, though, this has gone down quite a lot and she's been a lot better about being responsible off the racetrack. She refrains from using the name 'Oliver' to her advantage; she wants to do this the right way. She's insanely competitive, and has a very strong code of ethics. She doesn't cheat, she doesn't cut corners, and she's not going to start. The only way to do anything is the right way, and what does it say about everyone else who cheats who keeps losing to her, anyway? Loves her brothers and sister, but she doesn't really get along with her dads. She's the most intense parts of both of them, and while they love each other, it's better to love each other at a distance. She gets the fact they're currently separated; you just gotta take a break sometimes. Not associated with a color, and as she'd willingly drive a car into someone, this is perhaps a good thing.
Markus DeSantos is going to school to be a physical therapist. Probably the most easy going of the siblings, he's a lot like his dads. He's kind of wanted to do this since finding out about the accidents that wrecked Tommy and Rocky's backs for a long time (and even to a point up to now) and lead to them both finally retiring from ranger work. Tommy has to walk with a cane, and Rocky's dependent on painkillers. With excercise. Markus gets that because his dads are so vigorous with their exercise and a lot of luck they were able to skirt past anything worse, and he wants to help people get similar results where possible. So, physical therapist. He's a happy go lucky but take no shit kind of guy. He's nice about it, but nobody gets away with anything around him. And often find themselves doing what they should, under the impression it was their own idea, some hours after talking to him. He loves food, loves his siblings, though he generally gets along with Rocky better than Tommy. But, he manages to get Tommy to do what he's supposed to, because his dad is very much a stubborn idiot about things that are good for him. Checks in often with Halen and makes sure he's doing ok during everything. Keeps both his dads' fridges stocked. Not associated with a color, though he was offered black once. Kept this to himself, he doesn't want to deal with the inevitable "well why didn't you" if he says anything. He didn't because it'd get in the way of goals he already had, that's all. He did suggest someone else, and they're doing very very well, so there's that.
Johanna is assistant manager at the Juice Bar, and thriving. Everything is going well for her. She's got a famous sister, two famous parents, and likes cooking, coming up with new flavors to try on the blackboard, and generally being assistant manager. Does she want to go to school? Maybe. Does she know what for? Not yet, but if she ever figures it out she's willing to go. She's into competitive gaming as a side thing, but it's not her life. Her life is fairly full of other things. She lives with Markus in a rental home, and Halen whenever he needs a break from Tommy. She loves holidays and wears themed clothes every single holiday. She wears bunny ears without shame with extra fluffy skirts every easter, and she's highly embarrassing on Thanksgiving with her turky legwarmers. However, her siblings love her and wouldn't have her any other way. A good source of advice to anyone who needs it, though she tries to stay out of Markus and Dannica's way, because they both get into moods where no amount of advice no matter how gently given will ever be heeded. And she's not going to waste time on useless endeavors.
She sometimes stands in for the karate classes when her girlfriend has to skip. Johanna knows she's dating the pink ranger, and Rose knows Johanna knows. Johanna doesn't mind filling in for Rose when fights edge into class times. Rose would do the same for her if their situations were switched.Johanna isn't associated with a color herself.
Halen DeSantos was adopted when he was six. He was adopted out of foster care, and remembers his last foster care parents. They were nice, but had eight other foster kids. Halen found it no less chaotic but somehow warmer when he got adopted by Rocky and Tommy. Their kids instantly swept him into their midst as sibling, and it was easy to slide into this as well. They squabbled and stepped on each other's toes and got on each other's nerves, but there was a deep love throughout. It is tough finishing high school while Tommy and Rocky don't live together-and Tommy is his biology teacher-but he's trying to remember it's not because they hate each other, it's just gotten a little much right now, and they do still love each other. His siblings always seem to know when he's feeling really low, however, and it's nice being able to get his mind off things. Kind of wants to go into paleontology, like Tommy, or firefighting, like Rocky. He hasn't decided yet, but he knows whatever he chooses, he's going to be supported in it.
Aisha Campbell;
While Aisha acknowledges Tommy as the leader, she doesn’t let him get away with shit. Uniquely while Kat and Kim and Trini didn’t either, Aisha and Tommy had just enough of a rivalry together that Tommy couldn’t quite dare to pull some things around Aisha. Aisha came after the whole “villain Tommy” and just knew him as the himbo dork who loved his friends and being a power ranger.
They never got married, but they do have kids together. Mostly they live with their lives revolving around each other and their kids, but never quite together together. Aisha didn’t think she could be whatever Tommy was looking for and Tommy knew he wasn’t that for Aisha either. But, they liked each other enough for kids, and they’re still good friends. It’s fairly amicable and flexible. They have twin daughters, Fillipa and Lucinda Campbell, aged sixteen.
Fillipa is older by eight hours. She’s into sword-dancing and gymnastics. Friendly to everyone, but doesn’t let anyone walk over her. Fillipa is the school class president, and helped set up a other species welcoming committee into the school. Other variations of humans, aliens, mutants, magical species, even androids, are welcomed and the committee helps incorporate them into the school into friend groups to encourage fellow classmates and teachers to treat these new classmates as normal people. It’s an uphill battle, but she thinks it’s worth it. Her running mate and best friend is a young Tenga queen named Clack, and both of them believe everyone could benefit from a friendship like theirs. It’s been bumpy but it’s somewhat working. At the very least it seems the current ranger team is made up of a wide range of species, and this makes Fillipa very very happy. Not associated with a color but if she were it’d be yellow.
Lucinda Campbell is a rodeo horseback rider, and does the Indian bareback racing and bronco riding. Aisha saw her daughter fall in love with mechanical bucking bronco rides at the mall, looked over at Tommy and went “if I see her as a red ranger later I’m blaming you.” Lucinda isn’t a red ranger.
She’s a green.
Hilariously neither Tommy nor Aisha seem to have realized this yet. Then again, the most green she wears is a green braided bracelet and socks. She loves her sister, and is grateful to her and Clack for being advocates for normalizing species integration, because she couldn’t possibly ask for a better team. They have each other’s backs, cover for each other, take part and enjoy each other’s hobbies, and she loves them all deeply. This is her team.
She’s not supposed to be doing anything with wild horses; she promised her parents not till she was in her 20’s. She’s also got such a skill with them now that if they saw her they’d instantly know she was a ranger. So, this is also a secret. At least good old uncle David’s willing to keep the secret. And offer advise to the team and his nieces when needed.
Adam Park;
They’d been friends since a bit before the transfer, and Tommy was Adam’s leader for years on three or four different ranger teams. There’s a level of trust there you don’t usually get, and they were both black and green rangers in their lives. After Tommy became Dino Thunder Black, and shortly after a divorce between him and Kat, Adam and Tommy started spending more time together. The getting together thing was an accident. Both of them at a Christmas party and then things going from one thing to the next, and Tommy says he’s never felt so at home waking up in someone’s arms.
They have one son together, Isaiah Park. Tommy cashed in on a favor owed by Grace, and soon enough JJ Oliver was trying to figure out where his baby half brother had come from. His opinion was Adam, because he was shorter. It wasn’t until several years later they were able to explain it in a way JJ would understand and accept. But they never let him live the cute story down, to his embarrassment. Given Tommy’s immunity to time fluctuations and manipulations by the Machine Empire, they found out they were living in the same town as Time Force. Tommy was able to complete a doctorate in, to Adam’s perception, a day. Tommy is a lead paleontologist due to this, and Adam works at the museum. However given Tommy being Tommy, there is currently a divorce. Tommy wears his trauma on his sleeve and Adam has given up trying to fix him.
Isaiah Park is sixteen. He’s quiet, thoughtful, and tends to think with his emotions rather than his mind. Lucky, charming, and a natural heartthrob to his school, though he doesn’t seem to notice. Loves music, especially classical, and reading. He hasn’t really thought about being a power ranger, though he wouldn’t say no if he was asked. He was babysat by the Dino Thunder team as a kid, and kidnapped by Mesogog once. All hell broke loose when this happened, and Isaiah’s unsure if he wants to be a ranger when this sort of danger could happen to any of his loved ones. Tommy and Adam are currently in the process of divorce, and Isaiah’s getting used to that idea as well, but it’s nice having JJ to talk to about it.
He has enough to deal with with his dads. They love telling the story of when he was three, they’d go “see you later alligator” and “after awhile Crocodile” and he’d respond, loudly and enthusiastically; “bye bye, froggie!” To this day he’s been unable to get them to stop telling this story to his friends, love interests, and any adult who’d listen. JJ feels the pain. Isaiah is not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. However if he was, it’d be black.
Bobby (last name unknown);
The green candle was used on a group of bullies who’d recently joined Angel Grove as new students from another school by Zedd, and made the Mighty Morphin Dark Rangers. Dark mirrors to the Mighty Morphin team, except for Tommy. Bobby is the Blue Dark Ranger, and as you’d guess, Billy’s bully counterpart. Tommy was meant to be brainwashed and pulled back into the side of evil with the five mind controlled bullies, but didn’t. They freed the five, and the five became better people and stopped being bullies.
However in this version, instead of Justin Stewart becoming the Blue Turbo Ranger, it was Bobby. Bobby was able to convince Zordon not to recruit a child, and Rocky decided he’d rather have Bobby take his place than the eleven year old. Which was well and fine, and suited everyone a bit better given Bobby had some experience with being a ranger anyway.
He and Tommy bonded over their past stints as bullies turned evil rangers turned good people, and it led to sparks flying. Tommy and Kat broke up, and Kat got together with Kim while Tommy got together with Bobby. Twenty years later, Tommy is a professional race car driver and Bobby is his head mechanic. They have one daughter via adoption, Drew Oliver, aged 16.
Drew’s more of a wood working type of person, and prefers working in the wood shop classes at school. She’s interested in doing carpentry professionally, and Bobby and Tommy don’t see why not. It’s a stable job, good paying, and everyone needs a table, door, chair, and the like, and if you can do quality work you’re never going to go out of business. She also does how to’s on YouTube, and there’s a running joke about her dads, especially Tommy, helping or walking through in the background. Anytime someone brings Tommy up, she deflects with “nah, it’s his clone Tom” or “Tommy Oliver breaks cameras just by walking past him. Couldn’t possibly be” or “Tommy Oliver? :0 who’s that?” Tommy thinks this is hilarious, and he’s returned the joke in kind in interviews. Especially when Drew tags along. Not associated with a color.
Kristen (last name unknown);
Tommy’s fate seems to always revolve around pink rangers, and Kristen is no different. Instead of freeing the Dark Rangers, Tommy joined their ranks and quickly got into a relationship with Kristen. They now rule the galaxy with the Dark rangers by their side. They have two kids, a daughter, Katya, aged 24, and a son, Barrett, aged 16.
Katya is the heir apparent to the known universe and a rather spoiled and self confident little princess. In her opinion she is the center of the universe because of course she is. Everyone has always put her and Jaeris first, or died about it. She’s the current Pink Dark ranger and the leader of the team over her brother being the current red (they go through reds…rather quickly). She’s older, she’s smarter, she’s more clever and she’s the prettiest pink ever so of course she’s the leader. She and Spike Skullovitch have a very visceral love hate relationship. It’s explosive, literally. He’s trying to get his parents out of the extensive prisons, and she’s aware he’s a spy and resistance fighter. Her body guard is also actively trying to kill her. They’re very enemies to lovers. This girl considers blowing up meteors and planets a fun past time. Spike wants a raise. Her parents indulge whatever she wants to do because she’s effective at what she’s going to keep the family in control. Again, Spike wants a raise. A huge huge huge raise. At least her little brother seems okay, and he’s been gently working on making Barrett aware that this is very very wrong, and convince him to become better. Because Katya loves her brother. So, redeem the brother, redeem the sister. And maybe save the universe in the process. If Spike doesn’t get turned in by a bored Katya first.
Barrett isn’t really excited to be a red ranger. There’s been ten since Aster turned sixteen, and while he doubts she’d cause his death, she’s more protective of him than anyone else, it’s everyone else on the team he doesn’t trust. Bobby is the last member of the original team, and their parents’ advisor. He keeps everyone in check and Barrett somehow trusts him least. The first Red Dark Ranger was Bobby’s best friend and now he’s dead, after all. Or at the very least, presumed missing. Plus, Barrett likes his sister’s new babysitter body guard Spike and Spike’s really nice to him. Through Spike he realized he likes model space craft and building ships in bottles. Through Spike he was introduced to underground fighting (by accident), and found out about the darker aspects of the empire. Spike makes him question everything, but Barrett has to be careful. He’s a prince, sure, but he’s more expendable than his sister. He’s not the heir apparent, after all. He’s careful around his sister, but he knows she’s got his back. He just has to lead her to the obvious conclusion; overthrow their parents and Bobby.
Zack Taylor;
Tommy is an airhead, and very hard to convince he’s being flirted with. Kimberly, for months, tried to flirt with her new teammate, and eventually moved on because it just didn’t connect in Tommy’s head. He misunderstood Zack trying to explain it to him as Zack flirting, which made a little bit of a mess, but once it was sorted out Kimberly was dating someone else, and Tommy and Zack realized they did like each other. So they started dating, although there was some hurt feelings between themselves and Kim for a long while. Unfortunately, shortly after they successfully adopted a four year old, Tommy disappeared.
Eighteen years later, Landon Taylor works at Promethea as a systems programmer intern. It’s the closest to Tommy and Zack’s old work that Landon can get. Zack doesn’t want him any closer, and Billy, now CEO of Promethea, takes care of his old friends’ son. Landon admires Promethea and power rangers immensely. He wants to help them by any means he possibly can, and he does so to the best of his ability.
Nothing has come of years of searching for Tommy, and vice president Zack Taylor has proposed several amendments to help protect the teenagers that become rangers. He knows better than to make it illegal for teens and young adults to be rangers like some propose, but he also knows there needs to be suitable protective safety nets just in case. He’s proud of Landon, who’s helping program these safety nets, and he’s proud of the current rangers.
Trini Kwan;
During the incident where Zedd was twisting a neighbor girl of Trini’s into an evil princess on a magic island, Tommy went to help the girl, confident in Trini’s promise; she’d undo the spell on both of them and save them. When the spell took effect, Zedd was true to his word snd released the other teammates, and the evil duo of Green and Lavender debuted. “Prince Tommy” remembered little but the promise of Trini’s. He and the girl, Hallie, killed Drakkon and terraformed the planet into a nightmarish land of fairytale places. Treacherous mountains, terrifying forests, murderous deserts. Razing cities in their wake, making the planet in the image of Hallie’s twisted obsession. It’s not too different than it was, except that the different biomes don’t encourage cities very much. Each region now sentient to an extent. And willing to punish humanity for city building.
Trini and Tommy entered a strange adversarial relationship. Tommy’s obsession with Trini reaching a fever pitch after a few years. The promise and the hatred of fairytales he has twisting into an odd association with Trini. His saving grace, even if he can’t remember what from . They did have a few nights were no fights took place, and they have two kids, with “Prince Tommy” none the wiser that his “Huntress” often has their kids in tow. Bolin and Su are 16 and 14 respectively. Bolin knows who Tommy is to them, Su does not.
Bolin’s been raised his entire life with the resistance and the sole mission of finding the dumpster Rita’s still stuck in, or some other mystic who’d know how to undo the Venus Island spell. He learned about Tommy being his dad two years ago, after meeting David. It didn’t take a lot to put the pieces together with how much David looks like them and Bolin having never seen David’s brother without his helmet until Tommy confronted David and Trini, where he put Trini under a spell. Up till that point Trini co-parented them with Skull and Bulk, and Bolin likes Skull and Bulk as parents and mentors. An adept marksman with throwing knives. Skilled at potion making, and doesn’t know how to feel about Tommy and Hallie. Yes, it’s a spell, but…well. How many times can one take being nearly murdered by maddened tyrants. Considering joining the tyrant prince and princess’s ranks with Bulk to see if he can’t save them…if he can kill them. He’s not currently associated with a color, but he will be a Mastodon Knight, when he’s undercover. Bulk’s his captain and they’re both doing their best. Trini doesn’t approve when this happens, however when she becomes Tommy’s Power Huntress and right hand, it’s not really up to her.
Su is very much a product of her environment. She wasn’t born before nightmare fairytale world, and she can’t imagine anything else. Her logic hinges on magic, and people she knows. Bartering and being kind and clever and very very good with figuring out how to fight with limited space. She doesn’t get why her brother’s been so moody the last two years, and has been traveling with David and Billy to spread the word about Zack and Kim, who both died fighting Tommy, and try to figure out how to undo everything. She’s not sure if she wants to, this version of the world is all she knows but…it would be cool to meet Rita. A real live wicked witch? You don’t see one of those every day. She assumes Richie, who Tommy tortured and killed very early in hers and Bolin’s lives, is her dad. Is more and more motivated to get the curse on Tommy and Hallie broken in any case, just to get her mom, brother, and honorary uncle back. She misses them. Not associated with a color, nor is she going to be a knight of any sort. If she was, it’d be white.
Stan Skullovitch;
Tommy didn’t know Skull even had a brother till Tommy was well into his 20’s and working as a teacher at a high school. Stan had gotten a job as the school’s band teacher, and thought it was a bit hilarious, if annoying, when Tommy found out and wouldn’t stop freaking out. Tommy actually got a little bit shy once he realized, mostly due to his friendship and past with Skull.
Tommy’s ranger students and mentees were the group that set them up, much to Stan and Tommy’s general chagrin. It was on Valentine’s, too. To Stan’s annoyance and Skull’s glee, Tommy called him to double check this was fine. Stan has, over twenty years later, yet to live this down. Tommy and Stan have two kids, a daughter from a fling Stan had years ago. Her name is Kimmie, or K, and she’s 21. Their second kid is a mutant animal human hybrid Elsa decided to make to taunt Tommy at the expense Stan. Jurian is a flying squirrel human hybrid and he is seventeen.
K is too smart for her own good, and far too fascinated with the tech and old thwarted plans of Mesogog and Elsa. Tommy’s lowkey panicking and trying to keep her away from making a huge mistake. She’s going to go too far and he doesn’t know how to protect her from doing that. Stan’s more laidback; she’s gotten interested in dangerous ideas, explored through investigation and backed away from it on her own. He can tell this is similar, but Tommy’s panic is doing the opposite and making her more curious. She is however redirecting it to a different idea; research into possible ties to the aliens and magical creatures with hybrid like features. She is Dino Thunder purple.
Jurian is a little bit of a recluse-on earth-however, he goes to school in space, and usually is purposefully vague about his heritage, as it’s easier to let people assume he’s a human/alien hybrid of some kind rather than a science experiment made specifically to try to hurt his parents. He’s aware it backfired, he’s glad it backfired, he loves his parents but still. He only exists because of someone’s idea of revenge. It doesn’t help K is a little too interested in the concept and he knows she’s coming from a good place but it’s a bit hurtful.
He is active and does have friends, though they don’t know the full story about him. Has a possible boyfriend. Is not associated with a color.
Anton Mercer/Mesogog;
An incident with Mesogog resulted in a baby with their dna and the dna of the prehistoric chicken, Jianianhualong tengi. The kid is an odd and very intelligent twenty year old now. Tommy, during the incident, was also fused with raptor dna. Avian can’t get a straight answer if Tommy, who’s been trained to be a faithful mate of Mesogog, laid an egg. Avian knows it came from an egg but if this was made via science or physically laid, is unknown. And to be honest, Avian doesn’t really want to think too hard about it.
Avian Mercer is non-gender. Avian doesn’t feel like there’s a gender there at all. Avian’s presentation can be pretty broad as well. Feathered and scaled among their normal hair and skin, reptilian eyes, winglike arms with claws, it’s definitely a striking look. However it can vary from more feminine to masculine to indeterminate either way. While Tommy became reprogrammed to being Mesogog’s, he managed to convince Mesogog to free Anton and wait until Avian was a suitable age to conquer the world. Avian escaped at sixteen, and has been trying to head off the inevitable fully since.
Alternate au. Anton and Tommy had a thing going on before this all started, and it restarted after Tommy was able to trick Mesogog and save Anton. However this wasn’t before he became half dinosaur and Avian was born. Avian and Trent share a mild sibling rivalry, given there’s a sixteen year age difference between them. In a lot of ways Trent acts as a parental figure to his sibling, but is also fun big brother when it counts. Trent is an animator and has let Avian tag along to his job more than once to watch (with permission from his bosses). Avian is not associated with a color in any reality.
Tommy when he met Delphine properly again as an adult, immediately hit it off with her. Rocky took Tommy’s place as Red Zeo Ranger, and Billy was able to take his place as Blue Zeo Ranger as Tommy left to be with Delphine while remaining white ranger. He comes back often to help his friends, it’s like he’s barely gone, really.
Their child Nautilus is non-binary and 21 years old. They are Aquitar’s white ranger like their mom before them. Don’t spend a lot of time on earth but they do have a slight rebellious streak and are dating a mermaid pirate queen. She’s a great ally anyway, and a great source of information, although their team and friends fully tease them about the heavy heavy flirting between themself and pirate queen Sylvia. Out of the box thinker, extremely dramatic, clever, sarcastic and nice. They like doing their job but they will not do it within “proper parameters” malicious compliance with rules, and they’re having fun with it. Some people hate them, some adore them, but it doesn’t matter. They’re doing good.
They reconnected in Forever Red, and bonded. Aurico left Aquitar to be with Tommy, and they live in a harbor and beach town for Aurico. They’ve befriended the supernatural sea life over the years. They have a twelve year old adoptive amphibious humanoid son Wave. Aurico was trying to save a met family, and he could only save the small child. Tommy struggles a little with the needs of his partner and kid, but he’s doing his best and he loves them.
Wave’s been to Aquitar a few times, and thrives with his parents both in the sea town on earth and on Aquitar. Music enthusiast, his favorite singers are whales. He’s closer to Aurico than he is Tommy, but it’s fine. Tommy gets it. He can’t share some of Wave’s life, Aurico can. He can just be there on the pier at the end of the day to welcome them home. Wave is not associated with a color but if he were it would be black.
Tommy adopted Dulcea’s daughter Demelza. The woman had given up her human form to help them, and had given up her life to have a child. Tommy was given an infant by a dying Dulcea, and told she was joining the father in the afterlife but wanted to give the daughter a good life. She chose Tommy to be the best candidate. At the time Tommy was 25, single, no job, and dealing with the concept of having peaked at seventeen. But, he made a promise he’d give Demelza a good life, and as he’s a man of his word, proceeded to put in the work to make his life better so he could make hers the best possible.
Demelza is 22, an owl shifter like her mother, and is manager to a paint your own pottery place not far from where she and her dad currently live. Due to economy, she lives at home with him but she’s got a steady partner, and they love her, a job she enjoys, and friends and family she adores deeply. It’s not a grand life, but it’s a good life. Not associate with a color
Marleau Eskin;
Tommy didn’t meet the rangers first at school, he met Marleau. He fell into a highschool dating to married pipeline. He doesn’t hate his wife but he certainly doesn’t love her either. They have hobbies and jobs that keep them from spending more time than they need to together, but when they do it’s amicable. They have one daughter, Larissa. She is 16 and a little bit of an ice queen.
She’s rich, she knows it, she’s also got the smarts and skills to prove anyone who tries to claim she uses money to get her positions wrong. Larissa hasn’t got time for friends, or more accurately asskissers who like her money and familial influence, not her. A cheerleader, head of debate team, and slated to be the valedictorian of her graduating class. On top of all that she also donates and volunteers at the shelters and soup kitchens. This looks good on her resumes for colleges yes but she also genuinely enjoys it. Tommy’s trying to get her to loosen up and make some friends. He is at this point ready to throw her into a “will absolutely turn her into a power ranger” situation. It’ll at least give her a premade friend group to bond with. He’s like 95% sure she’s going to be some sort of red ranger. He’s not wrong. At 21 she’ll volunteer as a summer camp counselor and will end up with five other counselors as a power ranger, and yes, she is red. To her utter annoyance but it does give her a girlfriend, a yellow. She just hates admitting Tommy is right.
Trey of Triforia;
Tommy and Trey got very close very fast, with Tommy finding excuses to spend every second he could with Billy and Trey’s Id Ego and Superego in the command center. They started officially dating during a break with Kat. However, Trey died before he could be healed and although it took a few years to get to it, even though they’d discussed it, Tommy eventually used his and Trey’s DNA to have a son, Halsey. Halsey is currently aged 17 and currently living Triforia with his extended family.
He had to beg and plead for Tommy to let him, and after a very long time of thinking about it Tommy broke down and let Halsey go to Triforia. Halsey finds it very difficult to stay as one person, and often works in tandem with his id, ego, and super ego. It’s just easier for him. As such he typically exhibits three opinions and minds and feelings about any given thing, but his main overlying personality traits are; caution, curiosity, and an inherent distrust of authority. Also dramatics. Why walk when you can somersault type dramatics. As far as most humans are concerned he’s triplets; but his extended Triforan family are also concerned he has difficulty controlling it. He has a second cousin who is currently acting queen. And he enjoys spending time with her and talking to her about things. Also having the time of his life exploring the cities and culture. He does miss Earth, and is open to sharing aspects of it with the Triforan royal family. He does spend the holidays on earth, with Tommy. Although Halsey loves Tommy, and knows Tommy was just being protective, he feels like he’s missed out on a lot not having done this to begin with. It’s also weird knowing in the abstract his parent he never met was a prince and seeing what that means for himself. He’s not associated with a color. However, he is gold compatible and should his cousin need to, she’s named him as her heir for the throne and for zeo gold.
Tommy and Richie rarely saw eye to eye when they talked, in the rare times they interacted. Richie was more of a lawful pacifist with eyes for Trini and Tommy was of course a chaos magnet who was obsessed with Kim. Eventually it was revealed Richie was the white ranger, and Tommy was insanely jealous of him. And annoyed the “pacifist” was an incredibly skilled fighter. However when Richie was nearly killed and Tommy took over as white ranger…things got heated in a different way, and quickly. There was a lot of off and on dating, as intense as anything between two true opposites can be.
Richie owns Ernie’s now, and Tommy is a karate teacher there. They have one son, adopted, named Benji Oliver, and JJ. JJ was an accident between Tommy and Kat, a little before Tommy and Richie got together permanently.
Benji was adopted when JJ was four, and Benji was six. JJ is 27 now and Benji is 29. JJ is a recruit in SPD Academy, while Benji is currently…a lot less legal. And a white ranger. As usual, chaos and order are rivals with an intense relationship. However, this relationship is now sibling rather than romantic, and nobody likes getting between the two when they get into an argument; which is often.
Tommy and Richie have had to physically pull their sons apart more than once, and JJ would sometimes need to go stay with his mom to cool off when they were teenagers. It’s not that Benji and JJ don’t care about each other but it’s so easy to get lost in the wildly different ideals and debate to enragement.
Benji Oliver is a hacker and investigator. He isn’t afraid to call anyone and everyone out or expose them. He’s also stolen things from museums and given them back to the people whose culture it was stolen from. He’s not afraid to join villains to achieve noble ends, and that’s where he and JJ clash. The irony is everyone says JJ is more like Richie personality wise and Benji more like Tommy.
Parents plead the fifth; they have enough to deal with keeping the two from destroying the house on the holidays, please don’t make them think about who’s more like who. The only times of the year Benji is allowed in the country is the holidays. They just want some peace, please.
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marchdancer · 16 days
So somehow the whole story got a bit out of hand. After I reworked Kayra a bit with Picrew(I based myself on the beautiful picture of @tired-reader-writer and changed her eyes and hair and why is her hair so difficult???a bit to make her earring stand out better. I also changed the design of this one again.) I decided to make another OC or to finally give them a face (I will probably rework them again but for now I am very happy).
The first one is Amalia. She is also a slave in Shapur's household and Kayra's best friend since childhood. She was born into slavery and knows no other life outside of slavery. She is a rather quiet person and carries out her tasks conscientiously and properly. She can become very strict if tasks are left undone or not completed immediately. Over the years she has worked her way up to the position of housekeeper (is that what you call it?) and is now basically the boss of all the slaves. She married another slave from Shapur's household and together they have a daughter.
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The next one is Nasha, Amalias daughter and nine years old. She is a complete tomboy and is always giving her mother a headache because she rarely behaves like a young girl and certainly not like a slave. She loves her mother's stories about Kayra and idolizes her (so it's no wonder she's temperamental). Even though she doesn't know Kayra personally, she is her biggest fan and hopes to be able to travel with her someday. She loves Shapur and Isfan and keeps trying to persuade them to take her hunting (after all, she made Shapur promise that she could go with her when she turns 13). She will play an important role in the story.
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The next one is Ashina (the name means the she-wolve). In my AU she is Isfans mother and for Kayra like a substitute mother after she lost her own. I tried to give her a few characteristics of Isfan, like the color of her eyes and hair. I have to say that I'm pretty happy with how Ashina turned out. I think she radiates something simple and yet beautiful and motherly, just like I imagined Isfan's mother would be. Of course, that's my idea and everyone can have their own and implement it. That's the great thing about fictional characters.
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The next one in the list is Yamin. His name means the just. Unfortunately, he will play a tragic role in the story and will encounter betrayal. Even if, from his perspective, it is justice. I don't want to give too much away here, just that he is also a slave in Shapur's household and is two years older than Kayra and was or still is in love with her. Just like Amalia, he was born into slavery and worked his way up under Shapur and now holds a high position within the household, which has also allowed him to ally himself with the Lusitanians. But as I said, I don't want to give too much away.
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The next one is Lady Ziva! Dhe is Shapurs mother and I try to make her a little bit dark and I think she has something witchy about her. She looks beautiful but I try to put a lot of jewelry on her to show that she is more the material type and I think when I look at her and then at Ashina I think they are two sides of a medal.
Both beautiful women but Ashina is more natural, she has more lightness. Ziva on the other hand has some dark aura around her something heavy. (Don’t know if this makes sense).
I am not quite sure with her eye color. For now I decided to gave her the eye color similar to Shapur.
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So the next one is Shapurs grandmother Halima. Her name means the gentle/the friendly one and that was her nature too. She was the exact opposite of her daughter-in-law and her youngest son. In my AU, Shapur inherited most of his traits from his grandmother, in addition to some of his uncle's characteristics. He also had the closest relationship with her. She was his confidante and advisor. She was the good soul of the house and was also friendly and respectful towards the slaves. She immediately took Kayra into her heart and immediately recognized that she was different from the others and made sure that she received a good education.
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And the Last one is Lord Mert and he is Shapurs and Isfans uncle and the older brother of Lord Shapurs father. He was an commander under King Osroes and also Shapurs and Kunards teacher. Sadly he died really early when Misr try to invade Pars. He was a very good and cheerful person but also very cheeky. He didn’t get the chance to meet Isfan but he loves Shapur as if it was his own son. He never married and so after his and his brothers death Shapur became the new heir of the family. Also Shapur never really got over his uncle's death, probably because he was closer to him than to his own father and his uncle took better and more loving care of him.
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impostorsshow · 20 days
I'm thinking about my 7 year old oc again
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My "little" rant is below the read more so I don't clog up your feed and there's descriptions for the art with a bit more information in the alt text thingy. I add alt text with personal comments to most of my posts but I saw a post somewhere saying most people don't even realize the feature exists, so I'm just. I'm stating it here it exists I use it
While Jessica was experimented on by an entire institute, there was one main person overseeing the experiment, and that was the guy up there. The original experiment was to see what happened when you combined animal DNA with human DNA, since in this fake world genetic science is a bit farther than ours today, and this particular facility had successfully given animals different attributes, such as a rat gills and and chicken a tail like that of a cat. Despite both those creatures dying within hours, this corrupt motherfucker decided to try and get a human subject, and Jessica's family needed the money. Thankfully, not only did the test of giving her dog dna [idfk I'm a cat person give me a break on the breeds] worked, it turned out she was much harder to kill, and had not grown as expected from a 14 year old girl who's going through puberty and in turn growth spurts.
Anyway yada yada she broke out find out she's immortal whatever. Other notes :
She has a brother. I forgot his name but he did have a name, and was later submitted to the facility before her family found out she was missing at the age of 19 and survived, but he gained a compromised immune system and I might give him mobility aids. His color scheme is mainly green and yellow and I always think of those aesthetic pictures of the shoreline when I think of him. Jessica meeting her brother [now technically 23] is a very big help to her recovery, and while her brother is accepted and loved in their home town, Jessica can't bring herself to come back and usually asks him to visit her on the edge of town or at her house, usually bringing along friends. Eventually the main scientist dies by her hands and she covers it up ["cmon gromit, we have to hide the body! There's not cheese and crackers in hell, gromit!" /ref], and a few years later the facility is shut down due to malpractice and Jessica slowly starts to actually visit the town and her parents. They never have the same relationship they used to, but her parents are just happy she's safe and sound and being taken care of.
Jessica will eventually outlive Flora and inherit her belongings, as Flora lived alone her entire life, her photography career and later Jessica being more than enough to make her happy. Jess would start managing her social media when she got older, and never had the heart to delete anything, inviting her distant family to the funeral and arranging for her to be buried in the woods near her home. She's still visibly 14, and would simply live later with her brother in Floras old home and take care of it the best she could. Her story is about moving forward, and as such, you could say she has an infinite epilogue, rather than my other ocs who never get an ending, and the ones that do are frozen at the very end of it, not meant to go any further.
Jessica isnt meant to be aroace, but I heavily imply it because her never aging causes complications, and this isn't really a vampire example. She and her brother are the only one of their kind, and her brother is still destined to fall at some point, aging slowed dramatically rather than completely stopped. I used to consider giving her a love interest for hours on end, but eventually her being 14 would interrupt it and I just gave up. Flora however, is aroace, sex adverse and is the reason she chose the lifestyle she did.
Speaking of Flora, dispite living in the middle of nowhere in the woods, she's quite the extrovert. She loves nature, and used to be a wildlife ranger before her photography career took off, and often travels around the world to capture wildlife. When she found Jessica and found out she had run away from home, and didn't ask any questions after until they had more trust built up between them, simply providing shelter and care that eventually became a permanent roommate situation. She slowly worked up to taking jobs around the world again, but now that Flora had someone to come back home to, she booked her flights to make sure she could be home as much as possible. I think if Jessica was a normal girl and somehow found her way to Flora, they would spend weeks in Paris and Britain together, Flora never leaving Jessica behind on her trips. Unfortunately, werewolf science experiments would never get past TSA.
I don't know if I've ever said this but hey I'll say it again she used to have actual wolf dna, hence werewolf, hence Jessica Winterwolf, but I learned to draw wolf ears from gacha life and I genuinely didn't know what to do about it and couldn't think of another way of drawing them without them looking like cat ears, so I just made them floppy like a pug. Also Winterwolf is because winter is Jessica's favorite season.
Similarly with Jessica's ears originally being gacha life, I actually conceptualized her fully for the first time with a designed I liked in there, and one of the bits that stuck was the fact that she has crescent shaped pupils that are a lavender shade.
Her existence was heavily inspired by a series named "Harrowed Past" which has now been taken down by the creator, but the characters still live on, you can probably find it if you search up "pip and twitch thedragonhat" which I think is who made it?? Oh well I'll edit the post later if I'm wrong. Twitch was actually the first piece of art/fanart I ever made with the purpose of getting better at art, and I really wish i still had it, but I can't even find a picture i took of it or anything. Unfortunately, the character is really hard to find since his name is shared with the giant streaming site Twitch. I haven't watched the guys stuff in a long while but I think he uses twitch as his main vtuber for streaming nowadays which is cool.
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rocky-the-rockstar · 8 months
🥤 🧅🍉For Pinku
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The simplest way I can describe Pinks relationship with his mother is "it was great until it wasn't" Basically Pink's mother was his everything, his role model, his support system, his cheerleader. They had a great relationship. But in his teen years, due to his father leaving, she fell into severe depression and became very cold and neglectful, and she rarely left her room. With the older siblings working jobs to feed them, this left Pink to take care of the younger siblings almost entirely on his own. He did all the cooking and cleaning etc etc. He never held any resentment towards his mother and felt bad for her, even now he doesn't blame her for how she treated them in those years and will deny that she was ever neglectful. "She never meant to, it wasn't her fault"
Speaking of his father. Fuck that guy!! He was very abusive to both Pink and his mother, until one day he just didn't come home. Pinks father at the time of Pink knowing him was a semi successful business owner, he was rarely home and when he was it was expected to not bother him. After he left he would go on to become more rich and successful. However bro does die and leaves a good chunk of money to his wife, who moves to the city to be less isolated, leaving the farmhouse to Pink.
As for non biological???
I'm definitely gonna say Cupid's mother. Cupid's mother was good friends with Pink's and tried to do all for Pink that she couldn't. If things were really bad at home, Pink would get sent to "have a sleepover" with them for a few days. She bought him birthday and Christmas presents, she fed him and sent him home with food. He would make gifts for her in exchange. This all happened while he was a child and he was mostly oblivious to the fact that what was going on at home wasn't normal and that he was being sent away, not for fun silly times with Cupid, but to get him away from the house. He could see that Cupid's home life was very different from his, but he just assumed it was cuz besties rich. Obviously once Cupid turned on Pink he lost both his contact with Cupid's mother and the safe space at their home.
I'm also gonna say @kissingonclouds oc Dimitry, who was Pink's highschool Medical Biology teacher. He checked in on Pink best he could and let him rest in the teachers lounge, giving him tea and telling him stories. (I'd also include Father Evangeline in this for similar reasons, but to a lesser extent since Pink pulled away from him once the bullying got really bad due to the fact he's related to Cupid)
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When faced with triggering or even just rude/mean comments, Pink tends to close off, get cold and blunt. Talking to upset Pink is like talking to a brick wall, more likely to boil into slight aggression than tears. However if faced with behavior, speaking patterns, visual similarities, or even scents that remind him of Cupid, he may spiral to the point of tears. At first he may just get tense and defensive, he's very quick to accuse whoever is stirring up those memories of being our to hurt him. But in a confused frustration, and guilt of lashing out, he usually starts crying shortly after. During these periods his behavior makes no sense to most people so it's hard to say who knows of this. I'd say Hobo probably has at least some idea.
And on a more wholesome note it is INSANELY easy to make Pink cry from affection or words of affirmation. Like much MUCH easier than making him cry upset tears. You could hug this guy and he'd be a sobbing mess. Told him you're proud of him??? That you love him??? Yeah bros on the ground in a puddle of his own tears.
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That he still cares for Cupid, that deep down subconsciously he still sees him as his best friend, that despite it being triggering he actively seeks out anything to remind him of him. He has one of his posters, he listens to his music.
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amyrafiercebladeartz · 2 months
3 5 7 and 8 for the httyd ask game 👀
3: Did you play School of Dragon? If so, what dragon(s) did you have?
Sadly, I did not get to play SoD. I wanted to but every time I tried making an account, I could never load the game. Probably a mixture of bad internet connection and a PoS mobile device, but still.
5: What type of dragon do you think best matches your personality?
Terrible Terror or Night Terror, maybe a Smothering Smokebreath. I'm a goblin menace that will snatch food and trinkets but if you feed me and treat me nice I'll curl up beside you and purr. I've also a tendency to get a little more than confused and I will naturally find myself in trouble with the bigger ones around me.
I also work best with a pack of my own kind >:]
8: Who are your favourite characters? Why?
Viggo Grimborn is top httyd favorite. He's savvy, malicious, and charming to the point where I want to simultaneously give him all of my possessions and devotion and punch him repeatedly in the face.
Second favorite, Snotlout, actually. He's got self esteem issues and the man can sew. He's a dumbass but his heart's usually in the right place. He also wrote a book, sang songs to a baby Deathsong, and has a crack sense of humor, even if it's not fitting for the moment. He also has a very poor relationship with his father (myself to my mother) that, if taken in a serious direction instead of the lighthearted one in the shows, would've been a serious issue psa about mental issues and the problems of a bad parent.
Third, Tuffnut. He's just goober and I live for that.
7: Do you have any OCs? If so, talk about their appearance, backstories, and personalities.
You made a serious mistake. I have quite a few OCs for HTTYD alone.
First and Foremost, I'll introduce my namesake, Amyra Fierceblade.
Amyra Fierceblade has been my httyd sona for a long time, my second oldest httyd oc in fact. She and Shadowstrike (who I'll talk about in a minute) were my first two httyd ocs. She is 6'1" (myself standing at a lofty 5'3") and has dark raven hair with deep green eyes. She's snarky, quick witted and rather obsessive with anyone she considers her friend... in a not so good way. She has always had connections with Viggo Grimborn (ofc, my favorite character), and in fact was written as a (very poorly thought out) chief daughter who had a mutual crush on Viggo. Over time, I changed her and her story around so that she went from concerned housewife to rebellious heir and eventually I settled on making her an orphan rascal who stays in the woods, her relation with Viggo going from wife to close friend. They met as teens, Amyra a year older than Viggo, when she threw Ryker into a snowbank because she didn't like his attitude. There's a lot more to this that I'm writing out in my Fanfic Lifeline, but for now I'll just go into further detail lol. Over time Viggo and her grew close, close enough that Viggo ran away to try living in the woods with her, though that didn't last long as Amyra got yoinked by a Razorwhip. She survived, but lived for many years away from most other people, only interacting with them as a sort of "highway" bandit. She does have a dragon, a Deadly Nadder named Shadowstrike, who saved her life from the razorwhip and stayed with her since.
Amyra is ab 37 years old during the events of RttE.
Amyra started as a kind of self insert, though she's changed a lot and now she's just a fun character with a lot of bad traits. Such as possessiveness. In a bad way. That might get explained later though, far far far in LifeLine.
Shadowstrike is a Deadly Nadder and my first httyd OC. She is black and red, a few scars on her but not many. Originally, she could talk, but I've kinda devolved that to be more annoying parroting than conversationalist. She likes hair, dragon root arrows, and stealing various objects from anyone and anything. The softer or the shinier, the better.
Kindorobo is a Speed Stinger oc of mine, orange and green with black stripes. I don't have much about him but he likes to terrorize a local village for gold trinkets and stuff, adorning himself with them. He's a weird fella lol.
Arcane is a Titanwing Bewilderbeast oc, black with red and orange markings. He's chill for the most part, and really doesn't mind other Bewilderbeasts in his presence as long as they don't harass him or his group of dragons. However if he is harassed and there's no stopping this dragon, he will kick some ass. He's had no human encounters so far, since he lives further north than the archipelago, almost to the arctic circle.
Dead Chance is a Light Fury Deathsong hybrid that absolutely hates anything and will kill on sight. There's a lot more to it than just murder happy, she actually has a lot of anxiety and paranoia and found the best way of keeping herself "safe" (it's really not-) is by attacking first, asking questions never. I also wanna work on her a bit but I don't really get the time to.
Clairvoyance is another Bewilderbeast OC, she's much smaller though and has a human companion. She's actually been with several human ocs but I finally decided to add her with Lyra, who I'll talk ab in a minute. Clair doesn't quite have the alpha ability, though she is protective of her human and the night terrors (I'll explain in a minute) she lives with.
Lyra is a teen kid who got adopted by a flock of Night Terrors when she was about five. She also found and helped take care of Clairvoyance. I do not have much more information than that, sadly, but maybe I'll fix that.
Biter is a White Night Terror that's missing a hind leg and is also partially blind. He was mistreated by Dragon Hunters and so he a horrible attitude to anything around him. In a couple of my post-rtte Viggo AUs, he's a companion animal of sorts, sticking with Viggo after he saved him. Of course, that doesn't save Viggo from getting bit by him, hence the name.
Truth is a White (and I say white instead of albino because he's not albino but he is white colored) Night Fury with black markings that stays to himself for the most part. He's also anxious, and tends to flee rather than face conflict. I also need to work on him as well-
Marcus Seinneadair is a prince from a smaller kingdom, mostly agricultural in trade. He's the middle child of three, his father being a decent ruler in most aspects. He's got blue eyes, dark brown hair and he also wears a couple earrings in his left ear. He likes to help people, often going out of his way to help the villages after storms and such, finding survivors, repairing houses and ships and more. He isn't really interested in being an heir to a throne so much as he wants to bring a betterness to the world around him. He also has a severe crush on Viggo Grimborn, who is actually a close friend of his and ally to his father's kingdom. Marcus is also one of the few people that Viggo will let his guard down around. He's also the only Christian oc I have or ever will have and I can tell you that he's (THANKFULLY) not oppressive about it. He learned of the religion from a trader and decided that it wasn't actually that bad of an idea, promoting kindness and treating others with how he'd want to be treated. He isn't sure about the whole "do good and you'll go to heaven!" idea, but he doesn't mind doing good for others just because. There's SOOO much more to this guy but yeah, that's some of it.
Mikael is an OC who I don't like. He's a dragon hunter, but not affiliated with the Grimborns or the Northern Alliance. He has an unrequited crush on Marcus (turned bitter after he rejected him) and spends most his time pouting while hunting. I don't have much more for him.
Alsor, Whose Grim Wrath was Born by Flames is the very very very very distant ancestor of the Grimborns, and also the first human to start the Dragon Hunters. He was given the title by his fighting skills against the dragons (explained in a hot minute below).
And finally, a couple of ocs that I like throwing into the HTTYD world but are perfectly capable of being in their own story. These guys do have magic (lore related, would LOVE to explain) and there are mentions of injuries for Phantom's part.
Teeth Whom Gnash Sharply Upon Her Foes, or Gnash, is a Windripper oc of mine, and the first one. Windrippers are my fanspecies of dragon, which I'd GLADLY go into detail (I have a whole Google document including everything from society and religion[orginal!] to dragon growth and such on-). Gnash is a medium to dark grey dragon with a slightly off-white mane, golden horns and dark green eyes. She is stoic but kind, a warrior of honor. She prefers to be logical, though she is very capable of brute strength if she decides. She was Phantom's partner and her general against fighting humans, that is, until Gnash realised the reason for the fighting was wrong and unethical, and wanted to try to stop it (That is a whole ass explanation). She eventually helped the people fighting Phantom to entrap her, keeping her and the world safe from her actions. Gnash mourns her partner, but she does not want to free a conqueror.
And Finally.
Phantom of the Moonlit Mists, or Phantom, is another WindRipper, with dark, semi transparent scales, green horns and claws, and multicolored eyes (Pink and blue irises, black scleras and white pupils). She is cunning and quick witted, in tune with both her emotions and her logic. She hatched prematurely after her egg was damaged by a human trying to kill her and her siblings, born with a permanent jaw deformation/scarring. She was raised alone by her mother, before being sent with others in her Hive (a pack of WindRippers is called a Hive). She was small, and had a temper to rival a Changewing, which lead to her getting in a lot of fights with other members, except for one. A young Gnash, who was her first and only friend. After several years, Phantom was exiled from her Hive, and eventually she was chased down off a cliff, left to die from her injuries. She was saved by a deity the Windrippers have, the All-Mother respectively, and given the ability to create and weave threads (their form of magic). Phantom and Gnash met up again, and talked about the experience. Eventually, Phantom returned to her old Hive and defeated the previous Queen, taking her place. She still had a fierce grudge against humanity, enough to where she decided to wage an all out war on them for many years, until she was lured into a trap and imprisoned in a statue by Alsor(up above) and Gnash until she can either be redeemed for her actions, or until the blood of the last descendant of Alsor's line is spilled on the stone of her prison itself.
And yes, Phantom has a serious grudge on the Grimborns, to the point where, if she was freed, she would be sadistic towards Viggo in any and all ways possible.
Phantom also has a voice claim! That being GLaDOS, especially from Portal 2 lines (not PotatOS, but just the regular)
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jayteacups · 10 days
hi! 🍒 + 🐞 :)
Hi there dear thank you sm for the questions!! Since you didn't specify which OC I'll do both Nüwa and Odelia. (Also a note - in the future I could do this again when I've further developed some of my other OCs but for now I'm just doing these two as they're the most developed ones I have haha)
The drill is as usual - this post got long and ramble-y so it's under the cut! :))) hopefully stuff makes sense but if you want more context there should be some other posts that should also be tagged similarly to this post!
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
Ooooo this is a good one for both OCs!
I've covered Levi and Nüwa's friendship origins in a couple of other posts but I'll just rehash it again because I love them heheheheheh.
Zheng Nüwa: Levi was her childhood best friend ever since they were around six/seven (they're the same age, she's a month and a half older than him). Her parents managed and worked at Kenny's favourite tavern. The tavern is a cover for their smuggling activities and is a hotspot for information; they are business partners with Kenny. He took Levi there for food and water after taking him from the brothel, which is how he met Nüwa. When Kenny started training him and taking him on jobs, Levi and Nüwa would encounter each other as she'd be apprenticing under her parents, being raised early to take over their trade. They get separated a short time before Bad Boy happens (that event will remain a secret for today lol), and they don't see each other again until they're young adults. At this point in time, Levi has been working with Furlan for a couple of years, and Nüwa has a job at another tavern/gambling den type of establishment. (Her parents have since died, RIP. That's a whole other story haha). Levi and Nüwa rekindle their friendship. There's a lot they like and respect about each other, but the key points are that she admires that he stayed compassionate and empathetic at heart, and his selflessness when it comes to protecting those in need. She also values his honesty and the ways in which his actions speak for himself. (Acts of service is the love language when it comes to these two.) He admires her spirit and her drive, her desire to help the people of the Underground and change how things are done in society. Though he thinks she's being optimistic in that goal, he respects that it's something she works hard towards. Levi also also understands Nüwa has personal stakes in her mission alongside the benevolent reasons; she also wants retribution for the persecutions that drove her family Underground and find out why they happened. The line between justice and personal revenge is very very blurred for her, and he completely gets it, he may be the only one who could ever get it; he doesn't judge her for it, which she greatly appreciates. (And these reasons still hold fast as their feelings shift from platonic to romantic - I do love friends-to-lovers and I will not apologise 😌).
Odelia Kreutz: (Another OC who's paired with Jean!) Most of her friends are in the 104th Cadet Corps, which she is also a part of. She's really good friends with Armin. She admires his natural curiosity and his dream to see the ocean; after her restrictive and abusive childhood she wants to experience everything the world has to offer so that sort of aligns with Armin's motivations, and he understands why she'd want to join the Survey Corps too. I can see her and early seasons Eren having some mutual respect for one another as they had some similarities in some opinions (aka wanting to be free and despising being shackled in any way), though not all (she despises the Rumbling plan and is one of the first to oppose it). She and Reiner were also very friendly pre-S2 and she also had a bit of a puppy crush on him during her cadet days and S1, RIP her heart in S2. She and Jean do have a rivals-to-lovers situation going on, but they do become good friends in the middle of that process as they mature and understand each other's perspectives and accept each other's flaws. I think she does really admire Jean's character growth and that plays a part in her developing feelings.
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
Zheng Nüwa: Nüwa may be passionate about her work but a day without any paperwork in sight would be the absolute dream. No stress, no meetings, no bullshit from snooty nobles. She'd love a cozy, slow morning indoors (she'd probably spend it reading. Or if this is her post-confession then it'll be her and Levi cuddling and more iykwim), then pack for a picnic outside by an idyllic lagoon where she can admire how beautiful nature looks and just decompress, sometimes it's a date (or a 'hangout between friends' if we're talking about early era in-denial-about-her-feelings Nüwa), or she'd invite friends she doesn't get to see often to come. (She is technically an extrovert, but that only applies to people she actually likes. So whilst work can be draining, she thrives off spending time with her loved ones.) Maybe she'll go for a swim to cool off from the summer heat, and stay there until the evening with whoever she has for company, getting tipsy, having heart-to-hearts and enjoying the night sky view. (One of her favourite sites, that grounds her and reminds her she's not in the Underground any more, that she's in a better place).
Odelia Kreutz: A day off from training would be spent with a bit of exercise bright and early in the morning, which she genuinely enjoys (wish I could relate lmao). Because it's a day off from Survey Corps training, she'll do a bit of ballet drills instead, as she has a ballet background before she enlisted in the Cadet Corps. Keeping up the flexibility and agility is vital to the way she fights with her ODM gear, and of course, dancing reminds her of the friends she'd made at the ballet academy as a kid, which was an escape from her toxic home life. Then she'd go out horse-riding for a bit and spend a bit of time in the woods near the barracks, and come back to hang out with her friends from the 104th (when they've all woken up lol). Maybe they decide to go into the neighbouring town and visit the market, she'd like to tag along. She's not particularly wise with money and would probably spend more than she intended (and she'd also feel sort of bad telling the market vendors she isn't interested lol). Oh I think she has a sweet tooth too so she'll indulge in a nice expensive pastry too. Odelia in the latter half of the story would still enjoy all this as her ideal perfect day but instead, make the market trip a cute date with Jean :3 (cue him haggling with some of the vendors because there's no way he's letting them charge her so much, not on his watch! He'd spoil her but doesn't have much savings, so intense haggling it is. and she's so so embarrassed and is profusely apologising for the fuss whilst this is happening 😭 bless them)
Red Emoji OC Asks Game
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cosmic-cd · 5 months
rotating hazel and leon in my mind some more. but also my beloved OC camila and her nerd boyfriend cheren
for context, camila is my OC who replaces hilda/hilbert as the MC for pokemon black & white. she's a pokemon battle loving dork who is upsettingly physically strong. as in, when she disappeared for 2 years while looking for N, she was sparring with her own pokemon. hand to hand combat with a blaziken. basically taking on plasma grunts herself instead of bothering with the formalities of a pokemon battle. she's also hazel's cousin, older by 2 years
a couple years after B2W2 came out, i decided for one reason or another to retire camila- that she'd become champion, she didn't need to do anything else and she could retire.
problem? camila was 16 during the events of B2W2. she's young!!!!! she doesn't need to retire! I'M FIXING THAT. SHE DESERVES BETTER
so now i can spend time thinking about what she, cheren and bianca are up to 10~ years later! especially since at some point camila and cheren started dating for real (and are effectively an old married couple at this point)
since we don't have any new information on cheren and bianca officially.... i'd like to think cheren's moved up from being a teacher at the small trainer school.. maybe a larger school somewhere in unova now? i'll have to think on it, but i'd like to think he's higher up in the pokemon league structure now, but probably is still a gym leader
i'd like to think camila took the initiative post her 2 year trip around the world to ensure ghetsis is out of the picture and neo team plasma is disbanded for good, while helping N and Rood establish the remaining dedicated team plasma members into a more coherent organization dedicated to helping weak and abandoned pokemon
camila, unlike hazel, is a little more comfortable with being in charge and taking on duties, so she works with the pokemon league a lot more and still serves as a representative even though she let go of the champion role officially a long time ago. that saaaid, she's still a fan of running off and having fun instead of being tied down to paperwork (leaving all of it for cheren to do, while she gets to do fun things like wrestle a beartic)
meanwhile bianca's a little more settled, still working on her pokemon professor studies and focusing on like, 5 or 6 different areas because she's still not 100% sure what she'd like to focus on when she finally becomes a fully fledged pokemon professor- she's friends with Sonia, though! she always seems to be interested in a new topic every week... but! she's very knowledgeable, and it comes in handy more often than not- just more in a practical sense, and less a study sense
when they all have free time though, camila's absolutely dedicated to getting the three of them out of unova- whether it's going to champion summits, just tagging along on research trips with bianca, or literally any reason under the sun to go somewhere, she's making an excuse to take her best friends with her <3 (and once in a while picking somewhere romantic to go with cheren)
and, well, that new undersea academy off the unova coast sounds interesting. cheren got a job offer to teach for a semester there... hmmm....
meanwhile uhhhh leon and hazel are holding hands. i dunno. i HAD something i wanted to say but it disappeared out of my brain
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shalpilot · 1 month
Hello! It's been a while since I asked you something
So, i'm not really into ffxiv stuff (like, plot, game itself, etc) but I'm extremely curious about your oc Kiril. Due to this i came up with some questions (they're so basic, because i need to know at least something to ask a proper question)
1. Can we get a lil' bit of Kiril's backstory (other than running away from home). As far as i understood, he ran away with his sister/friend Yesui and something bad happened to her. So, maybe now you can give some extra details on their runaway and her death (if it was death, obviously)?
2. What about Kiril's parents? I didn't get the thing about forehead scales (maybe, it's described in ffxiv wiki or smth, idk) and who were they? Some sort of a ruler? Just soldiers?
3. Not really important but how do you pronounce Kiril and Yesui's names (full, of course)?
So, I'm glad to write again and being eager to wait for your new answers
Probably, if it doesn't bother you, i'd ask more questions in future about Kiril
edit: question one ain’t canon anymore LOLOLOL. yesui still dies in coerthas but it’s related 2 the herectics now. idk how bc I like. just stared heavensward but. we will see.
1) I actually rolled Kiril’s last name and ended up getting one of the tribes with canon lore which is GREAT for me bc it helped me mold his backstory more. I’m not at the part where I actually get to learn about ‘em in-game cuz i only started playing like a month ago but to boil down what I know, the Dotharl tribe believes in reincarnation & as a whole the Xaela- pausing. Kiril is an Au Ra (race), a Xaela Au Ra (black scales; nomadic), and a Dotharl (tribe). hope that makes sense lol. anyways as a whole the Xaela are pretty unwelcoming to outsiders and even Xaela from other tribes. Every year they have a Naadam which is battle where the victor “claims dominion” over the Azim Steppe (homeland) for the year. The Dotharl emphasize not fearing death and not being a fucking pussy
all of that is setup LOL. Anyways, Kiril was born shortly after the death of a notable warrior (also named Kiriltugh) and so he was set on the path of becoming a warrior since essentially day one. thing is, he a.) hated it and b.) was shit at it. he struggled to pick up even the most basic parts of fighting and suffered a lot of berating due to it. at the same time, an older girl in the tribe was making strides and becoming a veritable golden child in the eyes of the adults. that was Yesui! she was incredibly strong for her age and seemed to have a natural gift for battle. but very importantly, she was also understanding of Kiril’s struggles & helped train him even after plenty of other people had declared him a lost cause. eventually though, despite her best efforts (and Kiril’s improvements! turns out a mentor who doesn’t yell at you is a lot more effective) Kiril made up his mind to just. leave. when he told Yesui about his plan, she insisted on coming with him. even with Kiril protesting (you’re doing fine here; don’t ruin your life by coming along!) she wasn’t going to let a 10 year-old leave on his own.
They travel together for an undecided amount of time- left vague so I can update it when i get to later expansions (heehee) until they eventually end up in Coerthas, a snowy region. To my understanding this is pretty fucking far away so I think they must’ve argued their way into an adventuring party or several to make it all that way. they didn’t exactly have a plan; it was just “keep going until we feel like it.”
(a realm reborn spoilers until the next question.)
in Coerthas, things take a pretty sharp nosedive for the two of them and they end up alone and very, very lost. their adventuring party was attacked by a beast tribe and the materials they were carrying were ran off with. They manage to find a cave which offers them a small amount of shelter. Yesui leaves Kiril there while she goes to look for any kind of settlement they might be able to hole up in. she’s gone for ages. and when she comes back, excitedly promising Kiril she’s found someplace safe, she seems… off. she’s holding his hand a little too tight, moving a little too fast. she assures Kiril that where they’re going is safe, warm, and “beautiful”, but the storm raging around them only seems to be getting worse.
…i’m gonna get a little more technical from here because i want to make the rest of this into a comic rather than writing it out.
what’s happened to Yesui is she’s become enthralled by a primal god. Garuda, the resident primal of the region, is in the process of being summoned by the same beast tribe that attacked them, with the items they were transporting (large quantities of crystals). the more followers a primal accrues, the more powerful they become, and something in the region has caught her attention.
so, using Yesui as means to draw him to her, she means to take control of him as well. unbeknownst to either of them, Kiril is under the protection of Hydaelyn, a different (benevolent) goddess who grants Kiril immunity to the thrall of primals. in shielding him, She also ends up shattering the crystals being used in the ritual, causing it to fail. in the ensuing chaos, Kiril escapes with Yesui and manages to find an actual settlement. he begs for help for him and his closest friend- who has remained enthralled even after the disruption of the ritual.
the thing about those who become enthralled is that there is no helping them. what’s more, every follower is another source of strength for a primal.
she cannot be allowed to live.
despite his desperate pleas, despite his promises that she’ll never hurt anyone, Yesui is put to death.
he is far, far from home, and he’s never been more alone in his life.
….then some stuff happens and he becomes an adventurer. i don’t wanna fill in everything just yet, haha.
2.) His mom is a goldsmith and his dad’s a hunter! His mom’s forehead scales are just a trait female Au Ra have. men don’t tend to have as many/any scales there.
3.) Key-rill-too (full name is Kiriltugh) and Yesui is like. yeh-sooey. kinda :?
Kiril doesn’t tend to go by his full name because he feels he hasn’t earned it. this is more so a thing before he saved the entire realm; now it’s more of an affectionate nickname from friends.
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