#and men blaming women for voting democrat and making it a race issue
iceyrukia · 2 months
Growing number of women report being punched on NYC
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The Politics Of Grievance
America is the great democratic experiment. Although, this is getting on for some 250 years now. This nation is in the grip of the politics of grievance. Partisan politics in America is more about hating the other side than particularly loving the side you are voting for. Americans have been encouraged to focus their attention upon their grievances via decades of negative campaigning and attack ads. Demonizing ‘the other’ is the favoured political pastime in the 21C. Identity politics and social values are the main game these days. Economic issues are now seen through this ideological filter. Photo by Sharefaith on Pexels.com
Murdoch, Fox News & Stirring Grievance In America
Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News are merchants of toxic polarization. This network is spewing out lies and fake news 24/7. Every presentation is top heavy in anti-woke content and a right wing bias. Regular viewers are sucked into a spin cycle of libertarian anti-government GOP grievance stoking. Old white men upset at their changing worlds, where heaven forbid minorities are now getting a say. OMG the sky is going to fall in. In this partisan realm complaints about there being too many coloured faces on TV and LGBTQIA folk making too much noise are legion. Uppity women talking about sexual harassment and such like make their viewer’s blood boil – which is the whole idea for Fox. Getting their audience riled up keeps eyeballs on them and advertising rates going up for their revenue.
Popularizing Poisonous Issues For Political Gain
The politics of grievance is all about popularizing these causes for the benefit of candidates and the party. The party promoting these grievances doesn’t need positive policies. They just bang on about how the other side is to blame for the problem. Lefty liberals causing the decay of civilization through their participation in promoting diversity. Homophobes and white supremacists can get on board on this basis. Anti-immigration is a perennial grievance for authoritarian parties to champion. Dog whistling about these foreigners taking American jobs and bringing filth and crime to the neighbourhood. All this stuff is complete BS, of course. America is built on immigration and it has positively contributed to the ongoing growth and success of the nation for centuries. U.S. President Donald Trump at the 101st by U.S. Department of Agriculture is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 Digging Up Discontent & Blaming The Other A goodly portion of Americans are unhappy and discontent with their lot, it seems. They want someone to blame for their current malaise and downward envy is a popular pastime. Race is a major fault line in America with its roots in a little thing called slavery. Inequality between whites and African Americans remains substantial in economic terms across the nation. Segregation in housing and education is wide spread across the United States. Government policies in the post WW2 period cemented and expanded housing segregation. Social housing allowed whites to move out to the suburbs and trapped African Americans in inner city slums. Black families were banned from living in these white housing estates by real estate and developer policies. The wealth created by the increase in value of these suburban properties over decades contributed to the disparity in wealth between ordinary white Americans and black Americans. This is not defacto segregation but socially engineered segregation by the state. African Americans are not poorer because of any character fault but via institutional racism. The white families were helped to buy these houses via GI bills and government welfare. African Americans were locked out of these opportunities and remained renting apartments in the city. Therefore, there was not the family wealth to pass down through the generations for these African Americans. “In 2017, housing policy expert Richard Rothstein wrote and released The Color of Law, which walks the reader through the history of residential segregation in the U.S. The book remained on The New York Times Best Sellers list for four weeks. During that time, Rothstein was continuously asked by readers, “But what can we do to fix this?” He realized he needed to write a sequel.” - (https://southseattleemerald.com/2023/10/31/the-color-of-law-housing-experts-talk-new-book-about-segregation-solution-and-celebrate-fair-housing-law/) Photo by J SWING on Pexels.com White Supremacy In America The white supremacist policies underpinning segregation in housing in America created ghettoes. The lack of racial integration in housing produces uneven social and economic outcomes for the inhabitants. If you bunch all the poorer people in one area you create social problems in those areas. It is then easy to label all black areas as problem areas and to promote that to white America as something to avoid. It is the same with schools. Demonizing black America has been a badge of honour for white supremacists. This then becomes a bone of contention for grievance politics on both sides of the aisle. Photo by Edgar Colomba on Pexels.com The Myth Of The Individual The propaganda promoted by the right idealizes a story about hard working white Americans pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. It is the Ronald Reagan cowboy narrative about the individual crafting his own success. This is a false narrative that omits crucial parts of the real history. Little House On The Prairie stuff which paints government as a bad socialist force when in fact it was the homestead policies which put these folk on the land in the first place. Governments helping their citizens is conveniently left out of the American success stories promulgated by the right. The electrification of regional areas in the US was done by the government as part of the New Deal because the private sector didn’t do it. The market found it unprofitable and so the government stepped in. It is ironic that many of these rural areas are sold hook line and sinker on the anti-government BS. The Internet was developed by the government via investment in R & D over decades and only privatized in the 1990’s by Bill Clinton. The propaganda tells a Silicon Valley story about individual innovators like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Americans have been sold simplistic narratives by the media and by vested interests about much more complex events in the history of the nation. “Most Americans know that before becoming a politician Reagan was an actor, but fewer are aware that Reagan’s flagging screen career was revived by a job with the General Electric Corporation (GE). Reagan hosted the popular television show “General Electric Theater,” where each week his voice and face reached into tens of millions of homes, promoting didactic stories of individualism and free enterprise. At the same time, he traveled across the country on behalf of GE — visiting factories, making speeches at schools, and doing the dinner circuit in communities where GE had a presence — promoting the corporation’s stridently individualist antiunion and antigovernment vision.” - (https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/03/excerpt-from-naomi-oreskes-the-big-myth/) Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com The Culture Of Complaint This anti-government narrative has been fed to the nation for some 40 years and it has poisoned the place. Yes, there has been political corruption committed by both sides over the journey. No, the American democratic system is not perfect. However, it is a hell of a lot better than the authoritarian alternatives in Russia and places like it. The late Robert Hughes wrote a book about The Culture Of Complaint in America sometime around 1983. The politics of grievance may well have grown out of this cultural manifestation of this consumerist society. It has become de riguour to denigrate politicians in America and in the West more generally. We have grown fat, complacent, and irascible in our lifestyles and attitudes. In nature, when this happens it usually precedes a great fall or cataclysm. World wars play this role in transforming the perspective. When people have everything taken away, they soon lose that jaded eye about things. When the shit hits the fan most folk pull their head in. Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com What strikes me about the white American reactionary beef is that it is directed at the behaviour of small pockets of difference. The Christian nationalist is not content with adhering to his or her own rules, no, they want to impose it upon others. The white supremacist wants to define the lives of people of colour and determine their lifestyles. There is this general desire to impose the social values of the many upon the few. This whole anti-woke thing is a beat up by conservative and reactionary forces. The number of people effected by LGBTQIA lifestyles are miniscule in number. Where do reactionary conservatives get off in trying to control the reproductive rights of American women? Why can’t they butt out of other people’s lives?  Respect the rights of others and learn to be tolerant. Tolerance comes through learning about other people and not by condemning what you don’t understand. Fox News revels in stirring up controversy and championing the ignorant and the bigoted. Abraham Lincoln wanted every American famer to read Shakespeare, according to historian Jeremi Suri. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture was established by President Abraham Lincoln on May 15, 1862. Even in the midst of the Civil War, the darkest days of any American presidency, Lincoln viewed agriculture as a critically important component of his domestic policy. In addition to the Department of Agriculture Act, Lincoln signed into law the Homestead Act and the Morrill Act during the summer of 1862. This collection of legislation, providing for the development and education of rural America, would prove to be the most transformative of any policies ever targeted towards rural Americans. Speaking optimistically about the affect education would have upon agriculture and rural America, Lincoln said, “…no other human occupation opens so wide a field for the profitable and agreeable combination of labor with cultivated thought, as agriculture.” “ - (https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2012/05/15/its-150th-anniversary-usda-upholds-abraham-lincolns-vision) Lincoln learned a lot from reading Shakespeare and the Bible, as he sought to educate himself. Education remains the most important aspect of life, in my opinion. Education is more than vocational training; and higher education should be for everyone. Parochialism and bigotry are products of a lack of exposure to new ideas and places. Rural areas are often hotbeds of intolerance and racism because the people who live there often don’t know better. Stupid shows like those on Fox News thrive on the ignorance of their audience. Championing ignorance is not going to make America a better place. Championing the reactionary bile of frustrated people who live in a white bread world is not going to make America great again. Phony nostalgia for a bygone time that never really existed is more political manipulation.  The only way forward is through embracing progressiveness. You cannot turn the clock back and conservative forces, especially extreme reactionary ones, are smokescreens for grifters and exploiters. The politics of grievance captures the fears and prejudices of many, but they will not be rewarded with anything more than being conned out of their savings. The right, the GOP, is a coalition of big business, Christian nationalists, white supremacists, protectionists, libertarians, and right wing fanatics. Trump is a grifter, a mob boss, intent on making money above all else and to hell with America. Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com The President, according to American historians, is the people’s choice. Congress represents the various states; and Congress makes the laws. It is the President, however, whose role is designed to unite the country behind him. The divisive nature of America right now makes a mockery of this. The politics of grievance has many Americans so riled up that they are not thinking straight. The divisive nature of Trump and the cult like nature of his leadership of the GOP has the US on a collision course with itself. People wondered how the Soviet empire could collapse so stunningly in 1989. These things can happen with devastating consequences without a great deal of notice or warning. America is on dangerous ground right now and perhaps on the eve of destruction. The great experiment could be drawing to a close. Too many Americans underappreciate what they’ve got. The culture of complaint has been captured by the politics of grievance. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.   ©MidasWord   Read the full article
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Why do you hate Trump? Because Misha does?
Um, no.
I have never liked that orange megalomaniac. Long before he took office, back when he was just a failed businessman and reality television personality, I thought he was creepy, entitled and self absorbed. From his predatory comments about his own daughter (the interview he did just after she was born, saying that he hoped she’d inherit her mother’s large breasts) to his constant demeaning comments and actions toward the women in pageants he attended, to his conduct on his reality show-- which always seemed to be especially belittling to women and people of color ... I have NEVER liked him.
Then, during the entirety of his election leading up to his 2016 win, I saw the this country backslide through history, undoing decades of progress with his constant vitriolic rhetoric on anyone who dared disagree with him. This man mocked the disabled, bragged about abusing women, lied and lied and invoked fear and hatred of minorities as his only means of securing office. Anything even vaguely resembling a political-claim never came to fruition. He didn’t complete his wall, and Mexico didn’t pay for it. He didn’t “drain the swamp” in the government, and he didn’t revamp middle-America, giving new life to the average blue collar citizen, ultimately “making America great again”. And whenever he failed to do any of these things, he just blamed the democrats. As if simply blaming someone else for his failings, explained everything away ... and his followers believed him. He constantly tricked people into buying into his hatred, to the point of him being no better than a cult leader at the end of his term. And just like a cult leader, he was able to brainwash his people into going far beyond the realm of morality-- something that they would not have done otherwise. If he were truly interested in the politics of this nation, and if he truly cared about this nations’ people-- even if it were just for the ones who supported him, he would not have run his entire presidency on the basis of hate, because all that did was make this country a regressive joke in the eyes of the world, and in the eyes of so many of its citizens-- and it ultimately led to the death of so many of its citizens.
Over these last two elections, it became obvious that Trump would say or do anything just to win--showcasing how he truly doesn’t care for anyone besides himself. I was stunned when people actually praised him as being a religious, God-fearing man when time and time again, he showed us that he was morally reprehensible. I was sickened when he would flip flip on issues just to gain favor of whoever happened to be sitting in front of him at the time, and I was ashamed that so many people could overlook his obvious shortcomings as a leader (or even-- just as a good human being) because their own deeply ingrained prejudices against people of color and women were too strong.
The people who put him in office were also the racists that hated Obama because he was black, and the sexists who hated Hilary because she was a woman. That’s it ... that’s all that mattered to them. It had nothing to do with politics. If it did, those same people would have abandoned Trump a long time ago because none of the promises he made to them, came to be.
I wish that this was solely a political argument, because if it were ... well, I would happily debate the good and the bad of Hilary, the good and the bad of Obama-- and the good and the bad of every other political leader in this country because that would have nothing to do with race or sex ... but again, Trump didn’t win because of politics. He won because of prejudice ... and that’s also exactly why he lost in 2020. His hatred fueled so much pain and death and anger over the last four years that when finally given the chance, the people of this country who suffered because of his hate, were finally able to vote him out.
And how did he respond? By saying that the election was rigged. That the vote was stolen from him ... that America’s ideals were under attack. Even though the irony of it was-- he was the only one attacking anyone! What too many right-leaning individuals fail to see is that this is not a game. We are not one team being pitted against another during a playoff game. We are one country, and we should try to work as one. But Trump made it a game, and he made it about winning and winning alone. He acted like once he got that championship ring, his work was done and then all he had to do was claim himself “the greatest” from then on out. And if that point was ever contested, then he would spit fire and fury, acting as if his words had no real consequence; as if he were just defending his honor. But they did have consequence... and we saw that consequence come to a head on January 6th at the capitol.
So-- no, I don’t hate Trump just because Misha hates Trump. Unlike Trump-followers, I don’t choose to hate things just because someone I admire, does.
I hate Trump because he highlighted the fact that in this country, you can be elected to the highest office in the nation without any political foundation or knowledge. All you need to be is an old white man who feigns support of other old white men, by knocking down every other person who is not old, white and/ or a man. Trump won because he dug up this country’s deeply prejudiced roots, claiming that the reason any American was “suffering” in any way is because we worked so hard to bury those roots.
I hate him because he is a liar.
I hate him because he is a racist.
I hate him for not caring about politics or law or justice.
I hate him because he never loved or appreciated this country beyond what it could do for him and his overinflated ego.
I hate Trump for so many reasons, and absolutely none of them have anything to do with Misha Collins.
But I do love the fact that Misha hates him too.
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
 By Daymond DuckPublished on: January 30, 2021
It is my desire to stop writing about the election and direct more of my time to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, but the election has major prophetic implications, and the two issues cannot be separated.
Pres. Trump promised a peaceful transition of power, and he and Melania left the White House with grace and humility.
Here are some quotes that may interest you:
“The purpose of the New World Order is to bring the world into a world government” (Winston Churchill).
“Out of these troubled times [out of the Persian Gulf War], our [America’s] fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge” (Geo. H. W. Bush, 1990).
“I learned to love the New World Order” (Joe Biden, Apr. 23, 1992).
“The hierarchy [of the U.N.], among other things, had called for world government to be achieved in STAGES through the forming of world administrative REGIONS. This was in accordance with the U.N. charter, which encourages the implementation and administration of world government on a REGIONAL basis” (Edmund J. Osmanneczyk, 1995).
“What I am trying to do [to build a global system] is to promote a process of reorganization of the world” (Bill Clinton, 1997).
“Within four years, we will see the beginning of a new international order” (Henry Kissinger 2008).
“The burdens of global citizenship bind us together” (Barack Obama, July 24, 2008).
“To bring about the New World Order, we have to have a new consciousness” [a new spiritual ethic, or new world religion] (Henry Kissinger, Jan. 12, 2009).
Concerning who will head up the New World Order, “We’re trusting that he will be President Obama” (Henry Kissinger, 2009).
“The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order” (Then Vice-Pres. Joe Biden, Apr. 5, 2013).
“I believe we and mainly you [the U.S. Air Force Academy graduating class] have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century…” (Joe Biden, May 28, 2014).
“You are about to graduate into a complex and borderless world” (Biden’s new Climate Change Czar, John Kerry, May 6, 2016).
Globalists have big plans, but they are not in control; they just think they are.
The more they reject God; and the more they turn against His people; and the closer they move toward world government; the more they stir His wrath, and the closer God’s people are to the Rapture.
Here are some of my thoughts on current events:
On Jan. 20, 2021, the “America First” president was replaced with a “Fundamentally Transform America” president.
This “fundamental transformation” of America involves the submission of America to a godless world government (the New World Order, The Great Reset, the U.N. 2030 Sustainable Development goals, etc.).
Biden has already announced his intent to undo Trump’s America First policies, rejoin the Paris Climate Accords, rejoin the World Health Organization, halt America’s departure from the World Trade Organization, halt construction on the Keystone Pipeline and border wall, review and reverse more than 100 Trump policies on the environment, stop immigration enforcement in the U.S., and more.
Biden announced support for things (other than world government) that go against the Scriptures: taxpayer-funded abortions for everyone up to the moment of birth (murder of babies), nominate judges that support abortion, allow gays to serve openly in the military, reinstate Title IX that lets transgenders use bathrooms according to their gender identity (men use women’s bathrooms, etc.), etc. Think about this. Through a Political Action Committee (PAC), Planned Parenthood gave more than 27 million dollars to Biden’s election, and now Biden is going to give Planned Parenthood millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to kill babies.
Biden has already cut America’s defense budget, cut the Space Force budget, transformed money budgeted for America’s nuclear arsenal to FEMA, and threatened to fire at least two Generals (one in the Army and another in the Air Force) that questioned these cuts. There is speculation that a military purge is coming to replace patriot-minded officers with officers that will pledge allegiance to the U.N. Here is a link to an article about this: https://beforeitsnews.com/blogging-citizen-journalism/2021/01/generals-tell-trump-we-got-your-back-2649650.html
Biden dissolved the 1776 Commission designed to teach patriotism in public schools and replaced it with a group “to assist agencies in assessing equity with respect to race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability.”
Simply put, “Here It Comes” means that I believe the Biden administration intends to support policies that will lead to the rise of the Ten Kings, world government, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, tracking everyone, godlessness, the Tribulation Period, etc.
The shadow government controls every branch of the U.S. government, and, as I see it, there will be a surge forward with no going back. In his first six days in office, Biden signed more executive orders than the last four presidents combined (and one of his officials said there are more to come).
How long it will take to bring in the world government is unknown, but I expect the shadow government to push Biden to accomplish as much as he can before the next election two years from now.
No one knows the day or hour of the Rapture, but whenever it happens, the Restrainer will be removed, and godless world government will go into overdrive.
Here are several stories that made the news:
One, Biden asked a “Christian” preacher friend to offer the benediction at his inauguration, and the preacher closed his prayer, not in the name of Jesus, but “in the strong name of our collective faith.”
Praying in “the strong name of our collective faith” is the kind of reprobate thinking that left God out of the Democrat Party Platform.
Their total one-party control of the U.S. government will cause them to fully support a godless one-world religion and government.
The Bible clearly teaches that God will put up with this godless world government nonsense for 7 years, but if He did not bring it to an end, no flesh would be saved.
The pastor’s prayer is also evidence of a sick, lukewarm Church that tickles people’s ears instead of proclaiming the truth.
Two, on Jan. 23, 2021, a bomb exploded at First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, Cal.
Hate messages were painted on the inside walls of the church.
Several news organizations ignored the bombing and blamed the church for preaching against same-sex marriage.
These people appear to believe it is okay to blow up a church if the preacher preaches the Scriptures.
Three, on Jan. 20, 2021, an unidentified person in the U.S. State Dept. decided that the U.S. Ambassador to Israel will now be called the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.
The person that made that decision posted it on the State Dept. website, and it appears that whoever did it does not believe that the West Bank and Gaza should be part of Israel.
Some say the Biden administration also plans to change the U.S. recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel.
Two weeks ago, I wrote that God had a reason for putting Trump in office, He has a reason for removing Trump, and He has a reason for putting Biden in office.
I tend to believe God is ready to let world government advance, and He removed Trump because Trump would have been in the way.
I also tend to believe that God put Biden in office because He wants Israel to trust Him, not Trump or the U.S., for protection.
Unfortunately, most Christians do not know enough Bible prophecy to recognize the danger that dividing Israel poses to America.
According to the Bible, those that try to cut Israel into pieces at the end of the age will be cut into pieces.
(Note: Before this article was sent to the editor, the State Dept. reversed itself on the issue and went back to calling the U.S. Ambassador the Ambassador to Israel.)
Four, concerning pestilences, my last week’s article noted that a group of U.S. doctors believe Ivermectin is safe and effective for preventing Covid in most people.
The article also noted that India has developed an inexpensive, effective, and safe Covid Ivermectin treatment kit.
On Jan. 19, 2021, it was reported that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has upgraded Ivermectin from “against the drug” to “not for or against the drug.”
According to the article, this opens the door for doctors to feel safe in prescribing it and for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve it for emergency use if they choose to do so.
I found Ivermectin searching “Ivermectin for humans” at amazon.com.
There is also an apple-flavored paste, and a reader told me about a nurse that puts it in peanut butter.
I am just passing this information on for people to make their own decision.
Five, concerning persecution, much of the hatred that has been dumped on Trump over the last 4 years is now being directed toward those that voted for him.
Since Jan. 15, 2021, more than 22,000 people have signed a petition to have Franklin Graham fired from Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc. for supporting Pres. Trump.
On Jan. 20, 2021, the Daily Beast published an article calling for a new “secret police” force to spy on Trump supporters because the FBI and NSA will not sufficiently punish these Americans.
Many Christians and conservatives are expressing concern that Biden’s support for the LGBTQ agenda (biological males in women’s bathrooms, etc.), and Pelosi’s rule that people in Congress are not allowed to say man, woman, etc., will lead to people being denounced as homophobes, etc. One reader e-mailed me to say there will be a tremendous effort to pervert the children that are not killed by abortion.
It has been reported that Katie Couric is calling for Trump supporters to be deprogrammed in re-education camps and for members of Congress that question the accuracy of the election to be punished. This could pit brother against brother just like Jesus said because the left wants to silence and shame those that disagree with them.
On Jan. 20, 2021, it was reported that former FBI Director James Comey said the Republican Party “needs to be burned down or changed.” He asked, “Who would want to be part of an organization that at its core is built on lies and racism and know-nothingism?” Comey is a proven liar, and there is evidence that he used false evidence to protect Hillary Clinton when she destroyed thousands of e-mails.
On Jan. 21, 2021, it was reported that a columnist for the Washington Post is calling for Fox News to be kicked off the air for “radicalizing people and setting them on the path of violence and sedition.”
I pray that Jesus will Rapture the Church off the earth before the persecution gets too bad, but judgment must begin at the house of God (I Pet. 4:17).
It falls on believers first, and it falls harder on unbelievers second (persecution of the Church signifies a greater persecution is coming on the lost).
Six, after constantly condemning Trump’s handling of Covid and claiming that he (Biden) will vaccinate a million people a day, concerning Covid, on Jan. 23, 2021, Biden said there is “nothing we can do about the trajectory.”
He added, “In the next few months, masks, not vaccinations, are the single best defense against Covid.”
Seven, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog in the latter years and latter days, on Jan. 20 it was reported that a senior Israeli official said if Biden returns to the same terms of Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, Israel will have nothing to discuss with him.
Biden is clearly interested in returning to the deal but said Iran must start complying first.
To summarize this article, concerning world government, I am not like Chicken Little, who claimed the sky is falling (world government indicates many good things such as the approaching rapture; reign of Jesus; peace, justice, and righteousness on earth; etc.), but I am saying get prepared because here it comes.
Some are saying a police state and persecution are coming.
U.S. Josh Hawley recently said, “You can go to church now, but you may not be allowed to go to the church of your choice in two years.”
As far as many of you are concerned, your pastor will never tell you about these things, so I suggest that a good place to get started is hischannel.com.
Finally, if you want to go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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almasidaliano · 3 years
Almasi for President
so in about 12 to 16 years, i am running for president. i do not believe the world will have ended then, though i do believe things will be different. hoping for better, not, not expecting worse. our system is broken. all of the systems are broken. the government is corrupt. the justice system is corrupt. those in charge are turning blind eyes, covering things up, and allowing the fall of our country. i will not be surprised if a civil war commences; although i'm also thinking they are going to really create and push for a purge. we are in real trouble then. that just goes back to what i said, are you standing for something or dying for nothing?
people were excited for biden to win. and i have to say, i was not one of them. biden seems like another puppet to me. obama was a puppet. he was his vp. crazy how biden is president and he has a black female vp now. that sounds like a win huh? wrong, she contributed to the failed prosecution of the officers who murdered Oscar Grant. that went over everyone's head during the election though. trump was just so bad had to get him out. biden is anti LGBTQ+. everyone wanted to put it on trump folks getting rowdy and such however, biden won and nothing changed.
trump's slogan was "make america great again." personally, i think he could have. trump's a businessman and to say the least, entertainment. they gave trump four years, why do you think they didn't renew his contract? because he was playing them. trump is a classist. he doesn't like poor people. personally, i think he just believes hardwork pays off, his did and so he just holds everyone to the standard he held himself. there are circumstances, however i think that's fair. he said all this racist shit everyone got mad. yet, he won by a landslide because the country said they would still rather this "bigoted, racist, sexist, classist asshole" than a woman. then the country complained the whole time. he exposed america and instead of society shining light and doing something they continued to do what we have been doing; pointing blame.
the system has failed us. the system failed us a long time ago. all trump did was present a call to action. the one thing i can give rednecks is they patriotic as fuck. they want the america they invision type shit. i feel like melanated people in general struggle with that because america never felt like home. america never wanted us here. but the fact of the matter is, this all we know. this is home now. there are 3 real options. 1. go back to where your bloodline stems. 2. sit and conform, hope they dont get you. 3. defend your rights, your home, and your people; come out on top or die trying. you have to pick something though. we have to do something because they those set to protect us are out to get us.
we do not have a democratic government not even a representative democracy like we once thought. sorry if you were today years old when you found out. we operate out of a republic; a constitutional federal republic. what's the difference? in a democracy, all that voting that we do, matters.  even if it was a representative democracy. we would have representatives to disclose our decisions. the electoral college makes final decisions on elections.
a constitutional federal republic means that the constitution which is the law of the land governs the land. if this is the law of the land, why do we have sub laws? the constitution needs to be amended. want to fix the race and inequality issues? let me tell you how, real easy fix. call a convention. take out any amendment that gives rights to people AND reword the beginning anyway folks see fit so that women and americans from all ethnic backgrounds get the same level of respect and rights. there will always be an unspoken division until things like that are rectified. before black people got rights we were not even counted as complete people, simply 3/5s of a person. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. these are unalienable rights. my very existence guarantees me these rights.
the judicial system coupled with the criminal law system are hopeful, and still in need of reform. prisons are privately owned institutions, which are supposed to be forms of rehabilitation. instead, they are condemning people and treating them inhumanely; creating the same environment they were in on the outside, on in the inside conditioning them to be stuck in these ways as means of survival and then continue to place blame on them. officers need to take crimes more seriously. people are people, bias, prejudices, and profiling have no place in the workplace. officers are corrupt, arresting kids for selling, who just are trying to help their mother with the bills, then turning around and selling it back out on the streets. officers are wrongfully convictind and killing predominately (as far as the media is broadcasting) though not only melanated people. on top of that, they are walking free. lives are being lost and they arent even losing their jobs. tax dollars are going towards keeping them safe. however, if a civilian shoots a cop. up the river for them.
lawyers aren't fighting hard enough. especially defense attorneys. it is fairly simple to get a conviction with the right information, proving innocence is always a bit more complicated. the problem is that attorneys get too big eyed. they looking at how to get their clients off, accountability is another taboo in this society. there are a multitude of people who are innocent behind bars, as well as those who received heinous outrageous sentences. that is not right.
people factor more than necessary when trying to make a decision, yet they ignore the things that remind them a person is human. its this art contest over who can paint the best picture of the defendant. which story is easy for a jurors bias to sway? how people look matters. and it shouldn't. our government since the building of america, has created dividing markers.
just like with royal kingdoms, the wife couldn't have things of her own. her role was cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids, and whatever else was asked of her. if there was a divorce, the woman got nothing. they had no rights. imagine being the first born as a female in a royal family and being told you can't have your kingdom, correction you can but you must marry to get it. then if you get married the new king running things not you. what is that? its called patriarchy. our government is run off a patriarchy as well.
so i never really believed there could be like a true separation of church and state because every law and decision made was based on people's morals and beliefs. there is supposed to be a separation of church and state yet, due to people's religious beliefs gay marriage had to get legalized, despite there being no law for heterosexual marriage. would that not make it illegal? since gay marriage had to be legalized though there was not a law for it either? then on top of that, how do you make it a law, and still for religious reasons, ministers and such can refuse? there are always stipulations and hinderances for the rights of those who are not white men.
ABORTION: i really do not know why we are still having this conversation. its literally conversations like this that have me looking at americans like--- seriously? once again there should be a separation of church and state. so religion cannot be a reason to outlaw it. how can you put out a law that dictates what someone can do with their body? all of life, i mean every part of life should be pro-choice. its just that simple. Pro-Choice. i am all for the right to decide for yourself. and men want to feel a way about women making that decision on their own. and while i do stand behind the fact that ultimately it is the womans decision, that does not mean she can't listen to an opinion. it is a part of the woman, literally grows inside of her an entire being. and fathers can just dip out and folks will just look at the mom and suddenly she should just become super woman. the pressure that comes with having a child is enough on its own. like thats a being that is dependent on you. some people are honest with themselves and know they arent ready or dont want it. all they need is support. the mental toll life takes on us is huge as well. still people do not consider that at all.
there is no point of incarcerating people, if they have still lost a chance at a decent life once they get out. jail is for rehabilitation. they go, do their time and then they are supposed to be allowed to try again. our government knows nothing of redemption, that's why all the top leaders go through so much to hide their dirt. they crucify civilians trying to make themselves seem superior, really they are just like you and i. almasi for president. im going to save the world.
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bustedbernie · 4 years
Oh hai. Lately there have been a slew of think pieces about Bernie Sanders being the front-runner, discussing how his movement has threatened to withhold their votes from Democrats if Bernie isn’t the nominee. Hidden between the lines is the idea that Democrats, in general, owe their votes to Sanders if he is the nominee, regardless of the fact that his voters do NOT owe Dems their votes if he is not. So, rather than call them out for using the same tactics that lost the 2016 election, there is a faction in the media that is growing more and more permissive to the idea that Bernie and his Revolution are somehow the victims in all this, and that mainstream Dems have done them wrong time and time again when picking a candidate that appeals to the Dems masses.
Let me let you in on a little secret.
I don’t owe Bernie Sanders or his fucked off revolution of stanerific emo-marxist cyber-terrorists a goddamn bit of shit the fuck all. When these utter fucking geniuses in the media reflect on how energized and dedicated his enthusiastic fans are when engaging in their harassment of the average Dem, they seem to think the people who have been abused don’t fucking matter. These Dems are people who have never done anything whatsoever to deserve the constant bullying, cyber-stalking, targeting, threats, or in my case, being falsely reported to the FBI by fans of Bernie who seek to silence dissent. What these media personalities don’t understand is that the abuse by Bernie fans, in his name, actually causes the gap between MAGA and Berners to shrink to the point where it is non-existent. There is no real difference between the abuse from either side, and since Sanders isn’t the warm and fuzzy type that reaches out to the people who have been abused, often there appears to be no real difference between Sanders and Trump.
Still, the Bernie-or-Busters, small as they may be, have spun their position into an argument for why others should vote for Bernie Sanders too, regardless of the platform they prefer. As efforts in political persuasion go, this contingent puts forward an openly hostile argument. Sanders is the only electable candidate, they suggest, not just because of his policies, but because of the single-mindedness of his followers. The reason you should vote for Sanders is that we won’t vote for anyone else. You don’t want Trump to win again, do you?
No. But I also don’t want Bernie Sanders to win. In a case of one not liking either candidate, people look to see which movement they feel most comfortable with, Bernie’s or Trump’s. If it turns out that both movements engage in racist behavior, sexism, and homophobia, it really doesn’t matter what they profess to be in favor of as far as policy is concerned, what matters is how they treat their fellow citizens by and large. We all know that unless we take back the Senate with a large majority that can defeat Republican attempts to stop legislation from hitting Sanders’ desk, nothing will pass anyway. So, if you’re not in favor of Bernie’s policies in the first place, and do not like him or his movement, why would you be enthusiastic about showing up for the guy who leads the movement that engages in attacks on you?
Yes, it sounds like ugly hostage taking—not a brilliant persuasive strategy but a crude ego-boosting exercise for a group of leftists who can’t resist the impulse to lord some power over an electorate that doesn’t normally consider them relevant. But that’s exactly what makes it so normal, even understandable, in a depressing “we’re all human” sort of way. [NO.] Because the truth is this: Every threat these Sanders stans are explicitly making is one the venerated Centrist Swing Voter makes implicitly—and isn’t judged for. The centrist never even has to articulate his threat.
Excuse me, it IS ugly hostage taking, it is NOT normal, and no, it doesn’t make me see them as more human.
Another thing is this: not everyone opposed to Bernie Sanders is a Centrist, Moderate, or a Swing voter. Many of us are as far left or to the left of Sanders, I for one am definately to his left, and had supported him in 2015. That was until his racist abusive Bern Mafia targeted me for expressing concern about his lack of outreach to black voters. I noticed his lack of history in hiring black people (D.C. is Chocolate City, we could not find one black staffer in 2015; I am open to correction on this point; if he had black staffers prior to 2015, please send me receipts because I have been looking for them.), lamented and mocked his poor showing at Netroots, fumed over his constant MLK appropriation, jeered at his white ass crowds, and felt humiliated by his inability to discuss black people in ways that were not centered on Poverty or Prisons. It is HIS FAULT that his voters have no clue how to engage Black people without resorting to stereotypes and outright bigotry, because he does the same thing.
Sanders, seated across the table, a yellow legal pad at hand, responded with a question of his own, according to two people present: “Aren’t most of the people who sell the drugs African American?” The candidate, whose aides froze in the moment, was quickly rebuffed: The answer, the activists told him, was no. Even confronted with figures and data to the contrary, Sanders appeared to have still struggled to grasp that he had made an error, the two people present said.
No. He did not apologize for spreading this stereotype, and yes, it shows how he views black people in general.
One of many disorienting factors in this election cycle is the fact that the left is more popular and more viable than it has been in a long, long time. They have not one but two exciting candidates, and both are offering policies closer to what leftists actually want than most presidential contenders in U.S. history have.
I wanted the party to move to the Left towards the direction of where I stood too. I can’t really name my ideology because it’s so far left I am almost hitting the wall. Additionally, I am more Libertarian than Sanders, who trends more authoritarian. Yet, I instinctively know that playing a game of “my way or the highway” won’t lead to a place where poverty programs are expanded up and out, ensuring all necessities of life are provided. It will lead to gridlock and we will make zero progress.
Because folks at the center tend to be wooed by multiple candidates, they’re used to having options, and they’re used to the experience of their vote determining who ends up with the nomination. This means that they usually like the candidate they vote for, in the primary and in the general. Not so for leftists, who get to merely tolerate the candidates they end up having to vote for in order to mitigate the damage from a worse result.
Here’s the rub… I’m Black. None of this shit applies to me, because as a Black person, I rarely even LIKE or TRUST any of the candidates I have been voting for over the years. I also usually, especially in State and Locally, don’t have any say so in determining the nominee of any race. I am always stuck voting for whoever White People choose as the candidate, and as such, am merely tolerating whoever is chosen to prevent a worse outcome, which usually means preventing a racist shitmonger from winning a race.
Speaking of race… Progressives refuse to address race as a factor in anything; they like to ignore race in everything they do and allow Prison Policy to stand in for Racial Policy, so it’s impossible to get them to see my reality. They get this shit from Bernie.
From Buzzfeed:
“The real issue is not whether you’re black or white, whether you’re a woman or a man,” he said in a 1988 interview. “The real issue is whose side are you on? Are you on the side of workers and poor people or are you on the side of big money and the corporations?”
Not much has changed with Bernie, as you know, Bernie never changes, because he was born as a 72 year old yelly man, just like Benjamin Button, but louder and not as cute.
“It’s not good enough for someone to say, ‘I’m a woman! Vote for me!’” No, that’s not good enough. What we need is a woman who has the guts to stand up to Wall Street, to the insurance companies, to the drug companies, to the fossil fuel industry,” the Vermont independent senator and former Democratic presidential candidate said in a not-so-subtle rebuke to Hillary Clinton”
Bernie’s attacks on Identity Politics filtered down to his base, causing them to feel confident in their attacks on Blacks, LGBTQ, and Women who brought up issues of race, sexuality, and gender over the past few years. They love to say shit to black people online that they would never say to an actual Black person IN PERSON, because they are scared as fuck of Black people. Kinda like Bernie. The refrain of “that’s identity politics, not real policy’ rang out constantly on social media the past few years to the point where pointing out racism, homophobia, and sexism was met with swarms of white men attacking Black people, All Women Who Dared To Be THAT Bitch, LGBTQ, and really, anyone worried about social justice issues that focused on identity. The attacks were and ARE bigoted in the extreme.
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This is racist as fuck and is one of the ways the Bernie Titty-Babies managed to marginalize Kamala Harris and drive a wedge between her and Black Voters. Somehow they thought keeping it going would make us like dusty ass Bernie more, but they’re stupid, because we don’t even like that geriatric Bernadook now.
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This is homophobic.
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Bernie’s supporters are engaging in a hate campaign against Mayor Pete and are trying to convince the world that they are not being homophobic, they are just saying Pete is suppressing his dangerous serial killer nature by being so straight laced. This is fucked up because they are attacking a gay man for being “straight appearing” in spite of the fact that his seeming straightness is how he interacts with a world that hates gay people, and has at times (and Still Does) MURDERED men and women who are gay for not assimilating or conforming to hetero-normative stereotypes. Bernie ignores this behavior from his fans like he ignores all of their nasty hate campaigns. I blame him.
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This is misogynistic. No explanation needed.
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Racist and fat shaming. Black hair is not your fucking business, bitch. Back the fuck up.
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This is just blatantly false and caused people to harass Kamala Harris supporters until they stopped using the Yellow Circles she asked supporters to wear, it stems from the misogynoir his fans engaged in towards Kamala. Bernie has never said shit, so I blame him.
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Bigotry. Also erasure of Biden’s Black support in a effort to make it seem as if Bernie is the candidate of diversity. Bernie is at fault, he also erases minorities.
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Sexist. Also, damn near all of his fans seem to hate Obama on the same level and with as much heat as MAGA. Why the fuck would we want to join in unity with this man when his fans HATE the first black President. Oh, you think Bernie has nothing to do with setting the tone?
“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure,” Sanders started, responding to a question about the young voters who supported his campaign. “People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama, who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012.
“He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country.”
Bernie doesn’t fucking like Obama either.
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Sexism. Racism. Bernie does the worst with Black Women, and is often dismissive when asked a question by one of us. So, his fans see nothing to lose by targeting us in particular, and we in turn are likely the largest group of people willing to sit this one out if Bernie manages to come out on top. The media is no help whatsoever to marginalized people, because they ultimately weave a narrative where Bernie comes out the victim.
We can already see it happening amongst the Children of the Bern, where they have taken to labeling K-Hive, a movement started by a Black Woman (Me) for a Black Woman (Kamala Harris), “Liberal ISIS” for our resistance to Bernie and willingness to defend the other candidates from the attacks levied by the Berner Swarm.
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Oh, cry me a fucking river! We don’t dox, cyberstalk, harass, abuse, try to get people fired, engage in bigotry, we learn from our mistakes, and we never make it our mission to ruin someone’s life.
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We simply turn the tables on the bros and ask tough questions, like Kamala Harris. If that breaks you down, you were already broken before you found us. Oh, yeah. That’s another thing. We don’t go looking for Berners to abuse; we wait until they come to abuse US and refuse to play along.
Regardless of what poor Peter Daou says, there is no “Unadulterated Hatred” in asking if someone has checked on him.
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So, yes, I can blame Bernie for the nastiness of his movement and choose not to ever join it no matter what. Progressives love to play forever victims, even while they engage in their vile abuse, but I do not have to empower their movement or help them elect Bernie. Maybe if enough people sound the alarm and let him know we will not be helping him in November while suffering constantly at the hands of his Branch Bernidians, then he will have no choice but to be a leader and fucking lead these assholes into being decent people. I don’t expect the abuse to magically end if Bernie becomes President or loses to Trump, and I also don’t expect him to do shit about it, so I guess I’m just Never Bernie. What I am now stuck with is the same as always; White States get to vote first and create the narrative that Dem voters are in favor of whoever these powerful white voters choose, and I am sick of it and sick of Sanders. I didn’t become a Democrat to not only be marginalized by the White Moderate, but to also suffer abuse from the punk ass White leftist bitchmade humdinger of a Revolution. I’m not here to empower shitfucks that search me out no matter where I am just to heap abuse on me, threaten me, or report me to the FBI as a possible MASS SHOOTER, all because I think Bernie is an old bigot who minimizes Black oppression to appease the white voters he thinks he’ll need to win the General.
I’m just Never Bernie, deal with it or die mad about it. I don’t care which.
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things2mustdo · 3 years
Emasculation mixed with extreme masochism is the best way to describe those men who opt for Democratic candidates in local, state, gubernatorial, congressional, and presidential elections. By basically every measure, Democrats regard the most trivial issues for women (such as Twitter “abuse”, manspreading, and mansplaining) as more important than the most significant issues for men (male suicide, homelessness, overrepresentation as victims of violence and many others).
In objective terms, voting Democrats only benefits those men who can publicly capitalize on defining themselves as a liberal, including authors, public commentators, Hollywood celebrities and others who need clear and incontrovertible self-promotion. And this itself depends on substituting one’s own self-interest for the health of the American nation.
This all said, cuckservatives exist in growing numbers. They and even proper conservatives are not blameless, far from it, for standing by and giving declared leftists significant room to eviscerate society. The engine rooms for stigmatizing men, however, are Democratic electoral and legislative offices, Democratic rallies and all manner of other breeding grounds for the Democrats’ pathological hatred of masculinity.
Lobbied by SJWs, whose demonstrations attract a minuscule number of people, the DNC and its representatives continue to make decisions that unabashedly demonize 50% of the population, most notably heterosexuals of Caucasian descent.
1. Democrats blame men for the state of American finances but court female and minority votes with welfare programs and privileges
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There’s no point taking a current photograph of the National Debt Clock. It’s always rendered outdated less than a second later.
America is broke. End of story. With debt at over 100% relative to GDP, all that happens every time Congress avoids a debt crisis is that the proverbial can is kicked down the road. Democrats conveniently blame men, the male leadership class or (male) Wall Street bankers, forgetting that the biggest accelerant of the gargantuan US national debt has been the debilitating welfare programs initiated by liberals. The zealous faithful following the DNC Donkey have mollycoddled for years entire demographic groups with the promise of an ever flowing welfare tap.
The problem is not just that the Democrats have sucked in millions over decades to try and pursue their catastrophic policies. They have also tragically primed many in multiple generations to seek the instant gratification of welfare and spending via massive public deficits. Democrats win elections on the basis of training their targets to never care about the United States in 20 years’ time. Much or most of the population is unwilling to forgo rewards now to escape disaster or ruin in the future. The teat must keep on flowing, they scream, and much like Pavlov’s Dog, they salivate when Democrats ring the welfare bell.
While women of all races can play the (single) motherhood, domestic violence, and workplace discrimination cards to claw many more advantages, men of color are institutionalized into thinking that the old white capitalist and patriarchal society is against them and only the government, not their own drive and skills, can save them from abject poverty. The juxtaposition of “we believe in you, black men of America” and “but you need our support all the time” has the effect of the latter dominating and then totally eclipsing the former. Democrats need victims and they must continually create them or maintain them.
2. Democrats treat every white male as a beneficiary of immense privilege and a potential violent oppressor
Or so SJWs say…
Ignoring the vast socio-economic disparities between different Caucasians in America, Democrats play the perennial race card of white privilege, particularly for white men. Many white people, especially young students, even get a kick out of constantly emphasizing how they are unfairly privileged. This may bode well for people happy to participate in the further regression of society (or those pursuing lucrative political or SJW careers) but it speaks volumes about a growing bigotry against individuals just because they have a certain skin hue and biological sex.
If Democrats feel this way about what is a majority of men, it says enough already about why only emasculated men vote for them. According to this narrative, girls like Malia and Sasha Obama are bigger victims and non-beneficiaries of privilege than a Scots-Irish-descended trailer-park dweller in the Florida Panhandle. In less dramatic comparisons, the daughters of the American middle-class receive a cut-out pass to label themselves as eternal victims while the sons of white blue collar workers who didn’t finish high school supposedly gained a winning lottery ticket at birth.
Hitherto untouchable white SJW feminists are already finding themselves on the receiving end of the “Shut up, I’m a woman who’s a person of color” slingshot. To cover their bases and maintain SJW unity after an overextension that is now biting them in the ass, expect that white and other feminists will shake off many of their previous inhibitions about drawing in larger numbers of non-white male targets. And this means you if you or your recent ancestors were named Jose, DeMarcus, Ming or something similar.
3. Democrats support finding a man guilty of rape by SJW academics without a trial
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It is shocking to think that Democrats like Senator Kirsten Gillibrand have sons. They support the ability of universities to publicly find someone to be a rapist without a trial and have them kicked out of college, ruining their lives.
Was your neighbor accused of dodging his taxes last year? He had to face a court. Was his wife accused of shoplifting? She had to face a court. In countless American universities, however, self-congratulating academics and other officials have handed down rape “conviction” after rape “conviction,” fully supported by a vast majority of Democratic representatives in almost every state legislature and certainly in the US Congress. This legal anomaly, coincidentally, only affects men, at a time when responses to surveys are perceived as findings of fact about rape.
Despite men not being sent to jail over college “convictions,” the consequences for those caught in the web of Orwellian pseudo-jurisprudence are bleak. “Guilty” defendants are thrown out of their degrees and expelled for perpetuity, exposed to a lifetime of professional blacklisting, and constantly in fear about the next exclamation of “Rapist!” Time and time again, this reality is brushed aside by the Democratic Party.
The people who fill so-called college rape tribunals come from the same crowd of folks pumping out patently false theories that all women are oppressed by all men, that society itself oppresses all women and that all men are beneficiaries of rampant male privilege, from the Walmart cashier earning eight dollars an hour to the billionaire tycoon raised in poverty.
It is terribly unsurprising that Democrats would support this mob, as every faulty university craze from the wage gap myth to the idea of systemic police brutality against African-Americans is picked up by the DNC and used as a template for crafting their purported policies.
The modern Democratic Party is an existential threat to men and the United States
…or just avoid voting for them…
In their endless quest for an era of total dominance over the Republicans, Democrats have ignored any concept of national interest in favor of politics itself. Aside from a gated elite, men and male interests are regarding as pawns to be used in keeping their power.
When the race card is exhausted, guaranteeing the votes of black and Latino men and women, the DNC and its agents move to the gender card, knowing that their minority male voters and self-loathing white male voters have already been inculcated sufficiently and will not shift.
One of the easiest ways to practice using your masculinity is to not support the party constantly trying to emasculate you.
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October 18, 2020 (Sunday)
Heather Cox Richardson
Today reinforced some of the developing storylines of the 2020 election.
Last night, at a rally in Michigan, Trump once again attacked Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer for locking down her state in the early days of the pandemic. When the crowd started to chant “Lock her up!” Trump responded: “Lock them all up!” Just ten days ago, the FBI arrested eight men plotting to kidnap Whitmer and put her on trial for “treason.” Whitmer called Trump out for “inspiring and incentivizing and inciting this kind of domestic terrorism.” She told NBC, “It is wrong. It’s got to end. It is dangerous, not just for me and my family, but for public servants everywhere who are doing their jobs and trying to protect their fellow Americans. People of goodwill on both sides of the aisle need to step up and call this out and bring the heat down.”
Lara Trump, who is married to Eric Trump and is a senior advisor to the Trump campaign, disagreed. She told CNN’s Jake Tapper, “Well, look, he wasn’t doing anything, I don’t think, to provoke people to threaten this woman at all…. He was having fun at a Trump rally.” The Trump campaign then insisted that a small “8645” emblem on a table beside Whitmer during her television interview was “encouraging assassination attempts” against Trump. (To “86” something is slang for getting rid of it.) While observers have noted Trump’s use of gaslighting—making someone believe something that is not true—another abusive pattern is “DARVO,” which stands for “Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.”
Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that political officials in the Trump administration have restricted his media appearances. He also explained that he now has federal protection because of threats to his life, and to his wife and children. “That’s sad,” he told Jonathan Lapook of CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “The very fact that a public health message to save lives triggers such venom and animosity to me that it results in real and credible threats to my life and my safety.”
The editorial board of the New York Times today ran a special section of the Sunday Review to explain to readers in thirteen essays why Trump “is unfit to lead the nation.” The essays cover his corruption, incompetent statesmanship, attacks on women and minorities, rejection of science, and so on. The editorial introducing the issue begins: “Donald Trump’s re-election campaign poses the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II.” What follows is a blistering litany of the actions of the man who is “without any real rivals as the worst American president in modern history,” the editors say. He is conducting “an intolerable assault on the very foundations of the American experiment in government by the people.” The editorial concludes: “Mr. Trump is a man of no integrity. He has repeatedly violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States…. Now, in this moment of peril, it falls to the American people — even those who would prefer a Republican president — to preserve, protect and defend the United States by voting.”
More Republicans who have appeared to move in lockstep with the president are distancing themselves from him. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) needs independents to swing his way in a tight race with Democrat MJ Hegar, a retired Air Force combat pilot. On Friday, Cornyn told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Editorial Board that his relationship with Trump was “maybe like a lot of women who get married and think they’re going to change their spouse, and that doesn’t usually work out very well.” Cornyn claims to have stood up to Trump, but privately.
In all this there is nothing really new.
But there is a story that might have new information in it.
Last Wednesday morning, October 14, the tabloid New York Post ran a complicated and unbelievable story about Hunter Biden dropping off three laptops at a repair store and never going back for them, the FBI subpoenaing hard drives, and the repair shop owner making copies before turning them over and then giving the copies to Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who gave them to the New York Post. Allegedly, the material on the laptops was incriminating.
The story was pretty transparently bogus from the start, especially since Giuliani has been hanging around with Andrii Derkach, a Ukrainian lawmaker who, according to the Treasury Department, is a longtime Russian agent. According to the Treasury, Derkach has been working to promote “false and unsubstantiated narratives concerning U.S. officials in the upcoming 2020 election.” Giuliani was an eager listener.
Today, Katie Robertson at the New York Times reported that the New York Post article was so suspect that its lead author refused to put his name on it. The two main sources for the story were Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former advisor who is under federal indictment for fraud, and Giuliani. Giuliani said he took the story to the Post because “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.” One woman whose name finally appeared on the story is a former associate producer for Sean Hannity’s show and has been at the newspaper only since April. The other did not work on the story and only discovered her name was on it after it was published. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have all said they could not verify the story.
The startling new “revelations” about Hunter Biden mirror classic disinformation campaigns in Russia, and look a great deal like the last-minute “revelations” about Hillary Clinton’s emails “discovered” on a laptop in Fall 2016, all of which later came to nothing. Former CIA officer Evan McMullin tweeted: “For weeks, there’s been awareness in intel circles of Russian plans to return (with Trump) to their bogus Biden-Burisma narrative and, as I’ve warned, their plan to expand that to include bonkers pedophilia and human trafficking allegations against the Bidens. Don’t fall for it!”
And yet, certain Republican lawmakers are running with the story. Republican Representative Lee Zeldin of New York tweeted that “Joe Needs to answer some questions ASAP about this dirty $ setup.” Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) went onto the Fox News Channel to suggest that the computer at the center of this story, allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, had child pornography on it. This prompted intelligence specialist Malcolm Nance to tweet: “Whoa. The Republicans tried to tie Hunter Biden to child pornography. This is a 100% FSB [Russian Intelligence Agency] tactic. The FSB ALWAYS claims/plants Child porn on their opponents.”
For at least a year now, intelligence officers have warned us that Russia is interfering in this election, trying to swing it to Trump. Despite the fact that Trump’s polling numbers are abysmal, our Electoral College system means that the swing of relatively few voters in key states could enable him to eke out a victory, just as he did in 2016. It is worth remembering that Trump’s plan in 2020 has never been to win a majority; it has been to win by gaming the system. It seems to me also worth remembering that Trump has consistently refused either to criticize Russia or to acknowledge that Putin’s agents are working to help him get reelected.
While many Trump campaign officials are already trying to blame each other for their candidate’s apparent weakness, Trump and his loyalists remain adamant that he is going to win. They are allegedly taking names of those whom he considers insufficiently supportive. He is mad at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has rejected the president’s plans for a coronavirus relief bill and who publicly criticized the White House approach to the pandemic. He has gone after Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) for her coolness toward Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, and Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) for his condemnation of the president in a phone call with constituents. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), who has made his dislike for Trump clear in recent statements, is also on the outs.
Tim Murtaugh, communications director for the Trump campaign, says, “President Trump won in 2016 without the vocal support of the political insider crowd, and he’s going to do it again. The President enjoys the support of over 90 percent of Republicans….”
It is certainly possible that the Trump campaign is putting a brave face on the terrible polls, but the ham-handed attempt to dump disinformation about the Bidens is an excellent reminder that foreign operatives have been trying to influence our elections since 2016, and they have not gone away.
Heather Cox Richardson
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psylock-e · 4 years
Is Bernie a bad choice to support? Warren or Bernie but not Biden...
so i’ve been seeing a lot of support for bernie from radfems, particularly this type of stuff 
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feminists from both sides of the aisle have endorsed him and considered him the “feminist candidate” of this and the 2016 election, which is a bit curious considering he doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to women’s issues
the thing that bothers me the most and for some reason doesn’t get any attention are his essays from the 70s (when he was in his 30s), most notably the one about a woman fantasizing about being gang-raped and whatever this is
he supported an anti-choice candidate, his employees were treated badly and the female staffers reported sexual harassment by campaign members and were paid less to which he said he was “little bit busy running around the country trying to make the case” and he once stated that “women’s issues were a distraction”
also remember that time he told warren that people wouldn’t vote for a female president or how his campaign referred to hillary as a “corporate whore” or how he feels the need to blame women for his own failings (yeah, hillary and warren are the reason you’re not president)
that’s not even counting everything his supporters have done for which he doesn’t seem to think he’s responsible
all of that is just on women’s issues, there’s also his relationship with the nra, praising castro, tone-deaf views on race, the fact that he hasn’t really done much in his 30 years in congress (but still gets hailed as a revolutionary) and the general divisiveness he’s created amongst democrats and liberals 
i am in no way claiming that joe no-respect-for-women’s-personal-space biden is better or telling anyone who to vote for, but can we please stop praising this 70 year old white man who does the bare minimum of shouting things at rallies filled with sexist leftist men as a feminist hero  
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Graphics by Ella Koeze
For much of the 1980s, Wyoming had more women serving in its state legislature than almost all other states, living up to its nickname: the Equality State. Today, Wyoming ranks 48th, up from dead last in 2018.
It’s difficult to point to a single reason why so much changed in Wyoming. Yes, Wyoming has become more conservative, and the number of female politicians in the Republican Party has been stagnant or declining for years. But something else happened in Wyoming that may have inadvertently slowed the state’s momentum when it came to electing women to political office: the state changed how people are elected to political office. In 1992, the Wyoming state legislature switched from multi-member districts — when voters elect multiple people to represent their district — to single-member districts — when voters elect one person to represent their district.
It may seem like an innocuous change: If women were likely to be elected in one system, then they should be in the other. But there’s a host of research suggesting that in multi-member districts, more women might be encouraged to run and more women might win.1 For a country that still elects three times more men than women to state legislatures, multi-member districts might be a simple trick to help balance the scales — if only it weren’t going out of style.
Political scientists have spent a lot of time examining what increases the likelihood of a woman running and getting elected. We hear about how women need to be recruited, how they need deeper political networks and support. But the structure of elections may also shape women’s electoral fortunes in profound ways.
To understand why, we’re going to need to wade into the depths of political science jargon and learn about something called district magnitude. District magnitude refers to the number of candidates elected from a specific political district. These decisions are made at the state level every 10 years.2 In multi-member districts, voters vote for two or more candidates to represent their district. These representatives then split duties, like two U.S. senators from any given state do.3 District magnitude varies across, and even within, states. When electing representatives to New Hampshire’s lower chamber, for instance, voters select between one and 11 candidates, depending on the district.
Multi-member districts are increasingly rare, though. The number of states that have at least one legislative chamber with multi-member districts has steadily declined, from 39 states in the 1950s to 17 states in the ’80s to just 10 states today.
This matters for women’s representation because some research has suggested that district magnitude can influence both the supply of and demand for female candidates. Though women are generally less likely to be recruited to run for office, parties in states with multi-member districts may feel more pressure to balance their list of candidates in an effort to appeal to a wider range of voters. As University of Kentucky political scientist Tiffany Barnes explained, “Whereas access to the ballot is a zero-sum game in single-member districts, in multi-member districts multiple candidates — from the same political party — can occupy a place on the ballot.” And other political scientists have suggested that parties and voters may be more willing to support a woman when she is not the only possible candidate, in part because of bias against female candidates.
Multi-member districts also see more turnover, which may create more opportunities for women to run and fewer contests against strong incumbents. (Turnover presents similar conditions to term-limited seats, which might also increase the number of female candidates.)
Multi-member districts may also change the kind of campaign that candidates need to run, often in ways that could be helpful to women. Although races in multi-member districts generally include more opponents, candidates running for a seat in a multi-member district spend less time attacking each other and more time promoting themselves. As political scientists Michael Horan and James King explained in a 1999 study examining the elimination of multi-member districts in Wyoming, “The typical head-to-head battle between a Republican and a Democrat is replaced by something of a free-for-all where each candidate emphasizes his/her own strengths rather than his/her opponent’s weaknesses.” This free-for-all, they said, can alleviate reservations about facing a contentious campaign period, which may encourage more women to run.
So if more women are elected in multi-member districts, why are they disappearing?
Legal battles have a lot to do with it. Wyoming eliminated its multi-member districts after a federal court ruled that these districts violated the Constitution by distributing the population in a lopsided way. Other states eliminated their multi-member districts after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 opened the door for judicial review of electoral practices that discriminate against racial minorities. Numerous court cases have debated whether multi-member districts dilute the value of votes cast by racial minorities and some rulings have invalidated their use, which might have inadvertently made it harder for women to get elected, at least for a while.
Take North Carolina, which phased out its multi-member districts over several decades in response to such a legal challenge. In the 1970s, more than 80 percent of the seats in the state legislature were in multi-member districts. That dropped to around 60 percent in the 1980s, and around 30 percent in the 1990s. As the number of multi-member districts declined, so did North Carolina’s national ranking with regard to women’s representation. (However, the state saw its ranking improve between 2004 and 2008, after Democrats gained control of both legislative chambers, but it was short-lived — today the state is ranked just 33rd.)
But although multi-member districts have gotten a lot of blame for watering down the power of racial minorities’ votes, those challenges exist no matter how districts are structured: Single-member districting arrangements have seen their share of legal battles, too. And academic studies find that single-member districts don’t often give an advantage to minority candidates — in fact, they might even put women of color at a disadvantage.
While more women are elected in places in which district magnitude is larger, there are of course other factors that are also correlated with women being elected. For instance, in a recent study, political scientists Nicholas Pyeatt and Alixandra Yanus identify a dozen attributes characteristic of “women-friendly districts,” such as liberal, urban, racially and ethnically diverse areas, that have a history of electing women to state legislatures. In fact, as Yanus explains, “Many of the states that [still] use multi-member districts have political cultures and landscapes that we would argue are conducive to the election of women in the first place” — making it hard to isolate the effect of district magnitude alone. Untangling all these factors is something gender and politics scholars continue to work on.
But in the absence of such attributes — say, a rural county in a racially homogenous, conservative state like Wyoming — multi-member districts may have given women the leg up they needed to achieve greater representation. So while it is unlikely that Wyoming, or other states that have eliminated their multi-member districts, will bring them back, organizations and parties that want to encourage greater women’s representation might try to mimic the effects that multi-member districts enabled. They could reduce the combative nature of elections, or increase the recruitment of women. Maybe that would do the trick.
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atheistforhumanity · 6 years
Why I Vote Blue
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When Abraham Lincoln bravely embraced the liberal philosophy at the time that African American's should not be property conservatives responded by saying:
South Carolina
“...A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.”
“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world...These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.”
“The people of the slave holding States are bound together by the same necessity and determination to preserve African slavery.”
“for the triumph of this new theory of Government destroys the property of the South...to gratify the lust of half-civilized Africans.”
“...in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states....”
Conservatives are still waving the flag of these people today! To anyone who says I don't understand what that flag represents, you need to learn more history.
After the Civil War, when the Democratic party was the conservative wing in this country and dominated the south, confederate veterans formed the KKK-an American terrorist group-to fight the peaceful integration of African Americans into our society. People like to bring up the KKK and Dixie Democrats to deny that the Republican party is the home of racism, but the fact is that in the 1960's the two party's switched platforms. Mainstream Democrats broke ranks with the southern Dixies and all of their conservative and racist values. The south flipped to the Republican party in support of Goldwater and his vicious attack against civil rights. LBJ won the presidency and lead Democrats toward the liberal end of the spectrum we operate on today. That is why the south, which waves the confederate flag and is a stronghold of racism today votes solidly Republican. This is also why the KKK and white nationalists vote Republican, because they find support for their causes in their policies. In fact, in at least 5 races happening right now there are self-avowed Nazis, white supremacists, and holocaust deniers running as Republicans. We have a racist Republican president who called white supremacist demonstrators “very fine people.” It's seriously hard not to see where conservative values live.
When women wanted to vote:
When women wanted to vote men lost their minds and were not having it. Truth be told, women largely had to make this happen on their own because men were hostile to the idea. As far as which party supported women's suffrage it was truly a mixed bag with lukewarm support from both sides. However, I'm focusing on ideological mindset, not party labels. It was a liberal idea to support women voting, just like it was liberal to support feminism in the 70's. Conservatives today are still using the same talking points used by anti-suffrage proponents in the 1920's. 
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Here is a anti-suffrage political cartoon from the 1920's. This is mirrored by Senate Candidate Courtland Sykes. He doesn't want his daughters to become "career obsessed banshees who forego home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic[sic] hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the tops of a thousand tall buildings they think they could have leaped over in a single bound – had men not ‘suppressing them’."
The GOP largely embraces an anti-women platform. Trump famously claimed he had the right to grab women by the pussy at any time, and with nearly 20 accusers of sexual assault he was still elected President. Republican Todd Akin famously said “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Modern Republicans have proved that they know nothing about rape and it's not surprising given their anti-feminist platform. Republican Clayton Williams flat out said to reporters that "If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it." He said he was “joking.” Even Republican women are breathtakingly ignorant of the concept of equality for women. Republican state lawmaker from Florida, Kathleen Passidomo, made the worst victim blaming statement I've ever heard in support of a school dress code: “There was an article about an 11-year-old girl who was gang-raped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute," she said. "And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it’s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn’t happen to our students." Notice that was in Texas, a strongly conservative state. I could literally write pages and pages of quotes against women by conservative figures. The point is that we can see very plainly the conservative minded citizens of our country are not advancing the equality of women and never have.
The Civil Rights Era
Remember when I said the parties switched platforms in the 1960's when the south supported Goldwater for President? Well, Goldwater was a serious opponent of the civil rights act, another conservative man running for president became the face of racism and anti-equality. That mans name was George C. Wallace and he made a fiery speech denouncing LBJ and the Civil Rights Act. Here are some snippets:
“It is therefore a cruel irony that the President of the United States has only yesterday signed into law the most monstrous piece of legislation ever enacted by the United States Congress.
It is a fraud, a sham, and a hoax.
This bill will live in infamy. To sign it into law at any time is tragic. To do so upon the eve of the celebration of our independence insults the intelligence of the American people.
It dishonors the memory of countless thousands of our dead who offered up their very lives in defense of principles which this bill destroys.
Never before in the history of this nation have so many human and property rights been destroyed by a single enactment of the Congress. It is an act of tyranny. It is the assassin's knife stuck in the back of liberty...
...Ministers, lawyers, teachers, newspapers, and every private citizen must guard his speech and watch his actions to avoid the deliberately imposed booby traps put into this bill. It is designed to make Federal crimes of our customs, beliefs, and traditions...
...Yet there are those who call this a good bill.
It is people like Senator Hubert Humphrey and other members of Americans for Democratic Action. It is people like Ralph McGill and other left-wing radical apologists...It was left-wing radicals who led the fight in the Senate for the so-called civil rights bill now about to enslave our nation.
We find Senator Hubert Humphrey telling the people of the United States that "non-violent" demonstrations would continue to serve a good purpose through a "long, busy and constructive summer..."
...I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill. The liberal left-wingers have passed it.”
Okay, we will stop there. If you think listening to Donald Trump makes you feel like you've entered another reality where everything immoral is cherished, then I suggest you read Wallace's full speech. It makes modern Fox News hosts sound rational. Do you think he is just the remnant of a distant past when conservatives didn't know any better? Well, let's compare his statements to modern conservatives.
Wallace called the Civil Rights Act “an Act of tryanny,” and Donald Trump called Black Lives Matter “purveyor's of hate.” In fact the knee jerk reactions of Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter deny the core issue of constant racial violence against black people in America today, both by police and right-wing terrorists.
When Wallace says that the CRA made crimes of “our customs, beliefs, and traditions,” this is echoed in the defense of the confederate flag today and confederate monuments. Conservatives deny that rejecting those symbols of slavery and oppression are a moral action, therefore denying the true dynamic and pain they cause. That's exactly what Wallace was doing by framing civil rights protections for minorities as turning traditions into crimes. Modern supporters cry about the civil war soldiers who will be dishonored, completely ignoring that their cause was dishonorable to begin with and not caring about the disrespect and fear those symbols represent for non-whites.
Wallace mocked the protests of the era and the idea that they were a force for good. What's ironic about that is that Conservatives today always talk about the non-violent methods of MLK and condemn modern protests as being violent and destructive, but that's exactly how conservatives in MLK's day talked about him. Republicans have come out strong with legislation against protesting, taking a page out of the 60's play book. On top of police brutality and violent lash back against protestors, they want to make protesting as illegal as possible.  
Will Herberg in the 60's made scathing comments about MLK and his protests, “in almost every part of the country, called out their mobs on the streets, promoted “school strikes,” sit-ins, lie-ins, in explicit violation of the law and in explicit defiance of the public authority.” He spoke of King inciting anarchy and chaos.
Does this sound familiar? It should, because conservatives on Fox News have been pushing the same narrative that the left has devolved into mob rule, that they are violent people, and protests are illegitimate. The similarities go on and on. Nothing has changed.
It is unquestionable that support for LGBTQ people is a liberal value, and conservatives have fought tooth and nail to resist granting these citizens fair and equal treatment both socially and legally. 
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This graph illustrates my entire point I've been making about voting blue, about being liberal. Modern conservatives will reject the label of bigot while still rejecting homosexuality. We can see that consistently through the past liberal supported LGBTQ FIRST! Every civil rights issue you can think of was pushed by liberals first. I've laid out evidence showing where conservatives and liberals stood for some of the most important issues of our time and where they are today. Conservatives are always playing catch up. They are morally regressive, but always eventually giving in to a moral standard made in the past by liberal minded people. Now, you look at this graph and see that not even all liberals support homosexuality, but the point is not that liberals are perfect only that they are further ahead. Every value that liberals push for eventually becomes a moral standard. Democracy was a liberal idea in the face of conservative monarchists, capitalism was liberal compared to feudalism, religious freedom was a liberal idea compared to state sponsored religion. To be conservative is to be fundamentally against moving forward.
I don't vote blue for the Democratic party, the party may change, I vote for who represents the liberal spectrum. Liberal ideology has brought us everything good in this country and conservative voices have done nothing but hold us back. Whenever conservatives win it is on a campaign of fear. I vote blue because I know that one hundred years from now the people who call themselves conservatives will have accepted much of what we fight for today, but will be refusing to accept new advances. I know the liberal values of today are the values of the future.
I apologize for not going into as much detail about LGBTQ, but I felt that it’s less contested as far as who supports the movement and Pew Research shows where we are at today. It’s no secret who fights against marriage equality, and equal rights.
I hope everyone voted blue today, because you can see what a major impact it has on our lives.
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gixurida-blog · 5 years
The Foolproof Mexico Strategy
There's an 800 number on the rear of your credit card you could call in you will need assistance.  Prior to going, make sure you call your agent to be sure you have coverage.  Please be aware that the withdrawal is dependent upon what sort of card that you possess. How to Get Started with Mexico?
Next step has become the most important step to learn your eligibility.  A good deal of individuals would love to take their time and make educated decisions in regards to pursuing new investments.   There might be legal issues about the work program where kids become ripped off till they figure out the mathematical error. Vital Pieces of Mexico
You're taken in the middle of the estuary by a little zodiac.   From that point, Palomino horses began to make appearances in what are now Texas in addition to all throughout the southwestern portion of the usa.  So you see, Mexican isn't a race.
I watched as they blocked each and every path to progress they could.  Read the cruise lines comparison below so you could make an educated decision in regard to what is the very best cruise line for you. The interior of the bar was a blend of skeletons and steampunk. The Hidden Secret of Mexico
Feeling trapped by escalating costs in the usa, many Americans are likely to these countries to get degrees.  Business casuals is recommended in the majority of cases.  An adjustor is going to be dispatched to assist you file the claims report.
In tourist areas and cities, it doesn't matter a good deal.  If you own a love for fishing then you are going to love all the opportunities that you'll find in beautiful Rocky Point Mexico.  What's more important, in all the Cancun hotels you'll always delight in a personalized attention and the warm hospitality typical of the Mexican men and women.
There are likewise a lot of distinct customs to be conscious of. It is a big complex, so expect to devote the entire day there, and utilize huge amounts of sunscreen to prevent getting sunburned while there.  Drink a lot of fluids, but ONLY bottled H20.
Individuals are the best judge.  The folks who voted for him.   Blaming America for all the wickedness prevalent in your country is only an excuse. Mexico for Dummies
Tourism is important throughout the area.  You may want to look at a Mexican cruise.  The 3 Chinese visa requirements mentioned previously are all that is deemed necessary to be able to get a Chinese tourist visa.
My belief is that Democratic socialist movement will increase within the Democratic party.  He explained that the 2 parties were able to reach some type of agreement.  There's absolutely nothing in your plan that will force work on anyone that could do the job. The Fight Against Mexico
Mexico have a special history of alcohol consumption that is associated with profound anthropological and societal facets.  Together with documentation, for travel in some sections of the Earth, you require certain vaccinations.  The schedules can be extremely confusing and difficult to work out.
One of the absolute most important things to keep in mind is to get fun!  The minute you find a huge pod, you've got to become within the water, get a towline and patiently hold on.  Otherwise you'll wind up wondering around and will like try a whole lot of unique things and might not have room, or money, to try what you were looking forward to.
1 passport size photo that's 2X2 inches in proportion.  With the most suitable travel package, nothing is going to be left to chance.  A lemon lasts quite a lengthy time also. What Does Mexico Mean?
Map Of Mexico States And Cities new is only one of many group of images or pictures which are on this site.  Mining is important in a few nations.  Mexico doesn't have nearly the labor problems common in the united states.
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So the midterm elections are almost over save a few races where things are still to close to call. The emotions this morning are a mixed bag, to say the least, and now we get to read the tea leaves to figure out what this means and what will likely happen next. I will try and break this post up into a couple different subjects so it's easier to digest with your eye holes.
Rise of the Matriarchy 
The first and major take away is the fact that woman just took a big bite out of male power structure in this country. And while I advocated in the past of electing the most qualified/best responsible options for office regardless of gender and orientation, most of the competitions this year were superior female candidates to their lesser male candidates and they (women) crushed it. This is good. This is progress. And the sooner we can balance out Congress and the Senate with 49% Men and 51% Women or something close to that, the less likely you will have Conservative Men dictating/controlling women’s issues/rights behind closed doors.
I hope this trend continues into 2020 with another wave of pink and woman stepping up to fill the role of governing and taking away from those men who have been taking advantage of their position for so long. Keep up the good work ladies, I will vote for your best female candidates here in California when they make it onto the ballet.
UPDATE: Woman took over 110 political positions of power across the US.
Reverse Trump Effect
Historically the Republicans dominate the Midterms mostly because of the fact Democrats don’t show up as much as we should. Yesterday, however, the very presence of Trump has energized the Democratic voters in a big way and we showed up in record numbers. Was it a blue tsunami like we hoped? Not really but Democrats are usually on the defense in Midterm elections in regards to Senate Seats and while we lost some there, the big turn out changed Congress which opens some options to slowing the role of the Bigot in Chief. 
Give Trump some credit he got us liberals to the polls and we took the power back from. Thanks, Dumbass! 
Red State Blues
A few strong Progressive Candidates ran in the south such as Beto O'Rourke (Senate), Andrew Gillum (Governor), and Stacey Abrams (Governor). The results weren’t unexpected simply because in 2010 the GOP made a huge effort to gerrymander the hell out of various states and have been working on a long-term strategy of suppressing votes for years. 
In the case of Beto O’Rourke, he was operating in a deeply red state and most Texans would vote for the fire burning down their house because the color of it was red, they proved that by once again voting for the insanely unpopular Ted Cruz. Beto losing wasn't desired but I was kind of expecting it.
Andrew Gillum happened to be running in a state where felons couldn't vote and the courts in the state favor charging Black Men for crimes far more than White Men for the same crimes which despite Andrew Gillum’s loss is a policy that will no longer be there in 4 years. In 2022, Andrew Gillum could/should run again and capitalize on the vote liberated by this racially motivated voter suppression and you know what... he would win.
Stacey Abrams is the last woman standing but she operates from a position of weakness as the tally is against her AND the person assigned to oversee the election is the man she is running against (how fucking insane is that). Just to make it even more insane, there were 70,000 registrations held up by the state which 70% are African American! Want to know by how much Brian Kemp leads? 63,000 votes! Let's say this again the man holding up 70,000 registrations which are mostly black against his black opponent gives him a lead of 63,000 votes to help him get elected into office. Why there isn't rioting in Georgia I don’t know but this is pretty much textbook suppression. I am happy Stacey Abrams is refusing to concede until a Runoff is completed.
Open Investigations
On the bright side with Congress now being in the hands of Democrats new investigations into Trump can begin. In the coming weeks, we will see them looking his taxes and his dealings to line his pocket with money. Can anyone say Mar-a-Lago? This provides Progressives some much-needed wiggle room to dig into the Trumps accounts and FINALLY pull his skeletons from the closet. Don’t hold your breath for impeachment but this will provide lots of ammunition to fucking destroy this 2020 election bid and that's a win for me.
Conservative Courts
Where we might suffer in all this is the Senate remaining in the GOP’s small hands. This will allow them to continue to stack the courts with hyper-conservative judges. It’s a disappointing revelation as a partisan branch/party is basically assigning partisan judges to a branch that is supposed to be NON-PARTISAN. There is no easy or quick way to pluck these Heritage Foundation ticks from the courts and effects of their Judicial Nominees can last for literally decades.
A Scapegoat Named Sessions
The kind of empty win of Jeff Sessions being forced to resign. On one hand, the racist elf with extremist Christian values is out but Trump NEVER disappoints to find an even more conservative candidate to fill the last guy's shoes.
Call this a prediction but I suspect the coming weeks Trump will say the reason why Democrats took Congress is because of the Mueller Investigation was hanging over his head. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is to fall on his sword (whether he wants too or not) and take the blame for the Conservatives losing ground and LASTLY, I would expect Trump to try and cut Mueller out considering his investigation is technically under the executive branch. Honestly, I think he will try and do it because his voters have already signaled to him (Trump) they will stick with him after mass shootings, parent/child separation, and telling our various allies to fuck off. Him shutting down an investigation into his collusion would not motivate them to abandon their dear dictator and Trump knows that.
The Wrap Up
We should feel good to some degree. Yeah, we have 1/6th of the power of the three branches of Government but progress is a pendulum and anyone who knows their history understands this. People need to be reminded why Republicans suck so much and this four year period hopefully will remind the voters (oh yeah that's why we don't vote for these people because they’re horrible human beings). We are today better off then we were in two days ago and we now have some oversite. To top it all off, women took some power from those shitty male candidates. We need to keep up the momentum and close this chapter on Donald Trump as another moment of history were America made a mistake and we need to move beyond it. Keep your heads up and keep your passion burning... this fight is not over and dare I say, so long as Trumpublicans exist it may last for a while.
Regards, Michael California
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arpov-blog-blog · 2 years
This reminds me of how liberals held Joe Biden responsible for what happened to Anita Hill, though he was the one that gave her the opportunity to voice her complaints against Clarence Thomas in the first place. Did liberals indict Republicans for their bruising treatment against Dr. Hill? No they blamed Biden. Over time who had been a consistent voice against liberal policies? Clarence Thomas. I keep waiting for folks to figure out the rules and call the balls and strikes of the actual game and not their flawed perception of the game. Did Dick Durban allow Lindsay Graham to go too far? Yes. He also challenged Graham, Cruz, and Hawley. Did other Democratic Senators speak up for Judge Jackson? They did. What else were they supposed to do? ...."What does a normal Black woman think?
“I thought they did a great job at being the adults in the room and giving the hearings the professionalism they deserve, even as the GOP tried turning them into a circus while blaming the Democrats,” Michelle B. Young told me. “Projection is all the Republicans have.
“I was particularly impressed with how Jon Ossoff, Alex Padilla and Dick Durbin forcefully called out GOP lies and fishing expeditions.”
Michelle is a graduate student at the University of Cincinnati and, for the moment, a stay-at-home mom. I wanted to know what a normal person had to say about Judge Jackson’s hearings. I especially wanted to know how they looked from the point of view of a Black woman. I happened on Michelle’s enlightening Twitter feed and got in touch.
Lithwick, who is white, set aside Booker’s speech on a theme of patriotism and “Black joy” to focus on the Senate Democrats once again failing to live up to the liberal-left’s high expectations of them. 
For Michelle B. Young, however, that speech was the centerpiece. (She didn’t overlook the GOP’s transgressions, however. See more below.) 
“The story was Cory Booker giving Judge Jackson exactly what she needed when she needed it. That’s the kind of support Black folks who are one of few to occupy elite social circles need and seldom get.”
Booker said nobody's going to steal “his joy” at seeing Judge Jackson make history as the first Black woman on the Supreme Court. (Joe Manchin said this morning he would vote for her, which means she’s virtually guaranteed confirmation.) Booker said in his speech: 
"Nobody's taking this away from me."
Let’s not steal anyone’s joy.
Save the rage for those truly responsible.
To say the United States Supreme Court has been a bastion for the good-ole white-boy network is to put it mildly.
White men are used to having exclusive control over our most powerful institutions. They do not want to give that up.
The Republicans are not even pretending they care about policies anymore. They didn’t adopt policy positions during the Trump era.
Their raison d’etre for being a political party is the politics of white grievance and the fear of demographic change. That’s it!
Every single issue they exploit is designed to uphold white supremacist patriarchy and to scare their base into thinking they are the only real true citizens and everybody else is out to get them.
“Build the wall” means “keep immigrants out.”
“Defund the police” means “Black anarchy!”
“Critical race theory” means “don’t hurt white people’s feels.”
Even their pet cause, abortion, is not about life or religion.
It’s about forcing white women to have more babies so white people stay a majority in this country.
What we are witnessing is a whitelash because America elected a Black man as president. A large section of white society never got over it. So they are doing everything they can to keep it from happening again!
That’s why they are engaging in outrageous voter suppression efforts. They value white patriarchy even more than they value democracy.
Even the so-called “good republicans” like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney do not support voting rights. If you don’t support that, you are not pro-democracy, no matter how you cut it.
The GOP knows their regressive positions are deeply unpopular. That’s why they want to choose their voters rather than face voter rejection."
0 notes
patriotsnet · 3 years
Did Republicans Win Back The House
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-republicans-win-back-the-house/
Did Republicans Win Back The House
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Republicans Secure Half Of Total Us Senate Seats
How Republicans can win back the White House
WASHINGTON U.S. Republican Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska won reelection Wednesday, assuring Republicans of at least 50 seats in the 100-member Senate for the next two years, while leaving control of the chamber uncertain until two runoff elections are held in Georgia in early January.
After slow vote-counting in the northwestern-most state of the U.S. after the November 3 election, news media concluded that Sullivan had an insurmountable lead over Al Gross, an orthopedic surgeon who ran as an independent candidate with Democratic support. The contest was called with Sullivan, a conservative, ahead by 20 percentage points.
With Republicans assured of at least half the Senate seats, attention now turns to the two January 5 runoff elections in the southern state of Georgia.
Two conservative Republican lawmakers Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler now hold the two seats, but both failed in separate contests last week to win a majority, forcing them into the runoffs.
Perdue faces Democrat Jon Ossoff, an investigative journalist who narrowly lost a 2017 race for a seat in the House of Representatives before trying to oust Perdue from the Senate seat he has held since 2015.
Loeffler, who was appointed to her Senate seat in early 2020, is facing Raphael Warnock, a progressive Democrat who is senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.
An Incoming Class Of History
Several of the newly elected state representatives are making history.;
The Republican Madison Cawthorn, 25, who beat the Democrat Moe Davis to represent North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, will become the youngest member of Congress in modern history.
The Democrat Cori Bush is set to become the first Black congresswoman from Missouri after winning in the state’s 1st Congressional District.
The Democrats Mondaire Jones and Ritchie Torres will also be the first openly gay Black men to serve in Congress, after winning in New York’s 17th and 15th districts respectively.
And nine out of the eleven Republicans who have so far unseated incumbent Democrats are women wins that will drastically expand the representation of women and especially of women of color in the House Republican caucus.
Currently, there are just 13 voting female Republican representatives in the House and 11 female Republican incumbents who ran for reelection in 2020.
‘the Squad’ Coasts To Reelection
Three high-profile Democratic members of “the squad” in the House of Representatives held their seats in a comfortable fashion.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will continue to represent New York’s 14th District, defeating the Republican John Cummings by a wide margin, while Rep. Ilhan Omar also ran well ahead of the Republican Lacy Johnson in the race to represent Minnesota’s 5th District.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib also defeated her Republican challenger, David Dudenhoefer, and will continue to represent Michigan’s 13th Congressional District.
You May Like: What Do Republicans And Democrats Believe In
The Midterms Introduced Extreme Divisive Politics
As for the contract’s lasting impact? Most of its ideas and proposals did not pass Congress, or were vetoed by Clinton, and, according to Teske, the ones that did pass were not radical departures and instead relatively minor in scope. But it did put Republicans back in power in Congress, which they’ve largely held onto in the years since.
“The Gingrich approach of extreme right ideas, combined with a scorched-earth personal level of politics in attacking opponentslater seen in Clintons investigations and impeachmenthas also had a major impact on American politics” he says. “It helped bring a much more ‘win at all costs’ mentality, and a divisiveness that persists today.”
Climate Deniers In The 117th Congress
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According to new analysis from the Center for American Progress, there are still 139 elected officials in the 117th Congress, including 109 representatives and 30 senators, who refuse to acknowledge the scientific evidence of human-caused climate change. All 139 of these climate-denying elected officials have made recent statements casting doubt on the clear, established scientific consensus that the world is warmingand that human activity is to blame. These same 139 climate-denying members have received more than $61 million in lifetime contributions from the coal, oil, and gas industries.
Recommended Reading: How Many Republicans Caucused In Iowa
Senate Republican Leader Says Narrow Democratic Control Of House And Senate Makes Push Against President Impractical
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday, I think we have a good chance of winning that election next year.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Republican calls for removing President Biden from office over the Afghanistan withdrawal were impractical, urging GOP voters to focus instead on winning back the House and Senate in next years midterm elections.
Look, there isnt going to be an impeachment, but I think we have a good chance of winning that election next year, Mr. McConnell said in remarks in his home state on Wednesday, in which he noted that Democrats could block any push to remove the president.
Why Did House Democrats Underperform Compared To Joe Biden
The results of the 2020 elections pose several puzzles, one of which is the gap between Joe Bidens handsome victory in the presidential race and the Democrats disappointing performance in the House of Representatives. Biden enjoyed an edge of 7.1 million votes over President Trump, while the Democrats suffered a loss of 13 seats in the House, reducing their margin from 36 to just 10.
Turnout in the 2018 mid-term election reached its highest level in more than a century. Democrats were fervently opposed to the Trump administration and turned out in droves. Compared to its performance in 2016, the partys total House vote fell by only 2%. Without Donald Trump at the head of the ticket, Republican voters were much less enthusiastic, and the total House vote for Republican candidates fell by nearly 20% from 2016. Democratic candidates received almost 10 million more votes than Republican candidates, a margin of 8.6%, the highest ever for a party that was previously in the minority. It was, in short, a spectacular year for House Democrats.
To understand the difference this Democratic disadvantage can make, compare the 2020 presidential and House results in five critical swing states.
Table 1: Presidential versus House results
Also Check: How Did Republicans Do In The Primaries
Rep Emmer On Why He Thinks Republicans Will Win The House
Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer chairs the National Republican Congressional Committee and is leading the GOPs efforts to win control of the House in November. Emmer joins Judy Woodruff from Minneapolis to discuss his reaction to the Republican National Convention so far and why he thinks his party will win a majority in the House this fall.
Republicans Are Watching Their States Back Weed And Theyre Not Sold
Trump to decide on 2024 presidential run once Republicans ‘take back the House’
Montana, South Dakota and Mississippi are among the states that have recently passed legalization referendums.
06/27/2021 07:01 AM EDT
Link Copied
A growing number of Republican senators represent states that have legalized recreational or medical cannabis six approved or expanded marijuana in some form just since November. But without their support in Congress to make up for likely Democratic defectors, weed falls critically short of the 60 votes needed to advance legislation.
Montanas Steve Daines and South Dakotas Mike Rounds, both Republicans, said they dont support comprehensive federal cannabis reform, no matter what voters back home voted for.
I oppose it, said Daines, who is otherwise a lead sponsor of the SAFE Banking Act, which would make it easier for the cannabis industry to access financial services, such as bank accounts and small business loans. The people in Montana decided they want to have it legal in our state, and thats why I support the SAFE Banking Act as well its the right thing to do but I dont support federal legalization.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is vowing to push a far-reaching federal legalization bill, even if President Joe Biden isnt on board. But before he can corner the White House on the issue, Schumer must convince at least 10 Republicans possibly more, since Democrats like Sens. Jon Tester and Jeanne Shaheen are unlikely to back the measure to join his cause.
Also Check: What Do Republicans Stand For Today
The 147 Republicans Who Voted To Overturn Election Results
By Karen Yourish,;Larry Buchanan and Denise LuUpdated January 7, 2021
When a mob of President Trumps supporters stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday, they forced an emergency recess in the Congressional proceedings to officially certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. The disruption came shortly after some Republican lawmakers made the first of a planned series of highly unusual objections, based on spurious allegations of widespread voter fraud, to states election results. The chambers were separately debating an objection to Arizonas results when proceedings were halted and the Capitol was locked down.
When the Senate reconvened at 8 p.m., and the House of Representatives an hour later, the proceedings including the objection debates continued, although some lawmakers who had previously planned to vote with the objectors stood down following the occupation of the Capitol. Plans to challenge a number of states after Arizona were scrapped, as well but one other objection, to Pennsylvanias results, also advanced to a vote. Here are the eight senators and 139 representatives who voted to sustain one or both objections.
Trump Lost Everything For The Republicans
In four years, Trump has led the Republican Party from unified control of Washington to the wilderness.
About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.
If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it, Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted on May 16, 2016.
The South Carolinians prediction didnt age well at first. Come January 2017, the Republican Party was in the catbird seat. With Trumps upset win over the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, it controlled the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Trump would immediately be able to appoint a Supreme Court justice, too, giving GOP appointees an edge on the high court. Trump seemed to have cleared out the last vestiges of the Democrats New Deal coalition and built a new party that might withstand demographic changes expected to favor liberals. Graham, meanwhile, had a change of heart and became one of Trumps noisiest cheerleaders and closest allies.
Nonetheless, Trump insisted on making the Georgia Senate runoffs about him too. The effect was disastrous. Democrats, especially Black voters, turned out in astonishing numbers; suburban voters continued to reject Trump; and Republican turnout fell short, perhaps in part because the president had spent weeks telling his supporters that the states elections were rigged.
You May Like: How Many Republicans Voted For Impeachment
President Clinton And Hillary Clinton Were Campaign Targets
Teske adds that Republicans had some easy “targets to attack,” from the unpopular, early years of President Bill Clinton, to the Hillary Clinton-led health care proposal to individual corruption cases in Congress.
The overarching goal of the contract involved cutting taxes, reducing the size of government and reducing government regulations, taking aim at Congress, itself, to be more transparent, less corrupt and more open with the public.
“Essentially, it claimed that it would ‘drain the swamp’though they didnt use that term, in terms of what Donald Trump would later articulate,”;Teske;says. “If successful, the contract specified 10 bills they would bring up for votes in the first 100 days, including a balanced budget amendment, term limits, social security reform and others.”
The 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Close Even If Trump Is The Gop Nominee
Tumblr media Tumblr media
One very important thing we should have all taken away from both the 2016 and 2020 presidential contests is that the two major parties are in virtual equipose . The ideological sorting-out of the two parties since the 1960s has in turn led to extreme partisan polarization, a decline in ticket-splitting and and in number of genuine swing voters. Among other things, this has led to an atmosphere where Republicans have paid little or no price for the extremism theyve disproportionately exhibited, or for the bad conduct of their leaders, most notably the 45th president.
Indeed, the polarized climate encourages outlandish and immoral base mobilization efforts of the sort Trump deployed so regularly. Some Republicans partisans shook their heads sadly and voted the straight GOP ticket anyway, And to the extent there were swing voters they tended strongly to believe that both parties were equally guilty of excessive partisanship, and/or that all politicians are worthless scum, so why not vote for the worthless scum under whom the economy hummed?
The bottom line is that anyone who assumes Republicans are in irreversible decline in presidential elections really hasnt been paying attention.
Don’t Miss: Which Republicans Voted Against The Tax Bill
Republicans Won All 27 House Races Listed As ‘toss
Republicans won all 27 House races the Cook Political Report rated as toss-ups in its 2020 election analysis, in addition to picking up seven of the 36 seats the outlet rated as likely Democrat” or “lean Democrat.
The House count stands at 221D-209R, and here are my information ratings of the five outstanding races following todays developments, Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman said on Twitter. #CA21 – Likely R, #CA25 – Lean R, #IA02 – Lean R , #NJ07 – Likely D, #NY22 – Toss Up.
The House count stands at 221D-209R, and here are my informal ratings of the five outstanding races following todays developments:#CA21 – Likely R#CA25 – Lean R#IA02 – Lean R #NJ07 – Likely D#NY22 – Toss Up
Dave Wasserman
Before the election, the Cook Political Report listed 229 seats as either solid Democrat, likely Democrat, or lean Democrat to go along with the 26 toss-ups. As of Thursday, the partys best hope is for 226 seats, though the Cook Political Report rates 223 as the most likely outcome.
The results represent a major disappointment for Democrats, who grew increasingly confident of a blue wave leading up to Election Day that would give them an expanded House majority.
This year, Im trying to win it two years in advance by being so substantial in this election that as soon as we start into the next year, people will see our strength, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said one week before Election Day.
Effect Of Republican Retirements
Indeed, 2020 was actually a Democratic-leaning year, with Biden winning the national popular vote by 4.5 percentage points. So theres a good chance that states will be at least a bit redder in 2022 than they were in 2020.
That could make these retirements less of a blow to Republicans than they first appear. Whats more, by announcing their retirements so early, Burr, Toomey and Portman are giving the GOP as much time as possible to recruit potential candidates, shape the field of candidates in a strategic way in the invisible primary and raise more money for the open-seat campaign. And in Ohio specifically, Republicans still look like heavy favorites. Even in the Democratic-leaning environment of 2020, Trump won Ohio by 8 percentage points, implying that its true partisan lean is probably even more Republican-leaning. Ohio is simply not the quintessential swing state it once was; dating back to the 2014 election cycle, Democrats have won just one out of 14 statewide contests in Ohio and that was a popular incumbent running in a blue-wave election year .
Nathaniel Rakich and Geoffrey Skelley, FiveThirtyEight
Read Also: When Did The Republicans And Democrats Switch Platforms
Gop Women Made Big Gains
While the majority of the Republican caucus will still be men come 2021, there will be far more Republican women in Congress than there were this year. So far, it looks like at least 26 GOP women will be in the House next year, surpassing the record of 25 from the 109th Congress. Thats thanks in part to the record number of non-incumbent Republican women 15 whove won House contests. And its also because of how well Republican women did in tight races. The table below shows the Republican women who ran in Democratic-held House districts that were at least potentially competitive,1 according to FiveThirtyEights forecast. As of this writing, seven of them have won.
GOP women have flipped several Democratic seats
Republican women running for potentially competitive Democratic-held House seats and the status of their race as of 4:30 p.m Eastern on Nov. 11
District D+22.1
Results are unofficial. Races are counted as projected only if the projection comes from ABC News. Excludes races in which the Republican candidate has either a less than 1 in 100 chance or greater than 99 in 100 chance of winning.
Gerrymandering Texas Could Help Republicans Take Back The House In 2022
Trump has ‘no plans’ for third party but will help Republicans win back House and Senate in 2022
HOUSTON Fort Bend County was a sleepy suburban outpost of Houston when KP George arrived in the late 1990s, dominated by conservative politics and represented in Congress by Republican Party star Tom DeLay.
Twenty years later, the areas population has more than doubled in size, driven by fast-growing Asian, Latino and Black communities that in 2019 helped elect George an immigrant from southern India as Fort Bends first non-white county judge.
The wave of left-leaning voters that elevated George and other Democrats to local office in recent years may also help the area land a new congressional district. Texas gained two House seats in the 2020 U.S. Census, driven by a population boom in the Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan regions, among other parts of the state.
But the Republican-controlled state legislature will be in charge of drawing the new districts, leaving Democrats on the sidelines, worried they may not benefit from the regions changing demographics.
You feel like youre not being counted, George said. My county is benefitting from people like me. But when it comes to the seat at the table , we dont have it.
Redistricting is a byzantine process that plays out behind closed doors, but the stakes are high. New congressional and state legislative lines will remain in place for the next decade, giving the parties that benefit most from redistricting considerable clout in policymaking and upcoming elections.
Read Also: Why Did Republicans Want To Remove President Johnson From Office
0 notes
statetalks · 3 years
Did Republicans Win Back The House
Republicans Secure Half Of Total Us Senate Seats
How Republicans can win back the White House
WASHINGTON U.S. Republican Senator Dan Sullivan of Alaska won reelection Wednesday, assuring Republicans of at least 50 seats in the 100-member Senate for the next two years, while leaving control of the chamber uncertain until two runoff elections are held in Georgia in early January.
After slow vote-counting in the northwestern-most state of the U.S. after the November 3 election, news media concluded that Sullivan had an insurmountable lead over Al Gross, an orthopedic surgeon who ran as an independent candidate with Democratic support. The contest was called with Sullivan, a conservative, ahead by 20 percentage points.
With Republicans assured of at least half the Senate seats, attention now turns to the two January 5 runoff elections in the southern state of Georgia.
Two conservative Republican lawmakers Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler now hold the two seats, but both failed in separate contests last week to win a majority, forcing them into the runoffs.
Perdue faces Democrat Jon Ossoff, an investigative journalist who narrowly lost a 2017 race for a seat in the House of Representatives before trying to oust Perdue from the Senate seat he has held since 2015.
Loeffler, who was appointed to her Senate seat in early 2020, is facing Raphael Warnock, a progressive Democrat who is senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.
An Incoming Class Of History
Several of the newly elected state representatives are making history.;
The Republican Madison Cawthorn, 25, who beat the Democrat Moe Davis to represent North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, will become the youngest member of Congress in modern history.
The Democrat Cori Bush is set to become the first Black congresswoman from Missouri after winning in the state’s 1st Congressional District.
The Democrats Mondaire Jones and Ritchie Torres will also be the first openly gay Black men to serve in Congress, after winning in New York’s 17th and 15th districts respectively.
And nine out of the eleven Republicans who have so far unseated incumbent Democrats are women wins that will drastically expand the representation of women and especially of women of color in the House Republican caucus.
Currently, there are just 13 voting female Republican representatives in the House and 11 female Republican incumbents who ran for reelection in 2020.
‘the Squad’ Coasts To Reelection
Three high-profile Democratic members of “the squad” in the House of Representatives held their seats in a comfortable fashion.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will continue to represent New York’s 14th District, defeating the Republican John Cummings by a wide margin, while Rep. Ilhan Omar also ran well ahead of the Republican Lacy Johnson in the race to represent Minnesota’s 5th District.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib also defeated her Republican challenger, David Dudenhoefer, and will continue to represent Michigan’s 13th Congressional District.
You May Like: What Do Republicans And Democrats Believe In
The Midterms Introduced Extreme Divisive Politics
As for the contract’s lasting impact? Most of its ideas and proposals did not pass Congress, or were vetoed by Clinton, and, according to Teske, the ones that did pass were not radical departures and instead relatively minor in scope. But it did put Republicans back in power in Congress, which they’ve largely held onto in the years since.
“The Gingrich approach of extreme right ideas, combined with a scorched-earth personal level of politics in attacking opponentslater seen in Clintons investigations and impeachmenthas also had a major impact on American politics” he says. “It helped bring a much more ‘win at all costs’ mentality, and a divisiveness that persists today.”
Climate Deniers In The 117th Congress
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According to new analysis from the Center for American Progress, there are still 139 elected officials in the 117th Congress, including 109 representatives and 30 senators, who refuse to acknowledge the scientific evidence of human-caused climate change. All 139 of these climate-denying elected officials have made recent statements casting doubt on the clear, established scientific consensus that the world is warmingand that human activity is to blame. These same 139 climate-denying members have received more than $61 million in lifetime contributions from the coal, oil, and gas industries.
Recommended Reading: How Many Republicans Caucused In Iowa
Senate Republican Leader Says Narrow Democratic Control Of House And Senate Makes Push Against President Impractical
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday, I think we have a good chance of winning that election next year.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Republican calls for removing President Biden from office over the Afghanistan withdrawal were impractical, urging GOP voters to focus instead on winning back the House and Senate in next years midterm elections.
Look, there isnt going to be an impeachment, but I think we have a good chance of winning that election next year, Mr. McConnell said in remarks in his home state on Wednesday, in which he noted that Democrats could block any push to remove the president.
Why Did House Democrats Underperform Compared To Joe Biden
The results of the 2020 elections pose several puzzles, one of which is the gap between Joe Bidens handsome victory in the presidential race and the Democrats disappointing performance in the House of Representatives. Biden enjoyed an edge of 7.1 million votes over President Trump, while the Democrats suffered a loss of 13 seats in the House, reducing their margin from 36 to just 10.
Turnout in the 2018 mid-term election reached its highest level in more than a century. Democrats were fervently opposed to the Trump administration and turned out in droves. Compared to its performance in 2016, the partys total House vote fell by only 2%. Without Donald Trump at the head of the ticket, Republican voters were much less enthusiastic, and the total House vote for Republican candidates fell by nearly 20% from 2016. Democratic candidates received almost 10 million more votes than Republican candidates, a margin of 8.6%, the highest ever for a party that was previously in the minority. It was, in short, a spectacular year for House Democrats.
To understand the difference this Democratic disadvantage can make, compare the 2020 presidential and House results in five critical swing states.
Table 1: Presidential versus House results
Also Check: How Did Republicans Do In The Primaries
Rep Emmer On Why He Thinks Republicans Will Win The House
Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer chairs the National Republican Congressional Committee and is leading the GOPs efforts to win control of the House in November. Emmer joins Judy Woodruff from Minneapolis to discuss his reaction to the Republican National Convention so far and why he thinks his party will win a majority in the House this fall.
Republicans Are Watching Their States Back Weed And Theyre Not Sold
Trump to decide on 2024 presidential run once Republicans ‘take back the House’
Montana, South Dakota and Mississippi are among the states that have recently passed legalization referendums.
06/27/2021 07:01 AM EDT
Link Copied
A growing number of Republican senators represent states that have legalized recreational or medical cannabis six approved or expanded marijuana in some form just since November. But without their support in Congress to make up for likely Democratic defectors, weed falls critically short of the 60 votes needed to advance legislation.
Montanas Steve Daines and South Dakotas Mike Rounds, both Republicans, said they dont support comprehensive federal cannabis reform, no matter what voters back home voted for.
I oppose it, said Daines, who is otherwise a lead sponsor of the SAFE Banking Act, which would make it easier for the cannabis industry to access financial services, such as bank accounts and small business loans. The people in Montana decided they want to have it legal in our state, and thats why I support the SAFE Banking Act as well its the right thing to do but I dont support federal legalization.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is vowing to push a far-reaching federal legalization bill, even if President Joe Biden isnt on board. But before he can corner the White House on the issue, Schumer must convince at least 10 Republicans possibly more, since Democrats like Sens. Jon Tester and Jeanne Shaheen are unlikely to back the measure to join his cause.
Also Check: What Do Republicans Stand For Today
The 147 Republicans Who Voted To Overturn Election Results
By Karen Yourish,;Larry Buchanan and Denise LuUpdated January 7, 2021
When a mob of President Trumps supporters stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday, they forced an emergency recess in the Congressional proceedings to officially certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. The disruption came shortly after some Republican lawmakers made the first of a planned series of highly unusual objections, based on spurious allegations of widespread voter fraud, to states election results. The chambers were separately debating an objection to Arizonas results when proceedings were halted and the Capitol was locked down.
When the Senate reconvened at 8 p.m., and the House of Representatives an hour later, the proceedings including the objection debates continued, although some lawmakers who had previously planned to vote with the objectors stood down following the occupation of the Capitol. Plans to challenge a number of states after Arizona were scrapped, as well but one other objection, to Pennsylvanias results, also advanced to a vote. Here are the eight senators and 139 representatives who voted to sustain one or both objections.
Trump Lost Everything For The Republicans
In four years, Trump has led the Republican Party from unified control of Washington to the wilderness.
About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.
If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it, Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted on May 16, 2016.
The South Carolinians prediction didnt age well at first. Come January 2017, the Republican Party was in the catbird seat. With Trumps upset win over the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, it controlled the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Trump would immediately be able to appoint a Supreme Court justice, too, giving GOP appointees an edge on the high court. Trump seemed to have cleared out the last vestiges of the Democrats New Deal coalition and built a new party that might withstand demographic changes expected to favor liberals. Graham, meanwhile, had a change of heart and became one of Trumps noisiest cheerleaders and closest allies.
Nonetheless, Trump insisted on making the Georgia Senate runoffs about him too. The effect was disastrous. Democrats, especially Black voters, turned out in astonishing numbers; suburban voters continued to reject Trump; and Republican turnout fell short, perhaps in part because the president had spent weeks telling his supporters that the states elections were rigged.
You May Like: How Many Republicans Voted For Impeachment
President Clinton And Hillary Clinton Were Campaign Targets
Teske adds that Republicans had some easy “targets to attack,” from the unpopular, early years of President Bill Clinton, to the Hillary Clinton-led health care proposal to individual corruption cases in Congress.
The overarching goal of the contract involved cutting taxes, reducing the size of government and reducing government regulations, taking aim at Congress, itself, to be more transparent, less corrupt and more open with the public.
“Essentially, it claimed that it would ‘drain the swamp’though they didnt use that term, in terms of what Donald Trump would later articulate,”;Teske;says. “If successful, the contract specified 10 bills they would bring up for votes in the first 100 days, including a balanced budget amendment, term limits, social security reform and others.”
The 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Close Even If Trump Is The Gop Nominee
Tumblr media
One very important thing we should have all taken away from both the 2016 and 2020 presidential contests is that the two major parties are in virtual equipose . The ideological sorting-out of the two parties since the 1960s has in turn led to extreme partisan polarization, a decline in ticket-splitting and and in number of genuine swing voters. Among other things, this has led to an atmosphere where Republicans have paid little or no price for the extremism theyve disproportionately exhibited, or for the bad conduct of their leaders, most notably the 45th president.
Indeed, the polarized climate encourages outlandish and immoral base mobilization efforts of the sort Trump deployed so regularly. Some Republicans partisans shook their heads sadly and voted the straight GOP ticket anyway, And to the extent there were swing voters they tended strongly to believe that both parties were equally guilty of excessive partisanship, and/or that all politicians are worthless scum, so why not vote for the worthless scum under whom the economy hummed?
The bottom line is that anyone who assumes Republicans are in irreversible decline in presidential elections really hasnt been paying attention.
Don’t Miss: Which Republicans Voted Against The Tax Bill
Republicans Won All 27 House Races Listed As ‘toss
Republicans won all 27 House races the Cook Political Report rated as toss-ups in its 2020 election analysis, in addition to picking up seven of the 36 seats the outlet rated as likely Democrat” or “lean Democrat.
The House count stands at 221D-209R, and here are my information ratings of the five outstanding races following todays developments, Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman said on Twitter. #CA21 – Likely R, #CA25 – Lean R, #IA02 – Lean R , #NJ07 – Likely D, #NY22 – Toss Up.
The House count stands at 221D-209R, and here are my informal ratings of the five outstanding races following todays developments:#CA21 – Likely R#CA25 – Lean R#IA02 – Lean R #NJ07 – Likely D#NY22 – Toss Up
Dave Wasserman
Before the election, the Cook Political Report listed 229 seats as either solid Democrat, likely Democrat, or lean Democrat to go along with the 26 toss-ups. As of Thursday, the partys best hope is for 226 seats, though the Cook Political Report rates 223 as the most likely outcome.
The results represent a major disappointment for Democrats, who grew increasingly confident of a blue wave leading up to Election Day that would give them an expanded House majority.
This year, Im trying to win it two years in advance by being so substantial in this election that as soon as we start into the next year, people will see our strength, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said one week before Election Day.
Effect Of Republican Retirements
Indeed, 2020 was actually a Democratic-leaning year, with Biden winning the national popular vote by 4.5 percentage points. So theres a good chance that states will be at least a bit redder in 2022 than they were in 2020.
That could make these retirements less of a blow to Republicans than they first appear. Whats more, by announcing their retirements so early, Burr, Toomey and Portman are giving the GOP as much time as possible to recruit potential candidates, shape the field of candidates in a strategic way in the invisible primary and raise more money for the open-seat campaign. And in Ohio specifically, Republicans still look like heavy favorites. Even in the Democratic-leaning environment of 2020, Trump won Ohio by 8 percentage points, implying that its true partisan lean is probably even more Republican-leaning. Ohio is simply not the quintessential swing state it once was; dating back to the 2014 election cycle, Democrats have won just one out of 14 statewide contests in Ohio and that was a popular incumbent running in a blue-wave election year .
Nathaniel Rakich and Geoffrey Skelley, FiveThirtyEight
Read Also: When Did The Republicans And Democrats Switch Platforms
Gop Women Made Big Gains
While the majority of the Republican caucus will still be men come 2021, there will be far more Republican women in Congress than there were this year. So far, it looks like at least 26 GOP women will be in the House next year, surpassing the record of 25 from the 109th Congress. Thats thanks in part to the record number of non-incumbent Republican women 15 whove won House contests. And its also because of how well Republican women did in tight races. The table below shows the Republican women who ran in Democratic-held House districts that were at least potentially competitive,1 according to FiveThirtyEights forecast. As of this writing, seven of them have won.
GOP women have flipped several Democratic seats
Republican women running for potentially competitive Democratic-held House seats and the status of their race as of 4:30 p.m Eastern on Nov. 11
District D+22.1
Results are unofficial. Races are counted as projected only if the projection comes from ABC News. Excludes races in which the Republican candidate has either a less than 1 in 100 chance or greater than 99 in 100 chance of winning.
Gerrymandering Texas Could Help Republicans Take Back The House In 2022
Trump has ‘no plans’ for third party but will help Republicans win back House and Senate in 2022
HOUSTON Fort Bend County was a sleepy suburban outpost of Houston when KP George arrived in the late 1990s, dominated by conservative politics and represented in Congress by Republican Party star Tom DeLay.
Twenty years later, the areas population has more than doubled in size, driven by fast-growing Asian, Latino and Black communities that in 2019 helped elect George an immigrant from southern India as Fort Bends first non-white county judge.
The wave of left-leaning voters that elevated George and other Democrats to local office in recent years may also help the area land a new congressional district. Texas gained two House seats in the 2020 U.S. Census, driven by a population boom in the Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan regions, among other parts of the state.
But the Republican-controlled state legislature will be in charge of drawing the new districts, leaving Democrats on the sidelines, worried they may not benefit from the regions changing demographics.
You feel like youre not being counted, George said. My county is benefitting from people like me. But when it comes to the seat at the table , we dont have it.
Redistricting is a byzantine process that plays out behind closed doors, but the stakes are high. New congressional and state legislative lines will remain in place for the next decade, giving the parties that benefit most from redistricting considerable clout in policymaking and upcoming elections.
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source https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-republicans-win-back-the-house/
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