markfaustus · 1 day
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666faustxxx · 1 day
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@curlysgirl0202 Here's your proof, you bone head. LOL! Day after the election when gas prices were still GREAT under Trump. You Communist POS.
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jackassdemocrats · 1 day
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Biden and his open border.
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creature-wizard · 9 months
Check your conspiracy theory. Does it sound anything like this?
There is an ancient global conspiracy plotting to create a one world government.
The one world government will be headed by a single leader.
The conspiracy intends to make everyone follow a religion it created.
The conspiracy is trying to destroy all true religion/spirituality.
The conspiracy deliberately stirs up conflict and starts wars.
The conspiracy deliberately does whatever it can to confuse, exhaust, and demoralize the people.
The conspiracy creates and/or manipulates art and entertainment to control and brainwash the masses.
The conspiracy uses mind-altering substances to manipulate and control people.
Liberal politics (EG, religious tolerance, equality) are part of the conspiracy.
Communism and collectivism are part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates the economy to our detriment.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the gold standard.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the free market.
The conspiracy intends to tax the rich, which is bad because taxes are just legal theft.
Teaching people about the mistakes and atrocities committed by governments is part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy creates new religions and spiritual movements to further their agendas.
All secret societies (EG, Freemasonry) are part of the conspiracy.
Presidents are manipulated puppets of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates anyone with a high political position.
The conspiracy grooms world leaders.
Agents of the conspiracy are planted everywhere, in all levels of society.
The conspiracy kills anyone who might expose their plans in ways that no one would suspect are actually murder.
The conspiracy follows/uses the Kabbalah.
Literally all of these were claimed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an antisemitic hoax used by the Okhrana to justify violence against Russian Jews. It was used by Nazi Germany to justify the Holocaust, and today it still serves as the blueprint for most conspiracy theories - even if modern conspiracy theorists try to hide it, downplay it, or rationalize it with another, equally absurd conspiracy theory.
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ireton · 1 year
There are going to be people that will not comply.
Absolute and total non-compliance is the only way to stop this attempted takeover of our lives and our very way of life.
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reality-detective · 8 months
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nojillnolife · 4 months
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yantastic · 1 month
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can’t believe i never showed y’all my nwo sweatpants!!
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markfaustus · 11 days
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maythray · 11 days
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shes shredding every thread.
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jackassdemocrats · 5 days
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creature-wizard · 8 months
Check your conspiracy theory part two: double, double, boil and trouble
Does your conspiracy theory sound something like this?
There is a large number of people who practice a form of religion that demands animal and human sacrifices.
Their practices can be traced all the way back to ancient times.
They are responsible for many mysterious murders, disappearances, and animal deaths.
They especially prey on children, or require children for certain rituals.
Their rituals include immoral sexual activities.
They practice ritual cannibalism.
They use something from the victims' bodies for medicinal or mystical purposes.
They regularly cast curses.
They have special means of manipulating or controlling people's minds.
Strange medical and psychological symptoms are evidence that one has been targeted or tortured by these people.
Their rituals and holidays are viscerally disgusting mockeries of normal, wholesome rituals and holidays. Feces, urine, and blood are often involved.
Members are severely punished (physically and psychologically) for transgressions.
Members are frequently driven to suicide.
Members often lead double lives, often seeming to be good law-abiding citizens to the public.
There are numerous telltale signs that give their allegiance away; EG, strange body markings or owning things that could be used in rituals.
If evidence can't be found, it's because they have ways of hiding it.
They have ways of traveling and transporting victims to seemingly improbable locations with no one noticing.
They might believe themselves to be worshiping pagan gods, but it's actually a satanic deception.
All of these claims go back to early modern witch panic and blood libel. (There is significant overlap between these things.) You can find this kind of stuff claimed in literature like the Malleus Malificarum, A Discovery of Witches (the one by Matthew Hopkins), and the Compendium Maleficarum. You can also find information on the history of blood libel over here.
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reality-detective · 3 months
This 👆 is what you are witnessing today by the NWO/WEF/EU/Unelected Globalist/The WHO/Elected Government Officials.🤔
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finitofreeway · 2 months
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