#and let me restate I'm not like....poor. it's just
v-iv-rusty · 11 months
I'm rly glad I have the patience to deal with rich people bc a lot of the clients I interact with at my job have more money than I could ever even hope to imagine having and it's. it feels fucking weird. it's just so strange. for the most part it's actually fine but. not to sound like a greedy peasant but I can feel my patience severely wearing thin every time one of them tells me how much they appreciate the work I'm doing at their 7k square foot seasonal mansion but they can't drop like 10 bucks as a tip ever. do you know how much 7k sqft is. that is approximately 35 of my apartments. and you may be thinking 'echo that's like 200sqft that's a tiny ass apartment that's your problem' and you are correct! this is because it was the only decent place within a reasonable distance I could feasibly afford
7k sqft. 35 of my apartments. of course I wouldn't expect to be able to afford something huge. I'm just starting out. but 35 of my apartments. no tip. idk what kind of point I'm trying to make here, maybe nothing, maybe this is stupid (and I'm probably going to delete this whole rant in 5min anyway), but it feels. weird. and I keep thinking about it every single time I clock in to work
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irisintheafterglow · 8 months
the first time you tell opla!zoro that you love him, you're not sober either. (part one here!)
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"i just-i just don't know what to do," you sniffle, another wave of emotions leaking through your tired eyes and onto your tear-stained shirt. "i'm so in love with him it makes me physically ill, nami."
"mhmm, i can tell," she replies absentmindedly, taking another sip from her drink in the musty light of the bar.
"nami," you plead, wasted out of your mind with your cheek pressed against the dirty table.
"sweetheart," she replies with the same melodrama, unable to hide the amusement in her voice.
"i'm so sad." your voice breaks on the last word and you make a loud hiccup-like noise that has the other guests of the bar eyeing you warily. you couldn't guess how long it'd been since you dragged nami from her hammock to go drink your sorrows away. to her credit, she stayed with you until her patience was thinner than a paper cut.
"i know you are," she says slowly after you'd gone over the same topic about four times in the last five minutes. "look, i feel like you should just tell him. he already told you his feelings."
"see, but that's the thing." she shoots you a skeptical look and you sigh back at her. "what if he's lying? or if he didn't actually mean it?"
"why would he lie about something so significant as that?"
"i don't know, maybe he thought i was someone else-"
"from what you've very thoroughly informed me, he expressed his feelings for you, and only you," she reminds you, tilting her glass toward you for emphasis. her gaze flicks up behind you and she raises her eyebrows briefly, like whoever was approaching was another tool for her entertainment. "tell him. it's now or never."
"what the hell do you-"
"you're out of your mind if you think it's okay to get them drunk before a mission." his voice immediately sobers you, white-hot shame coursing through your veins as you sit up and try to make yourself look presentable. thankfully, he's glaring daggers into nami, who merely shrugs and offers something about being here for a good time, not a long time. "c'mon, i'm taking you back to the ship," he mutters, lifting you from your seat and letting you grab his unfairly strong bicep for stability.
"why'd you come get me?" your steps wobble slightly on the cobblestone, but zoro's determination to keep you upright is unwavering. "i could have gone home with nami."
"i got worried about where you were. thought something happened."
"nothing happened except alcohol and feelings," you drawl absentmindedly, the airy feeling in your mind becoming fuzzier the longer you're with him.
"ah, two of my favorite things."
"liar, you only talk about your feelings when you're drunk." blinking slowly to recenter yourself, you cut him off before he can counter your accusation. "like, the other night. when you told me you loved me." the words slip out unplanned and his body becomes deathly still next to you, his arm so tense you could mine it with a pickaxe.
"i said...what?"
"that you loved me and that it was a secret," you say plainly, glancing at him to find his face a nearly imperceptible shade of pink. "what's with the blush?"
"it's nothing," he says quietly. sober you would have left the conversation at that, respecting his need for privacy and security about his private feelings.
drunk you, however, has no such manners.
"look at you, all red and shit." his ears become an even deeper shade of pink and you can't help laughing at his poor attempt to hide his embarrassment. "you wouldn't be so flushed if it was actually nothing, so what is it?"
"it's nothing," he restates. "it doesn't matter."
"it matters to me. you matter to me." his face feels like it's been set on fire and every place your body is making contact with his feels like an electric current. did you have any idea what your words were doing to him, he wondered. sure, what you said made his brain go foggy like the island coastline in the morning, but what you made him feel was so much worse. you made him feel so lovesick, it pained him.
"the sentiment is reciprocated," he murmurs low enough that you can barely hear him. even while you're dancing around in the streetlights, you've never looked so beautiful to him.
"can i tell you a secret?" he swallows thickly, unsure of how to continue navigating this situation. he settles for nodding, every movement restrained to keep from kissing you until the only oxygen in his lungs has gone through yours first. "you can't tell anyone, though."
"i'm a great secret keeper."
"no, you're not," you reply instantly and his mouth gapes indignantly. "you told me your biggest secret and you don't even remember it."
"fine. i won't tell anyone what you tell me, then. i don't know about anyone else," he promises. after what seemed like an eternity, he finally helps you into your hammock, taking great care to make sure you don't fall out. "if i do tell someone, you can kick me in the balls."
"enticing offer," you laugh and his mouth quirks in a half-smile that you only saw once in a blue moon.
"so, the secret?"
"oh, right," you whisper sleepily. "the secret is that i love you too. i love you so much that i want to throw up."
"i think that might be the alcohol, doll," he murmurs, his fingers gently brushing your cheek. "sober you and sober me need to have a long talk in the morning."
"we said that last time but didn't do shit about it."
"well, i think it's time i did something about it." your eyebrows furrow, completely forgetting anything you'd just talked about. it's okay, he figures. he'll show you how much you mean to him when you're both ready.
"did something about what?"
"how much i love you, too."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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starsurface · 3 months
LOVED the diapered babyspace Liu Kang post, especially because I’ve been so sick with a tooth abscess this week and these were so comforting to read!! tysm!!! I’d love to see any more you have for diapered Liu across both timelines lol, especially if he’s feeling fussy because maybe he got sick too but needs Raiden to look after him? They’re so precious! 😭
I'm so glad you liked them!!! I'm very glad they they're comforting for you, Sugar. <3 These are a bit more on them being sick, but I promise there are some diaper hcs there too!!!
Also I hope you feel better!!!! That really doesn't sound super fun. :(
A quick restate from my last Padded Request:
(Some strong languageuse) Before we get to the hcs, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with using or needing diapers. Some people use diapers use them for weird kink related things, but with age regression they are used for comfort and unfortunate inconvenience. Do not come to my blog because you wish to relate this with any kind of kink. Kindly fuck off and leave my blog alone, thank you.
^ This isn’t to bash regressors btw!!! This is me saying to fuck off if your a dd/lg or any type of blog like that. <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Lord Raiden w/ Babyspace Regressor Liu Kang That Uses Diapers MK11 Hcs pt 2
⛈️ Liu Kang doens’t get sick often, normally he get use his powers to burn whatever he has away
❤️‍🔥 Othertimes he’d just tough it out, either until it goes away, or until Kung Lao forces him to go to bed (and that’s when he’s sick sick)
⛈️ Raiden is a bit upset when he finds out how sick Liu kang is, and how he tried to ignore his physical health to train, but any lecture he has is going to have to wait
❤️‍🔥 Why? Because the moment Liu Kang sees him he starts blubbering, making grabby hands towards his Dada
⛈️ He’s tiny tiny too, feeling all sick and icky, he just wants to be babbied :(
❤️‍🔥 Raiden will put him into some padding, which makes Liu Kang very fussy
⛈️ He might feel icky and tiny, but he doesn’t need one!!! He’s big! He swears he’s big! >:(
❤️‍🔥 Raiden gently shushes him, saying it’s just a precaution, and lets Liu Kang throw a small tantrum before changing him
⛈️ Unfortunaly . . . Liu does end up needing it, which only makes a crying fit happen
❤️‍🔥 Raiden gently shushes him, rocking the poor boy before giving him a gentle bath and changing him again
⛈️ Liu Kang ends up feeling better quickly, especially with how Raiden makes him have yucky medicine and a lot of naptime
❤️‍🔥 Liu Kang would despise any kind of colorful design on his padding
⛈️ Those are baby baby diapers!!! He doesn’t need to use those!!! >:O
❤️‍🔥 He’d much rather have plain padding, atleast for a while
⛈️ Would be devastated if anyone other than Raiden, Kitana, or Kung Lao knew he used them
❤️‍🔥So when Raiden accidentally forgets to put the box away and Sonya questions him about it? 
⛈️ Freak. Out.
❤️‍🔥 Absolute tears, sobbing over the fact someone found out, even if Raiden was asked about it and Liu wasn’t
⛈️ ^ Don’t worry, the rest of the gang was very supportive about it, and Sonya apoligized for snooping through Raiden’s room (she wasn’t snooping, she was just trying to find Raiden, total difference, but whatever 🙄)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden w/ Babyspace Regressor Liu Kang That Uses Diapers MK1 Hcs pt 2
🌩️ Gods don’t usually get sick, such an ocurance is extremely rare
🌟 But that doesn’t mean it’s truly impossible
🌩 His monks are the one who send him back home, and Liu Kang uses his baby monitor to kinda beg for Raiden to come over
🌟 He wants his Rai Rai, and he feels too tiny to get up :(
🌩 Luckily, Raiden came over very quickly, almost in a rush (he didn’t want his baby to be all icky and alone)
🌟 Liu Kang is a little less fussy about wearing some padding, but still whines and tell Raiden that he’s not that tiny 🥺
🌩 Although . . . he clearly is, and Raiden isn’t buying his little fit
🌟 He does end up needing them, which does resolve in another crying fit, but Raiden’s very soft and gentle about it
🌩 Giving Liu Kang a nice warm bath, putting him into something comfy, it’s never nice feeling small and icky :(
🌟 Kung Lao pulled some strings and got Liu Kang and Raiden some soup from Madam Bo’s (Madam Bo just also adores baby Liu Kang, and might have given him a discount . . . Lao calls favortism)
🌩 He does feel better very quickly!! Being a God, and a fire God, he ends up feeling good about the next day
🌟 Is a little more open to padding with cute designs on them, especially since Raiden has some for when he’s small
🌩 Gasped and almost became a bit excited when Raiden showed him one with tiny dragons on it, and those are the ones that Liu Kang uses the most
🌟 ^ It does help Liu Kang’s little fits about padding lessen, and Raiden didn’t know why he didn’t think of something dragon related earlier
🌩 Or, until Johnny made a small joke about it, and now Liu Kang’s crying in Raiden’s arms
🌟 Johnny gets sent to a timeout, which also causes him to regress, and now Raiden has two fussy little ones to take care of
🌩 Liu Kang upset because he was just getting more comfy with padding and even though Johnny’s joke was more about dragons, it was still about him using padding and he didn’t like it
🌟 And Johnny’s upset because in his eyes, he didn’t do anything wrong!! He just made a joke, he doesn’t know why Liu Liu’s all upset!!
🌩 ^ Don’t worry, Johnny does apoligize after Raiden explains that Liu doesn’t like those kind of jokes, and Liu Kang does forgive him (and gets Johnny out of a second timeout because Kenshi wasn’t too happy about the situation)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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saltminerising · 2 years
This probably won't get posted as the 'mins have declared that the recent Mousemod discourse has run its course, but I've been seriously peeved by the way she moderates since the whole blood "clarification" debacle and I just want to rant.
Mousemod's official title is "Community Manager," yet she doesn't seem to understand the community. Sometimes she doesn't even seem to understand the rules she sites (Once again I point to the blood "clarification" where she reworded a set of infamously vague rules and claimed it was clarifying.) and she never acknowledges the real emotions that are present when she locks a thread. Should people get so legitimately angry, hurt, frustrated, and generally heated over debates about pixel dragons? No, but they do. And shutting all of that down with a simple "this is against the rules," or even worse, deleting the thread entirely without saying a word is downright rude and honestly it's just poor moderation. It actively prolongs the issue.
I'm not talking about spam or bullying; a vast majority of Mousemod's locks have been fully respectful debates that were just deemed illegal because the team as a whole is too cowardly to let us discuss the rules in public. Now I'm fully aware that Mousemod is one team member and does not have total authority to make rules. But she is extraordinarily diligent in enforcing that rule, and always claiming that it's there to "respect the team" creates the opposite feeling. This is where people historically shut down criticism (ironically using the same shut down style as Mousemod herself) because a moderator abusing power or at the very least being overly strict on a pet sim isn't actually engaging in oppression.
You're right. Enforcing the letter of Pixel Dragon Law does not harm the livelihood or wellbeing of anyone. But she's still an authority figure and that still creates a power imbalance and regardless of whether that imbalance causes actual harm or just minor annoyance is irrelevant. It is wrong for an authority to enforce rules without accepting criticism. Contact Us is not a viable method of accepting criticism. It denies the necessary conversation required for strong, constructive criticism and has historically been proven to be as useless as a suggestion box. It is wrong for an authority to act as if plain, neutral language is a successful method of de-escalation, particularly when there was nothing to de-escalate. And no, criticism of this is not "backtalk." Backtalk doesn't exist. It is a word for ignorant misunderstanding of frustration as a challenge of one's power. No one is challenging the power of anyone on the team, we are simply asking them to be more empathetic, emotionally aware, and acknowledging of players as emotional and intelligent people.
And it is wrong for an authority to be inconsistent.
That, above everything else, is my problem with Mousemod. It was the core of the Blood Drama and it's the core of the current Ophiuchus Screenshot Drama. Many, many posts have been made on the forums and by extension, this blog, that actively harm people: posts containing "mild" transphobic and homophobic statements, ableist arguments, defenses of abuses of power, and others I'm likely forgetting about. Some of those have been removed. Many of them haven't.
And yet, with all of that existing, what Mousemod chooses to stick her nose into is a SCREENSHOT ABOUT SPAM ON A SITE SHE HAS NO POWER ON. Nowhere did anyone accuse Ophiuchus of anything other than spam, and extremely harmless spam at that. If that doesn't bother you, fine. But for me, especially after her actions in regards to the resurgence of the Blood Drama that happened this summer (which was to again restate unclear rules and claim that this was a clarification while flat-out stating that the lack of inconsistency used by the skin mods was by design), it's the cherry on top of the bad moderation milkshake. It's evident now more than ever that she thinks she's not only above the the players but is only obligated to enforce rules when and where she feels it's necessary, even if she was incorrect in said judgement. 
Go ahead, tell me to touch grass. That won't change the fact that Mousemod is not only bad at her job but she's purposefully not a part of the community she claims to manage. A problem doesn't have to be life and death to be a problem worth talking about.
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 74-77: Tamamo (Cat)
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[Special thanks to who else but @hastamamocatdoneanythingwrong for letting me consult them on the balancing (mfw no one on your friends list has a Cat to use) as well as helping to heavily streamline the effects being handed out.]
New Passive:
Catnap B++: Increase your HP Recovery amount by 33% while asleep.
Self-Explanatory really, and it'll come back later on.
Monstrous Strength B -> Maddening Consumption (Beast) B
Increase own ATK (2 turns).^ Remove own Offensive Debuffs. Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (1 time, 2 turns) Increase own Buster Card effectiveness by 10% (2 turns). [ATK up scaling increased to 20-40%, Quick up scales from 30-50%.]
Man, it is NOT easy with these units with odd decks, doubly so if Quick is involved. But at least it makes for variety in the stims I hand out. We're sticking to only 2 turns instead of 3, but they're two turns with the Strength of a Beast. Cat taps into her inner Ammy to massively boost her NP type of Quick 1 time, both increasing its refund, star drop, and of course damage, but not being reliable for looping and you'll want to make sure you don't use her quick facecard beforehand. Meanwhile, her monstrous strength becomes near unstoppable (debuff removal to throw a wrench into attempts to mitigate it) at the "cost" of drastically ranking up her Madness Enhancement while active (Buster up).
So to restate, what this all does is clear the way for Cat to deal major burst damage. By briefly giving in to her Beast attribute alter ego she gains a massive Attack Up and a 2 mutually exclusive stims that stack with the universal one manipulatively: a big one time buff intended for her NP and a small multi-use one for most of her facecards.
Malediction, Cat Sunshine B -> A-
Chance to decrease one enemy's Charge. Apply Invincible for yourself (1 time, 5 turns). Decrease ATK for a single enemy (3 turns). Decrease Quick Resist for a single enemy (3 turns). Apply [Sunlight] field status to self (5 turns) Decrease own Debuff Resist by 100% (1 turn). [Demerit] [ATK down scales from 10-20%, Quick Resist down scales from 10-20%.]
You'd really think they'd have given the already existing rank up for this skill something that reflected how it was used in SE.RA.PH but oh well I guess that's what I'm for. So firstly since this is an Amaterasu spell (and also because ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME) we're making this a field change! if it wasn't clear yet, get used to seeing these fairly often. Next we're gonna give it a bunch of effects based on what we saw in the event against Suzuka, so that's gonna be an attack reduction as well as a quick res debuff. Oh and we're changing the text so that it's not a flat out lie about the charge's chance to reduce. Originally I was gonna boost that to 100% but I have it on good authority that with Cat's kit that's actually more of a stealth nerf given how useful it is for the charge reduction to NOT proc on the skill. Even still, it's a lot of positive effects so both for lore accuracy and balancing, we're having the skill tucker poor Cat out like we saw in the event, tanking her resistance to other status effects for a turn (because defense down on a berserker is just unfair)
Morph (Lunch) A -> Morph (Lunchtime!) A+
Increase own DEF (3 turns).^ Further increase own DEF for each other [Cooking] ally (3 turns). Increase own Max HP (3 turns).^ Recover HP for all allies by 1000 Further recover HP for each other [Cooking] ally. Apply Debuff Immune to self (1 turn). [DEF up scaling slightly increased to a max of 30%, Max HP scaling increased to 1500-3000, Extra DEF up scales from 10-15%/ally, Extra HP Recovered scales from 1000-2000/ally.]
You'd ALSO really think that the series of Nasu "Everything must have a foodporn scene" TypeMoon would have a dedicated Cooking trait but again I guess that's what I'm here for. I still have no fcking idea why they give so many berserkers Morph when it's about as much use as, to pick a random example, giving Mash a buste-crit stim, but I suppose if there's any berserker it makes sense to give a semi-tanky skill it might as well be the chef taking as much comic punishment as wile e coyote.
To do that though we need to ramp it WAY up, both in the base effects and the new ones, using the team-specific qualifier to balance it out. To that end Cat'll work with everyone else available to whip up a feast for the entire party. Not only do other allies increase the food to go around and thus the recovery, but in addition to that being at home in the kitchen also does wonders for keeping her berserker tendencies at bay (IE the defense mitigation further increases for each cook with her). While the numbers reached can reach astronomical amounts given the skill's unchanged 5 turn cooldown, reaching said numbers requires one of the most finicky team compositions around given the scattershot results of who exactly qualifies as a cooking servant. None of the staple DPS or Stall support units qualify with the exception of Castamamo whose arts focus is completely at odds with the rest of Cat's kit. There are a handful of units with good inherent synergy with Catamamo, but more than half of them are gold rarity and/or limited. Overall the result is that, under the right conditions with event bonuses or something similar at play you could have a real dream team, but most of the time you're better off not going for a full team of 3 fielded cooks at once. ...I'm sure there's a witticism buried in there about spoiling the broth.
Cooking Servants: Emiya, Arash, Boudica, Saint Martha, Ruler Martha, Santa Martha, Medea, Medea Lily, Kiyohime, Lancer Kiyohime, Tamamo Cat, Tamamo no Mae, Tamamo Lancer, Geronimo, Tawara Touta, MHXA, Suzuka Gozen, Paul Bunyan, Tomoe, Saber Tomoe, Inshun, Oskabehime, Circe, Chiron, Robin, Qin Liangyu, Beni-Enma, Muramasa, Percival, Barghest, Gareth, Gareth (Saber), Yamanami Keisuke, Daikokuten
Napping in the Dazzling Sunshine and Feasting D+ -> D+++
Apply Sure Hit for yourself (1 turn). Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Inflict Sleep^ to yourself (2 turns). [Demerit] Increase your Buster Card effectiveness when field is [Sunlight] (3 turns). [Activates first] Increase your Quick Card effectiveness when field is [Sunlight] (3 turns). [Activates first] <Overcharge> Restore your HP per turn (3 turns). [Buster and Quick Card up scale with level at 20/30/35/37.5/40%.]
I told you Catnap would be relevant later! Self-Stun is pretty horrid demerit, even if they gave Cat that rank up with a debuff immune charge, so we're buffing that up to only be a self-Sleep now that Sabby made Sleep an official debuff. This is a buff twofold, both removing the stun a turn early if Cat gets attacked (which without setupid is still pretty devastating given she's a berserker) and boosting the HP recovery per turn indirectly since while the rank up isn't changing the inherent Overcharge scaling, the new passive improves the HP it'll recover by 33% so long as Cat remains asleep. Next we're gonna give her a much needed Sunlight buff, again ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME. Scaling with level, which isn't TOO hard as an unlimited servant who still gets rate-ups to boot, we're tying a Sunlight dependent buff to both her 3 buster cards and her Quick NP which without leveling isn't as strong as her first skill but has a more flexible duration to make up for it, and with a dedicated team can probably fairly easily get stacked with itself at least once (and if you do have a dedicated Cat team, you deserve that). Lastly for some niche appeal we're giving Cat the role of Sure Hit AOE Berserker as well, something desperately needed in the free to play pool as well as a representation of the patented Catamamo tactic of "Just make the fight dust cloud so big everything gets caught in it! :3"
This was a real fun one, even if I got a bit too carried away and had to tone it down quite a bit to make it properly balanced. Which is at least in character for Cat. Again, super huge thanks to @hastamamocatdoneanythingwrong ! Their help went beyond simple tweaks into basically being half the reason I was able to do this one.
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"a franc for your sheep, monsieur?"
The sky was coated in a vibrant blue, the townspeople herded out of the church with smiles along their faces, and rambunctious laughter mellowed the air from rich tea parties.
Jean Prouvaire was out on a walk. Well rather, a wander.
"See, a walk is like a journey, you've got a destination in mind and you're travelling there. A wander is a walk but with no destination, a stroll if you will."
"sounds boring," Grantaire had told him over wine and bread, "tell me more about that Theseus fellow."
Jehan smiled to himself at the memory. His parents had never approved of Grantaire, "some dim-witted vampire who wastes himself on paint and wine," his father had said. But Jehan didn't care. R was their best friend, and his father did tend to be wrong about a great many ordeals anyway.
But now, there was no grantaire, no wine, and no father. Just Jehan. And the sheep, of course.
Her name was Priscilla, by Jehan's choosing. She was a pretty young lamb with soft wool and an attitude to challenge thunder. Naturally, he adored her.
And so, here they were. A young man and his sheep out for a wander under the mediaeval sun of 1422. Or, it was just them, for a while at least.
"please Monsieur," the beggar cried, grim face riddled with dirt and grime, "she looks so lovely and what's a poor old soul like me to do for food these days?"
Jehan hesitated. He'd more than enough money, his parents to thank for that, and he did really enjoy helping people but there was something... off, about this man.
Jehan shook himself. Poverty was no reason for criminal suspicion, he had told himself, and besides, this man did clearly need some help, and who was he to deny it?
Jehan scrambled for some loose change and handed it to the man.
"I'm sorry, it's all I have on me. Take care Monsieur!"
A rough hand clasped around Jehan's forearm and a surge of panic rushed through him. Beggar though he was, this man had a strange amount of power to him. A power he couldn't quite place...
The man shifted, almost taken aback at his own strength. "Apologies," he began, "but are you sure you don't want to stay for a bit? A shame for your money to go to my dinner and you don't even get to taste it."
"um, I think I best be leaving now sir, but once again, take care and I do hope you buy yourself something nice!"
Still the man's grip on his arm didn't loosen, and Jehan got more and more agitated by the minute. Priscilla bleated as if to match his mood.
The man looked into Jehan's eyes menacingly. Deep brown circles gazed into his own, and Jehan's entire body froze.
"I'm sorry Monsieur, let me restate myself; won't you stay for a bite?"
Jehan gasped as dagger-sharp teeth emerged from his mouth and opened wide around his neck. With wide eyes and a racing heart, they sunk into Jehan's skin painfully.
The next few moments were a blur. He remembers a warm liquid seeping it's way down his skin, sharp hands dug into his arm that were sure to have bruised in the morning, Priscilla dashing away into the shrubs.
Jehan just hoped Grantaire would put some nice flowers around his headstone.
Jehan stirred, agitated, as his head was shoved with the rough bristles of a broom.
As his eyelids flittered open and the afternoon sun set for the night, a small handful of villagers stood in an onlooking circle around him.
"Monsieur?" Asked one young man, setting aside his broom, "are you alright?"
Jehan sat up and stared at the array of confused, concerned looks he was receiving.
"yes," he replied, voice unsteady, "I think so. Why do you ask?"
He got the answer before they even said a word.
Looking down at himself, sat on the rough ground near the blacksmith's, he gasped. His clothes were drenched in blood, his neck looked like a crime scene, and, as he discovered, a new pair of canine-like teeth had made themselves home in his mouth.
Jean Prouvaire scrambled to his feet and dashed in the direction of what he hoped was Grantaire's house.
All he wanted was to go for a walk.
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kallypsowrites · 3 years
Poor Ben he's doing these interviews for his music and everytime they ask him about shadow and bone he's like.... Eric is really eager to get to the six of Crows storyline (which we know means offing Aleksander, Eric literally said it in one of those video fan meets, like he's planning on it) and then he's like as long as they let me say my favorite lines before they off me i'm good, I know it happened in the books but adaptations always change so many things and like to keep things under wraps, it's hilarious in a messed up way how blatant they're being about this as if there is no other option, also Ben took the role after they had to really convince him, maybe I expected a little more respect for him??? And maybe an expansion of his role or something? Idek how they're going to do darklina Malina and Nikolina in 8 episodes with like 5 major new characters and the crows, I would like to at least hope for a good storyline for Aleksander where they don't make him out to be the crazy psycho villain and continue to show that his motives and some of his methods have merit but I won't hold my breath, I'll honestly take him becoming human and living in peace far away somewhere even though I know he would despise that so much, being grisha has brought him so much suffering but he still wants to protect his people, but I don't think that'll ever happen, leigh seems to hate him ( she said demon in the woods wasn't to show his humanity but his backstory... She meant she needed those checks but w/o) and Eric as universally known is only in it for the crows, I wish there was someone who loved Aleksander and Alina as characters because as the supposed main character, Alina in S1 was very underdeveloped.
I think people project their worries and thoughts onto Ben a little too much. I've watched the interviews. The guy is fine. He's not holding back unfathomable regret or anything. He's excited to be promoting his music and he doesn't mind talking about his other gigs either. People trying to analyze his cadence or his expressions are playing a losing game.
I'm just not a doomsdayer. Six of Crows is going to split into a second show from the Grishaverse, but I think the Grisha trilogy will still get three seasons. Yes, Aleksander will die, but that's what happened in the books. We all knew that. I agree that Alina needs more development though. Jessie Mei li is doing her best.
At the end of the day, speculating too much about how actors feel or how directors feel isn't going to get you far. I'll restate my opinion about what's gonna happen: The series will mostly follow the books but with some added moments of Darkling humanity because that's what Ben does. We'll get some nice Darklina scenes and angst but no endgame. And that's fine with me! I have fanfic for everything else!
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hunnyuwu · 4 years
My Baby Don’t Like It || NCT Jaehyun+Mark [part I]
Premise: What went wrong along the way? After everything we had been through, you still chose to leave me?
Pairings : Dad! Jaehyun x fem! reader x Friend! Mark
WC: 2.1 K
Warnings: explicit language, some extreme fluff
Part I || Part II || Part III
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"Hey baby! How are you today?" You were crouched down on your knees, shooting a silly smile as the most adorable four year old in the world ran straight into your outstretched arms, worming his way into the crevasse of your neck. You cooed into the kid’s ear, happy to see the boy happy and healthy. He  withdrew from his squirmy snuggles to plant his tiny, moist lips on your soft cheek as his little greeting to his beloved Noona.
"I'm happy to see you, Noona!" A smile lit up his round, chubby features before he nuzzled back into the crevasse of your neck. You rubbed the top of his head a few times, messing up his short black locks, before getting up so that you were finally standing at your own height.
"Thanks for looking after him today, Y/N."
Your heart beat slowed down to a steady, rhythmic pace immediately. The slow, heavy thrumming taunted you as it rattled in your within the hollow shells of your ears. You interlocked hands with the small boy beside you before lifting your chin to see the person before you.
A gentle smile blossomed over your lips, a wave of calm washing over your body as you examined the familiar face before you, "Of course, Jaehyun."
"Remember Y/N, I changed my name." Jaehyun gave you a teasing jab, a dumb grin occupying his eyes. You flinched a little backwards, knives stabbing your poor heart as memories flashed at the forefront of your mind.
‘Yeah, but you changed it for her.’
"A-Ah, right! Sorry, have a good day, Yoon-Oh."
You released a breath that were holding for a little while as you saw Jaehyun hop into the driver's seat of an extremely expensive, luxury car. The flashy woman in the passenger seat threw an overstated air kiss to the little boy beside you, glancing your way soon after. A scowl replaced the smile you were holding onto desperately as she simply smirked with triumph. Your free hand curled into a tight fist as you watched the car whiz away, to the point that your knuckles turned white and your nails threatened to puncture the flesh of your palm.
She removed Jaehyun from your life, 
And he allowed it to happen.
You and Jaehyun had known one another since primary school. On a bitter, cold day in the autumn of your second year, Jaehyun nervously approached your lunch table to ask if he could sit with your group, which you guys obviously said yes. While the friends you had in that group all eventually slipped away from your life through your years of schooling, Jaehyun and you had managed to maintain a close friendship. The close bond and chemistry the two of you had was undeniable to the public and private eye. Everyone thought the two of you would eventually get married, which you didn't mind them thinking in the slightest. Jaehyun had always thought the same too, even though there was no official romance. Just adoring looks, sweet gestures, lovely memories, and tense atmospheres.
In university, you finally confirmed your feelings for him, ready for that next step with him. You finally realized that he was your destiny, and you thought you were his as well.
Next thing you knew, Jaehyun found a girl from his economics class and the rest is history. They had an accidental child early on in their whirlwind romance, the one you were currently watching playing with stackable plastic blocks. Anger boiled your blood... you still loved Jaehyun to the depths of your heart, to the point that you regularly questioned whether you would ever be able to move on, but you couldn't understand how dense he was when it came to his girlfriend: Jimin.
Jimin wasn't your average, plain Jane college gal. She was simply receiving a business degree for the sake of having the piece of paper that she didn’t even work for. Jimin had her daddy's money and company waiting for her once she deemed herself ready for the role. When Jimin set her eyes on Jaehyun the very first class of economics, it was game over for anything between you two. Jimin made it her mission to claim Jaehyun as her own personal property, in other words her personal boy toy, basically making it her life’s mission to rid of you in his life. Or as she specifically explain it, 'spending quality time with boyfie while they were young.' You saw through her sugary sweet act from the moment you laid eyes on her when Jaehyun introduced the two fo you.
She was a brat, a snob, a snake, and any description with negative connotation that you could think of. You hissed as you remembered that the woman even convinced him that 'Yoon-Oh' was a more handsome name than Jaehyun. ‘How could he be so under her spell to not see the sort of shit she puts him through?’ You wondered. 
‘The least she could be is a sweet, decent person to make Jaehyun happy in life.’
That would have satisfied you, but in the end, you knew that people never really get what they want. You were left high and dry while a snobby rich whisked Jaehyun away like he was never there to begin with. And the fact that the woman barely paid any attention to her child made you absolutely sick to your stomach. Hot tears pricked at your eyes as you watched the innocent boy giggle as he was currently in the midst of building a little block boat. 
‘Taking random selfies with your extremely adorable child for your dumb Instagram page does NOT count as parenting, Jimin.’
As you reminisced on all of the times that you had to deal with Jimin's endless childishness and her possessiveness over Jaehyun, you felt a little tug at your sleeve. You smiled tearily as you saw one thing that significantly brightened up your bleak life.
"Yes, Baby?"
"Why do you look so sad today?"
Your heart constricted like someone was squeezing it tightly, already feeling regret as you had been too absorbed in your own thoughts to give him your full attention. You didn't have an early education degree for nothing.
"Ah, just little things, Baby. Don't worry about it."
"But I don't want Noona to be sad! We should get you ice cream like you do when I get a boo boo!" Jaehyun's son, Jeno, happily suggested, probably just wanting to eat some ice cream himself. You were put into a bout of laughter as you lovingly looked at Jeno get up to 'go get you some ice cream to fix your inside boo boo.'
You complied as you simply couldn't ever say no to the precious boy, so you were on your way out to the local grocery store near your house, which you hadn't gone to in awhile. You peered down to the eye smile prince himself who was happily skipping alongside you, his tiny hand wrapped around the middle three fingers of your hand, a gesture that you you screaming in an internal maternal mess. 
Jimin and Jaehyun have been so neglecting of this poor child lately, always going out on day long dates and luxurious overseas trips, obviously as per Jimin's request. 
You had to say, you were extremely disappointed at Jaehyun for forgetting his caring, sweet roots. The child you were currently leading into a small grocery store was basically your own, you were more of a mother to him than Jimin could ever be.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You looked around to see who called out your name when you spotted a familiar face, causing you to stumble back with pleasant surprise.
"Oh hey, Mark! I didn't know you worked here! Master's degree yet?" You led little Jeno over to the cash register to greet him, gushing over seeing the adorable guy once again. You knew Mark when you were a senior in college, him being a spry sophomore at the time. While he was a music major and you were an early education major, you two fatefully ended up in the same science requirement classes, leading to a beautiful, supportive relationship to blossom between the two of you. You hadn't been able to see him as of late as you were busy with your job.
"Yeah, I’m here part time. Needed some money so I can pay off my college debt as I'm looking for a gig at the moment. But anyways, uhhh, y-you look beautiful as ever, Y/N. Is he your child?" You blushed at his compliment while looking down at little Jeno who Mark was gesturing to gently. Jeno was shooting Mark a suspicious glare causing you to giggle as you dropped a hand to pat his head.
"No, this is Jeno, Jaehyun's son. I regularly babysit him."
Mark gave you a confused look, something wasn't adding up for him.
"You and Jaehyun aren't together?"
You were taken aback at his lack of knowledge. You even told him about Jaehyun's girlfriend a long time ago, but it seems like he didn't remember. Besides, you and Jaehyun were very, very not together.
As you were about to explain, Jeno took the spotlight.
"Daddy should date my Noona! She's a lot better-"
"Shh, you shouldn't say stuff like that, Jeno." You cooed to comfort the pouting kid as you hoisted him up onto your waist to rock him a little. He was getting a little heavy for this, but you didn't mind throwing your back out for him.
Mark laughed to himself, throwing a loving gaze your way as you and Jeno bickered for a little. His insides turned to goop as he fell down the tempting rabbit hole once again.
"Well, if you're not with anyone right now... c-could I ask to maybe take you out on a date sometime?"
You abruptly paused your conversation with Jeno to whip your head to the blushing male. A little blush to match his crept up to your cheeks as you reeled over what he just said in your mind like a broken cassette.
"You want to... go out with me?" You whispered with a tilt of your head, needing a firm confirmation from him before you let your mind start playing tricks on itself.
"Yeah, if that's fine with you." Mark restated, biting down on his bottom lip as he awaited your answer.
Thoughts of Jaehyun’s beautiful, warm smile plagued your mind like a disease; you were still very much in love with him. Even if his actions gave you a whole list as to why you should give his ass up in a heartbeat. 
You looked back into Mark's eyes, finally making up your mind.
"I'd love to, Mark."
"Really?" He choked out, already expecting a rejection coming his way. You were oblivious to it, but Mark had the largest crush on you ever since you became partners for your science class. Whenever he even thought of asking you out, he remembered how close you were to Jaehyun, so he always chickened out. 
This was finally his chance.
"Yeah, of course I would." You said sheepishly.
"But what about Daddy?"
You looked back to Jeno who was inches away from your face with round, glassy eyes. You sighed as you gave his cheek a quick little peck.
"Your Daddy is happy with your Mommy, Jeno. Don't worry, you will always be the number one man in my heart, okay? We will have a bunch more playdates!"
Mark watched as you comforted Jeno, feeling his heart thump violently against his ribcage. He knew you were the one for him, and he truly pitied Jaehyun, for he couldn't even see the true beauty that was sitting in front of him for so many years. Mark prayed above, thoroughly thanking fate to bring you to him today.
"Excuse me, but are you checking out right now?" An elderly woman appeared behind you with a harsh glare, a sharp tongue to match her tapping foot. You bowed quickly, not too much so that Jeno wouldn’t fall off, muttering small apologies as you moved out of the way.
"You better give me a discount for the ice cream, Mark!" You yelled as you walked away with Jeno over to the ice cream freezer. Mark gave you a cute little smile before diving back into scanning the items that that woman gave to him. Though it has been hard in your journey to give up on Jaehyun, there may be just as amazing men that would be better for you out there. You sighed out happily, maybe things were going to improve for you in the future.
Part I || Part II || Part III
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This mini fic is the result of when I learned that Jaehyun said he would have basically been a teenage dad if he wasn't an idol 👁👄👁
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kaeyas-beloved · 5 years
I Believe In You {Midoriya x Sister!Reader}
*Was Listening To The Sad OST While Writing This*
*TW: Mentions of Death & War. Also sad Izuwu T_T*
"I'm sorry Izuku!" My mother cries, falling forward and bringing my crying little brother into a hug. Now they're both crying while I myself just lean against Izuku's bedroom door frame, a few tears leaking from my own eyes.
Izuku just found out he was quirkless only mere hours ago, that's all it took to utterly crush his life dream of becoming a hero. A sorry was not what Izuku needs, I know this and I know mom knows this too... but yet that's all she could do, apologize for something that was in no way her fault.
I'm not sure how much time has passed with just my brother and mother embracing each other and crying but mom soon breaks the hug, standing up. She starts to walk out of his room, sniffling, but stops beside me and leans in so only I could hear what she had to say.
"Can you talk to him, he needs you now more than anything (Y/N)" she whispers. I glance at her and nod, knowing I need to take up the roll of talking to him since she couldn't at the moment. "Thank you..." mom whispers, continuing to walk away, probably to the couch or to her room.
I take a small inhale of air, trying to think of what to tell Izuku. My mind races for something I could tell him put ultimately I just say screw it and walk over to stand beside him. Just as I'm about to open my mouth to say something, Izuku presses the pause button on his video, stopping it at the part where All Might's face takes up the whole screen, sniffling.
"I-I can become a h-hero like y-you r-right (Y/N)-chan? I-I can be a g-great hero like you too r-right?" My heart just shatters at his heart broken voice and I suppress the urge to cry. I spin Izuku's computer chair around so he's facing me only to be met with a still crying Izuku. I frown and pick him up off his chair, carrying him over and setting him in my lap as I sit down on his bed.
"Of course you can Izuku, I see no reason why you can't be" I whisper to the small, fragile boy. He gazes up to me with tear stained cheeks, no longer crying, but with a confused look.
"B-but I'm quirkless, I can't be a hero like All Might or you..." he whimpers out, lowering his head as tears start to form in his eyes again. I lift his head so he's looking at me, chuckling a little while wiping his small tears away.
"Who said you can't become a hero?" I question, though I know who but I just want him to answer.
"The doctor, Kacchan, everyone in my class... They all say I should give up, that I should stop trying, that I can't do it..."
"Are you going to listen to them?" I inquired. Izuku gives me a quizzical look so I restate my question, "Are you going to listen to them? Are you going to give up?"
Taking a moment to think over what I'm asking him, Izuku just shrugs, "maybe..."
"Nope! Wrong answer Izuku!" I smile down at him, "do not let others lead your life, it's your life for a reason..." I pause a moment, debating whether or not I should let this information slip past my lips or not. Maybe I should, Izuku needs to hear this...
"I want to tell you something Izu. People are going to tell you that you can't do it, whether it's because your weak or quirkless or not smart enough. I know you know this, but listen, you can do it. Want to know why I think you can?"
"Why..." he whispers.
"Because when I was your age... I was told the exact same thing, that I could never be a hero, but look where I am now! I proved them all wrong, I became the hero that I wanted to be! I did that by not listening to those who told me other wise. I pushed through, I set goals for myself and I set morals that I would stick by and every time I did I became stronger, more confident in myself, and so can you! You can become the No. 1 Hero that you want to be Izuku!"
When I finished my little motivational speech, my small, 4 year-old brother is left speechless with floods of tears streaming down his eyes, but in no way is he sad. Embracing me tightly, Izuku stands up on my lap and leans his head into the crook of my neck, crying but I can hear him say something, something that puts a smile on my face.
"Thank you (Y/N)-chan, you're my hero and the best sister ever..."
We stay like that for a little bit until Izuku finally lets go, wiping his tears away. He hops off my lap and goes to the head of his bed, climbing under the covers and laying his head on the pillow. He lets out a tiny yawn and I chuckle, the poor boy having tired himself out. I stand up from where I was sitting on the edge of his bed and walk over to his computer, shutting it down. Pacing back over to Izuku's bedside, I turn on his All Might nightlight, lean forward and give his forehead a kiss.
"Good-night Izu, sweet dreams little hero-to-be" I murmured. Turning to his bedroom door about to head to my own room to retire for the night, I halt in my steps by the quite call of my brother.
"(Y/N)-chan, I have a question..." Looking at him, I nod to him as a way of saying that I was listening and to ask his question. "W-what's a moral? You said you have those but, what are they?" I hum in though as I walk back to kneel beside him, pondering the best way to explain this to him without confusing him. What the hell am I talking about, he's a smart boy, he'll understand.
"It's a little hard for me to explain but it's like what a person believes is right, it's like something they live by." I try to explain. A small 'oh' leaves Izuku.
"What's a moral that you have?" If I'm being honest I was a tad taken aback by him asking me that. I nevertheless smile and think of my answer.
"Well, I actually have a few. Like a villain is not born, they're made. No one is born to be evil, something has to happen to them or they were raised that way, and were never showed the light and beauty of the world around them. But two of my favorites have to be that a true hero isn't measured by his strength or how many villains he defeats, but by the strength of his heart and his will to be a hero. The second one is that a hero isn't born, they're made, meaning that it takes hard work for them to get to where they want to be, which is to be a hero of course. I know for sure that I had to work hard to get to where I am now, but you, you'll have to work extra hard, but I believe in you Izuku and when you become a hero, you'll be letting the world know that you did it. But to do that you need to go to bed silly!" I flash smile at him and he smiles his big, bright, pure smile back.
"Will you train me when I'm older (Y/N)-chan!? Please!?" Izuku pleads and I laugh.
"Yes Izuku I will and I'll be with you every step of the way, I promise. But you gotta go to bed first!"
"Okay! Good-night (Y/N)-chan, I love you!" Izuku laughs with a smile as he closes his eyes, falling asleep within moments. A smaller smile crawls onto my lips and I stand up once more to my full height, tip-toeing so I don't wake Izuku up. Just as I'm about to close the door I whisper out,
"I love you too Izuku, my little brother. I believe in you..." What I didn't know was that he heard what I said and that those words would stick with him on his journey to becoming a Pro Hero.
--------(Time Skip, Izuku is now at UA and 15 years old)--------
The words my sister said to me when I was told that I couldn't become a hero 11 years ago has got me through so much and has gotten me to where I am now, at UA High, the prestigious school for heroes-to-be. Even while she isn't here with me now, I know that she is watching over my every move.
"Settle down students" Mr. Aizawa sighs, hopping into class dressed in his favourite yellow sleeping bag. At the sound of the very, and always, tired teacher's voice, Class 1-A did as told and settled into their seats as they all ended their conversations and such, ready to focus on the lesson for the day.
Well, all but one. That being Izuku Midoriya.
"As some of you may know," Aizawa began, "today is the anniversary of the War of Pros, a war between many Pro Heroes and Pro Villains worldwide. So, as some of you can guess, that'll be the lesson for today."
As Mr. Aizawa was setting up the projector to show a slideshow featuring some notes, videos and pictures, his dark and sleep-deprived eyes made eye contact with Midoriya's. At that moment, the usual stone coldness of Aizawa's eyes shifted to one of sympathy. Midoriya could tell what his teacher was thinking, so he merely nodded, letting the Pro Hero know he was okay sitting around for the lesson. Nodding back, Aizawa continued with the planned lesson.
"The war ended quickly, with it only lasting 3 weeks, and some of the greatest heroes served in it. Who knows what heroes from Japan fought in it?"
Right away, Midoriya's hand shot up, making it quite known to the class that he knew what the answer was. Aizawa was quite surprised but didn't show it.
Clearing his throat, Midoriya answered, "All Might, Endeavor and... (H/N)." Many caught the hesitation with the last Pro Heroes name, but paid no mind to it. Except Bakugou and Aizawa, because they knew the reason behind it.
When I was 10, (Y/N) was assigned to partake in war overseas along with All Might and Endeavor. At this time, my sister moved up the ranks to be the No.3 Pro-Hero in Japan, meaning she was one of the strongest there was and one of the more fit ones to go to battle. This war was classed as a triple-S level war, so Pros from all over the world, such as America, came to assist as well. It was chaos and destruction between villains and heroes alike, many were injured but only one Pro-Hero was killed.
My sister...
"Right..." Aizawa replied in a monotone voice, like always.
Aizawa was the same age as (Y/N), they went to school together and were in the same classes. As for Bakugou, despite being the nerds older sister, Bakugou still knew the Pro deserved respect.
As the dark haired teacher continued on with the lesson, Izuku Midoriya was stuck in his own thoughts about his sister and the day he and his mother were told of her death.
The day my mother and I found out was the worst day of my life, it greatly out weighted the agony and sadness I felt when I found out I was quirkless. My mother cried for months and wouldn't even go anywhere close to her room, avoiding it like the plague, but only because every time she would be near it, she would burst into tears.
When my mother was finally ready to go into (Y/N)'s room we found letters in her desk drawer. One was addressed to mom, one to All Might, one to Mr. Aizawa, one to President Mic. Then there was a stack of 7 addressed to a group that (Y/N) was apart of called the RFA. The last letter was for myself. Mom mailed the other letters after she read her own, but I read my letter later that night.
When I read the letter it seemed to have meant to be for me to read before she left, (Y/N) must have just forgotten to give it to me before she left, she did leave 2 days earlier than she was originally suppose to.
Dear Izuku,
Hey there little buddy! I know you don't like that nickname all that much but meh :P
Now onto some serious things... I know, I know, there's no fun in serious things but I gotta! As you know I have to leave for a little while to go overseas, but I'll come back as soon as I can! Then we can go back to our usual of training and goofing off okay! I promise, pinkie promise Izuku!
And if you ever miss me you know what to do right? Yell out the window as loud as you can so I can hear you 'Goddess 606 help me!' or you can call on my friend God 707, he'll be there for you too if I can't be :)
Like I said Izuku, I'll be home as soon as I can be, so just keep training while I'm gone, then when I get back I'll test you, so be ready!
You can do it Izuku, go beyond, Plus Ultra! I believe in you!!
~Love your sister, (Y/N) Midoriya~
"Even though a life was taken that day in battle, her sacrifice was not in vain. Can anyone tell me why?" Zoning back into the lesson, Midoriya hears Aizawa ask the class another question, and with no one else raising their hand, whether it's because they don't want to answer the question or no one actually knows, Midoriya reluctantly raises his hand once more.
Hesitantly, Aizawa calls on him, "Midoriya..."
With clenched hands that tremble slightly, Midoriya answers through his teeth, "Her sacrifice wasn't in vain... b-because her finally attack won th-the war..." Midoriya couldn't hold them back any more, his tears of sorrow and hurt. Hurt because his sister promised to come home, yet she's not here, with him and cheering him on! Not here with him sparring, not here helping him grow, not here with him every step of the way like she said, like she promised!
The sudden noise of a chair scrapping against the tiled ground caught everyone's attention, except for Midoriya, who's still crying in his seat while his fellow classmates gave him sympathetic looks before the noise occurred.
"Oi, Deku..." The rough and raspy voice of Katsuki Bakugou sounds out in the quiet classroom. While the pitch of Bakugou's tone seems to not have changed, to everyone that knew the young boy, they would catch the softness in it. Marching over to his desk, Bakugou lifts Midoriya by the back of his collar and sets him on his feet.
Calming down just enough to talk coherently, Midoriya mutters out "w-what is it Kacchan? I-" before being pulled into someones embrace, Bakugou's. Class 1-A and their teacher are shocked to their core, no one expecting him to comfort his childhood rival. Before Midoriya could sputter out anything, Bakugou began to talk.
"Now listen here shitty Deku cause I'm only saying this once, (Y/N) wouldn't want you to be this upset over her, she'd want you to continue living your life and become the hero she knew you could, no um, become the hero that you can be. Don't think I didn't see you and her training all those years ago! Now don't let her hard work go to waste shitty nerd and brighten the hell up, it's what she would have wanted!" Bakugou's tone held so much sincerity and truth that Midoriya couldn't help but cry more, not in sadness, but in content. He should have realized that if his sister was still here that she would have been disappointed in how he's been living his life, in sadness and despair.
"Th-thank you K-Kacchan!" Midoriya cried, hugging his friend just a little tighter, Bakugou returning the tight grip.
"No problem nerd..." He whispered, tone gentle.
The class sat shocked yet eternally happy that Bakugou dropped his pride to comfort the very emotional green haired teen, showing a side of himself that very few would ever get to witness and experience. Smiling faces filled the quiet classroom as 1-A just let everyone calm down, to regain composure of their feelings so they could return to the lesson.
Suddenly, frantic and heavy footsteps could be heard from the hallway just outside the classroom, catching many off guard. Bakugou and Midoriya parted, positioning themselves into a fighting stance, ready to defend themselves and those around them.
As the classroom door slides open with much ferocity, the entire of Class 1-A is thrown into shock, but in three of them, other emotions bubble in them. Aizawa, Bakugou and Midoriya all hold a sense of sadness, relief, confusion and pure joy at the face that has appeared before them.
Lowering their fighting stances, Izuku staggers forward, tears beginning to brim his emerald coloured eyes.
(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y-Y/N)...?" Izuku whispers, voice shaking though thick with emotion. As I lean against the door frame to the classroom, clutching the side of my stomach, I can see the tears in his eyes. In my little brother's eyes. Eyes that I thought I'd never see again along with his atrociously messy green hair, his distinctly familiar voice that despite him being older, is still recognizable.
"I-Izu-uku, I told y-you I'd c-come home" the arm that wasn't holding my injured side reached out to him, my body leaning off the only support I had at the moment. Izuku rushes forward, the tears that had been accumulating finally running down his cheeks as he wraps his arms around me, myself doing the same as I let go of my injury momentarily.
His tears start to soak my tattered, torn and slightly burnt shirt but I could care less. All I care about is being here, home, with part of my family.
"H-h-how a-are you-u he-here. Th-the n-news said you were d-dead" the small green haired boy hiccups, clutching onto me tighter, like if he even loosened his grip a fraction I would disappear forever. His fingers claw slightly into another wound of mine, causing me to wince though Izuku doesn't let up.
"I know, I know. I never died, I was kidnapped by those I was fighting back then and only now was I able to escape. But I promise, I'm here, I'm okay and I'm never leaving you again. And hey, I see you made it into UA! Told you that you could make it!" I smile.
Izuku only seems to sob louder and harder. His tears aren't tears of sorrow any more but more like tears of happiness.
In that moment, we both knew that everything was going to be okay. That neither of us would be absent from each other's lives ever again.
I was home and someone I care about most is happy.
Everything is finally alright.
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leonawriter · 5 years
I'm curious, where does the headcanon come from that Dazai is the book?
Well, I don’t think I’m the first to come up with the idea that he’s the Book, though all the ones I’d seen before were all along the lines of “for the angst factor, let’s make them literally just fucking die.” Which. Obviously wasn’t my scene, so I kinda went “how about we do this my way.”
Which... wound up having me go “okay let’s take the only one who makes any sense here - Dazai. Let’s take him because his Ability, “No Longer Human,” lines up nicely with what Fitzgerald has said about the Book, that it “cannot be burnt by fire nor destroyed by any special ability.” Since Dazai is the world’s strongest nullifier, with as Randou/Rimbaud says, “no compare,” this fits. We haven’t seen him burn yet, but let’s not, to be honest. 
That said... ‘unable to be destroyed’ does suit Dazai quite well even in broader terms. Ways and means of death that Dazai has survived include; drowning, shooting (standing in the middle of gunfire counts), hanging (hanging scars are canon to the Mayoi app game’s Gakuen AU, so), mushrooms (in theory - and the luck of ‘accidentally’ choosing the wrong ones), and... who knows what else.  He has an entire book on the subject. He’s tried a lot. None of it has worked.
From there, there’s also the fact that Fitzgerald, as well as others, appear to believe that Atsushi is the way to find the Book, which is ‘clearly’ in Yokohama right now. The first thing Atsushi really does in Yokohama is find Dazai, and he’s attached himself to Dazai ever since. And Dazai has been in Yokohama for as long as we’ve known about him, at least since he was fourteen.
Speaking of age, he was somehow able to find the Book when he was much younger in the BEAST AU, although we never see it, nor do we know where, exactly, it is (according to all I know, at least).
Things that are somewhat more circumstantial are-
Almost all of the side-stories involve Dazai in some way, despite Atsushi being the story’s main major protagonist. This makes sense if Atsushi is the protagonist but the Book continues even when the protagonist is absent. Even the Untold Story of the Founding of the Detective Agency has him on the front cover, I believe.
And... overall, the entire tone of the story shifts alongside Dazai’s own mindset. Prior to fourteen years ago, there is very little that is good that happens; there is a war going on, after all, and we see many characters referring to how much suffering takes place in it. Even the founding of the Agency is brought with the sense of people having suffered, or being in pain in some way (I’m primarily thinking of Ranpo, here). Things begin to (ironically) improve when Mori forces Dazai to become witness to his ascension to Mafia Boss; Mori, for all his faults, is still a better Boss than the old one.
The 15 book/arc is a relatively light one - which makes sense, given it’s when Dazai himself is having a good time. Dark Era is when he.. really isn’t. And everything after that is full of light. Dazai’s own philosophy of “trying to do good regardless of even if it’s what I’m best suited for” shines through everyone.
From there, there’s still a few bits and pieces I put in: one is the idea I took from someone else that’s basically that Dazai literally can’t die; in In The Moonlight he’s close to it, because as seen, the Book itself is in tatters so much that a strong wind would blow it apart. But once he’s allowed to heal (and by doing so, so will the paper Book), he’ll actually go back to normal.
Another is that the “Book” is actually in two pieces; one is the personification, Dazai, and the other is the physical manifestation, the paper book that can be written into, and can create things. Dazai in my AU/hc has ink writing appear on his skin, and when he goes far enough, his eyes can go fully ink-black, which is all things that have already happened, and that are determined events. The physical manifestation is something he can affect, or anyone else can, but which is still connected to him. The paper can affect reality and the future, which Dazai can only do if writing on the paper, or via his own individual actions.
tl;dr: someone came up with the idea that a person is the Book itself, or a personification of it, and to me at least the only one who truly makes sense is Dazai.
All that said, I can’t take it fully seriously as angst, because in my version where Dazai knows and is aware, and Chuuya finds out, I’ve spent way too long in pun battles with my friends, often with things like, Chuuya going “I can read you like an open book” and “you’re spineless” and “who even writes this third-rate crap” “don’t look at me, I’m just the poor paper it gets written on.”
EDIT: since I've seen people suggest this is an actual theory, I'm restating here that it is not. It's an AU. I do, however, like to make AUs st least semi-believable. I first saw this in a fanfic.
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