#and lance NEVER fails so he’s like ok now this is personal
finrinrinfin · 1 year
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klance wip where Keith is Prince of Marmora and Lance (aka “Blue”) is the assassin sent to kill him but surprise! (gasp) they fall in love and hmm hmm hmm do you feel me? do you? are we on the same brainwave yet?
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kidge-planet · 10 months
During the episode 9 season 8, we can find that scene:
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Well, I have an headcanon about what happened next, when they got back to the Atlas:
So they came back to the Atlas and got immediately checked by some doctors aboard the ship to make sure that they were ok. Hopefully, everyone was ok (except Allura that had passed out at the end of the mission and was now resting.)
It was just the paladins sitting on the couch in a common area of the atlas but there was no one else around just them. Finally Lance left to go check on Allura because he was very worried about her and Hunk would be going to the kitchen.
So now only Keith and Pidge were in the room: pidge working on her computer and Keith just crossed arms in the couch... He seemed worried:
Pidge: are you ok? You look like you have something in mind.
Keith: I... Actually, yes. I needed to talk to you.
Pidge:ho?... Really? What's up?
Keith: ( blushes a little, not knowing how not sound weird) hummm... I just... Wanted to know... When you passed through the ground, what did you guys saw?.. (that wasn't what he had to tell her.......)
Pidge: mhh.. well... I personally saw a shadow trying to kill me. But it turned out that it was Trigel, the original paladin of my lion. I think it was the same for everyone else.
Keith: ho, I see...
(they stayed silent a moment)
Pidge: is that all you wanted to ask me? I mean, you literally said that you needed to talk to me and just asked a question...
Keith: (take a deap breath) Actually... No, I'm not done. I'm just scared that I'll sound stupid...
Pidge: why would you sound stupid ?
(Keith stands up and comes to sit next to her.)
Keith: you know, back there, I... Tried to, like, save you. I did my best, but I failed... Your hand slipped from mine. And, well, I felt so bad after that. I felt like I had lost all of you... I felt like I lost you.. But you know, for you, it was different, I really tried to save you! I did! And I failed. It all just made me realize how dangerous this all is... It made me realize that we could lose one of us easily... I'm just... So glad that you survived and... I want you to know that I'm sorry that I couldn't save you... I sound stupid, but it really keeps coming in my mind... I'm glad you're here.
(Keith blushed and looked away, feeling vulnerable.)
Pidge: Awww, Keith, that's so sweet!... Thank you, I'm glad you're ok too. Really. And stop thinking about what happened during that mission. It never really came to my mind but I forgot to thank you for trying to save me. But why me?.. Like, all of us were getting pulled in the ground...
Keith: Well, I don't know... My instinct told me to save you... The choise wasn't easy, of course, but I wanted to save you first... Don't tell the others tho... I also figured that if I saved you, we would work together to get the others back, somehow... I mean, I thought that you'd find a solution...
Pidge: I understand...
Keith: But anyways, this whole thing made me realize that we might die young after all... You know, I think I always thought that I was strong enough to defeat Zarcon and everything... But I'm realizing that we are now facing something very dangerous... And if we lose one of us... (If I lose you...)
Pidge: hey, I'm sure Shiro told you this before but, as my father always said: "if you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great!" These words help me as a paladin. I am not the strongest, I'm actually far from being an ideal paladin... I could die any minute! But fuck it! If I think about my death during a mission, you can be sure that the mission IS going to go wrong. Nah, I'm just doing things and adapting myself to the situation. What I mean is that you should live in the moment and not think about the future. SO! STOP THINKING THAT IM GOING TO DIE IN OUR NEXT MISSION OR I'LL KICK YOU BUTT! But thank you for worrying tho, I appreciate that from you, emo boy. ( She gently punch his arm)
Keith: You're right.
Pidge: pfff, I'm always right...
Keith: that's true, that's why I trust you.
(Pidge smiled at him.)
Pidge: just, take opportunitys, alright?..
Keith: opportunitys... Mhhh...
( HE HARDLY WANTS TO KISS HER. But he doesn't take that opportunity. Probably not the right moment, he thinks to himself...)
Pidge: so are you going to stay here?
Keith: yeah, I like it here.
(she leans her head on his shoulder. Keith blushed slightly and after hesitating, he placed his arm behind her.)
Pidge: I like it too.
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hoperays-song · 10 months
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. 3
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
Yes, I am trying to restrain myself more this time, it's hard.
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Guys, guys, guys, here me out here... I think Barry minds.
Also, headcanon I'm not sure I ever mentioned on here before but the reason Barry minds Johnny taking his spot isn't jealousy of being passed over but because he didn't want his honorary nephew to have a larger role in the gang than he already did. He was trying to protect him.
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HERE. This is the moment where Marcus confirms they were going to stop stealing after this last heist. They were legit only doing it out of necessity because the needed money.
(aka my debt theory is going strong bwahahaha)
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Ok but the way Marcus looks at Stan and Barry when Johnny storms off, just his face of "that's weird right? or is it normal teenage angst? what's going on?" is so funny. He's so lost.
Also, I genuinely believe that Johnny might have been planning on telling his family about the singing here (he comes back much later but seems still really hyped up like he was getting the confidence to do so) but didn't when he was given the role of getaway driver. Even if it was just for one job, it clearly made him feel way less seen as a person and like he was a disappointment for not fitting into the mold of who he thinks his father wants him to be (the queer metaphor is still going hard I see, lovely).
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👏 Relationship👏  Counseling👏 
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Engineer Rosita My Beloved!!!! <3
This woman definitely has at least two masters degrees in mechanical engineering because the machine she made is something out of Willy Wonka.
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So... there either were intake forms where they all listed their talents and Johnny put down a skill he hadn't done since he was little or... Buster legit just asked this teenager to learn an skill that takes years upon years of training in like a month. For some weird reason, i'm leaning towards the latter and Johnny having experience is a coincidence.
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Horrified Punk Rocker™️
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I completely forgot that Meena wrote out what she was gonna say to Buster on her hand. I love that and I will be including it everywhere.
Also, unrelated, but Buster is on his second felony of the movie right now and we barely are passed the 30 minutes mark. Not to mention the numerous misdemeanors.
And, the workshop where they build their props in apparently on the second floor according to Buster. That seems like you're making more work for yourself with all the moving up and down but, you know, you do you.
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Mike puntable moments counter: 19
He really does not think things through does he?
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Lance puntable moments counter: 17
Dude, she's your girlfriend, for fucks sake, be supportive!!!! It's not rocket science over here!!!
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Johnny making fun of his dad and exaggerating his accent will never not be funny to me. He's acting like a regular teenager, not a gang member, and it's both adorable and hysterical.
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Judith has arrived!!! We love characters who are actually just trying to do their jobs here. Like imagine being the bank representative assigned to Buster freaking Moon. You'd be pissed off too.
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... Gay. That's the only commentary I can add here. That's very gay.
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Gunter, the chaos enabler, Rosita, the chaos handler, and Caspar, the chaos.
You just know as soon as Caspar got home he was begging him mom to let him hang out with the fun dance guy again.
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Johnny's over here going through the nine stages of grief about his singing career.
Also, do we know why Johnny was called away this time? Because they weren't planning any heists in between the one we have already seen and the failed one to our knowledge. So, was he actually called back because of something to do with the garage? It would technically be a family business thing then after all.
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Ash, I am so sorry. About everything you go through in this movie. So sorry. You get adopted by a crazy guy and an old rockstar by the end of the next movie if it's any comfort (probably not but worth a shot).
Also, their apartment is huge!!! How are they affording that when struggling to find and keep gigs???
Lance puntable moments counter: 27
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I am once again reminded that the mob canonically exists here and Mike thought cheating them was a good idea?!?
Mike puntable moments counter: 23
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The last moments those poor flowers had. RIP.
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The dramatic music that appears whenever she does is honestly amazing. And I love how she just seems to despise Buster on principal here.
But the fact that Eddie's grandmother knows Buster? And a fair bit about his life? Eddie has definitely mentioned him and also Buster went to Eddie's graduation!! That's so sweet, you know he was one of those people who make huge posters of their loved ones faces and their degree.
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This, my lovely gentlefolk and assorted cryptids, is what a bad idea looks like!
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Ok, we have arrived to the failed heist. Now personally, I would have just pretended to be sick so that Buster would have let me go without worrying about the show. That way my role in the show would be safe while I would also be out of debt, win-win. However, that's clearly not what happened here.
I stand with the fact that this could have been easily avoided but I do not solely blame Johnny here. He's a kid. Kids make mistakes all the time. He just made a mistake. Was it a bigger mistake than a lot of people's? Yes, but it was still a mistake. He is not at fault here.
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As for the gang, smart move on their part to immediately surrender. That way they lessened their sentence by not resisting arrest. Also, Marcus looks genuinely worried when he realises Johnny is not there, and I completely understand that. He has no idea where his son is and there's police everywhere, he's bound to be panicked.
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Rosita is amazing. I love her, she's so sweet.
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Ok, genuinely forgot about Gunter and Rosita's fight at the dress rehearsals.
Also, Mike puntable moments counter: 25
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Ok, I feel like we missed a part of this conversation. We jump right to Marcus asking where Johnny was and looking pissed. I can almost guarantee that that conversation did not start like that. Marcus and Johnny are shown to be close, despite their communication issues. He's going to be upset, yes, but he's still gonna be worried about his kid. Marcus definitely asked if Johnny was ok or arrested or sick first.
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Also, ouch. This scene hurts. The overall message of familiar rejection for you just trying to be yourself, of who you actually are is not good enough? It makes me sob every single time. This is just insanely painful.
(Yes, this is a central part of Johnny's story being queer coded and as someone who had a similar situation happen when I came out, I'm just saying it's very realistic).
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Then the stealing bit afterwards being reference for pushing yourself into who others want you to be to feel love? And Johnny choosing even then it's better if he is his actual true self? Amazing, perfection, true cinema.
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This is the emptiest grocery store I've ever seen in my entire life. Seriously. Is anyone other than these two there? I'm guessing a cashier but I don't see one.
Also this security dude is an amazing hype man, just cheering and blasting music.
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Buster, stop encouraging kids to commit felonies. I know you're on three now but seriously man???
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WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GAVE THIS GREMLIN A BLOWTORCH?!?!?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY SOCIETY???? Also, Meena and Buster were renovating the theatre at the same time as Johnny was practicing with Mrs. Crawly. I completely forgot they were there at the same time?
This is taking way longer than I thought but hey, it's time consuming!
Be back in a few (these take a bit to edit sorry)! - <3 Gooseless
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pansy-picnics · 10 months
LITERALLYYLYKYLYKY OH MY GOD???? NO BECAUSE. no bc kiera and catalina parallel lance and eugene as kids almost EXACTLY imo and its SO important in a sense that like. ok i don’t think the rise of flynnigan rider is canon necessarily bc that book was a mess but lance and eugene’s interactions in it are so GOOD it drives me crazy.
basically lance at that age (like 11-12) is portrayed as a kinda shy and anxious kid who tends to keep to himself but is really nerdy and smart and well aware of his surroundings. he’s still a kid and he can be dumb and impulsive but he’s emotional and clings to people who show him affection. eugene’s the opposite, he’s super charismatic and talks his way out of things easily but he never really thinks before he acts and it gets him into trouble really easily. but together they balance each other out, and eugene is super protective of lance bc he knows he’s the more shy and cautious one.
they’re such a good team bc they balance out each others strengths and weaknesses perfectly. but lance actually has a point where he felt betrayed by eugene and it hit so hard despite the plot being so messy. LIKE HE GENUINELY TOLD HIM OFF AND STOOD UP FOR HIMSELF AND IT WAS SO GOOD?? and then theres the whole alleged scrapped lance and eugene backstory episode which might not even be real but its CANON TO ME EVEN IF ITS NOT BC THATS HOW GOOD IT IS. yk the one where eugene almost got adopted and lance was afraid of being left behind so he broke a window and blamed it on eugene so the couple wouldn’t want him anymore? Yeah. Yeah i think about that a normal amount actually!
and god it annoys me so much bc whenever anyone DOES talk about how lance got done dirty in the series nobody actually brings up WHY….. i love this series too but we cant just sweep the issue under the rug. theres a reason they only played him for comedic relief and made him look childish and stupid IT’S RIGHT THERE ITS BECAUSE HES BLACK. AND YES WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. I LOVE THAT THEY HAD HIM ADOPT THE GIRLS IN THE END AND IT WAS SO SWEET BUT HE WAS STILL THE BLACK BEST FRIEND TROPE AND HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER!!!
he’s not stupid in fact i genuinely think he’s the most emotionally mature out of the entire cast. i think he came to the orphanage as a young child rather than from birth and he had a mom who he loved very much and who taught him to manage his emotions well and bc of it he’s very in tune with himself!! and he’s very much the dad friend!!! he’s just a silly guy and he wants to make his friends laugh but sometimes he ends up sacrificing himself for others too much!!! and he needs to care about himself too!!!
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party-in-eldarya · 1 year
Playing ANE what a joy ep9 p4
After 4 days of intense training  /s Erika has a day off, and sleeps till noon. 
I mean... Why the writer is so bad at such simple things? The fact that Lysander’s farm is 4hrs away from civilization (and they added a village in wedding ep, but in AL it was in the middle of nowhere), just to explain how Candy CANNOT stay with him and study at same time... And here, they gave us 3 days of training, everyone important in Eel drops everything to teach Erika... for those 3 days, then they let her rot. We know it’s for Earth mission, but we also know that it didn’t help much. It would be wiser to send there Nevra and Lance and maybe Mathieu, and let Erika stay and train in Eel more. Or describe that she has spent intense 3 weeks and is getting better at it. Pls, writing how she got better at fighting just because Lance said wise words “be more active in fighting” is...laughable. Dunno, maybe they will let her traing more in future, after that day of laziness, but for now it looks ridik, and I am sure that I have read fanfictions written with more logic. Becoming a warrior is not an instant ramen, it cannot be done in 3 days. Proof that Erika is indeed Jesus of Eldarya. 
The writer is trying hard to show us how Erika has grown these days: she is walking in Citadel, looking for places to hide, she is also reciting those few facts HC managed to hammer into her memory. Personally, I think that they could have describe her reading a book about first aid, or do some cardio and it would look less silly, but uh. They are the writers of game I waste money on, so maybe they are on something?
Well done Beemoov, Erika decided to train her superpowers when Leif is with her, so he could guide her and see if everything is ok. It is smart, I am really impressed. 
“The day passed, I was wandering around without real goal”. Because??? Why didn’t she train with Mathieu, or go to Absinth and tried to do some basic potions she learnt, or, dunno, do cario? There is a simple, reasonable plot line yet the writer suddenly decides it’s time for Erika to do nothing.  WHY? Am I to believe that no one in Guard had time to train some more with their LAST HOPE AND JESUS ERIKA?
Erika decides to look for Leiftan (not sure if it’s for every Gardienne, or only for those who are on his route): 
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It is. Backgrounds, sprites are beautiful this season. Too bad that the spirit of game went to hell, just like Beemoov’s will to do anything good with this game. Wish we (Erika) could explore world more, but ANE is very limited and empty. We only know bunch of characters, the citadel is empty, we get to know new eldarya place in last episodes. 
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Except we know and Erika knows that Oracle is Ophelia, so she is here, but it less reasuring. Well, yes- Ophelia is lame guide, only repeating “you will fail, all will die”. The only person who can talk to me like that is Xan, and he belongs to much, MUCH better game than Eldarya. 
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“ If we are doomed to fail, could we at least do it faster?! “ 
Xan about state of Eldarya game
It is Leiftan who find us, ofc HH summoned us. OK, action I guess?
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After 3 days of training. 
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And she was kinda right. Never forget that Beemoov decided to kick out one of LI for almost 2 episodes just because. 
Erika takes initiative, but she thinks that she doesn’t want to scare him. Nice, no irony here, she shows some good sides here and there, but sadly, the writers then forget how to write humans and it ruins her. 
My angel (daemon angel) smiles sweetly when Erika let him read her feelings. This is eally good moments, but I wonder how they work on other routes. Here, they can understand their emotions because of special connection, what about Lance? Mathieu? 
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Awww, I always loved scenes when the couple meet in the middle. 
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I don’t like illu, but it’s a give in ANE. However, props MAD PROPS to writer for reminding that Leiftan and Erika had an intense relationship before ANE. 
Sadly, Leiftan decides to end this moment because HH, the council, and yes, I get that probably it’s the same line for each LI, but uh. It doesn’t work for him- but then again, after 5th episode of Lysander AL I understood that I got all Beemmoov’s character wrong. 
20 maana on repeating same “we didn’t want to leave, but we had to. We stayed in silence because we didn’t want to leave”. Sadly, it is still one of better moments I have spent with my LI so far. Ok Beemoov, I will give you that- they are under stress, so it worked for this scene. 
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I swear, I have read the same line in at least 3 episodes before now. “All members are here, Koori is also here”. “Everyone stood there, but Jamon, he was absent”. I know, I know. It is small detail, but uh. We all know how nicely this season developed, right? Let me me sad bitch. 
Erika wonders what this special mission would be. Will it be a diplomatic mission in Yaqut, to make an alliance with them? Or perhaps a semi-diplomatic mission to: 
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Both valuable options, and with better pacing and writing both could be possible this season AND would have some meaning. 
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“but how? When I was a lost girl who was missing her family (and who back then still loved my father- you know, the one who taught me how to cook and who adopted a stray kitten), you all told me it is not possible. The only person who swore he would try to find a way to send me back home was romanced Ezarel, and sadly, he run away to play threesome with Anne-Marie and Twylda. I know it sounds fucked, but so is my life here” -said Erika. JK. 
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Beemoov, fellow Gardiennes. Listen, that girl has lead a nice, comfortable life on Earth. She had parents, a mother and father- who cooked with her and was a rather chill person. She had friends. She is not a Mathieu, lone in this world and without purpose. It’s good that she tried to build new life on Eldarya, but she has spent there only couple of months, so she should be conflicted, but thrilled. Not sure why writers act like she has spent those 7 years alive and active and bonding with eldarya world.
I know I am bitter, but seeing how Beemoov hypes their new game while giving me shit feels sad. 
END of Ep, next time things will get heated, because an IMPORTANT PERSON will role play a fashion designer because IMPORTANT PERSON. Dont get me wrong, if Erika wasn’t playing Jesus, it would be a nice, fitting (ha) quest. As it is it is a bit insulting, but again, she is just a tool. 
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boinurmom13 · 1 year
reverting back to my roots..,.,., 😔😔😔😔😔
(roots being my too-long-for-comfort undertale au phase)
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i always loved the idea of a swap au. never cared for underswap, but i love swap aus!!
so i did a bo and ophelia personality swap.
yeah. thats right. what if their personalities swapped (from a lore standpoint, that would not make sense, so i had to adjust some things!!)
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adjustments i made!!
originally, her parents died in a housefire and she moved in with her grandma. whatever. original ophelia being traumatized from her parents death. ok. boring!! (no its not do not joke abt people's trauma.)
the changes? after her parents' deaths, she moved in with her aunt instead (amelia.) right. ok. so, she has sibling-like figures now, great!
ok but what happened after amelia died??
broke her. first, her parents, now, amelia? and worst of all, it was hidden for weeks? the fuck is wrong with them (castle village guild!!)?? anyways. basically bo's arc, where, after an important figures death, she realizes all of EVERYTHING is pointless and there's no reason to continue on putting effort into shit that doesn't matter.
totally breaks, but doesn't remove herself from the adventuring scene. actually, she becomes a "rogue" adventurer (not affiliated with any guild, typically anti-guild, and more of like a monster bounty hunter).
as for her magic, which i don't rly touch on, she's still an unstable vampiric/healing combo. still got blessed by the diety for healing magic n all. except!! instead of being even more nervous and shaky cuz of the unstableness, it effects her more in anger mood swings. where, at any second, she could blow up. frequently has outbursts of rage and all other types of emotions. has broken multiple weapons and training dummies due to this!! (it's not something to joke about, and she has put multiple people in danger due to these outbursts.)
she's a douchebag now, sorry. basically like. bo!! wow! a concept right there!! a personality swap where the personalities swap??? no way!!
as for bo, his arc's normal. except, after 2 years of self destructive behaviors (drinking, drugs, frequent hook ups, basically indirect self harm) he comes to a realization that. hey.
it's not all bad, right? sure, the only parental figure i had is dead, but she wouldn't want this right? she'd want me to prosper, and to move on. it's been two years, man! two years! i can get over it now.
quits cold turkey, gets a job, finishes college. relapses every so often (his coworkers do NOT help with that), but finds himself back to rythym eventually. of course, he's still shaky, addiction and whatever. and also, just like. dude. his mom died. the woman he looked up to died. his shakiness and nervous behavior only gets worse around authority and guild figures.
refuses to allow himself to get close to someone albeit romantically, platonically, or however else.
oh, yeah, and cain and jack are the same don't worry about them. they try to help with bo's situation, but fails ultimately.
both decided to take over the farm. share legal rights to it and all. ophelia wanted it to be close to amelia again, and bo wanted it because he realized his workplace is not safe if he wants to totally get rid of his addiction.
oh, and also, bo denies ANY usage of the name "bo davey barabell." he legally changed it after moving to evotte and going under the radar, hoping that no guild finds him (they did not).
it's now david ethan wolfe.
David, as in. davey.
Wolfe as in the scientist Misty Wolfe, whom he took a lot of inspiration from and looked at like a father figure.
and ethan just cuz it's an alright name, and pretty damn generic.
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here's some drawings of bo and ophelia's interactions with their respective spouses.
isaac and ophelia enemies to lovers arc!! (they are incredibly unhealthy and toxic, and are on and off 24/7)
lance and bo. just. are downright horrible for each other. mostly because bo runs away from him.
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and some extras!!! bo as a chihuahua (his actual pet) and ophelia as a black cat (her actual pet)
ophelia's "Phi-Phi makes me sound 12. It's Ophelia" is a reference to Sam in supernatural, which is a quote he says in the beginning of season 1!! (not quite. it's smth like, "Sammy makes me sound 12. It's Sam.")
i love spn
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Merlin Scar Reveal Part 2(final part)
Merlin tries to pretend nothing happened, Arthur says “that’s stupid.”
Part 1
Merlin’s nightmares last for the rest of the afternoon and extend well into the night. 
The heat certainly doesn’t help, and it takes all of Gaius’ effort to keep his temperature low enough to not boil him from the inside out, but he manages with help from the knights. Mordred and Lancelot refuse to leave the servant’s side of course, but the others loiter in the corridor the entire time, and take turns sprinting to the cold store and kitchens for ice water and cloths.
It was difficult to stand there waiting, being given scraps of information on Merlin’s condition, especially when most of the scraps consist of something along the lines of “Hopefully he’ll snap out of it by the morning.”, which was certainly not helped when the occasional whimper floated out to them from the young servant’s room.
After a few hours, Leon was the one to draw the short straw to go and talk to Arthur. Whilst all of them were mildly miffed that Arthur had pushed Merlin so far, they knew that ultimately, it was all of their faults. All of them had pushed him, and none of them had protected him from being injured in the first place. None of them knew how much he had suffered, was still suffering. Considering Arthur’s... extra feelings for his servant, it was no wonder he’d reacted even worse than the others.
The First Knight agrees to go, knowing he had the best chance of talking some sense into The King, though he refuses to leave until he sees each of the others settle in their beds; it had been a long day, and would likely be an even longer day tomorrow. They all need as much sleep as they can get.
Arthur doesn’t answer when Leon knocks on his door, but the knight lets himself in after a few moment regardless, doing so quietly so as not to startle the man if he was asleep or, more likely, deep in thought.
The King was sat at his desk, chin resting on his hands, and Leon has to stamp down the surge of protective adrenaline in his lungs when he sees the dry tear tracks on the younger man’s face. He doesn’t notice Leon’s presence, not even when he very deliberately clears his throat, so the knight walks over to him slowly, rapping his knuckles harshly on the desk. That finally catches Arthur’s attention, and he looks up with a start, hands reaching for the sword that Leon knows he has hidden under the desk.
The King lets out a deep breath and relaxes back in his seat when he sees that it’s just Leon, hastily wiping his eyes before clearing his throat and looking up with a fake confidence:
“Sir Leon, what can I do for you?”
Leon just raises an eyebrow, but when Arthur holds strong and doesn’t react he lets out a deep sigh and collapses into the seat on the other side of the desk:
“Come on, Arthur. We need to talk about this.”
Arthur gulps, trying to keep his unaffected façade up, but failing and dropping it after only a few moments; something about the soft, overly concerned look Leon was giving him made him want to wrap himself in blankets and sob himself to sleep. He frowns and just about manages to keep the tears in:
“Why wouldn’t he tell me? If not about the physical scars, then about all the times he’s been hurt. Does he not think I would’ve given him time to recover? Or, God forbid, helped him?”
Leon purses his lips slightly in thought, still having to make a concerted effort not to gather The King up in a tight hug as he considers his questions:
“I don’t think it’s about you, Arthur. Merlin is... a private person by nature, and he doesn’t like worrying people. You heard Mordred, he and Lance found out by accident, and even then Merlin tried to keep them away from it as long as possible.”
Arthur stands, the guilt and sadness in his gut now frothing with anger as well. He paces around to the centre of the room and Leon stands to watch him carefully:
“He can say it’s not about me as much as he wants, but I’m The King, Leon,-”
He whirls on the knight, and Leon clenches his jaw, resisting the urge to raise a mocking eyebrow. He knew to expect anger at some point, but that doesn’t mean Arthur was entitled to it:
“-I have a right to know what’s going on in my Kingdom. I should’ve been informed of Nimueh and Morgause’s deaths, I should’ve been informed that Cenred was torturing people for information. How many other countless adventures has Merlin had that have put himself, Me, the Kingdom in danger, simply because he didn’t want people to know much about him?? None of that was his call to make.”
Leon does raise an eyebrow at that, but Arthur was too busy furiously pacing to feel scolded quite yet. The older man crosses his arms and huffs slightly, waiting for The King to calm before responding:
“Be that as it may, that’s not why you’re angry. You can lie to yourself, Arthur, but you can’t lie to me, and you certainly shouldn’t lie to Merlin. If you go to him pretending that you’re angry because he put the Kingdom at risk, and not because you’re heartbroken at him having suffered so much, then he’ll never forgive you. And when you realise that, you’ll never forgive yourself.”
Arthur looks to Leon sharply, but the anger drains from his face within seconds and his whole body sags slightly, the exhaustion of the day having caught up to him. A glance to the now dark window tells him that it’s well into the evening, but he can’t find it in himself to be annoyed at the unfinished paperwork on his desk or the hunger in his stomach from not having eaten since before noon, not when he knows Merlin is being tortured by nightmares and injuries that have long since healed. Injuries that he should never have had in the first place. Leon waits patiently for Arthur to respond:
“I don’t want him to be in pain. I just want to help him.”
His cracking admission has Leon give up on holding himself back, and he strides towards The King to pull him into a tight embrace. Arthur tenses at first, but quickly falls into the older man’s affection, accepting a hug for the first time since he was a child. Leon responds softly, aware that he only had a short time before Arthur pulled away and put his walls back up:
“Merlin’s already in pain, Arthur, but that doesn’t mean we can’t now help him.-”
He feels Arthur nod into his shoulder and squeezes the man tighter for a moment before pulling back, keeping a tight grip on The King’s shoulders:
“Come on, you need to get some sleep.”
Arthur’s tired, longing gaze moves to the paperwork spread haphazardly over his desk, and Leon shakes his head, tugging Arthur’s shoulders so he looks back at him:
“No, work isn’t an option, your mind is not in any sort of state to be productive right now. You’re exhausted, Arthur, a few hours of sleep will do you some good; I hate to say it but The Kingdom won’t stop needing attention whilst we... sort through this, and you’ll need the energy tomorrow.”
Arthur shakes his head, stepping back and rubbing his eyes tiredly as he takes a deep breath and straightens his back. Leon steps back as well, re-introducing the respectful distance that should be between a King and his Knight, waiting for Arthur’s no doubt stoic response:
“The councilmen will survive without me for a day or two, if not then that really should be something I’m made aware of so I can get to replacing them. Merlin and I need to...-”
He cuts himself off and clears his throat:
“-has there been any news? Any change?”
Leon shakes his head, but catches Arthur’s wrist when he begins walking towards the door:
“Arthur. I just about managed to convince everyone else to get some sleep and you need it more than them.-”
Arthur looks back indignantly, failing to portray his Kingly Anger in his exhaustion and looking more like a scolded child:
“-You know I’m right. Get some sleep, Gaius will inform you if anything changes.”
For a moment, it looks like Arthur wants to argue, but he quickly lets out a deep, bone weary sigh, nodding before moving sluggishly towards his bed. Leon nods approvingly, muttering a soft “Goodnight, My Lord” and smiling slightly at Arthur’s hummed response before quietly exiting the chambers.
Arthur can convince himself, for a few blissful seconds, that it was all a bad dream when he wakes up the next morning.
His curtains are thrown wide open; the sunlight streams in and forces The young King to groan and roll over, attempting to shield his eyes from the brightness. Merlin’s cheery voice echoes throughout the various chambers:
“Come on, Sire, up and at ‘em!”
Arthur just grumbles a slurred “Fuck off.” before his brain wakes up and he throws himself from the bed, thankfully wearing sleep clothes but only just managing to catch himself on the bedside table before he falls over:
“Merlin!! What the hell are you- are you ok?! Did Gaius say you could get up?!”
Merlin looks back at him with the same disapproving, mocking glare he usually uses in the morning; Arthur is taken aback at the darkness in his eyes. He can’t quite decide if it made it’s first appearance this morning, or if it had always been there and he just hadn’t noticed. He doesn’t know which idea he hates more:
“I’m fine, Arthur, no need to worry about me. And for your information, I’m a fully trained physician, I don’t need Gaius telling me what I can and can’t do.-”
He rolls his eyes and turns to The King’s desk with a huff, gesturing at the mess:
“-It’s flattering that you rely on me so much Arthur, but really, this is ridiculous.”
Arthur is finally broken out of his shocked stupor, shaking his head disbelievingly and taking a few short steps towards his manservant. He goes to yell but quickly backtracks, snapping his mouth shut and taking a deep breath before trying again, softly this time:
“Merlin... we have to talk about yesterday.”
Merlin’s reaction is immediate and harsh. The quill that he had picked up from Arthur’s desk snaps in his sudden tight grip and the tension in his shoulders is painful looking. He freezes for just a moment before forcing himself to relax, casually throwing the broken quill into a waste basket before continuing to organise the desk, refusing to look up at The King:
“No, we really don’t. I’m fine, My Lord.”
The lack of sarcasm or sass in Arthur’s title worries The King greatly, but the way Merlin regains more and more of the tension in his shoulders the closer Arthur walks to him is even more worrying:
“Merlin... look at me.-”
The servant gulps, biting his lip at he stares at the desk for a few more moments before forcing himself to look up. He recoils slightly at the tears in Arthur’s eyes, but doesn’t allow himself to look away. Arthur opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by the door to his chambers opening with a bang as Mordred and Lancelot rush in. They’re both red-faced and panting, speaking at the same time:
“I swear to the Gods if he snuck out of bed to work, I’ll-”
“I apologise My Lord, I don’t suppose you’ve seen-”
They both freeze as they see Merlin stood behind Arthur’s desk, paperwork crumpled in his tight grip and face fallen into a annoyed frown. Arthur throws his hands up, frustrated as he paces and mumbles:
"Just... come in why don’t you. No, don’t worry about knocking just run on in like you own the damn place.”
Lancelot spares him a quick glance but locks the door behind him and crosses his arms like an angry mother as he looks to the irate servant:
“Merlin, we’ve talked about this, you’re meant to take the morning off after a bad night, Gaius says-”
Merlin just rolls his eyes and turns away, interrupting Lancelot’s scolding as he continues to tidy around the room, his annoyance evident in his harsh tone and hurried movements:
“I’m a physician too, and I say I’m fine. I would like to just... get on with things, please.”
Arthur has to stop himself from recoiling at the way Lance and Mordred’s faces fall, the pain and grief sadder than anything he’s ever seen in their expressions before. He takes a moment to think before giving the two of them a pointed look and quietly asking:
“Can you give us a minute?”
Lancelot looks doubtful, but willing. Mordred plants his feet and crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow. He doesn’t say anything, but it’s obvious he has no intention of leaving Merlin’s side; as much as Arthur finds that admirable on a personal level, as King it’s unacceptable. He’s normally not a fan of pulling rank among friends, but maybe that’s because he normally doesn’t need to. Perhaps this whole mess was his fault, Mordred obviously felt so, but Arthur could hardly fix it with them glaring over his shoulder. He raises himself to his full height, a good few inches above Mordred, and uses the tone of voice he normally reserves for particularly difficult councilmen:
“You forget whose presence you are in, Sir Mordred, you’d do well to remember again. You are both dismissed.”
Mordred’s eyes go wide and he takes in a sharp breath, but after a quick glance to Merlin’s turned back he dutifully bows and walks from the room stiffly. Lancelot’s postures straightens as well, and he follows Mordred after a confident:
“We’ll be in Gaius’ chambers should you require anything, My Lord.”
Merlin was oblivious to the conversation, though Arthur reckons he was deliberately ignoring it as opposed to being actually unaware, especially with the way the servant’s shoulders relax when the door shuts behind the second knight.
Arthur sighs as Merlin continues to putter around the room, refusing to look him in the eye; he leans against the edge of the desk and crosses his arms:
His voice is soft, but the servant still doesn’t look at him, giving a non-committal hum as he clears out the hearth with shaking hands:
“-come here, please.”
Merlin freezes for just a moment, and if the problem wasn’t so glaringly the context of the situation, Arthur may have been able to fool himself into believing that Merlin was just shocked he said please. The younger man stands slowly, turning to walk towards Arthur with his gaze stuck to the floor. He stops with about five feet of space between them and Arthur sighs again, closing the gap until only a few inches separates them. The King ignores the tears gathering in both of their eyes as he lifts a hesitating hand, dropping it softly on Merlin’s shoulder only when the servant doesn’t flinch away:
“Merlin, I... you mean a great deal to me, and I know I don’t say that often enough, or at all, really. You... look after me, keep me alive and unhurt, evidently more than I had originally thought. You make me a good King, and a better man.-”
Merlin looks up at him sharply and Arthur can tell that he’s about to argue, so he squeezes his shoulder and quickly hurries on:
“-You’ve been hurt, you’ve suffered in your service to me, and that’s unacceptable but it’s also my fault; I should’ve made it clear that I would protect you from anything. These scars prove your strength, but I understand not wanting to acknowledge them, so I promise I will never ask again. You tell me when you’re ready, and if that’s never, then that’s completely fine.-”
Merlin seems surprised by the promise, and the tears slowly dripping from his wide eyes just make Arthur regret yesterday even more. After a second or two of shock, Merlin visibly relaxes, relieved with the knowledge that he doesn’t have to expect the conversation that he really doesn’t want to have. Arthur gives him a weak smile before continuing:
“-I’m sorry, but I’m also grateful. Thank you, Merlin. But...-”
Merlin re-tenses at the “but” and Arthur squeezes his shoulder again, giving him what he hopes is a reassuring smile:
“-please don’t keep doing this alone. I... I don’t expect you to ask me for help, though I would drop anything in a heartbeat to keep you safe. Even... even if it’s Gwaine, just... I don’t want you disappearing off to save the Kingdom only to never come back again because no one knows where you are.”
Merlin smiles weakly at the disdain in Arthur’s voice when he mentions Gwaine, but quickly frowns again and looks at the floor. He gaze stays lowered when he asks his one word question, his voice quiet and ragged:
Arthur frowns for a second, confused about what Merlin was asking, but quickly realises, lifting the other man’s chin with his hand, his voice a whisper:
“Merlin, I would give up the Kingdom to rid you of the burden you’ve place upon yourself. I just want you safe and happy and by my side.”
Merlin once again looks like he wants to argue, but a quiet sob falls from his mouth instead and Arthur, damning the consequences and his stupid reputation, pulls the younger man into a tight hug, cradling his head into his shoulder and running a soft hand up and down his back. A few tears of his own slip free but he finds he doesn’t care that much as Merlin shakes in his arms; he presses a barely-there kiss to Merlin’s temple and begins swaying slightly on the spot, wanting more than anything to take away his servant’s pain.
Merlin’s cries slow to a stop after what feels like hours, but Arthur doesn’t let go quite yet, eyeing the unmade bed over Merlin’s shoulder with eagerness, knowing that neither he nor Merlin had slept well last night. He feels Merlin stifle yawn against his shoulder and that just strengthens his resolve; he squeezes the younger man to get his attention and then speaks quietly:
“Reckon the council can survive without me later?”
Merlin clears his throat and responds, but still doesn’t let go:
“Doubtful, but Leon and Morgana could probably whip them into shape. Why?”
Arthur nods and pulls back, frowning at the slight panic in Merlin’s eyes when he steps away but doesn’t mention it, letting his hand slide down from the servant’s shoulder to grip his hand. Merlin visibly relaxes, but still looks confused as Arthur tugs him towards the bed gently; he allows himself to be pushed to sit on the edge and looks up at Arthur questioningly. The blond stops himself from grinning widely at the trust in his expression, instead turning away to shut the curtains and lock the door as he says:
“Shoes and belt off, I fancy a nap, how about you?”
He was expecting an argument, so he's surprised when he turns back to the bed to see Merlin softly smiling as he sets his shoes and belt on the bedside table neatly. They both climb under the covers wordlessly, and Merlin doesn’t hesitate to curl into Arthur’s side when he holds his arms out to him. 
The King holds his servant close, tucking his head against his chest and burying his chin in his soft hair, his arms wound around Merlin tightly. Merlin closes his eyes without issue, finding himself unafraid of the darkness or the nightmares or the firm touch against his back for the first time since his collection of scars began.
The warrior sleeps, plagued by nothing but pleasant dreams and the warmth of a protection he knows he can trust.
That took me FOREVER to write, writer’s block really does suck, but I’m glad I finally got it finished. I feel like it’s a little underwhelming, but I hope y‘all like it :)
@1stbonesfan asked to be tagged! <3
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I'm feeling under the weather. Would you write some scenarios of how the GOM boys + Kagami would take care of me to help me feel better???
Awwww! I’m so sorry to hear that!! I hope you feel better ^_^. Hope this helps too! It’s a little long with all the boys. So rest of the GOM + Kagami is under the cut.
Being sick was the worst. Between the body aches & pains, general lethargy, you hadn’t gotten out of bed hardly at all today. You barely had the energy to get up and call school this morning to tell them you weren’t coming. Thankfully, they hadn’t pressed, and wished you a speedy recovery for returning to class on Monday.
That was your wish too.
You didn’t want anyone to know you were sick.
Sleeping most of the day, you were surprised to hear the doorbell much later in the afternoon. This would be the time you would normally just be getting home from school. So, who could possibly expect you to be home right now?
“Akashi-kun…?” You said in surprise. Finding your boyfriend, and his dreamy duel-colored eyes, on the other side of your door.
“Hello darling.” The brilliant red head greeted with a soft smile. As if it was perfectly natural for him to be here. “I heard you were under the weather. So I came to check on you. I also brought a physician to check in on you as well.” You look past Akashi finally to see a nice, older looking gentleman in a white lab coat with a crescent eyed smile.
“Akashi-kun, I already went to the doctor. That’s how I know I’m sick.”
“This doctor is better.” He announced as he saw himself in, with his doctor, and led you over to the couch. “He’s the personal physician for the Akashi family. His credentials are far superior to that of your typical clinic doctor.” You want to say something to him about how it didn’t take ‘superior credentials’ to diagnosis a cold, but Akashi was already positioning you on the couch. He gave you another soft smile before he turned to the doctor with a much cooler look and told him to get to work.
Sure enough, you still have a cold. “Gee, I’m so glad you brought such a brilliant doctor all the way here for me Sei-kun.” You quip sarcastically. Using your familiar nickname now that you were alone.
“Humor me, alright.” He replied. Bringing over the tray of tea he had been busying himself with while the doctor examined you. “I was worried when you didn’t come to school today. Why didn’t you call me?”
“Because I didn’t want to worry you….” You mutter into your tea cup once he had handed it to you. “I know…you get worried about people you care about being sick, after what happened to your mom. When Kuroko was sick last winter you practically wore a trench in the floor pacing ‘til you knew he was better.” Your fingers run the brim of the tea mug. Soaking up the warmth in your hands as you hold it. “I thought I could get over it before you found out, so you wouldn’t have to be the wiser. I guess that was pretty stupid hn? You always figure everything out.”
Akashi looked at you with a soft expression. Then he leaned in to kiss your warm forehead. “You’re not stupid. Don’t ever say that about yourself.” He told you. “And yes, it’s true. I get worried when people I care about are ill. But more than that I get worried when people don’t tell me things. When my mother was sick, no one told me anything. They said she was fine. Then one day she was just gone. Being in the dark is worse than just knowing the truth. So I must insist that you tell me these things in the future. Ok?”
You smile a little. You can tell he was trying really hard not to make this an order; his orders were absolute after all. But he was trying to make sure that he was kept in the loop in the future. He was worried about you.
You smile a little and snuggle into Akashi’s chest. “Yes kotei-kun.”
Thank God Japan had such strict firearm laws, because if you had a gun right now you’d shot yourself.
Ok, no you wouldn’t. But death would be a sweet blessing over this cold. This 24-hour bug thing hit you hard and hit you fast. Crippling you from a once vibrant human being to a walking corpse in less than a few hours. You sincerely wished that it was only 24 hours.
You hear the doorbell from the kitchen and hope it’s your soup. Too weak to even make your own food, you’d begrudgingly ordered some hot broth in an attempt to eat and keep up your strength.
You open the door to surprisingly find not your soup but Shutoku’s positive point guard standing there. “Takao?”
“Hi [Y/N]-chan!”
“What are you doing here?”
“Shin-chan heard you were sick. So, he wanted to come take care of you.” Holding of a napsack of supplies.
You blink once, looking around to see if you had somehow missed Midorima in your fever fogged mind. “He’s…here?”
“Don’t just stand in the door way and let the cold air in. You’re just going to make your cold worse.”
You blink again and Takao gave an awkward laugh as he scratched the back of his head, before revealing a small green walkie-talkie from his pocket. “He didn’t want to get sick himself.”
A grumble of irritation left your lips. “So Shintaro sent you to do his dirt work, as usual.” Takao laughed again. “Tell him thanks but no thanks. I don’t want any second-hand bedside manner, and I’m just going to sleep anyway.”
“Oy! [Y/N]-chan! Don’t be like that!” The dark-haired teen’s hand lanced out to catch the door. Barring you from closing it. “Shin-chan was really worried when you didn’t come to school today. Honest. He does want to help. You just know how he is though. I know it’s not the same as coming up here himself, but he bought all this stuff and wrote down all these instructions for me to help make you feel better.”
You look at the bag Takao had in his hand. It did seem like a lot. Midorima must have gone to several different drug stores to pick it all up and bring it over here. Even if he did stay in the parking lot. You look past Takao down to the ground floor, where Midorima was standing looking up at your apartment. Seeming to wait for you to follow his instructions about going inside but also with that steadfast look he got when he was truly worried about something.
“You just don’t want to go back down there and tell him you failed.” The boy in front of you laughed with an awkward ‘maybe’. “You can’t stay too long. My parents are going to be back after work, and they’re not going to be happy about a boy in my room and another one looking real stalkery in the parking lot.”
“Thanks [Y/N]!” Takao said as you let him in.
“Make sure they take the cold medicine now, before it gets too late. It’s one cap full every 4 hours. Drink some of the green tea I made for you. It’s in the green thermos. The red one is soup.”
“I know how to take medicine Shintaro. And I already ordered food before you got here. It’s on its way so-Wait! Why am I arguing with a walkie-talkie!?!”
You have an absolutely splitting headache. To the point that every time you get up to go to the bathroom and throw up, you check to see if an icepick is somehow lodged in the back of your skull.
Why did you have to get sick today? Aomine was going to kill you for missing his game; even if the outcome was inevitable. His love for basketball was second only to you (and sometimes you weren’t sure about the ranking). So you being at his games was what he loved most of all. If you weren’t there to see him crush whatever team into dust and lead his team to victory, you’d never hear the end of it. Maybe you’d get lucky and he’d get in the Zone early on and not even realize you weren’t there. Yeah…that was possible….
You crack your eyes open into painful, narrow slits from under the covers as you realize the pounding you were hearing was not just in your head but at the door. What idiot was banging on your door in the middle of the afternoon?
Steeling yourself to get up and answer the door. You were surprised to find it was your idiot behind the door. Aomine standing there, in his trademark Too warmup suit and equally trademark scowl.
“Aomine? What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?!”
“I kind of live here.”
Aomine tsked through his teeth with a sneer. “That’s not what I meant, baka! Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?!”
“Oh….” You blink a little in surprise. What was a good way to tell him that you didn’t think he’d care? “I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“It’s not, but you should still tell me about it!” He told you. “I had to hear about it from Satsuki. Do you know how stupid that makes me look if I don’t know that my own s/o is sick?!”
“So are you mad that I didn’t tell you? Or are you mad that I made you look stupid?”
“I’m mad at both!” Aomine yelled. He then seemed to realize he was yelling at a sick person, and his s/o, so he took a breath and calmed down. “Here.”
You look down at the convenience store bag he offered you. Taking it in your hands. “What’s this?”
“Jellies.” He replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t know which flavor you’d like when you’re sick, so I just got a bunch of ‘em.”
You blink at the bag, then up at Aomine. He…got these for you? You can see on his face now that he was angry because he was worried about you. Not that you were going to miss the game, but because he was worried about you. Your beautiful basketball ace was too proud to admit it though. “Thanks.” You said softly, with an equally soft smile.
The ace looked away and rubbed the back of his head while he was at it. “Yeah well, jellies always made me feel better when I was sick as a kid. Figured they’d make you feel better too.”
“I really appreciate it. I haven’t been able to keep much down.” Maybe that was TMI, but hey. Relationships weren’t always moonbeams and rainbows. “These will really hit the spot.”
“Well, I got extra red ones in there for you, so crack one open.” Aomine said as he saw himself past you and into your apartment.
“Hold on! You’re eating my present now?! Wait…hang on a minute, aren’t you supposed to be warming up for your game? How are you going to get back in time for starting line up if you’re here now?”
“I’m skipping it.” The blunette answered as if it was obvious. Taking off his windbreaker jacket and throwing it in a chair, before he flopped himself on your couch with his limbs stretched out to take up most of it. “There’s no one strong on that team anyway. So, it’s no fun. Let those other guys put in the work for once. They can’t expect me to carry the team all the time. So annoying….”
You stare at Aomine. Was he really….skipping basketball….to be with you here when you’re sick?
A warm feeling, you’re sure was not your fever this time, spread over you. He really did care, didn’t he?
“You should really put those in the fridge before they get warm. Warm jellies are the worst. I still want a red one though. Maybe two now that I think about it.”
You grumble as the ‘warm feeling’ starts to dissipate. Still harboring in your chest, but certainly less profound than it was a moment ago. “It’s super rude to eat someone’s present when they haven’t even had one of them, Aomine.” You still give him the red ones though.
Your kingdom for another box of tissues. At the rate you were running through them, a small rainforest was in serious jeopardy.
If you didn’t feel so cruddy, you’d be more worried about that fact. Right now, however, you just wanted your nose to stop running. You had been sneezing and sniffling all day, and in an effort to not be labelled ‘Typhoid Mary’ chosen to stay home from school. It was the reasonable thing to do. When you were sick.  
You finish blowing your nose for the umpth time when your phone rang. You pick it up and answer with a gravely, “hello?”
You pull the phone away from your ear at the loud, sobbing cry of your name through the phone from your boyfriend. “Kise…don’t yell…”
“[Y/N]-cchi! You’re sick! Why didn’t you tell me?? Kurokocchi had to call me today and tell me!”
Damn Kuroko. That snitch. “Because it’s not a big deal. It’s just a little cold. I’ll be fine.”
“But [Y/N]-cchi! You’re all alone with no one to take care of you! I won’t be back til Sunday!” Kise had gotten a modeling job out of town for the weekend. Some ‘on location’ gig for some sea side pics. Poor Kise. He must be freezing. But, those photos needed to be done and printed long in advance before summer time to boost sales.
If you had had to put money on it, you would have thought he would be the sick one: running around half naked on a frozen beach in January. Yet here you were.
“Do you think I just sit in a dark closet, with nobody around, until you show up again Kise?” A dramatic gasp was heard on the other end of the phone. “I’m not ‘alone’ Kise. I mean, I am now, but I have people around me to help if I need it. So you don’t have to worry.”
“But I’m not around to help you!” Kise whined. You can practically hear the broken-hearted boyfriend emoji floating around his head. “Let me at least order you some soup. Soup is what sick people eat right? That place near your house has that chicken ramen you like. Chicken ramen is like chicken soup. That’s what people eat when they’re sick right?? Or maybe you want something else?? What’s another thing that sick people eat?!”
“Ryouta!” You have to yell his first name to get him out of the spiral. You love Kise, but every now and then his boundless energy was annoying. You let out a sigh, and tell him, “yes, you can order me some food. Don’t go overboard.”
Kise perked up. You do kind of wish you could see his smiling face. It was so cute when he did these adorable 180s. He promised not to go overboard before he hung up the phone and ordered you some food. He then immediately called you back to let you know it would be there in 20 minutes, and told you all about his day.
He stayed with you on the phone when your food came, and even after. You watched one of your favorite movies on Netflix party, curled up in your blankets on your bed. If you closed your eyes and focused on the warmth of your blankets & Kise’s soft voice in your ear, it was almost like he was here.
You fell asleep to that feeling. Feeling much better after you woke up and waiting for Kise to come home.
You toss and turn a little in your sleep, trying to get back to it as you’ve actually woken up and want to sleep more. Rest was the only cure for a cold. And although you were still tired, even though you’d stayed home and slept all day, you were apparently too tired to fall back asleep.
You crack your eyes open. Your vision blurry for a moment before it clears up. Leaving you with a sea of blue in front of you. “Hello [Y/N].”
You let out a surprise shriek, followed by an almost perfect imitation of your boyfriend’s Ignite Pass against his face. “K-Kuroko!” You stammer, as the young man in question tried to recover from the shattering blow you just gave him. “I’m so sorry! What are you doing here?!”
“Your mother let me in.” He replied, words muffled by his hand. He pulled it away to inspect it and seemed to find no blood. That was a relief. You’d feel so bad if you both were down for the count. “I wanted to see you, and bring you your course work for today.”
Ah. So that’s how he got in. You didn’t think your mother would just let a high school boy in your room unsupervised. Also, maybe it was because Kuroko looked so unthreatening. If only she knew. “Thanks. Sorry again.”
“It’s alright. I should have known better than to sneak up on a sick person.” He said with a soft smile. His hand reached out to pet your head. “How are you feeling?”
“Still crummy,” you confess, “but on the mend. I’m sure I’ll be back to school on Monday.”
“Good. Everyone at school misses you. Even the senpais were asking about you today.”
“Did you miss me Kuroko?” You ask sheepishly.
To which he got a surprised expression before softening and immediately answering, “yes.”
Your face warmed with something other than a fever, and you pulled your blanket up to your nose. “You should go. I don’t want you to get sick too.”
“I’ll stay for a little bit longer. Don’t worry. I won’t get sick.”
It was a big fat lie as Kuroko was sick immediately after he left. He really should have known better with his borderline frail physique for anything other than basketball. Still, it was nice to talk to him for a while. And you got to take care of him after you were better, so it was all worth it.
‘Just a few more hours. You can do this.’
You keep repeating that to yourself over and over again in your head as you trudge down the hall. Only a few more classes and you could go home to die in peace. Why did you have to have a test today?!
Your penance march comes to a halt when you run into somebody. Looking up you realize it was Murasakibara. “Oh, sorry Mura-kun. I didn’t see you there.” You really must be sick if you hadn’t noticed the tower that was your boyfriend and Yosen center.
“[Y/N]-cchi, you don’t look so good.” The purple haired man drawled.
You frown up at him, not needing to hear that right now. “That’s not very nice to say to your s/o, Mura-kun.”
“But it’s the truth.” He told you. “Honesty is the best policy.” You couldn’t really argue with him there. Besides, you were too weak to argue.
Suddenly your vision was dark. You were worried for a second that you might have blacked out in your sick induced state, but quickly realize that Murasakibara’s large hand was on your face. “Mura-kun, let go.”
“You have a fever.” He replied, completely ignoring your protest. He still let you go, of his own volition, and stood to his full height again. “You need to go to the nurse.”
“No. I need to go to class.” You state in a huff. Batting his hands away in an effective, but weak manner, before walking past him to head just there.
You make it about three steps before Murasakibara grabbed you. Lifting you up in the air with ease and throwing you over his shoulder, in a move that would have made your head spin normally. Not to mention if you had a fever. “Atsushi! Let go!” You shout. Squirming and kicking your legs to no avail.
“No. You need to go to the nurse.” He repeated. Carrying you like a sack of potatoes as he walked down the hall.
“Put me down Atsushi! This is embarrassing! I need to go to class and take my test! It’s important!”
“Nothing is more important that your health.” You stop struggling for a moment as Murasakibara said something actually profound for once. “[Y/N]-cchi needs to take care of themselves, or they’ll just get sicker and get others sick. Tests and silly stuff like school work can wait.”
You grumble and slump down on Murasakibara’s shoulder. It wasn’t like him to be this serious. He also seemed very serious about taking you to the nurse. Nothing seemed capable of deterring him from that path. “Mura-kun, can you put me down? I’ll go to the nurse with you, but this isn’t really comfortable and I can walk on my own.”
He stopped. Then gave you a side ways glance out of the corner of his eye, seeming to not trust you, but still gave in and sat you down. “[Y/N]-cchi is gonna be good?”
“Yes,” you tell him, “I’ll be good.”
He escorted you the rest of the way to the nurses station. Asking if he could have a lollipop, and annoyed when they didn’t have one. What kind of a doctor’s office was this if they didn’t have lollipops, he asked. You’d giggled a little bit and told him to get to class. You’d call him later, since your parents were going to have to pick you up and take you home. You 100% had a fever and were told to go home. Murasakibara pet your head once more before he left to get to class.
The next day, when you were home recuperating, your mother had come into your room with a big candy store bag. “Someone left this big bag of lollipops at the door for you. Do you have any idea who it’s from?”
“I’m really ok Mom….No, it’s not that serious….You really don’t have to come home. Dad either. It’s not the first time I’ve had a cold, and I’m just gonna sleep it off. I’ll be fine by myself…..Yes, I got medicine….No. I’ll be ok. I have a friend from school who’s checking in on me….I love you too. Bye.”
“Your Mom ok?” You look up from the couch when Kagami came up behind it. Handing you a bottle of water for your scratchy sounding throat.
“Yeah. She’s ok. Just worried. She asked if I wanted her to come home, but I told her no.” You hate to admit it but you’re pretty sure it was a hollow gesture. Your parents work was very important. You had learned that early on growing up. They missed certain things in the trade off for having very important, successful careers. One of which was taking care of their child when they were sick.
“You also didn’t tell her it was me who was here. How come?”
“You want me to call her back and tell her we’re playing house?” You ask, with as cheeky of a grin as you can muster being sick. It still got the desired result.
“We’re not playing house!”
“Doctor then?”
Your cute boyfriend turned about as red as his hair, and stalked off back to the kitchen while fluster muttering to himself.
You chuckle a little. Which turned into a coughing fit, so you had to drink a little bit of water.
You and Kagami had initially bonded over being “latchkey kids”. Though your situation was not as severe as Kagami’s, with your parents still being in the country at least, they both traveled for work a lot and were rarely home. They tried to stagger their work trips so you wouldn’t be home alone, but this wasn’t the first time.
This also wasn’t the first time you would be alone when you were sick, if it hadn’t been for Kagami.
“Aren’t you worried you’re going to get sick?” You ask from the living room. Your voice squeaking and squawking the whole time.
“I never get sick.” He replied back confidently. Then rounded the corner with a tray you were 90% sure you did not have in your house before now. “Basketball and eating right keeps me healthy. So, I never get sick. You don’t have to worry.”
“I don’t think eating a dozen cheeseburgers a day counts as ‘eating right’.” You tell him.
Kagami grumbled. Seeming to want to argue or say something, but realizing its bad form to fight with a sick person. Instead, he just sat the tray down in front of you and sat on the couch. “What’s this?”
“Chicken noddle soup,” he replied. “Japan doesn’t have the right noodles. So I had to use soba. But the main part should be the same.”
“You made me chicken soup?”
Kagami tensed for a moment. His face turning hot pink again; possibly from the soft expression on your face or the soft sound of your voice. He turned away, scratching his cheek. “Y-Yeah. Like I said, it’s important to eat right to keep healthy. So…So eat up so you can be at school on Monday. It sucks when you’re not there.”
You smile softly at Kagami, then lean over to give him a peck on the cheek. “You said you never get sick right?” You tell him when he looked at you. His cheeks still pink, but not much pinker than before.
You eat your soup and gush constantly over how tasty it was. Kagami seemed super proud. Cooking and basketball were the two skills he was most proud of, and knowing that you liked something he made made him puff out his chest even more.
After your soup he made you a bowl of ice cream you were also 90% sure you did not have in your house before now and watched a movie.
After that, Kagami said he was going to head home but when he stood up from the couch you hand lanced out and grabbed onto his shirt tail on it’s on. “Could…Could you stay?” You’ll blame the weak sounding tone of your voice on your cold later. “I know I told my mom that I’d be fine on my own but….I really don’t want to be alone.”
The red headed ace blinked, seeming surprised by your confession (that you were also totally going to blame on your cold later). He gave you a soft smile and sat back down on the couch. Pulling you into his arms so you were practically in his lap. “You could have just told me that.”
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popurikat · 4 years
Trying to make sense of parts of Future (Mystery Skulls)
Since my last analysis went so well I thought I’d make this post as well, especially because Future really did confuse me and I know others might be lost as well; so lets discuss this together! It will be lengthy as I am basically spewing my thoughts out right on the videos immediate release date (there will be a read more option after my first thought to avoid long positng). Well first things first, I wanna address that I've been curious about what kind of spirit Arthur's arm could be (since I am not too well acquainted with any canon on its background part at least) and I think I have concluded that the closest thing to it could be is a Tenome; which is a Yochai that possesses a man's body and moves the eyes to the palms. "found lurking in cemeteries, hands outstretched, as if he has only recently lost his vision and is searching for something. Get close enough, and you’ll find out in quick succession that a) he’s not blind, but looking with eyes embedded in his hands, and b) what he’s looking for is a snack." (fyi, most of my mythos information is coming from Wiki just as a heads up)
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And sure enough he found a great source for his hunger. Something he has been EYEING since the start. Which now leads me to my next points on the video...
At first watch I was convinced that each strand found on Mystery’s heart represented a singular soul bond, I thought that blue was for Vivi, Green was for the hand, pink for Lewis, purple for Shiro, Yellow for Lance, Orange for Arthur, and black and white were unknown. Which, didn’t settle right for me. SO I went in and re-watched the clip a couple more times and saw this:
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Vivi’s (blue created after she got hurt) and Shiro’s (white created after she died) strands were connected to the strands located next to them. A start and an end. Mystery’s promise to Vivi to stay at her side for generations as he was spared upon prior defeat of Mushi. And then of course we have the promise of power and sustenance for Shrio as they held a symbiotic relationship for most of their lives that was only severed due to an interference. These double strands of fate are especially clearer in the scene with Shiro in Future. As the black strand gets clearer the more she gets injured or emotionally hurt, it eventually leads to the leak of the white strand on her death. Meaning; Black/white=Shiro; Purple/Pink=Lewis; Blue/Green: Vivi; and Orange/Yellow: Arthur. And why am I inclined to believe Lewis and Arthur are apart of Mystery’s heart? Well that's because those two were the only ones fully streaming before Vivi’s and Shiro’s appeared. We know that Arthur lost an arm to Mystery and discovered his identity (ergo losing most of his trust in him) insinuating both strands to arise early on of his color scheme, as well as with Lewis’ death occurring under the protection of Mystery when they were grouped and having his soul go restless/ in pain. It wouldn’t make sense to add family members or side characters not included in the mainline story to this grouping unless they would play an important role in the finale, which isn’t likely since we have only one more video left as Ben stated it was going to be a 5 video series. I am also inclined to believe each person has two strands because of Kitsune lore: “ Kitsune keep their promises and strive to repay any favor. Occasionally a kitsune attaches itself to a person or household. They follow their word of honor. They become self-destructive if they break a promise, and when someone else breaks a promise, they become deadly enemies.” Plus, It would make sense as to why in this short battle Mystery sprouted his last 3 tails when it came to Vivi and Shiro and how their connections affect his power. (more on this in a bit) But, furthermore; if anyone else notices, the Band-Aids on the heart are also remotely located on the sections of Vivi’s and Shiro’s strands specifically because for both, Mystery has vowed to protect them and has failed. 
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Now then lets talk about a few things on Mystery’s ultimate form shall we? The final form of a Kitsune, its celestial form as shown here is called a Tenko. (yes I am aware of the Kumiho, but that is a fully evil, flesh eating, 9 tailed fox that specialize in illusions and well Mystery has never been portrayed as human). The Tenko makes even more sense when taken into consideration that Mystery’s third eye (typically a form of wisdom connected to overpowering the mortality of ones self) opens. So how was this done in such a short amount of time? “Kitsune do not accept aid from those who are not willing. they do not ask for help, and as such, most aid must come from another's initiative. Kitsune are emotional and very vengeful. Kitsune will lose their temper at the slightest provocation. Once someone has earned a kitsune's enmity, the kitsune will begin enacting revenge that can become quite extreme. On the other hand, those who have earned a kitsune's trust and loyalty will see a friendship that can last through many trials. Freedom is very important to the kitsune. They do not accept being forced into something they do not wish, and do not like being bound or trapped. Doing so weakens the kitsune.” Mystery as we know is very much controlled by his emotions, going head first into things constantly based on reaction and his inability to control his power under distress. His tails arose in the fight sequence every time he fulfilled his oath AND used 100% of his form/power. Therefore, his tails grew because he wasn’t holding back anymore, not his grievances, not his appearance, nor his hesitance in his evident distress of being bound to two entities that both required his aid.  My last note on these images comes from a tumblr user’s reverse audio clipping (https://nebulous-rain.tumblr.com/post/633555549749952512/ok-so-yknow-that-one-reversed-part-of-future). The rewind of the clip of Mystery’s transformation plays “When I’m With You”, which yes, cool a possible Easter egg to the next song! BUT what is this song about? Let me just bring up the first line of the song: “You got me hanging by a THREAD...I wish I could turn back time...I wish I could rewind life...” and before the chorus “I’m gonna make it right”. We know that this can refer to rectifying the wrongs of Lewis’ death, but more accurately to do so we need to defeat the evil inside this mutt that is pulling the strings of this whole fiasco. And this might just be the intro portion of the next mystery skulls mind you as we’ve also gotten many false starts with the previous two videos where hellbent used “every note” and future used “enemies” alongside the main song. BUT WE HAVE TWO YEARS ANYWAY, WHY BABBLE ON ABOUT THIS. LETS MOVE ON!
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Hearts in this series have not been just for identifying the dead or for aesthetic purposes, they are the life force of each powerful legend. I am actually surprised to see Shiro have a heart as she started off as a creation from Mystery and therefore her lifeforce is just his blood and without it she is nothing. I am curious about her color pallet though, her heart is purple and pink. Lewis’ is gold/yellow with touches of orange. And Mystery’s is just red, but it has a mix of everyone’s essence within it to keep it tied and whole. Shiro’s could be colored this way in reference to Lewis’ aid to help find her creator; which would explain why Mystery surrounds himself by color as he required outside help and how Lewis’ heart is yellow in reference to how recently Arthur helped him remember his friends/hidden memories. One thing we have learned about hearts is that they can be broken repeatedly and can be ripped apart from the body, but they can be repaired too through resolution/hope. Lewis restored his heart in hellbent by using Vivi’s flower petals and finding hope that he will get revenge, only for his heart to be repaired again through Arthur’s touch. Shiro may have withered away, but her heart is essentially not broken, she’d need Mystery to restore it as it was flung into space (and that again relies on Mystery finding his sanity and finding it in himself to even bring her back). And as for Mystery himself, he’s gonna need the whole gang to reach out to him to extract the parasite within and restore balance. I really want to know more about the heart properties and how they give their users their powers as well Vivi is able to summon her strength through a material connection (bat) that function in its own way as the vessel a heart does since its connecting her to her ancestry.
NOW to finalize, I offer you two queries:
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WHO IS ARTHURS HAND REACHING FOR!? I know it seems like Mystery, but that would be counter productive for the hand demon if he has Arthur interfering with his control. Is it still after Lewis as we’ve seen previous times where his arm acts up only in Lewis’ presence and when specifically other “magic” is at play? If so, is the goal to ward off Lewis and Vivi from defeating Mystery? Is Arthur gonna use the arm to find his own power as we’ve seen when he is able to momentarily cease control of it he kinda ruins anything electrical he touches and well, electricity is currently running rampant in there.
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and lastly, I am really curious how touch sensitive hearts are, We know that even the smallest of brushes can detect memory/links to the person holding it (as seen with how Shiro managed to get soul flowers in hellbent), but the fact that Lewis was so in touch with the feeling of Arthur EVEN THOUGH ARTHUR GRABBED HIS HEART THROUGH HIS METAL HAND MIND YOU!, that he still managed to feel the disturbance instantly. So my question is, is the touch sensitivity reliant on how close someone is to someone? I would like to say yes cause when Shiro touched his heart he didn’t react instantly, he felt her rummaging his memories and was awoken, but he didn’t kick her butt by fully reforming until after she had long since stepped on his heart and then forced the memory of Mystery to arise. But yeah, its a nice little detail.
Either way, thanks for reading! Feel free to add on, comment, or even dm me about more Mystery Skulls information and theories! Love to hear them!
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - The King and Queen of Hearts
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The existence of this episode just baffles me, as it undermines so much of what season three was trying to accomplish. 
Summary:  Rapunzel continues to try and restore the memories of her parents, King Frederic and Queen Arianna, and hopes to use the journal of Herz Der Sonne to remind them, but they do not understand the significance. Arianna still lusts for adventure, while Frederic cannot get over his obsession of egg collecting. Rapunzel recruits her friends to try and set up the perfect date for them and while they cannot find anything in common personality wise, they share a mutual love for Rapunzel. However, King Trevor arrives with the intent to woo Arianna using an ocean crystal he found.
So What Exactly Is the History Here? 
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We have no context for this sudden love triangle. All we know is that Trevor hates Frederic because he’s still in love with Arianna who wound up marrying him instead. 
But like, I don't know why Arianna married Frederic. I don’t know why Trevor is still hung up on her years later. Did she actually choose Frederic or was it an arranged marriage cause that’s what royalty did back then? Was she having an affair with Trevor this whole time but couldn’t/wouldn’t leave because of duty? Was she and Trevor pining star crossed lovers, or is Trevor just an incel? 
I know what the story wants me to assume; that Arianna deeply loves Frederic and that Trevor is just a jackass loser; but the series has done such a poor job of making Frederic likable and giving him and Arianna any sort of chemistry that I’m inclined to side with Trevor. 
For all we know, he may be trying to rescue Arianna from both her memory loss and her abusive relationship while at it. Especially now that she’s no longer needed as a ruler and has no reason to stay in Corona. 
Why Not Just Use the Potion from Rapunzel: Day One? 
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While any Varian cameo is appreciated, it doesn’t add thing to the story. In fact it only raises more questions. We already had a cure for the memory loss, why aren’t we using it? 
Even if we write it off as Rapunzel no longer having that particular Saporian spellbook on hand, she still has a whole dungeon full of actual Saporians who know magic that she could gain information from! There’s also Xavier, who already knows everything under the sun about Saporian/Coronian history and magic and owns spellbooks galore. You’re telling me he just has mood potions lying around but can’t brew up a cure for memory loss? 
Then there’s also the fact that the amnesia spell doesn’t work on Rapunzel’s parents the same as it did on Rapunzel and we’re never given a reason why. Like just some basic consistence is all I ask show. 
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I also can’t figure out what Varian is even trying to do here. Where’s is the science to this? What does strawberry goop and lighting have to do with memory? It’s just a cheap reference to Frankenstein and nothing more.  
We’re Already Pass Seven Months Since Rapunzel’s Return. 
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Ok, I have gotten into frequent debates with people about the timeline of season three. Many a story board artist and writer on the show have came forward and stated that season three was only one year. But the very existence of this episode disproves them! 
If you remember season one, Hearts Day took place after the Goodwill Festival, but before Queen for a Day. Even when putting episodes back into their intended production order that still remains true. 
Hearts Day has to be at least seven months past Rapunzel’s birthday, if not eight months, because the Goodwill Festival is six months past and her parent’s anniversary (QfaD) is nine months past. 
Now Rapunzel’s Return has to be Rapunzel’s 20th birthday because season two was a full year, and even if you say it’s not, then that still doesn’t explain Once a Handmaiden (the Goodwill Festival) coming after this episode.  
And no you can’t move the episodes around, Once a Handmaiden has be the second to last episode of the series and Under Raps always comes after Rapunzel’s Enemy in any order you watch the series in. 
No matter how you slice it, we’re missing a birthday episode for Rapunzel and season three has to be more than a year; a year and a half at the very least, if not two full years.  
Look I’m not trying to be disrespectful of the talented artists who worked on this show, but their word isn’t law. The very fact that they’ve had to tell us the timeline after the series was over with indicates bad writing, and the very fact that the show itself contradicts them indicates either a lack of communication behind the scenes or a lack of editorial oversight. Either option is just poor management. 
We Have Yet Another Failed Narrative Promise! 
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Are we seeing a pattern yet? 
This is the third time in a row where the episode flat out states that Rapunzel needs to learn something and then, just, never has her learn it; four if you count her non-apology to Varian. Instead the show rewards her for her bad behavior by just giving her want she wants on a sliver platter for no adequate reason. 
In fact, one could argue that this episode is the worst offender in the show because divorce is a real thing real kids have to go through. Children that will undoubtedly watch the series. 
How upsetting would it be to such a child to watch Rapunzel force her parents back together  with zero consequences and realize that they can’t do that in real life? It can potentially feed into misplaced delusions or make them even more bitter, either way it’s unhealthy and super irresponsible to tackle such subject matter in this way. Even Sesame Street handled the topic of divorce better than this supposedly ‘mature’ show. 
It’s a Castle! Why Can’t Frederic Get His Own Room?
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Frederic is the king. He still technically owns everything even if he’s not the one still in charge. He could have his pick of any room so why is he forcing himself on Eugene? Hell he doesn’t even have to stay in the castle. As pointed out during The Return of the King review, there’s other accommodations within the kingdom that’s suited for royalty. Why not head up to that mountain retreat?  
This is a Really Bad Message 
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I understand that this is meant to be a joke, because of how ridiculously over the top it is, but because the series gives Rapunzel what she wants in the end without ever having her acknowledge how she is wrong here, it winds up validating her toxic world view anyways.
Divorce is not inherently a bad thing. We should be working towards both normalizing it and promoting healthy coping mechanisms for those that go through it, adult and child alike. What Rapunzel is doing here is just repeating puritanical fearmongering. And while I can understand why she might behave in this way, I don't understand why the show refuses to call her out on it. Or any of the other million bad behaviors she displays repeatedly through out the show... like the example below for instance... 
Why Am I Suppose to Like Rapunzel Again? 
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It’s like the writers don’t understand that a joke can damage a character, especially if it’s overplayed. Super sweet upbeat Rapunzel snapping because she finally met someone who was annoying or a situation she couldn’t just solve with a positive attitude was funny maybe like the first time; but we’re three seasons in and this is supposedly her closest loved ones.  
Look at them! They’re fucking terrified of her! All they did was point out that she maybe should do her job and deal with real problems instead of poking her nose into her parents business where it doesn’t belong! And this brat is now the ruler of the whole kingdom!? No one can legally stand up to her. 
Like where’s the Eugene that stood up to her in Under Raps for trying this same bullshit? Why hasn’t she learned her lesson? She also pulled this same bullying tactic on young Lance and teen Eugene two episodes. Cass left her ass, supposedly, because of her bossy thoughtless ways. And this is also the same woman who abused a child back in season one and still has never acknowledged it. 
Yes characters should be flawed, but they should also face real consequences for their actions, and if they’re a protagonist they need to learn and grow past their flaws. 
I actively started to dislike Rapunzel after this scene. I already felt something was off way back in the season three opener, but this is the point where I stopped and went “What the fuck?” She used to be my second favorite character behind Varian. I didn’t go into this wanting to hate her, even after this episode I still held out hope that they were trying to purposefully lead up to some sort of falling out with everyone and with Rapunzel having to own up to her bullshit in order to win. You know like a classic third act “the hero is now alone due to their past mistakes” type story. But Nope! 
There’s no pay off for any of this. Rapunzel is just mean for the sake of being mean in season three, and no one is aloud to call her out on it. She’s now the same type person as Frederic, a tyrant. That’s not a good development! 
She’s Literally Bullying Her Own Parents Now, and I’m Suppose to Find that Funny? 
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Yes, Frederic is her abuser, and yes some people might find this scene cathartic if they hate him. But this isn’t actually calling out his past abuse. It’s just Rapunzel treating a now powerless old man with that same abuse and denying him bodily autonomy. An old man who has both less political rights and less power within the relationship than her; since due to his memory loss he is now dependent upon her. 
In the real world it’s the equivalent of picking on an Alzheimer's patient who is in your care. I don’t give a shit how much of dick they were before the illness set in, you don’t fucking do that!  
Why Should I Want Arianna and Frederic To Be a Couple? 
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The show has done nothing to sell this relationship. In fact one could argue that the show is trying to purposefully sabotage it. 
Before the memory loss Frederic was proven to be abusive, to the point where even his own wife was afraid of him and wouldn’t stand up to him. Meanwhile Arianna was shown to be a shell of her former self who’d all but given up upon the things she actually enjoyed in life. And now that they both have had a second chance they have even less motive to stay together. 
Look at Arianna up there? She’s clearly not enjoying her time with him. While he doesn’t want to engage in anything that she likes. I mean a couple doesn’t have to share their interests in everything, but there still has to be some sort of connection and the series just does not give us that connection. 
There’s no reason why they should stay together. They no longer have any commitment or duty to fulfill as rulers and their daughter is fully grown. Contrary to what Rapunzel says, the kingdom isn’t going to fall apart if they separate. It actually would probably better for everyone, including Rapunzel, if they got divorced. At least then she’d have to grow up somewhat and stop being a controlling asshat.  
Why is Attila Here?
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I thought Attila got a job running his own bakery and that it was Lance who became the new cook at the Snuggly Duckling? Even if you argued that Attila was just doing Rapunzel a solid that still wouldn’t explain who is running the place when Lance isn’t there. 
If you’re going to set up developments like that then you need to either stick with them or give an on screen reason for why these previous developments are no longer relevant. Flat out ignoring them like this is just lazy. 
Lance’s New Outfit is the Best Thing About the Episode, and It’s Also a Complete Waste.
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Lance deserved a new outfit because the team was too lazy to give him one for season two, even during the island arc. This however is a waste because it doesn’t add anything to the narrative. People were paid to make this thing for it to only show up for a few seconds of screen time. 
This Whole Exchange Is Gross. 
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Oh let me count the ways in which this is so, so stupid. 
Neither Rapunzel nor Frederic has ever proven themselves “thoughtful and responsible.” In fact both of them being irresponsible is intentionally a plot point in the main story arc.
How would either Frederic or Arianna know any of this? Not only have they lost their memories, but they didn’t raise Rapunzel themselves and those traits aren’t inherited; they are taught. 
Gushing over your grown daughter isn’t a point of connection! 
Why would anyone be compelled to kiss a practical stranger, that they previously didn’t even like, just because they both admire some woman they also barely know and happen to be related to? What is the thought process behind this? “Oh we made that? Then lets make another one!” What the fuck show? I’m ace and even I know that’s not a normal thing to get titillated over. 
The Series Turns Frederic Into a Literal Baby In a Last Ditch Effort to Make Him Likable 
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The whole point behind the amnesia plot was to absolve Frederic of his past wrong doings. You can’t call out an old man with Alzheimer's for being a dictator, I suppose. (not like that’s ever stopped me from criticizing Ronald Reagan, tho)  But from there the series then takes it one step further and actually infantilizes both Frederic and Arianna, because Chris assumes that if he makes Fredric as pathetic as possible the audience won't hate him any more. Well guess what, it didn’t work. Frederic isn’t suddenly a poor woobie just because he’s useless now. That’s not how that works.  
Rapunzel Literally Physically Assaults a Person, Kidnaps Them, Threatens Them With Even More Bodily Harm, and Causes an International Incident; All Because They Asked Her Mom Out On a Date! 
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You can’t hear it in the screen shots, but there’s very clearly a clanging sound to indicate that Rapunzel just wacked Trevor upside the head and knocked him out. 
Let me repeat, a Disney protagonist just committed armed assault against a guy, simply because she doesn’t respect her own mother.
What the Fuck!!!???
Arianna is fully grown woman. She is perfectly capable of making her own choices and she agreed of her own volition to go out with him. In fact she’s the one who asked Trevor if she could come along on his sea voyage. It’s not Rapunzel’s place to interfere with that. 
Secondly, Rapunzel shouldn’t get a free pass to attack people just because she’s doesn’t like them. And she most assuredly shouldn’t get to write off her cruelty as justice because she's royalty! What the hell? You just turned one of your official princesses into a literal tyrant for the sake of a joke, Disney! 
Where the fuck was the oversight on this show!? 
And to top it all off, Trevor is a ruler of a competing kingdom. This could easily have been deemed an act of war. Thankfully for everyone involved Trevor has far more sense and compassion than Rapunzel and doesn’t push the matter. 
Yes that’s right! The intentionally annoying prat and comedic antagonist is a more upstanding person than the main heroine! Let that sink in! 
Wait, If Laws Don’t Apply Out In the Ocean, Then Why Did Eugene and Max Have Jurisdiction to Arrest Lady Caine in Peril on the High Seas? 
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Max shoved this same rule book into Eugene’s face when Eugene rightfully questioned if it was his job to arrest the mutineers. This book said that it was not only his job, but that he was also legally required to stop any and all ‘wrongdoing’ no matter where he was at nor whether he was on duty or not. While also failing to specify what ‘wrongdoing’ entailed. 
Now that’s very problematic and ridiculous for a whole host of reasons that I’ve already covered back in my review of Peril on the High Seas, but this scene now adds a whole new layer of stupidity to the mix. 
If zero laws apply out in open waters than yes, Eugene and Max were acting out of their jurisdiction. Not only that, but the pervious dumb rule regarding their duties is also now null and void. So, Justice For Lady Caine! 
Oh, but were not done yet, cause it gets dumber. 
If laws, including marriage don't apply, then getting married while out at sea also would not apply. Thereby rendering Trevor’s plan useless, unless they got married back in Equis. Which if they did that, it would bypass the entire pointless rule book completely because Equis is not subject to Corona’s laws anyways. 
There’s not even any ‘inter-kingdom’ laws that they would be subject too because Equis isn’t a part of the seven kingdoms. Any treaty they did previously have with Corona would be something else entirely, and Trevor would be within his rights to end such an agreement.     
Also Trevor is a king. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Same goes for Arianna.
Ummm, No You Don’t Rapunzel
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Trevor can’t marry Arianna without her agreement to it. It’s already been established that she’s physically capable of taking care of herself and she’s also mature enough to make her own decisions. If she did wind up marrying him it’d be because it’s her fucking choice to and Rapunzel has zero right to interfere with that.  
There’s no one to rescue here. Rapunzel has no reason to go chasing after her mom. All this is doing is denying a grown woman agency over her own life. Why should I or anyone, root for Rapunzel here? 
You Do Know That Arianna Has More Than Just Two Choices Here, Don't Ya Show?
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Arianna doesn’t have to be in any relationship. That’s also an option. While I personally like Trevor, this shouldn’t be a choice between him or Frederic. The show should be asking what Arianna, as a character, would want for her life, instead of just shoehorning her into just being a wife for someone else. 
I still don’t know what Arianna really wants in life, but I do know that being a domestic housewife and a queen does not suit her. She doesn’t actually like being tied down with commitments and responsibilities. She’s repeatedly indicated over and over again that she feels uncomfortable in her role. 
But the show reduces her into trophy to win and turns her into a damsel in distress multiple times. Then it further neuters her so that she complacently walks back into that life over and over again for no logical reason. She’s treated not as a person but as a prop.    
Really, Arianna? Are You Really Sure About That? 
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These aren’t Arianna’s words. They’re Chris’s. 
Arianna has shown zero interest in Frederic up to this point. The closest they got was during that creepy boat scene where they just jumped to almost kissing for no real reason.  While before now Arianna was making actual goo-goo eyes at Trevor earlier, before Raps stepped in and broke them up.  
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They actually do have things in common and had a genuine point of connection. They even almost kissed themselves until Raps started being a dick. No forced and icky conversations about their grown children needed here folks!
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While I still firmly believe Arianna should just be single, the show does far more to convince me that she and Trevor should be together more so than her and Frederic. Everything about this scene on the boat feels forced and hollow because it doesn’t ring true to what was previously established. 
This just isn’t good writing. It’s the animation equivalent of a six year old smashing their Barbie dolls faces together and shouting “now kiss!”, all because a middle aged man couldn’t get over they fact people didn’t like his self insert. 
No, wait, I apologize. That’s being mean to six year olds. They usually have more interesting plots and established characterization than this.  
Hey, Remember When the Series Villainized an Orphan For Stealing This Stupid Book? 
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Yeah, stealing the book was treason and the mains ruined a child’s life over it, but apparently it just doesn’t matter any more cause no one seems to give a shit about Trevor taking it. Like, yes, as the king of another kingdom, Trevor isn’t beholden to Frederic’s bullshit, but you would think that the characters would treat this as a bigger deal than what they do, given how they responded previously to it being taken.
Unless Rapunzel was just talking out of her ass back during The Alchemist Returns. That’s also quite possible.  
This Literally Has Nothing To Do With You Rapunzel 
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Just because Rapunzel herself is a woman, doesn’t mean that stealing the agency of another female character isn’t misogynist. Especially when their both written by primarily men.  
Every guy who was involved with the writing of the episode, should be fucking ashamed of themselves!!! 
So What Exactly Has Trevor Done Wrong Up To This Point? 
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Yes, the story board artists and voice actors do a lot of heavy lifting here to try and make Trevor seem like a creep. Arianna’s body language and tone of voice when dealing with him here will be very familiar to a lot of women, I’m sure. I know what it’s like to have a stalker and not know how to turn them down because you’ve been trained all your life to ‘be polite and nice” to people, and I’m not unique in that regard. 
But here’s the thing, it’s not set up properly. There’s nothing backing this sudden shift in the characters’ dynamic. Up till now Trevor has been a perfect gentlemen. Sure he was over the top as always, and you could call it an act when regarding his politeness to Frederic, but he seemed to genuinely respect and admire Arianna and clearly desires genuine affection in return from her. Why would he suddenly stop behaving in a way that worked for him and start talking over her instead? 
Also why wouldn’t Arianna just tell him no to begin with if that’s what she wants? She had no trouble speaking her mind before now. But that begs the question why she wouldn’t return his feelings as well, because as stated above, she clearly showed interest in him previously. 
This is So Fucking Forced
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Yeah, okay, you’re daughter has no reason to be here to begin with, disrespected your wishes, and attacked Trevor first. At this point I’d argue he has a right to retaliate. Especially since, if Rapunzel was allowed to board, you know she’d just attack him again, because she knows no other way to resolve conflicts other than to hit people very hard.  
Arianna’s actions here only make sense if she’s kept in the dark about what an awful human being her daughter really is. That’s poor writing. 
Also, having a woman just punch people while denying them actually agency and choice within the plot is not ‘girl power.’ It’s fucking misogyny!
How Does Doing the Bare Minimum, and Just Showing Basic Human Decency Count As ‘True Love’? 
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What was she suppose to do? Let him drown? I mean I wouldn’t, and I despise the man. Not to mention anyone else could have done the same thing. They’re all right there. If Lance had jumped to the rescue would Trevor have proclaim them lovers too? 
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Trevor Is Still the Better Man Here
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Here he is rescuing Rapunzel even after she treated him like shit. 
Best. King. Period. 
This Still Doesn’t Redeem Frederic 
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So through out the episode Frederic has inexpiably shown an obsession for eggs. He now collects them even though this was never an established trait before now. But whatever. He’s just been through something traumatic and looking for something to ground himself.  Far be it from me to make fun of someone else’s special interest. If you like to collet eggs than good for you. Go live your life to fullest. 
That’s more respectful than how the show handles it, as everyone dismiss his interest and it’s treated like a joke through out the episode. Only to have said obsession save the day. But this isn’t here to teach the others about respecting other people’s hobbies, oh no, it’s here to try and give Frederic a big hero moment so you’ll cheer for him. 
Except one nice thing does not erase his past actions! I don’t care what your hobby is, if you deliberately try to cause grievous harm to people you’re and asshole! And you will continue to be an asshole until you can admit what you’ve done wrong and try your best to make up for it. 
I Hope You Made Back Up Copies of The Tunnel Maps 
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A bunch of people are more upset over this development than I am, because it is a historical artifact and preserving the past is important. But the only story function the book held was a map to the tunnels, and said tunnels were never utilized properly through out the entire show. 
To this day people still don’t understand that they’re meant connect the island to Old Corona or that Herz Der Sonne is the one who built them into order to invade Saporia because the show is so bad at its world building. And come season three, they’re all but irrelevant anyways. Such a wasted concept. 
Once Again the Whole ‘Memory Loss’ Subplot Is a Copout 
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Ok that’s not how the spell worked previously, but that’s not what I’m taking issue with here. 
If the whole point behind the amnesia plot twist was to sweep Frederic’s awfulness under the rug, then I expect his past actions to be addressed once he’s regained his memories. They are not. 
This episodes reverses the very thing that the season was trying to achieve and just hopes the audience is too stupid/attention deficient to notice. Well guess what, we noticed and we’re far smarter than you Chris. 
I don’t understand the point of this episode. It shoots everything season three is trying to do in the foot. It screws up the timeline, makes Rapunzel even more of an irredeemable dickhead while preventing her from learning yet another needed lesson, undermines Arianna as a character once again, and it puts Frederic back in the crosshairs of the audience’s scrutiny. 
Oh and look, it’s written by the same guy who wrote Rapunzel’s Return. Why am I not surprised.  
Anyways another one down and only 15 more to go. You can support my continued marathon by dropping a tip in my ko-fi if you wish. I’m currently back to job hunting yet again and anything you can give is appreciated. 
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that-other-him · 3 years
In the belly of the Leviathan
Warmind!Au Destiny story inspired by and tying in with @hdreaper 's own story just posted. Please enjoy!
Fear was something of an old hat to Winter. Memory skips left her anxious, quarantine duty made her anxious, being cut off from Rexy, her frames and the network made her anxious, the anxiety making the memory skips worse made her anxious...
But the fear she'd been living with for the last month blew all of that out of the water.
Ra-1, the fist of Rasputin, the Dragon Ascendant, had personally sent her a message to say that if she didn't start doing exactly what he told her, he'd activate the code-black killcodes built into her Rasputin Exo body, and blow her Exomind into electronic spaghetti. After all, she was wired into the Charlemagne network, and had a documented set of fears he could abuse. She'd gather confidential data for him, she'd send him warnings of Charlemagne's actions, and she'd allow his scientists to try and duplicate Rexy, and the fear of final death would keep her in line.
But but but.
Rasputin's records of her had been accurate...once. Yes, she was still afraid, but her body was no longer a Rasputin model. It couldn't be; that whole area was considered an infohazard now, and her last body was never coming home. And without that final threat, she'd found the courage to do something...stupid.
So here she was, on Ra's flagship in deep space with Charlemagne's blessing. She'd met up with lance troops a few times for debriefs, but recently she'd been allowed to spend time on the flagship itself, ready for Ra to send her where he wanted her. But that same set of interface skills that had allowed her access to Charli's files had also granted access to just a few of Ra's.
Winter paced back and forth in the tiny cabin she’d been assigned. She wasn’t sure if it was some kind of power conservation action, but the light down here barely cut through the shadows. She could have headed up to one of the main decks where things were a bit less claustrophobic, but Ra’s soldiers were everywhere there, and being the only blue-lit Exo on the entire ship guaranteed her the kind of attention that, if things went wrong today, could get her killed. She checked the ship’s clock fruitlessly. Somewhere out there, right now, Ra himself was boots-down on Riis. The data scraps she’d found didn’t say why, or for how long, but there was no question that he was just a little vulnerable right now.
Just a little would have to be enough; her Guardian contacts, who she’d affectionately nicknamed Fireteam Fuzzy, had cut their way through all kinds of monsters since she’d met them, and she’d made damn sure they knew exactly how dangerous he would be. She’d helped Fuzzy find their targets and coordinated some bounties for them down in the Quarantine zone, and when she’d outlined her proposal, they’d agreed to pass it on without question. It could have been typical guardian bravado, but she knew they’d lost friends to Ghostbuster rounds in the attack on the farm a while back. Maybe they actually trusted her.
Maybe that trust was going to get them killed.
Pushing that thought away and herself to her feet, Winter shoved her way past the door and started striding away towards the lifts. One way or another, with the Ira Terra still out in the styx, any news of the strike would take time to arrive, if her information had even been good in the first place. If she was going to stew in uncertainty, she may as well do it somewhere that felt less like a prison cell. Ra may have been a terrifying, merciless, wannabe-tyrant, but the facilities he provided for his troops were actually first rate. She’d find a sim-station no-one was using and throw herself into some story until the guillotine had, one way or another, dropped.
She had made it to the first brightly lit corridor of the barracks floor when her whole body exploded into pain.
Protocols cut in, protecting her mind from the overwhelming agony, partitioning and quarantining it. The feeling of burning alive dipped, sank, then seemed to drain from her whole body into solely her left forearm. When she could see again, she was crumpled against the wall of the corridor, chest heaving, digital heart still pumping on overdrive. It felt unpleasantly like the worst of the memory blips-she was in pain, alone, with no idea why or what to defend against. She cast her eyes down and to her left, and just like with the blips, her circumstances slotted into place. Set into the casing of her arm, where her network interface and uplink were supposed to be, were a smoking ruin of burned and self-destructing circuits. Her only remaining Rasputin hardware, her connection to her frames, to Rexy, to the ship’s system.
Ra-1 had just tried to kill her.
Oh, if she had thought she’d been afraid before, it paled in comparison to the terror that swallowed her now. It felt like her heart was going to burst out through her chest. There was no way her guardians would have told him she was responsible, right? They knew she was undercover, and even in the heat of the fight, he could have sent the kill codes at any time. They’d keep her secret...
...until their dying breaths.
There was a crackling noise that initially failed to cut through the panic, until it resolved unto the familiar voice of the great warlord, and even as the announcement rang out the ship’s engines powered into life and rumbled the flagship into thunderous motion.
“Attention, warriors of the Broken Lance. A guardian strike team has just made an attempt on my life, using information given to them by a traitor within our ranks, Winter-1. The guardians have been dealt with, and I have already ensured she has been rewarded as a traitor deserves. However, an example must still be made. Have her remains gathered and waiting for me upon my return to the Terra. Her masters shall have her broken husk returned to them. A commendation to the squad who has her corpse in my office upon my arrival. Ra out.”
Ah, ok.
Winter was pretty sure she’d just lost a minute or two by the time her awareness came back to her. She still felt like she was about to die (fully independent of the hundreds of trained and eager killers probably now closing in on her position) but the freeze instinct was graduating to flight. She had an exit strategy, at Charlemagne’s insistence. It wasn’t a good strategy, but the warmind had explicitly ordered her to try. She reached out with her interface to the subroutine she’d left running on the ship’s server, and-
Ah. Her eyes once again turned to the sparking, melted mess where her interface was supposed to sit. It felt like one of her senses had been scooped out; a huge, gaping wound where the network was supposed to be. Nevermind just the escape protocol, without the access codes built into it, ninety five percent of the systems in the ship would no longer recognise her as a person, including the ones required to log into any network access point on the ship. She knew where her escape protocol was located, and could theoretically trigger it if she could reach an unsecured terminal.
But right now she could already hear tramping boots approaching from the barracks and she had no choice but to run.
She lost count of how many times she blipped as she led a desperate game of cat and mouse through the guts of the ship. The Ira Terra was bigger than the Stultorum had been, back when she’d served upon it, but if the ship ran about the same, the cargo deck mid-flight would be on skeleton crew with nobody caring if an unsecured terminal was technically a security violation. So she kept heading down and back, focusing on that one thought to the exclusion of all else. When she blipped in this time, she was halfway down a corridor created by two shipping containers, moving towards the illuminated sign of a shift breakroom. She took the next step and immediately fell nearly to the floor, sprawling gracelessly and nearly braining herself on the container. Oh-she’d been shot. That explained why her right side and upper leg were one big mess of static and pins-and-needles. She supported herself on the side of the crate and limped forward, conscious of the shouts and stomping boots echoing from somewhere in the distance behind her. She made it to the door, shouldering it open, almost collapsing with relief when her flickering vision was met with the friendly glow of an open terminal. She immediately dragged herself to it, closing the chat and shipwide alert windows to immediately start digging for her protocol.
She must have been five seconds in when she heard the shatter of breaking crockery behind her.
Slowly turning to face the noise, Winter looked into the eyes of the exo washing the dishes in the kitchenette, set into the corner of the breakroom. For a moment, both were still, surprised, the other Exo’s hand still in the air where it had been holding the coffee mug a moment ago. Then his eyes flicked to the screen of the terminal, where a moment ago had been the bounty on the only blue-lit Exo on the ship.
She didn’t even question trying to engage him. She whirled back to the screen, fingers flying as she desperately raced to run the command. The man had no weapons, probably no combat training, but he crashed into her from behind and her leg went out from under her, skull bouncing off the frame of the screen as he tried to wrap his arms around hers, voice bellowing that he’d found her. She was so close it burned, even more intense than the pain. She gripped one of her hands with the other and shoved it over her shoulder as hard as she could, outstretched thumb punching into his optic and causing a very human scream that no amount of mechanical upgrades would prevent. His grip slackened, and she pulled herself out of his arms and high enough to see the screen.
There were shouts behind her, the sounds of guns being brought to attention, the exo at her feet was tightening his grip again, and her vision was fading into black on the edges.
She hit the last key on the screen.
Everything went white, then black, silent and cold.
It was maybe ten seconds before the first ship thundered across her line of sight in the perfect silence of vacuum, the many supporting ships of Ra's fleet rushing to keep up with the flagship as it finished positioning itself for the jump. Even its coasting speed had brought it far enough away from Winter to render it a tiny dot in the distance, before there was a flash of light and the ships were gone.
Her transmat had been a random distance in a random direction, untraceable, and searching for her would delay the ship's travel to pick up Ra. She'd be left behind in the void, passing beyond its signal jamming, allowing the beacon hidden in her circuits to finally begin transmitting. A waiting friendly vessel would be on route to pick her up, provided the fleet hadn't shot it out of the sky.
Which left Winter here, curled in a ball as the moisture on her clothes crystallised. In theory, Exos were built to be vacuum-resistant, but she had a feeling that resistance didn't account for there being two bleeding holes in her dermis.
The thought drifted through her brain as her senses shut down one by one:
Who would claim her first: the cold, the bleeding, or her rescue?
She found herself thinking that she didn't want to die again.
Slowly, the black faded back to white.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 3 years
Ok but the fact that like Karen, Will, and N have these wild connections to legendary pokemon could likely be seen by crazy zealots as like some demi God like figures if they wanted to project that image but instead when they around each other it's just 3 dorks that had shitty childhoods and have been given an absurd amount of power to do stupid things like.
Will: "Ok so we're gonna let you in on this little prank we've been playing on Steven for months. First grab a weird rock, the weirder the better."
Karen:"Then when you visit Hoenn head to this specific trail. We found out Steven walks it alot to look for rocks so drop your weird rock among the other rocks on a place with plenty of rocks so he'll be stopping to look at them."
Will:"That's it, that's the prank. It's even funnier if you go with him cause he'll spend hours telling you what the rock is but not able to understand how the rock got there."
N: "......So....pranking is causing mental pain upon others for...fun?"
Karen: "No no, you want to avoid pain. That's not a prank, that's just mean. Confusion is that you're going for."
Will: "Yeah and afterwards everyone laughs and you grow closer."
N: "........hm....so could I prank my dad to grow closer?"
Karen and Will both of them eyes lighting up with extreme glee at him getting the idea.
Karen: "Absolutely yes but we need to start small, something that has never failed to be a crowd pleaser."
Ghetsis: Just coming home to his house filled with rubber ducks to an absolutely absurd degree. Small note from N just saying 'A jest!'
Bonus: Steven has a conspiracy board about the weird trail with all the rocks he collected. Maxie also walks the same trail, sometimes, and finds the rocks first now also baffled because he too can explain what is rock but not why is rock. They tell Silver about the trail and pranking N's dad so he takes Giovamni on the trail who's a ground specialist to make him question what the heck is going on with this trail.
Things have spiraled wildly as the news catches hold of it. Lance finds out about this, but by now Karen, Will, Silver, and N are too invested to stop. Besides what they WANT is for someone to finally figure out its just them messing around cause it's a game so him telling everyone just gives them they're win for free. They all are sitting there proudly every time a new rock person like a gym leader or elite four member talks about the weird trail in Hoenn.
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Hi! Can i ask a scenario/headcanon for my human OC s/o and lance? thank u 🖤
Hello again! Happy to write for your OC! 😊
The page who requested this DM'ed me details of their OC, so I'll write some major points of their OC in a list below so there's a general idea of who I'm writing.
~Under the cut~
The OC:
To begin with, her name is Mary.
She's a human with witch ancestry, and is roughly 164 cm or 5 ft 4 in.
Since coming to Eldarya, she's learned to control electricity. This can be used as a weapon. It can be pooled to be thrown as a bolt, or it can be charged into another object without her even touching it. This ability also reflects her emotions a bit - if she’s feeling anxious, tense, or scared she may accidentally end up shocking someone who touches her.
She can talk with animals/companions. She’s their voice in a way, and she speaks for them when they need something said but can’t say it themselves. This comes from a mind-link with them, and through this link she can also control them and their actions.
Occasionally she receives premonitions because of her ancestry. Mary can’t control this ability, it comes at random times, but it can still warn her of future events.
Personality - Mary can be considered the mother of the group, with a bit of a dirty mind. She cares deeply for those who are close to her but isn’t afraid to give them a sharp scolding if they worry her seriously. She’s pretty quiet, but not shy, and while she’s wary of strangers she can quickly warm up to them. Her mind-link to animals has helped her grow to love these creatures in time, and she’s very protective of them and her friends/family. Mary isn’t afraid to fight for her beliefs and what she feels is right, she likes to be modest but isn’t afraid to be the center of the attention in a time where she needs to put her foot down. However, she does understand that people can change, and will give others a second chance - and even advocate for them - if they show sincere regrets for their mistakes.
Now that that's settled, I'll get to the headcanons (and I added an extra scenario because I had a great idea).
Lance's relationship with Mary:
Oh, where to start?
In his lifetime, Lance has learned that you need to appreciate the people who are true with themselves and others, and who stand by you even when it might be better or easier for them not to. He tries his best to be as useful to the guard as possible - to make up for everything he's done - so when she comes to him, noticing that he's been running himself a bit too hard some days, and tells him to take a break and says that she's worried for him, he listens.
He fights a bit at first; he’s not used to having such a caring figure watch over him, but in time he realizes that she acts like this to show she cares. He’ll soften up then, slowly learning the best ways to comfort her worries for him and give genuine apologies when he fails to show that’s he’s truly alright after her concerns run rampant. She just wants him to be alright and know she cares.
Lance admires her adamance in fighting for what she feels is right, and even further appreciates her fearlessness in opening up to him and trusting him early on when he was proving to her that he had changed. Frankly, he expected her to take many months, perhaps years, before accepting that he had changed from his past ways, and was delightfully surprised when he found that she actually was beginning to believe it early on. She had no reason to doubt, though - many weeks had passed and he continuously proved that he’s changed for the better, so while she was cautious (her mother didn’t raise a naive fool), she kept an open mind on the topic and let his actions and words speak for himself.
He’s happy to stand beside her on topics that they share a common opinion on, talking and debating new reasons as to why they feel this way or that - and although they’re open-minded to other’s opinions on the matter, when they’re faced with a time where opinions can shape something permanently and it seems a mistake is about to be made, they won’t hesitate to argue their points. With that being said, they’re very careful to be sure that they aren’t misleading anyone, but there are certainly some things that they know to be right and they will readily fight alongside each other to enforce that the right decision needs to be made.
However, most of the time they’re pretty quiet. They like the modesty of carrying on daily tasks and (for Mary, at least) hanging out with friends. Mary doesn’t like to make a scene for no reason, and Lance genuinely loves that he doesn’t need to worry about her starting drama around the guard that superiors will need to deal with. Their temperament around each other is truly relaxing, knowing that the other won’t randomly burst out screeching information that shouldn’t be stressed.
Some of the most fascinating things for Lance, however, are the fact that she can speak with animals and control electricity. These are the topics that he likes to observe her doing.
He’ll spar with her every now and again - just to make sure she can still defend herself to his standards - and will receive a nasty surprise when he’s nearly struck with a thunderbolt that scorches the ground next to him - not meant to hit him, just meant to remind him.
“Lance, really, I think I’m fine. Even the most powerful warriors can’t stand to electricity.” She’ll faintly laugh at his semi-shocked expression. He forgets every now and again that she can do that.
However, she has had moments of anxiety that really shock him... literally. She'll be anxious or nervous about something, pacing around restlessly, and he'll try to hold her comfortingly... only to receive a nasty zap the instant his fingers brush her skin. She'll apologize profusely, only feeling worse at the fact her ability hurt him, but he'll pay no mind and still take her in his arms. He'll endure the pin pricks if it means he can help calm her down.
He takes her premonitions seriously as well. Every once in a while she’ll dream of something so vivid, so rational and realistic, that she just can’t ignore it. Usually she’ll keep her mouth shut on most of her dreams if they don’t bother her to the point of needing comfort, but sometimes there’s just this need for Lance to know. He’ll listen - he won’t ever deny her a comforting shoulder to lean on when she needs to talk - and his jaw will nearly drop every time it turns out that her dream turns into reality. This is far and few in between, but it does happen, and Lance - having quickly learned many lessons with her - will take these dreams heavily into account and try to plan accordingly. Sometimes a dream is just a dream, of course, but they've recognized tell tale signs to point when a dream may be different.
There’s some bittersweet warmth that takes over him when he sees her talking to the creatures of Eldarya, knowing that he nearly destroyed all of that and, fortunately, failed. Her bond with these animals is so strong that some days he wonders if there’s more than just a mind-link, perhaps some sort of spiritual-link as well, but he could never be truly sure.
He was certainly surprised the first time it happened, though, when he was merely thinking bemusedly that she was just talking to a small woodland creature to be cute.
“She says the plant is dark green with red tipped leaves - big leaves, bigger than your hand. It’s that way.” She points in a direction.
Lance pauses and looks with her, his mind suddenly whirring so fast he nearly suffers whiplash, and doesn’t speak for many moments as his stare remains glued to her, minor hints of fear and shock lacing his expression.
“What? That’s what she said...” Mary is suddenly minorly off-put - nothing is more terrifying than when Lance doesn’t know how to react to a situation.
“The... the plant... she... how???” He doesn’t exactly know what he wants to ask.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I have a mind-link with animals, I can speak with them through thought.” She continues to apologize as Lance suddenly heaves a relieved breath.
He truly thought his partner had went crazy for those moments.
“So this way?” “Yea.” “Ok.” “Hey, we really need to find this plant to study it, it might be dangerous. I need you to bring us to it.”
The woodland critter pauses for a moment, looking deep into her eyes as she links their mind, and then scuttles off in the direction of the plant.
Lance pauses again, the same blank, semi-fearful-shocked expression having returned as he watches the creature, Mary following close behind.
“It’s more polite to ask where it is rather than take control of the mind to see where we need to go, but smaller creatures don’t always understand the ideas of ‘show us’.” She says semi-guiltily as she passes by, knowing she accidentally left him in the dark on a lot of this ability.
“I... sure.” He follows as well. He’ll need some time to ponder over this before beginning the questions.
Lance grows very used to this in time, and even specifically asks her to come with him on forest expeditions sometimes if animals could help him find his objective, but it certainly was a shock when he first learned of it.
Their relationship is serene, they have minimal arguments and, frankly, when they do argue it’s more of a debate, and they enjoy spending time with each other doing subtle things. Every now and again they’ll enjoy an adventure (usually of Lance’s suggestion), and these adventures always yield entertaining, enjoyable results, but at the end of the day they also heavily enjoy the calm of life. It takes a while for Lance to settle into Mary’s quirks and habits, but he never regrets for even a day allowing himself to be close to her. She brightens his life in multiple ways, providing comfort, entertainment and support to him, and he seeks to return that as much as he’s given it.
Extra scenario:
(I theorize that Lance adopted Floppy and I will fight Beemoov on this if needed!)
“Oh great Oracle she’s still so adorable!”
Mary softly squeaked the words as she leaned down to watch the Musarose scuttle around the desk her nest was placed on. It had been a long while since she had last seen Floppy, the last time being sometime before the White Sacrifice, but she was still so freaking cute.
Floppy stopped and looked up at her, twitching her tiny pink nose before returning to scurrying across the wood. The little creature fled back into her nest for a moment, hidden from sight, before re-emerging and scuttling to the other end of the desk where nesting material for Musaroses lay in a wooden box. She scrambled onto the edge and took a small bunch in her maw before dashing back to her nest, disappearing again into the small hole entrance.
“A little more in the corner there...” A quiet, feminine voice echoed in Mary’s mind, and she reached over to the box of bedding, gently - to avoid crushing the soft material - pinching a bit of the bedding between her fingers before bringing her arm back.
Floppy poked her head back out again, preparing for another mad dash across the desk, before pricking her round ears and ambling out of her nest to settle in front of Mary. Mary brought her hand down to Floppy and small pink paws grappled in the air to receive the bedding.
“Thank you.” The feminine voice whispered again as Floppy blinked at her before she turned and slipped back into her nest.
Mary smiled as she stood up straight and looked towards Lance, who was seated at the edge of his bed. He was slouched forward, his elbows resting on his knees while he fiddled with his hands restlessly, his gaze fixed intently on Floppy’s nest.
“Thank you for letting me see her again. I had wondered what happened to her...” Mary spoke gently as she walked with quiet footsteps towards Lance, choosing to sit next to him so she could observe Floppy as well.
“Of course.” He responded with a small smile and a glance at her before looking to the floor.
Mary recognized that something seemed off about Lance as she studied him - he was pretty resigned at the moment. She realized that Lance wasn’t usually overly energetic, but he certainly wasn’t this sedated on average.
Floppy emerged from her nest another time and bounded over to the box of bedding, resting her front paws on it and trying with all of her greatest might to nudge the box.
“Done. Lance, done.” The voice whispered in Mary’s mind again, and she was about to open her mouth to relay Floppy’s words when Lance stood and sauntered over to the desk.
Floppy leaped at his hand as he closed the lid, missing and disappearing with a poof into the bedding instead.
“Floppy.” The quietest of laughs escaped him as he reached his hand into the bedding to pull the Musarose out. She shook herself off while he continued to close the lid with his other hand.
Mary smiled again and joined his side by the desk, resting a hand on the box with intentions of putting it back for him. However, Lance rested his hand gently on her wrist as he noticed, turning to look at her with soft eyes and a small, affectionate tilt of his lips.
“I got it.” He said.
Floppy scrambled onto the desk as Lance picked up the box and headed towards a chest placed alongside another wall of his room, while Mary stood still by the Musarose. They both watched Lance for a moment as he crouched down and opened the chest, hesitating to put the box inside.
“The box belonged to Valkyon.” Mary turned to look at Floppy, who was crouched on the desk, as she started to speak through the mind link. 
“Oh?” She spoke quietly. Mary was sure that Lance could still hear everything she might say, but she still spoke in a quiet tone for the sake of discretion.
“The box reminds Lance of his brother, but he refuses to get rid of it. He really misses him.”
Mary stared at Floppy for a moment before turning to look at Lance again. He was tracing his thumb over a small etching in the wood that she could faintly make out. A ‘v’... ‘a’... ‘l’... ‘y’... Was that Valkyon’s name carved into the wood?
“He does this a lot when he’s reminded of him. I miss him too, so I try to comfort him. I’m not sure if it works, but I just want Lance to know that I miss him too, and that I’m sure Valkyon isn’t angry. He always spoke so highly of his brother in his memories, and even when he found out that he had to fight Lance he still loved him so much. He just wanted his brother to feel better...”
Mary didn’t know what to say. She knew as well that Valkyon wasn’t angry, and that Lance heavily missed his brother. Did Lance know that Floppy felt all this as well? Did he know that Floppy can tell when he’s in agony and tries to comfort him?
Lance set the wooden box into the chest and closed it, standing up and beginning to shuffle around a few things on another desk next to it. He says nothing but the sloping of his shoulders and the way he hangs his head tells that he’s burdened by thoughts.
“Valkyon always hoped that his brother was alive; he never stopped searching for him and went to many extremes to try and track him. I don’t think Lance knows how much he meant to Valkyon, even after Valkyon realized he had been fighting his brother the whole time. I just wish he knew this, I think it would comfort him, knowing that his brother will love him no matter what...” 
Mary looked at Floppy again and the Musarose turned to meet her gaze. Both were silent, and Mary had a feeling that the small creature wanted her to do something. Little did Floppy know, Mary already was planning on how to tell this to Lance. She knew the companion wouldn’t have told her all of this in such detail, while Lance is in such pain, unless she meant for her to do something about it.
Her gaze returns to Lance as he turns and heads towards them again, reaching gently for Floppy. She extended her tiny legs into the air to reach for his hand and claw her way up to stand and look at him. He pet her a few times with his thumb, holding her close to his chest, before setting her down again near the entrance to her nest. One hand was set on the desk to allow himself to lean while Floppy scurried over and around his other hand, a whisper of a smile resting on his face and a distant look in his eyes...
“You know... Floppy misses him too.”
Lance flicked his gaze over to Mary as she began to speak, who watching the Musarose clamber about.
“She knows when you’re reminded of him, and she doesn’t want to see you in pain. She knows that Valk doesn’t want you to be in pain either...” 
His gaze fled to an empty section of the desk, bowing his head. Mary took just a small step closer to him.
"Lance-" He refused to hear it; he couldn't hear it.
Mary reached a hand out to rest on his shoulder as she began speaking, but he backed away, unable to meet her gaze, and sauntered to the window. Lance felt his throat constrict and pain prick at his chest as he rested both hands on the windowsill and bowed his head; this was all his fault, he didn't deserve comfort.
Mary refused to give up though, Lance needed to hear this. He needed to know that, while he had done some terrible things, he always was and still is loved dearly. She quickly trod after him, Floppy dashing along the desk and over other furnishings to keep her important role in this, and, although she knew he wouldn't take too gracefully to this, rested her hand on his arm and stood close by him.
“Valk never stopped looking for you, he always believed you could still be alive. He spent so much energy trying to find a possible lead on you... and he always spoke highly of you.” Mary spoke in a gentle tone as she watched his expression, carefully testing her words to assure she didn’t distress him too much. She glanced over at Floppy, who was sitting on the windowsill on Lance’s other side.
“Valk always believed him in. He always believed that Lance was still good.”
“Valk always loved you and he always believed in you, even after knowing what you had done.”
Watching as Lance’s blue eyes grew misty as he stared through the window, Mary knew she was getting to him. She glanced at Floppy again as the companion nudged closer to rest her fore-paws on Lance’s wrist and sniff at him.
“Floppy knows when you have moments where you miss him... she knows how much Valk loved you, and she wants you to know that even though he isn’t here anymore, she is and she can love you for him.”
Lance shut his glassy eyes at this, tilting his head down, before opening his eyes just the slightest to look at Floppy with a tragic look on his face. The Musarose curled her tail over his hand and looked up at him as though he was her whole world. He breathed a shaky breath and spared a bittersweet smile at her.
Mary pressed herself gently against Lance, bringing both her arms around him to pull him closer. He didn’t resist, turning to face her and pull her into a tight hug with one hand on her nape and the other around her waist as he buried his face in her neck. She could swear she felt a bit of moisture near her neck as Lance stifled a heaving breath.
Floppy joined as well, leaping onto Mary’s clothing and crawling upwards until she could settle against Lance’s neck, where she laid gripping his shoulder armor as to not lose balance and fall.
“Lance...” Mary wanted to say something more to comfort him, but she couldn’t bring anything to mind that would help this situation. Anything further would just break Lance, and she didn’t want to destroy the moment that was being shared. She resigned to just holding Lance in a gentle and loving grasp as he held her like she was his last lifeline.
After the passing of many minutes, Lance eventually regained control of his breathing and loosened his grasp to avoid suffocating her. As he adjusted his grip, wrapping both his arms completely around her tiny frame, only one thought could run through his mind and be spoken:
“Thank you.”
Hmm. I feel like I deviated from Mary’s personality a bit with the short-story/scenario as it required her to be a bit pushy, but I suppose a trait of being a motherly person is not being afraid to put someone in a bit of distress if it’s something they need to hear to feel better in the long run.
I hope you liked this overall! This was my first time writing with a specific OC, which turned out a lot harder than I originally thought and hence why it took so long, but I think I did well!
Have a request? Ask them here!
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Put together a little ditty for Elias being rescued because I couldn’t watch him suffer without giving him a rescue. The original idea this was based on belongs to @deluxewhump so thanks for letting me rescue the poor thing! This piece belongs in the BBU-verse, but not perfectly, as you’ll see if I end up continuing with it. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing more of this or want to be tagged!
Thanks to the lovely @sableflynn for beta reading & @straight-to-the-pain for helping me flesh out this idea 
CW: vague mention of torture, slavery, gore, infection, body horror
Elias isn’t sure how long it’s been since they last came down here. In fact, he’s not quite sure how long he’s been down here. Wherever here is. For a while he had tried to piece together where he might be. He’d known for a long time no one was coming for him, but still, he thought he might get out. 
Elias doesn’t think that anymore. 
The worst part is he can’t even blame his brother. It wasn’t like they were really that close anymore. Or ever. Whatever fucked up family loyalty the mob guy who’d taken Elias had thought they’d had since being abandoned by their parents was wrong. All Elias had ever been for his brother was a scapegoat, a lookout, a cute younger face he could use as an excuse and an advantage to get out of what he was in. And Elias had worshipped him still.
Please officer, I was just stealing so I could pay for a room for my brother to sleep in.
When the officer let his brother go, he used the money to buy heroin while Elias shivered with him in the cold decrepit opium den. 
Please judge, my brother is just a bit disturbed is all. He has a good heart, he’s trying. 
Elias had taken the fall, because he’d get off easier as a minor, and spent six months in Juvie before he’d learned better.
HA. Go fuck yourself. 
The last words he heard over the phone before his brother skipped town, leaving him to once again pay his debts. 
Only this time, he feared it would be his last. 
No, this time, he knew. 
He feels foggy, but it’s nice, comforting. The bite of metal cuffs digging into reopened wounds is less present this way. Which is fine, since he no longer has the strength to hold himself up, sagging into exhaustion against cold damp concrete. His eyes focus on nothing, taking him to  that place between pain and sleep, where he can drift endlessly, never awake enough to be aware but never falling fully unconscious. 
The nightmares down in the dark depths of his mind are worse sometimes than the torture that came from the flourescent lights being flipped on, buzzing a silent call of impending doom. No, he knows the boys upstairs will get bored, but the monster in his head that reminds him of the useless wretch he was, is, will always be, never seems to run out of steam or ideas.
So Elias sits, or slumps, hoping to keep the real darkness at bay with pain and fog and emptiness. 
Which is why he groans when he feels the tell tale warmth of hands on his face, demanding he crawl out of his tender reverie. 
“Hey buddy, you in there?” The words sound gentle, not with the mocking tone he’s used to. And there’s no telltale flash of lights igniting the pain behind his head that seems to never stop aching. Instead there’s just a gentle pat, no, a supportive hand holding his lolling head, manhandling him to sit upright.
“Parker just fucking help me with the cuffs dammit. We gotta go fast. God this kid is fucked do the ass wipes not even know first aid?” Now that, that is the tone, the look he knows. 
The familiar lookalike to his captors cuts through like a knife in red hair, perfect white teeth, fashionable clothing, and self-righteous anger that reminds him of why the dark is better than the light. He should be good, he knows, but he’s so tired. If he’d known they’d come so soon he would’ve slept, but instead all his exhausted, fevered mind can do is pull away and let the cry rip from his throat, a plea for mercy in the animalistic way that seems to be all they ever respond to.
Instantly a meaty hand slaps over his mouth, sweat coating his face and the air, making it hard to breathe. “SHUSH kid, it’s ok, it’s ok, we’re getting you away from these asshats” A hand carts through his hair in what’s meant to be a comforting gesture, but Elias trembles under the thick warm grasp. 
“Got it!” 
Suddenly, there’s a click, somehow audible over the thumping sounds of bodies and people above, the rain that he now realizes is louder, more present. The hands squeeze as another sob loudly comes from his chest at the feeling of metal peeled from his skin, irritating open wounds. 
“Jeeeeesus Christ that’s nasty. Fucking leave it, the fuckers can use it for their own kinky shit from now own.” The gentle voice sighs at the angry voice’s harsh whisper. 
“Keep your commentary to yourself, Sean. Alright buddy, you gotta be quiet ok? We’ll make this as painless as possible. Can you do that?” 
He nods. Being quiet in exchange for relief is something he’s used to. Less lashes. A scrap of food. A drink of water instead of vodka. He can be quiet, he can strangle his voice into tears that will slide down his face, silently, mockingly for his own uselessness. For his own inability to face the only life a wretch like him could hope to have. 
“Alright. We’re gonna lift you up, and they’re gonna pull you through alright? Just reach out your arms” His head spins as the boys move him around, the angry one grabbing at his waist while the soft one gently grips his feet. He doesn’t understand, doesn’t understand what torture this will be, and it sets his heart thumping, reserves of adrenaline making him breathe faster. “We gotta move fast little buddy. On three. One, two, three” 
Suddenly he’s lifted through the air, as images of superheroes flying come into his mind from the place in his mind that is far away and long ago. His blurry vision sees the rectangular window, usually boarded over, ripped open with the sharp glass covered in a thick jacket. But Elias obeys, not matter what, and he uses his strength to keep his arms straight, and he feels- grass. Rain. Cool, fresh air on his face. 
Wet slippery strands of greenery slide through his hands, tickle his face, and for a moment, he feels something like hope flutter in his chest. Hands grab his wrists and pull, pull against grinding bones, skin barely healed that rips alongside the pieces still tender and open. The confusing peace is ripped from him, and he muffles his screams the best he can as black creeps into his vision. 
It’s all Elias can do to try to breathe through gritted teeth as the world sits far and away, rain washing away any other sensation, overpowering as it soaks the last of his strength and warmth. Still, he tries to get up, pressing hands into mud - mud outside he’s out - before pain lances again through his wrists, his arms, every part of him and he collapses, shivering. 
It’s not fair. He’s close, so close. That must be what this game is. A chance to escape, and he’s too weak to take it, like he always feared. The failed attempt to get up means he can’t even crawl, muscles twitching with exhaustion. A sob lingers in his throat as hands are on him again, lifting him. 
This time, he’s draped over a warm, wet back, soaked fabric touching his bare chest. Hands grip him under his knees while another rests on his back to keep him balanced. Rain patters above him but not on him anymore, a blissful reprieve from its incessant pounding. He blinks heavily, trying to shift away from his aching muscles, trying to escape from going back inside. The hands on him press tighter, stilling his protests. 
“Just rest, buddy. We’re getting you out of here” The gruff voice sounds less angry now, for some reason. It sounds..tight. Upset, but...different? He’s too tired to tell.
They start moving, and the words tumble in his confused brain, nonsensical. Elias didn’t get to leave. He failed the game, he failed escaping. He is going back into the basement, he knows that. But he’s too tired to worry now. The gentle swaying, the gentle contact is like a balm, the first small comfort that isn’t completely painful in what feels like an eternity. So Elias lets go, lets go the last of his hope of ever getting away, and slips away to the patter of rain and the warmth of another person. 
Tagging some people who mentioned interest: (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed) @killtheprotagonist @greatandquestionablecontent @nowhumponmain @bleedingandfeverish
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party-in-eldarya · 1 year
playing ANE what a joy, still in genkaku
Erika forgets her manners and speaks v informally to a hostile royal, on a mission, doesn't know a thing about the world she claims is her own, and yet she never fails to recall name of Mathieu's sword.
Stay tunned.
Oh, so THAT is what my sword is called. I forgot, it was year ago :D
no honey, you should regret you suck at fighting, not that you do not have a battle cry. What are u, 15?
aaaand, this idiot is still talking about least important thing. Also, Mathieu doesn't have any power, and he is still valuable fighter, so you see Erika, it's your fault, not the lack of powerrrs.
Thought1: they made Tenjin silly. The moment he got on the ground it was the endgame for me. Say what you want to say but Naytili was badass to the end, even when slapped by Leiftan (she prolly enjoyed it), Leiftan was so cold and cruel we had to headcanon him having REASONS TM for it, and Lance... well, Lance was also stylish. In ANE every single villain (well, Charles still have some hope) is just SILLY.
Thought2: I kinda like the way they described Erika putting some shield, it was ok. However, the text wasn't that long and yet they devided it to many, too many sentences. I know, I know maana. But still, it makes playing a bit annoying.
Point for Gryff... I mean Lance, standing surrounded by foes is not a time for silly jokes (Mathieu and Erika still talking about battle cry ffs). Point from writers, this is not how you break the tension.
Honestly, Tenjin giving them a deadline for exploring the building is not that strange, Nevra shouldn't be surprised. Still the most competent person in Guard. What I find adorable is how faeries (or at least Tenjin) calls this skyscraper a Tower. V acurate and natural, props for writers.
Nevra says that it's Tenjin's fault that they are now enemies with Eel. However, this mission is a diplomatic failure. They shoul never brought Koori back unless they wanted her to sit on throne now, they should treat Tenjin with respect and it shouldn't be dragon who he met first. It should be Nevra who is the one acting like a leader should. What was HH thinking?
HH would never allied herself with slavers. QUOTE. Huh, with news about vampires it really... oh, dunno. I HOPE that HH is a villain.
ERIKA feels trapped in this huge skyscrapper. However, when you look at Guard Tower and stairs that lead to Eel prison you see how big Eel really is. You know, the place she looooves so much. I know, I know- she is tired after the battle, she is stressed, she is afraid for people who lived there, and of them. But, still...
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 4 years
The Long Game Ch 1
Instead of striking a few months later, the Moonshadow assassins guild decides to play the long game. Rayla will pose as a human and kill Harrow and Ezran when the time is right all while gaining valuable information. One problem: Rayla falls in love with Callum and doesn't think Ezran deserves to die for a crime he doesn't he even know was committed.
Now, Rayla has a choice: tell the truth and risk losing Callum but fixing the divide between Katolis and Xadia or staying quiet and having a chance at a happy life with Callum, Ezran and Harrow but losing the best chance they have at peace and probably never seeing her home or family again.
The assassins guild had been talking for days about whether or not to go in and kill King Harrow and Prince Ezran now or wait a few more months or even a year.  Queen Zubeia was in distress and the call for revenge was ringing loud and clear throughout Xadia.  First, eight years ago, the humans had attacked them unprovoked and murdered one of their citizens for their perverted dark magic.  Now, they killed the Dragon King and the Dragon Prince's egg.  Xadia could not let this go.  The only question was: when?
Runaan looked at Rayla out of the corner of his eye.  He knew she wanted to prove herself worthy.  He personally found it difficult to believe that his friends, Tiadrin and Lain, his parents, had abandoned their post.  In the back of his mind, it didn't make sense.  They knew better.  But, a Skywing elf who had also been part of the Dragon Guard had admitted they had all fled when the humans killed the Dragon King.  There was nothing anyone could do to stop the Silvergrove Ghosting the pair now.  But, Rayla could do the right thing in their stead and proclaimed herself ready to do whatever it took to right their wrongs.
"It's better to go now.  Who knows how long the Dragon Queen has?"  Runaan turned his attention back to the conversation his guild mates were having.  A cacophony of sounds as they tried to plan the best course of action that would bring them all back home and, hopefully, stop these humans from killing anymore Xadians.
"The humans will know it's us right away."
"So what?!  We want them to know what they did was wrong!"
"True, but, if we wait, maybe we can cause doubt.  They'll destroy themselves trying to figure it out."
"We have never not admitted we've taken life before.  Why should we do it now?  We take life but we don't take it lightly."
"Yes, but this is our chance to not only get the humans fighting each other, but to also get the Moon Nexus back!"  There was silence for a few moments.  Every Moonshadow el,f even a thousand years after the humans were forced out of Xadia, still felt the string of losing contact with the Moon Nexus.  It went deeper than pride; it was an irreplaceable piece of their heritage, culture, and magic that was forever lost to them because the humans refused to accept their lot in the universe as non-magic users.  "All I'm saying is, kill two Moon Phoenixes with one arrow.  Sow dissent AND fulfill the contract."
Runaan turned to Rayla.  Her young face was stony as she took in what everyone was saying.  Young...  He looked her up and down.  She was strong, but those who didn't know better would see her as a slip of a thing.  Slowly, a plan formed in Runaan's mind.  At any other time, he would have been horrified by the idea.  Rayla was his daughter as far as he was concerned.  His apprentice, his greatest joy besides Ethari.  Ethari would never forgive him.  But...  Runaan stood up, getting the attention of everyone in the room.  "I have an idea.  It involves my protegee, Rayla, and getting honor back for her parents as well as stirring doubt in the Pentarchy."
"What do you propose, Runaan?"  The guild master had a steeling expression as he stroked his beard.
Runaan smirked.  "We play the long game."
"Absolutely not!" Ethari roared.  "We already lost Tiadrin and Lain.  We aren't losing Rayla!"
"She's going to be fine, Ethari."  Runaan breathed through his nose.  As he expected, Ethari was displeased.
"She's too kind, Runaan!  Too loving. Her heart isn't made for a regular mission and you want her to do this?!  Send Bandlr or someone else."
"She's the only one her age whose properly trained. She's faster than all of us and quick on her feet."
"Then send yourself or a group."
"They won't suspect a young girl travelling on her own.  The longer she does nothing, the more likely they will be to think everything is fine."
"And if they catch her after she succeeds?  They'll kill her!  They'll kill our daughter and you're sending her to the slaughter."
"She'll die with honor and rise above what her parents have done."  Even to Runan's ears he sounded so detached.  He winced.
"You...you can't be serious.  Runaan, she's our child.  Not by blood, but we raised her.  She's only 15.  She'll be 16 when her training's over.  You can't...you can't do this."  Ethari's voice was shaking as he started to breath a little harsher.  "She's just a child."
"Rayla's already agreed, Ethari.  There's nothing either or us can do now."
"You didn't even ask me first!"  Ethari breathed deeply for a few moments before his face became stone.  "So, that's it, then?  You're just going to say good-bye to our little girl?"
Runaan ran a hand through his white hair.  "My love, it's not that simple.  Queen Zubeia ordered the two hits.  We have to do the job."
"Then take a squad like tradition says and do it!  Do not send our Rayla into the human lands alone.  What if the spell fails and she's found out?  What if she slips up?  We have no idea when the time is even right.  We may never see her again!  Do you want that?  Because I don't!  Rayla shouldn't be made to go because of her parents' actions."
"No one is making me do anything," Rayla piped up from the chair.  Runaan had completely forgotten she was in the room and, judging by his slight jump, so had Ethari.  "Yes, Runaan offered my name for the plan before asking me, but I agreed.  I had a fair chance to give someone else the job and I said I would do it.  I'm going, Ethari."
"Rayla, please, don't do this."
"Why do you lack faith in me?"
Ethari shook his head.  "It's so much more than that.  You're a child, Rayla.  Don't throw away your chance for a future when tradition holds you shouldn't even be considering this."
"What future?  If Xadia doesn't do anything, the humans will eventually believe they can do whatever they want.  What if they start killing elves or more dragons for dark magic?  We're already at war.  We have to act!"
Ethari looked between the two of them.  "You know what?  Both of you, do whatever you want."
Runaan started reaching for his husband.  "Ethari-"
"I'm going to my sister's, Runaan.  I need time to process sending my child, OUR child, over the border to be alone and carrying out a mission ALONE for who knows how long."  Ethari slammed the door behind him; silence reigning for a few minutes.
"Well," Rayla looked up at Runaan, "he took that better than we expected."
Runaan sighed.  "He's right, Rayla.  Think long and hard about this.  You have been given 24 hours before you're officially assigned this task.  We are asking you to give up an untold amount of time.  You might never come back."
Rayla looked directly into his eyes.  "I know, but I don't have a choice.  Someone has to do this and it should be me.  If my parents had just stayed, maybe, the Dragon Prince would still be alive.  Besides, they'll probably believe me easier than someone like Bandlr whose already all muscle at 14.  I'm young and fast, but I'm slight enough.  No one will believe I'm a threat if I say I come from a farming village."
"You're right.  I'm so proud of you, Rayla.  I'm sure you'll be able to come back home one day."
It took Ethari two weeks to come around, a new blade for Rayla in hand and a flower for when she went on her mission.  He still barely talked to Runaan and, if Runaan was being honest, he couldn't blame him.  Rayla was going to be spending a few months with Lujanne at the Moon Nexus followed by a bit of time in the village by the Cursed Caldera before making her way to the capital.  There was no room for error and she was going to have to learn how to act human fast.
The flower Ethari made was set into the fountain, the whole of Silvergrove watching.  Runaan knew he and everyone else would be keeping an eye on it.  Rayla had to succeed.
6 months later
Callum groaned as Soren sent him to the ground again.  "C'mon, step-prince.  Wasn't your mom the strongest general is Katolis?  You shouldn't be this weak after this much training."
Callum glared a bit at his...friend?...tormentor?  Callum wasn't sure who Soren was to him anymore besides the big brother of his crush.  How Claudia and Soren came from the same parents was beyond Callum.  Though, Viren did give Claudia more attention because of her magic.  More love, probably.  "My mom was a lance specialist.  Why don't we try that?"
"Princes use swords; even step-princes."
Callum looked down at his feet.  "The king can use a lance."
"ARGH!  It's just not how it's done, OK?  Sword first, than lance.  Now, on your hands and knees and give me a hundred push-ups."  Callum groaned and was about to follow through when Caludia raced through the courtyard to stand in front of Soren.  She started miming a bit, a big smile on her face.  "What is it, Clauds?  Use your words."
She squealed.  "There's a girl whose just come from the border.  She asked to see the king and she looks about my age, maybe a year younger."
Soren and Callum's brows furrowed.  "Why does she want to see the king?"
"Don't know, but she's pretty cute.  She might be your type, Sor-bear."
"Uh-huh.  You don't know my type, Claudia.  You've proven that how many times now?"
Callum didn't bother staying for what was bound to be an argument between the two.  Instead,he hurried to the throne room, running to Ezran and Bait with a handful of jelly tarts with them.  "What do you think she wants?" Ezran asked.
"No idea.  Whatever it is, I'm sure the king will hear her out."
"You know, you can call him 'Dad.'  I really think he'd like that, Callum."
"He's the king, Ezran, and I'm just the step-prince."
"But, he raised you and I know he loves you."
Callum closed his eyes briefly.  "It's complicated, Ez."
Ezran pouted a bit, but dropped it.  When they finally made it to the throne room, they stood to Harrow's right while Opeli and Viren were standing to his left.  Before them was a pale girl with hair a few shades lighter than Soren's and light blue eyes.  She stood perhaps an inch taller than Callum and was dressed in plain robes that marked her as a member of the farming class.
"Your Majesty," her voice was clear and projected throughout the room.  She took a sweeping curtsy, though almost lost her balance doing so.  She raised her eyes when Harrow told her to rise, slowly coming back up to face the room.  "I come from a town on the border.  We were attacked not too long ago."  She looked down, a tear slipping down her cheek.  "I'm all that's left of my village.  Please, I need help.  I have no family."
"Who attacked your home?"  Viren looked straight at her, eyebrow raised.
"I believe it was elves."  Viren and Harrow shared a look before turning back to the girl.  "They kept saying something about dragons when they came but everything happened so fast it's all a blur."
Viren cleared his throat.  "And why did you come all the way here?  Surely there were others who could look after you."
The girl looked distressed, twisting her hands together a bit.  Callum couldn't help but notice just how pretty she was, with a Cupid's bow on her top lip, high cheekbones, and large eyes.  But, there was something slightly off, something that in the back of his mind was saying it wasn't quite right.  Maybe she was too pretty?  "To be honest, I tried a few times but they either didn't want me because of the possibility of the elves coming after me.  I just hoped that I could be safe here."
Harrow nodded.  "Of course, dear child.  You are welcome to stay as long as you like.  And, I am so sorry for the trials you have faced before coming here today."
Viren sent a glared at Harrow.  "Harrow-"
"Not now, Viren.  We have to look after our citizens.  Always."  Harrow turned back to face her.  "What's your name, child?"
She looked at the five in the room, a soft smile on her face.  "Rayla.  My name is Rayla."        
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