#and juicy juicy pain
i-bring-crack · 2 months
AU idea where Shen Jiu was told (by his former shizun) to spy on TLJ for a while as they get enough information on their own about what TLJis capable of. Maybe they dont trust Su Xiyan's or more specifically the Palace master's own work of spying the demon lord that just in case they sent him out to study the man and wohoho he accidentally gets found by TLJ who is also interested in the guy. Shen Jiu trying to keep up appearances humors him and also tries to bond a bit like what Su Xiyan did(the demon likes literature and boi is Shen Jiu full of it). Of course its only for a brief moment, both alrrady knowing full well how dangerous they are to each other before the four peaks (with Shen Jiu affirming or not some of his weaknesses) decide to battle him.
And since Su Xiyan is nowhere to be seen, they decide the newpeak lord Shen Qingqiu should be up to the yask to look after the cell in case he escapes. During that time Shen Jiu had talked and "bonded" a bit with TLJ, he picked up a lot more things than just his weaknesses or strenghts. That he was worried of Su Xiyan (TLJ thought SJ might tell him some details of her but he said nothing) and that he wished to at least see her one time. Shen Qingqiu of coursed asked him about it once the boy was imprisoned but he said nothing of the sort. And it bugged him the wrong way bc something felt amiss. Rrying to find information of Su Xiyan was also midly infuriating because the Palace master seeemd to have hidden it with a lot of thought.
It is not until some time later (kinda like a few days after the siege) when he slowly puts all the pieces together and thinks that Su Xiyan might be hidding a secret child that he must need to destroy right away. Of course he cant go telling this because it will meant the Palace Master has known he was spying inside the walls of his peak and thus create a feud with the two peaks. And also because he doesnt want to bring more fear into the new peak lords who were just starting to manage the things back together. Therefore Shen Qingqiu went out on secret missions to find some trace of Su Xiyan for ages, while talking to TLJ, who after some time in isolation had twistedly become hateful and also in love with Shen Qingqiu (in a way it was like Su Xiyan but he had never hid it well in the first place, they both knew each other, and Shen had no reason to lie to him or get close to him after his imprisonment, yet he did, which is what fucks with TLJ's mind so badly). Shen Qingqiu had also weirdly started to grow affecrion for the demon, he even laughed at himself about it, because in the end it was the one person he could be so crudely rude and truthful to the point where he ended up telling him the fact that he might have a son out there that shen is trying to find.
And kill.
When Zhuzhi lang hears upon this in one of his secret meetings to TLJ, the latter doesnt care, whenever or not he has a son he thinks Su Xiyan would have killed it. And yet some part of him hopes that 'the woman who has supposexly dissapeared from the cultivation world with a possible demon child in her hands' means something. As the years go by he does feel a bit uneasy at how calm and set Shen Qingqiu is on taking the life of his child. But at the same time he expected that from humans. So he gives in to the pessimistic idea that his son, which he will never see, will die, and the only thing he lies to Shen Qingqiu about is how much it hurts him to accept that fate.
Shen Qingqiu one day comes with news that he has found the child, its been years, more than a decade. Actually 13 years, he assures the demon emperor. 13 long years of trying to scout through the reaches of the earth and funnily enough, as if faith herself was laughing in their face, Luo Binghe appeared. TLJ has no idea who the fuck that is but he pieces two and two together when he sees Shen Qingqiu smile through his anger for the first time. (And god was it creepy). He cant kill the boy now, Shen Qingqiu tells him that he had gone up close to see Binghe because he looked so mucht to his father, that it ended up being percieved as though Shen Qingqiu was picking out of everyone there, and if he said he didnt want to take that boy as a disciple or if he did and got killed immedeatly afterwards then all eyes would of course be centered on him.
Im not going to loose my reputation for such a petty thing.
So he said, and added on that he will try his best to kill the child. Which TLJ has already heard so many times that, as the days go by, he is surprised when Shen Qingqiu comes each time having failed on that mission for almost a year. He is annoyed, he berates Tianlang Jun for having such a strong boy. And TLJ takes it as a compliment, a bit eager to hear more about this Binghe that is going to dye Shen qingqiu's hairs gray sooner than he. He asks Zhuzhi lang to keep some eye out on the kid just so that he doesnt end up too critically injured or else the fun of watching Shen Qingqiu act like a spiteful wife witghting with a concubine would be gone... and with it SQQ might leave him from visiting as well.
And then, Shen Qingqiu one day just lost interest over it. He was spiteful to the core but now he seems, a bit tired. So he starts teaching the kid normally. Shen Qingqiu decides to just let the kid grow to be more of an intellectual than a fighter. And TLJ wonders if its becuase someone has struck Shen Qingqiu's rotten tiny cold heart. Which SQQ quickly negates it, while hidding full well that he cant bring himself to hurt someone that looks so much like the only human— no, demon, that has been able to befirend in so long.
He hates that, he hates that the only person that never left him is a crude demon stuck in a mountain, that the girl he raised as hiw own daughter is saddened by his actions towards Binghe. That stupidly enough that child STILL believes in him despite all the things he does. All those things bite him subconciously until he just decides to let faith run its course as Binghe becomes more and more unstoppable and there is mothing SQQ can do.
When SQQ pushes Binghe to the endless abbyss, he half expects for the kid to be saved by some god that has loved him amd saved his ass for so long. Adn he half expects for all his anger to dissipate and fade away, to relax from the future that might unfold as SQQ has finally killed the demon child that would have destroyed his future a long time ago.
But instead of happiness he only feels some tears fall down his face, the memories od the time he enclosed TLJ running through him. Fear encompassing his whole body as he lays wide awake at night, not knwoing how he will be able to confront Tianlang Jun when he hears that Luo Binghe, his son, is finally dead once and for all.
Weeks go by as he finally has the courage to step inside the mountain again and...
Tianlang jun's essence is gone.
He's escaped.
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bananonbinary · 2 years
theres so many ways to write how jmart interact off-mic in season 1, but my lowkey favorite is “jon genuinely doesn’t realize what a huge asshole he’s been and thinks he and martin have ‘professional differences.’ he sees no reason they cant be friends right up until martin is like ‘you literally wished i was dead’“
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ariadne-mouse · 11 days
"I'm going to miss our little cottage, though."
OOF oof oof
Not sure exactly how Imogen meant that line but I'm pretty sure Laudna heard it as "ultimately this choice to use Delilah will be the end for us and you"
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Percy: "You don't have to get involved in this."
Vex: "Oh, we are SO involved."
Grog: "Yeah we do, you said you want 'em dead."
Vex: "We've got your back, darling."
Vax: "Percival, you don't really have a choice in the matter."
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leascno · 2 years
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painterly experiment warmup with our beloved art academy dropout 🫶
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divinedesiress · 1 month
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cluescorner · 2 months
Being torn between 'Steph shouldn't kill her father because it does a disservice to her learning under Bruce and it makes her grappling with her complex feelings towards him after his death more interesting' vs 'Steph should kill that bastard because she's earned a murder'.
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bonefall · 8 months
So, since BB!Ivypool will use her newfound deputy status to force a confrontation with Dovewing- how would she react if Dovewing snaps and told her to her face that she never, EVER wanted to speak with her again after everything? Like, would it click for her that even if she deeply regrets the way she treated her sister, no matter how sorry she is its up to Dovewing if she's ever forgiven? Or does she blame Heartstar thinking she turned her sister against her?
Let's pop open the hood of BB!Ivypool and her fucked up little life, and every person she's been leading up to the end of BB!TBC.
All of this starts with her father, Lionblaze, raising her with this axiom; That you are given strength to serve your Clan.
While he used Dovepaw and her powers in service of ThunderClan (often fighting with her mentor, Birchfall), Lionblaze encouraged his daughter to involve herself in Dark Forest training. Ivypaw felt like this was how she "earned" affection from her Ba, with hard work.
Just as Lionblaze believed that his physical abuse at the paw of Ashfur made him stronger, Ivypool also came to believe that growing up thrown to the wolves made her stronger too.
So when Dovewing first started to... not even REJECT the idea, just display any resentment towards it at all, it's like a personal slight.
No one ever fucking listens to Dovewing. No one cares what she wants. Just what she can do for them.
And Ivypool was super part of that. Her mentor is Brightheart, who often overexerts herself as an expression of PTSD. She saw Hawkfrost "die" turning against Tigerstar for the greater good. She sees Bumblestripe "working so hard" to "help Dovewing adjust" while she's losing her hearing.
In her eyes, Dovewing was being selfish. Look at all these people who give EVERYTHING to their Clans-- how dare you try and make it about yourself?
Tigerheart, in and out of their life constantly, gets blamed because it's a lot easier to pin it all on the Evil Codebreaking Foreigner than admit that maybe Dovewing has a point. Ah HA! THERE is the villain responsible for making my sister act weird! I knew it all along!
(Plus Tigerheart and Ivypool got pitted against each other a LOT in DF training because Ivy was Hawkfrost's apprentice and Tigerheart was Tigerstar's, for some incredibly fucked up projection reasons you'd expect of Tunnelbunstar. Ivypool will nonsensically blame Tigerheart like she's a Dinkleberg.)
(Also tbf tigerheart would 100% let her believe it, 1. Because it's funny, and 2. Because it takes the heat off Dovewing)
And Ivypool was VICIOUS about this. AVoS is still getting shuffled but if anything vindictive she did towards Dove in that arc gets removed, I will replace it with something just as bad. She would actively sabotauge ShadowClan if it meant keeping Tigerheart away from Dovewing.
She can't handle the thought of losing Dovewing. At some point, it became about control. It's her insecurity towards herself, towards her family, towards all of her losses, and even towards service of her very Clan.
And then Dovewing booked it. Couldn't handle this shit and panicked and BAILED.
And THEN it's about getting Dovewing BACK. She's even dragged Fernsong into this and tried to leverage his friendship with Dovewing to this end. She'll even support Bumblestripe when he tries to argue for an invalidation of Queen’s Rights on technicality.
Ivypool: "Those kits are Bumblestripe's! He has a claim! They even have HIS MANE"
Heartstar: "Hmm. No, it is very clearly MY mane."
Ivypool: "You can't-- wait what?"
Heartstar: "Lightkit even has my beautiful smile <3 so fuck off, maybe?"
For a long time that's where Ivypool was. She was the awful, vindictive sister-in-law constantly trying to weasel in to make Dovewing feel bad. When she had kittens of her own, she was still in this mindset.
It didn't end well. In BB!TBC, Bristlefrost needed her. Ivypool stepped in to prevent her from being the impostor's pawn, but refused to do anything when she was caught and imprisoned for being in a HalfClan relationship. She needed to be punished as a codebreaker.
Brought to the next Gathering, the impostor reiterated the need to enforce the code, and desperate times calling for desperate measures. He called for SkyClan to punish their own warrior. They refused to make this a public spectacle.
So he sliced open her throat, right on the branch beside him.
Ivypool didn't imagine she would be KILLED. Suddenly her whole world shattered. The moon stayed clear and bright. Her daughter was dead before she hit the ground and she had HERSELF to blame.
Dovewing and Ivypool served in the rebellion together, and eventually Ivy went into the Dark Forest as a Light in the Mist. She watched Bristlefrost die, AGAIN, knocking Ashfur out of the sky and burning them both up in orbit, and how brave Shadowsight had been in pinning him in place.
Ivypool NEEDS Dovewing to know now that she's different. She's learned a lot. She understands so, so much more now...
But DOES she? She still hates Heartstar's guts. She still feels abandoned. How different ARE you now, Ivypool, with your renewed interest in finding some petty reason to skirt around Dovewing's direct wishes? When you're still here getting into blowout arguments with Heartstar?
So to answer the question, if Dovewing told her directly, "I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR DESPERATION. IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FEELINGS. PISS OFF"
Ivypool would not be able to accept that.
It just wouldn't stick, ever. It really is desperation. Dovewing NEEDS to know that Ivypool loves her and misses her, and that she understands, but also that Heartstar is delusional, and this is still kind of Dovewing's fault. And Ivypool will do anything to make her know this.
But I also DO want to say; this is a very unique weakness. It is Dovewing Derangement Syndrome. Ivypool is a competent deputy, and she is a devoted and respected warrior of ThunderClan. It will be no surprise she's being picked for deputy, especially considering (god willing) Squirrelstar is seeking war with ShadowClan.
She is a good friend, mate, and leader. But BB!Ivypool is so, so fucked in the head about Dovewing. This family can fit so much trauma in it
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The MK pipeline from “You really think the universe wants anything, from any of us?” to “Until I know what I am, what my destiny is? I can’t risk hurting the people I care about—the ones I have left.” is actually fucking wild.
Like, the place his character starts is believing that he couldn’t possibly be *anything* special or be the one to make that positive impact on the world. Then we have our beloved “to pain” scene, and MK ruminates on the Lady Bone Demon’s words—after all, his greatest power is self reflection. So we go from MK hoping to use his position “for good” to believing he’s “the one always getting the world in trouble”. Whatever his role in the story is, it always negative. It’s not enough or too much. It’s the universe not wanting anything or wanting him to bring about total suffering.
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phnmnt · 2 years
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Shen Yuan shixiong AU - Part 10
Upon arrival, the group visits Old Master Chen to gather some information. Knowing his shixiong’s impatience with small talk, Ming Fan eventually takes over, claiming his senior needs time to prepare for the mission. Fortunately, Shen Yuan inherited his shizun's attitude when dealing with outsiders and Old Master Chen respectfully lets him go.
Later, as the sky starts to get darker, Ning Yingying asks Shen Yuan permission to go out in town. She invites him to go with her, but Shen Yuan gently refuses, saying he truly needs to gather more information to deal with the problem in town. He then suggests to bring Luo Binghe with her instead, planning to help his shidi capture his shimei’s heart while he's at it. Thinking his shixiong is trusting him with Ning Yingying’s safety, Luo Binghe lets himself be dragged out.
Later, as Ming Fan summarizes what they learned, Luo Binghe interrupts them by barging in and saying Ning Yingying has disappeared. Ming Fan’s face goes through several different shades before settling on a dark shade of barely contained anger. “Luo Binghe! You-!” Shen Yuan raises his hand to stop him. He proceeds to quickly instruct him to ask Old Master Chen for assistance and prepare their shidis to search the town. Ming Fan clicks his tongue, then exits the room in large strides, “accidentally” kicking Luo Binghe on his way out.
“Don’t take it personally, Binghe. He’s just worried.” Shen Yuan then sees his upset expression and gently pats the dust off his clothes while trying to come up with something reassuring to say. As a transmigrator, he knows that this isn’t Luo Binghe’s fault at all. Ning Yingying is just that kind of character. Her whole personality is to be cute and innocent, be kidnapped, be saved by the protagonist, then rinse and repeat. In short, it was just another typical Tuesday for Ning Yingying. "We’ll find her and bring her back. Alright?” Luo Binghe, ashamed of failing the one mission his shixiong gave him and losing his shijie, refuses to meet the latter’s eyes and simply nods with a pitiful expression. Shen Yuan pats his head comfortingly.
Ming Fan works quickly and the other disciples are already awaiting orders when Shen Yuan comes out. He gives them clear and concise instructions, separating the group into small teams, telling them to watch each other’s back and alert him immediately if they find anything.As soon as he’s done giving orders, everyone rushes out, knowing that their shimei’s life might be in danger. Shen Yuan turns to his shidi. “Alright. Binghe, take shixiong to the place where your shijie vanished.”
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 8.5 - Part 9
(I know about Ming Fan's pose, it was an artistic choice uwu)
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pinkieroy · 7 months
Excited to see the consequences in combat mechanics for a) whatever is Ashton's arm right now and b) shard powers
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akkivee · 1 month
damn the makeup and hair work for ichijiku is so good. like that's just her there she is!
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she bad but behind the girlboss pose is there is tragedy in her eyes…………….. it’s so amazing she’s gorgeous it’s making me cry………………..
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eva-hihi · 2 months
How do you mourn your own future?
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#laya plays dragon age#da2#oc: liam hawke#this happened a bit ago already & i wanted to draw sth for it but idk if i will finish that#but i gotta yell abt them anyway because OGH.#i have a lot of emotions about this quest ok#bartrand was the perfect scapegoat he was perfect to direct all the rage and pain at all these years#years of imagining gleeful revenge while bartrand is gloating and laughing like an evil soulless bastard#and then you meet him and he is just. a pathetic husk of a man with barely any own will left#and whats worse. varric is so so torn up about it#varric. the guy who never makes anything about him and who will always handwave and joke when something hits too close to home#drops all efforts to be smart and is just. desperate. begs hawke to not kill his brother#and liam wants to want bartrand dead so bad. he wishes he could look him in the eye and enjoy taking his life#and he knows varric will listen to him if he insisted. he knows when it comes down it it varric will yield to his decision#but he sees this broken guy who is barely the villain he kept projecting onto him and he sees varric and he sees two doomed siblings#and knows what its like to lose your sibling to your own blade#and he cant do it#and he hates it so much. but he wont do it.#and its the reason why i cant decide who dealt the killing blow for bethany bc it makes this scene juicy in different ways#if varric kills bethy its equally wanting to spare each other their siblings blood on their hands#as it is taking some form of revenge (on liams part). we both killed each others siblings. now we are even#the revenge part would still be there if liam did the blow on bethany himself. you made me do that and now i will take bartrand for it#but its also much more i know what its like. i wont make go through that too#if varric killed bethy and then also bartrand it would be more#''its my fault she is dead. i will take the revenge she/you deserves if you tell me to even though it will hurt me#dunno. all good variations i will. have to rotate them in my head more#or maybe just never decide idk they can be in canon limbo forever#anyways thats it for shouting into the void about them for now it Will happen again
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individuating · 5 months
blonde sayo is a lie made up so as to keep her from reaching her full potential as a crazy brunette
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writing in pain and accidentally did some own feelings hurted
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