#and ive had beef with this customer before too
acasternaut · 2 months
i wish it was acceptable to ask customers "and what on earth do you want me to do about that"
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
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𓇼 Ive seen a lot of Cap Moons and Risings who are the oldest sibling in the family and a lot of Cancer Moons and Risings who are the youngest.
𓇼 Ive also seen a lot of Capricorn Suns and Moons who had to take a lot of responsibility from a young age. A lot of them started working early or had to be the caretaker of a sibling.
𓇼 Venus 10th house people are so blessed. They are well liked and people love watching them do anything. Especially anything related to beauty. They are the kind of people who have thousands of people watching them do their makeup on tiktok live.
𓇼 Cancer placements/Moon 1st housers might want to live close to their parents. My dad is a Cancer Sun and ever since he moved to his first own home he made sure to live so close to my grandma. And when we moved again he made sure my grandma moved too. I could always see my grandmas house from my window.
𓇼 Ive said it a lot of times before Venus in the 1st house in synastry is a beautiful synastry overlay, BUT its such a ”I want beef with you” placement. Remember that Aphrodite (Venus) was very vengeful and extremely jealous. Nobody was allowed to overshine her. Aphrodite was actually a goddess of war, not only sex, beauty, love and fertility.
𓇼 People with Juno(3) conjunct Sun or Ascendant are very loyal friends.
𓇼 Pluto in the 10th house/Scorpio Midheaven can be such a lonely placement because people are sooo competetive with you. You feel like you cant share your wins with anyone because people are constantly wishing for you to mess up.
𓇼 A lot of mothers with Moon aspecting Pluto can feel like they have a hard time bonding with their daughters because they never bonded with their own mother or with women in general. Taking care of and raising a ”woman” can feel hard because they never had a woman be nice to them. Same with Moon/Lilith
𓇼 How long you stay angry at someone got a lot to do with your own placements BUT it also got a lot to do with the other persons placement. People with Venus conjunct Mars can do anything and people still have a hard time being mad at them because they have this natural likeability and charm. You cant stay mad at them. People with harsh Pluto aspects have a deep and longlasting effect on people which can make people less likely to get over what they did. People also think that Plutonians do things on purpose when they dont. People are less likely to forgive a Plutonian.
𓇼 Also when a Plutonian does something hurtful people will think they planned it. Plutonians are seen as calculating. People will be like ”oh he probably planned this for years” while when a Venusian does the same thing people will be like ”oh it was probably a mistake, she didnt mean it”. Anyways my advice for Plutonians dont try to make people see the good in you, give them a reason to hate instead. Be the bad bitch they project onto you😎 This is also why so many Plutonians grow up becoming very nasty and bitter because this was projected onto them which lead to them being outcasted, bullied, not welcomed, scapegoated etc.
𓇼 Plutonians be acting so funny. The kind of person to stare at someone and not moving their head only moving their eyes, thinking nobody will see them staring.
𓇼 People with Ceres(1) in the 1st house or conjunct Sun look better without makeup than with it. Same with a lot of Virgo placements. Ive seen it so many times.
𓇼 People with Neptune in the 1st house have this vulnerability to their appearance. They can look concerned or worried. They act like Claire Richards in the movie White Oleander.
𓇼 Fire signs are so good at working in the service industry, especially restaurants. Because they work fast and are social. They are also good at coming up with witty comebacks towards rude customers.
𓇼 To my Mercury/Pluto people please protect yourself. Dont be too nosy because you will see and hear things that will hurt you. You have an obsessive need to find out the truth and go deep into any situation. Sometimes its better to just leave it. Sometimes its better to not go on your ex social media profile, or make that call to ask that question. Sometimes its okay to close your eyes to protect your heart. (NOT close your eyes completely and start dreaming like the neptunians tho)
𓇼 Having your 12th house ruler in the 1st house can be a very hard placement to have because you will have less energy than others. Some of these people cant handle working a full time job. Others view them as lazy but its not their fault. These people should never work in the service industry because bumping into that many people can be too much for them since they absorb peoples energies.
Fixed star Mirach 0° Taurus is the star of the artist. Having a personal planet conjunct This star makes you extremely artistic which will be seen in the way you dress.
Fixed Star Denebola 21° Virgo conjunct Sun or Ascendant gives a strong desire to rebel against what society says to be normal
28° Gemini Fixed star Betelgeuse makes someone very argumentative and witty with a quick mind. If its conjunct Mars it can make the person someone who looks for argumentations with others.
If you have Fixed star Antares (9° Sagittarius) in conjunction with a personal planet you have to be careful with becoming to obsessed.
The description of this Fixed star says ”Obsession leads to a downfall.”
Fixed star Izar 28° Libra conjunct personal planets makes sometimes very interested in the interested in the occult, the taboo and serious subjects.
Fixed Star Facies 8° Capricorn conjunct Ascendant gives a person a probing and intense stare. There have a lot of psychological insights into others. Very strategic and vindictive.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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brokenmimir · 4 years
Huntress Mark IV: White Rose
White Rose Week 2020, Day 8: Free Day
Faced with the unbeatable Grimm, humanity adapted, developing a new weapon capable of dealing with the giant monsters.
“I would kill for a cheeseburger,” Ruby sighed.
Weiss ignored her, even though she knew that doing so would only make her dolt of a partner worse. Sure enough she sighed again, louder, and, when that didn't work, she actually said 'sigh' out loud. Finally Weiss bowed to the inevitable. “What?”
“I said, I'd kill for a cheeseburger.”
“Well, unless you intend to try human meat I'm not sure what you expect me to do about it,” Weiss said.
“I don't want you to do anything,” Ruby pouted. “I just wanted to complain.”
“Oh, I see,” Weiss hummed. “Well, if we're complaining about things that we know won't get fixed by talking about it, I'm stuck with a dolt of a partner who won't let me focus on the sensors when we're waiting to ambush a pack of Grimm.”
“Jeez, that does sound annoying,” Ruby said blithely. “Hey, if you could eat anything, what would you eat? Like, right now? Usually I'd say strawberries, or cookies, but I really want a big ol' juicy cheeseburger. What about you?”
“Some silence maybe,” Weiss said. “I would love some silence.”
“Silly Weiss, you can't eat silence.”
Weiss just closed her eyes, slowly counting to ten in her head. It wouldn't look good if she strangled her partner while on the job. Or ever, probably, although she'd likely get a special dispensation from people that knew Ruby if it didn't interfere with her field work.
A beeping sound attracted her attention, and she stiffened, focusing completely on the many screens in front of her. Even Ruby became quiet, recognizing when Weiss was in the middle of something that truly demanded all of her attention.
“I'm picking up Grimm,” Weiss said. “I'm reading a pack of Beowolves. One of them might be an Alpha, but he's staying in the middle of the pack so it's hard to get a reading on him.”
“ETA?” Ruby asked.
“Five minutes,” Weiss said.
“Alright!” Ruby cheered. “Let's get this finished! We take care of this pack and we can head back to Vale and celebrate.”
“That sounds nice,” Weiss said with a smile as she began to work her way through her part of the checklist as the two of them prepared for combat. “We should go to that new sushi place that just opened up.”
“What- no! Cheeseburger Weiss! Cheeseburger!”
“But you said celebrate,” Weiss said innocently. Despite the amount of wear and tear they'd put on it over the past few years, their vehicle came up smoothly, the work by the mechanics, as well as their own care, keeping it ready despite everything. “Sushi would make for a nice celebration.”
“Bleh. Raw fish. That's not food. Where's the grease? Where's the meat. Where's the beef!”
“But Blake would come along if we go for sushi,” Weiss said. “Checklist clear. Ready?”
“Checklist clear, ready,” Ruby agreed as she flicked the last few switches. “Condition green, everything normal. And if I ask Yang she'd go for burgers, and then Blake would come with her.”
“Not if I mention sushi to Blake first,” Weiss said smugly. “You know there's no way Yang would disappoint Blake by not giving her fish when she asks for it.”
“Noooo!” Ruby cried. “Not if I get to them first!”
“Who's running the comms, Ruby,” Weiss said. “I just need to type a quick message…”
“No fair! Please! I really, really want a cheeseburger. Greasy beef, gooey cheese, greasy and gooey bread from the beef and the cheese… and all those crispy, greasy fries!”
Weiss made a face. “Ugh. Are you trying to convince me to send Blake that message?”
Ruby sighed. “What do you want?”
“Want?” Weiss asked, an expression of false innocence on her face so fake even Penny would've seen through it. “Whatever do you mean?”
Ruby crossed her arms and gave her a look. After a moment Weiss smirked. “Well, there was that new ballet opening this weekend.”
Ruby looked torn, her face pained as she struggled with the difficult choice, before finally her shoulders slumped. “Fine. We can go to the stupid ballet.”
Weiss leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “Now see, was that so bad?”
“Yes,” Ruby pouted.
“Well, why don't you work out some aggression on those Grimm,” Weiss said. “They'll be here right about… now.”
With that Ruby flicked the last switches, grabbing both sticks and working the pedals. Their combat mech, a Huntress Mark IV, stood from cover, the plants they'd affixed to it falling away to reveal its custom white and red paint job. It resembled a human knight without a head, but standing twenty feet tall, and was exceptionally bulky and broad in the chest. Bight spotlights on either side of the torso lit up the dense woods at the press of a button by Weiss, and the arms lifted, revealing the pair of heavy gauss gatling cannons mounted on the underside of each.
Even inside of the protected cockpit the sound of both cannons firing was loud. They spat forty millimeter ferrous slugs at five times the speed of sound, at a rate of two hundred slugs per second. Anyone outside of the combat mech would've been instantly deafened, and even nearby Grimm howled in pain at the assault on their eardrums.
Trees between them and the Grimm pack were instantly cut down, and the Grimm faired little better. As Ruby scythed the arms across the battlefield Grimm were cut cleanly in half, the giant monsters, which rivaled the height of the Huntress mech, were no match for so much firepower at such close range.
Weiss kept a close eye on the sensors, calling out warnings whenever one of the Beowolves tried to flank them. Ruby would respond by running the mech backwards, or, if that failed to buy sufficient distance, she would fire off the jump jets, sending them flying through the air until they were away from the rampaging Grimm.
“I see the alpha!” Ruby shouted.
“On it,” Weiss said, quickly preparing a firing solution. Once she had it ready she glanced at the main view screen, where the gargantuan Grimm, half again as tall as their mech, loped towards them, its thick white bone armor repelling even the devastating gauss cannon, as Ruby kept one firing at it while the other continued mopping up the smaller Beowolves. “Ready!”
“Light 'em up!” Ruby shouted.
Weiss flipped up the cover on the button, and then pressed it. The shoulders of the mech lifted up, revealing four small missile launchers on each side, which then began to spew forth dozens of missiles from each tube. The screens dimmed, replacing the normal picture with a composite from the high resolution radar system and other sensors, as the explosions from hundreds of plasma missiles fired at point blank range made sight impossible. Their own mech rocked on its stabilizers, before the barrage cut off.
“It's too close, pull back or get out the scythe,” Weiss said.
“Hmm, it'll regen too fast if we pull back,” Ruby said. “Looks like the missiles peeled its armor off, so I'll go hand to hand.”
Weiss looked up at the main screen, which had finally reverted to normal vision. The Alpha Beowolf was missing its armor and skin, with black smoke rising from all over its body. Despite that the creature kept pressing forward, somehow moving even faster as it kept the ruined, now eyeless face pointed at the mech. All around the beast was a vast, oblong wasteland of glass, as the plasma missiles had utterly vaporized everything within twenty meters of the Grimm as it moved, the heat so intense that the surrounding trees turned directly into ash without starting a forest fire.
With a whoop of excitement Ruby launched the mech towards the Alpha, pulling a long pole from its back as she did so. The pole served as a barrel for the long sniper rail gun, which fired hypervelocity rounds capable of destroying a normal Grimm to the very edge of radar range, but it also served as the body of the mech's melee weapon. With the press of a button a blade of pure plasma emerged from the end of the pole, creating a massive, incredibly lethal scythe, which Ruby quickly put to use.
As much as she enjoyed watching Ruby fight at close range, Weiss returned her attention to the sensors, providing quick warnings whenever one of the few surviving Beowolves tried to ambush them. Dealing with the minor threats slowed them down, but they were swiftly dispatched with a single swing of the scythe or a burst of gauss cannon fire. It was still enough to keep the Alpha in the fight, with even the terrible injuries already inflicted rapidly regenerating, the plasma wounds barely slowing it down. Finally, when the last of the small Grimm had sacrificed themselves, Weiss gave the all clear, and Ruby set to work.
The Alpha Beowolf didn't last much longer after that.
“And that's a wrap!” Ruby crowed once Weiss had verified the all clear one last time with her sensors.
“I suppose so,” Weiss said, before pressing a few buttons on her comm controls. “White Rose to Beacon Actual. Dogs put down, returning to base. Over.”
“Was that worth a kiss?” Ruby asked hopefully when she finished.
“Hmm… I don't know,” Weiss said. “You took a long time dealing with that Alpha. Losing your touch?”
“No way!” Ruby shouted. “Did you see how old it was! Besides, I got it in the end.”
“Fine,” Weiss sighed, before leaning over and giving Ruby a long, toe curling kiss. “Sushi time?”
“No! Weiss! Cheeseburgers!”
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Downfall Of Us All: Chapter 14
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Downfall of Us All
Chapter 14
AN: I hope everyone is alright, and staying safe. This chapter is full of angst and sadness.
Warnings: Child loss, grief and depression
Grace was busy making the coffee buttercream for Tony's dark chocolate and coffee cake, she'd just finished making the sugar glass Iron Man for him. The chocolate cake was baking in the oven, giving her and Sophie time to get the decorations done. Tony had done so much for them and was trying to help her find Zach. And this was she was keeping herself busy, she knew deep down that her son was dead but a part of her was in denial. She didn't want to believe that her son was dead. She was just hoping for a miracle, Clint came over quietly and she smiled at him as they started writing Iron Man on the cake. "I know it's been two years, I know Zach might be gone but am I stupid for trying to keep faith?" She asked quietly, Clint was silent as he looked at her quietly. "No, I don't think you're stupid. I think it's good that you're open minded, and not giving up," Clint said finally, if he was in Grace's position, he'd never give up. Grace nodded in thanks and watched as Sophie took the cake out of the oven. She then carefully put it down to cool.
With patient twenty-five and patient twenty-seven successfully impregnated, Dr Rodchenko had focused the attention on Darcy Lewis. She'd attempted to escape twice, and Rumlow always had like a fight.
"Miss Lewis, do you really think Miss Potts and Dr Foster want to abort their babies?" He asked calmly, looking at the girl who was tied down to the bed. She had an IV and the Extrimis serum pumping into her veins, she was glaring at him. Rumlow would enjoy her. "They're not babies, they're......things born out of rape!" Darcy screamed enraged, and he narrowed his eyes at the insolent, pathetic girl in front of him. "I had hoped you'd listen Miss Lewis. However, it seems, you are too stubborn to realise the good you will do by carrying the new generation of HYDRA," Rodchenko said disappointed, and nodded at the hidden camera.
Darcy didn't want kids, she never wanted them and the fact that Jane along with Pepper had quickly given up was unbelievable. This was forced impregnating, these bastards were forcing to have babies. She said nothing as Laura entered and calmly injected her with something, she didn't feel anything for a minute. But then a burning sensation was ripping through her, as she saw a handsome man with dark brown hair. His eyes were cruel and looked excited, he strolled over and very firmly gripped her face. "You're not killing our babies, bitch. They're gonna bring down our enemies, and you're not doing a botched abortion." He growled menacingly, cupping her right breasts with his right hand. Darcy whimpered, maybe if she made out she liked his sadistic sexual fantasies, he'd let her go. Hell, she'd bring him the woman he was obsessed about.
"Harder," Darcy whispered. Rumlow quirked an eyebrow at her. "This is new." "I've always enjoyed it," Darcy said flippantly. "I'm just tired of pretending I don't. It's getting old." Rumlow chuckled at that. "You're not playing a game with me, are you little girl?" Ah, Darcy thought. Is that what he likes? "What do you want me to be, handsome? Your little? Your baby girl?" Darcy asked cautiously. Rumlow slid his hand down to the hem of her gown, back up to her breast under it. "Not from you." "From her," Darcy said quietly. "Your blonde girl. What's her name again?" "Grace," he said tightly. "Grace," Darcy said with enthusiasm. "It's a beautiful name. I'm not half the woman she is…" "You're not," Rumlow muttered, his other hand cupping his erection. "I could help you get her back," Darcy teased, pressing her breast further into his hand. "I haven't met her, so they'd never suspect me of anything. Especially if I were a poor rescued, traumatized survivor. Think about it. They'd be so busy trying to take care of me, I could pretty much do what I wanted." His hand stopped moving. She could see in his face he was thinking about what she was saying, considering it. "Yeah, and how would you secure her for me?" "However, you want me to," Darcy went on. "You want her, not me. I get her for you, everyone gets what they want." "Or," Rumlow continued, "I keep her, and you and we have more HYDRA agents. What do you think of that?" "You want a HYDRA agent with my personality traits? I don't think so," Darcy explained. "I don't follow orders. I don't play well with others. How would any child of mine work out for what you guys want." Rumlow's smile didn't reach his eyes. "Because we could brainwash the little bastard into doing what we want if he doesn't comply."
Don't let him rattle you, Darce. Keep your composure. "Did she give you children?" "Yes," Rumlow's movements stopped at that. "It was a boy." "What happened?" Darcy wanted to keep him talking. Talking wasn't rape. Talking wasn’t being impregnated. "She had a son," Rumlow explained. "Named him Zach. Raised him even though she conceived him the same way you will conceive yours. I guess in some perverted way I loved her for that. Fucking S.H.I.E.L.D. took him." Darcy frowned. "What do you mean S.H.I.E.L.D. took him?" Rumlow's laugh was cold. "Fucking Ross came and had him taken away from her. It was cold as shit, especially when they run around calling themselves the good guys." Her heart clenched in her chest. Jesus, what did Ross do? "What happened to him then?" Darcy asked intrigued by the story, she wanted to know what had happened. His expression darkened. "They… You know what? Why am I talking to you? Stupid bitch." Darcy hissed in pain when he backhanded her, putting his strength into it. "I see what you're doing. It won't work. You should be grateful. You're not a Pepper Potts. You're not an astrophysicist. You're nothing. When you get knocked up with my kid from HYDRA, then you have something to be proud of. Until then…" Rumlow hopped up on the bed then, ripping away her clothes and his while Darcy screamed.
She didn't want this, she didn't want to be used as a broodmare for HYDRA, she wanted things to be normal. She blamed Jane for this, not admitting that she'd caused this by hacking into the old Soviet files.
The team had arrived back from the bakery, after Sophie and Grace had taken cake orders from regular and old customers. One customer had asked if they could do an Avengers themed birthday cake, for her seven-year-old twin boys.
The flavour was a chocolate cake with salted caramel, and chocolate buttercream. They'd just finished the cake for Saturday, and just needed to finish the decorations. Grace smiled at Tom who meowed, and she fed him, before scratching him behind the ears. Lucky, Clint's golden one-eyed Labrador was happily eating his dog food. She smiled at Clint who smiled back, as it was Tony's turn to cook dinner tonight. He was cooking Italian pasta, with beef meatballs and for dessert was tiramisu. Lilia was helping, and she had her dark mahogany hair pulled up into a fishtail plait. She was wearing a black pencil skirt, with a white shirt.
She couldn't help but feel safe here, as she finished the sugar glass pieces, and let them cool overnight. She was now going to take a shower, and then look for information on her son. She wouldn't give up on him.
"You're absolutely sure it's this place, Mack?" Coulson asked urgently, the man nodded as they overlooked a mass grave that had been discovered. "Positive, we better alert the Avengers, and Miss Drăgoi." May said quietly, overlooking the mass grave that had been located in Siberia, Russia. Diplomatic relations between Russia and America, had softened thanks to the Avengers who had exposed HYDRA agents working in the government. Coulson nodded, and looked at the lifeless body of a blonde-haired young boy, being placed gently into a body bag.
"Sir, two agents from S.H.E.I.L.D wish to speak to all of you." Jarvis announced, Tony frowned but nodded at the AI. He had a bad feeling about this. "Let them in, Jarvis." He said wearily, seeing the others looking wearily at the security footage. The two agents were let in, and Grace looked nervous. Coulson and May entered the room, and the tension in the air thickened. Clint saw Grace looked anxious, and wordlessly held her hand, and she held onto it tightly as Sophie wrapped an arm around her. "What's going on, Coulson?" Natasha asked finally, sensing that something was horribly wrong, and the agent took in a deep breath. He nodded at May, and she pulled out a dark brown teddy bear. Grace stiffened at the sight of the stuffed teddy bear, she could feel her heart pounding away in her chest. This was her son's teddy bear, Zach's favourite stuffed animal. "Where did you find that? That's my son's teddy bear?!" Grace asked fearfully, walking over and Coulson swallowed. "Our agents who were working with the Russian task force on HYDRA, discovered a mass grave in Siberia. I'm so sorry to ask this, but is this your son's teddy bear?" He asked gently. Grace swallowed but felt like she was drowning, she nodded and reached out to touch it. "Yes, it's my son's teddy bear. Where is he?!" She asked desperately, and Coulson took in a deep breath. "There's no easy way for me to say this, Miss Melnychenko Drăgoi. Your son's body was found in the mass grave," He explained quietly, and Grace went numb. Her son was dead....no, he couldn't be dead.
Clint caught Grace up in his arms before she could fall. He watched her crumble, curl in on herself. His heart ached, knowing that pain and knowing that there wasn't a damn thing he could do to fix this for her, to make it better.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Coulson," Steve was in full Cap mode. "Was it really necessary to handle it like this? With no sensitivity to Grace whatsoever?" Coulson looked horrified, being taken to task by his idol. "Sorry Captain. "We'd been tasked by Stark to see what we could find, and we wanted to let you know our findings right away. I guess I didn't…" "No, you didn't," Steve said with a scowl.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clint had already scooped up a sobbing Grace, Sophie and Bucky on his heels as he steered them out of the living area and back to Clint's own apartment. Sinking down onto the couch with her, he just held onto her. Sophie sank onto her heels next to them, crooning and smoothing her sister's hair while tears ran down her face as well. It had been her nephew. For long moments, the only sounds in the room were the ragged sobs that tore from Grace. Sophie rose, whispering she'd be back, and dragging Bucky from the room behind her.
Sophie couldn't breathe she was so upset. Bucky had followed her back to her room, allowing her to shut them in her bedroom so she could be confident Grace couldn't hear. "Doll, are you okay?" Bucky's expression was edged with concern. "Breathe." "I don't feel like I can breathe," she told him, barely holding herself together. "I'm so scared, Bucky." Smoothing his palm over her face, he meant to calm her, get her focused on him. "No one is going to hurt you or Grace. We won't allow it." "I'm not worried about me," Sophie told him, her voice breaking. "It's Grace. I don't know why they took Zach or why they killed him, Bucky. In time, maybe we'll find out why they did this to us. But Grace… We have to watch her, night and day, Bucky. She'll go after them. I know it. I can't lose her. She's all I have." Bucky hadn't expected them to find the boy alive. He hadn't said as much and had hoped by some miracle he was wrong. Now that he'd been found, there were questions to be answered. Somehow it didn't feel him like this was the resolution of something, but the beginning. "We'll be there for Grace," he told them. "We need to talk to Steve and Tony. There's a lot of things I'm wondering here." The pain he read on Sophie's face blended with confusion. "What questions?" "We can't assume anything," he said carefully. "We need to know who killed him and why. And some of the answers aren't going to be easy for you or Grace to hear. This is all connected somehow to Pepper's disappearance, Dr. Foster and Darcy. What happened to Grace. It's all connected. We have to find those answers. We have to stop it." Sophie nodded, trying not to lose her composure. "Okay?" He whispered. Sophie nodded before pressing herself into his arms, seeking comfort.
Bucky held her tightly, feeling her tears stain his shirt but he didn't care about that. What hurt him, was seeing Sophie cry and mourn for her beloved nephew. He kissed her forehead, holding her tightly.
Grace didn't blame Coulson, he was only trying to be kind, but her heart felt like it had been ripped out. Her baby boy, her precious boy was dead. She clutched at Clint like he was her lifeline, he held her tightly and she felt like screaming. She felt like going on a murderous rampage and sobbed. What had her son done to deserve this? She could only imagine what those animals had done to Zach, her son must have been so frightened and alone. "He must have been so scared, Clint. And I wasn't there to keep him safe, I'm his mother and I couldn't save him." She sobbed brokenly, Clint held her tightly. "This wasn't your fault, he knew you loved him. Zach knew that you loved him, Grace," Clint said comfortingly, Grace sobbed brokenly and buried her face against where his heart was beating. He rocked her gently, singing an old lullaby that his mother would sing to him when he was upset. She held onto him tightly, as he saw Bucky and Sophie come in. Sophie nodded at him, and held Grace's hand tightly, tears sliding down her face silently. Bucky sat beside her, and his own face was saddened.
"What the hell was Zach doing in Siberia? He wasn't dressed for that type of weather." Steve asked horrified, Zach's body was being prepared to be sent back to the states. "I think it's safe to say, that either HYDRA or someone else were experimenting on him and other children. Daisy Johnson is sending us files, and there's a link," Tony said quietly, pulling up the emails between Thaddeus Ross and Senator Ellen Nadeer. "Senator Ellen Nadeer is part of the committee that oversees the Sokovian Accords, she voted in favour of it. But, Coulson's team have linked her to the Watchdogs, Gonzalez and to Ross. She and Gonzalez were the ones that had Zach and four other children arrested and taken away." Tony said grimly, when Jemma entered. "Zach's body will be here in the morning, two Russian agents will be bringing the evidence they found. They found four other bodies, and the families are being notified." She said quietly. "It's all somehow linked to Pepper, Dr Foster, Darcy, Sophie, Natasha and Grace. Something is going on here, Tony." Bruce said gravely, when a red eyed May and Peter entered with Michelle and Ned. "Is it true, Tony?" Peter asked shakily, he'd known Zach since he was a baby. He and Ned would babysit him and play with him.
Steve was worried about Tony at this point. His friend truly looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. His dark eyes met Peter's and he nodded. Peter crumbled, and Tony pulled the young man into his arms. "I'm so sorry, kid. I really am." Meeting May's gaze above Peter's head, Tony looked so sad. "Why?" May asked, her voice breaking. "Who would do something to a little boy like that. He was… so sweet. The sweetest little boy since Peter… Why?" "I wish I knew, May," Tony told her. "But we will find out." His gaze swung to Steve who nodded. "We will get to the bottom of this, Ma'am. You can be sure of that." He watched Peter turn to be captured in a group embrace with his friends and May. Tony motioned for Steve to follow him into his office, closing the door as soon as Steve was inside.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve waited for the other man to say what he needed to say. "There will be an autopsy done," Tony began. "I want to know exactly what they did to him and why." Steve did as well. "What is Ross doing?" Tony said quietly. "This fascination with both Grace and Sophie has been obvious since the beginning. Am I the only one who thinks that?" Steve shook his head. "It crossed my mind. But we're going to have to move forward carefully, Tony. We can't include everyone on the team in this." "Agreed." Tony stared at the floor for a moment, deep in thought, before looking back up. "Grace. From what you know of her, is she capable of going, vigilante? Would she try to go after them on her own?" "She's a mother, Tony," Steve said carefully. "Of course, she is. It's how to prevent it that I'm trying to work out." "Clint," Tony offered. "He's her mentor. She trusts him. I don't care if we have to handcuff her to Clint, we have to make sure she doesn't get away from us." Steve frowned at that. "What are you so concerned about happening?" Tony's gaze never wavered. "If she goes rogue, Ross has an excuse to put her down or worse…" "Wait," Steve followed that train of thought. "You really think Ross is in this?" "Up to his ass." Tony's jaw locked. "We can't give him an excuse to kill her, or worse, arrest her. If they did whatever they did to her son, what would they do to her? Her sister?" Steve saw his point. Ross would likely go after Sophie too and that Steve wouldn't allow. Bucky was falling for the young woman. Steve knew how this would go. Bucky wouldn't hesitate to go to extremes to keep her safe, to do what he thought he should do for her. Well, hell. "We'll need to keep Bucky and Clint apprised of what's going on," Steve stressed to him. Tony nodded. "We'll need to allow for a funeral service, Tony," Steve continued. "It's going to be hard, but we have to it." Tony nodded again, seemed to not be hearing him. "Do you think… I mean. Pepper…" Tony looked like a man burning alive on the inside. "Is there a chance?" Steve's heart sunk for his friend. "I hope so, Tony. I really do." Tony walked around to his chair behind the desk, sank into it heavily. "She's pregnant, Steve. She's pregnant and didn't want the child. Because it's mine. Or because she didn't want to be tied to me. Will I…" "See him or her?" Steve offered, trying to keep his voice even. It was hard. All of HYDRA's dealings in this arena, tampering with the lives of innocent children, was the worst sort of evil to him. So unforgivable that he wondered how he would keep control if he were to encounter certain scenarios. "The child is valuable to them, Tony," Steve said slowly. "Because it's yours. That give him or her a chance. I'll do whatever I can to help you bring that baby home, Tony. I promise you that." Tony nodded, then his face crumbled. Tony Stark, the Tony Stark, burst into tears causing Steve to rise to his feet. Tony waved him away with a hand. "No, go. I'm sorry…" Steve understood. He closed the door behind him as he went to see out Nat, to get her take on how to proceed here. He'd have to take the lead on this one. He was the only one who wasn't emotionally compromised. He'd get Sam's input too. The only thing he was sure of? He'd put a stop to HYDRA hurting his team.
tagging list: @jtargaryen18​, @marvelfansworld​, @sapphirescrolls​, @nomadicpixel​, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​, @queenoftheunderdark​, @redfoxwritesstuff​, and @my-favourite-fics​, and @kitkatd7​
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ideocosmonaut · 6 years
Would you rather date someone who had a car or a job? Ehh probably job.
What’s the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? Trust, perhaps?
Have you ever wanted to watch a scary movie with someone JUST to have an excuse to be close to them? Kind of
Be with someone cute and a jerk or ugly and kind? ugly and kind
Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color. Steak, Coke Zero, Gray or black
If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on? Weekly short vacations. Maybe fly to a city every weekend and go on a shopping spree.
Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show. Harry Potter, Robocop, Seinfeld
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? I dont have an ex
if you had to choose between being blind or deaf which would you pick? Hmm. Maybe blind. I love art and music but my eyes get me into more trouble than my ears.
Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color. How boring. Onions, water, yellow
What do you spend most of your money on? Bills
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Boxer briefs
If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do? Probably nothing. Why would they want to talk to me? They’re probably really tired and just want to chill on the ride home. I mean, if I feel brave, maybe I’ll say hi and that I really love their work but that’s about it.
What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself? Any... insult?
What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house? A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a ceiling, walls...
If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why? Some kind of bird
What is your biggest pet peeve? Being wrongfully accused
Do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 80s and 90s comedies
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A cop. An astronaut
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? yeah.
First concert? Flogging Molly, for a big name band. But I went to local shows in school
Tea or coffee? i like both.
Do you think you were well raised? Up until I was a teenager
How do you handle stress? not well. 
Do you hide things well? Not really
If you had to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose? I’d rather not. If I had to... family member. I’ve lost almost all of the good ones already anyway. And my friends are a precious few.
Do you see yourself ever being with someone you’ve been with before? No?
Would you rather live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people or a huge house by yourself that you felt was haunted? Huge house... if I didnt have to keep it up by myself.
How many piercings do you have? 0
Do you see yourself as a “good” person? No. No one is really good or bad. People are people. Everyone has their own ambitions. And a basic desire. People change all the time, nothing is set in stone.
Are your nails painted a dark or light color? N/a
Have you ever order pizza online? yes
What color was the last candle you lit? Cream?
Is there something written on your shirt right now? No
Is there a bookshelf in your room? no.
Do you own a treadmill? nope.
Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? yes.
What color was the last fish you had? Orangey
Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? Nah
Have you ever read in the bathtub? No
If you play the sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc? I imagine I would
Have you ever put ice cubes in milk? no.
Does your animal sleep with you? N/a
What do you use to remove your makeup at night? N/a
Do you have a favorite TV show that actually isn’t on air anymore Umm maybe. I think most of my favorites are still alive somewhere in TV land
Have you ever bought something off of iTunes? i don’t think so.
Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? nope.
Do you know how many pages the last book you read had? nope.
What day of the week does the laundry usually get done? Saturday
Do you use the Facebook chat often? daily.
Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? Nah
How many favorites do you have on youtube? hundreds
What channel is the food network? i dont have cable
Do you still write in pencil? sometimes
What brand is your foundation? n/a
What kind was the last chip you ate? Uhh doritos i think
Do you eat onion rings? not often but i love them.
When did you last go to the zoo? years ago
How many cardigans do you own? 1
What is your favorite song to play on guitarhero or rockband? none
What flavor of tea did you last have? Milos
Do you own a robe? yes
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? An upload of the new Puppet Master movie
Have you ever brushed your teeth and then drank orange juice? yeah
When was the last time you had pancakes or waffles? yesterday
Do you know anyone whose birthday is today? my step-mom
If you died right now, how would you feel about your life? I wouldn't exist so I wouldn't feel anything. That’s an upside. Can you imagine how bad you’d feel if you died? It’s a mercy we dont feel anything after.
Was the last person you texted under 18? no I dont believe any of the people ive texted are under 18
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? like two
Do you like hoodies? yes.
When was the last time you attended a wedding? May?
Have you had alcohol this week? uhhhhhhhh nope actually
What windows are open on your computer right now? You mean tabs? This, FB, another Tumblr, and youtube
Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes Is there anything you are craving right now? affection
What’s the last thing you had to eat? rice and beef
Who were the last four people to text you? my dad, my step-mom, a couple friends
Do you have any morbid interests? nothing habitual
Do you know anyone whose birthday is tomorrow? no.
What was the last thing you found that you thought you lost forever? an earbud cover
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop for the New Year? no
If you have a Twitter, do you use something else besides the computer to update your tweets? nope
Do you like potato salad? Ive never had one I liked
Who was the last person that apologized to you? my bff. It’s funny that I say sorry a lot but I dont hear it very often. only from him. hmm.
Have you ever driven and ended up running out of gas? no
When was the last time you uploaded pictures from your camera? months ago
Did you do the laundry today? yes
What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? wasnt sleepy
Did you straighten or curl your hair last? n/a
Have you ever been off-roading? yes
Was the last number you added to your cell phone a guy’s or girl’s number? a restaurant probably
Do you enjoy being a tease? kind of. not too much.
Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? nope.
Who was the last person you caught lying to you? eh i dont recall
How old were you when you were first pulled over by the police? umm 19 ish?
Do you have a webcam that’s built into your computer or did it come separately? n/a
Was there ever a time that you lived on an island? I am an island. Shut up, Ben Howard.
Have you ever made a time capsule? I did in school
When was the last time you drank out of a champagne glass? long time ago
What was the last casino you went to? N/a
Does it flood easily where you live? kind of
Let’s start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 12 hours? nope.
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? no.
Does anything hurt on you? my foot
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe
Do you look at the keyboard when you type? sometimes
Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word?   not really
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? yes, many times
Do you like MySpace? i did back when it was popular.
Do you like glitter? its ok
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? my mom
What’s the closest thing to you that’s liquid? 
my... pee?
Are your toe nails painted pink? no.
Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? no... I mean, i doubt it? maybe? who knows.
Are you excited for Saturday? I was until I hurt my foot
What are you listening to right now? Game Grumps
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? Gatlinburg 
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? possibly
Are you gonna be home tonight? yes.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? not if it stops there
Are you easily scared at horror films? not easily
If there was a large spider in the room, what would you say? Depends on how large and what kind
Do you have good memories with old friends? of course. 
How are you feeling right now? in pain
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? oh yeah
How many friends do you have that have never smoked? a few
Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? yes.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Did you have a dream last night? probably, i just don’t remember it.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? of course, as long as they’re single too.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad
Have you held hands with anyone today? no.
Do you drop your phone a lot? nah
Your last ex says they never even liked you. You say? You dont exist?
When was the last time you saw your father? last weekend
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Hmm. that’s a tough one. I use humor to cope a lot but I always try to remain within certain guidelines around certain people. it’s a lot to keep up with. Me? I can laugh at almost anything. Im pretty numb to most things. It doesnt come from a place of disrespect, but a need to laugh.
Would you say you’re an understanding person? mostly.
How is your life currently? it sucks.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? sleeping
Do you want to see somebody right now? sure.
How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? just the one.
Have you ever done anything illegal? yes
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? mom
What’s currently bothering you? my foot. looming anxiety over possibly being fired. being totally alone.
Have you thought about an ex today? no.
Are any of your friends taller than you? yes.
Did you do anything productive today? yes.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? To relive certain things, maybe. Barry Allen taught me not to fuck with the timeline
Today, did you hug a person you have feelings for? no
Do you wish at 11:11? nah
Are you currently in a relationship? no
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? apparently they are everything
Think of the last person who said “I love you” to you. Do you think they meant it? I guess. 
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? yes.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yes
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Depends but im mostly for it
Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby today? no.
How long were you with your last bf/gf? never
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back? probably. im ripe for the abuse.
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you? no
Do you think you will ever be married? probably not
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes. that’s life
Is it possible to be single and happy? temporarily
Last time you wore something that didn’t belong to you? idk
Has anything happened in the past month that made you really happy? aside from food, not really. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? n/a
How much money did you spend today? $0
Are you a rude person? to people who are rude
Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? no. 
What’s something you’re excited for? Cyberpunk 2077
Does cuddling freak you out? A little. I dont like not being able to move
What do you think of maxi dresses? idk
What did the last text in your inbox say? From who? my phone’s in the other room...... >_>
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? Call the police.
Have you ever gambled? yes.
Do you use tobacco products? not anymore
Would you ever go a week without showering? only if i had to
Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you? Yeah
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
hehe vaccine day >:)
I woke up and ate a bagel outside with my cat :) I also worked on my friend’s birthday present, but I dropped a tiny piece somewhere in my room and lost it :( but that’s fine, that was the piece I wanted to remake anyway because of the drill hole too close to the edge. but I added a thin layer of resin to both sides of the other 3 pieces and let it sit in the sun. I accidentally got resin in the drill hole for one, and when I tried to re-drill the hole, the layer of resin separated from the plastic and adding more to try and fix it just made it ugly, so I'm remaking that piece too. I went to go sew the paw pads onto the other pair of a matching set, but I misplaced the paper template so instead I sewed one lining. then my sister banged on the wall to complain about me singing to myself at my desk while she was trying to work, so I sat in the backyard doing nothing and repeating the first phrase of “if I were a rich man” to myself over and over, watching the bumblebees fly around from one dandelion to another. my appointment for my covid vaccine was coming up, so I took a quick shower, gathered my things, realized I was cutting it pretty damn close, rushed out the door, moved the silver car because my sister wanted it to go to track, and sped pretty much the whole way there. while at a stoplight thought: google maps: 15 minute drive. me, gay and running late: 10 minute drive. based on some textpost that was the same thing but me, gay, caffeinated: 10 mine walk. idk I thought it was funny. I walked into Kroger and when I was checking in at the pharmacy, they asked for my insurance and at first I thought I didnt have it and I got really worried, until I realized that I DID have the card I needed, I just didnt know what it was called. so they sat me down in the waiting area and I was very anxious the whole time. a very polite dude doctor called me in, gave me paperwork, a card, and a sticker. and told me about symptoms n stuff. I was so anxious about it that my hands shook a little while glancing at the paperwork, and I teared up looking at the needle sitting on the desk, building it all up in my head. thankfully, before he injected it, he asked if I had any hobbies to distract me from the needle. I looked away at the wall and told him about how I was sewing a dress for my friend’s upcoming picnic birthday, and as I stammered through the story I wasn't so focused on the needle, but I still felt it and it only kinda hurt. I knew it wasn't going to be bad, I’m just a baby. and hooray!! they didnt give me a boring tan bandaid! they have custom ones for the Kroger pharmacy, and it’s pretty with multicolored plus signs and the Kroger logo on it. the 15 minutes in the waiting room to check for an alergic reaction was pleasantly uneventful, so I returned my timer and left. I thought about getting myself a treat on the way home, but I've consumed a lot of sugar in the past couple of days and didnt need more. I accidentally took the interstate home, but that went relatively smoothly until I looked at my gas gage and realized it was completely empty... whoops :I and I took a bunch of really stupid wrong turns just trying to get into the gas station, and when I finally got there I pulled up to the wrong side, then I was too far away, then I couldn't find the gas cap lever thingy... eventually I to it to work but I felt like a damn FOOL. so I filled it up and when I tried to start the car IT DIDNT FUCKIN START. this is a known problem with this car. I tried a couple times to get it to go and it just putter. on my last try I revved the engine a couple times to get it to go, and that finally worked, so I wasn't stranded at the gas station thank fuck. I went in and found the Mountain Dew zero my mom wanted from yesterday along with beef jerky and Cheeto popcorn and went home. I handed my mom her stuff and ate my popcorn in the backyard, chilling out and calming down after all that shit. i just kinda hung out until my dad came home and he made dinner and I told him about my day and we ate and waited a little antique roadshow and I went to go hang out in my room. I keep thinking its later than it actually is, and now that it’s finally almost 2 am, im hungry and not all that tired >:/ bleh. if you're wondering, I got the Pfizer vaccine, and so far the only side effects ive had are injection sight muscle soreness and being sexy as hell. hopefully only one is temporary..
0 notes
panda-noosh · 6 years
can i request some headcanons for the paladins with an s/o who is really insecure about their culture (specifically an eas/tern eur/opean one)? i grew up witnessing lots of xenophobia in my childhood so ive always been too embarrassed to eat some of my culture's foods or to speak my secondary native language in public for fear of being made fun of (im a child of immi/grants). itd mean a lot to me seeing some positivity about that!
Don’t ever feel ashamed of where you come from! Here’s your request! x
I think Shiro would be so interested in your culture backhome, and it would really confuse him whenever you decided to go against thatto fit in with the ‘normal.’
Shiro is from Japan, which is a very cultured place. Hecelebrates his culture a lot more than he goes against it, so he just naturallythinks that everybody else is the same as him.
Whenever he found out that you were from Eastern Europe, hewould immediately take great pride in researching the type of things that yourcountry celebrates and the culture and the foods.
But then you’re informing him that you don’t really followany of that stuff any more – not since people started to look at you weird fordoing so.
This would both confuse and anger Shiro a little bit – it wouldalso make him feel a little guilty that you felt that way.
He would go out of his way to celebrate your home country,even though he isn’t even from there himself.
Whenever you two would go out and you’d say something like, “Wow,I’d really love some Borscht right now,” but then you’d proceed to ordersomething else, Shiro would order the Borscht for himself and share it withyou.
He would also be the type of guy who gets really excited andgiddy whenever he sees something that originated from the country you were bornin, just because it reminds him of you and he finds great joy in seeing youhappy.
He definitely wouldn’t push you to do anything you’re notcomfortable with.
But saying that, at the same time, he would also not want youto stop following your cultures traditions just because of some assholes whodon’t even understand what it is they’re making fun of.
So, he sparks conversation.
That’s Keith way of getting you more involved with your ownculture – he just talks about it.
And the conversations always flow surprisingly easy, eventhough at the beginning, you felt a little uncomfortable talking about your oldtraditions, the ways you left behind.
But then, you ease into it and you can see the genuineinterest sparking in Keith’s eyes – that’s not a look you get often.
It takes a look to make Keith genuinely interested in a topiche isn’t already genius-level educated on.
So whenever you see that he has interest in what it is you’retalking about, it just pushes you to talk about it more, that look of awe he isgiving you making you feel happier than you would have expected.
Keith even tries to learn your mouth tongue, as well.
He’s always been that kind of guy, hasn’t he? He just wantsto learn everything, so whenever hesees you – a person who comes from a completely different background than theone he is so used to seeing – he doesn’t waste a moment in asking you questionafter question about what it was like growing up in your home country and thetraditions you used to celebrate.
Whenever you inform him that you don’t really associateyourself with any of that any more – not since moving – his face just kind ofdrops and he’s genuinely confused as to why.
He is from Cuba. He takes great pride in his home country,often speaking Spanish at random times, just so he can feel closer to home whenhe is so far away.
So to hear that you don’t do the same thing, that yousometimes even feel a little embarrassed by it all, he gets really confused andimmediately wants to know why.
He probably learns little words in your mother tongue, andyou two will be sitting in a meeting or something and he’ll just whisper somerandom vocab word in your mother tongue out of nowhere, just to shock you.
His favourite time is whenever you reply back in your mothertongue and, even though he has no idea what it is you said, he still sitsbeside you with this giddy smile on his face, because hearing you speak yournative language makes him so happy and excited.
Again, he wouldn’t push you to do anything you weren’tcomfortable with.
I don’t even think he would mind all that much that you nolonger celebrate your home-culture. He truly believes that you should do whatmakes you happy.
But that doesn’t stop this boy from researching your cultureon his own.
He’s mostly interested in the foods of your home country. He’salways been interested in that kind of thing, but he only started thinking aboutEastern European foods because he met you.
So now, he’s just drowning himself in recipes of foods fromEastern Europe and trying them out.
You walk into the kitchen one day to see him cooking somebeef goulash and you immediately feel your mouth water.
You also immediately feel shocked, because it’s been a longtime since you’ve eaten beef goulash.
He’ll just look at you, order you to sit before serving youup the dish, nervously waiting for your opinion on it.
As expected, he cooked it flawlessly.
She would honestly find it so stupid that some people havethe nerve to make fun of you for being where you’re from.
She’s from America – she’s never had to deal with that kindof thing. Not on the scale that you have had to deal with it.
So it’s quite difficult for her to understand, but all sheknows is that it angers her to no ends.
It makes her even more angry whenever she learns that thexenophobia led you to be slightly embarrassed to do your cultures customs andspeak your native language.
She would do everything in her power to make sure you knowfull well that neither her or the other Paladins would ever judge you for celebrating the place you’re from and continuingon with the customs you grew up participating in.
In fact, she would even show interest, which is weird forPidge. She’s never been one to sit down and drag a conversation on aboutsomething she isn’t entirely educated on, but she would for this.
Whether it be due to genuine interest or just to make youhappy.
She’ll take either, to be honest.
She’ll sit down with you and just start talking about yourhome country, commenting on how she saw some of the scenery on Google one dayand she thought it was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. This wouldthen stem into a conversation about how you grew up, the type of people that livein your home country, the types of food you all eat – little things like that,but enough to get you talking about the home country you unwillingly leftbehind.
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seokmins-thighs · 7 years
[scenario] all of the while, i never knew (coffee shop!au pt. v)
Pairing: reader x Mingyu; wonwoo and jihoon are still here! :D
Genre: coffee shop!au, garbage fluff
Word Count: 3090w
Warning(s): germy mingyu
pt. i  |  pt. ii  |  pt. iii | pt. iv | masterlist
desc: continuation of coffee shop!au; it all started with you giving mingyu different names for your orders.
a/n: something keeps popping up for me to revive this scenario. a title to this part because why not
Slushes of snow, rain, and wind aren't so friendly to your immune system and more times than not, you open textbooks at your bedside and turn on the lamplight once moon greets you. It's better than heading off to the coffee shop and coughing into fists and at eraser shavings, plucking more tissues from the center of the table than actually picking up your mug of coffee. It's probably the safest way to make sure no one else get sick.
When you tell this to Mingyu over the phone, that you'll stay home to study instead of driving down to the coffee shop, you hear the bitter smile in his voice when he assures you that, "It's okay, but hopefully you'll get better soon, so I can see you at the shop."
When you try to sleep that night, a kick in your heart does nothing to fan off the burn in your cheeks.
The next morning, minutes into walking out of class, another set of steps start to sync up with your own. You glance up after the cloudy glare of sunlight and catch a hand grab for your textbook. Mingyu plops your book over the stack of his, flattening the apron folded at the top, and the lift of weight eases your arms.
"Feeling a bit better?" he asks as he opens up the cover of your textbook to lines of sticky notes, flashes of tabs, strikethroughs and underlines at every other date and term.
You shake your head just as an itch rises in your throat, forces out a cough to answer him. "Not really." With your nose clogged, you mumble about wanting to stay in bed today, but missing a lecture would step your grade down a letter. And when you say that out loud, Mingyu shakes his head, "That's a little extreme." You sigh about heading to the coffee shop to see him, your friends, his friends, but then dismissing it right away because you're the only one among your classes and friends who coughs through lectures and steps outside to blow into tissues.
"You're not the only one," Mingyu confesses, and it almost convinces you to go today. "Customers come in and cough into their hand before taking the drink I made. He sticks his tongue out in disgust, a scowl taking place of the faint smile that was there a second ago. You can't help but laugh--albeit, with a rough spell of coughs in between--at his misery. "I know it was unintentional, but it was just nasty."
At your car, you still urge him that it's better minimize the spread of germs, and the chatter punctuated with coffee machines, clinks of glass, bells of the door won't help your ears, anyway. He nods, understands. "Just text me when you need anything, okay?"
A few hours later, into your second nap between homework, your phone vibrates across the table.
Mingyu: Remember to take your medicine and drink lots of water
You tell him that you will, but it doesn't seem to convince him.
Mingyu: You better. But really if you do need anything, tell me
A string of knocks makes its way across the room and through your layers of blankets. After pulling the sheets away to see the door, your roommate swings the door open with a glass of water and an orange pill bottle in hand. Something in your face might have registered the words "How did you read my messages without looking at my phone?" better than out of your mouth.
"Your boyfriend texted me and wanted to be sure, so here."
A week later, coughs never make their way to your fist and you resort only to silent sniffs between a few sentences. Your naps between homework hours and textbook pages are cut in half to maybe only once a day when you feel a little burned out after lectures.
Today, you step into your car with the destination finally not being the university or home. Instead, you drive through rain and sleet to warmth and strings of mocha, green tea, sometimes caramel if customers are feeling a pinch sweeter today. The pale blue box in the passenger's seat ties off with a white ribbon, and inside holds a jacket you hope warms Mingyu up better than that thin beanie he deems an acceptable form of a head heater.
Guilt takes over through the single jacket because you know that it isn't enough to repay for all Mingyu has done for you, but it's a start. It's a warm start to the cold corner of winter before a leap into spring.
The bell's first ring above the door is cut off at Wonwoo's voice announcing louder than he would for calling out finished drinks Mingyu brewed, "Mingyu, y/n is here."
You look around for any scarred customers and only find a few of them dashing for that calm of post-morning rush. Ten in the morning seems like an ideal time to visit. Some clangs of metal and a hard cough later, the back door opens slightly. You catch Mingyu's eye through the small slit and you wave. His eyes widens, almost like his eyelashes throw the door open.
A couple of stumbles from behind the counter and to you is all it takes for him to regain his balance and stand up straight. If there are more customers here, if you actually decided to drop by a couple of hours ago, Mingyu would definitely have ran over a customer or two. Maybe three if there is a child.
"What are you doing here, y/n?" he asks, flattening his apron with the palms of his hands. Occasional white streaks absorb into his fingertips and he smears an entire blob of syrup off the torso of the fabric.
Without a word, you hand him the box and you know he's trying to control the smile from his face the second the cardboard is in his palms. From the flatline of his smile jumping back to life, lips parting and closing, flustered and hesitating. His eyes blink quickly as he glances from you to the box to his hands to his apron.
"Thank you," is a whisper before commenting that you look so much better, healthier, mumbles a third word indecipherable to your ears, before asking you what you would like to drink to start your day.
Study sessions and cupcake taste-testing with your friends resume under low lights of the shop. Sometimes, Mingyu drops a couple of extra drinks to try and Wonwoo elbows him when he returns behind the front counter.
One of your friend begs Mingyu to tell him the recipe for this one drink he tried, "I never had something like it before, just tell me what it is before I commit murder."
Mingyu smiles, doesn't say a word besides "Tell me what else you think of it," and leaves your friend plotting death with an old Minnie Mouse pencil he found in a lab.
The irony of the universe is that when someone tells you to do something, you do the exact opposite. The irony of Mingyu is that he messages you to not wait for him after class and assures you to not worry about him. You ask him Why? What's wrong? because he never tells you to not wait for him, never tells you to not worry about him.
But the irony you is that you are sure that worrying about him means you tuck your feelings for Mingyu somewhere and you convince yourself that don't have feelings for him. So you follow the irony of the universe, of Mingyu, despite what your brain tells you to do.
When you discover Wonwoo and Jihoon manning the front with two other strangers, you ask them what happened to Mingyu. Wonwoo shrugs as he fixes someone's drink, pumps so much syrup into the cup that you feel the energy draining from his eyes watching the glass bottle empty before him. "Mingyu's just sick. It's better if he doesn't cough into drinks, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so," is another irony of you when you still hoped he would still be here, even when weeks ago you wouldn't even step inside when you coughed, blew your nose, and sneezed around the clock.
Communication doesn't reach both ends; it leaves messages asking how Mingyu is doing and throwing his own words back at him: if he needs something, don't hesitate to ask you.
But after a few days without a reply, besides one that you believe should say I'll be fine if it isn’t for bashes of typos, worry freezes you anxious. It smothers you when Wonwoo says that he hasn't let Mingyu into the shop for a week.
Y/n: Can i come over?
Mingyu: WAIT NO
Mingyu: Give me like...20 minutes pls
Y/n: Why?
Mingyu: I need to throw away the trash
Y/n: ???? because why does it take twenty minutes?
And as if he read your mind, Mingyu: I also need to clean my room
You head back after visiting the coffee shop, wave goodbye to Jihoon and Wonwoo. On the way to the grocery store, you call your father to ask him about that one thing that he always made whenever fevers, coughs, runny noses downs you.
"You don't sound sick," he scoffs.
"It's for a friend," you tiptoe your way with the word "friend" and around the usual question of Are you dating this friend?
But the question that crosses miles away has your foot nearly slamming the breaks in the middle of the intersection. "Is it that one guy?" rips a pounding right at your heart and you ask how does he know about this one guy. "Your friends are great at tagging you in pictures you don't take.
He lists off ingredients as you walk around the store, basket bouncing from your leg. When you head home and roll your sleeves up, wash your hands and pull out a pot and ladle, cutting board and knives, he reads off directions like a manual, yet punches in some modifications. You hope that beef and vegetable porridge will help Mingyu and spoon it out into a couple of thermos, one for Mingyu and one for Wonwoo. After brewing some green tea--because your dad says it will help a lot and you should be drinking some, too--you put everything into a bag.
Mingyu greets you with flat hair at the back of his head and a blanket draped around his shoulders. His eyes drown in light pink, but the tip of his nose drowns in a deeper shade. From the ten seconds after opening the door, he sniffs at least twice and coughed once.
"You should have told me you were sick," you tell him as you walk in and toe off your shoes.
"I was going to," is deep and troubled from the pit of his throat.
You can't be mad at him, so you plant the palms of your hands on his back and push him to the general direction of his room, promise him that you'll bring him food that you made before coming here. You shuffle to the table and set the bag down, pull everything out and ask yourself where the bowls and mugs are. After a quiet reply of "the cabinet behind you," you thank him before shooing him off to bed. But he doesn't budge a step; he lingers in the hallway and keeps his eyes on you, languid grin teetering on his face.
Your eyes glance up to him again as you start to pour some porridge into the bowls. "What?" before letting another drop fall onto porcelain.
The shake of his head is barely a tilt and he blinks slowly, softly. "Nothing," before waddling back to his room with a couple of stumbles at his steps.
After he downs the porridge and you wash the dishes, he lies back down in bed and asks if you can stay, "at least until I fall asleep."
You sit at the edge of his bed when you tell him, "Of course I will." Conversations jump from classes, the shop, to your friends, and it takes more than a thousand words for you to notice your hip pressing into his. When he tries to sit up in a snap to grab something, you slip a palm on his chest, pat the spot right over his heartbeat, and assure him to not strain himself. You don't realize the gesture until he places his hand over yours and on his chest.
"What were you getting, anyway?" after a loose squeeze of his hand.
"I took your pad of sticky notes once and I just remembered," is quieter against a breathy chuckle.
You shake your head, admit that he should keep it because you have stacks of them at home. Mingyu's eyes don't reflect glints at the corners and you start to miss them, until your mind treads around the topic of your friends. "You know, our friends think we're dating."
His eyes flutter shut and he grins. You wonder what that grin is supposed to mean, but you don't push him because it's the best thing he can muster while he's sick, while he's under medication.
It doesn't take long after to send him to sleep. The reply of snores after asking about his engineering professor doesn't indicate a whole lot. You pull his blanket up to his shoulders and when you try to get up, you forget about his hand still in yours.
You uncurl his fingers from yours one by one as the squeak of the front door damages the silence. When you step out and close the door, you tell Wonwoo that you'll be heading home and that the thermos in the fridge is for him.
A sigh of relief passes between the two of you and he smiles, offers a calming thank you before telling you to drive safely.
You resort to studying at your apartment nowadays, especially after your friends bug you that "You're so sad at the coffee shop now that Mingyu isn't there. Plus it's raining hard."
Wonwoo's number flashes on your phone hours after the third time you hear those words, and tells you that he'll be taking Mingyu to the doctor after finding him "wheezing since the morning, and he doesn't seem to get any better."
As much as you want to accompany them to the appointment, you don't know if you can handle Mingyu looking worse. You hear Mingyu at the other side of the bed asking if Wonwoo is talking to you, voice raspy and needing to take a breath in between every few words.
"Yeah, I told y/n that you'll get checked by the doctor."
Just a weak "Oh" from him hurts you a little. But little words can hurt a lot. Especially if that's all you hear and you expected him to ask you to come along. But Wonwoo assures you that he'll tell you what the doctor says when they come back.
"Hopefully it's nothing too bad," barely makes it to the receiver.
Focusing on studying finishes too quickly and it ends up as dragging to the kitchen and searching through every cabinet, though your stomach isn't even asking for it.
Wonwoo calls you again an hour later and says that Mingyu has some kind of inflammation, and after shuffling of papers, "But it should be gone in around two weeks." You thank him for informing you, but he adds on, "If he doesn't get better by then, you're taking him to the doctor."
The next couple of weeks, you and Mingyu resort to short messages because you're not sure how much he can do, besides stressing himself out with studying he stays up for and catches up to. You don't visit him after he emphasizes the possibility of scarring you to see him in this state and "so that's what Wonwoo is here for." You respect his decision, but you really do miss him.
Coffee shop study sessions are less frequent as your friends decided one day to come over to study at your apartment. Your roommate doesn't mind one bit, just spits hushed concerns about all the studying you do. But you justify it, explain that you think Mingyu would feel bad knowing if you weren't studying for or passing your classes because of him.
Snow simmers down to sprinkles of precipitation and during that time, Wonwoo messages you to come over to their apartment. In the middle of revising some lecture notes in the weekend, you reply to him that you'll be there in a bit. You're not sure what to expect or what to bring, so you hold another thermos of green tea before making your drive to his apartment.
You knock on the door and Mingyu's hair fixes its bangs over his eyes and his face brightens in its usual welcoming tan, with no pink at his nose or ears. He beams at you and takes your hand in his, pulls you inside and tells you that he feel so much better.
"Yeah, it looks like it," you agree and nothing can slap the smile off your face. He takes the thermos from the crook of your elbow and cups it in his, bending down to fix your shoes on the rack once he secures a hold.
"Where's Wonwoo?" you ask when you both reach the kitchen. "He was the one who texted me to come."
"He's in the shop, covering for Jihoon." He waves his hands at your furrowed eyebrows. "Jihoon isn't sick; he just has an essay he didn't start on." But the topic brushes past both of you like dust as he places the tea down and smiles, jumps a bit on his bare feet since "the last time you saw me, I was so sick and gross, but you still stayed when I asked and-"
The words bubble up too much and tip too far that he pulls your face in his hands and it takes a long moment to register the warm of his palms and his lips on yours.
You question yourself if it really happened, if the pounding at your chest isn't for no reason, if Mingyu's face is really just mere centimeters from yours this time. His hands linger solid and heating on your cheeks as he whispers a, "Thank you" that ghosts over your lips.
a/n 2: i guess...this is really the end to this +1 year long scenario? bc 1) it's not even a coffee shop!au anymore, 2) i haven't been writing scenarios lately and 3) gOSH MInGYu ISN'T MY BIAS. looking back, i think my writing really developed outside of scenarios.
anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this and to those who read from beginning to end (especially when i started this scenario), like mingyu, thank you for staying.
renaming it now that i finished it bc the title has been bothering me for months
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
1) Have you ever heard of the singer Edith Piaf? I had to Google her, but I recognize one of her songs from a commercial.
2) Do you enjoy singing? Sure, when I’m by myself.
3) How far would you go to pursue the career of your dreams? If I had something I was passionate about pursuing and had the drive and motivation to do so, I’m sure I’d go as far as I could.
4) Would you ever cut friends out of your life it meant succeeding in that career? No.
5) Would you ever consider performing in a circus? No.
6) Have you/would you ever sing on the streets? No. Just because I said I like to sing that doesn’t mean I can sing well because I can’t. At all.
7) Is one of your parents in the military? No.
8) Have you ever been to a brothel? No.
9) Are you very religious at all? Yes.
10) If you’ve prayed before, has your prayer been answered? Yes.
11) Would you ever be interested in learning how to breathe fire? I’d be way too scared to ever come close. I don’t even like lighting candles.
12) Have you ever had an eye infection so bad that you went temporarily blind? No.
13) Do you know anyone who’s an alcoholic? No.
14) Have you ever injected any drugs? Just the IV kind while in the hospital.
15) Where’s the best place you’ve ever been on a road trip? The road trip to Idaho with my family and extended family a few years ago was a lot of fun.
16) Have you ever collapsed at any point before? No.
17) Do you ever get any excruciating back problems? I suffer from chronic back pain.
18) Do you know anyone who’s been killed in a plane crash? No.
19) Are you interested in boxing at all? Nope.
20) Is there any kind of meat that you absolutey despise? I’m very picky with meat, actually. I like beef, chicken, and pork, but only certain ways. What I mean by that is, I like hamburgers but not steak. I like chicken tenders and boneless wings, but not chicken on the bone or like rotisserie chicken. I like shredded pork and sausage, but not bacon or pork chops. I won’t even touch like lamb or any other kind of meat.
21) What’s the poshest restaurant you’ve ever been to? This one restaurant in a nearby touristy town.
22) Has someone ever brought you breakfast in bed before? Yeah.
23) Do you know anyone who has gotten into a serious car crash? Yes.
24) Have you ever knowingly been the “other woman”? No.
25) Has someone ever covered your bed in rose petals? Would you find something like that romantic? Nope. Yes, I’d like something like that.
26) Did you move around a lot growing up? Nope. I lived in the same house for a great chunk of my life up until about 5 years ago.
27) Have you ever gone to a restaurant and then realised you didn’t have enough money to pay? No. Gah that would be so awkward I would die.
28) Have you ever slept rough? Slept rough?
29) Are you flexible enough to become a contortionist? Uh, no. I’m not flexible at all.
30) Do you have any regrets or have you come to terms with your life so far? I have many regrets. :/
1) Do you know anyone who’s a veteran from WWII or from an even earlier war? No.
2) What’s been your worst experience staying in a hotel? I haven’t had any bad hotel experiences, actually.
3) Have you ever had an ingrowing toenail before? Did you have it taken out? Yes.
4) Do you like things like moose heads as decorations or not? No.
5) What’s your favourite dish in the world to cook? I’m not a cook.
6) Do you/does someone you know make extra money from selling paintings? My uncle, actually. He’s quite good.
7) Do you live anywhere near a beach? Yes.
8) Have you ever had any problems with getting building work done? I don’t do any building work?
9) Do you enjoy playing golf? If you’ve never played, would you be interested? Nah, it doesn’t look interesting to me.
10) Would you ever consider wearing a wig? Actually, I was talking to my brother about that last night. It started out as something Halloween related, but then I was like, man I wish I could afford the nice wigs or extensions so that I wouldn’t have to feel self-conscious about my hair and worry up the upkeep of the color, which I’ve slacked off majorly on for months. It needs to be dyed again so bad as well as a trim. I just don’t really like my hair, so if I could wear wigs or extensions it’d be nice.
11) Have you ever sent food back in a restaurant because it was just so bad? I’ve never had any bad experience like that, but my dad has. Once he ordered breakfast from this restaurant we often go to for breakfast and got what he normally did. However, this particular time the pancakes were burnt, the syrup was like watery, and there was something just off about the texture of the Canadian bacon that came with it. It was so bad that the manager actually tried it and agreed it was horrible!
12) Do you always seem to put your foot in it? Is this like the saying, “putting your foot in your mouth?”
13) Do you always make mistakes even when you try really hard not to? I’m great at that.
14) Have you ever been conned or scammed before? What happened? Back in the day when I actually fell for the stupid pop up ads that said my computer had a virus and I needed to get this virus protection program, which of course was in fact the virus. I was so naive back then.
15) Do you enjoy classical music? Some, yes. I have an appreciation for it. Especially piano pieces.
16) Are you one of those people who puts things off until the last minute? I’m a big procrastinator.
19) Do you enjoy a drink every evening, or do you not drink alcohol that much? I don’t drink alcohol at all.
20) Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? I doubt I’ll ever have a honeymoon cause I doubt I’ll ever get married, so.
21) Have you ever had concussion before? No.
22) Do you often find yourself yelling at inanimate objects when they won’t work? Yeppp.
23) Have you ever had a pet which has escaped? Did you find it? No, thankfully.
24) Does it annoy you when people dress their dogs up? Do you/would you do that? No. We do that with our dog sometimes. We don’t leave it on for a long time, and if she hates it we take it off.
25) Are you friends with someone whose first language is different from yours? No.
26) Would you be interested in becoming a chef? No. I’m not a cook at all.
27) Have you ever been drunk at work/at school? Did you get caught? No.
28) Does it annoy you when you see customers in hotels or restaurants being extremely rude? I hate when I see that anywhere. It’s just so unnecessary and uncalled for. Why don’t they understand that it gets them nowhere, and maybe talking like a rational person might get a lot more done. When they act like that it makes the person on the receiving end not even want to hear what they have to say anymore and are probably less accommodating and helpful in return. Had the person spoke calmly and respectfully, maybe they could get their point across better and something could be done. I get being frustrated, but it’s often misguided and handled in the wrong way.
29) Do you know anyone who is really hard of hearing? Does it annoy you much? Yes, and I feel bad because I know it’s something they can’t help but at the same time they kind of can because they could get hearing aids. Or in my papa’s case, actually use the ones he has.
30) Do you have trouble sleeping when it’s too hot, or can you cope? Ugh, yes. I absolutely cannot deal with it being too hot. I sleep with my ceiling fan and a desk fan, and it still gets hot sometimes.
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2019dclmed · 5 years
Rome - Tues., May 28, 2019
Rome - Tuesday, May 28, 2019
It was another early morning with a 5:47am alarm for our 7:15am PA call time. By now we had a routine of getting ready, eating our room service, taking seasick pills, and packing our backpacks. The forecast was only 64, but no rain. I donned a plaid dress & navy sweater, but stashed my Lauren hoodie & footies (for the bus) in my bag! Luckily, neither were used. 
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As a reminder of our chosen Port Adventure:
Vatican Behind the Scenes and Panoramic Drive (CV105)
10 Hours to 10.5 Hours 
It was about an hour drive into the city and we were dropped off just outside the Vatican City wall. We were led down a Groups path (FastPass), went through security scanners, and then awaited our tickets. (The regular line wrapped all the way down one of the walls and around the corner. Again, unless you arrive prior to opening or have a tour like ours booked, the wait to just get in would be excessive!) 
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Then it was upstairs for our radio guides, but it was to hear our personal guide, not the Vatican Museums audio guide. Our group was led out to the Gardens, a blissful escape from the crowds. (As uttered on the Disney Cruise Line Blog Podcast, when at the Vatican be prepared to “pack your patience and give up your personal space!”)
The Gardens (requiring a special ticket or with a tour) are quite hilly with all sorts of cement, cobblestone, and rock pathways. (I was happy my new Chacos conquered it all!) One in our group had mobility issues and opted out of a significant portion of the tour. We were told about the history and meaning behind many of these sites, refurbishment of a considerable monument, and the building to which retired Pope Benedict has retired. This area also provided beautiful natural, quiet, and unobtrusive views of the back of both the St. Peter's Basilica Dome and Sistine Chapel. The numerous gardeners were out and about to the point it felt a bit Disney-esque. We regularly got out of the way of the golf carts and 4-wheelers (that I wanted to commandeer)! 
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This is Kara - I’ll just add that the Gardens were very pretty - made even more enjoyable by the fact the weather was absolutely perfect. I especially enjoyed Pope Pius IV’s building from 1550 and its sunbathing turtles.
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Too soon we returned to the outside public area of Vatican City. We stopped in front of a set of six signs, each explaining different part of the Sistine Chapel. I had not seen this on my previous visit. It gave much needed context to the famous painting we were about to view, so this is highly recommended.
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Kara here: I agree completely that without the explanations of these signs or some real preparation for the Sistine Chapel, you’re not going to really get all that much from the experience.
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Next we were back inside to another “skip the line” point, but still had to traverse through the expansive galleries. (One in our party lost contact with one or two of their four girls, which caused a delay. FYI - tour guides are not your babysitters!) 
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We were informed the ceiling art is simply lat painting, but they appear 3D! Talk about masterful historic art techniques! Note what looks like “tape” across the giant crack!
This brought us to yet another “skip the line” into the Sistine Chapel. We were there for only about 10 minutes and it was lighter in there than I recalled. 
Kara: The three galleries we passed through were candelabra, maps, and tapestry. The tapestry where Jesus’s eyes follow you - FREAKY! While I tend to enjoy museums like this a little more than Gayle, the Disney Cruise Line Blog should go one step further and say that if you’re an introvert or you actually expect to be able to look at something and enjoy doing so while in the Vatican, you’ve come with the wrong expectations. The next picture truly captures why while I’m glad to have visited the Vatican, unless I’m enjoying a private audience with the Pope, I have no need to return.
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From the Sistine Chapel we exited almost directly into St. Peter’s Basilica, where our guide pointed out the key highlights. (I was personally relieved at this. Last time I did the audio guide, and like Westminster, tried to do the whole thing. Yet, the monuments here are great in number and I easily lost track if I was looking at the right thing!) We finished around 1pm and were directed to meet back in front of St. Peter’s by 2:45pm.
Kara: I tend to love visiting churches. I’d go back in a heartbeat to nearly every other church I’ve ever visited.  There was absolutely nothing reverent or inspiring for me about the shear audacity and grandiosity of St. Peters.
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Knowing of this free time, I’d prepared for us to grab a bite to eat. Employing my offline map we sought out the nearby “Alice” for pizza. I’d searched for “good pizza near the Vatican” since we didn’t have a ton of time and thought Kara needed to experience “street food”. While waiting for Kara to get the pizza from this walk-up restaurant, a pigeon “poo-ed” on my backpack! Luckily I had supplies to clean it, but these birds were really aggressive in trying to snatch our food. On top of this the pizza was bad. Really bad. (I have no idea how this “restaurant” was highly rated.) So I felt guilt for leading us here. 
Kara: The staff was also not pleasant at all.  I didn’t think the pizza was really bad, but it definitely was just food - nothing special.
Next we ventured a few more blocks to “Old Bridge Gelateria” for yes - gelato! (After our Alice experience, I was scared!) It was another traditional walk-up establishment directly across from a Vatican wall. Kara ordered mixed berry, strawberry, & lemon; I ordered dark chocolate and strawberry. When I tossed a tip in their jar, the guys Dabbed! LOL! This gelato was YUMMY (if slightly overpriced - but location, you know) & more than made up for the terrible pizza!
Kara: Back when we decided to do this trip, I tried valiantly for about six months to pick up enough Italian to at least understand the basics. I wasn’t confident but I was really pleased at how kind everyone was as I tried out the language and how gentle they were in corrections of pronunciations. Both Luigi the day before and the guys at the gelato place were really nice to patiently let me try Italian.  Nothing like my experience in Paris a few years back. Also, a note for a future trip should one ever occur to Rome - there is currently a great little sandwich and pasta shop right next to the this gelato place.
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We returned to our meeting point (one of the official gift shops) where Kara picked up a number of items and I purchased needed postcards. 
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(A bracelet Kara bought me - to match my nails, of course!)
Due to the high tourist area, the streets surrounding the Vatican were full of pickpockets and street vendors pushing everything everywhere. We felt like a full picnic basket (especially with my checkered dress print) sitting on top of an anthill! Our guide finally led us to the Vatican’s “bus parking garage” and even here we endured musicians asking for money. 
Sidenote: We invested in our first pairs of Chacos for this trip - wanting a sandal that would support a lot of walking. Since I customized mine in all silver metallic, and “when in Rome”, I took to calling mine... 
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At 3pm we began our panoramic drive through Rome, some sites I had seen, but not others. We were back on the ship by 5pm. (This port is HUGE and crazy! It must have taken us nearly 10 minutes to get to the ship after entering the port!) 
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Kara: As this was my first visit to Rome, I was looking forward to the tour part - even though it was just a bus tour.  G and I are both watching the CBS show “Blood and Treasure” this summer and the pyramid was featured in it. Gayle is right about how enormous the port was - the last two photos are ones I grabbed as we were driving back into the port. 
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Back in our stateroom we found some delectable “VIP” cupcakes from our new bestie Zoe. 
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Tonight’s dinner was back in Lumiere’s with a new international menu (World of Flavor) we’d never experienced. I made no notes about this and only remember not being impressed. I believe my main course was disappointing salmon; the buffet salmon from embarkation day was better. 
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Tonight Kara ordered some hard cider, which they brought in a bottle. Not a beer bottle, but rather more of a full wine-size bottle. Okkkkk. The process worked the same that they would re-cork it and bring it back for the next night’s dinner.
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The Beef Empanada was actually quite tasty!
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The ship’s Cheddar Cheese Soup will never compare to Le Cellier’s, but pretzel bread is always appreciated!
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The Sundae was also quite good. (I would have gotten the Sacre Torte, but don’t care for apricot.)
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Kara’s normal dessert selection.
We completed our post-dinner tendency of getting ice, shower/hair, and ordering Room Service for cookies (& tonight “chocolate cake”, which was actually mousse, so Kara was NOT happy. Are we confusing this with a previous night???) For some reason the ship left 45 minutes late.
The evening show was “Junnk” (similar to “Stomp”). We’d seen it before and due to our busy schedule decided to watch it on the stateroom TV since they show the nighttime stage shows on the in-room TVs. Lesson learned: They apparently only show the Disney original stage shows (pre-taped) on the TVs, so no show for us! 
Tonight was Pirate Night. As much as we wanted to embrace this cruise-specific offering and as the only cruise line having fireworks at sea, Pirate Night is a BIG DEAL! Yet with dropping temps, a wet/rainy environment, and notable winds, Mother Nature was prompting us to stay inside. When we saw the party didn’t start until 10:30pm (& knowing the fireworks wouldn’t go off until almost 11pm), we didn’t even try to pretend we were going. Instead we were barely able to stay awake for the fireworks, which we watched from our balcony (something Disney Cruise Line tells you NOT to do for safety). Yes, I broke a Disney rule. EEK! It’s the only one I break (& do so consistently. SHHHH!!!) We also know which side of the ship to reserve our stateroom just for this reason!
Disclaimer: I (Gayle) am a travel agent with Authorized Disney Travel Planner agency - Off to Neverland Travel. Contact me today for a no-obligation quote!
Next up: Florence, Italy!
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toomanysurveys9 · 5 years
Have you ever plagiarized someone else’s work? definitely not.
What’s your most-used mode of transportation? car. usually someone else is driving.
What’s the best way to spend a rainy evening? my favorite way would be cuddled up with a good book or a movie and my kiddos.
Have you ever taught someone else a useful skill? i mean. i’m teaching wyatt useful skills. like personal hygiene (he helps me brush his teeth and wash his hair), and i’ve been helping wyatt to talk and learn his colors. and it will be the same with eliana.
Have you ever stayed in an unhealthy relationship just because it was easier than ending things? i guess you could say something like that. but i also love him so it’s not just about what is or isn’t easiest.
Can you name 3 components of an automotive engine? i don’t think so.
Do you feel older than you look, or look older than you feel? i feel older than i look i think.
Does seeing everyone else’s ‘perfect lives’ posted on social media ever bring you down or affect how you feel about yourself? i mean.. not really. i know it’s not always perfect. even if they try to make it seem that way. and i’m pretty happy with my own life, even if it’s not perfect, because i have two great kiddos and we have a lovely house.
If you were diagnosed with a genetic disorder, would you still have biological children despite risking passing the disorder on to them? it would depend on the disorder and the probability of passing it i guess.
What temperature do you keep your thermostat set to during the winter? i don’t know. whatever my parents or jacob want it to be at.
How often do you use hairspray? never. i pretty much just brush my hair and that’s the extent of it.
Are your parents too involved in your life? my mom sometimes is when she tries to punish wy for something and i’m right there, or if she doesn’t like the way jacob is being towards me.
Do you have a strong immune system? it’s not great but it’s not the worst either.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with letters M through Z? not romantically. but i have technically kissed someone whose name started with one of those letters, yes.
Where have you lived throughout your life? mostly around this general area, besides the first two months of my life when we lived in florida.
What’s your favorite kind of soup to make? i don’t really make soup. i really want to make beef and noodles or chicken noodle soup in the crock pot though.
Do you know anyone who’s albino? i do not.
What’s the longest song you know all the words to? bohemian rhapsody i think?
What is the greatest source of anxiety for you? strangers and something happening to my kiddos.
Do you track your calorie intake? If so, about how much do you eat per day? i do not. most of the time, i don’t get as many calories as i need since i’m breastfeeding.
Have you always had the same cell phone number, or have you had to get a new number before? i have kind of had a lot of different numbers.
What’s something you could endlessly rant about? i don’t know. depends on the day and what has irritated me that particular day, or what horrible thing i’ve seen on the news.
What’s something you could passionately talk about for hours? my kids. lol. mental illness.
Are there any hallucinogenic drugs you’d like to try? nah. i’m not interested in taking any drugs.
Do your parents still live in the same house they raised you in? no. we moved around a few times growing up and they don’t live in any of them. they live in the same house we do.
What are your favorite forms of exercise? walking. swimming.
Do you know anyone who got pregnant as a teen and dumped the baby on their parents to raise? kind of. but she dumped them on my parents to raise rather than her own. but we get to adopt them and i wouldn’t have it any other way. i love my sisters.
What would you do if your own teenaged child did that? i wouldn’t be raising their baby. they would be growing up and caring for their own child. although i guess i also wouldn’t just leave the child if my child decided to not take care of it  either... i don’t know. i hope i never have to be in that situation.
Did you get at least 7 hours of sleep last night? not even close. i am so exhausted. i need a nap but it’s almost 6 pm.
What was the last customer service number you called, and why? it was either medical related or to pay a bill.
What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? i don’t know.
Which room in your house gets the most sunlight? probably the iving room.
What made you choose your current job? i’m a stay at home mom.
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badgerslick · 6 years
Jeeves Peeves - Nocturnal Emissions (Part 12)
Have u ever wondered about the food you eat from the fast food industry?  I don't worry about it at all. Know why?  I never eat it. Whenever a reporter writes an article about these places, it makes for a good read. Glank Flank, only reporter for the Triffick Texas Tuba, rode w/ a guy on his food delivery route to some of these places.  Business names have been altered so as not to bring any
undue pressure on the paper. 
Flank:  So Klibe, tell me whut yous job consists of. 
Klibe:  I work fer  Delk Food Distribution. All th' food y' eat in these places comes off th'  back a'
          mah truck. Got a busy route. Never knew 'till I got th' job just how many tons a' food 
          peoples consume at these places. 
Flank:  Whut did y' do 'afore this job?  
Klibe:  I'm a doctor. 
Flank:  Whut? I don't git it. 
Klibe:  It's a small town.  I only have this job few days a week. 
Flank:  U have a practice?  Successful?  
Klibe:  Oh yeah. Get th' patients from th' food outlets I delivers to. When I'm inside, I hand out
            business cards t' th' customers. Tells 'em I specializes in gastric issues. Diarrheas too. 
Flank:  Most a' yous patients fast food eaters?  
Klibe:  Absolute. Gots a "bring your stomach" day. Have lotsa folks, whole families come t' th'
            clinic after chowin' down, these places. So this promotion, buy one get one free box a'
            antacid,  goin' real "reg'lar"  ha...ha...ha...
Klibe:  Here we are, pullin' inta Family Fajitas. Can't believe th' beans, lard this place goes thru. 
Flank:  What wuz that big deal 'bout them genetically engineered taco shells? 
Klibe:  Whiners outta Dallas said it wuz unnatural, bad fer ya. Had t' exchange 'em for th' real
            thing. Picked up hundreds a' boxes, delivered 'em t' th' cattle ranchers fer feed. Y' 
            prob'ly seen th' commercials. Ads fer 'corn-fed' beef. Cows wuz eatin' fake taco shells! 
Flank:  Funny how that's th' only thing they complained about. 
Klibe:  Agreed. Never said word one 'bout where th' beans, ground beef come from. 
Flank:  Where t' now?  
Klibe:  Burger Buddies. Got here jus' in time. Thought they wuz gonna run out a' patties. Jus' got
          that shipment a' formaldehyde beef from Peru 
last night at th' packin' plant. Mix it
          w/ meat from other states, countries. Say they have up t' a hunnert diff'rent animals
          in one patty. So when y' come here, it's kinda like dinin' 'round th' world. 
Flank:  How are folks stayin' alive eatin' this stuff?
Klibe:  Y' forget. People git up, brush their teeth w/ fluoride. Have coffee w/ fake sugar. Salt
            th' fuck outta everything. They come t' eat these places, no problems fer most. Catches
          up w/ 'em, they see me. 
Flank:  Kinda overwhelmed. People know 'bout this but keep on eatin'. 
Klibe:  See, th' big chains, they put legal chemicals in th' food fer smell & as preservatives. 
          It's no secret peoples' addicted. Ol' preacher Ollo married a youngin' from th' church. 
          Didn't know she ate...no...lived, in these places. Ollo got hives, hackin, joints wouldn't 
          move. Come t' me. Smelled like fast food stench. Knew right away. Had t' send th' wife
          t' this fast food rehab place in Lubbock. 
Flank: What's th' treatment?  
Klibe:  They put 'em on vitamin & mineral IVs. Lock th' rooms so they don't get out. Pipe in fast
          food aromas th'  chemists have altered t' smell even stronger than th' eatin' places. 
          They alternate pizza, burrito, burger smells ever' hour for seven days. Gotta be looked at
            'round the clock...DTs, barfin' big.  Releases 'em when th' nightmares goes away. 
Flank:  Nightmares, from food?  
Klibe:  Most a' th' foods not real, just looks lik' it. Anyway, real weird thing. Most all th' 
          dreams have alotta these clown characters glidin' on fast food products in circles, 'round
            th'  rooms. Patients say it's terrifyin'. Scares 'em away from th' chains. Once th' dreams
            fade, th' patients are good t' go. 
Flank:  Last stop. Pizza Pals. Home a' th' four cheese double decker five meat pizza. Should be
Klibe:  So y' heard 'bout Mrs Yeggle.  Well, she be around this kinda food alla her life. Caught up
            w/ her. Husband put her in th' back a' his pickup, wouldn't fit up front. Brought her to th'
              office. Said th' missus ate one a' them 24 inchers yous wuz talkin' 'bout. Most  severe 
              case a' fast food over-bloat I ever seen. Couldn't help her. Had t' med-evac her t' th' 
              big town hospital. Got her inta surgery. Before th' surgeons figured out whut t' do, she
              blew up. Set off th' air-raid siren. 
Flank:  I heard th' fire department declared th' operatin' room a toxic dump. Guess a couple a'
            nurses wuz injured by th' blast. 
Klibe:  Th' goods news wuz they puts a hog stomach in 'er.  Saved 'er life. The bad news she
            won't eat pork no more. 
Flank:  Gittin' kinda hungry. See them arches. Been couple a' days since muh last Big Mac. 
Klibe:  Yeah, me too. Hear a pound a' fries only a dollar t'day! 
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mysongofpurpose · 6 years
August 29th, 2018; I Thought This Would be Fun
The floodwaters are coming. Food supplies are running low. We have lost all contact. I'm afraid sacrifices must be made. The Amish must go. All hope is lost.
Well, it wasn't quite that bad, but this train trip was a bit of a mistake. A bit. A few bits. Many bits. A whole byte. Many megabytes worth of mistakes. We pull up to the Toledo train station at 5am which by the way, looks like it hasn't been in operation since '95. Lady at the desk tells me I can't check bags for my international trip. At first, I'm confused. I'm a million and forty three percent sure that their website said checking bags was allowed on all three of my connecting trains. "Nope, I'm afraid you can't. Your third train isn't even in the system for checked baggage." Now, I'm in a bit of a panic. I am moving across the continent and have just been told that everything I've packed is not allowed to come with me. Then I'm told that I could potentially be allowed to bring those as carry ons if the conductor thinks it's okay. My life can now fall apart at the whims of a man that drives a train. I end up calling customer service and after explaining the situation, the man on the other end confirms that I can indeed check bags on my rides. "So why can't I check my bags?" "Sir, we stop checking bags 45 minutes before departure." Blah, blah, blah, blah. First off, I got here over an hour before my departure time and if the lady at the front desk didn't give me problems for the past 40 minutes I wouldn't be in this situation. Second, their train was running so late it wouldn't arrive until 8 and the earlier train set to depart at 5:25 arrived at 6:30. My train was supposed to leave here at 6:15. I was basically still over 45 minutes early. It all worked out since the conductor was a nice guy who took on the responsibility of taking everyone that would be on the two hour late train and let me put my boxes in an empty car. I thought my problems were over. I couldn't be more wrong.
We arrive in Chicago. At this point, I am running on three hours of sleep that for some reason, I spent imagining people stealing my stuff. It ended up being three hours of phasing through different degrees of consciousness. Long story short, the only thing stolen was my sleep by myself. On the Chicago to Seattle train, I end up sitting next to these three guys that were also on the Toledo train. I try to get my rest and soon I'll be in Seattle and it wil be all merry and 44 hours will be over in a jiffy. Wrong.
At 8pm, in the middle of Wisconsin, we stop. It had been raining for the past few hours and cell signal was getting very very ~~very very very very very~~ unreliable. Offline mobile games were getting boring and watching rain roll down the windows wasn't very entertaining either. It was then that I realized that I was promised WiFi. They told us the trains had WiFi. They told us wrong. We did not have WiFi. Nobody had WiFi. I bet these farmers didn't even have WiFi. Luckily, as soon as we stopped though, signal picked up again and remained at a mediocre rate as long as we weren't moving. I got to know the guys I sat with a little and it turns out we enjoy a lot of the same things so we just played games on our phones for a bit. Then I had dinner with my mom and sister. Now I learn that when they said they had food on the train, it was not like plain food that was covered by your ticket. It meant you had to choose between their highway robbery concessions stand that charged $2.75 for a small bowl of ~~ramen~~ cup noodles or their corporate robbery dining car that served wine and luxurious foods on plastic plates then charged you $25 for a small steak. Everything else on my plate was also public school system serving sizes. Now usually I like my meat medium rare, but I always get them more well done than medium so this time, I ordered rare. I thought I was smart. I am not smart. I ate my extremely rare steak. It tasted okay at best.
I went to sleep at 2am. The train had still not moved.
There's been a lot of Amish people getting on and off throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota. I've never seen them in person besides a few on road trips and the like. I'm not too sure what their lifestyle is exactly, so I'm curious as to how much modern stuff they have incorporated into their lives. Turns out trains are fine for them. So are notebooks and pens. As are personal Digiorno's cheese pizzas. Those hand sized goodies may be found at Amtrak concessions stands for a cheap cheap price of $7.25. The Amish seemed like kind people. I saw one of them chatting it up with another passenger. They kept to themselves and definitely were not as nosy as I was though. It was definitely interesting to see how the modern world incorporated into their olden ways. I always drew my pilgrims holding turkeys and not family sized bags of Doritos.
Since I slept so much at odd intervals out of boredom, I was awake at 6. I spent most of my time in the observatory car staring at trees that never moved when I wasn't sleeping or playing on my phone. At around 11, the crew announced that we all get a complimentary lunch due to the delay. I sat with my three new aquaintances and we all had a measly amount of beef stew and rice. It tasted okay and was free so I'm not complaining. Halfway through the meal the train finally started moving again. Then it stopped again shortly after. We had sat in the same place for 16 hours. My layover in Seattle in only 9 hours and I'm pretty sure the train to Vancouver runs only once a day so it looks like I'll be spending an extra day. Nobody really knew what was going on, but I heard stuff about tornado warnings, flooding, laying new track, and something about repairing a bridge. I spent the rest of the day getting to know the three guys.
At one point, I found out they had these little goody bag sort of things similar to airplane snacks. The best part? They were free. I've been mainly sustaining myself off these things. There are two small cookies, a small bag of pretzels, and a miniscule amount of trail mix in each pack. I think I've had seven. Besides those, Ive also had two large Twix bars, a cinnamon bun, and this weird rolled up pizza pretzel thing that tasted a lot like a rolled up half cooked slice of pizza. At the discounted price of a dollar, it wasn't too shabby. I bought the Twix and cinnamon bun because they've got the most calories per dollar spent. I can only eat so many free pretzels before I get sick of them. I've tried not to eat and drink too much because the bathrooms are nasty and passing the terrible food I've eaten does not sound good. It's not looking so hot after getting stuck on the train an extra 16 hours though. Right now, I developed a bit of a cold because I dressed for the terribly humid Troy weather we had when I left then got completely blindsided by the ridiculous amount of air conditioning on the train. Now I usually am not one to be cold, but I am cold. To top it all off, a stomach ache has settled in. It kinda hurts, but isn't really the "gotta go" kind of ache. Main suspects are the rare steak, half cooked pizza, and full pretzel diet. Hopefully this goes away overnight.
Another thing I've noticed is that everyone's starting to smell. I know, it sounds horrifying. It isn't necessarily a terrible smell, but the lots of living things have been here kind of smell. I would say live livestock, but those just smell like poop. Maybe more of a lots of dogs sort of deal? It's a bit like a locker room exxcept for the reeking of old sweat ordeal. Actually, the best comparison would probably be a full laundry basket except every article of clothing carries a different persons fauna and odors. I can definitely feel that I am releasing a little too many aromas than to my liking. It really doesn't help that all of us spend a majority of our time sitting and laying in these seats. The 16 extra hours are also not helping in any way. Honestly though, it's not as bad as I made it sound.
All in all, a long distance train ride is not something I'm looking to try again. Especially with a rail system nowhere as developed as Europe and Asia.
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torontotravelblog · 6 years
10 Must Try Foods in Toronto
10 foods to add to your foodie bucket list in Toronto
One of the best aspects of travel, no matter where you find yourself, is getting the opportunity to try new foods. Every country and every city has its own list of must-try foods – and Toronto is no exception. This is a city of many cultures (Toronto is known as one of the most multicultural cities in the world), each of them adding their own flavours to Toronto’s diverse and exciting culinary scene. From food trucks and market stalls, to bar snacks and fine dining, there’s always something great to eat in the city. With that in mind, whether you live in Toronto, or you’re visiting for the first or fifth time, here are 10 must-try foods to eat in Toronto.
01 Macarons from Nadège Patisserie
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A rainbow of pastel-hued macarons awaits behind the glass counters of Nadège Patisserie (with several locations in the city), and while there are plenty of sweet treats to choose from here all worth sampling, the perfectly delicate macarons are pretty hard to resist and limiting yourself to just one is a lot harder than it looks. Flavours rotate, but you can expect some more unique offerings like cotton candy, rose or matcha green tea and raspberry amid more traditional offerings like chocolate, vanilla and salted caramel. Bonus: If you want to learn how to make your own sweet treats (including macarons), Nadège offers classes.
02 Roti from Gandhi Roti 
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If you’re looking for a cheap, filling and decadent meal in the city, look no further than a roti from Gandhi Roti in Parkdale. This tiny, hole-in-the-wall restaurant serves up satisfying rotis with a wide variety of fillings. You should be able to find something to match your cravings, but some of the standouts here include the mutter paneer roti, stuffed to the brim with peas and chewy cubes of paneer cheese; the malai kofta roti and the simple but delicious spinach and potato roti.
03 Churros from Panchos Bakery
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Anyone craving something sweet while in Toronto should consider making their way to one of the three locations of Panchos Bakery for a freshly fried churro (find them at Dufferin and Bloor, in Kensington Market and in Little Italy). Here you’ll be treated to sticks of decadent deep-fried dough coated with cinnamon and sugar and then filled with a variety of fillings, from chocolate to caramel to jam. The chocolate is particularly delicious, but you can also get them plain.
04 Peameal bacon on a bun from Carousel Bakery
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You can’t have a list of must-try food in Toronto without mentioning the peameal bacon sandwich from Carousel Bakery, which has been at the same location in St. Lawrence Market for over 30 years. This is a simple sandwich – a stack of grilled peameal bacon on a soft bun – but it’s popular and there are usually line ups at the counter every weekend when the long-standing market stall might sell over 2,600 sandwiches in one day on a busy weekend.
05 Roast cauliflower from Fat Pasha 
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Whether cauliflower is one of your mainstay vegetables or not, you’ve likely never had it the way Fat Pasha does it: roasted whole until perfectly charred and smothered in creamy tahini, skhug (a middle eastern hot sauce), pine nuts, tangy pomegranate seeds and salty halloumi. It’s almost too pretty eat when it comes to the table – but you should definitely eat it.
06 Bagels from St Urbain Bagel
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Bagels aren’t hard to come by in Toronto, but if you’re in the mood for one, in particular a chewy Montreal-style bagel, then you need to order one (or a dozen) from St. Urbain. Boiled and the baked in a hot wood-burning oven, bagels here are dense enough to hold up to a thick layer of cream cheese, but soft enough on the inside to create the ideal bite, especially when toasted.  
07 Khao soi from Pai Northern Thai Kitchen
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Creamy, flavourful and fun to eat, the khao soi from Pai Northern Kitchen is often described as better than what people recall getting in Thailand. Fresh egg noodles swim in a golden curry that gets topped with crispy noodles, coriander, green onions and your choice of braised beef, shrimp, chicken breast or chicken drumsticks.
08 Margherita pizza from North of Brooklyn
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You could probably debate for days (or months) about where to get the best margherita pizza in Toronto, but the pies from this place (with three locations) are hard to beat. Everything is scratch-made using local ingredients and the result is a crispy (never soggy) crust with just the right amount of chew and a sauce that delivers the right amount of acidity against the creamy mozzarella. If you’re really hungry, get an order of garlic knots, made from leftover dough and smothered in garlic butter.
09 Signature Singapore Slaw from Lee
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There’s salad – and then there’s the epic Signature Singapore Slaw from Lee. Made with a whopping 19 ingredients, this towering salad is crunchy and offers the perfect balance of flavours and textures. The admittedly beautiful salad contains everything from daikon and pickled red onion, to cucumber, toasted sesame seeds and fried shallots.
10 Pho from Pho Tien Thanh
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Located on the restaurant-filled Ossington strip, Pho Tien Thanh was serving up steaming bowls of pho way before the huge wave of current area bars and restaurants moved in. The aromatic, ultra-comforting dish isn’t the only place you can get pho in the city, but the unassuming, no-frills joint does a consistent job of it, something you can tell by the deep flavour of the broth and near-constant stream of happy customers.
This post " 10 Must Try Foods in Toronto" was originally seen on tripsavvy.com by Jessica Padykula
The IV Lounge - IV Therapy Toronto Service Provider
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Allison Robicelli Shares Recipes from Her Kitchen
Allison Robicelli had zero intention of moving from Brooklyn to Baltimore. “You have this view that New York is the center of the universe, and I was taught that from birth,” says the Brooklyn-born-and-raised Robicelli. “I was like, ‘Why would I ever leave New York?’” 
But after enduring the rat race of running a successful bakery business, dealing with difficult customers, and putting in grueling 90-hour work weeks, she had second thoughts. “It was like 1,000 little cuts,” she says. “We felt trapped in the city, and it was only getting more expensive. I went on Facebook and said, ‘Someone give me a reason to stay in New York.’” The responses surprised her. “The reasons to stay were bagels and pizza, but I got 100 responses, all from friends, saying, ‘Get out!’”
So, on a lark, the James Beard Award-nominated writer and her husband, Matt, made their maiden visit to Baltimore in October 2015.  “I had a friend who had just moved back to Baltimore,” recalls Robicelli, “and she said, ‘I’m so happy here.’ When we spoke, I was like, I know the Yankees played there, but I had never been to Baltimore.”
The duo fell hard—and fast. “We drove around from neighborhood to neighborhood, north to south and down Charles Street,” she recalls. “What got us were the small businesses in Hampden and the fact that there was a record store there, and then there was this woman playing the tuba as she hung off the side of her house and started talking to our kids. The soul of where we’d been living was gone—it’s what we missed in New York, but found in Baltimore.” By August 1 of 2016, Robicelli’s birthday, they had relocated to Charm City.
8 ounces cranberry juice
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon clove
¼ teaspoon ginger
¼ cup sugar
 8 ounces apple juice
12 ounces Mobtown Fermentation apple spice kombucha
In a medium saucepan, combine cranberry juice, cinnamon, clove, ginger and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar, and remove from heat. Cool completely.
In pitcher or carafe, mix cranberry syrup with apple juice and kombucha. Pour over ice and garnish.
In fact, Robicelli, now a Pigtown resident with Matt and their two sons, Toby, 10, and Atticus, 9, has become such a booster of Baltimore that she’s already written 111 Places in Baltimore That You Must Not Miss about her newly adopted city, including the food scene, of which she has become a fast fan. “The food scene here shows so much promise, and there’s room for experimentation,” says Robicelli, who features The Charmery, Chaps Pit Beef, and Hoehn’s Bakery in her book. “It reminds me of the creative spirit we came into Brooklyn with. There are people here who have really found their voices, like Avenue Bakery and Dovecote Cafe.”
Robicelli first found her own voice—and calling—in her teens. “It was a friend’s birthday, and I said, ‘I should make a cake,’” she recalls.  “And another friend was like, ‘You can’t make a friggin’ cake,’ and, I was like, ‘Watch me, asshole.’ So I made a cheesecake and it wasn’t terrible, then I got into a thing where I was like, ‘I’m going to bake a cake for every one of your birthdays.’”
Shortly before her 21st birthday and while still a student at The New School, Robicelli was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She found herself with tons of time on her hands between treatments.
“I thought, ‘I can sit here and cry and let cancer have this year, or I can have this year,’” she recalls. “I got into reading about cooking, and then, when I got better, a neighbor said, ‘You should do this for a living.’”
¾ cup whole milk, scalded and cooled to room temperature
½ cup unsalted butter, melted
4 cup all-purpose flour
½ cup sugar
2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 package instant yeast
2 eggs
1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
⅓ cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1½ cups cream cheese or Farmer’s cheese
1 small can pumpkin
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 Tablespoon cornstarch
½ cup Confectioners sugar
Combine the milk, sugar and yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer. Let sit until yeast begins to bubble, about five minutes. In a measuring cup, whisk together the eggs and the melted butter.
Add flour to the bowl and place on the mixer equipped with the dough hook attachment. Turn to medium for one minute, then slowly stream in the butter and eggs. When it begins to make a dough, add the salt. Continue to run the mixer until the dough becomes shiny and forms a ball that does not stick to the side of the bowl. Take the bowl off the mixer, remove dough hook, and cover loosely with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Allow to rise in a warm place until doubled, about 90 minutes. (Note that this can take longer or shorter depending on the heat of your kitchen.) When dough has doubled in size, punch it down to deflate. Lightly grease a large cast iron pan or skillet with butter, then press dough across the bottom to make the bottom crust. Set aside, loosely tented for another hour. Alternatively, you may wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate it overnight until ready to use.
Preheat the oven to 375.
In the mixer, cream the butter, sugar, pumpkin and cheese together. Scrape the sides of the bowl to make sure the mixture is smooth, then mix in eggs and vanilla.
Once again punch down the yeast dough, using the bottom of a glass to flatten. Pour the pumpkin mixture evenly across the cake. Using a mesh sifter, evenly distribute the cornstarch across the top of the cake, then place on a rack in the center of the oven. Bake for 35-45 minutes until just a bit jiggly on top.
Let cake sit for at least 30 minutes. Dust top with powdered sugar before serving.
“The soul of where we’d been living was gone—it’s what we missed in New York, but found in Baltimore.”
Robicelli worked in New York neighborhood restaurants and also catered, including one gig for the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt. “On my block, everyone was always sending food to each other, and that’s how we learned,” she says. “You got excited when the Greek woman down the block was making cookies or the Polish people were having a party. We were middle class and I could never afford to travel, but with cooking, I could travel the world in my backyard.”
With their beloved bakery, which featured hundreds of whimsical flavors of cupcakes (and mad cooking skills evident in the dish and drink like the ones on these pages), the Robicellis were a fixture on the New York food scene and have fast made their mark here.
With all the growth and development in Baltimore, Robicelli is hoping that Charm City will be able to maintain its many charms. “We got gentrified out,” she says of why she left Brooklyn. “I won’t have any part of it. We want the underdog. We put the work into Brooklyn to make it better—and then, suddenly, we didn’t exist. We want other people to come see Baltimore and invest in it, and that will give meaning to what we did. People are so proud of Baltimore, and they make me proud of it, too.”
Butternut Panzanella
Allison Robicelli’s Butternut Panzanella features items from two of the writer’s favorite local haunts. “The panzanella highlights the rolls from Avenue Bakery and the bacon-stuffed bacon from Krakus Deli,” she says. Serves 6
1 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
4 ounces Boczek parzony i faszerowany Polish bacon from Krakus Deli
 6 “Poppy’s” Rolls from Avenue Bakery
2 large shallots
1 ½ tablespoons Dijon mustard
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
⅓ cup olive oil
5 ounces baby arugula
1 ounce fresh sage
Preaheat oven to 400 degrees. Line three sheet pans with parchment or aluminum foil.
Peel butternut squash, scoop out seeds, and cut into 1-inch cubes. Toss with sugar, 3 tablespoons olive oil, ½ teaspoon kosher salt, and freshly cracked pepper. Spread in a single layer on baking sheet and roast for 40 minutes, flipping squash over halfway through the cooking process. Set aside to cool completely. 
Slice the Boczek parzony i faszerowany into strips and arrange evenly on the other sheet pan. Roast until crispy, between 10-15 minutes. While that is cooking, prepare the croutons. Cut the Poppy’s rolls into rough 1-inch pieces and spread out on the third baking sheet. After the Boczek comes out of the oven, pop in the rolls and bake until dry and crisp.
Finely mince one shallot and add to a large bowl with Dijon mustard and balsamic vinegar. Slowly add olive oil while vigorously whisking to make the dressing.
Place the arugula in the bowl with the cooled butternut squash and croutons. Slice the remaining shallot into thin pieces, thinly chiffonade the sage, chop the Boczek, and add everything to the bowl. Toss for at least a minute to make sure all the ingredients are well coated with dressing and butternut squash. Allow to sit for at least 20 minutes before serving.
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