#and it's like... everyone stays at home so sometimes neighbours are very noisy? especially if their family is big?
thomine · 9 months
u know, the title requests i got are supposed to help me generate new ideas, but they are so nice as titles for some of my wips....
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Remus shows Sirius around Wales.
(Part 1) for @daylily-evans
~ It was during Sirius’s sixth year that Remus asked him if he wanted to spend the holidays with him and his parents in Wales. Sirius was rather surprised by the invitation, as Remus had never brought up the subject of Sirius meeting his parents before, but it didn’t take Sirius long to enthusiastically agree to the invitation.
Sirius spent the last week or so of the school term worrying. He didn’t know much about Remus’s parents, only the facts, and he knew even less about Wales. He knew Remus was from an area that was mostly Welsh speaking, and that it was very rural. Sirius didn’t expect that he’d fit in very well. But Remus had always spoken well of his parents, especially his mother. From what Sirius had gathered, they were basically the opposite of Sirius’s own parents: happy, loving, accepting. So Sirius hoped that this would mean they’d like him.
“You don’t need to be so nervous. They’ll love you. My mam loves everyone,” comforted Remus one night. Sirius had crawled into Remus’s bed, as was his custom, and expressed his concerns about the upcoming visit to Wales. Remus stroked his hair, and wasn’t really concentrating, too focused was he on just looking at his friend, tracing Sirius’s pink lips and olive skin with his fingertip. Sirius himself couldn’t focus either. Remus’s voice and his touch were just so relaxing. He was fast asleep before you could say nos da, cariad.
~ The journey from Hogwarts back to King’s Cross felt quicker than usual, or at least it did so for Sirius. He mentioned this to Remus, who raised his eyebrows and said: “For you, perhaps.” And Sirius had to apologise- to Remus, James and Peter, who had all had the misfortune of sharing a compartment with him- for having asked question after question for approximately four hours. He was a nervous speaker. He was an everything speaker.
“Do I need to know any Welsh?” Sirius had asked. “Like, will they understand me?” Remus looked at him incredulously.
“Sirius... my father is literally English.”
“Your mum then.” Remus blinked.
“You do know that people in Wales speak English, don’t you? In fact... a lot of Welsh people don’t even speak Welsh. You’ll be fine, Padfoot.”
~ The train screeched to a halt. The four boys gathered their trunks and their pets and exited onto the platform in a haze of steam and whistles.
James was the first through the barrier, then Sirius, then Remus, and lastly Peter towing behind.
James caught sight of his family pretty quickly and rushed over, waving. His parents waved back, grinning from ear to ear. Peter too, quickly scuttled off to his grandparents who were standing by one of the benches. The two boys turned around just before leaving the station and waved their goodbyes to Sirius and Remus.
Sirius waited with Remus. He hadn’t greeted his own family for years, mainly because he never went home for the holidays, except during the Summer, and for the past three years his home had been with the Potters.
Remus turned to him a little awkwardly.
“They’re always late,” he explained. “It’s not very fair that they have to drive all the way from Wales to London.” Sirius just smiled lazily at him.
“S’alright. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Remus’s parents turned up around ten minutes later, looking rather flustered, but cheerful nonetheless when Remus waved them over.
“Sut wyt ti, Cariad! Collais i chi gymaint!” Remus’s mother hugged him with an embarrassing passion that made Sirius silently giggle. Remus’s father, Lyall, was more stoic, and stuck to ruffling Remus’s hair in an affectionate manner.
“Hello, son,” he greeted. “The house has been awfully empty without you.” Remus smiled, the kind of smile that Sirius loved. He could tell that Remus was relaxed and happy, and he was glad that Remus’s family could provide that. Sirius didn’t know if he should introduce himself, not knowing how much they knew about him, but Remus’s mother, Hope, greeted him with just as much enthusiasm than she had with her son.
“Hello, sweetheart, you must be Sirius!” She said, in a wonderfully thick Welsh accent. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! Remus talks about you all the time!” She hugged him. She actually hugged him! It was nice, really nice. He’d never been hugged with such maternity before. He shot a look at Remus, who was blushing at Hope’s last statement, and grinned.
“Does he now? All good things I imagine.” Lyall held out his hand for Sirius to shake. Sirius took it, suppressing his grin in order to appear as respectful as possible. “Hello, sir.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sirius. Remus tells us you’ll be staying. We’ve set up a spare bed in Remus’s room. You two don’t mind sharing, do you?” Sirius almost choked trying to contain a laugh.
“Of course not, sir. We’re certainly used to it -ahem- what with... the dorms and everything.” Lyall nodded, and picked up the two trunks.  “We’re taking the car. I’m afraid it’ll be a bit of a squeeze.”
~ The car was a bit of a squeeze, but Sirius didn’t mind. Lyall and Hope were in the front, he and Remus were in the back, and their legs were almost touching. Almost. Until Remus slid over a little to the left. Then they were pressed up against each other. His parents never noticed.
For the next four hours, Remus mainly slept. He was catching up on the sleep he’d missed on the train, while Sirius was asking all of his incessant questions. Sirius felt a pang of guilt that he’d taken away Remus’s time to catch up with his parents, but they didn’t seem to be bothered by it. They were used to their son’s almost permanent exhaustion.
As they crossed the border from England to Wales, Sirius kept his eyes fixed out of the window, eager to see the country where his friend had grown up. All of the signs were both in English and Welsh: “Welcome to Wales. Croeso i Gymru.” He liked that. He wasn’t sure why, but he did.
They went through cities first of all, lots of shops and houses and cars. But all the bustle soon filtered out into countryside. Houses became fewer and farther between and a car was spotted every ten minutes or so. Remus had woken up by then, and he pointed at various places and offered descriptions about how they fit into his life.
“That shop’s owned by Mrs. Hughes.” He pointed at a small, grey-stone building with a few chairs and tables outside, with signs in the window and a pink frilled canopy. “She’s nice. Widowed. Kids grown up. Hardly speaks a word of English, but she doesn’t need to. She’s lived here all her life. Never had any desire to leave. I think she’s been out of the country maybe... three times? And she’s sixty three! But she makes the best cakes in Wales. No competition. She used to give me these tiny little muffins when I was a kid, free of charge. She still does sometimes.”
“Over there is the little school house.” Another small, grey-stoned building, but this one had an adjoining playground, with a swing and a slide and some monkey bars. “I never went there myself but it only goes up to Year 1... that is.. five and six year olds. Then they go to the primary school down the road. Mam wanted to send me, but... well. Me being a werewolf and a wizard... dad didn’t think it would be very wise.”
More and more buildings were pointed out, more neighbours, more houses, more shops, more stories. In the space of an hour, Remus had managed to paint a vivid picture of his entire childhood, and Sirius listened to every word. He could see a six year old Remus carrying a muffin on the way back from Mrs. Hughes shop, stopping in front of the school house playground, looking in wistfully at the noisy, lively children. Walking across fields towards his own house, cutting through pathways, climbing over fences. Sirius hoped Remus had been happy back then.
Part 2
Welsh translation:
Nos da, cariad (nos dah, ka-ree-ad): Good night, sweetheart.
Sut wyt ti, cariad? Collais i chi gymaint (sit wit ti, ka-ree-ad? Ko-ll*-eye ee kh-ee gih-m-eye-nt): How are you, sweetheart? I missed you so much!
Croeso i Gymru (Kreh-sho ee guh-m-ree): Welcome to Wales.
*The double L sound is hard to describe: basically, form the L sound with your tongue, as in, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth, but instead of saying it, blow air through your mouth.
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blu-joons · 5 years
Dating Hoseok ~ BTS Headcanon
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Getting Together
Your dance moves were definitely what caught Hobi’s attention
He kept catching your eye throughout the night with his own dancing, continuously looking to make sure he’d seen you
When he finally approached you, he didn’t say anything, the two of you just danced for awhile like no one was watching
His smile was the first thing you noticed, it was big and beautiful
There was no fear to hold your hand and twirl you around
He was so excited to meet you and introduce himself, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off you all night
The two of you danced until you could no more, but had the best time with each other
You met up again for your first date a few days later at a local concert, once again dancing together
Hobi was hooked on you from the start, he wore his heart on his sleeve and was very open with you
He would always try and be in contact with you somehow, whether it be a text, call or in person
You would meet up with him every few days in different locations, but one thing always connected you
He was very affectionate with you, wanting you to know exactly how he felt
Hobi always planned your dates, he loved to surprise you with the most random of things
The boys knew everything about you, he just couldn’t stop himself gushing about you
He wasn’t one for labels, he didn’t see a rush in making you his girlfriend, he just enjoyed spending time with you
It was only when Jungkook asked him when he was going to make things official, did he decide to do so
He was very extravagant, very over the top in the date the two of you would go on
He went all out to make you happy, completely overwhelming you when you arrived
Hobi was so nervous, even though he always felt relaxed around you, he couldn’t help but panic a little
Finally, he built up the courage after a game of bowling, which he supposedly let you win
With a tarnished ego, he stopped you just before you got to his car for the next adventure
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, because you are just amazing, and I’m so glad you danced the way you did last night, would you like to be my girlfriend?”
The silence between you terrified him waiting for your response
“I would really love that Hobi, because you are just as amazing!”
He would let a squeal of delight, clapping his hands together making you laugh
There wasn’t a second that went by that night that you didn’t run through his mind, he was the luckiest guy in the world
It was at that moment he decided to go in for your first proper kiss, your hands tangling through his hair
He would constantly remind you how happy you made him, showering you with compliments
The whole day was just fun, that was one word that summed Hobi up perfectly
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Being In A Relationship
You were constantly in hysterics; he was so random you never quite knew what to expect next
Lots of cuddles, Hobi is very affectionate in his relationships
His family loved you too, you and his sister got on like a house on fire
Hobi was always telling jokes, or pulling funny faces, anything to see you smile
Lots of dancing, you loved to choreograph little routines together, not that anyone else would ever see them
You were always at the studio, Hobi loved when you spent your free time there, just happy to see your face
He loved your natural beauty, always encouraging you not to wear makeup
Taking photos of you was one of his favourite hobbies, storing them all up on his phone
Leaving you cute voicemails when you couldn’t pick up the phone or if he was away
Always coming to you for fashion advice, you knew exactly what he looked good in
Buying him bucket hats all the time as he loved to wear them
He’d try to write raps about you, but would get really embarrassed when it came to perform them for you
His hands were amazing, constantly giving you massages when you got stressed
On super hard days, he’d treat you like a princess, cooking, bathing you, cuddling you
Together everyone loved you, you bounced off each other so well
You definitely brought out the best in him, always making him smile, everyone noticed it
Taking long drives, especially at night when the roads were empty, it felt like only the two of you existed
Hobi took anniversaries very seriously, he’d write you a card and buy you lots of presents then take you out for a nice meal
Constantly on Sprite runs, this boy had an obsession, and didn’t you know it
Adorable pet names, his favourite would be to call you his ‘sunshine’
Tickle fights, you both were incredibly ticklish, attacking each other’s sides
Hobi was very traditional, he loved to hold the door for you, or pull your chair out for you
He loved to play with your hair, twirling strands around his fingers
The fans loved you, how could they not when all he did was talk about you
Staying up late at night having midnight feasts
Hearts everywhere, he was always drawing them or signing them to you around the house
Stealing his beanies, but hey, you looked better in them anyway
He would beg Big Hit to let you go on tour with them, finding something for you to do as an excuse for you to go
You always went to events with the boys, he wasn’t going to hide the love of his life from anyone
He would sleep with your hand in his, he couldn’t sleep without feeling you next to him
If you were sad, he’d dance around you, Hobi had rhythm, his hips were mesmerising
He would shower you with compliments, anytime he spoke to you he’d end it with a term of endearment
Life with Hobi was a constant surprise, he would act on impulse arranging fun things for the two of you
Usually you’d beat him, air hockey, bowling, laser tag, whatever it was you usually came out on top
Meaning you had to always give his ego a little boost that he was better at other things, if you know what I mean
He always woke you up with a kiss, morning breath wasn’t an issue, he just wanted your lips on his
Every week he was on tour he would write you a letter, telling you all the things he’d been up to
Somehow you managed to persuade him to go on rollercoasters, even if he screamed the whole way around
Helping him dye his hair, because the last thing he wanted was red dye all over his face
Playing demos for you always, it was surprising the impact you had on Hope World
He would try and get home from work as quickly as possible to spend quality time with you before you had to go to bed
Hosting lots of parties together, especially with your families as you didn’t always get to spend time with them all
Honestly, you just always wanted to be around each other
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If I hadn’t mentioned it already, this boy is very affectionate
He’s always searching for cuddles from you, and will steal kisses whenever the opportunity arose
Hobi always makes you feel loved, he appreciates every part of your body
No part of you goes unnoticed, especially when it comes to making laugh
Hobi has a very high sex drive, he’s got a lot of energy to burn
He loves to give, he loves to make you feel good, but never complains when the roles are reversed
His hands would get very touchy to let you know he wanted you
He would still love to cuddle you as soon as you finished, not letting you go
Whenever the two of you got intimate, he loved to see your face, peppering kisses all over it
There wasn’t a preference where the two of you had sex, he’d be up for it whenever
But; he did love the intimacy the bedroom provided, both of you relaxed in your own home
Hoseok didn’t mind quickies, he had the energy to make you orgasm as quickly as you needed to
Anytime his hands ran through his hair was bound to turn you on
When things were getting intimate his voice would go low, hoarse whispers
But, when he got excited, he was very noisy, shouting your name for all the neighbours to hear
Your kisses were usually very passionate, he’d only peck you if he was in a rush or didn’t want anyone to see
When he could, he liked to make sex romantic, he loved the build up of cooking for you and whisking you off your feet
You both took it in turns to dominate, it depended on how the situation played out
If he had to pick, he’d be a bit more submissive, he liked to let you do your thing, and just keep smiling
Honestly, it was concerning if there wasn’t a time when Hobi wasn’t right on top of you or touching you in some way
Sometimes I feel like cuddles would just be enough, your relationship wasn’t built around sex
Especially when you’d had long days, he loved to pick you up and carry you to bed
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You definitely were the cause of more arguments, Hobi was a little ball of sunshine he could never argue with anyone
Even when you did argue, he’d try and make things better, desperate to make you smile
He would pull a funny face or try and tell a joke because he was desperate for the argument to end
Reacting to arguments was hard for him, you had to tell him what you wanted him to do
Sometimes he could get a little snappy, but he always apologised after it
As with any situation, cuddles were a must after you resolved your conflict
As far as you could remember you’d never had a massive argument as such, one of you would usually break before it got too serious
The two of you were good at talking, with lots of laughing in between
It was impossible to really stay mad at him, as soon aegyo came out you just melted
Usually he’d talk to the boys and look for advice if he’d done something wrong, and they’d help him how to make things better
Hobi’s quite emotional, so expect a few tears as he realises, he’s done something wrong
He panics, he already thinks you’re too good for him so is desperate for you not to leave him
An argument never lasted more than a couple of hours; you couldn’t stand being apart for a long period of time
You were always quick to calm down too, just wanting to get a cuddle off of him
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Your Relationship With The Boys
Oh, they all adored you, you were just hilarious
You and Hobi were their little obsession, the two of you were way too cute for them to handle
Jimin was who you bonded with the most, the two of you shared a very similar sense of humour that caused trouble
Jungkook looked to you as a maternal figure, you really looked after him as the maknae and made sure he was alright
You loved just sitting and talking to Namjoon, sharing intelligent conversation, talking about the world
Suga gave you a bit of balance away from Hobi, he was so calm all the time and just sat and listened to you talk
Taehyung turned to you for advice, sometimes the opinion of a woman was needed, not that you minded helping him out
Jin was like an annoying elder brother, it was like dealing with Hobi again, jokes constantly, and always getting on your nerves
You just fitted in perfectly, you had no idea what you’d done to get six best friends alongside Hobi
And they were also very thankful to have you too
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The Future
Hobi always looked to the future with you, he just couldn’t wait for it all
He proposed on tour, dragging you up on stage, so all the important people in his life could be there to share the moment
There were tears, mainly from him, but you didn’t mind
Your wedding was very much the same, Hobi was an in-love wreck, barely able to make it through his vows
Of course, you had kids, three to be precise
Hobi was a fun dad, a bit of a pushover, he could never say no to their beautiful faces
You were his hope, there were no two ways about it, you’d given him hope that he’d have the best life ever, and you didn’t disappoint
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wernerherzogs · 5 years
there it is, finally! the list of my favourite hl fics of All Time.
disclaimer: some of these i have read only once and forever ago, but i’ve got them saved in a folder, and i vaguely remember them Meaning something to me when i read them, but basically -- if you read something from this list and end up not enjoying it, sorry not sorry! i operate on nostalgia sometimes, it’s possible i wouldn’t be that into some of them now, too, but whatevs!
i made myself stick to one work per author, otherwise this would be endless, but if an author’s nickname is bolded, it means i’ve had the time to read all of their works, and recommend them all.
i’m fairly certain i’m forgetting stuff (especially those stories that i’ve never saved/bookmarked), so i’ll try to keep this updated fairly regularly -- whenever i remember an old fave, or fall in love with something new. i’ll make sure to reblog this post then.
the order is completely random. this is a list where every work carries equal significance, even if not always for the same reasons. it was supposed to be alphabetical, but turns out i’m far too lazy for that. (shocker.) i took the liberty of shortening some of the original summaries, because this post is going to be Too Long anyway. rip.
enjoy! hopefully.
blackjacks running down my back | sequel by dangerbears (+ lj) (~10,000) 
AU. university stuff. best friend stuff. music stuff. sappy stuff.
try to not remember (rather than forget) by hereforlou (59,602)
He hadn’t left, but that’s what it had felt like most of the time. Just as if one day Harry had up and left him.
(Or, the one where Harry wakes up.)
Like Real People Do by moodlighting (58,469)
Harry is Louis' soulmate but Louis isn't Harry's - it takes Harry a while to figure it all out.
a prayer for which no words exist by Eliane (34,313)
Louis is a few seconds away from blowing up a rather important section of the New York subway when he sees Harry for the first time.
Who Painted the Moon Black by throughthedark (requires an ao3 account) (95,697)
“People died,” Harry whispers so quietly Louis strains to hear. “People died, and I killed some of them. How does life just go on after something like that?”
Louis shakes his head. “I don't know. It just does.”
hold on to your stars before they fade by adelagia (31,740)
The first time they meet, it is sunrise, and Harry is naked.
(Or, the one where Harry is a lost fairy, and Louis takes him in.)
Lambing Season by HelloAmHere (24,544)
“Shut up,” Louis says, an involuntary grin tugging at his mouth. It’s not every boy who will stand in the middle of a cold barn in a suit and play musician trivia. “I’m Louis.”
//lambing season brings sleep deprivation, noisy alarms, cold barns, demanding animals, and warm strangers.
Wild And Unruly by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (123,655)
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy (149,570)
A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
the dead things we carry by MediaWhore (25,316)
“Oh,” Mrs. Padley says, clearly taken aback. “You two know each other?”
There are some things people never fully come home from. Until, one day, if they’re lucky, home comes to them.
i believe him when he tells of loving me by bitterlee (28,894)
louis doesn't remember harry. harry takes him home.
Come Along With Me by darkofthenights (28,032) (requires an ao3 account)
An AU where Harry is a magician and Louis doesn't believe in such a thing.
Dust Off My Wings by eravain (19,882) (+ download)
AU where the boys are cottage neighbours, Louis develops an obsession with the mysterious boy next door, and the end of summer is really just the start of everything else.
Boys of Summer by sharktoothedfawnskinned (49,545)
What he wants is for this to be a forever thing, not someplace Harry spent the summer once.  What he wants is for this to be more than a memory.
(New Jersey beach town AU.)
ever ever after by hattalove (22,645)
“Happily ever after, huh?” he can’t help asking, in a voice that’s softer than he’d like. Harry seems to sense the fragility of the moment. He settles down, containing the excited flailing of his hands, and mirrors Louis’s position. “Of course,” he says. “Don’t you have those here?” Louis bites his lip. “M’ afraid not. It doesn’t really work out that way for most people.”
or, an enchanted AU. sort of.
heroes of the orange skies by queenmcgonagall (30,656)
Louis likes bathroom walls and Sharpies, Harry likes metal, Zayn likes Liam and Liam likes Zayn, Niall is wise, and they all go to the zoo.
Empty Skies by green_feelings (134,048)
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.
Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
nocturne in silver and blue by tinyweirdloves (97,594)
louis is a fallen star and harry brings him home. told over the course of fourteen years.
life does not go backward, nor does it tarry in yesterday by bottomlinsons (4568)
Louis and Harry are Knights of the Round Table and Camelot has a dragon problem. (Arthurian AU)
In This Light by exhilarated (99,234)
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance.
our little corner of the world by brownheadedstranger (29,913)
AU. Louis is stuck in his mom's diner for the summer. Harry is the line cook with a pickup truck.
Every Arrow That I Aim Is True by estrella30 (24,890)
Louis doesn’t say anything again so Harry whispers, “Just stay here with me for a while, yeah? I’ll take care of you.”
Louis is quiet. He never picks his head up, but Harry can see the pillow move from where he’s nodding and his fingers tighten around Harry’s. “Yeah,” Louis says. “Yeah, all right.”
i'm not calling you a liar (just don't lie to me) by hazmesentir (33625) (requires an ao3 account)
Louis can't stop lying. Harry runs a farm. Somehow, he squeezes the truth out of him.
An Eternal Enigma by goldenquill (67,478) (+ download)
Louis is a reluctant king with a head full of fairy tales, and Harry is an emotionally challenged musical prodigy. Zayn is a hopelessly romantic painter, Liam is the castle’s resident ghost with sporadic amnesia, and Niall is the accidental head of the kingdom’s most prevalent spy ring. Very loosely based on the lives of Ludwig II of Bavaria and Richard Wagner.
all my love was down in a frozen ground by navigator (16,033)
Louis goes to the woods.
AU very loosely inspired by the creation of Bon Iver's first record.
walk my days on a wire by sunshiner (38,586)
“We’re here because we have inventive managers,” Louis says, giving Harry’s leg a little nudge with his knee, but all that’s going around in his head is, I think I'd be in the same spot in every possible universe.
or, when actor Louis Tomlinson used to daydream about dating Harry Styles, this is not what he had in mind.
take my hand (and my heart and soul) by bananasandboots (45,623)
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
Or, the one where Harry hasn't spoken to his best friend in sixteen months and can't remember why.
These Inconvenient Fireworks by wontsitstill (190,000) (+ download)
Future AU in which nobody tries out for X Factor but the boys end up finding one another eventually anyway. Louis is a jaded bastard who owns a cat named Duchess and teaches drama to teenagers, Harry is an idealistic aspiring photographer/part-time footy coach, Zayn teaches English lit and wears leather jackets, Liam saves people from burning buildings, and Niall is Niall.
things have gotten closer to the sun by starseas (49,276)
when a solar flare is announced to end the world in twelve days, harry reunites with the people that he used to know better than the back of his own hand.
Harry Styles Cooks... by sunsetmog (ongoing)
In which Louis Tomlinson can’t cook, there’s a very special shower curtain, and Harry Styles used to be a baker.
Or: Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them.
101 Uses For Dragon Eggs by colazitron (42,249)
Louis just got back from a three week assignment yesterday and today was only supposed to be paperwork he needs to do to finish that up, before he was going to leave early and enjoy the weekend. And then Zayn, the traitor, emailed him about a bloke who was rumoured to have found a dragon egg and apparently live tweeting the whole thing.
Don't Want Shelter by FullOnLarrie (ongoing)
Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago…
When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own.
Escapade by dolce_piccante (requires an ao3 account) (146,241) (+ download)
In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He's rich. He's handsome. He's reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for.
Whether Clouds or Clear Skies by onewasturning (25,861)
“Harry,” Louis says, “last night I had an experience bordering on profound.”
“You’re making it sound like you did something sexual with my muffin,” Harry says.
Or, Louis gets into the habit of stealing baked goods while Harry’s busy keeping tabs on the weather.
the dead of july by whimsicule (117,446)
Being an Avenger means continuing to be Captain America and smiling and being honorable for the public and Harry does his best. But it doesn’t give him time to figure out who he is supposed to be once he takes off his uniform and puts the shield to the side. Just being Harry had always involved Louis, and Harry fears he doesn’t know how to exist without him.
or: Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
In the Clear by aclosetlarryshipper (80,751)
After Princess Gemma and her fiance Niall are captured by the witch from across the land, Harry and Louis are forced on a journey together to save them.
Featuring Lumberjack Liam, Magical Zayn, unsolicited tattoos, and untangling the past.
Also known as The Larrietale.
a house built out of stone by robpatFF (22,486)
Louis has a used bookshop and Harry has a habit of claiming things that don't belong to him.
out of the blue corner by fallingaway (85,422)
Louis is a boxer banned because of doping. Harry is a journalist following the story.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents (28,542)
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
dancing in the dark by clairdeloune (74,709)
Harry comes out and it brings more than he's expected.
Untangle Me by suicxne (103,000) (requires an ao3 account)
Or the one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
California Sold by isthatyoularry (123,536)
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
you came into my life by disgruntledkittenface (57,180)
When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis’ small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworker Liam, Louis’ carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears – and the only guy he’s ever been able to see a future with.
like cabbages and kings by you_explode (60,875)
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland.
Loyal Knight and True by rainbowninja167 (51,569)
Oh, Harry thinks, mouth open on a silent gasp. This is how it happens.
In contemporary Oxford, Harry Styles and Niall Horan run a magical bookshop, unbowed by an entire academic establishment that insists magic doesn't even exist.
for now (and forever) by orphan_account (sadly can’t remember the actual author) (83,283)
"Listen to yourself," Harry laughs, shaking Louis' shoulders. "Don't you think it's a bit weird to con the country you're supposed to be serving?"
Louis is going into the Army, Harry is going nowhere, and there's nothing like a little identity fraud between friends.
Say You'll Remember by whisperdlullaby (93,521)
au. louis and harry are best mates that are only half aware that they're also soulmates. alternatively, louis goes to university and harry travels the world, and they always manage to find their way back to each other.
takes place over nine years, in which they love and hurt, make mistakes and learn, and above all, grow.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor (46,173)
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Battle Cry by Velvetoscar (21,377)
Harry's got a heart, a soul, and a band. And with that, obviously, comes a future paved in great success, right? So all he has to do is win the Battle of the Bands, right? Simple.
What's not so simple is the fact that Louis Tomlinson is his biggest competition. And also happens to be made of everything that Harry's ever wanted.
Take Me Where I Cannot Stand by LoadedGunn (13,988)
Harry can agree that being husbands in space presents some challenges. Sometimes they have to escape mindless cannibals, sometimes they're being held hostage, sometimes Louis doesn't want Harry to get pregnant, and sometimes someone slips on a banana peel. But that's all part of the fun, isn't it? They could have been juggling geese.
(Firefly AU where Harry and Louis are co-pilots in life.)
Just Me, You, And This Box of Matches by tomlinsunshine (87,020) (requires an ao3 account)
Louis is fairly sure that his new neighbour is going to destroy him. And also their apartment building, and the dumpsters outside, and all the forests within a thirty mile radius. But. Mostly him.
you're an egg if im an egg by giraffesaretall (1252)
au where one direction are eggs.
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woofwalkies1-blog · 4 years
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The definition of Stress is “a physiological or biological response to a stressor such as an environmental condition. Stress is the body’s way of reacting to a condition such as a threat, challenge or physical and psychological barrier”.
We sometimes have to have uncomfortable conversations with dog owners, because as much as we love all dogs, sometimes our environment just isn’t suited to all dogs. FACT!! This doesn’t mean you are a bad dog owner, or you have a bad dog, it just means we are the wrong choice for your dogs needs.
Some people may choose to continue to work with your dog, take your money, and allow your dog to be uncomfortable and or become “stressed”, because they need the business or most likely, they are not noticing the subtle signs that your dog is unhappy, but we don’t work like that, and if your dog is not comfortable here, we will likely discuss this with you and come up with a plan to ensure everyone is happy, both humans and dogs.
Stress can present in many ways with dogs, and this post isn’t about how it is presented but why it is presented, because if you can understand why, then that may help you understand why we don’t want to cause any extra stress for your dog.
We may tell you that your dog is excessively humping, displaying aggressive behaviours, excessively barking, becoming nervous, or simply not wanting to be here. Your dog isn’t being naughty, they are usually stressed by our very over stimulated environment and asking us for help.
I am a biologist, and I am a geek, and I work with 60 dogs a day so let’s talk dog biology.
The Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) are responsible for all of a dog’s bodily functions.
The Peripheral Nervous System controls the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which is responsible for all involuntary responses by your dog. Involuntary responses being the functions that your dog does not have to think about before doing them.
The ANS never stops functioning, but it will adjust what it does dependant on the situation presented. It increases functions or regulates functions but it never stops functioning, unless due to ill health.
To confuse matters, the ANS splits into 2 divisions:                  
The Sympathetic Division which is stimuli responsive, and controls Critical Survival Responses, think “Fight or Flight," activates stress responses, and your dog does not have any control over what he does, during this type of response. He is being driven by survival. A dog who is threatened or in a stressful situation may react out of character, for example, a dog who is injured may bite you or your vet, this isn’t unusual and this is not a display of aggression or a naughty behaviour, it is a survival response.
Then there is the Parasympathetic Division of the ANS which is responsible for the regulation of every day functions, Heart Rate, Respiration, Hormone Production and Rest and Digest to name a few. Through hormone regulation, the Parasympathetic Nervous System will “normalise” the body after a stressful event. This is how dogs stabilise and return to a normal behaviour, and move on from a stressful situation, and return to a “normal” biological state.
Examples of isolated stressful events, which are usually quickly overcome are the occasional trips to the vet, once yearly fireworks night, loud noises whilst building works maybe taking place or after an accident or injury. These short-term stressors for most dogs can be upsetting at the time of incident, and can cause a dog to present with anxiety and unwanted behaviour, however the stress should quickly dissipate and the body should “normalise” when the Parasympathetic Nervous System recognises the issue and kicks in.
Important to note here is that it can take up to 72 hours, for hormone levels to normalise and this would be subject to NO further stressors taking place. A dog will usually remember such an incident, and will learn in the example of becoming injured or frightened not to put himself in that danger again, he should however not continue to be “stressed," over a one off event.
In cases of continued stressful events, it is much more complex, and difficult to understand, and much more important to treat and take professional advice on, either from a qualified canine behaviour therapist, or your vet.
When we think of dogs who are “Stressed”, “Anxious”, “Reactive”, “Naughty”, “Out of Control” (all terms we hear on a daily basis at Woof Walkies, from clients), we actually need to look at what is happening, on a molecular level, before we can figure out how to treat the situation here, and decide if our environment is suitable for the dog.
Dogs are not born nervous, anxious or stressed. They develop these conditions over a long period of time, following prolonged and repeated release of stress hormones.
As discussed above, in the event of a one off stressor, stress hormones will be released, but then the body will return to normal, usually within 72 hours. The dog will continue to act in a stable, and normalised biological state. If however, a stress trigger is on repeat, for prolonged periods of time, every individual stressful event that takes 72 hours to recover from, builds up, and that 72 hour recovery period, is never met. The dog never achieves a “normal” biological state.
Here is one example of how a dog may become clinically “stressed”. A young puppy in a “normal” biological state with no cares in the world, is taken for a walk to the park. He is on his lead, with nowhere to escape to, and is run at by an over zealous, over friendly, large dog, who knocks him to the floor and jumps all over him, being overly playful. The big, scary, dog is removed from the situation, and pup is physically unharmed, but is left shaken and scared, but his mum looks after him and takes him home to safety.
The puppy is then taken for his walk the following day, and he is again on the lead, and another dog is walking towards him, the other dog isn’t too happy around other dogs but his mum really wants to see the puppy. Sadly, the unhappy dog, lunges at the puppy and really scares him, pup drops to the floor, and the unhappy dog barks really loud at the puppy. Both mums want to chat about the puppy and both dogs continue to be in a “stressed” state. Once again, the puppy finally gets home after his second ordeal, although remember he is already still in a “stressed state," from yesterday, and now has to deal with this on top.
What is even worse is, the neighbours who live next door to the pup have 3 noisy and over playful dogs, and they keep barking over the garden wall at the pup, causing him to be a bit nervous for the rest of the evening. Pup knows they are in the garden, all the time, so every time he goes out into his back yard, he is also becoming stressed by the neighbours dogs, even though, they haven’t hurt him in anyway. All he wants to do is learn to toilet safely.
At this point, pups mum knows he is a bit anxious, he is a bit fearful and timid, but it’s ok, she is sending him to daycare tomorrow and on Thursday and Friday too, whilst she goes to work all day. She can’t wait, as her little pup, will learn to love dogs……won’t he……?!?!
STOP: Puppy has had 3 really traumatic events happen, all associated with dogs, in the last 48 hours, biologically, pup isn’t going to recover from this until Saturday, and that is based on him having no more stress in between. Sending him to daycare is only going to heighten his stress and make him even more fearful of dogs. Unfortunately, we don’t know about the previous events because his mum didn’t tell us, and so we do everything we can to encourage pup to be sociable and probably cause him even more stress, without even knowing it.
After 4 weeks of the pup being continually stressed, and being subjected to more and more stress, including the neighbours dogs continuing to cause the pup to feel uncomfortable, and the pup coming to daycare 3 days a week, we need to look at what biological state the puppy is now in.
The pup has now been subjected to “long term stress”, and the repeated release of Adrenaline, Cortisol and Norepinephrine, mean that the pup is probably presenting with obvious stress signals, such as separation anxiety, reactivity towards dogs, being destructive at home, especially when he hears the neighbours dogs, seemingly unwilling to go for walks, being nervous and unsettled at daycare, excessive barking, humping, excessive grooming, over stimulated behaviour, and loss of appetite, amongst many more symptoms.
As the pup gets older, and continues to stay in this unstable state, and his stress hormones are always active, he is unable to normalise, and he develops behavioural issues, which puts his physical health also at risk. Whilst a dog is stressed, he will likely be in “fight or flight” mode constantly. Dogs when in this survival mode, will have a depressed digestion capacity, and will suffer with a decreased appetite, they are constantly on survival alert and ready to run away, and for that, they do not want a belly full of food, which would slow them down.
The dog is now not eating very well, is quite lethargic, which is probably due to the reduced intake of calories, is losing weight or unable to maintain his ideal weight, he has less energy and will be a lot more susceptible to ill health and autoimmune issues. So now, the dog is showing behavioural issues, not wanting to exercise, not wanting to eat, and appears depressed and dog reactive.
Mum is doing everything to help her pup. Changing his food to see if he’ll eat better, but this gives him a bad belly, which makes him feel poorly, and stressed…….She walks him in new places to see if he prefers it there, but this is an unfamiliar and even more scary place, which makes him stressed. She takes him to puppy training where he will learn to “behave," but this is just more stress. She even tries a new doggy day care, because we say he is unhappy here. BUT this is just new people, new routine, new dogs, he doesn’t even want to be with dogs……..And they have no reference to how pup used to be in his “normal” state…………and so enter the ladder of aggression. This is a separate article, but can you see how this story will unfold…...
If we suggest that your dog is “stressed” at Woof Walkies, it is usually an indication that we believe your dogs welfare is at risk. It is not a cop out by us, and it is not us giving up on a difficult dog. We are really just looking out for their best interests.
Not all stress in dogs stems from other dogs, in-fact it is quite unusual here, most dogs blooming love it, but there will usually be something that you should be able to pin point, which is causing your dog to be “stressed”.
How the dog presents with stress will be dependant on your dog as an individual, but learn what is “normal dog behaviour," attend them canine behaviour and communication classes, not obedience classes, behaviour classes. Your dog doesn’t need to be forced to sit, stay and wait right now, he needs to learn to trust you.
Learn about canine body language, speak to your vet, and more importantly, listen to your dog. They are usually trying really hard to tell you they are not happy, trust them! Don’t let them climb that ladder of aggression because they have no other choice.
Apologies for the dodgy diagrams, they were my starting point, but they maybe a bit more useful for those people who are visual learners.
Any questions ask.
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imaginespplwrite · 6 years
BTS FicRecs
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ALL Members
Working Man (M) ✎ @dark-muse-iris ✎ A collection of stories where the leading man has a working class occupation
BANGmeTAN (M) An in depth look behind the scenes of adult film, starring the seven, sexy men who have captured the industry (BTS Porn Star!AU). (on-going)
You Never Shop Alone (M)   A look into the love lives of seven of the mall’s best and biggest fuck boys. With all of them housed in the same vicinity, nonsense is a guarantee, but romance? … just you wait and see 
Deadly Intentions (M)  What do you think happens when a supernatural being’s intentions are anything but pure? Do you scream out for help, or give in to your deepest desires?
Snowball effect (M)  We find our boys in very different places. Some are falling in love, someone’s just falling on their ass. Some are getting through it just fine, while another finds himself in a tight spot. All are determined to maintain their yearly tradition of meeting up at Tae’s cabin in the woods for New Year’s Eve. It’s promised to be a weekend full of debauchery, relaxation, and Jin’s delicious baked goods… so long as everyone can make it with their hearts (and pride) still intact. Seven little secrets, tangled in each other’s stories like twinkling lights on a wire, rolled up like a snowball, and wrapped up with bow; The Snowball Effect.
Kiss Land   ✎ @njssi​ ✎ Not into kisses leading into nothing 
Namjoon (RM)
Until you make it (M) ✎ @versigny ✎ It’s Christmas dinner and you didn’t want to disappoint your parents by not bringing someone...
The take home test (M) ♔ ✎ @versigny ✎ College!AU, in which your mission to deliver homework to Kim Namjoon goes very, very, wrong. 
Does this look like a joke sweetheart Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6(final) ✎ @that-loser-certain-to-be-crooked ✎ Studying late turns out to be a lot more eventful than you had originally assumed. How about taking the subway next time?
PhD (pretty huge d...) (M) ♔ ✎ @oilblotter ✎ “What is with you?! Stop leaning in so close to me!”  + best friend!namjoon 
Obligated (M)  ✎ @underthejoon ✎ Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realising you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realise Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave.
If you would stay (M)  ✎ @remembeo ✎ “Come back home.” Always. mafia!au
The Rich Man’s Crochet Club (M) ♔ ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ When they were freshmen in college, Namjoon began a club with his six closest friends. The one thing they all had in common? V i r g i n s as fuck. Obviously, they couldn’t call the club the Virgins Club though and so, the Rich Man’s Crochet Club was born. Until time passes and Namjoon is the only one left. Now, the Club has one, final mission: to get Namjoon laid.
Underground king (M) ♔ ✎ @sugaxjpg ✎ Eventually you came to the realisation that, if Namjoon was the king of the underground, you were as close as he would ever get to a queen.
Something in the way (M) Pt2  ✎ @tayegi ✎ When your student debts stack up too high, you decide to apply for a position to take care of Kim Namjoon’s heat for three days…
Omertà (M) ♔ ✎ @lamourche ✎  A story about an unlikely mob boss and his mafia princess wife. This is a love story set in a brutal world.
Catnapped (M) ✎ @dreamyjoons​ ✎ sometimes pets know better. But you and Namjoon have never been good at accepting the truth, no matter where it comes from.
More than words (M)  ✎ @ironicarmy​ ✎ You and Namjoon have been painfully -and blindingly- pining for each other since your teenage years, much to your friends’ chagrin. So, unbeknownst to both of you, Seokjin and the rest plan to finally make you confess during a ski trip.
Seokjin (Jin)
Golden boy (M)  ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ The golden boy of the porn industry, prettier than half his female co-stars. Will sue if you pull his hair. Always bothering his neighbors with pizza delivery.
All Along (M)  ✎ @underthejoon ✎ It’s no surprise when you learn you’ll soon be engaged to one of the Kim brothers. What does come as a shock, is just how determined Seokjin is to make sure that person is him.
My Type (M)  ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ you take the college nerd’s virginity
Revenge is a Dish Best Served... Hot? (M) ✎ @tayegi ✎ When your roommate keeps you up late at night with her noisy rendezvous with male overnight guests, you and Seokjin team up to plot your revenge…  How? With a taste of her own medicine, of course.
Heat (M) ✎ @thewanderingalias ✎ He was there when you needed him most, and now, he needs you.
Like this? (M) ✎ @jeonshome ✎ your neighbour, Seokjin, teaches you exactly how he likes to be touched.
Pink (M) ✎ @tayegi​ ✎ Seokjin has been holding himself back
Roomie (M) ✎ @hobibliophile​ ✎ When you first moved in with Jin, you thought you had hit the roommate jackpot. Turns out, living in the same apartment with this gorgeous man is a lot harder than you thought it’d be. He didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did you. It’s just this pesky thing called sexual tension.
Yoongi (Suga)
Mixtape (M) ✎ @jungblue ✎ Two mystery students from your college run the podcast dubbed ‘mixtape.’ It’s become a sort of phenomenon around campus, listened to by almost everyone. In their most recent episode they discussed various study methods… One of them being oh so tempting.
Buzz(M) 2(M) 3(M) ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ in which you’re unsure if you’ve ever received an orgasm and when you finally pluck up the courage to use the vibrator you bought that one day on a whim, Yoongi barges through the door…
Breakfast in Bed (M) ✎ @joonbird ✎ Min Yoongi, a grumpy Ikea employee, is wondering who you are and why exactly you’re sleeping in the display bed at his Ikea.
Love is for the birds baby! (M)  ✎ @mininky ✎ You refuse to believe in love. It’s a concept created by big corporations like hallmark to get sad saps like you to buy their shit. But it’s all fake. You’re convinced of that at least until a series of events with a certain tattoo artist who you loved to hate makes you question everything you’ve ever known
Conversations (M)  ✎ @im-too-old-for-bts ✎ It’s Yoongi’s birthday and you hadn’t thought you’d get an invitation to his party, let alone find yourself spending most of the night terrified and clinging hopelessly to him. Not that you’re complaining or anything…. But oddly enough, Yoongi doesn’t seem to be complaining either…
Late Bloomer (M) ✎ @tayegi​ ✎ You were always just a few years behind everyone else, but it was never a big deal. werewolf!au
Play thing (M)  ✎ @minnpd​ ✎ The guy working at the sex shop wasn’t being very subtle 
Exitus Acta Probat (M)  ✎ @bang-tan-bitches​ ✎ “All you need to know is that my name is Yoongi and you’re mine now.”
The Devil Skates on Thin Ice ✎ @vankoya​ ✎ The number one rule of Korea National Sport University is to never allow their elite figure skater and the captain of the ice hockey team be in the same room. Or in their case, on the same ice rink. They are infamously known for riling each other up in any way possible, and for having a mysterious history that even their closest friends know nothing about.
Taehyang (V)
Insomnia (M) ✎ @oppamansae ✎ “you have to be quiet, the others are around”
Dichotomy (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it  – between love and hate? (Arranged Marriage!AU)
Nerves (M)  ✎ @tayegi ✎ In a lab experiment gone horribly wrong your nervous system is merged with Kim Taehyang
Bibliothèque (M) ✎ @joonbird ✎ You are the very top of your college cohort, an A grade student on the fast track to a life of success. You know the answers to everything, or at leased you think you do. That is until you meet quirky genius Kim Taehyung.
Guilty Pleasure (M)  ✎ @jungkxook ✎ Notorious pranker Kim Taehyung is adored by all, but all he really wants is your attention.
Buzzed (M) PT2 ✎ @junqkook ✎ maybe ordering a vibrator and letting your best friend open your mail wasn’t such a great idea.
Come play (M) ✎ @littlemeowmeowschimmy ✎ Taehyung wondered if you wanted to play with him…
The Holi-Date (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash​ ✎ When your ex-boyfriend becomes engaged to his new girlfriend at your annual Holiday party, you admittedly are not in the best place. Which explains why you down six shots of alcohol, enthusiastically drop it low on the dance floor and – oh, yeah – tell everyone you are also dating someone. The only problem? You are obviously not. Good thing your neighbor happens to be cute and in need of a ride to work every morning.
Dick on the go (M) ✎ @jeonggukingdom-archive​ ✎ It was all shits and giggles when you and Taehyung were desperate seniors in High School, having no idea what to do with your lives, wondering if you’d ever find a decent job or even graduate in the first place. It is not so funny anymore when you come home from the big city to enjoy your vacation time and you find his sex-shop right in front of the house you grew up in when you were a kid.
Marshmallows and Report Cards (M) ❀ ✎ @taetaewonderland​ ✎ You can’t stop thinking about one of your students father.
Jung kook
Laundry day (M) ♔ ✎ @jinjikook ✎ jeongguk always pioneered one household chore: laundry. now why he had such an affinity for it, you had no idea. that is, until you come home and he lost track of time, causing you to stumble upon him in the midst of something strange and yet altogether intriguing.
Stuffed Pumpkin (M)  ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ Hooking up with the guy you’re neutral towards isn’t how you expected your night to go, especially dressed as a pumpkin…
Ruin the friendship (M) Part2 (M ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ your drunk ass best friend keeps calling you to take care of him and it wouldn’t be so awful, if it weren’t for The Feelings. (best friends to lovers!AU)
...And action (M)   ✎ @prolixitae ✎ jungkook likes to film illegal stunts around the globe for his dedicated audience. because of you, his right-hand navigator, he gets to travel to beautiful places he’s only ever seen in textbooks. but in the wake of a mishap involving poisonous shrubbery, now’s a perfect time for him to confess his undying love for more than just videography. or, “I know you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met” au
Starboy (M)   ✎ @sugaxjpg ✎ Jeon Jungkook was, above anything else, the type you should not get involved with. He was the guy who slept around; the guy who was gone before you woke up; who left a path of broken hearts and missed calls wherever he went. He was right in just about every wrong way. That being said, maybe the bet you made with your friend could be the best thing that happened to you in a long time, and even enough to break the chain of misfortune that circled your party nights — after all, it was all just a simple, four-part plan to make Jungkook beg for you. What could possibly go wrong?
The millionaire and his lover (M)  ✎ @gukyi ✎ over the course of your lifelong friendship with jungkook, you can’t say that you’ve ever had the greatest ideas, and a fake relationship with the boy you’ve been in love with for years is no exception. 
The push (M)  ✎ @underthejoon ✎ Jungkook needed the push to tell you his feelings 
Steamy (M)  PT2 PT3 PT4  ✎ @jungkookiebus ✎ You’re roommates with your older brother, Jimin, who is having some of his friends over and he’s strictly forbade you from hanging out with them; he has a feeling you like one of his friends and he’s avoiding having your presence in the home. Unfortunately for him and good for you, that person in question accidentally walks in on you in your bath. 
Fast and definitely furious (M) ✎ @parkmuse ✎ Car sex looks so much easier in the movies
Caught me (M)  ✎ @jeonshome ✎ You hate your temporary roommate, Jungkook and it doesn’t help that he’s been catching you at the most inconvenient of times.
Mark me (M) ✎ @littlemeowmeowschimmy ✎ Jungkooks’ excuses were getting too much. You needed answers, and you needed them now 
Howling for You (M) ✎ @fortunexkookie ✎ The way your Little Red Riding Hood costume lured over a fuckboy in a half-assed werewolf costume was a little cliche, but god damn was he beautiful. He promised he had plenty of big things to show you, and you took him up on the offer, not realizing that you might’ve bitten off more than you could chew 
Monogamy Monologues (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash​ ✎ The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend. 
Banana milk (M) ✎ @kimnjss​ ✎ sent to the grocery store in the middle of the day, you’d never believe who you ran into in the milk aisle. 
Truth or dare (M) ❀ ✎ @deliriousscenarios​ ✎ Junkook find out you’re a virgin and wont drop it.
Mission Impossible (M) ❀ ✎ @hobiwonder​ ✎ When you find out that your groupmate is whoring it up on tinder instead of handing in his part of the project, you go on a mission to teach him a lesson. And maybe get him to finish his part.
Hoseok (J-Hope)
Climbing (M) ✎ @im-too-old-for-bts ✎ An embarrassing moment from your past comes back to haunt you in the form of one of your cousin’s neighbours, Jung Hoseok.
Playing house Part2 Part3 Part4(M) Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8(M) ✎ @mak-baes ✎ it’s not like you’re hard pressed for cash, but there is that spring break trip you need to save up for, so why not grab your best friend and pretend to be a couple for some research study? what could possibly go wrong? (Finished)
Burn In Hell (She Said) (M)  ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ Hoseok’s taste is singular. That is his sexual taste. Singular only for humans. Being the lord of the underworld (his title… Seokjin wouldn’t be so happy), means his needs get taken care of instantly. Humans litter the place, soulless and trapped there for eternity. But then you rock up, in all your demoness glory (no title needed), and suddenly he wants a taste of his own medicine. Devil meets devil. Only you don’t fall to your knees so willingly…
Hot rod (M)  ✎ @kinktae ✎ a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner. 
Just Practice (M)  ✎ @lamourche​ ✎ The second time you hook up with Jung Hoseok, he doesn't remember the first time. You're surprised. It was only a few weeks ago, and you were in a broom closet. That has to be different, right? (Well, not really, you'll learn.)
Photographs (you’re taking now)(M) ❀ ✎ @bangtan-sonyeondanope​ ✎ Snapshots taken from her life, her child’s, his life and his child’s. From happiness to grief, the path that took two broken pieces to form one bigger, kind-of-whole picture.
Snap Decision (M)  ✎ @noona-la-la-la ✎ A chance meeting with a stranger at a bar helps you recover from a bad break up.
Locked in love (M)  ✎ @parkmuse ✎ Getting locked in the mall on Christmas eve isn’t ideal, but getting locked in the mall with your brothers best friend that you haven’t seen in a while? Well, it might have been alright if you didn’t have feelings for him.
Syndicate (M)  ✎ @jungkookiebus ✎ Your husband is the biggest arms dealer in Korea. It’s the night of the President’s Ball and a pre-planned hit on top government officials while Jimin is separated from you. Using what Jimin taught you, you successfully escape the resort and make it home to an empty house. It’s not too long after that a panicked Jimin finds you at home and shows you just how thankful he is that you’re safe. 
The Fuckening (M) ✎ @underthejoon ✎ Jimin falls for the cute girl in his class. One who’s just as big of a tease as he is.
Star Light, Star Bright (M) ✎ @readyplayerhobi​ ✎ Life has not gone exactly how Park Jimin imagined, and yet he can’t possibly imagine his life any different to what it is now. After six hard and stressful years, he’s now the happy owner of a degree along with being the proud dad of his little girl. But what happens when he meets you and his life is tipped upside down once more?
Physical (M)  ✎ @ppersonna​ ✎ you cant seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
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thelunarbond · 5 years
OC questions time with Phoenix
A few days ago I reblogged this post with some questions to help with characterisation, and I wanted to write it out here with Phoenix as he’s my main oc! Here we go...
1) On a scale of “is occasionally forced to bathe” to “Instagram model with sponsors to hoe for” how involved is your OC’s Skincare routine?
Phoenix hates showering, especially when his anxiety is high. He still does it as often as possible, and he uses moisturiser and proper face wash, and that’s about it. He still barely grows facial hair despite the fact that he’s 19 years old. The rest of the Lunar Bond get jealous of him because he rarely gets acne or rough skin and he doesn’t even try
2) What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
Phoenix is the least fussy eater ever and will eat almost anything. However, his preference is crunchy foods and/or spicy food. He doesn’t really have a preference with calories. He’s not very good at self care, so Phoenix’s diet normally consists of cereal and cup noodles for virtually every meal, as he never remembers to feed himself or remembers to buy food in the first place. (He might occasionally sneak out of bed to eat some shredded cheese at 5am too)
3) What’s something pointless/petty/unimportant that IRRATIONALLY ANNOYS THE HELL out of your OC?
Anything vaguely unsatisfying. Things such as when people cut wrapping paper and it rips, or when people draw with a ruler and it goes loose so the line isn’t straight, things like that. (Side note: Phoenix definitely watches satisfying compilations or soap cutting videos on YouTube)
4) What’s your OC’s response to being asked for money by a homeless person?
Fear, as he never carries cash or change on him (when he has money at all). He puts all his money on his bank card, and he knows he can’t transfer it to the homeless person. He gets scared that it would lead to the homeless person being angry or upset with him. And he feels bad that he could have done something to help someone
5) Does your OC get lost easily? What do they do when they do get lost?
Phoenix doesn’t get lost very easily as he never goes to places he hasn’t been to before. However, when he moved from the countryside to Westerlyn City he got lost all the time, and his response is a lot of fear (and probably a panic attack). When he would get lost he’d rely on his phone for directions and hope he wasn’t going to be lost forever
6) What would STOP your OC from Doing The Right Thing in a tense situation?
Answered here!
7) Realistically, could your OC (in their normal circumstances- i.e. at their own house/battlecamp/spaceship etc.) keep a small child alive for a week if they had to?  A Dog?  A Houseplant? A rock with a  smiley face painted on?
Phoenix has been taking care of his little brother for years up until recently. He’s incredibly good at caring for other people or pets and making sure they are well, but he isn’t very good at looking after himself (probably because he’s too distracted while thinking about the other person/animal etc). He also has multiple houseplants in his home that are thriving
8) If your OC had to take the S.A.T. tomorrow with one night to prep, how would they do?  both emotionally and academically.
Academically, Phoenix would do amazingly well. He has the highest IQ out of anyone in the Lunar Bond; he picks up information very quickly and is good at retaining it. His emotional well-being in that situation is a whole other story. Phoenix doesn’t believe he’s very good at anything. And he doesn’t think he’s particularly clever, no matter how many high test scores he gets. He would spend all night drinking energy drinks and studying, and freaking out that he’s going to fail and everyone’s going to be disappointed in him. He’d probably also be a big puddle of anxiety on the day of the test as well
9) What would cause your OC to chose to do something petty/pointlessly cruel?
Nothing. Phoenix is terrified of upsetting or angering people. No matter how many cruel or petty pranks are pulled on him, he doesn’t lash out as he’s scared of having an argument. If it’s constant, he might eventually yell at the person in question that what they’re doing is unfair, but it takes a lot to reach that point
10) On a scale of “Complete and Justified nervous breakdown” to “Conquer The Entire Galaxy and become an Immortal God-Emperor”, how well would your OC handle being abducted by Aliens?
Very very badly. He would have a total mental breakdown. He’d spend the whole time thinking he was going to die
11) What song is 100% guaranteed to get your OC beyond turnt and will be sung loudly and embarrassingly, either in public or the shower?
Pompeii by Bastille. Phoenix loves songs that he can sing along loudly to and are still calming in nature. He doesn’t really like “thumping” songs, such as songs with heavy bass or techno songs, as he thinks they’re too noisy. But he’d 100% sing along with a song like Pompeii in the shower at least (probably not in public though)
12) What perfectly-normal-to-them-thing does your OC do that confuses/pisses off/terrifies their neighbours?
He doesn’t really do anything that would piss them off as he’s scared of being confronted, but they would be confused by the fact that he leaves and goes back into his house constantly before he goes out to buy groceries. He’ll open the door, take about 2 steps outside and then go back in and stay there for another 10 minutes, still wearing his coat. He’ll leave the house again and walk to the end of the street and walk back, shut the door and not come out for 20 minutes, and it continues like that. To Phoenix, it’s his normal routine as he’s not sure if he’s too anxious to go into a store and buy groceries. In the end, after leaving and going back into his house about 5 or 6 times he’ll order his groceries online, and leave his neighbours very confused
13) Under what circumstances would your OC appear naked in public?
Only if it was life or death. If going naked in public would save his life or someone close to him he’d do it. But nothing else would make him do something like that
14) What thing did your OC’s parents do that your OC wishes they had a better explanation for?
This question is kinda confusing and I honestly don’t know how to answer it, sorry😅
15) How often does your OC “zone out” or do things on autopilot and how severe have the problems that have arisen from that been?
He zones out all the time. Multiple times a day he’ll start daydreaming, and something he does on autopilot is make cups of tea. The amount of times he’s nearly died as a result of his daydreaming is unreal. He still doesn’t stop his daydreaming while he’s in public, no matter how many times this has happened. His autopilot tea making has resulted in multiple occasions of him finding random cups of tea of different flavours around his house that he’s made, taken one sip out of, and left to go cold somewhere
16) How strong or weak is your OC’s Impulse control? What’s the worst thing that happened because of their Impulsivity or inability to be so?
Answered here!
17) How does your OC sabotage themselves? 
A better question for Phoenix would be how he doesn’t sabotage himself. He’s the worst at self care, he’s never told someone he’s had a crush on that he loves them, trouble constantly seems to seek him out... someone help him
18) What’s the trashiest item in your OC’s wardrobe, when was the last time they wore it and why do they still have it?
Phoenix doesn’t really own embarrassing clothes but the trashiest thing he owns is an ancient oversized shirt that he’s had for many years; he lounges around the house in it (and sometimes wears it to the store when he occasionally braves the store). It’s covered in holes, stains and rips, the print is completely cracked and peeling and it’s about 4 sizes too big. And the last time Phoenix wore it was yesterday, because he refuses to throw it away (he claims he’s had it too long to throw it away) 
19) How Dehydrated is your OC right now? Are they going to fix this?
How hydrating is tea? Because he hasn’t had a glass of water for about 6 hours but he’s had 4 cups of tea and he’s making himself another one
20) What’s your OC smell like?  no, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically.  Body odour? what have they been touching all day? When was their last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
Phoenix’s last shower was yesterday, so the smell of his body wash has faded a little. It’s scented like lemon and tea tree, and he still smells like it a little bit. Perfumes or aftershaves irritate his skin so he doesn’t wear them. His fingers smell like the pages of the second hand adventure books he’s been reading all day. The smell of the scented candles he has also lingers on him a little, and they’re scented like black cherry
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