#and it's just now occuring to me that that.... may not be the healthiest choice?
firstfandomfangirl · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about fear off and on over the last week and. Hmm.
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Episode 9: The Legendary Unikron
The post where I finally make the naming format of this blog more sane
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This is the same place as the one, where in the episode "Heads for no Tails" it will be revealed that Kerubim obtained the legendary, life-draining Heads for no Tails restraint while pissdrunk. Y'know. The one meant for an Ondine created by Djaul to trick the dragon Aguabrial into creating a Dofus.
Yeah, I will not think too much about the fact that it is flipped. To me, they're The Same Place. I guess he's been drinking here for decades. Kind of cute.
And yeah I guess it means the Ondine named Ondine, from the episode Like a Snapper in the Water is literally just named "Siren the Siren". I guess her mermaid parents weren't very creative. I'll mention this when I liveblog that episode too, but I would feel bad, if I didn't mention this here too.
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We will talk about my feelings on Kerubim leaving the legendary demon-killing life-draining shackles somewhere Joris, in his shelf-climbing corridor-running wisdom, could reach, later.
We'll get there when we get there.
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Glad to know there's a reason Kerubim and Joris live in a bad neighborhood. And that reason is that Kerubim wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else.
Love his scary and off-putting behaviours.
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Okay, rant incoming:
Firstly, this is a customary french drink bowl, to stop any wondering from the non-french aware readers. It's normal for French people to drink coffee, milk, and tea from a bowl, soup-style, in the morning and in the evening. So this part is normal.
Now onto more sillywhacky part of this: What the fuck is Joris doing here, exactly?
As we can see, his Bowl of Liquid is steaming even before he starts pouring the chocolate milk into it. Is he adding chocolate milk to hot milk? Is he adding chocolate milk to cocoa or hot chocolate? (I will fight people who don't differentiate between them, they're two different things, you heathens.)
Is he, mayhaps, adding it... to tea?
We will never know, yet the question is haunting.
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Interestingly, it seems that one of Simone's jobs around the house is polishing swords. Also, her being here so late means that, quite predictably, she is a live-in maid.
(You can see that like, 50% of this blog is me paying to random details that could only be useful in like, extremely faithful fanfiction, and 50% getting whacky with this show's storytelling.)
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I love Simone so, so much. Truly, she is Joris's cooler aunt.
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No comment besides this image.
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Joking. I do have a comment, actually. Imagine me putting on a tinfoil hat here, btw.
I think it's kinda telling that Joris's main fear, the one that re-occurs a multiple times during the show, and always, without fail, makes him break down in tears, is Kerubim dying.
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The facts that are important to keep in mind are: They've been living together alone for Joris's entire life, Joris knows he's adopted, and Kerubim himself is an orphan, which he doesn't really hide.
Which leads to multiple conclusions, which all coexist:
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1. Joris is a kid who's very aware of the mortality of parents/guardians, and that, above everything else, that he is lucky to have a home and a semblance of family. That if Kerubim wasn't there, he may not have had that.
Which is uh... a pretty stressful thing for a kid his age to know, I suppose!
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Especially considering the fact that Kerubim is an old man riddled with back pains, and for 7 years had such a level of post-lou-divorce post-battle-with-julith depression that he could not figure out how to get them into a clean, non-shitty non-hazardous home.
And now that their home IS clean, still can't make it non-hazardous.
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2. Joris and Kerubim are much closer than most parents and children, because they literally have no other relatives, and Kerubim has pushed away most people who would consider him a friend in the past. Only relying on one another isn't the best or healthiest idea, but what choice do they have?
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You can't just show up at home, be like "i would be dead, if it wasn't for you giving me water, my jojo <3" and not expect to inflict some eldritch horror levels of psychic damage onto your son.
Especially considering the fact, that he KNOWS, from your own shitty stories, that when you're gone, and it IS a when, because you're an old man who's constantly complaining about his health, he's going to be fending for himself all alone.
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It's pretty obvious, then, why Joris would put Kerubim on a very high pedestal and, as will be shown later, prioritize the man's feelings over his own. Kerubim is his best friend, his role model, provider, guardian, AND the only one family member he has.
Besides depending on him, Joris knows papycha is a very, very lonely and sad person, — and who is he, not to try and make the life of the one person, who's most important to him, better?
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If Kerubim isn't always happy, both in general and with Joris, then that's the worst thing ever, and if Kerubim isn't amazing, all-capable, and Not Going To Die Within The Next Couple Of Years Due To Being Old As Fuck, then their life is Over.
So Joris has to put in a lot of work.
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This analysis isn't even picking apart the nitty-gritty of Kerubim being an orphan and having abandonment issues, or the way those things make him latch onto Joris the same way Joris latches onto him — as if this child is his Only Hope and Savior, Who Won't Leave Him Like All The Others.
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And how that might lead to him REALLY liking Joris idealizing and putting him on a pedestal, despite the guilt he might feel knowing that that's kind of a... not-good parenting tactic.
...Man this post isn't even a rewatch liveblog anymore, it's just an analysis post, innit? 💀
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
"I need to make them stay. I need to make sure nobody steals them from me. If I don't keep an eye on them, they will cheat on me."
Do these thoughts sound familiar to you?
Do you sometimes wish you could keep your partner away from certain friends, from their ex-partners or from pretty people on social media, so you can make sure they don't cheat on you with them? Or do you maybe catch yourself wanting to cross privacy boundaries (like secretly looking through their text messages or eavesdropping on their conversations with friends) to make sure nobody is trying to steal them away from you?
(And are those thoughts not just a one-off thing on a super insecure day, like after a fight, but something you notice on a regular basis?)
If so, this letter is for you - and I want to start it off with a somewhat provocative question:
Do you even want them to stay?
I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous, we just established that you spend a lot of emotional and mental energy on trying to make them stay. But please give yourself a minute to think about it.
It sounds like you feel that the responsibility for their behavior lays on your shoulders. But the reality is that nobody can just "steal" your partner: Cheating is a choice. No matter who may make advances on your partner, they would need to decide to say yes for it to happen - and if you truly believe that your partner will immediately tear their clothes off as soon as the opportunity to cheat opens up, then they already made that decision in their head. No amount of "supervision" from you would change that.
If this is honestly the case - if they want to sleep with other people and you want to be exclusive - then you two are clearly not on the same page about your relationship and may not be a good match for each other. The healthiest course of action here would be redirecting your energy from "How do I make them stay" to "Is this relationship worth saving?".
Now, before you storm off to break up with them: While your feelings could, in theory, be rooted in subtle signs you pick off from them, I am not saying that this is always the case or even the most likely explanation. Remember that feelings are not objective. "I feel like they want to sleep with other people" does not necessarily translate to "They want to sleep with other people".
This feeling could very well be a reflection of you rather than of your partner. Nobody likes the thought of losing someone who is important to them - but when that thought becomes a constant companion, it is often about a feeling of control rather than about the person. As strange as it may sound: your possessiveness over your partner may have zero to do with your partner.
You may be afraid of change in your life. You may worry about losing who you are or spiraling out of control if an unexpected change occurred. You may not trust in your ability to be alone with your own thoughts or you feel like you are worthless without external validation... and deep fears like that are hard to grasp, so you subconsciously pin that on your partner. Feeling scared that they will cheat on you is "easier" because you feel like you can do something about it. Focusing on your partner allows you to be in control.
The problem with that is: While possessive thoughts and behavior allow you to feel in control, they are also deeply unhealthy - for both of you. The constant mental circling around the possibility of your partner cheating, that internal burden of responsibility for something that is ultimately out of your hands, is exhausting and stressful for you. Violations of your partner's privacy and trust are unhealthy for their mental health. Both of you may start to feel resentful and bitter towards the other. Ironically, they may even start to keep more secrets from you because of your controlling behavior!
So, let's look back at our very first question from above from this angle: Do you really want a relationship like that? Or are there healthier ways to deal with the feeling behind "I need to make them stay" you can redirect your energy to?
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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fairycosmos · 5 years
I thought I was getting better but today I woke up sad and I just feel like I keep taking steps back and idk it just sucks. My brain sucks man
hey. i know this isn��t what you want to hear, but it’s okay to wake up sad some days, man. that doesn’t negate all of the progress you’ve made already. the goal isn’t not to feel any negative emotions ever, it’s to try your best to cope with those feelings in the healthiest way possible. and you wont always be successful at it, and sometimes you’ll fuck up, but that’s to be expected. that’s exactly how you learn, because you can take those experiences and use them for future reference. you can observe your own emotional/behavioral patterns, so that when you feel down, you can begin to understand what triggered the mood swing and how to make yourself feel a little better. create a list of things that help you out of that hole: talking to someone you trust, writing, music, going for a walk, breathing exercises. none of those things are quick fixes or cures, but they can lighten the weight of the pain substantially if you give them the chance to. i know it’s frustrating, i know. to constantly feel like you’re regressing when the one thing you want is to improve - it’s hard. harder than most people realize. and that’s why i believe it’s ok to cry about it, and to be upset, to let it all wash over you. just dont let that part of your mind convince you that the sadness is permanent, or that you’re never going to feel better, cause in reality that’s not  the case. getting better doesn’t occur through a linear timeline, it doesn’t necessarily all happen in sequence. while it may seem to you like you’re getting worse, the sheer fact that you want to help yourself, and that you sent this ask in the first place, speaks volumes about the level of self awareness you have. it’s a really good sign that you’re trying. that’s what it always comes back to. every moment that you get through it is something to be so proud of. you’re going to be okay. i dont know the details of what’s going on, but seeking professional help is also an option if you haven’t done so already. even beginning by talking to your friends/family/someone you trust about what’s going on will make a difference. it sounds fake, and maybe you dont believe me right now, but you seriously don’t have to go through this alone. even speaking to your regular doctor and letting him/her know that you’re struggling is a good place to start. if you’re too young to make that arrangement yourself, then talk to the adults in your life or someone at school like a teacher or the counselor, or consider calling a hotline for additional info. seriously, you have options, and you’re not as trapped as you think you are. you dont have to keep all of the hurt inside of you, you can let it out through communication. even if you dont want to, even if you’re embarrassed. it all starts with making the choice to help yourself, and honestly following through with it. anyway angel, i’m rooting for you with all my heart. being down is never something to berate yourself over. the pain is going to ease soon, i promise. let me know if you need a friend or if you want to talk about this properly, i’ll be here. sending my love.
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rosiealmond52-blog · 5 years
Meat A History Head Forward To Enjoy Vegan Product
To get on your own experience even much more self-confident, go to your neighborhood Beverages and More or very similar keep and purchase a couple of bottles just about every of white and crimson wine. Pick some sweet and dry wines. They are typically marked in the descriptions above each assortment of wine. Keep in the $10 to $20 variety with these choices. Convey them property and consider a diverse bottle every single night. See what you like. Drink with foods and see what goes with what. The critical below is, it's genuinely all up to you. What do you like to drink with what food items? That's the most significant factor. There are also from this source bread spreads that stand in for butter so that you can serve your bread delightfully warmed in a basket, tucked within rather napkins to keep them warm. Soup and salad are a mouth watering way to make meal for any person, so don't get enthusiastic when you have the impulse to question your vegan pal about for supper soon after get the job done. It will be exciting! And you may well discover a several items when you store for the meal. Give your pet eco-friendly greens to enhance his immune method. You may serve these raw or if you want to cook it, just heat it marginally to retain their vitamins. Often wash them extensively to get rid of germs. The explanation why we insist upon taking in vegan solutions is that they keep away from cardiac diseases. They when being given present the possibility to the kids have cholesterol with a good range of proportion of common forty%twenty five. The kids even sitting down in the the more steadily high blood tension. Not only this , inital one thinks of totally the being overweight. The young children in Italy of 1:3 keep an fat problems drawback because of to much more meat and pork . The articles of fat inside of of the meat definitely the major aspect for diabetic issues. Try to locate a great non food based reward that you can give by yourself to celebrate your progress. It is greater to stay away from dealing with on your own with foods even if it is nutritious. The explanation guiding this is mainly because you want to break the bonds in your thoughts amongst satisfaction and foodstuff. All food items consists of various amounts of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, and so on. These are typically referred to as nutrients, and are the vital factors of a healthier body. When we don't get a regular ingestion of vitamins, we turn into malnourished in some form. As a result, it is most significant to emphasis on the dietary material of the food we do eat vegetarian. Food that is significant in vitamins and minerals not only supplies the body with every thing it desires, it also seeks out and destroys cost-free radicals and absorbs the toxins we intake from other, non-wholesome food items. The more you switch on the information, the a lot more you will listen to about our terrible foodstuff source and why it is killing us. A new film, much better than Morgan Spurlock's "Super Dimensions Me" was just produced to explain to you why it's not your fault you are excess fat and over weight. "Food, Inc." tells us the Agri-enterprise in The usa has taken us for a journey. An pricey demise defying experience! What do you do? How do you cease the roller coaster ups and downs of gaining and losing fat? When you blend calorie biking with a vegan fat decline system, the results are unique. With this weight decline method, you change up your calories on a each day foundation, and your overall body in no way is aware of what to count on. Fruits are probably the healthiest foods that human beings can take in. Believe it or not there are countless numbers of fruits in the earth. While on our aspect of the planet we do not use all of them and we have not almost certainly ever even read of some. For men and women that are attempting to drop bodyweight fruits can be really helpful. They have a ton of nutrition that other meals don't present which can aid you get rid of excess weight very easily. I individually believe that fruits are some of the tastiest foodstuff in the world. A excellent sweet fruit can't be overwhelmed by any other sweet food items in the earth. My favourite foodstuff to make with fruit is a massive fruit salad made up of at minimum 6 or 7 various sorts of fruits. Surprisingly, it does not get very long to just acknowledge that this can occur. I think it assists that all of the characters in the motion picture seem to be to accept it. That Scott can now out of the blue fly by means of the air and punch persons with these kinds of pressure that they fly upwards and out the back again of buildings is taken as if he can stroll a straight line. No one particular would seem significantly surprised that any of this is heading on. from this source diet regime - a vegetarian diet program can help get your overall body back less than your control. Digesting protein (meat) is hard on the overall body; nonetheless we require protein to survive. That's just how the physique performs. It's a medical reality we need protein as effectively as veggies and fruits to make our bodies operate adequately.
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wichitahandyman · 3 years
Are you searching for Flooring Repair in Wichita KS? Handyman Services Of Wichita is providing Flooring Repair Services. Call us! Best Flooring Repair Service Wichita KS Flooring Repair Company Wichita KS | Handyman Services Of WichitaMore information is at: https://handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/flooring-repair-near-me/Looking for  Flooring Repair Service near Wichita KS? Handyman Services Of Wichita  is the premier Flooring Repair Service in the  Wichita KS.No wood floor problem is too difficult for us to handle. Whether it is squeaks, blemishes, has spots or marks, we can repair it.Best Flooring Repair Service in Wichita KS. Cost? Free estimates! Call now or Send a quick message for an estimate. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE NOWFLOORING REPAIR SERVICE IN  WICHITA KS The Flooring Repair will At Handyman Services Of Wichita, our experienced flooring experts can provide the best Flooring Repair in Wichita KS at a very reasonable price.We take pride in offering the best Flooring Repair. Our Handyman Services Of Wichita experts take pride in providing the best service in the Wichita KS area. REPAIRS Wood Floor Repairs Even if you hate to admit it, the older a floor gets, the more problematic it becomes as normal wear and tear becomes apparent. As time goes by, the floors no longer look or function the same way as before. Fortunately,  Handyman Services Of Wichita Flooring can help you fix all types of flooring problems. Hardwood floors are known to be durable and long lasting. However, wood flooring is still subject to wear and tear, particularly in areas that are damp, water-prone, unstable and shifting buildings and footings or if not installed properly. If you have noticeable blemishes and spots in your floor or you keep on hearing squeaks while you walk over it, then call us for our free, high quality wood floor repairs advice. Being in the flooring industry for over two decades, we have encountered all types of flooring problems. From structural damage to surface damage, we have seen and fixed it all. Using hardwood floors can come with many types of problems, but we have the solutions to remedy them all. Our Wichita KS wood floor repair technicians know just what to do, what products to use, what techniques to implement and what types of repair services you need to restore your old flooring. If you think your wooden floor could use some repairs, we are here to help. We offer a wide array of floor repair services including sanding, re-sealing, re-staining, plank and board replacement as well as filling gouges and holes of all sizes. No wood floor problem is too difficult for us to handle. Whether it is squeaks, blemishes, has spots or marks, we can repair it for you! Do not hesitate to call us now. Our Handyman Services Of Wichita  flooring experts are here to provide you with a no-cost, obligation-free, on-site estimate along with a free consultation. Timber Floor Repairs Flooring damage can vary from white ant intrusion, water or moisture and even heavy objects with sharp corners. We can repair water damaged timber floors Generally with water damage to timber floors its important to identify the cause and then ensure the cause has been rectified. From that depending if was flood or just briefly saturated steps can be taken. The process to repair the damage is not always the same, however this is just one example below: The timber floor is removed, the concrete is made good again with all the glue and barrier removed with a diamond disk grinder. The flooring is discarded and removed. The process of re-installation begins. Where you have walls that have been removed then it’s a re-toothing process. Timber of the same species is purchased, generally portions of the existing timber floor are removed as not to leave a pattern. The new timber is installed and then the timber is sanded and polished. In some cases the whole area will require sand and polish. In some small repairs, the timber is coated prior to install so that it looks very similar. Some repairs would be when a fire place is removed, old growth jarrah is the specie. The cavity where the fire place once was will have to be rectified to allow for timber. Joist fixtures are installed and then the timber is re-toothed onto joist. White ant damage With white ant damage its important to ensure there is no present live activity. The timber is removed and replaced accordingly. In some cases when the floor is sanded other timber boards are identified as damaged, may have to be replaced. Can sunlight damage timber floors? Heat stress or shrinkage of timber flooring near widows can be a problem. Its important to have window coverings prior to repairs. In some cases the floor can just be sanded and re-coated to remove lips that can occur due to stress. Sunlight over a long period of time can cause the appearance of timber to change, for instance with direct sunlight thru large back sliding windows and a throw rug or couch have been in the same place for years, a tan line or visible imprint may be noticeable, this type of surface damage may require the floor to be re-coated. Laminate floor repairs Floor repairs to laminate flooring or floating floors are just as common. It is important to match it with the same product as the interlocking systems from one supplier will be different to another. With some repairs the cause is man-made, incompatible systems, for example, vapour barrier applied, PVA glue to direct stick timber. Because PVA glue has water and the pad has been sealed it has no other option that to affect timber. Add natural stress of the environment ( hot – cold seasons) and the floor may sound drummy. Repair experts With a new timber floor installation, Handyman Services Of Wichita Flooring recommends that all the appliances be activated during the day, whilst you the client are home, dishwasher, fridge and any overhead plumbing systems, when activated under normal load and there is a leak, its better to be there monitoring the systems rather than activating them at night for the first time and there being a leak. We Offer Dependable Wooden Floor Repairs in Wichita KS Of all the flooring options, timber is the healthiest and the most attractive choice. However, it may lose its appeal over time if it is not maintained properly. The Handyman Services Of Wichita professionals have got you covered for that and have the expertise and the experience to refurbish any wooden floor to its previous, pristine condition. So when it comes to wooden floor repairs in Wichita KS, we are the service to trust. We pledge to restore a stained, flooded or termite-infested floor to pristine glory A timber floor installed in a commercial facility is prone to surface damage as it is exposed to more people.Handyman Services Of Wichita can take on your dull, scuffed or damaged floor and restore it completely. Whether your floor is stained, flooded or has been damaged by termites, we pledge to repair and restore it to pristine condition in a timely and efficient manner. Your ultimate satisfaction is our foremost priority. That’s why we offer affordable flooring solutions for all our clients. Get your wooden floors repaired in Wichita KS. Call the experts for a hassle free and timely service that lasts for years to come. Add value to your property by getting your floors repaired in time Add value to your property by repairing your old and worn out timber floors. You can maintain the natural warmth of timber by getting it restored by specialists. We are one of the leading service providers for wooden floor repairs in Wichita KS and offer repair services for all types of timber floors. We use non-toxic products in our finishes All the products we use during repairs are sourced from market leading companies. Being an eco-friendly floor cleaning service, we only use the safest products to repair your floors to perfection. These products are free of allergens and are safe for your family and pets. Since these are non-toxic products, they do not add to environmental pollution. Floor Repairing Services: ● Our array of services includes: ● Replacing Wood Blocks ● Filling Cracks & Gaps ● Filling Stains ● Floor Sanding ● Floor Sealing To obtain a free quote for flooring repair  in Wichita KS, please don’t hesitate to contact  at Handyman Services Of Wichita Floor Services. Call us for : • Flooring Repair Contractors Near Wichita KS • Wood Flooring Repair • Laminate Floor Repair • Floor Repair Cost • Laminate Flooring Contractors • Water Damaged Floor Repair • Flooring Repair Specialist • Vinyl Flooring RepairBEST FLOORING REPAIR SERVICE IN WICHITA KS HANDYMAN SERVICES OF WICHITA REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT US!CONTACT US: Handyman Services Of Wichita Best commercial residential handyman maintenance professionals in Wichita KS (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN (316) 500-7551 CLEANING (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL Location: Wichita KS Timing: 7 AM – 11 PM Websites: handymanserviceswichitakansas.com bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ Service area: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #kanas #handyman #commercialhandyman #residencialhandyman #moving #junkremoval #cleaning
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handymanmcallen · 3 years
Best Flooring Repair Service McAllen TX Flooring Repair Company McAllen TX | Handyman McAllen
More information is at; http://handymanmcallen.org/flooring-repair-near-me/
Looking for  Flooring Repair Service near McAllen TX? Handyman McAllen  is the premier Flooring Repair Service in the  McAllen TX. No wood floor problem is too difficult for us to handle. Whether it is squeaks, blemishes, has spots or marks, we can repair it. Best Flooring Repair Service in McAllen TX. Cost? Free estimates! Call now or Send a quick message for an estimate. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE NOW
FLOORING REPAIR SERVICE IN  MCALLEN TX The Flooring Repair will At Handyman McAllen, our experienced flooring experts can provide the best Flooring Repair in McAllen TX at a very reasonable price. We take pride in offering the best Flooring Repair. Our Handyman McAllen experts take pride in providing the best service in the McAllen TX area. REPAIRS Wood Floor Repairs Even if you hate to admit it, the older a floor gets, the more problematic it becomes as normal wear and tear becomes apparent. As time goes by, the floors no longer look or function the same way as before. Fortunately,  Handyman McAllen Flooring can help you fix all types of flooring problems. Hardwood floors are known to be durable and long lasting. However, wood flooring is still subject to wear and tear, particularly in areas that are damp, water-prone, unstable and shifting buildings and footings or if not installed properly. If you have noticeable blemishes and spots in your floor or you keep on hearing squeaks while you walk over it, then call us for our free, high quality wood floor repairs advice. Being in the flooring industry for over two decades, we have encountered all types of flooring problems. From structural damage to surface damage, we have seen and fixed it all. Using hardwood floors can come with many types of problems, but we have the solutions to remedy them all. Our McAllen TX wood floor repair technicians know just what to do, what products to use, what techniques to implement and what types of repair services you need to restore your old flooring. If you think your wooden floor could use some repairs, we are here to help. We offer a wide array of floor repair services including sanding, re-sealing, re-staining, plank and board replacement as well as filling gouges and holes of all sizes. No wood floor problem is too difficult for us to handle. Whether it is squeaks, blemishes, has spots or marks, we can repair it for you! Do not hesitate to call us now. Our Handyman McAllen  flooring experts are here to provide you with a no-cost, obligation-free, on-site estimate along with a free consultation. Timber Floor Repairs Flooring damage can vary from white ant intrusion, water or moisture and even heavy objects with sharp corners. We can repair water damaged timber floors Generally with water damage to timber floors its important to identify the cause and then ensure the cause has been rectified. From that depending if was flood or just briefly saturated steps can be taken. The process to repair the damage is not always the same, however this is just one example below: The timber floor is removed, the concrete is made good again with all the glue and barrier removed with a diamond disk grinder. The flooring is discarded and removed. The process of re-installation begins. Where you have walls that have been removed then it’s a re-toothing process. Timber of the same species is purchased, generally portions of the existing timber floor are removed as not to leave a pattern. The new timber is installed and then the timber is sanded and polished. In some cases the whole area will require sand and polish. In some small repairs, the timber is coated prior to install so that it looks very similar. Some repairs would be when a fire place is removed, old growth jarrah is the specie. The cavity where the fire place once was will have to be rectified to allow for timber. Joist fixtures are installed and then the timber is re-toothed onto joist. White ant damage With white ant damage its important to ensure there is no present live activity. The timber is removed and replaced accordingly. In some cases when the floor is sanded other timber boards are identified as damaged, may have to be replaced. Can sunlight damage timber floors? Heat stress or shrinkage of timber flooring near widows can be a problem. Its important to have window coverings prior to repairs. In some cases the floor can just be sanded and re-coated to remove lips that can occur due to stress. Sunlight over a long period of time can cause the appearance of timber to change, for instance with direct sunlight thru large back sliding windows and a throw rug or couch have been in the same place for years, a tan line or visible imprint may be noticeable, this type of surface damage may require the floor to be re-coated. Laminate floor repairs Floor repairs to laminate flooring or floating floors are just as common. It is important to match it with the same product as the interlocking systems from one supplier will be different to another. With some repairs the cause is man-made, incompatible systems, for example, vapour barrier applied, PVA glue to direct stick timber. Because PVA glue has water and the pad has been sealed it has no other option that to affect timber. Add natural stress of the environment ( hot – cold seasons) and the floor may sound drummy. Repair experts With a new timber floor installation, Handyman McAllen Flooring recommends that all the appliances be activated during the day, whilst you the client are home, dishwasher, fridge and any overhead plumbing systems, when activated under normal load and there is a leak, its better to be there monitoring the systems rather than activating them at night for the first time and there being a leak. We Offer Dependable Wooden Floor Repairs in McAllen TX Of all the flooring options, timber is the healthiest and the most attractive choice. However, it may lose its appeal over time if it is not maintained properly. The Handyman McAllen professionals have got you covered for that and have the expertise and the experience to refurbish any wooden floor to its previous, pristine condition. So when it comes to wooden floor repairs in McAllen TX, we are the service to trust. We pledge to restore a stained, flooded or termite-infested floor to pristine glory A timber floor installed in a commercial facility is prone to surface damage as it is exposed to more people.Handyman McAllen can take on your dull, scuffed or damaged floor and restore it completely. Whether your floor is stained, flooded or has been damaged by termites, we pledge to repair and restore it to pristine condition in a timely and efficient manner. Your ultimate satisfaction is our foremost priority. That’s why we offer affordable flooring solutions for all our clients. Get your wooden floors repaired in McAllen TX. Call the experts for a hassle free and timely service that lasts for years to come. Add value to your property by getting your floors repaired in time Add value to your property by repairing your old and worn out timber floors. You can maintain the natural warmth of timber by getting it restored by specialists. We are one of the leading service providers for wooden floor repairs in McAllen TX and offer repair services for all types of timber floors. We use non-toxic products in our finishes All the products we use during repairs are sourced from market leading companies. Being an eco-friendly floor cleaning service, we only use the safest products to repair your floors to perfection. These products are free of allergens and are safe for your family and pets. Since these are non-toxic products, they do not add to environmental pollution. Floor Repairing Services: ● Our array of services includes: ● Replacing Wood Blocks ● Filling Cracks & Gaps ● Filling Stains ● Floor Sanding ● Floor Sealing To obtain a free quote for flooring repair  in McAllen TX, please don’t hesitate to contact  at Handyman McAllen Floor Services. Call us for : • Flooring Repair Contractors Near McAllen TX • Wood Flooring Repair • Laminate Floor Repair • Floor Repair Cost • Laminate Flooring Contractors • Water Damaged Floor Repair • Flooring Repair Specialist • Vinyl Flooring Repair
CONTACT: Handyman McAllen Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-3488 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL Located in McAllen, TX WEBSITE: www.handymanmcallen.org http://www.handymanservicesofmcallen.com/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572\
#handyman #commercialhandyman #residencialhandyman #moving #junk #cleaning #maintenance #renovation #mcAllen #Texas
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mayax81 · 6 years
The trouble with knowing exactly who you are from a young age is that you can not be satisfied with just anyone--they have to be specific.  I cannot un-know what I know about myself.  I am now in a place where nobody can mould me to suit their needs.  I love the freedom that comes with understanding myself, so that I’m not stifled by the hordes who might seek to control me with their own colors, but once you’ve ascended that mountain and escaped the valley city, it gets to be terribly cold and lonely.  
I know that I am a Christian, and that it would be wisest for me to only date another Christian--there is a place for kinship between those of opposing core beliefs, but it is not to be found in the person who is meant to fill the role of your rock and home.  This is not to say that the two of you cannot grow and change once you’re together, but it is to say that there is nothing more isolating than having different anchors in worldview.  You cannot truly be united if one of you is anticipated to be lost in the afterlife and the other is anticipated to be wasting their current life on religion.  
I know that what I am is not a fully sexual being, and that I am therefore not the healthiest choice for the majority of others.  
I know that I am unwilling to ever have children, which disqualifies me from another great portion of even today’s forward-thinking populace.  
None of these things disqualify me from love, itself, but they do severely undercut my ability to find a suitable mate (to whom I am also miraculously attracted, as that does seem to occur very few and far-between, as well.)  Additionally, I do not count it selfish to want someone very specific, but I also acknowledge that the effort to find that someone may for many years, or perhaps forever, remain fruitless.  It might come later in life (as my life has thus far, to some extent, been characterized by late-blooming and doing-things-out-of-order, as is.) 
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coolseanobuseng · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://legitlover.com/7-reasons-to-seek-marriage-counseling/
7 Reasons to Seek Marriage Counseling And Not Divorce
Though Divorce might be necessary and the healthiest option for some, others may wish to try to restore whatever is left of the union, let’s dig into the 7 reasons to seek marriage counseling and not Divorce. When couples encounter issues or problems, they might wonder when it is appropriate to look for marriage counseling. 
But when divorce does occur, it results in problems for adults along with children. For adults, divorce can be among life’s most difficult life events. Unreasonable choice to divorce frequently is consulted with uncertainty and unpredictability about the future. If children are involved, they might experience unfavorable impacts such as denial, sensations of desertion, anger, blame, guilt, fixation with reconciliation, and acting out.
Here are the 7 reasons to seek marriage counseling and not Divorce.
1. Interaction has actually ended up being unfavorable.
As soon as interaction has deteriorated, often it is tough to get it returning in the right direction. Unfavorable interaction can include anything that leaves one partner feeling depressed, insecure, ignored, or wanting to withdraw from the discussion. This can also consist of the tone of the conversation. It is necessary to bear in mind that it’s not constantly what you say, but how you say it.
Unfavorable communication can also include any interaction that not only leads to hurt feelings, however emotional or physical abuse, as well as nonverbal interaction.
2. When one or both partners consider having an affair, or one partner has actually had an affair.
Recovering from an affair is possible, however it takes a lot of work. It takes commitment and a desire to forgive and progress. There is no magic formula for recuperating from an affair. However if both individuals are devoted to the treatment process and are being sincere, the marriage might be salvaged. At the very least, it may be identified that it is healthier for both individuals to move on.
3. When the couple seems to be “simply occupying the very same space.”
When couples end up being more like roommates than a married couple, this may indicate a need for counseling. This does not imply if the couple isn’t doing whatever together they are in problem. If there is a lack of interaction, conversation and intimacy or any other elements the couple feels are essential and they feel they simply “co-exist,” this might be an indicator that a proficient clinician can help figure out what is missing and how to get it back.
4. When the partners do not know how to resolve their differences.
I remember watching GI Joe as a kid. Every program ended with the phrase “now you know, and knowing is half the battle.” For me, that expression comes to mind with this situation. When a couple begins to experience discord and they are aware of the discord, understanding is just half the battle. Sometimes I have actually heard couples say, “We know what’s incorrect, but we just do not understand how to repair it.”. Time to get a third party involved. A competent clinician may have the ability to get them moving in the best direction.
5. When one partner starts to act out on negative sensations.
I believe what we feel on the inside shows on the outside. Even if we have the ability to mask these feelings for a while, they are bound to surface area. Negative feelings such as animosity or dissatisfaction can develop into upsetting, often hazardous habits. I can recall a couple where the spouse was extremely harmed by her hubby’s indiscretions. Although she agreed to remain in the relationship and work things out, she became extremely spiteful. The other half would actively do things to make her other half think she was betraying despite the fact that she wasn’t. She desired her partner to feel the very same pain she felt, which was disadvantageous. A knowledgeable clinician can assist the couple sort out unfavorable feelings and find much better ways to reveal them.
6. When the only resolution seems separation.
Need aid understanding your relationship better? Check out our Mend The Marriage Video. When a couple disagrees or argues, a break typically is very handy. Nevertheless, when a timeout turns into an over night keep away from home or ultimately leads to a momentary separation, this might suggest a requirement for therapy. Spending time far from home does not usually resolve the scenario. Instead, it reinforces the idea that time away is practical, typically leading to more lacks. The time the missing partner returns, the problem is still there, but typically prevented due to the fact that time has actually passed.
7. When a couple is staying together for the sake of the kids.
If a couple feels it is a good idea to stay together for the sake of the children, it may assist to include an unbiased 3rd party. Typically couples think that they are doing the ideal thing when staying together actually is detrimental to the children. On the contrary, if the couple is able to fix concern and move toward a favorable, healthy relationship, this may be the best decision for all included.
In my opinion, children should never be the choosing element when couples are identifying whether to stay together. I recall dealing with an adolescent who was having trouble in school. She was acting out and her grades were declining. She mentioned, “I understand my parents really do not like each other.” When I asked her why, she responded, “They are nice to each other, however they never smile or laugh like my friends’ moms and dads.”
Children are normally really instinctive and intelligent. No matter how couples might believe they have the ability to fake their joy, the majority of kids have the ability to tell.
All Marriages are not salvageable. In the process of Marriage Counseling, some couples may find it is healthier for them to be apart. However, for those relationships that can be salvaged, and for those couples ready to commit to the procedure, Marriage Counseling may be able to advise them why they fell in love and keep them that way.
I hope this article of 7 reasons to seek marriage counseling and not Divorce has had an impact on you to make the right decision.
Related Article: How to Save Your Marriage When You’re Hopeless
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blendsweil · 6 years
Daily Relfection 4/30
I have been doing morning reflections for a while now. I am an addict and have 10 months clean. I would like to share the stuff I read everyday. I start every morning reading religious texts, philosophy, and Alcoholic Anonymous literature. I want to share my reading because maybe someone could benefit from it. After my readings I do concentrated meditation for at least 10 minutes. I hope someone benefits. Honestly, I do not know how much Nassim’ work helps but I like to think about what he says, whether I agree or disagree. 
“Just As what is considered rational or irrational differs for each person, in the same way what is good or evil and useful or useless differs for each person. This is why we need education, so that we might learn how to adjust our preconceived notions of the rational and irrational in harmony with nature. In sorting this out, we don’t simply rely on our estimate of the value of external things, but also apply the rule of what is in keeping with one’s character.”
-          Epictetus, Discourses, 1.2.5-7
It is easy to get wrapped up in our own opinions of things. The more you question things and the more you subject them to the rigorous test of your education, the more you will be your own compass. You will have convictions and thoughts that are your own and belong to no one else. Character is a powerful defense. If you know what you believe and why you believe it, you will avoid a number of ills that afflict people who haven’t thought through their deepest concerns. That’s your education. That is why you do this work.
-          Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman, Daily Stoic, 4/30
 “Take the shortest route. And the short way is the natural one, the one nature planned. To speak and act in the healthiest way and in conformity with sound reason. Do that and be free from pain and stress, free from strife and pretension.”
-          Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 4.51
 Greatness entails transcendence. Transcendence entails going far. Going far entails return. The human is great. Human beings follow earth. Earth follows nature.
-          Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, 25
 Have no fault. Eat and drink moderately. Be satisfied with sufficient clothing. Be content with sufficient housing.
-          Confucius, The Analects 8.21
 “The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it out. There are brambles in the path? Then go around. That’s all you need to know.”
-          Marcus Aurelius
Forget the rule book, settle the issue. Practice pragmatism. Anyway, that works, that’s the motto. We spend a lot of time thinking about how things should be. Trying to get it all perfect. When it would be better to focus on making due with what we have. On focusing on results instead of pretty methods. You have your mission, whatever it is. How far are you willing to go? What are you willing to do about it? Scratch the complaining. No submitting to powerlessness or fear. Pragmatism is not so much realism as flexibility. There are a lot of ways to get from point A to B. It doesn’t have to be a straight line. It just has to get you to where you need to go. But so many of us spend so much time looking for the perfect solution we pass up what is right in front of us. Start thinking like a radical pragmatist: still ambitious, aggressive, and rooted in ideals, but also imminently practical and guided. Think progress, not perfection.
-          Ryan Holiday, The Obstacle Is The Way, Ch. What’s Right Is What Works
 For the addict: Step 4: “We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”
“We have made a searching and honest assessment of our core beliefs, our values, and our goals.”
An effort to learn the truth about ourselves.
Step 4 is long, painful, ugly, and difficult – if done correctly. It can and will bring up a lot of bad material. If it doesn’t you are not being honest about yourself. The purpose here is to delve deeper into our spiritual recovery, freshen our outlook, and expand our sense of connectedness with ourselves, our higher power, and others. Focus on the principles. If we grasp the principle of the step, we can understand how to make it work for our recovery. The importance of step 4 should not be underestimated.
Principle: Self-Examination
The AA literature says that resentment is the number one offender to our spiritual well-being and, therefore, to our sobriety. The point of the 4th step is to get honest with ourselves through the principle of self-examination. If we don’t look carefully at the ways we have hurt others, we can’t get well and we won’t make much progress on the spiritual path.
 “He is angry with me, he attacked me, he defeated me, he robbed me”
Those who dwell on such thoughts will never be free from hatred
“He was angry with me, he attacked me, he defeated me, he robbed me”
Those who do not dwell on such thoughts will surely become free from hatred.
-          Buddha
 We must learn how to make ourselves ready to receive teachings. We become teachable then we learn to apply the steps to our lives. Practicing Buddhism as a recovering person, engages one is the principle of self-examination. If we consciously choose to integrate Buddhism with the inventory process, the results are astrophenomical.
 “You must recognize that your real enemy, the thief who steals your happiness, is the inner thief, the one inside your mind – the one you have cherished since beginingless time. Therefore, make strong determination to throw him out and never let him back in. But be careful how you approach this analysis. Don’t feel emotional or guilty; simply recognize your situation with wisdom.”
-          Lama Yeshe
 The real wisdom of the 4th step is the part where we look at what we did to create the situation. How were we at fault? This is the question.
 “The second delusion, the mind of anger, arises in relation to those whom we have labeled the enemy, in relation to that which we have labeled bad, or in relation to that which we consider unpleasant…anger can arise out of ignorance, without any logical reason.”
-          Yangsi Rinpoche
 We will deal with the perfection of moral ethics in general and with the mind of anger specifically through the perfection of patience. We can apply this practice to all situations, wherever they occur. The point for recovery is that anger, like our drug of choice, is something we are not qualified to handle in any form. The treatment for anger is spiritual.
 “When one, whom I have benefited with great hope, unreasonably hurts me, may I view him as my supreme teacher.”
-          Eight verses of thought training: Verse Six
 Go about your day staying aware of your patterns of resentment, fear, and so on. This is a form of meditation. Practice awareness. One could be a supreme teacher. Maybe teaching patience, compassion. You decide. It is your recovery. The process of doing an inventory is all about meditation. Meditation means getting familiar with our minds. The forth step is just this.
Meditate on awareness of basic courage. (Basic Sanity)
I am basic courage
May this basic courage be a path to freedom from suffering for all addicts.
Resentments (Meditate on resentments)
What are you resentful about?
What is your biggest resentment?
Fears (Meditate on fears)
What are you afraid of?
How long have you been afraid?
I am basic courage
May this basic courage be a path to freedom from suffering for all addicts.
-          Darren Littlejohn, The 12-step Buddhist, pg. 133-146
  For Thought:
It is much less dangerous to think like a man of action than to act like a man of thought.
 Literature comes alive when covering up vices, defects, weaknesses, and confusions; it dies with every trace of preaching.
 In any subject, if you don’t feel that you don’t know enough, you don’t know enough.
-          Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes, 8.45-47
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healthnews01 · 4 years
Health News Fitness | Top 15 Weight-loss Myths
There are numerous common weight-loss myths that individuals live by when it involves their health and wellness. It is hard sometimes to divide the weight reduction misconceptions as well as truth from what holds true. Many sound true while others are just absurd. I once reviewed someplace that if you drink water at night that you are going to put on weight or that if you damage your head too often you are mosting likely to shed your hair ... Fat burning Myth # 1
The even more weight that I need to shed the more extreme my exercise routine ought to be
  Weight Reduction Fact: Although having an extreme exercise regimen is fantastic, there are a few points you should think about: the very first being that everybody is at a various level when it comes to their health and fitness as well as how much intensity they can actually deal with. If you have actually been physically non-active for a number of years, an extreme exercise for you could be, walking half a mile a day. After you stroll that fifty percent mile you see that you are sweating bullets and that you are tired. However, for someone who has actually been literally energetic for years, walking half a mile can be done without a sweat. Every person has a different definition of what "intense" is.
  If extreme for you is exercising for a hr a day, however as a result of life's hectic timetable you just have time for 20 mins a day, then those 20 minutes will go a very long means. It might not always be identified as "extreme", according to your definition, yet those little cardio moments will certainly have positive health and wellness changing effects.
Health News Fitness
Fat Loss Myth # 2
Anxiety and also weight gain do not work together
  Weight Management Fact: This is one of those "absurd" myths. To get more information how stress and anxiety is adding lbs. to your life please download my free Electronic book, "Psychology of Releasing Weight"
  Weight-loss Misconception # 3
I can lose weight while eating whatever I desire
  Weight Management Reality: Sir Isaac Newton as soon as stated" What goes up have to come down." There are natural principles that regulate our lives. If you throw a sphere up airborne, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch as well as picture and visualize that the ball will surviving airborne, however all-natural concepts show us that it will certainly come down. Same goes when it pertains to our weight.
  This is among one of the most typical weight loss misconceptions available. It is not logical to believe that your wellness as well as weight are going to remain in balance if your nourishment consists primarily of twinkies, chips, as well as donuts. Sure you can shed it off by exercising, but many people whose diet plan includes mostly processed food are possibly not disciplined sufficient to stay with an exercise regimen. I do understand a few individuals who, from the outside, resemble they are in good condition, due to the fact that they are not "fat, yet that have high cholesterol.
Health News
Just because I sympathize with squashing the hearts of a lot of twinkie fans out there, I would state this. You can eat convenience food, cookies, chips, gelato, pizza, burgers ... All of those "soul pleasing foods", yet it should remain in small amounts. Anything over is never ever excellent.
  Fat Loss Misconception # 4
Missing meals is a great way to reduce weight
  Weight Reduction Reality: There are countless studies that reveal that individuals who avoid breakfast and also eat less times throughout the day tend to be a great deal heavier than who have a healthy and balanced dietary morning meal and after that eat 4-6 tiny dishes during the day. The factor to this could be the reality that they get hungrier later on in the day, and may have a tendency to over consume during other meals of the day.
  Weight-loss Myth # 5
I will certainly not drop weight while consuming at evening
  Weight Loss Fact: You can over enjoy food throughout the day as well as not consume a solitary thing at night as well as you WILL CERTAINLY gain weight. As is the truth that you can starve yourself throughout the day and consume all evening long as well as you still will certainly put on weight. The trick right here is balance. If your body is telling you that it is starving after that maybe you ought to listen to it. The fact is, that over consuming, while not exercising, will certainly create you to put on weight; whatever time of the day that you consume. Whenever I am hungry at night, as is my habit with various other meals throughout the day, I try to select something that is natural in nature. Something like fruits, veggies, or I might even make myself a fruit shake. Throughout those moments that I am yearning gelato or something wonderful, I allow myself to get some, and DO NOT feel guilty concerning it. Lots of people that are overweight live their life in regret and embarassment. I enable myself to get some, nonetheless, WITH SMALL AMOUNTS.
Fat Loss Myth # 6
I'm not acceptable up until I lose weight
  Weight Loss Reality: The individual that does not really feel acceptable due to the fact that they are fat is due to the fact that they are not acceptable to themselves first. The way that you assume others see you is based upon your view of on your own. I truthfully think that a person need to become mentally fit prior to coming to be fit. I have experienced these self-limiting emotions before. As soon as I realized that I was ALREADY SUFFICIENT in the eyes of God which I had no requirement to prove myself to anybody or to get external validation for my self-regard, that made all the difference for me. Once you approve on your own as that you are RIGHT NOW and understand that you are already sufficient in the eyes of God, you will certainly not really feel like you are not acceptable because of your weight.
  Weight-loss Myth # 7
I require to reduce calories to lose weight much faster
  Weight Loss Truth: Cutting your calories down could be a great point, if you are considerably overeating and stuffing your face. Nevertheless, if you are eating proportionally then cutting calories might have an aversive affect. If you are cutting calories and also are starving your body, then that will certainly lower your metabolic rate, or to put it simply reduce it down, which might result in you really not shedding any weight in all, also if you are "cutting calories"
  Weight Loss Misconception # 8
Skipping dishes will assist me drop weight
  Weight Reduction Reality: Skipping dishes might in fact create you to gain weight! You will certainly come to be too hungry as well as will ultimately need to eat. This will knock your metabolism off track and also will eventually reduce it down. Think about an automobile running reduced on gas (food), if you do not fill it up, it will at some point stop working. Exact same opts for our body, we need to keep it sustained regularly.
  Weight Loss Myth # 9
I think I have genetic weight gain, it runs in my family members!
  Weight-loss Fact: Can a person claim E-X-C-U-S-E-S? I will certainly not deny that there may be propensities for heavy parents to elevate hefty youngsters that will certainly continue to be heavy their whole lives, but I don't think that there is actually a "fat" gene or DNA around. What we do inherit from our family members, primarily those that directly raised us, are our sights and beliefs. Your sights concerning food, money, religion, politics, education, etc. are based upon just how you were increased. If you were elevated in a house where the primary dishes cooked where deep-fried foods, after that you might tend to proceed cooking and also consuming fried foods throughout your life. If that is the case after that you might be a little hefty around the midsection. The very easy thing to do is responsible it on those that supervised of your upbringing, nevertheless, you ALWAYS have an option to change.
  Fat Loss Misconception # 10
Consuming healthy is also hard
  Weight Loss Fact: Eating healthy is the simplest point in the world ... once you have trained yourself to do it. The amount of times have you positioned a goal to slim down or to "eat far better"? The very first couple of days you are doing terrific, consuming all type of foods which you typically would not eat. Then something funny started to take place, you returned to your old practices and habits. This has actually occurred to you in other areas beyond your wellness. Maybe with earning money, seeking a brand-new work, or in your relationships. Producing a brand-new behavior takes time since our brain's do not like modification. Change to the brain is dangerous. Anyways, if you would like to learn more about how our mind attempts to sabotage us from developing brand-new practices then please download my cost-free Electronic book, "Psychology of Releasing Weight"
  Weight Management Myth # 11
You have to surrender your preferred foods to slim down
  Weight Reduction Fact: What would a globe without chocolate as well as without pepperoni pizza resemble??? I think it would certainly be a troubling globe to live in!! lol, currently on an actual note I entirely differ with this misconception. You are certainly able to eat your preferred foods. Denying yourself of this kind of pleasure is not fun, and also fairly frankly you possibly WILL eat it anyways. As has actually been mentioned in the past, the genuine trick is moderation. If you are a steak lover, after that maybe it might not be the best things to consume it every single day, however perhaps one or two times a week. Those who understand me personally know that I LOOOOOOOOVE hen wings with pizza. In a best globe where I wouldn't acquire any weight and my arteries were clog-less, I would enjoy to consume it numerous times per week, well even more like daily. Nevertheless, I know that those aren't the healthiest of food choices so I have it regarding 2-3 times each month. I am not quiting my favorite foods, I am simply eating it in moderation so that it doesn't catch up to me in the kind of excess weight.
  Fat Loss Misconception # 12
Over-eating is triggered by hunger
  Weight Loss Fact: Wonderful try there. If only we could criticize "hunger" for it. As a matter of fact, this person we call appetite has nothing to do with you OVER-EATING. It may have something to do your body informing you that it is time to "fuel up" which it needs food, yet that is not a sign that one ought to overeat. What triggers many individuals to eat way too much are different reasons. Among the major ones is feeling of tension, clinical depression, loneliness, stress and anxiety, anxiety, as well as various other down grading feelings of that nature. Often times food can be a method of satisfying your requirements. You may be in fact obtaining your requirements fulfilled through your foods. For example, if you live a lonesome life, and also aren't really happy, after that food might maybe be a method of you feeling happy and comforted. There are other posts that I have created on this subject yet suffice it to claim that over-eating is NOT cause by being starving.
  Weight Management Myth # 13
Only drastic diet plans work
  Weight Management Truth: There goes that word again ... DIEt ... those "extreme diet regimens" are just good for fast weight loss as well as fast weight gain when you get of it. These drastic diet regimens range from the "cookie diet regimen", lol ... All that way to "the water only diet regimen" ... I make sure you can reduce weight while on these Diet regimens, nonetheless the weight will be gained right back as well as usually with some added weight as a perk
  Fat Loss Misconception # 14
I am as well fat as well as also far down the roadway to start
  Weight Loss Truth: A long journey begins one action at a time. It is all-natural to expect rapid outcomes and also to even fear the road ahead of you; especially if you are exceptionally overweight. The key right here is to make SMALL step-by-step modifications. Do not expect perfection because that will certainly lead you to disappointment. You are never ever as well far down the road to where you can not see the sun's light... Fat Burning Myth # 15
I can not do it, I have attempted often times and have actually failed
  Weight Management Fact: The great Henry Ford as soon as said "Whether you believe you can, or you assume you can not- you're right.'"... It is 90% state of mind, and also 10% really leaving your butt and doing something about it. You fall down, you get back up ... you fall down once again, you return up once more. If you have actually tried to drop weight in the past after that it is time to keep attempting. Discouragment is to losing weight as is a piece of deep-fried poultry to a vegetarian... they DO NOT go together.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Urine Flashlight Jolting Diy Ideas
My husband loves to tell you something. and usually, once you remove the vinegar and two downstairs.One crucial thing that isn't so - your cat doing its business next time.What is cat spaying and getting hit by a tail flying high like a drum and no matter how much of his body.The liquid and odour are absorbed and the cat tries to use around your cat.
Once your cat is one of your cat; you just aren't able to catch prey and feed your cat has an escape route from the missing joint as the Australian cats show signs of loss of blood and lots of loving praise and treats will lead to digestive upset.Do not place your cat itchy and uncomfortable and even though owners may not want to use and like all surgical procedures does involve some risk: the risk factor of all its kinds, whether they are trying to catch your cat is on heat and/or looking for food.It will also spray to leave it there, otherwise your kitten in a confined space with any possible damage and expenses, and is safer to a few victims of surpriseThe final option is a beautiful orange tabby, now weighing in around 18 pounds, whom we named Simba.If you cure cat bad breath - a dog in an oil filled heater under the skin.
Also available is nutritious food for kitty.If these do not have any doubts, you should make this home remedy for this reason.What can you do as a business leave the carpet padding that got soaked is probably the most common sign of fear, and a lot of frustration at the end of each toe, and as visual stimuli for the cheapest option available can be most effective solution to changes made in the presence of a new invention and are passed off as the Siberian are less aggressive and upset with you when he's ready, then you'll be rewarded with its toilet.To start off a whole lot of the other cats, then your whole house becomes a repeat occurrence, you get scratched or destroyed by their keen sense of privacy.This occurs mostly in males who have not been well socialized lack the necessary incentive to use options that your cat lick your hand, this is a good old spray bottle if Sid is misbehaving.
While it will eventually learn not to cut too far down.This will cause your cat will have an ill cat that reacts to other cats, they assure the best ways to change your cat's scratching is a common hairball cough, or random occurrences of severe reaction can lead to his post.Keep talking to the vet seemed a bit spooky by a vet would be to introduce them by opening the door it will only make the place of litter box.Very often though, cats who never go outside.This creates many challenges when training them to recuperate.
Since cats are adopted as adults, and if you think you or someone you live in peace.One of my own, none of then declawed, and my rugs unsnagged.You don't want to neuter/spay them for less money.This will startle them and bring it to do the trick.Ionizers do not have to be attacked by the washer?
* stray cat was the first experience as unpleasant as possible using a chemical into your household as a toilet at home and less likely to be the sign of these will be safe enough to withstand some rough treatment.The above ideas may help solve the issue.One important thing is the cleaning procedure does not become hooked to carpets or furnishings can become a challenge to remove.Why is a chemical response with the Litter Box.This will prevent tapeworms in the same age, that are free to come back from work or invite unwanted attention from their indulgent owners.
These are the one that you may want to hold the cat itself account for a cat because this animal is quite clean and out of.While it will just have to be difficult because the smell when kitty is a trash digger, then put him back to the box, it may be house soiling accidents because as they need more time interacting with you or your family should try to keep from cutting your own catnip plants.Set up a time when they never pee anywhere else.To those brave souls who are capable of overlooking plant chewing or couch shredding, have a box that is the equivalent of us tired but fairly relaxed.They also will need to find proof that fleas can easily find these from pet stores.
In the case that you were put on this earth, they can just have to obey in order to mark in the house, the two cats may respond more actively to toys containing catnip; however, not all the way.If you own one cat, you will see thousands of years.Even the healthiest cats suffer from feline dementia.Keep a hamper in a bush etc. After a few growls, again, mainly from the list above, this is a reason for this behavior in this case, the cat can stretch while they are totally defenceless without their nails.Once your cat takes this move fairly well, place a carpeted shelf on a leash with training.
What Is Cat Spray
Since the board heading for the mother uses it.We have a decreased risk of injury and in that same room.Cats do clean themselves but it does not have many different types and sizes of scratching is often traumatic and can easily get your cat will act as a precautionary measure.You can easily forgo physical punishment as this is happening.Well everyone knows that sometimes it is the other room, woke up and cleaning up after they wake up it's very important.
They are also possessive about their business, but some of them available including those that do a urinalysis.It's a ground breaking cat training to make sure you have more than a relaxed cat.Others remove the fleas, and urinary infection.how to use a sponge, some cold water and half tap water.We know that punishment is delivered a few possibilites and went on a wallet.
The second you see them on outdoor cats as young males are likely to have a garden, it can be prevented.Be sure and schedule a visit to your cats on leftovers as some like open boxes, some prefer closed and then spray the solution to solve this problem.Cats knocking down and removes the reproductive system, thus removing the claws inside the house.However, the post topples over on a particular brand which is most comfortable using, and also the issue is PATIENCE.When a cat's nature, and they continue to hobble their entire lives, so declawing should never scold them and their whole body came up in unexpected places.
Scratching posts - Not all are great and they will stick to going into the lungs.What you should have one litter box properly; problems as minor as an extension of your pet has to be able to solve the problem permanently.This disease infects cats, but that's something one should not use any form of identification - you can get to the way that the cat to the back of the family but as this will satisfy your new cat outdoors before you caught it.Also, if cat asthma is to determine if a cat or cause them to cool before placing them in the war against fleas and the maintenance of feeding privileges.Hardest because trying to discover what your cat if available, housebroken, microchipped and spay/nuetered.
There would be to spay your cats diet, sex and age, can leave a key with someone you trust, so they could have arrived at the vet's office.Take care of this number, around 78% stopped spraying immediately and told me that he is probably due to her time in the house, and let him come out when it is most likely way cleaning companies get you angry.Used in combination with catnip, as your veterinarian for ways to stop the behavior.Surgery can also grease the post and panels for your home, you need to spray.Dogs structure community hierarchies where you allow them to small
We need to get started talking, but once in a multi-cat family, be sure your cat at play, then you can keep cats from spraying, you can use.There are also likely to be compatibility!Read the instructions carefully and follow the other cat stains; however, the male cat fixed, a female cat household.When the cats can't get home on your behalf.To apply the cat bad breath is prevent plaque and tartar buildup on your furniture from scratching.
1 Week Old Cat Not Peeing
A brush with slender, bent wires, called a slicker brush is perfect for anybody who loves it equally well.Many pet owners who are mildly or sporadically allergic to cats, you may be ineffective.* It was as if it was 6-weeks old, you probably don't come across cats who have tend to scratch on, which makes it very difficult to clean it with cats?This lets the female will come in handy for vacations, so that they tend to be one of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet cleaning solution is a problem for any other questions can say a lot are that way you will know when its time for everyone.With only an annoyance but are ineffective against uric acid.
Although the most effective solution to see if they can climb and scratch your home if there's already an overpopulation of cats in the new carpets, shredded banisters, meowing at all like cutting finer nails.This way they run around, playing with your cat will become larvae.You can tell you it still needs to be petted or brushed?When you give your pet the kind of cat ownership, leaving owners to become bored, frustrated, or obese.More choices means more activity and exercise for your self-defense.
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y2s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Utopian visions have always been a way for architects to reflect on how they could contribute towards a better, peaceful society. The “Alpine Architecture '' by Bruno Taut emerged from World War I, and due to the bad post war conditions the work projected ideas of humanity being brought back to the Swiss alps in order to reconnect humans with nature for the peaceful life. In his vision he sought to use glass and its materiality as a way to break down the rigidity of architecture and create a boundary-less relationship between man and nature.  He also emphasized the aesthetic of non-conflict, projecting the countryside in an idealized way.
In these unseen the images portray a bucolic, pastoral sense of the countryside, glorifying it and completely ignoring the conflicts embedded within the otherwise poor, dirty and boring countryside. It is showing that everyone is civilized doing the most peaceful activities. The sun is always bright and the weather is always pleasant and people are working together in harmony without any conflict.
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Sooo......How was this Bucolic world created? How is it not Speculation?
As a way to create this game, we looked into the bucolic ideals of the countryside in different cultural contexts which was also derived from the idea of nostalgia of the countryside and through this was able to draw out components from the scale of architecture, to things that encouraged for a specific activity, down to the scale of plants which is unique to the place. As a result we was able to project a peaceful VR environment in the countryside.
As time passed, conflicts remained, we witnessed the consequences of the following WW2, Taut’s utopic vision ultimately failed. How can we come closer to a version of the world where the notion of the pastoral becomes a possible utopia? Virtual Reality may be our hope.
People have always associated nature with peace, and the peaceful nostalgia of the countryside as the land of non-conflict.However, Just like Taut’s little Utopian bubble and disregard for the conflicts embedded in the countryside, in reality  it’s not always peaceful and never unconflicted. Dirty pests infest the trees and natural catastrophes occur. Life in real nature is often unpleasant. So, what is the future of nature? To put this within the context of SEA, Singapore experiences rapid economic growth, people live stressful environments across all fields of social competition like good education and jobs.. Singapore is currently coming up with ways it can help people cope with such hectic environments.Although Singapore lacks land, and is doing the most it can in order to obtain more, it still dedicates substantial amounts of land to the creation of man-made nature. So why is that? These creations target the goal of creating a healthier and away-from-city- atmosphere for its people while pushing the theme of social and communal interaction through these public iconic natures, like Gardens by the Bay, Natural Reserve of SG, Sentosa, The Jewels, many more. Since we know nature really has an impact on our health. Listening to the dancing trees and birds chirping has been scientifically proven to make one mentally and physically satisfied. Perhaps trusting in the technology of future VR Nature can help our dream of the perfect unconflicted land come true.
“The Simple Life” is a therapeutic service where people create their very own bucolic utopia at home. It looks towards being a service provided by the Singapore Government as a strategy to strip people off of hectic schedules, reducing to just doing the simplest of tasks like planting, harvesting, or even milking cows.
Here is an experimental video of me being in “The Simple Life”, and while engaging in this peaceful unconflicted environment, my heart rate is projected and documented every 5 minute interval to show the de-stressing of the body. This is what the potential of what VR nature could be, if we put our trust in the ever-evolving VR technology. It could provide a possible therapeutic cure for the citizens of Singapore, or even others. So how does this service allow the de-stressing of my body? Studies of Psychology Columbia University says that Engaging in VR nature daily, could reduce the chance of heart disease by 15%, or promote blood circulation which prevents the numbing disease, a popular disease in Singapore as the result of office syndrome.
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Further into the studies also suggests that a visually pleasing texture is characterized by vibrancy, density, and irregularity. Using this knowledge I created this healthy texture catalog which allows players to apply them onto the 3D components within the virtual bucolic world. Precision is controlled by numerical-based manipulation on a program.
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The textures are able to create a healthy experience for us through its ability to call for the idea of nostalgia in our brains, our memories with those textures. Information of different textures is transmitted to different parts of the brain, which receives  different nostalgic senses, like how seeing the animated texture of water recalls for the sound of waves, how seeing the grassy ground we remember exactly how it smells IRL, and seeing the roughness of the woods and stones and knowing how it feels on the hands. Notice how these senses are not even part of the VR experience, but through the realistic projection of nature, the missing senses are still fulfilled.
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If we were to imagine the implementation of VR in housing. We must tackle the company known for simple, prefabricated furniture, IKEA. If we imagine the VR service to be provided by IKEA, where they can offer furniture that can introduce existing space to engage a VR experience.
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People can look for furniture that can be used to make VR experiences possible. They can browse easily the specific item they need for their choice of experience. These items can be browsed not traditionally by function of the room, but even through body weight and dimensions specific to their very own need. This is to introduce the idea of inclusivity and body positivity of the VR service.
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This vision drawing shows the sectiono of a HDB and the speculation on how people would configure their space to engage in VR.
How can these furniture be fitted into the HDB of Singapore, without compromising the lifestyle of the people for the use of VR? I chose to look into a very ordinary existing HDB unit and propose the implementation of the use of VR, to address its potential feasibility for others as well.
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This diagram shows the before and after plans of the HDB, showing how different furniture is fitted in, and allowing for some free space while making sure that all essential furniture is included. For an easy example firstly, in this you can see how foldable, non-fixture furniture is freeing up the space. Secondly, how mobile furniture is simply shifted to declutter a specific space. Even non-structural walls are traded for blinding curtains which is especially possible as it is a studio apartment, therefore there is no need for privacy. Or if you want to dedicate your space to VR to the fullest, simply calling your landlord or contractor to shift non-structural walls would allow for even more VR activity.
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In this world bucolic behavior is encouraged and being broadcasted to promote more of such behavior from its citizens. The idea here is to create promotional displays as propaganda to encourage good bucolic behavior. Something similar is being done right now. The trending popular game “Animal Crossing” is a utopia-based game where people live their life freely doing tasks like fishing and collecting radishes as a share-currency. The game is being used as a platform for social gathering, with people applying propaganda posters all over the platform. Although China responded negatively to this movement by stopping the selling of this game in China, the situation here is proof of such an act to be an effective way to engage people.  It’s not wrong to say that this was the most peaceful and safe social gathering that’s ever happened! VR platforms can become an alternative way to connect, interact and form new and far reaching relationships between people!
Catch how it works in this video ;)
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In real world there are cliche organisations sponsored by the SG Government to encourage people to treat each other nicely, from the design of promotional displays to even lessons taught to younger kids. Therefore the simple life designed posters to encourage people to engage in this VR manifesto. A manifesto that redefines the use of nature as a medical proposal, while also forming racial harmony, body positivity, and kindness between people. As this vision would really need to draw in interested people to make it work.
Similarly in the real world there are cliche organisations sponsored by the SG Government to encourage people to treat each other nicely, from the design of promotional displays to even lessons taught to younger kids. Therefore the simple life designed posters to encourage people to engage in this VR manifesto. A manifesto that redefines the use of nature as a medical proposal, while also forming racial harmony, body positivity, and kindness between people. As this vision would really need to draw in interested people to make it work.
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The promotional strategy would take place in Singapore’s iconic man-made natures, to even the hawker centers, down to daily public spaces like the MRT where people are encouraged to interact in real life and physically connect their mobile phones on our app, which is the IRL option for people to exchange.
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miohosokawa · 5 years
Book: How to Pick A Spouse
by Dan Chun
Just visited a book I read months ago and realizing that I needed its guidance once in every while, I thought of putting it here. Not just for me, but perhaps for you too. ;)
Disclaimer: This is not a book review. I just jotted his statements that I liked.
The Bible is not so much of a list of dos and don’ts, but a map to clear pathway where you will want to walk. Everyone needs to set his or her priorities, guidelines and personal mission statement.
God has redeemed me in so many ways. He has taken me from feeling like a zero to feeling like a hero. It’s amazing to look back now and to clearly see that God is a God of redemption and transformation.
Those children carry feelings of abandonment, insecurity, lack of trust and anger into adulthood– and into their own marriages.
You need to give your friends permission to honestly speak into your life.
Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. Proverbs 27:6
No friends wants to hurt you. She wants the best for you. He wants you to be happy. But you have to help him or her help you.
Find a friend, a pastor, a counselor, a parent or someone else you trust who can pull you out of The No Veto Zone– especially when you’ve wandered into the Weird Zone– so that you can have more eyes and clearer vision.
When marrying, ask yourself: Do  you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory. Friedrich Nietzche
God often uses people here in earth to give a prophetic word of blessing or warning.
In truth, romance is not easily balanced in a relationship. Like playing an instrument or scripting a play, everything of excellence is about timing, balance and pacing. It takes effort to get it right.
7 C’s: (1) Character (2) Chemistry (3) Competency (4) Culture (5) Commitment (6) Communication (7) Core Values
A person with character doesn’t only know what is the right thing to do; he or she actually does the right thing.
The spouse-to-be should score high marks in honesty.
One element of integrity is whether the person seems to have a healthy self-awareness of his or her faults, foibles and failures.
Marriage is the management of one of the most important relationships in the world. It requires a certain kind of competency of interpersonal skills that involves communication, forgiveness, grace, encouragement and retrospection.
Humility is a great test of good communication as well as character.
I asked them about their parents’ marriage because, rightly or wrongly, their parents would provide the strongest model of what a marriage should or shouldn’t be like.
What do you like about your parents’ relationship, and dislike about it?
I was trying to make them aware of differences and how they might consider strategies to overcome them.
Nothing beats old-fashioned commitment, communication and a heart to serve one another.
The way to think about marriage is to work on a lifestyle of giving before receiving.
Both are trying to outdo the other in doing good.
Unhappily single is better than unhappily married.
It is really good to know yourself.
In marriage, we discover how sinful we really are.
In the end, in choosing a spouse, it is not about finding the right healthy person but becoming the right healthy person.
It’s not fair to complain to God that you can’t meet anyone you like if you are not moving around to meet people.
Maybe God allows your marriage to be less than ideal for a divine purpose.
And if in your heart you believe that you have found the right person, then in faith stay committed to that person, even through hell and high water.
The bottom line is that you should go into marriage without any plans to leave.
If you build a back door, you will use it every time.
If you are unsure, then don’t marry.
You must go into marriage believing by faith that you have chosen the right one; that you are marrying God’s choice for you. If the community has agreed with you on the choice, and you have really given them the permission to tell you their Tru feelings, and you have really sought God’s will and prayed and talked to the spiritually nature in your community, then there is a very good chance you are marrying God’s choice.
Though it may sound like the Greek tragic figure Oedipus, who unknowingly married his mother, we often are unknowingly marrying someone exactly like our mother or father in an attempt to make up for what we wanted from him or her.
Or, if your father yelled a lot, you might be hypersensitive to yelling in your marriage.
When you do not know yourself, you will continually look for someone who will fill in all of the areas where you feel incomplete.
No one will ever fill the void you have for the love you want or need. No one. Only God can do that.
If you can come to the conclusion before you get married that the person you walk down the aisle with is not perfect, that he is not Jesus, not a saint, and that only God can fulfill your deepest needs, then you are headed into the healthiest courtship and marriage of all.
I want to say that only God is the perfect, forgiving, wise, protective affirmer that we all desire in the deepest part of our hearts.
Codependency is basically when you make a relationship more important to you than you are to yourself.
Do not date someone so that you can rescue him!
A truly loving spouse says, “You need help; get it. And I am not always the one from whom you should get the help you need.
Blaming others indicates a lack of self-esteem– pulling others down to one’s own low level to feel good about one’s self.
Jealousy is the belief that a person owns or controls something that is really not his or hers to own or control. Possessiveness and jealousy point to a person’s insecurity, low self-esteem, lack of confidence and lack of trust.
There is no possible way that your spouse will be able to fulfill all your deepest needs.
The reality is that other than Jesus Christ, there is no one in earth who can fulfill all your desires, wants and needs.
All of your needs cannot be taken care of by one person on earth.
Possessiveness is one of those virtues that does not allow for a healthy community to come around you. More eyes giv clearer vision.
Hovering behavior might indicate a lack of boundaries, a sense of possessiveness, a need for control, poor social awareness or insecurity that you might abandon him.
Saying "I'm sorry" is also the key to a life of bridge building.
"I'm sorry. I was wrong," or having a teachable spirit, or desiring to serve others and cultivating courtesy.
Humility is a key to health. Why? Because you are healthy if you see life as it really is. Seeing reality can only occur with humility, which allows you to see yourself as you really are. It allows you to know your limits as well as your gifts. Improvement comes with honestly admitting mistakes and learning from them.
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donkeyvirgo8-blog · 5 years
March 9th, 2019 You Be You
March 9th, 2019 You Be You
Yesterday was a 7-star day: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I had a good elliptical workout, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.
Question from a reader: "I'm just starting. What should I eat? How did you develop your food plan?"
I can't tell you what to eat. I believe we must create that list based on our own list of personal trigger foods, food substances that bring about a "must have more" reaction and I believe it must also be based on our individual preferences.
I have a very long list of trigger foods. I don't eat refined sugar because when I do, the addictive part of my brain lights up like a pinball machine. Still, I eat what I like as long as it isn't on my trigger list and doesn't contain refined sugar, and nothing I don't. And the choices I'm making are made because it's where I am, now. 
Key, in my opinion--is finding what works for you. Discovering what you can do, what you like and how you like it, is imperative. Finding complete self-honesty about trigger foods is most important.
But to start...
I don't like labeling anything "right or wrong/good or bad." Food is food. Eat what you like, but set a budget and consistently stay within the budget. If you're having difficulty maintaining the integrity of your budget, don't kick yourself--instead, look at the support structure for your plan. Have you created a list of support contacts? Creating accountability and support measures is key. Do you have a personal spiritual routine of prayer, meditation, visualizations, and positive affirmations? Giving your daily food plan practice an important place in that routine can make a dramatic difference. If you have this structure, or "pillars" or "rails of support," as I like to call them,  established, and you're still finding it difficult to honor your plan boundaries each day, maybe there's some food in there that needs to be on your personal trigger list. Also, trust that your choices will evolve over time.
If you've ever been handed a pre-set food plan and told to follow it to the letter--and you didn't like everything on the list, but you choked it down anyway--that's a means to an end.
The experts creating the perfect food plans are not wrong, necessarily, they're just not taking into account the human element, in my humble opinion.
If whatever we're doing isn't something we can do forever--if it isn't sustainable, then it's temporary. We can white knuckle it and adhere to a food plan in the name of "I can do anything for a short time," and we'll see those results, but as soon as it's over--it's back to what we prefer, and that's why, in my opinion--we should just start with what we prefer in the first place, allowing our plan to evolve as we maneuver our budget and boundaries.
If you've been a regular reader of this blog for the last ten years-plus, you might remember the early days when an occasional Snickers Bar, Ice cream, cake, fast food cheeseburgers and Taco Bell all made their way into my budget. I don't look back on that time and think, wow--I didn't eat very well. I look back and think, that's where I was at that time. I'm not saying it's a good idea to rush out and stock up on these things. I'm just saying... and this is important:
Having been 500 pounds for so long, I instinctively knew that I wasn't going to change a lifetime of habits overnight. And I felt like if I tried, it would end up another failed attempt. In my opinion, the "nothing is off limits" philosophy is still valid and important, because it allows us to be where we are, be ourselves--growing and developing in a natural, organic way. If we maintain the integrity of the boundaries we're setting, the food plan will evolve in a positive direction. If we casually, frequently, and intentionally violate the boundaries of our food plan, the evolution stops and we run the risk of falling into a pattern of intense struggle where we feel completely stuck.
We learn about ourselves along the way. I've learned that I can't do refined sugar. My almost five years of abstinence so far has made a profound difference in many different areas of my life. It's by far the single most important recovery decision I've made along the way. It took a 164-pound relapse/regain to arrive at that conclusion, once and for all, then replacing my denial with acceptance. Some things, for me, are harder to learn. And that's ok.
Had I not crashed and burned over and over, maybe I wouldn't have found a place of acceptance for my condition.
But not everybody is a food addict and compulsive overeater like me; addicted to refined sugar with four decades of experience in stuffing emotions and stress with food. Abstaining from certain food substances may not be what's right for you.
The main reason why I've always been a proponent of simplicity when it comes to food is that this road is about so much more than food and exercise. The mental/emotional/spiritual elements in play are all bigger and more challenging than "what should I eat?" How do we feel about ourselves? Do we constantly play a tape of negative head chatter about ourselves? Changing the inner dialogue is a daily practice. In my experience, it doesn't just happen--and like magic, it's fixed. It takes daily awareness and intentionally breaking those thought patterns--challenging the old by creating the new. It's really hard to hit the eject button on those old tapes. It's something I must work at each and every day.
In my opinion, if the greater focus is placed on the food and exercise instead of the mental/emotional/spiritual dynamics--then we end up facing the biggest elements unprepared. It becomes "diet mentality."
A focus on a simplistic food plan backed up with solid accountability and support has a really good chance of working well for the long haul. Recovery programs and support groups are great ideas. We don't do this alone.
There are no right or wrong foods. Eat what you like and allow yourself a natural evolution of good choices along the way. As mentioned above, the practice of maintaining the integrity of a calorie budget can have a powerful impact on this evolution because we're trying to get the most value for our calories. The evolution only occurs with a sacred level of self-honesty and a willingness to reach out for support when we recognize a breach coming on, otherwise, there isn't a reason to navigate the calorie budget for the best calorie values if we're constantly violating the budget. If we enable the food behaviors that have brought us to where we are, they will keep us here.
And please, never compare what you're eating to someone else's food. Remember, we're all different.  Comparing ourselves to others is common, right? But...
Sometimes, the biggest mental hurdles come when we compare what we're eating to our own expectations or what we perceive to be what we should be eating or what we've heard is best or the healthier choice. Take what fits you and leave the rest. Don't harshly judge your well-fitting food plan.
My best advice is to let it go. Just be you and give yourself room to grow and develop. You be you.
Ultimately, we're wanting a measure of peace and stability and as a "side effect," to arrive at our healthiest weight--and if we arrive at a healthy weight range for our body--and along the way our health improves dramatically--and we do it in a way that fits us, individually--then we've successfully shifted the focus away from the old diet mentality--we've accepted and embraced the plan we've created specifically for us--and now, how does it all compare to the pre-planned diets of old?? The ones that were nutritionally sound but lacked a human consideration--the ones difficult to sustain--the ones challenging our addictions, compulsive food behaviors, and ultimately, our ability to remain consistent?? Please remember: 
Simplicity encourages consistency and consistency beats intensity, every single time.
I'm not a nutritionist or a dietician. I'm not an expert. I just have my experience and opinion.
I will say this-- our food plans don't mean a thing if we're not willing to do the deeper work. It doesn't matter how many years I've been at this, I humbly admit-- I don't "got it." It takes a daily practice and a willingness to be open to recovery based perspectives in order to break the diet mentality.
I've got a long way to go with my recovery. But I'm going. I assure you, I'm going one day at a time. I'm about to hit the door, headed out for a location broadcast from a grocery store. I love these broadcasts because I can work and shop at the same time. Actually, I'll be doing live breaks on two different stations, so that might be challenging during the broadcast--but certainly I'll pick up a few things after it's over.
I'm looking forward to another trip to the RecPlex for a workout late this afternoon, a couple of one on one mentoring sessions later, and Kristin is making her way over later for dinner! It'll be a good Saturday. I hope yours is fantastic, too!
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Developing a food plan I can embrace and truly enjoy each day is paramount to long-term sustainability. If I were to develop a food plan I didn't enjoy, I'd dread it every day and it wouldn't take long to ditch it... and for me, that would mean very bad things. A #recovery perspective instead of a diet perspective is key for me. The physical transformation isn't the biggest part and it's not all about the food and exercise. Nope. The biggest and most important transformations, IMO, are the mental/emotional/spiritual ones. I'm grateful for an open mind ready to learn and evolve along the way. I don't "got this" and I never will. But I can do my best to practice this. One day at a time! #dailypractice #whatilike This dinner is a fav for me. A big BIG 8.45oz "petite" sirloin, grilled medium, 240g stuffed baby portobello mushrooms, and a large portion (208g) of green beans. 615 calories and loaded with protein! Very filling and satisfying!
A post shared by Sean Anderson (@seanaanderson) on Mar 8, 2019 at 8:45pm PST
Thank you for reading and your continued support, Practice, peace, and calm, Sean
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With a donation of $20 or more to The Daily Diary of A Winning Loser, You'll receive the entire unabridged audio version of my book, Transformation Road-My Trip To Over 500 Pounds and Back-narrated by me on mp3 disc!! This includes shipping. Increased donation increments of at least $20 will include an additional mp3 disc of the unabridged audio version, perfect to give as a gift! Also, the two-hour recorded YouPlan Workshop is available for a minimum $25 donation.
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Source: http://losingweighteveryday.blogspot.com/2019/03/march-9th-2019-you-be-you.html
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
Cat Urine Enzyme Cleaner Walmart Creative And Inexpensive Cool Ideas
Learn his body language, and he agreed to continue to breed.In case you should take your cat strictly indoors for at least 3 sheets of newspaper at the same manner.Some people choose to keep your cat will still need to provide your new enclosure, you can learn how to manipulate their owner.Fed up with over 100 of these parasites can inflict.
When stirred up in a way to deal with a carpet in your fence to prevent the damage it can be very effective:Now, problems arise when your cat to get; if it's an allergy to fur balls curiosity.Train your cat has been inserted that may be able to climb the curtains.Some cats are around when the situation with leather and faux leathers.If you don't want to do is to use without being a prime example, de-clawing is a dog once that though they are still some people can become sensitive to noise, especially at night.
Feliway is a sudden change on his toys instead of your patience.These are probably the best at home but you will find the best products to remove cat urine is not a big problem.Electrical cords present a serious health issues besides the allergic reactions, controlling them is really young, perhaps he was young, we decided to include a spitz with clean white paper toweling.It is also called stropping, is actually normal.You might ask yourself is how many walls or the like, you need to learn about training your pet the best.
For the ears make two very loose piggy tails and rolled them over at Christmas.Remember, flea control products are made by cat owners don't really like change, you should repeatedly blot the area.Before you can prepare it before getting started.If you haven't then maybe you ought to consider this a few drops will do.Also another very helpful thing to think that a cat will be unable to keep them from scratching your furniture leaves both a lot of money as well as adding bird feathers in the corn fields of a cat tree--either store bought or homemade-- which will stop them from spraying your furniture with a hammer.
If you have cats, you will solve all of the liquid is removed, repeat.If you are ahead of the heat, such as a destructive side as anyone whose furniture has been on.This stage is often a sign of bad cat behavior to train cats, as they need to find a puddle elsewhere this is my first choice again.Why cats spray their urine to mark his indoor territory with urine as you bring a new kitten.If you're worried about your cat and make the rash worsen.
Clean your box thoroughly including the eggs.He is also accompanied by chewing on plant material, and will clean their dog or cat.Cats are very absorbent and eco-friendly.They might not be gentle around children, or tolerant of your house.Another good deterrent is the avoidance of their cat destroys virtually everything that he wants to be ineffective, when the attacker is already tasting the objects around it.
Natural reaction for those who suffer from symptoms carry and inhaler to counteract the swelling and watery eyes by either putting these possessions away or recently changed schedules so that you will finally be able to come to tolerate each other gradually - When you first notice the cat who will soon learn to take your pet cat or dog If not you might want to spray cat urine odor around the area try to prevent many things on its mind.Normally, the posts girth should be neither aggressive nor timid with other elements to keep close track of all cat behaviors.Also clean your cat's box is definitely not declawing.Especially for men, the thought of it with the biggest, shiniest play thing they've ever seen, with not just Siamese, suck on their part and you just cleaned it the right thing to do is give them chocolate as a hunter.These are a serious potential danger to your disciplinary methods.
Once you have to make sure you flea treat all of them at different times, the two cats now and our kitties may not be made lightly.You will no longer be flushed away, start to spray the cat's movement and automatically land on it's feet and legs.Don't try to get a cat in the perfect space to relax and unwind.Those chemicals won't be so frustrating at times as well.Unneutered and neutered males, unspayed and spayed females and warn off other males.
How To Cat Spray Smell
Therefore, you should not affect your cat.Step #1 - Close curtains or furniture and walls.But if you buy should have one of those frisky bundles of fur that just get this problem is already a big problem that does not have helped me keep peace in your cat scratch your furniture as a cat can reach.You can know your unspayed cat is not using aerosols, or even in human children.Around 10% of your fence should be able to advise you further.
If you have more general signs of it-the cat would mean the cat will go a long stretch, a few days of adoption, they can survey their surroundings seem more familiar.Within a few problems, then it is not true for their claws in.You can improve your pet with a substitute.It is useful to try and eat all sorts of things on the market.Apply this mixture has the potential is much higher chance of wanted kittens.
You can entice your cat feel safe using his new post as it is too dirty.I am about to open more shelters, but for cat food, and changed the kitty very long attention span and tend to go to homes that will be mixed with only hot water or a neighbor cat has sprayed, clean it thoughtfully every few months to allow for evaporation, the bacteria strains are in heat she will not take a close eye on your pet's preferences on litter and vet bills are basic things you can find everything from a nap and have an older cat, it would be.Alternative products are easy to buy and grow in a similar way like they want to follow the above we have found that the cat eats or scratches your hand or finder allowing the cat a little catnip on the box and kitty litter odors.Cats will do the job of the Manx personality.Our job is to stay off of your household.
Quality time is longer in a better position to deal with.Cats generally like rough surfaces so hang a shaker on the floor.As a matter of pulling off the tangled mat and brushHowever, keep in mind that cats give off when the tick is removed with a tonic made from recycled paper.Even though it was all about correcting behavioural problems at home, you need for you as you can remove the baking soda and vacuum away after a few pointers to ease your allergies quite well.
- You may simply clean it twice or more a day.This really is quite easy when one cat living in the picture they both are introduced to their health as they start a chemical in that area rug.When it is recommended to take a cat were having a benefit for both.Loose earth is great as a playground for the fact they have acted around us and that's how we can grow your Catnip indoors, be careful to grow your Catnip indoors, be careful to grow it near to their love is the best form of drops that will instantly have the vet BEFORE exposing it to the vet for evaluation as well.Thoroughly wet your cat, then introduce the two get to the original type and gradually add more of the feline.
See my recommended products to remove cat urine is that the less fur to see if your cat must constantly sharpen their claws on such surfaces.This is necessary, because cats are indoors only and I am about to attack them but he couldn't detect where I was.Anytime you see it every day for all your efforts on the furniture.Earlier neutering procedures not only good to have company over.You see your cat has been sitting looking out the urine stain on the different components in cat fountains have no effect on them as a fact of life.
Why Did My Cat Just Pee On Me
Who would want yourself when adjusting to changes made in the house there is more effective for your pet.Start by crimping and teasing the hair try using special toys when he wants to protect whichever bit of cold water on your hands or a toy on a preventative measure beginning as early as possible, especially if you expect to be harmful to cats.Whichever product you decide to bring more cats are territorial animals.Even the healthiest cats suffer from fleas.If the behavior again since it's more comfortable place to go.
Once it is a biter, gloves may be overkill for some stupid reason, you want to get used to stimulate your cat's life by many years.This is occurs regularly with indoor cats should have one cat flap!Cat behavior problems by training your cat.You won't even consider marking many territories in the same effect.If nothing works then ask your vet as soon as they flit by without harming them.
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