#and it wouldn't be hard at all to make. the smallest of adjustments
asterchats · 2 years
look if you're going to make your muse Australian and give them a huge "i am core australian" identity with heavy Indigenous Australian contributions to their background, which you have used to make them an animal living in secret in 'normal' society, the very very very bare minimum you could do is not make them born in sydney and their birthday literally january the 26th, i don't know what to tell you i keep coming back to this on the regular. the very bare minimum is Not Doing That and that's even lower than the bare minimum of not using Indigenous Australian principles to create an abused fantasy race of sentient animals
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moo-blogging · 2 months
Can you please do a smut where Levi comes home after days out on a mission and he comes home desperate for y/n.
All needy and horny for her and just that "I missed you sex " thingie.
Thanks !
Levi was trying his very best not to run back home to you. He had spent almost a week out beyond the walls for another mission, and he was worn out. But his body was burning for you.
Levi locked the front door behind him as soon as he stepped into the house. He pulled the curtains as he called to you. You grinned as you heard your husband calling your name and rushed out to meet him.
You welcomed him home with a deep kiss on his lips. His arms wrapped around you immediately and yours around him. His palms explored your body as if it was the very first time he touched you, hungrily and greedily. You knew what was coming as his hand slipped beneath your dress. You moaned into his lips.
His finger hooked your panties, pulling it to the side. You felt the cool air brushing your opening. Still attacking your lips, Levi pushed you against the wall. You unbuckled his belt, feeling the bulge between his legs. His cock sprung up as you pulled down his pants.
Levi pulled away for a moment, you both panting for air as your eyes locked. Your hair wild and your face blushing. Levi's face was a mess of different emotions, "God, I missed you so much Y/n." He pressrd his face into yours again, kissing you deeply.
With his arm hooking your left knee up, he pushed himself into you. The sudden force lifted you from the floor, pinning you onto the wall. You groaned in pain and pleasure, digging your fingers into Levi's hardened arms. After a few thrusts, the initial pleasure rush left Levi's brain. He gently lifted you down and moved slower and deeper into you.
You squeezed your walls with every push, feeling his member cutting through your wet wall, rubbing heat and pleasure into your nerves. Levi knew how to make you feel good. He adjusted his position and slammed into your sweet spot slightly to the side. Your toes curled, your brain went blank and you cummed. Your hips spamsed. Involuntary moans came out like whimpers from your lips. Levi sucked at your neck, breathing warm air onto your skin.
He moved slow and deep, making sure you cummed fully. "You're so wet, baby..." you felt tiny stings on your neck as Levi left a trails of hickeys on your skin. He slammed into you suddenly, making your legs shake with uncontrollable pleasure. Your hips involuntarily moved on its own to fuck Levi's penis but Levi remained deep inside of you, only more pleasure created even with the smallest friction.
You tilted your head back, breathing hard to slow your heartbeat. Levi hooked his other arm beneath your right knee and lifted you completely off the floor. You knew you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow, but your hole was begging to be fucked endlessly.
"Kiss," Levi asked for your lips. You swallowed a mouthful of saliva and lowered your chin, catching Levi's opened mouth with yours. Levi attacked your tongue with his. You could taste the alkaline in his saliva. Your brows frown in soreness and pleasure, enjoying yourself as Levi fucked you agaisnt the wall.
Your forehead dotted with beads of sweat while your lips area sticky with saliva. Your bodies warm with sweat and your hole red and sensitive to every little movement. But Levi's movement below was rough and fast, deep and strong. You couldn't tell whay liquid was stained and dripped onto your thighs.
The noise of moans from you, groans from Levi, and wet slamming of bodies echoed in the room. Your fingers in Levi's hair, grabbing harder with every thrust. Levi was turned on with your hands in his hair. He repositioned himself, bending his knees lower and pinning you firm agaisnt the wall, Levi fucked you fast and hard. You threw your head back, whimpering in pleasure. You tried to squeeze your walls to stop this over-the-limit pleasure. You felt like your head would explode in any second. But Levi's penis cut through your walls so fast, so strong your walls were hot and numb with electrifying pleasure. Your eyes rolled back, hips spamsed but held firmly onto the wall.
You cummed and so did Levi. Levi's hips spasmed as he cummed. He pushed himself deep into you, ensuring his seeds wouldn't fall onto the floor. After a few seconds stationary agaisnt the wall, Levi lifted his head from your chest and kissed your salty skin lovingly.
Pulling you sore body up, you collapsed into Levi's chest, holding onto him and he carried you into the bathroom.
You really loved this kind of welcome home ceremony.
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
Ok, but can we talk about Erin with a darling who's just sweet as pie to him? Just, every threat or insult is met with kind words and love and our boi is conflicted. On one hand, he knows they love him, on the other, please just fucking step on him he's this close to begging for it
Imagine him opening up to them and off-handedly making a self-deprecating joke when he hears a snap. The pencil in his darling's hand is crushed and the hand that once held it is now wrapped around his throat "If I hear any more of that talk about my wonderful boyfriend I might just have to beat some sense into you"
is this anything? Fuck if I know, but it was in my head and now it's in yours!
[Male Yan Bully + G.N Reader] (warnings: choking, masochism)
Erin knew he wasn't the greatest guy around.
Petty theft, belittling and fighting with his peers, and his tendency to fly off the handle for the smallest issue already gave him a poor rep with locals. Things only got worse when you came into the picture. Everything about you was the polar opposite to himself. When he insulted you upon first meeting you asked if he was feeling well. When he finally came to accept his feelings and told you the two of you were dating without any previous attempts to win you over, you just smiled and asked him where to meet him for lunch.
Threats towards yourself and others where brushed off with a laugh. They toned down once you began dating, but Erin couldn't help but press you at times out of sheer confusion that you actually seemed to be enjoying time spent with him. It's not let you had many others with him harassing anyone who gets too close, but you never complained- even liking the silence. You patched him up after every scuffle and didn't ask how the began or ended. He doesn't understand you at all, but finds it hard to function without you. He can't wrap his head around it.
"Why do you like me?"
Heart printed bandage in hand, your passive expression scrunches with worry over your boyfriend's words. You place it over his blistered knuckles. "What are you going about now, Rin? I don't just like you and you know that."
Erin chews his lips, shying away from your concerned scare. "Yea, I know, but it just makes even less since if you ask me. It's pretty common knowledge that I'm not exactly a model citizen. For Christ's sake I've been hard on you before and still am. I can't control these things about me and when I see you around other people I just.... You're probably better off with someone else.
"Soooo.. what I'm hearing is you're saying I'm not good at choosing partners?"
"Ugh- this isn't about you, Y/n. I'm trying to be serious for once. Hrk!- "
Spit and a choked string of obscenities fall from Erin's lips as a hand clasps firm around his throat. Your nails stab his beating flesh as his pulse increases. He struggles for a word, but is unable to form his lips to speak as he gasps
"Oh yes it is. If my boyfriend is doubting his position I'm obviously not doing something right. I thought loved me too Rin."
His eyes shoot to the protruding veins of your wrist as your fingers lock in place, pressing down on his trachea. He blinks away tears - broken by you even thinking you're part of the problem. You snap your fingers to regain his fleeting attention.
"Hey!- Eyes up here. It's true you could use some temper adjustments, and you think with your fist but you have a good head on your shoulders and such a big heart. I've seen it when you knocked on every door in my neighborhood because I was out sick and you forgot my address. I've felt it everytime you've kissed and held me. You're my boyfriend, Rinny. Don't make me knock some sense into you - got it?"
Erin dips his head to signal a nod. He longs to take your words to heart, but it's easier said than done with you fulfilling a fantasy he wouldn't confess to even on his death bed. He dreamt about what it would be like to have such caring hands be the cause of his destruction. He couldn't pry himself out of your grip even if he wanted to. It was better than anything this fucked mind could make up.
"Rinny~ I need words. You're gonna make me cry if you keep bullying me like this."
His heart jumps at the playful nickname. " 'm yours....promise... all yours."
Your smile returns - pressed to his cheek as you kiss his skin. "Good. Now that that's over, want some help with that?"
Erin holds his knees together, pulling his jacket over his crotch. "Shut it."
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lunallaa · 3 months
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||when the cat distribution system strikes||
gk!jason todd x gn!reader
{Not edited/proof read please excuse any errors♡}
You remember when that furry little angel entered your lives like it was yesterday. You had gone out to the Bodega around the corner from your apartment to grab a few of their home-made pastelillos* for dinner because Jason was home for the night nursing a sprained ankle and craving one of his favorite meals. You remember being in a rush that evening due to the forecast of rain that was supposed to roll in at any moment, and due to that you were meant to be in and out and home within just a handful of minutes. Instead, on your way back home you were stopped dead in your tracks by the most pathetic little meow you have ever heard. Your goal of getting home as soon as possible was abandoned as you made your way to the tattered cardboard box sitting just at the entrance of the alleyway you almost walked past. Strays and pets that simply found themselves outside were no strangers to the neighborhood, not so much abandoned animals, which seemed to be the case as you get Closer to the tattered and damp box. Once you got close enough to get a peek inside you were able to see there in the shadow of the box the smallest kitten you have ever seen in your life. You had wondered to yourself if the poor thing was runt that had been left out here due to the fact you saw no evidence of any littermates or a mom. By then it had started to lightly rain, and you wasted no time in removing the hoodie you wore then gently picking and wrapping up the damp little creature as it cried out at the sudden change of environment.
Ever since the two of you started dating, your favorite view and time of day consisted of the quite moments you and Jason shared when the city was asleep and everything for once was at peace. Now, you weren't a fan of being woken up in the middle of the night, but you found it hard to remain upset when you could look over at the other side of the bed and see your boyfriend finally have the moments of peace that he deserves for all that he does for the people of Gotham. Recently though, that view of yours got an upgrade. Tonight you had been torn out of your sleep by a slightly unpleasant dream and as you turned over to adjust yourself for sleep again you were met with the sweetest sight. There of course was your boyfriend peacefully dosing away, but with the newest adition of a small little void of a kitten just as peacefully sleeping on his chest. That tiny little thing was an unexpected new member of the little family the two of you had made and you wouldn't change a thing,even if the kitten still remained unnamed after being home for about a month now. You'll probably have to change that soon.
Anytime you take a little more time than usual on an errand than planned, Jason can't help himself from becoming worried. It also doesn't help his worry when you don't answer you phone when he sends a few texts trying to see what was possibly making you late when it should've only taken you around twenty minutes. After hearing your voicemail message for the fourth time he was almost ready to (hesitantly) call one of his siblings to go look for where you could've gone, not only could you be in some kind of danger but the rain was starting to worry him. He was halfway off the couch when your soaking form finally came through the door. You barely gave him time to sign in relief let alone Welcome you home and ask what happened as you hurriedly dropped the bag of food into his lap before quickly making your way into the bathroom. That worried him. In the last few years of you dating, you never came home and not speak to him Immediately let alone rush past him like that. He thought he was worried before but now he is concerned and almost scared of what's happening that he doesn't know about. Jason carefully got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen to put your dinner into the microwave to keep warm before he made his way into the restroom to see what you could possibly be up to. The last thing he expected to see was you cradling a small soaking wet ball of black fur while stressfully searching the internet on your phone. While he had already began connecting the dots on what was happening, it wasn't until he had hobbled his way to your side and the furball meowing at him that he was fully aware of what was going on.
“Babe? Everything okay?”
“Oh! Jason! I was on my way back home but then I found this poor thing and I couldn't bring myself to leave it there I had to take it home. I'm so sorry.”
“Baby, no need to apologize. I'm Just glad you're home safe. Now, let me take over you need to go dry off and get warm.”
That night you and Jason had done what you could with your limited supply to bathe and care for the kitten before agreeing that you two would make the trip to the vet clinic in the morning to make sure it had a clean bill of health. You two had also immediately decided that you'd adopt the kitten due to how attached you had become and that Jason has no ability to say no to you when it comes to Stuff like this.
Life with a kitten was certainly new, it felt almost like the next big step in the commitment of your relationship. Thankfully the kitten was perfectly healthy, and your theory of it being a runt that was undesired was spot on. You had also found out that the kitten was a little girl and she fell in love with the two of you. She would constantly follow you around the apartment and was never more than a few feet from your side, if there was a moment where she wasn't with you it was because she discovered that Jason was her favorite playmate and her favorite pillow. You couldn't blame her, with his higher than normal body heat and big soft muscles he was your favorite pillow too. It had slightly worried you at first that a kitten was too big of a change and commitment for the two of you to make so suddenly, but that sweet little furball made you quickly realize that you and Jason were in the perfect spot in your relationship to handle just that.
Now as you lay in bed looking at the two loves of your life, you reflect on that rainy evening and feel so greatful for the universe putting this sweet little thing in your path. You also realize that it's almost been a month and your kitten needs a name.
"Jason. Hey.” He's awake immediatley.
"Yeah? What's wrong baby? What's happening?”
"We need to name her.” Jason relaxes now that he knows there's no danger, just his sweet girl and her late night thoughts.
"Yeah? What do you Suggest?” There's a pause as you think about your answer.
“Hmmm. What about…Midna?”A soft laugh escapes him as he recognizes the name. He wouldn't expect any less than for you to chose the name of your favorite character from one of you favorite video games.
“Hmmm nerd. Now go to sleep.”
"Okay goodnight, love you.”
“Goodnight, love you too beautiful.”
"I was talking to Midna.”
At that he softly moves and deposits the sleeping kitten onto the pillows above your heads before moving himself to softly smother you in his arms for the rest of night. Sleep comes back easily when your little family is all together in this little pocket of peace.
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This blurb takes place in the same little universe as my last blurb :)
Read it here!
pastelillos*- basically Puerto Rican empanadas (I have a personal hc that Jason is mixed and half Puerto Rican♡)
Also if you recognize the name I picked for their kitten I love you♡
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hi bestie!! could you write about harry and y/n being broken up and he finds out she went on a date and he goes to her house really upset asking her how she could do that to him and she says she didn’t want too but her friends made her and they make up at the end?
the thought makes me all soft-
"Who was he?"
When YN opened her front door, she wasn't expecting to see Harry standing there.
Dressed like he'd been on a run but barely showing a sweat on his brow-line, t-shirt still loose to his body and still smelling of his Tom Ford cologne, not a hint of his body odour hanging in the air. Stood on the gravel pathway of her home, in skin-tight leggings and a pair of baggy shorts endorsed with Nike on the side, bright pink trainers tied to his feet (which she knew weren't his running shoes and were the first pair he'd grabbed in his haste to leave his home) and paired with white socks that he'd pulled up to his mid-calves. Hair pinned back in one of his tiny butterfly clips, with only the smallest and softest curls hanging down the sides of his face.
"Who was who?"
"That man who people saw you with. Who you went on a date with," he grumbles. His voice dripping with jealousy, barely unable to take his eyes away from her blushing cheeks, "it's all over my Twitter, in my direct messages, my Instagram. Who was he?"
"Just someone from work," YN confesses, a sudden yet small chill running down her spine because she had no clue that she had been photographed in her privacy, "my co-worker wanted to set me up with him because she found out that me and you had recently parted ways. She kept telling him to ask me out, to take me to dinner or for some drinks at the bar down the road, and- well, he wouldn't take no for an answer. I- H, I didn't want to go."
She wasn't technically lying.
She did want to go, because she'd been raving to her friends about going to the newly-opened bar down the road (which sold endless amounts of her favourite cocktails and advertised 'the best pizza in London' which she could never turn down), but she just didn't want to go with him; the guy from work who would always seem to take his break at the same time as her, who would always keep his lunch beside hers, who would make sure he finished at the same time as her so she could ride in the lift down to the bottom floor with him.
She wanted to go with Harry. Not the first guy who offered to date her after she became single.
"You could have told your face that."
"Am I just that forgetful? Everything we did together? All the good times we have, the funny moments, the sad times. Did you just forget all about that? Did they mean nothing to you?" His demeanour took a change as he broke, his shoulders slouching and the darkness of his eyes seemed to lighten, fingers picking at the hangnails of his thumb, "did I mean nothing to you?"
"Don't be so stupid, Harry. You're the last person I'd ever forget," she shook her head and adjusted her weight and her stance, standing up straighter from her position leaning against the doorframe of her front door, "as for everything we did together... it's impossible to just erase it all. I travelled with you, saw you in your element, watched you do your job. I went on a bloody world tour with you, for goodness sake. It's hard to not remember it all. Even when I want to."
She sighs heavily and runs her hand through her hair, "because it's unbearable to think about what we used to have together. How happy we were, how you were the only person who knew me, who could make me laugh and cry at the same time. How you made me feel so special and loved and like I was the only girl in the world. How you were my best friend, my soulmate and my boyfriend rolled into one person."
He smiles softly, matching the delicately placed smile that sat on her own lips.
"Now? Now you're just a stranger to me."
"I don't want to be," he whispers, "I hate that we became this."
She lifted the handle of her front door and made sure the latch was on - not that it mattered because even if her front door closed on her, she could still see the front door key, that she gave to him as an emergency key, twisted onto the keyring that hung from his forefinger - taking a seat on the bench she had placed on her front porch.
He stood there for a moment, contemplating his own mind, before he took the space beside her.
"I thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go but," he coughs into his fist and clears the ache in his throat, "I was wrong. I wanted you to have a life that I was unable to give you. A partner who was always at home, who you could see whenever you wanted, who was there for everything. Who you never had to see through a screen or hear updates about through social media," his hand reaches up, slowly, adjusting the shoulder of her knitted cardigan that had fallen down and exposed her bare skin, "I wanted you to have the life I wished to give you."
"You never asked me what I wanted. That's what hurt me the most," and her voice was so soft, almost hard to hear, "and I understood but, Harry, I wanted you. I didn't want someone who could be there for me whenever. I wanted everything with you. Life was hard being with you but I coped. I managed to live my life and have you by my side and I couldn't have asked for me," she admits, holding his hand with hers and running her thumb over his knuckles, "I'd take you back in a heartbeat."
"Then do it."
She felt the heat creep up her neck, reaching her cheeks, and she felt like the shy schoolgirl who cracked under the pressure of being near her school crush. Her eyes locked on the pebbles of her flowerbed because anywhere was better than looking into his deep, green, enticingly-beautiful eyes.
"I love you. I always will. I didn't come here to get back together with you or for this to happen but-" he's cut of by the gentle motion of her head moving up to look at him, "I came here to be the biggest baby and beg for you to come back and not date that bloke. I couldn't see you with someone else and I know I left you so you could but-"
She snorts and shakes her head, the smile lingering on her lips, her body shifting in a way that was more inviting for him.
"Come back to me."
Her arms wrapped around his neck, forearms sitting snugly on his shoulders, lips pressing against his in an instant. Moulding together, fitting like a puzzle, his hands brushing up her back and bringing her just that tiny bit closer to him.
"Is that a yes?"
It was mumbled against her lips but, really, no words were needed. The moment was his answer. x
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thr-333 · 1 year
How did F!Leo get Leo Junior in your AU?
Ahha! you have given me the perfect excuse to share this snippet of the fic I'm working on for this
So Leo wasn’t dead, despite his best efforts. Plus despite his resolve to not think about it™ he was indeed fulfilling his promise to DDT. That happens when you’re looking down at the newly mutated rat version of your Dad and four little turtles in the cardboard box next to him Leo tries not to not linger on. 
Dad at this point is skinny and lanky; he really doesn't look all that different from Lou Jitsu. Leo wonders if he had kept better care of himself would he have had such a hard time adjusting. Probably, in the later days of Dad’s life he had lost a lot of his fat from the virtue of rations and regular fighting for your life-style exercise. Even then Leo didn’t think his Dad ever fully accepted his rat form.
But he looks so young here. Passed out in their old lair, the first one they had before shredder. It looks like he collapsed in a heap of exhaustion the second he found somewhere dry. Rain and bits of sewage muck still clinging to him. He was already so tired, how? It couldn’t have been more than a week since they were first mutated. 
That's another thing when he told Mikey to make a time gateway he didn’t expect his brother to be so extra about it. He really just meant to send Casey back to the day of, if not a few days before so he could get his barings first. The two had discussed it. Leo knew it would take everything he had that Mikey wouldn't be able to hold out long before getting destroyed. Especially in a heat of the moment spell. Which is why Leo knew sending Casey back here was impossible. That and he had already spent days scouring the city for a sign of him.
No, his presence here probably had more to do with the intricate fading orange design lacing up his arms. It had that sort of cracking appearance that Mikey did while making the time gateway. This however was more controlled and purposeful, with letters he couldn't understand woven between the lines. This spoke of a longstanding spell, something that Mikey had made in the event of either of their deaths. It had glowed bright the way their mystic powers did when he first arrived and had steadily been growing duller. Leo hoped they remained, he never got the chance to grab Mikey’s mask, a memento of his last brother.
There was also the chance that the marks fading meant his time here was up. But Leo somehow doubted it. There was nothing really going on around this time. The foot clan hadn't even begun thinking about collecting pieces of mystic armor. Leo had already looked for hide or hair of the key and came up with nada. Their mutation had already happened so that meant Draxum’s lair was destroyed and he wouldn’t be causing problems for anyone anytime soon.
That was the crux of the issue wasn’t it. The four baby turtles. He hovered over the little box. One side was soaked already peeling off at the corner. He knew everyone would be tumbling out the second they were awake enough to test the integrity of their playpen. They were all so small he could fit them all in one hand easily. Mikey was obviously the smallest of them all adorably round and clinging to Donnie’s leg even with the soft shell trying to kick him off in his sleep. It was almost funny if the sight of his twin at any stage of his life didn’t have Leo tearing up. He moved quickly onto the biggest of the lot and had to cover his mouth choking back a sob.
Their exact ages had gotten fuzzy with time. But Leo was pretty sure this little Raph was closer in age to his Raph than Leo was.
He wanted to scoop them up and hug all his brothers again. But he was pretty sure their shells were weak at this age and Leo wasn’t sure he could hold back squeezing them as tightly as he could. Besides, he didn't deserve it.
Raph and Donnie you could call those accidents markers of Leo’s incompetence. Not Mikey, he had looked his baby brother in the eye. The same baby brother that was making a mix between chirping and babbling noises in his sleep. Had looked him in the eye and asked him- told him to die. Had premeditated and planned his little brother's death. Leo wished he had died first, not just before Mikey but before all of them. He should've, they would probably been better off for it.
… Speaking of.
The last turtle he had been avoiding looking at. Simply because it was about to become relevant and Leo couldn’t be one hundred percent sure that this whole thing hadn’t been orchestrated by DDT as petty revenge for Leo dismissing him before. Actually right now that was his top working theory.
Leo had never seen any baby pictures of himself. Dad didn’t have a camera back then. He had no idea his markings used to be lighter, getting more pigmented with age. The light green stripes were practically cat scratches. He was sleeping restlessly trying to roll over in his sleep to find the other tots. Leo put his hand in between him and Raph just before little him could make contact. Their hands touched showing just the sheer size difference between then and now.
“It’s pathetic to be mad at a literal child,”
DDT wasn’t wrong, it did feel ridiculous to have beef with a baby. He picked the tot up, who gave a displeased squeaking sound in his sleep but didn’t wake up. It did make the others stir the sound disrupting their sleep. Surely that was a metaphor for something. Leo’s loud mouth always causing his brother's problems. Raph’s eyes cracked open looking up and zeroing in on Leo. He was pinned under the gaze with wide clear eyes that have never seen the horrors of this world.
Even at fifteen his brother's gaze had never been that unburdened. Since shredder and their first loss in the family Karai Leo had never seen them without a certain tragedy coloring his brothers outlook on life. The soon to follow apocalypse and the countless deaths that followed merely cemented that in his brothers look which Leo had forgotten what he looked like before.
He couldn’t let that future befall his brothers. Any of it. He wanted to keep them safe and sheltered and beg Dad never to let them out of the sewer. 
Oh how they would hate that.
He couldn't protect them from everything. There would always be low level threats and a curiosity that leads to them. All he could do was his best to get rid of some of the bigger ones and make sure the Krang never happened. It also meant he couldn't stay here. He would always be a little piece of the apocalypse a forgotten timeline. It would cast a shadow over his brothers and ruin their childhoods. That was fine he could work from the shadows behind the scenes thats where he did his best work. He just had to guarantee the Krange never happened.
There was one way to do that. He looked at the baby in his hand. Sometimes you need only remove one bad seed.
Raph had stared long enough to realize Leo wasn’t releasing his brother. He made grabby hands and little babbling sounds that were precious in every way. Leo smiled sadly. Moved into the shadows. Raph cried out. He didn’t look back.
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theseventhoffrostfall · 7 months
Back to Through Struggle, the Stars, and the second half of the book (yeah, all that prior was the first half) opens with a chapter that's such a marked improvement over all that came prior I was briefly convinced that the author wrote the first half years ago and just kept it as-is when he went on to finish it, or brought on some other military-adjacent friend to ghostwrite it or something. That is to say it rose to the dizzying heights of okay for the most part.
We switch to an Acadamy buddy of our guy Niel, who goes by Rand. Again, accurate, as military personnel are known for using first names exclusively. Regardless, Rand is in the Army as an artillery officer (don't ask why he went to the same academy as some space force navy guy). We get a brief mention that surface-to-orbit laser artillery has a secondary sighting laser for analyzing atmospheric disturbance and adjusting the focus of the main laser. I'm almost 100% certain that wouldn't solve the problem, but hey, it's proof that the author is aware the problem exists.
The war which was declared at the end of the first half has finally broken out proper, and Rand is stationed on a world consisting of one American continent with the rest under Chinese control, which some of you may recall is the sort of arrangement that's common in my primary Sci fi setting specifically for making more sense than every planet being under unilateral control. Randward is forced to ditch his guns as most of his battalion is wiped out. The order comes to surrender, because it turns out it's hard to argue with 70% of a planet plus an enormous invasion fleet that's claimed near-total aerospace superiority so his surviving platoon members link up with the remnants of the local police department to Red Dawn it. I'm as shocked as you are they didn't outright call it Yellow Dawn.
It's even mentioned that the Chinese plan to round up the American colonists and ship them off to an American holding to be repatriated, rather than putting them in death camps or making them into wet market soup or something, so there's even some actual restraint being shown here. Unfortunately, that moment is also what shook me out of that illusion of "Hey, this is so not-bad it might be a different author entirely." The perspective switching abruptly, jarring and completely unmarked and undifferentiated between third person limited and third person omniscient (like, perhaps, a news article switching from an interview to an editorial section providing information and context on the situation around that interview) has been present thus far, but it's just always been the smallest of the vast problems in play. The information about the Chinese plan for the planet comes jammed right in the middle of the narrative of Rand fighting the initial invasion.
Overall, I rate this chapter a GWOT/Y2K. It really is a 2011 time capsule if you know what to look for, to perhaps a greater degree than the rest of the book. Most notably because they're starting a Red Dawn gang and this was not long after they made that terrible Red Dawn remake, but more generally conventional invasions are shown as a swift, brutal, all-or-nothing blitzkrieg that would make sense to someone whose idea of such is Desert Storm, OIF, operations like Panama or even the conventional aspects of Vietnam (yeah people like to forget that basically every conventional engagement in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam were quick and decisive US victories) but makes much less sense in the context of actual peer conflict as we've seen it play out historically, where from Normandy to Korea we see a burst of violence to establish a foothold and opportunistic rushes through breached lines but otherwise a steady, grinding back-and-forth advance. Again, Red Dawn was probably an influence, but it's perhaps interesting to think that we find a guerilla campaign in completely occupied territory to be a borderline romantic notion, as opposed to a strategically besieged, desperate holding action of conventional warfare, which we see as the grim nightmare it is.
Which is the other half of its datedness, in that everyone is shocked and appalled by the notion of the US forces on the planet surrendering, because that's just Not A Thing That's Done. Again, GWOT-era notion where the notion of going back to the negotiating table after a truce was called in a war was largely dead in favor of the idea that every war ends in a regime change and surrender of any kind is tantamount to absolute defeat forever. Everyone in this largely peacetime army that really has no living combat vets is just 100% willing to go to the absolute extremes to fight on for no particular reason (the civilians, everyone apparently knows because this information was once again between two paragraphs of in-character narration, will just be shipped off to American territory unharmed, and "help will arrive" is the sort of notion you get when you know you're in a story and the cavalry will show up grandly at the end, not when you're waging a losing war and just lost a planet) and this is despite the fact that America as the monopolar hegemon hasn't been the case for like a century at this point.
Hell, this dates it to both early in 2011, before America's de facto withdrawal from Iraq, and from I believe a few years later when that US naval vessel accidentally trespassed in IIRC Chinese waters and the crew was detained before being sent along. While this was a bit excessive (typically such incidents warrant the response of just escorting the intruding ship out of your territory, though detention is indeed within the rights of the encroached-upon party) I remember there being some intense backlash and anger at the crew "shaming the entire country" for, I dunno, not dying gloriously at their guns and defying all possible notions of obeying international law and justice just for the vague notion of not surrendering for any reason no matter how valid. This also dates it to before 2022 to present day, when half the country would respond to the notion of a war with China by espousing that China has traditional Christian values and opposing their conquest is a demonic money laundering scheme.
Overall, a standout chapter for being mediocre but interesting to analyze rather than just blandly fascinating but interesting to venomously critique. I don't wanna give anyone the wrong impression, though. This book is not The Devil Calls the Tune. This book is not Guard at The Gates of Hell. This book isn't even Dark Operator. On the seismograph of bad military science fiction this book has yet to shake the needle. It's just bad in a way that makes it interesting to break down rather than bad in a way that makes me want to kill the author with my bare hands. Believe it or not, I still haven't wanted to kill the author once.
Well, there's time for that to change, because the next chapter goes back to Neil. Back to the grind for me.
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julymarte · 2 months
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Something from earlier on Instagram stories...
The topic of the hypothetical comic is always a complicated one for me... Even though most people wanted to have proper KoS comics from the survey with h a whopping 30 votes on 37 and the modern au webtoon following closely....
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It's highly unrealistic for them to happen, even though the au webtoon would be easier to happen cause I would not handle the writing... I might still not be able to have the time and energy for it if I will be forced to find a "real job" soon
For KoS I'm extremely scared, working on the story would mean to change everything and everyone to adjust all the problems kom had... Not starting it it's like keeping my characters in a stasis where they can exist without causing problems, at least hopefully... Kom flopped hard for several reasons and for kos to exist it means to shoulder all the kom failures, for kos to exist would mean to completely rewrite the flux universe and cut the connection with kom
And I'm not ready to cut this umbilical cord
I don't know how to write something perfect and untainted..no one is able to I believe... But I really don't want to offend anyone or at least if it's inevitable I hope it would be the smallest amount of people possible
Again comic making is a big investment in time and energy and while I know most webcomic artists have a day job, knowing myself and my energy battery I know I would not be able especially with my emotional battery... There are so many expectations on this project, mostly from myself..I'm aware of that...but it's really a lot to handle and I am not afraid to admit that in this time period I am extremely weak
This would be an extremely big gamble...kom went ok at first cause I had a big follow from [redacted fandom] and now I don't so I wouldn't even have a motivation jump start...I'm so sorry for those 30 people who may have looked forward to it
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader Summary: Rhea tries to help you forget about your bad day. Warnings: smut, top Rhea, bottom reader, oral (f receiving)
Stomping and door slamming were not exactly uncommon in your home, but usually it wasn't from you. Rhea had a tendency to be loud and was still adjusting to the new place the two of you got together. She never really noticed when she shut a door a little too hard, but she didn't miss the way you angrily stormed into the house. Whenever Rhea had checked in on you earlier in your day, you had been absolutely swamped. It seemed that none of your workload had let up after that. Not to mention the argument you had earlier in the day with one of your coworkers. All in all, today had been shitty for you. Not even being back with Rhea had cheered you up in the way that it usually did.
"Is everything okay?" Rhea asked you. You dropped your things by the door and glared at her. Rhea got up almost immediately and wrapped her arms around you tightly in a hug. "Why don't you come here and let me cheer you up?"
"I don't know Rhea," you told her. Rhea tilted your head back slightly as she looked into your eyes. There was a moment where the two of you just stared at each other before you leaned forward to kiss her. Rhea pulled you backwards towards the couch. She landed first and laid flat on her back while you straddled her. Rhea's hands gripped your hips tightly, squeezing just enough to get you to gasp a little. Her tongue moved into your mouth, tasting you as her hands began to roam on your body.
Rhea didn't bother taking her time with you. The faster that she had you undressed, the quicker that you could forget about your day. You weren't opposed to the urgency in her movements. The way that she pinned you against the arm of the couch with your legs sitting on top of her shoulders made your heart race. Rhea didn't bother touching you with her fingers at first. She used her tongue, working you up until you were practically begging for more. You moaned with each stroke of her fingers in and out of you while she used the ball of her tongue ring to tease your clit. Your eyes were squeezed shut like your fists were around Rhea's hair. She kept going and pushing you even as you started to pull at her hair, but Rhea didn't stop until she knew that you were satisfied.
"Call in tomorrow," Rhea told you as she pressed a kiss to your stomach. This wasn't the first time that she had suggested you start stepping away from work, but this was the smallest place where she had started before. Usually you would have argued against it, but you reached for your phone and sent the email to your boss that you wouldn't be making it in the next day. Rhea sat back on her knees and stared at you, a small smirk on her face. Not only had she gotten what she wanted, but she knew that you'd be all hers for the next day until she had to get on a plane and fly to whatever city they'd be in next.
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sakunataa · 8 months
February 2nd (Status Report) + February 2nd (202X Tutorial Update) Review
I wanted to apologize to everyone who is reading this, particularly Dev, for the current absence of reviews. I haven't had the time to truly be online, much less write anything longer than two sentences, because I've been so busy changing jobs and homes. Now that I've found a home and a job that suits me, I can carry on reviewing YanDev's WordPress!
Yes, I'm going back to Feb2, which is when my next review was supposed to be done. Dev is understandably taking a break from working on the game, thus this is as good a time as any to resume reviewing. I'm hoping that he sees these encouraging words and has something to look forward to during the next months.
I'll review everything having seen (almost) all the updates I know now (obviously), and I'll comment about how much better it gets with time, based on how well I think it was done back then. For the sake of lengthening this post and, well, for Dev's sake as well, I'll be examining the two Feb2 posts at the same time. 🩷
I begin.
I'm really happy that Dev finished the tutorial cutscenes! I'm really ecstatic knowing how wonderfully done it is. It's stunning and fluid on top of that. Compliments to the chef! Dev wants to make adjustments to the animations even after they are finished, ensuring their quality and completion. Knowing how much he was going to do at the moment made me so eager for the massive build that was about to be released.
For the intro animation's adjustments? Hauntingly gorgeous. It's a lovely touch to use the glass fragments as a symbol for how truly damaged Ayano feels. The smallest visual enhancements can make an already excellent animation even better, provided the art isn't compromised. There's a perfect balance of everything here! It's good to see him improve on what's already there; I really appreciate the direction he's taking everything in.
The game's update and how long it will be before the next one is released are covered in the following section. In all honesty, I find it hard to see why anyone would think that tutorials are generally a waste of time. I agree that tutorials are important and shouldn't be avoided, but seasoned veterans of all sorts of games wouldn't understand that! But Yandere Simulator is so complex and detailed that I feel a tutorial is very necessary.
Anyway, it is understandable why he might want to put the update off for a little while longer. Imagine creating a game this size and being prepared to add this large update to it. The game is strongly supported and shaped ever so slightly by the tutorial level, which also gives the impression that the game is getting near to feeling and being more complete! Making a YouTube video is a cool idea, but I can also see why he would be torn on such a significant choice as that. So I can definitely support the last listed con.
Making it the "newest" video on the channel would inevitably draw in the wrong crowd. While I consider the game's tutorial to be a significant achievement, the regular trolls and detractors might not agree. It's the fundamentals—something that introduces you to the game and helps you understand its mechanics. YanSim's growth has been a challenging process from the start. Making this tutorial now is entirely justified. Cut him some slack!
This makes a seamless segue into the next post, in which he announces his decision to refrain from posting a video about it to his main channel. Well played, Dev! Moving it to your secondary channel, where all of your other content is posted, is much smarter. It fits in well. (Thanks Cameron for providing the tutorial's audio! You were outstanding in all you did. I'm proud of you. Your work is fantastic.)
As someone who has completed the 202X tutorial, I can tell you right away that I adore it. It's well-designed and a lot of fun to do. Despite the fact that I already knew how to play the game, I found it to be a truly enjoyable experience, especially after a brief break! It was also wonderful to see Kokona in the spotlight once more! She's always been one of my favorite characters, so seeing her again made me quite pleased.
I have always wanted to make a game, with a tutorial to boot. And after being in numerous classes and doing all the research I possibly could to see where I could start out, seeing the tutorial of this game inspires me! Dev couldn't have released this at such a better time. A solid tutorial all around. Easy to understand, control, and finishing it didn't feel frustrating or overly-complicated.
Making a game, with a tutorial to boot, has long been a goal of mine. And after being in numerous classes and doing all the research I possibly could to see where I could start out, none of them truly inspired me the way this game does. This release by Dev couldn't have come at a better time! A strong tutorial overall. It was easy to understand, control, and complete; it didn't feel difficult or needlessly complicated.
(The idea of a custom level maker similar to that of the Final Test sounds like such a great idea. I'd play the hell out of it if that was ever a thing. The possibilities and videos on that would be endless.)
I have gushed about 1980s mode for so long. Still do. The prior rival introduction cutscenes were enjoyable to watch, but I always pondered how it would have seemed with actual cutscenes. I used to constantly experiment in my head with numerous angles and possibilities. And it appears that my wish has finally come true! These brand-new, diverse scenes are all exquisite, with amazing attention to detail! I frequently replayed the mode to see if I had missed anything in these sequences, and I'm always amazed every time I do. The quality and the passion are both present. It's genuinely excellent!
(I'm also impressed with the volunteer's work with the "Senpai meets Amai" cutscene. Feels really good, refreshing, and brilliant. Props to them as well!)
To me, the concept of a small town prototype has always been, well, huge to me. I've always found it fascinating to imagine exploring a town as Ayano and seeing other people interact. Sadly, I am unable to locate any concept pictured that I recall drawing at the time. But? I do recall Dev's post on Feb25 where he had a what-if idea of what it may be like to wander around a small town, and I just melted! I couldn't have asked for a finer picture of what it could be like.
New animations, enhancements, and bug fixes follow from here. For all of which, Dev deserves all the praise! Thanks to his diligence and perseverance, everything feels tidy and well-done. Dev has often demonstrated to us that effort and dedication are crucial, especially with significant updates like this. Congratulations to everyone, including Dev! He gathers everyone and does his share to ensure that everything is well-organized and, in the end, stylish and beautiful.
This update is enormous, magnificent, and wonderfully imaginative! I'm happy I waited since I absolutely adore this game and how it's being developed. I'm excited to go through all the other posts and give it the attention it still deserves. Endless acclaim and appreciation, even for small achievements.
Until next time! It's good to be back.
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any thoughts on jumin with a blue collar manual labor gf? i do a lot of farm work that i wouldnt necessarily give up just for a rich husband, and i always find it kinda funny when he's showering mc in game with lipsticks and dresses and perfumes and jewelry, meanwhile my rl body watching it happen is almost always sweaty and dirty and sunscreened uP
I'd have pretty rare use for the finer things, but i wouldn't mind a little regular physio slot, as a treat XD
I don’t see Jumin taking any issue with that. If you're the kind of person that likes to get your hands dirty, then you should feel like you can keep doing that no matter what. He would never ask you to do something that you don't want to do. He would never ask you to wear something that you would never wear. If you don't like glitz and glamor, you don't have to like it for him. The only reason why he leans that way is because he's working on the assumption that you might like those things.
If you tell him otherwise, then he's going to adjust and adapt accordingly. He is a reasonable person and it's not hard for him to be swayed as long as he knows what he needs to know. If you don't tell him, then he's never going to know. He can pick up on context clues and figure stuff out, but it's better for you to just tell him outright. He is the king of conversations after all. Talk to him. That’s his main love language. Being able to talk to you for hours is what makes him happiest, it has always been that way.
So, get dirty, enjoy your hard work, and let Jumin support you in whatever way feels comfortable. It's not like he's adverse to physical labor. It might sound a little silly to say but he could be a great help as long as you direct him the appropriate way. He’s worked on his grape farm before. Sure, it wasn’t a lot of hard labor, but he’s been there and he’s taken the time to learn the craft. In his eyes, everything is important when it comes to a task. You need to understand all of the pieces that come together to make it work. You need to know the top to the bottom. The smallest worker to the largest worker, for example.
So, yes, Jumin loves you all the same if you’re covered in mud or if you prefer a shower of rhinestones. He'll support you either way. You don't have to be afraid of him thinking differently of you. He won't. You are already the most important person in his life. 
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puffpasstea · 2 years
Warnings: mention of drugs.
Chapter 9
"So, how's she?" I pressed the phone harder against my ear as if to make up for the thousands of miles between us.
"Good, really good...Yeah. They're letting her come home today. Mum's just gone to pick her up."
"That's great, Harry! I'm so glad!"
"How's...everything on your end?" I knew what he was really asking.
"Stop, Harry. We told you not to worry about work. We've got it covered."
"I just feel bad. Feels like I've abandoned everyone. Chris and Sienna, especially."
"Believe it or not, they're perfectly capable of giving interviews without your irresistible charm to lead them through it."
"you think I'm irresistible AND charming?" I could practically hear the grin in his voice.
"Fuck off."
Harry chuckled, and relief instantly washed over me. I didn't realize that I hadn't heard his hearty laugh in a long time. The high pitched, lilt, almost song-like to my ears was so distinct. I could picture him with a hand on his stomach, his head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut. I missed his laugh.
"Hey, could you turn your camera on? Wanna show you Gemma's room."
"y-yeah, sure." I ran a quick hand through my hair and adjusted my shirt collar, making sure I looked good enough.
Harry walked me through the set up he'd put together. "Do you think this is enough pillows?"
It was sweet how fussy he was being over the smallest of details.
"Like, if it were you, what would you wanna have by your bedside?" He asked, chewing on his lower lip worriedly.
"My thoughtful little brother."
Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm being serious!"
"So am I! Harry- look, it's not about the items within her reach, it's about the effort you're putting into showing her that you're there for her. That's what's going to give her comfort."
"I just- want it to be perfect. Don't wanna miss anything."
Harry had been determined to be more present in his family life since his sister's illness. He didn't want to ignore the wake-up call that these unfortunate circumstances had given him about his relationship to the people in his life. And I could see how hard he'd been trying. As difficult as the decision was, he'd stepped back from promoting the film to go be with his family and support his sister. I was proud of him for recognizing what needed to be done, though I was by no means surprised. He wouldn't be the Harry that I knew if he'd taken this lightly.
"Alright, well, mum's just texted me that they're almost here. I gotta go. Talk soon?"
"Keep me posted on how she's doing!"
"Will do."
A week later, just as I was logging out of a virtual work meeting, the landline in my hotel room began to ring.
"Is...this Alice's room?" The voice on the other end of the line asked.
"Yes, this is Alice...sorry, who is this?"
"Oh, it's Jeff! Azoff? Harry's manager?"
"Oh? ohhh! Hi- Hi, Jeff. To what do I owe this...call?"
"Well, umm, come downstairs and you'll find out."
"I beg your pardon?"
"I'm trying to say I'm in the hotel lobby. Would you come down and have a cup of coffee with me? let's chat."
"S-sure, I guess."
"See you in a bit?"
The phone went silent. I froze in place, listening to the monotonous beep announcing the end of the call as Jeff hung up. It took me a moment to remind myself that I had no reason to feel nervous about this. Unlike Harry, I don't pay Jeff to tell me what to do or not to do. It's not like he can actually do or say anything of consequence to me. But that's exactly what made this whole thing so strange. I couldn't think of a single reason why he and I would ever need to interact. A single good reason, at least. So it must be something bad. The kind of thing that you can't just mention over the phone, or via text. And thus began the longest elevator ride of my life. All the way to the lobby, I wondered if Jeff was here to tell me that Gemma's back in the hospital, or that Harry's been in a plane crash on his way back to LA, or...
A hotel staff member walked me to Jeff's table at the cafe in the lobby, pulling my chair out for me and announcing that he'll be back to take our orders in a second. Jeff opened the menu, glancing at his options.
"Have you had the cappuccino here, yet? oh, you must have the cappuccino, it's to die for!"
Ok, so he's not here to inform me of anybody's untimely demise; surely he wouldn't use 'to die for,' if he were about to tell me that someone's dead.
The waiter returned. "What can I get for you this morning?"
"We'll have two cappuccinos-" Jeff started.
"Actually, just black coffee, for me, thanks."
Jeff waited for the waiter to be out of ear shot before turning back to face me, and, taking a sip of his complementary water, he looked at me. "You don't like me very much, do you?"
"Not even a little bit."
He smiled brightly. "Good. I wouldn't be doing my job right if you liked me."
"So, are you going to tell me why we're here?"
"Of course-"
The waiter brought our drinks over, interrupting the conversation. "One cappuccino and one black coffee. Anything else?"
we assured him that we were all set, and with a courteous smile, he was gone again.
Taking an immediate sip of his drink, Jeff dug his hand into the pocket of his coat and took out an envelope, sliding it across the table to me. "Came here to give you this. Didn't think I should mail it or trust someone else with it."
I took the envelope and began to open it. "What's this?"
"From Harry. The keys to his home and a list of discrete spots inside the place."
Jeff was right. The keyring was hefty, fastening together a number of keys, all attached to a keychain with the signature house logo and "Harry's House" written on it. It brought a smile to my face to think about how clever Harry must have found this. I bet he was impressed with himself for the double-meaning.
I picked up the coffee to warm my hands and began sipping on it.
"Those places are where his, umm, fun pills are stashed." Jeff leaned in closer, lowering his voice, "He wanted me to ask if you'd be willing to go over there and...dispose of all of it for him. He's coming home at the end of the week and he doesn't even want to be tempted by the possibility of their presence, you know?"
I nodded and took a big gulp of my drink, burning the roof of my mouth.
"Of course, he wants you to know that there's no pressure to say yes. He could just ask Mitch, or someone else, if you don't feel comfortable."
"N-no. it's no big deal. I'm happy to do it."
"I can drive you over there, whenever you'd like."
"How about- like, now? after this?"
I worked my way through Harry's house, room by room. Jeff remained in the main living room area, informing me that Harry had asked him not to get too involved. Occasionally, if I passed him by, he'd try to strike up a conversation, or provide some context for the pieces of art I saw on the walls, explaining the decorative items, award trophies, or personal photos of particularly sentimental value to Harry. It was clear Jeff knew him very well.
In his bedroom, a sweater was folded neatly and placed onto the bed. My hand reached towards it, taking the hem of the sweater between my thumb and index finger, and feeling it. I knew exactly which sweater this was. I'd seen it on Harry on more than one occasion. He'd even been wearing it the night before his flight to London. The feeling of the fabric between my fingers brought me back to that night, and it suddenly hit me that I've been missing him ever since. It feels like it's been so long. I knew why he had to be gone. I was glad even. Because I saw how hard he wrestled with the decision to walk away from film press, and how guilty he'd felt for leaving his co-stars to cover for him. He was in no shape to carry on with business as usual, and he would've regretted it if he'd stayed. I knew that, but it's been a while since, and I was looking forward to his return.
once I'd confiscated all of Harry's drugs, I made my way back to the living room to ask if Jeff knew of any safe pill disposal locations nearby, but he was on the phone.
"Hang on, she's here...It's Harry; he wants to talk to you."
I took the phone, turning around so he couldn't see my smile. "Harry."
"I wanted to say thank you so much for doing this for me. You've no idea how grateful I am."
"Oh, it's- fine, no worries." His sincerity and intensity were throwing me off.
"No, really. I appreciate it more than I can say. Didn't want have to ask Jeff to do it. I feel like a line needs to be drawn somewhere, you know? don't want him to, like, be my 'handler' or something...Gosh, who am I? my 'handler'? listen to the words coming out of my mouth." Harry laughed, partially out of nerves.
"But you're okay with me being your handler?" I whispered into the phone, walking into another room for some privacy.
"You can handle me any time, darlin'"
Harry chuckled.
"So, I hear you're coming back soon." I blurted out, unable to conceal my excitement.
"Yeah, yeah, in a few days..."
"D-do you, uh, do you want a ride from the airport? I could, like, pick you up? we could grab a bite to eat, or-"
"That's sweet, really-"
"Well, yeah...I've been thinking," fuck. What now. Nobody ever says 'I've been thinking,' unless it's bad.
"I think... we might need- some ground rules."
"What do you mean?"
"oh, god. I haven't actually thought about how I want to phrase this yet, but...I think we just need to take things slow, you know? We've skipped a bunch of steps, I think. Jumped in head first into the deep end. Maybe we scale back a little bit?"
"Harry, I don't understand any of the words that are coming out of your mouth right now. What? are you saying you don't wanna be friends anymore?"
"I do! oh my god, I do!! Look, I love our friendship. I think we both know there's something between us that we'd be foolish to throw away. You're one of my favorite people on this planet. And because of that, because you're important to me and I don't want to lose you, I think I've got to, like, get a grip on things. I've been flying by the seat of my pants for a while. And it put us in a tough spot. I want to be more intentional with things. take it slow. Set some boundaries. Please tell me you understand?"
Harry had been the one speaking, but I was the one who felt out of breath. I sighed loud enough for him to hear. "I don't know. Like, what kind of boundaries?"
"Well, no more spontaneous late night calls, for starters. That's disrespectful and emotionally manipulative."
"It is? I mean, yeah, it is."
Harry laughed. "I'm serious! And we can only hang out alone in public places. At least for a little while. If we must be secluded and indoors, it needs to be with other people."
"What's a little while?"
"Well, we can discuss this, but, at least from my side, I think....a lot of my problems have been resolved now that I've been able to see my family and make sure Gemma's all good. But there's still quite a bit for me to work through."
"Harry, have you met me? I'm not exactly perfect."
"Don't you think that we keep...crashing into each other, though? and making a mess of the aftermath? "
"I just- don't want to lose you." Unexpectedly, I felt my throat tighten. My heart was racing. I thought I'd be used to the abandonment by now. My whole life, everyone and everything I've ever loved has left me behind. I should've known that telling Harry I loved him would be the beginning of the end for us.
"Hey, you are never going to lose me, do you hear me? never!"
"Doesn't feel like it."
"I'll prove it to you. I know change is hard. It's hard for me too. it's going to be very difficult for me not to call, or text, or kiss you every minute of every day. But, I've got to try. To get better."
"I never want to be the thing that keeps you from getting back to your life."
"you are my life."
The end of the week came and I did NOT pick Harry up from the airport, but I did get a text from him
I'm backkkk!!! goodnight. see you Monday!
I did, in fact, see him on Monday. The first thing he did upon his return was hand his phone and mine over to Jeff. They'd installed some kind of filter on both of our social media accounts to block certain kind of comments from reaching us, essentially minimizing the gossip from being a constant force. That seemed to make Harry's shoulders lighter, and I can't lie, the number of death threats against me decreased too.
To make up for his conspicuous and very sudden absence from promoting the film, he made several appearances on the covers of magazines, most of them, on his own. It was clear that his team had booked him these interviews as ways to introduce him to the world as a double-threat. This was about his acting AND his music. However, occasionally, he did some interviews with Sienna and Chris, to focus solely on the film, and I tagged along to provide a few quotes about the cast being an absolute pleasure to work with, and even explain the role that the university had played in making this film.
On occasion when it was all of us, we tended to go for drinks or dinner afterwards, so Harry and I saw each other regularly. On some of his days off, he'd go out for a run with his trainer, and then invite me for a coffee or a smoothie afterwards. Although we kept things light and friendly, always in parks, cafes, and juice bars, always around other people, just as our ground rules required, I knew he was making good on his promise that he wouldn't abandon me. I appreciated his effort, genuinely, but I couldn't deny that things were, at first, slightly strange. I felt stiff having to watch my every move, touch, or gesture around him. I couldn't help but wonder, in the back of my mind, if we were going backwards in our friendship.
"Can I ask you a question?" I mumbled one morning, during a lull in our conversation. I wasn't sure Harry could even hear my small voice over the sound of birds chirping, cafe-goers coming in and out as we sat at an outdoor table. Harry's eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses, so I wasn't even sure he was looking at me.
"Of course." He took a long sip out of his protein shake.
"Are you worried we'll never be the same again? with the way things were between us? " I turned side-ways in my seat, so I could face away from Harry, and distract myself by watching pedestrians on the street.
"I hope we never have to be." He spoke without missing a beat.
"W-what?" Are we not on the same page about this whole thing? Had I missed the memo on the future of our relationship?
Harry took off his sunglasses, folding them and hanging them onto the neck of his shirt. His ocean-green eyes shimmered in the bright LA sunshine. " I know it's scary. I'm not particularly a fan of change either. But, I think it would be insane to want to go back to the way things were."
"I liked getting to know you and feeling like you really knew me."
"And you don't feel that way these days?"
I shook my head, feeling suddenly emotional. Admitting this out loud made it inescapable now. I guess there's no way out of this conversation now. "We just talk about the weather, and the differences between London and LA, and food, and all of that's fine, but I still feel like I've lost you."
Harry smiled to himself as he swirled the straw in his cup a few times. "Your favorite flavor of anything at all is vanilla, but you won't admit it to anyone because you think that's boring and might imply that you're vanilla, which we both know isn't true."
"You know a lot more about architecture than the average person and I'm not sure you're aware that most of it isn't, like, common knowledge. Which I find kind of cute, to be honest; your favorite season of the year is fall; you've never been to Italy but it's your dream to visit one day; if you had to rank my work, gun to your head, you think my first album would go last BUT you also think it's the most underrated. I'm both flattered and confused by that."
I turned back around in my seat to face him.
"I learned all of this about you in the past few weeks! by talking to you about food and the weather and LA and London! I've never stopped getting to know you, Matilda. I don't intend on it."
I was sure my face was red, but I hoped I could disguise it as sunburn. "I just think you don't even know how good "Meet Me In The Hallway" even is. And "From The Dining Table"? I mean, c'mon!"
Harry shook his head and laughed, reaching for his sunglasses again.
Harry was right, there was value in the mundane interactions. Besides, the longer we kept doing this, the more I noticed that we'd developed a new kind of ease. It's amazing what can happen when not all of your energy is devoted to trying to decode the mind games or wondering if there was a hidden meaning behind a smile, a hug that lasted too long, or brush of the hand that seemed entirely too intense to be accidental. In fact, the structure and limits around our interactions had injected them with new meaning. I found myself looking forward to our short coffee dates and excitedly anticipating seeing him at group dinners. While things were different now, for the first time in my life, different didn't also feel bad.
One night, as I was getting ready to go to bed, I saw my phone light up on the night-stand. It was a text from Harry.
-You doing anything tomorrow night?
-Nope. Why?
-Wanna go to dinner with me? Somewhere nice and quiet. Where we can talk...
-Am I in trouble?
-Guess you'll find out tomorrow at dinner. ;-) Pick you up at 7?
-Sure, 7 works.
-See you then!
What the hell is that about?
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
Punch & Juniper: ❝ just stay here with me … by my side. ❞
Softer shippy prompts
"Whoa." Juniper tilted her head back, and took a step backwards, a smile crossing her face. "This setup is AMAZING. When you said your dorm was going all-out for their Halloween Week display, you weren't kidding, huh??"
"A tribute to the best worst Halloween movie there is in Twisted Wonderland cinematic history, Pumpkin Hollow!" Punch grinned, and fiddled with the control panel on the laptop. "We're also doing our own thing, later on at the dorm? Kind of an afterparty for the afterparty. The theme is B-horror cosplay. Makes sense, since Housewarden Shroud probably won't have time to change, you know?"
"It sounds like a blast." Juniper reached forward as a holographic leaf drifted past. The projected particle passed right through her fingers, without her feeling a thing. "Wow... you helped work on the image mapping for this, you said? Soooo totally worth it. It looks realer than the real thing."
"Yeah, the whole dorm worked very hard on it." He rewound the display slightly, placing the projection of the leaf just above her hand. It looked as though it was bathed in moonlight, shining in midair in front of them. "Down to the smallest details."
"Wow," she breathed, eyes sparkling as she leaned in for a closer look.
"In fact, I think the bunch of us really earned that afterparty," he added, absentmindedly adjusting the cuffs of his uniform jacket. "And since we're allowed to bring a guest, I was wondering—"
There was a tiny click, and a slightly louder groan as the laptop, lights, and all the small projectors around the library all shut off at once. In the sudden darkness, Punch swore under his breath.
"Triple damn it! I told them to secure the extra generators, for this kind of output. And I don't even know where the fuse box is in here..." Punch paused, embarrassed. "Or where you are. I'm sorry. Juniper, you're okay, yeah? You didn't scream or anything. Are you still here?" He reached out his arms in front of him, and bumped gently into the coyote girl.
She laughed; a bright, short sound that echoed through the library. "I'm fine, Punch. It's just a little darkness, and that ain't gonna hurt me any." Her hand found his, and she gently patted it a few times before lacing their fingers together. "Don't tell me you're scared."
"More upset than scared." He squeezed her hand gently. "I'm glad this happened during the testing phase, instead of when there were off-campus guests. We can fix it and keep it from happening again. If I can figure out how to get to where I can fix this."
They both flinched as they heard a thump from the other side of the main room. "Orrrr we can wait this out together," Juniper yipped, suddenly sounding nervous. "Until the lights come back? Just stay here with me. By my side."
"Roger that." He leaned a bit closer, letting their shoulders bump together.
"And don't call me Roger."
"Sorry." He stifled a laugh.
Juniper squeezed his hand, seemingly pleased at his reaction. "Anyway, yes."
"Yes? Yes to what?"
"It sounded like you were inviting me to that party, and yes. I'd love to go."
Punch smiled broadly, even though she couldn't see it. "That's fantastic!! Yeah, it wouldn't be much fun without you there. Just make sure to stick to the theme, or you might end up standing out like a sore thumb."
"Like I don't already have a dozen movies I can pick from at the tip of my tongue." Another thump from across the room made them flinch, and they huddled closer together. "Provided we survive this silly incident."
"We can be ghosts and still go, that's a bit of Halloween magic."
"Absolutely not, Punch."
"Fine. No haunting the party, I guess." Just then, the lights flickered back on, and they realized they had been clinging to each other. They quickly separated themselves.
Juniper brushed a loose hair back from her face. "I'll... let you get to reporting and fixing this. I need to go back to my own dorm's display. We need all hands on deck, Ruggie said, haha. I'll show ya tomorrow, what we did."
Punch nodded, his blush just starting to fade. "Can't wait. And if you need help narrowing down that dozen movies? Call me."
"I'll do that anyway."
"Thanks." He grinned like a newly-carved pumpkin. "Happy Halloween, Juniper."
"Happy Halloween, Punch."
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johnradams · 2 years
lol spoilers for theatre folks on here but
I'm very sick of how this industry and the people in it treat disabled people. Like genuinely it is awful. And the worst part is folks who claim to understand and say that they're champions of intersectional equality in theatre.
not only do *I* personally feel constantly criticized in a way that doesn't take my disability into account but tonight one of our ushers who is visibly disabled was mistreated by our box office manager who is a FACULTY MEMBER. And that faculty member was not apologetic in any way when I spoke to them abt it.
It's not hard. to learn how to communicate and support disabled people. It truly is not. You really just have to exercise compassion. You just need to sit and think 'Okay - I understand this but this person does not. How can I communicate this to them in a different way do it can reach them?'. And you also need to ask. Is what I'm asking this person to do within their skill set. Is there any way I can divvy up the work further to help them. Are they the right person for this project.
And tbh I do not think that it is wise or necessary for me to continue academic theatre - or at least academic stage management. It does not serve me or any disabled person to push myself to my limits every day and quietly accept that faculty will not adjust their expectations for me based on what I am capable of.
And I've found that that isn't my experience in actual theatre at all. In my experience my professors are so incredibly anal about the smallest detail and that's not been my experience in paid work. If that's the broadway experience I don't want it. I don't. Hold much ill will towards the program, because my prof is very honest from the get go that the stage management taught here is the broadway convention, and many people don't mesh with it and that's okay.
And like. While I'm not sure of Anything going forward whether I want to continue pursuing theatre professionally or if I want to get my interpreting certificate and focus professional efforts on that. I am very sure that this isn't what I want to do. This is not a system I want to support anymore.
Even if professors in this environment are very kind on a personal level. it does not carry into their professional work. And that's probably because of the expectations held by the university or whatever. But I wish we were more upfront about that.
In my interview for this program I asked what would you do if a student were falling behind. and I was told that simply wouldn't happen because professors check in so often it just couldn't. which. totally false. Maybe that was that professors perception but. I haven't ever felt more like I was drowning in my life.
Anyway the whole point of this mf post is that while I'm filled with grief and depression abt leaving this program I need to be somewhere where if I'm not helping other people I'm at least not actively making their lives worse. and I can't do that here.
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defnot-ocean · 4 months
"A Rollercoaster Ride from Childhood to Adulthood"
Hey there! It's me, Ocean. I'm 18 years old now, but it feels like just yesterday I was a little kid, running around, playing with my friends, and having the time of my life. Back then, I thought life was all about fun and games, but now I know it's much more than that.
Growing up, life was like a big playground. Every day was a new adventure waiting to be explored. I remember the days of playing hide and seek, bahay-bahayan, and all those other fun games. The hardest decision I had to make was choosing between to sleep during afternoon or go out and play. Life was simple, and happiness was found in the smallest things.
My friends and I would spend hours exploring our neighborhood, creating our own imaginary worlds, and making memories that I still cherish today. Our laughter echoed through the streets, a testament to our carefree and joyful spirits. Those were the days when happiness was found in the smallest of things, and every day brought with it a new opportunity to learn and grow.
But as I grew older, I realized that life wasn't just about playing games and having fun. The world wasn't just a playground anymore. It was more like a big puzzle that I had to figure out. Things started to change, Imean, life itself started to change.
Now that I'm 18, life has become a bit more complicated and demanding. There are responsibilities and expectations that I need to meet. Schoolwork has become more challenging, and there are times when I feel overwhelmed by all the things I need to do. Sometimes, I feel really tired and wish I could go back to the carefree days of my childhood. But I know that's not possible. I have to face the challenges and keep moving forward.
Even though life can be tough sometimes, I've learned that it's all part of growing up. Sure, I miss the old days when everything was simple and fun. But I'm also excited about what the future holds. I know there will be hard times, but I also know there will be good times. I'm learning to adjust through the complexities of life, and even though it's not always easy, I know it's worth it.
In the end, I guess what I'm trying to say is that growing up is a journey. It's about learning, changing, and becoming the person you're meant to be. It's about facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and learning from your mistakes. It's about finding joy in the journey, even when the road gets tough.
So, here I am, standing on the edge of adulthood, ready to embrace whatever comes my way. I'm excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, and I'm determined to make the most of them. I know that life won't always be easy, but I also know that I'm strong enough to handle whatever comes my way.
As I look back on my childhood, I'm grateful for all the memories and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. And as I look forward to the future, I'm excited about the person I'm becoming. I know that the journey won't always be smooth, but I also know that it will be worth it.
My journey from childhood to adulthood has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and experiences. It's been filled with highs and lows, triumphs and challenges, laughter and tears. But through it all, I've learned that life is a beautiful journey, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
So, as I bid farewell to my childhood and step into the world of adulthood, I do so with a heart full of hope and a spirit ready to embrace whatever lies ahead. I know the journey won't always be easy, but I also know it will be worth it. After all, life is not just about the destination. It's about the journey, and I'm excited to see where mine will take me.
And to anyone who's reading this, remember: No matter how tough life gets, never lose your inner child. Keep that spark of curiosity and joy alive, because that's what makes life truly worth living.
Love Ocean, ❤️
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i dont know when the right time to talk to you again is, but i don’t wanna keep postponing what i need to say.
i've been contemplating on whether i should be staying with you cause im trying to consider whether i feel more happiness or anxiety during the times i spend with you. but im also putting into consideration that you've been my friend for so long and im not gonna easily just decide to throw everything we have away. despite the fact that i feel anxious easily when interacting with you, im not going to forget everything you've done for me and the times you were there for me.
its fun listening to your stories and rants to me, but i keep remembering that i dont feel safe enough with you to experience the same kind of joy if i were to tell my stories and rants as well. that thing is hard for me to deal with. the slightest change in your tone immediately ignites the suffocating anxiety i feel and im not saying this metaphorically. the anxiety i get physically affects me already and i need a break from it.
im scared of admitting that i feel anxious when i spend time with you cause im scared that you’ll get angry. i also dont want you to think that it’s your fault. i want you to know that i am not blaming you for the anxiety i feel, but rather i want to explain that it affected me. i want to explain that because i dont want to get distant out of nowhere without telling you the reason. as much as i want to just not tell you this, i feel like i’d be lying to you. the more i try keeping it in all because im scared of losing you once i get honest, i’ll end up getting consumed by it even more and the way i see you gets distorted. i don’t want to let myself end up only seeing you as someone who makes me anxious.
im gonna make it clear again that it was my past that influenced me to be way too sensitive to it, and the amount of trust i had for you made it affect more than it should've only had. im still trying to figure out what i should change so that i wouldn't get too hurt every time i interact with you, but so far i have only thought of not expecting anything from you and not getting too close nalang. cause if i do that, i wouldn't get hurt over the smallest things, pero yun nga lang, i wouldn't be able to love you to no limits cause that will involve me getting in a vulnerable state.
that’s the only way that i can think of right now where in i can still stay with you without putting me back in a state where i’d be too easily triggered at the same time, but i won’t proceed with that decision if me behaving that way would start affecting you instead. im not gonna ask you to adjust to that if you're not comfortable with it, but tell me what you want me to do or not to do. i dont need an immediate answer if you need time to think. but if you've got questions regarding this, you have every right to ask. id rather answer them and clear them up instead of leaving you confused. and i dont want you to make assumptions.
but me deciding to stay or not will still be influenced by how you’re gonna react to this. i really don’t know how else to say everything i’ve said above properly, but i put a lot of thought into that, gathered up a lot of courage, and tried my best to be careful with the words i use. 
i really have no plans on leaving you as of now, but i need to know what you want me to do. if you just need me to leave you alone for a while, then i’m willing to wait. im going to wait if you just need time, and im gonna answer your questions if you need me to clear up things. but please don’t leave me confused for too long here. 
i know that the things i confessed in my previous message wasn’t pleasant to hear and i’m not expecting you to not feel angry or whatever. im gonna accept how you react or feel about it as long as it’s not you rejecting or disliking how i wanted to tell you how i feel, as long as it’s not directed to the act of me trying to communicate. if you didn’t like me being honest, if me just wanting you to hear out what i feel isn’t something you can’t do for me, then i won’t try being honest with you anymore too. you know that i am very uncomfortable spending time with people that will make me feel like i’m not allowed to communicate and make me feel like i should’ve just stayed quiet. if that’s the case, i can’t stay with you.
but i’m really hoping that isn’t the case. i confessed what was bothering me because i hoped that i would be able to fix it with you. i didn’t say those things to make you feel bad or vent out my pain on you. im sorry if that’s how you received it though. but back to what i’m trying to say, i really need to know whether you just need me to leave you alone or if you didn’t like me getting honest before i decide on what i’ll do. i don’t want this to only be about me, i want you to also tell me how you feel so i can adjust for you too. i want you to ask whatever you need to know because i want to make sure that things will be clear.
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