#and im like. No. I dont want to see Ryuu in that place
nitunio · 2 months
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lemon-wedges · 2 months
Seeing your recent work made me curious as to how you pick your colors? I always feel like mine are too flat.
oh man, COLORS. my angel.....and my devil......
ok im going to try and figure out how to break down my thinking process
i guess the first question is. what do you want your art to feel like? i dont say "look like" cause sometimes i fall into the trap of obsessing over a painting being one for one PERFECT while "feel like" helps me think about atmosphere
heres a some paintings with a few of the inpso color palletes i wanted them to "feel" like
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Heres an example of how i would give myself a jumping off point.
In this homumiko painting i started off by thinking about how i wanted something that feels like a Jules Chéret poster.
Now the next question is. What are the rules to these set of paintings?
the use of pure primary colors, blue tends to be in the bg while yellow and red are the focal point
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for this i wanted only the red dress to be the focal point with yellows being a less saturated and blue still being the bg. this means since herlock is the focal point mikotoba has to be muted. but i wanted to tie him and herlock together so made the flower in his hair the same color as the dress
Meanwhile my lastest otacon is a bit more complicated cause now we're dealing with lighting but again,
what are the rules to this set of nature paintings?
shadow areas are bluer
places where light hits the main figure will be an intense yellow
skin will be redder with darker areas being saturated red/brown and areas closer to the light source start skewing towards yellow
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this is when we start getting into color theory and THAT is a whole nother can of worms. but its extremely helpful when trying to figure out how to add colors that arent in the inspo you picked out or figuring out what the FUCK is happing in pieces like this
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those patches of purples in this are just a very specific type of red/orange grey tones matched in a way to make it feel like its blue. IT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM
i actually tried to attempt to figure it out while working on my pin up ryuu piece......
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anyways.....i think im off track now....
i hope that helped a little? I tend to stick to late 1800s/early 1900s art cause thats just my personal preference. so the colors im gonna pick are gonna limited a very specific way (if ur into history its really fun breaking down why certain colors appear in certain time periods and how styles evolved as more paints became readily available. or painting for portraits vs painting for mass printing vs painting for animated movies affects an artists pallete. or maybe u dont give a shit? in that case...ignore this....)
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Ok so for that 'famous bsd au' like. How would you describe chuuyas music. Also when aku made the new collection that was (not) different and out of place or whatever what was gins reaction. Also what is dazai and oda's relationship. Also did the agency do a huge collab together and if so what kind of song. Also I adore this au sm you don't even know
part 1 of famous bsd au
this took a long time becuz my first thought was hoe anthems im not gonna lie
anyway - i see chuuya as a rock artist but im flexible with that becuz im pretty sure i think that becuz his voice actors band is jrock so
okay so i imagine that despite the akutagawas working together they dont always work on each collection together though they do always have the other review it
so yeah ryuu essentially locked himself up and came up with this line and then showed it to gin who pretended not to know it was inspired by the singer her brother hangs out with and casually wondered if they could get atsushi to model these since they'd look good on him while internally wondering how her brother could possibly think he's being subtle
atsushi agreed obviously
but did he notice that the entire collection looked like him as a color palatte and him as clothes in general ?
oda's the guy who turned 18 and immediately got custody of the weird bandaged 13 yrs old kid who he sometimes saw and occasionally talked to
maybe he saw mini dazai near an adult location - bar, casino - take ur pick and was like "aren't you a little too young to be here"
and dazai was like "what r u my dad?"
and oda was like "bet" and then took him in when he turned 18
and then 13-14 yrs old dazai somehow found and brought in 9-10 atsushi but i havent worked that part out but to be honest im leaning into dazai just spotting him and thinking 'oh that thing looks like a cat' and then taking him home - you might remember this post
so yeah oda and dazai are like brothers ig but more technically oda's dazai's guardian
since not everyone is a singer it wouldnt be like all of them singing - at least theyd never release it
dazai in particular only ever released like one album when he was w/ the pm and it was only to compete w/ chuuya and thats it and after that doesnt release music on his own
but they do work on music together - its hard for me to not imagine them collaborating however they want like they do in canon
hmmm that doesnt' mean they dont record obnoxious christmas jingles and personalized birthday songs and the such for each other of course
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Catboy! Hinata [Part 1]
Includes: Well Hinata
Warnings: Too much UwU
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-Being one with a natural charm to cat people it wasnt hard to attract him
-You were one of the VBC’s managers and you were charming to humans too so...
-Yuu, Ryuu and Shoyou. Thats’s what happened.
-Out of the 3 of them however hinata was the most enamoured by your charm.
-Hinata was really attracted to you and though he wanted to talk so much he was really shy
-He tried talking to you whenever you hand him a water bottle
-Baby boy fails miserably until everyone at this point is just bothered by it so they decided to ask you to talk to him first.
-You had a crush on him though and that’s why you were afraid to talk to him yourself too!
-He was just so! So! So adorable!
-For his sake though you tried to talk to him
-You decided to do it before practice started
-“So shoyou, which fish do you like eating the most???” Awkward conversation topic btw
-“Oh I like all of them. I dont really choose however my little sister loves tuna~” he is now at this point looking at you with starry eyes
-“How many little kitties are you at home then?” You start to pat his head and play with his hair while he drinks water
-“O-Oh...ughh...*blushing so hard right now* Just me and my sister, natsu nya~”
-You got him.
-Carefully you play with his ears
-“N-Nyah~~~” he moans a bit loudly and everyone is now looking at him
-You cup his face and he just...purrs
-The baby boy purrs into your palms and by the end of practice he was already all over you
-m U t u A L P i N I n g
-You both h*ld h*nds on the way home because last time you let go of his hand he “accidentally” chased after a bird
-You’re human and you dont really get heats but
-He gets heats and mostly he comes to school with a lot of bruises and scratches
-You kiss them whenever he gets them too 🥺
-“Because Y/N has healing kisses and it will help me recover better!”
-Sometimes you both skip some classes so you can treat his wounds
-You sometimes used this as an excuse to have catnaps on the roof
-Cat naps. Cat naps. Cat naps.
-Catnaps really consist his head on your lap while you play with his ears ;)
-When you make onigiri for the team you make sure to sneak in some filling for him
-You are the only person in the team that can calm him down in matches
-He carries you sometimes because “Im strong Y/N! Look~”
-Lots of nuzzling and he tackles you whenever he sees you with no fail
-Noya and tanaka teas hinata a lot because they’re jelly that hinata gets the most forehead kisses 😤
-Honestly both of you are so close already that everyone just thought you were
-When Summer camp rolls in both of you got gathered up in a group with some rooster head and some buff guy with frosted tips
-They also had a cat person though. Blue eyes and black hair. Not really as uncommon at cat folk
-Shoyou was also friends with another cat person who had dyed his hair though he kept his black ears. An interesting joice to say the least.
-Truth or dare came into your group so you, rooster head, frosted tips and blue eyes
-Your hands were on hinata’s thighs and his head rested on your shoulder
-nOt A coUPle
-“okay! So it’s Y/N’s turn~ truth or dare, chibi-chans” kuroo says with the perfect question in mind
“Truth!” You thought you finally avoided a bad thing turns out...you fell right into his trap
-“Alright then how long have you and shoyou had this going on?”
-Confused you titled your head at them
-“What do you mean, kuroo-san?”
-“Arent you and hinata together?” Bokuto butts in
-“N-No! Not that its a bad thing to be with her i-its just...” hinata was all over the place and blushing.
-Baby was covering his face because of how red he was
-You liked hinata but did he like you?
-Yeah you charmed him that was natural but...Did he want to take things like that?
-If you confessed right now would he confess back?
-What if you were just a really close friend to him?
-Maybe it was best if-
-“Me and Y/N are going to go back now~ Daichi-san must be calling us back now hahahaha” hinata’s voice was trwmbling and breaking of nervousness
-He grabbed your hand and left the room quickly
-Walking back you could barely make eye contact
-It was too silent and there was tension lingering between the two of you
-Maybe if you had enough balls right now you could just confess already!
-“Y/N, do you like me?” His eyes were now focused on you when both of you had stopped walking
-“I-I do like you as a friend~” you tried to give him that broken smile of yours
-Was being friends really enough?
-“Y/N, I like you-“ “No you dont. You’re just attracted to me. Everyone says that only to realize that they just really find me charming.” You counter before he could even start to attack
-“Then why does my heart beat faster whenever Im with you?!”
-“Mine does too...” in a low toned whisper...you look at him and grab his hand
-“D-Does...that mean we...like each other?” He looks at you with those eye
-“I guess it does...”
-His kisses were soft and sweet. Inexperienced but loaded with affection.
-“Be my mate...please” he pleads with you and holds you tight
-Cupping his cheeks you stare at his eyes. Damn those sweet summer coated lenses.
-“Of course, kitten”
Taglist: @janellion @my-mass-hysteria @anianimol
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one-year anniversary countdowns: our favorite of each other’s scenarios/headcanons
may’s favorites of rachel lauren’s
10. Helping s/o on her period (with Oikawa) - (this is very relevant at this moment tbh) and i am weak for guys who would take care of their girls on their periods (because i want one of my own huhu). i’ve told y’all oikawa isn’t my favorite character, but i just think he’s adorable in this 9. High-Heeled s/o (with Hinata, Iwaizumi, and Bokuto) - as a tol girl who loves wearing heels, i love this. very much so. and i am also a sucker for being lifted up and spun around (even if it hasn’t happened yet lol. i think i actually have a fear of being carried because the last time someone carried me i screamed. loudly. in public. but it can’t hurt to imagine!) 8. Babysitting for Oikawa - THIS IS ADORABLE. ‘NUFF SAID. OIKAWA JUST BEING A GOOD DAD. ANNIVERSARY. IWA-CHAN COMPLAINING ABOUT OIKAWA SPOILING HIS SON--IT’S JUST TOO CUTE OKAY 7. Victory Sex (NSFW, with Ushijima) - my reasoning, explained in one gif:
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6. Chubby s/o (with Tsukishima) - tsukki growing up and being conscious of what he says about people is. my. jam. (and lbh i love every scenario where  end up with tsukishima lololol) 5. "You’re in the science teacher clique and I hang with the English teachers. I’d say our love is like Romeo and Juliet but I don’t think you’d like that much" (with Tsukishima) - I. LOVE. THIS. SO MUCH. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. THE BANTER, THE SIDE GLANCES FROM THE OTHER TEACHERS, THE ACTUAL, SPOT-ON INSERTION OF R&J ALLUSIONS. BRUH. B R U H! !! !! as an english lit major, this really did it for me tbh 4. Morning Cuddles and Kisses (with Ushijima) - soft toshi. just. soft toshi and early mornings and uuuuuugggggghhghghghgh thE FLUFF. I HAVE NO WORDS TO EXPLAIN JUST HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS 3. Lazy Morning (with Asahi) - lazy mornings are my weakness. i too wish to have a lazy morning with volleyball jesus (throw in some hanky panky after breakfast too and you have me sold) just. damn it, this one is great, guys, just trust me 2. Year One (with Kuroo) - FLUFF. BANTER. KUROO BEING A HUGE DORK. ME BEING A DORK WITH HIM IM. THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER I SHIT U ALL NOT. i was smiling as i read the whole thing and huhuhuuu smol kai and yaku and kuroo fighting over the littlest things i----*screams* 1. Rough Day (with Ukai) - (non verbatim) “would it be childish if i asked you to call someone and tell them to pee their pants?” is seriously the funniest line i’ve ever read, ever. i really love how you write Ukai (especially the pick-up line one, which is an honorable mention lol) it really is something else when you write for your muse--the words just flow so well that i got lost and immersed in the short time i was reading the fic
rachel lauren’s favorites of may’s
10. Silly but cute AU prompts: #1 - rival superheroes who are trying to protect the same small city (Kuroo, Tsukishima) - this one wasn’t a request we got but i still loved it anyway. the idea of “rival superheroes” seems so silly already to me anyway (same cause, why rivals?) and with these two? witty banter galore. 9. Decorating the Baby’s Room (Oikawa) - may is one of the best fluff writers i know so i knew this one was going to be right up her alley when we were calling dibs on which scenarios we wanted to write. i feel like she captures the fun (or funny) side of oikawa well 8. Silly but cute AU prompts: person A who sits in the back of every staff meeting and makes snarky comments under their breath about everyone the whole time and person B who arrived late and sat next to them and can barely hold in their laughter (Kuroo, Tsukishima) - did you mean me every meeting at work? when i read reader-inserts, i tend to remove myself from reality for a little bit because i know the reader isn’t always going to be characterized exactly like me because that’d be impossible. except may went ahead and wrote me into these whether she realized it or not 7.  Library notes (Akaashi, Yamaguchi) - this was my undergrad meet-cute fantasy turned real, or as real as reader-insert fanfiction. speaking from experience, i know it can be difficult to characterize akaashi sometimes because we don’t have a ton canon-wise to work with (thank you fanfic writers everywhere for filling that void) so i was definitely impressed with akaashi here. think it’d be neat if may wrote a part 2 to these with akaashi and yamaguchi leaving notes for the reader. 6. Victory Sex (NSFW) (Oikawa, Suga- see below 5. Pain Relief (NSFW) (Oikawa) - i really don’t have a lot to say about these other than they’re hot. may used the gif i wanted to use already so please see the above gif for my feelings on these 4. Silly but cute AU prompts: posted a joke ad in the classifieds but someone actually responded (Tendou) - this was my first introduction to may’s writing, so of course it already holds a special place in my heart. thanks to this piece, may solidified herself as my top choice for a new admin when I was searching for one. it’s light, fluffy, positive and the perfect introduction to her work.  3. Stealing the Remote (Tanaka) - i love tanaka, and there’s not nearly enough stuff with him as there should be. that being said, this is cute as all heck. i also love the sibling interactions between saeko and ryuu. 2. New Girl (Ushijima) - i’ve been in such an ushijima mood lately, so this is right on-point. like i said before, i remove myself from realty with reader-inserts and allow myself to be a different person for the sake of the piece, but for this one, it felt like something i might actually do (except for the being short bit, but again, i usually don’t mind). 1. Hitman!Kuroo falling for his target’s daughter (Kuroo) - i think this is a good departure from most of the fluff we’ve been writing, and the tone is pitch perfect here. perhaps it’s because kuroo is may’s fave and our best work tends to go into the characters we like the most (no shame in that!). i’m so pumped for part 2 of this (i was busy all day yesterday and haven’t had the chance to read yet)
tune in tomorrow for a special announcement for the blogaversary!
- the admins
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