#and im fuming bc of that >:(
justaz · 1 month
merlin’s secret being a visual thing. when he is around arthur or gwen or leon or morgana or [insert whatever character here] merlin seems pale and thin, almost like a ghost or an apparition. when the sun lands on him he reflects it like a corpse, he eyes seem dark and dull. he has this ethereal beauty to him, this otherworldly visage that leads many to believe he is of fae blood. he just doesn’t seem to be 100% human. but when he is ONLY with lancelot or gaius (cough or gwaine bc gwaine DEFINITELY knew) merlin is heartachingly human. merlin shines in the sunlight, colors are brighter and more vibrant around him, and his smiles are wide and his laughs are boisterous. he takes on color and leaves everyone wanting to know him. but when other join in or interact with the two, merlin shifts before their eyes so quickly and suddenly that they aren’t sure whether or not what they saw was a trick of the light. the idea still leaves them wanting more and wanting to see the merlin who is just so full of life but that merlin only appears for a small select group of people. merlin who has a guard so high that it has an effect of other’s perception of him.
#arthur is absolutely steaming about this btw#he so desparately wants to be in the golden bubble around merlin in those moments#but his mere presence seems to pop it#hes fuming#its not until after the magic ban is repealed that everyone gets to see the glowing golden merlin#and they finally realize what the trick of the light was#merlin who is magic incarnate who (no matter how hard he tries) cannot fully repress what makes him him#arthur who finally gets to be in the golden bubble and its so much better than he ever couldve imagined#merlins magic is finally able to roam free the way it only could with a few people#merlins magic who absolutely adores arthur and is constantly reaching out for him even if him and merlin arent in the same vicinity#lmao arthur bringing up how merlins magic likes to card thru his hair and ease any sore muscles he may have#and lancelot and gwaine going ‘wtf? what about my muscles and hair?? merlin hates me?? merlin is playing favorites???? jail.’#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#subtle magic my beloved#visibly Strange merlin my dear#idk i was thinking about pre-magic reveal!arthur watching merlin and lancelot talking and then pouting and going#‘why doesnt he smile and look at me like that? :(‘#and then post-magic reveal!arthur having a moment of realization and going#like ‘oh hes hiding a huge part of what makes him him. i only know half of my best friend.’#and then setting out to know ALL of him bc arthur and merlin are soulmates and in love and two sides of the same coin and best friends and-#im going thru my drafts and finding so many banger posts#idk why i never posted them LMAOO
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whoslibby · 6 months
meeting your parents was one thing schlatt was shitting himself over, your father had been in the military and your mother was a lovely lady truthfully. but as an only child your dad took great care of you and was sometimes a little overprotective.
your dad basically demanded that schlatt was to come over for tea later that evening. when you told schlatt he was just as nervous as you was. ‘they’ll be fine with you, they’ll love you just like I love you!’ you reassured him.
‘I hope they don’t love me like you.’ he says down the phone as he was getting ready putting on a suit trying to make a good impression.
‘well obviously not like that jay but still, let me know when you’re on your way.’ you tell him before saying your good byes.
you had on a blue navy dress to your knees as you curled your hair into some bouncy beach waves. schlatt texted you after twenty minutes ‘on my way doll’ you headed down stairs into the living room your dad in a casual pant and shirt combo with a black tie trying his best to seem intimidating.
‘he’s on his way’ you say to your dad before heading into the kitchen to help your mother cook dinner, the nerves were getting bad now as you were panicked.
‘calm down love, if he’s anything like you say he will be lovely.’ your mum reassures you stroking your shoulder with a smile.
‘it’s not him it’s dad he always embarrasses me.’ you tell her confiding in her on why you were so nervous.
it wasn’t long until jay was at your house, your dad greeted him at the door looking at jay. this was the smartest looking you had ever seen him. it was his church clothes he told you as he changed on call with you prior.
time moved quickly as everyone was sat at the table eating, ‘y/n tells me you were in the military sir, how was it?’ jay asks making simple conversation. you never realised how thick jays new york’s accent was compared to your family’s.
‘very hard work, worth it of course, getting to serve my country.’ your dad was very proud of his time in the military. ‘I think you’d fit right in.’ this was almost a sign of your dad’s approval to him which made him smile.
‘My dad served in the military, small world that you and him both were there.’ jay says as you carried on eating.
‘Jack schlatt? excellent solider.’ your dad says instantly impressed at it, finding jay much more appealing.
dinner carried on well until it was the end of the night you were showing jay to the door. you walked out of the front door shutting it behind you. he pulls you into a hug resting his chin on your head. ‘don’t know why I was so scared.’ he tells you with a light chuckle.
‘i’m so happy they love you.’ you tell him looking up st him, his arms still tightly around your waist.
‘same, i’ll be off, love you.’ he says kissing your forehead gently.
‘love you.’ you smiled as he left you and walked to his truck as you headed back inside. you headed into the living room waiting to see what your parents would initially say.
‘when’s the next time he can have dinner?’ your dad asks, taking a liking to him.
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glyphes · 3 months
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The blood 🩸 and the weave 🔮
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
how do you have so many ideas constantly? i want to write more but i jus t dont really have a lot of ideas on what to write about and it stumps me a lot D:
well, partially because it consumes my life, but my real thing is dialogue and free writing tbh. i almost never have an actual plan when i start writing, i just pick a line to start with and go from there. i can do a little tutorial if that helps??
usually, i start with dialogue. my goal is to start with something interesting or dynamic enough to be read in a certain character’s voice, because that keeps people reading once it catches their eye. that’s why i don’t post titles or anything on my fics. dialogue is the easiest thing to start with, because it guarantees a second line — someone has to respond to that line. i might choose a first line that’s something like this:
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
now this can go ANYWHERE. very very open, but it does have restrictions: this dialogue tells us 1) the speaker is observing something, 2) they are observing someone else do it, 3) they are intrigued by the action, so 4) it must be kind of cool, and 5) they cannot yet do it, so 6) whoever they are observing might try and help them. i didn’t have to explain any of that, it’s inherent in the line, right? no matter what you imagine, those things hold up.
next is narrowing this down further. who is the speaker? who are they observing? what are they doing? where are they doing it? to some degree, you have total control here, but i find that in fanfic a lot of these questions are already answered for you. i’m writing solangelo fic, so this opening dialogue is likely from one of two characters (although, if i desired, i could totally go in a very different direction and choose someone else. adding more characters means a longer story, so if i was aiming for something longer, i would).
so who is more likely to be speaking this? who is more likely to speak up when they see something cool, and try it? who is more likely to be doing a cool new thing? to me, that solidifies the speaker as will pretty easily. great. now i have an opener from will, so i can work on nico’s response.
nico’s response can go a lot of ways, especially depending on the setting. if this is post-canon, it might be a little more relaxed, might be established relationship. when i read the dialogue in will’s voice, though, i did end up picturing a bit of a scene, and it went a very specific way. i’ll write some of it first and then explain what i did.
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
Nico startles at the voice, tiny bone falling from his hand and sinking back into the dirt.
“Aw.” Beat-up flip-flops slow to a stop right next to him, and Will plops himself down. He shoots a bright, too-wide smile in his direction, eyes crinkling. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Nico says warily, subtly inching away. Will, either oblivious or uncaring to his intention, just leans in closer, blue eyes watching him intently. “…What are you doing here?”
okay SO. with this alone, i’ve established both setting, some character info, and a good amount about their relationship, without stating too much outright. there’s some tension, right? a bit of imbalance! by making nico startle, a few more things become clear: 1) he was alone before Will came, 2) he was not expecting will to come, 3) he was probably no expecting anyone to come, 4) he was either focused or daydreaming, and 5) he is tense/uncomfortable enough to startle at a voice.
some of those questions are answered as the sentence goes on — he was playing around with a bone, probably a raised skeleton. not hard for him, so he was, probably, pretty spaced out. as the scene goes on, i make it clear that nico is absolutely not comfortable around will yet (although not so that he gets up and leaves entirely), so it’s pretty clear that this is right around the blood of olympus, after the three days. i also shove in some of my own small headcanons (like children of apollo being kind of off-putting to look at, too bright, like the sun) for funsies.
from there you can just go off. once you have a solid start like this, you can just write and see what comes up. maybe you like what you get, maybe you don’t! i’ll try and see.
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
Nico startles at the voice, tiny bone falling from his hand and sinking back into the dirt.
“Aw.” Beat-up flip-flops slow to a stop right next to him, and Will plops himself down. He shoots a bright, too-wide smile in his direction, eyes crinkling. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Nico says warily, subtly inching away. Will, either oblivious or uncaring to his intention, just leans in closer, blue eyes watching him intently. “…What are you doing here?”
“Hanging out with you. Duh. How did you do that?” He points to Nico’s hands.
Confused, Nico re-summons to the squirrel femur, dragging up the rest of the skeleton too. It chitters to life, nosing at the sliver of bare knee out from Nico’s ripped jeans, before bounding over to Will. He doesn’t even flinch, laughing as the little thing scampers up his arm and rests in his hair. Nico’s mouth twitches.
okay im gonna stop here because i ended up writing something decently solid and i want to post it lol. it spiralled & came pretty quickly!!
this is already way longer than i intended, and kind of rambly, so to answer your original question — i have so many ideas because i choose to. i make the active choice to write and post something every night before bed, regardless if i have something prepared. if i do — great! it can be a lot of fun to bring a scene from my head to life on paper. if not, it's still fun to watch a scene almost bring itself to life as i write. i promise that you just have to commit to doing it, commit to the actual act of writing, not writing something specifically. it gets way easier as you go on. when i first started doing this, two years ago for a different blog, i was writing things as short as 40 words. the skill came with practice, with heeding advice, with reading and analyzing what other writers do, but mostly with practice.
just write!! see what happens! and, of course, the best of luck to you!!
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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ngl i want lxl to double down on the whole “we’re lovers” thing that they have going on in meoto and continue acting as lovers in their future songs. they’ve given their fans enough love, now it’s time for them to love each other on main!!! and hey, maybe they’ll finally be canon—
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wickedwanchii · 4 months
i dont think we talk about the absolutely hilarious moment in 1989 when Pepsi was briefly the sixth largest naval superpower enough
Ivan watching in abject horror as his country trades literal warships and submarines for fuckin soda and Alfred on the otherside of the world cackling as he's watching the funniest trade deal in existence go down
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hella1975 · 1 year
me: yeah i didn't project too badly onto taob haha *sees a quote from taob randomly on a tiktok webweave about girlhood*
#HELLO?????? yeah zuko they girlhooded you. yeah no they transed your gender#idk if this makes sense but ur coping mechanisms are just sooo she/her#like do you have any idea how baffling this was like no tags no search no nothing it was just there by sheer luck#i saw it was a webweave about girlhood and i was like ohoughhee this will be good#got a few slides in. hello i recognise thAT FUCKING QUOTE WHAT IS HAPPENING#like it's such a niche quote and out of context like it was it could have been from ANYTHING#AND it wasn't credited which i'll get to in a second#but honestly i felt like a mother identifying her child through something incredibly niche like a single freckle or some shit#bc i was like 'this is such a nondescript quote and isnt a big enough moment for me to remember vividly and yet somehow i Just Know'#and low and behold i double checked with a cheeky ctrl+f on taob AND I WAS FUCKING RIGHT#WHAT THE FUCK#im a tad fuming there was no credit like the person used like 12 images and only 3 of them are Non-Tumblr Writing Quotes#and NONE got credited#like i get it's hard enough to get art credited but i feel with artists there's still a general conensus that you're SUPPOSED to tag them#but with writing people honestly just treat it like it's free real estate and the thing is it kinda IS especially if it's fanfic#but also..... why would you not just say who wrote that? like you clearly like it enough to put in ur little slideshow#so why not give credit where credit is due. annoying. bc now im like if this happened by pure fucking chance#then how many times has this happened when ive literally been totally unaware of it?#how many times have MY WORDS just been flung about tiktok without any acknowledgement that i wrote them?#idkkkk just how writing especially amongst tiktokers is treated as a lesser or watered down artform#that doesn't require the decency given to 'actual' art. i might just be being cynical bc i dont like tiktok tho lol#like girl (taob) what the hell are you doing at the devil's sacrament#taob
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samarecharm · 25 days
Have no idea what the popular opinions of this game are, but im really liking how ‘simple’ the game is compared to p5. It makes sense; its an older game w less physical space to fuck around with. And it still resembles an smt game, unlike p5, which feels almost like an entirely different series. P5 is chaotic and theres too many people and stats and deadlines to worry about. I do really enjoy that i only have to worry about Tartarus (for the meantime; unsure if theres more dungeons to explore) instead of mementos AND palaces. And i really like that theres only three stats to work on. Its less stuff overall but its not underwhelming; its just less stressful for me and thats a good thing lol
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yellowloid · 8 months
loved miles' set and the orchestra but not even 505 together? My hopes were definitely to high for these 4 days haha and are now getting crushed (well I probably deserve it, realistically seen it was quite unlikely for them to play together. Still kinda sad)
the thing is - it wasn't that unlikely. obviously they weren't going to play niche tlsp songs or do something drastic (i legit saw some people on twt who fully believed they were gonna announce tlsp3 and like......girl bffr) but again no one was expecting them to do anything THAT major (or at least not when being rational about it)
still. it wasn't THAT unlikely of a thought for everyone to assume since miles was LITERALLY right there they'd do something. sntm lowkey felt a bit unlikely (but still not impossible yknow) but at the very least 505.........like. come on. they knew what the expectations were even from the majority of the crowd/casual fans. literally everyone was expecting them to do something with miles. and yet they didn't do shit because of course they didn't lmao
and i've heard some people saying they think it's more likely for them to build the hype until the very last show and do something with miles then, but...... idk. that doesn't make any sense to me. because the last show is, well, the last show, and it's supposed to be all about the band itself. the four of them. and yeah miles is the unofficial fifth member whatever (can we even say that anymore because it really feels like a joke at this point lmao) but still. on the last show the focus should be on them and them only, alex matt jamie and nick. or at least it's what would make the most sense - but then again none of their tour decisions make any sense they're just doing random shit at this point so who the f knows what they're gonna do
and don't get me wrong, i'd fucking love miles to join them at least once but the last show theories feel a lot like wishful thinking to me. idk idk
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chaosinstigator · 2 months
P12 is solid tho very solid
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
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just got this comment on my sideblog -_- soso dumb like cant you respect the rules of MY blog?????
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the-ragbros-are-okay · 11 months
i actually feel as though i am going insane bc i need to do TOMORROWS commissions to get the last story key for kaeya’s story quest because i was an IDIOT and and DIDNT
and now i feel like i’m full of BEES
so i’m waking up early and doing my commissions and then a story quest bc i’ll be damned if i have to wait three more fucking days to see my favorite traumatized blue haired man
#my sister saw me yesterday when his story quest came out#and i realized i didn’t have enough keys#and i was fucking FUMING#and she was like “(name) you need to calm down” and i was like#“oh im SO FUCKING CALM RN you don’t even KNOW” while grinding my teeth and doing my commissions#i’m actually so upset why tf did i just ASSUME i would have enough story keys#i’m inconsolable#if i get spoilers i’m gonna be putting Diluc In Snezhnaya as the first thing on my kin list (that doesn’t exist)#but at the same time. i want to know so bad#my sister and i were arriving back at home and i was telling her how ME of all people is gonna wake up early#and do my commissions and the quests#and she was like “yeah i was on the hoyolab website earlier and saw a screenshot that i thought you might like”#and i was like “hokyfuckisng SHIT did it. okay answer me one questions. did he talk about—“#“yes he said The D Word” and i literally said YIPPEE and jumped for joy#we were arriving home at the time and i fucking. skipped across our driveway#and i’ve been in a haze ever since#i feel like i’m. like my blood has been replaced by pure electrolytes. and like im#gonna explode if i don’t DO SOMETHING to occupy my time#was doing my commissions earlier and kaeya’s always on my team (ofc) but i heard one of his idle lines and i#went into such a fit of despair bc it reminded me of how i couldn’t do his story quest yet#DUE TO MY OWN DUMBASS CHOICES#that i. had to take him off my team for the day#AND THEN TWO KF MY COMMISSIONS WERE RIGHT BY DAWN WINERY#LIKE. GENSHIN JS REALKY FUCKING ME OVER HUH#why don’t they just spit in my face and stomp me into the ground i think it would feel better than THIS
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pendraegon · 10 months
being popular when u dont even do anything is so fucking funny. someone told me im "famous" in some circles here in uni and im like. who the fuck are these people.
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soldier-poet-king · 7 months
just reminded that the man who was thursday exists and maybe i DIDNT want to be reminded of that tonight. how about it huh. maybe i DID NOT WANT TO THINK ABT THAT TODAY
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girlhorse · 11 months
cant relate to the women who are like "I'm not a feminist but i believe in equality" as if the idea of being a feminist is repulsive or cringe. ive been a ride or die man hating feminist since birth and i will be til i die 🤘👶
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eliasdrid · 1 year
i have yet to use a chatbot myself for anything but so far my experience has been:
classmate comments how he solved something EXTREMELY inefficiently by asking a chatbot instead of literally just thinking about it for two seconds. the solution "worked" so he just. used it. he didn't even revise it...
different instance in which classmate also solved something using a chatbot and didn't revise it except this one time I didn't hear what the solution was so I can't say it was inefficient.
classmate used chatbot to get "more stuff for our project" and then sent me the results. the results were identical to the stuff we had already discussed and talked about during our project meetings. the only difference is that the chatbot made sure to go on circles and use fancy sounding words so there was about 2.5 times the amount of text we had.
anyway. 1/10 score from an academic standpoint honestly
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