deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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aiyuu canon. you agree. reblog
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Hi all, here is an amazing producer I encountered recently. What caught my attention was the sequel to this song, which we will be translating soon!
哀 愛 I 病 夢 Sorrow Love I Disease Dream
虚 Hollow
亀裂が走る鏡に挨拶 カタチだけの身体を委ねて 操られるアタシはガラクタ 終い待つだけ生命 奔命?聡明? 安く楽しい夢強請るアタシは何? I greet the cracked mirror I, whose hollow body depends on the control of others, am a piece of junk A life whose only purpose is to await its end   Being kept busy till I’m worn out? Is that wise? What am I, who begs for a cheap and enjoyable dream?
たったの5文字が 固まった誓い解してく 1秒じゃもう言えないもう癒えない さよなら 愛された事を愛す事で返せない あぁ笑えない 3 words* was all that was needed to loosen up the solidified vow 1 second is not enough time to tell you or to heal me Goodbye I can’t give back love after being loved Ah, I can’t even put on a smile
不可能 Impossible
誰かが言ったんだって 人生全てが芸術だって 錆び付く身体も 感情さえ 価値ある物にしたくて 最終末的尊厳に 憧れたアタシのヒーロー 願いは朽ちた先で叶う そんな希望持ったアルス Someone once said, your entire life is an artwork I wanted to create worth out of my rusted body and emotions My hero aspired to have dignity with their final termination Wishes come true after decaying That was the kind of hope this Ars had
「あぁ、嫌だ」って泣いて 時には明日信じ前へ 繰り返す いつまでも弱々しく 傾く振り子時計  楽観的人生論に 夢を魅ているアタシはロンリー 最期 届かない重い笑顔に アタシが生きた意味の全てを込めて I sob and cry out “Ah, I hate it”, then occasionally move on with trust for the next day I feebly repeat this without end, making the pendulum clock tilt I, who fantasizes over an optimistic view of life, will stay lonely In my final moments I put everything about the reason I lived in this lethargic smile that will never reach you
張り付く瞼 二度と光を見る事は無い 恐怖に駆られた明け方 閑静な部屋で響く脳内荒廃音 心臓鼓動は詠う 哀を添えて My eyelids are shut, never will I see light again I was driven by fear that dawn The sounds from my mind decaying echo in the quiet room and the beating of my heart sings a song accompanied by sorrow
恐怖 Fear
暗転 Sudden darkness
盤を利用するな 検知できる場 は早期であるほ の患者 性幹細胞を作り 蓄積し神経突 TARDBP に対してす 字盤を利用するなと が検知できる見合い 結果は早期であるほど not to use the communication board if detection is possible at the earlier ‘s patient creates xxx stem cells accumulates and xxx the nerves TARDBP in terms of xxx told not to use the communication board should be able to detect xxx The earlier we gain the results the
騒がしい雨 来たる待ち人を 世界(あなた)は拒む そんな待遇 アタシの心にある迷妄 足掻き縋り付いた最終答案 緩慢な日々塗りたくる そんな解を In the loud rain, you (my world) reject the awaited person … it's that kind of treatment Struggling through the delusions within my heart I arrived at the final answer Which thickly paints over these dull days
LIE 壮麗な完璧主義廃退 「生きていたい」 渇く空が呑んだ祈り 情操焦燥稚拙な想い 吐き捨てた言葉無きアイ LIE The magnificent perfectionism is now a thing of the past “I want to stay alive” The dehydrated sky engulfs my wish A sentiment, impatient, and immature feeling I spat it all out from my silent ai*
愛してるの言葉はアタシの意志を揺るがせた。 心に染みて、痛くて、温かくて。 でも、その言葉はもう1秒では言えない。 アタシの口からその言葉を発することは、もう叶わない。 その時、この五文字の大切さを知ったのだ。 The words “I love you” made my decision waver. It sunk into my heart, hurt me, and warmed me. Yet these words cannot be said in the 1 second that is left. There will never come a time when I speak those words again. That was the moment I realized the importance of those 3 words.
涙 Tears
苦しい 痛い もう尽きてしまいたい 「生きていたい」 Suffocating Painful I just want to end it “I want to stay alive”
哀 愛 I アイ  Sorrow Love I AI
病 夢 詠う 心臓鼓動 謳え 歌いたい 不可能 脳内荒廃 閑静な部屋 響く 恐怖 惨め  朝が怖い 二度と開かない瞼 Disease   Dream   Singing   Beating of my Heart   Sing   I want to sing Impossible   Mind decaying Quiet room   Echoing   Fear   Miserable The morning scares me   My eyelids will never open again
ヒーロー 憧れ 願い 朽ちた先で叶う 安楽 死 価値 もう消えてしまいたい 最終末 Hero   Aspire   Dream   Come true after decaying   Euthan   asia   Worth I just want to disappear   Final termination
1秒の重み さよなら 愛したい 言葉にしたい 動かない  希望 そんなもの無い  誓いは固く 弱音 要らない 強請る The weight of 1 second   Goodbye   I want to love   I want to put it into words   I can’t move Hope   Such a thing doesn’t exist Solidified vow   Whimper   I don’t need it   Extort
カタチだけの身体 いっその事壊れてしまえ 壊れたくない  鏡に映る これがアタシ? 信じたくない 最期 ? A hollow body   Why not just let it break   I don’t want to break Reflected in the mirror   This is me?   I don’t want to believe it Final moment   ?
アタシだけのアルス The Ars unique to me
どうなったって良いって それでも幸福だって思って 落ちきれず いつまでも弱々しく 降り積もる砂時計  楽観的人生論に 夢を魅ているアタシはロンリー 最期 届かない重い笑顔に アタシが生きた意味の全てを込めて I make myself believe what happens doesn't matter and that I am still happy Without being able to completely fall, feebly and without end, the sand in the hourglass keeps piling up I, who fantasizes over an optimistic view of life, will stay lonely In my final moments I put everything about the reason I lived in this lethargic smile that will never reach you ________________________________________________________________ Tl Notes: 3 words* - Technically says 5 letters which most likely implies “I love you” in Japanese due to text in video but it could also be the singer responding with “I want to love” as well ai* - the producer purposefully doesn’t let us know if this means sorrow, love, or I
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
rough translations of an interview i stumbled upon cause @florbexter​ had the nerve to post our beautiful cast doing a photoshoot ;A; (rough as in: neither chinese nor english are my first language so if you want to correct stuff don’t hesitate to comment or message me + I’m going to translate in a way that it makes the most sense in english - so not necessarily word by word)
you can find the original interview here
專訪/抓包女友偷吃 吳承洋男男吻被掰彎 口碑BL劇《HIStory3-圈套》雙CP檔──徐鈞浩、吳承洋、卞慶華、陳廷軒顏值、身材、演技兼具,戲裡撩人開外掛,戲外感情生活卻是比悲傷更悲傷的故事。
Interview: Getting girlfriends stolen & Chris Wu gets “bent”* by a male kiss
File on the double CP of “HIStory3 - Trapped", the BL drama which is in everyone’s mouth right now. Jake Hsu, Chris Wu, Andy Bian & Kenny Chen on looks, physique, acting and their real life stories which are sadder than the dramas plot.
Jake Hsu once helped a girl he was interested in to fix her wardrobe while she was anxious to go on a date; Andy Bian was sick but his girlfriend didn’t come to visit - turns out she cheated on him; Chris Wu had the worst experience when he wanted to give his girlfriend a ring for her birthday but witnessed the guy she was cheating with coming out of her house - he could only hide behind a car and do nothing but sadly sing Adu's “He must love you very much”.
"Crossing the Line/ Boundary Crossing”, the top film in the HIStory series, has brought a lot of pressure to the protagonists of "Trapped”. However, they started the show of with remarkable ratings, having a nearly 50% increase compared to "Crossing the Line/ Boundary Crossing” in the same period. "Trapped" tells the story of the the taboo love between a hot-blooded policeman and a mob boss. In the preview, Chris Wu slowly unbuttons Jake Hsu’s shirt and whispers: "There’s only one left." The amount of “gay-vibes”** left the audience fully enthused. Chris Wu showed of his strong body with 0% body fat in the shower scene. The physique of each of the four main characters is more eye-catching than the other. Andy Bian’s body is said to be Hulk grade while Kenny Chen, who practiced acrobatic gymnastics, is the lean type with only 8% body fat.
師徒再聚首緣分深 說到練特技,陳廷軒突然現場認師,說吳承洋兩年多前曾到北體代課,當過他的特技老師,更直呼:「我國中時有追過他!」其實吳承洋已非新人,他曾是Super131的成員,畢業於戲曲學院的他專長就是特技體操。天然呆的陳廷軒繼續在傷口上撒鹽,說:「Super131是『那個年代』國中生的偶像,以前同學們都會追,還列印一張他們的照片貼在教室門口。」 既是特技老師,又是國中時期的偶像,可見兩人緣分多深,不過陳廷軒笑說之前吳承洋來代課時沒認出他,讓吳承洋忍不住自嘲:「是我太邋遢了嗎?」陳廷軒急忙解釋:「沒有啦,是我沒有把這三個人(指Super131成員、代課老師、吳承洋本人)聯想在一起。」卞慶華笑說:「你看他真的就像戲裡的趙子一樣單純,沒被社會汙染。」
Teacher and apprentice reunite after a long time Speaking of practicing stunts, Kenny Chen suddenly recognized Chris Wu as a substitute teacher at the North Sports School. He was his stunt teacher more than two years ago. Even more bluntly he exclaimed “I have chased him during my time!". In fact, Chris Wu is not a newbie. He was a member of Super 131 and he graduated from his drama school with a specialization in acrobatic gymnastics. Kenny Chen continued to add insult to injury and said, "Super 131 were the idols of the junior high school students during that era. Students would chase them, print pictures of them and paste them on the door of the classroom."
As Chris Wu is his former stunt teacher and idol of his middle school period, we can see how deep their relationship is. Kenny Chen laughed about not recognizing Chris Wu as his substitute teacher before. Chris Wu then asked whether he had been too sloppy to remember, so Kenny Chen hastily explained that he just hadn’t connected the dots between the Super 131 member, his substitute teacher and Chris Wu himself. Andy Bian laughed saying, "You see, Kenny is just as simple as Zhao Zi in the drama. Not corrupted by society." 
Jake Hsu had previously had a male/male kissing scene in"Close Your Eyes Before It's Dark". He is the only one out of the four of them, who has had experience with shooting a kiss and a bed scene. Chris Wu pretended to be jealous and complained, “I gave you my first time but your first time wasn’t with me”. 
Talking about the first kiss in the drama, Jake Hsu suddenly lost his memory. Chris Wu reminded him that the “last button” scene was connected to it. Jake Hsu admitted that he was worried about physical resistance before kissing. "It's hard to kiss a boy without knowing whether your bodies fit, no? But the result turned out to be very good."
Chris Wu astonished everyone when saying, "After finishing the kiss scene I felt like looking for a boyfriend!", causing everyone to make a fuss and ask him whether it’s possibly that he has been “bent”*. He said ambiguously: "I won’t rule out the possibility for the future. I think after filming I might not resist feelings towards boys anymore. I didn't understand it when I was young. It felt strange to see boys holding hands with boys. Now I just think it's all love.”
痴情漢慘淪工具人 巧合的是徐鈞浩和吳承洋都是摩羯座還同一天生日,擅長組裝的兩人都曾幫心儀對象組家具,卻慘淪工具人的命運。徐鈞浩苦笑說:「我喜歡一個人就會願意一直付出,我真的去過女生家裡組衣櫃,結果她把我放在家裡,說要去跟男朋友約會,What?我那天才知道她有男朋友,心酸的是我還組完才走。」
An Infatuated man is a tool  Coincidentally, Jake Hsu and Chris Wu are both Capricorns, even sharing the same birthday. Both of them are good at assembling furniture, but are suffering the fate of tools. Jake Hsu said with a wry smile: "When I like a person I’m putting in my everything. One time I really went to a girls home to fix her wardrobe. When I got there she told me that she would go out on a date with her boyfriend. What? That day I came to know that she had a boyfriend I had to finish fixing her wardrobe while being sad.”
Andy Bian shared his painful experience of breaking up with a girlfriend after he was seriously ill. "I had appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) which turned into peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). I almost died of a sepsis  and was hospitalized. The girl’s mother came to see me, but she didn’t come so it felt weird. After a month I was discharged from the hospital. Then I got stood up(?) by her during New Year’s.” Later, on a friends friends ig, he saw that she went out with other boys during New Years. Andy Bian realized the truth and broke off contact after that.
聽完兩個痴心換絕情的故事,吳承洋不敵眾人逼問,吐露:「我有現場抓到過!」完勝度引起全場驚呼,原來他女友曾私約小王到家中,卻騙他不在家,不知情的吳承洋到女方家門口想給她驚喜,卻看到小王從她家走出,「我嚇到趕快躲到車子旁,腦海冒出一句歌詞:『我應該在車底,不應該在車裡。』很心酸,而且我躲的那台車居然還是那個男生的車,我嚇一大跳,怎麼是這台?他發動了,他開走了,我完全不敢動,結果沒被發現,這時手上還拿著她的生日禮物,突然怒火衝上來,我就按門鈴,把要送給她的戒指用丟的給她!」大夥虧他幹嘛亂丟戒指,乾脆拿去當鋪,吳承洋則說那戒指沒有很貴,也撇清不是要求婚。 After listening to the two stories Chris Wu said that he had “caught his girlfriend in the act” causing the crowd to lose it at this victory. Turns out that his then girlfriend had a lover over at her place but lied to him about it. Chris Wu went to her house to surprise her only to see the other man come out of her house. “I was scared so I hurried and hid behind a car. There were these lyrics in my mind: “I should be under the car, not in the car." It was very sad. But it turns out that the car I was hiding behind was the man’s car. How is that possible? He started to drive away and I didn’t dare to move so I wasn’t discovered.” At this point he still had her birthday present so he rang the doorbell and threw the ring at her. Why did I throw the ring instead of taking it to a pawnshop? Chris Wu explained that the ring wasn’t very expensive and that it wasn’t meant as a proposal.
碰壁不放棄獲重生 在四人中資歷最深的吳承洋星路上跌跌撞撞,團體解散後,經歷在北京一年零收入、沒地方住的克難日子,後來回台當兵砍掉重練,可是換了新東家依舊不順,試鏡碰壁兩年,好幾次想放棄演藝圈,全靠著內心深處的信念「我相信我可以做到」苦撐著。直到接了這部BL劇《圈套》終於碰上貴人,「當青蓉導演(李青蓉)跟我說她相信我的時候,我覺得……很感動。」講到這裡,他忍不住哽咽淚崩,感性地說:「她願意給我機會,相信我可以把這件事做好……我之前每次去試鏡,沒有人相信我可以做到。」 雖然目前吳承洋尚未還完之前打官司的錢,但他很感謝這些挫敗的過程,造就現在的他,「因為有這些經歷,讓我可以把戲演好,當人生遇到很大的打擊時到底是什麼狀態,很多人是靠想像的,但真實遇到的痛苦是並不顯露於外的。除此之外,最重要的還是要勤練功,努力做好該做的功課。」
Don’t give up being reborn
Chris Wu, the most experienced out of the four, has stumbled on his road to success. After his group disbanded, he didn’t have an income for one year and didn’t have a place to live in Beijing. During the difficult days when there was no place to live, he returned to Taiwan to serve as a soldier and cut down on his training, but his new boss(?) wasn’t satisfied. He hit a wall with auditions for two years and wanted to give up entering the entertainment business several times. He could only rely on the deep belief in his heart that he could do it until he got picked for the BL drama “Trapped”. 
“After finally meeting the “noble” director Qingrong (Li Qingrong) I was very touched with her saying that she believed in me.” When he talked, he couldn't help but shed tears. He emotionally said, "She was willing to give me a chance and believed that I can do this thing well... I used to audition many times, but no one ever believed that I could do it."
Although Chris Wu still has an ongoing lawsuit with his previous company he is thankful for all the experiences because they have made him who he is today.  "Because of these experiences, I’m able to be a better actor. When people are faced with obstacles they have to rely on imagination and don’t show the real pain they’re going through. Besides that the most important thing is to practice hard and do the homework.”
*i think this is a quite common term that appears in a lot of news coverage of BLs and gets used frequently by actors talking about their series, i really don’t like the term in english though
** literally “rotten”. same as in the Japanese “Fujoshi”=“Rotten Woman”. again not liking the taboo this word places on homosexuality but what is new
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
Any nsfw Fics? With mainly top Bakugou :)
Hiya! Just in case you’re interested, here are the links to the Smut Oneshot Masterlist we’ve made: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5! And now for all the fics tagged with “Top Bakugou Katsuki”! Also, keep an eye out for an Alpha Katsuki Masterlist that we’ll be posting in a couple weeks because, even though there are fics were Alphas bottom, most of them will probably have Top Bakugou as the top but just aren’t tagged!
40 Works. 
Too Early For This by Skaii ( E | 7,882 | 1/1 )
In the process of rescuing a girl from a villain, Katsuki becomes afflicted by an aphrodisiac quirk. His pride refuses to let him be a victim. But for once, maybe Deku helping him won’t be so bad…
SeriesPart 1 of The ‘BD’ in ‘BDSM’ is for BakuDeku
Remember Me by Blue_Writer ( M | 55,462+ | 21/? )
It had been years since Bakugou was exiled from his home and became the savage dragon king, but one good thing finally came to his life when he met Izuku again. The only issue, is that he doesn’t remember him.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
My Chosen One by Meekorin ( E | 55,992 | 18/18 )
After All Might’s retirement, Bakugou is moody than ever. Fearing for his dear life that the explosive teen might eat him up, Izuku tries to keep his distance. But as soon as everything seems to finally work out for them, things start to fall apart by a higher power.
I Run From You by Morpheel ( E | 6,482 | 1/1 )
The forest was a dangerous place.
Anyone with half of a brain could deduce that much; yet to a prey species, this rule held especially so. The reach of woods was a diverse and lively ecosystem, thriving with both hybrid and animal alike. As cruel as it was- the food chain largely didn’t care whether you were hybrid or beast.
Izuku Midoriya knew this especially so.- - - What’s a rabbit hybrid to do when cornered within the clutches of a savage, hungry wolf? Anything he can to escape. (Though his heat makes this a much harder prospect than expected)
SeriesPart 1 of BNHA: Hybrid A/O/B Works
get a load of this by dezuku ( E | 1,919 | 1/1 )
Sure, Izuku may be a freak, but damn him if his precious Kacchan isn’t either.
Possessive fuck by Thetrash ( E | 2,585 | 1/1 )
Izuku has a study date with Shoto and Katsuki decides to fuck him before he leaves.
Gagging For It by sagequit ( E | 3,006+ | 2/? )
Bakugou discovers that Midoriya has a bit of an oral fixation. Shameless PWP.
SeriesPart 1 of Bakudeku Filth
Heartbreak Aftermath by HG_Wells ( E | 2,688 | 1/1 )
After a harsh breakup with his ex-boyfriend, Todoroki Shouto, his friends decide to take him out to get his mind off things. A few drinks with a stranger turns into something more and he gets more than what he bargained for.
Connection by pandoras_thomg ( E | 4,787 | 1/1 )
Izuku is tired of being Kacchan’s personal sex slave. He’s attempted escape numerous times, but each time he gets caught, Kacchan just fucks him harder. Izuku secretly resolves to poison the King and leave this place once and for all… but fate has other ideas. Will Izuku finally develop feelings for his captor?
~a sequel fic to Katsuki’s Captive~
SeriesPart 2 of Captive AU
A Present from Me to You by llamayamaa ( E | 7,919 | 1/1 )
Katsuki has finally come to terms with having a healthy rivalry with his childhood friend, Izuku. The only problem preventing it as a normal rivalry is the constant sex dreams Katsuki has with his rival in it. It doesn’t help that he’s starting to possess feelings for the nerd as well.
There is only one solution to deal with these irritating feelings of his: fuck the feelings away of his childhood friend by doing it with none other than Izuku himself.
It’s a dumb idea but who knows where it might take him.
Intrusive Thoughts by ellie_mae ( E | 4,313 | 1/1 )
Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t know how it started but, he’s been having intrusive thoughts lately about Izuku Midoriya. It boils down to a lot of sexual tension spilling over and both of them lose control.
This is honestly just a very smutty one-shot of Bakugou fucking the living hell out of Deku. I just needed this to be written.
Forgetful by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( E | 3,436 | 1/1 )
Normally Bakugou managed to contain his temper – even if it was just a little – when it came to Midoriya. Even still, his outbursts just seemed to make Midoriya laugh now, mostly because it was never over anything big and Midoriya was no longer afraid of Bakugou doing anything but make little threats that he very rarely went through.
Today was different though.
In which Midoriya forgets his and Bakugou’s anniversary.
SeriesPart 1 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
It’s Gonna Take A Superman To Sweep Me Off My Feet by minzie ( E | 6,558 | 1/1 )
Deku getting horny with his Ground Zero body pillow, but this time it’s the real one - The Sequel
SeriesPart 2 of Holding A Hero
Super Mario Maker by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( E | 3,734 | 1/1 )
Midoriya is smart, and a nerd, meaning that when the entire class decided to take on the aspect of buying Super Mario Maker for the collection of games in the common area that he became sort of a living legend when it came to designing the levels.
Some were just joyous well designed little prank-type levels, others were difficult — but not impossible — and the rest? Well, those were impossible.
For all but one.
His Kacchan.
In which Bakugou rages.
SeriesPart 4 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Just a Glass of Water by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( E | 2,188 | 1/1 )
“I bet I can get you to sleep,” Midoriya said and Bakugou pulled back so he could see Midoriya’s face.
“How do you intend to do that?” Bakugou asked.
While Midoriya was a man of words, Bakugou was a man of action, and sometimes it required a bit of compromise from either party.
In which Bakugou has insomnia and can’t fall asleep.
SeriesPart 3 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Only for a bet (I fucking swear!) by Dana91 ( M | 3,096 | 1/1 )
Inspired by Tinogeb’s fanart
Bakugo Katsuki teased. Bakugo failed. How did he end up fucking the damn nerd?!
We Could All Dye (Or Perhaps Live) by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( E | 5,126 | 1/1 )
“C’mon, all I need you to do is get me Bakugou’s shampoo bottle and then put it back before he notices. Call it retribution for the eggs?”
“What’s your idea?”
“To put some dye in his shampoo.”
In which Midoriya gets caught up in a prank war between Bakugou and Kaminari.
SeriesPart 6 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Act Your Age by Pop_Rocks (v_love) ( E | 4,024 | 1/1 )
“I can’t believe you would ask to come with me and then throw a fit the entire time, how old are you? Five? You’re lucky you didn’t break anything or I would’ve had to pay for it. You’re so irresponsible.”
“Stop lecturing me!”
“Then stop giving me a reason to! Kacchan, I don’t understand this. I don’t understand why you feel the need to act this way.”
“You took forever!”
“And this is why I do things like this alone because you’re unhelpful and a brat.”
In which Bakugou throws a fit in the grocery store.
SeriesPart 5 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Project: Heat by sterekhalinsk ( M | 2,914 | 1/1 )
Katsuki can do this. He can control himself around Deku, who’s scent has spiked in sweetness and is dripping in pheromones. He can maintain his composure as they work together on a school project. He can keep himself in check as his stupid smell wafts through the air, and directly into his nose.
He can’t do this.
Yūrei by EclecticIsMyMiddleName ( E | 7,842+ | 1/3 )
Izuku’s apartment is haunted by none other than Bakugo Katsuki’s ghost. Imagine his surprise when he finds out why Katsuki’s ghost can’t rest in peace.
[Major Character Death]
“Streetcar Named Desire” by ARCTICFIRE99 ( E | 20,370+ | 7/? )
If yesterday someone told Izuku that he, one of the most diligent students with the top academic ranking, would end up in Principal Aizawa’s office today, he wouldn’t have believed them. But lots things could change overnight. So here he was, slouching in the creaking chair in the reception in front of the principal’s office.
[the story about how Deku and Kacchan ended up taking part in a school’s play and went through high school shit and ended up in love]
[Slight Homophobia]
Dragon’s Mark by ellie_mae ( M | 4,524+ | 1/? )
Katsuki Bakugou has been living on his own for many years, accompanied by a very annoying red dragon named Kirishima. They are the last of their kind, unknown to humans. At least, that was how it used to be until a shy boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya enters the picture.
Private Practice by thiefqueen ( M | 2,670 | 1/1 )
Midoriya accidentally sort of sets up a private fight with Bakugou during class after realizing he has a “problem” with the other teen. Their teachers are happy to set the fight up (and they not-so-secretly ship it).
Uhh really at school? by sadklqmo ( M | 797 | 1/1 )
Izuku just can’t help himself when it comes to Katsuki
Now for the pals who know Chinese
【勝出】俺とデクの幸せな家庭計画05 by AriaLu ( E | 820 | 1/1 )
【勝出】俺とデクの幸せな家庭計画02 by AriaLu ( E | 279 | 1/1 )
【勝出】俺とデクの幸せな家庭計画04  by AriaLu ( M | 340 | 1/1 )
※勝出/ABO※《チビの日記》的前傳※BGM:Christina Grimmie - Without Him※下章上車
【勝出】俺とデクの幸せな家庭計画(ABO) 06 by AriaLu ( M | 2,053 | 3/3 )
【勝出】我那位凶神惡煞的後輩同事 02 by AriaLu ( M | 636 | 1/1 )
【勝出】身為勇者的我不可能成為幼馴染的老婆15 by AriaLu ( M | 909 | 3/3 )
【勝出】聽說有人爬上你的床(白情賀文) by AriaLu ( M | 763 | 1/1 )
【勝出】身為勇者的我不可能成為幼馴染的老婆10 by AriaLu ( M | 222 | 1/1 )
【勝出】419 ® by AriaLu ( M | 585 | 1/1 )
【勝出】Body says Love by AriaLu ( E | 352 | 1/1 )
※BGM: Rynx - Want You
【勝出】七夕賀文(短篇文)R18 by AriaLu ( M | 315 | 1/1 )
【勝出】所謂新手(R/短篇完) by AriaLu ( M | 792 | 1/1 )
【勝出】神的羔羊04 (R18) by AriaLu ( M | 529 | 1/1 )
*牧場物語,沒有個性*牧場主少爺爆豪x出久羊(人型&獸型態都有)* BGM: Brokeback Mountain: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - #17: “The Wings”
【勝出】T.O.T. (萬聖節賀文/短篇完/R18) by AriaLu ( M | 1,265 | 1/1 )
T.O.T.*畢業後已成為職業英雄*勝出同居中*BGM-聖桑-骷髏之舞Danse Macabre
【勝出】神的羔羊06 (R18/完) by AriaLu ( M | 1,007 | 1/1 )
*牧場物語,沒有個性*牧場主少爺爆豪x出久羊(人型&獸型態都有)* BGM: Brokeback Mountain: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - #17: “The Wings”
【勝出】Polaris (後續/ABO設定/R18) by AriaLu ( M | 400 | 1/1 )
286 notes · View notes
theworsttale-blog · 7 years
[Book 1] Pinocchio [Chapter 4]
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PART 4-1:
Pinocchio continues his adventure in search of the owner of his puppet strings.
His staff leads him this way and that, yet its directions are nothing but lies.
従うだけのピノキオは、疑いも無く受け入れる。 その様子を見て、杖はゲハハと下品に笑う。
Pinocchio merely obeys, showing not even the slightest hint of doubt. Seeing this, his staff laughs in a vulgar tone.
...Oh? How strange.
His staff’s nose appears to be growing ― was it just his imagination?
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It should be my nose that grows, right?
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Well, you’re human now.
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If your nose ever grew, you’d be a creature!
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そうだよね。 でも、僕―
That’s true. Still, I...
When did I become a human being?
PART 4-2:
僕は、努力が嫌いです。 僕は、勉強が嫌いです。 楽できそうな話には、呆れるほどすぐに飛びつきます。
I hate effort. I hate diligence. I’d jump at the chance to have an easy story.
PART 4-3:
ある時は、スターになれると言われて見世物小屋に。 でも、そこに掴まって焼き殺されそうになりました。
I was once brought to a certain tent and told that I could be a star. But I was held there against my will and almost burned to death.
PART 4-4:
I was once invited to visit an amusement park across the sea, but I was turned into a donkey and almost sold off.
PART 4-5:
僕は本当に考えなしで。 全ては他人の言うなりで。 でもゼペットじいさんは、そんな僕を愛してくれました。
I honestly don’t put any thought into anything. I leave everything to the whims of others. But Geppetto still loved me, despite how I am.
PART 4-6:
…...そういえば。 僕はどうして人間になれたのだろう?
...That reminds me. Why did I become a human being?
PART 4-7:
お馬鹿で間抜けな僕だけど。 あなたが良い子になれば、人間にしてあげると、星の女神は言いました。
I’m foolish and stupid. But the Goddess of Stars said that she’d make me human if I was a good boy.
PART 4-8:
僕は、いつ良い子になったのだろう? 今の僕は、良い子だろうか? こんなにも、他人に依存してるのに?
When did I become a good boy? Am I being a good boy right now? Even though I depend on others this much?
PART 4-9:
Perhaps I’m not a human being ― maybe I’m just an imitation...
PART 4-10:
ピノキオは驚愕した。 元を辿れ自分は人形。
Pinocchio was stunned. He was originally a puppet.
Nothing more than a wooden puppet carved by Geppetto.
Therefore, it was not out of the question for there to be any number of puppets like him.
けれど― 目の前に現れたピノキオはあまりにも全てそっくり過ぎた。
Yet... The Pinocchio that stood before him was far too alike in every single way.
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Is that... me?
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Exactly! That’s unmistakably Pinocchio!
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But it’s a Pinocchio that’s been bathed in darkness!
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そんな…… じゃあ……
No... Then...
Am I going to become like that someday, too?
ガクン、と力が抜けるようにもう1人のピノキオは倒れ伏した。 耳を塞ぎたくなるような暴言を吐きながら、手にした杖が追撃する。
The other Pinocchio collapsed with a thud, as if all semblance of strength had left his body. The staff continues its assault, hurling insults that grated on the ears.
Dragged along by his staff as it flays the corpse, Pinocchio thinks to himself.
ああ、誰か。 この戦いの意味を教えてください。
Oh, somebody. Please let me know the meaning behind this battle.
His other self was smashed to pieces.
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mayacatmaster · 7 years
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Your True Power does not come from your physical action, but From Vibrational Alignment. ~Abraham
*** *** ***
If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world.
*** *** ***
Don’t be your brains “bitch”(asshole).
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and Thanks for ”Coco Ungaro & Carrie Bell” *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
You cannot save everyone.
Some people are going to identify with their mind,
Blind “follow”(obey) the rules,
Loyalty to Dark-Tyranny-Rulers,
And then destroy themselves,
No matter it’s use the name of “God”, Use the name of man-made-moral, Use the name of country,  Use the name of family,  Use the name of egoism,  *** *** *** Between your “God” and their “God”, kills each others,  Between your man-made-moral and their man-made-moral, kills each others,  Between your country and their country, kills each others,  Between your family and their family, kills each others,  Between your body and their body , kills each others,
No matter how much your try to help them,
Because their mind was never truly their own,
They just obey in the ways they have been programmed, 
*** *** ***
If a man is born ignorant, to parents that are ignorant, in a society that is ignorant, lives a life of ignorance, and eventually dies in ignorance...
Ignorance is the norm.
Thus, indoctrination can be called education,
Hypnotism can be called entertainment,
Criminals can be called leaders,
And lies can be called Truth,
Because his mind was never truly his own.
*** *** ***
Mentally blind people who never question authority.  *** *** *** 
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country, a city, a home, or a mankind. One is by the sword. The other is by brainwash. *** *** *** And may I ask?: About Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, the Emperor of Japan, North Korea's leader, Adolf Hitler, Fascism~~~! They are… *** *** *** 100% BULLSHIT or they are Great leader and they can replace your “Source”(True Self; Tao; God)? *** *** *** If your answer is they are “100% BULLSHIT”. *** And may I ask “Why” we need? Give all our "heart and soul" loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, the Emperor of Japan, North Korea's leader, Adolf Hitler, Fascism~~~! *** *** *** Specially, When…: School said: "Obey or Fail!"; Government said: "Obey or Jail!": Religion said: "Obey or Hell!"; Parents said: "Obey or Punishment!"; *** *** *** “Why” we need go to school learn to repeat "Confucianism or Communism belief system" information instead of how to think for myself?  Why? May I ask “Why”…I need use…: *** *** *** 100% BULLSHIT replace “Source”(True Self; Tao; God)? *** *** *** May I ask ?: Good or evil, who decides?;  By "Source"(True Self; Tao; Logos: Maat; Brahman) or  Seek "their"(government; parents; guru; husband; teacher; morality; religion) approval. *** *** *** Good and evil are not what our parents told us, not what our church tells us, or our country, not what anybody else tells us!  All of us decide good and evil for ourselves, automatically, by choosing what we want to do! ~Richard Bach  *** *** ***
No Dark Tyranny Rulers. If Nobody Obey. *** *** *** Fear and obedience are one of the elites tool to control the masses. *** *** *** Normal is just an illusion, what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. *** *** *** Humankind is the only virus cursed to live with the horrifying knowledge of its host's fragile mortality. *** *** *** And ~~~! The host kills the virus, or the virus kill the host. *** *** ***
You can mercy, mercy, mercy yourself and help yourself.
*** *** ***
A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority. *** *** *** The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. *** *** *** A bunch of weak people, even in numbers, aren't strong. Get a whole bunch of confused people together and see how much clarity comes out of it. In other words, you just can't add one more confused person to the pot, and expect to get any more clarity... One --- standing outside of the confused group --- who is clear, is more powerful than a million who are confused. ~Abraham *** *** ***  Everyone could get all mixed up all at once and there could not be enough negative discord to stop this Earth from spinning in its orbit. The Well-Being has been pointed toward you and all that you are living, so profoundly for so long, it can't go wrong. ~Abraham *** *** *** 
Your True Power does not come from your physical action, but From Vibrational Alignment. ~Abraham
*** *** ***
Follow the force that is guiding the whole universe is in you.  Pledge allegiance to your "Source"(God; True Self; Tao; Logos),  everything is done! ~Huangdi Yinfujing 「觀天之道,執天之行,盡矣!」: 黃帝陰符經; *** *** *** You are never along or helpless. The force that is guiding the whole universe is in you too! *** *** *** Those who flow as "Life"(Tao; True Self; Source) flows know they need no other force. ~Lao tzu *** *** *** You have all the intelligence within you. TRUST, ALLOW and only listen to your own HEART! *** *** *** Use your own light and return to the Source of "Light"(Tao; True Self; Wisdom of Universal). This is called practicing eternity. ~Lao Tzu *** *** *** Always listen to your own heart, even if it is against what your family, society, culture of religion is telling you!
*** *** *** Just like "Socrates" said: “To find yourself, question and think for yourself.” -Socrates *** *** ***
Don’t be your brains “bitch”(asshole) and win over your mind.
*** *** ***
How to  win over your mind?
By “No-mind”(no identify with any kind of mind) ,
By “Not identify with any kind of I’m”(I am this or that) and remember who-really-you-are is “Wholeness”(True Self; Tao; Brahma).
*** *** ***
By no matter where you go, no matter when, no matter what kind of time-space.
Remember who-really-you-are is “Wholeness”(True Self; Tao; Brahma),
See you as infinite-sky and no identify with any “clouds”( thoughts; feeling; body-energy-form; mind-energy-form; any kind of dreamer; any kind of pheromone of dream).
*** *** ***
So, ~~~“True Wisdom”(Gnostic;Insight),  所以,~~“真正生命智慧”(靈性真知;內在見證觀照洞察力),
Use it or lose it, if you forget the world around us is not true,  使用它,或失去它,如果你忘記周遭世界並非真實,
If you don't remember only the "True Self"(Source; God;Tao;Allah) is real, all else is just illusion. 如果你不記得僅僅只有 “真正自己本來面目”(上主;大道;阿拉)是唯一真實不虛的, 其它生活周遭一切生命現象經驗, 都只是「無我;無常;如幻」之假象幻覺。
Keep in mind, why you had stuck into the room to create chaos, ~ ~ ~ ~!; 牢記, 你為何創造陷己而入的混亂,~~~~!;
*** *** ***
If you change the way you look at things,  如果你改變你看待事物的方式, The things you look at change. 那你正在觀察研究的事物將會立刻改變。
*** *** ***
Nowhere ~~~the dreamer & the dream. 當下~~~這夢境與夢中人!
What is “Imagining yourself nowhere”?; 當下汝如何想像汝「真正自己本來面目」?;
*** *** ***
Nowhere you through “I am~~~!” imagining yourself. 當下汝透過最為強烈接受的 「”我是”(I am)~~~~!;自我界定;自我想像;自我認同」想像汝自己!
But what is your “I am~~~!”nowhere? 但究竟什麼是汝之”我是~~~!”呢?;
*** *** ***
In this moment, maybe we can realized~~~!; 當下此刻,或許我們可以領悟~~~!; In this time-space reality. in this dream and dreamer. 在此時空能量幻象系統中,在這夢境與夢中人, In this dream everything come and go , keep shifting like the clouds. 在此夢中每種東西皆是來了又離逝而去,變幻不定如浮雲於虛空。 In this time-space reality. in this dream~~~!; 在此時空能量幻象系統中,在這夢境中~~~!; People are constantly changing migration. 在此夢中的外在每個人物皆是來了又離逝而去,變幻不定如浮雲於虛空。 Object are constantly changing migration. 在此夢中每種客體對象的現象經驗皆是來了又離逝而去,變幻不定如浮雲於虛空。 Event are constantly changing migration. 在此夢中每種事件皆是來了又離逝而去,變幻不定如浮雲於虛空。 The only thing you can really sure is :”I am~~~~!” 在眼前這夢中,你唯一能夠確定的生命基礎根據是"我是~~~~!”;
*** *** ***
Who am I? 探詢考察"我是誰;我是什麼~~~~!” Simply one more unidentified object. 僅僅記住汝是「永恒見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身,而不要「計著認同;著我當真」於任何「無我;無常;如幻」的客體生命經驗對象。
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To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
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The universe is responding to "who"(what) you believe you are. *** *** *** To the IGNORANT, the sense 'I AM' means "I am this or that body-mind!". To those alignment with "Source"(Tao; True Self; Brahman), the sense 'I AM' means ' I am the ABSOLUTE!'.
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To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
*** *** ***
Know this…:
I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of my mind, thought, feeling, body, self-image, self-definition, self-identity and world. 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的頭腦,思想,感情,身體,自我形象,自我定義,自我認同和周遭世界的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
Thoughts are like flock of birds flying overhead in formation.......It is enough to recognize them for what they are and not invite them to roost on our heads. 思緒是像一群鳥編隊從頭頂天空飛過.......鏡映著,承認它們是什麼,就足夠了, 而不是邀請他們棲息在我們頭上,~~~。
★★★ ☆☆☆
I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of my thoughts, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的思想意念的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
Thoughts are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of thought. ~~~!; 思緒就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種思想意念 〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of thoughts come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有種類的思緒不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
Your " true self " not equal to any kind of the thought; thinking; idea; ideology, faith; belief, ~~~! 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種想法,思想理念;觀念,意識型態,信仰,相信,相信於〜〜〜!
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the- thinker & think” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那思考者和思想意念”的我見常見。
*** *** ***
Or you want to grasp what kind of thoughts, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的想法說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of thoughts, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的想法說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
*** *** ***
To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
*** *** ***
I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of my feeling. 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的情緒感受的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
Feeling are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of feeling. ~~~!; 情緒感受就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種情緒感受 〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of feeling come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有種類的情緒感受不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
Your " true self " not equal to any kind of the emotions, feelings, mood, senses~~~!  你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種情緒,感情,情緒,感官覺受〜〜〜!
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the-feeling” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那感受情緒”的我見常見。
*** *** ***
Or you want to grasp what kind of feeling, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的情緒感受說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of feeling, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的情緒感受說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
*** *** ***
To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
*** *** ***
I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of body-energy-forms, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的”肉體能量形式狀態”的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
All body forms are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of body forms ~~~!; 所有肉體能量形式就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種肉體能量形式覺受 〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of body forms come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的肉身形相不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
Your " true self " not equal to any kind of the body forms. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種的身體形式。
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the-body” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那肉體能量型式”的我見常見。
*** *** ***
Or you want to grasp what kind of body-energy-forms, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的肉體形式說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of body-energy-forms, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的肉身形相說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
*** *** ***
To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
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I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of my minds, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的” 心智頭腦系統”的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
All minds are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of minds ~~~!; 所有心智意念形式就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種心智意念形式〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of minds come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的” 心智頭腦系統”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
Your" true self " not equal to any kind of the minds. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種心智頭腦系統。
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the- minds” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那心智頭腦系統”的我見常見。
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Or you want to grasp what kind of minds, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智頭腦系統”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of minds, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智頭腦系統”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
*** *** ***
To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
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I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of my self-imagines,  吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著我的”自我形象”的「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
All self-imagines are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of self-imagines ~~~!; 所有自我形象就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種自我形象形式〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of self-imagines come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的” 自我形象”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
Your " true self " not equal to any kind of the limited self-definition. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種有限的自我定義。
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the- self-definition” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那自我定義”的我見常見。 *** *** *** Your " true self " not equal to any kind of the self-identity, self-imagine. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何形式的自我認同,自我想像。
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the- self-imagine” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那自我形象”的我見常見。
*** *** ***
Or you want to grasp what kind of self-imagines, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”自我形象”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of self-imagines, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”自我形象”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
*** *** ***
To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
*** *** ***
I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of dreamer & dreams, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著”夢中人與夢境”之「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
All dreamer & dreams are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of dreamer & dreams ~~~!; 所有”夢中人與夢境”就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種”夢中人與夢境”〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of dreamer & dreams come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的”夢中人與夢境”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
Your " true self " not equal to any kind of the dreamer & dreams. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何形式「無我;無常;如幻」的夢中人和夢境。
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the- dreamer & dream” Idea. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那夢中人和夢境”的我見常見。
*** *** ***
Or you want to grasp what kind of dreamer & dreams, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”夢中人與夢境”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of dreamer & dreams, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的” 夢中人與夢境”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
*** *** ***
To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
*** *** ***
I am the “ Witness & Mirror ” of my nervous systems, 吾乃“如如不動見證觀照 & 鏡映”著”心智神經語言系統”之「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身。
All nervous systems are like cloud group flying overhead in sky....... .It is enough to recognize them for what they are and use your heart like mirror & witness. No identify with any kind of nervous systems ~~~!; 所有” 心智神經語言系統”就是像飛過心靈天空的一群雲組.......鏡映著,認識到它們是什麼就足夠了,「運心如鏡」而且「如如不動見證觀照」著~~~。 萬勿「計著認同;著我當真」於任何一種” 心智神經語言系統”〜〜〜!
*** *** ***
「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”,
Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。
All kind of nervous systems come and go, like a cloud, flow change, like water flowing, not forever~~~!; 所有的” 心智神經語言系統”不斷地來與離去,猶如浮雲變幻流遷,猶如流水不常久駐,~~~!;
*** *** ***
You" true self " not equal to any kind of the nervous system about time and space. 你的“真正自己”不等同於任何一種「無我;無常;如幻」的關於時間和空間的神經系統。
You are the witness & watching & mirror & beyond any kind of “I-am-the- nervous system” Idea. You are Beyond Space and Time. 你是那見證觀照&正在看&明鏡意識而且超越於任何一種 “我是那神經系統”的我見常見。
*** *** ***
Or you want to grasp what kind of nervous systems, said this is “ me;mine or myself ” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智神經語言系統”說,這是“我;我的或我自己”?
Or you want to grasp what kind of nervous systems, said this is “ True Self of Original Face.” ? 否則你想抓住什麼樣的”心智神經語言系統”說,這是“真正自己或本來面目”?
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To whom you are giving the name, 'I am'???
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"YOU"(Source; True Self;Wholeness) are the Universe  experience "itself"(I am this dreamer-dream or I am that dreamer-dream!). *** *** *** In the mirror of your mind all kinds of pictures appear and disappear. Knowing that they are entirely your own creations, watch them silently come and go. Be alert, but not perturbed. This attitude of silent observation is the very foundation of yoga. You see the picture, but you are not the picture. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj  *** *** *** *** *** ***
If I could give you only one advice, I would say: Don't identify with anything.
Be completely empty - no one.
Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion. ~Mooji
*** *** *** Watch Life, as if you are watching a movie! Watch your own 3D-life-movie, as if you are watching another peoples 3D-life-movie. Watch your own self, as if you are watching another people's self. Watch your own beliefs, as if you are watching another peoples’ beliefs.... inquiry and question it.
*** *** ***
You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you.  True power is sitting back & observing everything with "logic"(Ma-at; Logos; Tao; Source; True Self).  True power is "restraint"(don't identify with it as "true; me & mine).  If words control you that means everyone can control you.  Telling yourself:" This too shall pass through!", just like any kind of clouds, use your heart like mirror, don't identify with it as "real; true; me; mine", if you don't want it.  Breathe & allow things to pass.  Don't hold on it.  Empty your heart-mind just like sky. *** *** ***
The most powerful, spiritual discovery is in seeking out the timeless, Observing Presence behind all of your thoughts, feelings, actions, struggles, and conditionings. ~Anon I mus *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Thanks for " Anon I mus" *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Know this…:
"Brahman"(True Self;Dao;God;Allah) is not playing with "you". "梵"(真正自己;大道;上帝;阿拉)不僅僅只是陪伴著你,進入這埸人生遊戲玩而已;
He is playing as "you". "梵"(真正自己;大道;上帝;阿拉)因「計著我相;計著我見」扮演著你 而深入在「眼前三D立體全像電影」境界中在遊戲著,~~~~!;
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Remember that this world is not reality.  記住,眼前這「眼前三D立體全像電影」物質世界並非「生命本來面目」。 It's a playground of appearance  而是充滿著「能量幻化」象徵的遊樂埸, on which you practice overcomeing seems-to-be with your knowing of what is. 你這在遊樂埸裡面練習,運用著你對"真正自己"(大道;上主)的了解體悟,清明智慧洞察力來征服幻象。
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The less you know about the game,  你對眼前這「眼前三D立體全像電影」中的遊戲本身了解體悟,清明智慧洞察力越少, and the less you remember you're a player,  你就越不記得自己是遊戲者, the more senseless living becomes. 人生就會越顯荒謬。
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It's call a default belief,  它被稱為盲目「計著認同;著我當真」的信仰觀念, when you agree to rules before you think and question,  當你不經自己探詢質疑思考就同意遵守「外在威權教規錯誤律法書」的規定, when you go along because you're expected to. 作事只是為了"無違"(無條件服從乖乖聽話)地順應他人的期待, A million of those in a lifetime, unless you're careful. 除非你審慎警覺萬分,你的一生將會犯一百萬次的這種盲目「計著認同;著我當真」錯誤。
~Richard Bach
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0 notes
deus-ex-mona · 26 days
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i just think that lxl is incredibly funny, that’s all
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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daily aiyuu till the meoto mv drops: day 1
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
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an isekai coming soon to theatres near you
31 notes · View notes
deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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may you make the right choice, aizo~~~~~~
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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lxl stop secretly worrying about each other challenge g o
(shoddy tl under the cut; y’all know the drill by now~~~)
Aizo: Cheerful, yet a little wild. Good at dance performances due to his athleticism. Being able to sing is very important to him.
Yujiro: A refreshing and well-mannered boy who never loses his cool. Good at singing. Being able to perform on stage is very important to him.
Secretly tell us what your feelings about your partner, which you can’t usually say aloud, are!
Aizo: He’s more ambitious than anyone I know, and he works really hard as proof of it. But that’s exactly why I want him to fix the fact that he can’t be honest, y’know? He should just say so if something’s too hard or if he’s troubled by something on his mind. To me, it looks like he’s reluctant to show others that part of him. We’ve been together for a long time, so I wish he’d depend on me a little more.
Yujiro: Keep this between us, but the fact that he’s too kind worries me… Regardless of whether he’s confided in or not, he’d take it upon himself to get involved, and he’d get engulfed by the surrounding negativity and grow depressed as well… I wish he’d show more of his kindness to himself too.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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love it when the salty sillies make similar poses♡
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
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just a v e r y rough tl of lxl honeymoon 2: collab boogaloo
be sure to check out the anime (which hails from the ultimate box of the album) if you're able to!!! and support the official release!!!
all screenshots in here are from the trailer btw
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Aizo: Hi Julieta! I’m Aizo!
Yujiro: Hello Julieta, I’m Yujiro.
Aizo: Today, the two of us, LIPxLIP, are on a trip.
Yujiro: We’ve come to Izumo as a reward for completing our album.
Aizo: We’ll be sharing a little glimpse of today’s trip with you guys, so enjoy!
Yujiro: We’ve been here since yesterday, but let’s start off with our wake up call!
Aizo: You’re showing them that?!
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Yujiro: Good morning, everyone. It’s 6am. It’s still too early to have breakfast, but I’m going to show you Aizo’s sleeping face.
Yujiro: He sure is asleep, hm?
Yujiro: He’s drooling.
Yujiro: Aizo, you’ll be late. You’ll be late, you know?
Aizo: Eh? What?
Yujiro: It’s already 9 o’clock, hurry! Get up!
Aizo: Ah? It’s 9?
Yujiro: You’ll be late for work!
Aizo: Why’re you filming me?! You’re lying for sure! Stop it!
Yujiro: [laughs] And that, Julieta, was Aizo’s sleeping face!
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Aizo: And here we are at the breakfast table. We’re about to have our breakfast.
Yujiro: Aizo has woken up too.
Aizo: Wow, Yujiro, you’re having Japanese food as expected, huh? Ooh, isn’t that Izumo Soba?
Yujiro: And you, Aizo, are having Western food as expected… Wait, what the heck? You’re having pasta first thing in the morning?
Aizo: I just felt like having it today. Even you feel like having Western food in the morning sometimes, don’t you?
Yujiro: I guess so. I wouldn’t eat pasta in the morning, though.
Aizo: I’m sure the Julieta watching this will be like “I just knew Yujiro’d be eating Japanese food and Aizo’d be having Western food”, huh?
Yujiro: Maybe they will. We do give off those impressions, don’t we? Just like how we’d have either coffee or cocoa respectively.
Aizo: I got it. Wanna change the impressions we give off by trading our breakfast meals?
Yujiro: I don’t wanna. I want to eat my soba.
Aizo: Yeah, yeah.
Yujiro: Julieta, which do you prefer? Western food? Japanese food? Tell us, okay?
Aizo: Yum!
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Aizo: We don’t usually shoot vids all by ourselves, huh?
Yujiro: Though you say “usually”, this is the first time we’ve done it, right? The staff always tag along with us.
Aizo: They plan all kinds of programmes for us too, right? Yeah. So, where do we go now?
Yujiro: Ehh, I don’t know. You decide, Aizo.
Aizo: Me? You decide, Yujiro. I dunno where to go either.
Yujiro: You decide, Aizo.
Aizo: Eh?! You’re kidding! Hmm… I can’t think of anything.
Yujiro: Planning ahead sure is important, isn’t it?
Aizo: Yeah. Let’s just walk around for now.
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Yujiro: And so, we’re now at the footbaths!
Aizo: Phew, it’s hot in here!
Yujiro: We came here too last time, didn’t we?
Aizo: Yeah, back during our live tour, right?
Yujiro: Oh right, Aizo, how do you feel about the release of our second album?
Aizo: Of course I’m happy ‘bout it. I mean, releasing even just one album’s already pretty amazing.
Yujiro: Yup. The fact that we’re able to release a second album is all thanks to our Julieta, right?
Aizo: Yeah. We’ve gotta try even harder to meet their expectations, huh? How do you feel about the album, Yujiro?
Yujiro: I guess I feel differently about it than I did about our first album.
Aizo: Eh? How so?
Yujiro: I feel as though I wouldn’t have been able to do it alone. It’s all thanks to the support and expectations of our Julieta that we’re able to stand on stage. And, as that stage grows bigger and bigger, I get the feeling that I wouldn’t have been able to respond to the size of the stage all by myself.
Aizo: Yeah, I feel the same way. I’ve had thoughts like “Why are there 2 guys in LIPxLIP? I could do it by myself.” before. But this has made me realise once again that going at it alone would just mean halving our power.
Yujiro: We’re able to develop better together as a pair than we would have on our own. I'd say that we’re indispensable to each other for sure.
Aizo: Yeah, we are. Plus, things would sure get boring without a rival around, huh?
Yujiro: Yup. Aizo, the friendly rivalry between you and me… Wait a sec! This is going to be a bonus video! Isn’t this conversation getting embarrassing?!
Aizo: Yeah, it is. But isn’t it fine for us to talk about our true feelings when the two of us are on a trip together?
Yujiro: I guess so. We’re alone on this trip together, after all.
Aizo: Yeah. Aight then, let’s end this off with a word of thanks to our Julieta.
Yujiro: Thank you for getting our second album, Julieta.
Aizo: Thanks, Julieta.
Yujiro: This album is packed with our thoughts and feelings. It'll make us happy if you listen to it many times over.
Aizo: You’ll listen to it, won’t ya? We’re going to keep growing from here on out, so follow our progress, yeah?
Yujiro: Follow us, okay?
Aizo: Till we meet again, Julieta!
Yujiro: Bye bye Julieta. See you around.
Aizo: See ya!
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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questionable sources say that koichiro has been freed and i w a n t in
38 notes · View notes
deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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let lipxlip sleepxsleep
Aizo: Great at dance performances due to his athleticism. The way his ponytail sways when he dances never fails to drive their Julieta wild!
Q: How would you say the phrase “Trick or Treat”?
Aizo: Trick or Treat… Give me some treats, or else I’m gonna play a trick on you.
[Argh! I tried to say it as cool as I could… but now I’m kinda embarrassed (laughs).]
Yujiro: A well-mannered boy who is especially good at singing. The way his dignified gaze peeks out from beneath his diagonally cut bangs is always sure to blow the reason out of their Julietas’ minds!
Q: How would you say the phrase “Trick or Treat”?
Yujiro: Trick or Treat! Will you give me treats? Or, perhaps, would you like me to play a trick on you?
[I’m so embarrassed… This is the first time that I’ve ever felt this embarrassed from saying “Trick or Treat” (blushes).]
Special Release! A Day in the Life of LIPxLIP
The super popular idols of LIPxLIP are High School students. Let’s take a look at a day’s schedule of these two exceptional student idols in this special release!
6am: Yujiro: Wakes up → Solo dance practice
7am: Aizo: Wakes up → Goes on a morning run
8am: They both go to school
8am-4pm: They attend classes at school
4pm: School ends → They head off for their lessons
5pm: Their lessons begin
6pm-10pm: Dance lessons, voice training, etc.
10pm: Their lessons end
10.30pm: They head home
11pm: They take their baths and review the scope of their upcoming interviews and such that are scheduled for the next day
12am: They go to bed
Yujiro x Aizo INTERVIEW
Their feelings for their Julieta always spurs them on
From the looks of your schedule, you guys are busy from the crack of dawn to late at dusk. How do you manage to cope with your school lives and your idol lives?
Aizo: Back when I first started High School, all I thought was “Ugh, school…”, but now, I’m thankful for the words of “You only have a single chance to enjoy your High School life.” that the President of our agency had said to us. Not gonna lie, it’s really hard to cope with school and our idol activities.
Yujiro: To be honest, when I first entered High School, there were times when I felt reluctant to go to school, thinking along the lines of “I’d much rather prioritise my work and lessons, so why do I have to go to school…?”. But now, I’m enjoying both school and our activities as LIPxLIP. I’m finding life to be very fulfilling at present. 
Aizo: I can’t cut corners in both my school life and our activities as LIPxLIP, so I’m always giving it my all! I was totally bushed the day after the sports festival, though (laughs).
Yujiro: I was able to work in top condition the next day… or so I’d like to say, but I was still a little tired myself. I almost nodded off during our break at work. Aizo fell asleep though (laughs).
Aizo: Hey! You can’t say stuff like that!
The two of you live very busy lives as LIPxLIP. But just what spurs you guys on to work as hard as you do?
Yujiro: We owe it all to the support that our Julieta have shown us.
Aizo: We really want our Julieta to see us at our coolest after all!
By the way, how has school been for you these days?
Aizo: We play basketball during our lunch break with our classmates, and it’s a ton of fun! We are also thinking about playing soccer next time.
Yujiro: I think my grades aren’t bad at all. I’m striving to cope with both my High School life and my idol activities, but I wouldn’t be able to say that I’m coping if my test scores were bad, right? So, I’m doing perfectly well in that regard!
As for your idol activities, you guys have released Shin Jidai, your first collaboration song with your seniors, Full Throttle4 (FT4). What was the recording process like?
Yujiro: I was very nervous before the recording session because it was a collaboration song. However, despite still being nervous during the actual recording, I was able to learn a lot from YUI and RIO. It may be an exaggeration to say this, but I watched and studied the way they recorded without blinking a single time.
Aizo: I’m with Yujiro on this. YUI’s carefree high notes, RIO’s skillful and persuasive singing, the way they were both able to respond to the producer’s directions immediately, and the fact that they were able to sing in all kinds of patterns made me think that they’re what we should strive to achieve. But YUI usually eats nothing but super spicy food, so how he’s even able to sing such high notes in such a relaxed manner remains a complete mystery (laughs).
Yujiro: Aizo, if YUI reads this article, he’d definitely get mad at you (laughs).
Aizo: We’ll have to cut that bit out, then (laughs).
We’ll write the article with care (laughs). Shin Jidai sure has a different vibe from your usual songs as LIPxLIP, doesn’t it?
Yujiro: Our collaboration song, Shin Jidai, has ambitious lyrics and a rock soundtrack, which aren’t often heard in our previous songs, so I think that we were able to show our Julieta a completely new side of us.
Aizo: Since our Julieta loved the song too, I want to sing more rock songs in the future. So look forward to it!
I have high expectations for your future songs! By the way, speaking of FT4, when you were guest performers at their concert, Full Throttle4 LIVE 2022 RECEPTION PARTY, back in July, Aizo imitated DAI and Yujiro imitated MEGU. How did you guys feel about it?
Aizo: I never expected that I’d have to impersonate DAI right there on stage…
Yujiro: I was extreeeeemely surprised!
Aizo: Though, didn’t we unexpectedly manage to nail our impressions? (laughs)
You guys nailed them! I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw it…
Aizo: Right? I’m glad to hear that. Yujiro’s impression of MEGU almost made me laugh too (laughs).
Yujiro: MEGU’s unique in a good way (laughs).
It has been announced that LIPxLIP will be performing live at Special Sunny Party, which is set to be held in October. Please give an enthusiastic message to your fans who are waiting for the live to take place.
Aizo: We’re giving it our all in our lessons so that we’ll be able to bring the best possible smiles to your faces, Julieta. Please look forward to it!
Yujiro: Like Aizo said, we’re attending our lessons diligently so that you’ll be able to see us at our coolest. So look forward to our performance in October!
How will LIPxLIP celebrate Halloween? A Themed Q&A
Q1: What tricks would you prank each other with?
Aizo: I’d give Yujiro a bitter beverage while pretending that it’s cocoa. He’s prolly gonna be in a bad mood for the entire day (laughs), but I’m confident that my prank will be a success.
Yujiro: I’d prank Aizo with a wake up surprise. Maybe I’d have him quietly carried out to the middle of our school’s schoolyard while he’s asleep and wake him up there. Or perhaps I’ll get the help of YUI from FT4 and have Aizo wake up to a flashy performance by YUI (laughs).
Q2: If you were to release a song or a music video centred around Halloween, what would it be like?
Aizo: I’d want to don a cape or something and act like a vampire! I’d put on some fangs too.
Yujiro: Vampires are nice, aren’t they? I’d like to star in a music video that tells the story about idols who are only active at night… but in truth, they happen to be vampires.
Aizo: They’d be super mysterious idols for sure cuz they don’t do any work during the day.
Yujiro: What are your thoughts on making a Halloween-exclusive music video about the day in the life of “Vampire Idols LIPxLIP”, which starts with us waking up in the evening and going to bed in the morning?
Aizo: Let’s discuss it with the Pres and our Manager back at the office (laughs).
Q3: Is there anything you’d like to dress up in?
Aizo: I’d like to wear a kimono. To be honest, I’m a little interested in kumadori, the style of makeup that’s used in Kabuki.
Yujiro: You are? I can help you to get dressed up in that. As for me… I’m interested in the makeup and outfits of the female models who walk down the runway. I find myself thinking about how cool they are when I see the way their high heels clack as they strut their stuff, so I’d like to experience it for myself.
Aizo: I guess they are… But I’m not confident in my ability to walk in heels (laughs).
Q4: What kinds of treats would you give each other?
Aizo: I’d give Yujiro a treat with such a great impact that it’ll leave him stunned in surprise. Like a brightly coloured cake from overseas, maybe? I know he loves sweets and that he has probably eaten all kinds of them, but I wanna venture out in search of sweets that he has never eaten before and is curious about!
Yujiro: Aizo’s not really one for sweets, so I’d look for treats that even someone like him can indulge in. Like something coffee-flavoured or infused with matcha, for instance.
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