magenetratranslations · 4 months
Music, Lyrics, Mixing, Mastering & Movie: Mizore -   / mz0re   Art: kimi1 -   / kimiichi030   Streaming : https://linkco.re/D5bcHrf4
Inst. : https://drive.google.com/drive/folder...
Translation: Serene_Snowfall Subs: Centi
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_magenetra   Current WIPS, Producer Permissions List, and Translation Terms: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jdtr8oVjZP6tjSIRtfu1JWiW4VHQa4tjMMCAzv0-KIw/edit?usp=sharing Raffle Discord: https://discord.gg/7gRYaugxTZ  
周りは確かに変わり果てた 夜の目も寝ずに歩き続ける 戻らないと 還らないと 捨て置いたもの Certainly everything around me has completely changed Staying up all night, I keep on walking I need to go back, I need to return* to the things I brushed aside
惨く疼く迄粘る 灰になる迄踊る 得手勝手な発想だとしても 悶え 眩む 狂い 叫ぶ 有り得ない丑の刻の事、滑稽さ I'll persevere until it feels like I’m bloodily massacred I'll dance until I turn to ash Even if it's an egotistical idea I'll be in agony, I'll be dazzled, I'll go mad, I'll howl An impossible late night, what a joke
寂れた零雨と混ざって 噎び泣いても明日は来なくて 込み上げた脆さと虚しさが 解けるはいつか 君はもう居ないのにな Mixed with the deserted drizzle, even if I cry my eyes out, the morning doesn't come The feelings of fragility and emptiness that welled up inside- How long until they go away? You're not even here anymore
サイレンが遠鳴りを起こしてる A siren is making noise in the distance
何故僕に殺め方を教えたのですか Why did you teach me how to kill?
蒼い雨夜の月の下 Underneath the moon on a rainy blue night
腐れた眼差しを向けられた A rotten gaze was directed towards me
欲望が渦巻く疼く Desire swirls and festers
今でもフラッシュバックする Even now, I have flashbacks
今でも想いは彼のまま Even now, my thoughts are as they were
今を満たすのに必死な過客と 当然薄らぐ無告の民 戻れないと 還れないと その眼は何を映すのか The travelers are desperate to please the present, and predictably, the helpless people die out I can’t go back, I can’t return What's reflected in those eyes of yours?
焚かれた葦火 押し寄せた深縹の余波 永い旅の様で でも束の間の夢見てる様で The fire was kindled and there was the after-math of the surging deep indigo It feels like a long journey, but simultaneously feels like a momentary dream
悶え 眩む 途絶え 終わる 信じ難い丑の刻、余りに侘しく   In agony, it goes blurry, it ceases and comes to an end This unbelievable late night is just too miserable
壊れた悦に縋って 偲ばれど既に殺められて 積み上げた脆さと虚しさは もう消えないのか Clinging onto my broken self-satisfaction, Even I dwell on the past, they’re already killed All this piled up fragility and emptiness- I guess they won’t disappear anymore
東雲はいつ来るか 久しくなるがまだ有るか 宵闇に消えた穏やかさと 紅く燃え上がる夢幻 現だけ残る Oh when will the dawn come? It's been such a long time, does it still even exist? The serenity that disappeared in the dusk, and my fantasy bursting with crimson are all that remain in reality
寂れた零雨は降り続け 泣き疲れても明日は見えない 込み上げた脆さよ 虚しさよ 僕と消えてくれ! The deserted drizzle keeps pouring down Even if I grow tired from crying, Tomorrow is nowhere to be seen All of this fragility and emptiness I'm feeling, Please just disappear with me!
君はもう居ないのにな You're not even here anymore
Translation Note: *This “return” could also be a word play meaning like, Return to the earth/Dying
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magenetratranslations · 9 months
any plans on potentially picking up a series like a manga adaptation of a song series/standalone song?
Right now, we don't have any plans to. We're a bit too busy to be taking on bigger projects or series outside of songs we just like and want to translate. Maybe that will change in the future though!
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magenetratranslations · 9 months
Hi all! Sorry for disappearing a bit, all of us have been pretty busy over here. Adult-ing is rough. Hope you enjoy the translation! 
キッカイケッタイ Strange and Unusual 
Music: Meddmia  Video: Meri  Translation: @violettranslations  Subs: Centi Original Lyrics Post 
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magenetratranslations · 11 months
晴れ男と雨女 Mr. Blue Sky and Ms. Umbrella
Original Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W3Dub_zuag https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37108802  
Music / Lyrics / Chorus : n.k https://twitter.com/nantomo_komatta Illust: unichawan https://twitter.com/unichawan Translation: @violettranslations  Subs: Centi
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_magenetra Current WIPS, Producer Permissions List, and Translation Terms: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jdtr8oVjZP6tjSIRtfu1JWiW4VHQa4tjMMCAzv0-KIw/edit?usp=sharing Raffle Discord: https://discord.gg/7gRYaugxTZ  
Original Lyrics Post
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magenetratranslations · 11 months
Oh no.I sent you some incorrect sentences. ''I'm sure that 耐えうる is bearable. So ''一人は耐えうるものね'' means ''It’s unbearable to be alone, isn’t it?''. I hope you to fix it!'' This is the message I sent but ''一人は耐えうるものね'' means ''It's bearable to be alone, isn't it?'' So sorry!
You're fine! We understood what you meant, and changed that line.
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Vocal: Kaai Yuki Production: iriyule https://twitter.com/iri_qitune
offvocal : https://bit.ly/3Jlns8c
Translation: Kagamine_Neko Subs: Centi
Our Tumblr: https://magenetratranslations.tumblr.com/   Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_magenetra   Current WIPS, Producer Permissions List, and Translation Terms: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jdtr8oVjZP6tjSIRtfu1JWiW4VHQa4tjMMCAzv0-KIw/edit?usp=sharing Raffle Discord: https://discord.gg/7gRYaugxTZ  
フラスコの奥底からのラブコール 実験体になって踊りましょ? フラスコの奥底からのラブコール いつからそちらが内側と気づいていたの? A call of love from the very bottom of the flask Would you like to dance as my test subject? A call of love from the very bottom of the flask Since when had you known you were inside the glass?
足りない まだ足りない 増え続ける落果 電源に繋がれた 箱庭の中で It’s not enough, still not enough The fruits keep dropping within the garden connected to the power cable
実験‎ちゅ 練り上げる中毒 実験ちゅ ぐちゃぐちゃに中毒 Performing analykiss** Building up addiction Performing analykiss One mess of an addiction
あー反応頂戴よ 恥ずかしがらないで 記録してあげるからさ Aw please undergo some reaction Don’t be shy I’ll write it all down for you
フラスコの奥底からのラブコール 実験体になって踊りましょ? フラスコの奥底からのラブコール いつからそちらが内側と気づいていたの? A call of love from the very bottom of the flask Would you like to dance as my test subject? A call of love from the very bottom of the flask Since when had you known you were inside the glass?
足りない もの足りない その反応じゃ足りない 足りない もの足りないよ…… It’s not enough, I’m not satisfied Your reaction isn’t enough It’s not enough, I can’t be satisfied……
実験‎中断中 重大な中毒 実験ちゅ 実験の中毒 Analysis paused A crucial addiction Performing analysis Addicted to analysis
あー反応頂戴よ 中身は問わないよ……? 記録してこの笑顔 Aw please undergo some reaction Anything will do……? Write this smile all down
フラスコの奥底からのラブコール 実験体になって踊りましょ フラスコの奥底からのラブコール 最初からこちらが内側と気づいていたよ A call of love from the very bottom of the flask Let us dance as test subjects A call of love from the very bottom of the flask I had known I was inside the glass from the start
🧪🔬🦠🧫 Translation Notes: * FLSK is an abbreviation for “Flask” ** Combination of “analysis” and “kiss”
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I'm sure that 耐えうる is bearable. So ''一人は耐えうるものね'' means ''It’s unbearable to be alone, isn’t it?''. I hope you to fix it!
Thank you for catching that! We’ve added in the update
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Hey there! I don’t have a question, but I am here to say that I recently discovered Kou’s stuff, especially the story-driven ones like the Bloodstained Ring series, so I just wanna give a big shoutout and thank you to Serene_Snowfall for also loving Kou’s stuff and translating them!!
Thank you!!! We’re glad we can help share Kou’s work across the community. We both love and appreciate your comment 💕
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レクイエム Requiem
Music / Kanaria ・twitter https://twitter.com/Kanaria390
Illustration / LAM ・twitter https://twitter.com/ramdayo1122
offvocal https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1Creyvj9131SYx8f2RZm7UZxZTlWPmD8j
Translation: Kagamine_Neko and Serene_Snowfall Subs: Centi
曖昧ディスコミュ まるで狂気の花
泣きそうに悲しそうに あなたに伝えたい 愛のRE:ラビュー それは 魔法の言葉 消えそうに優しそうに あなたに伝えた A vague discommunication, just like flowers of insanity While looking all sad with eyes full of tears, I wanna convey it to you RE Love: Love You- Those are the magic words While looking so gentle, as if I'm going to fade away, I conveyed it to you
幸せな蝶になったって 瞬きで宙に頓挫して ならば願い託して 受けて止めて認めて Even if I were to become a butterfly full of happiness, In the blink of an eye, I would fail to fly If that’s so, then let me entrust my wishes to you Please receive, embrace, and accept them
揺れるファイヤー 叫ぶフライハイ 私染まれれば 二人の幸せとか 積もる 情熱をあげるわ The fire sways, I shout fly high- If you could dye me I would give you my accumulating passion and a happy life together
揺れるファイヤー 叫ぶフライハイ 闇を照らすのだ 怒りと憎しみさえも 届く 衝撃をくれるから The fire sways, I shout fly high- Let the darkness be illuminated Because it will give an impact that will let even anger and hatred reach us
一人は耐えうるものね 痛みは愛することね 二人は今を生きる It’s unbearable to be alone, isn’t it? You’d better love the pain Together, we live in the now
どこまで? Till when?
ファイヤー  揺れるファイヤー 二人染まれれば 夢見心地のあなたに その瞳 幸あれ 揺れるファイヤー 燃えるフライアウェイ 駆けて行きましょう 愛と涙のドラマに その命 差し出せ Fire, the fire sways- If the two of us could get dyed together, You and your head in the clouds- your eyes- I wish the best for them The fire sways, it burns and flies away- Let’s charge on Give your life to the drama of love and tears
まさに 受け止めて認めて 揺れるファイヤー 叫ぶフライハイ 私染まれれば 二人の幸せとか 深く 情熱が宿るわ Without a doubt, Please take it in and accept them The fire sways, I shout fly high- If you could dye me Deep passion takes shelter in me for a happy life together
揺れるファイヤー 燃えるフライアウェイ 駆けて行きましょう 怒りと憎しみさえも 届く 衝撃をくれるから The fire sways, it burns and flies away- Let’s charge on Because it will give an impact that will let even anger and hatred reach us
一人は耐えうるものね 痛みは愛することね 二人は今を生きる It’s unbearable to be alone, isn’t it? You’d better love the pain Together, we live in the now
どこまで? Till when?
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情事・色事・ん…こっち Love Affairs, Secret Trysts, Mm… C'mere
Original Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umzz9oudUPM https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36240751
Music / Lyrics: SLAVE.V-V-R Translation: @violettranslations  Subs: Centi
⚠️WARNING: The following translation contains some explicit language and themes and may be considered NSFW.⚠️
Original Lyrics Post
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どっか~ん! Kaboooom!
Explosion endings are the worst! (The videos are slightly different on Niconico and YouTube) (Just a tiny bit)
●Streaming on Spotify, AppleMusic and more → https://linkco.re/2TZNMmsx
Lyrics/Music/Video: Natsuki Aoya Vocal: Hatsune Miku
●HP→http://natsukiaoya.wix.com/the-artist-jp ●offvocal→https://natsukiaoya.wixsite.com/the-artist-jp/download-link ●twitter→@natsuki_aoya02
Translation: Kagamine_Neko Subs: Centi
西武新宿線の車窓から見える 巨大なガスタンクが 少しずつ 膨らんでいっているような気がして 昔観た映画のくだらないオチを思い出していた 急に吹っ飛んでそれで はい おしまい きっと予兆もなく弾けて 髪の毛もチリチリになって 黒い丸が迫ってきて そんでとほほ・・・ I felt like that huge gas tank you can see from the Seibu Shinjuku Line train window was slowly growing day by day Reminding me of a dumb ending from a movie I watched long ago Where suddenly, things go flying and then– the end The thing will burst without notice, Our hair will get all burnt up, A black circle closes in on the screen, And good grief…
どっか~ん! Kaboooom!
500円分のXXXXで スタンプを一つ スタンプカードが端まで貯まったら ぼくらの街はコナゴナに 吹き飛んでしまうらしい 悪いやつらも全員お●くなり きっと少しずつ膨らんで いつか弾けてしまうんだって 生温い予感があって だけど Life gose on… For every 500 yen spent on XXXX, we get a stamp And once we fill out every spot on the card Our city will apparently be blown to smithereens All the bad guys will be d●ad I sorta have this hunch that the thing will slowly continue to grow and burst one day Still, life goes on…
どっか~ん! Kaboooom!
明日には何もかも吹き飛んで ぼくらの敵はいなくなって なんてことあるわけないね そんなことを... By tomorrow, everything will be blown away, And our enemies will be gone– I know that can’t happen Thoughts like this we…
どっか~ん! Kaboooom!
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sonicwire is holding some kinda miku song contest? maybe you could translate the blog entry for some composers wanting to enter for the prize maybe unless it's limited to japanese composers only (on piapro's official blog)
Maybe! But we are a bit busy now with what we have, so we will check it out later
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New Human Race
Hi all! Marasy, Jin, and Kemu recently collaborated on a new song which is totally bananas (ha)! We hope you enjoy this translation!
新人類 New Human Race
I’m releasing this for the Vocaloid Collection. I look forward to seeing all of your comments, my lists, and likes on NicoNicoDouga!
Hi, it's marasy. I had fun making this with my friends ooh ah ah
・Off Vocal Data https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9367z7vovoprlf3/AABghIXebt8dEoGLdh28HpN4a?dl=0
A song from the Amatsu Kitsune 10th Anniversary album https://www.subcul-rise.jp/marasy/kitsune/
Music&Lyrics:marasy &Jin Arrange&Bass:Shota Horie (kemu) @kemu8888 Piano:marasy Guitar:jin @jin_jin_suruyo Drum:yumao (hitorie) @Yumao by the courtesy of Sony Music Labels Inc. Vocaloid-Edit:bibi @bibian0115 Recording & Mix Engineer:Kusaka Kiyoshi @KusakaKiyoshi Illust:Soono @soOno2020 Movie:INPINE @INPINE_JP
Chimpanzee:Musical Jolly Chimp @FancyYamani
【Live tour】 marasy piano live tour 2022-2023 https://www.subcul-rise.jp/marasy/live2022-23/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/marasy8888/ 2nd YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQUCRuAjhY371TFm5qYLXxg twitter https://twitter.com/marasy8 LINE https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40marasy NND channel https://ch.nicovideo.jp/marasy TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSR2rrVwf/ bilibili https://space.bilibili.com/489391680
Translation: Serene_Neko and Kagamine_Snowfall (Kagamine_Neko & Serene_Snowfall)
あぁ 退化退化退化 僕らが目指すはチンパンジー? どうやらなにやら世の中どんどん どんどん便利になっちゃって Ahh, we’re regressing, regressing, regressing What are we aiming to become? A chimpanzee? It seems everything in this world now has shortcuts and easy ways out
さぁ 対価対価対価 僕らの未来はコンビーフ? 小さくまとまっちゃって残念ね新人類 Now, pay up compensation compensation compensation What’s our future lookin like? Corned beef? Canned up so small, how unfortunate for us- new human race
あぁ 解散解散解散 拗らせすぎだぜ 一般人 Ahh, halt halt halt You complicate things too much, normie
あーだの こーだの 愛だの 恋だの なんかの ルールに則って This and that or Love and romance All following some preset rules
さぁ 快感快感快感 何年人間やってんの? 窮屈しちゃって 参ったってんならったったったった Now, feeling pleasure pleasure pleasure Haven’t you been doing this ‘human’ thing long enough? If you're feeling cramped and defeated, thennnnnnnn
外の声は 無視して 半端な理屈 脱ぎ捨てて ボンクラな頭 体 騙しながら 喉を鳴らして Ignore the voices from the outside world Toss aside the half-assed logic Deceive your dumb mind and body And let out a gulp
原理的な 感情は拒否して 原始的な 衝動に任せて Reject ethics Follow your natural instincts
無様で ナウな やり方で Let’s do things in a uncouth and hip way
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ 進化も進歩も 放っぽいちゃって 大脳からピースフルで キマっちまいな(はい) Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Throw evolution and development out the window Get your cerebrum high on peace (Hell yea!)
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ ギークもニッチも ボッチもバッチも お盛んで 踊ろうぜ 新人類 Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Geeks, niches, loners, and batches Let's jam out lustily- new human race
誰が 誰が 誰が 誰が 上等な面して 座ってんだ Who who who who’s Sittin’ there with that pretty face
何処だ 何処だ 何処だ 何処だ 劣等種が 何をほざいてんだ “Where where where where is it?” What are you inferior species babbling on about?
やめだ やめだ やめだ やめだ 干支も マスコットも 交代だ Let’s quit quit quit quit it The Zodiac animals and mascots* all need to be swapped out
何が 何が 何が 何が もう辛抱たまりゃしねぇ なぁ! What what what what? We can’t take no more, right?!
ウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホ Ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah
ウッホッホ Ooh ah ah
あぁ 怠慢怠慢怠慢 調子はどうだい? 問題児 あることないこと イイことヤなこと せいぜいぼっちでヤっちゃって Ahh, always feeling lethargic lethargic lethargic How’s it going, problem child? Fact and fiction Good and bad Guess you’re doing it all alone
さぁ 開��開花開花 何年先まで待ってんの? 言わなきゃいいじゃん バレなきゃいいじゃん さぁ さぁ さぁ Now, flourish flourish flourish How many more years do you plan to wait? Just don’t tell em, don’t let them find out, come on, now now now
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ 進化も進歩も 放っぽいちゃって 大脳からピースフルで キマっちまいな(はーい) Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Throw evolution and development out the window Get your cerebrum high on peace (Fuck yeaaa)
ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ ギークもニッチも ボッチもバッチも 二の舞を 踊ろうぜ 新人類 Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah Geeks, niches, loners, and batches Let's jam out to the same dance- new human race
ウッホウッホッホウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ どうやらなにやら世の中どんどん どんどん便利になっちゃって ウッホウッホッホウッホウッホッホ ウッホウッホッホウッホッホ 大きく廻って そんじゃバイバイだ 新人類 Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah It seems everything in this world now has shortcuts and easy ways out Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ooh ah ah Ooh ah ooh ah ah ooh ah ah The long cycle starts again*, it's time to say bye bye- new human race
新人類 New human race
Chimpanzee’s notes: mascot probably refers to marasy’s pink monkey
The long cycle starts again Assuming they’re talking about how old trends come back after a while (like how pokemon cards become popular in schools every two years I swear or flip phones existing again)
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疑神暗鬼 Suspicious Gods Beget Monsters
Music / Lyrics: seeeeecun  Twitter https://twitter.com/seeeeecun  Illust: Mitsuki Sanagi  Twitter https://twitter.com/sanagi_zzz Mastering: Tame  Twitter https://twitter.com/TAMETORY Translation: VioletTranslations (https://violettranslations.tumblr.com/) Subs: Centi
Original lyrics post 
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Hi all! Here's a recent request from a Magenetra raffle winner! If you'd like the chance to see one of your favorite songs translated, we encourage you to join our raffle Discord to participate!
準備中... Now Boarding…*
魔法はどうすりゃ解けんの あばら骨 鉄の箍 何のためにつけたものかも忘れて What should I do to break the spell I even forgot the reason why I put iron loops on my ribs
おもちゃ箱「くしゃみを出せ!」 漁るのは過去の飴 秒針がまた首を絞めるよ、眠らなくちゃ The toy box says "Let out a big sneeze!" While I fish for a sweet from the past The clock’s second hand strangles me yet again, I gotta sleep
アシタモハヤイ I gotta get up tomorrow too
街を這うカラフルな 血管はまだ軋まぬ 頭の中 花咲く前 その手鳴らせ Creeping around the town, My colorful blood vessels still aren't creaking, Clap those hands before the flowers bloom in your head
発車します Now departing
人知れず描いた夢想を 身体ごと運んでく線路 夢やらイデアを入れた容れ物が つり革に吊られ踊り出す されど、改札は閉じたまま These tracks carry the dream I painted out in secret along with my whole body The container that holds my dreams and ideas hangs from the strap and begins to dance But be that as it may, the ticket gate is still closed off
霞ヶ関 Kasumigaseki*
虎ノ門ヒルズ Toranomon Hills*
神谷町 Kamiyacho*
六本木 Roppongi*
青山一丁目 Aoyama itchōme*
永田町 Nagatacho*
半蔵門 Hanzomon*
別の星のような朝と 毎日の伏線は 意味深なままで 誰も回収してくれない Like a morning on another planet and the foreshadowing of each day stays profound and no one will tie the loose ends
創造と模倣の間 建設と破壊の先 蛙 喋る夢を見て 九段下目が覚めた Between creation and imitation beyond construction and destruction I dreamt of a talking frog and I woke up in Kudanshita*
閑話休題 Back to our regularly scheduled program
大した運命、 むかしむかし…も今も変わらない愛憎ね でもポップでいたい とはいえ頭痛い… 物語は聞き飽きたの?そんなのないじゃん! 声を上げたい 手を握りたい 薄れてく翼はオパール 御伽噺のナンセンス その愛していたいエッセンス 終わりよければハッピー? それでも隣にいて欲しいよ What a sucky fate, Once upon a time… although a love and hate that’s no different from the present I still want to POP, but my head hurts… You’re tired of my story? How could you say that to me! I want to raise my voice and hold your hand These molting wings are made of opal That essense of wanting to love Is like nonsense from a fairytale All’s happy that ends well?* I still wish you were by my side
いつの日もただ 誰かが産んだ 歓びのパペットと 苦笑い 明日の日もまた あなたが産んだ 嘘とか本当が この身満たす Everyday, we just smile wryly with the joyous puppet someone gave birth to Tomorrow, the lies and truths you gave birth to will once again fill my body
人知れず描いた夢想を 身体ごと運んでく線路 愛やら言葉を詰めた容れ物が 光る糸 吊られ毎日を やるせない日々の先へと 踊り狂う   These tracks carry the dream I painted out in secret along with my whole body The container stuffed with my love and words hangs them up everyday on shining threads and dances as if It's insane beyond all of those miserable days
人知れず描いた夢想は 身体から自由を纏って それでも尽きぬ中身の容れ物が 胸の鉄の箍 外す時 その音が知らぬ駅に鳴る The dream I painted out in secret is clad in the freedom from my body Even so, the container that holds endless content unfastens the iron loops in my chest, That sound will ring through the unknown station ________________________________________________________________ Translator Notes: *This technically says “preparing” but train puns :) *Kasumigaseki is a district in Tokyo where a lot of government offices are located *Toranomon Hills is a large skyscraper in Tokyo *Kamiyacho is subway station in Tokyo *Roppongi is a district near Kamiyacho station *Aoyama itchōme is another station *Nagatacho is another district in Tokyo *Hanzomon is yet another station *Kudanshita is, you guessed it, another subway station near Tokyo *This is a little bit of wordplay on the phrase “All’s well that ends well” due to the Japanese
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Hello! I translate Kotonoha Project side content here on tumblr. I was wondering if you all had plans to translate the side stories attached to the songs, and/or if it would be all right if I made my own for those? I know you previously translated the one for the song Daemon Bet (and naturally I would never touch that one, I refuse to retranslate, that's just rude), and I absolutely don't want to step on anyone's toes. I know your WIP list doesn't say anything about it, but I just want to be thorough.
Also thank you so much for the translations of the songs you've done!!
Hi there! I think I’ve seen you before, you do amazing work! Feel free to translate those side stories. From what I remember, we’ve only translated Daemon Bet and Perfection. And those were mostly just because of interest. One of the translators mentioned she knows the start of Perfection was a bit rocky, so feel free to update / change any of that stuff.
You’re welcome! And thank you for translating the stories in the series! It’s a super interesting and detailed series and it’s nice to see everything get translated for it :3
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Hello all! Here is the long-awaited translation for the first song in the Black Rose series. While we normally don't go outside of vocaloid music, since this series is heavily tied with Vocaloid we decided to go ahead and translate it.
https://youtu.be/jlViGVKE14U https://nico.ms/sm35260538
▼言ノ葉Project 2nd season https://maimai.sega.jp/kotonoha/
■Episode one『BLACK ROSE』 Music & Lyrics : ALI PROJECThttps://aliproject.jp/ Illust : keeggy (Shikimi) https://twitter.com/keeggy Movie : Tsusumi Hideaki https://twitter.com/jyuni_s_th Vocal : +α/Alfakyun. https://twitter.com/alfa10alfa Vocal : S!N https://twitter.com/sinxxx526
Translation: Kagamine_Neko
今宵宴の幕が開く ワタシに触れるのは誰 大事な何かを失くした この身は器 重みに耐えながら 心隠して 麗しの微笑 The curtains rise, marking the beginning of tonight's banquet Who is it that lay their hands on my body Something important is missing from this empty body of mine Whilst I bear this weight, my true feelings are hidden behind this alluring smile
オレは黒い薔薇の夜を 渡り歩き此処まで来た 調合錬金の術を 見よ 分解能力 謎を解いて 囚われのワタシ 探し出して 本当の敵は まだ姿を見せない After witnessing the many Black Rose nights I have reached this place Behold the power of concoction alchemy Solving mysteries with its disassembling ability Please seek out my captive soul Our true enemy has yet to reveal themselves
銀のマント 翻して 欺くつもりか Do you intend to fool us with a flourish of your silver cloak?
曝こう 仕組まれた影を 助けて 赤い闇から 運命と未来が交わる 結晶体に 光を点すため Let us shed light to the conspired shadow Please save me from this scarlet darkness Fate and future intertwine in order to illuminate the crystal
いつの時代にも愚かな 人間たちが溢れてる 増殖していく欲望 抱き 抗う力も きっとあるさ 誰かを愛する こともできる そうさ捨てたもんじゃないはずの この世界 Every era is full of foolish humans with desires that grow overtime Still, they surely have the power to resist– the ability to love someone– That’s right, there should still be some hope for this world
倒すべきは 悪魔 天使 集わん 仲間よ Let us take down both devil and angel Gather around comrades
暴れろ 妖精 舞い飛び 魔法を味方に付けて 月夜悪魔憑き変身 真の強さで 堕落の奴ら撃て! Wreak havoc fairy– fly– With magic on our side, use the demon possessing you to transform under the moonlight Unleash your true powers Take down the corrupted creatures!
ワタシの胸に降り積もる 未知なる想いはいつか あなたのために輝くと 信じていたい I want to believe that these feelings yet to be comprehended piling up within me will ignite for you someday
曝こう 仕組まれた影を 目覚める 深い闇から 辿ろう 希望のつづきを 賢者の石に 導かれるままに 最後に笑う者は オレたちさ Let us shed light to the conspired shadow I awaken from this deep darkness Let us continue to follow the path of hope as the philosopher's stone guides us We will be the ones to get the last laugh
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