#and i recently saw a post about how they only trust this one director and brad beuker to do ta/rlos wedding justice
merinelsa · 1 year
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booasaur · 7 months
Idk if you've seen the Woensdag 10:02 clip or not but if you haven't then the following are a bit spoilery.
I'm so happy with the recent development of Anaïs and Bobbie! It is SO good to see Bobbie smile again ahah, it was hell seeing them pining from afar and Bobbie with her sad eyes.
Also! Anaïs and Bobbie is so fucking good at communicating with their eyes??? Like?? Whoa Laura and Nell are such a good actresses.
And i need more of the kisses!
I loved that clip! So satisfying to see Anais caring enough and having the trust in herself to go and talk to Bobbie instead of the show waiting for some coincidence or Event to throw them together again. And lol, then of course Bobbie's like, okay, why do you think I didn't mean it when I kissed you.
I also really liked them talking in the cafe after, one of the best things about their dynamic has been how, despite Anais's natural politeness, the way they met and Bobbie's personality just overrode it completely so she started off rather resentfully honest but Bobbie's so chill and finds Anais so interesting that it's led to this perfect, comfortable dynamic immediately.
And yeah, they have great chemistry, they're very much like Station 19's Marina in that they're very good at conveying their interest with just body language, especially the eye contact. Kudos to the directors for using as many closeups as they do and letting these moments play out as long as they do, even without dialogue.
The eps are going by so fast for me, I saw people being upset at Anais backing away from the first kiss and the few clips of angst after and I was thinking, well, surely they've still got to get together and break up at least twice, we're still so early?? But then I realized, we're actually almost halfway through... But I still feel like we'll get a bunch more on/off hot/cold drama now, considering what I remember of Druck and the gifs/posts I'd see about Skams Spain and France.
I guess you liked last night's clip? :P I have to say, I keep seeing people throw around the word "toxic" and...I mean, they're kids who've only met recently and JUST gotten together. Yeah, Bobbie seems to have issues, both do, no doubt, but I feel like there needs to be much more of a pattern and intentionality and refusal to change to be considered toxic, at the moment it's just, needing to learn and grow and there's still a fair amount of time for that. Nobody's gonna be perfect off the bat, especially not in the middle of a Skam season. :P
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arrogantsoap · 1 year
back on tumblr to possibly stir the pot on tumblr queen fandom idk
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(these are for context)
I was talking about it on twitter as you can see on the images above and decided to move it here because.
this is a huge rant, it might piss people off.
Idk, this is conspiracy theory but whatever, it's not like my opinion has any relevance. I saw a few comments on the thread of op's post mentioning how fucked up it is of roger and brian to contribute to borhap being the way it is (villainizing freddie for being gay basically). and like. idk. I've checked out of this fandom quite a while ago, so I'm not exactly keeping up with anything. but like it would be interesting to analyze them as a "friend group" again. because behind the scenes there might've been some fucked up homophobia going on, or some shit like that. like it definitely seems like the image they're trying to paint of themselves is only that clean to hide something else.
and now im going off my own tweet, like i see no reason for them to be so quiet/private about certain aspects of their lives (? idk how to explain this). like, you could argue that because they're still alive they still have an image to maintain of sorts. but idk. look at the beatles. everybody knew they were fucked up and now the remaining living ones just say yeah actually we were fucking insane. now queen seems a lil weird. they're a seventies rock band, im guessing everyone who knows anything about seventies rock bands will assume they were all fucking insane, but instead of ever elaborating on it (from what I can recall from more recent interviews I remember seeing/reading) they just don't really mention it??? like it's always about freddie, and how freddie was a tormented genius who fucked up his own life because he was crAazy guys!! idk. they (brian and roger more directly) never really let the people in their lives and their actual thoughts on things. they make sure to always mention freddie (because how could you not, really) but always say exactly the same things, i haven't seen an actual thoughtful retrospective by them. and it just feels like they're hiding shit, y'know? they seem very pr friendly.
and yeah maybe you could argue it's for privacy reasons. but they like talking about their past. just not about themselves and how they played a part in their past. borhap is the proof. they do like using queens image and !!to me!! it seems that it is solely for profit.
one of the great things about biographies and biopics and all that is the reflection about past events, revisiting events with a clearer understanding of context, being able to see clearly the different sides of the same story and all. but the remaining of queen seems to suffer from a chronic lack of self awareness when it comes to their own lives. and again !!!!to me!!!! that might be a sign that they weren't friends (with freddie) perse after all. mccartney can shit on lennon all he wants but he never diminished his importance or paint him in a bad light after his death for the sake of his own image, and that's a telltale sign of love and respect between the two of them.
and back to the homophobia bit, i don't think i explained it all that well. it's interesting how freddie was one of the biggest queer icons and impacted so many lives, but since his legacy was in the hands of the straight people around him it got all warped as soon as they had the opportunity. I could understand a biopic like borhap being made about him by some random director with loads of money to spend and no interest in queen/freddie besides the money their image could bring (think the movie yesterday). but it's completely different that roger and brian wanted the story to be told like that. that just shows that no matter how much they say they loved freddie (and who am i to say they didn't) they didn't bother to respect him.
idk. idk idk idk. this is just a convoluted way to say: queen's version of the story we've got so far seems iffy. i don't really trust it. but maybe im just misinformed. in that case just ignore what i said.
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
okay so I've got -what I think to be- an amazing story idea, it is a Natasha x reader, Wanda x reader story that I came up with in my head
it's a male reader/masc reader story set after Age of Ultron and before Civil War
also, the SWORD outfit is the same as Monica after she gets pushed out of the HEX except R has a knife holder on his thigh and is wearing black tactical cargo pants (with the classic black combat boots)
heres kinda the summary of it: Pietro (yes Pietro is alive! i refuse to hurt my favourite speedy boi) makes his sister come with him to a party at a local college a few miles away from the compound, she only agrees once Pietro says she can bring her boyfriend vision, at the party vision leaves her alone for a few minutes to grab her a drink (its a very packed party so it takes him a while) and R goes and sits next to her he's like "i bet i can guess who you're here with" and she chuckles at it, but lets him guess, and he guesses correctly which makes Wanda laugh, they say their names (only their first names) and talk about miscellaneous things, Wanda asks if he is a student at the college, R says no he is a recent graduate (he doesn't specify from where), after that R notices something on the other side of the party so he says goodbye, Wanda Pietro and Vision leave the party soon after, then a month or two goes by and the new SHIELD agent trainees/recruits show up at the compound, but this time there is an exception for one Agent from...SWORD! (wow plot twist I know right)-basically SHIELD and SWORD have set up an alliance of somekind and so SHIELD allows for them to send one recruit to train at the avengers compound with the new SHIELD recruits--also monica is the one who drops you off at the compound and helps you get settled the first day (I thought it would be cool to have her brought in) Wanda sees the new recruit enter but his back is turned from her, but in the cafeteria (for agents) she over hears a few agents talking about the SWORD agent, a few months go by and wanda has yet to see his full face (anytime she sees him training he has a mask or blindfold on-don't question it-) but she has met him in the compound library late at night, they have spoken between the aisles but everytime wanda tries to see his face something blocks her view (I know super convienent right, like I'm totally not setting up for something) soon Steve calls a meeting with her and Natasha, he sends her on a 3 month long mission to gather intel with her little woogly woos and Natasha is sent to review the SWORD recruit because he requested a more advanced training partner -Nat makes a joke about how Wanda gets to go on a vacation while she has to babysit Steve reassures her "trust me, this isn't your normal recruit, he's something special Nat"- Natasha gets handed the Recruits file after Wanda leaves to pack and she sees his name: Y/N!!! (WHAT?!? I know complete shocker right? who would have guessed!?) -I'm gonna make a separate post about R's back story in case that's needed- at the beginning of the review you flirt with Nat a bit to test her boundaries, she flirts back to mess with you you defienetly didn't expect this but welcomed it none the less, she puts you through grueling tests-shooting capabilities, then swimming and then running around the compounds dirt track (she expects you to take a break between the two but you just jump out of the pool and grabbed your shoes off a rack and take off running as soon as she says its next-this surprises her) then she makes you spar with her-you two are well matched to some degree but she ultimately takes you down after about an hour, the way Nat tells you your finished for the day makes you think you failed but the next morning you get a note with your new training schedule but it doesn't say who is training you, you arrive at the training room to find Nat who chastises you for being late -you aren't she is just early-
skip ahead a week and you and nat are getting somewhat close considering Natasha's demeanor towards you -she still doesn't get what Steve meant about you not being a regular recruit-, then you make friends with Steve, and then after about two weeks, you make friends with Pietro! you guys become best friends super fast and get very close
Your Friendship with Pietro is different than with Steve and the other recruits because you have POWERS?!?! (WHAT???!! that's so crazy and so far fetched oh my god what?!?) -I'll add what the powers are in the backstory post- and so you both bond over that and pull pranks on the others at the compound
a week later you meet Clint, who for some reason is suspicious of your treatment to Natasha-who over the week seemed to become nicer to you-but after she pulls Clint into the training room for 30 mins walks out, and gives you a cheeky smile, he is a lot more relaxed around you after that
TIME SKIP OOOHHH------1 month later
Natasha and you have become a lot closer-she started calling you an acquaintance and brings you water in the morning before training- Pietro started to invite you to the avenger's movie nights and you happily joined in, you sat on the couch the first time and everyone stared at you with wide eyes and concern, Natasha entered the room and stared at the couch for a second before slightly shrugging and sitting next to you, then everyone's eyes went wide with confusion and they all looked at each other, Clint on the other hand just winked at Nat with a smug smile before facing the TV
you and Pietro became basically inseparable once you finished training for the day-sometimes he'd even join you for training (you never used your powers in front of other agents tho)
Wanda is returning from her mission and Pietro is so excited to see his sister again-he is also very excited for her to meet you- he is practically jumping off the walls and won't stop babbling about how awesome it will be to have the three of you hang out together.
You and Natasha have gotten WAYY closer...she started to bring you some snacks for after training, she'd even make you both coffee on your off days, she'd ask you to join her for breakfast a couple times a week and during movie nights she began to sit closer to you, close enough that her head would rest on your shoulder, you could have sworn you saw Clint wink at you a few times when natasha cuddled into you after falling asleep.
When Wanda returned Pietro ran around the compound looking for you and carried you to the landing pad, when you and Wanda made eye contact it felt like time froze for a minute, you were able to get a full picture of how beautiful she was, the way she smiled became ingrained into your mind, the way her emerald eyes studied yours for a second before she recognized you, but before you could say anything Pietro ran up and hugged her so hard she almost toppled over, he then let go and asked how the mission went after she answered his questions she looked back at you and Pietro immediately went to you and placed his arm over your shoulder and started to introduce you two...the moment that you realized she was the girl from the party was when she laughed at the way Pietro was talking about you-like you were the coolest person on earth (which to him you basically where, second of course behind Wanda) - and she informed her ecstatic brother that they had previously met, you received a text from Nat stating that she needed you to get into your uniform (it was your day off so you were in casual clothes) and meet her in the conference room, you showed up and were met with Nick Fury and Maria Rambeau the directors of SHIELD and SWORD, Director Rambeau gives you a small smile and Fury simple tells you "Congratulations" as he hands you a new ID badge and Director Rambeau hands you a file...your first mission as an agent
(that's as far as my idea has gone so far, also keep in mind Wanda still doesn't know we are an agent, and I did change the Natasha romance so its more of a slow burn -I feel like it would take her longer than just a few months to develop and recognize her feelings-)
ALSO, FEEL FREE TO USE THIS!! I know its long, I just kinda got very carried away, it would also be a series, not a one shot
Here is the Backstory of reader!
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engekihaikyuu · 3 years
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Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu - The View from the Top 2
2.5D Interview Translation with Daigo Kotarou and Akana Ryuunosuke
Please tell us something to look forward to for this last play in the series. Daigo: We started with “Fly High,” and then through our matches with Inarizaki and Nekoma, I feel like we ourselves have grown along with the story. This show will be our fourth in the Engeki Haikyuu series.   And of course, it will also be the last, but as in the story, it’s the part where we have to give it all of our effort, so we’re going to work as hard as we can on it.   Akana: I’m really very full of emotion over the fact that we are the ones entrusted to close out this long series of plays as Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shouyou. We carry on our backs the thoughts and feelings of everyone who have been in the Engeki Haikyuu cast and all the fans, and I want to make sure that we create an appropriate production that is the culmination of all their efforts. In order to do that, we are giving it our all, simply working with everything we have.  
Full interview and more photos under the Read More! Please do not repost my translations
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The two of you have played Hinata and Kageyama respectively since the 2019 production of “Fly High.” Is there any difference between how you prepare for these roles compared to other productions? Daigo: For me it’s pretty different. It might even be the exact opposite to how I usually do things. I only realized it recently, but normally when I play a character, their personalities and their emotions come pretty naturally and there are times when the part influences my private life. But when it comes to Hinata, I feel like he’s a character that the people around me help build up for me.   No matter how many times I study the script, he’s not someone that I alone can make decisions about. I build him up based on all the interactions I have with others. And because I have a lot of trust in the cast members that I’ve spent the past two years with, I feel like I can depend on them to help me create this character.   Akana: I still feel like I’m not very experienced with acting, but for me it’s not different. I read the manga, I watch the anime, and then I go to rehearsals with the image of Kageyama I have in my head. I always want to be very respectful with how I play a character that originally comes from another work. Kageyama Tobio is called a “Genius Setter,” so first and foremost I think about how he moves. I have to make sure I move more neatly, more precisely, for example. Normally for other plays I don’t necessarily think that far about these things, but for this I do.  
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Once you begin rehearsals, we start to see SNS updates from you like, "Yamamoto Ryousuke’s Muscle Club.” So I definitely get the sense that everyone gets along very well. Please tell us about what it’s like a rehearsals. Daigo: Well it’s just like being on a sports team. (laughs) Because we get along so well, I look forward to going to rehearsals. Of course there are days when physically we think, “Today was pretty rough,” but because you’re doing it with a collection of people you like, I don’t hate it. It really has the feeling of school classes and extracurriculars, so I spend the days just cherishing how fun it is.   Akana: We really are very chummy. I’m really sad that this will be our last time together. Everyone might normally have various other things to work on, but Engeki Haikyuu has become the place we go home to. We really are great friends. Even without having to say anything, we’ll just naturally get together and talk or go weight training. Lately Kotarou’s been working on shuttle runs. (laughs)
Once again, please remind us of your first impressions of one another. And through these shows, has that first impression changed? Akana: I don’t really remember my very first impression of him, but I did know before we met that we’re the same age. But being the same age means that you’re more likely to have conflicting egos, so I was worried about how well we’d get along all the way up until rehearsals. But I think it’s because we’re the same age that it was really easy for us to build Hinata and Kageyama’s relationship. And now I think of him as my partner.   Daigo: I think of him as a close friend. Nowadays we don’t have a lot of opportunities to do this because of the coronavirus, but I used to contact him quite a bit when I had free time to say, “Let’s hang out!” I really feel like this is a wall we overcame together. I didn’t think it was possible to make a close friend like this past the age of twenty. Because isn’t it easier to make friends when you’re in school? Now that I only have the opportunity to meet new people at work, I feel like meeting him was a really great thing.  
In this production, you will have your final match of Spring High. It’s a place where many formidable rivals emerge. How have you personally overcome your rivals or walls you’ve hit?   Daigo: I mean I don’t really think I have any rivals. As an actor, you don’t really think to yourself, “I’m the strongest!” It’s a job of ‘different strokes for different folks.’ Even if you play the same character, differences will occur, so if I’m forced to choose a rival, it would be myself.   I also don’t have very many moments where I feel like I’ve hit a wall... Of course, in the past I’ve had moments where I’ve gotten depressed after repeatedly failing auditions. But now I try to face them with the sense of, “No second chances, I’ve just got to go for it,” and I just give it my all. You take a chance, you reset, and then just rinse and repeat.   Akana: I don’t think I’ve ever met a rival. Whenever I hit a wall, I try to think, “I can do this, I have charisma!” and I just do everything with that attitude. (laughs) I actually used to be a really negative person. I’ve only been able to figure out how best to face obstacles within these past few years. So now I just try to do my best and think positive. Lately, I keep having to say to myself, “I’m charming!” (laughs) I’m a leader in the group VOYZ BOY, so if I get depressed, I sort of have my priorities backwards. As a leader, I think I should always be looking up and pull everyone up with me.  
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And lastly, please give one last message for all the fans who are looking forward to this show. Akana: Please look forward to it! That’s more or less it. Worry-san (director) wrote a magnificent script for us, and we’re definitely going to make it into a great show! Like always, we hope to convey our passion to you in Engeki Haikyuu. I would love it if everyone could see our hard work and take in even a little bit of motivation for the next day. Please wait for us, and please give us your support.   Daigo: Despite these current circumstances, I would be so happy if you could take care of yourselves and then come see us at the theater. We will make a show that’ll make you think, “I’m glad I saw it.” Having all of you see it gives us strength as well. We’re going to do our absolute best to make you all happy!
You can read the original Japanese interview here: (x)
Please do not repost my translations!  This includes screenshots of bits and pieces taken out of context, especially if they don’t link back to this full post. If you appreciate the work I do for this blog and want to support my translation efforts please consider donating a ko-fi! (x)
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It Was Always You (M.YG)
Warnings : mentions of cheating, swearing, abandonment
Synopsis : 2 years after their breakup, she posts a music video with memories of the relationship, staring a man that isn’t him. she thought she could move on, but for her, it’ll always be him.
Word Count : 4215
“I like you.” I told him quickly, scared to look up from my hands that were in my lap. After a minute of silence, I braved a glance up and met his eyes. He smiled at me, and something in my heart knew.
           “That was my line.” He joked. We shared a small laugh. I couldn’t help but feel like I was on cloud 9.
           I sat at the same table from my memory, looking at a man that wasn’t him. He wore a similar outfit, per my request, and I wore the exact clothes I wore that day. “I like you.” I said confidently, not looking down this time.
           “That was my line.” He chuckled, reaching across the table to take my hand in his. “I brought you here to confess.” I giggled and smiled widely at him.
           “Cut! Absolute perfection. This music video is going to be a hit, I can feel it.” Ahn Jae Hyun and I both stood from our seats and bowed to those working hard to make my dream come true. I then turned to him and thanked him.
           “I really appreciate you being in this video.”
           “Of course. Anything for a friend. You’ve worked really hard, should we grab something to eat before going home tonight?” I nodded and linked my arm with his as we left the café. “I’ve never seen you be such a stickler for your videos.” He joked as we walked towards the restaurant down the block from where we were.
           “This one is special to me. It’s basically reliving my favourite moments with my first love.” I admitted. Jae Hyun and I rarely kept secrets from each other since we met filming a drama together a couple years ago.
           “Ah! You’ve told me about him before. Was he more handsome than me?” He said with a chuckle. I playfully hit him in the arm as I laughed.
           “No one is more handsome than you.” I told him, leaning closer to him as we walked. I’ve always been comfortable around Jae Hyun, ever since the day we met. I remember him asking me on a date soon after filming had ended, but I was engaged at the time. “Do you ever think about where we would be if I was single when you asked me out?” I pulled away slightly and looked up at him, my arms still wrapped around his. He stopped walking and looked at me with a smile.
           “I think we’d be just like this, but this would be a date.” I scoffed and playfully hit his arm again. “I’m serious, Y/N. You’re a special girl. That ex of yours is a real idiot.” Blush rose to my cheeks when he said that.
           “Ask me again, Jae Hyun.” He furrowed his brows at me before putting it together.
           “Are you sure, Y/N?” I nodded with a smile. “Okay. Well then, Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?” Again I nodded and the two of us began walking again.
           I was preparing dinner for the two of us when I felt his arms wrap around me. “To what do I owe this beautiful surprise?” He kissed my cheek.
           “I just wanted to cook dinner for my handsome boyfriend.” He unwrapped his arms from around me and turned me around to face him. “What?”
           “I love you, Kim Y/N.” I scoffed but I couldn’t stop the blush from forming. “I’ll only ever love you, for the rest of my life.” I could see in his eyes that he was completely serious.
           “Good! Because I’ll only ever love you.”
            Jae Hyun wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my cheek. “To what do I owe this beautiful surprise.” I giggled as I continued cutting the vegetables.
           “I just wanted to cook dinner for my handsome boyfriend.” He turned me to face him and when I met his eyes, my heart broke a little bit. My smile didn’t faulter though as he confessed his love for me. “Good, because I’ll only ever love you.” We shared a quick kiss before the director called cut. “Is it weird to relive my memories with my ex as my current boyfriend?” I asked with a small pout.
           “It is a little weird, but in the end he lost you and I got you. So I’m happy doing this for you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
           “I must have saved a country in a past life.” He chuckled and kissed me again.
           I slowly walked up the path lit with candles to see him kneeling on one knee with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Tears immediately sprung to my eyes as I stood in front of him. “I really meant it when I said I’d only love you for the rest of my life. Since the day I met you I knew in my heart you were my forever. I love you so much, Kim Y/N. Will you marry me?” He handed me the flowers as he pulled a velvet box from his pocket. When he opened it and I saw the heart shaped diamond, I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.
           “Yes, of course.” He slid the ring on my finger as he stood and brought me in for a kiss. “I love you.”
           I looked in awe at the set that was decorated to perfection, exactly the way it was decorated the day he proposed to me. Jae Hyun draped his arm across my shoulders, causing me to look away from the set and up at him. “Are you sure you can do this?” He asked, a look of concern in his eyes. I gave him a soft smile as I nodded.
           “One more scene and we can stop living in my memories and make new ones.” I told him. He quickly kissed me.
           “I already know where to start.” Before I could ask him to elaborate, the director called us to set. This was the scene I was the most nervous about. I still had the exact ring from that day and told Jae Hyun to use it. I could already feel the pain in my heart at the idea of someone else proposing with the ring he did. When I decided to do this video, I hoped he would see it and the two of us would get back together. But the day before shooting began, one of his bandmates sent me pictures of him with Jennie. I decided then that this would be a way to move on.
           “You all worked hard!” I announced as I bowed to the crew who helped this come to life. “Thank you so much for all your hard work.” I bid my goodbyes and joined Jae Hyun’s side. “Did you want to stay tonight?” I asked as we got into his car.
           “Of course.” He smiled at me and took my hand in his as he began driving.
           “Thanks again for doing this. I don’t think I could have done it with anyone else.” He quickly smiled at me before looking back to the road. He then brought my hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to my hand.
         “Oppa!” I exclaimed and jumped into Seok Jin’s arms. He chuckled before telling me to take a seat. “Why are you so serious?” I asked while sitting across from him.
           “You know why, Kim Y/N.” He raised his voice. Something he’s never done to me, not even when we were kids. “That music video you just posted?” I let out a small chuckle.
           “The one with Ahn Jae Hyun?” He nodded. “Wasn’t it adorable?” I played dumb, even though I knew he knew what I was doing. My brother knows me better than anyone else.
           “I know those are moments you shared with Yoongi.” I gulped, trying to swallow the tears. I can’t even say his name without crying. “And you posted it on your anniversary?! And you won’t even answer his calls. You’re being ridiculous.” I scoffed.
           “I’m being ridiculous? Did you say that to him when he wouldn’t answer my calls after our fight?” He stayed silent because he knows I know he took Yoongi’s side. “I used my own memories to make a video so I could move on. Those memories were suffocating me, oppa. He broke my heart, and my own brother wasn’t even there to help put the pieces back together. He took everything from me, all I did was make a music video. No one even knows it’s about him.” Jin sat there silently, looking at me with a look of pity.
           “Could you just talk to him?”
           “You were out with him, weren’t you?” He yelled at me. Tears were streaming down my face. “I told you I didn’t like when you’re with him!”
           “I know, but it was a cast dinner. We weren’t alone! I couldn’t just not go.” I tried explaining, hoping he would calm down and we could sit and talk this through like we always do. “He asked me out a few weeks ago, but I told him I was engaged. He knows, Yoongi. And I don’t love him. I’ll only ever love you.” I reached out for him, but he ripped his arm from my grasp, causing me to fall down.
           “Don’t touch me. You’re nothing but a cheater.” He stormed out, ignoring me calling after him. I curled up on the floor and sobbed, hoping he would just come back. I called him multiple times over the next week, until Jin sent me pictures of Yoongi with Jennie. I just wished he would have talked to me.
           “He had that chance two years ago. I don’t want to talk to him.” I lied and stood up from the table. Jin grabbed my arm as I walked by him.
           “Please just see him once. He’s been going crazy ever since the video came out.” I let out a small laugh.
           “Good. I hope he feels guilty. I hope you do too.” He released me after that, and I left the café. I was able to hold in my tears until I got in my car. I let out my sobs, hoping the pain in my heart that he left would soon be gone.
           I don’t know why I agreed to this. Besides Yoongi, Jennie was the last person I wanted to see. I considered her a good friend of mine, someone I opened up to about my relationship with Yoongi. I poured my heart out to her and told her how I just wished him, and I could go public with our relationship before the wedding, but we had agreed to keep it private. She helped me write the song I wanted to release as a way to subtly tell the fans we were together. A love song called Suga Sweet. The same love song I’ve now released under the name Our Love.
           “Y/N.” She said as she sat down. “I just want to start with I’m so sorry. He had told me things were over, that you moved on with a co-star.” I scoffed.
           “I guess in his eyes our relationship was over. Regardless of that fact though, you were my best friend. I trusted you and loved you like a sister, and you still dated my first love.” I admitted to her. “Ahn Jae Hyun and I didn’t start dating until recently. A part of me always hoped Yoongi and I would get back together.” She reached across to grab my hands, but I pulled them away and sat them in my lap.
           “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t think it would bother you this much.” I laughed at that statement.
           “It’s too late for that now, Jennie. I hope you two are happy together.” I stood and began to walk away.
           “He’s still in love with you!” She called after me, causing me to stop in my tracks. “He meant it when he said he would only love you. He could never love me.”
           “That’s karma for you.” Was all I said before walking away. I turned right when I exited the café, bumping into someone as I did. The smell of his cologne wafted up my nose and I could feel the tears prick my eyes. I really didn’t want to confirm it was him, but I had to. When my eyes met his, I quickly looked away, wiping the tear that fell.
           “Y/N.” He whispered and reached out for me. I stepped back from him. He dropped his hand back to his side. “I’ve been calling.”
           “How the tables have turned.” I chuckled, not daring to meet his eyes. As much as I want to hate him, I know I can’t. He will always be my one weakness.
           “I should have come back that night. I should have believed you.” I took a chance and met his eyes once more.
           “Too little too late, Min Yoongi.” I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist.
           “Please talk to me.” I looked at his hand wrapped around my wrist and then back up at his eyes. “I want to apologize. I want to tell you how beautiful that video is. How beautiful that song is. Jennie told me it was for me. For us.”
           “Y/N!” I looked towards the sound of my name and saw Jae Hyun getting out of his car. He had promised to pick me up after my meeting with Jennie and take me out to forget everything. I felt Yoongi’s grip loosen and took that as my chance to rip my arm away from him.
           “Jae Hyun, I was wondering where you were.” I smiled and walked towards his car, leaving Yoongi to watch me walk away this time.
 “Who was that? I thought you were meeting with Jennie?” I looked straight ahead, trying to calm the beating of my heart. I always imagined what it would be like to run into him again. All the things I would say to him to convince him he was the only one for me. I always imagined us getting back together, us getting married. I’ve never pictured anyone else at the end of the aisle since the day we met.
           “Min Yoongi. My ex-fiancé.” I chanced a look over to Jae Hyun to see he was looking over at me before focusing on the road again.
           “You mean to tell me this famous ex of yours, the guy who thought you were cheating on him with me, the guy you lived all those memories we just filmed with, the guy who walked away from the most beautiful woman alive, is THE Min Yoongi. Mister Agust D. Suga.” He kept glancing between the road and me.
           “The one and only.” I giggled, hiding the fact that all I wanted to do was run back to him and tell him that I still love him.
           “Never pegged him as an idiot.” Jae Hyun joked, causing me to laugh. “I have a question though.” I looked up at him, telling him to ask away. “Isn’t your brother in the same band as him? Have you really not run into him until now?” I looked down to my hands, not really wanting to answer the question, but I know I can trust Jae Hyun. He was there when my own brother wasn’t.
           “He’s actually my half brother. Our dad cheated on his mom with my mom. Jin has blamed my mom for their rocky relationship ever since, even though he told her he was single. Him and I used to get along when we were younger, but as we got older, he always figured I’d be like my mom. So when Yoongi went and told them I was cheating on him, Jin took his side immediately, no questions asked. He abandoned me in favor for Yoongi.” Jae Hyun reached across and took my hand in his, running his thumb over my knuckles in a soothing way. “I still love him though. That’s my oppa.” I smiled. “I just wished he saw me as his sister.”
           I spent the rest of the day with Jae Hyun before he had to head home to go to bed early. He told me he was starting a new drama tomorrow. And as I laid alone in my bed, my phone buzzing with texts and phone calls, I knew what I needed to do. I texted Yoongi to meet me at our café in 20 minutes, any later than that and I was leaving.
           I quickly touched up my hair and makeup and swung my purse over my shoulder before heading out, my heart threatening to pound right out of my chest. I hoped he would be late so I could leave and convince myself he never cared, but he was there at our table before I arrived, two drinks on the table.
           He stood to greet me when he saw me walking his way. “I got your favourite.” I smiled as we took our seats. It was like I was transported to two years ago before the breakup, sitting here across from him like everything was okay.
           “I’m going to say everything I have to say, and you’re going to sit and listen until I’m done.” Yoongi nodded, urging me to say everything. “I waited for you. I waited everyday for a text, or a call, or even for you to just show up at my house. I didn’t even want you to apologize, I just wanted you back. I called everyday for a week before seeing that you were going out with Jennie. I took that as my hint that we were over.” I took a minute to take a drink and collect my thoughts. “No official breakup, not even a text. It took me a long time to get back into the groove of writing songs and acting. I took a long break. Jae Hyun was the only person I had then, so he was the obvious choice when I came up with the concept for my comeback music video.” I took another break, willing the tears not to fall.
           There were so many things I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him all the nights I couldn’t sleep. The amount of alcohol I drank wishing to forget the years we spent together. How many tears I cried; how broken I was. How badly I wished I could just see him again. “I had hoped this music video would show you how much I loved you, how I could only ever love you. I hoped it would make you realize that we were forever. But the day before filming began, Namjoon sent me pictures of you with Jennie. I don’t know why, but he did. So instead I used this as a way to get the memories out and move on. Jae Hyun asked me out after the first day of filming.” I admitted and watched as his face fell.          
           I wanted to tell him how I wished it was him the entire time. Every time I met Jae Hyun’s eyes, I wished they were his. I wished I was kissing him. I wished he was the one holding me. Even now, a month after the fact. Jae Hyun was a great guy, but he wasn’t Yoongi.
           “You used the real ring I proposed with.” He said after some silence. I nodded. “Where is it now?” I hated the fact that it was in my purse. I hated the fact that I didn’t like to be without it. I hated the fact that I still wore it from time to time.
           “I sold it after the video.” So I lied. I hated it so much I lied. “I thought about selling it for a while, but our love was priceless to me. But after seeing you get back together with Jennie; it didn’t feel priceless anymore.” I kept lying through my teeth. I held back the tears and lied to the only man I’ll ever love. “4,429,622 won. That’s how much our love costs.” I watched as a tear fell down his cheek.
           “Was Jennie telling me the truth when she said that song was written for me?” I nodded.
           “She helped me write it. It was going to be the song I used to tell the fans about us. I was hoping we could make a video together. Maybe of our wedding. It was originally called Suga Sweet.” He closed his eyes, obviously trying to hold back the sobs he wanted to release. “She was my best friend. She knew exactly how I felt about you and she still betrayed me. Yet, I never hated you two. I wanted you to come back to me, and I wanted my friendship with her back. But Ahn Jae Hyun is a really great guy and I’m finally happy again.” He nodded.
           “I meant it you know. I’ll only ever love you.” It was my turn to blink back tears.
           “You should have thought of that before you walked away.” I stood from the table. “I hope everything has been said so you can stop calling me.” And I walked away from the love of my life once again.
           “How was filming?” I asked Jae Hyun as he laid his head in my lap. It’s been a week since I saw Yoongi, since I decided that I need to give my all to my relationship with Jae Hyun.
           “You know, same old same old.” But it seems as if he’s grown distant with me. I pretend that I don’t notice as I run my fingers through his hair and watch as he falls asleep. I understand that filming takes a lot out of a person. I also understand how much effort he puts in to being the best. But I also know the kind of guy he is. A player type. He can fall out of love just as fast as he can fall in love.
           Him and Yoongi were so different. From their personalities to the way they carry themselves. Every detail of them is so different. I found myself comparing Jae Hyun to Yoongi every single day, and I found myself falling out of love with him, just as he was doing with me.
           “Should we breakup?” I asked when he woke up. He sat up and stared at me, but I was staring straight ahead. I know he knows this is what’s best. “I don’t have feelings for you anymore.”
           “Yeah, I don’t have any for you anymore too.” I knew but it still hurt hearing him say it. “I don’t want you to leave though.” I laughed.
           “You’re my best friend, Jae Hyun. That’s not going to change.” I looked over at him and he was wearing his award-winning smile.
           “I think you should get back together with Yoongi.” I looked down to my hands that were on my lap. I won’t lie, since I saw him last week, I’ve been thinking about it. What’s the point in dating anyone else when I know I’ll just compare them to Yoongi anyway. “You’ll never stop loving him, so just love him.”
           “You’re a wise man.” I laughed. “But a relationship is two people.” He lightly hit my head.
           “That man loves you, regardless of what happened two years ago. You two belong together and that’s on soulmates.” I rolled my eyes before telling him to get out. “Call him, stupid!” He called after me as I pushed him out of my house and closed to the door. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.
           I didn’t expect him to pick up. I expected things to be like they were two years ago. But he answered almost immediately, like he had been waiting for my call since last week. “Y/N.” He said into the phone.
           “Come over. We need to talk.” It was like he teleported to my house with how fast he was ringing my doorbell. He stood at the door dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt with his hair an absolute mess. But to me he was the most handsome guy to walk this planet. All the words I wanted to say left my brain when I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my head into his neck. “I tried not to love you, but I can’t.” I whispered. And he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tightly into his chest.
           “You’ve always been the only one for me. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.” I pulled away from him and shook my head.
           “You’re here now.” He nodded, telling me he was never leaving again. We eventually moved to my couch where I reached for my purse, took the ring out and placed it on the table in front of us. He looked at it and then at me. “I never sold it. I tried. But our love has always been priceless.” He reached for the ring and grabbed my hand before sliding the ring on my finger.
           “This is forever the place it belongs.”
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randomnameless · 3 years
Needing that evening salt
While I thank @nilsh13 for giving me the link to that interview.
I was like “prepare for a ton of salt, take your lemons”  however, I’ve kind of mellowed out a bit because the VA seems to be a really nice person -
and I’ve read the Toyonaga interview recently.
Sometimes, the VA are allowed to interpret the character in a certain way that fits with what the game developpers more or less intended (granted they are the same guys who didn’t hire a continuity guy so...), and sometimes, it fails because direction sucks, because lenses are given and doesn’t match with the content you’re adaptating.
As a result, we have Jp!Rhea and lolcalised!Rhea.
i wonder if inoue will ever make an interview one day about 3H but I doubt it
We start with the infamous 
“You don’t have to try it so much (to be the calm and composed person), Rhea doesn’t try, she just is - The essence of Rhea is enough”
Pat no :’(
But... Rhea isn’t calm and composed, Rhea is emotional, pretty much, she’s a bubble waiting to burst and she tries to be calm and composed and keep a facade (more on that later) but, I feel like the “Rhea doesn’t try she just is” might be the reason why lolcalised!Rhea feels detached during certain events, when Aelfric’s attempted Nabatean homonculi Transmutation backfires, when Kikuko Inoue nails the sense of sadness and dread because, uh, a man she just said she saw as her own child basically died here to become a grotesque monster and attempted to replicate her own mistakes. 
Rhea tries to be a calm and composed person, she managed to keep up appearances for, apparently, 1000 years, but Rhea is also emotional as fuck.
But... This is where everything falls apart.
“You were given the direction - paraphrasing - to channel your inner Dumbledore?”
It’s safe to assume most people can draw parallels to “Three Houses and Harry Potter”
And Leigh falls in the biggest trap, trying to “play the game and figure out who is who” because, while I think someone replied to an earlier post about the parallel (i’m really sorry when i finally had time to reply 2 weeks had passed and i didn’t want to necropost), but I still firmly disagree, and truth to be told, this is, in a way, what I was afraid of when 3H was announced.
FE is a series that loves to reference itself, so when it was announced that the next game would be set in a school, and Bernie and Dorothea were previewed I grew really afraid that the game was going to have the typical “North American High School AU” and none of the “Fire Emblem” series. We had the recluse, Sylvain appeared to be the frat boy, I was expecting the cheerleader, Ignatz to be the nerd etc etc.
With the HP thing, and “trying to see who is who”, I feel like the localisation team and the VA were trying to look at the game with a special - tailored by them for their own use - lens. I will not say “western” lens, but they were trying to look for things that just... aren’t?
Yes, 3H took inspiration from the latest behemoth who was trending at that time, but it wasn’t HP, it was ASOIAF. 
And even then, it is only a flair and a colour scheme. 
If Edel isn’t enough, the Golden Deer, with its specific color scheme immediately calls back to the Baratheon sigil (a black stag on a field of gold, when the Golden Deer is a deer... on a field of gold). House Lannister and Arryn are reversed, the Lion isn’t associated to the Red House but to the Blue one, and the Eagle (actually the Arryn sigil is a falcon) leaves the Moon to the Blue House and lands in the Red House. And the Ashen Wolves are... grey wolves on a white field, like this house. IS managed to take animals from traditional european heraldry, but with the colors and the specific animals picked? It’s hard to deny the ASOIAF nod.
Hubert calls the mole people snakes, but it is his own nickname, the death cult has its own name, Agarthans. They never use a snake of their banner, nor refer to themselves as such.
Bar the aesthetics? 
IS wanted the monastery to be a nod to FE Jugdral’s Barahra Royal Academy, a place where, apparently, heirs of various nations could study together and form lasting friendships, which were supposed to prevent wars (or at least made former alumnis of said academy sad to fight against each other).
But because FE Jugdral wasn’t released overseas, and someone didn’t do their homework about the series (when Toyonaga is a big fan of the Jugdral saga), the monastery, and its academy, was linked to... HP.
Rhea isn’t Dumbledore. Rhea is an amalgation of Gotoh - the mentor who guides you - and, twist, of Tiki! 
If Seteth doubted Billy’s abilities, it is tied to their own nature as a self-insert, Fred doubted Robin when they first met, but then mellowed out. Or, without the avatar angle, when Greil trusts Ike, and later on, Titania, Shinon doubts him until the end (or until you recruit him).
So with a blurred lens, it is no wonder why localised!Rhea is so different from Inoue!Rhea. 
Then Leigh continues on with the interview, noting how insecure she is, irl, and how Rhea helped her realise that “sometimes I don’t need to try to be someone else to fit it, it’s okay to just be myself” ...
How can the direction give this impression of Rhea to her VA when Rhea, her character, is the complete opposite? 
Rhea tries to be someone else, she laments about it, she cannot be herself, she has to put on a facade and make careful choices and pick certain words as an archbishop, Rhea has to anonymously ask how to tell people she doesn’t like hot tea because she is afraid of hurting feelings, she wants to socialise with people but cannot due to her station and the role she has. Rhea has to pretend to be a guide and a leader to her people, when she only wants her Mother to return to assume this role she thinks she is butchering.
So, doubling Rhea should actually have the opposite effect, Rhea cannot “just be (her)self”! or maybe it’d be an advice Leigh gives to Rhea, the character?
So if you take the blurred lens coupled with the tragic direction given, Rhea’s depth is erased. She is instead turned into the scary fanatic who never emotes, save to raeg, and only wants to rez her mom.
Cute moment though, even if the topic is one I disagree on, where, talking about Rhea’s temper, Leigh says she wouldn’t want to encounter her when she’s stuck in traffic :) (lbr we all know Rhea would pull out the wings and reactor of her DeLorean and fly over everyone, without Billy though, she cannot time travel)
Tl; dr : Imposing doesn’t mean frightening, Leigh and the interviewer watched too much DBZ and ASOIAF (rather, GOT) was the “western” behemoth referenced in FE16, not HP. 
The other referenced behemoth was... well, a small series called Fire Emblem.
As always, I’m more willing to cut some slack for the VAs because the industries is more recent than the one in Japan, and/or roles weren’t directed the same way (do you know the guy who dubs Morgan Freeman in Wonder France also dubs the voice talking during Uncle Ben’s ads? Or Bruce Willis is in Martin Mystery?)
But the Directors? No. Games have been imported and translated/localised for several decades now, you can’t pull a “4Kids” anymore on content you do not understand or do not wish to understand, and butchering a character (or misunderstand a character that much) shouldn’t have happened in 2019. 
Dub is nice, when it exists, but for now, I’m still going to stick to Sub.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Loki is the latest Marvel Studios TV series in the long-running franchise and it’s currently ongoing with five episodes so far available to stream on Disney+ Hotstar Malaysia. For previous breakdowns of Loki episodes, check out Episode 1 here, Episode 2 here, Episode 3 here, Episode 4 here and Episode 5 here.
If you want a non-spoiler guide to Loki, you can head on over here.
Courtesy of Disney+ Hotstar Malaysia, we were lucky enough to be the only Malaysian media to participate in a roundtable interview with Loki Costume Designer Christine Wada and Loki Production Designer Kasra Farahani.
This interview with Loki Production Designer Kasra Farahani has been edited for clarity.
Keep in mind that we’ll be discussing some elements from all five episodes of Loki so far, so there will be spoilers below:
Q: You’ve previously worked on Black Panther and other MCU movies. How different was the experience of working on a TV set instead of a movie’s? Were there limitations?
Yes, I’ve worked on several Marvel projects. For me, this is the most fun one, maybe because I’m in a different position than I was on the other ones. But also, just because this project is unique in a couple of ways.
Number one; it’s literally in its own timeline from the rest of the MCU. It’s separate from the stories we’ve all enjoyed and seen in the MCU so far. The other thing that this one has that’s really great is the amount of visual and narrative variety. We have this kind of base in the TVA that we spend a lot of time in but also we have all these exciting different places in the world that the story takes us to. These were great worlds to design and to imagine.
In our case, there was no difference. The thing about the Marvel series is that it’s pretty much like Marvel movies; in terms of their creative ambition, in terms of the way they’re scheduled, the fact that we have one director.
There was not much about it (Loki) that resembled an episodic project, except for the fact that it was six hours of content that we were trying to make, so it’s a very long project.
In terms of resources, I didn’t ever feel that we were unduly stretched. Always, when you get a creative brief like this, there’s always a period at the beginning of every project where you’re reconciling the creative brief and the resources that you have. That has been the case for every project that I’ve ever worked on regardless of the size. There’s this beginning phase where that’s the case and oftentimes, it’s in that process where you come up with some very great creative solutions that are a direct result of some of the limitations, actually.
Yeah, I wouldn’t say that we had some extraordinary limitations in this case (for Loki), but that’s generally true for all projects, in my experience.
Q: What were you inspired by when making designing the sets of the TVA with its retro-futuristic and anachronistic aesthetics?
In the source material, the TVA had a lot of different things going on, but one of the strong themes also was this armada of desks, which is kind of typical of a post-war era bureaucracy look. There was a grain of that in the source material but a lot of it also came from the show’s creator and writer, Michael Waldron, who described in the original document I read before interviewing for this job.
He described the TVA as a kind of mix of Mad Men meets Blade Runner. Part of these two strong visual references for us. On top of that, me and director Kate Herron, even before we met and spoken to each other, were inspired by Terry Gilliam’s Brazil also as a strong influence because of the anachronisms that that story had and also because of the clear presence of this strong monolithic bureaucracy, which is something that we have in the TVA also.
For the TVA, we were looking a lot at wanting to create a world that had a paradoxical feeling, being an imposing monolithic architectural space that has brutalist elements in them and had almost Soviet modernist elements to them. The colour palette and the materials and the whimsical patterning were much more like American style modernism.
The result was hopefully when you’re in an environment like this, you don’t know whether to feel terrified or invited. Hopefully, it creates that feeling in both the characters and the audience; this kind of cognitive dissonance in not knowing whether they can trust the TVA or not. That’s the narrative objective.
The writers came up with these ideas and the idea with that was to kind of create the bubble gum wrapper in the Renaissance era (Loki Episode 2) and the futuristic shovel in the early 20th-century farm field (Loki Episode 1). These ideas were placed there to create a trail of clues for the TVA to follow before they have clarity on Sylvie’s identity. But for the anachronisms generally, that was something we tried to do throughout the TVA to have all kinds of strange things from different timelines and different worlds popping up in terms of props, like the Infinity Stones in the mail cart and stuff like that.
Q: What was it like working with Tom Hiddleston, who is a producer on Loki?
It was very exciting to have this opportunity to take the character and his storyline in a different direction. It became all the more exciting when I read the scripts and I saw the type of journey they were going to take the character on.
Tom is a professor of Loki, basically. After all, ten years or so of playing the character; he knows it better than anybody and he has an in-depth understanding of the character and his backstory; the character’s family relationships and he was really helpful in giving a little talk to all the department heads about the background of his character, which was very informative.
Q: Recently, Loki series director Kate Herron said that 90 percent of production sets were physical. Does this include the world of The Void, and can you tell us more about how you brought it to life?
That’s true. That was what was unique about this show, because of my own design approach, and my goal in creating this large monolithic brutalist environment, I felt strongly that the sets needed to be built kinda wholly and that they needed to have the ceilings in-tact. This was also supported by Loki cinematographer Autumn, in that the way of her own style of photography is very wide and low-angled photography, which is why for both of our creative goals, it made a lot of sense to build these sets like completed and 360-degree environments.
For the TVA, that was almost always the case, with the exception of when you saw outside a window. With the Void (in Loki Episode 5), a lot of that was built practically as well. What I can tell you is that we build a large piece of this landscape on a soundstage, which was about 150 feet by 200 feet of undulating wilderness terrain. In that, we would bring in these different scenery elements on different days to make it feel like different places within the Void.
For example, one day there was the bus stop terrain where we meet Loki. One day it was the giant head. One day it was the drive-in movie theatre where we find Sylvie. All of these things were brought in and we shot there over the course of seven days. The terrain was designed in such a way that depending on what angle you shot, it felt like a very different place. Backgrounds were put in during post-production in visual effects. The Loki palace, where the Loki variants kind of hang out, the bowling alley, all of that was also a 360-degree built set as well.
Q: What was the most challenging set of the entire Loki series that you had to work on?
We had a lot of very ambitious sets but I think the city of Sharoo at the end of Loki Episode 3: Lamentis was a very technical set. The goal was to create this virtual one-in, that appears as a single shot. This was a very involved and elaborate process of choreography, basically.
All the different departments were involved to make this happen because as we watch the sequence, we see tons of actors running around, there are explosions happening, the camera’s panning up to see the planet above crumbling and asteroids pelting the surface.
There was a lot of planning that went through at the very beginning. We brought the paper models of this to Autumn, our cinematographer and creative director, to use to plan some of their shots. One day, we had some more information that fed back to the art department where we developed more involved and elaborate drawings and models which again, fed back to them. In this way, we had kind of an iterative conversation to arrive at what the design was.
So, as we start to build the set, many of the department heads came to visit and check the progress. We rehearsed what the shot was going to be, so we could exactly fine-tune the set to meet the needs of this shot and see where the edits needed to be. In order to do this, we needed to adjust the exact width of the roads or move a piece of scenery here and then figure out exactly, okay, there’s going to be an explosion coming out of the ground here and another explosion coming out of the building here and this is when the camera looks up to the sky and sees the planet explode. This is where the window breaks and this is where the guy jumps out and grabs him and there’s a fight.
There are many, many people involved; Monique Garderton, our stunt coordinator, Kate Herron, the director, and also the special effects team, and of course, visual effects, deeply involved, and Richard Graves, who is kind of our AD (Assistant Director), the circus leader of all of it, organizing everybody to kind of work on this thing altogether. It’s the sort of thing that involves so many different departments that it can only really be discovered when working in a big group together.
I would say that was maybe the most challenging technically because there were so many logistical parameters and so many moving parts.
Q: What are your thoughts on diversity in the production of the creative industry?
I think that it is critically important. As somebody who is myself an immigrant, I was born in Iran and my family moved here when I was quite young. I’m super happy to see the direction that the industry is going in. I think Marvel has been particularly excellent in providing leadership in this way and I honestly have to give a lot of credit to Kate Herron, our director.
Almost more than any other project I’ve been on, she prioritised inclusivity and diversity. I mean, lots of people, don’t get me wrong, it’s on every project and on everyone’s mind, but I think Kate went above and beyond because it’s so fundamental to her worldview and she’s such a sensitive soul in this way. One of the many ways in that it was such a joy to work with Kate and I’m very proud of the many different ethnicities we’re representing, and how many women we’ve had. In our art department, we had close to fifty men and women.
It’s important and leads to better creative results that are more fully realized and more representative of what the fans really want.
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sillycheysblog · 3 years
Originally this was a rant post about Legacies but I decided to just make it a super long post about my problems with Legacies which includes the writers and their writing choices, the fandom, the plots, and the characters. 
Fair Warning: There may be somethings in here that you disagree with and somethings that you don’t like. If you disagree or don’t like what I have to say that’s okay. It’s your opinion and I respect your opinion. Here’s what your not going to do, is reply with hate because you don’t agree with what I have to say. Like mentioned, it’s my opinions. Also, I am writing this from my perspective. 
Like mentioned at the very beginning of this post, this is a super long post so if you want to read what I have to say then stay tuned, if not it’s okay just keep scrolling. 
Now let’s get started!
I’m going to start with the writers, but before I start, I just want to say that I am super grateful for having his show and thankful that it got renewed for a 4th season because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. I also love the entire cast so much with the exception of Matt Davis. I am thankful for the work that the directors, producers, writers, actors, actresses, etc. put into this show but there are somethings that the writers do that really piss me off. One of the things that the writers do that pisses me off is putting in unnecessary lines. This correlates with the fan service. There wasn’t much of this in season 1, but there is some in season 2  where I am like “Did that really have to be written in there?”  and there is a recent line in 3x03 that is obviously written in there for a certain group of fans. In season 2, the line from 2x06 when Hope said “I had a crush on Josie for a week when we were 12” was unnecessary.  Like I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I am writing this from my perspective so I’m not trying to be disrespectful or biased, I’m proving my point. This line was completely out of nowhere in my opinion. We know Hope has so many other secrets. You’re telling me that this was the 2nd to 3rd thing to come to mind? The line was obviously written into the script for the Hosie stans. In addition, the line from 2x16 about the “nonconsensual kiss” was unnecessary. They knew that the next episode was going to have the same concept as 2x16. 3x01 was technically 2x17 meaning the Handon “true love kiss” was right after 2x16. If they wanted the Handon “true love kiss” they should of never put the “nonconsensual kiss” line in there because the Hosie stans would be pissed. They only put it in there to please the Hosie stans and that’s it. Now I wrote a whole post about this line, so I’m not going to spend to much time on it but if you want to read it, it’s right here. In season 3, the line from 3x03 when Josie says “You gave up on Hope twice” was so unnecessary. (1) Landon never gave up on Hope and (2) he never gave up on their relationship. So why was this line in there? It doesn’t make sense. Here’s what I’m thinking, it was only written in there for the fans that hate Landon because they knew that they would eat that up. There is no other logical explanation. If you think that Landon walking away from situations is giving up on her then your weird because that's not giving up on someone. That’s Landon walking away from situations because he doesn't know how to react to them so he walks away to have time to himself and think about how to react which isn’t surprising knowing the way he grew up. Now moving onto the writers baiting the fans. There are so many things that Julie Plec and the writers, mainly Julie Plec, has said that never ended up happening. For example, Julie Plec saying that Maya and Ethan were Hope’s love interest. Maya shows zero interest in Hope romatically. Ethan showed interest but Hope showed him no time of day because all she wanted was Landon. She also said that Hope and the twins would be in a love triangle. This for sure never happened. I don’t understand why so many people think that the writers are going to change. I stopped putting my trust in the writers a long long time ago. I especially stop putting my trust in Julie Plec after everything she did on TVD and TO. They queerbait the Hosie stans just so that they keep tuning in. Once they saw people shipping Hosie, they started adding in Hope and Josie scenes that gave them a glimmer of hope that it would happen. Julie Plec says and I quote, “I give people a glimmer of hope and then I crush them.”  I’m not understanding why people still believe a word that comes from out of her mouth. This relates with my next problem, the way the writers keep writing off love interest for Josie. I understand why Penelope was written off because Lulu had other priorities but Jade, really? They said that Jade would be around for a while and she literally was here for 1 episode. They didn’t even explore their relationship. I really liked Josie and Jade and I wanted to see more of them, but they just wrote Jade off. Don’t get me started on them writing Raf and so many other people of color off. I did make a post about how they did Raf wrong so if you want to read it, it’s here. 
My next problem with the show is the plot and the monster of the week thing. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like the monster of the week to a certain extent. I think the monster of the week made so much sense in season 1, but made no sense in season 2 and here’s why. Firstly, there was monsters who came from Malivore who’s master was Malivore but then you had monsters who came from Malivore who had different masters such as the Sphrinx. The Sphrinx only showed up to tell the school about a prophecy. He did not want Landon at all. In fact, he told Raf to take Landon far away from the school. Then there was monsters who came from Malivore who’s master was the Necromancer such as the monster from 2x10 that feed on insecurities. That monster was at the school only for  the dark magic that the Necromancer wanted. It just made no sense at all. In addition, the plot was all over the place. The first half of the season was good especially the built up of dark Josie, but after episode 4 it was a big question mark. For example, Landon knowing that he was seeing Hope every time he died, but wanted to have sex with Josie the next episode? The way it was written was like “huh?” The first half of the season was about everyone not remembering Hope. But what was the second half of the season about? Dark Josie? Dark Josie was literally there for like 1 or 2 episodes. The plot didn’t add up. Another example, the whole message in 2x16′s episode made zero sense. The message was about Josie “being strong and being able to pick your own story” but then they have Josie put her magic in a coin? I’m leaving it here because I can go on and on about the inconsistency in this show. I can’t really talk about season 3 yet because we are still on season 2 episodes. And that’s probably why people think its feels weird because it’s technically season 2 episodes and season 2′s plot just made absolutely no sense.
My next problem is that there are so many things brought up in the show that are never talked about ever again. For example, Landon drowning himself all summer long. He was killing himself all summer! He even said it started out with him killing himself just to kill himself until he realized that he was seeing Hope. The writers just glided of that like it was nothing. Did he ever tell anyone other than Raf and Josie? Did he even tell Hope? I have so many questions. Also what about Josie and Raf? They showed an interest in each other back in season 1 and they even shared a kiss. But this was never talked about again. It was like nothing happened. Anyway moving on. 
The next problem is how none of the characters have an actual storyline. Hope’s storyline is revolved around saving everyone which I hate. I hate how she is always the one that people depend on to save the day. Landon’s storyline is supposedly Malivore? But the writers decided to take 3 steps back and make him human again. I made a post about how he may get his powers back so if you want you can look at that it’s right here. Mg has no storyline, Kaleb has no storyline, Jed has no storyline, and Josie has no storyline. The only person that has a storyline that shows growth is Lizzie. Now there is new characters such as Ethan and Cleo. I’m not understanding why they don’t focus on developing the characters storyline of the characters they already have but whatever. Like mentioned before, I’m not going to talk that much about season 3 because we are technically still on season 2 content but I do know that we will get some development in the characters so I will wait. That’s all I have to say about this.
Lastly, my next problem is the fandom. A fandom is apart of any show so that’s why I’m including this. I have a lot to say about this. TVDU fandom is just toxic. Point. Blank. and a Period. Some people in this fandom are just hypocrites. I don’t even know where to start. I’m going to start with how people make so  many excuses for the ones that they love when they know they are in the wrong. Josie for example burned her ex’s hair, burned down Hope’s room because Hope didn’t have the same feelings for her, lied to Lizzie about who started the rumor about her, she killed Alyssa, burned down a part of the Salvatore school, broke Ethan’s arm and forced Lizzie into the merge. Now I am not coming at Josie by all means, I’m proving my point. Even though Josie did all this, you still have people who make excuses for why she did it. Just because you love a character, doesn’t mean you can’t call them out when they are wrong. This goes into Hope because people put Hope on this high pedestal as if she is never wrong, but she is. She isn’t always right. I’m not going to talk about the whole argument thing from last week between Handon because I made a post about that already so if you want you can go read it, it’s here. I think it’s in the post about 3x02, but anyways she isn’t always right. As much as I love Hope, I call her out on her bs and that goes with every other character. The fandom also uses the words such as “toxic” or “abusive” because they hate a character. For example, Landon gets the most hate out of every character for no reason. I was on twitter and I saw a tweet from someone saying “Landon is emotionally abusive because he brought up Klaus.” and “Handon is an abusive relationship” And I am like “WHAT?” are you being serious right now? (1) abuse is a serious thing and it shouldn’t be used lightly so the fact that people are using it lightly because they hate a character so much is disgusting. People go deal with abuse on a daily basis and your using the word like it’s not a serious situation. The lengths that people would go in this fandom because they aren’t getting something they want is insane. The death threats that people send to the writers, people from other ships, and the actors and actresses is rude and disgusting. Now I am about to be blatantly honest right now and if you don’t like it then oh well🤷‍♀️. There is a specific group of people in the fandom that spreads hate. I’m not going to name names because there is no need point fingers and start stuff for no reason. I’m not saying everyone from this particular group does it, there are some that are cool, but a majority of them are the ones that spread the hate. I’m not saying other people from other groups in the fandom don’t do this, but I haven’t seen that many do it. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand why this specific group is upset about the choices that the writers make but they’re still a person who has feelings. There used to be ships that I loved but now I don’t like because of the way the fans within that ship acts. For example, I used to like Hosie. I use to say if Landon wasn’t there, I would love to see Hosie, but then I saw the way the people who shipped them acted and that made me stop shipping Hosie. And I also just grew closer to Handon more but there is no need to spread hate on other people’s ships because you are mad that something isn’t happening the way you want it too. No one should be sending hate to actors and actresses because you hate their character or because you hate the what the character did in the show. The character isn’t the actor. Separate the two. The actor is portraying the character. I know that nothing is going to change within the fandom but it’s irritating. Spreading hate isn’t going to get you want you want. Attacking writers, other people in the fandom, or the actors is not going to get you want you want. This goes for everybody in the fandom, not just the one specific group. You can’t demand what you want and think its going to happen because you demanded it. So I am just going to end this here. I am not trying to bash anybody, I am just calling out what I see.
Anyways, I’m sorry for this long post. I am not trying to be rude at all, I’m just being honest. I don’t want to argue. I just wanted to talk about problems within Legacies, the writers, and the fandom. I felt like talking about how I felt about certain situations and how I view certain situations. If you didn’t like anything I said then that’s your own opinion and I respect your opinion. If you have anything else would like to say about the show, send a reply. But aside from that I hope you have a good day! ❤
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yeetussfetus · 3 years
square up
ok so this is the piece i was talking about and basically it was something for chrismas (in the story its called life day) so theres that. more notes at the end ig
warnings: fighting, cursing, alcohol, drinking, c h a o s
words: 2205 (damn)
Eli was too tired for a “meeting” with anyone today, but he still decided to hear Agent Kallus out. After all, it was rare that the imperial officer even asked for anything, so it must have been something big. 
And while, technically it wasn’t as big as Eli predicted, it still was something he found weird.
“Please, Eli, I don’t care what you have to do, just please help me out this one time!” Kallus was almost about to drop to his knees begging, and what for, you might ask? Life Day was a little more than a day away, and it was on a Friday. Of course, everyone had thought it would be a great idea to plan a Life Day party for the meeting instead of their usual bullshit, but it didn’t go as planned. 
The last meeting was full of angry names, curses and one (1) knocked out director. So, of course, the only people who had planned the party peacefully were the only ones who made the final decisions. Which, of course, was you, Eli and Yularen. Kallus wasn’t present at the meeting, and Pryce had passed out early throughout the meeting, so neither of them were able to even plan anything. This is where Eli's problems began. 
Kallus was actually looking forward to the Life Day celebration, because, in his own words, “It’s a festive day, what’s more to like?” Eli had a sneaking suspicion it was for something else. And he was correct. Since Kallus wasn’t present at the meeting and wasn’t elected to plan out the party, he had no say in what they served, including drinks, food, and most importantly, the type of alcohol. This is why Kallus was begging Eli to help him smuggle a certain type of beer onto the ship for the party.
Eli pinched the bridge of his nose while he spoke, “Why can’t you just do this yourself?” Kallus stopped for a moment, before continuing, “This particular… the beverage is, well, technically, prohibited in official Imperial territory because its known for being produced by rebellious groups.” Kallus saw how Eli was grabbing his things, probably to leave, so he rushed to the doorway to block Elis only escape.
“HOWEVER,” Kallus continued, “I have placed a shipment to arrive near a docking bay at the next planet that we are heading to. All I need is a distraction and I can bring the shipment aboard.” Eli still looked skeptical, but Kallus intervened, “Not only that, but the shipment is small, only about the size of the meeting table, so it won’t even get in the way!”
Eli thought for a moment, wondering what he should do. “Why do you even want this beverage at the party, anyway? What’s so good about it?” Kallus straightened up, before he said, “I have tasted this drink before it was classified as illegal, and it was the best thing I have ever tasted. I can assure you that this sacrifice will be worth it.”
Well, usually when it's about food, Kallus has terrible taste, but when it's alcohol…
Eli sat for a moment, wondering if he should take up Kallus’ offer, and thought of the benefits and liabilities. Finally, he answered Kallus. “Alright, I’ll make a distraction for tomorrow. What time will the shipment be here?”
Kallus showed a face of relief, before he finally responded “Yes, thank you! Oh- the shipment is at 0900.”
Eli nodded and watched as Kallus walked out of the room with surprising confidence. Eli picked up his datapad, only to realize one thing: Who was going to distract an entire cargo bay? At this he suddenly regretted his decision. He set his datapad down, wondering who he could trust and who was someone willing to even do that. Thrawn? No, he isn’t particularly fond of Kallus. Pryce? Would probably use it as blackmail for something. Yularen… yeah, no, he already gets hungover. That left only you. 
He made a mini checklist that would help him determine who would be best for this task. You were someone he trusts. You would definitely be willing to pull it off. And you definitely could distract an entire hangar. He pulled out his comm and pulled up your number, and started to call you. When you answered, you appeared to be sitting at a table. You looked to someone off screen and asked them to give you some privacy before turning back to Eli. “Eli, what can I do for you today?”
Eli shuffled a bit, before asking, “I was wondering if you could help me distract a hangar bay for some beer.” You tilted your head, and asked “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Eli explained, “Kallus wants to drink a certain beer that's been prohibited by the Empire for the party on Friday, but he still ordered some and they’re going to arrive on the moon we’re landing on tomorrow, and he needs a distraction to bring the drinks in the ship. I was wondering if you were able to distract the hangar while he smuggles the shipment into the meeting room.”
You sat there for a moment, and finally responded with, “Fuck it, I’m bored.” Eli smiled and said his goodbyes before pocketing the comm and walking out of the room towards his post for the day.
You had already gotten a plan, somehow. It wasn’t your best, but it still was a plan. One of your good friends, Pryce, was talking about how she had to settle a dispute with two stormtroopers that were angry at each other over something, something about it was about a woman named Elisa. The first part of your plan was to acquire a datapad that one of the stormtroopers who was in the feud used quite often and make a fake conversation. You took note that his name was Trenk.
You walked down the hallway, towards the stormtrooper quarters, and stopped at a living area. It wasn’t lavish, but it wasn’t disgusting, either. It was modest. You saw two people in the room itself, and then the same two started to argue. You made your presence known, and as they both were about to throw hands, they saw you enter the room and immediately stopped. You smiled and asked, “Hello. I see that you two are busy. However, I need a datapad from this particular core. The higher ups have noticed some security breaches, and they need some form of evidence to prove their theories. If you have one, or if you know someone in this core to have one, please tell HR.” You were about to turn around when you saw one of them pull out a datapad and hand it to you. You smiled, “Thank you. This will be returned to you in the morning, earliest 0800.”
And with that, you left and started phase II of your plan. When you walked into your office, you pulled his messenger tabs and looked for this ‘Elisa’, and finally found her. Looking through the messages, you found a few that were a little more spicier than the others. You screenshotted them, and then edited the dates to more recent times. You smiled and then put the datapad down for the next part of your plan. You looked at what was going to be picked up that day, on the planet, and made sure that the placement of certain items were going to be placed in a certain way.
With that, you returned to your normal duties until the next day.
Walking towards the hangar that was picking up items and disposing of others, you saw the trooper who was having the fight with Trenk walking towards his post. You rushed up to him, and held out the datapad. “Trooper, thank you for your contribution- Oh, I see you're not him. Hmm. Well, I saw you with him, so if you could give this to him when you see him, that would be appreciated.” You turned around, and then followed it up with, “Oh, and when you see him, please tell him to refrain from using Imperial property for his personal use. That might lead to another data breach and its unprofessional.”
The trooper looked back at you, and while you walked off you were able to hear his angry tapping trying to find out what you were talking about, and since he only saw one of the screenshots, he wasn’t able to tell they were edited. He cursed and rushed past you, towards the hangar.
You watched as he turned the corner, before comming Kallus, sending him “Now would be a good time to smuggle your drink on”. You strolled past some troopers to see what was about to go down.
When you did reach the hangar bay, you noticed that the chaos had already started. Both troopers had thrown hands with each other, but this caused some of the items that were being disposed of to knock over which somehow caused another fist fight. Then you noticed that one third of the hangar was just fighting each other. The other third were just trying to stop all the fighting, and then finally the final third were cheering the fight on. And in the corner of the hangar, you saw a tarped hover cart was pushing its way towards the entrance.
Thrawn looked through the security cameras, watching as chaos erupted in the hangar. He saw one person body slam somebody. Another grabbed someone and threw them against two other people who were fighting with each other. Tarkin snickered behind him. Yularen was worried about the cargo, and Eli just stared in astonishment as he saw chaos unfold. He knew you were good at these things: he just didn’t realize how good you were.
Finally, he saw Thrawn reach over to speak on the PA. “This is Grand Admiral Thrawn, if you happen to be in hangar bay 6, please refrain from punching your peers, there is cargo that still needs to be delivered. I repeat, hangar bay 6, refrain from punching your peers. There will be court martials for those who do not comply.”
Slowly but steadily, the four men saw that people were being pulled apart and medics were able to rush in to help the injured. Of course, nothing too serious, but it was a complication in the day. Eli looked at Thrawn, who looked like he just wanted to be swallowed into a hole, while Tarkin was just refraining from laughing. Yularen just pulled out a flask and downed the bottle.
This was going to be a long day.
When the Chimera was able to get back into space, everyone had to attend a mandatory meeting where Thrawn stated that if there was a problem with another peer that they worked with, it was better to work it out without fighting. You just sat in the back, smiling.
“Damn, Kallus, you really pulled through with these drinks.” You took another sip of the beer that he had brought. It was only your 2nd, since you weren’t an avid drinker, but everyone else was either wasted or just drunk. You yourself were starting to feel woozy. Kallus smiled and took a sip of his own drink. He was starting to get a little drunk himself.
“You know, you’re not supposed to be starting fights.” he said, watching as the others talked amongst themselves. “I know, but then we wouldn’t have any beer would we?” you held up your glass, offering a toast to him. He did the same, and then you both drank the rest of your glasses. You were about to continue the conversation, when you saw Thrawn slam his glass on the table and stumble over, point to Kallus and say, “Square up, bitch.”
Kallus looked surprised for a moment, before asking, “E-Excuse me, sir?” Thrawn stared right into him with anger in his eyes. “Your being too friendly with my wife-” “Sir, she isn’t your wife-” “not YET-” “Thrawn, it’s fine, here, lets go and-” Thrawn finally reached Kallus and just straight up punched him, knocking the blond down, and then just start beating him up. You leaned against the wall as Kallus regained his composure and then grabbed Thrawn's collar and tossed him away before getting up, grabbing his shirt along the way, and then hurling him onto the table. At this point they had everyone's attention. Deciding to document this, and placing it in the wondrous hall of “Times Thrawn should’ve taken his own advice”, you posed in the camera, and then took the actual picture. 
Not looking at the fight in front of you, you study the photo and see Thrawn and Kallus beating the shit out of each other, Yularen panicking, Eli trying to get Thrawn to stop, Pryce posing since she saw you taking a photo, and Tarkin and Krennic seemingly betting on who was going to win. Vader was just standing in the corner. You titled the photo “If you have a problem with your peers, please attempt to try and solve the problem diplomatically.” you saved the photo and then put your drink down to go and help your boyfriend.
ok so this was actually really fun to write ngl bc halfway i was like “i should just throw this out” and then i watched the meme that made me want to write this and i was like “nah just finish it” so heres the chrismas present. its for u pls take it lmao. 
i need to go to bed. anyway im gonna go eat some tamales goodbye i love you 
edit: tagging @fallenrepublick bc ik u like chaotic shit
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violetleaves · 2 years
filming: season one, episode 13 | day three time: 1:45pm location: set for: @lovekilling​
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      for someone who has had a not so positive tik tok made about them recently, wes is doing surprisingly all right. it probably has to do with the fact that nobody knows the snippet of charlotte’s song was written entirely about him. the only people who knew about their secret were emilia and jack, and oddly enough, even though he has wronged charlotte, wes trusts them to keep it to themselves. so he’s not concerned about the public figuring out the truth. not when the lyrics are subtle enough that only the four of them could ever really know. for the most part, wes does his best to avoid social media as much as possible. the posts that sporadically pop up on his accounts are very rarely actually created by him, and he hardly ever bothers to open up instagram except to occasionally untag himself from photos that he doesn’t like how he looks in. but lately, wes has found himself switching back and forth between the few apps he’s on to do one thing in particular: lurk the hell out of charlotte. her tik tok was the first thing on his for you page when he’d opened the app, a mere thirteen minutes after she’d posted it -- and while the lyrics are a little spiteful and sad, he could not stop watching. is it weird that wes thoroughly enjoys the way charlotte has taken their casual affair and put it to a melody? is it weird that he’s singing her song to himself when he’s alone and listening to it on repeat in the back of his mind all day long? it would be hypocritical for him to be upset about it, considering he has dozens of songs written about her... but unlike hers, those will likely never see the light of day because of his mother. 
it’s been almost a week since she’s posted it, and two since they last kissed each other, and neither of them have really spoken since. other than charlotte’s routined good morning and the occasional hey in passing on set, they barely even cross paths. wes can’t tell if it’s because charlotte is avoiding him, or if it’s because both of them are just too busy. well, if too busy to wes is being forced to be on autumn’s arm whenever he isn’t in front of the camera. and a lot of the times, when he’s on camera lately, it’s up there with her too. an escape is all he wants, and today it seems that he might actually get one. for once, charlotte is all by herself, standing a little farther off than usual during one of emilia’s scenes. usually she’s right up front, cheering her on with her perfect smile, and wes thinks it migh have something to do with who she’s over there filming with right now. this is his chance, he thinks, to get a moment more than just a phrase said in passing. wes misses her, and lately, all he’s had to feel close to her is that song. and he has to tell her how much he likes it. 
           “hey, nice job on that last scene.” wes says, casually sliding up beside her against the wall, his hands shoved deep into denim jacket pockets as he tries not to let his gaze linger for too long on charlotte. there are too many eyes around right now, even if a majority of them are focused on autumn across the way laughing through her scene with emilia. “we just gotta get the giggles out!! get em’ out!” she exclaims, her hands shooting up in the air as she does spirit fingers to ‘ get the giggles out. ’ he rolls his eyes and looks back at charlotte in front of him. there’s a bit of awkwardness between them, partially because their last real interaction involved their lips desperately smacking against each others. more likely than that though, charlotte’s probably waiting to see if wes is going to say something about the tik tok that she’d made about him. the answer to that comes very quickly. “so, hey, i uh, saw...” he trails off, deciding to lower his voice slightly when he hears the director calling cut in the distance. he waits a beat, making sure that they aren’t finished with the scene before he continues. when action is called again, wes goes on: “i saw that tik tok you posted. i... thought your song was beautiful. you have a really lovely voice, charlotte.” he compliments, his eyes glancing over her lips for just a moment. god, that last kiss was really not enough. “and very obviously lyrically talented, too.” he adds, a guilty half smile forming on one side of his face. “i’ve been waiting to hear your music and... it’s just as amazing as i always imagined it to be.”
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beneaththetangles · 3 years
Star Wars: Visions (Review)
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Though Star Wars: Visions—a series of animated shorts from about the franchise’s universe created by anime studios (including some of Japan’s most high profiles ones) and now available to stream on Disney+—was initially announced at last year’s Investor’s Day event, the idea of a Star Wars anime has lived in fans’ imaginations from a long, long time ago. The combination of anime and Star Wars feels like a (cybernetic) hand in (black) glove, but for it to come to fruition still feels unreal.
My first love, when it comes to geekdom, fantasy, and media in general, was Star Wars. It captivated my imagination as a child, and with the prequels arriving as I came of age. I had dabbled in anime when I was younger, but that medium didn’t take ahold of me until I was in college, and thus grew simultaneously with this new explosion of Star Wars media that came with the prequels, living and growing side by side (in a symbiotic relationship, if you will).
With that context, I want to present a review of Star Wars: Visions—short reviews of each episode, followed by a fuller evaluation of the entire series—from the perspective of one with a twin passion for Star Wars and anime. I trust you’ll fine many reviews from those who admire the franchise and who love animation, but perhaps a uniqueness here on this post coming through my expertise and passion.
You can jump to any of the reviews through the links below, or just read through by scrolling down:
Episode 1: The Duel
Episode 2: Tatooine Rhapsody
Episode 3: The Twins
Episode 4: The Village Bride
Episode 5: The Ninth Jedi
Episode 6: T0-B1
Episode 7: The Elder
Episode 8: Lop and Ocho
Episode 9: Akakiri
Comprehesive Review
“The Duel” (Episode 1)
Directed by Takanobu Mizuno (Kamikaze Douga), 14 min.
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A remarkable start to the collection, it’s obvious why “The Duel” is featured first: It is an obvious and direct meeting of Star Wars with Japan, taking the form of an old samurai film and featuring a storyline familiar in the country, of a ronin protecting a village from bandits. The Star Wars influences come through in choice of weapon (only the lightsabers and energy blasts are in color) and the presence of droids and other familiar forms. Brian Tee and Lucy Liu perfectly capture the leads in a tale that brings a necessary suspense the titular event, while being animated in what looks like a rotoscope style. A kicking introduction to the new show, and one tied to other media also.
Score: 9/10
“Tatooine Rhapsody” (Episode 2)
Directed by Taku Kimura (Studio Colorido), 13 min.
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Studio Colorido has quietly become a steady creator of strong anime films in recent years. While they haven’t quite made a classic yet, with movies like Penguin Highway and Netflix’s A Whisker Away, the company does present stories with strong narratives and beautiful animation. The latter is especially on display in “Tatooine Rhapsody,” which has some authentically lovely moments in its simple tale of friendship within a rock band, as the anime company gets the honor of featuring Jabba, Tatooine, and Boba Fett in what might (?) be considered the only canon part of this series. It’s a bit anticlimactic, but well worth the short run time. Also, Joseph Gordon-Levitt voices the lead, so I do believe that’s him singing. I don’t know much about the actor aside from his movie and TV roles, so at least for me, that was a surprising and fun addition to the short, too.
Score: 6.5/10
“The Twins” (Episode 3)
Directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi (Studio Trigger), 17 min.
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Gurren Lagann. Kill la Kill. Promare. Star Wars. This was the short that most seemed to look forward to, on our Instagram bringing countless comments saying, “Looks like Gurren Lagann.” Indeed, it was created by Studio Trigger the director of that colorful series. But for the uninitiated, “The Twins” might bring the most dissatisfaction; it does, after all, kind of feel like a bunch of Star Wars pieces thrown together with cheesy dialogue and people breathing and yelling in space. But the fantastical elements and the style of it is what it’s all about. Imaishi’s colorful and outlandish animation is on full display here in the story of two dark-side force conceived twins duking it out over yet another Death Star-like weapon. The dialogue, again, is corny and the visuals matter more than anything, but for those who enjoy the studio (or can see the episode for was it is), this episode is a feast. I’m personally not particularly a fan of Studio Trigger, but I do like their work in short bursts, and so “The Twins” works especially well for me, while being the first of many episodes in Star Wars: Visions that is clearly setting up for a possible series.
Score: 7.5/10
“The Village Bride” (Episode 4)
Hitoshi Haga (Kinema Citrus), 18 min.
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My fear from the time these series had been announced was that the studios would simply ship it in, which worried me further when I saw some of the names associated with Star Wars: Visions—both the overworked studios and directors that seemed to be experimental. But Kinema Citrus, which has quietly animated some of the best (Made in Abyss, Barakamon) and most popular (The Rising of the Shield Hero) series of the past decade, did nothing of the sort with their episode. They created a beautiful short (one of the longest, too), with amazing landscapes and a storyline celebrating Japan’s concern for nature, complete with original, haunting music and a tale both mythical and sci-fi that echoes “The Duel” in being about a ronin-type Jedi saving a village. And while I see “The Twins” as possibly become a series due to its commercial value, I would be far more interested both in seeing the character of K (Seto in Japanese) getting a fuller show and Kinema Citrus animating it.
Score: 9/10
“The Ninth Jedi” (Episode 5)
Kenji Kamiyama (Production I.G.), 22 min.
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The presence of Kenji Kamiyama, who if you don’t recognize his name now, you will soon when Netflix’s The Lord of the Rings anime comes to fruition with him at the helm, and Production I.G. added big, legitimate names to Star Wars: Visions, but The Ninth Jedi is far more than that: Right in the middle of the nine episodes, and titled as ninth, it is the high point of the episodes, capturing the feel of Star Wars better than any of the other shorts without losing a bit of its anime feel, including the inclusion of heroes and a heroine that would fit perfectly well in either anime or another sci-fi medium. There is time set aside in this tale to develop characters and to bask in the Star Wars universe, master strokes by a genius director. And although I’ve mentioned it with other shorts, this one, too, and more heavily than most of the rest, feels like a test case for a series; I would not be surprised if this short about the recovery of the Jedi taking place in a time far past the events of the films, is meant to be a fuller show, and would be absolutely thrilled if that were the case.
Score: 9.5/10
“T0-B1” (Episode 6)
Abel Góngora (Science SARU), 14 min.
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Whenever Science SARU creates an anime, there’s a lot of buzz in the anime community, an excitement to see what creativity they’ll bring to a series or movie. Góngora has been an important part of the team that develops the studio’s unique and often outstanding work, so it’s no surprise that “T0-B1” (pronounced “Toby”) is an utterly beautiful series to watch. Much like “The Twins,” this short is all about the style, and it is impeccable, both imaginative and exciting. The storyline exists to honor Osamu Tezuka, “The Father of Manga,” by serving as an homage to Astro Boy, whose anime adaptation is a turning point in the form’s history; as such, it’s to be taken very much in light of being a self-contained and purposeful piece rather than as a simple addition to the Star Wars universe.
Score: 8/10
“The Elder” (Episode 7)
Masahiko Otsuka (Studio Trigger), 15 min.
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Among the aspects that the prequels introduced to the Star Wars universe was the Sith, and with them an increasing brutality to the franchise. Tonally, this is on display in the seventh episode of the series, and the second from Studio Trigger. As a standalone, it’s awkward and stilted during its first half (and wastes David Harbour as the voice of its lead), though it steadily leads toward what we assume will be a duel and at least one tragedy. That duel itself is effective and worth the long build-up, while the episode also presents some new information (canonical?), at least to this Star Wars fan, to chew on. It allows us to listen to the glorious voice talents of James Hong, as well, while additionally basking in another episode that brings a Japanese-looking environment to the world of Star Wars.
Score: 7/10
“Lop and Ochō” (Episode 8)
Yuki Igarashi (Geno Studio), 20 min.
At twenty minutes, “Lop and Ochō” is the longest of the films, though not long enough. Focusing on how the Empire has twisted a family (and introducing a furry Jedi into the Star Wars universe), the plot feels familiar, with it’s story seemingly plucking plot points out of all three original films but set against the backdrop of a classical Japanese world. But as I inferred, it reaches its climax without the emotional impetus is should; there needed to be more family and world-building here. Still, it’s a lovely piece, with lots of ambition, heart, and incredible animation from the talented artist at Geno Studio. Here’s another full series I would adore if it were greenlit.
Score: 7.5 / 10
“Akakiri” (Episode 9)
Eunyoung Choi (Science SARU), 13 min.
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The final episode of the series is the one I was also most curious about. Once again, it’s an offering from the always-imaginative studio, Science SARU, but this time directed by co-founder Eunyoung Choi, who has no experience in direction. How would she handle this piece? I was rooting for her, both as an “underdog”—a woman in the business and creative side of anime and a Korean in the Japanese industry—and simply as a head of a favorite anime studio. And she delivers as well as an experienced director. Episode nine, with its tale of a Jedi returning to help a friend but also tempted by the dark side, is by storyline the closest to pre-existing Star Wars work, borrowing liberally from the stories of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, and thus, with its connection to the latter, is also the most disturbing. Wondrously animated, it additionally takes a native peoples aesthetic and weaves it in with Japanese and sci-fi ones exceedingly well. Funny, fearsome, and tightly tied together, “Akakiri” is one of the best episodes of this franchise.
Score: 9/10
Comprehensive Review
As mentioned earlier, my fear for Star Wars: Visions was that the short films would be treated by the Japanese studios as after-thoughts, big money projects that would give them a further foothold in American markets and tie them to Disney, while they put less-experience animators to work on them. The Animatrix, in all its inconsistency, also loomed large in the back of my mind, though I would gladly take ups and downs and be happy with it for this beloved series with the thought that we finally have an official Star Wars anime! But a show of all or mostly call-ins would be extremely disappointing.
Thankfully, the limited series if far more than that. Star Wars: Visions is a triumph, a creative, engaging, and enjoyable reimagining of Star Wars by taking the series’ themes, history, and aesthetics and combining those aspect with the same from Japan and the anime medium specifically, leading to the some of the most exciting and best parts of this franchise in its long history. The consistency of the shorts—not in style and story, for part of the appeal, of course, is in the diversity of studios and directors, but in quality—is astounding: The worst of the stories, “Tatooine Rhapsody,” is still a fun entry, and the best (a trio or quartet of the shorts would apply here) had me on my feet and eager for more.
Which leads me to this question: What was the ultimate purpose of Star Wars: Visions? It seems that it exists to open the possibility of future series, for more than half of the episodes felt like one-shots, attempts at gauging the possibilities of fuller entries, either shows or movies, in these new worlds. I’m on board with virtually all the stories being extended further, though I would be most interested in seeing “The Village Bride,” “The Ninth Jedi,” “Lap and Ocho,” or “Akakiri” receiving such treatment.
Still, the focal point here must still be how lovingly Japanese artist expressed a pride for their homeland’s tradition, both thematically and through the history of their films and animation, while combining them (often lavishly) with the same from Star Wars. These series could never be and weren’t meant to be canon, an argument point among fans leading into the show. It’s best to think of them as reimaginings of the universe, and are best enjoyed that way.
Even those who aren’t fans of anime will find the richness of the art direction appealing, while Simu Liu, David Harbour, Lucy Liu, Neil Patrick Harris and others form a prominent English dub (I haven’t yet watched it in original language), guided in part, some will notice, by veteran Stephanie Sheh. The fanservice is also strong with this one, largely in the form of so very many droids, by a famous piece of dialogue repeated over and over, and most of all, through duels, a number of which will rank among the franchise’s best. Often short (by necessity), they’re nonetheless exciting and well-choreographed—and include Japanese sword-style lightsabers, to boot!
With a number of recent franchise entries that received mixed reception, Star Wars: Visions is what was needed: something original, fantastic, and forward-looking. It goes beyond quenching a near life-long thirst for me to see the world of anime come together with Star Wars—it gives a pleasurable taste and has me thirsting even more. I think that was why these shorts were created, and you know what? I’m okay with being manipulated toward that end, as it gives me hope for the future of my favorite franchise. After all—fandoms are built on hope.
Score: 9/10
Star Wars: Visions can be streamed on Disney+. All images courtesy of Disney.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
A rose between two thorns
Pairing: Spike x fem!reader; Angel x fem!reader
Request: Not requested. Been sitting in my drafts forever I wasn’t sure about posting. Reader works at Wolfram and Hart and knew Angel and Spike from Sunnydale. They’re both vying for reader’s affections but the pair soon find out her attention is elsewhere.
A/N: S5 Angel. Spike and Angel in a pissing contest over someone? Say it ain’t so. Reader is popular with men lol. Also, I’d say Spangel was subtext, but it’s just plain text really.
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You noticed something was off as soon as you came in that morning. There was an unusual vibe, which, was saying something seeing as you worked at a mystical law firm. You had taken over PA duties from Harmony, considering Angel and the others trusted you a bit more than her. You were human, but you had faced anything the Hellmouth had thrown at you with the others you met in high school. You had been there at the final battle of Sunnydale, just about surviving and then moving to LA to become a receptionist. Which had been the job you had kept applying for without luck when you lived in Sunnydale. Sometimes, life does have a way of working itself out even though you might have to stake a few uber vampires or sell your soul to a mystical law firm for it to happen.
You caught Fred hissing something to Angel before leaving his office, smiling at you kindly before she left. She also stopped and pulled on Spike’s sleeve and brought him down to her lab with her, leaving you waving your good morning greeting. You went through your usual routine, eventually walking up to Angel’s office, knocking first before smiling at him, a newspaper, some files and a mug of blood in your hands.
“Hey, I’ve got the files you asked for and I warmed your blood up to the temperature you like” You smile pleasantly, setting the items down, you were really grateful to Angel for giving you a job. He had always been nice to you (apart from that brief period in high school where he tried to violently kill you). “Thanks, y/n, what would I do without you, huh?” “Probably getting double-crossed by Harmony given half the chance” You smiled and he laughed a little too hard at your flippant comment. It shocked you, his face rarely twisted into a smile let alone a real laugh. You smiled along, a little perplexed at his change in attitude. “How you doin’ then? I mean adjusting- you know, outside the Hellmouth” “It’s been okay, it’s surprisingly similar here. Kind of a home from home” You smiled as he nodded along, as if he were being given guidance from an invisible director on how to visibly show how interested he was. If you were honest, it was a bit weird, “Are you okay Angel?” “yeah- why? What’s up? Have I- are you comfortable?” “Um, I’m at work, so comfort isn’t really the main reason I’m here… mostly I come in to see your face” You joked, grinning at him as he smiled a little. He noticed you were trying to put him at ease and realised he had probably come across a bit strange.
You walked back out of the office smiling as Angel watched you walk out, mentally face-palming. His luck with potential partners had been pretty hopeless and you made him nervous in a way he wasn’t really used to. Fred had enough of him skirting around you so had given him non-negotiable advice. She told him to be kind, listen and to make sure he showed a genuine interest. 
You sat down, sifting through paperwork and trying to keep yourself away from the half-read magazine under your desk that you liked to sneak glances at when Angel was out. You were interrupted from looking busy by a British accent.
“Alright, pet? That’s a very pretty outfit you got on, it new?” Spike asked, leaning over your desk as he waited for word from the others on the latest case. He enjoyed spending time with you though, he had tried all his best lines out on you so he had resorted to just complimenting anything about you he could find.
“No, you’ve seen me in this before” You reminded him, pressing hold on a few calls. He tried to recall, a frown on his face, “That time you could walk about in the sun? I was going to a job interview - you tried to bite me and you told me I looked like a meringue” you reminded him.
“See? I even liked it then” He offered.
“You were being rude then, Spike. But thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it – really” You assured him, noticing his furrow as he thought back to how he had been before he got his soul. Angel saw Spike talking to you through the glass of his office. He groaned, knowing that Spike was trying to sweet talk you again. He got frustrated when Spike muscled in on the people he was interested in. You enjoyed the attention you got from them both, but it started to get a bit annoying when you were all in the same room. They tended to actually ignore you for each other, always trying to out-do the other. It was tiring and it distracted you from your work, but you couldn’t help still being fond of them both when you could speak to them normally. Spike had been talking and you were smiling along, he had a good sense of humour and he had been making jokes about some of the people walking past that made you snort loud. He grinned at this, segueing into what he had really wanted to ask.
“You got plans tonight then, love? ‘Cause I was thinkin-” Spike started, but Angel had come up behind him to interrupt his advances.
“Stop bothering my employees, Spike. Y/n’s very busy”
“Yeah, she’s been holding all your calls. Takes a lot out of our girl pressing buttons all day, I was thinking I’d treat her later-”
For some reason, both of them became double confident when they were together in the room, despite them both being weirdly reserved around you recently. There was a tension and both of them were competing together. Enjoying the competition more than your company, it seemed. You tuned their squabbling out, a talent that should come in your job description as you started to type up a few notes from a case.
“You know he used to parade around in an SS jacket?” Angel cut in, crossing his arms and standing nearer to you behind your desk. Spike glared at him.
“Yes, I heard when I was tied up almost choking to death – this job should really come with better health insurance”
“Oh, uh, yeah, I can look into it” Angel suddenly said, straightening up and remembering he was actually your boss.
“Don’t think you can get in her knickers just by flashing your big CEO title around and get her better health insurance” Spike warned, turning to you briefly to assure you that, “I can get you health insurance, love, just tell me where to point my game face”
“Excuse me, into my what?” Your eyes widened, it had been escalating but this was just rude. This is where you worked.
“Not now, Y/n, Spike’s being an idiot for, oh, the hundredth consecutive year of his un-life” You glared at them both, took your jacket and left to go and vent to someone in a different department. This was typical. Fighting over you as if you were some prize to be won. They like you but apparently, they were more interested in each other. You were just their most recent way to get one over on the other and make the tension almost unbearable.
You only returned late afternoon having avoided the vampires for the rest of the day. Angel and Spike looked a bit embarrassed as they saw you slamming angel’s mug on his desk, splattering blood on one of his files. Spike came into the office and the three of you looked at each other in an icy silence. They both opened their mouths at the same time, then stopped realising the other was going to speak. “I need to leave early is that okay?” You ask before they tried to apologise again. “Yeah, sure. Why?” Angel asked. “I’ve got a date” you shrugged, walking out with them both staring after you. They watched you through the glass and saw Gunn come up behind you and ask if you were ready to go. You smiled as he asked about your day with a genuine interest, listening to what you had been up to. You chatted and you even giggled a little and the vampires scowled at the way you seemed to light up in a way neither of them had been able to get out of you.
“What the bloody hell has Dr franken-chip got that we don’t!?” Spike muttered referring to the upgrade Gunn had to become a lawyer, “If I’d known that’s what she was into I’d have kept mine in a sodding jar and brought her home on the promise of touching it”
“Spike. Stop” Angel warned as they both watched you leave, Gunn’s hand on the small of your back.
“No, I mean it! What does he have!?”
“A life?” Angel sighed, before stating, “This is good. I’m happy for them”
“No you’re bloody not, Mr tall dark and forehead has to look for another chit to obsess over now”
“You’re one to talk, Spike. I found the poems you wrote” He muttered.
“You bloody git-” Spike started but Angel had already stalked out of his office to get to one of his cars before Spike could catch up to him. Spike started to follow him out before he could get much of a head-start though. How come through everything it was always each other they ended up with at the end of the day?
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prorevenge · 4 years
I recorded a coworker loving himself at work for eating my chocolate
Before you get to that part I need to clarify that yes, I have a video but I would never post it or anything because I would get in trouble for it and because is a ridiculous story it’s up to you to believe it or not.
Let’s name everyone involved in this:
John: my boyfriend. The designer
Jennie: me. I did mostly video
Sahra: another coworker. She was the best photographer there
Mario: To say that he was useless is an understatement. The reason why I’m writing this.
Donna: the director’s assistant.
Amy: the accountant.
Years ago, I worked in a government institution where I live; it wasn’t a good “job” (it was basically volunteer paid work that was an excuse to not give employees any security a “real” job would offer but I accepted because I needed the money and I had just finished college.
I used to work in the Communication department with other four coworkers, one of them was my boyfriend (still together to this day) and the youngest one (Mario) was a guy who was still in High school and got his girlfriend pregnant, his mom worked in other government institution y she got him that job. That’s one of the reasons the boss couldn’t fire him.
We had to make designs, take pictures, do video, post on social media, check on the press when they wanted an interview with one of our bosses and many, many other things. Mario was supposed to know some about photography and design because he told us that’s what he was studying at school but we knew later that he didn’t attend school often, so he was very, very bad at almost everything and we tried to show him how to do his work but he was really stubborn and lazy. He never learned completely how to do the basic work.
He always had problems with many people, not with us at the beginning because he acted polite (that changed later). He was disrespectful when taking pictures, he was late almost every day and he used to post in social media about government and fight to other people who didn’t agree with him. Sahra and John would talk to him about how working in a government institution you couldn’t do that, it’s simply not okay. However, he never changed and told his mom we were against him.
Mario went to work around two to four hours a day. Usually John and Sahra would be the only ones to see him because they worked more hours than the rest of us but he would stay in the office around one or two hours alone or they would send him to take pictures for the same time.
One day he had to take pictures of some event practice, everyone else was off the clock, it wasn’t a big event and he had been working there around a year by that time, so we thought that he could go by himself . The accountant had to go there and decided to take him with her and one coworker of hers in her car (he was late again and that’s why he couldn’t go in one of the work cars).
The accountant left her purse open in that space that’s in the middle of the driver and the co-driver’s seats. When they went back to the office she noticed her wallet disappeared. She instantly knew that had to be Mario the one who took it. They began to search him and our office and found nothing. Somebody found the wallet under the vending machine.
At first, we took his side because they admitted that never found anything and because it wasn’t right to search in our office without anybody else there, mostly because we had photography equipment that wasn’t exactly cheap. However, when we knew how the wallet was found and when we talked to him, we knew it was him.
More money and stuff disappeared when he was there but nobody could prove he took them. The bosses didn’t want to create a scandal so they let it happen.
Our office used to be the conference room so it was attached to the kitchen. And the director had beverages there for visits, we could use the kitchen but not touch those beverages, but Mario couldn’t even get in there. Anyway, the sodas began to disappear and the director’s assistant complained to us. We said we didn’t take them and she wouldn’t believe us. One day John noticed that our door to the kitchen was broken and that you could take the lock easily. With a pencil (we used to find pencils without tips) he took it inside the mechanism and then the door opened. It took it’s time but he proved that Mario was getting in the kitchen when nobody else was there. However, that didn’t make a difference and nothing was done, not even talking to him.
One day, John and me were on our way to work but I didn’t have breakfast so we stopped at a store, I bought something to eat and a chocolate. I put it inside the fridge and forgot about it. The next day I remembered about it and went to check… It wasn’t there and I got mad. John and I checked the trash can (it was clean and empty and we just watched) and we found just little pieces of that chocolate. So we asked for a video camera that someone offered us before. It could record for long hours.
I want to clarify at this point that we didn’t take the decision of everything you are about to read just because of a chocolate. The chocolate was the last straw. For like a year we had to put up with our bosses scolding us because of him, he never wanted to learn how to do his job and things were always disappearing, including personal things.
The first day. Donna left money in one of her drawers and left it slightly open so he could see the money. We put the camera in other building that was in front of ours. We had big windows (floor to ceiling) and you could watch Donna’s desk and the hallway. Some lady’s office, our door and the director’s office. The other building just had empty offices then but had big curtains, that’s why Mario couldn’t see the camera.
We went home that day and left the camera recording. The next day there was the money, maybe because we left one billet equivalent to five dollars and he knew we would know he took it. I checked the camera and watched him getting in the lady’s office (I don’t know what she did there) and he took some cookies from her office but he looked suspicious.
Again, with this we couldn’t do much so that night John found an old cellphone that could record for two hours…
The next day, Donna left the five dollars again but now she left one dollar bills and the same drawer slightly open. We placed the camera in the other building and John disguised his old cellphone with a binder and some sticky tape.
That day he got alone for two a little less than two hours and left. John and me had a car so we were in mall close there, just killing time and then we went back. For the cellphone.
OMG! John watched a little bit of the video before the battery died he said the he saw something weird but wasn’t sure because the screen was very damaged and we were in the car (I was driving).
When we got in John’s house, we could watch everything he had done inside our office. Not the other camera because the building was closed and we didn’t have access to it until the next day.
First, we saw him getting in the office, watching some Youtube… Everything normal… Then he went out and when he came back we saw him putting something in his pocket but it wasn’t clear what. Then we saw how easily he took a pencil, opened the kitchen’s door, and took something like a yoghurt, then he closed the door. The we could hear that he was watching something like a channel that’s very famous in our country. But then… We heard noises, yeah, that kind of noises… We were supposed to have blocked that kind of videos and websites. I mean, those were government offices and the IT team had checked recently everything. But someway he was watching porn on the computer I used to work. And if you are thinking if he did what you are thinking the answer is YES. Thanks god the cellphone didn’t record his hands but you could see his shoulder moving and him licking his finger… (I know very disgusting) Well, he ended and didn’t even washed his hands.
I was so shocked and disgusted when I saw that that I wanted to cry.
The next day, the fir thing I did was to call the IT department to clean the computer (we didn’t say why because of obvious reasons). John took the camera and we could watch him when he went out of the office and checked carefully if somebody was around. Then he went to Donna’s desk and took one dollar, he went inside the woman’s office and took something but we couldn’t see what. Then he went into our office.
We called Donna to our office and she was shocked, then Sahra watched the video as soon as she got there… Then the director arrived and we asked him and Amy to go to our office. We showed them the video. The director was very young and trusted us a lot so he didn’t hold his laughter when the “self love” pat began. Amy was a young and delicate woman so she just turned around and covered her eyes while letting a small scream out.
We finally get the proves needed to fire him.
When he got to work they didn’t let him in. I don’t know how the conversations went but I know some of the words exchanged
Amy: You stole again and we told you and last time we told you it was your last chance
Mario: (raising his voice) I didn’t do anything. You’re always blaming me
Amy: We have prove
Mario: You don’t have anything! All of you hate me
Amy: Don’t make me show you
Mario: Well, show me
Amy called our office: John, could you bring the videos?
John: the first one (the videocamera one) or the second (the cellphone one)?
Amy: The second one
When he heard that he was defeated and very nervous.
John took his time downloading the video into his computer because it was in mine and went to the office Amy was talking to Mario.
John told me he was about to show him the video and then he asked Mario
John: Mario, do you really want to watch this video?
Mario: (he couldn’t even watch John in the eyes) No, I don’t want
Amy: Play at least the first video for him
John: I don’t have that one, let me go for it
I admit that I just wanted to see Mario’s face so I went to that office to give them an USB but he didn’t really watch me.
Amy: (to John and me) Okay, thank you that’s gonna be all.
And we left the office.
We know she said something like:
Amy: (after playing the video) you always said it was us and even told your mom that we wanted to get you in trouble all the time. You even told really bad things about this place. You are fired and we don’t ever want to hear about you complaining to anybody else in the central or we’re going to show these two videos to your mom.
And he just left…
Then we heard that he actually told lies to her mom like:
Mario: They hated me and told lies to make them fire me
But no one ever told his mom (not that I know)…
Well, this story made me realize that someone could be recording me anywhere I go... I mean, even I did it to someone…
(source) story by (/u/CindirellaCookie)
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wwonder-landd · 4 years
Talks on TikTok
Pairing: Jordan Fisher x Female Reader
Warnings: Some bad words, my bad this whole thing is one bog self insert!
Request? Yes! Tagged @johnlaurensbitch​ and anon request!! this is probably a very late request,, considering i’m never on tumblr.
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Preview: kinda self explanatory?? but basically reader duets jordan’s tiktok and he sees it and messages her!!
Y/F/N is Your Friend’s Name!!
TikTok was a relatively new app in your life. You had done a few POV’s and also sang along to the Sofia The First song to “broadway attractive men: sing-a-long edition” specifically to sing along for Thayne Jasperson and Jordan Fisher. It had become a new obsession, as you replied to comments and liked funny ones that made you laugh when you couldn’t sleep.
As you swiped through your For You page and liked a few, you received a comment notification. @username: @yourusername please duet this!!! 
Upon reading the comment, you first checked the username to make sure it wasn’t a weird bot account, and you realized it was not. After that, you clicked the video and it took you to Jordan Fisher’s account. 
The video was a 60 second clip of Jordan singing the Orpheus part of “All I’ve Ever Known” from Hadestown. You already knew the song and you had seen Reeve in the Original Broadway Cast, alongside Eva Noblezada, prior to Coronavirus putting every inch of Broadway in the dark.
Below the video, the caption said “Duet this as Eurydice! Let me hear your voices! :) #fyp #hadestown #duet.”
Maybe you could duet it? Of course you could, it was just a simple sixty second video, it wouldn’t change or affect your life in any way shape or form. At least that’s what you initially thought.
Clicking the small swishy arrow, then clicking duet, you sang your part and finalized the video, with the caption ‘The Orpheus to my Eurydice! Cast Jordan as Orpheus or you’re cowards!!! #fyp #bway #duet #hadestown’ Granted the duet itself wasn’t anything professional and was merely for fun, as you assumed Jordan would never see it, let alone anyone from Broadway that would see your poke at the Hadestown casting directors.
You went to text your friend about your recent Glee binge while pressing play on the next episode, though Netflix should know you by now. Of course you’re ‘still watching,’ that shouldn’t even be a question. You decide to grab the bag of chips off of the coffee table before plopping yourself on the couch and settling into the plot that was the storm of Glee.
Two episodes in and your phone vibrates beside you. 
Y/F/N Calling...
You accept the call and raise the phone to your ear.
“Oh my God! You saw it right? Tell me you saw it?” they shrill into your ear.
“What is ‘it?” What are you talking about?”
“Come on Y/N... Jordan commented on your post!”
“No way.. What the fuck!? Let me go see.” you respond before adding, “hold on, I’ll call you back.”
Sure enough, you opened TikTok and there was the notification, or the many notifications...
@jordan_fisher: YOU KILLED THIS! 😍
Another notification popped up, this time a little paper airplane depicting a dm.
Jordan Fisher: 
Hey! You did so good on that duet!! 
Does he do that to everyone who duets? What was going on...
You take a screenshot and send it to Y/F/N with ‘tell me i’m reading this wrong... this is fake...’ undernearth the screenshot.
You go back to TikTok and reply, or try to, as Y/F/N floods you with texts. ‘OMG DATE’ ‘WTF NO WAY’ ‘OMG SIS U HAVE TO’ ‘MESSAFE HIM’ ‘FLIRT FLIRT PLS OMH DO IT NOW FOT ME’
Y/N L/N:
Thank you! That means so much coming from you! Yours was phenomenal
He responded almost instantaneously.
Jordan Fisher: 
Well I kinda do the singing thing for a living. Seriously though, do you sing? I’ve seen some of your videos, you’re really good!
Now he wants to actually know you? Not only that, but he’s creeped on your TikTok? He doesn’t do this with everyone... right?
Y/N L/N:
Well I knew that much. I sing in the shower! Not professionally, but I’ve written some stuff.. I wish I had the guts to get out there!
You were actually shaking, and didn’t know what to even say to him. This was all so surreal to you.
Then you got an Instagram notification. 
@jordan_fisher has followed you!
Followed by a TikTok notification that Jordan had duetted you back. The duet was Jordan staring at the screen with a smile on his face while you sang the Eurydice part, then adding “OH MY GOD SHE’S LITERALLY SO GOOD!” to the end. 
Comments flooded in left and right, follows on Instagram.. It seemed endless. You decide to mess with him and message him on Instagram. 
You stalking me or something? 🤔
Maybe it’s something like that. Or maybe you just caught my eye.
Is that so?
Yeah, you really blew me away!
Okay Philip Hamilton blow us all away tease! Btw you did so good in that show! 
You saw it?
Yeah I saw you as Philip and John, but couldn’t stagedoor :( but here I am talking to you so!
Well I’m glad the universe worked out that way!
Literally how many people can say they’re talking to their childhood crush on Instagram? Not many!
Childhood crush huh?
Let’s just say my younger sibling had a thing for Liv&Maddie😂
That’s cute though! Gotta start somehow. This is totally random, and you can say no, but what would you say to coffee sometime?
I’d say that I’ll need your number to let your know when your order is ready, just like Starbucks!
Oh right, like Starbucks...😂 xxx-xxx-xxxx
I’ll text you the plan yeah?
Can’t wait!
yikes, when this is some really bad writing and a weird ending???? it’ll probably be a part two or something idk i didn’t have an idea for the next bit?? so if anyone has any ideas pls hit the ask box up.. but beware i really forget that thing exists ajdakkjf IM GETTING BETTER AT TUMBLR I SWEAR IM RELEARNING THE WRITING THING AND THE TUMBLR THING.. trust the process pls bc i miss writing and i want ppl to like the stuff i write!! also sorry for the weird title,,, again, still getting used to this stuff again :/
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Thoughts on the Alex Rider TV show...
Some background: I’ve been reading the books since Point Blanc came out, so we are going back a few years (actually quite a few more years than I care to credit). I thought the Stormbreaker movie was a pretty awful adaptation all round. Definitely lacked the grit of the book series. Imagine my fear of what they were going to do to Point Blanc, one of my favourite books of the series...
So, thoughts (in no particular order):
1. Otto Farrant is brilliantly cast. OK, one can nitpick. He’s been aged up, but I think that works - the TV series has tried to go grittier than the movie, and if we’re honest, a 14 year old being treated the way Alex is would just be extremely uncomfortable viewing. The books are written for children - they put up with a lot more than adults. And Farrant manages to strike an excellent balance between being old enough to make the whole thing believable, and young enough to provoke the right amount of outrage. His portrayal of Alex is really very good - the unwillingness to let something drop when he’s curious about it, the coldness, the desire to just be a schoolboy, the fundamental streak of doing what’s right. Sorry, Alex Pettyfer, but no matter how good looking you were, you weren’t Alex Rider for me. Otto Farrant has nailed it.
2. Alex generally. The writing is pretty faithful to his character. There are a few tweaks - he’s a bit more of a rebel than he is in the books. The foam party - one can see Alex doing that in the book because it’s part of the bad-boy act he’s supposed to be putting on, but I’m not sure that was the motivation for the foam party; I think he did it because it was fun and he’s someone who likes to rock the boat a bit. But I liked this Alex. It made his snarkiness and impulsiveness that much more believable. And, let’s be honest, what kid is taught to withstand interrogation techniques without becoming a bit of a loose cannon? One thing that was changed that I’m still not sure about was his determination to go back to Point Blanc. Book Alex didn’t want to go back; TV Alex says he’s going with or without MI6′s help because he’s got friends there. This was admirable, and I think probably the right move (I don’t think “leaving it to the professionals” would have come off well on screen when he’d made such good friends), but I did miss the scene from the book where Jones more or less manipulates him into going back in.
3. Jack. I love Jack as a character. It’s a bit more of recent phenomenon - I think since I became about the age that Jack is and suddenly woke up to what she must have felt - but the book Jack puts up with so much without complaint. The thing is, she’s a very tricky character to portray, because it’s a fine balance between making her powerless and useless. I think they did a good job here. They’ve changed things - Jack gets her degree at the start, and hints to Ian that it might be time for her to think about leaving. It’s not faithful to the book, but it’s a brilliant move, because as soon as Ian dies and she sticks around, you think - wow. She’s just given up her plans for this kid. She really cares. And that’s what the book series hints at throughout but has only addressed explicitly in recent books. I also like that they showed her having a bit more agency, which is realistic. I mean, she’s got a law degree. She’s not helpless. Ronkẹ Adékoluẹjo does a good job here. OK, she’s not the red haired Jack we know of the series. But so what? Representation matters (on a side point of which, good job in making Alex’s crush at school black too). And didn’t that thing about Immigration strike just a bit harder because Jack was black? Didn’t it make it that much more realistic and scary? This shit happens, people.
4.Ian. I didn’t have strong views about this. I’ve seen that others didn’t like how his death was changed. I’d argue they wanted to get away from what had already been done in the Stormbreaker movie, and, anyway, it set up the mystery of Scorpia’s involvement and the MI6 leak quite effectively. I don’t care about the speeding/seatbelt change. They probably did it because these days any decent car (like Ian’s was) screams at the driver if they’ve not got their seatbelt on.
5. K Unit generally. We didn’t get too much of Fox, Eagle and Snake, but we got a bit, and what I saw, I really liked. I liked that two of them were women (one of them an excellent sniper!). This show generally handles women much better than the book series - far more balance. I liked the introduction of K Unit - the whole interrogation scene was really well done, from K Unit following orders but being quite uncomfortable with the whole thing, to Alex’s reaction to it, to his escape. I think the lack of SAS training camp was again an attempt to shift away from the Stormbreaker movie and, although it has spawned a lot of fanfiction, it doesn’t actually serve any purpose that couldn’t be addressed elsewhere. For K Unit lovers, I think this move was a good thing. It is pretty difficult to justify K Unit’s attitude towards Alex at Brecon Beacons, and translating that situation to one of trust between Alex and Wolf would be very difficult. This approach worked because, although K Unit was introduced in circumstances where you think they’re acting badly (following orders to interrogate Alex), you’re immediately introduced to the idea they’re not comfortable about it - so they might be good guys after all.
6. Wolf. So this gave us ALL the feels (the apology, the blanket wrap at the end...), but I (possibly controversially) think they could have done more here. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of what we saw in the book - Wolf not liking Alex, and then them turning that around. Don’t get me wrong - obviously, the more Alex/Wolf trust, the better. But I thought they made Wolf into a bit more of a softie than they really needed to. They had 8 episodes - they had time to build more of a character arc for him. 
7. Jones. Mixed feelings. Vicky McClure is really good, and I think the way they’ve set it up, there’s room for a good character arc here; at the moment, the Department is portrayed as basically being under Alan Blunt’s rule, with others disagreeing with his approach but getting overruled. If they make it far enough, Mrs Jones is going to need to have adopted some of his ruthlessness by the time Blunt gets the sack at the end of Scorpia Rising. A bit like Wolf, I thought Mrs Jones could have been a bit more complex than she was. But I’m happy to wait and see what they do in (hopefully) future seasons.
8. Setting. Generally pretty well done. Thank GOD they were wearing proper school uniform (what were the directors of the Stormbreaker movie thinking...this is Britain, y’all). The Point Blanc academy was suitably creepy and isolated. My only criticism re setting was that the “Department” was in a basement. I can see why they did it (dark and mysterious setting, OK), but it didn’t strike me as a particularly realistic place to run a Government department from. Even MI6 has a decent building in Vauxhall.
9. Kyra. I didn’t want to like this deviation in principle - I was really suspicious they were just setting up a love interest (the same way as in the Stormbreaker movie, where they elevated Sabina’s character in a way that just wasn’t appropriate). But Kyra was a brilliant addition. Complex but good-hearted. And nothing cringey happened - even that nearly kiss before Alex leaves Point Blanc was actually pretty believable and went just far enough. Be interesting to see if she comes back - that hanging ending, man. Poor Kyra. On a side point, I think for the purposes of the TV series it was quite important to give Alex a good friend at the academy. Solitary spying works well on the page, but not so much on screen - viewers need dialogue. I thought the way they did it worked well.
10. Plot. Yes, there were tweaks. But I thought the way it was put together was well done. There was no dramatic baddie revealing all at the end. I liked the way it gradually unfolded, and that although MI6 had managed to piece some of it together, it was ultimately Alex who solved it through the spying he’d done. Interesting that they have decided to introduce Scorpia so early on, but it’s given us something to drive the series forward rather than it just being one mission after another, so probably a good move.
11. Tom. The relationship between Tom and Alex was well done (when Alex comes to Tom’s rescue at the end!). O’Connor is good (though, please, PLEASE can we ditch what my husband and I have dubbed the gnome hat?). I thought he got slightly too much air time at this stage, personally - and turning up at the Friends’ house was a bridge too far for me. But I can forgive this. I liked the way they targeted Tom because he and Alex are such best friends. This bromance was something missing from the series and it was a welcome introduction.
I could go on, but I think this is long enough. If anyone has anything they’d like to chat about or to hear my opinion on, do PM me or comment on this post. Meanwhile, I’m off to rewatch the series.
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