#and i love writing my stupid little thoughts in the tags but that takes energy i don’t have and haven’t had for like a year
redrattlers · 10 months
i feel like the way i run this blog is very telling of the way i am irl (i’m a serial procrastinator)
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mcu-coworkers · 11 months
Summary: You tell Miguel his truths and in return he shows you his.
Word count: 1.9k+
Warnings: none really:]
A/n: Hello everyone welcome to long awaited part 4 as well as the final part to this little series! thank you guys so much for loving it I truly can't express how grateful I am for all of you I hope you love this ending and I hope to you all again in my next story! Also I will be attaching the tag list to this chapter since hopefully that makes it a little easier to find everyone. I hope everyone enjoys.xx
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Credits to the owner^:)
It had been a week since you went back to HQ and you were starting to feel lighter.
In a way, telling Miguel your truth helped you get there.
Because now, you didn't have to keep thinking about the thought of what you’d say to him if you ever saw him again.
But you did see him again, and in your opinion, you said just the right things.
Suddenly you found yourself having more energy, listening to happier songs, and taking Milo on longer walks or fun adventures.
Things were finally starting to look up for you, so much so you actually thought about returning to the spider society to get back on fighting multiversal crime.
Right on queue Peter walks through the portal.
“You sure you wanna do this? You said you’d never come back.” he questioned remembering how he found you right after everything happened.
Thinking about it one more time, you smiled and turned on your suit.
“Yep, I'm just gonna lay low. Be a freelance spider with no commitment to a sector or anything you know?” you said reassuring yourself.
“Okay but  I   mean more like to get back in you’ll have to talk to Miguel. And he hasnt been in the best of moods lately.” he said watching as you walked.
Your smile only got wider as you made your way to the portal, for the first time you felt nothing.
No butterflies in your stomach and no heart beat skipping at the mention of his name.
Progress right?
Shrugging his shoulders Peter followed you in standing right beside you as you entered the busy hallways.
“Alright well  I  ‘ll leave you to it. I'm gonna take May Day to get her mid day nap.” he said walking away.
“See ya later Pete thanks for bringing me in.” you said waving him away.
As you made your way to Miguel's office you thought about what Pete said earlier, had he really been such a grump.
You’d think he’d be happier not having to deal with you.
But like always, nothing and no one could ever help that man no matter the case.
As you made your way up Miguel was practicing his speech with Lyla.
“... I   didn’t mean what  I   said that day and if  I   knew the damage it would do  I   wouldn't have said it in the first place? Sounds stupid doesn't it?” he said, turning to face her.
“Yep, just like the first two times you said it. Miguel when you go find her you have to speak from the heart not from a piece of paper it just sounds so Scripted.” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Scripted? It's not scripted. I just think writing my thoughts down will help me pull it together.” he said huffing in frustration.
“How about this, you pretend im Y/n and tell me what you’d say, no notes just your thoughts. Right now.” she said sitting in a little AI chair she made for herself.
Thinking about it he just gave up.
“Okay but record it so  I   can take notes after.” he said, beginning to pace around the panel.
Sighing he began to get frustrated with himself, “Ay cono esto no esta sirviendo.” he said rubbing his face.
“Come on Miguel, get to it.” Lyla said, rushing him.
“This is stupid! Shes probably off with who ever the fuck Milo is having the time of her life because  I  , like the big fucking idiot  I   am, pushed her straight into his arms!” he said, at this point he was over the smashing and breaking things so he just leaned against his desk.
“It doesn't matter what  I   say anymore Lyla, She’ll never forgive me, she’ll never listen to me.  I  ‘ll never get to tell her that  I   love her and even if  I   did she’d never believe it because she thinks  I   am a big giant asshole.' ' he said lowering his voice as he got close to the end.
“But you know what? That Milo is one lucky soul, he gets to look into her eyes, make her smile, just simply be in her presence. He has everything  I   wish  I   had. Y/n.” he said, still looking down.
“ I   was a vampire, sucking the life out of her and then just tossing her to the side like she meant nothing, when in reality she was fucking everything Lyla. Milo is one lucky guy.” he said, looking up at Lyla to see her smiling.
Confused by her reaction he was getting ready to ask.
“Milo is a dog, my dog.” you said, startling him.
“Dios mío (my god), Y/n? What are yo-what are you doing here.” he said, his heart practically racing out of his chest.
“Well  I   was here to ask for my place back in the society but  I   think I'm gonna go.. Yeah I'm gonna go.” you said as tears began to well up in your eyes.
There was no actual way you just heard all of that.
Looking between you and Lyla Miguel went after you.
“No no no wait just please.” he said, holding onto your arm.
Pulling back you felt anger, the audacity of this man.
“Who do you think you are? Huh?  I  was so in love with you Miguel! So stupidly in love with you because  I   thought you were this hero that helped everyone and you just needed someone to help you.” you said laughing to yourself.
“People told me to stay away from you, that you’d never accept the help or even my friendship. But  I   shook them off and thought they were crazy for not wanting to see through that rough surface you carried, but  I   did,  I   wanted to.  I   wanted to believe that  I   could break through and see the real you, but  I   realized there is no breaking through. That was it there was no surface, that's just who you are and it was all thanks to you. No one else helped me realize it, just you.” you said shoving a finger into his chest.
“And when  I   took that leap of faith and told you how  I   felt you kicked me to the curb, you bled me dry like a goddamn vampire. Because of you  I   almost gave it all up.  I   was so broken, so lost. All because  I   risked my place next to you and  I   lost it. But in reality   I   never had it. There was no place next you because you're Big bad Spiderman 2099 and you work better alone. Fine, work alone.” you said walking away, nope, not walking away you weren't done.
“ No you know what, it's not fair. You do not get to reject me and make me go through all of this to just turn around and say that you love me. You’re a vampire, Miguel O’hara. You just like to suck the life out of me and toss me to the side until you feel like using me again.” you said tears were beginning to fall.
“Y/n please,  I   never meant for you to feel like this,  I   just,  I   just want you to come back.  I   understand if what  I   said was too much but we need you here.  I   need you here.” he said, looking at you with soft eyes.
God he was making it difficult to walk away.
“If this is your way of getting some fucked up little thrill  I   wont do it,  I   wont.” you said looking at him with threatening eyes.
“ I   know it's hard to believe what  I‘m saying but could you atleast try? Dios mio mujer  I‘m trying to confess my love for you and you're making it impossible!” he said, running his hands through his hair.
He fell for such a headstrong woman.
Looking at you again he decided to just go for it, “Oh fuck it.” he said looking at your lips.
“Wha-” before you could finish his lips were on yours and he was pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
Putting your hand against his chest you considered pulling away but as he cupped your face and pulled you closer your hands found themselves making their way to the back of his neck and pulling him closer.
Pulling away, Miguel continued to give you pecs allowing you to catch your breath.
“Believe me now?” he whispered.
“Mmmm, still a little skeptical.” you said smiling as he leaned back in smiling into the kiss.
“Aww aren't you two just the cutest? Lyla please tell me you got that.” you heard startling you as you pulled away.
“Yup, got it all.” she said pointing to the recording hologram, “So good.” she said smiling.
You tried to detach yourself from Miguel but he continued to hold you tightly by the waste.
So instead you opted for hiding into his chest and smiling.
“What do you need, Parker.” Miguel said as he looked at the walking interruption.
“My friend who came to see the walking grump was taking a little long just wanted to make sure she made it out alive.” he said, covering May Day's bright eyes.
“As you can see she is alive and well, you can go now.” he said, putting his attention back on you.
“Alright, im gone you kids be safe, take it slow.” he said jokingly.
“Peter!” you yelped turning a bright shade red.
“So,  I'm a blood sucking vampire?If  I   knew any better  I‘d think you have a thing for vampires amor.” he said as he kissed down your neck gently grazing you with his fangs.
Moving your head to give him more space you moved your hands into his hair and pulled at the roots.
“Just one.” you said smiling as he brought his lips back to yours.
“Good. Because this ones gonna do more than suck the life out of you.” he said as he pulled you back in for a kiss.
Smiling into the kiss you pulled away trying to control your laughter.
Confused by your reaction Miguel just watched.
“You were je-jealous of my dog?” you said trying to catch your breath.
Shoulder slumping Miguel hoped you wouldn't bring that up.
“You're not letting that go are you.” he said looking at the wall.
“Oh no, never  I   do have to admit, he is one handsome boy.” you said bursting out in laughter.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” he said as he attempted to keep a straight face, hearing your laugh in his office again made it hard.
Finally, everything was how he wanted it.
You at his side, with a dog, but nonetheless at his side.
Now he just had to get Milo on his side too.
Did this mean he was a dog dad now? 
“Wait Lyla did you know she was coming here?” he asked suddenly realizing that you just so happened to walk in at a perfect time.
“Yup, saw her on the surveillance footage and you were taking too long for my liking, you are welcome boss man.” she said, saluting him before disappearing.
Deciding to let it go he focused back on you, “worth it.”
Meanwhile Lyla was showing the other spiders the video collecting her winnings from the bets she placed.
“These damn AI’s always know everything.” Jess whispered under her breath.
She’d take it up with Miguel later, but for now… who knew he could be such a softy?
You did, more than ever now.
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
babygirl bo <3 I have some Qs to which I beg you provide some As (I need me some of that deep bo lore)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
babygirl lumi i love you so much. you're welcome to any lore you want
🍄 does puppy play count as a hc? because i write ghost calling soap "pup" as a kink thing but i also very much so think he'd just Do that.
if that doesn't count, then i'll say that one hc i swear by is that ghost is a freak but soap is 10x freakier and he's into literally every conceivable abuse ghost tries to commit agaisnt him.
also i think soap is suuuper smart but in a really specific way - can't spell for shit, but that man can rattle off college level math like it's nothing
🥤 is SUCH a good ask because now i can rec my fav cod x readers <3 (i know it says fic or author singular but you're getting multiple fics in place of me trying to tag authors and inevitably forgetting someone)
cod fics (but not the people i usually link because this post is already too long):
Baby Blue by kechiwrites (ghost x reader)
Taste by Sweet Deciet (ghost x soap x reader)
The Hand That Feeds by anonymous (ghost x soap)
Hypnotized (Fuck It) by ANTchan (ghost x soap)
Where Moonlight Meets the Sea by MildLimerence (ghost x soap)
Not More Than Once by WhisperedWords12 (ghost x soap)
NOT cod fics, but one for a few fandoms i love:
Declensions by dustorange is THE dick grayson origin fic. if there's one fanfic i wish i had written, it would be this
the first step of kintsugi by thepolysyndetonaddictsupportgroup is a peter parker & frank castle fic and im not sure it'll ever be finished but it is just. god it is perfect and probably my favorite fic of all time
anything by cupcakemolotov is gonna hit like no other for klaus mikaelson/caroline forbes. i love her so so much like she is my IDOL
ALL MOUTH. by themilkteeth is like the epitome of what a good darklina fic is. it's soooooosososo good i want it injected into my veins
the Blood Apron series by sciencefictioness is a great overwatch fic, but you really don't need to know the characters to enjoy the story! another one that'll never get added to, but i love it a lot
🥐 i don't like the lotr movies but there's a moment in the first (?) one where aragorn (?) is singing to himself and frodo (?) asks "who is this lady you sing of?" and for some reason i literally cannot watch it without keeling over in laughter. it's so fucking stupid
🪲 ohhhh we have beef for this one. i hate you a teeny tiny bit for making me write (/j). added it below the cut!
ok quick edit here but. i thought that said 500 words so uh. sorry but there's 500 words here instead of 50 lmfao. im a fool!!!!!
ghost x soap (cw for (legal) age gap)
He takes another look at the kid, now that he’s not planning on throwing him off the property. He’s got a bit of bulk, probably just recently started working out, and there’s a cocky energy coming off of him. Ghost would bet this is far from the first time he’s robbed someone with this little ruse, probably thinks he’s the smartest burglar in town. Too bad he chose the wrong man to try and trick this time.
Ghost straightens from the doorway, rolling back his shoulders and standing tall. The kid isn’t short by any means, but compared to Simon he’s practically little. Odds are he’s still got some growing to do, but for now Simon gets to enjoy the way he can loom over the teenager.
“No one ever taught you to respect your elders, boy?”
Oh, the kid doesn’t like that one. If he were a dog, his hackles would be fully raised, but he’s left settling for curling his lip back in a snarl. “You think just cause you’re old I have to respect you?”
“I think you’ll respect me because you’re on my property. That and I don’t think you’ll like what happens if you keep the attitude up.”
The kid flushes, either from rage or the innuendo. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You think just because we’re out here alone you can say whatever you want to me?”
“Of course not. We’re out here all alone, which means I can do whatever I want to you. And I will, if you don’t get off my property.”
The kid looks him up and down, then visibly steels himself. Ghost bites back a smirk. He’s not used to being underestimated, but he finds he doesn’t mind when it means getting to see the kid play at being his equal.
“What do you think you’ll do if I don’t go?”
Oh, Ghost can’t wait to beat the attitude out of the little brat.
He doesn’t let the kid see how much the rudeness is getting to him, intentionally keeping his face flat and unimpressed. “What’s your name, kid?”
That permanent scowl doesn’t shift, even as a flash of confusion crosses his face. “...John.”
Ghost nods. “Alright, Johnny, if you don’t get off my property, I’ll take you over my knee and teach you what your daddy should’ve.”
It’s nearly impossible to keep from grinning when Johnny’s mouth pops open in surprise, the flush creeping further up his neck. “You- you’ll- who do you think- you can’t-”
Ghost reaches out like he might slap Johnny, instead snaps right in front of his nose, sharp and loud. “Spit it out, boy. I don’t feel like listening to a kid learn how to speak all night.”
Johnny’s letting himself get worked up, and not doing a good job of hiding it. His teeth grind and he shifts from foot to foot, like he’d like to try and attack Ghost. He’s apparently smart enough to know how idiotic that would be, and Simon finds he’s almost disappointed.
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nekoannie-chan · 5 months
Blood magic
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Title: Blood magic.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Reader.
Word count: 438 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Your blood always cures Brock.
Major Tags: Mention of blood.
Additional tags: This my entry to @multifandom-flash, Annie-3002 & square 9:
"Blood magic.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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Brock had always had successful missions. However, on the last seemingly routine mission, everything took an unexpected turn. You did not fall into the enemy's ambush and completed the mission successfully, but several agents were injured, including Brock, even though he pretended he was fine.
The night had become dark and stormy as you returned from the gruelling mission. As soon as he took off his shirt, you noticed the wounds on his body.
“I didn't think you'd be back so soon, Brock," you said, assessing the wounds visible on his face and hands.
Rumlow grunted, shedding the rest of his gear and exposing cuts and bruises in other areas.
“They're just scratches; I don't need anyone to take care of me," he replied proudly.
But you ignored what he said. You knew he was very proud, so you approached him. You raised your hand, and Brock felt a warm energy enveloping him. Your powers began to close the wounds and ease the pain. Brock, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel surprised by the disappearance of the pain and wounds; it seemed as if they had never been there.
“You don't need to keep pretending you're a tough guy, Brock," you said calmly.
He frowned at her, distrustful.
“What kind of trick is this?"
You smiled, and you loved that sometimes he could be so stupid and he didn't seem to notice it.
“It's not a trick; it's magic. Magic runs through my veins as well as my mutant side. In case you didn't know HYDRA also recruits mutants, I thought you knew everything, Brock," you teased.
Brock was dumbfounded. After all the time you had been together and known each other, it had never occurred to him to ask you about your abilities.
“What else can you do? “he asked.
You smiled and started to show him some of your skills, but what caught his attention the most were the little flashes of light dancing in his hands.
“Why didn't you tell me before?" Brock questioned.
“You never asked me, but didn't you ever wonder why most of the time the missions went practically flawlessly?"
“Because I'm an excellent leader," Brock replied proudly. You raised your eyebrow.
“That also helped."
“Wait, you mean... you used your powers all this time?"
“Of course, that's why Rogers hasn't discovered us either. You know I can conquer the world if I want to; we can do it together, Brock; it's you and me against the world," you assured.
He took your hand and kissed you. He liked the idea that, somehow, you were going to conquer the world.
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myreygn · 1 year
HELLO I SAW WHAT U SAID ABOUT DEMON SLAYER (THAT YOULL KISS ME LMFAO) BUT I WANTED TO ASK FOR MAYBE LEE ENMU??? YEAH IK HE JUST IS SO UNDERRATED IN THE TK COMMUNITY- idk why I’m yelling sorry but I need Lee or ler enmu anything pls 😭 my love for that man is indescribable and HE HAS LIKE NO TK CONTENT and that makes me sad awawaw but anyway have a good day or night or whatever time it is for u <333
Unhand me!
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summary: Akaza allows himself to take a day off from the mission he was assigned and decides to stay at Mugen train - surely he and Enmu can avoid each other for the time being. Only that Enmu seemingly has no interest in avoiding Akaza and Upper Moon Three isn't one to turn down a challenge.
an: HI I'M SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ALSO PLEASE YELL AS MUCH AS YOU WANT WE SUPPORT YELLING ON THIS BLOG- okay good news is i finally finished it and i had a lot of fun with it, i also learned to appreciate enmu more during the time i had this in my inbox and finished the manga so i feel like i was able to write for them a lot better than i would have been three months ago! thank you for the request - i went with akaza's pov for this one because i find his easier to write than enmu's, i hope that's okay ^^ it's set somewhere between s1 and s2, enjoy!
wordcount: 1765
tagging: @giggly-squiggily because i stole your rui/akaza-dynamic and @duckymcdoorknob because it's your husband <3
warnings: it's an akaza pov so lots of swearing!
Akaza was exhausted. Which was ridiculous, considering that demons, let alone Upper Moons, shouldn’t even be able to feel something as mundane as exhaustion. Yet this stupid mission managed to- no, it wasn’t a stupid mission, there was no way he could even think that when there was so much as a chance of Muzan-sama listening in on his thoughts at that very moment. 
A noticeable shiver ran through Akaza’s body and he jumped through the opening in the train’s roof (whatever purpose a damn skylight on a train had but alright). It would probably be best to just not think about this mission at all for a few hours. He had worked hard these past few weeks, he could take a day off. And while the company of Lower Moon One certainly wouldn’t be his first choice in any other situation (except maybe if it was between them and fucking Douma) the train they had brought under their control would do as lodging for now. Especially because it was in the engine shed which meant that there were no people around to disturb him and enough space to get away from Enmu in case they got too annoying.
Akaza slouched down in one of the seats, not bothering to open his eyes when he felt a poorly covered presence approaching. “I’m just crushing here for today, don’t make a fuss about it.”
No answer, but the presence was still there. Okay, weird, but it was undoubtedly exactly who he thought it was and he wasn’t gonna open his eyes for Enmu of all people. A little voice in the back of his head started squeaking about how disrespectful the lower ranked demon was being but honestly, Akaza didn’t have the energy to scold them right now. Who cared anyway, it was just the two of them and Enmu knew very well that Akaza could obliterate their ass within two seconds, so whatever.
He crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back and enjoying the silence. Well, while it lasted.
Nope. Absolutely not.
He was not gonna sacrifice his peace of mind for whatever bullshit Enmu was up to.
Tap tap. Taptaptaptaptap- 
“GAH!” Akaza felt his eyes fly wide open and his foot crashed into the floor next to his seat at something squeezing his knee. A few quick tapping noises and a soft snicker that seemed to come from the walls rather than from the hand that sat patiently in the middle of the gangway, an aura of fake innocence and smugness to it that would’ve driven Akaza up the wall on any other day.
Today though? Maybe it was really only because he was so fed up with this not at all stupid, so much fun mission that he had been trying to complete for weeks now but he had to admit, he felt rather… playful. Daki and Gyutaro had plenty of playfights whenever they all came together and although he’d rather walk straight into the sun than admit it out loud, there was always a sting of jealousy in his chest watching them. He had no one he could do that with - these days he hardly ever came across anyone who a) matched his strength enough for them to actually do something like that, b) had the guts to challenge him and c) didn’t make him want to rip his own head off whenever they opened their mouth. Fucking Douma, honestly.
And sure, Enmu was only a lower moon but they still matched two out of the three necessary criteria, so maybe it was gonna be fun. The hand tapped the floor with its index finger and a mouth appeared on it, stretched into a wide grin. Fuck it, why shouldn’t he play along.
“You have balls, I’ll give you that.” He lunged forward, missing the hand only by a mere inch or so. Hm. Surprising enough. Of course he hadn’t used his full speed but he still had planned on catching the hand. Little fucker was quick - that, or he was more exhausted than he had thought. Maybe both. Probably both.
“That was a good one, Akaza-sama!”
Heavens, he didn’t need this creepy thing giving him compliments- “Hey!” In the brief second he had been busy thinking about how weird it was to literally talk to the hand (he had seen Enmu pull the talk to the hand move on one of the other lower moons once and begrudgingly admitted to himself that that had been pretty cool), said hand had lunged forward to squeeze his knee once more. That brave move brought an end to its attempt at a reign of terror though.
“Gotcha!” Akaza held the hand up by the fingers, pressing them together in a way he hoped wasn’t too painful - he was still having fun and didn’t really want that ruined by Enmu getting hurt and inevitably becoming horny over it - and smirked at the struggling limb. “What do you think you’re doing, huh?”
“Oh, I thought we were playing a little game,” Enmu chirped through the hand’s mouth (hands shouldn’t have mouths, jeez, Enmu was so weird), “Akaza-sama seemed so down on the bench, I thought I might as well try to cheer him up.”
“By sending your creepy hand to squeeze my knee?”
“Yes!” The thumb wriggled excitedly and Akaza was glad he was holding the other fingers hostage so he didn’t have to see them do it as well. “Douma-sama told me about Akaza-sama’s knees being quite, hum, sensitive, I wanted to see for myself!”
“He said that, huh?” Akaza felt heat boiling in his stomach but he couldn’t really tell whether it was anger or horror at the prospect of Douma spreading this particular weakness of his around like hot gossip - not that a vast majority of demons could manage to utilize it against him if he didn’t want them to. Still. Fucking Douma. “Did he tell you what would happen if you got busted by me?”
The hand seemed to stiffen a little at that and Akaza couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle. “That’s what I thought. Tell you what, if you show yourself right now I might go easy on you.”
Silence. He lifted the hand to eye level. “Alright. You brought this upon yourself.”
A shriek echoed from the train’s walls and Akaza felt the corners of his mouth pull up in amazement. All he had done was gently scratch at the soft skin right where regular humans had their artery. “If your wrists are this bad, what about the rest of your hand?”
“Wahait, wait, Akahaza-samahahahaaa!”
Akaza snickered to himself, relentlessly dragging his blunt nails over Enmu’s wrist. (Enmu’s hand’s wrist? This was Enmu’s hand, right? He wondered whether they carried substitute hands in their pockets.) “I am waiting, waiting for you to come out so I can look at your face while I annihilate you.”
There was no real bite to his words and he was sure Enmu could tell - otherwise they would’ve probably thrown themselves in the dirt in front of Akaza already, begging to be left alive. Not that Akaza had the authority to kill the last remaining lower moon just like that but Enmu probably didn’t know that, and honestly, they didn’t need to. He was allowed to keep at least a little bit of his threatening exterior.
Although how threatening could he seem, standing in an empty train and tickling a detached hand? Probably not very, but whatever, looking threatening wasn’t the top priority right now. The top priority remained getting that little weasel Enmu to leave their hiding spot and if he had to bring out the big guns for that, then fine, he’d bring out the big guns.
“AIEEE! Ahahahakazaha-sahahama! Nohot thahahahat!”
Enmu was losing it now and the whole train vibrated as if shaken by their high and shrieky cackles. Akaza allowed himself an evil chuckle. There was something very satisfying about hearing that normally melodic and breathy voice brought to such loud and, dare he say it, ridiculous noises. Especially considering that he wasn’t really doing much aside from gently scribbling over the palm of the hand - as he knew all too well from countless humiliating interactions with Douma, a light touch was often enough to really get someone screaming and Enmu didn’t seem to be the exception to that.
“Ahakazahaha-sahahamaha, unhahand mehehe!”
“Oh, you think you’re really funny, huh?!”
Growing more hysterical by the second.
“You know what to do if you want me to stop.” Akaza smirked to himself when a low thud behind him notified him of Enmu’s long overdue surrender and he stopped his attack on the hand to turn around to an absolutely demolished looking lower moon. As soon as he took his fingers off, the limb went limp (Ha ha.) and he gave himself a moment to relish in the sound of Enmu desperately gasping for air. “There you are, you little freak. So I guess that means I win.”
“Ehe, indeed you do. Well played, Akaza-sama.” Enmu got on their knees and grinned up at him, cheeks flushed and lips stretched into a pleased smile; a smile Akaza found himself returning, much to his surprise. “May I have a turn now?”
The upper moon hesitated for a moment. Pausing and really thinking about it, this was beyond inappropriate, but then again… it wasn’t like Muzan-sama didn’t already know about the tickle fights amongst his Kizuki. And even if Enmu went on to tattle about this to Douma, well, it wasn’t like Douma didn’t know about Akaza’s tendency to goof off with the lower moons as well. Or at least his tendency to goof off with a former lower moon. 
Akaza felt the ever so slight hint of a sting in his chest; he knew he shouldn’t, but damn, he missed Rui. He remembered their tickle fights, their games of hide and seek, Rui demanding piggyback rides. And grief was such an embarrassingly human feeling to experience, but to call it anything else would be a lie. For a moment he wondered whether Rui missed him too, watched him even - wouldn’t Rui want him to do this? He could almost sense the kid nudging him from the afterlife - Do it! I haven’t seen you laugh in a while! And Enmu was still there, still looking up at him so expectantly and fuck it, why the hell not! 
“Bring it on, sleeping beauty.”
Maybe it was okay to feel a little human every now and then.
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oxfordslutphase · 2 months
WIPs for the Wednesday Gods
So it's Wednesday, and unfortunately for me I've been in a big fat, no good writing funk for the past couple of weeks. Really getting into the weeds about it and all of that (am I any good at it??? do I even like writing??? who knows!) That said, some of y'all lovely gems have been tagging me today (and in some fun games from last week that I may queue up for later this week). Thanks to @cha-melodius, @wordsofhoneydew, @eusuntgratie, @bigassbowlingballhead, @iboatedhere, @firenati0n, and @onthewaytosomewhere for tags today and last week!
I just deleted a whopping 2500 words from my Porn Star AU 😩, so instead please enjoy this offering of TZP/Nick inspired by Taylor running his mouth like an absolute menace on the Oscars red carpet (no I have not stopped thinking about it). As always the F stands for fiction etc etc.
Taylor checks his phone on the way out, breezing past emails from his agent and Maria’s endless recap of the show exclusively via reaction gifs before he sees it. Nicky: just thought you needed the practice, mate. x Taylor has been thinking about it lately, is the thing. Nick has been everywhere: promoting his new show, saying nice things about Taylor in interviews. Things like how he was authentic and funny and—fuck. Nick is in his city now, even. It isn’t Taylor’s fault that Amelia had pitched him a perfect home run. Taylor: so generous. too bad u weren’t invited tonight.  Taylor follows the security line to the valet and slides into the backseat of his waiting car, letting out a breath as the door closes and leaves the sounds of the crowds outside pleasantly muffled. He has a date with a hotel suite and an outfit change waiting for him, but for now he just lays his head on the glass and lets the streetlights passing by the window drain away the lingering nervous energy until his phone lights up in his palm. Nicky: maybe I have better things to do Taylor isn’t going to think about whether he would have liked Nick to have been there, frankly. If seeing the familiar shape of Nick’s profile across a crowded room would have felt relaxing, like it once had, instead of fraught with all of these inconvenient feelings. It had been a lot easier when his stupid face and his sly fucking mouth had been clear across an ocean. Just a mistake Taylor made once. Taylor plays the game anyway. Taylor: yeah?? what things? And he expects more of the same, really. A bit of banter. Some of it verging on flirty. The same stupid shit they always do; tossing a hot potato around and pretending they didn’t already drop the damn thing. Instead, those three little dots show up, dancing at the bottom of Taylor’s phone screen once, twice, and then—nothing. Okay then.
Open tag because I have been woefully behind on checking my feed, looking at the internet, and being a general person! Tag me if you take the open tag 💋
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Such a Softer Sin (Part 7)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: I know I’ve not been replying to the replies on my chapters, but trust me I’m reading them and you guys are making me so happy. I love seeing what you all think and getting so invested in the story. My energy levels have been below zero lately, my fibromyalgia is kicking my ass to the moon and back. What little energy I’ve had, I’ve been writing songs when I told myself I’d continue to get at least one of my other Billy WIPS done while I have the time so you’ll have something to read after this one. I’ll get there eventually lmao
Also, happy birthday to @promnightbinbaby (if it's still your birthday, time zones and all that loooool)
It was the next day and you were sitting on the porch steps of the pack house with Kos. You’d both been watching as your people mingled with the King’s, introducing themselves and getting settled in here, it was nice to see. You’d been worried most of all about Viron with how skittish he could be, worried he might hide away in the house. His brother hadn’t let him though, taking him around as they met people and you could already see him relax as he actually spoke to people not from his own pack. It made you smile, you knew this would be good for him. Kos was just telling you the training schedule you’d start in a week that the King had given him when Atti rushed over, face slightly pale and your back straightened. 
“What happened?” you asked quickly, ready to fight already if you needed to. Hell, you’d take on the King himself if he’d done something to hurt Atti. He glanced from you to Kos, shifting on his feet as his mouth floundered for a moment.
“Spit it out, Atti,” Kos growled, but you could hear the worry in his voice as you both looked up at him.
“I found my mate,” he blurted. Shock hit you in the face and both you and Kos just stared at him for a moment. A smile split your face as you felt happy for him but it faded when he just stood there with a worried look on his face.
“Is that a bad thing?” Kos asked slowly, raising a brow.
“I don’t know, I guess not,” he muttered in reply and your eyes narrowed a little.
“What’s her name then?” you asked, wondering why he was being so weird about it. 
“I don’t know, I didn’t speak to her. I… ran off,” he admitted and you and Kos looked at each other before you both burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny, guys!” he whined, almost pouting as you tried to catch your breath.
“I’m sorry, but you ran away? She’s your mate, you idiot! Why didn’t you just speak to her?” you asked incredulously.
“You do realize you're supposed to run towards your mate, not the other way?” Kos asked teasingly and Atti squinted at him.
“I’m well aware, thank you very much. I just… panicked. I don’t know. She’s one of the Warriors here. I saw her and I just…” he shook his head looking like a spooked horse and you and Kos shared another look before you both stood.
“Right, come on. Let’s meet her then,” Kos grinned. Atti’s protests died on his tongue as Kos grabbed him by his collar and started dragging him along with you both. 
As you got closer to the castle, you noticed the King and Frank.
“What's he done this time?” Frank asked ruefully and Atti whined.
“This idiot just found his mate and ran away from her, didn’t even ask her name,” Kos snorted and both the King and Frank looked surprised before they smiled.
“Why the hell would you run away?” Frank asked with a chuckle.
“Because he’s a coward,” you teased, earning a dirty look from Atti. 
“I’m not a coward!” he defended weakly and Kos released his hold on him. He smoothed his jacket out, pouting at you both.
“You met your mate and ran away. You didn't speak to her, didn’t even get her name. You didn’t tell her you felt it too. You're either a coward or far more stupid than I thought you were, take your pick,” you smirked at him and he shot you a dirty look.
“What's her role here?” Frank asked curiously and Atti sighed, looking off wistfully to the training area.
“One of the Warriors. She’s over there,” he pointed to a woman with jet black hair who was sparring with someone. You noticed she kept glancing over and you smirked to yourself.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you,” the King grinned and Atti paled. Kos shoved him over to the King who’s smile turned more into an amused grin at the state of him. You watched on as Atti obediently followed the King over to the girl and you all watched, unable to hear with the distance as the King seemed to introduce them. The girl seemed happy and before long, she and Atti were chatting up a storm. The King strolled back over then, looking pleased with himself.
“What’s her name?” you asked curiously as he got back to you, Kos and Frank.
“Aurora,” he supplied, glancing over his shoulder at them as they sat on one of the benches while they spoke. You hummed with a nod, smiling to yourself.
“As much as I’d love to stay and chat, we’ve got some stuff to take care of. I’ll see you at dinner,” he smiled down at you. You gave him a smile back before Kos also left to do the rounds and check everyone was doing okay. You sat on the stone castle steps for a while, watching Atti and his mate get to know each other. The happiness you were feeling started to rapidly dim though as the reality set in about what this meant. 
Atti was your best friend, out of everyone, you were closest to him. You’d been raised together, best friends since birth practically and even after your pack was wiped out, it had been just you two until you stumbled across Kos. It had always been you and Atti against the world but now he found his mate. You were no longer the most important person in his life and you knew it was incredibly selfish but you started to feel panicked over it. You were happy he’d found his mate, both of you wondering if you never would, but things would change now. He’d no longer be sharing a room with you as it was hardly appropriate, he wouldn't spend so much time with you all because he’d be with his mate. Especially at first, when the honeymoon period was there. New mates often hid away and spent time with each other away from everyone else for a while. A part of you felt like you’d lost him and you knew it was selfish. It made you feel guilty and you didn’t like it. Unable to watch any longer, you went off to the pack house to feel sorry for yourself. You hoped the feelings would ease, telling yourself it was just the shock of it. It had come out of nowhere and you’d hardly been prepared for it. But the feelings didn't ease. As you lay on the bed with his scent, you couldn't shake the deep grief that was taking hold of you even though he hadn't died. You told yourself you were being ridiculous but you felt like you were lost out at sea. He wouldn't have time for you anymore, wouldn't have time to make you smile or laugh, to bicker with you. Wouldn't be there when you had a nightmare or when memories he also shared would plague you. He had his mate now, found the person he was supposed to spend his life with and they’d end up having kids and moving along with their life without you. You felt sick.
As the hours wore on, you worked yourself into a frenzy with your depressing thoughts and you felt the deep need for space and air clawing at you. You grabbed your furs, knowing it would be dark soon and you’d probably miss dinner but you didn’t care. You left the house, making a beeline for the gates where a guard was stationed. He gave you a smile and a nod as he let you out and you took a deep inhale, hoping it would ease your tension but it didn’t. You thought of the lake the King had mentioned and you wondered where it was. You sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent of the water and let your feet carry you there. It didn’t take too long to find it. It was beautiful as the sun started to go down, the sunset glimmering over the water that was surrounded by trees. You moved over to near the edge, moving to sit down heavily. Then you burst into tears. You felt stupid for crying over something like this when you should be happy for him but you knew you needed to let it out now or it would eat you alive. Things had never been normal with your pack, never normal between you, Atti and Kos. You’d never really thought too much about them finding their mates and what that would do to your friendship as you’d all figured the chances of finding them were slim to none. You chided yourself for being so selfish as you cried, angrily wiping your eyes. 
Suddenly you were tackled to the ground, startling you out of your misery. Hovering above you with a dagger was what you scented to be a vampire. You growled as he tried to swipe at you and you knocked it right out of his hands. He caught your mouth with a punch and you shoved him off you, tasting the copper on your tongue as you let your sadness turn to anger, pouncing on him before punching him over and over. 
“Why are you here?” you snarled, face of fury and blood coating your lips as you glared at him. He was bloodied himself, jostling as you shook him with the hold you had on his jacket and he laughed.
“Why are you? Your allegiance to the King will get you killed,” he smirked, his sharp teeth glinting in the dimming light. 
“The only one getting killed will be your kind, vermin,” you hissed at him as you let him go. You towered over him, eyes burning as you watched him carefully. You knew you shouldn't kill him, he was here for a reason and it was best you deliver him to the guards to deal with. He lay there for a moment and you sensed it before it happened. He went to tackle you again but you moved, grabbing him and spinning him by his arm. Your leg came down hard on his knee and he screamed as it cracked, bending at an angle it shouldn't be. You knew he’d heal, quicker than a human would. It didn't mean he couldn't feel pain. You were angry now. Angry this piece of shit was here and what he was doing and angry he’d managed to get a jump on you because you were upset. 
“You shouldn't have come here, vampire. Now the King’s going to have to deal with you,” you smirked down cruelly at him as he wailed in his agony. His eyes widened, trying to crawl away as he knew what awaited him but you grabbed him by his other foot, dragging him through the mud as he clawed at the ground, trying to stop you. He yelled the whole time, telling you that you were all dead, that the war was coming, the vampires would win. You tuned it all out, feeling like you were on the razor's edge of snapping and outright killing him with how you were feeling. The gates swung open as you arrived, the guards seemingly hearing the vampire's protests. You let him go as he whined and cried over his pain, the guards rushing over with wide eyes. It didn't take long for the King and Frank to rush over too. The King looked from the beaten and broken vampire to you, a deep frown gracing his face as he took in your bloodied lip and furious gaze.
“Take him to the cells,” he demanded, not looking at the guards he was talking to as his eyes were glued on you. The guards did as they were told as they started to drag the vampire away and the King took a few quick strides to you, eyes darting to your busted lip and then your eyes.
“What the hell are you doin’ going out there like that? We’re on the cusp of a war here,” he growled and you were taken aback by his harsh tone, but in your anger you felt defiance swell inside of you. Almost like you’d forgotten just who it was you were facing.
“I’m not a prisoner here, I didn’t sign up for that! I’m free to go as I please!” you yelled angrily, feeling all the eyes on you as you shouted at the King. He blinked at you for a moment, eyes flaring before he rolled his shoulder and sighed, lowering his head.
“I know that, I just don’t want you to get hurt, alright?” he frowned, his voice soft now and you felt yourself deflate. You wondered if part of you was hoping for a fight to make you feel better. You stood there as the adrenaline left you and you felt your lower lip wobble, making you clamp down on it as you swayed a little on your feet.
“I just… I just needed to get out of here for a bit, I went to the lake,” you murmured shakily, your eyes burning as you forced the tears away. The King watched you, his frown deepening for a moment.
“Come on,” he said, putting a hand on your lower back and guiding you back to the gate before you could argue.
“Where are we going?” you asked.
“The lake,” he supplied vaguely. You wanted to ask why but all the fight had left you so you just followed him silently as the pair of you made your way back. 
He moved to sit in almost the same spot you had been earlier and you sat next to him, looking over at the water.
“Talk to me, Y/N,” he said quietly, drawing your eyes to him. He was looking at you with concern and you looked away quickly. You didn’t want to tell him, didn’t want to admit what a horrible and selfish friend you were. You felt him scoot a little closer to you, your arms basically touching and you looked back at him.
“You can tell my anythin’,” he added sincerely and it made you chest ache. 
“I just…” your lower lip trembled and you frowned, looking down at your hands in your lap.
“I’m a terrible friend. I should be happy that Atticus found his mate, that he’s found his other half. But instead all I can think about is how that means I’ve lost him. That things won't ever be the same and I can’t shake it. He’s been a constant in my life for all of it and now he won’t be. He’s going to be too busy with his mate, I’m going to be an afterthought and I know that's how it should be, but it still hurts,” you admitted shamefully, unable to look at him. He was quiet for a moment but you were too scared to look at him to try and figure out what was going on in his head. You’d only just become friends with him, you didn’t want him to think so poorly of you.
“I get that. Karen’s Frankie’s second mate and none of us thought it would happen. After Maria… Me and Frank have always been close but it was different back then. He had a mate, kids… a family. And when he lost all that, it brought us closer together. It made it a little more bearable that we were both alone and then Karen turns up one day and that's it,” he started and you chanced a glance at him. He wasn’t looking at you, instead staring off at the lake, his turn to brood with a frown on his face. 
“And I know I shoulda felt happy for him and I was, but it was… I felt like you do, felt like he was bein’ taken away from me, felt like I’d lost him and I was back to bein’ alone. And it went like that for a bit, you know how new mates can be. But it doesn't last forever. Once they get to know each other, once they settle down, things’ll be different. You’re not a bad friend for feelin’ that way, it's natural, especially with how close you guys are. It’s an adjustment and you’ll get through it like you got through everythin’ else life’s thrown at you,” he insisted, his dark eyes now turning to you. You were shocked by his admission but you felt relieved almost, like you connected with him over this. He didn't judge you, he’d dealt with the same feelings. And you’d seen how close he was to Frank and to Karen too. You wondered maybe if there was hope. If you’d let Atti and Aurora get to know each other, if he’d come back to you and you’d get to know her, let her in the family. It wouldn't be completely the same and you knew that but you also knew that was just how it went. 
“Thank you,” you murmured, giving him a smile. The haunted look he was wearing seemed to evaporate right off his face at your smile and his whole body seemed to relax, a smile of his own on his face. 
“Don’t gotta thank me, it’s what I’m here for,” he answered easily and you gave him a wry grin.
“Bein’ a therapist to your people?” you snorted and he chuckled, shaking his head as his eyes bore into you. He just watched you for a moment and it made you feel a little weird, your heart stuttering in your chest as his almost black eyes seemed glued to you. You were about to say something, anything to stop the weird staring contest that seemed to happen because it made you feel like you were tumbling off a cliff when his lips suddenly descended on yours. Your whole body tensed up, shock rushing through your system like a confusing mixture of fire and ice. But then your brain caught up with you and you pushed him away, eyes wide. He looked shocked himself, eyes wider than yours as his mouth floundered for a moment. You really couldn't believe he’d tried to kiss you, especially not after what you’d told him in the garden. 
“I… I should get back,” you muttered tensely, still in shock as you jumped to your feet, your fingers over your lips.  
“Y/N, wait!” he called out quickly. You barely made it a few steps before he’d seized your wrist and turned you around. He dropped your arm quickly and you stepped back from him, your head spinning.
“I’m-I’m sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I know that was inappropriate. I shouldn’ta done that,” he frowned, a desperate look on his face. You really couldn't believe after what you’d said to him, after him telling you he just wanted to get to know you as a friend that he’d do this. It left you feeling confused and upside down, especially when at first, a part of you felt like you wanted it.
“You might not care about saving yourself for your mate, but I do,” you bit out and his face fell, pain flashing over it and it made guilt swallow you whole. You hadn't meant for it to come out so harsh or judgemental because honestly, you didn't judge him. But it didn't mean you were about to go down whatever this road was. Atti had found his mate, maybe you would too one day. Your head was going around and around and you felt like you couldn't breathe.
“Goodnight, Your Majesty,” you whispered, turning on your heel and rushing off before he could stop you again. 
You made a beeline for the house when you got back, rushing up the stairs and into your room where Kos was sitting on the bed reading. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked with a frown. You leaned back against the door, everything overwhelming you and as you opened your mouth to tell him, you burst into pitiful sobs. He jumped up and hurried over, scooping you into his arms as he guided you to sit on the bed. 
“What’s happened, Y/N?” he asked more firmly, stroking your hair as he rocked you back and forth. And you told him. You told him everything. You told him how you felt about Atti finding his mate and how guilty you felt, you told him about being jumped by a vampire because you were too upset to even think clearly and you told him about Billy. The conversation you’d had and that he’d kissed you. He’d comforted you about Atti, saying much the same as Billy had. That he would come around when he got to know his mate and they just had to wait. He’d been angry at the vampire thing but placated that the King had dealt with him. But when you told him about the King, he’d gone silent and you wiped your eyes, peering up at him.
“He shouldn’t have kissed you like that, but I don’t think he had bad intentions. I think he’s lonely and you don’t have a mate either. Maybe he felt like you connected over that or maybe he just got caught up in the moment,” he suggested softly. You nodded as you sat up straighter, taking in his words. You knew if Kos thought Billy had bad intentions, just wanting to bed you and then toss you away like a piece of used tissue, then he’d probably have a real big issue with it. King or no King, you knew it wouldn't matter. 
“I just don’t know what to do. We have connected but this whole thing is dangerous. You know what it’s like when people get involved with someone who isn’t their mate. It gets messy and complicated if the mate turns up and this is the King. It would be easy to get attached to him in that way, he's an incredible man, but it’s not a good idea,” you confessed with a frown. If you really thought about it, there was a pull to him and you weren’t sure what it was. You were unsure if it was the allure only a Lycan Demigod could have or if it was about you both bonding over no mates and losing family. There was just a level of understanding between you both that seemed to blossom from nowhere and while you still didn’t feel 100% comfortable with him due to the fact he was the King, you thought you could call him a friend and maybe that awkwardness would go away in time when you got used to having someone so important and regal as a friend. But now he'd kissed you and things were weird for a different reason. 
“You just need to think about what it is you want. You’re right, things can get messy if mates turn up but it’s also not a crime to be lonely and seek company from others feeling the same. I know you crave that type of companionship sometimes,” he started, making flames lick your cheeks that he’d picked up on it at some point.
“And I bet he craves it too, especially with him going so long without his mate. Whatever you choose to do, you know I’ll be by your side with no judgment,” he affirmed and it made you smile, warmth curling in your chest. 
“I think… I think I just want to be friends with him. As tempting as he might be, nothing good will come from starting a dalliance with the King. Not just because one of our mates could turn up and it would be uncomfortable but… I value his friendship. What’s the point in starting something that will have an expiration date? Even if my mate never turns up because he’s dead or halfway across the world or he has to wait another hundred years for his, the flame won’t last forever because we’re not mates. Those relationships don’t last. I don’t want to develop feelings for him just to be hurt in the long run,” you sighed and Kos took your hand in his.
“Then stay friends and I’ll back you up,” he smiled warmly as you and you grinned before it faded and you let out a groan.
“I don’t know how to be friends with him now he kissed me. It’s just awkward and I don’t know how to handle it. Do I speak to him about it or just pretend it didn’t happen? Either option isn’t great and it’s still weird,” you muttered with a huff. 
“Maybe just give yourself some space, think it over. He obviously finds you attractive but you're a beautiful woman, Y/N, he’d be stupid not to. Maybe he got caught up in the moment or maybe he misread the situation, but you said he was apologetic for making you uncomfortable, that he said he shouldn't have done it. He probably feels just as awkward as you do right now so maybe some space will help you both and you'll laugh about it together in a few days,” Kos advised and you nodded. You hoped so. He did seem mortified by what he’d done when you really thought about it so you didn't believe your initial thoughts that maybe this was his plan all along. The idea of the King being attracted to you though still made your head spin and you flushed at Kos’ compliment.
“Yeah, maybe a little space would be good. I need to get my head on right. I didn’t even know I wanted him to kiss me until he did it and now I feel all… blegh,” you sighed, making Kos smile ruefully at you. 
“I just need to accept the fact it was a bad idea and move on from it, hopefully things won’t be so awkward,” you added softly. You still felt a little confused but you knew you needed to snap out of it. Thinking of the King in that way wouldn't do you any favors and if he hadn't kissed you, you’d have stayed blissfully unaware that you wanted that from him. Who wouldn't though? He was magnetic, full of charm and beauty. You’d fallen into the trap that many other women seemed to have fallen into before you and you knew you needed it to stop. You’d take some space and calm yourself, remind yourself of your place. It wasn’t by the King’s side and you weren’t interested in some casual fling with him that would eventually end and your friendship would be ruined. You’d rather have him as a friend than that. You found yourself wishing to speak to Atti about it too. While you appreciated Kos’ wise words of encouragement and support more than anything, you knew Atti would be a little more blunt and maybe you needed that harsh slap around the face of reality. For all his talk of you and the King, you knew he was just teasing and he didn’t really think it was a good idea. You knew what he’d say about all this. You knew he’d give you a little tough brotherly love about it and maybe that was what you needed so you could stop clinging to a wisp of a notion that anything could happen between you and His Highness. It was a bad idea, it was that simple. You weren't willing to get your heart broken by anyone, much less the King.
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
Chapter 4
Some pre-chapter notes:
Immediately after this chapter Sayaka does her whole thing. I think the timeline here is a little wonky compared to the canon timeline but shh don't worry about that
I'm really tempted to write some stuff from Makoto's POV because I think it'd be funny as hell. Makoto trying his best to take care of this self-righteous rich boy who keeps on insulting him at every turn and insisting he doesn't need or want help, but also won't leave him alone and is making Makoto do stuff for him. It's like he picked up a stray cat that won't stop demanding to be pampered and also bites him sometimes for petting him. Typical normal guy and tsundere type dynamic. You did this to yourself really.
I love the importance of names and stuff when it comes to how people use them. Byakuya calls Makoto by his first name but I headcanon that he refers to Makoto by his last name in his head. In one part using Makoto's first name without honorifics because why would he use honorifics, but also using his last name in his thoughts because that's how he characterizes people, including himself. Until he respects them enough to use their first name in all cases
Content warning tags: more self-deprecating ableist language from Byakuya's part. Nothing extremely detailed or graphic but I'm going to note it here just in case
< previous - from start - next >
Naegi returns eventually, and with a flurry of apologies to explain his delay.
"It's, Sayaka was just feeling a bit scared, so-"
"I don't really care." Byakuya cuts him off bluntly. Whatever they needed to do to comfort each other wasn't his business, and he frankly didn't care to hear about it either. "Just shut up and listen."
He's sitting on the edge of his bed, one ankle resting on the opposite knee with his arms crossed, his back ramrod straight. Naegi shuffles before him, emanating his usual nervous energy.
"Makoto." Naegi twitches, snapping to attention. "What do you know about me."
Byakuya feels his eye twitch. "Are you dense? You heard me," He huffs. The impatience that had been building since Naegi left him earlier was working itself up towards a real, genuine anger, and there was a nauseating pulse in his temples. "Tell me what you know about me. Now."
"Um, well..." Naegi clears his throat. "You're Byakuya Togami. And...the Ultimate Affluent Progeny."
"And...? And, you've already assumed the role of 'heir' for the Togami family, and started managing some of the businesses...and you have a lot of personal assets, which you achieved by yourself." Naegi hesitates for an instant. "And, um...you're considered really exceptional, even among all the Ultimate students. I mean, I just read this stuff from online, but apparently you're supposed to be one of the smartest people here, and-and a lot of economists and stockbrokers consider you to be defining pillar of the market, though I'm not sure what that means...oh, and-"
"Alright, alright, enough." He waves a hand to shut Naegi up. It was all mindless drivel that Byakuya had heard a million times before, and he covers his face with his palm, feeling a strange combination of irritation by the waste of time and, oddly enough, pleased by the praise. "That's not what I meant."
Did he really need to spell it out? He sighs, exasperated; there was no way to make his point clear unless he says it out loud, it seems, because otherwise the dimwit boy would never understand it. "My eyes, Makoto." He fixes Naegi with a stare, though he can't read any emotion off his face at all. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed anything?"
I know you noticed, he thinks silently, desperately, to himself. There was no way he didn't, no matter how stupid Naegi was, it was his observant nature that first pointed out the irregularity of his eyesight during their first meeting, in front of everyone. And when he directed Byakuya to his dorm room on the first day, and even when he let the young heir hold onto his hood to lead him through the dark hallway. There were too many coincidences. He had to have some kind of inkling, at the least.
"I..." He hears Naegi swallow audibly. "I...did. But I thought, with how you acted, that you didn't want anyone to know?"
Byakuya feels the relief like a weight shedding from his shoulders. His suspicions were right, then. Naegi was as observant as he thought, and even without his eyes, Byakuya had been able to reach the right conclusion. "That's right. But you know, don't you?" He lets his eyes slide shut for a moment. "To try and hide it from you would be pointless at this point. So, tell me how you knew."
"When we first met, I thought there was something wrong with your glasses at first, like the prescription was wrong, because you cleaned them a lot but you were still squinting after you put them on. And, you looked like you couldn't find your room, even though the little pixel icons were pretty clear whose was whose. And when it came to videos, you didn't watch yours, but you only went to grab yours after everyone else." Naegi pauses for a moment. "And...once, while you were in the cafeteria...you were reading a magazine upside-down."
It takes a moment for the words to sink in, but when they do, it's accompanied by mortification. Byakuya covers his face again, feeling his cheeks burning underneath his fingers. Had he really put on such an embarrassing display, without even being aware of it? "...Did anyone else notice?"
"It was just me and Sayaka at the time, and Sayaka was the one that pointed it out first." There's a note of sympathy in his voice. "But, she thought that maybe you were just out of it, because you looked really tired...and neither of us told anyone else! And you stopped when people started coming in for lunch, so I don't think anyone else saw."
That was a small blessing. But here he thought he had been so careful...what a disgrace.
"Alright. Putting that aside, I imagine that what happened earlier tonight must have confirmed your suspicions about my sight, am I correct?" A particularly defined piece of Naegi's hair bounces as he nods. "Let me say this right now. I have no intentions of letting this...detriment, of mine, become common knowledge. And even someone as half-brained as you can understand that there will be consequences if your tongue is loose?"
"Half-brai-? Yeah, no, I wasn't planning on telling anyone." Naegi reaches up, the green jut of his elbow bobbing as he scratches his head. "Is it okay if I ask why you don't want anyone to know, though?"
"...Need I remind you of our circumstances?"
"I meant-! Like..." he waves his hands around, trying to find the words. "Like, I don't know. If, hypothetically, we weren't being coerced into trying to murder each other. Would you still tell the others?"
"Probably not." Byakuya replies immediately. Even without threat of a killing game, to bring himself to admit such weakness to them - peers or not - would be downright foolish for one of his stature, regardless of whether it was one of their group who was responsible for the injury in the first place. "We'd still be trapped in here either way, and it's not like any one of us is the Ultimate Opthamologist."
"But...we could help you?" Byakuya feels a sharp pulse of pain in his head, and he clicks his tongue. Naegi's voice grows more hurried. "M-maybe we can't help you fix the problem, but couldn't we find other ways?"
Byakuya can't help the short, mirthless snort that leaves him, as his headache thrums to life again, and he presses fingers to his temple. "Enough. You're even stupider than I thought." He sighs, voice stiff and slightly strained.
He presses a hand over his eyes, enveloping himself in darkness. The coolness of his palm is slightly clammy, and he latches on to the feeling. How nice it must be, to be able to trust people so blindly. He thinks to himself. It was the one luxury he couldn't afford. 
"I will compensate you appropriately once we leave here for keeping my secret, but in the meantime I have no more use for you. Leave."
He waits, expecting to hear the sound of clumsy, shuffling footsteps, or the shut of the door, making Naegi's exit. Instead, he receives a quiet, disbelieving: "...Wait, what?"
"Did I not make myself clear? Remove yourself this instant." He repeats again, louder, irked by the disobedience. Usually, people cleared out of his way on his order, whether they were servants or not. But still, there was no movement from the other boy. "What, are you deaf? I said-"
"Yeah, I heard you. But I don't get you at all." He sounds upset, somehow. "You don't want to tell anyone. But I already know, and you don't want...you don't want me to help you, or anything?"
Byakuya snorts, a derisive sound. "What could you possibly help me with?" It wasn't like he was helpless. Today had just had too many unpredictable, stressful elements, which led to this...strained and delicate state. It had been a fluke. Nothing more. He says as much with an air of dismissive confidence, trying to feel as sure of that as he sounded.
"But, I think the days after this are just going to get even worse, right? Kyoko mentioned that the mastermind behind all this probably isn't going to stop giving us motives until something happens." At that, Byakuya clicks his tongue. It was annoying, but he - or rather, Kirigiri - were correct. "I...I can help with some little things, at least. Like I did earlier today?"
Like earlier today. He considers it for a moment; for as annoying and pushy as Naegi had been - forcing him out of his room for some food, clumsily prepared, then leading him back - it hadn't been an entirely unpleasant experience. Naegi was not butler material, that was certain, but he was obedient and seemed to know his place.
In any ordinary situation, Byakuya might have flat-out rejected such a suggestion. It was unbecoming and pathetic to accept offers made out of pity, and foolish to take on partnerships where the odds weren’t in his favor. Makoto was able-bodied, decently observant, and hopelessly bound by human connection - Byakuya was blind and cut off from his wealth and power.
But…there was also no real evidence of Makoto’s intent to kill. He was too caring, it seemed; too hung up on helping others, and easy to read. It would be a risky gamble, but Byakuya had taken more dangerous wagers.
It is only because of my eyes...if not for this, I would have no use for him.
"...I'll consider it." Is all he says instead. For the time being, he was still managing fine on his own. "But let me be clear now on some expectations. When we're around others, I expect you to not be so casual with me."
"Okay, got it."
"I expect you not to reveal anything regarding my condition to anyone, not even that girl you're so intent on fraternizing with."
"W-wait, do you mean Sayaka? I'm not-!"
"And don't overstep your bounds. If I don't ask you to do something, don't do it." The only thing worse than an incapable servant was an overly-presumptuous one. "If you're not sure about something, ask me."
"Can we please go back to what you said earlier?" Naegi asks weakly.
"Your infatuation with Sayaka is obvious, even to me." Byakuya replies bluntly. For a moment, he considers alerting Naegi, letting him know of his own suspicions regarding Maizono, before reconsidering. Saying something like that might jeopardize their newly-established agreement, especially if Byakuya didn't have any real proof to back his claims. "It was quite pathetic, listening to you hang onto her every word like some lost puppy."
He watches pink crawl over Naegi's neck. He's sure the other boy must be making some kind of amusingly mortified face, but it's not one he can make out anyways, so he continues: "On my part, there is not much I can do to compensate you while we're in here, but I won't ask you to kill for me, or lie on my behalf, nor will I ask you to die for me. I have no intentions on relying on anyone in regards to this game that we've been made to participate in." It was rather humiliating to admit it out loud, but it was the truth; there wasn't much he could offer while they were trapped in here. "I will also provide monetary reimbursement for your services once we leave here. Is that an amenable condition? Do you have any other requests?"
It takes the other boy a moment to find his words, likely still stunned from the earlier scathing remarks. "So, you won't ask me to carry out killing for you...would that even work, with the rules of the game?"
"Who knows? But I'm not interested in trying it out. You're not a suitable pawn for that sort of thing, and I don't like leaving dirty work to someone incompetent." There were still too many unknown factors; the rules regarding accomplices, and the extent of Naegi's loyalty. It was better to use the other boy only for what he was offering, and nothing more. "I doubt that the mastermind has any motive that can be used to move me to act recklessly, especially with these conditions. But enough about that - what do you want for serving me?"
That surprises him. Surely Naegi hadn't forgotten who he was talking to? "Excuse me?"
"There's nothing that I really need right now. I guess the biggest thing I want is for all of us to escape this place safely, but...I didn't offer to help with any intentions in mind. I guess please don't sue me when we get out of here?" He chuckles, a bit awkwardly. "I mean, I won't ask you to, like, kill for me either, or anything like that...I don't want to hurt anyone here."
Really. Even in a game designed for murder and betrayal, here he was nursing this innocent belief that they could all get along peacefully. "Fine then. But don't tell me you'd be satisfied with such paltry conditions? You know I can give you anything you want outside of here? Land? Power?" He quirks an eyebrow up at Naegi's hesitation. "There are even medical procedures that exist to add height to your frame, that would usually be out of reach for someone of your stature."
He can't help the smirk that pulls at his lips as Naegi sputters again, indignant and flustered. "Are you making fun of me?" He asks, suspicious, and Byakuya can imagine him, simple features pinched into a look of uncertainty and embarrassment. This was quite fun, this meaningless teasing; it was pointless, certainly, but it was amusing at least.
"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" He rests his chin on his palm, and tilts his head with a languid smile. Naegi fidgets under his gaze, and turns away.
"Um, I don't really...need money, or anything. I'm not doing this for that." Byakuya opens his mouth, about to explain how he was capable of quite literally changing Naegi's meager peasant life, before he was interrupted. "But, you said that you can do anything?"
"Just about anything imaginable."
"Then can I ask you to save my family?"
The question takes him aback a bit, and he blinks. Of course, not everyone was like himself, with such estranged relations, and of course Naegi, with his average background, would have a loving, average family to go with it. He doesn't remember observing Naegi in any particular distress during the showing of the first motive, but then again, he hadn't been paying much attention.
But it wasn't like it was impossible for him. In fact, it'd be far easier for him to hire the private investigators and personnel necessary to carry out the task, than any police force or government. "Fine then. How many people do you need me to save?"
"My parents, and my little sister Komaru." There's a note of relief in his voice. "Komaru should be starting high school this year. My dad's a realtor and my mom works part-time at the hospital-"
"Save it for when we get out of here." He didn't really need to know Naegi's entire life story. Nor did he particularly care. "We'll put this contract to paper when we have a lawyer around, but in the meantime, we'll seal it verbally." He wasn't particularly fond of non-written agreements, but for now he would take what he could get. And he wasn't planning on giving Naegi any reason to disobey him, anyways. "Do you, Makoto Naegi, agree to assist me to the best of your ability and only on my order, and to not disclose any details regarding my current condition to any person, so long as we are within these premises?"
"Yes-? Yes, I do." He says, words fumbling. "Um, I, Makoto Naegi, agree to...to assist you, Byakuya, as best as I can, and without sharing your secret to anyone. As long as we're in these premises."
It was a clumsy paraphrasing of his own words, but an acceptable one. "Fine. Then I, Byakuya Togami, will swear on the Togami name to return your family to you safely, as soon as we-" He pauses. "As soon as I have safely left these premises. And compensate you monetarily for your assistance during this time."
"Wait, you don't need to-?"
"You'd be insulting me to refuse it. Rescuing your family would be a simple thing for me, and you underestimate how much I'm valuing your labor right now." He reaches out and jabs a finger into Naegi's chest. "Right now, you are being asked to be my eyes, more or less. Consider that an honor."
He hears a quiet whoosh, a sharp intake of breath. Maybe the other boy was realizing the weight of what he had offered, and how much Byakuya was relying on him to uphold his side of the agreement. Or maybe he was simply relieved, his family's safety secured.
Whatever the case, Byakuya didn't know, nor did he care to try and interpret it too deeply. He was full, and tired, and ready for bed. "If that's all, then leave. I'm going to sleep."
"Alright. See you tomorrow morning." As he rolls over to lie on his bed, he listens to Naegi’s footsteps padding towards the door behind him, before pausing with the soft creak of the hinges. "Good night, um...sir?
Byakuya snorts, eyes closed. "Just call me as you did before. You're hardly an official servant, so don't get so comfortable." He lifts a hand to wave over his shoulder. "Turn the lights off on the way out."
The quiet flick of the light switch. The faint red behind his eyelids was replaced by black. "Good night, Byakuya."
He listens for the shut of the door. He doesn't say anything back.
< previous - from start - next >
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cosmos-coma · 2 years
Sick Days- Lambert
A/N: This is my first ever Lambert fic! I had put off writing for him (as a central character) because I was never sure how to write him, but I like this one. Also apparently now that the snot is flowing so are the words lmao.
Pairing: Lambert x Reader
Word count: ~700
Tag warning: Language
Summary: Lambert takes care of you when start to get sick.
You groaned and threw your arm over your eyes dramatically as you reclined back against Lambert’s chest. 
When you peeked out from under your arm and looked up to see his eyes still closed, ignoring you in favor of his meditative state. So you groaned again, louder this time, and flopped your hand “accidentally” against his face instead of your own.
“I heard you the first time.” He mumbled, swatting away your hand and finally opening his eyes. “What’s the problem, Honeybee?” 
“Well I- wait, that’s a new nickname; that's oddly sweet for you.” you said, your voice coming out quiet, raspy, and congested. 
“Yeah, I thought it would be fitting since you might be cute on the outside, but you pack a hell of a sting when you want to.” His face held a big stupid crooked grin that only devolved into laughter when you punched him in the shoulder. “But in all seriousness, what’s wrong? You sound terrible”
“I think I’m getting sick…would you mind getting me some hot water and honey…?” You asked, rolling over so you could lay chest-to-chest to chest with him, fingers coming up to smooth his hair back into place from its tussled state.
His laughter settled into a faint smile as he rubbed his hand down your back. “That’s all you want? You need to learn to ask for more, Honeybee…” He urged but nodded in agreement. “Yes, I can get that for you, but you gotta let me up if I'm gonna go anywhere.” He patted your butt like a drum before gently rolling you off to the side and getting up. 
“Thank you..!” you called as he headed out towards the kitchens, smiling to yourself. While he was out you re-stoked the fire and tried to clean up to the room to your normal standards, but you quickly began to tire and feel worse. Crawling back into bed you grabbed a book from beside the bed and patiently waited for your witcher to return, which… took a lot longer than you expected?
Just as you were about to hop out of bed and shuffle down the halls to look for him the door gently kicked open. “Lamb?” you asked and sat up more to see. 
“Yeah, it’s me…” he said as he walked in with a mug in one hand and a plate piled high with food in the over, even having to balance the toast with top with his chin to make sure it didn’t fall off the plate. 
You laughed as you watched him come in, your dry throat instead turning it into a nasty cough that sounded both wet and dry which you're not sure how that worked. You held up a hand as your shoulders shook with the force of it. “Ugh…” 
“Wow… you sound fucking disgusting. Almost like that time I saw a rock troll try to sit on a horse. That poor horse…” He snorted, sliding the plate and mug onto the little side table he had put in. 
“Shut up or I’m gonna cough down your throat, Lamb…” Your scowl served as a warning just as much as your words did. “I know you can’t get sick, but it's still gonna be gross…. Now, what’s all this? I just asked for water and honey..” 
“I know, but I wanted to get you more.” he shrugged nonchalantly, playing off this act of service as if it was nothing more than… well, grabbing a glass of water. “Plus since you're obviously sick you’ll need the energy so you get better faster and won’t complain so often.”
You could only grin as he climbed into bed with you, laying between your legs so he could lay his bead back on your chest, a position he loved but wouldn't allow his brothers to catch him dead in.
“Hey, Lamb?” you coaxed as your fingers caressed his cheek, loving touches running along the line of his jaw.
“I love you…” you grinned. 
From above you watched Lambert's lips split into their own grin before turning his face up to you. 
“I love you too, Honeybee…”
___________________________________ Wanna be added/taken off the taglist? Just DM/Ask and let me know!
Taglist: @open--till--midnight @writingmysanity @dark-academia-slut
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zephfair · 7 months
@kelliealtogether Thank you so much for the tag! 😘 I was just looking at stats the other day, and it’s interesting!
How many works do you have on ao3? 58
What’s your total ao3 word count? 573,770
What fandoms do you write for? Currently The Raven Cycle. Previously Bleach, Teen Wolf, FF7, Da Vinci’s Demons, Bi no Isu, and Weiss Kreuz. And Tokio Hotel but those half-million words are on another archive. Still have a couple unfinished fics for most old fandoms except TH.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Creature Comforts Teen Wolf. weird Stiles-Derek meet-cute that got so popular (for me) that I wrote a second part.
Will You Accept This Rose? The Raven Cycle. My crack-filled little baby to get Ronan and Adam together on the set of The Bachelorette.
Friends make the best lovers Bleach. Ichigo and Grimmjow school AU.
Familiarity breeds contempt (and affection) Bleach. Ichigo and Grimmjow magic AU.
Fix Me Up Good Teen Wolf. Uuuuugh I can’t believe this ranks so highly 🥴 because it’s a stupid PWP I wrote literally just to see if my writing was any good because my stuff on the other archive never got much attention. It’s awful and I’ve thought many times about abandoning it, but I keep it to humble myself.😶‍🌫️
Do you respond to comments? I want to! I always do in my mind! I love and appreciate each comment more than you’ll ever know! Then I get busy irl and forget to come back and actually write down the damn response. 😖 By then, too much time has passed so my social anxiety kicks in and assumes that I’d be bothering or obnoxious, so I just don’t respond. Please forgive me. 😢 (PLEASE NOTE: I’ve received years’ old responses to my comments and they thrill me to my core! It’s awesome. I just figure I’d be upsetting the commenters so I don’t do it.)
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don’t write angst, BUT I did write Sailing Off Anchor which is set between two episodes of Da Vinci’s Demons where they rip apart the two characters who’d finally come together (we all wished carnally) and worked so well together. So ofc, the storytellers tore them apart, put one back in his horribly toxic situation, and that was it for the best part of the series. How am I still so bitter?? So, yeah, my fic has a canonical ending so it’s not hopeful.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All the rest of them. I want escapism when I read and write so I try to give the characters a … happy ending. 😉😏 Some more literally than others.
Do you get hate on fics? No, I’ve never gotten true hate, thank you all. I had one DVD reviewer who would ruthlessly critique my fics for plotting, pacing, OOC-ness, but they actually made some really good points, so if it was hate, it backfired.
Do you write smut? Yeah. 😏😘
Do you write crossovers? Yes, I have and I would again.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! For TH, translations into Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, I think. For DVD, Russian.
Have you ever co written a fic? No, but I’d be possibly willing to try. I just have a very chaotic approach to writing that I’m not sure would be amenable to sharing. 😂
What’s your all time favourite ship? All of them! 🤣 I loved writing Leo/Riario for DVD, I loved writing Zack/Cloud for FF7, and I’m loving Adam/Ronan for TRC which is my only pairing that ever actually made it to canon.
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Never say never! I was doing a multi-chapter re-write of DVD at one point, but I know I’ll never finish it because I don’t have the time or energy. And there’s only three or four of us still around, and unfortunately, I would need some external validation to ever take on a project that big again.
What are your writing strengths? N/A I just want to make readers smile, and I will feel thrilled if I make you laugh.🤣
What are your writing weaknesses? All of them? Probably can’t/won’t plot—just vibes. 😋
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I’m a sorry excuse for a language student, so I don’t even attempt to write in another language. There’s too much nuance needed that online translation can’t handle. In TRC, there’s a smattering of Latin here and there in fics I read, and that’s cool, but I truly appreciate when you add a translation in the text or foot notes. I won’t be googling that.
First fandom you wrote for? Weiss Kreuz, but I never posted it except on my locked LJ. The first fic I ever wrote then later posted was FF7 on FFN. The first fic I ever wrote then immediately posted was for TH. ...You can tell I have anxiety.😭
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? That’s like asking a parent to choose their favorite kid! I love so many of them for so many reasons and moods. Probably the one I’m most proud of is Sailing Off Anchor because I still feel like I hit the characters perfectly. For rom-com fluff, Will You Accept This Rose? because I got to write the silly scenes I could see so clearly in my mind. For sheer zany comedy (which seems to be what I’m leaning toward more these days) Special Delivery because it’s based on a true story, and it was so much fun to embellish it and put Ronan through things.😉🤣
I'm going to tag @flightspathfic @lizpaige and @mychemicalrachel but ONLY if you want to/have the time. 😘💖💖💖
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sometimesthatsbetter · 2 months
Every thing i've read in March
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Villainous Husband, The One You’re Obsessed With Is Over There
Do you ever have the craving for a really fucked up, borderline horror otome isekai story about a woman who is actually willing to do anything to survive? Well i finally found something that satisfy my craving.
Our beloved little princess is Angelica who got isekaied into a novel with a bad ending. Her role in the story is just to be an unnamed, faceless wife to the emperor who killed her so he could take the female lead as his wife. So now she must live until the moment the emperor meets the female lead so she can runaway.
So straight up, the guy is the most rotten, sociopathic, deranged son of a bitch that i've ever seen. You wanna know why Angelica ended up as his wife? He threw a knife at a wall filled with pictures of potential wives and the knife landed in Angelicas left eye. Yeah, it was that crazy. I feel so bad for Angelica because she got stuck with the worse situation where she has to constantly tip toe around a man who can literally end her life if he thought it would be fun.
It's tagged as a romance but i've seen alot of people say that it's way to fucked up to be called that, which is fair. But it's absolutely perfect for bitches who have no morals like me. Like the horror, the insanity of an empire run by the laws of power, the psychological aspect of it all. Ugh, it was the perfect storm for me. Anyways read it if you want but know that this story is a dead dove, view on your own discrestion.
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I Reincarnated as a Noble Girl Villainess But Why Did It Turn Out This Way?
There is a weird niche inside of Japanese otome isekai, which is basically "I got isekaied into an otome game but instead of becoming a sterostypical noble lady i became the protagonist of a military/hunter story". Which explains this story.
Eliza Kaldia, who was reincarnated as the villainess found herself in a shit situation. Her entire family are fucking stupid, evil, vapid nobles who are on the verge of bankrupting their land. So the poor gal did what she had to do, which is to poison her entire family when she was 2 years old. Like she hesitate but while she was doing that her family has already caused a dozen more deaths, so i support her.
Home girl also didn't got it easy after the death of her evil family, like after her family die the goverment put her under the guardianship of a well respected old noble. Like the guy wasn't evil or anything, he was a great person all around, but Eliza had to endure undergo harsh governance and military training, which she accepts without questioning because she's smart enough to realize the reality of her situation, and also because she feels that it is her responsibility to restore the domain that was devastated by her family. Mad respect for that.
If you like bloody, realistic, brutal stories about great people rising above from their tragic circumstances i would say that this is a great story for you.
Life update: sorry for the short list, collage has been a real life eater so i didn't have the energy to read alot. Mostly i've just been playing otome games to pass the time but i didn't know if i could put it on this list so i decided against it. I promise I'll make it up to you guys but writing more reviews this month to make up for this.
Love ya, bye
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jungkook97 · 2 years
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hello girls and gays, just thought to make an entire masterlist of fanfiction works i’ve done so far to organize everything together!
⚠️ disclaimers: most of my fics are going to be mostly jungkook and reader with the occasional ships depending if the story fits! i do not take requests and only dedicate fics to people i love or know well for accuracy. reader’s attributes are not mentioned at all for better immersion & are generally female presenting, however it’s very easy to skip them if you’re not!
💬  shoot me an ask if you wanna be tagged in future works or write me a review. i will not be angry if you do not reblog or engage with my works because honestly i write for fun anyways. also, if you wanna collab on anything, just send me a message and we can plot 😈
here are the writing reviews i’ve gotten so far if you wanna read them before diving in 👇 🏊‍♀️  
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J U N G K O O K & r e a d e r 
ONE SHOTS ˎˊ˗₊‧‎♡
♡ °✧‧₊˚ stuck with u - non-idol with reader, camping trip, oneshot (f2l, smut, slice of life-ish)
jeon jungkook was always over at your damn house growing up every day and known as your little brother’s bestest friend in high school, playing pokemon or some nerdy stuff. you knew he had some stupid lil crush on you for years, but didn’t think much of it. until of course, he sees you again at the fine age of 24 as some hot shot got you thinking differently. 
♡ °✧‧₊˚ can’t get over you - canon with hybe staff!reader, oneshot (f2l, slice of life, soulmates, character study)
jungkook lives to love people, and as he would take a break from the chaotic energy of loving, he falls head over heels for someone yet again. are they the actual love of his life this time, or is the universe messing with him? 
♡ °✧‧₊˚ why didn’t you wait for me? - non-idol fuckboy & post-college, vacation trip, oneshot (e2l, angst)
you attend a wedding in hawaii with your old high school buddy taehyung for a much needed reunion. little did you realize that the last person you wanted to see would end up attending.
♡ °✧‧₊˚ crush on you - canon with marketing director!reader, drabble (fluff, confessions)
jungkook always had the biggest crush on people who are good at their jobs. y/n always had the biggest crush on the youngest member of bts. y/n wins an award. jungkook is in attendance.
♡ °✧‧₊˚ admit it - canon & fwb with staff!reader, oneshot (smut, possessive as fuck jungkook)
you, taehyung and jungkook go out for the night much to jungkook's dismay. you looked fine as fuck tonight, and jungkook feels a certain type of way about it.
♡ °✧‧₊˚ severed - non-idol jungkook with reader, oneshot (sci-fi, drama)
you and jungkook had a terrible breakup. and so, you two decided to delete each other from your guys' memories.
♡ °✧‧₊˚ and if you let me - non-idol coworker! jungkook with reader, drabble (fluff)
it was your last day at work and jungkook, who has a big fat crush on you, throws a going away party before you go.
♡ °✧‧₊˚ (PENDING) 505 - canon with normie and very toxic!reader, oneshot (angst, light depictions of smut, friendzoned!idol jungkook, emotional manipulation, unrequited love)
she calls him and he comes like clockwork every time, even though he knows deep down that it’s never a good idea. this time, he has 2 hours to turn around before he picks her up from her ex-boyfriend’s house. will he get there or will he finally let her go?
SERIES ˎˊ˗₊‧‎♡
decision to leave universe
⋆。°✩ decision to leave - canon with hollywood socialite!reader, oneshot (missed connections, forbidden love and abrupt endings, angst, character study)
being an idol is never easy. they work endlessly, and "fans", the media, and the company follow and critique their every movement. they're not strong enough, one could feel very trapped and suffocated. jungkook was used to all of this. what he wasn't used to was finding the right person at the wrong time.
⋆。°✩ fling - canon with reporter!reader, spinoff from decision to leave (angst, missed connections)
you were interviewing bangtan and couldn't help but felt a level of closeness to the youngest member. soon after, jungkook ended up taking a liking to you, proposing that you two should meet up throughout the week while he was in town for a little fun.
⋆。°✩ (PENDING) perfect illusion - canon with reporter!reader, continuation of fling (angst, missed connections)
a year has passed since you had your little fling with jungkook and well, things surely have changed: for better or for jungkook, worse. you returned to his life in an unexpected way, only to fall in love with one of his band members, min yoongi.
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J U N G K O O K & B A N G T A N 
⋆·˚ ༘ * something about us (namjikook) - college, series (f2l, romcom, smut, slice of life, coming out journey)
very upright christian boy jeon jungkook decided to do his roommate kim taehyung a favor by stopping by his plug’s house to get his usual shit.
little did he know that taehyung’s plug was fucking hot.
⋆·˚ ༘ * it's a bad idea, right? (jungkook x reader & yoongi x reader) - oneshot (non-idol!roommate jungkook, musician!yoongi, and music industry person!reader, romcom, smut)
yoongi and y/n broke up and she wants him back. desperately. so much so that she got a fake boyfriend (aka her annoying BUT attractive roommate) to get him jealous. what a terrible idea.
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O T H E R 
✿ - love drought (jackson wang x reader) - canon, oneshot (post-breakup, slice of life, angst, character study)
both of you are broken from past relationships, but chose to give love another chance when you met each other. when a misunderstanding and a long history of miscommunication leads to a breakup, you two are left wondering if you two were wrong for each other, or was it based on circumstances. on one fateful night, you decided to meet up with jackson to not only catch up, but to figure out the answer to the most important question.
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70 notes · View notes
teconkaals · 10 months
Walking With A Ghost - Chapter 8
Ghost wakes up in the infirmary and Amelia and Price go to visit him.
One chapter to guide the next, rather. No trigger warnings for this chapter, I think.
AO3 Chapter link: Chapter 8 - Awaken
Fanfic Masterlist: Here
Next Chapter: Chapter 9 - Unforgiven
Previous Chapter: Chapter 7 - Downed
Wordcount: 4038
Rating: Mature
Tags of the fanfic (some of them): hurt/comfort, taking care of each other, blood and violence, happy ending, non explicit sex
A/N: Sorry for the wait, I know it's a short chapter but life has run over me in the form of a dog (dog pic at the end of the chapter 🐶). The next chapter will be from Price's perspective because I feel like writing it. Likes, reblogs and comments are really appreciated 💚 Hope you like it!
I don’t give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform (I’m publishing on my Ao3 account both English and Spanish).
Soap left the room, and Simon stared at the closed door for several long seconds. He’d seen the subtle change in his mate’s expression, as if he’d remembered something painful, and Simon had worried. Especially since it was an unusual gesture and, the few times he saw it, it made him feel powerless for days. He wanted to help him, of course he did, making Johnny okay was one of his priorities; however, Simon knew that Soap, too, needed time to open up.
“Honey, you’re completely in love.”
Simon closed his eyes for a moment and snorted. He turned to Amelia, who’d a mischievous expression on her face, and muttered a curse.
“Wipe that stupid smile off,” he snarled at her.
“Fuck off. It’s the first time I’ve seen you like this and I plan to enjoy it,” she smiled at him a bit more. “The great Simon Riley, the most relentless SAS soldier, cold as ice, in love with a talkative Scots who’s the same energy as a golden retriever. Seeing is believing.”
“I’m not in love.”
“Lying to yourself isn’t okay, honey,” Amelia clicked her tongue, amused.
“Just because you’re an expert doesn’t make you the one to speak on the subject,” he growled suddenly, scathing.
Amelia’s smile faded to nothing and Simon cursed himself for being such a big mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he added.
She was silent for a few seconds, looking at him carefully until she looked down at the blanket that was on the stretcher.
“MacTavish seems like a good guy,” Amelia commented casually, fidgeting with the edge of the blanket. “Direct and clear, the way I like them. The kind of person with a natural charisma that draws people in,” she paused. “I’m glad he’s the one taking care of you.”
Simon frowned a little, taking the blow in silence. He reached out a hand to caress Amelia’s, however she gently withdrew it as she leaned back in the chair. That gesture was enough for Simon to know that she was hurt.
“He’s been very worried about you,” she continued. “Emma told me that when MacTavish saw you after the operation, he knelt next to the stretcher, with your hand in his, and he cried as if you had died. It’s evident that he loves you so much.”
Simon’ heart twisted a little as he imagined the scene. John was one of the few people he didn’t want to hurt and it was clear he’d failed. He bit his lower lip and stared at his lap, where he rested his hands. He¡d first hurt Soap and now Amelia. Who would be next? Price?
“Don’t be an idiot, you haven’t hurt anyone,” Amelia said firmly, interrupting his thoughts. Simon glanced at her. “You’ve been injured on a mission while doing your job. It’s not something you did on purpose.”
Ghost dropped his gaze.
“But I’ve hurt you,” he whispered.
“Yes,” she replied bluntly. “I understand, although I don’t agree, that you want to get away from me because of the feeling of guilt. But your comment was unnecessary.”
Amelia sighed and ran a hand over her face.
“I’ve read your medical reports,” she commented, changing the subject. “Emma provided them for me,” she added as she saw Simon’s expression. “You’ll be out of action for a few weeks.”
“I’ll get better sooner than they say,” he assured her, and Amelia gave him a light tap on his good leg. “What?”
“It won’t be so easy this time. MacTavish won’t let you fool around,” Simon clicked his tongue back and she hit him again. “You know I’ve no problem sticking to your ass to make sure you’re taking your break.”
Of course he knew, it wasn’t the first time she’d done it. Last time Amelia managed to keep an eye on him without being able to move from the bed. He certainly didn’t deserve someone like Amelia in her life. Actually, he didn’t deserve anyone.
Simon sighed and pushed those thoughts away.
“Who told you?” he asked, changing the subject.
His friend looked at him carefully, and from her expression, Simon knew she was debating whether or not to play along. Amelia sighed and glanced out the window.
“It was John.”
Simon frowned a little.
“I thought you didn’t talk to each other," he commented slowly. “I’m glad you’re back in touch.”
“Don’t get excited,” she growled. “We never lost it, it just… stopped being the same.”
Simon looked at her with a certain sadness, realizing that they hadn’t solved the problem that had distanced them years ago. In fact, from her words he supposed that they’d maintained a polite contact simply for him, so that Amelia would know how he was. Simon felt a pang of pain in his stomach as he felt spied on, however, he quickly let it go, realizing that it was the only way for Amelia to know how he was. Simon didn’t talk too much and always pretended that everything was fine, it was logical that she had found another way.
“Shouldn’t… you talk about it?”
Amelia turned to him sharply and looked at him closely.
“About what?” she snarled with suppressed anger. “About how he slept with me, said he loved me and left as soon as I fell asleep? No, thanks” she snorted. “Price took off without saying a word. Hees not worth a drop of my time.”
Simon was silent for a few seconds before leaning a little closer to her. Amelia was startled when she noticed that he took her hand to put it between his, stroking the back with his thumb. Her angry expression softened and she sighed.
“MacTavish’s teaching you well,” she whispered.
“Johnny hasn’t had anything to do with this,” Simon shot back. “And you know it.”
Amelia snorted again, but when she spoke, it was in a softer tone.
“You’ve always had a big heart, Simon, but you’ve never found someone to give it to. What MacTavish’s done is bring it out. And I’m glad for that.”
“You’re getting off topic.”
“What does it matter?” she shrugged, resigned. “At this point, it’s all the same to me. All I want is an apology and he’s not going to give it to me.”
Simon looked at her carefully. She was staring down at her hands, her eyes on the circles he traced with his thumb, an expression he’d no difficulty deciphering. It was the one she always put on when she was sad but didn't want others to know. The stoic attitude that always characterized her.
“You still have feelings for him,” he understood, realizing that his comment had been more accurate than he’d expected.
She looked up at once and Simon could see a flash of pain on her face.
“That’s not true.”
She snorted.
“Why do you care?”
“Because now that I know that you’ve been dragging this for years, I think it’s time to close your wounds.”
“Ironic of you to say this to me,” she snarled, biting.
“I’m working on it,” Simon replied quickly, not letting the comment get to him. “Johnny’s helping me. In any case, we’re not talking about me.”
“Actually, yes. You’re the one hospitalized, remember? You barely survived. Again.”
He looked at her without saying anything and she continued talking.
“Price has the letter you gave Gaz. I admit I’m a bit surprised because it’s the first you’ve written… I guess it was for MacTavish.”
Simon looked down and stroked the back of her hand again.
“I’ve… I felt scared. For the first time in a long time, I was scared at the thought of dying. Not… being able to spend more time with Johnny, telling him how I feel… And it’s weird.”
“It’s what happens when you fall in love,” she replied kindly. “When a person becomes the center of your world, you begin to see things you didn’t know existed before. And you rethink others that you hadn’t even thought of,” she paused. “Have you told him?”
“I haven’t had enough courage. And I wouldn’t know how to do it either.”
“Well, accepting it is a big step,” Amelia smiled. “Let everything flow and, sooner or later, the opportunity will appear.”
Simon nodded silently and absently. Almost without realizing it, the images of Roach and Rebel, motionless on the ground, and of Amelia, half unconscious with a large pool of blood under her, appeared softly in his mind.
“Hey, what's up?”
He blinked and focused on her. His friend had leaned over the stretcher a little and was looking at him with a slight frown, that worried expression that made her big eyes a little smaller.
Simon swallowed before answering.
“What if… what if something happens to him for being with me?” he whispered.
Amelia looked at him for half a second before getting up and sitting next to him on the bed. She caressed his face with her hand and Simon closed his eyes, moving the head to cradle it in her hand. In that instant he regretted staying away from Amelia, for forcing her to contact Price to find out how he was. He didn't remember how much he missed her presence, her caresses and her voice.
“Don’t think about it,” Amelia said softly, in that gentle, loving tone she always used with him. “I’ll repeat it to you as many times as necessary: the losses you’ve had in life don’t condition anything. They don’t form a precedent. Enjoy your time with him, with the people you love and who love you. Because you deserve it , Simon.”
He squeezed his eyes shut to keep from bursting into tears, and Amelia settled back on the bed so she could hug him, stroking his hair gently. She kissed him on the neck before speaking further.
“I know that little voice of yours is telling you that it’s not true. That you only bring pain and bad luck. That you deserve to be alone. But you don’t, honey. You deserve to be happy too.”
Simon broke down and hugged her back, hard. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and wept silently. Amelia cradled him, whispering words of encouragement, of love; caressing his back and his hair as she hummed a song to him. For the first time in a long time, Simon felt at home. Like when his mother hugged him after scraping his knees falling off the bike. Like Price, and despite the fact that they were both a handful of years older than him, Amelia had become the mother figure he had been missing and he vowed never to stray so far from her again.
“Are you better?” she whispered sweetly, kissing him on the temple without letting go.
Simon nodded and took a deep breath. He moved away from her a little and wiped his face with the sheet. Amelia got up and went into the bathroom; Simon heard the noise of running water for a few seconds and she returned with a towel in her hands. She offered it to him, and Simon wiped it across his face. The cool, wet feel of the fabric eased him a little.
“Thanks,” he whispered.
She caressed his face again and Simon looked up.
“Whenever you need me,” she smiled at him and sighed theatrically. “Well, I think it’s about time I told Emma. You owe me one for this; she’s going to kill me for not telling her sooner.”
“I’ll buy you a drink as soon as I’m discharged.”
“Don’t you dare,” she pointed her finger at him. “You’ll be full of medication, so no alcohol. But” she crossed her arms and smiled, “I’ll let you pay me off with my favorite dessert.”
Simon snorted.
“Making rice pudding is not a challenge.”
“I’m a simple woman with simple tastes,” Amelia replied, shrugging and still smiling.
“That is moot.”
Simon gave a half smile and she lightly punched him in the shoulder.
He closed his eyes briefly, reached up a hand to cup her forearm and pressed it affectionately. Amelia left the room and Simon sighed, steeling himself for the testing session Emma was going to put him through. Just as Amelia said, the doctor scolded them for not noticing her sooner, although she understood why. She also let Simon put the balaclava back on. Even though most of the doctors, and nurses, on the base had seen his face, he felt much more comfortable wearing a mask. He wasn’t worried they would say what his face was like, all of them had signed a confidentiality contract so strict that revealing it would mean permanent imprisonment and disqualification in all areas. So he was calm in that aspect.
He sighed when they left him alone, staring at the ceiling in an attempt to clear his mind. They had taken him from one place to another for two hours, running whatever tests Emma saw fit to make sure everything was in order. The doctor assured him that they’d have the results the next day and recommended Simon to rest. He snorted at the comment, claiming that he'd had enough rest. Emma gave him a hard, serious look that he had no trouble understanding. He hated being in hospital. If it were up to him, he'd be gone by now and was tempted to when a couple of soft knocks echoed on the door.
He tilted his head, curious.
“Come in,” he said cautiously.
The door opened and Price entered the room. He was smiling kindly and Simon returned the gesture, though he knew the Captain couldn't see him because of the balaclava.
“I see your mask has been returned.”
Simon took it as soon as the door closed.
“If you’re more comfortable in it, leave it on,” he added.
“You’re one of the few I’m comfortable without it,” he replied. “A little late to visit me, don’t you think?”
Price chuckled.
“Amelia called me a couple of hours ago, but they told me they were running tests on you,” he sighed. “Emma let me in.”
“That doctor’s going to get into trouble.”
“If so, we’ll figure it out,” he paused. “How do you feel?”
“Jaded,” he growled. “Looking forward to being discharged to return to work.”
“You’ve always been impatient. Your injuries are severe and will need time to heal. Take it easy.”
“I’ve been worse and you know it.”
“They’re not mutually exclusive.”
Simon clicked his tongue before sighing.
“Makarov is…”
“Dead, yes,” Price agreed. “I thought MacTavish told you.”
“I… didn’t want to ask him. It didn’t seem like an important topic to me.”
Price looked at him carefully and leaned back in his chair.
“Soap was very worried about you,” he nodded. “I think it’s the first time I’ve seen him like this.”
Ghost didn’t answer and Price took a deep breath, fixing his gaze on the small table that was next to the stretcher. From his expression, Simon knew he was deep in memory.
“He was devastated,” Price finally added.
Again, Simon felt an iron fist clench his heart. He was unable to visualize John as broken as Amelia and Price claimed. Soap was a person who always smiled and tried to see the bright side of things. He couldn't see him any other way.
“Makarov’s death means that he’s paid many of his debts,” he commented, changing the subject. He knew Price would notice, but he didn’t want to talk about Soap right now.
The Captain agreed with a sigh.
“The people who died in the London bombings will be able to rest,” he murmured. “And Roach and Rebel, as well.”
“Not until I kill König.”
Price looked at him, chin lifting slightly.
“That path will bring you nothing good, son.”
“You don’t have to like it,” Simon shot back. “This is a personal decision, regardless of the SAS and One-Four-One.”
“The road to revenge is littered with traps and only leads to a dark place. And it’ll bring pain to those who love you.”
He snorted and looked away, shaking his head.
“I want him dead,” he hissed. “I’ll kill him the same way I killed Roba and his people.”
Price was silent for a few seconds and took a deep breath.
“I’ll go with you then.”
“No,” he met his eyes. “It’s a path I’ve to take alone.”
“Not debatable.”
Price looked at him again and Ghost stubbornly held his gaze. The Captain’s expression was sad and resigned, an expression Simon had rarely seen and had always found it hard to ignore. However, despite both he and Amelia trying to stop him from going after König, Ghost was determined to hunt him down.
Whatever it cost.
“Amelia told me it’s you who called her,” Simon said suddenly, changing the subject again.
He knew that this comment had caught Price off guard, in fact, he’s aware that bringing up the subject of Amelia was a low blow; however, he couldn’t let his two friends continue without turning the page.
“Yeah, I promised I’d let her know if anything happened,” he managed to say. “Anyway, she’s still your emergency contact.”
Simon had forgotten that detail and it saddened him a little to know that it had been because of that and not because Price wanted to reconnect with Amelia.
“You going to apologize to her?” he asked him out of the blue.
Price’s mouth opened slightly and his eyebrows rose, clearly surprised.
“Apologise? Why should I...?”
Simon cut him off.
“Are you seriously going to ask me that question?”
The Captain was silent for a few seconds before sighing. He lowered his gaze for a moment, then fixed it on the window. It was night and there was nothing to be seen outside, yet Simon knew that he was trying not to look at him.
“I should’ve figured she’d tell you,” his voice was almost a whisper. “I’m surprised you haven’t stabbed me in the liver,” he gave a half smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“I thought about it,” he admitted, “but she made me promise to stay out of it.”
Simon pushed those memories away to focus on Price, whose half smile turned into a fond, wistful one.
“She’s always been a good person.”
“If you think that of her, why did you let her go?”
Price looked at him and clicked his tongue.
“I think that’s none of your business.”
Simon fell silent, keeping his expression neutral and his gaze fixed on Price. He wanted to tell him that he hadn’t forgotten Amelia’s call at early morning, her voice cracking, asking if he could make her company; how quickly Simon took his car to her house, hugging Amelia as soon as he saw her; the ache in his chest as she began to cry, in his arms, not understanding why Price had left; the effort he’d to make to promise her that he wouldn’t tell the Captain anything. He wanted to blame Price that it did concern him because they were both important to him and that it made him a little angry to know that they’d distanced themselves due to lack of communication. He couldn’t help but see the irony since he himself was a silent person, one of those who kept everything to himself, so he didn’t say anything. Price, however, looked away and snorted.
“Why do you insist on something that happened five years ago?” he asked. “It’s a thing of the past.”
“‘Cause just as you both care about me, I care about you too.”
Price’s expression softened and he breathed deeply.
“I didn’t let her go,” Price opened up to him, lowering his voice, “she walked away from me. I wanted to apologize, but she didn’t listen.”
“No one would want to talk about something like that the day after it happened, Price.”
He smiled resignedly.
“I guess not,” he paused, tilting his head to look at him. “I’ve never seen you talkative before, Simon. I see that spending so much time with Soap has its effects.”
Ghost snorted and looked away.
“Don’t divert the subject.”
“As if I’m the only one to do it,” he smiled at him.
Simon looked at him carefully and composed a serious expression.
“Get to the point. Are you against it or not?”
Price frowned, confused.
“No, should I?”
“Your lieutenant is getting intimate with one of your sergeants,” Simon replied slowly, “technically it’s against the rules. Fraternization isn’t in the manual.”
“Ah, but that rule was lifted a couple of years ago,” he waved a hand to downplay it. “As long as it doesn’t affect work too much, it’ll be fine.”
“You didn’t separate us on the gulag mission for that?”
“Of course not. Gaz’d been too tense for a few days, so I thought putting him with you would do him good. Less pressure when working with a lieutenant.”
Simon looked at him closely, deciding whether or not he believed him. He decided to. He knew Price well and he knew he wouldn’t lie to him about it.
“Now I understand what happened with Amelia.”
The Captain’s face hardened a little.
“Stop dwelling on it, son.”
“Talk to her,” Simon replied, leaning back in bed and taking a deep breath.
Price snorted and scratched the back of his neck.
“You’re really stubborn.”
“I learned from the best.”
The Captain let out a laugh and shook his head. He took a deep breath and got up.
“I’ll try, though I don’t promise it’ll be enough.”
“Works for me.”
At that moment, Price fished in one of his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper. Simon recognized him instantly.
“I think this is yours,” he said, placing it on the small table. “I haven’t opened it.”
Ghost tilted his head to look at the envelope, covered in places with blood, and remembered the night he wrote it. One of those in which sleep eluded him and he spent the night watching Soap sleep.
“I appreciate it,” he replied quietly.
Price scratched the back of his neck.
“I guess who it’s for,” he commented. “If you haven’t told him, maybe now is a good time to do so. It’s… hard not to get a chance for it.”
Simon realized that he was talking about himself and had to agree with him. While he was dying in that Gulag, one of the things he most regretted wasn’t having been completely honest with John; of not having told him everything he felt. However, now that he was out of danger, Simon didn’t have the courage to do it.
He sighed.
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
Price nodded and put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“You’ve had a long day, I’d better let you rest.”
He left the room, and Simon stared at the door for a moment, his gaze blurring as his own thoughts carried him away. Simon felt strange because it was the first time he’d gotten into other people’s lives; he had never cared what people did and what decisions they made. However, both Price and Amelia played a very important role in his life and Simon, although he knew it, hadn’t been aware of it until this moment. He knew that Soap had much more influence over him than he would ever admit, not only in the area of trust, but also in showing what he felt towards other people. Positive emotions, something new for him, who was used to expressing the opposite. Therefore, knowing that Price and Amelia hadn’t closed that chapter of their lives, he believed that they needed a push to do so.
Simon closed his eyes and sighed. He moved his hand to where Soap had been and found himself missing him, but he knew he needed to sleep. Simon felt weariness wash over him softly and he didn’t fight it. Tomorrow would be one day less in his recovery process and one better day because he could see a rested John. A jolly John full of desire to talk.
He smiled slightly. That was the only medicine he needed.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
This is embarrassing cause I have done this before and I always end up taking my word back like a fucking idiot but I have to be honest with you guys this time.
I'm having the worst time ever. I feel so stupid when I try to vent cause it makes me feel weak and a narcissistic fuck but I'm really really exhausted and things are getting so hard I don't find the energy to even stay awake. I need to take a break, like i need to feel free of feeling bad for a little bit cause I really can't keep going. I'm having the most brutal intrusive thoughts, the panic attacks are ruining almost every day and my ed is making me rehab really fucking hard. I'm going to answer your comments and messages and even asks that are not requests but have patience if you see I'm taking too long. I don't want to leave completely cause every single one of you makes me so happy and I cherish every interaction i have here cause its the best part of my day.
I'm having trouble at home, trouble with myself and troubles with letting out my emotions. I don't even have a private space or some time alone to just let it all out so I'm literally feeling like I'm going to explode anytime soon, that's why I need (unfortunately) take off from the Internet. That and because lately, all I write all I do is atrocious and just plain garbage
Once again, I'm really sorry. I know I have said it many times before, that I have promised so many things and it's killing me to know I can't fulfil any of that but I hope you can understand. Stick around tho, I'm not going to be gone forever. Just taking some time
Remember, your friendly stinky raccoon loves every single one of you
(I'm putting just three tags in case someone doesn't see it)
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epitomees · 1 year
The year is slowly ending, feel free to use this ask to tag ( and write a positive message if you wish ) the people you are happy to have met this year and as always thank you for being part of the RPC, you are very much adored and appreciated. 🐱
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((Well thank you so much for the ask!! I gotta say it's really nice to see positivity blogs like this around more now. I never really seen blogs like these back when I first started, but it's a really nice touch to have this in the RPC.
That being said, I gotta say it's been so SO nice getting to know more peeps in the Persona RP community/general RPC interested in Persona muses this year. Apologies beforehand, because at the moment I am quite tipsy from having some drinks but I wanted to get this out before midnight hits tonight! SO LET'S GET STARTED!!
@tvstarkuma - Finding a Teddie coming into the Persona RPC is SUPER SUPER AWESOME!! Because I barely have seen many Teddie RPers, and I absolutely adore your rendition. He's a funky little lad, a creature so interested in human culture and such, and the mun behind the blog is also very very sweet. We've just started talking on Discord, and I'm more than happy to get to know you more outside of writing with the upcoming year.
@detectivcprince - Julia, I'm like....so so glad we hit it off well. Aside from your Akechi being so unique and different from takes I've seen, you as a person are just an absolute delight. I know you've had some hard times happen this year, but I want nothing more than the next year to be good to you. And I hope we can write more too because I absolutely adore getting to write with you.
@maskuerade/@starswrote - MADY!!! Lovely, lovely Mady! You're a hoot! You've also had some hard times happen this year, and I wish you a much better new year coming up with nothing but good things to happen to you. I'm glad you're gonna be graduating soon too! I know your writing motivation is a bit hit or miss lately, but I hope in 2023 we can write more as well. And talk more too! You're such a delight to talk with whether it's about creating angst between our characters or just talking in general!
@caramellchris - I gotta say, I always love learning about OCs, how they were created, and the little stuff about them that make them so unique to their world. Aside from writing things, it's been awesome getting to chat with you offline too. I love hearing you word vomit about your OCs or games you really, really like. I hope we can get to know each other a little more in the new year, and write more too!
@trixter-time - Okay so...TECHNICALLY we've known each other more than just a year, but I was SO SO HAPPY to see you return to Tumblr this year. There have been times I would think about how you were and what you were doing, but never got the thought of messaging you. WHICH IS MY BAD!! But I was ecstatic to see your return. I do respect your choice to take a leave off Tumblr though. You do you, and what's best for you, but I hope we can continue to chat with each other more now that I know you're still around. It's always a great pleasure getting to chat with a lovely person like yourself!!
@rebelli0us-mask - SHIT MAN, I WANTED TO SHOUT YOU OUT TOO!! I love your chaotic energy, I love the stupid shenanigans our muses have gotten into, and you’re just a REALLY REALLY fun person to know too!! May you have a happy, healthy, and AWESOME 2023 too!! 
I know there's others I can S/O in this, but I wanted to focus on the peeps I met this year. There's plenty of other friends online here I would GLADLY give my love to for this year, because I know it's been a rough one for sure. I generally hope for all my mutuals that 2023 treats you kindly!!))
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Hello hello! I hope everything has been going well for you. I had a prompt idea pop into my head, and rushed to type this out before i forgot lol. Anyway, I was wondering if you could write Sonic having a nightmare and/or suffering from the aftermath of one and Scourge helps him through it? Or the other way around, if that speaks more to your muse. I just really want to see these two learn to be more vulnerable around each other, and there is little doubt in my mind that these two have issues and really need a hug. Have a good week!
Omg how did you know I love writing about characters having nightmares... how did you know...
One of the downsides of travelling with someone was the lack of privacy options during the night. Sonic had grown to tolerate travelling with other people - although the slower speed always got on his nerves, no matter how necessary it was - but he'd never liked sharing his sleeping space with them. On bad days he was quick to awake at some of the most minor sounds, and being stuck with several other people shifting and mumbling in their sleep or getting up in the middle of the night for some water was a terrible thing to combine with that.
And on worse days, well. Even the thought of waking someone up because his stupid brain gave him a bad dream made his skin crawl.
It wasn't that he thought sleeping around someone was a show of vulnerability. Having a nightmare in front of someone, though? That was a completely different story.
Thankfully, nightmares weren't common for him, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters knew to keep their mouths shut and not bring it up if they ever caught him having one. It was the least he was owed after saving the world's ass time and time again. Occasionally Amy or Tails tried to make him, eurgh, open up about them, but for the most part he was left alone, and they were never brought up while travelling.
Still, despite learning to tolerate travelling with other people, he couldn't help but mentally cheer whenever he could do so alone at his own pace. So getting a new mission that required speed and small numbers, and thus no group of slower friends holding him back? A blessing he was long overdue.
Well, sort of. He wasn't travelling alone, but it was Scourge who was tagging along, and the good thing about travelling with Scourge was the slower speed thing was no longer a problem.
The bad thing was he had no idea if Scourge would keep his mouth shut on the off chance of a nightmare arising.
So when they settled down for the night, was it really any wonder Sonic volunteered to take watch?
With a sigh Sonic rolled his neck for the third time that night. Just because he'd chosen to take watch didn't mean he liked it. Honestly, he was tempted to lie back and get some rest. Not sleep, he'd be just awake enough to spring into action if anything happened, as unlikely as that was, but just doze a little to rest his eyes and energy.
Maybe it was dumb to offer to take watch in the first place. They'd chosen a spot secluded enough that they wouldn't be easily spotted by any of Robotnik's troops, and fear for their safety wasn't even really a concern in the first place when he'd pitched the idea, although he'd tried to make it seem like it was, and brushed off Scourge's call of "bullshit" with a comment about being the more experienced Freedom Fighter, and thus the one more equipped to decide what was and wasn't safe, so shut the fuck up.
Scourge had rolled his eyes but reluctantly backed down, muttering about being too tired to deal with his "paranoid bullshit." The fucking hypocrisy.
No, safety wasn't his concern at all. His concern was that stupid, stupid nagging voice in the back of his mind hissing "but what if tonight's a bad night?" over and over, even though there was no fucking reason to believe it would be other than having gone several months without one.
It wasn't that he didn't trust Scourge. He did, against his better judgement. Somehow the fungus fucker had gradually kicked in the hesitations he had about lookalikes and became a trustworthy ally on the battlefield and a surprisingly hilarious friend. He was cunning and a jackass who didn't whinge about Sonic's attitude (usually) and a fierce fighter who didn't give a shit about the "morals" of fighting dirty, an attitude the Freedom Fighters desperately needed. "Clean" fighting was a nice sentiment, but just not practical in a lot of situations, and Sonic couldn't say he cared too much about Scourge's dirty tactics. Rather their side than the enemy's, after all.
Against all odds and previous bad experiences with lookalikes, Sonic trusted Scourge with his life.
With his nightmares, though? That wasn't something he was ready to expose to him yet. Not even out of fear he'd be seen as weaker or less capable for them, or out of worry they'd be used against him somehow, which was the reason he kept them hidden from everyone except close friends. It was just... a lot.
Better to just not sleep in front of him and avoid the risk entirely.
Ugh, now he remembered why he never bothered with this "taking watch" shit. He was always more likely to overthink about dumb shit if he had the whole night to himself doing nothing but sitting and watching without something or someone to keep him entertained and distracted.
Cracking his neck, Sonic settled back against the rock he was leaning against. It was a quiet night, no midnight adventurers or obnoxiously loud birds or bugs, not even any wind ruffling the leaves on the trees. Peaceful, just like the nights he remembered from when he was younger, before Robotnik came to be. If he closed his eyes he could almost pretend he was back to those days, lounging on his back and stargazing on the roof of Kintobor's old laboratory.
One day. One day they'd beat Robotnik for good and he'd be able to have as many peaceful nights as he wanted; not every night, that would be way too boring, but some nights. Depending on how much action he wanted. Any fights he got involved in would be on his terms, not tethered to stopping every scheme he stumbled across regardless of if he was in the mood for fighting or not.
His eyes fell on Scourge, who was sleeping a couple of metres away, lying on his stomach with his face buried in his elbow.
He hoped Scourge would stick around to see those nights, too. He'd probably get bored of them, even quicker than Sonic would, but that was fine. He would provide good company for the nights Sonic didn't want to sit around and spend the night in peace. He was always up for finding something fun to do no matter the time of day, something his other friends just weren't down for, and it would be fun to run around looking for ass to kick together without having to worry about a threat as huge as Robotnik looming over them.
With his eyes on Scourge it was impossible to miss the stuttered hitch in breath even if he wanted to.
There was no threat, nothing to be worked up over, a simple shift in someone else's breathing pattern was all that had changed, but somehow Sonic found himself on full alert anyway. He sat up, staring intently at Scourge, cataloguing every little twitch just in case something was wrong. Scourge's breathing grew heavy, his face screwed up, his hands balled into fists as he made a pitiful attempt to curl in on himself. A shuddering inhale, a flinch accompanied by a... not a whine, or a whimper, but some kind of noise that was definitely unpleasant-
He hadn't considered the possibility of Scourge having a nightmare.
Sonic was torn between watching in case the nightmare escalated and made Scourge hurt himself or looking away in some kind of attempt to respect Scourge's privacy. He'd never been on this end of the situation before and he had no clue what to do. Should he wake him up? Leave him be? Stay sat down and pretend he hadn't noticed anything, or leave and come back when Scourge woke up, pretending he had something to deal with and conveniently missed the whole thing?
Fuck, he wasn't good at shit like this. That was what the rest of the Freedom Fighters were for. He didn't even know if he hated or was grateful for being woken up from his own damn nightmares, how was he supposed to know what Scourge would want?
For an entire minute he sat and stared helplessly at Scourge, frozen in place despite the urge to just shake him awake. He didn't want Scourge to continue whatever awful dream he was having, but he also didn't fancy getting punched in the face, which was a very likely option even when Scourge was awake, never mind half asleep and still pumped full of adrenaline.
Finally, though, Scourge jerked awake with a strangled gasp, still for only a moment as he refamiliarised himself with his surroundings before he pushed himself up on shaky arms, still panting.
Sonic averted his eyes just as Scourge's landed on him.
He half expected Scourge to call him out for sitting and watching him during his nightmare; he sure as fuck wasn't shy about calling him out for anything else. But surprisingly, he didn't. He just kept staring at him in silence, wrestling his breathing back under control as his gaze drilled holes into Sonic's head. Sonic didn't turn to look at him, just stared straight ahead like he was very dedicated to his self assigned role and hadn't been contemplating dozing off for the past twenty minutes.
"You still up?" Scourge said at last.
"That's what someone who keeps watch does, yes."
"You don't stay awake when you keep watch. You, like, half sleep, half keep watch."
Damn. When did he notice that?
"I'm not tired yet."
"Bullshit, but whatever."
Neither of them spoke again for several minutes. Scourge sat up against the rock, drumming his fingers against his knee to a beat Sonic couldn't follow, and joined Sonic in staring straight ahead pretending to scan for threats they both knew damn well weren't coming.
Was Sonic supposed to ask him about it? Pry into the details of the nightmare? For what? Just to seem like a good friend? Fuck, this stuff had never made sense to him. Emotions were a battlefield he was... less than prepared for at the best of times, and for more delicate shit like this, he was far from the first choice for assistance, and he wanted to keep it like that. One wrong step just made things worse for everybody, but the right step changed from person to person, and how the fuck was Sonic supposed to magically know what the correct steps and words for each person were? Fighting robots or the moronic minions Robotnik had somehow managed to recruit was so much easier in comparison.
Again, there was a reason the other Freedom Fighters handled all the emotional shit. And why Amy frequently scolded him for being insensitive.
But the other Freedom Fighters weren't there. It was just Sonic. And as much as he hated dealing with situations like this, he also didn't want Scourge to be fucked off and upset.
But he also didn't want to make Scourge feel like he had to talk if he didn't want to.
"I don't want to talk about it," Scourge said suddenly before Sonic could come to a decision on if he should say something or not.
Well. That made it easier than just blindly guessing.
Scourge squinted at him. "You're not gonna... try and make me talk about it? Encourage me to open up about my feelings?"
"Not gonna stick your hero nose where it don't belong?"
"I never stick my nose-"
"Yeah you do. That's, like, your whole thing. You wouldn't run around saving people if you always minded your own business."
... Damn it, he was kind of right, wasn't he?
"Look," Sonic said, still not looking over, "do you want to talk about it?"
"Fuck no."
"Then we won't."
Scourge huffed. Out of the corner of his eye, Sonic could see him fiddling with the zip on his jacket.
"... Why? Why aren't you pushing?"
Oh boy, honesty hours. Yay.
He could just brush it off. Say he didn't care, he had better things to do with his time, hearing about it wouldn't change anything because there was nothing he could do to help. He could just be the dick he knew Scourge probably expected him to be.
... Fuck, but he didn't want to.
"I hate it when people try to make me talk about shit I don't wanna talk about," Sonic said. It sounded more like an admittance from how quiet it was, like it was a dirty little secret he was sharing with Scourge and Scourge only. Which it wasn't, he made it perfectly clear that he hated being forced to talk about shit every time someone tried to make him, but... but it was different, somehow, saying it to Scourge under the quiet blanket of the night. "If you don't wanna talk about it, I'm the last guy who's gonna make you."
"... Huh. Everyone just always tells me to talk about shit 'cause apparently it'll make me feel better."
"Yeah." Sonic turned his gaze back up to the sky. "I hear that a lot, too."
They lapsed back into silence, or at least, as silent as it could be with Scourge fidgeting with his jacket. Sonic wanted to say it was a peaceful silence, but the conversation somehow didn't feel... done.
Sure enough, eventually Scourge piped back up, voice so much smaller and... less guarded, somehow, as he said, "You're really not gonna make me talk about it?"
Sonic paused. Tapped his leg as he thought over all the possible answers. He could just keep up the reassurance, or...
Amy kept telling him he was unapproachable and difficult to talk to sometimes, and kept nagging him to work on it. Normally he didn't care because he wouldn't know what to say anyway, but he was the only one around, and if Scourge needed it...
"If you want to talk, you can," Sonic said slowly, hoping he was doing this right. "I'm not... I can't tell you I'll say anything helpful, or anything at all, 'cause we both know I'm shit at this. But I can listen."
Scourge was silent.
"I'm not saying you should, or that you have to. I'm just saying, if you want to talk, talk. If you don't, don't. Up to you, I don't care either way." Fuck, that was rude. Oh well. Scourge was fluent in rude, so it was probably fine. "Just... do whatever helps."
There. That was the best he could do in terms of support. Happy, Amy?
Scourge stayed silent for a few more seconds. Then...
"It... it was about prison." The words were halting, hesitant. Like Scourge didn't know how this worked either. Like he was trying something new with Sonic. "Nothing... fuck, it wasn't even coherent. Just random shit I thought I'd forgotten about. Stupid inmates I can't even remember the names of anymore, acting like they're hot shit just 'cause they're bigger and stronger and have a whole gang..."
Scourge trailed off, voice shaky. When Sonic turned to look at him, he was running a hand through his quills like he was reassuring himself they were still there.
They used to be shorter when he first arrived, Sonic remembered. Shorter and choppy and just barely long or sharp enough for self defence.
"Guards did nothing, y'know? They didn't care. We was just a bunch of troublemakers who got what was coming to us to them. So they just let fucking anything happen. Didn't give a shit who got hurt or who started fights or who got their shit stolen. Fuck, they kept going on about rehabilitation like it was something they gave a fuck about, but they wouldn't've even cared if someone got killed in there-"
Scourge was shaking, fist buried in his quills and tugging on them as he stared at the ground, face scrunched up in rage.
Sonic hated it. He hated that look on Scourge's face. He hated that there was something much more fragile, much more vulnerable, hidden away under that rage. He hated that there was nothing he could do to make it go away.
Wordlessly, he shifted closer until his arm brushed against Scourge's.
"Just... it was shit." Scourge's head landed on his shoulder. Sonic didn't mention it. "It was shit and I fucking hated every minute of it. That's what it was about."
Sonic hummed. He didn't have anything to say in response, because what was there to be said? But Scourge was already relaxing against his shoulder, so he probably didn't need to.
Instead, he just linked his arm with Scourge's.
This time the silence between them was comfortable. Scourge was done, Sonic was done, they were both done, no more words required. Scourge was still leaning on Sonic, and apparently neither of them saw any reason for him to move, because Sonic didn't push him away and Scourge didn't bother pulling away.
It was nice. The night wasn't cold but Scourge was warm, and it was easy to relax with him leaning on him.
Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for Scourge to fall asleep. Well. No point in moving him, was there? Sonic was already perfectly comfortable, and he didn't need to worry about waking up with a crick in his neck from an awkward sleeping position since he needed to stay awake anyway. He was on watch after all.
By the time the sun peeked over the horizon, Sonic was slumped over Scourge, cheek smushed against his head, fast asleep.
It just didn't feel like a risk anymore.
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