#and i dont want him to like me when im feminine but i talk about how my hair makes me feel like shit
perilegs · 1 month
i pass pretty much all the time but hm. ive heard interesting stuff from drunk ppl i know who dont know im trans
#''haha when my bf was talking about you and i asked to see a picture he showed me one and i was like... is that right? bc i thought that was#a girl in that pic. i mean only bc i didnt expect him to have any girlypop friends haha''#yeah i mean that is an average thing to say and not mean or anything but it hits a bit different when im trans#i mean the person saying that didnt know and if they did they would have never said anything like that#but it's still a bit. hmmm.#also the topic of my looks came up and it's funny how everyone thinks i'm cute#i wish i could b masc hot but im fine with being cute. not everyone can look good the same way#but like it's so common for the only compliment transmascs get being ''cute'' for various reasons but i think in my case it's just my#wavy hair and slight babyface and round features#which yeah ok whatever i'm still young - ive got plenty of time to start looking less like a boy and more like a man#as in even if i was a cis guy id look pretty much like this#though! im only 2 years on t so i cant wait what the future holds for how i'll look :3c#well almost 2 and a hlaf but yknow#also i have a slight. can i say this. ''tranny voice'' which. slay. but i was told i ''sound like a femboy'' which#once again super funny that ppl say that stuff bc they genuinely cant tell im trans#the only reason i pass is bc i get read as [justin mcelroy voice] kinda faggy#oh that guy over there with wide hips and feminine manners and voice and small feet and hands [compared to cis men] with an apparently cute#face who doesnt seem to know anything about stereotypical guy stuff? thats a cis man#and i love that#but also one of these ppl is not cis#if you saw me irl you'd know im insanely easy to clock for trans people#but yeah whatever im just amused by all this it's kind of fun having ppl not know im trans#but also i have a new friend who doesnt know and i think i should let him know at some point if it comes up bc idk man. it feels like im#living a secret life or something. like obviously no one has the right to know im trans but. i can make the choice of wanting someone toknow#but also hes my only guy friend who lives in this city. well technically not the only one i have another friend but we never hang out irl.#anyways i dont want to ruin our broship#i dont think itd get ruined and if it did itd just mean whatever but im still scared#agh idk#leevi talks
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boycannibal · 2 years
he either must really like me or have noone to talk to and be desparate. jesus <- once again someone is texting him and it isnt his crush
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zan0tix · 3 months
Hi tumblr user Zan0tix, I have to say that I love that you draw Jake as big and hairy AND fem. It's such a rare combination outside of mean-spirited caricatures, every time I see your Jake I get a big smile on my face. :)
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Hi tumblr user HermitCyclop ^u^ here is a jake drawing for you 🫶
The transmisogynistic demonisation of these features is so maddening!!! I agree! Im glad that the intent (appreciating these features) of my jake design reaches you c:
GOING TO PUT IT UNDER THE CUT BECAUSE I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. But jake english gender meta because i think about it Too Much and am taking this as an excuse to infodump abt it. 😁
The alpha kids and their specific defiance of both homestucks gendered narrative AND real life societal expectations are so fun to think about to me!! but since we are talking about jake, his specific defiance of both homestucks models of masculinity and femininity in the context of his queerness is like the reason he is my fav character.
He props himself up that he wants to be the adventure "hero" in the homestuck sense (the hardheaded blue femme fatale) and the western media sense (the hardheaded action man) yet whenever pressed to actually act on what he says he always refuses or obfuscates. Because really what he wants is to just be himself! I really love the alpha kids because they all just want to be Themselves, not be restricted and defined by what is expected of them, (all the characters have this but the alphas particularly really hammer this home for me)
The heavy emphasis on their beta selves, the heteronormative archetypes they embodied and what went wrong in their lives that manifest as fears in their alpha selves... im always thinking about it. How differently society affects queer ppls choices in life and then the fact that they all get a second chance and getting to watch them live out that second chance and realize their queerness and them all caring so much abt eachother and wanting to aspire to be better FOR the ones they love!!!!!! it always tugs at my heart strings to ponder😢😢
IM SO GOOD AT GOING ON TANGENTS MY BAD but basically. The alpha kids explicit queerness and how despite the comic itself protesting, they are all shown to be deserving of love (of all kinds) And as a person who super heavily relates to jake, his experience with his own identity (and dirks unending adoration and love for him and likewise jakes belief and admiration of dirk) serves to me as a reminder that yknow! We are all worthy of love!! Even if we dont think ourselves to be (this is just the message of shrek.) and there is always hope to be found in things improving!!!!
But in a text thats explicitly queer and not shy about letting its queer characters do wrong in realistic ways i think this message is incredibly powerful and certainly one of the best things about the comic in my eyes. And i love embracing that in my art of the characters! Drawing queer (but here specifically trans) characters all getting to be proud of themselves and their appearances makes me feel proud of myself alongside them and I think its wonderful to be able appreciate other trans peoples experiences and looks through it too!!
I specifically in homestuck fandom dont really see anybody but twinks (usually dirk or eridan LMFAO) portrayed to be fem in any manner 😢 when jake is the most explicitly feminine man in the comic. (I think the transmisogyny thats kind of rampant in this fandom means people dont want to consider those outside conventional attractiveness being feminine or transfem identities outside binary transwomen if even that😭😭) I am being the change i wana see in the world 🙏 The amount of transfem fat gay bear jake in the world increases by one every time i post
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vampivc · 2 years
another ha moment
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chrliekclly · 2 months
if you ever want to talk about your thoughts on joyce .. Peeks over the corner of your blog. i love talking and hearing ppls thoughts on joyce sooo much even if they're different from my own!! and your analysis and stuff is always so well thought out
i hope u dont mind if i answer this publicly to take advantage of th request nd get my ideas out ther (also tyvm im happy u like my insane takes on these idiots, iv ben thinking abt them for almost 10 years)
i said a lot here so gnna 'read more' it
iv ben building trans charlie n my head fr, like i said, nearly 10 years. i used to view him as cis bcuz i always try to take as much frm th source material as i can wen i craft my HCs nd i had v personal (stupid) hangups insofar as him explicitly referring to his junk multiple times nd bottom surgery simply not being on my radar as a naive littl trans idiot deep in th sauce tht transmen oftn fall into w phallo being viewed so so poorly
evn still i leaned towards transmasc charlie nd always lovd moments tht let me imagine, for a moment, it being true, like his discomfort w taking off his shirt [hundred dollar baby, charlie kelly: king of the rats, the gang exploits the mortgage crisis, young charlie and mac deleted scenes, etc etc etc], or bonnie yelling abt ppl stealing her "charlie-girl" [the waitress is getting married] which i lovd to see as her accidentally misgendering him while drunk off her ass.
having grown out of my phallo issues (nd if ur reading this and u still view phallo super poorly, please do some research and grow too), ive in recent years fully subscribed to transmasc/nb charlie, and view his timeline something like this:
baby -> elementary: charlie refers to himself as a boy, doesnt "come out," simply has no idea he's afab. bonnie lets him dress however he wants and refers to him as asked. when charlie gets confused about his genitals, bonnie says his dick will grow in later lol, makes charlie wear a dress in public restrooms and tells him its just a game
middle: puberty hits and charlie gets confused and scared. bonnie puts him on blockers w.o explaining them ("my mom used to vaccinate me like every month" [the gang gets quarantined]) charlie goes on content and oblivious. STP acquired because hes "a late bloomer" and his dicks still not growing in?? weird. confides this in mac once, but he doesn't understand.
high: charlie finally registers that he's trans after forgetting theres a health class 1 day and not being able to skip it. throws him for a loop a bit but he becomes actively invested in his goals. he gets to start T and wants to have surgeries. "what guy hasnt done some extensive research on his own genitalia?" [mac is a serial killer]
college (aged): able to surgically transition (ty medicare) and continues on with life as we kno him now
joyce, imo, fits neatly into these views.
as a transmasc nb who came out young nd prefers to be seen as just A Guy by strangers, i grew up v vehemently against anything girly that might get me misgendered, but th more i began to 'pass,' th more @ home n my body i felt, th more and more comfortable i am w femininity, th more i wdnt mind putting on a dress, as long as th general public wd see me as "a man in women's clothes." n my mind, i prescribe something not exactly th same but v similar to charlie.
i see charlie "i dont really identify" kelly as afab and nb. i see joyce as a "character" he originally created to distance himself from the dysphoria of putting on a dress as a young trans boy, but that became part of him as the hard lines he drew in the sand as a child became blurry with age and self acceptance. charlie's comfort with himself allows joyce to evolve into a more solid persona, one he enjoys embodying and allowing to become a permanent facet of who he is. he's ok with being referred to as either. they're both him.
so maybe joyce comes out a bit more outside of the bathroom now.
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rinbowaman · 7 months
HI REINAA!! sorry if im bothering you since ur busy w the series fics!! But i would really want to req another fic of sunoo hahaha. So reader is 8th member and pleeeaaadseee make it rlyy smutty!! It could be where yn teases sunoo during dinner and he gets hard then... but plsss make sunoo a sub in this thanks <3 (Fyi ur literally the best writer ever idk how u manage to write these so descriptively and managing to make me feel things LMAOO the other accs i follow wont reply my asks ☠️) thanks alot like alooottttttttt though!! <33
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”Sunoo Baby.”
part 2 of “Ddeonu”.
Warnings: Sub/switch!Sunoo, Dom!Reader, unprotected smut, creampie smut, oral (both male and female receiving, demeaning behavior, submissive demands, ball tapping (you already know...), whining, hair pulling, smut dialogue, reverse psychology (not really but i dont know what else to call it.....you'll see what i mean) if you squint, there's a breeding kink....i think that's it.
You and the boys decide to grab a bit at a local hot pot eatery. No one knew of the event that unfolded the week prior of you and Sunoo's 'talk', and believe you, there were many more that followed suit.
"Look at how cute you look when you take in so much muscle."
"You look so cute when you cry."
"Get up, cutie."
You had to admit, Sunoo opening up and becoming fond of you allowed for a whole new version of yourself to rise. You loved his sassy and demeaning manners, the way he called you 'cute' and revealing how the more feminine side of your nature was something he had been wanting to see ever since the group had debuted. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders once you realized that all it took was for you to lighten up on your tomboyish persona, and be...well, a girl, for once.
But now you were comfortable. You gained closure and have little reason to expose that girlish nature, such as crying in the middle of the night, all because you thought a certain someone didn't like you. Well you were partially right, there was definitely a dislike, but it wasn't you, just your lack of girly attributes, and the reluctant hesitancy of doing what is the most commonly, demanding act in the industry, the 'ayego's.
Throughout dinner, you observed the way his sharp eyes flickered back and forth between black and hazel under the heat lamp. He was so beautiful. He told you of how important it was to not let anyone know of the secret love affairs that had been ongoing, so naturally that only meant he had to play the part well in acting out as a very nonchalant bastard. Trust you to say, he played the part well.
He'd glance over from time to time, even winking while everyone was nose deep in the menu's, but for some reason, you weren't feeling terribly satisfied. Sure it was nice for him to 'like' you now. One could even say that he cared a great deal for you, considering what he's said to you in bed. But there was something about him that you had wanted to pin down and crush; you're not exactly sure why, but now that there was closure between you two, you felt the need to establish yourself as the equal, especially since he caught you crying.
You ignored his advances, and even rolled your eyes at one point. He took note of your rather obscured behavior, and furrowed his brows in worry when no one was looking. You flared a side shoulder hunch while looking at him directly, mouthing the whispered words of "I'm going to destroy you."
Now Sunoo had an attitude of his own, but there was something rather peculiar when it came to someone matching his level. It's never happened before, yet he had to say, he was kind of digging it. He reaches below the table to gently tap his fingers along your kneecap, only for you to slap his hand way so roughly. Wincing slightly, he nearly gasps after witnessing your response to his touch.
"How could she?...."
He reiterates his action, only for yo to repeat your previous response and slap his hand away once more. Confused, Sunoo couldn't tell if he should have been offended or desired more of whatever game it was you were playing at. Something told him that it was the latter, and that 'something' was hardening under his trousers.
"Oh God..." he whispered under his breath, trying to shake his legs out strategically without anyone noticing. Nothing helped, even the cold ice water that he had 'accidently' dropped on his lap. The car ride home had to be the longest drive he felt in so long...
Once you all got back to the dorm, you bid goodnight and head to your room. Everyone else did the same, and went to sleep with fully tummies. Sunoo, on the other hand, was still hungry, and the way you had been treating him at dinner, he was famished.
Knocking on your door, he enters. "What's up with you? What was up with dinner?"
"Never mind. I'm going to bed."
"Why are you being so---"
"So what?....Cute?" you scoffed out as you raised a brow his way. "I'm glad we got to clarify our feelings, I just wish you could embrace my tomboy-ish ways just as you can with my feminine manners."
Sunoo gulps down a lump of saliva. "Well then...show me."
"I got a taste of it at dinner...and....not gonna lie, I kind of want more." he admits, side-eyeing the wall out of embarassment. You never saw him this way, but considering he's loved on you for over a week now, maybe he really did see the light in all of your attributes, to include your non-girlish ones. Just to be sure, you put it to the test.
"Come here." you speak out in a rather high pitched, yet demanding tone. And just as you had suspected, he did exactly what you commanded. "Too easy..."
Grabbing onto his copper red hair, you pull his head back and expose that delicate throat of his. He gasps out with a masculine moan, yet it was as sweet as fruit nectar. You stick your lips onto the soft spot, and sucked profusely, just until a nice mark was left. "My territory." you exclaimed. You thought he would have bit back, yet you were somewhat surprised when he breathed out heavily and bid you to, "do more."
That was all he needed to say, and the tomboy sense in you reacted by pushing him down on your bedspread. You crawl atop of his broad frame, and perched yourself nicely on his groin. He whimpers out in feeling your pelvis grind against his sensitive member. "Aww...what a sweet face." you remark as you drag your finger down his cheek. You stand back up and with your arms crossed, you tell him to undress you...with his mouth.
You guide him with your words to start from the top, and work his way down. He removes your blouse, by kissing your belly button and grabbing hold of the material with his teeth, dragging it upward as he finishes in removing it. Your bra came off immediately after; your jeans were already removed before he entered your room, leaving only your panties remaining. Aiming to remove the last piece of cloth on your body, you tell him to...
"Get on all fours and take it off with your tongue."
He looks up rather bewildered and shocked, his eyes wide with a sense of wonderment. Nodding, he feeds his tongue in between where the cloth meets the plush lips that cradles your opening. God, it felt so good to feel that slick muscle squirming through, finding leverage to pull the material down.
Once he managed to find a way, he drags your underwear down your legs, the flat surface of his tongue grazes against the skin of your inner thighs and calves. Fully removed with you bare, you push him back down made haste as you crawled back on top, only this time, you didn't settle for his groin.
"Clean me real good."
Sitting on his face, his nose rubs the bud of your clitoris while his tongue shoves its way into your opening. He loops his hands up and over your thighs, grabbing hold of your derriere. You could tell by the way he slapped his palms on the cheeks, he was starving for you. You grab the front pieces of his hair and buried his face in deeper as you grind away, riding his tongue with a waving motion that made ocean water look stale.
"Oh my God! Keep going! Don't--don't stop! Don't fucking stop!"
You incorporate a slight bouncing motion as you felt his tongue thrusting in and out. You reach behind and pin his hands onto your lower back, continuously coasting his mouth, leaving him no chance to rest.
"Oh fuck I'm going to cum!" you whimpered out as you glazed his entire face. He licks it up, starting with soft and tiny licks, resembling a puppy. "Lick it all up for me." you tell him, at that point the slight bit of his dominant side comes out, the side you were familiar with. You watched as he narrows his eyes, watching how the puppy grew into a fox and emitted harsh, long licks from top to bottom.
You adjusted your position and became parallel to his frame. Grabbing hold at the base of his shaft, you whipped his length around, tapping it roughly against your tongue. He winces in a mixture of discomfort and pleasure; the sensitivity was almost unbearable, and though it would have been pleasing for you to handle him gently, there was something about feeling the sting of this sensation that made him crave more.
"Ah!" he hisses, indicating the pain overriding all other sensations. "Wan't me to return the favor, 'cutie'?" your tone was somewhat condescending, yet he didn't care. He needed the release so badly, and you were the only one that could give it to him. Nodding frantically, he begs you to give him what he needed.
"Beg some more." you coarsely tell him.
"Oh fuck! Please....pl-please....please, y/n....I'll do anything, just...just fuck me to pieces already!"
You gave off small, subtle licks on the shaft, placing soft kisses up and down while twirling your tongue around the bulbous tip. "Whose the cutie now?"
"You are...AH!"
It was rather bold of him to be so daring, yet a quick slap of your palm reminded him that you weren't playing anymore games. After all, dare he tell others that he didn't like you? He barely knew you! How dare he cause you to cry? Then all of a sudden became our knight in shining armor and came to your aid. How dare he...call you 'cute'?
"One more time, who is the cutie now?"
"Fuck! ah! me....it's me!"
Another slap to his ballsack did him in, and you felt delighted upon hearing him say it. "Still want me to destroy you?"
In a flickering moment, his eyes narrowed down even more, like tight slits, they were sharp enough to cut steel. "Oh yeah..." in a blink of an eye, his deep tone loses all whine and desperation, his arm loops around as he nearly picks your entire form up in the air and slams you down on the bed, tumbling over you. The tables had turned.
"Should of destroyed me when you had the chance, cutie."
"Stop calling me that!"
You fling your hands up, yet he pins them down in an instant, allowing the masculinity of his boyish nature to come through. "Cutie, cutie, cutie. I'm gonna fuck you...cutie."
Your eyes widen upon feeling him rushing in. He didn't even take the time to ease his way through, instead, you felt the shoving thickness and length tapping in, breaking through your walls as the stretch causes your back to arch.
"Yeah...I bet that feels so good..."
"S-slow....slow...d-down......slow down!" you barely could catch your breath, yet he remained ignorant to your words and kept up with his momentum. "But you're so cute when I fuck around with you."
The moment he was all in, you swallowed your words as the new pace he took on made his previous one seemed much slower and easy. Bringing back his whiny voice, he whimpers out in a begging tone, yet still maintained control. It was all so conflicting the way he spoke with his actions not at all mirroring his tone.
"Oh baby...please...please let me feel good....let me cum."
"W-what....Ssssunoo......what....what are you doing....to me!?" you gasped out, a roaring and thrilling sensation of ecstasy punctures your gut each time he thrusts in. "Oh baby....cute baby....I wanna cum so badly....I wanna cum inside you.....I'll be a good boy."
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you hear his desperate please, yet he continued to fuck you like a raging bull. You couldn't make any sense of it, but it didn't matter. Between hearing his high pitched cries and feeling his cock rupturing your entrance, you could feel the eruption of a bursting orgasm reaching through, it was unlike anything you had ever felt before.
"Oh! I'm....oh my God you're going to make me cum!" you gasped out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you furrowed your brows and looked up with both worry and desperation, expressing both fear for pregnancy and hope that he would not stop.
"My girl, let me cum! Please let me cum deep inside, I promise I'll be a good boy, okay? Just please let me put it all in..."
"Ah! Sssssunoo! Baby!" you felt your cavity flooding out as a rush of warm liquid splashes against his thrusting member, squelching against your skin as he continues to move in and out.
"Please baby! I...I can't hold it in much longer!"
"No Sunoo don't!" you pleaded, yet your heart wasn't all in. You wanted him to, you needed him to do it. There was just something so enthralling about having your words flaring the opposite of your heart's content, much like what he had been doing.
"Oh baby I can't help it! I'm going to cum!"
"Oh please! Sunoo don't! You're going to get me pregnant!"
"Baby I can't stop!"
Your thighs vibrate as you feel the warm liquid seep deep inside your wet muscles. Pleading him to stop, yet wanting him to give you his all had brought about the most intense sexual vigor that you never though existed.
"Oh fuck baby.....cutie....my cute girl...I'm cumming....I promise to be good, just please let me cum inside you everyday, okay?"
Kissing your forehead, he rode out his high and kept up with the psychological collision of being verbally submissive, yet physically dominating. Perhaps to others it wouldn't make sense, but for you and him, it was your own love language that you both developed and embraced.
"Fine...." you caught your breath and speak in a soft tone. "I'll let you do it, but you have to promise me you'll be a good boy, and listen to what I say."
"Yes...my cute girl"
"Don't call me cute...Sunoo."
"Then don't call me 'baby.'"
Rolling your eyes, you both chuckle as you nod in agreement.
Your bodies remained plastered as you both felt the strength of fatigue kicking in, knocking you both out. Just before you drifted off, you took one last look at him. "Sunoo baby...my Sunoo..."
Asleep, you lay soundlessly as he opens both his fox eyes, hearing you mumble those words in secret. "My cute girl."
Authors Note: @sunoosrightbuttcheek , i hope you dont mind, i added a little bit of a flare to the sub!sunoo and made him into a little bit of a switch sub/dom, just to make it a little more interesting for you 😏
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
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hiphopcherrrypop · 3 months
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pinterest fits 😱
reference pics under cut as well as me yapping
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i somehow didnt realize til after finishing it i kind of gave jabashiri his normal outfit but inversed color lolz..... but anyways i can imagine like he would like looser pants but hates when they drag on the floor lol. so he either cuffs them or tucks them into his shoes is theyre too baggy
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kept hagure in his hoodie and big shorts combo lol.. i was gonna say i cant picture him in pants but then i realized. wait he witewally wore pants last ep... oh well. not putting him in his cap was also an internal battle
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i think zabu would wear pretty similar clothes to his school uniform tbh; kinda sporty style jackets + pants, i decided on this outfit bc i wanted to go a little further from his school outfit and most of the other ones i liked for him were all black lol
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okay SOOO tew be honest i was having trouble finding smtn i think he would wear + i choose random outfit from piwon killin it promotiuons i liked.. thank u jongseob✌😭 i feel like he'd definitely wear something more colorful + overall lighter pallet than this outfit lol but i liked the half skirt so 🤯👍
anyways if im talking what he'd actually wear... gonna ramble a lot oops,.... i'd lurve more info on like. all the characters' home lives... big family = i often just assume to having some money struggles at home, so i imagine most of his clothes are thrifted stuff. idk what the age gaps is here but he's the oldest sibling so he doesn't get hand-me-downs.. i like to think of him being a very caring big brother, and he doesnt rly care about if what he wears is consider feminine or masculine, so he keeps what he gets a pretty even balance of the two, thinking not just abt his own tastes but also what'll eventually go to his siblings. but then when they get passed down eventually his siblings end up fghting over who gets what.. "it was his skirt first and he's a boy, wdym you get it just bc your a girl?!" smtn like that loll
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it's so preppy in here.!! ik the sweatshirt was just like lounge clothes but i reallyyyy loved that outfit for him lolzz... i wanna see him in more big sweaters and sweatshirts...
sorry for lack of marito and outa aughh.. i was struggling with both of them, outa especially i have rly no clue what to put him in XD
but marito i'd imagine in clothes kinda similar to in the flashbacks; his regular outfit is very different to that but kind of ?? idk hot topic pastel mall goth. if that makes sense
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maybe something kinda like this but probably with tripps or some other baggy pants w more pink accents
i type this up at 2am + dont feel like proof-reading now bear with me if some of this does nawt make sense 😭👍
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lunar-serpentinite · 1 month
alright kiddos buckle up, cloud has Opinions today
let's talk about the alpha douchification of harry and baby girlification of draco, as blackcathjp so wonderfully said
i will tell you that this isnt my first rodeo when it comes to mlm ships being shoved into heteronormative gender roles. ive been in the yaoi fandom, ive been in the BL fandom, ive been a weeb since i was aged single digits. im perfectly aware of how deep in mlm ship spaces this issue is. but today's subject of interest is drarry, and why i dont like a certain popular characterisation of drarry.
first of all let's pose the question : why is harry the manly alpha head honcho douchebag dumbass jock ? why is draco the naughty bratty overdramatic babygirl princess ? why do yall feel the need to push harry and draco into these stereotypical gender roles, especially in smut ? whats up with that ?
yes harry is a quidditch guy but that doesnt automatically make him a dumbass jock ? the guy's not stupid. i wont elaborate because i and several others have discussed harry's intelligence in other posts already (will link if asked), but yeah harry's not a "dumbass" or a "himbo", at least not in the way you people love to characterise him as. hes not even trying to be a dominating presence. hell, the guy wants to skeddaddle out of situations 8 times out of 10. hes a rough kind of dude, sure, but thats more for his own protection and not out of a need to dominate or control other people. it's weird and stupid to reduce harry's character just to make him fit yalls' homophobic and heteronormative view of mlm dynamics.
SPEAKING OF THAT, what is up with people overplaying draco's overdramatic tendencies and tying it to being a sub and/or a bottom or being the 'feminine' one in the relationship ? i love my bratty subs as much as the next person (my no.1 blorbo rn is a bratty sub who BITES), but if draco's only a bratty sub because hes an overdramatic princess diva who is so, so helpless without the presence of testosterone in your eyes, you need to reevaluate. yes hes a bit helpless in canon but again he was a kid with no pratical combat experience caught up in a war. + his parents' safety being dangled in front of him who wouldnt be helpess in that scenario ?
people absolutely love to explore draco's gender beyond being masculine and theoretically i love that because i love seeing people interpret characters all over the gender spectrum but there's just something about the popular draco gender exploration that just ,,, irks me, for the lack of a better word. people make him smaller ??? than he actually is ?? more helpless ??? like the height and size difference between drarry in canon isnt that noticeable but by god do people stretch it out to infinity and beyond. to make the fem-coded half of the ship smaller and more helpless and more dramatic is, frankly, toeing the lines of misogynistic if it isnt there already.
and why is it that it's always harry who is hypermasculine and draco who is hyperfeminine ? why not have both be feminine ? both be masculine ? both be all over the gender spectrum ? whyyyyyyy do they have to be male x female coded ??? hello ?????? if i wanted a heterosexual ship, i wouldnt be here
like come on guys, theres a bunch of different ways to write mlm ships and a bunch of resources out there to help you get going. why are we still sticking with the heteronormative gender roles in this day and age ? have we not grown out of it yet ?
THIS DOESNT MEAN I DONT HAVE AN ISSUE W HYPERFEMININE HARRY AND HYPERMASCULINE DRACO TOO. i despise heteronormative gender role coding. let queer ships be queer without the lens of heteronormativity.
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kenlvry · 11 months
cheating prank
s : pranking kenny kyle craig and stan wasn't easy, but it also wasn't impossible.
youve been wearing different perfume for a week now to test kenny, a mans perfume. it was a harmless joke yk its what couples do (not really)
you just wanted to see if he noticed your change in perfume from your sweet scent to a heavy one
you honestly thought that kenny didnt notice but kenny notices, every time he hugs you he sniffs in your scent and recently its gone to feminine to masculine.
your suppose to be hanging out with kenny right now, checking yourself out and fixing your outfit in the mirror you remember to spray your perfume all over, a ring to your bell stops you in your track and you hid the perfume.
"kenny!! hii, you ready?" you said while greeting kenny, his face beamed and hugged you his head falls to your shoulder, face in the crook of your neck sniffing in your scent.
after smelling the familiar scent his smile turn into a frown and tightening his grip on your body "k..kenny" tapping his back violently.
he pulls back with a stern look on his face and walks past you going in your house and searching every inch of your house, you following behind urging him to stop
"ken what r you doing?? if ur looking for something just ask" he stops in your hallway and turn back, running his fingers through his hair
"where is he? its been a week,it seems like you love this man so much to the point you see him before going out with me," he approaches you towering over you. "please, i dont care how many men you want just dont leave me"
you couldn't hold it in and laughed loudly, it lasted about 10 seconds. "you think this is funny?" "IM.. HAHAHA IM JUST PRANKING YOU IDIOT" you continue to laugh while his face go dumb "WJAY, I LITERALLY JUST BEGGED YOU RO NOR LEAVE ME YOU KNOW HOW EMBARASISING THAT WAS??" you laugh even louder at this "WHY WPULD I CHEAT ON YOU STUPIS"
he sulked after that, took three days to get him to talk to you... never again will you prank him
coming home late wasn't a rare occurrence for you, i mean its not rare you go home past 12 but its 2 am and youve been coming home late for a week and a half now, kyle thought work had taken longer than its supposed to but after a call with a friend from where you work at saying work ended hours ago he goes fuming
hes sitting infront of the door arms cross on the chair he pulled from the dining room. contemplating whether to call you and confront you through call or wait for you
honestly you've been meeting up with your online friend and always forgets the time so really.. was it your fault??
keys clacking he stood up from his chair eyes focused on the door, "oh hi, thought you'd be asleep" you smiled , he opened his arms for his hug everytime you see him but you gave him a side hug and walked away. you had to hold in every urge to hug him tightly
he couldn't take it, if you lost feelings for him you couldve been honest. "y/n, are you even trying to hide it?" he says leaning on the countertop kitchen while you wash your hands
"kyle what?" "i mean if you lost feelings for me atleast tell me so i dont look dumb" he rolls his eyes "the house is yours for the night, have him over, kiss make out heck fuck if you want. im leaving"
you didn't know it'll take this far, your too shook to say anything and hes already putting on his jackets and shoes "wait kyle its-" "its what? a misunderstanding? its not what it looks like? fuck your excuses, i actually trusted you and thought you were at work, i was cooking waiting for you to come home so you could enjoy your meal after a long day at work but your coworker said work ended hours ago so what the hell? i cant even-" "its a prank."
he just stood there, frozen mouth wide open from what he was about to say "im sorry i didn't know i thought it was going to be harmless" you hug the stoned man
hugging you back he sniffles "shit don't scare me like that." your heart shattered when he sniffled fr, after that night you took him out to so many dates ur basically poor
you usually never hide your phone from craig when someone texts you, infact you never did it once. you even let him type back to said person
but lately every time you get a message youd look at it secretly or get up from the couch just to check on it, everytime you put back your phone its facing down and you take it anywhere you sometimes laugh and giggle like a disney princess when you get a notification
now you had to make this believable, youd play your message ringtone and laugh while looking at your settings, texting your friend beforehand so when she replies it seems like someone texted you. to make it work you had to have some effort right?
craig seems like he dont give a fuck honestly but he is so curious he wants to know so bad he is such a busy body, he doesn't really suspect its a man he just thinks its really juicy gossip about his close friends so you try not to let him know
but after telling his friends thinking it was a funny thing hes shocked by the stories, some said that the last time their ex did it, it ended up being a man and they broke up. the other said the last time that happened their ex just randomly broke up with them just to find them taken the next day.
oh now his curiosity has grown from a hundred to a million. he gets it now, why you put your phone downwards or how you immediately grab your phone when his hands go to grab something near your phone.
that night you slept at his house, he's about to sleep, phone on the bedside table and ready to snooze, but you haddd to text your secret lover laughing oh so sweetly while typing back. tbh you were texting your bestfriend and she made to most funniest joke so...
"okay y/n ive had enough" he sits up and looks at you, your face puzzled. "dont play dumb bc i know damn well that you are texting your secret lover" you finally realised what hes talking about and you too sit up, holding back a smile.
"fuck y/n we've been together for 2 years, ive loved you all these 2 years but i guess you haven't. get out. i dont want some fucking cheater in my house" he gets up before you can say anything and rushes you downstairs and infront of the door, you tried explaining but he just wouldn't listen.
just as you're out on the porch you turned around "wait craig its a-" the door slams infront of you. damn. girl u messed up
craig sniffles walking up the stairs, two year relationship gone like that. ding a notification from his phone, he opens it and its you
"its a prank" hes dumbfounded and runs back to the door opening it to find you literally hugging yourself freezing with the cold weather, hugging you he sighs "fuck you"
you laugh "sorry craig"
after that he might have some trust issues but every notification you got you make sure he sees it first so he doesn't get paranoid.
now stan doesn't give a fuck honestly, he doesn't care who you hang out with what you do with them or what happens, he trusts you ALOT. meaning this prank had to be really believable.
you thought long and hard and finally got it, everytime stan comes over (which is every second) you are going to make a fuss whispering "hide" to make it seem like someone was at your house , genius right?? :)
stan notices quickly, at first all you do is make a lot of rustles, loud noises and eventually the Whispers
stan is immediately curious, you never hide your friends from him bc you know he doesn't care. ultimately his first instinct is to try and search the house but you insist on staying in the living room because your room is 'a mess' but who is buying that honestly?
his suspicions grew and he can't take it, he hears the whispers he hears the loud footsteps up the stairs and he hears you rushing around the house hiding stuff and hes devastated. he cant believe you'd cheat on him
hes had enough, he wouldve barged in to catch you in surprise but you have your house locked, the second you open your door he walks upstairs and you smile and almost laughed, you stopped him saying nothings up there and he shouldn't go in again, using the its a mess excuse but he doesn't care.
he immediately barges in your room and you pause, you walk in sitting on your bed legs cross and smiling
"hes under the bed is he?" "really y/n? cheating on me? you couldve told me you lost feelings, say something or atleast hint at it, fuck man." he turns around one hand on his waist the other rubbing his face. you felt bad and decided to call it off , walking up and turning him around you found him crying. you felt so bad
"stan omg its a prank im so sorry i love you" you hug him and he drops his head on your shoulder arms around you. "you love me right?" he mumbles and you hum "always" he looks up cupping your face and kisses you, his salty tears mixing in with the kiss. you kiss him back and literally curse yourself inside for hurting this man.
your trust in each other grew after a long talk and a whole week of spending every minute together. safe to says hes convinced you love him.
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quillkiller · 2 months
butch dyke ginny is actually the only ginny that exists
that girl has 6 older brothers!!!!!!! molly must’ve been overjoyed when she had a girl and could finally start buying girls clothes. and the comp het…… ginnys crush on harry when she was TEN ? and then she just never fell out of love with him ??? and i know for a fact that molly watered that seed whenever she could so harry could finally become part of the family fr. she dates around at hogwarts looking for male validation because all she knows she knows through femininity and how she’s being percieved through the male gaze. molly wants her to be her perfect princess daughter. shes not allowed to get down and dirty with her brothers. she’s ALWAYS seperated from them. molly wants her help in the kitchen and to go shopping and to learn how to be harrys perfect wife. and i dont even really blame molly for this either she got overly excited after being surrounded by boys and its the early 2000s!!! late 1990s!!!!
but finally ginny gets to go to hogwarts and she gets to play quidditch and she gets to be loud and brash and take space. she finally gets to be unpleasant and ’like her brothers’. which always sort of makes her ’one of the boys’ however she never ever will be because all her male friends want to fuck her. she’s still a girl to them. and im suuuure she was a pick me girlie and ’not like other girls’. then shes the saviours girlfriends and shes the wizarding worlds darling and she doesn’t have her own personality outside of being a woman. a daughter. someones girlfriend. sister. someone men want to fuck. SHE WAS POSSESSED BY VOLDEMORT WHEN SHE WAS 11 AND IF THAT ISNT A METAPHOR FOR COMP HET I DONT KNOW WHAT IS…………… her entire life is ruled by men, surrounded by men, while also having to be the good and perfect girl.
after the war and post hinny breakup she starts seeing a therapist/mind healer and they work through all of this and how femininity feels like a costume on her and how she can’t stand seeing herself in the mirror and how mens eyes on her make her feel dirty and she wants men to find her repulsive. she wants to be like her brothers, wants to fit in with them, doesn’t want them to feel like shes a ’girl they have to protect’. she cuts her hair short and starts wearing charlies jumper he forgot at her place once and she stops wearing makeup and men stop looking at her and she’s so relieved and so free and then she meet pansy in the waiting area (shes seeing the same therapist) and pansy calls her handsome while trying not to drool
and then they start dating and pansy talks about her own experience with lesbianism and her experience being femme and how she cant avoid men wanting her but she’s comfortable presenting herself the way she does and after everything that’s happened, her comfort means so much to her. pansy talks about how she knows shes subscribing to patriarchal standards but sometimes just existing as a lesbian is radical enough. she feels good about herself and she’s tuning out mens eyes on her but she wants ginny to watch her. she wants ginny to think she’s hot and she wants to straddle ginny and be her girl. its not a perfect world but having dinner with a handsome woman darting her eyes all over her body makes her forget about that and maybe that’s enough!!!!!!!! maybe desire isn’t bad!!!!!!! maybe being desired feels good and doesn’t have to feel violating!!!!!!! maybe excluding men entirely makes them both free!!!!!!!!!
im a little insane about them. 🧍
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loyal2tray · 1 year
Bllk Boys Hc's!!
warnings: none
part 1/?
includes - Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Yoichi Isagi
reader is implied to be afab

Itoshi Rin
-since he drools a lot, dont be surprised when you wake up next to his drool drenched pillow. its a little gross but hey he cant control it
-watches football like its the news (which it is)
-if you dont wanna watch football, you better find a different tv because hes not changing the channel
-active light snorer
-he tears up when he yawns
-most definitely will put his sleeve on his tear ducts so that the tears don't come down (forgive me if thats not scientifically correct im like half asleep rught now)
-he does like to immediately be cuddled and loved and appreciated his alone time after a stressful game, but won't mind tHAT much if you cuddle him
-will drool on you and deny it if you ask him.
-if u ask him to get you feminine stuff from the store, please send him pics of what it looks like because u could ask him to get pads and homeboy would be in the facial care section
-he is the type of man to have the mindset of, "an eye for an eye" so expect your dumb actions to be reciprocated
-i feel like he would plug his nose when he sneezes so that his ears pop and he doesn't have to spit anywhere on accident
-cried during Underdogs
Sae Itoshi
-loves you more than soccer (or futbol/football depending on who you ask)
-forehead kisses with this man are a must
-no matter if its you kissing him on the forehead or him, its a 100% need
-handholding like as if you're glued to each other
-wear his jersey at all and he's like your own personal paparazzi.
-will flaunt your relationship and treat it like a trophy
-literally does not give a flip flappity fuck if anyone sees him being affectionate to you. it js assures him that everyone knows you're his
-will kiss you just in time for the paparazzi to take a picture
-very protective, especially in very public places
-active hummer
-melts when you wear his stuff
Isagi Yoichi
-hypes you up for events or anything you're excited about
-#1 supporter
-will happily help you learn how to play soccer (futbol/football) or practice with you
-hand holder
-public PDA and hand kisses
-stares at you and then either looks embarrassed or tells you you're beautiful or both
-active feminist
-sleep talks and denies it when you ask him about it
-loves you, loves you, loves you, and loves you. oh and did i say he loves you?
-wouldn't ever dream of hurting you or making you cry, but if he does just be sure he will be trying to get you back immediately.
-cried during the lorax (same)
-this boy is so kind when it comes to you having cramps or anything, he is so clueless about some things but he's also offering to get you whatever you want while you're in pain so how can you blame him?
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fatmaclover · 3 months
do you think mac and charlie have ever been sat together getting high looking at the stars or just chilling together or whatever. do you think mac always wants to talk about his queer identity. hes always so desperate to be seen, to be heard, to be understood in his own way.
i think charlie would be hesitant. every time mac wants to talk about how he feels in relation to his identity, charlies always shutting it down. "no, dude, dont press that gay shit on me"
but like. mac wears charlie down eventually. keeps insisting on wanting to speak about it, to use charlie as a wall to bounce feelings and thoughts off of. to find the correct words or mediums or images to understand himself better. to have his friends, his family, those he loves, to understand him better.
not to mention his best friend.
so charlie relents. "fine, fine, whatever. lets just get it over with"
and its a long talk. charlie listens for hours as mac explains his struggles with being a man, his self image, his relationship towards women, womanhood, femininity, masculinity, how confusing it all is. how weird it is to figure out what balance he is of what, how he relates to it all. how its such a struggle to just.... find his place.
and charlies really listening here- and theres some really potent stuff. like, yeah, all this stuff is confusing. whys mac bringing it up like its not supposed to be? is it not supposed to be confusing? are you not supposed to feel utterly baffled when youve been pushed to just sit down and think about why youre attracted to what. why you feel certain ways about certain things. why youre comforted by what youre comforted by. why youre made uncomfortable by so much normal stuff.
"isnt... everyone confused by stuff like that?" charlie asks, taking another huff of whatever near-lethal substance the two had gotten their hands on.
"are you?" mac returns.
"well- of course i am. its all so weird."
and theres a long pause between them. they both take a moment to get a couple more huffs in, and mac finally breaks the silence.
"i was always under the impression that people who werent gay never really thought about it."
"well- im not gay, and ive thought about it." of course charlies defensive. this is really vulnerable and sensitive stuff.
"well- sure. you might not be gay, but- i mean- the crossdressing thing man. cmon."
"thats not weird!" charlies hackles are immediately raised. "ive told you- i- i had a single mother, and-"
mac grabs charlies shoulders, looking into the brown eyes in front of him.
"im not saying its weird. i dont think its weird, charlie."
its another long moment of silence. charlie doesnt know how to respond, the world felt like it was crumbling a little.
too high for this.
"i- i guess-" macs voice was like a knife, the way it cut through the nightly city noise. "i just want you to know, that i think its okay, if its complicated for you, too. and that im not gonna be stupid and shame you for it being complicated."
another beat of silence, only broken by a car alarm going off in the far distance.
"i-... yeah. okay man, sure." charlie responds, simply relaxing into macs hold.
its a pretty quiet night, from then on, but it isnt like much needs to be said.
charlie can at least feel a little bit safer in her best friends arms.
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mihwee · 1 year
hi... ive been eyeing ur list recently...
why is raffaelo on the waiting list for so long im gonna froth at the mouth PLEASEE
Anyways... will you a m!top!reader oneshot w raffaelo (the villainess is a marionette) hehehe... but please include lace/lingerie. also, slight dirty talk? Thanks~
"Such a good fucking boy"
Bottom!Raphael x Top!Male!Reader.
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s.y.s: (i forgot sypnosis arent the characters thoughts 💀) rafaello wears a feminine cloth that can barely cover any of his body parts as per your request. I guess your puppy eyes were just so irreristible to him. He trusts you this much to humilliate himself this way;; he guesses. — Feeling bashfull with Milky skin on display, he averts your prying gaze that already seems to be fucking the life out of him.
TAGS: feminization, Lace, Lingerie, (Bra,Thong, And Thigh-highs. Dont ask me where u got it from u just got it LMAOO) Anal sex, blowjob (receiving), Groping, praise kink, PRAISE KINK in all capitals Etc. Explicit smut. (Rafaello's extra sensitive) u kinda lick his ears lmao , Missionary
WARNING: EXPLICIT NSFW and cursing (reader has a pp 👍) raph has implied mysophobia but isnt disgusted when it comes to yew (ik ik cliche)
Setting: Raphaels office, midnight
Hi hi back again~
nd, .emno! Lmfaoo my bad
I completley forgot about it anyways... im here to serve nonetheless. Plus muscular men in feminine clothing makes me go crazy...IM SERIOUSLY NOT JOKING i was js so busy and caught up with shs i forgot ever creating public fics of fucking these manhwa dudes (euntae hwang u r not safe even if ur webtoon alrdy ended)
I also made a broken ring reference~ lets see if u can find it yessir
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"Come on raphael, dont be wary of me." You spoke, voice tinged with delight. Raphael coudnt help but shudder. He feels so... exposed. So vulnerable. He averts his gaze to avoid your prying eyes, taking up every inch of his figure. "You can take that robe off." You leaned in, whispering close to the ends of his ear.
"Yes.. y-yes i know.. just give me a second." He managed to mutter out. Trapped between the figure of your body and the ends of his oak wood desk. Raphael felt his breath hitch as he tried to compose himself, unsure of why he even dolled himself up in such shamefull clothes.
He scrunched his eyesbrows, his face hot from the heat. his fingers managed to get ahold of the robes tie. Untying it with need as you snuggled your face deep into the crook of his neck. Your hands firm on the desk hes sitting on.
As he managed to loosen the ties, your eyes immediately went to take a look on the brallete. Hugging his firm chest that looks so out-of-place. The straps of the bra digging onto his broad shoulders and cupping his tits awkwardly. Then... to his cock. Laying inside a thin piece of black fabric that he wanted to hide by squeezing his thighs. Also covered in a translucent piece of fabric, digging onto the flesh of his legs.
This is quite the dream, you snickered. Your hands aching with need to palm every inch of his body. What is there to hide? You hummed. His face clear of pure embarassment. Waiting for a response as he clenched his fist.
"Dont...dont just stare." He managed to speak. Barely above a whisper. And quite unlike of him. A sought out bachelor of the empire, and a Proud knight. Wearing such things, doing... such things. He felt himself burn with even more embarassment. Yet he feels a odd sense of comfort, it doesnt feel disgusting when you touch him. He presumes. It.. doesnt feel bad at all. And it made him ache, ache to finally Touch and love someone without feeling like you've got shit shoved down your throat.
You grinned a little, placing soft pecks on the corner of his neck. still not roaming your hands onto his tempting body.
He stiffled his breath a little, managing to keep his patience intact. Feeling so desperate and needy for the first time, that it made his skin burn. His lower abdomen fluttering, his eyes slightly widening as you kissed his earlobe. Putting soft pecks for him to remember and reminiscence for the rest of the week. Your hand snaking up gently and palming his thighs, the fabric soft under your touch.
"dont do that.. hah..." he breathed out, covering his mouth by his hand. "Why not?" You laughed. You breath hot against his ears.
"It.. it makes me feel strange." he muttered.
Yet you let out a soft giggle, tilting your head to lick and softly bite his ear under your teeth.
"But i havent done anything strange yet?"
"Ah..." raphael softly grunted, shaky as he saw your Cock tap his lip. His face red and hands clenched to a fist between his thighs. Raphael looked up at You, Unsure of what to do. Yet you just chuckled, "you dont need to if you dont want to. Sweetheart." Yet the raven stood his ground, firmly. "No.. no i can.. i will take it." He muttered. His hand reaching up to position your cock on the front of his lips. His hot breath evident on your tip. "We...hah...already reached this far." He mumbled. His eyes half lidded as he opened his mouth, enveloping your tip.
As seconds passed, raphael looked more frustrated. More and more the way he coudnt take your dick down to the base and envelop it fully, Yet you were always there to whisper sweet praises, so much, too much that it made him shudder. Raphael pants out, taking his mouth off your cock to catch his breath. And his rough hand taking the place, picking up pace as he jacked you off with a mix of precum and salivia.
The way you called for his name, your hand softly touching his hair as a way to plead him to keep going, to keep being so good for you. It made him feel all warm inside that he has never felt for another person. And maybe because you were letting him do what he wants to do, and not forcing him to it. "Just like that, Ah.. fuck." Your voice hitched, his teary red eyes looking up at you with a pleading expression.
His robe draped onto his muscular figure, his hand stroking your cock in sync with his mouth, what kind of heaven is this? And fuck. His plump lips that stretched around your cock drove you insane. It turned you on even more at the fact your conserved lover is also.. well quite enjoying this. By the fact that raphaels cock strained under the lacy thong.
"Raphael." You breathed out his name. You cock pulsating needily inside his mouth.
Raphael looks up at you with curiosity, stopping at his tracks as your cock made a dent onto his cheek. "Ah... fuckk..." you cursed.
"Come on sweetheart." You grunted, pulling him up from the ground and gently pushing him on the desk you were sitting on. And not even a moment later, raphaels needy expression, was soon eliciting sounds you were dying to hear.
His voice was quite low, husky and deep. Breathless even, still trying to process the thought of sucking your cock about 5 minutes earlier. "Haah...hah.." he moaned. Shuddering under your touch. Groping his thighs gently, feeling the untouched parts of his body THAT if you were a random person, he'd probbably be killing.
Raphael bit his lip. Feeling you lick up a stripe on his neck as you let his leg rest onto your shoulder. His low voice quite muffled as he felt your slick cock thrust against his clothed one. Feeling more turned on than ever.
You panted, stroking your cock a little as you pushed your fingers deep into your mouth. Prepping your fingers at his tight entrance. And yet, raphael felt himself harden at the sight. He whimpered. Anticipating from whats about to come next.
"Thats it, good boy. Breathe, in and out.." you murmured. Kissing him on the lips as you let your fingers circle around his tight rear. He choked as his legs bended, his knees shoulder level as he held onto you for dear Heavens.
Raphael let out a a uncomfortable moan, your first finger sliding in. Slowly by slowly, till it reached to your knuckle. He shifted, his ass clenching and unclencing awkwardly. "Shh, Stay still sweetheart. You wont be able to take all of me at this rate." You whispered. Laughing softly as you Licked and rubbed his ear under your teeth. Making him shudder in pleasure.
As your second finger went in, raphael let out a hitched whine. Feeling your two digits slowly pump in and out of him. Scissoring his insides with almost electrifying like prescision. The thong he was wearing was soaked, soaked with his precum and your own dick juice from earlier.
"Y-Y/N. Do not tease me any further. I will.. i cant.. i-.. nngh." Raphaels words were cut, cut into desperate breathless sentences. And that spurred you on even more, you cant take it anymore either. With one sigh, you leaned back and kissed his fabric-clad calf. His thong underneath your fingers as you pulled your digits out, making him whine at the loss.
Yet he gasped, another much more larger intruision teasing him. Teasing him at his very rear end. Raphael averted your gaze and bit his lip, hiding his eyes with his forearm. Bucking his hip onto thin air. Waiting, waiting so patiently for you to take him and fuck him with pleasure.
And, ofcourse, you didnt even have to think twice as you entered his tight ass. Grunting as he clenched snd unclenched rapidly. You were quite amused, the esteemed knights cock was already gushing with precum. Twitching badly. He was so sensitive it hurt. It hurt that it was so embarassing.
With another sigh, you began picking pace and thrusting your cock in and out with a gentle demeanor. "Good boy." You muttered, leaning in as you grabbed his legs. "Taking me in.. so well. So good for me." Raphael groaned. Drool leaking from his pretty lips as he whined. Still covering his eyes, unable to look at you with a perverse shame.
"Mmh....f-Fuckk.." his voice cracked, your cock hitting a sensitive bundle of nerves. His regal facade already crumbling before your eyes. And only replaced by a obedient slutty cutie.
Raphael bucked his hips upwards as you began picking up a faster pace. Holding onto his ankles or thighs, or anything at this point. "Nngh...nghhh..." he moans, feeling your cock pound into his ass relentlessly. But yet... such in a gentle manner.
" wanna cum deep inside of you sweetheart. " you whispered. Your hand snaking up to fondle his firm chest. "You want me to fill you the brim darling?" You chuckled, sending shivers down his spine as he shuddered in pleasure.
"I.. i dont know a-anymore. I. A.ahh.." he whimpered. "Ah, ah ah!" Raphael moaned even louder. Feeling your cock pump into his ass even harder, he was close. So fucking close to this unknown feeling once more.
And with one slightly forcefull thrust, raphaels eyes shot wide open. and his pretty mouth half open as a lewd broken string of moans accompanied his body, convulsing as you felt him tighten around you. Tighten so hard feeling as if your cock will get chopped off. White long ropes splattered onto his muscled abdomen, and onto his firm chest, staining his brallete translucent strokes of Cum.
And with the sight alone, you felt your cock pulsate with need. You immediatley leaned in to occupy his lips, and which he leaned back to eagerly. Riding the remnants of his orgasam off as he felt your own seed fill him. "Mmh..mhghm...mg y/n..y/n." He muttered your name, almost like a mantra. his voice tainted with the lewd sounds of sloppily salivia mixing together.
And with one final thrust, you both collapse on the hard oak wood desk. Catching your breaths as raphael clinged onto you. Still twitching as he tried to compose himself. He closed his eyes tight as he wrapped his legs aroumd your torso.
"Good boy." You grinned. Panting.
"Such a good fucking boy."
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I got very determined to make this bc of this exact pic... (when i was looking for a fic banner lmao)
IT LOOKS LIKE HES GETTING POUNDED FROM BEHIND I HATE MYSELF OH MY GOSHH such grabbable waist omg i wonder how no one ever thought of fucking this sweet thing 🙏🙏
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ok good night hope u guys like that anyways 🙄
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ihatemrbonzo · 2 months
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I am the one and onlu mr bonzo hater. I HATE MR BONZO . Heres info about us and our organiztqiont
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I guse he/him and it/its prns. No feminine ones
I have mr bomzo in my basement
Im autistcu
Doctors and medical practononers do not like me.
i was in eraderhead. Dont believe me. Domt elieve me? I was one of the six men getting sick!
u cqn make sex jokes but dont get serious
proshippers dni!!! i hatte stupid fandom dramaz but you are mot smart either wayz
me binzos weird summoners
lena kelley
mr bonzo dni
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hi im ace i run this blog as a stupid bit. i orgiginallu made it after magp 10 when i grew a bit among me and my friends that i was mr bonzos biggest hater. quickly, i got bored of it, but didnt quite wanna let this blog rot.
and so i crafted an immensely stupid bit to manage as a hobby; playing a dumb character on this blog and also being able to talk about my special interest (i am autistic! not a bit) freely and in a fun and unique way. this blog and its stupidity are more of a silly way to comfort myself, as i live a kind of a stressful life.
if you want to support me, go check out my main blog @eatyourfleshh . thank u! happy mr bonzo hating<3
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brookiidookiii · 5 months
JO OMGOD JO (for the ask game thing ^^)
My first impression
she didnt really stand out that much to me but i think once i got to ep5 that was when i really started to care about her. i think i was probably 8/9 when i first watched ROTI
My impression now
yeah shes my favorite of all time. if it isnt obvious. i love her with all my heart
Favorite thing about that character
theres too much. probably her nicknames and her interactions with the characters around her. her voice actor is so good at the role too.
Least favorite thing
there is nothing wrong with her. all my pet peeves are with the writers. like how they createst the hottest beautifulest strongest smartest character ever and all they could do is joke about her looking like a man. sad day in bidens america
Favorite line/scene
'no, welcome to MY team.' she was so badass in that scene and brick is scared for his LIFE
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and this ones from her skatoony episode but "i wish the boys were back. theyre easier to boss around" lol i love her
Favorite interaction that character has with another
yeah im biased but brick and jo lol. they instantly clicked and i adore their rivalry, its for sure one of my favorites... jo and lightning as well. her and anne maria are funny, loved watching her tricking anne maria into doing stuff
team dude rocks. wish we couldve had more of those 3
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
heather. if the writers werent cowards they wouldve let them fought more. esp since jo respects her and sees her as "my kind of competitor", just doesnt like her sense of style. just more of her interacting with the other girls. and also scott, they couldve had some blackmail alliance frenemy thing, idk
oh i also like duncan and jo. he thinks her nicknames are cool so i respect him a little bit more. a jo and zoey friendship wouldve been sick. jo hates girly girls, zoey hates jocks. they become besties aw yeah. i could go on and on forever about potential friendships and dynamics i have for her...
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
rainbowdash. both are crazy competitive tomboys and both childhood favs of mine
A headcanon about that character
i think she has a super healthy diet. shed have one of those balance diet charts on her fridge, gotta stay in shape. but her guilty pleasure food would be nachos
A song that reminds of that character
im probably not gonna answer this question but im not good with assigning songs
An unpopular opinion about that character
THERES SO MUCH THIS FANDOM GETS WRONGG her internalized misogyny and body issues that were never touched on.... it makes me so angry. and i dont see anyone ever exploring that. maybe one day ill write something. she has so many issues that no one ever talks about and how she wants to feel pretty. people who call her a pick me are so wrong and dont even know what a pick me is.
her masculinity is my favorite thing about her but being a tomboy shouldnt come with hating on other girls for the crime of liking feminine stuff. idk i think theres something deeper. also she should never be given long hair. it feels illegal
Favorite picture
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i like the way she sits. shes so cool
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cartoonrival · 2 months
3 15 16 22 smirks
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok if im being honest im STILL thinking about ytp/exploding hotdogs inthe micrwave-amy. NO SHE WOULD FUCKING NOTTTTT you guys just think that any girl liking traditionally feminine things automatically = no personality so the only way you can wrap your head around "fixing her" is making her less "girly". im still going to war over what ppl are doing to amy. literally no one on the planet understands amy like i do and shes not even one of my faves. i dont even enjoy understanding her like she's my own daughter i do it like its an obligation like im legally required. i also recently learned that "does naruto having blonde hair and blue eyes mean he's white-coded" is legitimate discourse and i fr think you all need serious help
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
ok this is my biggest hater opinion and i KNOWWWW its like unnecessarily pissy so i havent said antyhing abt it until now but i think you might understand me. I DONT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE GIVE SHADOW SOME LITTLE THING TO TAKE CARE OF. I DONT LIKE HIS CHAO AND I DONT LIKE [expunged for my and others' safety] AND I DONT LIKE WHEN PEOPLE JUST GIVE HIM CATS. HE CANT TAKE CARE OF LITTLE CREATURES HE DOESNT CARE TO DO THAT HE DOESNT WANT TO HE JUST DOES NOT HAVE THE CARETAKERS SOUL LIKE HES NOT DOING THAT. HES NOT DOING THAT. BUT PPL DRAW IT ALLLLL THE TIMEE.......... IS THERE NO OTHER WAY WE CAN SHOW HIS SOFT SIDE THEN GIVING HIM SOME LITTLE CREATURE. HES NOT DOING THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!! its so stupid bc its not even like ooc NECESSARILY i mean his chao exists in at least some canons and theres nothing really saying it COULDNT happen and its such a harmless thing to be a hater about BUT I HATE ITTTTTT also when ppl make the hedgehogs wag their tails BE SO SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
literally every ship with amy. i think you guys just are desperate to ship her w someone. AROACE AMY SWEEP. ASK ME ABOUT MY AROACE AMY AGENDA!!! also i know youve talked about this 1 million times but i cannot fucking stand how the greater fandom talks about scourge bc none of them even KNOW HIM AT ALL and miss literally EVERYTHING that makes his character interesting and fun bc you didnt even READ ARCHIE you just decided to take this one dude out and sand him of everything of note so you can make him a sad little meow meow ToT SONIC HAS PLENTY OF SAD LITTLE MEOW MEOWS CANT A GUY JTSU SUCK??? CANT HE JUST BE A TERRIBLE LOSER? COME ONNNNNNN but ofc you wouldnt understand bc you didnt even READ ARCHIEEEEEE.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
JULIE SU. JULIE SU. JULIE SU ALWAYS. theres literally so much that could be said and expanded upon w her family and background and not even in the way that canon didnt give her anything at all and you gotta diy everything, shes SUCH A FUN CHARACTER shes so funny and such a jerk and everyone writes her off as "girl knuckles" so fast that they wont even LOOK at how much unique personality she has and how UNIQUE her relationship w knuckles is LIKE.... ken penders actually gave js a fun and unique and dope personality, the FANS are the ones writing her off as girl knuckles. ummmmm its not looking good for you people! and theres the assumption ig that all the romances in archie just suck bc theres sort of a lot of them, obviously i dont like every one COUGHken and sallyCOUGH but like ToT KNUXSU IS SO SO SO GOOD.... THE WAY THEY TALK TO EACH OTHER IS SO GOOD like you guys wipe every characters personality to put them in a ship, then talk about knuxsu as if thats the issue with it and why you dont like it, but. ITS NOT EVEN LIKE THAT. AND IF IT WAS SHOULDNT YOU LIKE THAT SORT OF SLOPim sounding like lorillee rn. QPR KNUXSU AGENDA WILL NEVER DIE
and in the same vein as js, lien da also. ppl just in passing say that either shes hot or shes ugly and no one talks about that creepy as fuck issue where eggman surgically put her back together. that issue was so fucking dope. shes so awesome. i love you lien da you are terrible and i love you.
obviously literally just all of archie. nobody talks about archie. i fucking love archie but everyones too scared. i wish i could make that au
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