#and i dont use 'slay' lightly ill have you know.
autism-corner · 9 months
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emiliangnl · 3 years
Promise • Zenitsu x Reader •
This is just a short shot, I've had this on my mind for awhile so i decided to write it ^^;
this thing is all over the place so, Sorry about that-
| Fluff with Zenitsu, OOC Zenitsu? |
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You were currently outside the butterfly mansion, it was currently nighttime, even though Aoi had told you and the others to be better off sleeping early at night, you still can't help but go abide the 'rule' Aoi had set up.
You sneakily get to a spot in the mansion where you could get a better look at the night sky, until your eyes lighten up a bit to see a familiar fly.
A smile slowly carved onto your lips to see a firefly come by to you, it's been awhile since you've seen a firefly, since all of the fireflies you would see were dead. It's a nice scene to see a live firefly "Fireflies don't really have a long life span, but even so, they still light up even if they're fighting between life and death." you mutter lightly, the smile on your face slowly becoming a frown until you've saw, in the corner of your eye a pile of fireflies near the pond.
You started to walk towards the pond, as the pile of fireflies group up near the pond, more did their light become more brighter which made your eyes glimmer in awe. Like the one in fairytales, your surroundings was covered with the light of the fireflies. Their small light is pretty enough to be mesmorized by it, the peaceful sighting was suddenly disrupted by some foot steps you're starting to hear making you very wary of your surrounding.
"(Y-Y/N)-chan? What are you doing out here, late at night?" The familiar voice called out for you, as you giggled lightly to yourself "Were you worried, Zenitsu?" You asked outloud not bothered to look at him as you could feel him flinch lightly like he was caught, as you heard a sigh as he slowly came closer to you. Wrapping his arms on your waist, still behind you, as he put his chin over your shoulder, as you could only make out a smile.
Not many had known about this, even the kamado gang, but you and Zenitsu have been hitting it off at the sidelines of the two of you being demon slayers. Being inlove/in a relationship with someone while trying to slay demons isn't the most favorable thing to do, since sometimes the two will have no time in doing lovey dovey stuff if they're always busy with training and slaying demons.
Even after with those circumstances, you and Zenitsu just decided to just get together, no matter how busy you or Zenitsu might be. You have fallen for him and he had fallen for you, and there's no way that the two of you will let this opportunity of having a life even in the demon corps.
"Ne, Zenitsu, The fireflies look pretty dont they?" You said, as you felt Zenitsu smile a little "They do, but they aren't as pretty as you (Y/N)-Chan" Zenitsu said as you giggled lightly "typical of you." You muttered as he laughed lightly, his hold of you getting slightly tighter "You know (Y/N)-Chan, there are times in our missions that sometimes, I feel like I wont be able to live another day.." Zenitsu muttered as you held onto his hands that are currently wrapped on your waist "But, I often remind myself that. I still need to live so we both can have a life together..." Zenitsu said as you listened, being in the demon slayer corps can often times cost your life in the process.
So, often times, you would understand why; would Zenitsu try and find a wife even if they don't like him or they just knew him just a second ago. Zenitsu wanted a life even in the demon slayer corps, that even if he dies, he atleast have some memories for himself to remember. You understood him, and that's what you would often want to bring him out into some quick dates here and there to make memories with.
Memories to remember, even in a life and death scenario.
The two of you stood for awhile enjoying eachothers company, listening in on the sound of croaking of frogs and enjoying the light the fireflies make "I love you Zenitsu, even if I would die, slaying demons with you and the others." You said while having your eyes closed, you suddenly opened your eyes when Zenitsu slowly twirled you so he could hug you in the front "Dont say that! I don't want to lose you, I promise to protect you myself." He exclaimed as you had to shush him a little not wanting to wake up the others.
"Calm down Zenitsu, Im still here okay? I only want to remind you that I will always love you." You said calmly, your head resting onto his chest as his hand patted you on your head "I promise you, (Y/N)-Chan. I'll protect you, both of us will live and have a good life together." He said patting your head making feel relaxed and also a little sleepy "You dont really need to make promises Zenitsuu...I know you're always going to protect me..." You said trailing off slightly here and there, slowly feeling sleepy.
"W-well! I just want you to know it (Y/N)-Chan, Ill be always here to protect you" Zenitsu exclaimed as you nodded lightly as you wrapped your arms around Zenitsu as he looked at you "feeling sleepy?" He asked as you responded with a hum, after that the two of you started to go back to the room.
Zenitsu tucking you to bed, kissing your forehead "Goodnight (Y/N)-Chan, I love you" He muttered as he went to his bed.
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lovely-angst · 5 years
helloooo its meeeeeeeee. the one who asked if you write fluff or not. well since we’re already here may i ask for some fluff with giyu for fem s/o? like omg i dont feel so good right now but if you actually do this peasants request ill be very grateful (and since youre a angst writer can i request for some angst before the fluff comes?) sorry if this was too long smh
You didn’t specify anything for this fluff request, so I just went with the idea I had this afternoon! is this considered fluff? lol i dont even know what fluff is anymore because angst has consumed me
tomioka might be a little ooc towards the end because bby boi doesn’t talk much in the anime/manga lolol
A mixed match haori—that’s all you remember the night you were attacked by demons. The moon was full in the sky, illuminating the white snow-dusted with red from the blood of the demons. Everything was clear around you, but the silhouetted figure in front of you. ‘Hauntingly beautiful blue eyes and a lovely mixed haori,’ you thought to yourself as you stared up at the man who had saved you, ‘Do you believe in love at first sight?’ 
Frowning to yourself as you remembered that distant memory, you walked down the dirt road towards the Butterfly House to rest from your tiring missions. Was it cliche and naive to say that you became a demon slayer just to find the mixed match haori wearer? Or was it cliche to say that you believe in love at first sight? You just wanted to see him one more time.
“(Name)? Did you just get back from a mission? I haven’t seen you in two weeks!” Aoi asked you as you entered the gates to the estate. You nod tiredly as you stretched out your sore limbs, “Yeah, just got back. Did anything new happen while I was gone?” you ask and Aoi responds with a frown. 
“Yeah, we just took in some boys to train, so the place is a little busier,” Aoi states and you give her a sympathetic smile. “Sounds lively, I’ll go check in with Shinobu, see you later,” and with that, you made your way over to find the insect pillar.
As you walked through the seemingly quiet estate, you heard Shinobu’s voice in the courtyard around the corner, and it seemed like she was having a conversation. Raising a brow, you turn the corner curiously, “Shinobu? Who are you talking to?” 
As soon as you turn the corner, your feet stop abruptly and you stare at the person in front of you. Your eyes widen and your heart flutters as he turns around to look at you.
“Beautiful blue eyes and a lovely haori..” you say quietly as your eyes catch his. Here he was after all this time. 
“Ah, (Name)-chan! You’re back!” Shinobu chirps as she turns to greet you happily. “How was the mission? You were gone for so long I was getting worried!” 
“It wasn’t bad, it was just hard…trying to locate…the demon..,” you trail off as your focus shifts over to the man in front of you. 
Wow, he was gorgeous in the moonlight, but seeing him clearly in the sun was quite the view. 
“(Name)-chan?” Shinobu waves her hand in front of you as she looks from you to Tomioka. She retreated her hand back towards her lips as she blocked her cheeky smile from you. ’(Name)-chan is totally smitten from Tomioka!’ Shinobu squeals as she observes the pair. 
Tomioka was confused and couldn’t help but feel a little nervous from your stare; you suddenly popped out of nowhere and on top of that, just began to stare at him. He noticed that your cheeks were a rosy color and you looked flustered? 
“U-um!” You shouted as you finally snapped out of your daydream. Taking a step towards him, you nervously held your hands together on your chest, biting your lip. “Do you remember me?” 
You remember the moment he jumped in front of you, instantly slicing the head of the demon and saving you—giving you another chance at life. “Are you hurt?” were his first words to you and you’ve never forgotten them.
“I don’t know who you are, sorry..” he apologizes and you shrink back slightly embarrassed. “My name is (Last Name) (Name)! You saved me a few years back from some demons, I never got to say thank you,” you smile sheepishly as you give him a polite bow. “Thank you for saving my life.”
Tomioka never got a personal thank you from anybody he had saved. He had always left right after he had slayed the demon, leaving no room for any conversation, but here you were, in front of him telling him thank you. He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed himself.
“Do you,” you squeezed your eyes shut before opening them back up and taking another step towards the male, blush eminent on your cheeks, “Do you believe in love at first sight?!” 
Shinobu choked beside Tomioka and he widened his eyes from your sudden exclamation. 
“Or should I walk past again? Cause I can!” you shout determined as you took a step back, ready to walk past again. Suddenly you shot up and covered your mouth before giving another bow, “I’m sorry! I didn’t even get your name!” 
He had just met you, but he could already tell you were going to be a handful. 
You learned that his name was Tomioka Giyuu and that you made him very flustered from your sudden confession, according to Shinobu, as the two of you ate lunch together that afternoon.
“I never knew that you had already met Tomioka-san,” she chuckled and you shrugged at the insect pillar, “I’ve always liked him,” you inform and Shinobu sighs at you with a smile. “He isn’t that good with girls, and especially girls with such big personalities, like you.”
“Well, he’s going to have to get used to it because I’m going to get him to fall in love with me!” you exclaim as you clench your fist, determined with your new goal now that you had found your dream man. Shinobu chuckled lightly as she watched you, “Just make sure you don’t scare him off.”
And from that day forward, you vowed to yourself that you would get Tomioka Giyuu to fall in love with you. 
Unfortunately for you, you quickly found out that this was one of the hardest missions you had ever been on. 
Once you saw him training and decided to compliment him on his swordsmanship, “Wow, Tomioka-san! That was amazing, you’re so good! Maybe you could teach me someday?” you chirped and he jumped from your sudden voice before looking around nervously, “I’m too busy to teach anyone, maybe Kochou can teach you.” and with that, he quickly left the training ground. 
Another time you saw him eating lunch with Rengoku, the Flame Pillar and you decided to join them. “Hi! Would it be okay if I ate lunch with you guys?” You ask as you held your tray of lunch behind the two males. Rengoku immediately brightened up from your appearance, but Tomioka flinched. 
“Of course, (Name)! We would love to have you join us!” he exclaimed and you smiled happily before sitting down in between the two. “Thanks, Rengoku-san!” you chirped before turning over to Tomioka with a cheeky smile, “How’s your lunch?” Tomioka quickly got up and left with his lunch, leaving you heartbroken and sad. 
Maybe you were too obnoxious for him? You frowned and leaned against Rengoku for support. “I’m really sad…” “Why are you sad (Name)!”
Every time you tried to talk to the male, he would one way or another find a way to excuse himself from being around you, and if you were being honest, it kinda hurt.
Were you that unlikeable?
Sighing to yourself, you walked down the snowy path as you took a trip to visit your parents. It had been a few months since you had tried to win Tomioka’s heart, but it didn’t look like you were nearly as close as your end goal. You didn’t even think you made any progress, in fact, you probably got him to hate you instead. 
“Oh shoot, the sun has already gone down!” you exclaimed as you began to jog towards the nearest town. You were supposed to have gotten there before sundown, but you were so consumed in your thoughts that you didn’t realize how slow you were walking. 
The sun was long gone by now and the moon was slowly rising into the night sky. Your breaths formed small white puffs in the cold air as you clutched onto your sword. Your mind went fuzzy as you looked down the endless white snow road, this was familiar.
Hearing a branch snap beside you, you quickly unsheathed your sword as you swung it in the air, slashing a demon in the neck. Their body hit the ground before dissolving into the air. Staring at their body, your white puffs of air became frequent as your memory seemed to rewind. 
This is just like that night. 
Before you knew it, you were tacked onto the snow by another demon and they managed to knock your sword out of your hand. “My sword!” you cried as you tried to keep the demon from biting you. Your legs kicked at the demon as you used your arms to push them back from your face. 
“Stop resisting, you can’t do anything without your sword,” as the demon raised their arm, your eyes looked up and focused on the moonlight behind them. 
It was just like that night, with the shimmering moonlight—except that night, Tomioka was there to save you.
You let out a piercing scream as the demon slashed your left shoulder, blood pooling beneath you as your breathing hitched. As the demon sat back, getting ready to unleash another attack, you quickly used all the force you had in your right arm to punch them, causing them to fall back off of you. 
Quickly scrambling away, you stumbled towards your sword as you heard the demon come after you from behind. “Come back here!” they cried as you grabbed your sword before turning around.
Hands so shaky, you stared up at the demon who had landed their neck on your blade. Your eyes were wide and your heart beat rapidly as you watched the demon slump on your sword. 
You clutched your chest where the demon’s hand had landed, they had managed to land a direct hit on you as well.
Pulling your sword out, you quickly cut their neck before falling onto the snow beside the deceased demon. Your blood died the pure white snow a dark red color as you tried to stop the blood from escaping with your breathing, but you couldn’t do it. You were too weak, you had no more energy from that ambush.
This was just like last time, although no one had come to save you. 
All you could hear was your slow and shallow breathing beside the snow as you looked out into the dark woods. You really never did get Tomioka to fall in love with you. 
You smiled as you imagined Tomioka yelling out your name. “It’s as if you were actually here,” he lightly joke before tears run down your face. Only fairytales and miracles didn’t exist. 
There it was again. Why does Tomioka sound so worried in your imagination? Is this what happens when people die? They go crazy? 
Suddenly you feel yourself being lifted up off the cold snow and into a warm pair of arms. Looking up, you were greeted with worried beautiful blue eyes and a mixed match haori. 
“(Name), stay with me,” Tomioka’s soft voice lulled you to sleep as he wrapped his haori around your weak body. He cursed at himself as he held your body close to his before he dashed off to safety. 
‘Ugh, my head is throbbing like crazy...’ Wincing in pain, you slowly open your eyes to the warmly lit room you were currently in. Turning your head, you were greeted with a small lantern and a sleeping Tomioka?
Blood rose to your cheeks as you quickly pulled the covers up towards your cheeks before you squeaked in pain. “Ow!” 
The sleeping Tomioka woke up from your sudden cry before he suddenly snapped awake and leaning towards you cautiously, “You’re still injured, don’t move too much,” he stated quietly as you watched him flustered. Only your eyes peeked out from the blankets and Tomioka glanced away.
“I thought I died from that demon attack?” you question and Tomioka let out a sigh, “No, I managed to get to you before you passed out completely.” 
He saved me again? 
“I’m sorry you had to come and save me again; I’m so annoying, aren’t I?” You pulled the blanket up to cover your eyes before you started to sniffle under the blanket. “This is why you don’t like me..” 
Tomioka froze from your words. Don’t like you? Is this what you thought he thought of you? That he didn’t like you.
“I-I don’t dislike you...” he stuttered and you grunt under the blanket like a child. “Yeah right,” you complain. “You always tried to escape from me because I’m so annoying. It’s so obvious.” 
“That...wasn’t my intentions..” Tomioka replied nervously as he looked down, “You just made me nervous all the time because you were always happy and smiling—I didn’t know how to handle it..” 
He glanced up at you, but you didn’t reply, your hands still holding your blanket over your face. “You are always talking with the other demon slayers and making everyone happy, and when you focused your attention on me, I just got overwhelmed.” 
You slowly peeked your eyes out from the blanket as you finally looked at him again. He looked like he was struggling to find the words to explain his emotions and you secretly smiled at it. He was such a dork.
“I knew that you had romantic feelings towards me and the fact that you were always trying to talk to me, I didn’t know what to do.” Tomioka pursed his lips together. “But then, when I saw you lying on the bloody ground, I was scared that you died and that I didn’t make it on time.”
“But you saved me again and that’s all that matters, right? We’re here alive together now,” you finish with the biggest smile you could muster and it makes Tomioka’s heart skip a beat. 
Why were you always so happy even during these hard times?
He knitted his brows with a saddened look as he looked at the ground, “I can't give you an answer on my feelings yet, but I enjoy having your company around (Name). Please continue to support me,” he says with a polite bow towards you and you smile at the man. 
“I’ll continue to walk past you no matter how many times it takes until you fall in love with me, Tomioka!” You chirp with a light laugh and Tomioka smiled at you for the first time. 
You didn’t need to walk past him too much—he could already feel himself falling in love with you every second.
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