#and i dont like that /nm
kantsyzkola · 2 years
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even though the original picture is a personal piece, I wanted to post this medic separately cuz I thought he turned out real cute :>
sorry for the lack of major art, I haven't been feeling well both mentally and physically, also I have to update my commission info so bear with me for another week pls 😶‍🌫️🙇‍♀️
also got myself a new sketchbook, so expect more traditional art soon!!
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mysticaf · 4 months
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just killing time w the doppelgangers
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nordidia · 3 months
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having a very rough night so raph doodles needed to be made
when in need, mash two interests together
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7roaches · 5 months
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posting my incorrect opinions @ night when nobody can see them
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starstruckvega · 1 year
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this is one of my favorite memes bc Me but I am not a woman so I had to make an edit
also good for any nonbinary fluttershy supremacists
og meme by @punkitt-is-here
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boxofwaspss · 10 months
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angst time :D
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looohser · 5 months
ello! For the art game can you draw pearl as a warden and/or mumbo as a moth?
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It’s quite simple really!
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spoopdeedoop · 7 months
I mean this absolutely respectfully, but you should probably find a different duo name for Mei and MK than goldendragon--goldendragon is their ship name, so by tagging it as goldendragon, you're putting platonic content into the tags for people who are looking for romantic content of the two of them! It'd be like tagging a post about Wukong and Macaque being friends or brothers as shadowpeach--it clogs the tags and makes searching for content difficult. And again I mean this entirely respectfully, I'm not sure if they have a duo name though or what else to call them!
hi! so i figured i should explain myself a bit more in terms of using that tag lol.
i use the goldendragon tag despite me not shipping them because it's completely up to the viewer which context they decide to put the art in. i don't make the art with romantic intentions, but i don't mind people taking my goldendragon art as romantic. i just like their dynamic either way.
plus, goldendragon is the more well known tag of their duo and i want to reach the people that want to see more of them, i guess?
so i use goldendragon as the umbrella term for mk and mei. personally i don't ship them, but you are more than welcome to read my art of them as romantic.
i wouldn't call my art of them "platonic" art? it's just art of them.
tl;dr: i'm still gonna be using the tag because my art isn't strictly platonic. you can see it as romantic if you'd like. plenty of people do.
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goobygnarp · 5 months
scurries up Swindle's leg, up his torso, opens his chest subspace and crawls in
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please dont
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absolutelyzoned · 4 days
big fan of this gender... oohough..
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ghastigiggles · 3 months
Furina having some cute little particular spot/tactic which makes her let out the cutest, sweetest giggles with snorts in between and navia is so in love with that laugh that she lightheartedly Abuses that spot shkddhh for example like Furina's bellybutton or pressing soft little raspberries on her belly has her writhing, red painted on her face and a huge wobbly smile, soft giggles and whines followed by little snorts, and navia has to physically hold herself back from kissing furina while she's all giggly like that (she failed)
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"Naveeheehee - Navia! We're going to be - eheehe - be late...!" "Hmm... They can wait a few more minutes, can't they? They'd understand if they heard these cute noises of yours!"
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hajihiko · 10 months
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Idk dude I think the abstract of "general atrocities committed in the past" and "hey remember the super messed up amputee porn comic" is actually two different veins
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wienners · 2 months
okay for a guy who entirely missed out on emh when it happened. Is there still a way to actually experience it as a complete thing still. seeing as so much of it was hosted on so many different platforms and idk how many of them still exist to be looked at im INTIMIDATED... but i miss slenderman i want to see it. how useful are the nightmind videos on it... help
the nightmind videos are basically the best way to start the series because he compiles all the blog posts and tweets explaining what happened in between each early video, and the highlights of the early livestreams. AND he explains the trials and the packages that got sent out. That includes the highlighted parts of the books in the packages and what that meant for the series. Basically analysis that the fans were doing at the time it was coming out. THAT BEING SAID! There's some videos that he just briefly summarizes or brushes over, and theyre still fun to watch even if theyre less relevant to the overall story.
So tbh i recommend watching the Nightminds, and watching the subsequent videos as he's covering them. I would say from... this video onward ish (its a little bit into part 4 of the explanation videos. watch that for yourself)
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The twists and scares are better experienced that way without nightmind over your shoulder explaining whats up. and if youre confused, just go back to the explanation vids! (especially before jim thorpe. there's a lot of shenanigans to explain there) Also once u watch the later vids, you can skip around the explained parts 5-7 bc NM puts a lot of just the full videos in so it goes by faster
ALSO! this playlist is the most complete one ive seen, it has not just the series itself, but the videos of the fans opening the habit packages, the crossover episodes with the other SV series, and the really long discovered audio tapes from the end of the series (which i was there for the discovery of, super cool! :D)
EDIT EDIT EDIT! someone linked me a playlist thats even MORE comprehensive!!
here it is
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7roaches · 4 months
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quick doodlies before bed
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unfunnyaceartist · 2 months
Vent post ahead that may change your view on me and that may sound dramatic (NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE, THIS IS JUST IN GENERAL) Mostly just to get out my feelings. I only ask that if you look, to be kind and understanding and patient. Also the tags are silly and id appreciate if you read em. id appreciate if you didnt ask me anything on it
I feel toxic sometimes because i can get so jealous i borderline gatekeep things and I always feel so bad because its never intentional but then I end up hating myself because I know its unhealthy and irrational but I cant help it, and I know im so lucky and have a lot in many senses of the word, but at times it feels like they can be taking everything, because when I like someone or something, they tend to matter a fuck-ton to me. Im sorry to anyone ive lashed out at a bit for them wanting what I have, I really am. Its not coming from a place of hostility, rather a place of trauma responses and hyperfixation that stem from my adhd and autism but like when I try something and it goes great, and then someone else is like "OOH thats awesome I wanna do that too" It feels almost like when Im finally happy or excited or proud to have something, someone comes and takes it. Usually Ill play it off as a joke, but in reality, its complete honesty that im trying to soften so I dont upset anyone, especially when its over fiction or a person, because I do NOT own them and I know that, but it bothers me when someone swoops in to do the exact same things or even one-up especially when its really soon after me, and since my self worth is already abysmal, it just makes me feel worse, like I should be lucky to have what I do to begin with, but I feel the need to hold it close to me and protect it so I dont lose things that make me really happy.
Recently Ive even started reverse gatekeeping in response to others, where ill just tell myself I cant or dont deserve to have anything special because I'm not, and only others can enjoy this. But thats why people making me ship content makes me so happy. Its dumb to get jealous over others selfshipping with a character I like. Its dumb to get upset over someone I know copying or taking heavy inspiration from one of my ideas. Its dumb to get possessive over someone else trying to befriend my new awesome friends or wife/wives. I rarely selfship anymore due to my reverse gatekeeping and instead serve the others who simp or enjoy content. I provide since I feel I cant take. It makes me happy and distracts me. But the moment someone else does something similar to what is my toxic coping mechanism for my toxic coping mechanism, it only hurts worse. Thats why sometimes, for example, I get a bit snappy when someone else provides gummybunny (that and also shipping jealousy sometimes). Thats why I get snappy when I make a friend someone else super cool and then another person comes in and wants to befriend them (No darken, this wasnt directed at you, its happened more than once with more than one person but I know how you tend to assume). I LOVE giving but I hate sharing, because all my life whenever I shared, I lost something.
Introduce a friend to a friend? They leave me behind for eachother. Let someone wear my fitbit because they wanted to feel "rich"? It got stolen. Give money to someone in a "rough spot" who promised to repay me somehow? Never saw them again. I was always so trusting and understanding, and I always made excuses for others. Always so naive and gullible. So much so, in fact, that in elementary I kept letting my bullies pretend to be my friends when they claimed they changed, and let them destroy any ounce of worth I had whatsoever. Things that make me happy I CHERISH because of all the things ive lost and all my experiences. Ive never been hit, not once, but the abuse all my life came emotionally and mentally, and I only recently realized through therapy. Now its hard to trust people in certain situations. Sorry for my probably hard to follow and melodramatic rant.
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sorry im dumb haha
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photofi · 2 months
What are your favorite characters by Alan becker
....could you draw a drawing of your favorite characters
Aha! No, if youre trying to request a drawing dear viewer, you came to the wrong stick!
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