#and i cant remember the queens name.....
bumblingdragon · 2 years
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Whumptober - day 29 - Defiance
Saelathil puts himself between Lee and their mom, daring her to hit him instead. he knows she wont...
(absolutely NO romance, they're step brothers and i will not stand for that 🔪🔪🔪)
((also lee looks like a gd child around the elves lol, they're just tall))
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thejudeduarte · 29 days
Oak third wheeling Tiernan x Hyacinthe be like:
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sickgraymeat · 2 years
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good-evil dads with their cool daughters, neglected robot sons, and animal frenemies <3
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maskyartist · 4 months
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might do more with this, might not, either way have these :)
(sidenote if i started drawing clay's hair like this who would get mad >3> cause im tempted its cute its got a fluffy vibe here)
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*rubs hands together*
Time to talk about my Just Roll With It: The Suckening Theory about Shilo and Emizel
Fair warning? Spoilers for those who haven't listened yet and mildly unhinged thought process pulling apart really small details
Please know I've chewed on these for so long, it's like the piece of gum Violet has in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Don't believe it cuz it hasn't been explicitly stated? Dunno how to help you there, simply a Dumbass Moment™
First and foremost, let's simply get it out of the way, yes, they're twins
Imma be focusing more on the situation surrounding them being where they are and who they're with
Base Work:
All of these theories revolve around it not simply being a one night stand type thing, that the parents met somewhere, were together romantically for a while then ended up having kids either accidentally or intentionally
Theory 1: Divorced Family of Four
Basically a Parent trap type situation goin' on here, Parents get in a fight, twins separated at birth, they meet when they're older, and if the podcast is going a more humor based route, maybe getting the parents back together
Personally, I'd score it a 4.8/10, giving points for the humor aspect, but seems unlikely due to how the queen was keeping tabs on Emizel but Jeffery didn't seem to recognize Shilo
Theory 2: Temporary Living Situation
Essentially, when the twins were born, seeing that one was more predominately either Human or Vampire but they couldn't safely raise them in the same household, for fear of the other side being exposed to their respective society
So the plan was to raise them in their own worlds, then when they were fully grown up they'd introduce them to each other, and give Emizel the option to join Vampire society, Jeffery probably will also Turn when Emizel does
Rating this one a 6.3/10, does g really explain when the mom didn't want Shilo to talk about the stuff, again, Jeffery not recognizing Shilo, the mom not reaching even though theyre both adults (at least by human standards)
Theory Three: Uncle Dad
This one takes a bit of a different take. Alright, so starting off, Jeffery isn't the actual Dad, he's the twin brother of the Dad. Now, you may think that specific connection is random, however I promise it's not. Twins is a genetic trait, in order for twins to be born it has to come from one side of the family, in this case, the dad's side. However, I think the dad and Jeffery weren't in contact, or at least not in constant contact. Not a malicious thing but more of an 'talking didn't take priority' type deal. Now, I don't think the dad is still alive for this to work, he probably died a short while after the twins were born.
After the dad died, the mom didn't have the ability to keep up with both twins, one being a human child that she wouldn't have a clue where to start with, thus she reached out to the brother, whom the father would have mentioned a few times probably. Probably explaining as much as she could without giving away the whole Vampire thing. She asked him to raise Emizel. And she did it in a way that would allow him to live a completely normal human life. She gave up seeing her son ever again so that he could have a happy human life. Which would be why she kept constant tabs on him, to make sure he was still safe and alive. Which would be why she didn't want Shilo to look into it or even mention it. Which was why she was crying when Shilo was leaving the castle in his Frenzy, because she lost the love of her unlife and her son in quick succession.
It would also explain why Jeffery didn't recognize Shilo, because he didn't know Shilo existed. Or the Queen would have had to mention why she was able to keep one child but not both, or at least why she couldn't keep both children in her side of the family.
This theory has a rating of 8.7, it seems the most likely as far as the two episodes have presented so far, but there's no telling if it'll hold up for the rest of The Suckening. I personally think that with the evidence we have now it'd be quite the interesting turn and would explain some of the odd plot holes of "Jeffery not recognizing Shilo" and Condi's mention of "a few months after birth" in regards to how long Emizel has known Jeffery, which was quite interesting.
Not Theory related, but if Grethgor isn't alive after what happened at the end of 2, bc I don't trust that Sheriff as far as I can throw him, I'mma be screaming, crying, throwing up, because how the Sheriff worded it made it seem like the order stayed the same but worded different to appease Shilo.
Also, shout out to @cant-think-to-save-my-life for listening to my theories, even the unhinged ones, and listening to me be hysterical when I'm having a new theory, and also when I'm hysterical about if Grethgor is alive or not, put up with a lot out me, but they signed up for it to be fair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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zzyzxtourguide · 9 months
Guys let’s all make neon overpowered demon/angel/dryad/dragon OCs for fablehaven
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pulchrasilva · 1 year
Gryffon and Queen are qpps to me actually. I'm having so many thoughts about them rn
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wonder-falcon · 1 year
i remember when voltage would go around asking ppl who posted like 5+ screenshots of any lovestruck book to take those posts down 😭😭 look where we are now 😭😭😭😭
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respiteresponse · 4 months
That sounds so fucking fun yoo
dude i had a BLAASSTTT we watched the queens perform for like twooo hours id say and they were so sweet and did such a good job and ur loved em sm they were super engaging and then when we got to DANCEEE it was awesome like twice i wandered away from my friends to dance with random people who were alone and it was so freaking fun i love the gay club we should all meet up there and DANCE !
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months
you know i absolutely love how when betsey feels proud of david she says "oh god it's a good thing your mother isn't here or else she'd be brought to tears" while she's trying to hold back tears. truly some classic betsey
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eileenleahy · 6 months
oh i love the tuskegee dormitory opening scene david is such a sweet character im devising ways we might be able to see him again
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vogelmeister · 1 year
favourite part of queen charlotte is those gay guys dancing in the garden
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So is Sylvester Bishop the half-brother of Maddie, since his dad is the Mad Hatter but he has a listed mother?
They're full siblings! Sylvester is about a year or so older than Madeline. Their mother is actually the White Queen. Sylvester and Maddie grew up apart for most of their lives because of the 'forbidden' relationship between The White Queen and The Mad Hatter. It's very similar to the Badwolf-Hood situation. Even in Wonderland there are rules about your story, and breaking it isn't acceptable.
Sylvester grew up a Bishop, the next White Queen (Or King) while Maddie grew up as a Hatter, they lead different lives and always have. While their parents are still very much in love, it's hard to be a family with Milton Grimm breathing down everyone's throats. Not many people know the truth about Sylvester and Maddie (the hood-badwolf family being about it.) Sylvester and the White Queen made it out of Wonderland with Lizzie, Maddie, Kitty and the Mad Hatter, hence why The White Queen is a teacher at EAH and Sylvester is a student. Their secret is kept under wraps by them all, but Maddie tends to spill the beans a little too often which results in some wacky shenanigans later on.
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guideaus · 1 year
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she looked good in all her outfits though :)
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july-19th-club · 1 year
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i actually thought they were all knockoffs but while looking them up on google with nothing but vague descriptors of their clothes i had a brilliant flash to where i got the third one . she was a secret santa gift exchange for christmas in second or third grade. or maybe earlier. had to have been earlier because she's 1999 hollywood nails bitch. the first one is a '97 lavender princess and a) she had a crown and a necklace that this pic does not have b) i assumed she was sleeping beauty disney version for some reason c) that bitch got strangulated by shoelaces in the course of her adventures far more than anyone else and she was often lost in the depths of a deep and cavernous cave (The Old Closet tm tm tm). the middle chick i think was a knockoff but the ebay i got the pic off of claims the dress is custom which can NOT be true because the one i had did wear that exact dress. and i loved it she was easily the best-dressed barbie bc i liked giant gowns but disliked purple. so maybe she's a specific one that i just haven't been able to research as easily. anyway we had some good times hi girls you are surely gathering dust and mildew somewhere in my mother's attic as we speak
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frstwomn · 2 years
got an anon about a fantasy verse so !!!! tamsin is the leader of a small country in any fantasy verse. her official title is queen but she was put there by the people of her country. 
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