#and i cant express how much i dont care about someones opinions that i can read online for free in book form
spootsaline · 11 months
we might be getting a sburb lore book? which i LOVE the idea of, but last i heard hussie mentioned it they said they might pawn that crap off to someone else
and ngl if its not written by them i kinda dont want it
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tulipsforvin · 29 days
Helloooo vinnn 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
How are you? I have a quick question actually :')
I remember once leaving alot of asks in youre box and I'm terribly sorry if that made you uncomfortable and you obviosly have alllll the time in the world to answer them–but I'm not sure if all of them got in ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
So one of them was about Louis and the song yandere and how good it would fit him, maybe you can tell me if it got in? Also, i got another thirst!
The first one : Lovesick William (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
He cant help but fall in love with you. He is so attracted to you he always melts when you Smile at him, always wishing he could just kiss you stupid— as if you were'nt that already. But thats what he loves so much about you <3 Youre like a star to him. Invisible to the people of the day and norm, but bright and beautiful to him. He could never imagen you away. Youre person just interest him so much, youre like a little mistery box for him to open. He always sees lots of new parts of you that he would have never guessed would belong to you. Youre such a open but at the same time complex person. You care so much for him, always helping even though youre so scared of doing something wrong. Youre awkward and usually in youre head but god he wishes to kiss that dreamy look on youre face. You look so calm and cute when you daydream about something he doesnt know and has acces to find out about. But he wants you to look at him. Like—Pleasepleaseplease look at me more with this sweet,sweet awkard smile that you show when you have no idea what they are talking about. He often finds himself secretly staring at you, dreaming about what it could feel like to kiss you, but only till he foresees that someone is going to talk to him. Youre really smart, a strong feeling of justice and emphatic. But you cant put that to help. But on the other side, it often seems like you drift away from their group. Or you just daydream about a better place to be, a place where you could actually feel loved, happy and not so lonely anymore. He barley sees you sad. But he knows you are most of the time. Leaving to get time with youreself where you could fall deeper into this feeling of lonelyness and that no one actually understands you. You dont cry, he found out by one of youre conversations that you have given up that ability to apear more strong and helpfull for the helpless ones around you. You dont know how to speak up for youreself or how to voice youre opinion. You also have a hard time understanding their plans on how to put this cruel system to an end. Whatever it is, everything about you is alluring to him. The way you smile, laugh or the look on youre face when you have no Idea about something. The lost one when you forgot what you were about to do and the scared one. Youre Expression when youre mad or daydreaming, youre struggle to express youre feelings and thought, the stuttering when you try to tell a story but you dont know where to start, everything. But just how is he supposed to make you feel what he is so desperatly thinking about? You still dont know how you feel about him. Thats the problem. You problaby feel threathen because he is so tall and so much smarter. Or maybe because you cant read his intentions when he smiles and you with eyes full of love? Hes not sure yet. But he cant stop thinking about hugging you. His heart beat dangerously fast when you actually smile at him. He loves you so much, he doesnt see why you just cant feel the same way about youreself? Really everything about you is adorable. Oh boy, just how is he supposed to make you understand that? He doesnt know yet, but he is sure that hes not going to give up. Even if it will take a lifetime to do so, because he is just that in love with you.
EHM— right sorry that was too long again, and problaby ooc, well anyways SOOO(⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)—
The second one was about William needing youre help. Youre on a festival with lots of noble woman which just cant stop bothering him :') So he excuses himself to get to you and ask if you can speak. ALONE. You have tons of ideas on why he wants to talk to you, now. But youre worrys flyyyy away when//shyly/// he asks if you got any lipstick with you and if you could leave a few lipstick stains on his face and play his lover. not the best idea he knows. But its not like he wasnt just about to be crashed by thousannnds (dramatic ik) of woman? All with the intention of courting HIM? Right. Youre unsure at first but agree on the end. When you take out the little mirror to applie the lipstick you notice His expression behind you. Its weird. You cant really see what kind of expression hes making but it seems a little eager and happy. That confuses you. Like really. Asking you to leave lipstick stains on his face? Isnt that a little.. I dunno, weird? Considereing youre not actually his lover and youre supposed to kiss him. On the cheek, obviosly but that doesnt matter. Its still a intimate act. But you dont have much time to think about it, the noble woman outside are starting to grow impationt and looking for him. You put away the lipstick and mirror and carefully held his face in youre hands. You cant look him in the eye, embarresed as you are you even blush. But its not like William is the same, of you thought so. Because William just looks like he is already waiting for you to do it and seems even a little happy... Weird, weird really. Wait,no. Ofcourse he is, he doesnt see that as anything other than a spontanious additional act for the mission, besides, hes been waiting for you for now like 5 minutes and when youre done the woman will maybe leave him alone. A reliveing thought, right? Before you start to kiss his cheek, William suddenly speaks up. "Is everything alright? You seem nervous. You dont need to do this if it makes you uncomfortable, you know?" You quickly tell him that everything is fine and that youre just a little stressed. He seems realived to hear that. So you take all youre courage and kiss his cheek. After all, it was his request, right? You pull away and ask him if one is alright. He then makes a expression that could be thought as dissapointed. " Hm, no. If it',s fine with you, could you put a few more? I'm afraid only one won't look convinceing enough. Just place a few all over my face, got it?" You nodd, take a deep breath and quickly place around three on various places in his face before he stopps you. Youre relived because you think that may he enough, but youre shocked to hear that if you put them so fast the coulor won't stick. "please be a little slower. Okay?" Extremly embarresed you do as he says. You notices that he seems to be somewhat relived. A sigh escape him. 'Hes problaby glad I can finally do as he says' you think. But in Williams mind all he can think of is how good youre lips feel on his face, and his heart beats so fast he feels like fainting. Sighing again he thinks to himself "God lord .This might be heaven.." He has to restrain himself to let out a humm. His face expression change to something else, satisfaction? Is he really enjoying this right now?! And really, William is so enjoying this right now. So much he even leans more. He leans his head a little to the side so you can place more kisses on his face. He doesnt want this to stop, but on the other side, he thinks that, if this won't stop, he's going to kiss you. He's already having a hard time keeping his smile and humms to himself, slowing losing himself and the ability to fight back this urge in youre kisses. In the end he gives up and leans away. (There was a little more but Tumblr didnt let me Finish. Meh)
That ends in a whole make out Session and William ends up introducing you to the woman as his lover. END
alright, i'll start off by answering your louis related questions. i did get the louis x maid reader fic you requested, which i've finished.. i think about a quarter of? it was a really adorable idea, so thank you for that. but i didn't receive the song ask for some reason?? maybe tumblr ate it - you can send it to me again and let me know, i'd love to listen to it!
OKAY BACK TO TALKING ABOUT THOSE TWO IDEAS, to me the first one definitely gives a lot of potential angst (or maybe it just seems that way to me because i'm an angst enthusiast) but i can definitely feel the distance reader keeps between reader and him and how badly smitten william wants to overcome that wall that reader puts around themself. i feel like reader feels insecure and uncertain about certain aspects or things in their life and that william just wants reader to see themselves the way he sees them.
second one also kind of gives off the 'unrequited love' vibe. (using 'you' instead of 'reader' bc my hands are a little tired) william has fallen in love with you and wants you to fall in love with him too, which is why he decides to use an upfront yet sly method of hopefully making you feel the same way he does. he thinks the best time to do this would be through the guise of a mission. as you're applying lipstick, making sure you're doing it correctly with the help of a mirror infront of you, you can't help but take every few glances at him through the mirror. and when you do, you always notice william staring at you with an expression you've never seen him make before. before long, you're placing a kiss on him, he wants more so he says that it wouldn't look convincing, you place some more kisses on him and he can feel himself losing the composure he's always known to hold. things happen and in the end of the kiss, he leans back practically panting from that passionate make out session. and so the two of you walk out; you with smudged lipstick on your lips and william covered in lipstick marks from you.
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forlorn-crows · 11 months
What is it about mountain/Hayden that you like so much? I agree because 👀 but I'm curious what it is for you.
oh anon. you've activated my trap card. where do i begin about this wonderful man/ghoul.
this will be long. i will save your dash by putting it under a cut:
firstly. who is the backbone of a band if not a drummer. he is the literal rock of the group besides papa himself. ive always liked percussion, especially the precision you need in order to play the instruments well. hayden is such an accurate and well-versed drummer, in my opinion. does he play the most complicated songs? no. (i mean, look at II of sleep token, that man is c r a z y) but he's talented and has variety in his musical repertoire.
did you know he can play guitar too? and he composes music. he has an entire soundcloud of scores and works with his friends on their projects (jutty w/drag talk, dylan w/into the vortex). so not only does he play the music, he can write it too. which, i think, is crazy talented. not everyone can do that---everyone in ghost is crazy talented, in general, and its gonna be hard for tobias to keep people like hayden around for a super long time.
i dunno, hayden as a person just seems super sweet, someone who's happy to support his friends and also do cool things for himself.
he's got some cute lil doggies too. and i, as a dog person, appreciate that he dresses his dog up all cute, poses her for a picture, and posts it for her birthday klsfdj
so uh, in terms of looks . . . i mean, this man is fucking fine and i will NOT hear hayden slander. i dont care that he's a tall white beanpole of a boy, he's cute. he's just a big cute nerd. and you know whats weird? i dont normally like tall men. but something about him makes my brain go...hhhh t a l l.
his nose? his eyes? his cute fucking smile? even his stupid expressions when he drums, he's so into it. i love it. apart from his face his...his hands oh my fisdjkkd. his big hands. i want them on me. pls. and his tattoos??? lskjdfsd his tatTOOS. some of the pictures of him with his forearm ones showing i cant even breathe i stg.
uhhh fun fact he's a taurus. his birthday is 4 days before mine.
i dont know. hayden just seems like a warm, kind person. which is probably the biggest reason i like him as a person.
okay wrapping up with hayden, onto mountain. i will try my best to keep this short but i really truly feel i could go on about him for a g e s.
first of all. as previously mentioned, i am a taurus. and, true to that, i am earth aligned myself, always have been. obviously, anything that i think of mountain is my own and common fanon. but earth is calming, it feels like home to me. that connected feeling you get when you get your hands in the dirt or that wash of satisfaction you get when its perfect weather outside. earth is strong, hearty, resilient.
he's a grounding presence, one of the backbones of the pack (aside from being the backbone of the band). and you know what i think? i think he seriously doesnt get enough credit or attention. and maybe he feels that way too, at the very least, alone on his podium up there on stage. and maybe its me projecting onto him, but, you know, i know how that feels. to also be relied on to be that grounding presence (like aether too) constantly, even when going through turmoil personally. so i connect strongly to that. to be the one, as harsh as it sounds, taken for granted.
on a lighter note, i just know hes such a gentle ghoul. of course he has a harder side, but it takes a lot to get him there (unless you ask of course). hes sensitive, loving, thoughtful, just the real definition of a gentle giant. a giver, more than anything. wants the best for his pack, in every aspect. is always looking out for them and finding ways he can show his love. big on gift giving, i bet, especially handmade things.
i dont know if this sounds weird, but mountain seems to lean more into the feminine energy than say a ghoul like omega or swiss. less of a 'big' presence, despite his size. fits in well with the girls, prefers quiet company. and thats something i always lean into, regardless of gender. not to say there's nothing masculine about him, but i think y'all know what i mean. his ideal day is probably sitting with like-minded company, maybe outside, enjoying a book or working on plants or doing some sort of craft or baking.
it also doesnt help that mountain essentially looks like a ghoul-ified hozier in my brain slkdflj. long mousy brown hair with auburn tones, proud nose, deep green eyes, warm olive-toned, medium gray skin, super freckly with soft patches of hair on his tummy, his sternum, his legs, his balls, you just look at him and want to hug him. want him to pick you up and carry you to a secluded meadow somewhere and for him to ramble about the plants you see along the way in that deep, rumbly voice of his.
and dude dont even get me STARTED on mountain as a lover. holy hell that ghoul can FUCK. always focused on his partner, so fucking sensitive, will worship the others body/bodies for as long as they'll let him. big on praising. soft. so fucking soft (but you know, he's got that HOT AS FUCKLSDJLFJ possessive side. that all consuming 'i need to have you' side. and a lil bit of a heavy hand, if they ask) and the NOISES I KNOW THIS GHOUL FUCKING MAKES IT PLAGUES ME EVERY DAY. the softest of groans, the breathy moans, *bangs fist on the table* the WHIMPERING. listen, y'all know how i feel about puppy mountain. that ghoul fucking WHIMPERS okay?! i need him. SO fucking bad. you already know how i write him. you know what i like. you know how it is. you know how i turn him needy 50% of the time, the ghoul you think has a giant dick and tops everyone? nuh uh. that boy is BOTTOMING a good chunk of the time too.
okay im rambling. im sure you can understand why i love hayden and mountain so much. sigh. he's the one for me. theres a lot of things that do it for me. you can count on me never shutting up about him.
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milesworld96 · 10 months
Expressing my opinions about matches at All In despite my words simply being irrelevant no matter what I say💁‍♂️
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I know for a fact that Adamjf is not gonna win, but a man can dream😢😢.
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Listen I may sing to Judas when he comes out, but you will NEVER catch me being an actual fan of his. I HOPE his ass gets beat so hard that he’s gone for MONTHS, Will you better BEAT his old ass up. Like put his ass in the RETIREMENT HOME🗣🗣🗣‼️
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Listen….I am a Darby fan by heart forever. But…..Yalls….let’s be real😭 I AM HERE FOR SWERVE AND AR FOX‼️‼️‼️‼️ I LOVE THEM, ESPECIALLY SWERVE🙌🙌 I’m sorry Darby, but fuck yo spooky ass for this match💀💀💀💀
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I will ALWAYS love the Bestfriends, OC, and Eddie, but…. BCC?!?!? AND A (HOPEFULLY POTENTIAL) RETURN OF BRYAN?!?!? YES FUCKING PLEASE😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I am so sorry but I will forever be at the BCC’s side🙌🙌 (unless the elite is involved💀💀💀💀💀💀💀)
Also I know Bryan is injured and probs isn’t returning but LET ME BE DELUSIONAL!!!
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TK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GRRAHXGSHDDH HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY GIRLY POP GAYS AND MY BULLET CLUB GAYS!!!!!! (+Takeshita, love you bbg😚). LIKE YOU CANT MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM, I LOVE THEM BOTH TOO MUCH😭😭😭😭 (Buuuuuuuuut If I reeeeeeaaally had to, I’m goin for Hangman’s team🥺 He’s been one of my more recent obsessions as of recent now😔)
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HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE LETS GO LGBT COMMUNITY!!! I AM DYING FOR THE BUCKS TO WIN PLEASE TKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I’m begging let me have one win after the pain wwe has been putting me through I BEG of you tk)
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I don’t care for Saraya, I don’t care for Toni (💔), I like Britt but NO. If Shida does not retain I’m gonna break down sobbing. Do not do this to me. And I swear IF I DONT SEE THUNDER ROSA BACK ON TV I AM GOING TO BE SO MAD!!!! I CANNOT GO ANOTHER DAY THINKING ABOUT HER ABSENCE WITHOUT GOING INSANE
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BUUUUUUUUT IF I WERE TO PICK WHOD BETRAY WHO ID PICK ADAM, BC I KINDA WANNA SEE HOW MJF WOULD TURN OUT IN THE AFTERMATH😈😈 But this is not me praying on their downfall, I hope they stay 2gether and continue their silly little dates🫶🙌
(Also I swear if Adam manages to win I will become someone I will hate, I will become his #1 hater and I LOVE Adam. But my love for MJF is stronger. Sorry xx 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️)
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smilesession · 3 months
i relate very strongly to your recent post and feel like its the first time someone is sincere about the vast horror of witnessing a genocide you cant stop. but also i disagree on you not mattering, youre in the united states, even if its rural. from my perspective, in a village outside the west, no one knows or cares about a yank war, theyre not the empire paying for it, like objectively nothing to do, in contrary to an American Citizen. so ironically a part of that post sounds like, "im not even benefiting from imperialism, im from Johnsville, Burgerwalkee!" or " ok i can try to act as if i care, if its so trendy to do so...😩" and makes me kinda cringe even if i know thats not your intention. this ask is comically long and my obscure opinion, maybe dont answer it its kinda weird and i assumed so much, but i thought to share my impression
Alright you’re really losing me with this one and I feel like you’re tapping on the glass of my enclosure on purpose to rile me up a little bit. You recognize that it was a sincere, stream of consciousness, crisis of faith, diary style post but you’re still trying to play games of “find the problematic element” as if it’s of any consequence. Sorry that there was room within my post to generate Cringe in you, I’ll try to seal the holes that is letting the winds of Cringe blow in real quick
It was outright within the content of the post that I’m feeling like my life is an affront, because of my awareness of being a beneficiary of imperialism, whether I like it or not. I do live in absolute Nowheresville, Burgertana and feel powerless within my remote location within a vast empire that operates as gargantuan apocalyptic machinery running on fucking orphan blood while Im just some ineffectual guy who makes $12 an hour and lives in a hole and matters not. I feel spiritually castrated by the failure of my greater society to represent my interests or human interests at large. And I expressed fear of looking disingenuous or just feeding into a useless spectacle-generating machine by doing the one form of “action” within my immediate power (which I see as basically futile) to make a little bit of noise about my discontent by posting online. I’m just restating the same thoughts so. a possibility exists that I’m just incapable of expressing this in a way without being cringe, which is fair, I buy that
Thanks for sharing your feedback. The shakecup 1-800-HOWS-MY-DRIVING hotline is staffed 24/7 and ready for your call
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whomst-the-hell · 5 months
i have a thought about the discussion of child soldiers in star wars that is so difficult to express inside fan content thats just. child protection/child labour laws dont exist in the gffa. padme was fully legally queen at 14 years old. in a democratic system too, its not like their was nobody else, but nobody at all had an issue with being governed by a child. nobody is against sending teenage padawans to war bc, by gffa standards, theyre for all intents and purposes adults. it is disingenuous to claim anyone in sw was immoral for training child soldiers, in my opinion, because “children” as we define them (a class of people protected sheltered and cared for due to their age and immaturity) dont really exist in star wars. that is also obviously a massive issue and doubtless the cause of many many problems, but its sort of like how nobody really saw issue with 13 year old girls getting married back in the day, or like. child workers at factories. its fucked up and traumatising and bad, but its normalised so much. nobody knows any different. your master was fine with you being in active combat as a padawan, so youre fine with your padawan being in active combat, so theyre fine with their padawan being in active combat, and so on so on. but its not like you can have someone in-world comment on it, the same way they cant comment on how space travel is just a total no brainer. obviously we can be across the galaxy in 2-7 days. obviously its normal for 12 year olds to be working full time. obviously its entirely reasonable to send the padawans to war as well. idk i just think its interesting
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crazysodomite · 3 minutes
older lgbt art and writing is so refreshing because it's just. honest, fun, filled with love for other people in the community... some of this art was made during the toughest times for lgbt people and they still found love and support for each other.
people on social media are so needlessly cruel and mean spirited. its like the only thing people care about is how to let everyone know what they hate and what annoys them about other people and everyone just wants to find the meanest cruelest thing to say so they look like the Coolest Radicalest person in the room unlike those Cringe Lamers :/// its so fucking exhausting. as a person who has no community irl and lives in a place where lgbt people have no rights its so fucking exhausting to see how people in western countries do nothing all day other than talk about how much they hate other people who frankly did nothing wrong other than be mildly annoying (in their own subjective opinion).
people online get off to making others feel bad about themselves.
in my country being lgbt can end up with you being slammed face first into the floor by cops in full riot gear and going to prison afterwards. but full grown adults should talk more how obnoxious they find trans furries or whatever the fuck the "cool thing to shit on and find annoying of the week" is. i dont feel safe talking about anything online. and i don't. there's no community online or offline. just. constant immature bullshit.
i dont really want to tie this into something specific. just the general pattern. people follow 'trends' because they want to interact and be in community with other people. not everyone is trying to be Cool and Not Cringy by being irony poisoned and nihilistic or cruel 😐not everyone is pursuing the goal of being cool and better than everybody else. the constant fucking neverending stream of "xyz is so annoying" "omg finally someone said it i hate them too 😂" "theyre so embarrassing and make me feel homophobic/transphobic😂" (real funny joke btw) is so exhausting.
i really am just tapped out of social media. people (especially in western countries) act like lgbt oppression is basically no longer a thing because in Some countries there are Some lgbt rights. even though even in most 'progressive' countries those rights are constantly under attack. even though lgbt people still are being killed all around the world. people talk about being radical and yet they will not step up when someone experiences oppression because they were 'annoying'. lol. because they are constrained by their own embarrassment and cruelty.
whatever. i consider it quite pointless for me to say anything about this so i usually don't. because nothing i say will change anyones mind or behavior so im just speaking into the void.
i am happy when lgbt people are expressing themselves and idgaf if it's annoying or uncool. because im a fucking adult person living in a place where you cant even go outside as an lgbt person. 😐 social media is not safe and no one is to be trusted.
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definitelynotnia · 5 months
sorry i have to rant or i will cry i hate when im so angry that the anger comes out as tears
tw: random guy being a general asshole abt lgbtq and trans ppl so if you dont wanna deal with that today, cz ik there's already enough hate literally everywhere online, then please save yourself from this burden and move along, i hope u have a nice day bcz if i cant then someone should
i just spent my whole afternoon arguing with this guy- it was such a waste of my time i haven't slept properly last night and i wanted to take a nap but my nap time is GONE i hate this i told him im done with this conversation and that i dont give a shit about him enough to want to educate him on things and have him change his opinion i TOLD HIM IM DONE i told him that he can keep his opinion shoved up his ass and as long as he doesn't bully people i dont give a shit i was READY TO GO TAKE MY NAP but nooo this bitch is like "just say you've run out of valid points" like BITCH NO.
i can't have valid points to counter you with because all the points ur giving me are utter bullshit like how the fuck am i supposed to reply to "ppl assigned male at birth wearing skirts and make up is worse than war" like WHAT???? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF??? ARE YOU INSANE? what the fuck am i supposed to respond to that with? except that trans people aren't hurting anyone and war is, and he's like "at least war can be contained, these people are spoiling the mentality of the youth" like YOU ARE THE SPOILED YOUTH not the other way around, im like listen if you were really pressed about children and how trans inclusivity impacts children then you would have at least read more about that but if your first point is only "they're doing surgery on children" then clearly you have not even done as much as a simple google search so we both know that you just heard that in some random reel and went with it and you dont give two shits about the supposed 'children being made to undergo surgery', which they're not, and all you actually care about is looking cool and edgy by hating on the lgbtq community because thats whats in trend right now in india. he's like these people are too privileged why cant they just shut up and enjoy life they are rich like first of all rich people can have problems too??? also being able to afford therapy and gender affirming care does not equal to rich thats like saying if someone in ur family has any chronic illness ur automatically rich like ??? also poor people are trans too? and im so sick of these ppl thinking being trans is just an american thing or a first world problem like brother no? you are literally living in india trans people are mentioned in the FUCKING SCRIPTURES are u KIDDING ME? being trans is not a new sudden occurence its been there for longer than you have. like literally after 2 hours of conversation the only points he could think of to hate on lgbtq for no reason is
they are rich and privileged so they shouldnt have problems
if they have a problem with their gender they should keep it to themself and not fight it (??????)
they are running from their problems (they are literally solving the problem thats the part which everyone is mad abt its when trans people try to solve the problem by being okay with expressing themselves freely and to counter i said that even alcoholics are running from their problems ive never seen any of u andrew tate cocksuckers ever make a "joke" bullying alcoholics he's like thats different like literally all his "points" are him just saying whatever and then if u try to explain it with logic he'll be like no but thats ok bcz i said so and this is wrong bcz i said so like fuck you dude)
they shouldnt have rallies and stuff because there's more important things like war that the government should focus on (he was the one who said "war is a beacon of peace there cannot be peace without war" when i had first mentioned that its ironic that out of all the bad things happening in the world rn LIKE war the biggest thing he's worried about is a "man" wearing a skirt but ok sure now all of a sudden war is a big boo boo and we should all be focusing on that, so basically when he wants to hate on ppl war is irrelevant but when a marginalised group wants to fight for their rights that time war is the most important point and no one elses suffering is valid bcz there is war)
it is spoiling today's youth (im not even gonna talk about this because i do not see how people living their lives and just existing is considered "spoiled" and "corrupt" but people regularly hating on, bullying and degrading a whole ass community just because they are uneducated swines lacking critical thinking skills and a spine that saw some 'famous' youtuber or influencer or wtv or maybe a reel with 'dark humor' dissing on lgbtq and pronouns and 'blue haired girls' and now they thing they're oh so cool and edgy and dIfFeReNt and "not like those woke snowflakes" just cz they degrade and bully a whole community of people every chance they get)
im so done im SO DONE with this bullshit its EVERYWHERE its a trend now to be hateful and mean and an asshole to anyone who isnt "normal" according to heteronormative standards. i understand not having an opinion, to some extent ok i get it you're young you don't need to be involved in this yet but no, they want to have an opinion but they will do no research they physically shudder at the thought of reading a book and god forbid they actually google up a trustworthy article to confirm some of the bullshit they believe they will do none of this but they will scream and shout about how lgbtq is the problem and magically that is the only "social issue" they care about and they care soo vehemently apparently that they have to post about it and make dArK jOkEs about it and use slurs and degrade them every chance they get because THEY are harmful yes sure you who are actively spreading hate are the angelic saviours of society and a community of people JUST EXISTING are the ones that are harmful, right.
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welcometocapitalism · 4 months
im worried that my previous ask is way too aggressive and might make you feel defensive and thats not helpful at all so i just want to explain that im so angry because it breaks my heart to see other people being violently harassed into submission just for saying something that isnt a popular opinion. you are quite literally being gaslit by a bunch of strangers who desperately dont want to have to think that hard about the material consequences of their own behaviors.
they are simplifying the issue in order to make you look unreasonable so that they can completely dismiss your opinion while giving you no way to defend yourself without making yourself look worse. its manipulative and coercive and vile. they have tricked you into condemning your own behavior and reinforcing that self doubt that THEY planted in you in the first place.
they are convincing you that you have to police yourself otherwise they will do it for you and they arent going to be nice about it.
they intentionally misunderstood what you were saying so that they could ignore the point you were making and thus avoid taking responsibility for their personal role in our capitalist society.
they are operating on this us vs them mindset of "good people" vs "bad people" and they think that they are a "good person" and that you are trying to maliciously assert that theyre actually a "bad person." its fascist behavior. they dont want to acknowledge their place in the web of life because then they have to be more careful about how they act and they simply do not want to. they think its their god given right to not have to do anything thats difficult and reflecting on how you are influenced by the oppressive systems you live in is not just difficult but uncomfortable!
you are forcing people to confront some very very uncomfortable truths about themselves and they are reacting the only way they know how: by lashing out at the people around them.
it is a reflection on THEM not YOU. their reaction doesnt say anything about you or the opinion you stated and everything about the experiences and expectations and knowledge that inform the way they think about the world around them.
i just dont feel comfortable standing by and watching this happen to someone else. so i dont know what it means to you but, i completely agree with your original point and i am more than happy to defend it if you dont feel comfortable doing so. i know how scary it can be to face down a mob of people who you know might turn to violence if you dont comply and i know most people dont find it as easy to take harassment as i do. i am more than willing to fight the fight if you cant.
idk just. be kinder to yourself. you cant let these people get to you. i knows it so fucking hard. its so so fucking hard. but you dont have to do it alone.
i hope youre okay.
hey fren, I've seen it all but I'm sorry I'm not gonna respond to all that, I'm very thankful for your kind thoughts and words but it's kinda a bit much 😅
just know we're on the very same track about the whole thing. It's absolutely hilarious what some people wrote to me about an already reworded opinion on pillows, and i can genuinely just laugh about that
this entire thread turned so badly into satire with so many layers that it could almost be considered an artistic expression. after all, this is the internet, which was kinda the original ordeal of the post, and I took it and made it 1000% funnier by writing too quickly and then people came and made it 10000% funnier by becoming embarrassingly entrenched in some random ass online discourse
I like to half jokingly call this kind of behavior 'internet sickness', since as you also noted you can find this kind of behavior all over the internet. people see an entire universe full of people that seemingly get the attention they don't, but humans are fueled with attention, so sometimes you see someone do literally anything for that tiny tad of attention, even if they don't mean it. this may sound familiar from the way I word my posts sometimes, because as I made clear as day, I'm not better than that sometimes.
Admittedly, I also suppose not all of the angry asks and comments would have been so hostile if tumblr would show late reposts with their comments on an original post more clearly, which isn't so easy. This is why I pinned yet another polarizing post about it with a comment about the situation 🤭 some people would rather click to start another shitstorm than click to find out there's no reason for them to freak out. But often in the internet people don't freak out of hostility, but because they realize (but refuse to accept) they identify with something about the cause in some way, so that would be a positive thing I suppose. It's up to each of us individually to grow from that.
i don't get hard feelings about these people, and genuinely as a former Twitter user I'm kinda used to it. it's just an annoyance at some point, but I suppose it's also the attention I was looking for 💁
After all, I get to post this lyrical masterpiece once more in a well fitting context
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
Top 3 Ships (ever, any fandom.)
so uhhh this is more of a top 3 ships i enjoy rather than commenting on like. the quality of the ship itself. so like it can be toxic (cough cough stolitz) or stuff like that and im not justifying it i just really like it! im also taking ships in the romantic sense so no brotps :(. theyre also not necessarily canon but most of them are because canon ships just. usually have the most material.
SOME HONORABLE MENTIONS BECAUSE I CAN -moxxie and millie (theyre just,,,, adorable. i adore these two lil guys and theyre the sweetest and DFGNHREWENHR babies)
-glory and deathbringer (yes i know theres an age gap but i dont think that was intentional in the original text and it was just an oversight when writing the winglets. like theyve got a very healthy relationship!!!!!!!)
-todoroki and deku (i dont actually really ship them, they just have the most adorable friendship and i need to express my love for them SOMEWHERE. they are good pals <33) -gentle and la brava (VILLAIN COUPLE VILLAIN COUPLE i love how they actually really care for each other!!! also i thought there was a huge age gap THEYRE LIKE 5 YEARS APART MAX GENTLE IS FUCKING 30??????? I THINK????? I THOUGHT HE WAS IN HIS 70S BUT I GUESS THAT WAS A LIE!!!!! theyre really sweet and gentle protecting brava last minute was just,,,,,,,,, AUGH i love these guys for no good reason)
-akechi and ren/akira/joker/whatever the fuck his name is. (ren is chaotic neutral thief and akechi is lawful good detective i havent finished persona yet but i get the appeal and im like 80% akechi gets like. a turning into a pt arc which sounds very fun <333. not putting it into the top 3 because i havent seen much of the actual canon stuff behind it but i am very excited)
ok now but actually
3: hajime and nagito. ive kinda fallen out of the danganronpa fandom but these two kept me in it for way too long. theyve both got a ton of issues and while i do kind of wish there was more of them in canon with nagito more in his right mind, what we have is just a solid rivalry and a complicated and consistently interesting relationship. theyre also gay as fuck.
2: kris and susie. fuck you caught me im one of them. while i dont ship it in terms of "i want this to happen", i ship it in "OH MY GOD THEYRE SO WHOLESOME LOOK AT THEMMMMMMM". i dont want it to be canon i just think they improve each other as people. kris cares about susie more than noelle or even ralsei, who has been far nicer to them, and susie trusts kris to hell and back. i want them to team up to fight god and/or you. yes you. local deltarune player get beat the fuck up by krusie. i want them to make out for fun and get married for tax benefits.
1: stolas and blitzo. i just,,,, i cant with these two. theyre so painfully toxic and you can tell they both really WANT a relationship, theyre just. so bad at communicating. SOMEONE GET THESE TWO A FUCKING THERAPIST. im not even msure if its my favorite couple or if im in helluva boss.... hell. FUCK-
fun little side note: my opinion changes every 8 minutes and what i think is cute now will definetly be beaten later. i also forgot to put fizzarolli and asmodeus down on honorable mentions but theyre there too. anyways uhhhh,,,, heres my definitely final and totally not subject to change opinion!!!! enjoy anon <33
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Do you mind if I get an opinion on an ex? She keeps coming back into my life to be friends. She says it is all she wants. When we were together, it was not under admirable or respectable circumstances. It was wrong, to say the least. After all of that, she still ended up with someone else. Leaving me in the wreckage of shitty decisions and feelings of worthlessness. Anyways, I have turned her away multiple times, but she keeps coming back. Its been over a year since we were actually together. The reason I am having a hard time with being friends is because I did not/have not dated during this time. I have not even seriously entertained the idea. In other words, I was not fully over her and her continuing to come back into my life was not helping, because Id try to be friends and then ultimately decide against it either because I learn more of how she lied to me or more recently bc I know how I feel about her. Even after everything. Im shit at turning her away and she is good at pulling at my heart strings. Most recently, when I told her I didnt think being friends will work out for us, she says I can leave because I keep saying her friendship isnt good enough. This is frustrsting, because my instinct is to say that isnt true and remain her friend even while knowing it will hurt me and I will not be happy, but the thing is, I feel like she knows this. I feel like she is choosing to say it with the hope it works well enough to get me to stay. I have expressed on multiple occassions that I dont feel we can be friends so she will disappear then come back with the same suggestion. Saying she needs a friend and misses me and etc. etc. Im just upset bc it does not feel nice to be framed as a guy that does not want to be her friend because her friendship isnt enough. I would have loved to be her friend, the first time around, when I first met her. Before everything turned out the way it did. I just dont think friends is something we can get back to and unfortunately I still have feelings. These feelings make me put my health on the back burner. These feelings have a proven track record of making me make the worst decisons for myself. A lot of crying. Too much crying. For one lifetime. I care about her. I love her. I always will, but I just dont believe friendship can work for us. Even if she said she wanted to try again, I would be happy, but know deep down that it wouldnt be likely to work. I just wish she would let me go. Let me move on. Because I will always care. And she doesnt seem to want to stop using it against me. Should I just ignore her the next time she looks for me? I dont want to hurt her or for her to hurt herself, but I matter too here. And I cant live my life putting everything I feel to the side just to prioritize my friendship with her. I want to move on. I want to be happy without feeling guilty or unloved.
Actually you should block her cause it sounds like you have tried to establish a boundary several times and that she has repeatedly disregarded that just to continue to pressure you to sacrifice your own needs for hers and that's not okay! It's time to end this pattern and since she's not respecting your boundaries, that will be on you
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starnightlover · 1 year
Hello star, can I confide in you please , I am in need of advice and reassurance
I just raed a post of yours ir was an ask from someone several weeks back. This person talks about struggling to improve their sc and how their siblings are treated better and they are treated like shit. I think they also said they would never wish that on their siblings and how everywhere they go they are ignored and stuff. And I resonate so much with this that I hate to even admit
I know I am the creator and I know about loa and stuff still my sc is bad. I totally get their pain when they said about being treated worse than others. I know how shitty it feels. I will tell you about yesterday we went to a party and met other family members abd all that and again my sister went along with my other cousins and I am awkward and nervous coz its always been this way. If I try ti say something everyone acts like it was stupid or just ignores. Then one of (my cousins husband came along saying to my sister "she us my fav sis in law" and introducing her to everyone around calling her his fav. I know its such petty and stupid things to even think about but I felt really bad I was right there. My mom always sides with her and talks oo me like shit a lot if times.
I remember once 2 or 3 years back I was sitting on my couch and I said my skin looks so dull and then my dad said out of nowhere stop being jealous and youll be fine { he meant it pointing towards my sister as if I was jealous of her and he said in a way more mean and rude tone. Idk how to express that feeling but I was so shocked as it was so random. Back then I had none of these problems. I didnt even care if anyone treated my sister better than or shit like that. I was fine in my sc and had fun wherever I would go and life was so much better. My parents were the only ones who would compare me to my sister and say look at her does she ever demand for stuff or does she refuse to do this and blah blah and at that I time I could have cared less coz I knew for a fact that I was not wrong in voicing my opinions and thats why they always compare me to her (if I ever felt bad about their behaviour and expressed it to my parents they would call me toxic, or my head is filled with negativity while all I was doing was letting them k ow how hurtful their words can be ). I remember that day when I heardmy dad say that about me it hurt me so bad idk how to explain but even today when I recall it feels like I am getting physically stabbed AND after that I got so concious of every little thing I started comparing myself to ger and with all the circumstances I went through these years my sc just got even worse.
Now when I try to work on my sc I feel like I cant be the best, or good enough , or the most beautiful or all those things I want because I dont deserve it yeah but my sister does. I am stuck at home so I have to face this everyday. Like all these things are reserved for her. All I wamt to have is the best sc I dont want my sister to experience any shitty stuff and I dont want to be the one to experience it either. I sometimes get so angry on her in my mind and I just get irritated and I hate being with her coz I dont want to feel less than and looked down upon and then I feel guilty for feeling this way.
You might dislike me for saying the things I did but I really dont know how to get rid of all this. I dont want to be ignored or sidelined or treated like some third or 4th option or always getting shit from my parents. I know I have to affirm and persist or states but how do I even maintain it seeing the 3d it all feels like such a lie to me.
I see so many people manifesting weightloss and df and db and so much more. Even people who say they were horrible at manifesting and stuff like that they did it so quickly and I struggle to even manifest biscuits.
First off, I want to say I am so sorry you have gone through these experiences! You deserve the world and nothing less, hell you deserve the whole universe/multiverse! You wanting to change your self concept is a huge step! I know you are in hard circumstances but you are still in control, you are still limitless! You can manifest anything you can ever think of!! You are NOT limited whatsoever! You're amazing, talented, beautiful, worthy, loving, extraordinary just because you exist! You are the first choice because this is your reality! Pick yourself up and know you are chosen because you said so!! Recognize your limitless power! You have the power to bend all of reality t your will, realize how amazing and powerful you truly are! YOU ARE THE GOD OF YOUR REALITY!! Isn't that amazing? Don't blame yourself for everything that has been told to you or that you have gone through, you are not your trauma! I advise you to not identify with the 3d! The 3d is merely a reflection of your imagination. You fulfill within your imagination and the 3d has no choice to reflect that. Your emotions don't manifest, feel them all you want! Cry your eyes out, as long as you are not identifying with the outside world but with your imagination, which is the true reality you can not fail! YOUR DESIRES ARE INEVITABLE!! Nothing, I repeat nothing has control over you! Not your family, not your friends, not your 3d, not a single thing has any power over you! Failure does not exist you will always win! You can change your self concept by starting to identify with what you desire and not the unwanted circumstances! Change your conception of self because the world is merely a reflection of thyself. Change your assumptions towards manifesting! Change your assumptions to you always get what you want, people treat you amazingly, you are always the first choice, you manifest anything instantly! You need to change your conception from having such assumptions and identify with your power and awareness! You can maintain a good self concept by persisting in the dominant assumptions that align with your self concept being at a peak! Remember you are in control, you got this!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Okay so yesterday I had a great bonding time with my mum, everything was great and I told myself I could wait until Saturday to read the new chapter. Spoiler Alert: I didn't. There are many thoughts that haunt me but I would like to talk about one of them: I feel like David cared more about what was in that diary than what Max had to tell him, and to a certain extent I get it. I mean I get like that too sometimes, I care about books and characters like they were real people and their pain is my pain and all of it is kinda messed up but I really get it. I just... I just think he needs to come back to reality. Because his kids don't belong in the show and the man he loves doesn't just exist as Micheal, they are all real and he can have them and it just feels like he is too afraid to take them or he feels like he can no longer have them. And the latter seems more possible, given how adamant he was that Max didn't love him anymore... I just think they're all really hurt and no one can see the big picture and that's not good. Plus sometimes I feel like David freezes. Like, in the flashbacks he is more open to showing his feelings, he laughs he teases he gets drunk he cries and he cries a lot and I don't mean that as a bad thing, it means he expresses himself without shame and that's wonderful but now he doesn't. He doesn't yell( except that one Mona time) he doesn't cry he just stares and its freaking me out. And I think the way you have written his character is really well handled, I mean we get to see things he does and says but not his thoughts or his perspective, how he feels about spending time with the kids and Max or Jaden or anything really. Don't get me wrong, I love Max in IALS, I really do,and I really get things from his perspective, i cant imagine how I would react if someone else was raising my kids, let alone the whole show/Jaden situation(I feel like David told Mallory that in order to protect the kids and not because he actually believes its his kids and not theirs but thats a different discussion)but he is more transparent than David.You have taken a character whose feelings were very easy to read in every other reality you have him and in this one you have made a mystery out of him and I think that shows real talent so hat's off to you. I just can't wait for the chapters where we get to see David's feelings and opinions on the current time line, because sometimes it feels like he lives without reacting, like his real life is the movie and the show is his reality, and I dont even know what I'm saying at this point. So to sum up, IALS has destroyed me ,my thoughts go a million miles a minute with theories and speculations and pain and hope(because hope is for the fools) and once again thank you and your talent for making me have... feelings, ugh!
I read this thrice. Three fucking times.
And I'm obsessed with it. As a writer, I know I put a lot of thought into what I write. But it never ceases to amaze me how much thought you guys put into reading these stories. It's overwhelming. Thank you.
You are absolutely right in the fact that David's narrative in the story (except for the flashbacks) is simply him reacting to situations. I once read somewhere that there is a difference between living and existing. I feel David just exists. He isn't living. He isn't alive. He almost feels like one of the characters from his show. Someone who is not real.
Even though his povs are so simple and straightforward, I find them the hardest to write. Because I have to make sure I don't write the way I LBAF David or any other Davids. It's a weird process. To write a character who feels so much and feels so freely as someone who is almost emotionless.
But I promise you he will feel again. You see, David stopped feeling when he lost something important. And he will start feeling again, not when he gets it back (you don't necessarily need closure to heal), but when he loses something again. And it makes him feel the pain, and every other emotion he keeps inside himself.
We are extremely close to getting closure. Well, not closure. But we are extremely close to understanding his part of the story. I know we get flashbacks from him, but every flashback says more about Max than it says about David. But it's going to change now :)
See you Saturday. It's an important chapter x
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deltastra · 1 year
Woohoo! Gonna give my silly little thoughts on Chapter 117 before the next chapter comes out!
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HE WON. HE GOT TO SEE AND TOUCH A PENGUIN. IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!!! God I love this innocent goal of his. Forget boobs! Let the man touch a penguin!
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Wait what. IT REALLY WAS ETERNITY DEVIL? I’m stupid… so what is Fami’s power?
Either way, she knows how to strike deals with other devils too I guess. This may be a problem!
I hope we get follow up from Yoru about her siblings. She said Fami was lying but I just don’t believe that? That and, do all the sisters really hate each other? I just find that unlikely.
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OK IN HER DEFENCE, HUNDREDS OF AQUATIC LIFE ARE PROBABLY DEAD! But seeing Yoru smile over Asa’s mindset is a nice change of pace. They are slowly getting along. Asa and Yoru’s dynamic is one of the most interesting things about part 2 so far. Yoru is more understanding of Asa now but she doesn’t excuse it. It’s a very interesting relationship.
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Maybe I’m reaching here, but I see this as a type of play on the troupe where the hero reveals their powers in the open, but their “love interest” was “distracted” and couldn’t see it. If it was a play on that troupe, it was hilarious. Denji not seeing the shitshow that’s happening because he’s too distracted over a penguin is just…him.
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Ooo a stare down. Fami might see Yoshida as a threat and Yoshida definitely knows what’s up…these two might end up as bitter enemies
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These panels right here makes me want to bring up why I love reading chainsaw man rather than watching it.
It just feels like I’m reading a movie…
This short exchange, while lacking in words, speaks volumes over how you can interpret the convo. It’s kind of like a comforting awkwardness and the reliance on facial expressions just makes the manga more engaging to me.
Anyway, Asa is sad that the date sucked, Denji was okay with it cause of the penguin! How cute! But poor Asa feels so defeated here…
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Can we talk about how when a girl told Denji she will fulfil any one request of his, all he asks is for another date? It’s just, so cute.
He didn’t ask for anything sexual, boy’s grown. I feel like now he just wants the feeling of love in general again.
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Once again, facial expressions speak more than words. I love this so much. For once, Asa “disappointed” someone and they didn’t turn on her immediately. I can only imagine how comforting this felt to Asa.
If this is a romance that’s blossoming, I love the more mutual grounds their relationship is building on. Sure it might all turn to shit later but that’s Chainsaw Man for ya. Right now however, I’m loving it.
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This won’t work…
If I remember correctly, Yoru said that Denji has to fall in love with Asa in order for her to turn him into a weapon. But she stated that she could feel Asa’s love for Denji, not the other way around.
In addition, I don’t think Yoru understands human emotions that well. Denji asking her out on another date doesn’t automatically mean he has fallen in love with her. He just likes her to a point where he’s willing to give it another shot. Hell, I’d say that maybe Asa hasn’t fallen in love with Denji either. She was probably just little happy over how things turned out. I know I’m being a killjoy sorry ;-;
But my point is, Yoru cant turn Denji. So yea, this is gonna be pretty awkward now lol
Overall, this was a cute chapter. Yoru came back and kicked ass, Asa was the one who saved the day and Denji got to see a penguin.
I am serious when I say that I do find the relationship that is building between Denji and Asa compelling. I don’t really care if it’s platonic or romantic, it’s just…nice?…to see them on more mutual terms.
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angel-beloved · 2 years
Please do not make fun of me. Thats about it. For me everything has a place, like shoes are not allowed in the house and only stay in speciffic places. I live by the rule - if its not broken, dont fix it, just like how a chair if it has four legs and it is not broken, you dont need to add 5th leg or break one of the legs. For example there are universal things like cars or cups that can be used for moving people or objects or in the case of the cups you can use it for coffee, tea and water. I hate americans them using the skull emoji on me as if I have said something horrendous for having opinion when I was never allowed to form opinions or criticial thinking and just said yes to everything blindly. It is not selfish and i do not care if it is selfish but people make fun of me which makes me feel worse since I have stuffed down my emotions and never expressed them since people make fun of me and laugh which makes me lash out as a result. I have severe ptsd, anxiety and depression which I take pills for since they ruin my social life and prevent me from verbally speaking which angers other people and makes some even abuse me. I have never cared about sex but I feel the same way about anime and games for girls in the form of dating simulators, if a girl has a boyfriend and he rails her, she is not allwoed to play a dating sim, since her need is fufilled. If a woman has a husbnd and he loves and rails her, her sexual and emotional needs are met, she doesnt need books or anime to satisfy her urges, she literally has an alive human being that cares about her and listenes to her. I have rarely had friends and some boys refused to sit or be near me and always said "thank god she went away" which really really hurt me, it got so bad that despite no longer bieng in school i cry when men/guys are near me since i have been told I am disgusting and ugly and had people throw things at me as if I am a trash can all of my life.
I do not want to ever have sex or try it with anyone since only whores get healthy male attention and guys like whores that scream like harpies and manipulate and not me and I do not even want to be liked, since people treated me like a tumor and bullied me I seem to "fall in love" with anyone who treats me neutrally and doesnt make me cry on purpose or makes me feel afraid or threatened since I have bad emotional regulation/hormonal disbalance and cant stop crying and people took advantage of that, now I am numb and refuse to be near guys since like I said, they only like whores and they creep me out. For me needs have a purpose, and if your needs are fufilled, you do not need to fufill them, its like eating, if you eat too much your stomach will hurt, if you dont eat your stomach will hurt again, and i have to satisfy my self on my own despite hating sex because guys are creepy cruel and suck and I am afraid I will be hated and do not feel deserving of love which makes me hate the whores even more, becuase normal girls are rare and most girls in high school just cursed everyone and hurt them for fun, it doesnt help that i hate parties and am a huge introvert, it hurts hwen someone mentions that my nerdy hobbies are for male attention when the only male attention i got was being told to die and that i am not good for anything and that i am disgusting and at least they are not me and laughing at me and commenting constantly on what i do which made me severely anxious and develop a stutter. If a need is fufilled why do you fufill it? You already have sex? Is your sex life that horrible that you need to take away from someone who literally read erotica in order to not killthemselves because you have actual people to hang out with and verbally be listened to, while no one cared about my problems, no one and I wasn't even hugged or listened to and eventually broke down. High school was hell and I can't move on and small things like criticism or that break me down
Uh-huh. Dunno who this is at all buut I'll set things straight. Keep in mind, I'm not sugarcoating shit or being as kind as I usually am because this ask/rant was pretty much bitching and whining about a lot of stupid shit and I don't have time for that. You're not getting my damn sympathy, not even a damn pinch of it. Straight, honest opinion. Like you gave me yours.
Long post under the cut, trigger warnings for Bullying, pretty privilege, Sexual Assault and sex + a loot of cursing on my end.
I didn't need your damn life story. I never fucking asked for it. I would've been nicer if I asked or if you were someone I knew, but you instead decided to dump this all on me, so here we go. Having a fucking privilege to be pretty like me according to standards is fucking absolute BULLSHIT. It's literal hell to have "pretty privilege" and being afraid of potentially being SAed again or hit on for no damn reason other than "she looks hot and she might sleep with me!" Don't call other women whores for getting the male gaze because you didn't, having the male gaze isn't always fuckin ideal, you know.
I was, you probably didn't guess, bullied. I was bullied to hell and back. Bullied and nobody helped me. Men bullied me, but I didn't hate them. Because they're guys. They're known for sucking ass sometimes. Plus high-school? Can't expect them to act right. Because it's high-school. If you’re still stuck on that and base everything around high-school, go see a damn therapist or something instead of talking to a random girl trying to have fun and have a family on the internet (that I don't have IRL, at least not a good one, mind you.)
I get it, trauma fucks you over, 100%. But you don't put that on others to make yourself feel better, because it makes you look like an absolute asshole, nor can you use your mental illness as an excuse to be an asshat. I have anxiety, and the signs of PTSD and BPD, but I'm not hating on good people or others living their life. If anything, I'm fucking hating the ones hating on others or me for no goddamn reason. I don't delete comments of hate, I respond to them. Not because I want drama, but because I want to protect my FAMILY. I draw the fucking line at messing with the only people who have showed me love and kindness since I was fucking born. You also can't blame all women or say all women are whores. Because you'll be shocked to find A LOT odf women aren't hoes trying to get laid, but ladies living their lives, it is not all about you and your struggles.
And now the final things I will address. Selfshipping/Fictional dating (+fictonal crushes) is a coping mechanism. I have boyfriends (multiple, I'm poly), but I still selfship and hell, so do they. Alexis is a grown married woman who self-ships. Addie self-ships. Selfshipping comforts you, and you can't be mad at people who have fictional crushes or F/Os BECAUSE LIKE YOU HAVE, IT'S A DAMN HOBBY. A FUCKING HOBBY, IT'S A DAMN HOBBY. THAT'S ALL IT IS. You don't get to dictate what people do just because you can't get fucked and those "metaphors" didn't help and just pissed me off more, you were pretty much asking for this rant, "hun".
TL;DR of this post, Your arguments were bullshit and basically you throwing a hissy fit over your life sucking when you basically shit on a ton of people to make yourself feel better, seek some real help if you think it was a good idea to dump all this on someone you don't know, go away and never touch this blog again. Thank you.
~ Sincerely, Angel.
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muslim anon again (final to you message btw)
i dont like how this is how you decided to talk to a muslim individual pouring their heart out to you. your opinions and how you expressed yourself is gross and im appalled by it. you say that an attack was deserved, yet youve acknowledged it multiple times via posts youve reblogged how islamaphobia and anti terrorism laws have ruined lives. how could you be okay with something happening, yet hate the effects of it? you even tell me that im right, yet you continue to explain the corruption of america without considering how im feeling. you clearly didnt consider anything ive said.
“yeah this attack thats killed many and traumatized anyone left alive TOTALLY isnt gonna worsen the bigoted views of others. in fact i think this attack was deserved. but anyways, i will say its sad how muslim people are effected by islamaphobia :((( anti terrorism laws are bad :(((“ you cant have it both ways. you cant support the attack that was used as fuel for bigots’ hatred for my people. how can you act like you care about our lives if you support the attack that was used against us. i cant even express my own religion to others without fear of being discriminated against
i literally poured my heart to you about the struggles of muslims, arabic speakers in general, and how the tsa racially profiles/discriminates (we all get seen as suicide bombing terrorists), and yet you just kept babbling on about how corrupt the government is about the oil and about politics? the only response you should have to a muslim individual speaking about islamophobia is “im sorry youve dealt with that. you dont deserve to have things like this happen to you.” and MAYBE if you had some braincells, youd say “hey maybe someone’s retaliation that was used as fuel for bigotry and constant warfare thats lead to deaths and torment of minorities shouldnt have happened.”
but no, you mansplained (i mean this in a gender neutral way) about how corrupt and bigoted america is to someone whos DIRECTLY effected by said bigotry and corruption. how can you consider yourself an ally to my people and i if this is how you talk to me? again i hate the government as much as you do, but the way you spoke to me is deplorable. id much rather listen to some idiotic edgy teen make a 9/11 joke for shock value than listen to you earnestly explain your abysmal opinions. you dont want to listen to minorities. you only want to listen to yourself, you fence sitter. do better.
Simply put: America can Deserve retaliation and then also use it to justify more horrors, because this country sucks in a predictable manner. What happened that was a tragedy, it was also justified. It was also used to justify a lot of shit that wasn't justified. All of these things can be true. It's like when a kid hits their bully back but they're the one that gets expelled. Did the kid deserve to hit their bully? Yes. Did it only cause more problems for them? Also yes.
Also I'm not gonna lose any sleep about one random Anon that says they are Muslim saying they disagree when I know Muslims personally that do agree. Even if I do give you the benefit of trust on this matter, which I do, No people is a monolith. Of course there are Muslims that would disagree with me. It'd be insane to claim otherwise. You are misinterpreting what I am saying.
Additionally even if you claim it's gender neutral don't ever say I'm mansplaining especially when I'm mostly agreeing with you.
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