#and honestly i might cry
daddysropepuppy · 6 months
not to be a nerd on my horny blog but the new doctor who special felt like a warm hug to all the trans fans
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 169
Danny is from a world where everyone has wings, even if most have long since lost the ability to fly. Something about loading and aspect ratio, wings being too small, body too heavy, now mostly used as display, whatever. 
It doesn’t matter even if he had blueprints from when he was like six of a jetpack to help fly. It won’t work anyway and hey, he has his ghost form! Which uh, might be perhaps, affecting his wings which were maybe sort of scorched black and practically down to the bone thanks to the accident. 
It doesn’t matter, he swears. Though he’s admittedly relieved to see the new feathers growing in are different from Dan’s angry sunset. Even if they’re not even supposed to be able to grow back. Alright, this is fine, no one is going to notice! It’s not like everyone knows about the poor Fenton kid whose wings were absolutely destroyed thanks to an accident! It’s fine. 
He’s not flying in a half-panic towards the Far Frozen while crying because his wings are coming back and he’s so scared. He didn’t panic and instantly fled the moment Jazz pointed them out while changing the bandages. 
He definitely didn’t trip over something while wiping away said tears and blacking out from all the stress and all of his problems that he definitely mentioned to someone and isn’t keeping a secret. Definitely. 
Hawkwoman and Hawkman would like everyone to know that neither of them were expecting a very small child to be spat out of the villain of that week’s machine that should definitely not be a portal. A very small child, maybe nine or ten, with a multitude of concerning wounds both old and fresh. Which isn’t even beginning to touch on the wings. 
Feathered, like baby down despite the gnarled scars, unlike their own metallic, with the beginning of tiny specklings like stars amidst the darker fuzz peeking from the wounded flesh. 
Who?! Who dared?! It’s (at least to the forever reincarnating duo) a literal baby! They still have down! Tiny baby fuzz! Was it the portal?! Oh this villain is going to taste their maces for causing this if that’s the case! 
The rest of the Justice League would honestly like to know what just happened and are honestly unsure on if they should stop the two…
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pixlokita · 1 year
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Page 24 🥞
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bergilandbante · 2 months
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bury the light // "the sick rose" by william blake
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thranduel · 10 months
some thoughts about astarion because i'm tired of the internet reducing him to one thing
when bg3 came out in early access, astarion was always seen as the extremely flirty, confident guy who enjoyed sex (or so we thought) and spoke about it like it was his favourite thing. he was also kinda marketed as the “sexy vampire”, so you can understand why many people saw him that way based on the little amount of content we had. even while playing act 1 and act 2, many players still might think of him like that because he does have a very charismatic personality and he asks to sleep with you very early on, so it just automatically makes you think he’s genuinely happy doing that and being totally serious.
BUT!!!!!!! we end up finding out later on that’s NOT the case and it was all part of a plan to seduce us in order for him to gain protection. he opens up about his past and his trauma and how he was forced to use his body to lure people back to cazador. he struggles with intimacy and relationships in general because of this. that’s why i really hope that people stop reducing him to “hot sexy vampire that loves flirting and having sex with everyone” when that is not who he is, he’s literally traumatised because of sex due to being forced into it and he’s slowly trying to heal. he’s also so much more than just “the hot vampire”, ya know? if you actually put in the effort to get to know him, you will see who he truly is underneath and he has many loveable traits to appreciate.
you may not see the “soft” side of him very often because he hides it, but it’s there!! one thing i noticed that really stood out to me was that when i gave food to an orphan in act 3 and he approved. back when you first met him, he probably would’ve done the opposite or had no reaction at all. i also saw a clip of someone trying to romance karlach and astarion and he literally told tav to choose karlach over him because he can see that karlach loves her. he said normally an arrangement would work for him but after everything karlach has been through, he doesn’t want to get in the way or see her hurt. letting tav go is also hard for him as well but he still thought about someone else. he could’ve whined or been possessive or jealous but he didn’t do that at all. where are all those people who reduce astarion to “the guy that flirts and sleeps with everyone” now? seriously. that’s not what he does, and when he was forced into it by cazador, he was trying to survive, he didn’t do it for his own pleasure. it’s not a “hot” personality trait of his, it’s literally trauma. and because he did it so much, he got used to it, and that resulted in him disassociating and feeling empty.
apparently if you ask him to join you and sleep with the drows at the brothel (something i will never make him do in my playthroughs), he only says yes because he struggles to say no. but he disassociates. and if you’re in a high approval relationship with him and he loves you, he will feel safe enough to express his feelings and say he’s not comfortable. this happens before you fight cazador. i’m not sure if he gives the same response after, but either way, if he joins in, he will always disassociate and it’s not something he wants to do despite what he may say.
that being said, it’s obviously still okay to appreciate his beauty and attractiveness, because he is very beautiful. he appreciates it and even likes being called beautiful. calling him “hot” and “sexy” isn’t a bad thing either, we know he can be and i'm sure he knows it too! it’s just annoying when people act like that’s ALL he is and they don’t even mention anything else about his character. the love scenes are beautifully done too (i personally prefer the second one after you’ve stopped him from doing the ritual, because that’s the one where he decided he truly wanted it and felt safe and comfortable because he genuinely loves you), and i actually would’ve been fine if they didn’t have any scenes like that at all because it’s totally understandable and valid if he didn’t feel comfortable, but i just hope that people don’t take things too far and over-sexualise him just because of how he appeared to be in the first half of the game and the way he’s often marketed on social media. and yes i know he’s fictional and nothing on the internet is going to hurt his feelings!!!! it’s more about the fact that he canonically has sexual trauma and many people still say really disturbing stuff even AFTER they find out about that, and it just makes me uncomfortable to think that people are okay with treating someone like a sexual object especially when they've said they're traumatised and it makes them uncomfortable. idk if this makes sense 😭
but yeah he doesn't want to flirt and sleep with everyone as i've seen people claim. and if in an alternate universe he did, and he did it on his OWN terms, and the other people he had relationships with enjoyed it too, then good for them! absolutely nothing wrong with that if there's consent, respect and honesty. however, that's not the case with what happened with astarion, because 1. he was forced into using his body WHEN HE DID NOT WANT TO and 2. he misled people and lured them to a miserable fate. it's so horrible and devastating for everyone involved. sex was never something fun for him, and it certainly isn't a "personality trait" of his. it was a survival tactic. he was forced to. he didn’t want to.
obviously when he becomes more comfortable, then it's totally understandable to get excited when he flirts and shows physical affection. he can be so charming, funny, sweet and romantic and i love that. it’s so beautiful to see him heal, genuinely find comfort in someone for the first time and experience intimacy that he feels ready and comfortable for. he deserves to love and be loved on his own terms instead of being forced. but again, he is so much more than the guy we were introduced to at the beginning. the internet just sees one thing and sticks with it but i really hope people start to actually appreciate him for who he is and the complexity of his character.
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aaaaand i just had to leave this here <3
#astarion#baldur’s gate 3#bg3#sorry for rambling i’ve just been very emotional about him recently 😭#also i hope people remember that even if he NEVER EVER wanted to have sex again he is 100% valid#he does not have to change or force himself to feel a certain way#especially after everything he’s been through#and if you think he does then you’re gross. he doesn’t owe anyone ANYTHING#anyways#when he kept apologising for not sleeping with tav i wanted to cry#there is literally a scene where if you tell him halsin is interested in you he says it’s ok to go to him#but then he gets concerned and asks if it’s because he hasn’t slept with you for a while#and i wanted to cry#he should NEVER have to feel guilty for that#honestly the only reason why i think he might eventually feel comfortable with sex again is because ->#in act 3 after his genuine love confession after you help him defeat cazador he initiates it himself#and it feels like it’s something he truly wants after developing a strong emotional bond with someone for the first time#and i think that’s really beautiful that he chose to do it on his own terms when he felt ready#but also#for a while i wasn’t sure if he was repulsed and uncomfortable by sex in general and hated it entirely#or if he only feels comfortable after he develops a strong emotional bond#the only reason i think the second one now is because of what happened in act 3#but regardless whatever it is i just want him to feel safe and comfortable and happy#my posts
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ladylingua · 8 months
More knocking it out of the park: in 2.07 the flashback when Rosamund Pike plays Moiraine as completely different than we’ve ever gotten to see her so far and yet it feels wholly in character and immediately your heart breaks like “Oh, this is who she really is, I’ve spent the last two seasons with just a fragment of her, this serious, semi-miserable duty-bound shroud she’s been forced to wear over the rest of who she is”.
and then the double gut punch of the end of that scene, Sophie Okonedo and Pike just staring at each other completely devastated but both so honor bound they’re immediately accepting the loss of all their joint dreams for this new reality/ this new calling, and the worst part is that willingness to accept the loss in the face of duty is part of what they love about each other. They’re both just like “Oh. So this is what it will be. Oh” and your heart breaks even further oh that scene killed me
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peachdues · 6 months
I’ll probably delete this later, because I genuinely not trying to start anything. I just want to drop a gentle reminder that authors put a lot of time and effort into their works — from plot, to dialogue, to themes, it takes a lot of brain power and planning and dedication to create and put your work out into the ethos.
I have more to say on this but tbh it’s all based on a series of anons and comments I’ve received over the last few weeks, and I’m not going to subject you all to my whining. But please remember to be patient — whether it’s for waiting for the next installment or getting confirmation whether certain things will/wont happen — the wait is half the experience. I know instant gratification is the norm, but it’s really disheartening to see people write off your hard work before it’s even out because they’re convinced something is going to happen one way or another.
In other words, please recognize the time and effort it takes creators to put out content.
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potatobugz · 1 year
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*picks you up and dips u in a vat of acid*
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ganondoodle · 7 months
ninetdy just announced that they are, and have been, working on a live action zelda.
i am not joking.
like i needed to lose my only source of sanity right now too, fkying hell
there goes my hyperfixation i guess.
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gatorlovebot · 6 months
someone said simon needs a vacation and now i can’t stop thinking about taking him up to my cabin up north. pouting at him to put on the little swim trunks you brought him so you and him can swim in the lake together. getting him a floaty that is just roomy enough to fit his big ass and tossing him a hard seltzer. rolling your eyes at him when he bulks at the can, “‘m not one for juice and alcohol, love.” and you just tell him that it tastes better on the water. after a few minutes of you two drifting off in the water in your floaties he tips his head back to look at you and asks, “this all you do up here?” yep. after a few hours you’re hollering at him up from the dock to come inside to help you make dinner and this motherfucker has the audacity to look up at you from under his stupid little sunglasses and tip his 5th hard seltzer at you and say, “lake life, love.” but you get the last laugh when he spends the rest of the night complaining about his nasty sunburn.
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henrysfox · 9 months
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nicholas galitzine and his lil meow meow energy in chambers (2019)
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neptunianrefrain · 2 months
still thinking about this thing that i said to my brother ages ago and i think you guys wanna think about it too so here
(paraphrased slightly) "so you know how wedding rings are worn on the left hand's ring finger right? cuz it has a direct connection to the heart right? well note how v2 left behind her left arm after the first fight. She was proposing to you. And you rejected her. or the whiplash is the wedding band and the knuckleblaster is the engagement ring believe what you want"
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jade-len · 5 months
aka: what would be a red flag!
(also, when i say heavily kin, i mean heavily. to the point where it's not just relating to the character, but having at least a little more than some of the same personality traits and behavior)
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rainysoshi · 3 months
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last ~30 day sketch/wip dump
suzalulusuza brain rot too stronk (・へ・;;)
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nirvanaida · 4 months
code geass is underrated for so many reasons but i just wanna say it’s INSANE that there aren’t more people pointing out how good the fucking score soundtrack is. not just the ops and eds!!! genuinely nakagawa should have been given fifty bajillion awards for the shit he cooked for the backing tracks because they add so so so much to the series. stream eternal seperation and zero
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blatantlyhidden · 8 months
i'm on the train home now and finally have time to process everything that happened yesterday.
it honestly was one of the best days of my fucking life and i'm so emotional right now that i'm actually getting teary eyed. i don't even have words to describe how incredible this concert was for me. i understand now when people say his gigs are addictive bc i really NEED to see him again. i'm actually willing to fight my intense travel anxiety for him <3
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