#he feels like a badass when you let him drive the boat lol
gatorlovebot · 6 months
someone said simon needs a vacation and now i can’t stop thinking about taking him up to my cabin up north. pouting at him to put on the little swim trunks you brought him so you and him can swim in the lake together. getting him a floaty that is just roomy enough to fit his big ass and tossing him a hard seltzer. rolling your eyes at him when he bulks at the can, “‘m not one for juice and alcohol, love.” and you just tell him that it tastes better on the water. after a few minutes of you two drifting off in the water in your floaties he tips his head back to look at you and asks, “this all you do up here?” yep. after a few hours you’re hollering at him up from the dock to come inside to help you make dinner and this motherfucker has the audacity to look up at you from under his stupid little sunglasses and tip his 5th hard seltzer at you and say, “lake life, love.” but you get the last laugh when he spends the rest of the night complaining about his nasty sunburn.
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wisehq · 3 years
Mission Debrief: Chapter Forty-Six
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...Holy shit McMahon’s a badass!
Alright alright! Another week, another chapter full of tension and suspense. If it felt like it was a short one, that’s because it was; there were about three pages less than usual, but that didn’t hold it back from being as entertaining as always. I’m sure Endo is focusing on the remaining arc, plus he has his hands full with the new novel that’s coming in a few weeks. In any case, this chapter was straightforward like the last one, so let’s just get into it shall we?
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The girls are back! Not really my favorite characters, but I did like seeing them get some attention (beer and sausages after work sounds awesome btw). Also I like the bit about HR being in on Yor’s cover story, too. Tough to say if the whole department is in on things or is just select individuals like McMahon. Either way, the attention to detail is very on brand for Endo and always appreciated.
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I was also intrigued by Yor’s relationship with her boss in the beginning. She is very much someone who listens to authority figures, but it did seem strange to me what a tight grip McMahon has on her. Clearly he’s perceptive and collected, and -as we find out later in the chapter- an extremely capable assassin in his own right. More on that in a sec, but first-
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Loid forger everyone! A total sap for his wife (as he should be!) The blush. The awkward stutter. I was not expecting Endo to dangle some sweet, sweet TwiYor in front of us like this, but I definitely ain’t complaining! It hasn’t even been one day since they split up, and already he’s commenting how lonely it is without Yor there. It reminds me of chapter 24 where she kept avoiding dinner, and Loid immediately took notice. Both he and Anya know where the Forger house stand; things just aren’t the same without mama around.
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Also just pointing out that Yor in Thorn Princess mode is always impressively badass. The shift in her demeanor is always immediately apparent, and whenever she shows off her assassination prowess like here it instantly reminds you that she’s a legendary hitman who’s been taking lives since she was a child. It’s always surreal knowing that the Yor we know and love is only a recent development; Thorn Princess was very much her main ego before meeting Loid and Anya, hence why this arc will be so compelling for her character. What will happen Thorn Princess? (Probably still be around, but the drama is juicy regardless lol).
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We already knew coming into this arc that Yor’s relationship with her family would be an important aspect of the story, and now that we know there’s going to be a possible family day at the end of it all really adds another layer of uncertainty to everything. I say uncertainty because Endo may go to the route he’s always gone before and end the arc on a lighthearted note, or he may further explore the underlying angst that’s slowly been creeping on the forgers since the events of the tennis arc. Personally, I would of course prefer the former, but the latter would also be a compelling way to further drive the conflict of the story.
Yor feeling detached from her “fake” family, or perhaps Loid being suspicious of her again? There’s a lot of different ways this boat trip could turn sour- I just really hope that it doesn’t!
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Not while McMahon is on it, anyway! Goddamn, this guy surprised me! I should have expected someone working directly under Shopkeeper to be capable in combat, but McMahon looks like he could give Loid and Yor a run for their money! I’m obsessed with his calm demeanor and the casualness with which he carries himself while effortlessly cracking bones and limbs. And when he’s done interrogating him? *chef’s kiss* Cold blooded. Methodical. This dude is my new favorite side character, hands down. Can’t wait to see more of what he can do in the coming chapters!
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Speaking of, forty-six ends on another cliffhanger. This time, we’re unsure of who’s on the other side of the door. There aren’t any interesting panels to dissect this week, so instead let’s do some theorizing and think about who could be knocking.
It’s McMahon, after having just bolted down the hall to warn the girls. A somewhat likely scenario.
It’s some assassins out to get the Gretchers. At first you might say absolutely not; what kind of an assassin knocks on a door before barging in? And to that I’d say; what if they wanted to draw attention to themselves? Perhaps they’re in disguise as ship personnel or room service, or are simply gauging the room to see if anyone’s inside before slipping away to return at a later time? I’d say this is the most likely scenario, though not my favorite (seems kinda cliche to me, but meh).
My actual favorite; it’s Loid and Anya! It could happen a couple different ways, most likely because Anya happened to hear her mama’s thoughts or perhaps they caught a glimpse of her walking down the hall with Olka. I’ll admit this would be a huge stretch, but it would be great giving Loid and Anya a chance to meet Olka and the baby before inevitably becoming entangled in all the assassination shenanigans. Also knowing Endo, he’s probably got something up his sleeve next chapter for both of them (really I just want the chaos!)
These are the scenarios that myself and others have tossed around, but I’m sure there are others. Do you have one that’s different? Feel free to share, and in the meantime we’ll sit (im)patiently for another two weeks to see what’s really behind that door!
Also, BONUS!
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Never change, Anya-
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golbrockstar · 3 years
Jenna reviews 25x25 2-parter again because I finally got the motivation to watch the 25x25 videos haha. Kind of a long one, here we go!
Part 1: Overcoming my BROKEN BACK Trauma (Cliff Diving)
Okay, let’s just say the DRAMATIC CAPITALIZATION is so click bait-y it’s hilarious.
Ngl it’s been cold where I live and this place looks like literal paradise right now.
Fucking Crackhead Colby starts us off not even a minute in lmao
“We gon be doin’ some of the most richy rich bougie bougie shit ever” We GET it your rich, GOD. No, I’m kidding, but sometimes it does seem like they’re showing off, but I would too tbh.
“Haunted and Abandoned-” Oh, so not so richy rich bougie bougie. Sweet. Excited.
They’re gonna get on a boat and there’s a thunderstorm? What demon did they piss off because they have the worst luck, I swear. God the luck thing needs it own post man because damn. And that is a huge boat.
“I- I don’t know how to...drive it.” I love Nate. I relate to his humor.
Hello, Roxanne, I love your accent.
Side Note: Colby’s random bandana around his arm is random.
“The last time this happened to me, Roxanne, I threw up in an air plane.” God, I just love Nate. His one-liners are great. If 25x25 was a TV show, Nate would be my favorite character, no lie (Sorry Sam, Colby, Justin, and Alex)
Captain Sex Magnet omg, glad you’re not lacking the confidence department there Colbs. Of all the things Colby is know for he goes for “Sex Magnet.” Why not like, Captain Emo or something? 😂
Will the Sam’s nipples jokes ever die? Probably not. It’s been years now.
First challenge looks fun, but they hit that water hard man, maybe it’s just the sound effect but it looks painful. But nobody’s hurt and I’m probably being dramatic lol.
Side Note: Looks like Sam has graduated from his little red swim trunks 
Aw Justin got sick, poor Justin. He’s so positive though, ready to get back at it. I appreciate that boy.
I love how Justin and Nate do these like majestic swan dives and Sam and Colby just fucking SPLASH. And then they keep falling off the board together.
Oh, those are some dark clouds. Sam’s right, they look evil.
Flawless transition there from thunderstorm to fishing. But at least they didn’t fucking get caught in the storm or anything. Thank god.
Side Note: Justin is a fast swimmer, damn.
Okay, I’d jump off that cliff. Finally, a 25x25 challenge I’d actually attempt.
Serious props to Sam for this one because I bet after breaking his back there’s some serious anxiety there for him. Was it stupid? Probably but considerably less stupid than jumping off your roof onto a fucking bean-bag. My GOD that was so fucking stupid.
Justin is a badass. He just goes for it off that first cliff while the others move to a shorter one and then Colby, Nate, and Sam are like Nah Bro and Justin’s like fuck yeah I’ll jump and flip off this literal slippery slope.
I totally zoned out Sam and Colby’s end monologue for what’s next because a) I know what’s next lol and b) Nate it just messing with his sunglasses and necklace and totally taking my attention.
As always, gotta give the cinematography and editing some love because they are awesome. That one shot of Sam underwater after having just jumped off the cliff and the voice over? Masterpiece. Wanted more areal shots to see the island, but I mean I’d be worried about losing the drone to the ocean to I see why they probably didn’t do that.
Fun Video! On to part 2!
Ah, the return of the XPLR thumbnail too. Shocked faces and an arrow pointing to nothing. Wish they would’ve done a “standing in front of *abandoned place* with our arms out” one too, but the scared on is fine lol.
Oh, the sudden wave of nostalgia that gave me for no reason, wow. I didn’t know how much I missed the old videos until this one.
What I didn’t miss? The amount of freaking anxiety they give me. Like this whole video felt like I was there with them, that’s the level of anxiety I had.
They are so like worst case scenario guys too, like I get it, but come on. If it was light outside would you be as freaked out by the other people on the island? Probably not.
I guess that’s all part of the experience though, haha.
This place was really cool. I always think like, yeah, the jungle seems fun but then I remember the fucking spiders and shit that are there and I’m like 100% Nope From Me. 
Side Note: I don’t know how people live in Australia, tbh, that place is trying to kill you.
Colby touching all the animals. He just likes small, strange creatures, I guess.
Also they better be careful with those crabs they will fuck you up. 
The smaller sand crabs I’ve actually seen in person before! I saw them when my family took a vacation to Florida and they were on the beach at night. They bury themselves in the sand like super-fast but my dad was able to catch a few so we could see them up close and it was cool! They range from really tiny, like dime tiny, to like tennis shoe big or bigger.
I just felt so at home with this video. Like the *LISTEN and the sound effects and the camera angles and the running. This video feels like it just catered to old XPLR fans lol.
The ending though, I was so unsure of what was going to happen. I was like “are they gonna end up stranded and leave us on a cliffhanger? Where did the boat go? What the fuck?”
And then turns out Justin just freaked us out for the laughs. Man, I love that guy.
I am excited for more of these videos. Like, don’t get me wrong, I love the new 25x25 style but it feels really good to see some of the older elements come into play too. I hope Sam and Colby continue to edit at least these next few videos.
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diangeloyoyok · 4 years
my review on pjo movies
first up with have The Lighting Thief obviously
 Poseidon’s entrance lowkey kinda fire but high key weird
‘it’s been many years’ didn’t y’all just have that winter solstice party together ???
‘if your son if the thief i will send him to the pits of tartarus’ ouch that hurt ngl
logan lerman 🥺
he would’ve been such a good percy if they did the movies when he was younger IDC IDC IDC
i stan black grover and just grover overall
i wish we got to see my bitch nancy
gabe to me is just *hmm* perfect in this movie, he’s not as mean in the movies but he’s still an asshole ehehehe
i love Chiron actor i think it’s very accurate
also wtf chiron is bros with the big three lols 😹
y’all know jenna davis?- that’s who the girl who plays ms dodd’s looks like
so they just gonna ignore him and tak ab him while he’s RIGJT. THERE.
‘This is a pen. This is a pen.’
‘Are you guys crazy? This is a pen man!’
the scene with gabe makes me uncomfy bc percy says in the book gabe never hits percy in front of sally but ok 😗✌️
leaving percy was the *mOST* difficult thing poseidon *the GOD of water* has ever done wow percy is that cool
‘You’re half donkey?!”
i am da wittlest minotaur 😳✨🙈
such a subtle entrance to the camp love it
why y’all give percy the pen before he supposed to be a badass and rip the horn off wjth his hands but ig
wait so in this dumbass movie percy doesn’t even do anything to get the horn goodbye
i’m still very pissed that they took the scene of annabeth sayjng ‘you drool when you sleep’ but it’s fine i’m NOT fine
why is no one wearing camp shirts 🤬
they may be wrong but i didnt know it was ‘brUnner’ not ‘brUNner’
it’s kinda cute how when percy first sees annabeth he’s like ‘ooouuu who’s that name now 😌😏”
brown haired blue eyed looking ass BITCH
‘A real horses ass’ laughed a LITTLE
so the poseidon cabin is just *THAT* open poor percy no privacy
oh wait wth they already know his daddy poseidon 🤨
like everyone just knew ????
when did percy get new clothes the fuck
why did everyone laugh and shake their heads when chiron introduced percy what whores
omg luke 🥺
i know everyone knows this but it’s *SOOOOOOOOO* unrealistic annabeth and luke aren’t on the same team. like i’m pretty sure in the first book annabeth said they had a permanent allies type thing with the hermes cabin
‘that’s a sword! that’s a sword’ aw baby luke why’d you have to be evil 🙁🤚
where the FUCK did that bitch tryna be annabae come from
she realky said ‘i love trees🌲☺️❤️’
why does annabeth act like clarisse during capture the flag
why are there like actual 30 yr olds at camp
luke was so excited when he saw percy get up he said ‘omg no way✨’
so suddenly percy just knows sword play 😀
y’all red heads a bunch of babies
i already know it’s coming
shit no
i hate it
i hate it so much
already ew’d out
‘i definitely have strong feelings for you, i just haven’t decided if they’re positive or negative yet.’
‘well you let me know when you figure it out’
‘you’ll be the first’
why they just drinking nectar for fun?? like bruh you tryna die or sum
after that i can’t watch anymore tonight
it’s been like 3 weeks but let’s not talk about that
i’m not even gonna comment on the campfire scene anymore my god
i like how in movies everyone is like “omg the underworld so scary percy you can’t go that’s so dangerous you will DIE”
and in the books they’re like “yeah it’s dangerous but whateva you 12 yr olds have fun down there bring me a souvenir!!”
why does luke have?? video?? games?? in?? his?? cabin??
why is luke the only one in his cabin like where’s the stolls and chris 😳
you mean to tell me luke broke into hermes house just for like funzies and to steal shit?
sounds like travis and connor but ok✨
what the fuck even is the whole pearl plot
i don’t even wanna talk about the medusa scene
percy has an ipod 🤡
“i’ve only been in the outside world a few times” did you fucking practice driving those few times or WHAT
if percy could actually heal people with water wowie imagine how useful
why did percy bring swimming trunks on a quest
can this brown haired bitch shut up already
sally never took gabes last name excuse you 🤣
ofc it’s fucking fox news giving us that bullshit info on sally
they in nashville wee-doggie 🤠
‘hey it’s your mom’ obviously dumbass she has eyes
so they hid in the potty room for like 5 hours? huh
yeah let’s jus facetime lukey real quick 🥰
silly boy percy
“how flipping awesome was that”
does percy even know he can bend water in the first book
that’s gonna be an unexplainable statue for the workers tmrw
lotus hotel baby
the only reason this movie is watchable
vegas be lookin kinda fresh i wannna go
i wanna stay at the lotus hotel this place looks sick asf
lotus flower treats yummy yum
here comes gaga 😮
why they laugjing so much
wonder if nico likes gaga
imagine like 10 yr old nico just straight vibing there
grover pulling out the dance movies yessir 🤩
“no❤️ percy don’t eat the flower”
why didn’t percy just like grab the flowers and throw them
i’m bored ✨
ooo skeletons
charon my queen 👑🥳
“we drowned in a bathtub, all three of us” 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
i wish that was in the movie
i wish a lot of things were in the movie hit that is high
we’re in the same boat in the very same boat
how do you get seasick in an elevator- BOAT?
the way to the underworld is over the styx it’s a river
i know, you show off chicks
sexist much? go make a splash
i’ll splash you
it’s like watching titian’s clash, they’ll kill each other it they’ll kiss if we’re lucky they’ll end up in an abyss
hades do be looking kinda cool tho
that’s a cool ring you got there hades
omg mommy sally 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
how did percy not notice the lightening bolt in the damn shield befORE???
“it’s luke shield he betrayed us”
damn she switched sides real fast
this phoney bitch why does she want power and a war sis go plant shit
i refuse to believe hades is abusive sorry sis you ain’t fooling me
god where’s Juniper when you need her
so no fight between percy and aries 🤡
instead we have lukey pukey
omh he’s the lightening thief i did not see that coming ong 😳
^^ me on twitter after it’s revealed on the percy jackson tv show
can this luke character chile
percy pulled a harry styles and said “i’m falling” 😔
“yeah, i think i am the son of poseidon”
okay 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
omG i goT bUtTerFliEs
how does s-dog jusy know how to get to olympus did y’all get freaky up there or
that’s actually kinda how i imagine olympus looking so
i guess
good job
what is this ant man why they so small
“i have no connection to poseidon”
p-dog looked kinda hurted 😳
as if zeus would ever compliment percy
has athena ever told annabeth *or any of her kids* i’m proud of you
“i need to speak with him” “just this once”
yet we got poseidon showing up once in awhile just to say hi
7 months? 😀
percy was 7 months old?
now i don’t remember much but i don’t think it was that long luv ❤️
i thought i was watching percy jackson not harry potter tf is up
sally and percy have my whole heart
g-man got his horns
chiron 🥺✨
missed my main hoe 😍
why are there so many fucking campers
there’s like 500
let’s take a chill pill shall we
annabeth and percy look like siblings in this
 incest 😳
they bouta fiGHTshe better have won
k well that’s it thank the gods 😘
i’ll be back in like 4 months to review sea of monsters i need a break of bullshit
it’s gabe
he pulled a demi
stone cold
stone cold
everyone will be happier without him
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boleynns · 7 years
I wrote this 3 days ago, because I just KNEW they were going to fuck it all up.
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^PHOTO OF A LIAR, for reference. LONG list of pissed off thoughts below.
That Molly scene in TFP was so horrendous. I don’t even ship them at all, but really. How much of an asshole do you have to be???
How did John and Sherlock survive a bomb by jumping through glass windows and landing 2 stories down on the concrete with no injuries?
How did they get on that boat?
WHY were they on that boat?
WTF was that imaginary plane bullshit???
Why did Mary think John would pull away from Sherlock if she died, if she didn’t know she was going to die saving Sherlock? If she’d died ANY other way, John would have no reason to pull away.
Why did Mary give Sherlock the 10000% worst advice in the world (seriously, who tf tells their “friend”, who is a DRUG ADDICT, “GO FUCK YOURSELF on drugs, and GO DIE on purpose” on the random ass off chance that John would find this out in time???)?
Why did Mary have a slip of paper to knock Sherlock out prepared ahead of time?
Why did Mary tell Sherlock and John that “A.G.R.A.” was her initials, when if they had just looked at the fucking drive they would see her real name?
Why was she SOOOOO worried that Sherlock and John would look at the drive, if all that was on there were A.G.R.A.’s identities???
Why did Mary shoot Sherlock directly in the chest point blank, which did kill him enough that the doctors GAVE UP, if she wasn’t trying to fucking kill him dead forever?
Why would Mary not recognize Vivian (or at least, her voice) if A.G.R.A. worked with her?
If Mycroft dealt with freelancers, why did he not know Mary wasn’t fucking MARY???
Why would Mary name her daughter after an alias that could get said daughter KILLED??? AND WE FUCKING KNOW THAT NAME WAS DANGEROUS, BECAUSE MARY LEFT IT BEHIND TO BECOME “MARY MORSTAN” YOU IDIOTS
What did John’s letter to Sherlock say? If is wasn’t going to be addressed, why the fuck would you put it in the episode??
Why did Molly deliver such a hard “John would rather have anyone but you. Anyone” message if it had NO POINT.
Where did the baby go when everyone the baby knew was at John’s “Therapist’s” office at the beginning of TLD? And don’t give me that “it was with friendS” crap, literally only Sherlock, Molly, and Mrs. Hudson went to that kid’s babyshower for fuck sake, John has no other friends.
If you can’t handle the placement of a baby for ONE EPISODE, don’t write one into your show FOR LITERALLY NO REASON.
What was Sherlock’s reoccurring dream that he was telling Ella? Why put that in if it wasn’t important?
If Mary isn’t bad, and therefore wasn’t working with “Faith” and Culverton to set Sherlock up to die (which would have been a perfect and interesting conspiracy), HOW did “Faith” and Culverton know Sherlock would be drugged up enough to fall into their trap??
WTF was the POINT of Eurus texting with John IF SHE WASNT WORKING WITH MARY to mess with Him and Sherlock? Literally ZERO point to the “plot”.
Also, we see that John and Eurus see eachother for a 2nd time at the bus stop. I thought it was important, even though y’all acted like all they did was text, BUT NOPE just another loose end.
TD-12 was absolutely useless, and you spent SO MUCH time on it. 
why did mary keep repeating villain lines (“Miss me?” multiple times, “Anyone!” multiple times in her video, literally fuck off)
If mary had time to jump 5 feet to take a bullet after its already been shot than sherlock had time to jump out of the way you idiots
also the irony of your holier-than-thou deduction sequence when Sherlock got shot, about how big spurts of dramatic blood only happens in movies? You literally fucked yourself.
zero point to Sherlock and John’s extended “ROMANTIC LOVE WILL COMPLETE YOUUUUU” scene on every level, went no where
speaking of that scene, how did Sherlock hear “Mary” say that he should wear the hat???? HUH>?
Mrs. Hudson WATCHED Mary’’s DVD with sherlock, why was she all “OH, wonder what this is, what could it be, WOW LOOK JOHN its your wife???” later with John and Mycroft WHEN SHE KNEW SHERLOCK WAS PROBABLY DYING
Also why would she just let John watch that cold, knowing Mary’s face would show up??
Why did you make Irene a lesbian if you were going to keep making her ride Sherlock’s dick via text message AGAIN.
I’m sure she would want to tell you this if she was here, so I’ll relay the message: LITERALLY GO FUCK YOURSELVES, YOU “SHERLOCK CAN TURN A LESBIAN WOMAN STRAIGHT, HES JUST THAT AMAZING, NO HOMO!!!” ASSHOLES
why was John still crying about his no homo bro being dead after two years, no offense to my best friend but I will think of you really fondly but probably not be going to therapy forever and being all “I literally am so heartbroken that i cant even say the things that i wanted to say to him when he was alive”
speaking of that thing that he couldn’t say out loud to Ella the Therapist: i guess he just really wanted to tell sherlock “No homo tho”, just to make sure he knew that before he died
speaking of things unsaid - I guess the serious thing that sherlock was going to say to john on the tarmac, that he chose not to say for absolutely no decernable reason, was “Bro, I’m gonna miss you, bro! We had some good bro times bro, NO HOMO!!1!” and then they do that back-slap hug that guys do so things don't get too homo
no offense to the prop department, but that light-up skull, that would be either lit or not lit or COMPLETELY BLACK, was bullshit
speaking of bullshit: kindly shove all of those elephants up your ass
including that Take-Out menu on Mycroft’s fridge. I hope you get a paper-cut that never heals.
i might as well have not even bothered taking notes on these episodes, when I could have literally never watched the show before, not cared at all, and been totally fulfilled by everything by not giving a shit about details and character arcs and, you know, literally all of ACD’s original works.
OMG SHERLOCK HAS A SISTER, I don’t fucking care.
AW POOR MARY, John and her were clearly soooo in love!! - says a person who thinks couples that don’t want to be together even a little are super romantic
literally he was trying to leave his marriage like a month after it started, literally go fuck yourself
Your show made less sense, in terms of emotion and character arcs, than Guy Ritchie’s cash grab movies. Yeah. I said it.
oh wait i forgot, you don’t know what a mirror is. what is literature? what are emotions? idk, lets make mary gasp for breathe and say “you were my whole world!!!” to john even though that makes zero fucking sense for her character or their relationship at all and does huge disservice to them both LOL
Mary could have been the most Awesome Badass Mastermind EVER but you fucked her
An Emotional Arc: Its this thing where characters (who, like people) have emotions (CRAZZY i know), and they start in one place emotionally, and end somewhere new through the story! Lets see:
Sherlock: Starts as a suave, kinda swashbuckling guy who tries to tidy up his apartment for John, asks him to dinner, and basically blushes at John’s attention. In the middle: a bit of an asshole, but one who literally tries to die for John over and over, and literally COMES BACK TO LIFE from a FATAL gunshot bc his subconsious doesn’t want to leave John with Mary. End? “Sometimes I text Irene, just like you text your side-chick! No Homo For Life, RIGHT??? Don’t think about how every action I take is to keep you safe or happy, lol”
John: Starts as an emotionally repressed, suicidal, PTSD stricken loner who is immediately enamored with Sherlock’s brain, and literally kills a man like 1 day after they meet. Middle: A bit of an asshole who is horrible at understanding that Sherlock is NOT a robot without feelings - but an asshole who is willing to die for him, and with him, but who has major trust issues. End? “I wish I had REALLY cheated on Mary with Bus Girl, I can’t believe I missed my chance! Also, even though I’m reacting extremely jealously to you texting Irene, I think you should hit that! Now hold me while I cry, and then lets get cake while my baby cries on the floor like a Sim somewhere NO HOMEO”
I will never let you forget this.
Congrats actually, you HAVE made history! You’ve made a Historically Huge Fuck Up.
Your show’s depth is thinner than Donald Trump’s skin.
200+ adaptations of Sherlock Holmes, no courage present - oh, except for that one parody “Oklahomo” one (thanks for including Sherlock tweeting an “Oklahoma!” reference also! if I had balls, that would’ve been a kick to them!).
LOL Sherlock and John - literally so hilarious!! All those people whining “They’re Not GAY that gross, Doyle would be rolling in his grave if he found out people thought that!” and “NO! SHERLOCK IS AN EMOTIONLESS ROBOT except he can fuck irene I'm okay with that for some reason”? They were all right! What a fucking joke.
I guess “Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you, and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes [he’s in love with you]. But do you ache for him?” meant nothing—OH WAIT that’s from a show that actually textually acknowledged the feelings of love between it’s two main characters. And they didn’t even say “No homo!” afterwards?? I can’t believe it.
don’t ever ask your audience to pay attention on a subtextual level again. clearly, you can’t handle it.
also: I honestly couldn’t give a shit about your endless and constant derision and annoyance with people asking about the relationship between the MAIN CHARACtTERS OF YOUR FUCKING SHOW get over yourselves, and i really hope somehow ACD comes back as a ghost to haunt you one christmas, just to tell you straightt to your stupid faces that you fucked up, and how sad he is that it will always be 1895 - because nothing ever changes, and they will be stuck there forever, out of time.
how dare you bring Oscar Wilde and Freddie Mercury into this mess.
Your intentions don’t matter - what matters is that I would have been better off not paying attention to literally ANY details, not caring one ounce about the characters, and just tuning in as a completely casual viewer. 
The real lesson was “Caring is not an advantage.”, and that is sad.
And the real Final Problem? “It’s not about the characters, its about some stupid ass dog and a stupid ass ‘Saw’ house, and who gives a shit about the rest.
Congratulations - I no longer care!
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Ermanda's Inner Sanctum: Scorpion 3.17 "Dirty Seeds, Done Dirt Cheap"
This is a really great episode!  It is all about the cyclone.  Ray comes back to troll Cabe in his hallucination.  Happy keeps breaking our hearts.  Toby kills us with his fluffy, romantic self.  Young Happy and Toby will be with us forever!  Ralph is a darling!  Walter and Paige amuse me to no end.  Callie makes me smile!  And Sly makes me wish I lived in West Altadenia so I could vote for him.  He throws down the gauntlet and I am so proud him!  As great as the episode is, it is a victim of “too many elements” and some great dialogue is cut that would have melted us even more if we weren’t at that point already!  There are so many things to discuss!  It all centers around the episode’s core message on the relationship between logic and fear.  Let’s get to it!
Waige: Toby and Ralph
The episode’s theme is first explained through Ralph’s conversation to Toby about Walter and his mother in the midst of his history lesson.  Ralph sounds like hallucinatory Walter from 3.03 It Isn’t the Fall that Kills You.  He knows the logical plan is for Walter to ask Paige out, but that didn’t happen.  He hopes that Walter’s ability to use logic to beat a fear of snakes can extend to his fear to romantically pursue Paige.  Toby explains that this is a possibility, but concludes that Walter and Paige are likely going to remain friends.  I suspect Toby comes to this conclusion given everything that has happened between Walter and Paige since she started dating Tim.  Walter would need a bold, respectable move to change the course of events.  Even Veronica, with her wacky plan, tells Walter that he has to think of something because Tim is “planting roots.”  Toby is doubtful that Walter is capable of working past that fear and coming out successful.  The last time Walter tried he hurt Paige in the process.  Toby is also aware that this is in addition to a series of opportunities that we’ve seen as the audience since season 1.  So his statements to Ralph are likely said to protect him.  This is unfortunate but understandable.  
So Ralph seems to be the only person actively captaining the Waige ship right now because they feel like Toby or are busy invested in their personal relationships.  Let’s all give a collective “Aw!”  On another note, I am laughing out loud at the visual in my head thinking about this because I am a Deadliest Catch fan.  I have this vision of Ralph driving one of those crab boats, named Waige, in inclement weather! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Paige’s Internal Conflict
The secret is out!  Walter is on an apology tour.  The team is all like, “say what now?”  Kudos are given to Paige for getting Walter to do something that, in Happy’s words, is a sign of the apocalypse.  Lol!  This is good news since Walter and Paige have renewed their friendship.  They are spending time together like they have in the past.  And it seems as if this has inspired Walter to jump onto an accelerated path to improvement.  
Paige is in mother mode when it comes to the froyo.  No desserts before lunch children! 😂😂😂😂  As she places the items in the fridge, Toby approaches, or shall I say scares her, to commend her on the adjustments she has made with Walter.  But before he speaks, she assumes that Toby is coming to tell her something about Walter and her spending more time together.  She is mildly surprised when he doesn’t say that.  Yet, we all can see that Toby is also trying to butter her up to get his froyo!  😂😂😂😂
This exchange with Toby is another depiction of Paige’s hesitations that started in season 2 but are more apparent in season 3.  The most notable examples are 3.01 Civil War with Tim, 3.05 Plight at the Museum with Toby, 3.14 The Hole Truth with her mother, Veronica Dineen, and this episode with her own mind’s manifestations.  These moments highlight the episode’s theme, but the main component of that message is choice.  Walter has his emotional struggles, but some of his difficulties this season stem from his choice to ignore that which he already knows (e.g., episode 3.14).  Paige’s hesitations expose an internal conflict with her own choices.
I think it is interesting that Paige’s short hallucination is an image of Walter with another woman.  Isn’t this the first reason why she starts a relationship with Tim?!  Allow me to recall events that lead  into the Walter/Linda and Paige/Tim rooftop scenes of 2.22 Hard Knox.  Walter takes Paige’s advice to put himself out there and make new friends.  This manifests into speed dating as a social experiment and eventually dating Linda.  Paige doesn’t anticipate that Walter would take her advice in this manner.  Tim comes as a Homeland trainee assigned to Scorpion detail.  Paige spends time with him, but their relationship does not become official until that moment on the roof.  Walter breaks up with Linda after Toby reveals to him that her infatuation with him is a result of “damsel-in-distress syndrome.”  At the same time, Tim asks Paige out on an official date.  Before Paige answers, she looks at Walter and sees him sharing a laugh with Linda, which doesn’t look like a amicable breakup to her even though the audience knows otherwise.  The disappointment is shown in her facial expression.  She turns to Tim and accepts his request.  This link is about to come full circle.  If you have been following my reviews, then you are aware of the pattern that is unfolding.  If this episode on its own doesn’t give you a big hint about what is next for Waige, you must be sleeping!  THE WAIGE FLIP IS ON FIRE!!! 🔥🔥🔥 THESE ASSOCIATIONS GIVE ME LIFE! 🙌🏾🙌🏾 WAIGE IS ENDGAME YO! 💙💙💙💙
Immediately thought of this song!  I think it is fitting! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Logic vs. Fear feat. The Cyclone
Cabe: I don’t want to play this game.  Ray: Well, nobody does, but we all have to play it eventually, even badass, ex-football-playing Marines.
Cabe enjoys Allie’s company.  Their relationship is getting off to a great start, but he still feels uneasy about their age difference.  In addition, he really feels his age when he considers that he uses reading glasses.  He’s so insecure about these things that they mostly have dinner dates at places that match her vegan interests, Cabe supplements the loss of meat with beef jerky, and he accidentally orders unfavorable meals because he can not read the menu without his glasses.  (Side note: I am glad that Allie’s veganism is pushing Cabe to eat better because he was inching himself close to an MI with those meat-filled sandwiches he would make for Happy. Lol!)  So it is no surprise that his hallucination is a short version of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. 😂😂😂😂 He fears that his age will make him unwanted because he can’t keep up with the younger generation.  He is already a father figure to the team and multiple times the team has reminded him of his age when he drops pre-1980s pop culture references.  He has already felt the pressures of his age with Tim as a younger version of him and Walter’s speech in 3.12 Ice Ca-Cabes on how everyone is replaceable.
During his hallucination, Walter manages to get his attention by reminding him that his fear is not aging.  He fears weakness.  His age gives him a unique advantage and his headstrong personality pushes him to do anything he desires!  In result, Cabe mobilizes himself, drops the white hair and the age spots, puts on his signature glasses and flips the breaker!  The glasses bit is GOLD!!!  Reminds me of Horatio Cane from CSI: Miami and his sunglasses.
His path to enlightenment doesn’t stop in the vault.  When he sees Allie again at Sly’s debate, he asks her to accept him as he is.  Allie confirms that she is all in.  What a great win for Cabe! 
Sylvester & the W. Altadenia Alderman Election 
Patel: The matter at hand is taking private property to help, not the populace, but a big box store.  The kind of store grown-ups go to.  Sly: Yes.  I patronize the Warlock’s Chest.  I had a tough childhood, I was picked on.  Make-believe was my refuge.  I found solace amongst the fantasy and I would gather up my courage to face another day.  And trust me, when I was a kid, I needed courage just to show up at school.  And I need it now for my job.  But the difference is, with Scorpion, I have a team to help me remember that I can be brave.  And if the Warlock’s Chest will provide refuge for more kids who don’t know they’re brave yet, well… I want it to stick around.
Sylvester is really coming into his own as a politician looking to achieve the greater good for his county.  The chickens in his hallucination are both literal and metaphorical representations of a childhood memory.  Sly is a world class ornithologist, but he is terrified of birds (mentioned in 2.24 Toby or Not Toby).  This is why he asks Cabe to handle to falcon during the mission in 3.05 Plight at the Museum.  Sly is also a germaphobe and chickens have been known to spread disease.  Furthermore, the label “chicken” is thrown at those who fear confrontation.  Sly was bullied as a child and relives the fear of that moment when Bucky Hanson and other jocks locked him in a chicken pen.  But Sly is a man of facts.  Facts are his life!  When Paige reminds him of all the brave things he has accomplished with Team Scorpion, he comes out of hiding, moves his bully to the side, and moves a chicken out of the way to pull the lever.  Go Sly go!!!  The way he screams from the time he lifts the chicken to when he drops it is HILARIOUS!!!  At the debate, he applies the same lesson and creams Patel!  Sly is getting more people on his side each time he shows his courage.  His courage is giving him a voice and I love that we are seeing this unfold in Sly’s story this season! 
Walter & the Emotional Conundrum 
Walter: I don’t know how to talk someone out of being scared.  I can’t relate to that kind of emotion.  Paige: Really?  'Cause you seem pretty scared now.  Your biggest fear isn’t snakes, was it?  It’s problems you can’t solve.  Now do what you did with the yogurt guy, and put yourself in Cabe’s shoes.
This episodes features another moment where Walter uses what he knows in order to find a way to relate to emotions.  He just needs a push.  Holy character development!  As I have said in past reviews, he has the tools.  He just needs to unlock them when the time comes.  Therefore, it is possible that Walter can independently do this in some instances, gaining more experience each time he does it.  This links to what he says to Cabe about his age giving him knowledge, wisdom, and experience.  In that moment, he uses the feeling of powerless in encountering problems he can not solve with Cabe’s fear of weakness.  He has done the same in previous episodes (e.g., episode 3.14).  
His doubt in this moment also parallels Happy and her judgment of her own emotional capabilities and expectations.  One can say that this extends to Sly and Cabe too (when they’re not hallucinating), but here’s the difference.  When Cabe and Sly finally do something they thought they couldn’t, they do not doubt it later.  They recognize the change and use it to their benefit.  For example, Sly jumps off a boat in 1.16 Love Boat, which is something he never anticipated doing in his lifetime.  He was fearful, but he mobilizes himself and succeeds.  He does this again in 3.04 Little Boy Lost when he climbs over the silo’s railing to jump on canisters to pull Walter and Daniel to safety.  In the second scenario, Sly doesn’t say that he can’t do it.  He just whines a little about it and puts himself into action to save the day.  
Walter and Happy’s doubt have caused them to question pivotal moments in their lives.  This has affected their romances.  Walter walks away from the Tahoe situation, but Cabe gives him hope that self-improvement will give him a fighting chance if the opportunity to win Paige arises again.  He has struggled in this endeavor, but he is now gaining new ground.  For Happy, doubt is evident in her hallucination, which continues off of her development arc from 3.15 Sharknerdo and 3.16 Keep It in Check, Mate.
Happy & the Abandonment Saga
Dr. Curtis: I’m not sure about this.  You know, if I commit to her, I’m stuck with her for the rest of my life?  There’s got to be something wrong with her if she’s here, right?  Hallucinatory Happy: I try hard.  I’m just a little bit different from the other kids.  Dr. C: Well, I’m not so sure this will be the right fit.  HH: No, you promised to be with me for life.  You proposed to me.  Dr. C: Quick to anger.  Volatile.  I think I’d regret this decision.  Sorry, I… I don’t want her.  Not for me. […] HH: But I’m perfect for you.
This version of Toby is rigid and noncommittal.  Happy is envisioning Toby as a man who uses psychological logic to reject her for her differences.  THIS IS THE ANTITHESIS OF THEIR ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP!!!  Happy has experienced a lot of rejection.  Her father’s recent imprisonment feels like another wave of abandonment.  Yet, she finds happiness in her relationship with Toby.  When he accidentally flakes on a promise, Toby asks for second chance.  Happy gives it to him even though it took some time.  He consistently loves her despite her faults.  Happy notices that Toby is a chance at family and marrying him represents stability which he has never experienced with others.  She may be the world’s unfunniest person, but she makes Toby want to be a better man.  And she acknowledges that they are perfect for one another!  In essence, her doubts are like pre-wedding jitters that are projected onto Toby in this hallucination.  The realities of their relationship continue to manifest in Toby’s words to her through young Toby.  In the end, her dreams match reality.  Just… just call the morgue already!  I AM DEAD OVER ALL THE FEELS!!! 💕💚💚😍😍😍💀
Dannii (aka. @tobiasmquinn​) questioned Dr. Curtis’ outfit in Happy’s hallucination.  I first get Dr. Rizzuto vibes from the wardrobe, but the mannerisms of these two men do not correlate.  Dr. Rizzuto is witty and charismatic.  So I think the wardrobe is fashioned after Sigmund Freud who has several images of himself holding a cigar.  Plus, Toby dresses as a famous psychiatrist from the past each Halloween.
Callie is killing me with their cuteness!
Can we take a moment to freak out over the open Quintis PDA in front of the team?! Happy has her legs crossed over Toby’s leg and Toby is resting his arm on them! 😍😍😍😍🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Scorpion trivia: The words “not good” are said by Happy in every episode.  Now Toby is the one to deliver it… love it!!!  More Toby being Happy! 🙌🏾
Happy (to Cabe): You don’t need to warn me about getting lost in a blizzard.  Been there, done that. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sly: Back away, hens.  I will deep-fry the lot of you. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I died with Ray’s appearance in Cabe’s hallucination! That was perfect!
Have you seen the titles on the game show wheel from Cabe’s hallucination?!  They are hilarious!  Kudos to the art department!
Young Toby/Toby: You know who I am, and my biggest regret in life is that we really didn’t meet when we were eight because I would’ve fallen in love with you from that moment.  The truth is you’ve never been alone.  My love for you has always been there.  It just took a while for our paths to cross so I could share it with you.  And under all those neurotoxins in your head, you know I’m right.  You have nothing to be scared of, ever. 💚💚💚💚💚💚😍😍😍😍😍😍 *swoons forever*
The mother/son moments between Ralph and Paige in this episode are so sweet!  I love them! 💜💜💜💜
Walter: You are a military man, a government agent, someone who is strong for their friends, but when you fear weakness, you feel that you’ll lose your identity because of it, and the people that you care about, like Allie.  Is that right?  Cabe?  Cabe: God?  Is that you? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Walter: That’s because I’m worried about you, but I shouldn’t be because getting old is not a detriment.  It is a strength.  Now, with age, comes experience, knowledge, and wisdom.  What you’ve forgotten, others will never know.  Now what you’ve lived, others will only read about.  What you can do, others can only dream about.  Cabe Gallo is stopped by nothing.  Me: I’m not crying, you are! 😭😭😭😭😭👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Paige using her phone to grind the seeds… 😂😂😂 Total “make it work” moment! 👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
That fire is really pretty!  Excuse me, I was a chem major!  Lol!  But let’s clear up something here.  Oxygen is not flammable!  It’s not a fuel.  Toby states this as a potential danger in the episode.  The process that creates the fire is described correctly, but the designation is incorrect.  It’s a misnomer.  Probably done to save time considering that this moment is happening close to the 50 minute mark.  Plus, it is easier to communicate the danger of adding oxygen to a flame by making such a statement to a general audience who may not know this.  I know, I know… kinda weird for a show about geniuses, but everyone who watches this show isn’t.  
My only disappointments: 1) We didn’t see Riley Go as Young Happy in the middle of Happy’s hallucination.  2) Funky age moment… if Happy is technically 29 going on 30 now, then she should be 12 going on 13 in the year 2000.  However, she says she is 8 and Toby doesn’t make that adjustment because it’s not insinuated by his statement, “we just exited the 90s.”  The year (1996) was right in the sides.  Maybe this is done to save time or Toby made his statements to account for all the years Happy had been rejected for adoption.  3) I wish young Toby moved more in the scene to be a little more animated like adult Toby.  4) The line, “I know you’ll never let go,” was cut from the end scene.  I thought it was perfect and I am disappointed it ended up on the cutting room floor.  Maybe it was taken out because of time or because of what’s to come for Quintis in the season finale storyline.
Last edited: February 22, 2017
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