#and hear their voices again though
dittydipity · 2 months
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going INSANE. what is he thinking. why did he say this. why does he do all of this. i am thinking so hard.
we know he's seeking arceus to recreate the world bc in his eyes the world is cruel and unjust and it needs to be destroyed and remade. he's set himself on a mission to create the better reality he's envisioned for his whole life.
but everything else he does. the way he spends his time on pasio making people smile with togepi. even if he justifies it as something purely transactional to get more customers, we know he doesn't really take his merchant job seriously. the way he loves his pokemon so much that they will pop out of their pokeball to excitedly tell whoever will listen how much they love volo back. him trying to capture these moments of happiness tangibly because they never last long and can be wiped away any second.
he still hangs onto hope so much despite what's implied to have happened to him. in spite of all the anger and bitterness that's festered in him, he doesn't really want to destroy everything as he says.
it all started with a wish for the world to be a better place, for the good in the world to outweigh all the cruelty. he's still trying to spread what happiness he can.
but at the same time his past drags behind him and reminds him that he can't afford to trust in the goodness of the world.
that self-assigned mission to usurp arceus's power and rewrite everything.. to him, it's his duty now. he has to do it for himself and, as he rationalizes to himself, for the world.
so he ignores the flaws and holes he finds in his own reasoning. he can't help but seek out the brightness and happiness and goodness that does exist in the world, yet he has to dismiss it to justify his goals.
... all this to try and explain to myself why volo's asking all these questions and making all these comments that seem to go against what we'd expect given his ulterior motive and plans. and it's like he's asking the few friends he has to remember him as the one who seeks joy, even when he does the worst to fulfill his dreams
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kenobion · 5 months
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Andrew Garfield at RSIFF 23
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frownyalfred · 10 months
I just know deep in my bones that bruce is an excellent singer but never sang after his parents passed
I love this idea. Sometimes you meet people and you can just tell they're wonderful singers, even untrained -- there's a fluidity or timbre to their voices you can just kind of hear, you know?
I also wonder about his canonical voice-throwing and disguise abilities. I wonder if he put his excellent breath and tone control, etc, to use in that way. I've noticed that trained singers also tend to be fairly good at impressions.
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fioreofthemarch · 9 months
Finding Her - Chapter 17
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log date: 06:35. 8th month, 29th day 104AC Location: Tuft Mountain, Faron Weather: Rain
Link, Zelda’s Chosen Protector. You do not wish to talk to me. I understand, however we must talk. 
I know the Purah Pad is precious to you. I have watched you document your travels and your thoughts. Please forgive me for taking it while you sleep in order to write you this note.
It is imperative that we retrieve the Master Sword and return to Lookout Landing to meet with Lady Purah. The Demon King’s power grows by the day. Even in my construct body I can sense it. The air is ever hazy and the blood moons are more frequent. Soon will be the hour of his ascension and, if we do not act, his victory.
Link, Zelda’s Chosen Protector. She called you that herself. She told me that after the Great Calamity, your obligations towards each other ceased. Hyrule did not need a Princess nor did its Princess need a Knight. Despite this, Zelda recounted, she chose to stay, and so did you.
I know it is difficult to believe, but in my time, Zelda made another choice. One that gave Hyrule its last, best hope. Do not let it be in vain. 
A photograph of Tuft Mountain lake, which is shaped like a love heart. There are lily pads in the water and blue nightshades glowing softly on the banks. 
Caption: I sense something bittersweet about this place. 
Incoming transmission… [LINK (Purah Pad)]
Answer transmission? ...
Answer transmission? ...
Answer — Connection established.
PRH | 23:33 Link? Why are you still awake?
LNK | 23:33 Couldn’t sleep.
PRH | 23:33 Okay.
LNK | 23:33 I found the fifth Sage.
PRH | 23:33 Oh! Great, great news. (yawning) Sorry.   How is she? I mean, they. How are they? 
LNK | 23:33 You knew about her, didn't you? 
PRH | 23:33 In my defence, she contacted me first.  Is she still in the Purah Pad?
LNK | 23:34 We made her a construct body.
PRH | 23:34 Wonderful, I’ll inform the others.  Head back to Lookout Landing and we can discuss next steps—
LNK | 23:34 Purah.
PRH | 23:34 What?
LNK | 23:34 During the Calamity. Did you have a backup plan?
PRH | 23:34 Linky, I had several. You’ll have to be more specific. 
LNK | 23:34 I mean for if I failed, a second time.
PRH | 23:35 Of course I did. You were our best hope, but we would have freed our Princess no matter what.  
LNK | 23:35 What if– I mean, what would–
PRH | 23:35 What is it?  
LNK | 23:35 What would happen to Hyrule, if she wasn’t coming back?
PRH | 23:35 I… I don’t know. We never planned for that. Maybe ask Impa, okay?
LNK | 23:35 She doesn’t have a medallion, you do. Just answer me.
PRH | 23:35 Answer what, exactly? Why are you even… Wait. What else have you found?
LNK | 23:35 Nothing.
PRH | 23:36 Link, if it’s about Zelda we need you to tell us—  
LNK | 23:36 I can’t! Not yet! (a pause) I can’t do it.
PRH | 23:36 Do what?
LNK | 23:36 Find her. I can’t… make myself. I can’t.
PRH | 23:36 Look, you’re starting to freak me out a bit. Maybe you should come back to Lookout Landing. You shouldn’t be alone right now.
LNK | 23:37 I’m not alone. Mineru is here.
PRH | 23:37 Okay, Good. Say hi to her for me. Listen, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m sure you’ll get through… whatever it is. And then please, come back.
LNK | 23:37 Okay. I’ll try.
Connection terminated.
Log date: 10:00. 8th month, 31st day 104AC Location: Flux Construct Island, Faron Sky Archpelago Weather: Cloudy 
Two days in Faron with Mineru. Saw Penn at Lakeside Stables. Had lunch, he cooked. Can't remember what he made. 
Then north-west. Travellers on the road wary of Mineru. Detoured via Faron Grasslands. Watched Mineru build a balloon-ship. Zonai parts for propulsion and salvaged wood for the fuselage. Fuselage. Where did I learn that word?
Flew the balloon-ship here -- quicker than walking, fewer staring travellers. Dealt with the Flux Construct on the island, tough fight but got it done. That was yesterday I think. 
Another geoglyph by Lake Hylia. Glided down to it this morning -- a vision about Rauru, and the Imprisoning War. She tried to warn him, but, what did it matter in the end? 
A photograph of Mineru, in her Zonai Construct form, examining the wreckage of the Flux Construct. In the background is the balloon ship. With a wooden hull, three Zonai balloons for buoyancy and a fan for propulsion, it is a well-engineered vessel. 
Caption: Checking the ship for damage and then moving on. 
Log date: 17:50. 9th month, 1st day 104AC Location: Thyphlo Ruins, North Hyrule Weather: Partly cloudy. 
Touched down this morning. Gave the Zonai researcher here a bit of a scare. Kazul – he was trying to solve the riddles in the ruins. Asked Mineru for help but she refused. ‘Didn’t your people build this place?’ She refused again, her voice in my head: You are wasting time. 
Does she think I don’t know that? I know there’s a geoglyph nearby, it’s why we came here. But every time I try to go find it… It’s like I can’t breathe. There’s this claw in my chest, its nails digging in. And then I start shaking. I shake and I cry and I… I can’t do it. Physically, I can’t move. 
There’s smoke rising from the middle of the ruins. Someone’s made a fire. I came to the waterside to be alone, but now, I’m hungry. Maybe I could cook Kazul some stew, to celebrate the great research paper he’s going to write about this place. And then we have to move on. 
Mineru’s construct… It was built to carry a pilot. Maybe if I can’t walk, she can carry me. Better apologise first, for tarrying.
A photograph of the Thyphlo Ruins, the Sheikah SkyView Tower at the centre and the rocky red cliffs of Eldin in the background to the east. The geoglyph painted there is distorted, but looms high on the horizon. 
Caption: One more. Just one more. 
Incoming transmission… [Robbie (Message Medallion)]
Answer transmission? …
Answer transmission? …
Answer transmission? …
*beep* Begin recorded voice message:
[ Link, it’s Robbie. Impa is here. I was visiting Kakariko on my way back to Hateno, and saw that she’s also in town for a few days before returning to the Forgotten Temple. Something about needing a book from her library of ancient texts. Anyway I thought you might want to talk to her, update her on your progress. Call us back in the next day or so if you can ]
LNK | 09:10 (click) I’m here, I’m here. 
RBB | 09:10 Well, well, he finally picks up. Purah Pad still working?  
LNK | 09:10 Yes?
RBB | 09:10 Excellent. Let us know if you need it serviced. I’ll pass you on to Impa. (shuffling noises)
IMP | 09:11 Hello, Master Link. 
LNK | 09:11 Lady Impa. You wanted to speak to me?
IMP | 09:11 Purah told me what happened at Hyrule Castle and about the fifth Sage. 
LNK | 09:11 Mineru is her name. She’s a Zonai. 
IMP | 09:11 Wonderful. And you continue the search for the geoglyphs?
LNK | 09:11 I have.
IMP | 09:11 Do you wish to talk about it?
LNK | 09:11 Not really. Not yet.Is that okay?
IMP | 09:11 It is. I am certain Zelda can manage a few more days. Sometimes we must answer when destiny calls. Other times, it is okay to wait until we are ready. 
LNK | 09:12 How do you know–
IMP | 09:12 I am Sheikah. It is my duty to seek truth, and sense it in others.
LNK | 09:12 Right. (a weak laugh) Of course. Lady Impa… during the Calamity, when Zelda and I were gone.
IMP | 09:13 Yes, child?
LNK | 09:13 Did you ever give up hope?
IMP | 09:13 Of course I did. I grieved for you both for many years.
LNK | 09:13 How did you survive it?
IMP | 09:13 For starters I grew very old, which has a handy way of making the years feel short. All I could do until then was continue waking up each morning, in spite of it all. But all the wisdom in the world did not make it any easier. 
LNK | 09:13 Right now, it feels impossible.
IMP | 09:13 Yes, but you will keep waking up. You have it in you to survive this, Master Link. For her sake, I believe you can.   
LNK | 09:14 (a pause) She has the Master Sword. It travelled through time to find her, she said.
IMP | 09:14 I see. Her divine powers could restore it, of course. But how to return it to you?
LNK | 09:14 Well…there’s one more dragon tear in Akkala. There’s no geoglyph but I know it’s there.
IMP | 09:14 Ah, the final clue. Are you ready, then?
LNK | 09:14 No. But I’m going anyway.
IMP | 09:15 As it must be. Walk with the Goddess’ grace, Master Link. We will be at your side, no matter what happens. 
Connection terminated.
Log date: 12:00. 9th month, 3rd day 104AC Location: Rist Peninsula, Akkala Weather: Clear. 
Let me paint you a picture. You are you, the Hero of Hyrule, or so they call you. You descend into the depths below Hyrule Castle and find something that did not want to be found, and then– 
You wake up, in a quiet room in the sky. You know something’s missing, and it’s not just your arm. 
You return to your friends on the surface and promise to help them. But something’s still missing. Everyone promises to look, and they look everywhere, but find nothing. 
You search, and search, and search, all the while you know what you’re looking for isn’t there. It’s gone, it always was. You know this, deep down in your soul, but you ignore it. You will realise that you knew when you first saw that dragon above you. You know her so well that even completely changed, she is so familiar. 
But you ignore it, because… because… 
You never meant to love her this much. She was just an assignment, back in the day. Some sheltered girl to keep safe from herself. She rejected you, challenged you, frustrated you, but… you shared something. She was so alone, just like you were. You developed an understanding, then a friendship, then something more. You laid down your life for her, and she did the same for you. 
Then you saved her, or maybe you saved each other, and afterwards never spent more than a day apart. And Goddess, she was so beautiful, so brilliant, so vibrant. You could listen to her talk for hours. Often you did, and you never grew tired of it. You admit now that you fell, hard, and you wanted not just her but a whole life with her. You wanted to marry her. You wanted children. You didn’t know it until this damned moment but you wanted it more than anything in the world.
Now you’re here, in Akkala of all places, making your way towards a sandbank to which she has led you. You know the worst is yet to come, but that you owe it to her to continue. You know every step is taking you closer to the last thing you want to see, but you cannot help it. You have no choice – you will seek the final tear, and you will watch in helpless terror as the one person you wanted to find is lost to you forever. 
A photograph of the spiralling Rist Peninsula, the waters ruffled by the wind and sparkling in the sun. The peninsula is coiled around a silver pillar of light, bright enough to be seen even in the middle of the day. 
A photograph of a ring of Silent Princesses. They grow tall, strong and radiant, and are clustered around a small shallow in the ground. At the centre, a dragon tear awaits. 
A photograph of the Light Dragon, flying low over the sea. From her head streams a blue and golden light like the tail of a comet. Barely visible at the source of the stream is a noble and familiar blade, with its legendary purple hilt and winged cross guard. In the Light Dragon’s open eye, fine droplets can be seen – the remnants of a fallen tear. 
Caption: Okay. I’m ready. 
Log date: 16:30. 9th month, 3rd day 104AC Location: [Unable to determine location when Purah Pad is in motion. Please come to a full stop before using the map function.] Weather: Clear 
Zelda… my brave, brave... How can I ever claim to be the courageous one now? I couldn’t have done what you did. It looked... so terrifying. To transform like that. And painful too. Goddess, I hope it didn’t hurt. 
I don’t deserve you, Zelda, I don’t deserve this. The Master Sword has been fully repaired, but it’s stronger. I can feel her power mixed in with yours and made more formidable than ever. The Demon King won’t know what hit him. 
I’m going to kill him, Zelda. I’m going to tear him into a thousand pieces. When I am done there will be nothing left. This isn’t reckless rage like before. This is divine vengeance. And I will have it. 
I guess you’re all out of tears now. I feel the same way. Reading back through the logs you wouldn’t know it. No one puts in their diary that they spent the whole day crying in a cave! But I did. And now it feels like I have no grief left. Only a dull thud on my chest. Thud, thud, thud. 
I wish we could talk. I have so much to tell you. How can I live the rest of my life knowing— No. I don’t want to think about it. I just want to be near you, to sit in your soft hair and float through the sky. If I had my way, I would never leave. 
A photograph of the Light Dragon Zelda’s face, taken from what is most likely one of her slender blue horns. There is a small bald patch on her forehead where the Master Sword used to be. Her expression, though mostly blank, seems content. 
Capt~~~[ Warning ] Log save interrupted. Error code: 11-78 Overspeed *Recovering…Partial text recovery and de-encryption complete:
Caption: How’s the weather up here? %%%50 6C 65 61 73 65 20 73 61 79 20 73 6F 6D 65 74 68 69 6E 67 2C 20 5A 65 6C 64 61 2E 20 53 6F 6D 65 74 68 69 6E 67 20 61 6E  79 74 68 69 6E 67 20 74 6F 20 73 68 6F 77 20 6D 65 20 79 6F 75 20 61 72 65 20 73 74 69 6C 6C 20 69 6E 20 74 68 65 72 65 2E 20 50 6C 65 61 73 65 2C 20 5A 65 6C 64 61 2E 20 49 20 6D 69 73 73 20 79 6F 75 20 73 6F 20 6D 75 63 68 2E 20 41 6E 79 74 68 69 6E 67 2C 20 70 6C 65 61 73 65 2E 20 41 6E 79 74 68 69 6E 67 20 61 74 20 61 6C 6C 2E
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megatraven · 6 months
it's been so long since i rewatched the Unsaid Emily episode of JATP but holy, shit does it still hit so fucking hard
when luke's hiding in the bushes outside of his parents' house because he misses them- misses his mother- and regrets the way he ran off, but was too proud to apologize. and maybe too full of guilt and regret to come back before he did what he set out to do.
but he missed her and she missed him and he wrote an entire song about it and his band sang it together and im just 😭😭😭😭
maybe after his band played at the orpheum he would have gone back. maybe he could have gone back and said "look! i did it! im sorry for leaving but i did it! can i come home now?"
maybe that would have been enough to start mending the gap
maybe they would have had a chance to play more than one song, and maybe the second would have been Unsaid Emily, and maybe she would have known. maybe she would have been standing by the door waiting for him to come back.
but he dies, and the song is lost for twenty years, and his mother never knew that he was so sorry or that he even thought about her after running away, not until julie.
he gets the chance to finally say everything he always meant to say to her, he gets to see his mother read his old words and read the love in them.
im nearly sobbing from this scene again it's so fucking good. so powerful.
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devilishdelights · 13 days
love when fics have mammon calling u “darlin’”. like if a butch called me that i would actually fall in love right then and there forever and ever and ever
mammon calling u that???? lord the things i’m about to do…. look away please.
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puhpandas · 7 months
going on my ao3 and seeing 29 fnaf works and 1 pokemon fic I posted last year is so 😭
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discordiansamba · 4 months
If Galra can't carry a tune does that extend to rythm? (Idol AU)
Hmmm... I do think that they also aren't particularly good at playing instruments, so I guess you could say that. Keith was for sure an absolute menace to have in his elementary school music class, I can say that much for sure!
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july-19th-club · 4 months
woman who DJs the local rock station during the hours when i drive home from work put ramble on and silent lucidity back to back today . i SEE you miss local radio DJ (things insane people say bc there is nothing to see she just put the songs on bc theyre good songs)
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rotisseries · 4 months
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i cant even. duckijf sylay anything. the first thing that comes to mind is gojo moment but if i link gojo and dazai in my head even a little bit i will get worse
they've been linked in my head for awhile now babe but that's cause I watch the dubs
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earlgreybocchan · 3 months
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dykedivorce · 6 months
dreamt about reuniting with my friend on the 5th anniversary of the last time we talked. hm. not a big dream interpreter but I feel like it might mean something
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lionblaze03-2 · 20 days
sometimes I think about writing and singing music not because I’m an incredible singer but because no one has my fucking voice, especially in popular music, and its disheartening to be born a girl, told you’ll only get girl roles or try to voice match other girls, or ‘sing with the girls’ and then only be able to match male voices because you’re a fuckin tenor and not anything higher. I can’t think of any girl Broadway roles I can hit all the notes on. Most songs I love I have to pitch down for myself or use falsetto for singing along to. It bothers me a lot less now because I’m an adult who’s more secure in myself but as a teen in kids musical theatre it FUCKED with me, BAD style. And I know for a fact that even now when I hear people with a voice like mine singing I get excited and immediately invested in their work because they’re like ME, finally, for once. A brother in this world of being afab and having the voice of a recently pubescent boy forever. Maybe I should be that brother too.
#Using randomly gendered words because that’s me now but hey#Regardless of if you were born afab and are a girl 100% or if you were born afab and are someone else#It STILL sucks to always be grouped along with ‘girls’ just because of your voice and realize#You CANT hit that. You can’t hit the mark for ‘girl’. You’ll never achieve that without like. Hrt#Just say THE VOCAL CLASS. Like. Sopranos sing with this. Tenors with this. Bass with this. Etc#Then it doesn’t hurt! But nooo instead they’re looking or ‘sing with the other girls’ and you fucking can’t#And it gives you a crisis at age 14#Anyway all I know is when other people who were assigned female at birth and aren’t on something they changes ones voice#and just happen to have born with the same deep ass voice as me. It makes me proud to hear them use it#Because not enough people do. It’s like we’re all collectively embarrassed or something#I see so many sad posts from teenagers posting their dream roles and the reason they won’t get it is ‘girl’#and it’s like. I remember being that kid. Never able to get a female lead because of my voice. Never able to get a male lead because of gir#Even though my voice and appearance could easily swing male. Nope! You’re GIRL. So you’re doomed to background forever :)#I got 1 lead role and it was when I was at my most feminine and was also for a villain that was a fat hag#I LOOOOVED playing her im aunt sponge forever. BUT. Never getting one again after that… showed me. Something#More gender blind casting and more songs just written for tenors please#doing just ONE of those things would probably solve the issue#But both please because I’m greedy and I want what I couldn’t have for every kid today#(And also me in the future in adult community theatre. Haven’t had time/too intimidated so far but I WILL go back)#And before anyone questions the language on this post. I STRUGGLED with how to word it#TERFs begone. I love trans people. I am nonbinary and some form of intersex (pcos).#I just word it this way because of like. Where we all start#Whether we stay GIRL girls or realize we’re somewhere in between. It crushes us either way to have the ‘wrong’ voice to do anything#Because it did me at first. And I’m otherwise GLAD to be confusing#I’ve come to love my deep voice it baffles others and they never know what to call me it really helps the whole ‘what am I’ presentation#But. In terms of certain things. Like being in theatre in the deep south#It certainly does not help and can be disheartening#Especially back when I was younger and more self conscious#lion’s lair
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when the podcast's so good you rip off your headphones <3
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dutybcrne · 10 months
When Kaeya is stressed, oftentimes he’ll find himself humming a lullaby Adelinde sang for him back in his first year in Mondstadt. He might have been a bit too old for it ( then again, he had been rather small for his age ), but it had been one of the only things that could soothe him for certain. At times, he would go back and shyly request it of her throughout the years, even after long since outgrowing it, because he still clung to it as a precious, incomparable solace for the maelstrom of emotions that bore deep in his heart.
And to this day, it still is.
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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#The voice - The hair - The clothes to some extent - The ears - Her name even starts with a 'K'#What's that about?????#from the episode 'unforgettable'#first time I'm watching it! I mostly rewatch pre-Seven seasons so I can see B'Elanna and Tuvok more + they're a little goofier#Kelan(?): -huskily- Don't you wanna hear about our last night together~????#Chakotay: Hm?#Kelan(?): We....shared a kiss <3#OH!!!!! THIS IS THE 'that was a joke! don't deny it!' EPISODE <3#Tuvok: (tells a joke) / Chakotay: That was a joke!/ Tuvok: It wasn't a joke but if you think it was who am I to stop you?#Chakotay: We need a place to put this trained fighter. / Tuvok: The mess hall? / Chakotay: AHAHAHA~!!! But seriously can you-?#Tuvok: Yeah of course sorry. Back to the point-#HARRY'S SO COOL~!!!!#'No defense has ever stopped these weapons' Harry: Then we may be about to make history. <- ACTION LINE !!#he is what the writers wish Tom Paris was I've saidit once I'll say it again!!#Harry also knows what the best security detail squad is??? So tuned in to the crew. Love that man#SNRKEHEHE AND THEN HE HAS TO EXPLAIN FOREPLAY TO SEVEN#weirdass episode <3 I sense zero chemistry between them but I rarely sense chemistry for women-of-the-week#Chakotay just went from being super suspicious of her to loving her ardently#which I guess if I was Chakotay is fair. He's got ZIP going on#Honestly amnesia to amnesia to amnesia like a gd soap opera is so funny though - I love goofy shit#I wish she'd stayed just so that she and Chakotay could keep forgetting they loved each other through increasingly convoluted means#culminating in a coconut on the head#Chakotay sorry about your zero rizz v_v HILARIOUS how quickly she was like 'uhhh sorry dude I've GTG'#Funny episode where Chakotay went through a lot of shit and everyone else just had a mildly exciting few days#actually it would have been SO funny if she just showed up every so often like once every other season like 'Chakotay! I remember!'#and Voyager has to create a protocol about it. Kelan's back captain. It's gonna be a whole thing for like three days. Get the coconut.#Neelix was also really great this episode!! <3#This episode was underwhelming BUT...I have a special place in my heart for 'Something weird happened (shrugs)' episodes!#& I love the continuity cheat of just having them all forget it ever happened twice over
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