#and dean is reading slaughterhouse 5
their-we-go · 21 days
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sam and dean, sometime during season 1
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artymcart · 8 months
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Their first night on the road.
The Impala was cramped full with stuff, duffel bags, books, food. What to pack when you have to take just your necessary things, but a Bunker full of knowledge and goodies.
Jack was snoring in the backseat, his head on Eileen's shoulder, who dozed against the window, a bunch of sleeping bags on her lap.
Cas was reading, Slaughterhouse 5 , had his clothed changed to something more comfortable for the road and Dean wasn't still used to the Hunter look on the angel. Ex-Angel.
O Children played on the radio, Sam humming along to the grotesque ballad while doing inventory on their belongings, from what he remembered was packed in the last minutes before the Bunker was nothing more then a grave for the hundreds of creatures that were crawling up it's walls.
And Dean-
He looked at the long road ahead, his hands on the steering wheel, knuckles white. And the stars and the moon flashed by and for the first time in his life, he felt so damn small in the big universe.
And from one second to the other, everything was too small. His jacket, his shirt, his jeans. His fingers got numb, his vision tunneled, too small, everything was too small. The Impala was too small. His own head.
"Dean?" His brothers voice came from far away and before he could recognize what he did, he hit the breaks, all people in the car holding on to their dear life and Dean opened the door, it took him three tries, and he stumbled out of the car and into the night.
"He's having a panic attack!"
No! Everything was just too small! Couldn't they see it? He pulled on his hair and his hands searched something to grab on and suddenly there were two warm hands, pulling his fingers away from his scalp.
"Look at the stars Dean," Cas.
"Look up at the stars and count them, every single one", and he lifted his head and there were so many of them. Starlight sparkling at the sky. Warm hands holding his, grounding him.
And as his breathing calmed he felt so stupid but the hands were merciless and held his still tight.
"Hi Cas," he swallowed. Blue. So close.
"Hello, Dean".
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midnightcowboy1969 · 9 months
My bookshelf
Hey, @beanifred <3 So, here's a big peak at my bookshelf (way too many books as I said)
Beginning with my treasures:
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The "Real" Bob Steele and a man called "Brad" by Bob Nareau
The Photostory of "Battling Bob" Bob Steele by Mario DeMarco
2. The Columbo Collection
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Just One More thing by Peter Falk
The Grassy Knoll by William Harrington (my enemy)
Murder by the Book by Steven Bochco
And now there's chaos:
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Psycho 1 & 2 and Night-World by Robert Bolch (Norwegian edition)
Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
The Body Snatcher by Jack Finney
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Trash by Dorothy Allison (lesbian but at what cost)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
The Buddah of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (I also have American Gods but I cannot find it)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin
The Complete Short Stories: Hercule Poirot by Agatha Christie
Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane by Henry Farrell
The Hunter by Richard Stark
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The System by John Burke (novelization)
Alien Nation by Alan Dean Foster (novelization)
Edge of the City by Fredrick Pohl (novelization)
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Babysitter by Joyce Carol Oates
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Collector by John Fowels
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier (Norwegian edition)
2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke (novelization)
Ninteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Jaws by Peter Benchley
Wanderer by Sterling Hayden (the actor)
The Wicker Man by Robin Hardy & Anthony Shaffer (Novelization (?))
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
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Terror by Dan Simmons
Papillon 1 & 2 by Henri Charrière (Norwegian editions)
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers (book of all time)
The Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Midnight Cowboy by John L. Herlihy
Shooting Midnight Cowboy by Glenn Frankel
Cape Fear by John D. McDonald (watch the movies)
The Bretheren by John Grisham (Norwegian edition)
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorgood
Glitz by Elmore Leonard (Norwegian edition)
The Big Sleep and Other Novels by Raymond Chandler (the other novels are Farwell My Lovely and The Long Goodbye)
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Client by John Grisham (Norwegian edition)
Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
Legion (Exorcist 2) by William Peter Blatty
La Peste by Albert Camu (Norwegian edition)
Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink & Jeffery Cranor (not read)
The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop by Fannie Flagg
The Day of the Dolphin by Robert Merle
Local Hero by David Benedictus (novelization)
The Glass Cage by Colin Wilson
American Psycho by Brett E. Ellis
Fools Die by Mario Puzo (Norwegian edition)
The Godfather by Mario Puzo
The Sicilian by Mario Puzo (Norwegian edition)
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Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin (Norwegian edition) + Four different Game of Thrones books in Norwegian
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Enders Game by Orson Scott Card
The Betsy by Harold Robbins (Norwegian edition)
Aliens by Alan Dean Foster (novelization)
Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian
The Auctioneer by Joan Samson
Timeline by Michael Crichton
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
Red Dragon by Thomas Harris
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
Dune, The Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galxy by Douglas Adams
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
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Trumpet by Jackie Kay
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman (short story collection that made me dislike short stories)
Mr. Monk in Trouble by Lee Goldberg (my enemy)
Mr. Monk and the Dirty Cop by Lee Goldberg (I hate him)
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Wolf
Oranges are not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Maurice by E. M. Forster
The Case of the Gilded Lily by Erle Stanley Gardner (Norwegian edition)
The Case of the Glamorous Ghost by Erle Stanley Gardner (Norwegian edition)
Something Happened by Joseph Heller
Marathon Man by William Goldman
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy
Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing with Fire by Derek Landy
The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley (Norwegian edition)
The Guest List by Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurt
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Norwegian edition)
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three by John Godey (bad)
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg
The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg
Killing Time by Della Van Hise (Star Trek Spinoff Spirk book)
Star Trek: Department of Temportal Investigations: Forgotten History by Christopher L. Bennet
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Missing by Una McCormack
Star Trek Enterprise: Rise of the Federation: Uncertain Logic by Christopher L. Bennett
7. Stephen King Collection
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If it Bleeds
On Writing
The Stand
Hearts in Atlantis (Norwegian edition)
The Tommyknockers
Thinner (Norwegian edition)
The Shining
Night Shift
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (Norwegian edition)
Doctor Sleep
Rose Madder
Pet Sematary
Salem's Lot
Dolores Claiborne (Norwegian edition)
The Bachman Books
The Institute
Finders Keepers
End of Watch
The Body
Needful Things (Norwegian edition)
Bag of Bones
8. Not pictured
A collection of Sherlock Holmes books
Many Hardy Boys books
Chilly Scenes of Winter by Ann Beattie
Some comic books
I believe this is approximately everything lol.
My dream is to have a small cozy rooms dedicated to the books I own. It won't happen any time soon.
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cescalr · 2 years
Top 10 favorite ships involving POC in 10 different fandoms
tagged by the awesome @salvatorestjohn! :D
In no particular order:
1) lumax
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2) jjpope 
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3) malira (picking one for TW was hard >-< there’s so manyyyy) 
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4) parvendeamus 
I have no picture for this one.... sad sigh. problems of being a rarepair ot4 book ship :| 
I’ll just. show my fcs for them, i guess?
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i made the writing super tiny for no reason... i can’t even read it... the options are as follows;
Dean = Chris O’Neal (also nothing wrong with movies’ casting tbh)
Seamus = Devon Marray (Movies’ casting) 
Lavender Brown = either Jasmine Sanders, Stephanie Bertram Rose/Stephanie Rose Bertram (internet results are inconsistent) or Kelyse. Also made a sim of her I’m rather fond of; 
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That could be considered a combo of all three, probably. 
Parvati Patil = either Banita Sandhu, Amita Suman, or Sobhita Dhulipala. (Depends on the day. Also just to note, Patil twins aren’t identical to me, so they tend to flip flop around between these three randomly as a general rule in my fics. Same for any other fcs of mine with multiple alts, actually...) 
5) bonenzo 
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6) archosie (yes i know riverdale crazy bady show (who cares its stupid fun) but I will die on this hill. metaphorically.)
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7) zalex (yes. 13rw bleh but. them) 
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8) deancass 
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9) taylor/gabriella. gabrylor?? tayella?? taylla? idk anyway since 2006, babey (just for the record; zeke/sharpay, gabriella/taylor, chad/troy. kelsi = aro/ace and ryan ends up with an eventual co-worker i feel. these are hot takes but i stand right by them. right by them. since 2006!! (well not really i was 5. probably at least since 2014 though)) 
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10) kamsie (kay yeung/clemency lawrence from slaughterhouse rulez)
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there are no gifs for this (i will get on that right away.) Anyway: lesbian Einstein x bisexual badass yes please!!! Still. Have a bad screenshot.
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And that’s a wrap! Thanks again for the tag!!
tagging; uhhhhhhh @livingincolorsagain​ @balanceofgray​ andddd anyone who wants to!!!
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venomyumyumyum · 2 years
just bought Slaughterhouse 5 by Vonnegut bc i read somewhere that it's Dean favorite book, i have no idea if it was in a fanfic or if it's canon but oh well
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bryan-damage · 2 years
I'm honestly thinking I might just start writing about my friends from the old days. Tumblr seems like a reasonable place to do that, especially since nobody I personally know is aware that I have this blog and I intend to keep it that way.
I haven't read a book in over a year. This bothers me a bit, but that's not why I'm bringing this up. Before that, I went through a period when I read as many books as I could get myself to read. Most of it was stuff from the 1950s through the 1970s. I read On the Road and The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac for the first time, Junky and Interzone by William S. Burroughs (as well as re-reading Naked Lunch), The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Slaughterhouse-5 and Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut, Post Office by Charles Bukowski... so a lot of it wasn't really "genre fiction" but a whole lot of autobiographical stuff by famous poets.
One of the common things in each of these novels is that, while the events were largely based on things that really happened, the authors all came up with pseudonyms for each of the real people discussed. Each author also used a pseudonym for themselves: William S. Burroughs was Bill Lee, Charles Bukowski was Hank Chinaski, Sylvia Plath was Esther Greenwood, and Jack Kerouac used a bunch of names but in On the Road he was Sal Paradise and his buddy Neal Cassidy was Dean Moriarty.
And, as I take the time to look some of this up, I have found a term for this: Roman à clef, "novel with a key". So that's what I'm thinking about doing, although I don't know how much I want to blend truth with fiction.
But you know, real-sounding names are often kind of boring. I'm a fan of another trope called Awesome McCoolname, so that's also something I'm thinking about doing. If you're going to give a real person a fake name for the sake of telling a story, then why not give them a really cool, if totally implausible, fake name? Of the examples I mentioned before, only Kerouac seems to be willing to come up with cool names for his characters.
I've already started referring to myself as Bryan Damage with this blog so I guess I might as well keep that.
Charlie? I think I'm going to call him Charlie Inferno. I named myself after one of my Sims, I might as well do the same here.
There are others.
I don't know. We'll see how long I fixate on this.
A lot of the novels I mentioned above I was reading for the first time just a year or two ago. The main appeal was the actual style of writing--the way each author chose their words and played with language. Like, Sylvia Plath using the word "scorpion" as an adjective to describe trigonometry really stuck out to me. I've read some amateur fiction here and there over the years and I feel like one of the things that's missing is a distinct, interesting style of writing. Skilled poets are really good at this.
That's something that I'd like to develop in my own writing.
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aurark · 3 years
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thinkin about dean being a vonnegut fan
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I started reading Slaughterhouse 5 last night and few pages in, I already gotta say, it makes sense in a very painful way that Dean Winchester would read these books
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riversongg · 3 years
I think I’ve been reading too much fan fiction because I finally ordered slaughterhouse 5 because I know dean would be disappointed that I hadn’t read it
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lengthofropes · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @mish-apocalypse! *mwah!*
If you choose to partake, here are the rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag about 20 others you wanna know more about. 😊
gonna put my answers under the cut
1. Name/Nickname: Anz
2. Gender: female
3. Star Sign: pisces
4. Height: 165 cm
5. Time: GMT+2
6. Brithday: Feb 22, 1986
7. Favourite bands/groups: Hot Water Music, Fu Manchu, Warpaint, The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Death Cab For Cutie, Rancid, Chastitly Belt, Fugazi,  Placebo, Slo Burn.. idk probably a lot more but let’s stop here.
8. Favourite solo artist: can I say i’m obsessed with Cardi B personality??? yes? yes!:)))
9. Song stuck in my head: Church on Sunday by Green Day (BECAUSE REASONS!!!)
10. Last Movie: My Bloody Valentine ahahahaha cause I made gifs with Jensen
11. Last Show: besides SPN? The Boys
12. When did I create this blog: ughhhh... like 8-9-10 years ago?? i don’t remember, i really need to check this!
13. What do I post: 98% spn, 2% other
14. Last thing I Googled: reading lamp 
15. Other blogs: here but i’m not active on those anymore
16. Do I get asks: yeah, sometimes. 
17. Why I chose my URL: well because it’s the coolest thing ever, don’t you think???
18. Following: 84 (YES I AM SO VERY PICKY!!!)
19. Followers: 9271
20. Average hours of sleep: 5-6 at best
21. Lucky number: 48
22. Instruments: bass guitar and drums. also piano, i don’t really play, just picking up chords when i write songs.
23. What am I wearing: robe!
24. Dream job: just tumblring all day and getting paid for this!
25. Dream trip: Iceland
26. Favourite food: cheese and wine
27. Nationality: Ukrainian
28. Favourite song: Off track by Blacktop Cadence
29. Last book I read: currently re-reading Slaughterhouse 5 by Vonnegut
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: HP, SW, SPN
My tags (sorry if you’ve already been tagged):
ok so i followed new people recently, and yeah, i’d like to knoooooow, if you don’t mind?:)) @galaxycastiel @dainty-dean @smiledean @nefeviibata @itsinjustbeing
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goldfishh · 3 years
thirty questions that actually aren't exactly thirty questions: tag game!
tagged by: @windymoor thank u raven <333
rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you want to know better
I’m tagging: @horrorgay @virginalbehemoth @credentiast asjsskskdkk if yall want! + ofc anyone who sees this and wants to tag their own ppl
name/nickname: fiona
gender: f
star sign: libra 😞
height: 5′1″ short king
time: 10:49 PM
birthday: questions that get ur identity stolen. it’s oct 10
favorite bands: i had to go browse spotify for this lmao i guess i dont follow a lot of bands. i have a LOT of the family crest and oh wonder on my playlists. every few months i’ll put my two fave fall out boy albums on repeat
favorite solo artists: fjfhwjfwklwjk i am also pop indie basic but like BASIC basic. taylor swift hozier lorde.......joji..........i can’t even claim mitski bc i only started listening to her bc of the strawberry blonde amv
song stuck in my head: before your father hears us by the family crest. it’s about the orchestral vibes
last film: technically it’s fantastic mr fox which was an excellent movie. however i want to talk about vanessa hudgens’ netflix xmas movie the princess switch 2 because as ridiculous as the plot is i DO think that the movie is remarkably emotionally coherent and characters get developed well. in this essay i will
last series: i stopped four episodes into bridgerton because it DIDN’T feel emotionally coherent and characters didn’t get developed well 😞 orchestral versions of pop songs DID hit though
when did i create this blog: 2013................i was but a mere baby
what do i post: supernatural. i mean before it was just whatever i’d watched recently that i could find gifsets for on tumblr and i wasn’t posting at all but now it’s. it’s supernatural. 
last thing googled: “sad emoji” so i could copy paste it into this post LMFAO
other blogs: i have a side blog @atlascas that i was using to clear out my likes/archive the anime posting that i didn’t want going to my main LMAOOO but now it’s just an spn sideblog
do i get asks: nope. i have flown SO under the radar on here
why i chose my url: wanted a url that i didn’t have to change every time i got into a new interest lmao. goldfishh was satisfyingly pretty and generic
following: i do have my follow list open on mobile lmfao. it’s just so i could enable a blogroll on desktop bc i thought it looked cool. idk like 150 or so blogs
followers: ;)
average hours of sleep: finals FUCKED with me i was sleeping at like 7am and waking at either 12 or 1 or 3pm. but now im home so im trying to adjust to 8hrs again
lucky number: 10 is where its at
instruments: was conscripted into playing flute and piano as a young child as all good chinese children are. neither stuck
what am i wearing: sweater and jeans and cat socks that my sister got me for xmas
dream job: i dont dream of labor but when i do i dream of being a portrait artist
dream trip: me and my friends have been talking abt a cross-country road trip for yearssss east coast to west coast baby!
nationality: american
favourite song: right now its honey + tea by mozi
last book read: kurt vonnegut slaughterhouse five. i havent finished yet. yes i checked it out because of dean shut up
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: i dont usually fantasize abt living elsewhere. gotta echo raven and say hobbit hole in middle earth. or a peaceful animated universe like hilda (is that just sweden?? i dont know).
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fuckitscute · 3 years
started reading slaughterhouse 5 and i can see why mr. dean winchester would like this
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Pop Sugar Reading Challenge 2015
A book with more than 500 pages: Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness 
A classic romance: Safe Haven - Nicholas Sparks
A book that became a movie: Odd Thomas - Dean Koontz
A book published this year: The Stranger - Harlan Coben
A book with a number in the title: The Woman in Cabin 10 - Ruth Ware
A book written by someone under 30: Touch - Clair North
A book with nonhuman characters: Guardians of Ga’holle: The Rescue - Kathryn Lasky
A funny book: Dead Star Island - Andrew Shantos
A book by a female author: Silence Fallen - Patricia Briggs
A mystery or thriller: Night-bird - Brian Freeman
A book with a one-word title: Nod - Adrian Barnes
A book of short stories: Fight No More - Lydia Millet
A book set in a different country: A Cook’s Tour - Anthony Bourdain
A nonfiction book: Trooper: The Bobcat Who Came In from the Wild - Forrest Bryant Johnson
A popular author’s first book: The Fall of the House of Usher - Edger Allen Poe
A book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet: Fire Touched - Patricia Briggs
A book a friend recommended: NPC - Drew Hayes
A Pulitzer Prize-winning book: Less - Andrew Sean Greer
A book based on a true story: Alone on the Ice: The Greatest Survival Story In the History of Exploration - David Roberts
A book at the bottom of your to-read list: The Power - Naomi Alderman
A book your mom loves: Garden Spells - Sarah Addison Allen
A book that scares you: The Ritual - Adam Nevill
A book more than 100 years old: The Pit and the Pendulum - Edger Allen Poe
A book based entirely on its cover: When We were Animals - Joshua Gayland
A book you were supposed to read in school: Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
A memoir: 127 hours Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston
A book you can finish in a day: Trust No One - Paul Cleave
A book with antonyms in the title: The Death Cure - James Dashner
A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to go: Ranger Confidential - Andrea Lankford
A book that came out the year you were born: Guilty Pleasures - Laurrell K. Hamilton
A book with bad reviews: Where the Wild Things Are -  Maurice Sendak
A trilogy: The Darkest Minds -  Alexandra Bracken
A book from your childhood: Secrets of Droon: The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet - Tony Abbott
A book with a love triangle: The Host - Stephanie Meyer
A book set in the future: Pines - Blake Crouch
A book set in high school:The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
A book with a color in the title: Black Cat - Edger Allen Poe
A book that made you cry: Nights in Rodanthe - Nicholas Sparks
A book with magic: Grave Witch - Kathryn Price
A graphic novel: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - Gerard Way
A book by an author you’ve never read before: A is for Alibi - Sue Grafton
A book you own but have never read: Grave Dance - Kathryn Price
A book that takes place in your hometown/home-state: The Silent Wife - A.S.A. Harrison
A book that was originally written in a different language: Cockroaches - Jo Nesbo
A book set during Christmas: Polar Express - Chris Van Allsburg
A book written by an author with your same initials: Sideways Stories from Wayside School - Louis Sachar
A play: The Mask of the Red Death - Edger Allen Poe
A banned book: Call of the Wild - Jack London
A book based on or turned into a TV show- Naked Heat - Richard Castle
A book you started but never finished: The River at Night - Erica Ferencik
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raoulgoldenlake · 5 years
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As mentioned, this project is going to focus on the 100 most banned and challenged books from 2000 to 2009, based on a list from the American Library Association. There are picture books, young adult and middle grade, and a couple of controversial books for adults. 
When I post reviews I’ll put the most obvious content warnings (violence, sex, abuse etc) but if you want something tagged, let me know! For example, I’m not currently planning to give drug content warnings, but I’m happy to do it if someone wants me to!
Complete list of books I’m going to be reading is under the cut.
1. Harry Potter (series), by J.K. Rowling 2. Alice series, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor 3. The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier 4. And Tango Makes Three, by Justin Richardson/Peter Parnell 5. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck 6. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou 7. Scary Stories (series), by Alvin Schwartz 8. His Dark Materials (series), by Philip Pullman 9. ttyl; ttfn; l8r g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle 10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky 11. Fallen Angels, by Walter Dean Myers 12. It’s Perfectly Normal, by Robie Harris 13. Captain Underpants (series), by Dav Pilkey 14. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain 15. The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison 16. Forever, by Judy Blume 17. The Color Purple, by Alice Walker 18. Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous 19. Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger 20. King and King, by Linda de Haan 21. To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee 22. Gossip Girl (series), by Cecily von Ziegesar 23. The Giver, by Lois Lowry 24. In the Night Kitchen, by Maurice Sendak 25. Killing Mr. Griffen, by Lois Duncan 26. Beloved, by Toni Morrison 27. My Brother Sam Is Dead, by James Lincoln Collier 28. Bridge To Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson 29. The Face on the Milk Carton, by Caroline B. Cooney 30. We All Fall Down, by Robert Cormier 31. What My Mother Doesn’t Know, by Sonya Sones 32. Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya 33. Snow Falling on Cedars, by David Guterson 34. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things, by Carolyn Mackler 35. Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging, by Louise Rennison 36. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley 37. It’s So Amazing, by Robie Harris 38. Arming America, by Michael Bellasiles 39. Kaffir Boy, by Mark Mathabane 40. Life is Funny, by E.R. Frank 41. Whale Talk, by Chris Crutcher 42. The Fighting Ground, by Avi 43. Blubber, by Judy Blume 44. Athletic Shorts, by Chris Crutcher 45. Crazy Lady, by Jane Leslie Conly 46. Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut 47. The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby: The First Graphic Novel by George Beard and Harold Hutchins, the creators of Captain Underpants, by Dav Pilkey 48. Rainbow Boys, by Alex Sanchez 49. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey 50. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini 51. Daughters of Eve, by Lois Duncan 52. The Great Gilly Hopkins, by Katherine Paterson 53. You Hear Me?, by Betsy Franco 54. The Facts Speak for Themselves, by Brock Cole 55. Summer of My German Soldier, by Bette Green 56. When Dad Killed Mom, by Julius Lester 57. Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause 58. Fat Kid Rules the World, by K.L. Going 59. Olive’s Ocean, by Kevin Henkes 60. Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson 61. Draw Me A Star, by Eric Carle 62. The Stupids (series), by Harry Allard 63. The Terrorist, by Caroline B. Cooney 64. Mick Harte Was Here, by Barbara Park 65. The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien 66. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred Taylor 67. A Time to Kill, by John Grisham 68. Always Running, by Luis Rodriguez 69. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury 70. Harris and Me, by Gary Paulsen 71. Junie B. Jones (series), by Barbara Park 72. Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison 73. What’s Happening to My Body Book, by Lynda Madaras 74. The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold 75. Anastasia (series), by Lois Lowry 76. A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving 77. Crazy: A Novel, by Benjamin Lebert 78. The Joy of Gay Sex, by Dr. Charles Silverstein 79. The Upstairs Room, by Johanna Reiss 80. A Day No Pigs Would Die, by Robert Newton Peck 81. Black Boy, by Richard Wright 82. Deal With It!, by Esther Drill 83. Detour for Emmy, by Marilyn Reynolds 84. So Far From the Bamboo Grove, by Yoko Watkins 85. Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, by Chris Crutcher 86. Cut, by Patricia McCormick 87. Tiger Eyes, by Judy Blume 88. The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood 89. Friday Night Lights, by H.G. Bissenger 90. A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L’Engle 91. Julie of the Wolves, by Jean Craighead George 92. The Boy Who Lost His Face, by Louis Sachar 93. Bumps in the Night, by Harry Allard 94. Goosebumps (series), by R.L. Stine 95. Shade’s Children, by Garth Nix 96. Grendel, by John Gardner 97. The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende 98. I Saw Esau, by Iona Opte 99. Are You There, God?  It’s Me, Margaret, by Judy Blume 100. America: A Novel, by E.R. Frank
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 5 years
30 questions challenge
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions and tag 20 people (I will do no such thing,,,)
Tagged by @freddieseyeliner
1. How tall are you?  4′11.25″
2. What color and style is your hair? Burgundy and in this long, asymetrical pixie cut (I also have a nape of the neck undercut that’s my natural dark brown)
3. What color are your eyes? Super dark brown (almost black) with golden rings
4. Do you wear glasses? Yes
5. Do you wear braces? I did for almost 4 years, my teeth were so bad it wasn’t cute and my mom forced it upon me (and I thank her for my glorious teeth daily)
6. What is your fashion style? High-waisted jeans/shorts, black ballet flats, floral dresses, dirty beat-up converse, lots of plain colors, navy blue and white stripes, cardigans, studded denim jackets, tall studded black boots, plaid blanket scarves, swing dresses, socks that match my shirts
7. Full name? Jasmine
8. When were you born? May 5th
9. Where are you from and where do you live now? From a small town in a valley in VA, to a small town/city away from the moutains in VA (I miss the mountains)
10. What school do you go to? That college with a TERRIFYING mascot and two secret societies
11. What kind of student are you? I apply myself too hard in the beginning and get burnt out and end up settling for not my best works yet I still somehow get Bs??? This semester I am NOT going to fuck around so I can make deans list
12. Do you like school? I love to learn and be involved in my club, but sleeping at school is like the 8th circle of Hell
13. What are your favourite school subjects? History, criminology, psychology, forensics, French
14. Favorite TV shows? M*A*S*H, The X-Files, NCIS, NCIS:New Orleans, House M.D., Forensic Files, The Venture Bros., and Freaks and Geeks 
16. Favorite books? A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonegut Jr., The Blessing Way by Tony Hillerman, The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, Rumblr Fish by S.E. Hinton, Misery by Stephen King
17. Favourite past-time? Coloring, belly dance, reading, listening to music, spending time with my dogs
18. Do you have any regrets? Je ne regrette rien
19. Dream job? It was forensic scientist but we’ve had to scrap that, so a psychologist in the criminal justic field
20. Would you like to get married? I would, granted it doesn’t have to even be an official marriage. I just want a life partner
21. Would you like to have kids someday? At this point, hell no. But maybe later when I’m not trying to adopt every dog I see
22. How many? Like 1-2 (I’m an only child and it’s fantastic so)
23. Do you like shopping? Depends on what it’s for and if I’m in the mood
24. What countries have you visited? I sadly have been too broke to leave the US, and I’ve only been to three different states at that. 
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? I don’t remember since I force all of that junk out of my mind ASAP 
26. Do you have any enemies? I have people who dislike me??? yet all I’ve done is smile at them and be nice??? Like I’m yet to truly provoke someone. BUT I do have a person I severely dislike (long story on that one)
27. Do you have a s/o? No and I’m happy with just having a good time making friends and studying
28. Do you believe in miracles? not really
i tag @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @queenie1223 @your-lowlife-friend
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
The mixtape thing is hard for me to see as a romantic gesture only- In Stranger Shings, Jonathan Bayers gave a Mixtape to his little brother, In Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill got his Mixtape from his mother-So it seems that can be a family thing too?And we and the show, claim that Castiel is family- I would love it to be pure romantic love thing,but with many mixtapes showing up as a family affair it is hard
Hi there! First of all, my intent behind this reply is one part mild exasperation, one part humorous jibing, and maybe two or three parts coffee (It took a lot of coffee to drown out the part that just wanted to delete this in a fit of less-than-mild exasperation, but I just want to assure you that this reply is in no way intended to be mean-spirited or condescending, and I hope you don’t take it that way).
For my second disclaimer, I’d like to make it known that I have seen neither of these things-- GotG or Stranger Things-- but because I don’t live under a rock, I at least know what they are. So if I say something about them that people who are actually familiar with these things would take issue with, just know that I am not prepared for a meta debate on either GotG or Stranger Things, but that no ill is intended in referencing them here.
(for my third disclaimer, I’d like to again state how sad I am that meta writers need to paste these sorts of disclaimers on everything, but such is the way things go...)
Righto! I think we can get down to business now. :)
There has already been a very well-written defense of the mixtape as romantic as used in GotG and GotG 2, and how it even STRENGTHENS the romantic reading of the mixtape scene in 12.19. But being me, the post somehow didn’t make it into the proper tag on my blog, and despite trying to search for it multiple different ways, I can’t seem to find it anywhere... >.>
(additional disclaimer that I’m in the middle of a Death Migraine, so apologies for any lack of due diligence in linking relevant references... searching for things hurts my brain right now)
The gist of it was that the mixtape contained songs that Peter Quill’s parents listened to together, so the tape’s ORIGINS were without question romantically coded. Despite the fact that the movie opens with Peter’s dying mother giving him the tape (this was what happened, right? I’m not mistaken here?) as a gift of love from mother to son, from what I understand about the sequel, PETER TURNS RIGHT AROUND AND USES THE TAPE TO WOO GAMORA. Restoring the “romantic” associations the tape began with, imbuing the mixtape with a sort of “legacy of love.”
Did I get all that right?
This is EXACTLY what I was referring to in my post yesterday as the show’s history of using Led Zeppelin songs in explicitly romantic situations.
In the OPENING SCENE of 12.01, as Dean’s establishing his identity for a very confused and suddenly-alive-after-33-years Mary, this is what he tells her:
Dean: Listen to me. Your name - your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, you were born December 5, 1954 to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for work, and you bounced right along with him and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.Mary: How do you know all that?Dean: Dad told me. March 23, 1972 you walked out of a movie theater, Slaughterhouse-Five, you loved it. And you bumped into a big marine and knocked him on his ass. You were embarrassed and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So you went to, uh, Mulroni's, and you talked and he was cute, and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number you gave it to him even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that you met-Mary: John Winchester.Dean: August 19, 1975 you were married, in Reno, your idea. Few years later I came along, then Sammy.Mary: Then I burned. How long have I been gone?Dean: Thirty-three years.
Not only that, but we know that Dean has known this story his whole life. As if Mary (who had died long ago when he was a child, just like Peter Quill’s mother) had given him a reason to love these songs, too. For Dean they weren’t just ///romantic/// coded, but a link to that happier and more innocent time from his childhood, where his life was normal and his mom cut the crusts off his PBJ and gave him pie. From a time when Dean thought life could even be normal at all.
So, not solely romantic, but absolutely romanticized. Or idealized, at least. These were memories he clung to like a koala as his life fell to pieces after Mary died. He remembered that old life as only a child could, through rose-tinted soft-focus, reinforced by John’s vague and infrequent recounting of his memories of Mary.
(remember in 3.09, how 9-year-old Sam complained that they NEVER talked about mom? and how upset Dean became when Sam probed him for more information? And even in the pilot episode Sam said something about never being able to get mom back, and Dean threw him against the bridge pillar and told him to NEVER say stuff like that about Mary... I mean, it’s HEAVILY implied that talking about her AT ALL was something that just didn’t happen, but when it did, it was the sort of memory Dean referenced in his speech in 12.01... those were the “important details” he’d memorized... and maybe that entire description of their first meeting hadn’t even been John’s words at all, but things Dean had been carrying in his own mind since he was a child-- something Mary might’ve told him herself before she died, since that bit of Dean’s story is related back to Mary in Mary’s own pov.)
The show has also lampshaded the use of Led Zeppelin as a sexual overture, in 2.02:
Jo: You know, I thought you were gonna toss me some cheap pickup line. Most hunters come through that door think they can get in my pants with some... pizza, a six pack, and side one of Zeppelin IV.
Jo had been expecting Dean to hit on her, and it’s implied all the way up through her appearance as a ghost in 7.04 that she’d WANTED him to hit on her, that she’d had a crush on him or was attracted to him... and the only reason she turned him down in 5.10 was because she didn’t just want the “last night on earth” fling with him... This was 100% a come-on.
And Dean’s two favorite songs? Ramble On (which yes, on the surface is a LotR reference, but the deeper message is the search for a lover), and Traveling Riverside Blues (which is 100% about sex... I mean... It’s just pure lust). Put together, they’re like the peak of Love and Lust. And being Dean’s two top favorite songs? I’d bet both of them are on that mixtape.
So back to the point with the GotG reference. It not only does not invalidate Dean’s gift of the tape to Cas as a romantic gesture, but REINFORCES the romantic nature of the gift.
These songs that united Peter’s parents, which his mom left to him after she died, and eventually he uses to romance someone he’s in love with...
If Peter had turned around and given the mixtape to another relative, or to a friend he had no romantic interest in, then I would’ve given you this example. But that is explicitly NOT what happened. Sorry. When taken in the larger context of the entire story around it, saying the mixtape there was only about a mother’s love for her son is being deliberately obtuse. Context matters, and taking that one link in Peter’s mixtape chain out of the larger interconnected story is cherry picking.
So that leaves us with ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE (which I won’t argue with because I have not seen Stranger Things and therefore have zero context with which to debate what you stated about it) OUT OF THE ENTIRE CANON OF HUMAN STORYTELLING in which a mixtape is used as a platonic or familial gift with no romantic coding whatsoever.
I’m going to go ahead and call the use of the mixtape in Stranger Things THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. This was the subversion of the standard trope.
I asked Mr. Mittens and kidperson (who HAVE watched Stranger Things) what the context of the mixtape was, just so I could have a general idea. Apparently it was given to a younger brother by an older brother as a sort of “This is important music that you need to know to be cool” sort of gift. Or maybe “music that is important to me.” Apparently the older brother was hospitalized for something at some point? So there was also this generalized feeling of “taking care of my little brother” aspect to it? I’m just spitballing on the like three things I know about ST, so no actual meta value is being ascribed to these statements.
But this is what really bothers me about your question, because this is something that’s been discussed since 12.19 aired, and I would like to put forth this argument:
The VAST MAJORITY of references to the gift of a mixtape in popular culture ARE EXPLICITLY ROMANTICALLY OR SEXUALLY CODED. The OVERWHELMING number of references over DECADES of storytelling simply cannot be invalidated by a SINGLE use of the mixtape in a non-romantic way.
PLUS: CONTEXT MATTERS. You can’t just say, “Dean gave Cas a mixtape, but because one time on one show someone gave a mixtape to his brother, so therefore these situations could be identical, and it could be a gesture of brotherly camaraderie and not specifically romantic.” THAT IS NOT A VALID ARGUMENT WHEN TAKEN IN CONTEXT.
The entire scene in 12.19 was framed, shot, and edited with multiple other romantically coded tropes. The absolute QUIET that settled over the scene (no background music, the only sounds those of their voices, speaking earnestly and emotionally to one another), the fact that we didn’t see Dean GIVE the tape TO CAS, but only Cas attempting to return the tape to Dean because his recent actions HURT DEAN. Dean was ANGRY that Cas had gone missing for a time and had ignored his calls, and had stormed off to his room in a huff. Cas’s response to this was to offer to RETURN the tape to Dean (now explicitly coded as a gift of love, because he worried that Dean may have withdrawn whatever feelings that had inspired the gift in the first place).
The fact that Dean can’t even LOOK at Cas because of his hurt, and yet picks up the tape and hands it back to Cas (in a shot that frames JUST THEIR HANDS PASSING THE TAPE like THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT PLS PAY ATTENTION PLS), and tells him, “It’s a gift. You keep those.”
I can’t believe people need me to spell out all the subtext in that one line, but here it is:
At this moment, the fact that the gift object itself is a mixtape is practically irrelevant, because THAT LINE ITSELF carries about nine miles of romantic subtext. In this context, the mixtape takes on the same narrative weight as Arwen’s necklace in Lord of the Rings. It’s a symbol of her immortality as an elf, AND a symbol for her heart. AND SHE OFFERS IT TO ARAGORN, AND THEN HE TRIES TO GIVE IT BACK BECAUSE HE FEELS HE DOES NOT DESERVE IT, BECAUSE HE’S ABOUT TO LEAVE HER TO GO ON HIS MISSION TO SAVE THE WORLD.
Sound familiar?
The fact that the Macguffin in this case happens to be a Led Zeppelin mixtape in 12.19 only ADDS to the inherently romantically coded GESTURE of what happened in that whole entire scene, compounded by A DECADE of other romantically coded subtext between Dean and Cas.
*screams into the void and the apologizes to the void and tucks it back under its blanket*
There’s also the fact that we have no idea when, or under what circumstances, Dean gave that tape to Cas in the first place. We can only speculate that it may have happened after the events of 12.12, but honestly it could’ve been any time in the preceding ten years. For argument’s sake, let’s suppose it was a relatively recent gift, considering the circumstances under which Cas attempted to return it-- immediately after being confronted with his unexplained absence and Dean’s anger over it, and immediately PRIOR to his PLANNED BETRAYAL, his theft of the Colt, and his abandonment of Dean yet again... The circumstances under which Cas felt he might not ///deserve/// this specific token of Dean’s feelings for him involved betrayal of those feelings by virtue of his absence and abandonment of Dean (at least, he understood this much of what that tape seemed to represent to Dean).
*another disclaimer: I’ve been writing this for like four hours now, and my Death Migraine has progressed to the point where I need to not look at things for a while. I could keep going here, but I’m failing at basic human things like “being able to sit upright” and “not throwing up every time I open my eyes” so I’m gonna stop typing now*
*no wait, one more thing because I can type with my eyes closed*
Isn’t it amazing that we’ve now evolved to the point where instead of combing through the subtext to find romantically coded things in their interactions, folks are now actively scrambling to find ways to explain away the blatantly in-your-face romantically coded text? I mean... what have we come to here? When the more OBVIOUS and far more defensible read of the scene is the romantic read? And yet still there’s this scramble to suggest it could be non-romantic...
And do you know how these sorts of arguments all sound to me? I’ll let the Simpsons explain it for me:
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