#and being super excited when he does it perfectly
okwonyo · 6 months
being jump-hugged.
엔하이픈 형선 ୨୧ femreader six hundred fluff established relationship + cw. not proof-read skinship petnames ( other )
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heeseung would be surprised, in a good way, however. surprised because he wouldn't have seen it coming, at all. but, still— he'd be extremely happy about it. he'd smile when he'd hear you scream his name from across the street, gawking when he'd see you run towards him after he turned around to see you. at first, he wouldn't know where to put his arms when you jump on him, he'd hug you back at the end. with an idiotic smile on his face.
jeongseong would be beyond prepared for it— spreading his arms, bending forward an inch, just so he can perfectly catch you and hold you by the thighs. he'd do that so attractively, grin drawn on his face, waiting for you to finally come to him. and when you'd pull away, still being lift up by you— he'd look up to you in a way that never fails to flutter you, “are you okay princess?” he asks and you hide your red face in the crook of his neck.
jaeyun wouldn't expect it, not even a bit. already so shocked when he'd hear your voice calling for him from god-knows-where, even more when he finally gets where you are coming from and feels your body completely collapsing against his. he has fast reflexes, of course he'd catch you in a millisecond— although he'd still let out a tiny “oof,” he'd still press your body against his, letting your scent make him go crazy.
sunghoon would be super confused, this poor boy wouldn't ever expect you to be happy and exited enough to hug in such a way. you know, he'd ask himself why are you running so fast, are you okay.. he'd stumble on his feet when you jump-hug him, warping his arms around you body tightly to ground himself, “whoa,” he'd dumply exclaim. he'd start laughing too when he hears you doing so, “you scared me”
seonwoo would tell you to calm down as soon as he'd gets what you are doing, “wait, wait, wait—” because he wants to get prepared before anything. you wouldn't listen to him, it would be no fun if you did— therefore, you would both probably end up on the floor like two idiots. he'd try to act as if he annoyed but the sound of your laughter would make him loose it, “this isn't funny, really stop laughing,” hiding his face after helping you getting up. “this is so embarrassing...”
jungwon would be as excited as you are, mainly because seeing you like that makes him feel that way too. he would match your energy to the maximum, screaming your name if you does the same for his and spreading his arms as he runs to you. he'd even turn on himself after catching you, he'd know it'd make you giggle. “i missed you too” he'd assure you before you even said anything (you missed him more).
riki would be the one to most likely do this kind of stuff— it might sound surprising but he'd like to do that a lot, especially because you are shorter than him and he likes to put all his weight on you to annoy you. but, when you do it, it'd be a different type of enjoyment. he'd think you are so, and emphasize on that word, cute. he wouldn't let go of you after successfully catching you, holding you and rocking you side to side as if you were a big plushy.
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candiedfright · 15 days
I love how Kunikida is now the assigned washer for Catzai. Does everyone leave Catzai caring all to him or do they share turn?
well for the most part kunikida's the one taking care of catzai (doesn't help that he may or may not specifically search kunikida out when he misbehaves) but the others do have quality time with him:
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he likes hanging out with atsushi quite a lot. if you were to take a glance at them you'd see that catzai meows and atsushi seems to understand him perfectly fine and talks to him like he's talking to another human... and sometimes they... meow at each other ???
yosano takes little catzai on her shopping trips. he helps her pick her purchases and more often than not he'll get a little treat bought for him for being a sweetie and hanging out with her. she's also the one who changes his bandages
ranpo doesn't necessarily go out of his way to entertain him most of the time but it's fine because all catzai really cares about is being allowed to sleep at his desk. he plays with candy wraps/empty packages and throw them around (much to kunikida's dismay, which is a plus). if ranpo has an empty ramune bottle he'll shake it so the marble makes noise and catzai watches. he also understands his meowing just fine
kenji took it upon himself to plant catnip the second catzai became an official part of the agency, and he's always super excited about giving it to him. he also likes to eat alongside him, and gives him meat from his bowl even if there's still cat food available right there
kyouka really likes to hold catzai. sometimes she'll walk around and go about her day with him in her arms for hours on end until she gets told to let him go or if he leaves himself. if she's feeling under the weather, he'll go ahead and rub his cheeks against her and let her poke his paws
the tanizaki siblings play around with him if he happens to not be with the others or if the others are busy with their own things. jun'ichirou in particular likes to play magician with catzai and it always works. haruno joins if she's free of paperwork
since he's mostly entertained by the others at all times, catzai isn't really in fukuzawa's office often. but when he is, he's quick to go lay on his lap with the sole purpose of being pet and/or being spoken to, since fukuzawa will sometimes speak to him about whatever's on his mind at the moment
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imababblekat · 8 months
Bayverse TmnT X Thankful Reader; HC’s
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Anon Request, "Can I ask for Bayverse Turtles reacting to GN reader who thanks them for saving them instead of being scared of them?"
 Dudes pretty stoked when it hits him that you’re not running away screaming your head off after he’s saved you from some drunks
He’s really excited and almost loses himself to it, grabbing your hands and cheerfully introducing himself
Probs throws out some kind of pun or pick up line about how this must mean something, and for a moment almost really feels that when you giggle at his shenanigans
A human who thanked him with no shred of fear and thinks he’s funny?! Someone pinch him because there’s no way this isn't a dream
Would slip you his number before dashing off to the calls of his brothers, winking back as he waved goodbye, already picturing you as a new friend
Freaked out at first when he sees you still hanging around after he fought off a thug who tried to rob you, but that shock is quickly replaced with curiosity as you breathlessly thank him
He wonders if this is some other form of distress on your part and does a quick check up to make sure you didn’t hit your head or something
Is even more surprised when it turns out you’re perfectly fine, and you don’t shy away from his touch, a large hand still gently holding you by the shoulder
Donnie’s quick to pull away when he realizes, fumbling with his words for a moment and the soft smile you offer is not helping the warmth dusting his cheeks
The shout from his brothers for him is what saves him from further embarrassment, but as he turns to leave and sees you still standing, watching him go, he can’t help the growing intrigue he now has for you
You’re not running in terror, screaming bloody murder, and Raph isn’t sure how to feel
He just stands and stares absolutely bewildered as you offer him a kind thank you after saving you from random aggressors
He’s quick to catch your hand as it lifts towards his face, more shock coursing through him when he sees the rag in your grasp to clean at a cut on his face
Your fearlessness towards him is impressive, but he can’t help the internal panic
Yes there’s a joyful elation Raph feels, but this is all new territory to him
Sure, he has human friends like April, but even she freaked when she first met him
Not you though, and as he runs off to catch up with his brothers, he finds himself unable to stop thinking of this memorable encounter
Leo is stunned by your kind thank you versus the usual display of fear he receives, there’s a reason he tried to be super stealthy after all
He’ll actually ask if you’re not scared of him, sounding casual about it but feeling the exact opposite
You’re denying response gives him a sense of relief and curiosity, but also apprehension
Are you trying to trick him? Are you secretly part of the Foot Clan?
He can’t help his skepticism towards your kindness, as the leader he’s sort of built this wall against newer people to protect his family
He’ll eye you for a moment, asking if you’re okay to walk home by yourself, and after he’s sure you are truly fine, he’ll be quick to make his leave
It’s sudden and abrupt and while a small part of him feels kind of rude about suddenly dipping, he’s too busy fighting an inner battle about how his whole existence is to stay hidden, and this new desire to be sought by you
Definitely doesn’t tell his brothers about this meeting, last thing Leo needs is for them to encourage the warm hope you’ve instilled within him
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Could We Not?
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[ or Part 1 to Not Another Time ]
<< Request >> "Hey! I was wondering if you could do a one-shot where she’s like apart of the band and she gets hit in the head with a hard object while she’s on stage and Harry is super freaked out? That would be a sanity saver!" - @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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Summary: Harry Styles is used to having things thrown at him on stage. Recently, it's been Skittles, which affected his vision. But when his band members are affected, he can't stay silent. Especially when it's YN who takes the hit.
AN: I had a lot of fun writing this! YN replaces Laura in the band, just in general, only because she plays the trumpet and I still included Parris.
Warnings: Some explicit language, wound with blood, angry Harry
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He can't escape it. It has carried on from his days in One Direction, and it seems to have become a permanent, unavoidable occurrence that things are thrown at him on stage.
Most are harmless, such as boas, sunglasses, or little plush toys that he is always inclined to keep.
However, there have been a few occasions where the objects were a bit more troublesome. Phones are a big one, which internally annoys the hell out of him at this point.
The most recent culprit, and the most shocking, was a handful of Skittles, one which hit him directly in his left eye. If there is a silver lining of that moment, it's that he only had to get through performing 'Kiwi' before he was able to run backstage and immediately have it taken care of.
He tries not to show anger on stage when things like that happen. He loves his fans. He always wants to treat them with kindness, acceptance, and gratitude. So he doesn't draw much attention to it. There has only been one occasion or two where he has subtly asked for some fans to stop throwing things.
Tonight, however, might be his tipping point.
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Harry has brushed off the frustration from the rock hard candy incident, because tonight is a new night and a new show.
There is also the new trumpet player, YN. Well, she isn't new per say, she's been there since the tour came back to North America, but she is the newest member of the band, and the one Harry has become extremely fond of.
She fits in perfectly with the rest of the group. She is so kind, so joyful, and everyone seems to be energized just by her presence. Including Harry. Especially Harry. The moment she walked into the trial rehearsal, he felt an electricity course through his veins that he's never felt before. He shook it off as a mere, and mild, physical attraction. Then she started to play, and he was taken into a trance by her talent and passion. Then she spoke, and he felt his heart flutter more than ever.
He knows he has a crush, one that he can't talk about or act on, but it doesn't stop the forming of a grin when the horn players walk up onto the stage. It doesn't stop the goosebumps he feels when they all begin to play, being able to pick out the sound of her specific instrument. It doesn't stop the thought that those songs, the ones where they get to be there together, may just be his favorite ones to perform.
So when 'Satellite' ends, and after a good chat with the crowd, reading their signs, the four horn players make their way up the stairs as 'Cinema' begins, causing his heart to flutter and his current smile to stretch out into a wide grin.
When they play an extended introduction for 'Music For A Sushi Restaurant', he takes the opportunity to get some water and give her a quick smile, hoping that he actually does see a blush form on her cheeks, even behind her trumpet.
He stays on the outside of the stage for that song, but gets even more excited when the band begins to play 'Treat People With Kindness'. This means YN will move to one of the outside corners, which also means he'll get to be closer to her as he moves around during the song.
He makes sure to pass by her any chance he gets, but tries hard not to make his intentions too obvious, to the crowd or to YN. She's a part of his band, and he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, even if she does appear to reciprocate any smile or slightly flirtatious comment he makes. He wants any move made to be on YN's terms. However, that won't stop him from taking this opportunity to share a little dance with her.
"Wait for it… wait for it… wait for it. One, two, three, four!"
As the crowd shouts out the chorus, Harry stations himself next to her, moving his hips side to side, causing her to pull back from her instrument and let out the most amazing laugh.
He's going to do that every time from now on, just so he can hear that again.
That song ends, and she moves into the center with the rest of the horn players, walking through to the other side of the stage as they start their intro for 'What Makes You Beautiful'.
He moves back to the mic stand in front of the walkway, trying to catch glimpses of her every so often, as she stands near the corner to his left.
"I don't know why you're being shy, and turn away when I look into your eyes."
He takes a few steps to his left, pointing his arms out to the fans and encouraging them to sing the bridge.
At that moment, something whizzes over in his direction and lands by his feet. He takes a quick look down, and then to his left, noticing that YN has moved a few feet over to the other side of the stage. He sees Mitch taking a couple of glances over to her as well, mouthing something, but she nods and continues to play.
As the final chorus nears, the four horn players move back to the center of the stage to play the last parts of the song.
He grabs his mic from the stand and engages the crowd, instantly requesting that they applaud for the horn players. He watches as YN gives a wave to the crowd, confused as to why she isn't doing it as vibrant as normal. She could just be tired, though she usually pushes through it, but it's been an intense leg of the tour in Los Angeles.
The time between that and 'Late Night Talking', while Parris plays his beautiful solo, is usually one of his favorite moments, because he has a little bit more time to interact with her on stage. Even if it's only a quick comment or joke, he loves it and takes what he can get. But as he moves closer to grab his water bottle, he sees her talking to Pauli, who swiftly hands her a spare face cloth that he keeps by him.
Harry immediately frowns and quickens his pace over to her.
"What's wrong?"
She wipes herself off and shakes her head, keeping her gaze downward. He can't remember a time where she wasn't happy and bright. But now she looks embarrassed, and sad, which pains him to see.
"Some… something hit me."
"What? Where? How?" He blurts out, not even fully able to process what she is explaining had occurred.
"A fan threw something. I don't know what it was." She sighs, flickering her gaze up to him with a troubling expression across her face.
"Shit. Are you alright?" He steps closer to her, unintentionally placing his hand on the middle of her back, and he feels her shiver under his touch. He removes it, his eyes fixated on her, and he feels some relief when he sees a small smile appear on her face.
"I'll be okay." She assures him. Her trumpet lifts up to her lips, the ones he has wondered what they would feel like against his, and he realizes that Parris has finished his part. "Let's get on with it."
He bites his lower lip as she gives him a wink, and feels a blush form on his own cheeks. If she knew what she does to him, she probably wouldn't be doing that. But he'll take it.
He sings through the second chorus on the closest walkway, still giddy at the fact that he can pick out her trumpet from the others, and he just knows she is swaying back and forth to the lyrics as she always does.
However, he turns around to make his way back, pointing his mic back out to the crowd, and when he sees YN again, she is holding her fingers against the spot over her left eyebrow.
Instantly his chest tightens and he bounces back over there as the song ends. She makes her way back to the center with the others while he takes a quick gulp of water, turning around when they begin to play 'Watermelon Sugar'.
"I'm bleeding." He hears her state to Parris.
"Okay. Go." Parris replies, and Harry follows after her.
"YN." He tries to shout without causing too much of a fuss, but she steps down the stairs, and he clenches his jaw as he watches her make her way backstage.
This isn't good, and he really hopes he can get through this song now.
"Alright, if… if you know this one, please… please do sing along." He stumbles through his words, his eyes still glaring over to the spot where YN exited.
Performing this one isn't as fun this time, though the crowd are probably none the wiser, as he keeps his professionalism as intact as possible. But it is different. She's usually on the walkway in front of him, dancing away as she plays, causing his heart to flutter each time she moves.
He either closes his eyes or moves around the stage a bit, hoping to momentarily distract himself from her, and stay focused on the music. At least to get through the song.
And thankfully he does.
As soon as it ends, the rest of the horn players make their way off the stage, and Harry immediately rushes over to his little setup in front of Pauli.
"Start playing, but I want to talk with the crowd for a moment." He states into the band mic, for only the crew to hear.
They softly play the melody of 'Love of My Life' and he raises his hand as if to signal that he has something to say.
"Thank you Los Angeles, so much, for all of your support. I, more than anyone, know that I couldn't do this without all of you. I hope you have had a great time." The crowd cheers, and stomps, and he responds with some kisses blown around the venue. Then his expression becomes a bit more solemn and he turns back to the mic. "I want to say that my number one priority for everyone here tonight has been safety. That includes everyone on stage as well."
The crowd immediately hushes, which usually doesn't happen without his lead, and it shocks him. But hopefully it means they'll hear his message.
"I always encourage you to dance, sing, and interact. I always suggest that you treat everyone with kindness. And now, I also ask that you please think about these amazing people on stage, and refrain from throwing things that could potentially hurt someone. One of our members was hurt during a song tonight and unfortunately had to leave." He pulls back, clearing his throat in an attempt to keep his frustration at bay. "We want to be able to keep doing this with you for as long as possible, so we all need to make sure that safety is our top priority. So let's keep it safe and have some more fun. How does that sound, Los Angeles?"
He holds two thumbs up to the fans, swiveling around while everyone begins to cheer again, and walks over to his mic for the next song. The last one before their little break, and before their encore. He'll be done soon.
He knows his energy has diminished a bit, which is fine for 'Love of My Life', because his mind is back on YN. He desperately wants to know if she is okay. Needs to know, at this point.
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During the break before their encore, Harry rushed underneath and pleaded with the crew to find out what had happened to YN, and whether she's being taken care of. They assured him that she is fine, but he couldn't get rid of his worry.
He put on his best entertainer persona for the last three songs, feeding off the excitement of the crowd to get him through until the end.
But once 'Kiwi' was finished, he blew kisses to the fans and sprinted backstage, immediately feeling frantic.
"H, man, you doing okay?" His manager asks, concern all over his face.
"Where is YN?" Harry quickly asks, not even bothering to answer about himself.
"Where's YN? She got hit by something. She had to get off stage. Where'd she go?" He asks, feeling frazzled like he never has before.
"Oh. Uh, I haven't seen her, maybe-"
Harry strides off, not really knowing which direction to head, but willing to walk all over the place to find her.
He sees another familiar face, feeling some hope that she'll have an answer.
"Lorren, where's YN?" He asks, hoping his tone is a bit more calm than it was with Jeff, but knowing he could be failing.
"She's in the common room." Lorren replies, a small smirk forming suddenly. "She's okay, Harry."
His eyes grow wide and he stands up straighter, more stable, more casual. Or at least trying to.
"Yeah. Of course. I just… wanted to check in with her." He utters, but her intrigued, raised eyebrow tells him that she doesn't accept his answer.
"Harry…" She chuckles. "I know you care about her more than that…"
"What? No-... I mean…" He sighs, running a ringed hand through his sweaty hair. "Shit."
Lorren laughs again and she puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Your secret is safe with me."
He nods and feels a hot burn flooding his cheeks, not even attempting to hide it since she clearly knows she's right.
"Does she fee-" He begins, immediately stopping as he sees her pull her lips inward. "Nevermind. Doesn't matter. I'm just… gonna check on her."
Lorren nods and smiles, squeezing his shoulder then pointing down the hallway.
"Good luck…" She teases as she walks away.
"Nothing." She replies, already opening the door to another room.
He takes a deep breath and turns back around to the direction he needs to go, his steps faster the closer he gets to the room she is occupying.
He opens the door without hesitation, instantly seeing YN sitting on the sofa with an ice pack held on her face, and her phone in the other hand.
He clears his throat as he takes a few steps towards her, slower than they were in the hallway, and his heart pounds faster than it just had been.
"Hello." He utters, not wanting to startle her. She shoots her gaze up to him and he feels butterflies as she immediately smiles. She may have looked different on stage after the incident, but he is happy to see that her bright demeanor seems to have returned. His concern begins to melt away.
"Hi." She responds, putting her phone down, along with the ice pack. She winces as she does, and as he moves to the sofa, he finally sees the large gash on her forehead.
His heart sinks, and he is thankful for the close proximity to the furniture, because his knees almost give out completely as he takes a seat next to her, on the opposite side of where her cut is.
"Fuck, YN, are you alright?" He inquires, his gaze flickering between her gorgeous, sparkling eyes and her anger-inducing wound. His jaw instantly clenches and his palms ball into fists. He can't believe this happened, especially to her. His gaze drops, and he begins to fill with guilt. "I'm so sorry you got hurt."
Suddenly, he feels the warmth and soft touch of her hand on his, causing the tension in his palms to release right away.
"It's not your fault, H. And I'm okay."
He looks up to her again, being met with the gaze he tries hard not to get lost in, but fails every time he's close enough to see it.
"I just…" He sighs and shakes his head, not entirely sure what he wants to express, and worried it could be more than he should. "I just want to… know that you're alright."
"That's sweet." She utters, a tenderness in her tone. He smiles at the irony of her attempt to calm him, when it should be the other way around. "I am. I am alright."
A squeeze of YN's hand grabs his gaze once again, and he just sits in silence as he, once again, gets lost in her eyes.
His hand unintentionally reaches up, gently resting under her chin as he turns her head to view her wound, sighing once more at the sight of it. His thumb reaches up, gliding over her skin, right under the cut, and a tingle rushes over him.
A strong exhale leaves her mouth and he turns her head back to him, his eyes tracing the lines of her lips. He looks back to her gaze, his breath hitching at her beauty, and his body acts on his feelings as he leans in, gently pressing his lips against her own.
She lets out a small sigh, which snaps him back to reality, and he pulls back.
"Shit. I'm… fuck, I'm sorry." His hand drops and he scoots his body further away from her, feeling every ounce of embarrassment possible. He didn't want to make the first move, if there was even one to be made. What if she didn't want it? What if she hated it? "Fuck."
"Please, don't…" She clears her throat, a sudden timidness in her tone. "Please don't be sorry."
Harry's heart begins to race, and he glances up to see her smile. However, a knock on the half-closed door causes both their heads to turn that way, and they both sit up straighter.
"I finally found a bandaid." A venue staff member states, handing it to YN and walking out.
She begins to open it up, removing the strips and exposing the sticky sides, then looks around the room for a mirror.
"Here." Harry reaches out, grazing her hand, and regaining her attention. "Let me."
She hands him the bandage, and he scoots closer again, their thighs barely touching, but just enough for his stomach to fill with butterflies.
He gently places the band-aid over her cut, gliding his thumb over the corners to make sure they stay secured. His gaze drops down, and his breath hitches as he sees her gazing up to him through her lashes.
His palm slides down and rests on her cheek, and she tilts her head upwards, their lips hovering in front of each other.
"Thank you." She whispers, her own hand placing itself on top of his.
Harry attempts to swallow down the lump stuck in his throat, but is interrupted by the sudden soft pressure against his lips. He lets out a quiet whimper, and her hand moves around to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her. His mouth begins to move with hers, and the tip of his tongue teases the gap between her lips.
She suddenly pulls away, and a frown forms on his face, until her gaze flickers to the door and he hears the chatter in the hallway that must have caused her to stop.
He pushes back, only out of caution and respect for both of their privacy, and grins when he sees her blush.
"You know, I've had recent experience with eye injuries."
"Right. You have." She giggles.
"If you want… you don't have to… but if you want to, you… you could come to my suite." He clears his throat. "To hang out. And I can keep an eye on that injury for you."
"No pun intended." She laughs, and his grin, surprisingly, grows wider. She's still so bright, and he's already down bad.
"I…" She begins, another blush instantly taking over her delicate skin. "I wouldn't mind seeing you looking at me a little more tonight."
"Oh my god." He breaths out, swiftly throwing his palms over his face.
He feels her fingers wrap around his wrist and removes his hands to find her standing in front of him. She tugs on his arm, and he lifts himself off the chair.
"Then maybe I'll get the chance to do the same." She states, biting her lower lip before letting him go and moving around the room to grab her stuff.
Yeah. He's definitely down bad, and despite her being injured, this just may end up being the best show by far.
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burrow-ix · 1 year
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Ted’s pool party turned out to be a lot more fun than you thought it would be…👀
Warnings: Joe looking like a beach babe, emphasize the BABE; smut; fingering if you squint; that freaking chain; etc.
Also this is like probs my first official time writing smut so hopefully it doesn’t bore you or make you cringe, if it does, I am so sorry :*)
Also, thanks to @balanceingrace for the encouragement❤️
Part Two is Here!
You and Joe arrive at Ted’s house for the pool party he was having for Memorial Day weekend. A lot of Joe’s teammates and their girlfriends and wives were going to be there as well, so you talked Joe into going so he could be social for once.
You sit down in-between Joe Bachie’s girlfriend, Holly and Sam’s girlfriend, Jess on the edge of the pool along with a couple of the other girls.
“That hair driving Joe nuts yet?” Holly asks and you giggle.
“Not yet anyway. He does mess with it constantly but I honestly think he likes it. We’ll see how he feels about it in July and August when its borderline 100 degrees during practice” you give her a smug look and she laughs.
“What do you think about it?” Jess smirks.
“I like it. It’s different. We were together for almost a year when he grew it out super long the first time and I didn’t mind it then but I’m curious to see what he’d look like with it now. That man has aged like fine wine so I’m excited to see some flow” you bite your lip and the girls giggle.
“You talkin’ shit?” Joe asks from behind you, standing over you.
“About you? Of course” you smile back at him and he just shakes his head as he hands you a cold bottle of water.
When you looks back at your man, you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander.
Joe had come back from playing basketball with some of the guys, his button up shirt all the way unbuttoned, showing his tan, sweaty, toned chest and torso. His chest being your weakness. His hair that has gotten longer over the past couple months and you were becoming feral over this new style he was trying. His hair was more blonde than usual, all thanks to the sun. The dirty blonde becoming low lights while the blonde really shown through. His Cartier sunglasses sitting nicely on his nose and cheekbones along with his chain around his neck that glittered in the sun, the rays bring out the jewels perfectly. Good God, you thought, if he just bent me over right now-.
“Damn, when did you turn into a slut?” You dip down your sunglasses at him, trying to joke with him instead of pouncing on him like a freaking tiger.
“A long time ago. When I started dating you” he dips his sunglasses down, copying you and shooting you a wink, which just made you even more hot. He’s such a jerk.
“Jesus” you mutter under your breath. This was too much stimulation for you, and you was afraid that if you looked at him any longer that you would
1) do or say something that no one else around should experience in public or 2) melt; which you were already doing.
“Well you need to quit because all of your ‘girlies’ can’t handle all of this” you motions to the heavenly being that was him. You couldn’t even handle all of that.
“Oh this is just for you, pretty girl. No one else to impress but you” he looks smugly at you, that famous smirk making its way onto his perfect lips.
And…it was done. That did you in.
You turn back around, facing the pool. You look over at Holly who knew what you were thinking.
“I’ll cover for you, get ya some” she smirks and nods her head towards the house.
“Thank you” you whisper to her before climbing out of the pool and facing back towards Joe. He chuckles lowly and you place your hand on his lower back, turning him around and pushing him nonchalantly into the house.
“Something wrong?” Joe asks you sarcastically, knowing the effect he has on you. Knowing your weaknesses that easily make you all hot and bothered for him.
You push him down the hallway and into the guest room and shutting the door behind you, locking it without even looking, just watching your man stare at you with eyes that were once bright blue, now dark as the depths of the ocean. And you were about to go for a dive.
“You” you tell him plainly. You make your way toward him, your hands finding their way to his bare, broad chest and your eyes looking up at him through your lashes.
“You are what’s wrong…but so right” you whisper.
In seconds, his strong hands grab your cheeks and his lips are on yours. Hard, unyielding, but loving and passionate. He couldn’t get enough of you and that damn berry chapstick you wore all the time. Your lips have never tasted any different.
His hands slide into your hair, gripping onto your long locks, slightly tugging which makes you moan against his mouth, causing his lips to curve up into a small smile.
Joe wasn’t one for PDA, but you get him in a room by yourselves, he was on you in less than a minute. Believe it or not, the man was handsy. But you didn’t mind the feeling of his strong, veiny hands on you, touching you, holding you. It was ecstasy.
His hands grip your hips as yours slide up his chest, to his shoulders, around his neck and into his dirty blonde hair that was now longer, easier to pull. He moans against your lips, spinning you around and letting you fall against the mattress, him going to pull his shirt off but you stop him.
“No. You better leave that on or so help me god-“
“Okay then” he chuckles, “can I take my shorts off or do I have to leave those on too?”
“Off, smart ass” you roll your eyes as you reach for his shorts, unbuttoning them and shoving them down his legs.
“These too?” He asks smugly, snapping the band of his boxer briefs against this skin.
“Joseph, I swear to god-“
“Okay, I’m done” he laughs, leaning down to reattach his lips to yours.
He quickly rids himself of his underwear, also quickly pulling your shorts and your blue bikini bottoms down all in one go and throwing them on the floor. He reaches behind your neck, his fingers sending chills down your spine as he pulls one the strings to your top loose, causing the tie to come undone.
He kisses down your neck, latching onto the place under your ear that makes you weak. He’s careful to not leave a mark, knowing you’d have his ass for having to walk back out to his teammates and their girls with a bright purple and red mark on your neck.
He makes his way down the column of your neck, you becoming a moaning mess, wanting him to be inside you already. He eventually arrives to your chest where he grabs onto the cloth of your matching blue bikini top with his teeth and pulling it down to expose your “perfect” breasts; his words.
“I’m obsessed with you” he says lowly, looking up at you through those blonde lashes and instantly latches onto your right nipple.
“Mmm” you moan, holding onto the back of his head, your fingers tangling into his hair as he swirls his incredible tongue around the bud.
He knew the other one was getting jealous so he moved over to your left breast, giving it the same amount of attention as the right. Joe was neither a boob or a butt guy; he was both. If he had to choose between your boobs or your butt, he would surely die.
Joe pulls away from your chest and looks into your eyes. He takes his index and middle finger and brings it to his mouth, licking them and bring them down to your core. You gasp as they brush your clit, him slowly circling it just to get you more worked up than you already were.
He drags them down to your entrance, teasing you as he feels the mess you’ve already made of yourself.
“Just wanted to make sure you were ready for me” he smirks.
“Always ready for you” you whine as he pulls his fingers away and brings them back up to his mouth, sucking your juices off of them.
“I know” he smiles.
He spits into his hand and brings it down to his dick who was also always ready for you.
You reach down and wrap your hand around him, slowly pumping him.
“O-oh shit” he groans, dropping his head to your shoulder.
You pick up the pace, a bead of precum appearing on his tip, he was starting to become a moaning mess. You take your thumb and slide it over his tip and let go of him to bring your thumb to your mouth. Slipping it into your mouth, you swirl around it, tasting him to which he watches you intently.
“I need to feel you, now” he says, his voice low and raspy. He lines himself up with your entrance before slowly, almost painfully pushing himself in.
“God” you moan out, your breath hitching in your throat as he hit your cervix. You’ll never get used to him, it’s always a pleasant surprise.
“You feel insane, baby” he groans, his head dipping down to your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. Your hands still in his hair, obsessed with gripping onto and pulling on his now longer blonde curls.
He pulls out and pushes all the way back in again, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Joe starts to pick up the pace, the sound of skin smacking skin making the experience oh-so-much better and intense.
“Look at me” he breathes out, his face hovering over yours, that chain gently hitting your chin as he continues to thrust into you. Oh, that could make you come undone right then and there. God bless that freaking chain.
“You are so pretty, Jesus-“ he hisses, starting to fully pound into you, repeatedly hitting that soft spot inside of you, making your eyes roll back once again.
“Joe, I’m gonna-“ your eyes screwing shut as your hands go under the back of his shirt, gripping onto his muscular back.
“Let go, baby, let go” he grunts, his dick spasming against your walls as they clinch around him. He brings his lips back down to yours as you come undone, whimpering into his mouth as he continues to thrust into you, the oversensitivity starting to kick in.
With a couple more sporadic thrusts, moaning your name against your lips, he lets go, coating your walls.
He pulls out of you gently, both of you whimpering at the sensitive feeling. He lies down next to you, both of you trying to catch your breath.
“So the unbuttoned shirt is officially approved?” Joe asks, looking over at you and you giggle.
“10 stamps of approval” you smile at him and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Cool” he smiles back at you before leaning over to you and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“We should probably go back out there before they start to get suspicious” Joe sits up and pulls his underwear and shorts up his long legs and sets your bikini bottoms and shorts on the bed next to you.
“Joe, they’re not stupid, they know damn well what we came in here to do” you scoff and he laughs.
“Well, I’m going to blame it on you if they ask” He helps you stand up.
“Go right ahead and see what happens, you jerk” you narrow your eyes at him as you tie your bikini top strings back.
“Go pee. You can threaten me later, pretty girl” he winks and gives your ass a healthy smack as you make your way to the bathroom.
“It’s not threatening, it’s promising, JB” you tell him, patting his chest.
“Also,” you stop in the doorway, “you should wear that all of the time”
You smirk at him as he smiles at you.
“Oh I will wear it everyday if I get the exact same reaction I did today” he nods.
“Good” you wink and shut the door behind you.
After getting yourself cleaned up and fixing your sex hair, you walk back outside to where Joe was already sitting with the guys, chatting away.
You walk over to Joe and sit yourself on his thick thighs, your favorite seat to sit on, other than his face. Joe presses a kiss to the back of your shoulder, once again, sending a chill down your back. You shoot him a loaded look over your shoulder and he smiles up at you, those blue eyes glistening behind his sunglasses.
“Love you” he mouths to you and you blush.
“Love you” you mouth back and turn your attention back to the guys.
One of these days, he will be the death you. But hey, that would be a great way to go out.
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lace-coffin · 20 days
Hi!!! I really like your headcanons and I would’ve liked if your wrote some headcanons for Brahms Heelshire, Thomas Hewitt and Yautja (male if possible) with a muscular female reader. A muscle mommy if you will.
Pretty please :3
Hi! I’m so glad you like my headcanons that’s so lovely to hear < 3 I had such a good time writing this omg! I’m gonna write a fem yautja aswell for my little lesbian self !
How would the slashers react to a Muscle mommy!Reader? (NSFW)
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Requests are open!
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms loves your muscles, he thinks you’re the most attractive person on this earth anyway but the muscles are an added bonus. He always feels so safe wrapped in your big arms when he’s having a bad day, it makes him feel grounded and protected.
He absolutely loves being put in his place, Brahms can be pretty stubborn at the best of times. Refusing to go to his lessons or take a bath? Up you go! Feel free to give his ass a slap if he kicks. He’ll yell and play up but he loves it, being manhandled over your shoulder like an object. Just ignore the boner pressing into you that he totally doesn’t have and is very angry about.
Demands to add your workout to his schedule. Brahms absolutely sits at the table with a little cup of tea and enjoys the show. The way the sweat drips down your arms is absolutely sinful and he loves every moment.
He absolutely hides behind you if you see a mouse or rat scuttle along the floor of the old mansion. Will your muscles realistically help against a mouse? Probably not. Is the mouse actually going to hurt a fully grown man? No. Does Brahms give a shit? No to both.
Thomas Hewitt
Tommy is a big guy himself, especially in the arm department, so he can appreciate how much work and time goes into your muscles. He defiantly has some weights and gym equipment in the basement for when it’s too hot to work out outside or you don’t feel like leaving the house. It’s a lot darker and cooler down there so you don’t have to worry about passing out from the heat or getting sunburnt.
Tommy will make himself ‘Busy’ in the basement when you’re working out. In reality he’s just moving things around pointlessly in an attempt to look like he’s not ogling you from across the room. If you tease him about it his ears will go a cute shade of pink. Let him know he’s allowed to just watch, he doesn’t need an excuse, hell, give him a little show whilst you’re at it.
Arm wrestling is a family event, and by that I mean you and Tommy wrestle and Hoyt yells from the sidelines. It’s nice for Tommy to have someone to roughhouse with without worrying about snapping their arm like a twig. It’s all fun and games so it’s not about who’s winning. Who’s counting anyway? (You’re totally winning)
If you want to fluster him easily then flex for him, pop him a flex whilst you’re helping move barn equipment, he eats it up every time. If you’re sweaty from the heavy lifting too? Even better
Hoyt has less chance of messing with or insulting you if you’re ripped. knowing that he’s an older man and that you could crush him like a tin can saves you from his scrutiny most of the time. Not that you think you would get to kick his ass before Tommy jumped in, but the idea is nice.
Male Yautja
Your partner is used to seeing female yautja bigger and stronger than himself but seeing it on you is so…different and exciting. He’s fascinated by the way the hard muscle sits on your human frame. He’d be lying if he said your strength didn’t lure him in.
He’s super proud of you, shows you off as his mate at any given chance, excitedly talking about how committed to training you are and how you’re perfectly made for hunting. His human is so little but so strong!!
Your mate loves to gift you jewellery and clothing, especially ones that accentuate your arms and midriff, totally not for his own prying eyes or anything. Bone accessories hang around your biceps, hand tied by your mate. He won’t be offended if you gain more muscle and he needs to alter his jewellery, infact he’d be delighted.
You’re not as strong as him considering he’s a massive reptile-esque alien who could crush you like a bug but you’re strong enough for him to not be as worried about hurting you as he would a normal human. You can play rough and dish it out at the same time. Sometimes he lets you win but he won’t tell you that.
Play fighting is always exiting, one minute you’re cuddling in your nest and the next you have him in a headlock, it’s a dirty move but it’s so worth it to see his mandibles flair as he flails in surprise. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it a little hot too.
Female Yautja
Female Yautja are known for their strength and stature so having someone who stands on even ground (or as even as it can be with your mates strength) is impressive and new to her.
Dressing you up is a favourite pass time of hers, draping you in the finest silky materials from all over the planets and bone jewellery, hand crafted and hunted personally. Your mate is gratuitous in using semi-transparent fabrics for your outfits, giving herself ample opportunity to see slithers of taught muscles as you go about day to day.
Mating is always intense to say the least, usually females will wrestle the males for dominance during intercourse and well, you pack some weight behind you. Both of you are well defined in the muscle area and neither of you like to loose. Luckily you both have pretty good stamina so you’re not exhausted before you actually get to the deed. Sometimes you manage to pin her and the look on her face is gorgeous, fucked out flustered, she might even tilt her head in submission and give you access to her neck if you’re lucky.
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aurorawritestoescape · 7 months
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Pairing: no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel, you and a bowl of strawberries.
Tw: 18+ mdni smut, PWP, DDLG dynamic, Joel is super soft, food play🍓, cum eating, toy, unprotected piv (wrap it up obv), creampie, mentions of oral (f and m!receiving), multiple orgasms, lots of ‘daddy’, pet names ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’.
Word count: 2,3k
Same couple - Sweet Remedy
“Look what daddy has for you,” Joel gets on the bed next to you with a bowl in his hands.
“What?” you ask, turning on your back, your voice raspy after a nap. You yawn, stretching your arms and legs and your sweater rides up exposing more of your body. You notice Joel’s eyes linger on your exposed belly and slide down to your thighs barely covered with pink sleep shorts. You lift yourself on your elbows and crane your neck to look inside the bowl. You squeal with excitement seeing it being full of ripe strawberries.
“Ohh, give me, give me,” you chant and sit up before your hand darts to one of the biggest berries.
“Not so fast, baby,” Joel pulls the bowl away from you and places it on the nightstand next to your bed behind him.
You whine and furrow your eyebrows at him.
“You said they’re for me, daddy. Why can’t I have some?” You pout your lips and cross your legs. Your shorts slide up, covering even less of your thighs now. Then you remember that your brattiness usually gets you nothing but punishment from Joel and quickly decide to change your strategy. You drop your head down and look up at him with your beautiful doe eyes. “I’ve been a good girl, haven’t I?” you breathe out biting your lip, an image of innocence and obedience.
Corners of Joel’s mouth rise up as he knows perfectly well what you’re doing. Your dynamic is comfortable and familiar for the both of you at this point.
His hand finds your thigh and he glides it up your exposed skin warming you up and at the same time sending chills down your body.
“You have, baby. You made daddy very proud this morning. Can still feel your throat squeezing my cock.” You give him a shy smile and glance down at your hands. Your heart is singing at the praise and you feel your panties getting damper.
“I loved seeing you take me so deep. With tears on your pretty cheeks. But daddy kissed them all away, right?”
You smile wider and nod with admiration lighting up your face. You tremble at the memory of his big cock stretching your throat, gliding in and out as you finally managed to take all of him. You almost clapped when your nose nuzzled his trimmed pubic hair. Swept with excitement as well he came quickly after, squirting his cum down your throat, his fist clenching your hair.
You felt his immense gratitude soon after when he was practically devouring your pussy and then lapping at your juices after you came on his tongue twice.
Now his hand reaches your covered center and strokes it gently with his thumb making your pussy clench.
“Daddy…” you purr and open your thighs wider for him.
“Lie back down, sweetheart,” Joel tells in a tender tone and you quickly follow his command, resting your head on the pillow and stretching out your legs.
He reaches behind and brings back a strawberry, fresh and covered in tiny water droplets. Your mouth is salivating and your lips part ready for the delicious treat. Unfortunately for you, Joel has other ideas. He puts it to your lower lip and then slides it down to your chin, along your neck pausing at the neckline of your soft sweater.
Your skin erupts in goosebumps at the sensation and you squirm anticipating what he’s going to do to you.. He takes the hem of your sweater and pulls it up revealing your breasts. Your nipples pebble quickly when Joel’s breath reaches them, his gaze hungry and dark.
He slides the berry between your tits and then circles one nipple and then the other making you flutter your eyes shut at the touch of the cold treat.
You whimper rubbing your thighs together and he chuckles softly. “So needy! Want something, sweetheart?” You glance up at him and nod, eyes begging.
“Can’t hear you, baby,” Joel scolds you and you lift your head to get closer to him before whispering as if you’re sharing a secret, “Need daddy’s cock.”
He growls and adjusts himself through his jeans. He leaves the strawberry between your breasts, gets up and quickly takes off his clothes, you both staring at each other with blown out eyes. You don’t take anything off, just watch him as you know all too well how much he loves undressing you himself.
When you see his semi hard cock, so big and girthy a mixture of excitement and fear takes over you, always in disbelief that your little pussy can take all that. You grab your breast and rub your nipple with a thumb but he tuts at you.
“Only daddy can touch, remember?” he chides and then adds with warmth and affection, “I’ll take care of you, baby. Don’t worry.”
Joel gets between your legs and slides your shorts and panties off in one swoop. He bends your knees with his warm hands opening you up to him and looks down at your glistening pussy. His finger strokes your folds and you open your thighs further, your clit pulsing with need. His gaze is hungry and impatient darting from your heat to your naked breasts and then face. He looks like a man who’s been starving for days, now presented with a feast. As if he doesn’t know where to start. He reaches between your bent legs to your chest and takes the strawberry left there before.
Holding the strawberry by the stem Joel draws a line from your breasts to your belly. For a second he deeps it into your belly button and then his hand travels south, to your mound. He slides the berry between your folds and you moan at the slightest pressure on your throbbing clit.
"My baby likes it?" he coos at you and you reply with another sweet sound as he rubs your clit gently with the strawberry. He parts your folds with his thick fingers and slides the treat down to your dripping hole.
"Daddy wants a taste." He deeps the berry into your entrance and swirls it around gathering your slick. His cock twitches. You squirm and guide your hips lower towards the object as your arousal engulfs you completely.
You whine when he pulls the strawberry out and places it to his lips. He bites a piece covered in your juices and shuts his eyes in pleasure.
“Delicious,” he mumbles and sends it all in his mouth leaving the stem and leaves.
“Want some?” he asks with a twinkle in his eyes and when you nod he reaches for another one. He gets back between your thighs and inserts the berry into your hole again. When he’s happy with its coating he lifts himself on his knees, climbs up your almost naked body and hovers over you, putting his hand on the bed next to your head. Joel brings the strawberry to your lips. You bite into it and some juice trickles down the side of your face but Joel doesn’t let it reach your light pink sheets. Instead he slowly licks it off your skin and then watches you chew on the treat. Your earthy aroma mixes with the sweet taste of the strawberry . He lowers himself covering your body with his but holds his weight on one elbow so he doesn’t crush you. Overwhelmed by his broad frame caging you in, desperate to touch him, you place your hands on his big shoulders, your hands looking so tiny against his strong body. Your pussy aches for him and you lift your hips, feeling his hard cock on your mound.
“Oh, baby,” Joel murmurs and kisses you lovingly, quickly breaching your lips. He licks into your mouth tasting the strawberry juice and then sucks on your tongue. Not being able to contain yourself you start grinding on him.
“I’m hot, daddy,” you whine as your sweater, his body and the arousal make the temperature rise. He lifts up his torso and helps you to take off your last piece of clothing.
You both are completely naked now, your bodies pressed together, his precome smearing on your hip. You lift one leg to wrap it around his waist and begin rubbing your wet pussy against his soft belly.
“So impatient, sweetheart,” Joel parts from your mouth and leaves a path of wet kisses from your lips to your jaw and neck. Your whimpers get louder, as your throbbing clit is finally getting much needed friction from his belly and his happy trail. You’re grinding faster and faster. His mouth reaches your breast and he nibbles on your nipple, gently but with enough force to send hot waves of pleasure to your pussy.
“Come, pretty girl,” he tells you, voice muffled by your breast in his mouth and the words push you over the edge. You come squeezing your eyes shut, still moving against him, your nails leaving marks on his shoulders and you’re holding on to him as if you’re going to float away any second.
“Just like that, yeah, good girl,” Joel praises you as pure bliss courses through your veins.
When your body stills Joel sits up and reaches for the nightstand drawer. You know what he’s about to take out and bend your knees in preparation, pressing them to your chest with your hands and spreading your thighs a little. He sits on his heels holding a pink dildo, not as thick and long as his own member, yet it’s perfect for stretching your pussy and getting you ready for daddy’s cock.
“Fuck, look at her,” he coos admiring the sight of the dildo gently sliding against your exposed core.
“All pink and swollen,” he comments and then bends down and kisses you right on your clit. You jerk with overstimulation, as your climax is still very recent.
He takes a hold of your knee with one hand, while the other places the tip of the dildo to your juicy hole. He nudges it and pushes into your slicked up entrance. You breathe out a shaky moan feeling the toy slowly spread you open.
Joel inserts it fully and starts thrusting it with his hand, his gaze is glued to the place where the toy is sliding in and out of you, his cock is throbbing and spilling precum down his shaft. You need it inside you, so desperate you feel you might cry. Joel glances at your face and reads your expression momentarily. “Aw, what is it, baby?”
You clear your throat and look at his cock, “Want you inside me, daddy. I’m stretched enough.”
He pulls out the dildo and hums approvingly at your gaping hole. He climbs up your body and asks you to open your mouth. You do as you’re told and he sticks the dildo between your lips wiping your juices on your tongue. You wrap your lips around it and suck, completely at his mercy, pressed into your bed and shielded from the whole world by his body. He’s here and he’s going to take care of you.
When the toy is cleaned he puts it on the bed and takes a hold of his length. You finally feel his hot tip slide between your folds. He rubs your clit and you moan loudly. He pushes and slides in easily, your pussy soaked and stretched out perfectly. “Oh, yeah,” you hear him breath out on your cheek. You still feel a little tight but the ache is pleasant and welcomed.
Joel bottoms out and you feel like yourself again, full and complete like his cock was the last puzzle missing from your life.
He kisses you again and fucks you with slow and hard thrusts.
“You feel so good, my good girl,” he whispers into your ear, his breath hot and wet on your neck.
“You too, daddy, you’re so big.”
He growls and starts pounding you, his release is imminent. His hand slips down between your bodies and finds your clit. He rolls it between his fingers making you whimper and then starts rubbing it faster with two of his think fingers. His cock, thick and stiff, slides in and out, tip hitting your cervix just right.
He’s licking into your mouth, sucking on your tongue, biting your lower lip and you lose your mind under his caress, cock drunk, pleasure drunk and you feel it coming again, burning deep and bright in your belly, your second orgasm. It burns and burns and then finally hits you hard. You gush all over his cock and balls, his thighs and your bed. He still rubs and fucks you through your climax and the lewd sounds of your overflowing pussy fill the bedroom. He follows you quickly after that, shooting ropes of cum deep into your core, more and more until you’re full to the brim and his hot seed seeps out of your pussy with every thrust and trickles down to your ass.
Still inside you Joel kisses you and you make our lazily for some time, both fucked out and drunk on endorphins. Then he pulls out and plunges next to you on the bed. More of his spend spills out of your hole and you squirm, the inside of your thighs soaked.
“Is my baby happy now?” He asks you softly, peppering kisses over your shoulder and neck.
You turn on your side and rest your head on his broad shoulder. Fully satiated you close your eyes, sleepy again and hum with approval.
You sense a movement and open your eyes to see Joel getting a strawberry. He lifts your thigh and glides the berry between your folds. When he lifts it up it’s dripping his and your cum and you lick your lips in anticipation.
“I’ll share, sweetheart,” He places the strawberry between his teeth and brings it to your mouth. You bite into it before Joel’s lips find yours, your kiss quickly turning messy and sweet.
Thank you for reading!
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Your feedback is super important to me💖
Tag list: @missannwinchester @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @bbyanarchist @pedritoferg
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I dont know if your request is still open, but if it is can you make a young reader(maybe 25-26) and Re6 Leon, with reader as his new neighbour? Maybe with reader baking a "nice to meet you" cake or pie and give it to Leon after he came from a mission?
Thank you very much 😘
HI! i loved this and has to write it- i added my own twist to it and am TOTALLY thinking about writing a part two, depends on what you guys think <3
gn! younger neighbor reader x Re6 older leon
DISCLAIMER: This is an 18+ blog! If you are underaged or don’t have an age indicator in your bio, please don’t interact!
Warnings: none actually- yet. but it does switch between reader and leon perspective it should be easy to catch onto
word count: 1,141
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“Get! Go!”
You yelled at the group of kids walking toward your neighbor's abandoned house. A sigh leaves your lips as you water the flower bushes in your front yard. Your eyes scanned his yard, frowning at the dead grass and bushes. You look around for a few seconds before you walk over to your hose, filling up your watering pot and carrying the heavy bucket over to his dead lawn. Your hand on your hip as you watered his dead flower bush, your hose that you had dragged with all your light watering at his grass. You’ve never once met him. He comes and goes so frequently that this is what happens to his yard. A dead lawn can make anyone spiral into a depression. You did this same thing every day for almost a month, waking up bright and early to care for his plants. This morning was supposed to be no different, coming home from your graveyard shift at the diner, the sun barely rising. Your hand reaches down to turn on your hose, but your movements are abruptly stopped when your head turns to his house, actually seeing a car in the driveway and the kitchen light dimly lighting through his blinds.
Leon’s body was sore. And mentally, he was too, his eyes barely open as he drove down the street, his fingers impatiently tapping at his steering wheel. He couldn’t wait to lay down on a bed or even take a shower- did he even pre-pay his bills? The negative thoughts overwhelmed him as he pulled into his driveway, sighing as he stared at the garage door. Pulling his keys from the ignition. He stepped out of his car, admiring the soft blue sky. When his foot hit the grass, his eyebrows rose in confusion, looking down to see the beautiful green. Then he saw the bushes. He walked around the small perimeter, noticing the hose lying at the edge of his grass. He followed it slowly to see it led directly to your house. A soft “hm” left his lips as he walked up his porch steps, pushing through his front door.
You couldn’t sleep- of course, you couldn’t. Your black work shirt is covered in flour. Since you got home, you’ve been working on making the best apple pie you’ve ever made. Your fingers were sticky from the homemade filling. After scrubbing your hands for the sixth time, you squeal in excitement as the timer goes off, pushing the oven mitts onto your hands as you pull it open, being smacked in the face with slight smoke.
You whisper as you lay the pie on the counter, your nail scraping over the crust. You hoped he liked apple pie or just pie in general. What if he hates sweets? You shake your head free from negative thoughts as you pull new jeans on and a pretty shirt to go perfectly. Swiping on your peach chapstick. You take a deep breath as you look in the mirror, looking down at your watch to see it is eight already. It was super early- maybe he wasn’t even awake. You groan to yourself as you pick up the pie, smiling at the small amount of powdered sugar on top. You walk down your driveway and the sidewalk. Your eyes scan the grass you nursed to health. When did you get to the front door? You stared at the pretty auburn wood, moving the pie against your right arm as you reached for the doorbell, pressing your finger against it softly. Twelve seconds, fuck, he’s asleep. Your body shifts on your feet as you sigh in defeat, turning and walking down the first step before the door creaks behind you.
“Can I help you?”
The deep voice bounces through your brain as your footsteps back, your body turning to him—a kind smile tugging at your lips as you hold the pie out.
“Hi, I'm your neighbor- I haven’t noticed your home in forever, and I don’t think I’ve ever introduced myself..”
Leon’s eyes scanned your face, his eyes dancing over your lips and then down at your pie. God did he love pie. He meant to introduce himself, his mouth opening to speak but-
“You’re the one who’s been watering my lawn?”
You blinked at Leon, confused, as you stepped back a bit before slowly nodding, looking back at the healthy grass.
“Well, yes- My garden is as perfect as I wanted it to be, and I thought it would be a kind gesture..”
Leon’s arm leaned against the door frame, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. He looked exhausted, poor thing. He pushed himself off the frame, opening the door wider for you.
“Please, come in.”
You were surprised; you didn’t think he would speak to you. You thanked him quietly before you stepped into his door, looking around the house. Simple, no pictures on the walls, simple kitchen with essential appliances. You laid the pie on his counter before you turned to him, that gentle smile still on your face.
“It’s homemade. Hope you like apple.”
You speak as Leon walks to the kitchen, standing a few feet from you before he puts his hand out.
“Leon, and you?”
“Y/N, It's really nice to meet you finally.”
Beautiful. Beautiful smile beautiful presence. Leon has always had to train himself not to see the evil in people automatically. How could he say no to you? Standing pretty on his porch as if he didn’t watch you baking in your wide-open kitchen window for almost three hours. He reached for his wallet, pulling out a couple hundred in cash, reaching his hand out to you.
“For the trouble of my lawn.”
Your laugh echoed throughout his kitchen as you shook your head, refusing to accept his money.
“Leon, I took care of your lawn as a form of basic human kindness. It was a great distraction for me. I respectfully decline.”
Leon stared at you, his eyes blinking in confusion as he shoved his wallet back into his pocket.
“Here. This is my number. When you know you’re going out of town for work or anything, give me a call or just knock on my door. I’ll clean for you.”
You nodded your head as you wrote down your number on the small notepad stuck to his fridge. You walked past him, waving your hand.
“Bye, Leon.”
It was the best pie he had ever had. Never has he finished half a pie in a single day. He could never sleep after coming home from missions; his body slumped on the couch as he peered out the window, dreading the disappointment in his chest at the sight of your car still being gone. But like magic, you pulled into your driveway. Maybe he liked the simple things in life, the simple things being you. He leaned over, his eyes switching the view to your still-open kitchen window, seeing you throw your purse onto the counter. He hummed to himself as he reached for his phone, dialing your number. Watching you smile as you reached for the phone, pressing it to your ear, following your lips as your voice echoed through his phone.
Sweet voice.
“It’s me. I just wanted to thank you sincerely for the pie. It's definitely the best pie I've ever had.”
Leon chuckled as he stood up, tilting his phone as he held it to his ear with his shoulder.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, I'm a great cook, and I can make you whatever cake you want.”
Leon’s head nodded as he leaned against his counter.
“Do you want to catch dinner sometime?”
He wished he could see your surprised reaction from his position on the couch, but your stuttering spoke volume.
“If you want to come over tonight- I can definitely make you something really good.”
Leon smiled as he walked to his bathroom, looking in the mirror.
“You this sweet to every guy? Or are you just being nice because I'm old?”
Leon teased as he pushed his way out of his bathroom and to his room.
“Oh, Leon, stop it. I do respect my elders, though..”
You joked, your giggle making his heart race as he looked for a somewhat lovely shirt.
“Nine? I’ll start cooking now.”
Leon tilted back, looking out his bedroom window. to see you digging through your fridge, a smile growing as he nodded.
“Nine is perfect, I’ll be right over.”
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pinkgy · 19 days
how would the kings from whb react to mc wanting to have kids with them?
Hi ! Thank you so much for your request and here it is, sorry for taking so long, I got a terrible writer's block again :(
Sorry if there's any typos, I'm sleepy af right now while editing this.
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GN!Reader but a bit Fem!Reader Coded in some parts + Parenting.
In his bath card he already mentioned something about having kids with you, so just say the word and he'll get to work immediately.
He would unintentionally rush you, but once he realizes he's being too intense he would calm down, don't blame him tho, just the mere thought of being a parent gets him excited, but being a parent with YOU gets him kicking his feet.
Satan gives off that vibe of being a great dad and he knows it, so while you're waiting for your baby to arrive He Will Not Shut Up about his abilities as a parent and how amazing he is at changing diapers, putting them to sleep, preparing a bottle, etc.
Very deep inside he would be anxious about it, he knows how much of a responsibility it is to become a parent, and with the current situation between hell and heaven he gets a bit paranoid thinking about their safety and if he will be capable of protecting them.
Overall he thinks it's your decision, and he'll be more than honored to make it reality with you.
Just say the word, when, where, how, anything, Mammon exists to grant you any wish, there's no way in the world he would say no to you.
And no, he's not doing it impulsively, in fact, he's been thinking about it too, and you just happened to have that same thought and the perfect time.
Later he'll take the time to think about it responsibly, the only thing that Mammon is perfectly clear about is that he wants to, and for the rest, there will be time, for him those are only details.
Mammon is super respectful tho, is he excited? Yes, Is he in a rush? No. When you feel ready and both of you have everything planned, you will do it, there's no need to hurry because if there's something you have more than enough of it's time together.
Internally he's the happiest demon alive, he literally can't wait, Mammon has never slept so peacefully since you both got the idea of having kids, I swear nothing can get this man sad anymore if he gets happy just by thinking about it, imagine how he would get if he actually became a dad.
Just because he doesn't pressure you about it does not mean he won't use any chance he gets to make a comment about kids, you were checking your socials and a video of a baby showed up? He says you both would have a cuter one. You're both having lunch together and he sees a small golden plate? He says it looks like a kid's plate. In fact, he would associate anything he considered too small with children's or baby things, and would immediately assume that it's cute and that his future child would use something like that.
(He would be the best dad between the kings ngl)
I mean, he would be excited, but just because he has no idea about what it means to be a DAD, a PATERNAL FIGURE, A FATHER.
For one moment you actually believe he's actually being serious because he gets invested, he would straight up spend the whole day talking about it, baby names, room decorations, their future plans, if they will look more like you or him, everything.
Give him two days and the information will strike him, he finally processes everything you said, and when he remembers your expression when you talked to him about your idea of having kids with him, he realizes you were dead serious.
One day out of the blue he shows up in front of you and drags you somewhere you both can be alone, and just to be sure, he asks you if you were being serious, once you tell him that you in fact were, he shuts up and leans back, you both sit there in uncomfortable silence for some minutes until he finally says that right now it's not the right time with all the mess going on in hell.
Beelzebub clarifies that he's not saying no, but he knows that it would be hard to take care of both of you while he's dealing with the angel attacks or the angels in question, he says once everything is done you both can have the biggest family on hell if you want to.
You loving someone else and taking care of them? no wtf
That would be his first reaction, and expect him to glare at you and walk away ending the interaction, but again, that’s just at the beginning, give Leviathan a few days to process your proposal so you can have a proper conversation with him.
You will have to look for him to talk about it because Leviathan will talk to you about ANYTHING but that, just catch him off guard and sit him down so you can know what's in his mind.
On the one hand, he thinks it would be nice to be a dad and have a baby that he can give the childhood he couldn't have, plus he wouldn't share this with just anyone, it would be with you, and that's something that inevitably makes him smile when no one sees him, but on the other hand, babies are dirty, they're noisy, they need a lot of care, they're delicate, and most importantly, they take all your attention.
Everything he suffered during his childhood does not necessarily make him afraid of being a father, on the contrary, it makes him want to be the best father possible, his refusal is mostly because of all the inconveniences of bringing a baby into the world and having the constant fear of something happening to them because of the angels' attacks.
Give him time, he needs to think about it for a while so he can sort up his thoughts, Levi isn't going to say no, but he's not going to say yes either, in fact, he's not going to say anything but it'll be very clear what he needs, and he hopes you can understand him.
He wouldn't be against it, but he would have his doubts.
Sits you down and gives you a lecture of +2 hours about how much of a responsibility it is to bring a kid into this world, he might as well bring one of the healers so they can give you a list of how delicate babies are, the amount of things they can get ill from and how careful you gotta be with them.
If you accepted even after Marbas most definitely didn't try to traumatize you, Lucifer would just slightly smile at you and hold your hand in reassurance.
We love a planned man, he already has everything perfectly planned even before they both decide it's time, he doesn't miss a single detail, and there's not a single parenting book that he doesn't have, Lucifer could be a pediatrician if he wanted to, you might think it's impossible that so much information can fit in his head.
Lucifer's doubts wouldn't be because of the security issue, he knows that he's more than capable of protecting his kid in such a way that they would never even know what a scratch is, his insecurity would be mostly because of his abilities as a father, it's not easy for him to generate attachment to someone, much less affection, and he feels that precisely because of that he feels that he may not be the ideal father for something as precious as your child.
Even though he's very confident, that thought may never leave his mind until you are both parents and at some point, he can look at his kid and feel genuine affection for them.
(He would be an amazing dad and no one can tell me otherwise)
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hannieehaee · 2 months
Svt w an older s/o?
them having an older s/o
content: established relationship, fluff, reader is older than the member, mention of milfs, etc.
wc: 814
a/n: thank u for requesting!! hope u enjoy <3
seungcheol -
he'd feel a little intimidated by you, feeling like maybe his ideal role as 'the dependable boyfriend' was being threatened by the simple fact that you were a few years older than him. however, as long as you let him take care of you in every way he'd wanna take care of an s/o, he would not mind an age gap at all.
jeonghan -
even though i dont think he'd be against having an older s/o, he gives me the vibe that maybe he'd prefer someone younger (?) he seems to like babying people, BUT if you were to be older and still allow him to take that nurturing and caretaking role in the relationship then he would not care about any age difference.
joshua -
man does he love himself a milf. okay, but seriously, i dont think he'd care whether or not you were older than him. he would actually enjoy knowing you were older and had already gone through life experiences he was yet to reach himself. he'd treat you like anyone his age, but would feel reassured knowing he could lean on you a little more.
jun -
his overly youthful and sometimes kiddish (/pos!!) personality would be perfectly balanced out by someone older and maybe more mature. other than that, i dont think he'd really feel any type of way about his s/o being older than him. he'd simply think that a good match is a good match and that was that.
soonyoung -
could not care less for your age. he probably didnt even ask for your age until your birthday approached. it'd likely make him excited actually. just something about dating someone a bit more experienced than him would keep him interested and on his toes. would tease you about it sometimes, though (even if you had a very small age difference).
wonwoo -
he'd find it really easy to get along with you. he'd enjoy the change of pace whenever he was around you – unlike when he was surrounded by his 20 (give or take) year old friends. due to you being older (and him nearing his 30's), he'd be a little quicker to wanting to settle down with you.
jihoon -
i think he would enjoy being with someone older since to him age may imply wisdom. he's very mature for his age and has always had to bare the responsibility of seventeen's success, which has probably made him age ten extra years ahead of time. he would easily meet your maturity level and be eye to eye with you in that aspect.
seokmin -
can't help but be reminded of yewon noona lmao. just based off that i assume seokmin might be into (or might just be indifferent) having an older s/o. seokmin has too much love and pureness in his heart to ever consider age to be a factor to consider when falling in love. however, due to his youthful personality, it wouldn't surprise me if he was into someone with a bit more life experience.
mingyu -
gives me vibes that he'd be into milfs. idk he's just so handsome and charming and outgoing that i think older women probably fall for him super easily. regardless of gender i think that if mingyu was into someone older than him he'd just go for it. he's mature and old enough to appreciate a relationship despite of age.
minghao -
oh you're older than him? cool. would not even consider it a decisive factor when it comes to looking for an s/o. to him, love was love, which meant that your age didnt matter much to him. it'd actually be nice to date someone who had more life experience than him. he'd seek wisdom from you whenever he felt like he needed it, hoping to learn from you while also sharing some of his own.
seungkwan -
previous evidence (him being bffs with everyone in the industry regardless of age) convinces me that he has a really easy time charming people who are older than him. it'd make him feel good to know that his his youthful charisma could get anyone to fall for him.
vernon -
another member who would not care nor consider your age. would probably even forget about it after being told your age. were you older? cool. were you slightly younger? equally as cool. has no preference nor defined opinion as to whether he prefers a younger or older s/o.
chan -
he's probably already used to being surrounded by people older than him, not only with being the maknae to such a large group but also due to being surrounded by staff members and other idols who were likely also a bit older than him. he'd enjoy the sense of calm an older s/o would bring him. there would be familiarity that he would feel in the dynamic between the two of you.
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ohbo-ohno · 3 months
hey hey heyyy saw this and thought of youuu
(completely sfw don't worry) but like, Imagine for one reason or another you desperately need to get married (maybe to qualify for your medieval grandpa's will) but no one wants you for whatever reason so you promptly go down to the gallows where this murderous ex Soldier was to be executed and you are just "he'll do" not aware that he comes as a package deal with his partner who didn't get caught 👀
are you. are you joking. oh my god
thinking about a woman who's got a terrible home life. i feel like either her parents want to marry her off to some guy who's like 80 or they treat her like a workhorse and are super abusive
and to her, quite literally Anything is better than the life she's stuck in. and for a woman in this time period the only real way to escape is to get married. and since no one will marry her (she's poor and everyone knows how her family is).... well there's really only one choice
she definitely proposes to soap, not ghost. the man getting dragged to the gallows is perfectly at ease - shoulders rolled back, easy smile on his lips, you would never think he's being led to his death. there's something in his over all demeanor that makes it almost easy to jump from the crowd and shout a proposal
he's excited, almost ferally so. he grabs your wrist and holds tight, doesn't let you get even a full armlength away from him. that's when you start to think maybe this was a mistake, but it's far too late now. he's also weirdly insistent about the two of you going to a very specific room in a very specific hotel (or whatever they used to be called)
you get a bit more scared every second that goes by, but you're well aware what a man expects on his wedding night - you grew up on a farm, you know how animals mate. it's scary, of course, but you know you'll have to bear it
except when you get to the room, he doesn't try and take you. you know he wants to - there's a tent in his pants that makes your face flame - and he keeps you flush against him. he sits at the table? you're in his lap. you try to go to the bathroom? he stays so close to you that you decide it's not worth the potential humiliation.
he talks your ear off the whole time - tells you how pretty you are, goes into frankly excessive detail about what he likes about every single part of you, tells you how he wants to "stuff you full", says things like "'m not so bad, kitty, know ye must be scared but i'll take care of ye, don't worry" and "just wait til he gets here, then we can get started" and no matter how much you ask who he is he refuses to tell you
he has his mouth pressed against you throat (switching between licking, biting, and talking about how he can't wait to see what's under your skirts) when the door opens, and you realize that you've truly made a mistake
the new man who walks in has to duck beneath the door frame, he's so massive. had he been the one walking to the gallows, you never, ever would have proposed. he's got to be twice the size of you, his face covered, the rest of him filthy and covered in dirt
(((if i had the energy i'd write dialogue here, but anon i am sleepy)))
soap would be soooooooo happy to present you to ghost, is literally drooling and beaming as he grabs you by the hips and hooks his chin over your shoulder, big hands stroking across your stomach and skirts as he says isn't she so pretty?
anyways. you're getting railed that night. hope you like being on the run with two criminals who have absolutely no intention of crossing over to the light side!!
(ghost fucks you first, bc soap needs to learn to be patient with his new toy, but he lets you suck his cock while he waits for his turn. when soap fucks you next, you're laying on ghost's stomach and he wipes away your pretty tears as johnny does his best to break your back. the next day johnny laughs when you're walking with a small limp, and ghost makes him apologize with his tongue <3)
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bettysupremacy · 3 months
gahh im excited???!!
could i request a prompt with poly!marauders and reader at the beach? Helping each other put on sunblock (which by the way is adorable AND hot lol) after they settle down on the beach. I feel like one of the boys would try to make it all sexy or flirt or whatever but reader is super adamant about the how important sunscreen is (being sunburnt, cancer, ext.). EVEN if remus is only planning on lazing around under the shade of the umbrella with a book, reader WILL slather him in sunblock as well. Nobody is safe LMFAO
I am such a sunscreen girlie, you can't catch me outside without it on ;)
thank uu!!
Bringing the boys to your childhood home was exactly what you’d imagined.
You’ve spent your time walking around the town, eating fried clams, and sipping lemonade. You’d find shade from the sun and sit with the boys, sharing the food clumsily. Remus would find a bookshop, Sirius would gravitate towards the music, and sweet James is content wherever you are. Though, he does like football night.
You’d bring sandwiches your mother made and sticky treats to eat on the sand of the beach, running into the sea and letting the waves crash over you. James is more fond of the ocean than the other boys, though they indulge you as well.
It feels nice bringing them a slice of your childhood here. Showing them where you spent your summers away from school with them, where little you scraped her knees and had her first kiss. The ice cream shop you used to sit in and the stretch of beach you’d unconsciously reserved as yours.
You sit on that stretch of beach peacefully with them now. Well, as peacefully as you can with them. You’re fussing, as Sirius puts it, over their physical wellbeing that they’re perfectly capable of protecting themselves. Whatever.
“Fuck,” Sirius gripes behind you. He’s dropped a tomato slice in the sand. You ignore him.
“You need to protect yourselves.” you ‘fuss.’ “Your skin is vulnerable.”
You’re reminiscent of your mother’s words growing up as you kneed in the sunscreen into James’ freckled back. He’s broad shouldered in front of you. Sun kissed, tan, and proud. He sucks juice out of a caprisun pouch loudly.
“If anything,” James puts in cheekily. “We need protection from you.”
"Y/N sunscreen," Remus hums, his eyes focused on his book. He lies on his stomach with his back directly under the blazing sun. You cringe, moving over to him with a warming a glob of sunblock in your hand before applying it messily over his back.
"What does that mean?"
Sirius laughs. “Cause you’re so hot.”
"Oh," you murmur, feeling warm under the sun's heat. That's the only reason.
Sirius sets aside his sandwich, leaning over Remus to kiss you. He tastes like sandwich and coke. Tomato and fresh burrata.
"It's not so much that the sun is hot," you explain as he pulls away. "It's more that your skin can't handle the ultraviolet radiation.”
“I love it when you talk sexy.” Sirius grins. Remus laughs from under you, his chest rumbling sweetly.
“You guys.” You whine.
"Stop," James murmurs lovingly, focused on undoing the parchment paper of his own sandwich. "She's flustered.”
“I’m not flustered.”
The waves crash behind you. They’re so loud and large this time of day, you’re surprised James is still here nursing a sandwich in small bites instead of running against the water with the board he found in your attic. You’d gone up there on the first day looking for things to busy yourselves with when he’d seen it tucked away in the corner. Remus had found scrabble and Sirius had refused to go into the ‘dust bunny room’. It was bad for his hair.
He’s is your next victim now. You crawl over to him, gripping his strong shoulders. “Getting freaky in public?” He asks.
“Protecting you from skin cancer.” You grab the bottle. “In public.”
“I’m turned on.” Sirius cheeks, peeking behind to look at you.
You laugh loud, startled. “Shut up.”
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
can i ask for shy!camp counselor ethan? like he’s great with kids but he’s very reserved around the rest of the crew. and reader is kind of extroverted. basically simp!!!! ethan
want to know you better — ethan landry
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word count: 1,183
pairing: camp counselor!ethan landry x camp counselor!fem!reader
summary: after y/n defended ethan to their crew, she finally makes a conversation with him.
author’s note: this one is a bit short bc i’ve been super busy with college😫 on the bright side, part two of “august” is almost finished, so that’ll be my next post! 🫶🏻
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Y/N COULDN’T RECALL ONE MOMENT IN WHICH ETHAN HAD WILLINGLY TALKED TO HER, OR ANYONE ELSE ON THE CREW FOR THE MATTER. She was very curious about him, the kids loved him and he seemed so sweet, but he always stayed silent during meetings and when the staff gathered around to eat.
“He doesn’t make conversation with us but he’s perfectly happy around kids. That’s a red flag” Vince, a staff member said while looking at Ethan, who was making the kids play by the lake.
“I wouldn’t say red flag, it’s straight up creepy” Joss replied with a laugh.
“Stop it” Y/N glared at them. “He’s not creepy, he’s just shy. Besides, I don’t blame him. You guys can be real mean sometimes.”
“Aw, does Y/N have a little crush?” Diana teased her.
“Really, Y/N? On Ethan? He’s not your type at all” Nate said.
“And how the fuck do you know if he’s my type or not?” Nate raised his hands in surrender “Whatever, I don’t have a crush on him, I’m just not a dick like you guys.”
“Come on, Y/N/N. You have to admit he’s weird” Diana scrunched her nose.
“He’s not. He doesn’t talk, so what? Have you tried to make a conversation with him?” she asked them, and they stayed silent. “Exactly my point. We haven’t been the most welcoming people.”
“I just get a weird vibe from him” Vince said, shrugging.
“Yeah, he’s giving psychopath” Nate agreed, making the rest of them laugh.
Y/N rolled her eyes “And you’re giving world’s biggest assholes” she stood up and made her way towards Ethan and the kids, ignoring how they called her name.
When the kids caught sight of her, they started jumping in excitement. “Y/N! Please help us, Ethan is being boring!”
Y/N gasped dramatically “Oh, how dare he! What do you need?”
“We want to play with the water guns” one of the kids said.
The older girl crossed her arms in front of her chest “How do you know about the water guns? They were supposed to be a secret until tomorrow. Have you been spying on our meetings?”
“No! Ethan let it slip” they replied, making the camp counselor glare at them, and muttered ‘Traitors’.
Y/N laughed and Ethan swooned. She was just so pretty, and her laugh was angelic “Wow, you snitched on him so fast, you don’t deserve Ethan’s kindness.”
“Boo, we thought you would be on our side, Y/N/N!”
“Fine, I don’t want to lose my spot as your favorite counselor, so let’s bring the water guns” she said, making the kids scream in excitement.
“We are not supposed to” Ethan said in a low tone.
Y/N stared at him, the sound of his voice surprised her. It was deep and calm, and nice to hear “Don’t worry, we can change the day of the activity. It’ll be fun. Besides, you can get your revenge on them for handing you in.” she smiled playfully.
Ethan’s smile was unlike anything Y/N had ever seen. His pearly white teeth were hypnotic and he had the most beautiful boyish laugh Y/N had ever heard. Now she really wished she’d talked to him sooner, she would have had that sight for longer.
The two counselors walked towards the supply closet to grab the water guns, fully aware of the rest of the crew’s eyes on them. She sent a dirty glare on their way.
“I’m sorry, Ethan.” Y/N said. Ethan looked at her expecting her to go on “For not talking to you earlier this summer. I know you’re too shy to make conversation, so I should’ve been the one to start it.”
Ethan shook his head “It’s okay.”
“It’s not” she quickly replied. “Even if we’re here for the job, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have fun. And you don’t deserve to spend your summer alone.”
“Thank you” Ethan smiled softly, his cheeks turning red. “I’m not sure the rest of the crew likes you talking to me.”
“I don’t care what those idiots have to say about me.” Y/N shrugged.
“Thank you for defending me earlier, by the way” he finally said. Y/N widened her eyes. “Yes, I heard. They aren’t exactly low talkers.”
“I’m sorry you had to hear that. It was awful, what they were saying.”
“A wise woman once said, I don’t care what those idiots have to say about me” Ethan said, in a weird period-drama kind of voice.
Y/N bursted out laughing and Ethan’s heart started racing “Those are some wise words indeed.”
“Can we play now or are you going to keep flirting?” the annoyed voice of a little girl said.
The two blushing messes holding the water guns shifted uncomfortably. They didn’t notice until the moment it was addressed, but they were flirting. And it felt good.
“Okay” Y/N said once everyone had their guns. “Let’s divide into groups.”
The kids exchanged smiles, and the counselors started to worry. Ethan looked at Y/N “They had schemed against us.”
Before they knew it, the two authority figures were completely drenched. Y/N quickly grabbed Ethan’s hands and they started to run, the kids following their trails.
“Stop it, you monsters! You betrayed me!” Y/N yelled as she ran.
“You switched to Ethan’s side! Now you pay the consequences” they yelled back.
“Maybe… maybe we should stop” Ethan tried to catch his breath. “They’ll run out of water eventually. And I can’t breathe anymore.”
“Okay” Y/N agreed. “We surrender.”
The kids circled them once again, and they splashed them with water until their guns emptied. “Little devils” Ethan muttered as they fled the scene.
“That was fun, though” Y/N laughed.
The boy nodded “Your hair is sticking on your cheeks” Ethan laughed, putting her hair strands behind her ear. His deep brown eyes met hers and Ethan’s breath hitched. “You…” he shook his head and blushed “Never mind.”
“That’s the worst thing you can say to an over thinker. Now you have to spill it or I won’t be able to sleep until I know what you were going to say” Y/N told him, trying to ignore that she could still feel his touch on her skin.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he sighed.
“Oh, shit. Do I have something in my face, in my teeth? Fuck, just te-” she asked embarrassed.
“I wanted to say you are beautiful.” he cut her off, not being able to meet her eyes. He glanced at his hands nervously.
Y/N took the chance to study his face. His puppy eyes were her favorite thing about him, she decided. But he also had beautiful long eyelashes, an adorable nose, and rosy cheeks to die for. His skin looked soft, and she couldn’t help but touch it. Y/N’s fingers grazed his jaw, making him look at her.
“And you’re gorgeous” Y/N said softly. “And I love how the kids seem to love you. You’re funny, and sweet and I want to know you better, if you want to.”
“I would really like that.” he nodded, smiling from ear to ear.
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Hi sweetie!
How are you? Hope school and everything is going well. Congrats on your exam! I know you'll do great on all the others bc I just have that much faith 😌
I saw your little schedule and saw upcoming Hyune and Jisung fics wich sound amazing just by the title. So now I'm super excited for those!!
Just a little idea for you... But I have an unhealthy obsession with perv Seung. The perv Jisung headcanons made me think you might be open to writing this. Something about perv Seungmin just hits harder than it does for any other member (for me at least). I was thinking about being in a relationship with him and his perv tendencies start peeping through...then one day you catch him using like your underwear or another one of your items to get off and you just go along with it (bc y/n crazy like that) 😭
If you just wanna chat, feel free to ignore my request when (and if) you reply to this. I'm totally cool with just being friendly and talking. I'm on Tumblr for the community after all 🤷‍♀️
You're fics make me feel some type way everytime I read them no matter how many times I read them and I super appreciate you! Love you 🤟
(i can actually see this with Seungmin tho~)
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Pervy boyfriend Seungmin x fem reader Headcannons
into smutfic >.>
SFW + NSFW (idol Seungmin, UNDERWEAR STEALER?!?!, someone sedate me-, sweet Seungminnie very breiefly..., unprotected sex wrap it before you tap it lovies., seungmo is not slick, lil bit of sweet bullying >.>, seungmin will never be stopped.)
someone tach me how to do the side by side pics thing. it never works..
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Boyfriend Seungmin who spoiled you when he wasn't busy. He wasn't perfectly affectionate, bullying you all the time, but it was his way of loving on you.
Boyfriend Seungmin who called you stupid names when you had silly arguments (nothing serious really).
Boyfriend Seungmin who would brag to STAY about how amazing you were.
Boyfriend Seungmin who would check your location constantly when you went out. For one because he was worried about you. And for two because...
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin stole your panties again.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who was for once scared you might catch him.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who would take your bras with him on tour and jerk off to the thought of you. Inhaling your scent from the panties he'd oh so rightfully stolen.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who fucked into the mattress when you sent him pictures of you while he was away.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who imagined you under him when you squealed on the phone about something. Oh, he'd give you a reason to squeal.
Boyfriend Seungmin who promised you he'd be home soon.
Boyfriend Seungmin who hugged you in the airport, acting calm and collected when really...
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin wanted nothing more than to bend you over and make you take his manhood. But knew that you wouldn't like doing such a thing in public... or maybe you would (maybe he should make you at some point)
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who didn't wait to put his bags down when you got home and to your bedroom. Pulling your pants and panties off with such force it shocked him, fucking you like his life depended on it. maybe it did.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who seemed to get harder when you moaned at how rough he was being with you.
Pervy Boyfriend Sungmin who asked begged you to let him cum inside. Who let out soft whimpers when you climaxed together.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who wanted to be sweet to you after you did so well for him, but who's dick came back to life at the sight of your pretty pussy oozing his seed.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who encouraged you to go out and have fun with your friends, just to stay home and bury his face in you cum covered panties from the night before.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who was in the middle of jerking off to a voice message you'd sent him when you walked in because you forgot your wallet. Who's face burned pink as you made him feel vulnerable... embarrassed...
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who wasn't going to let you get away with that...
He hadn't intended it to go like this.. but he wasn't going to complain as you bounced on his cock, rocking you hips into his own, moaning softly.
Seungmin groaned and gripped your hips, thrusting up into you.
"You're such a weirdo." You moaned.
He looked at you with an incredulous expression, "I'm the weirdo? You see me with your used panties in my face and the first thing you do is jump on my dick."
Your face went redder if that was even possible. Seungmin leaned over, pushing you onto your back and fucking into you. "Then again, I'll take this pretty pussy over just your underwear any day."
You whined, "At least stop stealing my favorite bra."
He smiled as he reached between your legs and rubbed your clit. "How about no?"
You wanted to say something more but he forced the air out of your lungs as he slammed deep into you. His tip kissed your cervix before he came hard, pushing you over the edge with him and whining as your pussy squeezed him tightly, milking him dry.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who kept your panties before sending you back out again.
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oopwoop · 10 months
Their Reaction To You Getting/Saying You Want A Piercing
pairings: e!42! & e!1610 Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy, Peter B. Parker (platonic)
warning(s): swearing, unedited!
im back on my grind 💪 (sorry for not posting recently, had no motivation)
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e!1610! Miles Morales
stared in surprise for a bit until he heard you call out his name. He didn’t mean to zone out and stare, or make you insecure, he was just surprised when he saw you got a piercing. you didn’t say anything about getting one or anything. he thinks you look amazing though! (he always will no matter what)
asks if he can touch it unless it’s a tongue piercing, if it’s too sensitive or sore. he understands. shouldn’t mess with it too much otherwise it won’t heal as well.
reminds you everyday to clean it with saline water. twice a day! or however much/long the piercer said.
tells you that you should get a black and red one depending on the type it is.
“woahhh..” Miles gasped quietly as he stared in awe for the next few moments, snapping it out of it when he heard his name. he felt bad when he noticed the nervous look on your face.
“is it bad? do you you not like it?” you asked sadly, upset that he may not like it. sure, you got the piercing because you wanted it but it’d still be nice to know that Miles thought it looked well.
he gave you a shocked look, shaking his head. he grabbed your hand comfortingly and kissing your cheek, careful not to touch your piercing depending on where it is.
“no, no! it looks wonderful. you look wonderful! suits you very well.” he whispered lovingly and kissing your cheek again. it’s good to know he liked it. he really does think you look amazing.
e!42! Miles Morales
did a double take. not out of disgust but more so out of surprise. usually when you get something done or are going out he gives you money, even though he knows you are fully capable he enjoys spoiling you. so it was a surprise when you came over with a brand new piercing that he didn’t know about or pay for.
tells you look good and just goes about what he was doing. doesn’t make a huge deal of it. though, a few minutes later he does ask why you didn’t say anything about it.
also reminds you to clean it, or at least s asks if you did everyday until it’s healed.
will buy you all the jewelry you want for it. will even buy a few he thinks matches his vibe, hoping you wear them. if not he’s not butt hurt or anything, though.
“looks good.” he hums out nonchalantly before returning to what he was doing beforehand. you respond with your thanks. the next few minutes are spent in a comfortable silence, the two of you enjoying each others company until Miles breaks it.
“so, why didn’ you say anythin’? i’d give you the money for it.” he questions, raising a brow as he turns to you. usually you tell him about stuff like this and he gives you money for it.
“mmm, just felt like it, y’know? wanted to treat myself for once. not that i don’t love you spoiling me but it feels nice once and a while to gift myself something.” you explain to him as he nods in understanding.
“yeah i get it.. next time ‘m payin’ though, got it?” he states firmly. you know he’s gonna find a way to pay for your next one for sure.
Pavitr Prabhakar
beyond excited when he noticed it. gasped super loudly when he saw it and rushed over to you. just like the other two, he had no idea of this happening. he also asks you a thousand questions about it.
showered you in compliments on how good you look, how it fits you perfectly, all of it. also showers you in soft kiss around your face, being really careful not to mess with the piercing as he’s worried to hurt you on accident.
he also reminds you to wash it everyday. setting reminders on his phone to text or call you. or if y’all are together he’ll help wash it if he can, being as gentle as possible. he has a bottle of saline spray at his house for whenever you’re over and need to clean it.
sends you pictures of jewelry he sees when he’s out and about, asking if you’d like it. if so he will definitely buy it for you. does not care about the price. if he doesn’t have enough now he’ll save up for it. (jewelry is expensive 😃)
“woah! you look so good! when did you get it? did it hurt?” Pavitr said happily and he rushed over to you, grabbing your cheeks softly to examine the piercing closer.
you chuckle at his antics, grabbing his wrists so you could pull his hands away to be able to speak properly. “slow your roll, Pav. i got it today and it hurt as much as i thought it would.”
“absolutely gorgeous. i knew you’d rock it, even though you never told me. why didn’t you tell me?” he continues to chatter fast, it was hard to keep up with him. he was just excited for you though. he knew you’d only get a piercing if you really wanted it.
“wanted to surprise you.” you smiled at him as he started to peck your face with a bunch of soft kisses. you didn’t think he’d be this excited over a piercing.
Gwen Stacy
was surprised when you said you wanted a piercing but was excited for you. she helps set up the appointment and everything, goes with you for comfort if needed, let’s you squeeze her hand as well.
if you let her, she’d pick out the one you get. she wouldn’t suggest one that hurts really bad though, depending on your pain tolerance.
definitely picks out the jewelry for it if you let her. it’d be a soft pink or blue fs.
so, she has her brow pierced so i feel like maybe she might get more piercings. maybe like her septum or a normal nose piercing, yeah? if it’s around the same time you got your piercing she’d set an alarm for the both of you and if you’re together at the time you’d clean it together or she’d ft you and y’all would do it on call
Incoming FaceTime Call From
gwendy ❤️
Answer Ignore
you decided to answer the call and when you did all you saw was her eyes and up until a few moments later. Her face popped into the screen, a huge smile as she noticed you answered.
“i’m assuming you already know what time it is, yeah?” she shook the can of saline in a jazz-hands gesture, chuckling as you rolled your eyes playfully.
“yeah, yeah.. just let me get to my bathroom.. you always call me when i’m in bed and comfy” you sigh, your tone whiney and exaggerated.
“oh boo-hoo.. you’ll be okay. now get your butt up and go clean your piercing. don’t want an infection, do you?” gwen raised a brow at you. her expression felt similar to a judge-y mothers.
Hobie Brown
when you said you wanted a piercing he was more than willing to do it himself, free of charge. all of his have either been done my someone he’s friends with (for free) or himself. he’s got all the supplies needed and knows how to do most piercings. you wouldn’t be the first person he’s given them to.
if you do let him do it, it’ll be the same as if you were to have gone to a trained professional. just more.. homey? sure it’s a little more risky, but think about it, it’s free of charge (it’s expensive, my septum was $100), plus it’s with someone you know and should by now trust
if you go to a professional he doesn’t really care. it’s your money you’re spending.
totally steals jewelry for you if you wanna change it out once it’s healed. helps you clean it, as well. he knows the perfect way to clean it well so it doesn’t get infected.
“d’ya want me t’ do it? cuz i can, free of charge too, luv.” hobie suggested when you said you wanted a piercing. you weren’t sure if you should take up his offer. he could tell you were hesitant about it so he continued on.
“i’ve done a good few piercings b’fore. some of my own, actually. y’ can trus’ me, promise.” that helped you feel a little better. his looked so good so that must mean he’d be able to do yours even better. especially because doing a piercing on another seems easier than doing one on yourself.
“yeah.. okay sure, i’ll let you do it. but if you fuck it up I won’t be happy..” you glared at him, letting him lead you to the living room of your place to sit and get ready.
“y’won’ hafta worry ‘bout bein’ angry, luv cuz i won’ fuck it up.” he chuckled deeply as he got the needed supplies ready and kissed your forehead.
Peter B. Parker (my first time writing him so sorry if it sucks 🫢)
was probably the most surprised of all. he doesn’t care that you got one, not at all, he’s just surprised you didn’t say anything. your like a kid to him, you tell each other almost everything.
definitely pats you on the shoulder or back and tells you that it looks good and suits you well.
randomly gifts you new jewelry for it. it’s usually stuff he thinks fits you well or one he knows you’ve been looking at. how does he get the money for it? begs MJ until she says yes. though she says yes really quickly because she loves you like a kid as well.
i feel like he can be really forgetful with some things so he’s not as consistent as the others to remind you to clean it. it’ll be more here and there that he reminds you
“when did that happen..?” he says slowly, mouth agape in surprise. “you never told me about that. we tell each every.” peter mutters with a pout, sad you didn’t tell him about this.
“oh this?” you say, pointing to the piercing, “just got it a bit ago. wanted it to be a surprise. does it look good..?”
he just chuckled and walked up to you, patting you on the back firmly. what is with dads and their firm pats? “looks great, kid. suits you very well. you think i’d rock one? i should totally get one, yeah?”
“uhm, yeah, if you want mj to leave you then you should, old man..” you joke with him and return you get a gasp from him.
“i’m not old! and she wouldn’t leave me. i’d look amazing, even better than you!”
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iridiss · 10 months
Garroth growing up in a blood family that doesn’t treat him with any love, so as a kid he wishes so hard for the destined, perfect love of his life to come and save him, whisking him away like a knight in shining armor, to a life where he’s truly loved, and it’s that escapism in fantasy that he’s constantly using to cope and keep himself sane growing up
He dreams of the day someone will love him, unconditionally and truly, and though he doesn’t really know what that’ll look like yet, it’s something that he just knows intrinsically in his heart and yearns for desperately. He’s a big lover, he’s super empathetic and sensitive, he has a big heart, especially as a kid. Whenever he falls for anyone, he falls HARD, but he can’t seem to find anyone who would love him back as much as he loves them (especially since people keep seeing him as The Prince and not lovey little Garroth)
Then Garroth being forced to marry a woman he had never loved and barely even met before. Marriage being used as a giant weapon to forever seal him into the horrific life as heir to the throne, as one of the permanent pieces of this broken and abusive monarchical system, when marriage and love was supposed to be one thing that got him out, and it breaks him so much that he abandons everything and runs away. If no perfect and magical knight in shining armor will save him, then he’ll do it himself, alone.
And then he meets the most romantic knight in the world.
Laurance is so extremely homoerotic and suggestive and flirtatious with him all the time, even in canon, especially in canon
Laurance loves LOUDLY and a LOT, he’s very honest and up-front about all the emotions in his heart, and when he falls in love with someone (as opposed to falling in surface-level lust with someone) he falls HARD, but unlike Garroth, he is NOT shy about it lol
Laurance sending love and affection Garroth’s way in droves, and Garroth being utterly confused and clueless about it, because no one has ever spoken to him this way, hell, I don’t think his sheltered Princely blood has even SEEN any other person talk this way. Like Laurance just honestly and bluntly telling him “Hey big guy, I think you’re hot and cute as fuck, we should fuck on the beach right here, whaddya say?” like how is his brain going to compute that, he’s never even SEEN an affectionate relationship before, let alone seen someone be so clear and forward about it
And Laurance is honest and means every word he says, he’s not trying to play or trick Garroth. At one point Garroth thinks he is and gets super suspicious of him, but then Laurance laughs and denies it so casually and easily, and now Garroth is lost again
He literally meets the most affectionate person ever. He’s honest and upfront about his affections, he’s patient enough to give Garroth all the time in the world, he’s emotionally intelligent enough to know why he’s struggling so much with his gestures, and he’ll just patiently stand there and watch him while he has an existential crisis trying to figure out what love even means after Laurance gave him a bouquet of hand-picked flowers. Trust Issues Garroth would eventually try to accept all these kind things Laurance says about him, rather than deny the compliments and insist he’s all the things Zane and his father called him as a child. He leans into the affections, and Garroth learning how love actually works, as the very man he dreamed of as a child holds his face in his hands, and does not mock or beat or hurt him, but kisses him on the cheek instead.
Garroth learning how to love from Laurance’s unconditional and obnoxious affections, slowly becoming less and less afraid of it, until he embraces it completely and starts to give Laurance So Very Much Loving in return like he was always capable of doing. And Laurance is perfectly capable of handling the immense amount of affection, he finds it exciting actually
And though I don’t think homophobia is a thing that exists in this fantasy world, I think it’s also thematically perfect that Laurance is the exact kind of person that Garroth’s parents would HATE having as a son-in-law. Laurance’s rebellious pride is perfect for that role of breaking Garroth free of the abusive strings of his evil monarchical family and learning how to love himself instead
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