#and behave yourselves
brewed-pangolin · 28 days
Well, it's that time of year again, y'all.
The sun's sitting high, the water's warm, and the weekends are booked.
The summers down here on the Gulf Coast are an experience in their own right. Because of this, my focus shifts from writing and running this blog to enjoying the sun and spending time with friends and family.
This is by far the most active blog I've ever had, and unfortunately, this will be a yearly cycle for me. I'll be more active during the winter months of our off-season. But once the summer sun begins to beat down on us, I need to step back and focus on my real life.
This also comes at a perfect time as I am suffering from a bad case of writers burnout, so this will be a good time to take a break and recharge for a while.
Depending on the season (and what Mother Nature decides to throw at us), I should be back to full force by around late September/October or so. It's a long time, I know. But it's the way of life down here. And I'm a beach bum, so my summer life is spent in the sun.
I may drop in every once in a while to say hi and send my love to you all. But other than that, my focus will be purely on enjoying the summer months.
I am going to open requests for this time, as it will most likely aid in restarting the word machine once I make a full comeback. For those who have asks in the waiting, I have not forgotten about you.
I bid you all a very sun-kissed farewell, and I'll see you all in the autumn months.
Much love, and as always...
Stay Thirsty Soap Sqaud 🧼
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gunitnekoh · 9 months
We as a fandom may need to accept that even though Helluva Boss is not FOR kids
There’s A LOT of kids watching and they are here on tumblr
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tedkaczynskiofficial · 7 months
I love Zutara as much as the next girlie, but I think people romanticizing Zuko catching Azula's lightning in the Final Agni Kai are doing Zuko's character a massive disservice. He would have done that for anyone. Not just anyone in the Gaang, anyone.
He did it for the division he ended up getting burned over. He did it for his subordinate that was going to fall to his death after the ship was struck by lightning. He did it for Lee, when he was kidnapped by Gao. He did it for Iroh, when he confronted his dad and tried to break him out of prison. He did it for the whole Gaang at the Western Air Temple. He did it for Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda at the Boiling Rock.
His whole character revolves around saving everyone else first. Hell, he tried to save Zhao of all people! There's no way that would have gone well for Zuko if Zhao had actually taken his hand. He always does what he thinks is right first before considering his own safety.
Zuko always saves other people. Even if, especially if, he can't save himself.
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dedmau · 1 year
fan art i drew of wally dying in a glue trap
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
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vaspider · 2 months
[no advice, no platitudes. give me either on this post & I'll yeet you into the fucking sun]
Survivor's guilt fucking sucks.
It sucks even if it takes you nearly eleven years and the death of a second friend before you realize you're carrying it around. Or maybe just admit that you're carrying it around.
I got the benign intradural extramedullary ependymoma in my spine. Ginny got the aggressive metastatic cancer in hers. I had surgery and kept walking. She fucking died.
Why her? Why her and not me?
I was stupid levels of in love with her. A lot of people were. It was hard not to be.
So why one of the singularly most lovable people on the planet and not the fucking pain in the ass? (Don't, okay? I know I'm harder to get along with than she ever was. It's the truth. You don't help or flatter me by denial.)
She died on April 23. On May 9th, I almost died three times in recovery from the surgery that removed the Evil Grape from the sheath of my spinal cord. My blood pressure crashed repeatedly, and in a recovery room that I remember as being pitch black, she came to visit me. At the time, that seemed completely normal. I didn't question it. Of course she was here. Where else would she be?
I was dying, and Ginny was there. Of course.
We talked for a long, long time. She got up to go, and I tried to get up and go with her, and she told me I couldn't. I didn't understand because I didn't remember then that she was dead.
I still don't understand why she died and I lived. I still don't understand why Kep died and I'm still here.
It's not fucking fair. Why did I get a dodge and they didn't? Why am I still breathing and they're not?
I know there are no Reasons. That doesn't mean I don't keep asking myself in the dark and quiet.
So yeah. Survivor's guilt is a bitch. It's helped a little bit when one of the people who Gets It more than anyone else in the world happens to message you right after you lose your shit at The Longest Johns' version of Wild Mountain Thyme and end up sobbing into a sink full of dirty dishes, but it still fucking sucks.
In nine days, it'll be 11 years.
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cambriancutie · 3 months
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good-advice-ganondorf · 8 months
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dykeredhood · 2 years
Cannot fucking believe I have to say this but:
butch ≠ big and broad and muscly
femme ≠ waify and delicate and shy
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threestripeslider · 1 year
crossover shenanigans with the 12 and Rise turtles thinking the 03 turtles are the Coolest Guys Ever and the screen cuts to them; Raph is running with some leftover pizza in his mouth, Mikey mid-air trying to dropkick him for taking his leftovers, Donnie gleefully smiling at what can only be described as an overtuned alien chainsaw revving up in his hands and all the while Leo is asleep in front of the tv
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theineated · 1 month
Radfems: we want to dismantle gender roles
Also radfems: males are whores by their biological construction
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girlashfur · 2 months
Transmisogyny In The Warriors Fandom : The Mothpool Issue
hi, my name is muyang / @girlashfur and i'm a transfeminine being who enjoys the fictional series of warrior cats. i've been into this book series for as long as i can remember, ever since i was a little kid. and growing up with this fandom, i've noticed a reocurring issue among it, which i aim to do a break-down of now.
the issue is transmisogyny. for those who are unaware : transmisogyny is the unique combination and overlap of misogyny and transphobia, specifically targeting transfeminine individuals. it's a widespread issue in just about every corner of the world, even spaces for transgender and otherwise queer individuals seem to have a problem with being transmisogynistic, intentionally or not. the warriors fandom is not exempt from this; and they're not special, either, i'm yet to encounter a popular fictional fanbase that doesn't have several transmisogynists among it's members. but the warriors fandom seems to have a peculiar way of going about it.
to start, i want to clarify that there seems to be...a surprising lack of transfem warriors fans to begin with; i can name about three off the top of my head, not counting myself, compared to hundreds of cisgender, transmasc, or otherwise tme (transmisogyny exempt) fans. perhaps we're just underrepresented, i'm sure there's more of us out there, but nonetheless i'd like to make it clear i'm writing this mainly based off of what i personally have experienced and witnessed in this fandom. my word may not speak for every transfem person, and that's okay.
transmisogyny isn't always violent and obvious; it's not always slurs and misgendering and harrassment, although don't get me wrong, plenty of transmisogynists do engage in such a way. but it can also be a subtle practice, something most tme people would not pick up on. like all systems of oppression, it can also be a learned behavior, one somebody witnesses happen (typically unpunished) and assumes is okay to recreate. one of the ways this can happen is through the objectification and sexualization of transfeminity. stereotypes are a common form of this. oftentimes, transfeminine characters are portrayed as violent and agressive, masculine and gruff, or as suave and predatory womanizers, sometimes a mixture of all three.
the warriors fandom does this often. there are several characters that are commonly headcanoned as transfem by the fandom, and most are victim to being portrayed this way. a few i can think of off the top of my head are cats like russetfur, crowfeather, mapleshade, darktail, tree, and yes...mothwing. mothwing is a bit of a special case, because i believe most people only headcanon her as transfeminine so they can ship her with leafpool (the ship commonly named mothpool) and imagine the two with biological kittens, in some aus, even as the three's parents.
this is a form of objectification already, although one might not catch onto it immediately. mothwing's transness is turned into a token, a special card to be exchanged to fit the fandom's idolized version of the ship. one could argue it could be interpreted as sexualization as well; while the warriors fandom tends to stray away from outright sexual portrayals of the cats (for good and obvious reasons), mothwing being transfem is still only done for the purpose of making her a cat with a penis, so she can have kits.
mothwing isn't canonically a particularly violent or angry cat, nor does she seem to be particularly romantic (she actually doesn't have a canon mate at all, being a medicine cat). however, in fandom based portrayals of her, she's often twisted to fit these stereotypes. sometimes she's designed to be large and masculine with the excuse of it being because she's a tigerkin, or sometimes she's portrayed as being very proud and open about her love of leafpool (who is often portrayed as shy and defenseless, practically hiding behind her). i've seen several aus with transfem mothwing in them "conveniently" include things like her formerly training as a warrior, or killing another cat (such as crowfeather) "for leafpool", or even portraying her as evil, typically falling to the manipulation of her father.
mothpool as a ship isn't really the issue here. it's the fandom's doing. the two have quite a few canon interactions that could be portrayed as romantic, and sure, it's really not my buisness what people ship as long as it's legal and all...but when you get exposed to so much hidden transmisogyny tied to one ship, as a victim of transmisogyny, you grow kinda wary of the ship as a whole. the few transfeminine people i've spoken to about this issue seemed to share my feelings as well. the moment i see a mothpool shipper mention making mothwing trans, i get shivers.
another point i'd like to make clear is that it's not every mothpool shipper doing this either, even out of the ones who do make her trans, i've met a few who portrayed it well and seemed very open and concerned about my views on transfem mothwing as a transfem person. i'm also certainly not saying you should go harrass people for shipping what they want, that's not my point nor is it helpful. as i've mentioned before, there's a good chance some of the people portraying mothpool in harmful ways like this don't fully realize what they're doing, and think it's okay because it's something they've seen before. i don't want those people to think they're bad for falling into those false beliefs, as long as they change them when they realize how they're offensive.
what i'm aiming to do here is give my two cents on why i generally dislike the ship as a transfeminine being myself, and to also spread awareness to why i feel that way. if i can make some people out there rethink some transmisogynist views they had perpetuated before, then my work is done well. as i'm finishing off this little essay of mine, i hope my message was explained clearly and gently, as it should be. see you guys in the next post, muyang out.
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ghostinthegallery · 3 months
I have set aside a shelf in our display case for my finished character models. So I can show them off a little bit. Except that has created a slightly awkward situation given I have only completed two guys and...
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Szeras no!
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Doom Cow is here to ensure that everyone behaves
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overlordneon · 11 months
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Nervously posting my favorite toxic ship here against my better judgement but I just HAD to do a comparison piece because the burnout i had last year from work was SEVERE oh god
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hashileio · 1 year
Hello, Mr.Nightmare. I was wondering if there are any open positions available at your cafe. :)
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There are a ton of applications to sort through, but honestly, the cafe can take all the help it can get.
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cambriancutie · 6 months
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she takes 6000$ out of your bank account . what do you do? (she can kill you in one hit)
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