#and at least spike is fun to watch so i can excuse his weird behaviour as a fictional character
psy-ay-ay · 2 years
i love spike and buffy scenes in s6 and then the fucking nerd gang comes on screen ughhhhhh
the dichotomy of fantasizing about spike and about stabbing warren the asshole repeatedly
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dazaily · 4 years
karasuno first years using pick-up lines on their s/o
soo.. i’ve been wanting to write a karasuno head canon for ages, and i gonna write a hc which turned into a short fic that i’ll probably never finish... so this is the replacement. enjoy!!
description: so the the karasuno boiz were playing truth and dare in their changing room. and tanaka and nishinoya had dared your bf to use a pick-up line on you. 
warnings: implied nsfw. gender neutral reader. fluffy but sprinkled with swears. i was stressed writing this. long af. not proofread. 
. ⋆   *  .  ·    ✫     ⋆
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hinata shoyo
i’m sorry but, did u rlly expect our lil cinnamoroll to know what’s a pick up line?
he babie 🥺❤️
n e ways, it was finally his turn on their little game of truth and dare and nishinoya had dared him to use a pick up line on you.
“a pickup line??? what’s that? will it improve my volleyball skills??”
like i said a bABIE!!
nishinoya and tanaka needs to stop tainting my bbys mind.
“udk whats a pickup line??? how did u even end up with y/n.”
nishinoya is in shock.
and then the plan commenced.
their lil game of truth and dare ended up as a lil plan on getting u hinata to use a pick up line on you.
that night, u were walking home w hinata after club activities ended.
with noya, tanaka and kageyama trailing you, but we pretend they don’t exist.
“soo,, y/n”
“sup? y u acting all weird for? ur usually rambling abt volleyball by now.. u okay?”
“hoW DO THEY KNOW?? WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?? THEY TOLD ME TO SOUND NATURAL BUT THEY ALR KNOWS!! uGh my senpais are watching me, i gotta do them proUD!”
hinatas mind ran at 1,000km/h, it was insane. especially for someone who doesn’t usually use their brain.
that was the only thing u felt at the moment.
i mean u were alr infront of ur house, what’s the point of holding smt when u were leaving??
conveniently, during ur moment of confusion, the only word u could form was “what”.
“m-m-mm-mY HAND!!”
hinata screeched at ur face
silence. whilst noya and tanaka facepalms in the bg
it took a moment, but ur brain finally computes what ur bf just said
ur first instinct was to release the phatest snort/wheeze. shane dawson is jealous. 
“y/nnnnnn~~ stop laughinggggggg”
hinata was now suffering from crippling embarrassment, as u wouldn't stop laughing no matter how much he pleaded.
omg imagine him all blushy and shiz akdkkoaw-- ok lets not get off topic
“ok,, okay, first of all, u could've just held my hand without asking? we’re dating? you don't need my permission to do smth we do everyday?? and, more importantly, who taught u that line u just used???”
u said half wheezing, half talking, struggling to convey wtv ur trying to say to ur bf.
lucky for u, he was strangely able to understand what u were saying, and he replies with a lengthy explanation of the entire situation. 
“ooo, so that's why noya, tanaka and kageyama have been following us,,”
as u left to go in ur house, he stops u by holding ur hand and gives u a peck on ur forehead. 
as he separates from u, he had the biggest smile plastered on his face, brightening the entire neighbourhood.
“goodnight y/n! i love you!”
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kageyama tobio
erm, lbr this man would have 0 ideas in the field of flirting.
knowing this, our lovely 2nd year duo, decide its time for them to step in and help their junior in his dating life
despite it flowing extremely smoothly w/out their intervention
n e ways, so they forced the 1st years to play truth and dare w them.
when it finally came to tobio’s turn, the unfortunate child unknowingly picks dare which causes nishinoya to spring up.
“i have the perfect dare for you.”
commencing plan...
so nishinoya dares kageyama to say a pickup line to you, but since kageyamas a big baby in disguise, he dk any pickup lines.
bet he didn't even know any pickup lines, but that's not the point. 
so, being the mastermind he is, nishinoya told kageyama a perverted pickup line.
being the clueless innocent baby he is, kageyama decides to recite the pickup line he received from noya to u outside ur class.
“hey y/n,”
“do you like dragons?”
“eh? why the sudden question? i guess so?”
“cuz i can see me dragon my balls on ur face.”
what the fuck.
it was like god hit the pause button on earth, like literally everyone just paused for a literal second, turning their head towards kageyama, trying to figure out who tf was the brave soul who said that. 
while still in shock, kageyama just stood there confused, as he was suddenly placed in the centre of attention for no reason. o there's a reason honey, a very good one.
“why's everyone looking at me,”
with that one sentence, the world went back to normal as if someone had hit the play button all of the sudden, leaving u to deal with the weirdly awkward situation u found urself in. 
“ummm... tobio.. do u have any idea what u just said.”
“uhh yeah, a pickup line.” 
at that moment, when he said that, it hit u.
“what did they do.”
“huh, what are u talking about??”
*insert confused kags*
“nishinoya and tanaka told u to do something right?”
“r u a psychic???”
despite being amazed at ur ‘psychic powers’, he immediately explains the situation, causing u to face palm so much ur face may be concave.
there are times where u appreciate ur dumbass bf being a ignorant qt, but times like this makes u wish he was a tad bit smarter.. 
debating ur options, u decided to explain the meaning of the pickup line he just used on u in public.
once hearing and understanding the meaning of the pickup line he used on u, his face lit up like a matchstick, shining bright red, stuttering madly, struggling to get even a word out.
“oh, um, well, im sorry for saying smtg so indecent to u in public, um ill make it up to u somehow,”
understanding him was a struggle due to the severe stuttering he was suffering from, but u managed somehow.
“nahhh, its cool, i should go lecture nishinoya for corrupting my precious baby though~~”
“hehe, yes ur my baby <3″
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tsukishima kei
ugh this salty ass mfcker
honestly can't imagine him being forced into using a pickup line on his s/o
cuz, despite hw much we try to deny it, he is one smart mfcker,,,
but i think he would be curious how his s/o will react, so he would do it on his own will anyways.
umm, so this is how the situation went down.
it was another boring day, and the 2nd year duo was having none of that and decided too ensue a game of truth and dare with the 1st years.
this was how the c h a o s started.
he was trying to leave the game discreetly before he had to sell his soul to the devil. 
unfortunately for him, lady luck was not on his side, as he was chosen to do the next dare. 
“but wait a fucking minute, when the fuck did this become a game of dare or dare, when tf did freedom of choice decide to fuck off like that?”
plot convenience
so he was forced into a dare. 
the moment of dread came when tanaka stood up shouting he had a brilliant idea. and it all went downhill from there.
so tanaka dared tsukki to use a pickup line on his s/o. and his first reaction was no. 
“o come on, u never do anything romantic, i bet u haven't even held hands, sometimes i wonder how y/n’s still with u.”
“says the person who has never dated.”
tanaka shut ups. 
so somehow, he managed to get himself out of the situation. 
later that night, he couldn't stop thinking about pickup lines. he almost spent the whole night thinking about ur reaction. cuz volleyball is just a club, am i right..
he decided to use a pickup line on u tmrw, just to see ur reaction, not like he wants to use one, lmao that's lame, haha. a fucking tsundere.
the next day, during lunch, he left yams with the 1st year duo to go find u.
when he saw u, he immediately calls u. 
“hey, where's yams, u didn't tell me u wanted to eat with me today,”
“nah, i just had something to tell u.”
at this moment, tsukishimas heart was beating faster than ushijimas spikes.
“you know if u think about it we never stop tasting our tongues.”
“hmm, now that u said it ye--”
“how bout i taste urs for a change.”
since it was so unexpected, u had no idea how to react. 
as u returned to reality, u notice a slight pink on his cheeks.
u were gonna come back with a snarky comment, since it was rare he was so vulnerable(?) 
but ur plans were ruined when he glanced at u making eye contact, to check ur reaction. 
ur face bursts into the brightest red, hes ever seen. 
seeing ur extremely delayed reaction, he lets out a laugh, but immediately recollects himself. 
“it was a dare from tanaka.”
you were still bright red, but u felt the blush on ur face reducing after hearing the reasoning behind the line. 
“oh, haha, i was wondering what's up”
u said slightly dejectedly. 
he felt like he was just punched in the gut by guilt. 
“i was also curious about ur reaction, and i am satisfied to say the least.”
he leans down to ur height to whisper in ur ear, before initiating the kiss. 
ur blush returns almost immediately as u returned the kiss.
since yall were in school, he separed from the kiss after a few seconds. this is a place for knowledge, y'all nasties.
“welp, bye loser,”
after the kiss, he immediately return to yamaguchi, leaving u alone with ur thoughts. trying to escape from embarrassment.
he may be equal to the condiment on ur kitchen cupboard, but he still tries to make u happy, so appreaciate him and his efforts <3
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yamaguchi tadashi
a babie uwuwuwu
pickup line what's that? hehe omf he's so cute
so how this about to go down. 
so truth and dare bla bla bla... ive written this exact thing 3 times please excuse my behaviour.
since he was bored, yamaguchi forced tsukki to join in on the fun together, a decision he would regret. 
soon it became yamaguchi’s turn, and everyone turned quiet due to the lack of dares they had or yamaguchi.
that was until the one and only nishinoya stood up. 
“hEY, u have a s/o right, how about u use a cheesy pickup line on her!!” *eyebrow raise*
while processing what nishinoya just said, yamaguchi’s face morphed into one of dread and fear, as he turns his head to tsukishima for help.
“u dragged us into this mess, i aint helping u.”
and there goes his only help, well it was his fault in the first place dragging him and his best friend into this mess. tsukishima u tsundere.
yamaguchi was on the verge of tears, thinking of excuses and ways he could get out of the god forbidden situation he brought upon himself. 
but the only thing he could think of was the worst case scenario, which was u breaking up with him.
looking at his senpais, he slowly faces the fact that there's no escape and accepts his fate. 
if this is the cause of the end of ur relationship together, it just means the gods don't want y'all together.
“idk any pickup lines....” 
this was his last attempt of escaping as he bids ur relationship farewell, already aware it was not gonna work. 
“thiS IS WHERE I COME IN, don't worry yamaguchi i am the encyclopaedia of pickup lines.”
ofc his senpais would know the cheesiest lines on the surface of this earth. despite insisting the earth is flat.
and so the dreadful event began. 
after school ended, otw to his club, he met up with u. with his senpais trailing behind stalking y'all, to see ur reaction.
“ugh out of all the pickup lines, they had to make me use the most overused one... im gonna cry,,, y/n i hope u don't leave me after this.”
well here goes nothing...
“hey y/n,,” extreme stutters that im too lazy to type out.
“k-k-kiss me if im wrong,,, b-but dinosaurs still exist right?”
before he could even cringe at himself, u gave him a peck on his lips while smirking afterwards. 
yamaguchi proceeds to poof into redness after processing what had just happen, as u laugh maniacally in the background.
“u could've just asked for one, and tsukishima already told me everything so u don't need to explain,"
yamaguchi did not have the brain power to comprehend the situation at hand, as he was still affected from the kiss from earlier.
“i can't believe u think i would breakup with u because of something so trivial.. im kinda upset..”
finally coming back to reality, yamaguchi finally realises the situation he's in. 
“o-oh, i didn't mean to make it seem like i didn't believe in our relationship, its just that w--”
he gets cut off by u kissing him again.
when u separate, u began to laugh again. 
“hAHAHHA, ikik, i was just joking around, don't worry ill love u no matter what, now off u go to ur club ill see u tmrw.”
not knowing what to do or how to react, yamaguchi felt the need to do smtg before u left. 
“i love u, ill call u later tonight!”
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Before This Dance Is Through X
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Chapter: 10/16
Rating: E (Smut Warning)
Summary: Ringo's being going through a dry spell for the last year or so and when he regretfully tells his best friend John, he insists on taking them to an all-male strip club for some "fun". Ringo isn't sure whether it's the alcohol, his desperation or a mixture of the two but he thinks he might be falling in love with a stripper.
Tags: AU - Strippers, Modern Setting, Smut, Slow Burn
Pairings: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, John Lennon/Paul McCartney
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
John had been right about the whole thing blowing over by the following morning, but it was most certainly helped by the support The Helter Skelter - whether intentionally or not - had provided for the two of them. Ringo headed over to the John's in the afternoon, after a quick text to confirm he was awake, with a coffee and a few sweet treats. Both of them reenacted the same scene as they always did, John opening the door with a hard face and Ringo with a sheepish smile. Then they'd both laugh and Ringo would be pulled into a tight hug before they headed off into one of John's three rooms - excluding the bathroom of course, that'd be weird - without any acknowledgement about what they'd actually fought about.
Ringo had recounted his night with George, he had been getting very used to that name, excitedly and John listened intently, only interrupting at the end of almost every sentence with a quick quip or suggestive comment. Everything was back to normal before they knew it, not including their unexpected and only partially acknowledged adoration of certain strippers.
"I just don't know why he told me his name." Ringo mused after drinking his coffee, he'd already been up for hours but he expected it made John feel validated if he pretended to be struggling with a hangover too.
"I can't think of any reason other than he likes you, Ringo." John explained "Well I could probably think of a few, but nothing realistic."
At first Ringo had been hesitant to relay the information George had told him right before they'd parted ways, but he didn't want to keep secrets from his best friend and he knew that John would be able to keep his mouth shut, a surprising and selective trait of his.
"It's not like it matters either way, he seemed pretty firm about not dating his customers." Ringo sighed.
"Well he said he won't date them, but did he say anything about fucking?" John raised an eyebrow suggestively which made Ringo scoff.
"I imagine it all falls under the same rule." Ringo rolled his eyes playfully.
"You should never assume Ringo, a lot of good opportunities are lost by assuming." John said with an air of superiority.
"What did you get up to anyway? I've had enough of trying to decode my night." Ringo shook his head dismissively.
"Oh... Not a lot." John drew out his syllables "Went to get a dance off Paul, drank a fair bit then headed home."
It was easy to tell when John was lying, at least for Ringo it was. If his suspicious demeanour wasn't enough to go off, Ringo could also see faint traces of rubbed off makeup on John's face and it didn't take a detective to figure out what that meant. Unless John had suddenly decided to pursue a career in drag last night, which Ringo knew wasn't a possibility because John certainly would've made a huge scene about it, he must've been spending time with Paul, or at least one of the dancers. The fact that George knew John was enough information in itself, because Ringo knew he'd never had a dance from him therefore Paul must've filled him in; exactly what he filled him in about Ringo wasn't sure, knowing John was lying was one thing but figuring out the whole truth was another entirely.
"Fair enough." Ringo simply said, there was no use in drawing attention to it "You up for going again this Friday? I've got all these school days booked this week and I just know it's gonna drain me."
John continued to shift in his seat, the spark in his eyes fading considerably "I don't think I can."
"Oh, alright... What about the weekend then?" Ringo tried to act like he hadn't noticed the change in behaviour.
"No can do, I'm afraid. My mate's breathing down my neck about this poetry book, so I really need to get it done." John revealed, he wasn't looking at Ringo directly.
"Well what ab-" Ringo began.
"My dear Ringo, I can't hold your hand forever. You've gotta spread your gay wings and fly, particularly in the direction of the strip club." John began returning back to his normal self, at least the self that reflected everything potentially serious with a joke.
"I guess you're right. Just feels a bit more dodgy that way, you know? Like I'm not just there for a laugh, I'm there-" Ringo tried once more.
"To watch the love of your life take his clothes off?" John quickly finished the sentence which earned him a kick under the table.
"I bloody hate you, you know that?" Ringo asked with a huge grin on his face.
When Ringo finally returned home, he couldn't help still worrying about John somewhat. He knew the reason hadn't been a complete fabrication, after all there had been countless occasions in which John struggled to meet the deadlines for his work, but that had almost never stopped him from going out and having a good time. Ringo suspected that his night hadn't been the only one resulting in partially unwanted revelations.
The following days unfolded agonisingly slowly, the hot weather didn't help nor did the mania of the children or the incompetence of the teachers. Surprisingly one of the teachers had been male this time, but even more surprising had been how little Ringo seemed to care. If the man had been interested in him or not he didn't know, he'd hardly paid any attention to him. He had to admit to himself that this thing with George wasn't merely a fleeting obsession, rather it was a real interest and a more than intense attraction.
When Friday finally came Ringo kept trying to talk himself out of it, but ultimately failed each time. The alternative would've been sticking a cheap meal in the microwave, or he could've been adventurous and ordered takeaway, and falling asleep in front of the television to reruns of Friends or a peculiar series which tried to pin every major world event on aliens. It wasn't a hard decision to make. So he showered and picked out a nice enough outfit, he didn't want to look like he was trying too hard. He decided to drive because it ensured, or at least attempted to, that he wouldn't drink too much throughout the night. It definitely felt strange without John by side, he hadn't realised how much of a support he'd been until he was absent.
The club was rather busy, but nothing compared to the previous time Ringo had been there. As he walked inside the bouncer gave him a suspicious look which didn't help his nerves one bit, but he managed to remain composed as he headed over to the bar. One drink was alright, surely, it'd help calm his nerves and at least give him something to do with his hands. After he ordered his drink he asked the bartender whether Spike was working tonight, he'd been very cautious of slipping up with the names, after all he didn't know whether any of George's colleagues knew.
"I dunno." He answered uninterested, he only spoke more when Ringo looked at him confused "We don't really talk to the dancers."
Ringo just nodded his head and sat back on the stool, looking around nervously. The horrible fear began solidifying that George might not even be working tonight. If he earned as much money as Ringo suspected, surely he didn't work every single night. He'd noticed enough different dancers every night to suppose that the amount of staff was fairly large. Ringo tried not to worry too much, after all he didn't know that was the case, but it was hard not to try and plan out the best possible course of action if it was the case. The normal thing to do would be to simply find another dancer, to watch the shows on the stage and go home without any fuss. But the thought of paying someone else for a private dance felt wrong, it almost felt like cheating, which Ringo knew was utterly ridiculous but he couldn't help it. He finished his drink rapidly then set off in search for an answer, a quick glance to the main stage was all he needed to know that there was nothing of interest for him there. As he worked through the crowd he finally spotted a familiar head of hair, even if it wasn't the one he wanted it was better than nothing. The closer he got he could see Paul speaking to a group of customers, the drinks tray clasped in his hands. Ringo hung around the outside of the circle rather awkwardly until Paul noticed his presence, for a second he seemed confused but soon he was smiling and politely excusing his way out of the conversation.
"Ringo. How can I help you, love?" Paul asked with a smile, his smell was very eniticing.
"Hi. Sorry to disturb you like that, I just wanted to know if Spike was working tonight." Ringo explained, he was still carrying around his empty glass.
"Oh." Paul's eyes lit up knowingly "He sure is, think he's out back smoking right now. He's up on stage next, actually."
"Perfect. Er- I mean, good. Fine." Ringo stammered which only made Paul's smile widen.
"Is John with you tonight?" Paul was trying to sound unbothered, and while he was doing a far better job than Ringo it wasn't faultless.
"He's not, actually. Had some poetry stuff to take care of." Ringo explained, he thought that'd be enough information to satisfy Paul but he continued to stand there waiting "His friend's putting together a collection, asked John to write something for it."
"I see, well that's great news. Isn't it?" Paul didn't give Ringo time to respond, he flipped his tray upwards and took Ringo's empty glass from him "Let me take that off you, love. Enjoy the show." And so he parted with a wink.
Ringo ordered another drink, he was pushing his luck at this point but his conversation with Paul had put him a little on edge. There was nothing left to do now but wait, he took a seat on the outer ring of chairs and tried to enjoy the current dancer's performance: they were on all fours twerking in a rather cheap looking gold thong. It wasn't Ringo's cup of tea, that was for sure, and so his attention drifted over to his phone. He didn't want to look rude but if he watched any longer his facial expressions might've been a little too revealing of what he really thought.
       paul asked where you were
There was nobody he could really message in this moment other than John, any Snapchat selfie might've given too much away, and there was nobody else who'd respond quick enough to justify his continued staring at this phone.
        what did you say??
        is there something I shouldve said?         or not said?         i said you had your poetry thing to do
        okay cool         hows georgie
        havent seen him yet         waiting for him to come on stage
        ooo exciting         wish i could be there         now get off your phone you rude prick         fill me in on everything after
        sure thing
Ringo hesitantly slid his phone back into his pocket, focusing entirely on his drink as he waited for this performance to finally end. Luckily it wasn't too long before the twerking ended, not without cheers from the crowd who threw money onto the stage. The announcer announced, as was their job, that Spike was the next one to grace the stage. Ringo had never figured out exactly where the DJ was in the club, or if there even was one at all, perhaps one of the dancer's just put on a voice before each performance to give it a sense of occasion. The pounding music of the previous dance had been replaced by a gentle piano and sultry voice, it was 'Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy' by Queen; not the song Ringo had expected to hear in a strip club but it was definitely welcome. Not as welcome as George's presence, of course, as he stepped out onto the stage and Ringo instinctively held his breath.
It was strange seeing him like this again, the image that had been visiting Ringo constantly over the past few days had been the more casual version. It was like he was seeing him for the first time all over again, but this time he wasn't going to run away, he was going to sit right here and enjoy every moment. He was wearing a harness across his chest, of lilac leather, and grey baggy trousers, almost harem style, as they clung to his slim calves perfectly then loosened up towards the top. His hair was loose, poofing up a little at the top as though he'd just dried it. Ringo felt his mouth lying open a little, and had to shut it by drinking more.
George stepped out on the stage slowly, letting the lights reflect off the metal of his harness and shine off his bare skin. As the beat began to kick in, he moved his hips rhythmically, his hand immediately going to the pole in the center as he dipped low with the legs spread wide open as the falsettos of the song started - Ringo had always enjoyed this song, there was something a little sensual about it but it was being taken to a whole new level now. George didn't stay on the stage for too long, instead he moved out into the audience. Yet it wasn't the same as it had been before, teasing each customer just a little and collecting money, instead he was searching for something, or someone for that matter. It made Ringo a little anxious, but part of him said that he wouldn't be noticed in the back row and someone else would catch George's eye long before he'd even realised he was here. This was one of the few occasions that Ringo had been incredibly pleased to be wrong.
George's eyes flitted over the people in the audience fairly quickly and rather dismissively, while he kept up the sultry movements of his hips and hands. That was until he spotted Ringo who of course was staring right back at him. George's eyes didn't move any further, not bothering to see who else the room had to offer. In that moment it felt like the room and everyone around them vanished, like it was just the two of them looking at one another as George slowly made his way over, even the music began to fade away. What shook Ringo out of this haze was the feeling of George tugging at the neck of his jumper, his fingers brushing against Ringo's skin just slightly. Ringo wasn't sure how he was able to stand up, he felt like his entire body was made of lead, but the next thing he knew he was being lead over to the stage where a chair was now sitting. The crowd had begun cheering, just as they had the last time, but Ringo was determined to not allow this moment to pass him by, to not get into his head and ruin it all for himself.
George didn't move his hand off of Ringo the entire time, somehow managing to walk backwards to the stage while his fingers pulled at the fabric of Ringo's jumper. Even when he guided Ringo down into the chair, his hands ghosted over Ringo's shoulders gently until he was back in front of him. The first thing Ringo noticed was how bright the lights were, he wondered how anyone was able to pull a sexy face when being heavily blinded, but it helped with any potential stage fright because he could hardly see an audience out there. Ringo had no idea if there was anything he was meant to be doing, his hands just lay flat on his thighs like he was sat waiting for the bus. George had that same confident grin on his lips, but it didn't frighten Ringo as much as it used to, rather it made him smile too.
Wearing a jumper had definitely been a mistake, not only because of the intense heat radiating from the lights but with George kneeling down in front of him he couldn't help but start to sweat. The song was still playing even though Ringo was certain far too much time had passed for that to be true. George began running his hands slowly up Ringo's legs which were conveniently spread apart, but he never pressed down too hard and it was the lightness of his touch that was making Ringo's skin itch. George looked up at him directly, his eyes dark and slightly closed. Ringo would give anything to see him like this again, away from the club and all this confusion, just the two of them together and alone. George's hands never got too close to Ringo's crotch, for which he was very grateful for because he could already feel himself hardening and George was the last person he wanted to know. Right before his fingers brushed just a little too high, he lifted himself back up to his full height and looked down at Ringo somewhat mischievously. Then he turned around, taking a small step backwards so that he was hovering over Ringo's lap just slightly, and then began to grind his hips slowly down. The sound of the crowd cheering broke out again, it was a sobering reminder that George wasn't doing this for Ringo, he was doing it to put on a good show.
It was impossible not to look at George's arse from his angle, luckily Ringo didn't feel overly guilty because he was wearing more clothes than he usually did. The bagginess of the pants left a little to the imagination but Ringo could still somewhat make out the roundness of George's cheeks beneath the fabric as he moved. Just as Ringo was very much making peace with this view, George turned around again so that his crotch was right in Ringo's face. Even though he'd experienced this before, it didn't make it any easier. If anything, everything that had happened since that first lapdance made this all the harder, in more ways than one.
George swiftly moved his right leg upwards towards his own chest without faltering, making Ringo realise very easily why they were referred to as exotic dancers, then pressed his foot down onto the tiny space left on the seat between Ringo's thighs. It was painfully close to his almost fully hard cock, something that Ringo doubted was lost on George. He moved his other leg slightly outwards then began thrusting his hips upwards again, more aggressively this time. That should've been enough, enough to satisfy whatever urge George had when he pulled Ringo up there, but he was far from done. One of Ringo's hands was gently picked up, he expected for it to be placed against George's bare chest as it had been before, but it moved up further until one of his fingers was pressing against George's lips. There was a pause for just a moment, it couldn't have been longer than a few seconds, where George cocked his eyebrow to give Ringo a chance to back out. In response Ringo just licked across his top lip, it hadn't been entirely intentional because his mouth was ridiculously dry, but it wasn't a complete accident either.
The heat of George's mouth was a shock to Ringo's system as his finger slipped inside, ring and all. He was still thrusting at this point but Ringo hardly noticed, his eyes were completely fixed on the way George's lips wrapped around the digit. It probably didn't last as long as Ringo felt it did, or as long as he wanted it to, but it was safe to say that he was fully hard now. George twirled his tongue around the finger skillfully, before he slowly pulled his mouth away and let it fall out with a small popping sound. His foot also moved off of the seat, but didn't move too far as it settled on the floor still between Ringo's legs.
George began to lower himself again, swirling his hips as he did so, scooting his feet carefully closer towards Ringo. He didn't know what was so different about this time, Ringo didn't want to convince himself that it had anything to do with George liking him in any way, but it was difficult to dismiss it completely; especially when instead of George hovering over Ringo's thigh as he'd expected him to, he settled directly down onto him. Ringo let out an involuntary soft moan, it was quiet enough that George might not have heard it. As if the contact wasn't enough, George practically fucking himself on Ringo's thigh, he raised one of his hands to brush against the stubble on Ringo's cheek. This simple touch brought Ringo's gaze up to meet George's, he was looking incredibly pleased with himself and when he caught Ringo looking at him he grinned wolfishly revealing his sharp teeth.
George's hand began to trail downwards slowly, skimming over Ringo's neck then onto his chest until it came back down to just above Ringo's groin. He paused for a moment, as he knew he shouldn't go any further than this but the wrecked look on Ringo's face spurred him on. It wasn't much, just a quick brush of his fingertips over Ringo's erection, but it was enough to make Ringo gasp. He'd nearly forgotten that people were watching them, but the continued cheers made it hard to block them out entirely.
George moved his hand onward onto the inside of Ringo's thigh, but he could only reach so far from his current position. Ringo thought George was beginning to look a little exasperated, but it could've just been an act. His whole body felt like it was on fire, like he was ready to explode at any moment. It couldn't last forever though, this moment, as much as Ringo wanted it to. Soon George was picking himself back up, moving in front of Ringo once more and reaching down to his knees while he pushed his hips backwards to give yet another glorious view of his arse. But that had been the last of it, George then began walking off the stage with a quick wink and grin.
Ringo sat in the chair for longer than he probably should've but he didn't feel like he was ready to move. Eventually he was able to stumble back to where he'd left his drink, he downed it immediately. As he walked past groups of people he received a few pats on the back, as though he'd achieved something.
What he should do next was difficult to decide, he didn't feel mentally or physically prepared to get a private dance from George but heading home immediately felt a little strange, even when there were pressing matters to attend to. What he wanted to do, that was easy: he wanted to take George out for another drink, to take him back to his place and fuck him like it was the only thing he'd ever wanted, and in this moment it felt that way. Alas, that was never going to happen. It was hard to ignore that fact when he handed a £20 note to the bartender to pass along to Spike, he managed to not let the name slip even in his dishevelled state. Whether the bartender was going to pocket the money or not wasn't a massive concern to Ringo, it was the quickest way he felt he could get the money along without hanging around desperately for a chance of seeing George again.
The drive home had been almost painful, Ringo still wasn't certain that he'd managed to catch his breath. Before he'd even closed the front door behind him, he was loading up George's Onlyfans profile and unbuckling his very restrictive belt. If fantasising about having George all to himself was all he could do, then so be it, he was going to let his mind run wild.
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
Class of Temptation - CHAPTER SIX
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No mention of Cillian’s true family or relatives. All names are made up.
This is a TEACHER x STUDENT fanfiction, it’s going to be kinky and very taboo!
I will write whenever the mood grabs me, so I apologise if there are long breaks between chapters :)
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Background: Tessa is a twenty-three-year-old model from a broken-up family, living in London with her best friend and starting a course on Drama and Theatre. Though, when she gets closer to the super hot Mr Murphy who is her much older teacher, there is a battle of lust and love between them. They’ll have to figure out what to do with their tight relationship as other issues begin to rise and nip at their heels…
Word Count: 2,151
!!Warnings!!: None.
Chapter Name: Let Me Help You
Brief Chapter Outline: Cillian ponders about Tessa before he takes her home after a very rainy night... 
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Julian had tried to get her to talk but she wouldn't budge. All she wanted was to finish up their current work and go home and sleep. Cillian had tried to get her to talk or offer some private help but she refused. She didn't need help, she was perfectly fine on her own. She managed this far so why should she now turn to someone to aid her? So Julian backed off and they worked on their project, no use in trying to get through to someone who didn't want it. 
But Cillian, on the other hand, was concerned for her well-being. She had come late on numerous occasions without any warning if it was to do with her work or not. And she came quite hard when he tried to talk to her, she always was abrupt and made up some excuse to leave the class so he wouldn't be able to talk to her. Her homework was terrible, either half-finished, half-assed or not even handed in. At first, she was doing well, now it was like a whole new person again. He needed to get through to her, to at least get her up to where everyone else was at. He wasn't the type to let a student fail, he would do anything in his power to help them. That was who he was. Sitting in his office, Cillian went through the test he had given his class to see where everyone was up to. And when he came to Tessa's, he frowned. It had been attempted but she had not done well. He took off his glasses and ran a hand over his face as he leaned back. He had done some research on her as curious spiked him. Her father was a well-known fashion designer and had a very successful company and it seemed he had been remarried some years ago. He wondered if that had to do with anything about Tessa's behaviour. He had seen it first hand with one of his best mates and his daughter, the effect it had on her when she was introduced to a new woman who would be her step-mother. It had gone bad and the poor girl became highly aggressive and hateful. He fingered the pile of sheets, lost in his thoughts. But Tessa wasn't aggressive, just very reserved and held back. She always had a look on her face as if she was not connected with this world, he caught the look whenever she was staring directly at him. Cillian would admit thought that she was very pretty indeed. Soft facial features, her eyes reminded him of the deep ocean and her hair as black as the night sky. She mostly had it out, falling to her waist. He wondered if it felt silky as it looked. He grunted and rubbed his forehead, staring at the exam paper before him. He needed to stop thinking about these weird thoughts and finish what he was doing and go home. Yeah, that's what he should do. Besides, it was time to head home anyway. It was getting dark.   He packed up his stuff after his bits and pieces were done, tucking it into his shoulder bag and locked up his office and headed down. His phone began to ring and he picked up, it was his mother who was inquiring how he was going. He chatted to her for a bit as he walked, it was raining again, absolutely pouring rain. As he rounded a corner and looked down to hang up, he didn't see someone step out of a room and crashed right into them. "Oh!" Tessa gasp as strong hands suddenly gripped her arms and she was pulled close to Cillian's body. He had dropped his phone but he wasn't concerned about that, "Fuck." He cursed, then made a face, "Sorry didn't mean to swear. Are you okay?" He gazed down at the girl, her eyes wide as she looked up. Tessa had gone still, her fingers curled just below his elbows. She could feel his muscle tense, "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. You seem to be in a hurry." She gave him a small smile. "Not really. I just didn't see where I was going. I really am sorry." He let her go gently, stepping back. "All good... Is that rain?" She listened closely. "Yeah. It's raining pretty hard." Cillian nodded. She let out a groan, "Oh great. I didn't bring a damn umbrella..." She shrugged on her overcoat. "I better get going, gotta run to the station now." She smiled at him before she headed off down the hall. Cillian pressed his lips together and then caught up with her, "I could drop you off at home? Would that be better?" He boldly asked. He didn't expect her to agree. "Oh, god. No, it's fine. The station isn't too far." She shook her head. "At least in front of the station. It's at least a ten-minute walk. You'll be drenched by then." Cillian offered the second option. They came to the entranceway to the car park. It was just pelting down, she would be soaked in seconds. She inhaled, "Uh... Alright, then I guess. If you don't mind." "I don't. Let's go." He said. The pair of them rushed out and down the stairs. As they raced across the carpark, Tessa suddenly stepped in a hole and fell over. "Shit." She cursed, she was already wet when Cillian grabbed her by the arms and helped her back to her feet. "You okay?" He asked, his hair stuck to his face as water ran down his face. "Ah, I think so." She laughed softly. "Let's get you in." He helped her to his car, it was a mini cooper. He opened the door and she piled in with a groan. He got in as well and push back his hair, his smile wide, "Holy hell." He said, "You good? That was a bad tumble." She looked down, her stockings were ripped and she was bleeding, "My ankle hurts real bad. But I think I'll live." "Look, I know you want to be dropped off at the station but if you are in pain, let me just drop you off at home." He looked over at her, his brows furrowed and lifted, causing his forehead to crease. She glanced at him. Her heart made that funny squeeze when she held his blue stare, you could easily get lost in those damn eyes. She had thought but she quickly shoved it down. "Cillian... I really don't want to bother you." She said, suddenly feeling this closeness very... intimate. "You are definitely not bothering me." He said with a shake of his head, "I'd feel better knowing I left you right at your doorstep instead of wondering if you'd make it home. Besides, it's dark already." She sat back and looked ahead, closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh, "Fine. But as long as I get to control the radio." She huffed. He held up his hands, "Okay, okay. I'll let you do that." He laughed as he started up his car. He pulled out of the car park once he set up the GPS and she was fiddling with the radio before she came to one she liked. The music was good, chilled out and a good tune. He didn't mind it one bit. "Can I ask what you were doing so late on campus?" He asked as they came into traffic. "I have music club I signed up for. I was in the orchestra but I left it as it got too much. So now I meet with a bunch of people once a week and we play to each other or just like, listen to music and eat." She explained. She liked the club a lot, it was only eight of them and was comfortable with them all. Especially with a guy called Elijah. He was tall and very muscular, green eyes and curly thick brown hair. He wore thick black glasses that made him nerdy but super hot. He was also a part-time model, just starting out. They already followed each other on Instagram. "Oh? That sounds nice. Do you play an instrument?" He asked, they still hadn't moved from where they were. "Um... Yeah. The cello." She nodded, "It's more just for fun nowadays. Nothing serious." "That's nice. Would you ever consider playing it in front of an audience?" He asked, glancing over at her. "Never. Just for myself or my best friend. Would be too scary." She shakes her head quickly. Cillian inched a bit forward in the line of cars, "Can I ask you something, Tessa?" "Go ahead." She kept her eyes ahead, she felt the question she knew was coming. "Is there something you don't like about performing in front of people? I don't want to sound rude but isn't modelling kind of the same thing?" He faced her, hoping she would meet his gaze. "It's the focus on me as a person and what I am doing. Modelling is kind of different, you are being watched but you are being told what to do by someone behind the camera. And usually, there are multiple people who are also the focus. Not just me. Also, I'm surrounded by people I work closely with. I know who they are." She explained, quite shocked to find herself talking so much in one time with someone she wasn't all too familiar with. She only knew he was her teacher and that he liked music. Not much else. "I see. So you'd be more comfortable with others whom you know on a personal level?" Cillian said. "Basically, yeah. Its a small niche for the current company I work with, maybe the odd new person here and there but it's just a small group of us here in London." She replied gripping the end of her black and white checkered dress. "Tessa." Cillian sounded genuinely concerned and it made her feel weird, "I really would love to help you get out of that idea. I honestly believe you can achieve much greater things. We can do the private sessions at least twice a week, just you and me in a room. I can aid you in the homework to." He wanted her to look at him, he wanted to see what emotion laid behind those vast eyes she had. "But it would be seen as favouring someone else." Tessa countered, "I don't want to bring that kind of attention on myself." She had enough attention from those stupid girls that constantly annoyed her. "No, it's not. I'm only helping you get out of your comfort zone. We don't have to tell anyone. Let me help you." He said softly once she finally stared at him. That line he said made her suddenly grow warm all over. It felt like they were doing something naughty. The shadows were cast across his face, the light focused on his eyes. It made him eerily gorgeous. She bit her bottom lip. "Please, Tessa. You have potential. Don't let this go to waste." He reached out and took her hand. He was warm and strong. She couldn't look away and she slowly nodded, "Okay... I guess I can try." She muttered and he gave her a heart-wrenching smile. "Thank you. I promise you will be a much better person." He nodded as he let her hand go as traffic began to lighten up as they sort of got out of the main city centre. Once they arrived into the suburb she lived in Cillian let out a soft whistle, "What a nice place. So expensive though." He said as he pulled up in front of her apartment. "It is but I manage. My bestie helps out as well." She laughed softly as she grabbed her bag. "Hey, thanks." She said, grabbing the door handle. "For what?" He asked. He was glad the rain had eased up a bit now. "For dropping me off. Next time I'll make sure to bring an umbrella." She giggled as she got out. He rolled down the window, "No worries. I'll send you an email when the lessons start." He said. "Okay. Goodnight, Cillian." She gave him a shy smile and turned, limping up the stairs to unlock her door. Only when she was inside and the door shut he drove off. He kept the radio she picked on and looked at the seat she had just occupied in. At least he got her to finally agree on these lessons, he wondered how she would be when it came to actually do the lessons in class. He hoped she would take it on board. He would not give up on her. He never gave up on someone who struggled. "Goodnight, Tessa." He whispered to himself.
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