virtuexmoir · 6 years
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Keeping the count on Tessa’s magazines covers
1. Todays Bride Spring/Summer 2014 issue
2. Real Style Magazine Winter 2014-2015
3. Strong Fitness Magazine March/April 2015
4. Best Health Magazine June 2016
5. Canadian Living Magazine 2018
6. Real Style Magazine June 2018
7. Strong Fitness Magazine July/August 2018
8. House & Home Magazine September 2018
I love that this list keeps on being updated, get it Cover Girl ! 
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virtuexmoir · 6 years
where did u go???
did the college thing and lost Photoshop on the way (and have not been able to find a good torrent since)--been very much on the journey with tessa and scott, though, from afar! x
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
Is this a new one??? @cuteiceprincesslove @adventuresoftheplatonics @887thsymphony
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
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2016-2017 ISU Grand Prix Entries - Ice Dance
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
I don't know what happened, but all of your links in your fanfic masterpost disappeared :o :o :'( and I only got halfway through
Oh my goodness... just realized this; I have no idea what happened, but it looks like I’m going to have to go through and start over!! Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, lovely x
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
(scott’s joke about not having a gpf title during the interview with kaitlyn and andrew absolutely slays me bc lmaoooooo can you even believe that tessa and scott don’t have a gpf title like !!!!!!!!!! fcking prime example of how shittily they’d been treated by skating politics and how god damn incredible and undeniable they are and have to be to come out on top, every time, despite that
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
When VM comeback (yep, I said ‘when’), what with the current attitude and systems of scoring I’m expecting 300s. Just saying.
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
hi there! i made a live journal account so i could read the fan fiction on this page. how do i join the community?? sorry this is my first day on this website-- still very confusing.
Hi lovely!!
At the top of the LJ page, there should be a button that says, “join the community.” If you don’t see it, please let me know; I’ll post a screenshot of where it should be! x
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
Are you really back this time or are you leaving again like last time you announced your great comeback?
I’m not quite sure when I, “announced my great comeback,” last time around, but I don’t have any plans to leave the blog unattended for too long. My winter break from uni is ending this Tuesday, but will endeavour to keep posting regularly. xx
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
Came across a gifset of Tessa and Scott’s NtMiSt in their Sochi SD and suddenly became so overwhelmed at how much I miss them skating competitively (although their outreach as of late has been a godsend; their, “rivalry,” on Twitter and social media presence in general has been so, so wonderful). I’m going to make a few gifs of the interviews that they’ve done at nationals, but will also attempt to gif more of their exquisite and ever in-sync skating.
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
About Tessa and Scott, do you think is happening? Do you think something changed?
hallo there!
At this point with Tessa and Scott, I will always want them to be together and will be so beyond the point of ecstatic if they ever do announce that they are together romantically--but I will not believe it until I see it. That sounds so cynical !!! and I don’t mean to be at all ^_^ From what I can see, they’ve come leaps and bounds from where they were six months ago (with GMP weirdness/radio silence) but are, “normal,” in terms of how they have always been (although I would be lying if I did not say that Tessa’s Insta with the, “wee rest,” caption did not light the smallest fuel of hope!) with their partnership/best friendship :-) 
We’ll just have to see where this goes! x
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
What a (near!) coincidence! Wishing you a Tessa and Scott run-in in the very near future, and thank you so, so much for sharing! x
I need to tell someone who will understand how sad this is: Today friends of mine went shopping, and ran into Tessa and Scott. However, I was invited to go with them but couldn't, so I didn't meet Tessa and Scott! I'm super sad lol
Oh no, oh no, oh no; my heart is breaking just hearing about this a;oweijf what are the chances of your friends running into Tessa and Scott on the day that you’re not there with them, agh!! Crossing my fingers that you run into them some other time in order to make up for this missed opportunity :-( xx
Did Tessa and Scott have an event today, or were they just shopping together?!
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
how is mahlersfifth not a taken url (a bit tempted to change it now)
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
I absolutely think that Ms Lawes was responsible for the weirdness between Tessa and Scott last year. I think that Tessa really tried to make it easy for Scott to have a lasting relationship (ie: she stepped aside, tried befriending Kaitlyn) but now that Lawes out of the picture, Tessa is free again to post about her partner/friend. So much of what they do is romantic/everyone wants them together, and that has to be hard when one or both is in a relationship.
Hello hello, love!
I personally (!!) have a similar train of thought regarding the strangeness that surrounded pre-during-post GMP. Not that I want to point any fingers or claim that KL was at fault in any direct way whatsoever, but I do (personally!) believe that perhaps the weirdness was affected largely by the relationship in some way or another (whether that was T deciding on her own to give them space, or otherwise). 
Thank you so much for dropping by to share your thoughts! xx
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
I need to tell someone who will understand how sad this is: Today friends of mine went shopping, and ran into Tessa and Scott. However, I was invited to go with them but couldn't, so I didn't meet Tessa and Scott! I'm super sad lol
Oh no, oh no, oh no; my heart is breaking just hearing about this a;oweijf what are the chances of your friends running into Tessa and Scott on the day that you’re not there with them, agh!! Crossing my fingers that you run into them some other time in order to make up for this missed opportunity :-( xx
Did Tessa and Scott have an event today, or were they just shopping together?!
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virtuexmoir · 8 years
Are Scott and Tess dating for real??????????????
Hello, lovely!
As much as I would love to answer with a resounding, “yes!” for once, I unfortunately cannot; as far as we know, Tessa and Scott are platonic skating partners who love each other (but are not in love with each other) (as far as we know). x
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