#and also the energy in this show was amazing even considering it's a very mixed festival and it's Mexico ykwim
chamaleonsoul · 1 year
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elitadream · 1 year
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Mario had been contemplating solutions in vain, sitting by himself forlornly after yet another grim and discouraging day of continuous failure when he registered the faint shuffling of timid steps nearby.
It was quite late and the man didn't exactly have the energy to feel surprised, but he curiously lifted his head nonetheless.
"Junior?" He wondered aloud, gazing worriedly at his provisory ally. "What's wrong?"
The young prince was rubbing his eyes, swaying idly on his feet and stubbornly staring at the ground. He didn't respond, but he didn't need to. His distress and need for company was plain to see.
Knowingly, Mario unfolded his legs and rested both hands on his knees, giving him a compassionate look.
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?"
Junior shrugged before joining him and leaning against his side, eyes downcast. There was no trace of mischief or deception to his demeanor. Only a defeated sort of acceptance.
Mario couldn't help but feel a genuine twinge of amazement at the vulnerable gesture.
"I'm... really sorry about your dad," he ventured, not quite daring to move.
Junior blinked wearily, but showed no other sign of acknowledgement. There was a brief moment of silence until Mario felt compelled to look at him once more.
"I don't know how long this might take, but I promise you we will find a way to turn him back to normal. I will not give up on you, or him. You have my word," he assured gently.
Junior merely curled in on himself more tightly as a response, appearing impossibly small compared to the gigantic beast his father had somehow become. His brows were furrowed in an expression the plumber had never seen before. A deep sadness mixed with a touch of remorsefulness, or perhaps resentment.
Mario was about to ask if he had somehow said something he shouldn't when Junior finally spoke.
"My Papa is wrong about you," he muttered, very quietly.
Before Mario could so much as blink, the small Koopa went on, shaking his head with a sniffle.
"You're not a coward and you're not stupid. You work hard and you never complain. You just want to help everyone, all the time. Even us."
His words, albeit said reluctantly, were spoken with uncharacteristic sincerity. Mario couldn't find it in himself to smile, so he carefully wrapped an arm around the prince's shell instead, giving his shoulder a comforting pat.
"I don't mind the insults. Not really," he amended softly, hoping that he somehow sounded more confident than he felt. "I guess that's just the way Bowser perceives me. It's okay."
"No, it's not," the young heir retorted. "He's very unfair towards you. He said some really mean and hurtful things, and-"
Junior stopped himself with a small whine, pawing at his face again. He was still averting his gaze, but the fragile tone of his voice betrayed his guilt.
"...I said mean things, too. I'm sorry."
For a few seconds, Mario could only stare mutely back at him, stunned by the unexpected apology. He then shifted closer, bringing his arm more securely around the Koopa in a side hug.
"Everybody makes mistakes," he murmured. "But everybody can change."
"I wish that was also true for my Papa," Junior mumbled, dejectedly.
At this, Mario hummed wistfully, his answer long believed and thoroughly considered.
"Maybe... all he needs is a bit of help."
When I first heard of Bowser's Fury a few months ago, all I knew about the plot was that Junior goes to seek Mario's help in the hopes of stopping his father's rampage. And words couldn't describe how much I LOVED the idea. Although this is an older drawing and my look for Junior has since changed a bit (the same way I eventually altered Bowser's design), this was the concept that later inspired the way I've decided to approach Mario and Junior's relationship in a broader sense - which means that there'll definitely be more with these two. :3
Mario being enduringly kind and winning foes over with nothing but his goodness of heart never fails to give me feels, and I want more of that. 💖
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Transfem auntie buggy ideas again bc AAAA BRANROT I LOVE WOMEN-
Ya know,,,,, how Oda said,,,,,, Buggy COULD be really fucking powerful if there was effort put in? What if in transfem Buggy world, the effort was due to dysphoria-fueled depression and anxiety. Coming out ((and having such blatant and unrepentant support, from her lovers AND the Guild in its entirety)) leads to her actually... feel okay-ish. It's not a sudden in-all-fix-it ((she needs a PLETHORA of therapies)), but it starts her on a good path. Thay first step was difficult, but it was made... so much easier. Which leads to the second step. The third. The fourth.
And now that Buggy isn't having seventy four panic attacks every three minutes, she can devote some Brain Space to other things - her weapon making has become a sort of fidget toy type of situation, and she's.. actually really gotten a knack for this, over the years. She'd never call herself prodigal ((lowkey even if she is, with chemistry, physics and spatial awareness, she's so deep in the I'm A Liar hole that she doesn't clock that just.... Getting It isn't normal)).
Croc and Hawk are very supportive, even if they bully her (consensually).
And eventually, they even deign to try teaching her Haki - just to realize she's... been using it constantly almost her whole life. Her Observation is innate, acute, and one of the reasons she's so charismatic and able to reign in a crowd. It's both a talent for manipulation and also a form of reactive observation haki - by shifting her own energy among her followers, prospective or otherwise, she can encourage a specific reaction. It's a mix of Skill, Natural Talent and smoke and mirrors.
Learning that makes her wonder - if Haki can be so dynamic and THEN SOME, what other places has she not considered such an approach? Her weapons? Training? Her... her devil fruit...?
It's a paramecia. It affects her body, and she's gotten some rather decent control of it. Do paramecias awaken like zoans? Do logias? New Fixation Hours. She goes a little feral with the possibilities.
Suddenly, it seems like all of these little walls she never noticed before have fallen away, leaving a vast horizon of possibility.
Shanks will take a bit to arrive at Karai Bari, and he's expecting a specific version of his former best friend (or former love or former sibling, depending on Preferred Shuggy Flavor). He is anticipating the Buggy he saw a few years ago, but this time Woman Mode.
Crocodile and Mihawk's protective hovering is not exactly smth he anticipated, but he's willing to roll with that! His lovely Bug is just so pretty, he HAS to tell her, see her for himself, it's not even a want, it's not a desire, he needs it the way hee needs sea salt in his hair and a hilt in his hand and air in his lungs.
Buggy, meanwhile has skipped right tf over many emotions, instead Fueled By Hyperfixation, and while part of her is absolutely REELING at Shanks showing up unannounced on HER island, another part is cackling in mad scientist and saying "convince him to guinea pig, 'for old time's sake'." Shanks is WEAK to Buggy Begging Eyes, and Croc and Hawk ((while also weak but not exactly as weak as Shanks, they can pretend)) are watching and honestly laughing internally bc....
Well. Buggy's on a ROLL. And Shanks is her newest toy.
Poor Redhair has NO IDEA what he's in for...
SHE'S A QUEEN SHE'S A PRINCESS SHE'S LITERALLY LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is actually canon to me. Okay. Okay? She was just insecure and dealing with dysphoria and now she's the queen of the world. She owns it. Shanks is such a simp he's gonna let her do anything lmfao. And Mihawk and Crocodile absolutely love her and it's even funnier to bully her this way. And she's,,, She's so powerful. Queen. Absolutely amazing. Sexy but also really cute. Prettiest clown you've ever seen. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HER CLOTHES??? Because I have so many outfits in mind I am going INSANE. And I can't stop thinking about Luffy and her getting along and Luffy being extremely happy (not to mention Sanji, Don't- Don't let Sanji see her because maybe he dies. Me too).
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hyunjin-amore · 6 months
Monster trio+ law and Kidd react to their S/o telling them they are pregnant
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Luffy would likely experience a range of emotions upon learning that his partner is expecting, including excitement, perplexity, and mild ignorance.
Luffy might not immediately grasp the full ramifications of his partner's pregnancy. Perhaps he'll ask, "What does that mean?" or "Why are you getting bigger?" He might come across as a little naive given his lack of experience with pregnancy and childbirth, but his curiosity and desire to learn would be evident.
Luffy would become extremely excited once his partner gave him an explanation of what pregnancy is. He would cheer and yell, "That's amazing!" as he jumped up and down. We will soon become parents." His infectious youthful energy would make him think of all the exciting adventures he could have with his future child right away.
Throughout their pregnancy, Luffy would also provide his partner with unwavering support. He would check on them frequently, see to it that they were comfortable, and assist with any chores they found challenging. In an attempt to connect with the unborn child, he may even try to talk to the uterus and inquire about the child's excitement about meeting their father.
Overall, Luffy's reaction to his partner telling him they are pregnant would be a mix of joy, curiosity, and a determination to be the best father he can be. He might not fully understand the intricacies of pregnancy, but his love for his partner and the prospect of becoming a parent would shine through in his actions and words.
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When Zoro's significant other informs him that they are expecting, he probably feels a mixture of guilt, surprise, and worry.
Zoro may be surprised by the news at first. He might scowl and consider what he's just been told for a moment. Zoro may not have reacted as visibly as Luffy did at first because of his reputation for being stoic and serious. Nonetheless, his body language and eyes would betray his surprise.
After the initial shock subsides, Zoro will probably start worrying about his partner's welfare and the obligations that come with being a parent. "Are you okay?" or "What do we need to do now?" are some of the queries he might pose. Because Zoro is a realistic and practical person, he would start planning how to support his partner and get ready for their child's arrival right away.
In addition, Zoro would have a great sense of obligation to his partner and their unborn child. He would take his responsibility as their protector even more seriously and want to make sure they were safe and okay. Zoro may grow more watchful and protective of his partner, seeing to it that they are comfortable and helping with any chores they find challenging.
Zoro may not express his feelings as clearly as some other characters, but his actions would still be very telling. Throughout the process, he would provide his partner with stability, assurance, and support. Zoro doesn't always verbally communicate his emotions, but his commitment and will to be a responsible and loving father are evident in his actions.
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When Sanji's significant other tells him they are pregnant, he will probably feel a mixture of shock, excitement, and intense protectiveness.
Sanji may be surprised by the news at first. His eyes might widen in surprise, and he might freeze for a moment. But his shock would soon give way to an overwhelming sense of happiness and excitement. Given Sanji's reputation for being ardent and romantic, he would feel a great sense of pride and joy at the thought of becoming a father.
Sanji would show his partner how happy he was for them and the unborn child right away, showing them both lots of love and affection. He may give them a deep hug, plant a kiss on their forehead, and mutter encouraging and loving words in their ear. Sanji would be very clear to say that he is ecstatic to be pregnant and that he will stop at nothing to look after his partner and their child.
Sanji would also start to feel protective. He would start paying even closer attention to his partner's needs, ensuring their comfort and well-being. He may insist on handling all household chores, preparing wholesome meals, and making sure his partner gets enough sleep. Sanji would go above and beyond to provide his expanding family with a secure and supportive environment.
Sanji's culinary abilities would also be put to use when he begins to look into and prepare meals that are healthy for his partner's pregnancies. He would be proud to prepare delectable and healthful meals that promote the wellbeing of his significant other and their unborn child.
All things considered, Sanji would be ecstatic to learn of his partner's pregnancy and would feel a great desire to safeguard and take care of his expanding family. He would accept the role of a loving and dedicated soon-to-be father, and his deeds would demonstrate his dedication to giving his partner and their child a happy and secure future.
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If Law's partner had told him they were expecting, he probably would have been surprised, worried, and responsible at the same time.
The law may be surprised by the news at first. He might take a moment to process the information, his eyebrows furrowing. Given his reputation for being cool under pressure, Law's first response may not have been as conspicuous as that of some other characters. But you could see it in his eyes and the small shifts in his expression when he was surprised.
After the initial shock subsides, Law will probably start to worry about his partner's welfare and the obligations that come with being a parent. "Are you feeling alright?" and "What do we need to do now?" are some of the queries he might pose. Since Law is a sensible and practical person, he would consider the best ways to assist his partner and get ready for the birth of their child right away.
In addition, Law would have a great sense of duty to his partner and their unborn child. He would take his responsibility as their protector even more seriously and want to make sure they were safe and okay.
Law may start paying closer attention to and guarding his partner, making sure they are comfortable, and taking care of any challenging chores they may find.
Law may not express his feelings as freely as some other characters, but his deeds would be very telling. Throughout the process, he would provide his partner with stability, assurance, and support. Law may not always express his emotions vocally, but his commitment and will to be a responsible and loving father would be evident in his deeds.
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When Kidd's significant other informs him that they are expecting, he probably feels a mixture of responsibility, surprise, and worry.
Kidd may be surprised by the news at first. He may raise an eyebrow and take a moment to process the information while staring at his partner. Kidd may not have reacted as visibly as some other characters at first because of his reputation for being stoic and serious. Nonetheless, his body language and eyes would betray his surprise.
After the initial shock subsides, Kidd will probably start to worry about his partner's welfare and the obligations that come with being a parent. "Are you okay?" or "What do we need to do now?" are some of the queries he might pose. Since Kidd is a realistic and practical person, he would start planning how to support his partner and get ready for the birth of their child right away.
In addition, Kidd would have a great sense of duty to his partner and their unborn child. He would take his responsibility as their protector even more seriously and want to make sure they were safe and okay. Kidd might start paying closer attention to and guarding his partner more closely, making sure they are comfortable, and taking care of any challenging tasks they encounter.
Even though Kidd might not express his feelings as clearly as some other characters, his deeds would be very telling. Throughout the process, he would provide his partner with stability, assurance, and support. Even though Kidd doesn't always verbally communicate his emotions, his commitment and will to be a responsible and loving father would be evident in his actions.
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hccn-overseer · 11 months
I 13, 7/12/2 23 - The seer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Hello, everyone, and welcome to a very special edition of The Overseer. We would like to begin this week by including a trigger warning for kidnapping and very heavy talk of it. Please consider your own health before reading if this is a topic that is sensitive or triggering for you, and take care of yourselves above all. Normal issues resume next Wednesday, so see you then! - Staff of The Overseer
This week’s issue is accompanied by a PDF version created by the lovely C̴͇͆ẖ̶͂e̶̛̬e̶̜͘r̸͇̀! Pick it up here to check it out!
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Now onto othe news n the cut!
W̷e̵e̷k̵l̷y̴ ̴W̸e̸a̷t̴h̵e̸r̷ ̵R̴e̵
The Hermitcraft Charity Event!
By Ỉ̸͍l̶̥͋e̶͚͑a̸̮͠ Zei
Well welcome back to The Overseer™! 
Today’s talk will be about the Charity event that was held here on Hermitcraft server not long ago and specifically about the games that were built for it. 
The games that were built were: 
Basalt Assault by non-other than Tango of The Tek variety  
Battle Bane by Etho Slab (Ethos Lab) 
Bucket Rush by Ex-I-suma-Vojd (Xisuma Void) 
Derailed by ImpulseSV (author definitely didn’t laugh alot about the game name.) 
Dunk Tank by CubFan one tree five (spelling mistake is for a reason. It’s funny.) (One of the game by him was also Total Chaos!)  
Ice Bucket challenge by non other than queen of heads, hearts and body parts! (False Symmetry!) 
The Horse course by The married couple (Etho and Bdubs) 
And the finally, the last but not the least: Panda Rescue by GTWScarrrr (GoodTimesWithScar!) 
Let’s see what some people think of those, shall we?   [Quotes taken directly from subjects]  
“I dropped my popcorn as soon as Basalt Assault started, and I wasn’t even sad! The game was worth dropping my popcorn tenfold. In fact, I’m gonna go home, make some popcorn, and drop it on the floor in *honour* of the game.” 
“I was working in the Entity the day of the event so I couldn’t watch it. But I kept hearing bang after bang outside the window. It was terrifying, but invigorating. It’s impressive how an event can make you excited even if you’re not watching it.” 
“I almost pooed myself when the first bang in basalt assault went off – it was bloody terrifying. But a 10/10 show nonetheless.” 
“The whole charity event was an absolute blast and it was amazing seeing Hermits and the community come together as a whole to raise money for Gamers Outreach, which was the charity they chose to support! It was absolutely a blast how much was raised all together‼” 
“So I will say battle bane because I am an Etho girl and it was great to see it being played.” 
“i don’t know why but i got very much into bucket rush, definitely one of the highlights for me. Its hard to describe the feeling but watching was a mix of being extremely funny, extremely stupid, and extremely nerve racking.”  
“i have got to say i have a soft spot for horse course, it was such a funny game to watch since No One seemed to know what they were doing. A few of my coworkers and i heard of the racket that was leading to the games, and i had seen the games before they were played, i remember myself along with some other people were crowding around to get a glimpse of the games being played. because of that and the non-stop energy i have got to say watching and experience some games up close has got to be a special experience for me." 
Well it certainly seems like people like these games and the Charity event as a whole! I certainly do and I’m glad everyone came around to help with organising and helping the event to happen. 
That would be it for now! Join us again in reading next .
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By J̷̺̚a̴̧͝m̷̖͗í̸͕ê̴̠ Uncle Rob (He is now everyone’s uncle)
If you’re like me and not artistically inclined, then feel free to stop by Painted Wings. They’ll paint your elytra any colour you want! It’s like tattoos but for wings. Don’t you want to spite your parents just a little?
Are you good at getting plants to cooperate? Cool! I haven’t been able to grow anything since 9th grade biology. If you want to gather at a totally safe space this Friday the Garden Club will be behind Impulse’s shop. 
Do you like the Scar Safety Services? Well, I identify as a threat. Be sure to call your local Scar UNSAFE Service office to get your base fixed up and ready for any type of visitor.
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G̸͙̓ă̵̞m̴̖̔è̷̤ŝ̵̳ ̵̭̂à̷̖n̴͎͛d̸͓̉ Fun and Games
By Kidnapper (Fizzello)
What's a better way to appreciate our many contributors this week, by making a word search using their names! The goal is to find all the names at the bottom of the word search. And if you see any "questionable" words in there; do what anyone would do. Ignore it! You can't see them if you don't acknowledge them. 
Good luck, fellow citizens! 
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Did you find all of them? Congratulations! Did you not find all of them? There's always next time! Did you find some words you probably shouldn't have? No you didn't!
Anyway, onto the answer key!
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Wow, that's a bunch of names! And no other words. If you see anything circled that is not one of the names; ignore it! Those are errors that were not able to be filtered out in time for this week's paper. And nothing else! 
Nothing else.
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Weekly Weather Report
By Nes
Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to report the weather how we typically do, however you’ll be pleased to know this week we here at The Overseer offer you an indepth look on the weather in a basement! 
Thursday - Basement is expected to be damp in the morning, dew is likely to seep through the cracks in the ceiling. Hopes are high it will dry up during the day so we don’t soil our socks… again. High is estimated to be a cool 5C down here thanks to the air conditioner we were so kindly provided. 
Friday - It continues to be damp in the basement, luckily today there appears to be minimal leakage from the upper floors. However the air conditioner is either broken or has been unplugged, leaving us at a miserable 20C temperature throughout the day.
Saturday - As the days pass I would like to humbly suggest that whoever kidnapped us get someone down here to look at their basement, as there is a lot of leakage due to the rain today. With a high of 17C, we are in dire need of more buckets.
Sunday - Rain continues into the morning and fills the basement to about waist level for most of us. Good news is the air conditioner is back on and gives us a lovely breeze and a high of 10C.
Monday - False alarm, air conditioner was broken by the flooding. While the rain has stopped, what replaced it isn’t much better. It’s rather dry in the basement if you ignore the flood, and we have a high of 30C.
Tuesday - Flood is mostly gone today thanks to the work of everyone tossing buckets out the small window we have. Sun appears to be out, the conditioner continues to be broken, and it is a high of 34C, hopefully that will help dry off our clothes.
Wednesday - It did not help dry off our clothes. Instead they smell rather musty, no one is amused. Air conditioner continues to be broken, skies continue to be clear, and we have a high of 40C today. 0/10 would not recommend staying in the basement.
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Editor's Note: Found these scraps of paper lying in my office along with the other articles. Not sure if I'm supposed to print these too but at this point I'm too afraid to ask. At the back of one piece of paper it says 'Astrology Corner'
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And that's all for this week's news folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!
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canonfeminine · 1 month
AHH CONGRATS ON THE 50! literally praying you get more because you are amazing. Can I request A Sea of Godly Parent and the Scrapbook (moonboard based after my blog please!)
here is a little about my personality to help with the godly parent:
Personality: I am an INTJ Slytherclaw, Aquarius and a Type 6 when it comes to anagrams. Neutral Good. I am a huge overthinker and stress a lot with anxiety. People tell me that I can be blunt which results in people thinking that I can be cold but in reality I try to be a kind person when it is needed. I am a realist and many consider me to be intelligent, often asking me to help with their work. I’m incredibly passionate about things I like to do and have a thirst to know everyone’s opinions as I feel that if someone is left out. I’m a creative person but sometimes my brain just goes blank, I hate when it does. I have a really dry sense of humour that usually is a mix of sarcasm, fandom jokes or self degrading jokes. I'm an extremely stubborn person and have to be right about everything. From a young age, my parents were extremely strict and had expected the best out of me which resulted in me being an overachiever. I have to get things perfect or be the best at what I’m doing. I'm really sensitive, even some small harsh words are enough to make me teary. I’ve been called a crybaby because of that and to be honest, that is true. I give too much to other people since I’m afraid of saying no since what if they hate me? And I'm too scared to ask for help or to have something cause I think they will think I'm selfish and worthless. Not the best self esteem 😔 I love to listen to other people since I think not a lot of people have others that they can tell what they wish to say without getting judged or outcasted. But the problem is that I judge too easily too. As much as I want to show a good image to others and help them, I tend to focus on my own needs and how everything can affect me for the better or worse. I hate repeating things, especially in front of a big crowd. I daydream too much. When I get excited, I speak really quickly and stumble over my words which I get embarrassed by and stop talking. I am very sensitive, especially when it comes to my appearance and personality. I’m always afraid that people are constantly judging me or hate me, which is why I tend to avoid public spaces or being around people in general. When I get familiar with someone or a crowd, I’m not that afraid to state my opinion. I get jealous and possessive easily, like I mentioned my parents are strict meaning I got very few things of my own and those things only came to me because I tried so hard to get it. So when I see someone else with it, it just irks me off. I always make plans but I know I’m not going to complete them, I just like to imagine the future if I actually had motivation and energy to accomplish things. I can never start new things while completing old ones. I am also the oldest child and have 4 younger ones, another reason why I stress too much. I don’t think I mentioned this, but I get angry really easily. The slightest mistakes just pisses me off. I suck at short talks and starting conversations, it’s much easier to have lengthier conversations. I can never do presentations, I always get too nervous. Plus, my friends say my voice is really soft so no one ever hears me much, especially since I’m uncomfortable. When I get angry, my judgement is clouded. I am terrible at holding grudges. I would be upset at someone but the second I see them again, I feel normal and happy in a way. Probably said this before, but I’m a huge day dreamer and stubborn. I can’t concentrate on my work because I always get distracted and daydream about things I will never have. I normally appear composed but have a fiery temper. I really want to be a lawyer. My parents never let me use the internet much as a kid so I pretty much live under a rock but I am incredibly book smart. 
THANK YOUUUU. And yes, but you'll have to request the scrapbook one in a different message! I only want people to ask for one thing per message <3. Anyways, hands down you are a child of athena. like I don't think I need to explain WHY I think this, but if you wanna know it's because of these things:
You being an overthinker
The sarcasm of all types
the passion you have for subjects you like
you being an overachiever
andd you being a stubborn and pretty much smart person!
like from start to finish, this is just SO cabin six coded!! like I don't think i've met about someone so Annabeth Chase coded in my life LOL.
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wongyuuu · 1 year
Peak Time - (Episodes 1&2)
I like it, I like it a lot. That’s it, really. The whole idea behind it is amazing really and for one I’m really glad that this isn’t an Mnet show. I feel like Mnet, being Mnet, would try to create some sort of rivalry between the groups. I don’t think JTBC will do that, at least considering what I remember of Mix Nine but I can be wrong, it’s been so many years lol. Also the judges are good ones. I personally don’t like Jay Park but this show might change it, idk? Kyuhyun on the other hand… Really starting to dislike him.
I’ll mention only the performances I liked because there were too many to go through them all. There’s really no specific order to this, but I did like some of them more than others 
Team 20:00 (M.O.N.T) – Fever
They made me forget that this is, originally, a JYP song. That’s show good they were. And they didn’t have a whole of dancing and there’s only 2 of them and they managed to make it feel it was their concert. I remember them from Mix Nine and this is a huge jump from that. I’m curious to see how they move forward and how will they be able to tackle other types of music. They seemed to be really in their element on this.
Team 11:00 (Vanner) – Adore U
First off, their story? Amazing, they deserve the world, they just really want to perform, doesn’t matter what they have to do on the side to be able to do so. And their performance? Sooooo good. It takes good vocalists to cover good vocalists and I believe they did a fantastic job. I’m already following them everywhere
Team 8:00 (DKB) – The Real
In this song, more than in others, there’s this energy that’s very specific to Ateez, it’s related to them as people and how they behave. To me, DKB managed to emulate that very well in this performance. They had fun throughout the entire thing and you could see it in their faces. It made me tear up a little bit when they were getting praised and the leader (?) was holding back his tears.
Team 23:00 (DGNA) – Mirotic
As expected, 2nd gen really hits different. Everything about this performance was magnificent, I can’t even really express how good it really was. The hold this song has on me it’s not even funny and the fact that these guys came out singing like that, no backtrack, vocals for days, so powerful all three of them and really dancing is insane. The other groups were so surprised to see them sing like that and I just was so happy, smiling and singing along the whole time.
Team 02:00 (NTX) – No Mercy
This was really good, to me the least expected song. I really liked it and there isn’t a whole lot to comment on it. I know that they’ve been getting some negative feedback from knets, because they dissed 4th gen during the rap verse but honestly? Who cares? Let’s start with the fact that they are, indeed, part of 4th gen and really a lot of the groups tend to focus on visuals and dancing more than anything else, sometimes it feels like watching a dance group that happens to have mics attached to their faces. So yeah, good job to them. (Also, imagine how crazy it is to perform to a song in a competition like this and then have the original singer come out as a contestant.)
Team 14:00 (GHOST9) – Never Ever
I like it, it wasn’t perfect at times, but overall very good. I’m surprised that they had to stay on hold for the judges to decide whether or not they would be able to move to the next round. To me they performed better than Bae143 and ATBO, who passed by the amount of votes imediatly (which don’t take me as reference because I usually hate when people cover exo or any song sang by exo members so). I was really surprised to seem them perform as just 5 and the fact that they had to rearrange the entire performance in day and still managed to do a decent job is really impressive. The guy rapping was screaming a little too much, I’m not sure if he was trying to emulate Jackson’s tone or if he had to take on a part that wasn’t originally his
Heedo – Soloist – Back Door
I’ve been a fan of his for some years now so I’m happy that he got to come out and participate. This performance was really good and really complete, he’s a good rapper and his singing voice is really good too.
Jong Up – Soloist – Anyone
I never expected to see him come to a show like this. My friend, who likes him a lot, said he was doing fine on his own so she doesn’t understand why he came out like this and why he said that B.A.P wanted to come as group. Regardless of that, his performance was really good and it really is different to see a man, man, dancing.
Byeong Ju – Soloist – 4 Walls
Let me tell that this a hard song and he was really good. I don’t have a whole lot to say so yeah, amazing, loved it.
I hated how JTBC didn’t announce during the show which groups would be through, out of those who were on hold, and the soloists who would make it into team 24:00. “Go to the site”? You couldn’t have spared 10 minutes to announce that while the show was airing? A terrible move if you ask me. Either way, out of the 15 groups in the show, I’ll be watching these 7 more as we move forward, but who knows, it might change.
Compared to Boys Planet, I like this one more, as the nature of the show is to push already formed groups closer to their dream. Regardless of who wins, I hope they find success.
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zhouxiangs · 4 months
(1/2 - sorry!)
Argh, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in (with more Way slander)! Buckle up - this one's bitchy! The more out of step I feel with the rest of the PB audience, the more I double triple quadruple down on the Way defence until I find myself becoming increasingly mean and unhinged! Every time I see a post wishing for Kenta's rescue/release/redemption, framing him (accurately) as trapped and abused, by no means blameless but also not entirely to blame, I think to myself 'where's that same energy for Way??' Fully ready to keep digging my own grave now: I came across a 'consequences of my own actions' post featuring Babe laying into Way, and the petty part of my brain immediately started cackling as it visualised a parallel gifset for the Dean/Babe betrayal – consequences of your own actions indeed! (And, while I’m out here burning bridges, you know what? I’d include Alan in that too! All very well crying found family, but when you let your top racer dictate the rules based on which direction his dick is twitching...just saying!!! Also – and I blame the writers for this rather than the characters – for someone who cares so much about said found family, you’d have thought we could spare a second for Alan’s reaction to learning the truth about Way, or even heaven forbid a scene of him needing his own confrontation with him, considering they’ve known each other as long as they have Babe, right?)
And here's where I come clean and admit that I fully guffawed when Dean was so dismissive about mourning Charlie cos tbh I feel the same way! (Not to mention, why should Dean care about this person?? From his POV, this guy came out of nowhere, shagged his way into the team, undermined all Dean's years of hard work, and just like that was suddenly considered an integral part of the family, a family Dean now felt rejected and dismissed by - you be as bitter as you like, you angry little boy!)
I think for me it's a perfect storm combo of styling/acting/writing (or rather telling not showing), because, no matter how well Pavel sells Babe's grief, I can't stand Charlie, and am actively rooting against their relationship (and was doing so even before my love for Way emerged). One of my very least favourite tropes of anything ever is when you establish two characters as having a long and incredibly close history together, basically being each other's go-to person, whether that be as siblings or bffs (with or without a one-sided love thrown into the mix), only to bring onto the scene a third character who we're more often than not TOLD (and not shown) is just so amazing and special and beautiful that one of our original characters can't help but fall madly in love with them, usually to the absolute detriment of their relationship with the other original character (even worse when it's made into a love triangle, bluergh!), as if there's something just so irresistible about this newbie that the Babe in this scenario can't possibly have known love or desire until this point, and all that long and intimate history with their friend/sibling/whatever suddenly doesn't seem that meaningful after all, especially since in these sorts of stories it's usually a very rapid progression from mild interest to OH MY GOD I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THIS PERSON THEY ARE MY EVERYTHING LIFE MEANT NOTHING BEFORE THEM! Which is only ever so slightly insulting to everyone else in their friendship group, let alone their discarded go-to person! (In fact, I wish more stories explored this, the complicated (and yes, sometimes grievous) effect a new romantic relationship can have on a pre-existing friendship, without going the cliched route of turning the one left behind into a villain or making it a love triangle. Platonic friendships can be just as - if not more so - complex and important as romantic relationships, but this is something the media seems very reluctant to acknowledge.)
full disclosure, this ask is from before ep 11 was out; i was debating answering as i try not to put any negativity out there but after thinking about it for a while there are some things i'd like to answer to, also i think it's more interesting having different perspectives and opinions and talk about it
oh waynnie (way nonnie) do i get you. i've been a bit emotional about this topic for the last couple days or so and i really don't get people lol i can honestly say i love all the pit babe characters (not tony) and my top blorbos are way and kenta, so maybe that's why? but it's so frustrating to me and i simply. don't understand!!! the double standard in judging two characters that are in such similar circumstances so differently. i just can't wrap my head around it. also i feel like we're very much ignoring kenta's active involvement in the whole human trafficking situation, which again, circumstances, but also: literal human trafficking?
you know what i kinda defended babe last time about the whole dean thing but i've been rewatching his parts for reasons and science and. i think i have to backtrack, actually. sorry babe you're alone on this; it was always weird, and what dean did is inexcusable and i'm not going to say you made him do it, but what a way to shatter his dreams and hopes right as he was about to make it to the track. also sorry about me, but what hurts me more is still the fact that dean betrayed the x-hunter family and not that he tried to kill charlie and then babe. i do have my priorities ig lol
yeah see i would have loved to see more on that, because again, family feelings. i'm not saying make alan suffer bc i know he already does and if i have to justify the lack of scenes i'd blame the script, but also (and this might be me just excusing them trying to read more into it than there is) i have spent hours goofing off with the same friend after at least four different funerals because we both deal with loss and grief in similar ways, and while we may seem flippant to others it really helps to have that distraction. this is also applies to jeff and how calm he looks after charlie's "death" btw.
sorry but i am a charlie shooter lmao i wouldn't really call myself that now bc i have been proven right about him, but after the first ep aired it was me against the mdl comments. and i won. unfortunately i can over-explain and gaslight myself into making sense of/seeing more depth to almost every situation which maybe isn't very helpful lol but in this case i think it was as simple as the right person at the right time- as far as we know way wasn't actively manipulating babe before, and babe himself said he was satisfied with his life and wasn't looking for or even wanted love before charlie showed up, so. i have kinda moved on from charlie (ok no that sounds bad. i'm just juggling other, more important blorbos atm) but i adore him still; he's the bravest and most selfless naive puppy full of love and affection and everything good that babe thought he didn't need or want in his life, and i need for him and babe to reunite and be happy again.
agree with the rest though! tbh i never really saw them as a proper triangle but since way and babe were best friends they (maybe accidentally) gave me everything i wanted in that regard, which is: not downplaying the importance of friendship, or ignoring how it hurts when someone you used to be with all the time suddenly isn't there. in a way it doesn't really matter that way was, up to that point, still as important as he had always been for babe because he still felt abandoned, and feelings aren't something you can control. his actions and disdain/straight hate for charlie are because he loves babe and he's jealous and hurt bc his feelings weren't reciprocated, but i kinda… choose to ignore that and focus on the friendship aspect. i don't hope to get that back, or for them to have any kind of relationship or even contact later, but that doesn't erase their past.
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emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
Ooooh a match-up event! I've never submitted for something like this, so im very excited...
1. Hey, I'm Jay! I am a 28 y/o Transmasc Non-binary, He/Him/They. Im Achillian Biromantic AceFlux (I'm Bi, with a heavy preference towards men. I love my men twinky and sassy and my women strong. Also my sexuality I joke is [Under Construction]-) and I am a bottom leaning switch.
2. Papas and Ghouls!
3. I am 5'10" (average to tall height depending on who you ask), I am heavy, with long lashes and brown eyes and short curly brunette/blonde hair (It looks brown most of the time but I've been old its technically blonde?) My hair is short around the back and sides and fades into being longer and fluffy on top. My preference for dressing ranges from Soft Boi to Victorian.
4. I consider myself a Soft Boi (tm). Im a fun mix of opinionated and full of anxiety. If I trust you, I'll talk your ear off, otherwise I assume you do not want to hear me- I'm the type of person who matches energies for the most part. If you're excited, I'm excited! If your chilling, I'm chilling. I am always ready and wanting to lend a helping hand and show my love through physical touch and acts of service. My friends also say I am a humanized Golden Retriever.
5. I love to draw, I actually have a degree in illustration! I hope to one day be able to work as a full time freelance artist! I also love to roleplay, and I love Dungeon's and Dragons. I also love video games, Books (queer romance is my favorite genre, which is expanded 10 fold for space or fantasy pieces). My music taste is hard to pin down, but I usually go to Musical Theatre/Show tunes and then like pop punk / pop rock (My 3 top bands are Ghost, Mariana's Trench, and 3 Days Grace if that helps).
6. Other Trivia. I am AuDHD. Im messy but organized. My favorite animals are Dogs (Golden Retrievers especially) and Foxes. I am a maximalist who holds onto everything, very sentimental in that regard. I work as an Admin (Fancy Secretary).
Thank you in advanced!
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Phantom
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Phantom is so sweet, you can't help but trust him. Xey saw you and just kinda ran over to you. It was practically jumping up and down on the spot he was so excited to meet you properly and talk to you.
They are very chatty and then you started opening up and talking more. You just kinda chat away happily all day.
Swiss fondly says you are both like puppies, golden retriever puppies. He'll often say this while patting Phantom on the head and then grinning at you.
You both show your love through physical touch. Phantom is very affectionate. Xey'll crawl onto your lap on an evening and just kinda stay there. Cuddling you and kissing you.
It'll nuzzle into you and want to stay like that all night. If you try and get up he'll give you puppy dog eyes and kiss you some more. You have to point out to them that you just want to go and lie down in bed with him. It practically sprints past you and jumps into bed before holding you close to xem.
He will also kiss you a lot, at any point any time. If it sees you they will run over and kiss you.
If xey see you drawing he'll kiss your neck and face as encouragement then try and leave you be for a bit. It thinks your art is amazing and they want to support you in anyway he can.
Written by Nyx edited by Jez
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swanconcerto · 1 year
part 1 of my redacted classical music au- damn crew
as per @super-trouper-lights 's encouragement, here is an attempt at organising this classical music au that takes up 90% of my brain space at all times.
i've (hopefully) including links to a few pieces that i think suit each character as well :)
psa! i am a pianist, not an orchestral musician, so most of this is coming from anecdotal evidence that i've seen and heard as a serial concertgoer and music student. and my bonus powers of special interest and being right about everything ever.
freelancer: i usually alternate between clarinet and oboe, but i've settled between clarinet being their principal. i also think they've considered trying their hand at conducting! excels at an eclectic mix of classical/modern/jazz pieces- enjoys at the camaraderie of playing symphonic works with the rest of the orchestral, but prefers the freedom and craziness of 20th century music when playing solo. favourite composers are like bartok, prokofiev, shostakovich, stravinsky etc. turns on rite of spring at a house party like "this is my jam!!!" gavin is their go-to accompanist and together they are an absolute dream team because they work together so perfectly, even if they make eyes at each other the whole performance. really good composer too but they're too shy to show their work to anyone outside of the friend group at the minute.
pieces: bernstein sonata for clarinet and piano, templeton pocket sized sonata no.1 III : in rhythm
gavin: pianist, with a heavy focus on ensemble playing. gavin thrives when he can work off the other person(s) energy, and accompaniment really lets him have a lot of fun! really good at keeping up with the soloist even if they switch it up DURING the performance (i can see freelancer doing this...). annoyingly and effortlessly excellent at sightreading and transposing. he can play solo too but i think having all eyes on him alone on the stage makes him uneasy. if he is playing a solo work i can see him being really into all the basic romantic pieces he's definitely best at chopin and liszt. i can also see him being a fan of brahms! he's really not a fan of the earlier baroque stuff. BIG hand span so he's good at playing rachmaninoff as well. basically, he's a romantic and it shows.
pieces: liszt liebesträume no.3 (this piece is about a love that transcends death. thinking about gav's immortality vs fl's mortality...), chopin nocturne in g minor op. 37 no. 1, brahms intermezzo op. 117 no.2
damien: cellist. second chair (you'll see who is first chair later!) and slightly bitter about it, but he prefers playing solo anyways. very prone to injuries as he tenses up when he loses himself in the music, but he's working on it. REALLY scary to be in a chamber ensemble with. scarily good sense of time and will call you out if you are out by even a millisecond. thought about conducting but decided against it after he nearly made lasko cry for rushing a phrase. serial string breaker. gets a little starstruck around musicians he really respects. a real asset to the orchestra because his passion and drive is infectious. actually counts his rests LOL. has a beautiful tenor voice but rarely shows it off. has a notebook dedicated to cello and takes detailed notes after every lesson, rehearsal, and performance. loves having an art form to just throw himself into.
pieces: brahms cello sonata, elgar cello concerto
huxley: PERCUSSIONIST! him and xavier man the percussion section at the back of the orchestra- huxley has definitely gotten too into the music and accidentally launched a mallet into the orchestra before; apologised profusely afterwards. likes to play tuned and untuned percussion equally. goes ham on the timpani! amazing sense of rhythm. often taps out little bits of what he's playing whilst he's going about his day. often has a little dance when he's playing! is also super good at little jazz or bossa nova improvisations on the piano. huxley really doesn't play anything pre-19th century, but sometimes if he'll listen to some early baroque pieces whilst he's walking home or lying in bed, and hum along. really likes bach's cello suites to calm down. gets damien to play them for him while he lounges on the floor like a very happy cat. the most interested in music outside of the western canon- he thinks it's all super fascinating.
pieces: márquez danzón no. 2, reich mallet quartet iii: fast (this one sounds really earthy to me? for some reason.)
lasko: did you really think he would be anything but a flautist?! flute posterboy. amazing breath control, but often rushes phrases (he plays like he rambles!) likes being in the same section as freelancer as they always give him a little thumbs up before he has any solo parts. gavin usually accompanies him for solo work but sometimes lasko gets so flustered he breathes funny into his flute and all that comes out is this strange honking sound- gavin isnt sure whether it came from the flute or lasko himself. his favourite composers are ravel and debussy as he just loves the impressionist sound- always listens to debussy's preludes when he's winding down before bed. recently has been obsessed with debussy's la mer- perhaps it reminds him of a certain someone...? also quite the mozart fan! lasko gets really lost in the music when he plays and tends to lose all of his inhibitions- it's lovely for his friends to see him relaxed and happy like that, and it's also very therapeutic for him.
pieces: glick flute sonata i: fast, mozart concerto for flute and harp 2nd mov (with a certain water elemental playing the harp part...) , ravel valses nobles et sentimentales ii: assez lent (okay i know the flute isnt that prominent in this but it just reminds me of him)
bonus: caelum is a very enthusiastic piano student, hoping to take after his big brother gavin :D
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Hello! I hope it’s not a nuisance but can I request a Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rall and One Piece matchup? 2 character from each fandom
I do like a romantic pair with a male character!
Hobbies: I spend most of my time drawing, playing, watching anime or anything with the horror genre involved (movies, series, games, criminal cases anything with horror or mystery!)
Appearance: I’m pretty short, about 5′ 3″, brown medium hair with no bangs and brown eyes, my head’s empty about fashion lmao, but I’m a mix of cute style (not extreme), goth style and Victorian style
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexually: Bisexual
Age: 20
Aesthetic: Dark Academia, Withcore, Kawaii and Soft Girl
I would like a character that wouldn’t care about my physical disability (Wheelchair user) and mostly liked make me laugh and feel more positive about myself!
Anyway, take good care of yourself, drink enough water and get enough rest! Also please tag me when you’re done with my request 💕
Hi! Thank you for your request! I've given you one detailed matchup for each fandom as well as an additional matchup suggestion. If you'd like me to write full matchup thoughts for the additional suggestions, let me know! Also, I am currently up to episode 370 (Thriller Bark) of One Piece so please keep that in mind while reading. Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Itto probably won’t even notice your disability until it’s pointed out to him. It’s not that he’s completely blind. He knows you’re in a wheelchair. But he’s so focused on the sort of person you are that he doesn’t even consider you “different”.
Honestly, he’s probably your biggest cheerleader. Itto’s very supportive of you as a person and your hobbies.
Itto would enjoy watching anime with you. I think he enjoys energy filled, action shows but he’s more than happy to settle into a rom-com as well. Just be prepared to comfort him if anything sad happens.
Loves watching you draw. I don’t see Itto as someone with good artistic skills so he thinks all of your creations are amazing.
Super funny! Itto will be cracking jokes left, right, and centre. He loves hearing you laugh, and it’s even better when he’s the cause.
For an alternate matchup, I would likely say Mika. I think you’d get along well though he’s not sure about horror.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Much like Itto, Sampo would be your biggest cheerleader. He’s going to support all of your endeavours and will give you words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
He is aware of your disability and all it entails so he’ll be great at supporting you. Need him to get something that’s out of reach? He’s on it. Want him to come to the doctor with you? Of course he’ll be there!
Sampo claims to enjoy watching horror movies with you but in reality he’s going to be clinging onto your arm and sleeping with the lights on for a few nights afterwards.
He’s much more into anime and is happy to watch anything you sit him down in front of. I see Sampo as someone he likes shows that are a balance between action and rom-com.
Also enjoys making you laugh. I see one of Sampo’s main love languages as making his partner happy, whatever form that takes.
For an alternate matchup, I would say Caelus. He’ll be very supportive but isn’t as likely to make you laugh as Sampo is.
In One Piece, I match you with...
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Rounding out your matchups with a third and final supportive partner. Luffy doesn’t have a single unsupportive bone in his body so you can bet he’s going to be cheering you on for even something as simple as waking up in the morning.
Enjoys watching you draw but struggles to sit still for too long. If he can do something while watching you be creative, he’d like that very much.
In the same sense, Luffy would enjoy watching horror movies or anime with you but he has to be doing something else at the same time, for both your sakes.
Luffy’s always making you laugh, whether it’s intentional or not. Sometimes he makes a concerted effort to bring your spirits up, other times he’s just being Luffy without a care in the world.
Is aware of your disability but thinks you’re even more amazing for it. He’s not one to think people who are disabled are any less capable of being wonderful people, even if there are certain things you can’t do.
This was actually a very close second but as your alternate matchup I would pair you with Sanji. He’s equally as supportive as Luffy but can be a bit smothering at times.
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rivetgoth · 1 year
Bands I saw last night in order—
Death Bells: I missed part of their set since they opened and I got in like 10-15 minutes late but they were really fun. Just like very classic post punky shoegaze, good energy on stage especially considering they were playing to basically an empty audience since most people didn’t show up until later (the show went from 6 to 12:30!). I liked ‘em a lot.
Cold Gawd: Really cool shoegaze project with like, 5 different guitars at once lol. Had an effect of making them sound like a thunder storm or something, really full sounding. I also really enjoyed this one. Both of these bands are ones I’ll be listening to in the future even though I hadn’t heard of them before!
SRSQ: I wanted to like SRSQ more because I know people who like them, they were fine but didn’t grab me quite as much. Kinda like dancey but lowkey modern electronica with a very operatic vocal style. Frontwoman had fun energy and I’ll give them another shot but yeah not my biggest of the night. Fun to see though!
SPICE: Slightly more rock sounding than the others but still pretty squarely in the realm of shoegaze post punk. Reminded me occasionally of The Velvet Underground. I liked them, but they also weren’t the most memorable of the night for me.
Hiro Kone: Classic noise woman moment. She was an ambient noise project with a big sound machine with cords and wires sprawled across it. I liked her, just very psychedelic and atmospheric with enough of a rhythm you could still kinda bob up and down to it lol.
Helm: Also experimental noise but admittedly in a way that interested me less. I’m sure he’s good at what he does, but unfortunately one of the bands I’d primarily gone to see was up next on the main stage so I left early to get a good spot hah.
Choir Boy: One of the bands I primarily paid to see and did not disappoint. They sounded AMAZING, they played a really good set with some of my favorite songs of theirs, frontman had really fun energy, just a super magical moment where everyone was so hype for them and their synth sounded so nice. Really really great highlight for me. If you don’t know them check them out, they’re a really dreamy 80s Kate Bush-esque throwback project mixed with modern indie folk stuff. Really unique.
Riki: Riki!! I love her. She’s so cute and her music is so fun, I’ve already seen her before a few times and I love her energy to death. Only complaint is that I got a kinda bad spot for her set since she was on the second stage and Choir Boy ran a little late so I didn’t have the chance to get upstairs before she started but omg, her sound was amazing even near the back. She never disappoints. Fun modern dark electronic music with lots of variation (she’s a Cold Waves Festival alum).
ADULT.: Also a band I’ve seen before and also one of the reasons I was there, also absolutely did not disappoint. Also Cold Waves alumi. They brought the energy that no one else had haha super fun electronic industrial dance music, screaming and jumping and flashing lights and the frontwoman right in the audience’s face. So fun and hype. Totally check them out if you haven’t, they are so good at what they do. Last time I saw them they were performing the same day as Severed Heads and started a pit for them LOL!!
Drab Majesty: Cannot believe I’d never seen them before. Kind of a bucket list band for me. What can I say? Drab is amazing at what they do. Their sound was amazing. They looked great. Chugged straight from a bottle of wine between songs, kept the lights off for their encore and instead flashbanged all of us with giant handheld headlights while they played in darkness. Only complaint is that I was so fucking exhausted after running between stages for 9 other acts for hours so I was kinda relieved when they were done LOL. But they were great and I’m so glad I finally got to see them.
So yeah! I’m so happy, it was such a good show, lots of bands I love, bands I’ve wanted to see, bands I’d never heard of, just a super fun night 🥺🖤 Thank you Dais Records 🥺🖤
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Let’s talk about: The importance of names in Spirituality
So this is something I was discussing with a really amazing person in my DMs and I said maybe I’ll do a post on the importance of names, so I am. 😘
What’s in a name?
Your name is one of the most important pieces of your human personality. It is what your personality attaches to, the energy of your name. Your name effects your destiny number in Pythagorean numerology. In my healing post, I talked about how you needed someone’s name to do healing on them. There are some cultures where you even have a private name only certain people use because it is considered sacred. Why? Because when someone knows your name, it means they have critical information on you. You cannot read for someone if you don’t know their name. You cannot tap into someone without having their name. For example, people who read on celebrity soulmates, they have to go through the celebrity’s name in order to read the energy which means everything is filtered through the celebrity first. Yes, this is a form of protection and for good reason, as many of you may know.
Wow, but my name is soooo basic
Learning the meaning of your given name can really show you important pieces of your story and mission. It can also tune you into cultures you may be tied to. That’s why the naming of someone and choosing to change your name is such a critical moment, it literally shifts your energy and how people in the world connect to you. Learn your naming story and what inspired your name, learn what it means, learn what nicknames mean or calculate the number behind nicknames. This is all part of learning who you are. You may share a name with someone else, but that doesn’t mean your name isn’t special or unique or doesn’t have anything to teach you. And if you have a boring naming story like me, well you can change it.
Changing your name and pet names
You can change how you perceive your name, and ultimately you can change your name or choose to go by another name. Some people do this after a spiritual awakening when they feel their old name no longer suits them. This is why for many people in the LGBTQIA+ community, using a dead name is so painful. Try to learn the correct pronunciation of someone’s name always and call them by what they ask to be called. It’s disrespectful as fuck and energetically off putting to do otherwise.
Pet names or other names meant for endearment can be important too and tell you a lot about that person’s feelings towards you. This can come from friends, family, partners, etc. This is also why calling someone out of their name, like calling someone bitch or piece of shit, is taken so offensively.
What else?
Did you know your soul also has a name? It does! You can meditate on it and see if you’re allowed to know it. Spirit will let you know but learning your own soul name is very sacred, and it’s important you don’t take learning it lightly. I learned my soul name in high school in a strange ass moment of ego death where this name I’d never heard in my life came to me and I was told it’s my soul name. Pretty neato, right!
Also consider changing your name very seriously, before you do it. Changing your family name, such as through marriage or adoption, literally ties you to that bloodline which is why it can be seen as such a beautiful gift to accept someone else’s last name. A married friend of mine talked to me about how her husband felt sort of mixed about her getting her masters with her changed last name because he felt it made him a part of something that was all hers (I know!! What a fucking man). Consider the impact of how you choose to be called professionally and personally as it has weight. Changing your given name, can change the connection between who you are this life and your soul, and effects the numerology that guides your life, so don’t take this decision lightly.
**also this sacredness with names applies to other things as well, such as what you name your pet, plants, or car or works of art. Names as a whole are powerful because they are one of the first pieces of knowledge you learn about a person or thing and it can help you understand them more deeply**
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quidfree · 2 years
have you every watched voltron or she-ra? if not, highly rec!! she-ra's amazing ( in my humble opinion ) voltron is uhh the start was great bUT GIANT ROBOT CATS THAT TURN INTO A GIANT ROBOT HUMAN
hi anon- i’ve watched both, actually, though not all the way through- thoughts below the cut just because i can feel this will be long despite my best efforts. def agree on voltron but cannot say i think shera is great haha
let’s start w voltron bc it’s the og. i watched it when it was first coming out and yeah- received w great enthusiasm. keith, unsurprisingly, was my guy. allura was probably my second favourite character. love the space lion robots of it all. really enjoyed the alien fantasy drama. was extremely on-board with unlikely teammates saving the galaxy and secret galra heritage and shiro’s war ptsd and all that. i think the early seasons had a good balance of drama and comedy, too.
definitely went downhill fast, and i didn’t watch past the season where lotor first starts playing a big role in the show, in part because i could Feel the bad prince zuko arc they were going to do and absolutely did not have the time for it (cannot believe they had him and allura be a thing…. and then she dies at the end of the show). basically just got frustrated by the way the characters were handled after a certain point, the tone was a mixed bag and the plot got messy. i was lucky bc keith was one of the people who got the most consistent/thorough focus and development, but the sidelining of certain charas and the weird dvp of others was just annoying. plus the ‘funny’ episodes… no. love shiro getting gay married tho good for him #lovewins.
shera…. hm. to give it some credit: i do enjoy the silly retro cartoon energy of it (the Names!!), i think the core 3’s friendship is good throughout, and naturally i think adora and catra’s relationship is compelling, fucked up and endearing. also there were def points where (like w voltron) the smaller-scale conflicts were pretty engaging to me, esp in the way they managed to overlap them w personal struggles- adora vs the horde, glimmer’s family drama… and mermista is an icon throughout love her energy.
now for my overview of the show… season one was promising for me but the like Positivity of it all just doesn’t speak to me- it’s Very power of friendship sparkles somehow. yeah theres darkness but i feel like it always gets mishandled. the villains in shera are sooo inconsistently framed as big menacing evil or harmless funny guys & i hate it- for eg why set up shadowweaver as this military evil child abuser for the early seasons and then make her a snarky teammate by the end?? it has ambitions of doing moral greyness but it’s mostly just badly executed for me… and that extends to catra fyi, for as much as i love her. shes easily my fav character but shes not very well-written. let’s not even start on hordak and his whole mess of a plot.
on that note both shows have a weird relationship w their genocide plots also. if you want to have genocide in your fun lil show you still need to take it seriously and there are ways to do it- think of avatar or of full metal alchemist, idk. making the big bad someone who wipes out planets and civilisations to raise stakes without ever considering the ramifications / while giving them easy redemption arcs is so lazy.
both theme songs absolutely slap though.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 11 months
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The Stooges - Fun House
These feral little guys were just not content with how noisy their debut was and had to get noisier. Fun House aims to capture the live energy in the studio and it seems to have worked. Every crunchy nasty sound is perfectly preserved and the songs can get rambly in a way that feels very much like a live performance. There's more psychedelic peeking in during those lengthy jams, but there's also some delightful saxophone there as if imitating old school rock and roll as a joke. I love manic, noisy music so naturally I love Fun House.
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Missy Elliott - Supa Dupa Fly
Its true, Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott is in fact the bomb diggy. Her style of rapping is super casual and chill and it eases the transition from rapping to singing so well that you won't even notice it happening. Timbaland produces and he makes these groovy, psychedelic beats that match Missy's level of chill. But of course beneath the mellowness is a cool confidence. She isn't just here to be cool, she's also gonna let you know that she is top dog here. Both Missy and Timbaland had been around the music industry quite a bit before putting this record out and it shows. Most hip hop artists do not get this strong of a debut.
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The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis: Bold As Love
What am I even supposed to say here? Axis: Bild As Love has some of the best guitarwork ever recorded. Obviously. Of course drummer Mitch Mitchell and bassist Noel Redding are no slouches either. The Jimi Hendrix Experience was an incredibly tight trio. Where their debut was very heavy and energetic, this album leans slower and melodic. The most well remembered songs being the flowing delicate Little Wing and the fuzzy spacey If Six Was Nine. Scolars have studied this album up and down to analyze all of Hendrix' technique. These scholars need to spend more time listening to genuine garbage ass music and gain an appreciation for the artists that can't play like Hendrix, but I digress. It's a really beautiful album.
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Bruce Springsteen - Darkness On The Edge Of Town
Springsteen's last two albums had been full of epic swells and street opera stories. Darkness On The Edge Of Town humanizes those epics. He leans more towards hard rock and a less theatric sound. The songs feature more mature and more broken protagonists than on Born To Run. It's a reminder that for everyone that escapes there are many more that never get out of their dead end life and those people still are gonna lead fulfilling lives no matter what.
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Neil Young - After The Gold Rush
So after the overwhelming success of Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere with Crazy Horse and Déjà Vu with Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young naturally Neil Young decided to ditch 90% of his band and literally record an album in his basement. The only member of crazy hotse he brought along was guitarist Nils Lofgren who he had playing piano. This disastrous series of self sabotaging antics naturally led to... uh wait this album is really fucking good? I guess Neil Young can just do whatever the fuck he wants. Actually doing a raw and stripped down album with little of the rock accompaniement of his previous album or the lushness of CSNY was a brilliant move. After The Gold Rush isn't heavy, but it isnt soft either. Its rough and emotional. In the case of Southern Man it is outright bitter and the only rock song pn the album. The rest is very much country folk music.
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Erykah Badu - Baduizm
The jazz influence, her voice, the subtle reference to Willow Weep For Me tucked in Appletree. It's clear that Erukah Badu knew she had the energy of a modern Billie Holiday. Despite being a clear exanple of neo soul the amount of jazz on display makes me want to also consider this an example of vocal jazz. As a mix of both styles it is completely beautiful. Badu delicately croaks through each track. The vocals lack of smoothness makes them so incredible against the walking bass and smooth synths. A completely stunning debut for a consistently amazing artist.
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David Bowie - Hunky Dory
Bowie is at his highest levels of camp on Hunky Dory. Songs like Oh! You Pretty Things, Andy Warhol, or Kooks are so goofy that the only way they work is when sung completely sincerely. The laid back glam hits a perfect spot alongside mild psychedelia where you have some solid Bowie artistry with fairly accessible songs. Lyrically its all over the place, but Life On Mars is probably one of his most lyrically sound pieces. Hunky Dory kinda sits in this liminal space where it doesn't sound like a lot of things that came before or after it, but you can see echoes in both directions. This is probably as much a symptom of being from 71 as from Bowie's artistic influence but it still stands as a unique piece of art.
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callu-na · 1 year
a reading for @pomegranate-soul-tea-blog
Hey! If free reading are still open I’d like one! My name is Noah, I’m a Cancer sun, Gemini moon, and Scorpio rising. My favorite colors are indigo and maroon red, and I love to create art. I’d like an honest reading. I’d love a reading on my home-life right now. Elaborating on the situation. Should I allow this person to stay? Use as many cards up to four as you’d like, I trust in your intuition. Cheers
First: Hera immediately fell out as I was shuffling. Since I didn't pull this card, it's an extra one for you to take :)
Hera - Relating
Hera is Queen of the Heavens, wife of Zeus. She represents the various stages if a romantic relationship. It could mean you plan to get engaged or married, OR that your relationship is being tested. In this context, I would assume the latter.
If that is the case, this card means that your relationship is due for some serious thinking, or even an ending. It will take work on the loving aspects of your relationship, or time apart to realize what you love and miss.
She gives us the overall theme to your reading, which I believe is why she was so ready to jump from my hands into the mix.
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If you allow them to stay
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Hephaestus - Workmanship
Hephaestus was known - and ridiculed for - his physical imperfections. Unlike the other gods, he was not handsome or beautiful. However, his importance and value came from the perfection of his workmanship, his ingenuity, his strength, his intelligence, and his perseverance.
He became Aphrodite's husband, and blacksmith of Zeus's own thunderbolts and scepter. He fashioned all of the important equipment on Olympus.
His potential - strength, talent, and perseverance - lie with you now. You could create something special and amazing with hard work, and maybe find skills you didn't even know you had.
If you allow them to go
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Tyche - Fortune
Tyche brings luck and prosperity with her. She was once even considered one of the Morai (the Fates - who we will see next). When she shows up in a reading, good luck and fortune should come to you. She blesses people with hope and opportunity. If you let this person go, it seems that opportunity will arise for you.
Best course of action right now
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Apollo - God of Light
He isn't just the God of Light - he is the light. His importance is endless - ripening fruit, healing illness, and bringing hope. His arrows of light also made him a fearsome warrior.
His connection to the Sun - a celestial body - also made him a god of divination and prophecy. He put the stars back in their place, and brought order to the Cosmos.
In this reading, he casts light to give you understanding and determination. He is on his way to fight for you - to rejuvenate you and bring you hope. Whatever you chose, you should be confident and affirmed in that decision. The choice is yours to make - his light will bring you out of the darkness.
Underlying question to ask yourself
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The Morai - The Future
The Fates. Three goddesses that spin the future - but it is not always predetermined and in some cases, it can be quite flexible. You have the ability to influence your future if you work within the rules.
You should seek out your potential future by divination (hello, hi, good job :D) and work to change the prediction if you don't like it. Be confident in your ability to bed this energy for a better outcome. It I'd important to understand that, though limited, you do have the power to alter your potential future. Complete belief in a positive future will bring you contentment - value each moment and get the best you can out of it.
Final Thoughts
This is a love - or at the very least - a relationship reading. I firmly believe that relationships aren't black and white, but work in the realm of greys (my favorite realm to work in). There can be no wrong answers here - only choices.
To keep your relationship strong - allowing this person to stay - will take hard work and dedication, and this reading hints that it will bring you personal growth.
If you allow this person to leave, it will open other opportunities to you. The opportunity to go through this personal growth in some other way, perhaps?
The choice is yours to make, and no answer is wrong. No matter the choice, remember the card Apollo - he will pull you from the dark and out of the light, whichever route you choose to take.
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