#and also it wasn't love - just the electric possibility of it that really only happens when you're young
270anahita · 8 months
reread my own fic bc i got a comment after a while and damn. rinezha really was So good
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12 notes · View notes
les4elliewilliams · 2 months
With all my heart.
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
cw/wc: 10.9k (ik wtf) not proofread ; smut, fingering both r/e!receiving, oral (r!receiving), swearing, fluff, reader has a heart condition. jackson ellie x fem reader (💘)
a/n: I'm not really sure how I feel about this, lol (especially the smut part). I tried to do a lot of research about this type of heart issue to make it as accurate as possible, so if it's not, I'm sorry, I tried. ib one of those romantic movies where one of the characters is sick and has some rare condition (except that no one dies.)
also can we start romanticizing unconditional love and healthy relationships?
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You knew you had won the lottery the moment you accidentally bumped into her in the hospital.
Your life has been full of challenges right from the beginning. You were born with a condition that affected your heartbeats, making it difficult for your heart to function normally. So you had to rely on a pacemaker to regulate your heartbeat. This condition has significantly impacted your life, making it hard for you to engage in activities that require physical exertion.
Long QT Syndrome, or LQTS, is a rare genetic condition that can mess up your heart's electrical system. It can cause your heartbeats to go wild, making you faint, have seizures, or even go into sudden cardiac arrest. To keep yourself safe, you needed to take your meds, live a certain way, and have a pacemaker — which you had implanted.
Living a normal life had always been tough for you, and it wasn't only the syndrome's physical symptoms that held you back, but also your parents' protectiveness. They worried a lot about your health, maybe a bit too much, leaving you with very little freedom to do anything. Even simple things like going to a party or hanging out with friends like a regular teenager seemed like a luxury you could never have. Although you understood that your parents were only trying to protect you, their overprotectiveness always made you feel suffocated and cut off from the world. You always felt like an alien who had just been dropped off on Earth; you knew nothing about anything. You've always had to rely on the stories and experiences of people around you, like your friends, to help you figure things out and feel like you had lived a little.
You have been homeschooled ever since you were a little kid. You didn't have many opportunities to participate in social activities and make friends. However, you did manage to meet two people who have remained your only friends to this day. You met them in the park when you were a kid, and to your luck, they stuck around. You often wonder if they stayed with you out of pity or because they genuinely liked spending time with you, but you were glad regardless; it was good to have someone to hang out with.
The memory of the day you met Ellie is still as vivid in your mind as it was when it happened. You had just finished your routine checkup at the hospital and were feeling a bit peckish. You made your way to the vending machine to grab a snack, suddenly feeling a wave of dizziness sweep over you. You hoped a quick snack would help, but fate seemed to have other plans in store for you that day. As you selected your snack, you watched in frustration as it got stuck in the vending machine. You tried everything you could to retrieve it, but it refused to budge. Just as you were about to give up, she appeared.
"Can I hel-" she started, but you were already turning around to leave, and just as you turned around to leave, you accidentally collided with her, causing your chest to hit hers. The impact triggered your pacemaker, causing it to beep loudly and incessantly. "Shit — I'm so sorry" she said as she gently grabbed your arm to steady you. "Oh my god, I'm sorry" you said simultaneously. The sound reverberated through the hospital walls, and your face heated up with embarrassment. You had never experienced anything like this before, not even when you bumped into walls at home.
The auburnette looked at you puzzled and asked, "Why're you beeping? Are you okay?" Worried green eyes scanning you, she was clearly taken aback by the unexpected beeping sound and she couldn't understand where it was coming from. You couldn't help but feel drawn to her despite the awkward introduction, she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
Little did you know that this chance encounter would lead to a series of life-changing events.
You remember sitting in the seating area of the hospital, munching on a snack that she had generously gotten for you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this girl's kindness. She was so funny and kind, cracking dumb puns every now and then. You admired how perfect and flawless she looked and to this day, she still tells you how mesmerized she was by you when she saw you for the first time. You both chatted away about everything and nothing, you noticed that she had a backpack with her. Being the curious person you are, you couldn't resist the urge to ask her what she was studying. She seemed delighted by your interest and started talking passionately about her field of study — art. The more she talked, the more intrigued you were. When your conversation came to an end, she mustered up the courage to ask for your number, a clear indication that she wanted to see you again; it took you by surprise but you happily obliged. Something about you captivated her attention, although you couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.
You never thought that you would have the chance to become friends with her, let alone her best friend. But somehow, again, fate had other plans for you. Your friendship with her started slowly but surely. She always asked you to hang out, and you couldn't help but say yes. She was so fun to be around, and it was impossible not to enjoy her company. She would come to your place and take you on small adventures, always promising to show you something new and exciting. This was especially important to you, as you had shared that your teenage years were quite dull and you didn't venture out of your house much. She always respected your limits, knowing that you had to be cautious with your heart condition. When she started staying at your place, you were surprised at how well she fit in with your family and friends. Your parents loved her and your friends thought she was great too. She was always taking care of you without being overbearing or suffocating. Her kindness and thoughtfulness made you feel valued and appreciated, and you couldn't help but fall for her. How could you not after all? She was perfect.
You shared every aspect of your life with her, and she reciprocated. You both had a shared love for reading, although she preferred a completely different genre from yours. She forced you to read her favorite Savage Starlight comics, and even though they weren't your cup of tea, you still enjoyed spending time with her while reading them, mostly because of how cute she sounded when she read every line out loud, effortlessly switching tones to match the different characters' voices and even adding sound effects to accentuate the narrative. She would often stay the night at your place and binge-read them with you. She loved to talk about her passions for space, dinosaurs, science, and art. She even showed you her drawings and journal, claiming she had never shown them to anyone. She even made a few drawings for you; it was adorable and impressive how she managed to capture every little detail of your face and put it on a piece of paper, she was a talented one. And, of course, you did the same with her — sharing your favorite comics/books with her, even convincing her to watch movies that she always claimed she hated. After watching them with you, she realized they weren't so bad after all. Not that she actually paid attention to the movie, her eyes solely focused on you.
Soon enough she was introducing you to her closest friends. She was convinced that you would love them, and she was totally right. One of her friends, Dina, was so much fun to be around, always full of energy and cracking jokes, she had a smile that could light up the whole room. Jesse, Dina's boyfriend, was just as funny as her, but he was a bit more serious and responsible than the rest of them. He always looked out for Dina and Ellie, but they never listened to him, which resulted in some pretty hilarious situations. The group had a really cool dynamic, and you loved how they made you feel welcome right from the start.
Your first kiss was a moment you could never forget, etched deeply into your memory. You both were deeply in love with each other, and it was evident in the way you looked at each other. Your glances filled with unspoken feelings and palpable tension that drove you crazy, hoping that you weren't the only one feeling that way. And then the moment finally arrived. You remember it was a hot summer day, and the air in your room was stifling despite the fan pointed at your face. You had a few strands of hair that fell loose out of your messy low ponytail, and they moved with the breeze from the fan. You were both on your bed; she was sitting criss-crossed before you, music playing in the background. She was drawing you in her journal, claiming that she needed more practice, which, after years, she revealed was just an excuse to draw you and spend more time with you; you were her favorite muse and she was just a loser who couldn't help but simp for you. Her cheeks were slightly pink due to the heat (or at least you thought), and her green concentrated eyes flickered back and forth from your face to her journal. When she started drawing your lips you unconsciously licked them, causing her eyes to dart up to look at you in the eyes.
She let out a soft sigh and mumbled under her breath, "m' almost done." A faint blush crept up her cheeks, though you couldn't quite explain why. Intrigued, you leaned over to get a glimpse of her work and asked, "Yeah? can I see?" She straightened up, holding the journal close to her chest, and replied with a slight huff, "Don't move, c'mon, stay still." You raised an eyebrow in amusement and retorted, "What? I'm not even moving." She didn't respond and instead furrowed her brows, focusing intently on her piece of art. The room fell silent, except for the sound of her pencil scratching against the paper.
The silence between you and her was palpable but not uncomfortable, yet you still decided to break it with a joke. "Knock knock," you said, a small smile forming on your face. Her eyes, which had been focused on her journal, darted up to meet yours once again. A playful smile appeared on her lips as she asked, "Who's there?" in a slightly sarcastic tone, giving you an eye roll. "Kiss," you replied, wiggling your brows. "Kiss who?" she played along, her eyes still fixed on you. "Me," you smiled awkwardly.
You knew it was a terrible joke, a very corny one, but you couldn't help it. After all, you didn't have much experience in these kinds of things — the universe only knew how long it took you to muster up the courage to make a silly little joke like that one. She chuckled dryly. "God, that's really bad," she commented, and you laughed along. "I know," you lowered your head and shook it slowly before looking up at her again. Both of you were smiling at each other, the tension between you growing. "So?" you quipped, trying to sound confident. "Do you want to?" you asked, your heart beating fast. "Oh shit, you were serious?" She suddenly sounded nervous, placing her somehow worn-out journal on her thighs as she looked at you in disbelief. You could tell she was surprised, and maybe a little flustered. "I'm sosorry — I didn't mean to make it awkward. Forget it. It's just I really like you a lot, but if you don't—" you started to say, trying to diffuse the tension, but her soft lips cut off your nervous rambling before you could finish your sentence. You felt a jolt of electricity shoot through your body as you kissed her back, your hands reaching up to cup her face. It was a moment you would never forget.
After your first kiss, you and Ellie went on a few dates together. It was during one of these dates that she took you to the park and asked you to be her girlfriend. The setting was perfect — you were having a lovely picnic date, the weather was just right, and a gentle breeze was blowing, caressing your skin and making it erupt in goosebumps as you sat close to the pond next to Ellie, throwing frozen peas to the ducks, their quacking filling the air with lively energy. The water was still and calm, the sun was shining, and the greenery around you was lush and vibrant. You felt a sense of warmth and happiness.
The auburnette sat beside you, leaning back as you fed the ducks in the pond. She wore a tender smile on her face, watching you with a gentle gaze. "I thought they only ever ate bread," she commented, breaking the peaceful silence between the two of you. You turned to her, your eyebrows raised in surprise. "If all they eat is bread, how will they survive in the wild without people tossing them bread all the time?" You replied with a hint of sarcasm. She scoffed and playfully nudged you. "Alright, smartass," she said, you nudged her back, both of you giggling like children. "I'm surprised a know-it-all nerd like you didn't know that," you teased her. "Nerd, huh? you actually like this nerd" she retorted teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she pointed at herself. "Do I, now?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at her. You couldn't take back your words after all, you did like her and you made sure to tell her, let's say... pretty often.
"Oh yeah, you do," she chuckled, nodding her head playfully. The two of you fell back into a comfortable silence, watching the ducks swim around in the pond. Suddenly, she turned to you, her expression serious. "Listen, I was thinking...you know how we're going out on dates and all," she started, her voice hesitant. Your head snapped to look at her; your heart was beating like crazy, not that it usually wasn't due to your syndrome, but it felt crazier than usual. You felt your palms start to sweat, and you grew more nervous by the second. "Yeah?" you prompted her, waiting for her to continue. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...we already act like a couple, so...will you be my girlfriend?" she finally gathered the courage to ask, her eyes locked on yours.
She seemed a bit tense, although you couldn't understand why. After all, you had told her multiple times before how much you liked her, and the two of you had been acting like a couple for quite some time now. You gave her a cheeky smile "Of course I want to," you said confidently, jumping right into her lap, feeling a sudden burst of excitement as you wrapped your arms around her.
Your love was pure and genuine, and it was evident from the little things you did for each other. She would leave little notes around your room or in your bag whenever you left for a second. These notes would remind you of her love for you, and you would return the gesture by hiding notes in her notebooks or in her journal. She would find them the next day during her classes, and it would brighten up her day.
"you look so pretty"
"are you a keyboard? cause you're just my type ;)"
"i love your freckles and i love you"
"hope you're having a good day :) ps. no more pickup lines im begging D:"
Your love was spontaneous and full of small handmade gifts, full of drawings from her part and origami from yours. Once in a while she'd even write and play songs for you, which had you smiling like an idiot cause how romantic was that?
She was always too caring, and she would make sure that you were feeling okay despite your heart disorder. She would accompany you to your doctor appointments and never leave your side, even though you would tell her she didn't need to be there. Unlike your parents who had always been overprotective, she was always looking out for you without being too much. Since you were the "sick" one between the two of you, she always had trouble accepting help from you, especially when she felt sick or was on her period. But you always insisted on taking care of her, making her chicken soup whenever she had a horrible cold, and ensuring that she took painkillers for her period cramps. You always made sure that she had enough pads and her favorite snacks or helped her through one of her panic attacks. Soon, she got used to it and would always be a whining mess when she was sick, hoping you would cuddle with her or baby her. She loved it more than she liked to admit.
On your anniversaries, you would surprise each other with flowers. The first time you had ever gotten her flowers (which was on your first date), she accepted them with teary eyes, saying that none of her ex-girlfriends had ever gotten her flowers or treated her like a woman; you loved the idea of being her first in something — you didn't get to be her first kiss or her first time in...that, but at least you were the first girlfriend who treated her right.
Your first time together was so special and intimate, it made you feel truly alive. The way she was so gentle and caring towards you left an indelible imprint on your heart. Her touch was like a soft breeze on a calm summer day, sending shivers down your spine, and being with her made you feel like you were safe from the rest of the world. You remember how her tender gaze made you feel like the most special and beautiful girl in the world, making your insecurities fade away. The way she held you close, with a warmth that engulfed you, made you feel comfortable in your own skin. It was your first time ever, and you confided in her about not having much experience. She reassured you that she would teach you, show you the way, and make you feel good, and good Lord, if she kept that promise.
It was a warm and peaceful afternoon, the sun was shining brightly outside, casting a warm glow into the room. You and your girlfriend were both lounging on her comfortable bed, enjoying each other's company in silence. While she was intently watching an action movie, you were lost in the pages of a captivating book. Your attentive eyes scanned each line and paragraph, immersing yourself in the story and oblivious to your surroundings. Unbeknownst to you, Ellie was growing increasingly impatient, huffing and puffing in an attempt to get your attention. Her huffs were airy at first, but as time went on, they became more forceful and pronounced, hoping to grab your attention and draw you away from your book.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to her, you turned your head gently towards her, lowering your book ever so slightly "What's wrong, Els?" you asked, concerned. "Put it down, I wanna cuddle." she responded, snatching the book out of your hand and placing it on her nightstand. You couldn't help but smile at her neediness, finding it adorable. "Fine," you sighed playfully, "Needy," you added under your breath, rolling your eyes at her. But she caught your comment, "What? Did you say somethin'?" You couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction as she pulled you on top of her and wrapped her arms around you. "Oh, nothing," you innocently replied.
"Comfy? Anything hurts?" she asked in a gentle tone as she rubbed your back in a slow and soothing motion, and you instantly relaxed under her touch. You took a deep breath, the tension in your muscles slowly fading away. "I'm okay, — m'comfy" you reassured her, feeling grateful for her care and existence in general. You hugged her tightly, burying your head in her chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from her, and the steady beats of her heart were a comforting sound.
You both cuddled up in silence, movie still playing softly in the background. As she kept rubbing your back, you gently scratched her arm something that usually relaxed her. After a little while, you felt compelled to express your feelings and whispered, "I love you." Even though you couldn't see her face, you could hear the smile in her voice when she replied, "Love you more, babe." You remained comfortably nestled in her chest, head buried in her grey hoodie. When you finally lifted your head from her chest, you gazed into her beautiful green eyes, already looking at you with so much affection that made your heart skip a beat. "You mean the world to me." you confessed, her eyes softened even more, and her heart swelled with love for you. She was the perfect girlfriend, always so loving and respectful, and you couldn't ask for anyone better. Finally, she leaned in and kissed you slowly and tenderly, a soft kiss that soon turned into something passionate and full of desire. She rolled on top, pinning you down with her weight, her hands roaming all over your body. She squeezed your waist, your hands cupping her freckled face to keep her close. She sighed quietly into the kiss, her fingers tugging at your tank top, and you knew what that meant — she wanted it off. And to confirm your thoughts, it was Ellie herself. She pulled away, lips slightly swollen and pink. Despite her best efforts, it was pretty evident that she was struggling to control her breathing as she panted uncontrollably, both because of the intense making out and her arousal growing by the second. Her face was flushed; she looked at you to gauge your reaction to her silent request, to which you responded with a little nod. "I'm ready," you uttered timidly, feeling your cheeks getting warmer. "Are you sure? We don't nee-" you cut her words off, repeating yourself, "I'm ready," this time sounding a bit more firm and confident of your choice. She mimicked the slight nod you gave her a few seconds ago, loose strands of auburn hair falling out of her little bun framing her face, her eyes never leaving yours.
She leaned in once again, giving you a peck on your moist lips before kissing your jawline and down to your neck. "Can i touch you?" she asked between damp kisses she left on your neck, "I don't know, can you?" she chuckled and began to suck purple marks on your soft skin as she slipped her hand underneath your tank top, brushing against your bare stomach before reaching her target — your tits. She cupped one of your tits, feeling the fabric of your bra. Your breath hitched, your cheeks were flushed and you were grateful she was too focused on your neck to notice "Can I take it off?" she questioned between cute smooches sounds, "Yeah," you breathed out, looking back into her eyes.
When she did, you were left in nothing but your bra, the visible scar near your shoulder making you feel uncomfortable, same with the implanted pacemaker under your skin, it was visible and you hoped it didn't gross her out. You couldn't help but look away from her, suddenly feeling ashamed for something you had no control over; it was something so small yet so significant for you.
You felt her index and middle finger gently pressing under your jawline to turn your head towards her and make you look into her eyes once again. Her voice was soft, almost like a whisper, as she spoke to you in such a tender tone. "Hey," she started softly, sensing your insecurity. "You're beautiful, alright?" Hearing those words from her sent chills all over your body, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over you. She continued, "We'll go slow. If something feels wrong, you let me know, okay?" Her words were reassuring, and you could feel her gentle touch on your face, holding it firmly so that you couldn't look away. You nodded in response to her words, suddenly feeling shy in front of your girlfriend.
After less than a few minutes, both of your clothes were off, thrown carelessly somewhere in the room. She still had her sport bra on and her underwear while you only had your underwear on. She trailed down, kissing all over your bare chest and breasts, and your scar, the one you were insecure about "smooch smooch..so pretty, smooch beautiful, my pretty girl" she kept murmuring under her breath causing goosebumps to rise all over your body, your nipples stood erect and hard, begging for some attention. She chuckled when she felt your sensible nub harden under her palm, "Didn't mean to make the ladies feel neglected" she joked, her voice was husky. She looked up at you with a cocky grin, and you felt your cheeks heat up even more; you chuckled awkwardly and rolled your eyes at her attempt to tease you about something you couldn't control. "Why are you always like this?" you rhetorically asked with a playful smirk, she shrugged and gave you a lopsided smile as she began to kiss your chest and attack your nipples with her mouth. "mmphh" you let out; a pathetic attempt to swallow a small moan when she sucked on one of your nipples and pinched the other. You bit down on your lip, and you could feel her smile at the small sound that came from you as she continued to work on your tits.
She trailed her hand down your abdomen, her fingers dancing around the waistband of your underwear teasingly. You couldn't deny the arousal building in your panties and at the pit of your stomach, you could feel the uncomfortable stickiness forming in your undies. So fucking wet. Leaving moist kisses all the way down to your belly button, then she stopped. She looked up at you, cheeks flushed just like yours and her eyes looking for a sign of your consent. She wanted to make sure you were completely comfortable with the way she was exploring your body, feeling it, and touching it. "I'm ready, Ellie. I promise" you repeated, your voice was soft and still timid.
"If you want me to stop, just tell me to, okay?" she told you once again and she didn't resume what she was doing until you gave her a light nod. She spread your legs, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the darker spot of your panties, you were so fucking wet. She hissed something under her breath that you couldn't quite catch. Seeing how wet she made you only served to boost her ego (as if she wasn't cocky already, the last thing this girl needed was a boost of her ego). "God, you're so wet," she couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "Thanks, Einstein, I haven't noticed," you responded with a hint of sarcasm, perhaps hoping to divert attention away from your embarrassment. She chuckled and an amused smile appeared on her dotted face, her brows jolting up. "Don't you give me the attitude" Before you could say anything back, her digits gently pressed on your still-clothed pussy, making your hips jerk away and a little moan escape your lips. Your face was on fire as you registered the lewd sound that accidentally left your lips. "That's what you get," A broad grin of pride spread across her face, and a fleeting pout that she found endearing appeared on your face "Oh, what? You mad at me, now?" she continued to taunt you, you let out a deep sigh and turned your gaze away.
"Shut up — god, why are you so annoying even in moments like this?" You covered your eyes with the sweaty palm of your hand as you spoke, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You could hear her giggle at your shyness, and it was evident that she enjoyed teasing you and playing with your emotions.
"C'mon pretty, m'just messin' with you." but she couldn't stop snickering to herself, finding your reactions quite funny. "Look at me," she commanded in a gentle tone, and you complied; you moved your hand away from your face and looked down at her, who was positioned between your spread thighs. "Want me to stop?" she questioned again, making you huff in response "Ellie. If you ask me that one more time, i swear—"
"Jesus, just making sure, no need to be so feisty about it" her fingers hooked under the waistband of your pink panties, tugging it down and freeing your dripping cunt. "Do I seriously make you this wet?" she was in disbelief, watching the string of precum that connected your pussy to your damp panties she had just pulled down.
"No, I was secretly thinking of Megan Fox, imagining her on top doing naughty things to me," you sarcastically retorted. She gasped dramatically, acting offended. Such a drama queen she was. "I consider that cheating." She played along, keeping that fake offended demeanor on. You laughed softly at her silly expression. "Okay, then, you caught me. Mentally cheating on you right now," you joked.
"I see how it is" You laughed again, and she scoffed, but she wasn't actually pissed at you.
She began kissing your inner thigh, the ache between your thighs becoming almost unbearable. "Els..." you had this whiny hint in your voice, growing visibly impatient, "Hm?" she hummed back, switching to your other thigh, going near your pussy but never actually touching you where you wanted her to. You moved your hips close to her face, but she moved away. "What do you want?" she asked teasingly, playing dumb. Fuck, you hated her guts for doing that. "You know what i want" she clicked her tongue under the roof of her mouth "Don't think I do" you sighed, frustration slowly creeping up inside you "Please?" your voice was delicate, almost as if you were begging her to let you try her fries or asking her to buy you something. She smirked, seeing you all horny and desperate yet still struggling with your words, too shy to tell her what you wanted directly. "Please what?" she encouraged you, that obnoxious cocky grin never leaving her face; she was making fun of you at this point. But you stayed quiet. "Can't read your mind princess, you gotta use your words."
"Touch me?...please?" your voice above a whisper but she heard you, you could tell she did from the satisfied expression casting over her features. "Sorry? Louder. Couldn't hear you" that cunt. You knew she did hear you and that she just wanted to hear it again so, you tried your best to push your shyness aside and please her. "Touch me, Ell-" But she was growing way too impatient, pressing her thumb on your clit, you let out a strangled moan and your hips jerked away at the sudden contact, but she pulled you closer again. Between the two of you, the more impatient one was probably her. Poor baby couldn't even let you say it twice, she was already torturing your aching nub, drawing small circles on it.
"Feeling good?" she questioned, her eyes studying your every reaction to her touch. She knew you felt good but still needed to hear it from you. "Yeah," you breathed out, your breathing becoming more elaborated. "Remember to breathe from your nose, baby. Don't want your heart to go crazy over a little excitement — if it gets too much, tell me." she thoughtfully said. "I'll be fine" you reassured her, grabbing her other hand to squeeze it.
In no time, her lips were on your clit, gently sucking on it. She moaned on it, almost as she she was the one getting head. She could feel her pussy starting to ache, the fabric of her undies sticking to her pussy, but she couldn't help it. The way you sounded, your cute expressions and your pretty pussy were just too much to bare for her. "So fucking beautiful," she mumbled, pulling away from your pussy for a second. She slid a finger inside you and you arched your back, pushing your hips to her face to seek for more contact "This okay, yeah?" her voice was rasp. You whined in response "Ooooh look at her, think she loves me" it took quite a few to understand that she was talking to your pussy instead "God, w-why are you so…" you tried to hide the turmoil in your voice but you interrupted your own words with a slutty moan that left your throat as soon as she pushed her finger deeper into you.
"Fuuuck" you grunted, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull and the grip on her hand tightening. "So responsive," she chuckled. "Ellie, shut..up," you whined, moving your hips slowly to meet her thrusts. "Can't even talk without moaning, so nasty." she snickered, acting like she was totally unaffected by your pretty moans. She was fucking soaked, humping into absolutely nothing, not that you could notice it, too focused on the way she was making you feel. The gushing sounds riverbed throughout Ellie's bedroom, and she absolutely fucking loved it. She loved seeing you like this, whimpering and writhing under her touch, so ethereal, your body was pure art to her.
"M-more" you stuttered, panting a bit, your chest raising and falling quickly "More, huh?" she echoed mockingly, sliding another finger into your little honey jar, wetness dripping down to her knuckles from how wet you were. "Gahh-uhhd" you let out incoherent words, she groaned, feeling your walls clenching around her fingers and feeling her own clenching around absolutely nothing. "Like this, yes?" she questioned in a breathy voice, her brain suddenly struggling to make out sentences that made sense, too mushy to say shit and all because of you. If you only knew how long she waited to see you like this — touch you like this. "Uh-aahh" you trapped little whimpers inside your mouth, biting hard on your bottom lip again. "Nah-uh let me hear you," she immediately scolded you, shaking her head in disapproval, but you didn't listen.
Her face lowered to your pussy, lips attaching to your throbbing clit, teasing it with the tip of her tongue, switching between circling it and sucking it gently. Your mouth hung open, arching your back and bucking your hips against her face as you let out obscene moans. She moaned against your core, a mixture of her own spit and your juices covering her chin. "Taste hmmsoo good" Your other hand reached down to move pieces of her hair out of her face. "Ellie, I-i think I'm gonna-" you trailed off, not that she needed you to tell her, she could feel you squeezing her digits as she kept hitting that soft spot inside you. "Gonna cum, baby? wanna cum for me, beautiful?" she cooed.
"God..I love you so fucking much," she hissed under her breath; you moaned loudly in return, riding her fingers "Babe, m'gonna cum" you squealed, high-pitched moans reverbing throughout her apartment. "i'm here, princess" she cooed, squeezing your hand that she had been holding this entire time, so clingy. She wanted to ensure you knew she was there for you, not only to please you. That little feeling that had been building up in your stomach snapped like a rubber band, milking her fingers as she let you ride your orgasm. Curses falling from both of your lips, your muscles spasming and squeezing her fingers — god if she loved the way your body was reacting to her.
"I know, i know, I'm here baby" she whispered sweetly when a few whiny whimpers left your mouth. When you came down from your high, she withdrew her fingers and sucked them clean, her eyes locked with yours as she did so "You're so nasty" you giggled, feeling yourself blush again "You're the one who came all over my fingers" she teased you, crawling up to kiss your lips. Your tongues tangled together and you could taste yourself on her tongue. You place your hands on her waist, pulling her body closer to yours.
"You must be tired, angel." She reluctantly pulled away, an inch away from your lips as she spoke. "Want me to leave you all wet and needy?" you inquired in disbelief, lifting your brows up at her reluctance. Her eyes silently begging you to touch her, but she still preferred to put your health over her needs. That's how caring and loving she was. "I'm just saying you don't need to push yourself if you feel tired," she repeated.
"Oh, Ellie…" you sighed, pulling her underwear down and taking her by surprise. She seemed to be internally struggling to find the right thing to say, but you preceded her, "Think I can't handle a little fun?" you purred, growing bolder in your actions. You cupped her cunt, feeling all her sweet juices cover your hand; she was so fucking soaked, it was almost unbelievable. "Only if you're sure," she answered, her breath hitching in her throat as she gulped thickly, already trying hard to suppress her cute little moans. "I'm sure you want this," you teased her, the corner of your lips curling up in a smile, almost as if to make fun of her; it was your turn now.
"I do, you know I do," she replied. It was so entertaining to watch her keep her breathing steady. You ran your index and middle finger through her glistening folds and began to tease her puffy clit, rubbing it slowly, almost painfully. "Fuck" she grunted, humping the palm of your hand, desperate to find relief; you hummed back. "Am I doing okay?" you asked innocently; despite your inexperience, you could tell she loved it, and you high-fived yourself for the little mental notes you took while she was touching you just a moment ago. She grabbed your wrist, guiding your fingers to her entrance. "Finger me," she commanded with a raspy voice.
She let out a small gasp when you thrusted into her slowly. "Like this?" you could feel her walls clenching around your inexperienced fingers, "Uh-huh," she bobbed her head, positioning your hand just how she wanted it, guiding you as she rode your fingers. "Fuck, you're so messy — so wet for me," you muttered under your breath, pulling her closer to you; she was supporting her weight on her wobbly knees as she rode your fingers, burying her head into the crook of your neck. Your other hand rested on her hips, holding her in place and not allowing her to move as you kept slamming your fingers into her. The pleasure sounds she let out right into your ear only served to make you wetter and hornier than you already were — if that was even possible. It was almost like your inexperience melted away, with the sole intent of pleasing her. Immaculate sounds left her throat as she chased her orgasm on your fingers, and you couldn't help but groan pitifully after her. Your pussy already yearning for her again, struggling to hold onto the last shreds of sanity. "Just like that." Her voice was weak and breathy, it was fucking music to your ears, making you feel all types of things inside your tummy, butterflies perhaps? She couldn't even speak properly, struggling to suppress her slutty whimpers. Muttering filthy curses under her breath as you picked up the pace, hitting that spongy spot over and over; you could feel her whole body tremble and squirm in your hands. What made it better was knowing that you were causing it.
"You feel so good, El," you whispered in her ear, kissing all the cute little freckles spattered on her bare shoulder and collarbone "'m gonna cum" she gasped, her whimpers becoming more frequent and louder. Who knew she'd become a whiny mess when close to her orgasm, but for some reason, you found it adorable — like her life depended entirely on your fingers, cute wispy brows furrowed together in concentration. "Gonna cum on my fingers, pretty?" you purred. "Please…" she sounded so fucking needy it was almost ridiculous, but you slowed down instead, earning a groan from her part "Nonono, don't stop, pleaseplease," Her words were rushed, sounding like a kid who had just lost the most precious possession. "What is it that you said? Words, right? — you gonna be a good girl and ask or you just gonna cum like that?" for some reason, the idea of playing with her in such a vulnerable state turned you on. You wanted to see how far you could push her. She let out a shaky breath. "Can't believe you're doing this." She slowly shook her head in disbelief. Your digits pressed on the spot that almost made her squirt, and she squirmed. "Words." You spoke with a firmer tone, but you still had a playful, teasing smirk on your lips. "Swear to fucking god— next time, I won't go so easy on you," uttering a threatening remark followed by an imperceptible scoff. "I never asked you to go easy on me." Your pace slowed down even more, and she frowned at you.
"Can I cum? on your fingers? please." her chest heaving with each ragged breath. Her eyes were wide and glossy, her pupils dilated with desperation. "Such a goood girl El, such a good girl…cum for me" but all she could do was crash her lips against yours, leaving you no choice but swallow all her little noises. Her thighs trembled with each thrust, her legs parting slightly to allow better access as your fingers kept thrusting in and out of her wetness harder and faster, causing her to moan into your mouth.
When she came down from her high she collapsed against you, your bodies glistening with sweat, still breathing unevenly. The first thing she said when her breathing went back to normal was "I think I'm gonna marry you," before dissolving into a fit of giggles. You couldn't help but chuckle along with her. "I'm flattered. I guess you liked it then?" you responded, wrapping your arms around her. She snuggled into your chest, a contented smile on her face. "If I liked it?" she repeated, incredulous. You laughed softly, "Well, did you?"
"You were lying when you said it was your first time, weren't you?" she asked teasingly, furrowing her eyebrows at you and looking at you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "I take that as a compliment," you smirked, not giving her a straight answer, her eyes carefully studied your features, analyzing every crease and contour, searching for any sign of deception "No, seriously. Were you a virgin?" she asked again, still in disbelief "I guess you'll never know," you said, teasing her further. "Come on. I'm your girlfriend. I'm supposed to know," she said, acting dramatic and waving her hands in the air. "Are you?" you asked teasingly, and she gasped in mock offense. "Excuse you? Am I not your girlfriend?" she asked, pretending to be hurt. You couldn't help but giggle. "I meant...are you supposed to know?" you teased her curiosity. "Pffttt whatever," she said, pretending to be offended and scooting away from you. You continued laughing at her antics. "Babe, where are you going?" you asked, still chuckling as you reached for her tattooed forearm and pulled her back towards you. "Girlfriends tell each other everything," she pouted playfully. "Right. Let's watch Jurassic Park and cuddle," you suggested, grabbing the remote to put the movie on.
You shared a bond that was unbreakable, and every experience you had together only brought you closer as if there was an invisible red string that seemed to connect the two of you, always pulling you closer and closer with each passing day. Your love for each other was like a never-ending flame that grew brighter with time. She never really stopped surprising you with little thoughtful gifts, and she even drew sketches of you when you weren't looking, and you both looked forward to creating new adventures together. She was always this huge simp for you, your number one supporter and fan.
After completing university, she asked you to move into her small but cozy apartment, which was basically a reflection of her personality. The walls were adorned with paintings she had made, stacks of comic books on her shelves, action figures, and her favorite movies and games collection. It was a delightful mishmash of all the things she loved. And slowly, your belongings started to mix in with hers. Her lonely toothbrush now had a companion, and her sneakers left by the door had an extra pair of shoes right next to them — your shoes. The dirty laundry was now a mix of colorful pink clothes and pastel colors, while hers were mostly grey or dark clothes. The wall hooks had more jackets hanging on them, and cute little stuffed animals were carefully placed on her your bed. The shelves filled with cute little plants that you both lovingly cared for, filling the empty gaps between an action figure and another. Living with her was a dream come true; you couldn't have been happier. You both had created a space that was uniquely yours, filled with love and a familiar warmth, it felt like family.
And before you knew it a new member joined your little family — a golden retriever. You had always dreamt of having a dog, but your parents never allowed you to have one when you were a kid. You had been talking about how much you loved the idea of having a furball running around your little apartment, ever since, Ellie had been secretly planning to surprise you with a cute little puppy. She had subtly asked you what kind of dog you would like, and she started doing her research. She had never owned a dog before, so she wanted to learn as much as possible about what puppies needed. Puppies required more than just toys and cuddles, after all they needed proper nutrition, and she was confused about what kind of food to get for the puppy. She went to the grocery store and found a wide variety of puppy food with different flavors and vitamins. After careful consideration, she picked out what she thought was the best one for the puppy. One day, she told you that she was staying out late for work; in reality, the poor baby had to drive for an hour to get the exact puppy she had seen on social media (Facebook, to be exact, Joel had helped her with that). The puppy was a beautiful golden retriever with a shiny coat and an adorable face. The drive back home with the puppy was mostly quiet, except for her talking to the honey-furred baby that sat there in the passenger seat in silence, looking at her lovingly.
The puppy's big, brown eyes had already stolen her heart, and she found herself speaking in a silly, high-pitched voice "I just know she's gonna love you," she cooed, her words directed at the adorable pup. "You're such a good girl, aren't ya?" she continued, praising the puppy for every little thing she did, even breathing. "You better not be stealing her from me too much, though, or else…" she trailed off, her voice filled with mock threats. But her playful words quickly turned to more affectionate ones as she gazed into the puppy's sweet eyes. "Gosh, you're so fuckin' cute," she whispered, her fingers gently caressing the puppy's soft fur while the other remained on the steering wheel "Wonder what your name will be," she hummed, tapping her fingers lightly on the wheel. She began to sing a song she had just made up on the spot, directed at the little furball who was wiggling her tail in excitement. "My cute little shrimp," she sang, her voice filled with love and affection, but when the puppy let out a little whine at her singing, she couldn't help but laugh at herself. "What? Am I that much of a bad singer?" she joked, her voice filled with self-deprecating humor. "Oof, tough crowd," she added, chuckling at her own joke "Just wait till I show you my guitar skills, you little shit."
When she finally made it to your apartment, she had to carry the little shrimp all the way up to the stairs cause the puppy was too scared to climb them and the elevator was currently broken. She had to take small steps to make sure she wouldn't trip over her own feet or something like that. "So heavy," she muttered under her breath before putting the pup down, her arms aching. She unlocked the door and you immediately called out your name. "You home, baby?" she heard from the kitchen, where she assumed you were washing the dishes because she could hear the sound of clinking plates. She responded, "Could you come here real quick? need your help with something." She left the dog outside on the doorstep, behind the wall and out of your sight.
You shouted from the kitchen, "Give me a second," before approaching her. She handed you a plastic bag filled with dog toys and bowls. You looked at her in confusion since you didn't own a pet. "What's this for?" you asked, puzzled. She didn't reply but simply moved to the side and clicked her tongue multiple times. The fur ball appeared and ran to you wiggling her tail. You slapped your hand on your mouth in disbelief, and your eyes widened in surprise, soon welling up with tears.
You got on your knees and held the pup close to you, hugging the fur ball tightly. "Oh my fucking god, iloveyouiloveyou," you kept rambling between cute sniffles, and she couldn't help but laugh at your reaction. "Surprise, babe," she said with a small smile, kneeling down to pet the puppy in your arms. The puppy was small and soft, with big brown eyes and tiny paws. You couldn't believe how adorable she was.
"I love you so fucking much. She is so fucking cute. I can't believe it. I'm a mother now," you said, tears of joy running down your cheeks. She chuckled at your words, happy to see you so happy. "Yep, we're parents now," she played along, scratching the dog behind her ear. "What're we naming her?" she asked then, wiping the tears off your face with her thumb.
"Maple?" you sniffled hard, "Maple, I like Maple." You looked down at the little pup in your arms, and she looked up at you with innocent eyes.
Ever since the beginning, it was clear that Maple was more than just a pet; she was a member of your family. She was such a beautiful and intelligent dog, whenever you or Ellie came home, Maple would be the first to greet you with a wagging tail and excited barks that would fill the room with her infectious energy. She would jump up, her paws dancing in the air, and nuzzle her wet nose against your hand begging for cuddles and kisses. But Maple's abilities went beyond just being a dog. She had an incredible intuition that seemed almost human-like, and had a sixth sense when it came to reading emotions. She always seemed to sense whenever your heart was going a little too crazy and would nudge you with her nose to make you sit down. But your heartbeat wasn't the only thing she could sense; whenever Ellie was about to have a panic attack she could feel it, and if she was having one and you weren't by her side, she would come get you.
You remembered the first time this happened. It was a dark and stormy night, and you and Ellie had just gone to bed. You were sound asleep when Maple jumped up on the bed and began licking your face frantically. You thought she needed to go outside, so you groaned, "Babe, think Maple needs to-" You started, your voice still thick with sleep, but when your hand landed on the empty mattress instead of your girlfriend's shoulder, you instantly woke up.
Following Maple to the bathroom, you found Ellie sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her freckled face, and her breathing uneven. You knelt down in front of her and spoke to her softly, using a soothing tone to calm her down. You knew better than just to touch her; she seemed too absent and lost in her own nightmare to welcome such an invasion. "El, hey…I'm here, honey." As your gentle cooing reached her ears, she seemed to awaken from a trance, her terrified eyes locked with yours, fear etched across her beautiful features. "Hi baby, it's okay." you tried to calm her down, "i'm here, okay?" she was trembling with fear, and your heart sank. You gently placed your hand on her knee and tried to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. With a soft and soothing voice, you said, "You're safe now...let's take a deep breath together, alright?" You could see the tears streaming down her face as she tried her best to mimic your deep breaths. You kept encouraging her to take deep breaths in and out, and she slowly began to calm down. Maple sat in the corner of the bathroom, watching over Ellie with a concerned expression. When Ellie finally calmed down, you sat down next to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm here for you," you felt her body relax and her breathing steady. She leaned into your touch, and you could feel the tension in her body slowly dissipating. You were her anchor, her everything. You could feel her heartbeat slowing down as she rested her head on your chest, listening to the rhythm of your breathing. You kissed the top of her head tenderly, and she closed her eyes, taking in your scent. Suddenly, she rasped out, "I love you," her voice sounded weak, you knew she was exhausted "I love you more — Feeling better?" You ran your fingers through her messy hair, and she gave you a small nod in response. The golden furball walked to Ellie's other side and laid down, placing her head on her thigh. Ellie smiled weakly and petted her gently "My two favorite girls," you joked with a soft tone, trying to lighten the mood. An airy scoff left her nose as all three of you sat there, cuddling each other.
Maple was an essential part of your family. She was always there, no matter where you went. Sundays were extra special because Ellie would be at home all day. You would spend those days soaking up all her attention and going to the beach with her and Maple, your cute little meatball. There was nothing better than lounging under the warm afternoon sun, and Ellie bringing a big umbrella to shield you from the heat. While you played with Maple, she would often strum her guitar or sketch the two of you, looking at you with heart eyes as she captured the moment on paper. The sound of your laughter would fill the air, as you threw the frisbee to Maple and enjoyed the perfect beach day with Ellie by your side. You were all she ever wanted and she was all you ever wished for.
That's why she felt the need to take your relationship to the next level.
"Baaaabe" you shouted from the living room while browsing through the countless titles on Netflix. "Yeah?" Your girlfriend responded from the kitchen, her voice echoing through the cozy apartment as she paced around, probably making you something to drink. "What do you wanna watch?" your eyes casted across the big TV screen, the multiple titles illuminate your face, making it difficult to choose just one. You heard a sigh from the other side of the couch and looked over to see your beloved dog, Maple, ready to nap after a long day of work. poor dog.
"Uhhh…dunno, a horror movie?" she suggested, sounding unsure. "Wow, thanks for the help, Ellie. Always so useful," You retorted in a fake annoyed tone "Do you remember that new movie with Jennifer Lawrence I told you I wanted to watch?" she asked after a few moments of pondering, emerging from the kitchen with two steaming mugs in her hands. You raised an eyebrow at her and asked, "So, you wanna watch it for her, huh?" She laughed at your words and rolled her eyes. "C'mon, you told me to pick something, and I did," she explained handing you one of the mugs. "Careful, it's hot." You'd never seen this mug before, Ellie was obsessed with collecting new ones, so you didn't really pay attention to it. "Okay, fine, Jennifer Lawrence, it is," you said as you selected the movie she suggested. "Hi, baby," you heard her say in a high-pitched voice, and when you looked at her, you realized she was talking to the dog. "Hi baby? really? I'm literally right here." She giggled at your response and scooted closer to you, kissing your cheek. "Hi baby," she repeated her words, but this time in a sultry tone "Better."
You took another sip of your drink, but you could feel her gaze lingering on you. When you turned to look at her, she quickly averted her eyes and pretended to be interested in the TV. "What?" you asked, brows furrowing in confusion. "What?" she echoed back, acting like she hadn't been staring at you for the last 15 minutes. "No, you what" you repeated, her eyes darting from the mug in your hands to you. "You done with that yet?" she questioned, seeming almost too impatient. "Huh?" she cleared her throat, eyes wandering nervously around the living room for a few seconds before returning them to you again. "Are you done with your latte? Want me to make you more?" she rephrased it, trying to sound less nervous. You looked down at your mug for a second "Not yet"
Her eyes remained glued on you, eagerly awaiting for something, a reaction perhaps, you couldn't tell, she was just acting weird as hell. "Done?" she asked for the third time in a row, after every five seconds, but to her, it felt like an eternity. "Ellie, I swear—" You let out an exasperated sigh "What?" she replied, her voice laced with innocence. "No, seriously. You tryna poison me or something?" you joked,and she simply scoffed at your words and rolled her eyes at you. "Just drink it fast, god," she demanded, her impatience showing. As you take the last sip, your eyes caught a glimpse of a few letters printed on the bottom of the mug.
Your heart skipped a beat as you read the words
Will you marry me?
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and before you could even process what was happening, you jumped into her lap, crying in her arms. She wrapped her arms around you tightly, and you could feel her heart beating in sync with yours. "Yesyesyesyes" you had whispered between sobs, your voice choked with emotion. Her eyes lit up with joy and she pulled away, revealing a small diamond ring in her hand. You looked at her in awe, realizing that that was the moment you had been waiting for your entire life. The woman of your dreams had asked you to spend the rest of your life with her, and you couldn't have been happier.
"I love you so much," you sobbed, tears streaming down your face as you watched her hands sliding the ring on your finger. She chuckled through her own tears and replied, "I think I love you even more." You sniffled and cupped her face, saying, "I love you with all my heart."
Ellie being Ellie, couldn't help but make a joke about that. She looked at you with a playful smirk on her face; she wiggled her eyebrows up and down and said, "All your heart, huh?"
With a grin, you replied, "It's beating like crazy for you." Then she asked if you wanted to hear a joke from her pun book, but you knew it was a rhetorical question. You prepared yourself for the inevitable dumb joke she was about to tell. "Ellie, I thought we talked about this." You fake scolded her, but she couldn't hold back her smile as she started her joke, almost as if she was about to make the funniest joke ever but everyone who knew Ellie knew that her jokes were...questionable. "Are you pulmonary embolism?" she proceeded, barely containing her laughter.
"Oh no," you frowned, rubbing your forehead. She then delivered the punchline with a wide smile, all proud of herself "Because you take my breath away." You looked at her with a deadpan expression and let out a sigh. You shook your head, and said "Can't believe I'm marrying you," trying to hide the smile that was starting to form on your lips. Ellie looked at you with a cocky grin "Right? I'm great like that — Talented, charming, great jokes...what else could you possibly want?" Rolling your eyes, you responded, "fancy package, lucky me"
After your laughter had subsided, you gazed into her captivating green eyes with a smile filled with affection. You were so deeply in love that it felt almost painful. You could hardly believe how fortunate you were to have found each other. The thought of spending the rest of your lives together filled you with joy and excitement. Both of you leaned in simultaneously, eager to feel the warmth of each other's lips in a tender and passionate kiss.
She was the person who made your life complete. You felt like you had been waiting for her all your life; your life always felt so dull and empty and you never understood why or what it was missing, until you met her. She was your soulmate, your best friend, and the love of your life. You couldn't imagine spending a single day without her by your side. She was the one who made everything better, who made you laugh with her stupid and corny puns when you wanted to cry, who held your hand when you needed comfort. You knew that you could face anything as long as she was with you. You were grateful for every moment you spent together and looked forward to spending the rest of your life with her.
On your wedding day, the weather was perfect, with clear skies and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of flowers from the nearby garden. It felt like a dream come true, and you couldn't believe the day had finally arrived. You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as you prepared to marry the love of your life. Sure, you were exhausted at the end of the day, but it was all worth it.
As you walked down the aisle, you saw everyone you loved and cared for, all gathered in one place to celebrate your special day. Ellie's closest friends, Dina and Jesse, Joel, your parents, and all your friends were there, beaming with joy and happiness. You were wearing a beautiful white dress that hugged your curves in all the right places, and Ellie couldn't help but cry when she saw you. Her dad rubbed her back, trying to calm the poor baby down, but the tears kept streaming down her face. You were a vision, and she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have you. Ellie was equally breathtaking in her suit, looking sharp and elegant, you couldn't take your eyes off her, she was so fucking fine. You exchanged vows, and it took her a while to finish reading hers, as she was choked up with sobs and emotions. You tried to comfort her by holding her trembling hands, but she was just a wreck.
When the time came for you to kiss your bride, the celebrant said, "You may now kiss your bride." Ellie looked at you with teary eyes, and you both giggled as you leaned in for a kiss, both of you smiling against each other's lips. That moment marked the beginning of your journey together as a married couple, but what mattered most was that you were both committed to being there for each other no matter what.
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halfetirosie · 2 months
🔥🔥🔥Vigilant Observer Edmond's R2 is UNDER-RATED!!!!!🔥🔥🔥 (a self-indulgent long-ass Edssay defending a room I really REALLY liked)
So, I have seen a weirdly large amount of comments online saying that the new SSR Edmond's Intimacy Room 2 sucks. I've seen it called boring and a waste of intimacy gifts.
Peace and Love, I know everyone has different tastes---and I am hella biased towards Edmond---
I believe any perceive shortcomings are completely out-weighed by the elements this room actually focuses on.
At the very least, this intimacy room DESERVES to be appreciated more, rather than ruthlessly slandered.
1) What Happens VS What Doesn't
Here's a very general outline of what happens in R2:
Eiden initiates a "Guard searching/punishing a Prisoner" scene (Roleplay)
Eiden provokes (/ is a Brat to) Edmond (Dom/Sub)
Edmond use essence to conduct electricity into the baton, and uses the electricity to stimulate his exposed skin and dick (Electroplay + Masochism)
Eiden's provocations eventually turn into teasing (Dirty Talk, + light Humiliation)
Eiden uses the top of his foot to rub Edmond's bulge through his pants
Edmond cums first; Eiden teases/provokes him for it
Eiden cums shortly after from the Electroplay
Perfectly normal, standard intimacy room, yes?
But, from what I've gathered, people are labelling it as boring or under-whelming because:
There isn't any Bondage
There isn't significant nudity/direct skin-to-skin touching
The areas that are touched are relatively small (basically just each character's groin)
Edmond isn't the one that gets off from Masochism (or at least, not from physical Masochism)
These points go against what people's EXPECTATIONS were; since the setting of this event was in inside a prison--a harsh environment full of rough individuals and literal bondage--they expected this R2 to be more physical and rough than it actually was.
Hell, even I wasn't expecting for the room to be as "tame" as it was.
But just because my expectations were subverted doesn't mean I got pissy about it.
I think a lot of people are ignoring the fact that not all BDSM plays NEED Bondage, skin-to-skin, physical pain (in this case, just on Ed's part), etc. to be satisfying--just because they expected that but didn't get it.
2) Missing the Point - THIS ROOM IS STILL HELLA KINKY (A Closer Look at Ed's Satisfaction)
If you're seeing this post, there's a fair chance you've also seen my GIANT Edmond Post for Struggling Fanfic Writers; which is basically a long-ass character analysis of Edmond.
As I mentioned in that post, Edmond H-scenes have certain themes/kinks that re-occur; and as it turns out, the Intimacy Room we'll be looking at today features a lot of them.
However, for the purposes of this post, I'm going to narrow it down to just 2--the 2 that, in my opinion, were the main contributors towards Edmond's orgasm. (After all, the quality of intimacy rooms with each unique character relies on the quality of that character's experience.)
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The quality with which these themes/kinks are executed is extremely impressive, which is why it was satisfying to the characters; and thus, satisfying for us players to watch.
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(I have censored this image in the hopes that Tumblr won't snipe me)
When R2 starts, Eiden immediately sets the scene by provoking Edmond; saying that Edmond should do is job as a guard and properly search the prisoner.
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Via Eiden's provocations, although Edmond is in a vulnerable position--kneeling on the ground--he is, for the moment, playing the Dominant role.
This is another subversion of expectations, which I find very welcoming. This is possibly the closest we've ever gotten to characters switching roles--only, Edmond doesn't actually "top." (Though, now that I think of it, Silver Confessor Olivine R5 also has a similar dynamic....*shrug*)
While Edmond is acting as a Dom, Eiden is a Bratty Submissive; saying things like "it feels like a tickle!" when Edmond starts electrifying the baton.
Edmond is surprised when Eiden gets excited by being treated in such a degrading way (I spy, with my little eye, PROJECTION); but he's shortly thereafter put into a degrading position himself---
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This is when Eiden starts rubbing Edmond through his pants with the top of his foot--which honestly isn't far off from the whole stepping-on-others position that is common in BDSM.
If you ask me, this is a HUGE POINT contributing towards the quality of this room: This submissive position, symbolizing Edmond's gradual loss of power/control.
Eiden also teases Edmond in the hopes that he'll suck him off; but, staying in-character, Edmond refuses him.
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In other words, not giving Eiden head--another expectation people had that wasn't fulfilled--was literally a part of the play. It's Sexual Denial.
But, as R2 goes on, Eiden's teasing and dirty talk get more and more intense, and it basically ends up switching their roles in this play.
You know how in a typical Edmond H-scene, Eiden's kissing, caressing, etc. gradually make Edmond lose his mind with how horny he gets?
Well, so far, literally the only thing Eiden has done is indirectly rub his bulge. Rather than physical touch, Eiden's dirty talk is what makes Edmond the most aroused.
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All Eiden has to do to fully switch Edmond from the Dom position back into the Sub--making Edmond lose control over himself--is TALK.
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This is why I DO NOT UNDERSTAND people that don't like this room.
I've said before--in the GIANT Ed-Post--that Edmond is sensitive. And his H-scenes do a great job of showing that off---via PHYSICAL TOUCH.
But what this intimacy rooms excels at is expressing how Edmond is sensitive to more than just physical touch.
Let's look again at the evidence:
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Listen. I know this intimacy room didn't have the play people were expecting.
Speaking from personal experience--and from the obvious arousal and satisfaction Edmond shows in this room--not every BDSM play needs to be super physical. Submission/masochism is not exclusively about physical stimulation/pain.
What we see in this intimacy room is Edmond being dominated in a psychological way, and that's what makes is so damn kinky and rewarding; both for viewers and for Edmond.
3) The GOD-TIER Technical Aspects
...So...did the people that are heavily criticizing this R2 just, like, have their sound off the whole time??? Or did they only read the subtitles without looking at the actual visuals of this intimacy room??????
Even if, for whatever reason, the find the scenario under-whelming, I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME picture a situation where the voice-acting and animation couldn't make up for that.
Quickly referencing back to the last section of this Edssay; Eiden is teasing Edmond like the entire time, and that "slightly husky" and "seductive" voice is INCREDIBLE. An absolute TREAT for my ears. And Edmond's panting, gasps, and moans???? HOT DAMN.
These two could be doing the most mundane, "boring" sexual act ever, but if we can hear that the both of them are clearly very into it, then why wouldn't it be a satisfying intimacy room???
And then there's the art---
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It's all just SO GOOD, DAMMIT!!!!
4) ╭∩╮(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)╭∩╮♡
I know that this Edssay was unnecessary. I know I spent too much time on it. I know that there's a high likelyhood no one will read it.
And, of course, I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
,; (ง 🔥 ロ 🔥 )ง ;,
This intimacy room was good, dammit....
Stop being so mean to it......
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emeraldhaven · 8 months
Celebrating You and Only You
V hated birthdays.
Another tick of the clock towards inevitability, a step towards the end of a life she loved so very much. She didn't hate them purely because of this of course - she also didn't like the expectations that came on a day like today. Gifts, parties, celebrations of her life which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn't all that important. She'd much rather head out on her bike, drive by some Tyger Claws or Maelstrom and fry their brains to a crisp using her cyberdeck than have to accept gifts from her friends that, bless their souls, would be trying to make this year a "year to remember".
"Jesus V - could you be any more depressin'? Cheer up, live a little!" Johnny whined, appearing on the sidewalk beside V. He was looking wistfully over the Watson community centre, leaning on the handrail exactly the same as she was.
"C'mon Johnny, you've been trawling through my memories, you know why I don't like today." V said, looking over to see whatever Johnny was also looking at. She didn't really see anything other than a few people drunk or high stumbling along the sidewalk. She breathed in deeply, held it and closed her eyes, the stale Night City air burning her lungs, then dropping her shoulders and breathing out slowly, her hand gripping tightly onto the railing.
Johnny shook his head and scoffed, pushing off of the railing and crossing his arms.
"Hey, I'm not sayin' you need to like today, just at least visit the people who care about you most. Quit bein' a little shit and make people feel like you appreciate their efforts."
V sighed. She really didn't want to go and see anybody today, but maybe Johnny was right - maybe she ought to go see some of her friends? Taking out her phone, she opened up the contacts menu and scrolled down, tapping on So Mi.
The phone rang, and rang, and rang, and rang.
"Huh. Why isn't So Mi picking up?" V wondered. It's quite unlike her little Songbird to not pick up the phone when she called, given everything that happened between the two. Granted, she'd just come back from her little trip up to Tycho, and any kind of operation is going to be taxing on somebody - maybe she wasn't feeling up to chatting?
V tried to contact her other friends: Kerry went straight to voicemail; Judy was on do-not-disturb; Panam was "out of cell range" - whatever that meant; River was "at work". Tapping her phone against her chin, V hummed out loud some familiar tune that was stuck in her head whilst she thought why every single person she could possibly want to hang out with was suddenly completely unavailable.
She hears a ping from her cellphone - it's a photo from So Mi and it's of the front door to her apartment. The caption reads:
"Come home."
V's heartrate shoots up - what does she mean, come home? Songbird has no idea where her apartment is, she'd never gone there during the whole Dogtown event, instead staying at the various safehouses that Reed and Alex had set up. It was a worrying thing for So Mi to know both where she lived and that she was there - it wasn't a particularly safe megabuilding.
Hopping on her Kusanagi, she turned the key and kicked off the pavement, pulling the throttle hard and speeding off to her home. After some incredibly reckless driving (Judy calls it "literally asking for trouble"), she arrives in quite possibly the shortest amount of time it's ever taken for her to drive across Night City. V practically jumps up the entire flight of stairs in front of her block, somehow leaping up 4 stairs at a time to reach the elevator, barely even registering the small red-electrical glitch on the TV screens, and once it arrives at the top sprints towards her apartment door and opens it.
The first thing V notices is that it's too quiet. Taking a quick scan around her apartment with her eyes, she can't see anyone and even her Kiroshi's aren't registering anything out of the ordinary. It takes one, two, three steps into her home before anything happens. A red glitch takes over her vision; quite similar to how the Relic would give her trouble, but she feels completely fine; until it all starts to clear and…
"SURPRISE!!" A loud cacophony of voices and cheers and party horns and poppers go off, showering her in a sea of noise, warmth and a shocking amount of confetti. V blinks away the odd bit of static to see all of her friends standing before her: Panam, Mitch, Judy, Rita, River, Kerry, Misty, Reed, Alex, Jackie, Viktor, Takemura and right in the middle as though she was illuminated by the stars themselves, So Mi holding a cake with the cutest little artistic (and quite edible) depiction of V at work, Mantis Blades in hand.
"Guys, you didn't have to do all this!" V exclaimed, shocked that they could have even set up something as elaborate as this without her really knowing.
"V, choom, we wouldn't have had it any other way." Jackie said softly, walking over and placing a hand around her shoulders. "Now kick back, relax and grab a cold one - it's time for celebrating you, and only you, today. None of this back and forth shit."
V looked up at Jackie and back towards her friends, her eyes starting to well up from all the emotions. She started to see all the little details - the cake, the small pieces of ribbon around the apartment, the bunting celebrating her 24th birthday, and all her friends dressed up and here for her. It wasn't something she was used to, but it was definitely something she could grow to enjoy.
As the party started, Jackie left V to go talk to Viktor and Takemura about some boxing thing that V didn't really know a whole lot about. She walked over and sat down next to So Mi, dressed in an immaculate jacket and jean combo that was quite similar to what her Relic-form had actually looked like. She was stunning, truly a beautiful woman in her own right, but since she got back from Luna she had this sparkle in her eyes that made V's heart flutter.
"Hey V - didn't see this one coming did you?" Songbird smirked, her soft lips accented in a beautifully red lipstick. V felt almost unable to take her eyes off of them, flicking down between her two newest vices: Songbird's eyes and lips.
"Uh, um, n-no no I didn't actually. How long have you known?" V stuttered.
"Ha! Well, it was a combination of everyone really. I got back from Tycho and, well, I got contacted by Panam - something about you not really having a lot of time celebrating your birthday in the past?" So Mi took a sip from her drink, lips wrapped around the straw in her cup.
"Ah I shouldn't have gotten drunk and chatted life with Panam - didn't realise that I'd have left something like that slip." V chuckled. "What was your little part to play in all this, Song?"
"The whole fact you couldn't see anything - hooked into the Relic and altered your visualware for the whole effect. Might have spruced other things up, as well, but y'know that's just for personal fun." Song couldn't have looked any more smug, nor more beautiful given that it seemed like, to V at least, that she was literally glowing.
"You're beautiful." V muttered, completely unaware that she'd said that out loud.
Songbird blushed a deep red. "Thanks V, that means a lot coming from you." She started to play with the top of the typical red cup she was holding.
V's eyes widened and her own scarlet blush creeped across her face, the tips of her eyes going ever so slightly pink. Taking a swig of her drink, she placed her hand on top of So Mi's, their pinkies ever so slightly hooking onto the other's.
"No, thank you Song - for all of this. I really, really appreciate you being here, and I'd want nothing else." V smiled softly at So Mi, flicking down to her lips again. She suddenly got quite aware of how close they were actually sitting on the couch.
"V… I-"
"Hey V! Come check out this sweet new gear that Judy's got!" Panam called over, rushing to grab V's arm and pull her away from Songbird. V looked back guiltily at Song, mouthing out "I'm sorry, talk later!" towards the redhead who smiled back and nodded in return.
The party would continue into the late night, and one-by-one people said their farewells and see-you-laters until everyone had left except for Jackie and Songbird.
"Alright V, I'd best be off - got a cute date with Misty in the morning, and I don't wanna miss it." Jackie said, slapping his legs and standing up. V walked him over to the door and hugged him.
"Thanks Jack - I had a preem time today." V said, choking on the last few words and giving Jackie another hug before he left.
"And then there were two." Songbird chuckled, lounging back on the couch, heels off and feet up on the couch, arms outstretched over the couch's spine.
"Well it was one at some point right, back when you were just a cute ghost in my head?" V chuckled, the room slightly swaying. V stumbles over and flops down onto the couch, falling right into the space between So Mi's side and her outstretched arm. V's back is suddenly warm, the machinery within So Mi's body heating up as the alcohol within their systems work independently, but seemingly together.
So Mi wraps her arm around V's chest, slowly stroking her abdomen, fingers raising and dropping at the curves of her abs. "Mmm - only a cute ghost? I seem to remember a certain someone thinking quite a lot about other things that involve the 'cute ghost in her head'." So Mi giggled, squeezing softly.
"Would be a gonk ass move to think too much nowadays though; pretty sure I was getting quite visceral feedback myself." V looked up at So Mi, gazing back into those captivating eyes. "Couldn't help it, Song, you had me when you invited back to that bench."
So Mi hummed, a multitude of thoughts, feelings and pure emotions coursing through her head. As her heartbeat ramped up, the whirring in the motors in her spine lowly increased, and V noticed.
"Not gettin' too mushy on me, are ya' Song?" V giggled back, placing her own hand on Songbird's, the dark glow of both her apartment and Night City from her window illuminating the two.
Songbird shook her head and then slowly, softly and with the most care anyone has ever given to V, leant down and kissed the top of her head. Burying her nose in the plushness of V's soft, delicate stained-red hair, she exhaled in complete comfort.
"No V, I'm just as mushy and as happy as I want to be right here, right now, with you. Spending as much time as I can while we still have it to spend in whatever ways we want. Happy birthday, V." Songbird murmured, closing her eyes.
Taking a minute, V calmed her screaming heart and said quietly: "It's, um, it's Valerie. My real name is Valerie."
"Then happy birthday Valerie - you deserve it." Songbird affirmed.
V hummed happily, sleepily planting an ever softer kiss on So Mi's hand, entwining their fingers and drifting off, her eyelids fluttering closed as the comforting embrace of Songbird enveloped her in her wings.
Maybe V didn't hate birthdays after all.
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ealvara7 · 13 days
I Saw Beetlejuice the Musical on Tour!!! 🪲 ✨️
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Ever since I got more into musicals, I told myself that I wanted to go back into a theatre at some point as an adult. I only ever recalled going when I was in elementary school... which has sadly faded in my memory.
Lo and behold, I learn that the Beetlejuice Tour was coming to the James M. Nederlander Theatre! I figured now was the perfect time to go see it!
When I initially got into Beetlejuice the Musical, I didn't think that I was going to like the Tour cast as much as Broadway's, but over time, I grew an appreciation for them, and it got me excited to see the cast in person.
I do not regret this decision one single bit.
For this post, I'm going to mainly focus on my personal experiences at the theatre, both in and out of the show. If you'd like to hear my thoughts on the main story and set changes in the Tour, please check out this post! This is still gonna be quite lengthy, so I will be leaving this under a "read-more".
Thank you for reading! ✨
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I got tickets to go see the musical on the night of the 22nd. My plan was to go check out the merch stand before I sat down to watch the show, because I did not want to get up during intermission. I was able to do that with half an hour to spare! I felt so relieved because I honestly thought that my mom and I were running late-
Unfortunately... Jackera Davis did leave the Tour after performing in Kentucky... so I did not get a chance to see her. I did, however, get the chance to see the new actor for Skye - Madison Mosely, and she is lovely!
I did get to see Justin as Beetlejuice and Isabella as Lydia! It was genuinely so surreal to me that for both Prologue: Invisible, and The Whole "Being Dead" Thing, I just... froze up? It was like... reverse stage-fright, like the realization just hit me that these actors could quite possibly see me, because I was sitting up front by the left orchestra-
Aside from Justin as Beetlejuice, Isabella as Lydia, and Madison as Skye, I also recognized the following:
Will Burton as Adam
Jesse Sharp as Charles
Sarah Litzsinger as Delia
Abe Goldfarb as Otho
Brian Vaughn as Maxie Dean
It was difficult for me to tell who Juno/Maxine Dean was because of the makeup, but looking back at the cast on the official site, I'm pretty confident at this point that it was Kris Roberts. I had a similar confusion with Miss Argentina, but I did get to meet Hillary Porter at the stage door, so it was easier for me to deduce that it was her-
I noticed right away that the actor playing Barbara wasn't Megan McGinnis, so I decided to look back at the cast list after the show. With it and some extra help from Instagram, I was able to find out that it was Lexie Dorsett Sharp! I honestly loved her performance as Barbara! She's not afraid to be silly, and I also felt that she played off of Will and Justin's performances very well!
Something that I really enjoyed about being in the left orchestra section was that I was not only able to see a couple of technical moments happening offstage (such as an individual holding up the long arm that gives Beetlejuice a microphone), but there where moments where I can hear the actors saying certain things that weren't picked up on their microphones. One example of this was during That Beautiful Sound. Lee N Price, who played the pizzaman, was being puppeteered by Beetlejuice, and I swear, at one point I heard him go, "Oh my god!" Even though no one else in the back could hear it, our section most certainly did, and we got a kick out of that reaction-
The show went on pretty much as I expected up until Adam and Barbara wake up from their electric shock... I had been focusing on Barbara up to this point because I wanted to see how they set up the fire trick on her hand and... it never happened? Instead, right after Adam asks, "Why... can't I feel my pulse?" Barbara tries to feel her own and begins to panic, continuing the rest of the scene as it usually is.
I also noticed that Beetlejuice pockets Lydia's note, rather than burning it. It made me realize that the team were most likely not allowed by the theatre to use pyrotechnics in the show. Considering where the James M. Nederlander Theatre is located, it begins to make a lot of sense...
During the scene after Fright of our Lives, Justin (as Beetlejuice) just goes off on the line, "I know that, Barbara!" It goes quiet for a bit, then he pretends to sob for the line, "No one's like me... that's the problem." It all culminates to Will (as Adam) slowly walking up to him, with Justin quietly and emotionally saying:
"Get the fuck away from me!"
The audience, myself included, completely lost it. I originally thought that this might've been a mistake, but according to one of my Discord friends, this bit has been going on for a couple of shows now. It's completely new to me, so it caught me off guard the when I saw it. It's the little things that always fascinate me when watching different performances of the same musical, boots or not-
The rest of Act One was pretty much the same! Something I did find interesting, however, was that near the end, rather than people cheering after Beetlejuice says the line, "It's showtime!" It was when he says, "Can everybody see me?!" that people really started roaring. It was a nice change of pace, and added to the impact of his line right after. The audience in that show was surprisingly very nice! I heard a lot of cheering from fans, especially during the scene where Adam kisses Beetlejuice.
Now, let's talk about Isabella Esler! My Discord friends have said some nice things about her, but I wasn't so sure what to expect coming into this show. The more it kept going... the more it became clear to me what they were talking about.
Isabella puts a lot of emotion into playing Lydia. She genuinely gives me the impression that the death of her character's mother put a lot of weight on her, and yet... that doesn't entirely stop her from being a spunky, rebellious teenager. For me, the peak of her performance is when she sings Home. I don't think I've ever really seen an actor that has perfectly nailed that weakness and despair that Lydia would be feeling in this scene...
Except for Isabella.
Her performance genuinely gave me chills, and as someone who is also Latin American, I couldn't help but feel proud... I can now say with great confidence that Isabella Esler is my favorite Lydia, with Jackera Davis being my very close second! 💖
Act Two was pretty much the same as I remembered it, however I'd like to give my attention to one of Justin's now famous lines in the show:
“Look, I only joke because I see myself in you… later tonight.”
According to one of my Discord friends, while there are moments where Justin is able to keep his composure after saying that line, there are other where he... just loses it and starts giggling.
I was extremely fortunate to see the latter.
I believe what happened was that the audience reaction to the joke was so big, that it began a bit of a circle effect - with Justin losing his composure, and the audience just having a ton of fun and clapping, then it repeats. It went on for quite sometime, but finally Justin was able to focus and continue going-
After curtain call, I remembered that the show shoots out streamers, so I grabbed a green and black one! I now have two big streamers to pair with my Broadway one!
(Update: I found a silver one after watching the show on the 26th! I now have a complete set!)
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After I left the theatre, I went around the back. There was one thing left I wanted to see before we went home...
The Stage Door! ✨️
As mentioned prior, I did get to meet some of the actors at the stage door! I didn't say much beyond a, "Hello!" and, "Thank you!" to each of them, not only because it was really dark and I wanted to meet back up with my mom as soon as possible, but because I didn't want to take up too much of the actors' time. The only actor that I was able to make some small talk to was actually Isabella, who complimented me on my outfit!
At first, I thought that stage dooring just wasn't going to happen because there was not a lot of people here... but eventually, a line of people began to form, and a few of the actors were starting to come outside! It honestly wasn't as crowded or intimidating as I expected it to be, and I was very relieved about that!
I knew right away after getting tickets that I wanted to get my Playbill signed by as many people in the Tour cast as I can meet during stage door! This was the only opportunity I was going to get to have the Tour cast sign this specific Playbill, and to actually be there adds a huge layer of sentimentality that I honestly wish I had for my Broadway cast Playbills.
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I was in awe by how quickly many of them came out! I made sure to bring my own silver markers, just in case! It ended up coming in super handy because the majority of the actors who were signing things at stage door didn't seem to have one...
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One thing that I was super excited about when I got my Playbill signed was because I was actually there, I could confirm which signature belongs to which actor!
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Admittedly, it took me some time to mark down each signature because I was not 100% familiar with the actors, but thanks to the cast list on the official website (as well as in the Playbill itself), I was able to match up the faces to who I specifically remember signing my Playbill!
I almost lost the identification of some of these signatures, but I was actually able to remember them based on some conversations I heard going on behind me! For example, Abe reenacted one of his scenes as Otho with another fan (the one where he greets Delia, to be more specific) and Janisse had mentioned to another fan that this was his last week with the Beetlejuice team, something I distinctly remember from one of the Instagram stories the day before I saw the show! Will's was super easy because he was the only one that signed my Playbill in gold (he actually offered to sign it with my silver marker, but I told him gold was ok)!
One last thing I would like to share is two of the pages I scanned containing all of the cast members in my Playbill! It was one of the things I was curious to look at when I opened it, and it was very interesting to compare with the formatting of my other Playbills!
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That's pretty much it for my time at the show! ✨
It honestly went by so fast... it made me wish that I had more time to take it all in because I genuinely enjoyed being there that night! Luckily, I did end up getting another ticket for the 26th, but after that... who knows when I'll go back to a theatre?
I'm so glad that I decided to go, because Beetlejuice the Musical has become my all time favorite musical, and I don't think it would've been the same if my first musical to go see as an adult wasn't my all time favorite.
It is a memory that I will cherish forever and is quite possibly one of the greatest flexes I will ever have as a fan.
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dressing-pafe · 2 years
For the Halloween Event, can we possibly get something for our beloved John Doe? 💜
Also bro I found this like,,, Milky Candy in my Halloween basket, do you want it?? I’ve heard it’s your favorite!! :D
whoaaaa that's so wild bc I just so happened to run out 5 minutes ago!!! thank u for the candy, Roxy! Luckily, I’ve brought some ingredients for a FRANKENSTEIN AU just in case someone needed to use the writer’s choice card :O
Now how this’ll work is simple! You need only to put your head into the thickened water and pick up as many apples as you can until time runs out! You’ll be completing against Doe over here!
As you lowered your head to the… slightly cloudy water, you wondered if this was sanitary. The last thing you saw before you lost consciousness in the water was two big, yellow eyes.
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apples may contain: stalking and unhealthy behaviours, please continue with caution
It wasn't every day that Doe went out. Sure, he'd always sort of followed you around, but he wasn't actively going out for leisure. Only sometimes, when he was sure his hands wouldn’t come loose, did he go out with you, still gently suggesting you go back home every few moments.
Under the cover of night, your stitched lover met you at the fair that you’d been nagging him about for a while now, without the fear of being recognized as one of the... experiments. His hand was uncomfortably cold in yours; just like a dead man, which was the polar opposite of what he really was.
He was alive in those wild chases for your love, he was alive in those kisses, and he was alive right now. More alive than any human you knew.
And yeah, maybe his lips tasted like the earth, and maybe the way his hair seemed to be a limb of its own was a bit inhuman, but he made up for it with how he protected you and how… how eager he was for your love.
“My love, what are you thinking about?” His voice broke you from your thoughts.
You smiled at him, watching how his cool-tinted skin wrinkled and stretched as his mouth pulled itself into a close lipped smile to mirror you. “Nothing, just you.”
“That’s great! So, so, so great!” His smile stretched wider, too many teeth peeking through his lips. “Especially cause… I’m always thinking about you too!”
“You’re so sweet, Doe!” You gushed, kissing his cold cheek, stitches meeting your lips, feeling the electric hum under his skin. "I love you so much!"
A wave of electricity shot through you as he twitched, overjoyed.
"I lo- ove- love, love you too!" His voice stuttered with excitement, his hands gripping your waist tightly.
It was a little painful, you weren't gonna lie, but he just got a little excited! Like he always does!
Pulling him towards a snack stand, your eyes flicked up at him and back at the snacks. Could he eat? Probably not, since he was powered by electricity... maybe it's best not to say anything. Instead, you kept walking, past the stall and towards the Ferris wheel.
Getting on the ride wasn’t much trouble, with him hiding himself from the operator under his heavy hood, but what did catch your eye was the spark that popped between him and the machinery. A little concerning, but you didn't pay it too much mind.
You settled into the cart comfortably as you could, holding his cold hand in yours. Electricity thrummed between your joined hands, while his big, yellow eyes locked onto you, unmoving.
It was only when you felt the ride jolt, then pause, that you grew worried. “Doe, did you do something?”
“What do you mean? Of course I did, silly!” He leaned closer, grin stretching impossibly wider. “I thought you might like it, You…”
“What did you—“
“Sorry everybody! The, uh, the ride’ll be back on in about five minutes!”
“Now we get more time alone!” He kissed your cheek, squeezing your hands. “What do you think, my love?”
“Doe…” you looked down at the fair, blanketed in darkness and peppered with bright lights. “I love it. I love you.”
“I…I-I love you too!” He stuttered excitedly, planting a kiss on your lips.
Then, with a jolt in the cart, the ride was back on again; whoops? At least you had a good time!
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quil12 · 11 months
souyo + pre-relationship? im a sucker for cringe4cringe souyo they r so bad at flirting (To Me)
I don't know how cringey this one is, but it's what I think of when I think of them pre-relationship lmao
Yosuke groaned, leaning back against the floor of the dungeon. 
He had just gotten hit by a particularly nasty electricity skill and now just wanted to curl in on himself and sleep for several hours. 
He had to admit that he had probably brought this upon himself though. He had rushed into the fight, wanting to take out the shadows as fast as possible. He had wanted Yu to praise him for doing a good job. It always made him so unbelievably happy whenever that happened. He was really seeking his approval and now he was in pain because of it.
“Yosuke!” That was Yu’s voice along with the sound of footsteps coming nearer. “Are you okay?”
He tried to get himself to sit up. He didn’t want him to have to worry about him. 
All of a sudden, a warmth began radiating out around him, seeping into his joints, relieving the aching of his limbs. 
He let out a deep breath, looking over just in time to see one of Yu’s various Personas fade away. He must have cast a healing spell on him. He could always count on him to help him when things like this happened.
Yu walked over beside him, offering him his hand. He took it - his skin was so warm, his palm and fingers calloused, only serving as a reminder of how adept he was with his sword - letting himself be helped up.
“Are you okay?” Yu repeated, worry behind his eyes.
Yosuke nodded. “Yeah, sorry.”
He looked him over with his eyes before nodding. “All right, just try to be more careful next time. I don’t like you getting hurt.”
For whatever reason, that concern made his heart start pounding in his chest. "Yeah, right."
With that, the group started heading through the area once again, going until they were all too exhausted to keep at it, leaving the TV World. 
While they were walking through Junes, something dawned on him - there was an essay due the next morning that he had barely started on. He definitely wasn't going to have the motivation to finish it that night, not with how tired he was. He needed to get it done though. 
They were walking into the parking lot, everyone beginning to head into different directions, when he stopped Yu.
"Hey, Partner?"
Yu turned to face him. "What's up?"
He hesitated. He needed someone to motivate him to get this essay done. "Do you already have your essay finished? The one for history?"
A small smile tugged at his lips. "Yeah, I do."
He hesitated. If he hadn't had it done, he was going to ask him if he wanted to work on it together, but if he had already finished it, then he really couldn't ask that. 
"Do you want to come over to work on yours?"
Relief flooded through his chest. If he was offering, then he didn't need to ask. "Yes, please."
"All right, come on then."
The two of them began walking in the direction of the Dojima Residence. He did like going over there a lot. It was nice to just spend time with Yu and also Nanako. Yu's uncle kind of intimidated him, but altogether it was nice. 
When they arrived, Nanako was the only one home. She immediately perked up as soon as the door opened. "Welcome home."
Yu smiled at her, returning the greeting - it was such a warm smile, one that he loved seeing from him. It made him look so handsome. He paused at that thought - objectively handsome, of course. Yu was just a good looking guy and the smile made him more good looking.
"Hey, Nanako-chan," Yosuke said, walking over to the table in the living room where she was seated.
"Hi. Are you here to hang out with Big Bro?"
He was just opening his mouth to answer that yes, he was, when Yu cut him off. "He's here to work on homework."
Yosuke pouted. "I can do both."
"Maybe after you get your work done."
He groaned. Now that he was here, he just wanted to spend time with the both of them. That sounded so much better than homework. 
Nanako looked between the two of them before turning to him. "I'll help you."
He smiled. "I'm sure that with both of us working together, I'd get an even better grade than Yu."
"Really? Big Bro is really smart though."
"Don't sell yourself short."
"Yosuke, don't try to get her to do it for you," Yu said from the kitchen.
"I'm not trying to get her to do it for me. I'm just saying that I bet she's smart enough to do it."
Yu hummed. "Maybe. Anyways though, get to work. Dinner will be ready in a bit."
"And I'm getting treated to your home cooking. You're spoiling me."
"Would you rather not have dinner?" There was a smile behind his voice.
"I definitely want dinner."
"Good, so get to work."
He grabbed out his history book and the part of the essay that he had already started writing, spreading it out on the table in front of him. 
Everything quickly settled into a comfortable quiet, the TV on in the background and noises coming from the kitchen as Yu cooked. He liked being like this. It sure beat working on his essay alone in his room. 
After a while, dinner was ready, so he stopped working to eat - once again, Yu's cooking was so good. If he could have one person cook for him for the rest of his life, it would be him. It sounded so nice to live with him and have him cook for him every day. He would love for that to happen. 
Once dinner was done, he started working on his essay again, determined now to get it done - he was starting to feel the pressure of needing to finish it before he went home that night. He got so into it that he barely even noticed Yu putting Nanako to bed. He came to sit with him afterward though, so that was nice.
He was just writing the last sentence when the front door slid open. 
He looked up as Dojima walked inside, stopping when he saw him. “Hanamura, you’re here late.”
“Welcome home,” Yu said. “Yosuke just needed help with homework.”
He nodded. “All right, that’s fine. You’re staying here tonight though. It’s too late for a kid your age to be walking around.”
He almost opened his mouth to complain, but quickly thought better of it. “Oh, all right.”
“Good, now don’t stay up too late.”
“We won’t,” Yu said.
At that, Dojima walked into the hallway, presumably going to bed himself.
Yosuke turned to Yu. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to spend the night.”
Yu shook his head. “It’s fine. Are you almost done with your essay?”
He looked back down at the paper in front of him. “Yep. I just finished it.”
He nodded. “Do you want to go get ready for bed now then? You can borrow some pajamas.”
He smiled. “Thanks, dude. And yeah, that sounds good.”
At that, he put his school stuff back into his bag, standing, and following Yu up to his room. 
He waited as he went through his dresser, pulling clothes out of it. He handed him a stack of them. “You can take a shower first.”
“Okay, be right back then.”
He took the clothes into the bathroom, setting them down on the counter. He quickly took a shower, then got to work getting redressed. 
As he was pulling on the shirt though, he paused. This was Yu’s shirt. He was about to put on Yu’s clothes. Why did that thought make his heart race? It was just a piece of fabric.
A piece of fabric that Yu had worn before.
He swallowed hard, pulling the shirt on over his head. Why was he acting so weird about it? Sharing clothes with his best friend shouldn’t make his stomach flutter. It just shouldn’t. 
He was kind of disappointed that they smelled like laundry soap and not him though. 
The pants were just a little bit too long on him and he fought the urge to roll them up - rolling up pajama pants was just weird. Still, it made him feel small. Yu wasn’t that much taller than him, was he?
He pushed his thoughts away, then made his way back to Yu’s room. It seemed as though he had been hard at work while he was taking a shower, setting up the room so that there were two futons laid out, side by side on the floor.
“Shower’s all yours,” Yosuke said, walking up beside him.
It might have been his imagination, but it felt like Yu’s gaze lingered on him for a few seconds more than normal. 
He nodded. “All right. I’ll be right back.”
After Yu left the room, Yosuke went over and sat down on one of the futons. He was really about to sleep so close to him. Despite himself, that thought made him really happy.
He didn’t have to wait for very long before Yu was coming back into the room, his hair damp from his shower.
He paused by the door. “Lights off?”
“Yeah.” He was actually pretty exhausted from exploring the TV World, so he was about ready to go to sleep.
Yu flicked the lights off, then headed over, sitting down on the futon next to him, climbing underneath the blankets. 
He followed suit, laying down on his side so that he was facing him. They were so close that he could hear his gentle breathing beside him. It was quiet for a little while.
“Hey, Yosuke?”
“I was just thinking about earlier - about when you got hurt.”
Yosuke winced. Why was he bringing that up?
“And well, you know that you don’t have anything that you need to prove, right?”
Was he really that easy to read? Did everyone else think that that was what he was doing?
“Yeah, sorry.”
Yu let out a small sigh. “It’s just… I really hate seeing you get hurt. I do care about you and it just makes my mind wander to the possibilities. What if something happens and it’s bad enough that I can’t heal you? I…” His voice was shaking.
Yosuke’s chest started aching. He really thought about stuff like that? He was worried about losing him? 
Yosuke reached out, finding his hand amongst the blankets, and grasping tightly onto it. “I’m sorry. I’ve never thought about it like that.”
Yu squeezed his hand back. “I know that, really, we haven’t known each other that long, but I already can’t imagine living my life without you. You’re important to me.”
He took a deep breath. Why did hearing that make his eyes start to water. “You’re important to me too.”
Yu let out a yawn, moving a little bit closer to him so that they were almost touching. Without thinking too much, Yosuke reached over, wrapping his arm around his back, just letting them be close. 
He really didn’t understand why his heart was beating so fast, but, at the same time, he was so unbelievably content. He hoped that Yu knew just how much he meant to him.
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
Yo I don't know if anyone else is seriously bothered by this but those "good luck" posts where everyone goes wow this post really works you HAVE to reblog it or else you won't get the good thing that happens when you reblog it and therefore it's your fault if the good thing doesn't happen because you didn't reblog the post,
Yeah, those posts. They don't ummmmmmmmm
They don't work.
Like, listen, a little prayer of good luck to give yourself hope is one thing, but every single one of these posts has a comment that is like "this is literally magic I received life-altering amounts of money because of this post REBLOG THIS NOW." And assuming these accounts aren't just also the original poster emotionally manipulating people - And brushing over how foolish/cruel it feels to give false hope and additional tasks to those in poverty AND moving on from how absolutely shitty these posts are for people with compulsion-related disorders or difficulty discerning reality--
it feels to me that the more we make up magic that doesn't exist in this world, the harder it is to see how things really are, and the more it obscures from us the magic that actually does exist. Things like magnetism, electricity, human thought and connection, emotion, storytelling, machinery, fire. That's the sort of magic we have in this world. These magics are real and they can be manipulated in miraculous and terrible ways.
And maybe it's just the way my mind works, but if I am able to convince myself that a photo of a four-leaf clover has any amount of cosmic power over my life, then I am no longer looking clearly at my situation and what I need to do to change it. I am no longer able to truly see the magic that IS there.
I feel the same way about astrology honestly. I don't think it's bad to believe in as long as you're not ascribing it to unwilling people, but I personally do feel like if I believed the shapes the Romans saw in the stars made me who I am, then not only would I deny myself autonomy, but also I would miss out on the magic of the stars as huge lonely nuclear light giants indifferent to and ignorant of the lives of humans in terrifying and beautiful ways. I might even dismiss scientific discoveries that didn't fit my view. And I think I've seen enough of the damage that can do for one lifetime. (I am aware that I probably wouldn't have so many problems with astrology if I wasn't a furious ex-Catholic. But again, there's nothing wrong with faith as long as you're not slapping it onto other people.)
But, gods, I hate these fucking good luck posts.
I am not poor due to the stars or the lack of luck-money posts on my dashboard. I am poor because I live in oppressive power structures that I hope to see burn in my lifetime. I need as clear a view of this reality as possible.
If you want to spread positive magic, you have to spread love and information and images/stories of a beautiful shared future that other people are invited to be a part of.
I'm a big believer in Hope. I believe hope is a sacred thing. But I'm not a big fan of false hope.
So in conclusion, if you reblog this post and then tomorrow something very lucky and seemingly unrelated happens, it had nothing to do with this post.
The only Magic will be the magic of unfathomably huge amounts of data transferring all across the world instantaneously to reach you and show you words that came from someone else's heart and mind.
The only Magic will be however it makes you feel to know that if you need luck, at least one other person in this world wants good things to happen to you: I care that you are found. I care that you are loved. I care that you are safe. I care that you live long enough to find or be found by happiness and that you then live for a very long time after that. And I don't need to meet you to know that I'm right.
Know that I will spend the rest of my life working to build spaces where you would be welcome. And maybe you and I will never meet, but I happen to know there's a whole lot of people like me in this world. And I happen to know that as long as you are alive, there is a chance you will grow old in warmth and comfort, surrounded by friends. There is a chance that your old eyes will be crinkled at the sides with laugh lines. And that's magic. That's real magic.
#original#if I'm honest I think I made some of these points better in the tags of that one post I have about the cake#but clearly I'm processing something so#hopepunk#cripple punk#cripplepunk#good luck#magic#you have no idea how much I wish other types of magic existed cuz I really want to be a wizard but that doesn't mean there's no magic#i want Magic Missile but all I have is an autistic drive to see things without ambiguity. XD#too much false hope can kill a person. it's so irresponsible to spread false hope. spread real hope. tell the fucking truth.#there are things in this world worth hoping for. real things. tell someone they are worthy of good things. that's hope. that's good luck.#it's actually quite lucky to be unexpectedly told kind and true things. like finding $20. except my poor ass can actually provide it#not tagging this with astrology so people are less likely to yell at me lol#there's probably a better version of this post in which I cut a lot of the bitching at the start but hey I needed to bitch#it's my right as a hot bitch.#edit: ALSO another thing this reminds me of is how a lot of white women who practice witchcraft really want to believe that they#at some point in history were a persecuted minority. 'we are the great-great-granddaughters of the witches you didn't burn!'#like sorry no there have been no witches burned and no witches hung the horror of it all is that they were just normal women#white people are not the great great granddaughters of witches. we are the great great grandchildren of slave owners.#any narrative that leads us to forget that is extremely suspect.
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starkstruck27 · 1 year
Here's that ficlet that I have to rewrite because I fucking lost it and I'm crying about it as I write. I got the inspiration from this absolutely beautiful gif made by @fleethall and I'll link it here so that everyone can see it, because it's gorgeous. I hope the ficlet is half as good as it was the first time because I'm literally crying over it, but either way, enjoy. Also, TW for suicidal ideations.
It was too hot for it being early June in Indiana. Billy'd expect this kind of weather back in California, but here in Hawkins, where it was normal to reach the negatives in the winter, he didn't expect it to be like sitting on the Devil's back porch. Especially this fucking early in the morning.
It was just beginning to get light outside, the sun barely halfway exposed over the horizon, and Billy was in his bed in nothing but his boxers, because his dad had never bothered to put that rickety old window AC unit back in his room, he didn't know how to do it himself. So he had to settle for wearing as few clothes as possible, opening the windows, and turning on the rusty old fan he'd dug out of the garage to try and keep cool. It wasn't doing much, especially as the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds, but it was better than nothing. It's not like Billy was going to get back to sleep this morning anyway.
Truth be told, he hadn't gone to sleep at all last night, despite how tired he was from the day before. He just couldn't, he had too much on his mind. So he'd just laid there, smoking cigarette after cigarette, and just thinking. He was trying to ignore the throbbing in his side, and he'd done a pretty good job after about an hour or so, once the Advil had set in. Now it was getting harder and harder to do that as the painkiller wore off, but still, his brain was keeping him occupied enough not to think about it.
Not that he was exactly happy about that. He wished he could just clear his mind and not think about anything right now, but he couldn't. He couldn't get his stupid electric head meat to shut up and stop supplying him with thoughts of the boy with the hazel eyes that was apparently leaving for college or some job opportunity or whatever in just a few days. The boy who he thought had loved him, but apparently not enough to talk to him about all this until two days before he was supposed to leave him behind and move to god only knew where. Billy had honestly stopped listening after he'd heard the words "I'm leaving" coming from the other boy's mouth.
Billy lit another cigarette and slid off of his bed to sit on the floor, his legs splayed out and his arms hanging limp with his hands in his lap. He leaned his head back on the mattress and closed his eyes, wishing for about the 80 millionth time that they'd never even moved to this shitty little town in the first place. Then none of this would be happening.
And yeah, he knew it was his fault that they had. As much as he tried to blame it on Max, he knew that he'd been the one to officially fuck things up in the first place. If he wanted to get technical about it, he'd say it was a joint effort, because yeah, he'd made the initial mistake, but Max was the one who had thrown it back in his face when she was mad at him for something, and his dad had overheard her. Then, after the beating of a lifetime and a trip to the ER, his dad found them a house back in his hometown, and after his broken wrist healed, they were gone. Billy hadn't spoken to Max after that day, and he still didn't until the first day they'd gotten into town. Not even a single word passed between the two of them during the entire cross-country drive, and he felt completely justified for that.
Really, he should've known not to trust her, but he thought that because he was pretty sure she was like him, she would get it, that she would know why she needed to keep it under wraps. But she was just a child, he should've known that she wouldn't understand. She didn't understand why it was so important, that if she didn't keep the secret, not only would Billy's dad turn on him, but so would the rest of the world. He didn't know why he thought that would be enough to convince her.
See, here's how it happened. Billy'd had a few good friends back in San Diego, a group of guys that he spent every spare second he could with. There was Wayne, and Argyle, and Sid, and Tim. But then, there was Logan. He was a year younger than Billy in school, since his birthday was late in the summer, but that hadn't mattered to Billy. When they'd met, Billy had gravitated naturally towards the other boy, drawn in by his optimism and constant need to look on the bright side.
With his eyes closed like this, Billy could still picture his perfect face. He had tan skin and bleach-blonde hair, and his eyes were the color of wet sand. His nose was bent in three places from having been broken seven times in his life, and his smile was as bright as the moon reflecting off the ocean on a clear night. It made Billy's heart speed up, and to him, it was perfect, even though one of his canines was slightly crooked. It reminded Billy of a time before his mom had left, before his dad was drafted to fight in Vietnam and came back changed for the worse, before, when his house actually felt like a home. All Logan had to do was smile at Billy, and suddenly, he had hope that one day, everything would be alright again.
And then one day, they were all on the beach, and a storm rolled in. The waves soon became too rough to swim or surf, and the thunder and lightning meant that it wasn't safe to stay in the ocean anyway, so the six of them grabbed their boards and ran for shelter under the boardwalk to wait it out. But the storm was strong, and it showed no signs of letting up any time soon, so they quickly became bored. Wayne and Tim got hungry, so they left their boards stuck in the sand and pulled on their shirts and flip flops to head up into the diner built into the boardwalk, saying they'd be back once they got a bite. Sid knew that his mother would be getting worried if she didn't hear from him with such a storm raging on, so he went to go find a payphone to tell her that he'd be home as soon as the storm let up. Argyle went with him, the two of them planning to light up a joint once Sid finished his call. And that, of course, left just Billy and Logan.
"So what now?" Logan asked as he stuck his board in the sand so that he could lean against it when he sat down. Billy followed his example as he answered with, "I don't know. I guess once Sid and Argyle get back, we could all go join the other two in the diner until the storm passes."
"I don't have my shirt with me, though, they won't let me in," Logan said.
"Aw, sucks to be you then, I guess," Billy teased, nudging Logan's shoulder as he grinned. Logan couldn't help but laugh as he nudged Billy back, and it made Billy feel all tingly inside.
After that, they stopped talking for a little bit, content to just sit there in each other's company and watch the storm. It was beautiful, the way two of nature's strongest forces were coming together and fighting against each other at the same time, and it was all happening before their very eyes. Lightning struck over the ocean and lit up the lilac and gray atmosphere, making the ground shake as it was quickly followed by a ferocious growl of thunder. It wasn't until after this deafening noise that Logan spoke again.
"Whoa, check this out!" He said, digging in the sand beside him before pulling something out and brushing the excess sand off of it. Then he placed it in the palm of his hand and reached over to show Billy what he'd found, his smile too big and infectious for it not to rub off on the other boy.
"What about it? It's just a sand dollar," Billy said, smiling even though he was confused.
"Yeah, but this is the first time I've ever found one outside of a gift shop," Logan said, turning the shell over and over in his hands and examining it as if it were made of pure gold.
"I guess that does make it more special," Billy agreed, watching his friend for a moment, but forcing himself to look back at the storm, trying to convince himself that it was more beautiful than the other boy.
After that, they slipped back into comfortable silence, and it was a few more minutes before Logan broke it again, holding out the shell to Billy and simply saying, "Here."
"What?" Billy asked back, looking between his friend and the shell in his hand, confused.
"I want you to have it," Logan said, taking Billy's hand and making him take the shell.
"No," Billy said, trying to give it back, "You were the one who found it and got all excited over it. It's special to you, you should keep it."
"True, but I want you to have it." Logan folded Billy's fingers over the shell, holding them there to make sure he couldn't give it back.
"Why?" Billy asked, his eyebrows scrunching together like he was trying to figure out a complex math problem in his head.
"Because I have something as special as this already, so I don't need it," Logan shrugged, still holding Billy's hand.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Billy asked, his stomach getting all fluttery and nauseous, but in a good way.
"I've got you," Logan said, and Billy hoped he wasn't reading it wrong as the other boy leaned in closer. But he wasn't stopping, and his eyes were locked on Billy's, and his smile only grew bigger until a second later it disappeared as his eyes started slipping shut.
Now, Billy had never kissed anyone else before, at least not like this. But he wasn't an idiot, and he knew what it looked like from movies and shows and stuff, and he was pretty sure this was going to be it. His heart began to speed in his chest and his mind went blank, and before he could get it back on track and talk himself out of it, he allowed himself to toss caution to the wind and meet Logan halfway.
And in that second, Billy's entire mind was blown completely away. It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket, like a big meal of all his favorite foods, like a long nap on a rainy afternoon, it was everything. Logan's lips were soft and tasted like salt from the ocean and like sunscreen and the mint chapstick he used and the vanilla ice cream cone he'd eaten earlier that day. It was slow and sweet, and even though Logan took control easily, he kept it that way. He took his time coaxing Billy's lips apart with his tongue, and only paused for a moment to turn his head to the side to get a better angle. Once he had it, he let his tongue delve inside Billy's mouth to explore, and let Billy take his time to do the same. Once he was confident enough, he did, and he used his tongue to feel around everything, from the roof of Logan's mouth to the softness of his tongue to the rigidness of that one crooked tooth. He couldn't do much with his hands at the moment, what with one holding the sand dollar and the other planted in the sand for balance, but Logan's were free, so he moved one to hold the one Billy was holding himself up with and the other to cradle Billy's face, making the other boy sigh softly. He was getting a little bit of sand on his cheeks, but Billy couldn't have cared less. This was the greatest thing that'd ever happened to him, and he was sure that it was the closest he'd ever get to heaven.
And then, all hell broke loose.
"Billy! C'mon, it's almost time to go ho-" Max called out for him as she wandered beneath the boardwalk, her rain jacket zipped up to her chin. She stopped short as soon as she saw her brother, lips locked with his best friend, and now as red as her hair as he whipped his head around to gape at her. "Uh, n-nevermind, I'll just go wait by the car."
Billy wanted to chase after her, but by the time he was able to scramble to his feet, she was gone. He'd completely forgotten about her as soon as he'd dropped her off at the boardwalk arcade, too caught up in his own friends and his own day out to worry about where she was. He'd only told her to come and get him when it was time to head home, since he didn't know what time it was without his watch on, and now, he was a complete and utter goner.
"Fuck!" He yelled as he raked a hand through his hair, trying desperately to figure a way out of this.
"Whoa, hey, Billy, calm down," Logan said, taking his hand from his hair before he yanked it out and gripping his shoulders to try and ground him. "Look, it's okay, you just have to talk to her on the way home. It'll be okay, I'm sure she won't tell anyone."
"But-" Billy tried to get a word in, but Logan cut him off.
"I don't regret it," he said, making sure to look Billy in the eyes. He knew how Billy got when he felt backed into a corner, and he didn't want him to come out fighting like an alley cat. "I meant it when I told you you were special to me, and I won't ever regret proving it to you. I know you're worried that Max will tell somebody what she saw, but I know her, and I know you, and I know that if you just talk to her, she'll keep it a secret. Maybe one day she won't have to, maybe one day we won't be scared to tell the guys or anybody else in the world, but until then, it'll be okay, because I'll never regret you."
And with that, Logan gave Billy one more peck on the lips, helped him breathe right, and then helped him get his board out of the sand so he could go. The rain was letting up a little by now, and as Billy approached his car, he saw Max standing beside it, waiting. He unlocked it and she climbed inside, and he stalled for a minute more as he tied his board to the roof, trying to come up with something to say to her. Finally, he couldn't stall any longer, and he sat down in the driver's seat, turning to look at her before he even put the keys in the ignition.
"You can't tell anybody about what you saw, understand?" He said, going for authoritative, but it only sounded scared. He still had the sand dollar in his hand, and he gripped it just a little bit harder to give him some confidence.
"Who would I tell?" She scoffed, and he knew her default mode was bitchy, but he still couldn't believe the audacity she had when she said it.
"I'm serious, Maxine!" Billy raised his voice, grabbing her shoulder with a firm grip, though he was careful not to hurt her. "If you tell somebody and it gets out, Logan and I are both pretty much dead. This doesn't go any further than the three of us or I will smother you in your sleep and dump your body in the ocean to be eaten by sharks, you got that?"
This time, Max didn't speak, she just nodded as Billy stared at her with angry, desperate eyes. Later on, as Billy drove them home, she finally voiced it, saying that she promised she wouldn't tell.
It wasn't even a full month later when she broke that promise.
Billy opened his eyes now, tears running down his cheeks, escaping along with a sigh as he remembered all this. The first boy, the first person, he'd ever truly loved more than himself, and exactly how he'd lost him. He remembered how after his dad had found out, he wasn't allowed out of the house until the move. How he hadn't spoken to Max for months, and was essentially mute until they arrived in Hawkins. How on the day they were supposed to leave, he didn't even tell her where they were going when he took a little detour on the way and left something in Logan's mailbox before heading for the highway.
It was the sand dollar from that day. He'd stuck it in a brown paper bag and wrote the other boy's name on it, also leaving a short note inside.
My dad's making us move. He won't tell me the new address, so I can't leave it for you. Anyway, since I'm not gonna be around anymore, I figured you'd need something special to replace me... Jesus, I don't know. That's corny as shit, but you get the gist. I'm sorry. -B
P.S. I'll never regret you, either.
Max had tried to apologize after all this had happened, but Billy never forgave her. He didn't want to. If she'd tried to say anything as they drove, he would just turn the music up louder to drown her out and pretend he didn't hear her. After a while, they kind of had to make up, but he still never fully let it go. He loved Logan, and all it took was one sentence shouted in the heat of the moment for Billy to lose him. He swore that he'd never get over it and let Max off the hook since she was the one who had caused it. And he swore that he'd never fall in love again as long as he lived.
But of course, he couldn't fucking help it. He was still hurting, pining for a boy clear across the country, when he met Steve, and it pissed him the fuck off that his traitorous heart began to flutter the second he did. He didn't want to feel like that about anyone ever again, and especially not so soon after he'd lost someone else. So he became mean. Downright vicious. He tried his best to prove his heart and his mind and his soul wrong by picking on Steve to the point of physical altercations, because he didn't want it to be true. He didn't want to face up to the fact that he was already falling for somebody again, when he wasn't even fully over the person before.
And then came the night at the Byers's house, when his dad had told him to get Max and bring her home, and Steve lied to him about knowing where she was. He knew he'd been nothing but a dick to Steve up until that point and that Steve probably assumed the anger issues would extend to Max so he was just trying to protect her, but still, something about the fact that he seemed so casual about lying made the knife in Billy's guts twist. So he struck first, pushing Steve over and going into the house to get Max, ready to drag her out by the hair if he had to. He just didn't want to be around anybody, he knew he would lash out, and he didn't want to actually hurt anyone. He wanted to get Max home and then go out to the woods or something and take his aggression out on something that couldn't hit him back, something that he wouldn't draw blood from if he hit it.
But then Steve came in and hit him first, and something had broken inside him, like a dam collapsing from the force of the river. He didn't hold back after that. He fought dirty, screaming and letting out everything he'd kept bottled up for months, including the tears. He cried as he beat Harrington's stupid face in, until the other boy was barely conscious on the floor. He didn't care about Max or his dad or anything else at that point, and once all the fight had left him, he got up and went out to his car, not looking back even once as he drove away, continuing to cry.
He didn't know where else to go, so he eventually wound up in the school's parking lot, near the outdoor basketball courts. He sat on the hood of his car when he got there, staring at the moon and still crying until the tears just stopped flowing. His knuckles hurt and his head even more so, but he didn't move, not even when another car pulled up next to him. He didn't care anymore. The only thing he had left to lose was his life, and he wasn't even sure why he was still holding onto that anymore, so what did it matter if he lost that too?
It was Harrington that got out of the car and walked up to Billy, sitting down next to him on the hood of his car.
"What do you want?" Billy asked him after a few minutes, still refusing to look at him.
"Just to see how you're doing," Steve said, shrugging casually as if this were just a regular conversation on a Tuesday morning.
"Peachy, thanks," Billy replied, trying to get up, but Steve grabbed his wrist, refusing to let him.
"No you're not. The kids told me you were crying as you beat me to a bloody pulp, and Max told me it probably had something to do with something that happened back in California. And since I'm the guy who you almost gave a second concussion to, I think that I at least deserve to know why," he said, his face serious and upset, but not angry.
"Well, you were mistaken. I don't owe you shit, Harrington," Billy said, yanking his hand away as if he'd been burned.
"True, but you do owe me an explanation." Steve said, crossing his arms, but refusing to move from the hood of the car. "C'mon, man, you did nothing but pull my pigtails for the past few weeks and then you rearranged my face tonight, and I want to know why."
Billy had just stared at him for a minute, not sure of what to do. He knew he couldn't tell Harrington anything, not unless he wanted to either move again or wind up six feet under, but then again, he was just so tired. He was tired of being afraid of himself, tired of running away from his past and away from his future, tired of fighting so hard. It's not like he had much to live for anyway, not like he could just get up and go back to California, back to Logan, back to the guys, back to being happy. He was trapped in a prison of his own fuck ups, and his father was the warden. He knew he couldn't fight him, and he knew he couldn't escape. So why keep trying? Why not just give up the fight and let everybody else win? It sure would be a hell of a lot easier than whatever this shit was.
"You wanna know my life story, Harrington? Wanna know all my dirty little secrets? Fine." Billy finally relented, sliding off the hood of the car and opening the door on the passenger's side. "Get in."
Steve obeyed the order, a slight confused crease to his brows, but he didn't say anything. He just climbed in and buckled his seatbelt, waiting as Billy did the same. He rolled down the windows, even though the night was already cold enough, and then he drove them away, sticking to the back roads as they rode through the darkness.
"Where are we going?" Steve had asked.
"Nowhere," Billy replied, too done with everything to even make a stupid joke, let alone lie. "Driving helps me think, so."
Steve nodded after that, and everything was quiet again. There was no tape in the player right now, and Billy had turned off the radio, so it was only the sound of the engine that accompanied them as they drove. Billy didn't know where to start, didn't know if he should tell about everything, but he'd promised all his dirty secrets, and he was nothing if not a man of his word. So he didn't worry about it, and just started at the beginning.
"My dad had loved me, once." He said, stopping at a red light. He waited until it flashed green to continue. "When I was a baby, I mean. He loved me, and so did my mom. They were happy, and so was I."
"So what changed?" Steve asked, his voice small, as if he were afraid to ask. Maybe he was.
"My dad got drafted. Went to 'Nam and kicked Charlie's ass. Only problem was, he got kicked back. When he came home after four years, he was different. Loud, and mean, and it drove mom away. She didn't bother to take me with her." Billy said, shrugging.
"That doesn't mean he doesn't love you," Steve said, but again it was tentative, like maybe he didn't want to assume but was going to anyway. "I mean, lots of military guys go away to fight and come back a little bit meaner, that doesn't mean they don't still love their wives and kids."
"You're not listening to me, Harrington." Billy bit out, a little harsher than he needed to maybe, but he didn't care. "I could handle it if he was just mean. But when he tells me everyday that I'm a mistake and a waste of oxygen and that he should've made my mom abort me when he had the chance, and he's beating me up while he does it, I think I can take the hints better than you can."
That stunned Steve into silence, and Billy, too. He was still having trouble figuring out why he had even started talking to Steve in the first place rather than telling him to just fuck off, but even if he did figure it out, there was no going back now. And if he really thought about it, Billy did know, he was just too stubborn to admit it. He wanted to be able to talk to someone, anyone, about what was going on. Maybe they wouldn't be able to make it stop, but at least they would know, and he could talk to them about it when things started getting bad again. He just hoped that he'd picked the right person to trust.
"I'm sorry that that happens to you," Steve finally said after a while, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead instead of looking at Billy.
"I don't give a shit, Harrington," Billy shook his head, his own eyes feeling a little misty as he swallowed to try and keep it back, "I'm not telling you this because I want your pity."
"Then why are you telling me?"
"Because you asked," Billy said, his voice flat, "And you're the first person that ever bothered to."
That seemed to stun Steve again for a second, but he nodded afterwards, seeming to understand it a lot quicker than he did the last thing. But to be fair, that statement was a lot less complicated than the ones previous.
"Is that why you got so mad earlier? Because of your dad?" He asked, looking at his lap now.
"It was a big part of it," Billy said, biting his lip at another red light before he kept going. "The other part was just you."
"What did I do?" Steve asked, even though he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.
"Well, part of it was because you lied to me like I said. I don't know what you were doing with Max and those kids in that house and right now I couldn't give less of a shit, but you gotta admit that it was kinda creepy. I'm supposed to bring her home safe or else I'm in trouble, and finding her alone in a house in the woods with three teenage boys and an adult man is pretty fuckin' weird. Not that Max really deserves me protecting her after all the shit she's done to me, but like I said, it wasn't her I had to worry about."
"So that was part of it, and obviously when I punched you was when you snapped, but did I do anything else?" Steve asked, and it surprised Billy a little bit. He actually sounded regretful.
"Kind of, but you couldn't help it," Billy said, finally making a U-turn and heading back towards town. He was about to pour his heart out to Steve and he didn't need him in his car any longer than he had to be if the other boy got upset.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked again, his big hazel eyes boring into the side of Billy's head as he tried to stay focused on the road. But it was getting difficult, so even though he wanted to keep driving, he pulled off to the side of the road and put the car in park. He still didn't turn to look at Steve, but he didn't need to. Steve could still see how nervous he was by the tremor in his hands on the steering wheel and gear shift.
"Look, I'm gonna tell you," he started, "But if you're going to kill me for it, please just wait until I've said everything I want to say. I don't wanna die with a guilty conscience, y'know?"
Steve was confused. Confused and concerned. But still, he nodded. Billy sighed and leaned his head back, staring at the roof of the car, his expression mostly blank as he started to speak again.
"Like I said, it wasn't exactly something that you could help," he said, blinking slowly, as if he wasn't sure if he wanted to reopen his eyes. "It was just kind of you in general that set me off. You and your preppy clothes and your perfect hair and your pretty eyes. I've had a crush on you from the first moment I saw you that day in the parking lot, and it pissed me off, because the whole reason we had to move to this shit stain of a town was because I felt the same way about another boy that I felt about you. Max saw us one day and swore she'd never tell anyone about it, but then a few weeks later we were fighting about something or other and she said "at least I don't have to hide under the boardwalk if I want to kiss a boy". My dad overheard and he beat me so bad, I thought I was gonna die. I honestly kind of wish I would've. He broke my wrist and locked me in my room for the three months that it took to heal and by the time it did, he already had the boxes packed. We moved out here and I didn't even get to say goodbye to Logan. All I could do was leave him a shitty note in his mailbox that I don't even know if he read. And I made a promise to myself that I would never fall in love with anyone again as long as I lived, because it would only end in broken hearts and sadness and a painful, painful death. But not even a full day later I drove up to my new school and I saw you and that promise went right out the fucking window."
Billy paused after sighing out the last word, wishing he hadn't smoked his last cigarette on the drive to the house in the woods. He wished he could say that he felt like shit, but really, right now, he didn't even feel at all. He had completely given up, on everything.
"Anyway, that's why I was such a bitch to you," he finally ended with, "I couldn't stand you because I could already feel myself falling for you, and I didn't want to after everything that happened, especially when I'm not even over Logan yet. But he's a thousand miles away and you're... well, it's not like you'd want to date a train wreck with an ex they're still in love with and more daddy issues than there is sand on a beach, especially not if it's me, so yeah. If you wanna kill me or something now, feel free, I don't care anymore. To tell you the truth, I'd probably thank you, since I don't have the fucking balls to do it myself."
"Maybe not," Steve said after a few seconds of silence, his tone oddly serious and not freaked out or angry, "But you've got the courage to keep living even after all you've been through, and that takes a hell of a lot more balls than just giving up and dying."
Billy didn't have an answer to that. He wasn't even sure he had the strength to nod and acknowledge that words had even been passed. So he just closed his eyes in response, barely even registering the tears that rolled out as he did.
"And for what it's worth," Steve continued, his voice still firm, "I'm sorry about that boy, Logan. Neither of you deserved what happened to you."
"It doesn't matter if we deserved it or not," Billy said finally, opening his eyes and sitting up a little, "We both knew the risks we were taking. We should've known it couldn't've lasted."
"That doesn't make it right," Steve said, and Billy scoffed at that, shaking his head with a sour, condescending smirk on his face.
"Yeah, well," he said, "It still doesn't matter. Right, wrong, who gives a shit? That's just how it is. He's probably forgotten all about me by now anyway."
"If he loved you as much as you loved him, I don't think he would. Even if he didn't, you're still pretty hard to forget." Steve paused, his voice growing more timid as he finished with, "God knows I haven't been able to."
"Well of course you haven't, I've made your life hell ever since I moved here," Billy said, rolling his eyes slightly.
"That's not what I meant," Steve said, his hand twitching as if he were debating whether to grab Billy's, but ultimately, he didn't. "I meant that even before you started picking on me, I thought about you all the time. At first I thought that it was because you were so confident and impressing all the girls and kind of taking my place at the top, but that wasn't it. I'm not gonna kiss you right now, because I don't think that would fix anything like it does in the movies. Hell, it'd probably only make things worse. But you should know that you aren't the only one with a crush, and even if nothing comes from me telling you this, I just want you to know that we don't have to fight anymore, and I'm here, even if you just need someone to talk to."
Billy finally looked at him now that he was done talking, not sure whether to trust the other boy yet. He wanted to more than anything, but it was all too easy. Nothing that came this easily could be trusted. He'd had to learn that lesson a long time ago. Steve looked sincere, and he sounded like he meant it, too. But still, Billy was wary, and Steve must've been able to see that, because he said, "You don't have to believe me. But if I could prove to you that I mean it, would you at least keep an open mind?"
And Billy had nodded. Like a complete fucking idiot.
Now, it was months later, and Steve had proven himself. He listened when Billy needed him to, and would talk to fill the silences that Billy couldn't stand. He would surprise Billy with little gifts just because he felt like it, just to be able to see him smile, and he would take him on dates to the diner under the guise of just two friends hanging out, but they knew the truth. He would get angry on Billy's behalf whenever he had a bruise or cut on his face or came to him on the brink of tears, but would put the anger aside to take care of him when he needed it.
When he kissed Billy for the first time a few weeks later, he made sure he asked first, because he didn't want to overstep any boundaries and scare him. He made sure that Billy was okay once it was over, and he made sure to let him lead so that he knew for sure everything that happened was what Billy wanted. He did the same things the first time they had sex together, too, to make sure that Billy was okay with everything that they did. It had been his first time with anybody, let alone with a boy, but Steve didn't mock him for it, just made sure to take things slow and talk to him to make sure it was good. He gave Billy all the care and adoration that he needed so desperately, and he didn't ask for anything in return, because he just loved Billy that much.
At least, he thought he did.
Billy screwed his eyes shut again as he sat on the floor of his bedroom, tossing away the burned out butt of his cigarette and burying his face in his hands as he took in a shaky breath. He could feel his lip wobbling like he was a little kid again, and he choked on a sob as the tears started falling faster and faster. He hated when he cried like this, but sometimes, he just couldn't help it. It just wasn't fair. It seemed like every time he started to hope again, every time he began to feel happy, it just got torn away for no reason.
Maybe it was just him. He was the one who kept thinking he could have good things and jumping into them with both feet instead of remembering how bad things always turned out the last time. It was like his entire existence was a curse, and he just didn't know how to break it.
So he let himself cry like this, every once in a while. Sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't. Today it actually helped so much that he didn't even realize there was somebody at his window until they'd already crawled inside through it and dropped down to sit next to him. When he finally did notice, it was everything he could do not to cry harder and kick him out.
"What are you doing here?" He croaked out when he saw Steve sitting next to him.
"I wanted to see you," he said, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. "I didn't like how we left things yesterday."
"You shouldn't be here," Billy mumbled, more to himself than to Steve, though.
"Yes I should. I need to know why you got so upset when I told you I was leaving," Steve said, leaning forward to try and catch Billy's eye. Billy wanted to look at him, he was adorable right now. Still wearing his cut off pajama bottoms that he wore in the summer and a loose t-shirt and with his hair all tousled and unruly, he was so cute. But Billy knew if he looked at him like that, he wouldn't be able to stay mad, and he didn't want to let it go that easily just to still end up hurt in the end.
"Because you're leaving. You're going to be somewhere else and I don't even know where that's gonna be. And you didn't even think to tell me about it until two days before it was set to happen. Tomorrow, you're going to leave and then that's it." Billy said, his eyes still stinging from the mixture of tears and exhaustion.
"I'm going to Pennsylvania for college. But that's not going to be it for us, I promise you. I fucking love you and I'm not gonna lose you, no matter what." Steve replied, and Billy couldn't help but scoff again.
"How are we gonna do that when we won't even be able to keep in contact? You can't call here or write me letters or else my dad'll know, and I won't know how to get in touch with you. So please, enlighten me, how is that going to work?"
"I want you to come with me."
Billy stopped short the second he heard the words, his eyes going wide as he struggled to voice what he wanted to say. He wasn't even sure he knew what he wanted to say. But he had to say something.
"Wh-what?" He finally managed to squeak out, shaking his head as he tried to wrap it around the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling.
"I want you to come with me." Steve repeated, "That's why I waited so long to tell you, because then we could leave just out of nowhere and no one would be able to follow us. I want to get out of here, but I want you with me. And you're 18 now, so you don't have to stay here if you don't want to. If you want to come with me, I wanted to give you time to get ready, but not enough time for you dad to notice until we're already long gone. I love you and I want you to come with me because I want to get both of us out of here, hopefully for good."
Billy couldn't say he was shocked, necessarily, but he still didn't know what to say. He wanted to cry, he wanted to fling himself at Steve and kiss him stupid, he wanted to get dressed and leave right now and never look back. But he didn't. Instead, he just stared at him, looking for any trace of a lie on his face. But there was none, only sincerity and hope and love. It was almost too much.
"I don't want to stay here," he finally whispered, unable to bring himself to say the actual words. He couldn't force them to come out of his mouth, but Steve heard them anyway. What Billy wanted, more than anything, was to go with him.
"Then we can pack your things later on today once your parents leave for work, and I'll be here at this time tomorrow to get it into the car. We'll leave and be in Harrisburg before they even know we're gone." Steve promised, reaching out and placing a hand on Billy's cheek, holding him. He smiled, a tiny thing that seemed too delicate for Billy having been the one to put it there. Billy leaned into the touch, closing his eyes and sighing out a quiet, "Okay."
After that, it was quiet again, the two of them shifting closer and holding each other, wanting to be close even though the body heat had them sweating. Neither of them cared as they grabbed some pillows from Billy's bed and laid out on the floor, cuddling with their limbs tangled together in a complex pretzel twist. One of Steve's arms was under the pillow and supporting his head, and Billy laid his own on Steve's shoulder, pressing them together from head to toe. Billy was still exhausted, so he immediately started to drift off as Steve pressed a kiss to his forehead, using his other hand to card his fingers in Billy's hair and massage his scalp, helping to coax him into slumber.
"I really do love you, you know," he whispered, shifting so that a ray of sunshine wasn't hitting Billy directly in the face and hindering his rest.
"I really do love you, too," Billy mumbled back, snuggling even closer to his boyfriend for as long as he could.
They'd have to untangle themselves in a few minutes so that Steve could leave before Neil and Susan woke up, but they were going to take every spare minute that they could get. It made Billy smile in his sleep as he thought that, pretty soon, they wouldn't need to mind the minutes. Pretty soon, they'd have all the time in the world.
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 3
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜 𝖜𝖆𝖘 a wonderful place. It was more magical than where dad and I lived, so I got to see new magical objects. Of course, the Weasleys also lived on the outskirts of a Wizarding village. Dad and I lived in a Muggle town. They had a huge garden with gnomes which was fascinating to me. I loved exploring the garden and found small hidden areas, like a clump of rose bushes that would close up, putting you in a secret hideout made of roses and vines. I think it was meant to be romantic, but I thought of it as a hideout.
I also got to practice Quidditch more often here. Fred and George were both excited that I was going to try out for Hufflepuff Quidditch team, though they teased me constantly about it. We also talked a lot about it.
"What position are you going to try out for?" George asked, "Seeker, like Harry?"
I shook my head. "Cedric is seeker. I'm going to be trying out for either Chaser or Keeper." I grinned. "You Gryffindors won't be scoring if I'm keeper."
George rolled his eyes. "We'll see about that."
"Diggory is seeker?" Fred asked in disgust.
"And Captain." I added happily as I liked Cedric. He'd been made captain this year along with prefect.
Fred made choking sounds. I laughed, though I was just slightly offended. But I liked Fred far to much to argue with him.
Besides Quidditch, I got to catch up on all my studying, mostly my Muggle studies. There was so much to do! I also got to know Ginny quite well since she was the only other girl there. She was shy around Harry, but she liked to talk to me.
Mr. Weasley was also fascinated that I knew so much about Muggles even though I had a wizard as a father. He liked having either Harry or I explain how Muggle things like electricity, TV's, dishwashers, microwaves, and many other appliances, toys, or electronics worked. Sometimes, things that I thought were so easy were so hard to explain. Like how a rubber duck works? What? How do you explain the properties of rubber ducks?!
I read all of the Lockhart books and found them to be, while interesting, weird. Sure, I suppose these things really did happen, but with Lockhart's looks, I couldn't image him wrestling a Yeti in mud and snow. I couldn't see him doing anything that would possibly ruin those curls and his expensive robes. But perhaps he only got the robes and curls after he published his books. It was plausible that he wasn't rich before he did those things.
The newspaper I was dreading came out four days later with a big bold headline saying:
"Oh no." I muttered, snatching the paper out of the delivery owls claws. It hooted, disgruntled. I put a few knuts in it's tiny bag and it flew out the window. Then I sat down and read the following:
A book signing in Diagon Alley on August 4th revealed more than one surprise. A great deal was covered in that signing that would interest mainly witches, but also wizards. Gilderoy Lockhart, author of the newest book series: Gilderoy Lockhart's Magical Creatures Adventures, announced that he would be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There have been many compliments to Headmaster Albus Dumbledore for choosing such a renowned Dark Arts fighter. Many witches have written into the Daily Prophet saying that they wish they could be going to school this year to have him as their teacher. But this was not the end of Lockhart's secrets and surprises that afternoon. Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, was there on the day of Lockhart's announcement. Of course, Lockhart was excited to meet him, and called him up to stand with him (photograph enclosed, see page 1a). Of course, Harry Potter is just as big as a celebrity as Lockhart, and this was only a natural thing to do. However, Lockhart perhaps made a mistake in also asking a girl to come up with him as well, calling her the sister of Harry Potter. The girl never announced her name, neither denying nor confirming whether or not she is Harry Potter's sister. Experts say however, that it is possible Lockhart made a mistake. "Magihistorians have studied the Potters for years" Says Bariums Lamour, a Magihistorian himself. "There is absolutely no evidence that this girl could possibly be related to Harry Potter. There are no pictures of her in the household (that we have seen as no one has entered the house since the fire was put out), nor evidence that a girl existed there at all. It is most likely just wishful thinking on Lockhart's part that they were related. There are many people out there that wish such a wonderful young boy like Harry Potter still had family. The two also look alike, so it could've been just a mishap in thinking they were related." However, it should be noted that since the Potter house cannot be fully explored due to safety precautions and also to respect the Potter household, not all rooms have been explored. Could there be evidence that Magihistorians have not uncovered? Could this girl be a Potter? Perhaps the world will never know.
I stared at the newspaper, the words blurring together. Oh this was terrible, super terrible.
Percy walked into the kitchen at that moment. "Is that the paper?" He asked, yawning.
I nodded mutely and handed it over to him and then quickly left the room. I went upstairs to the room I was sharing with Ginny. She was still asleep and I took out my quill and ink, writing quickly.
Dear Dad, I know you're at work and trying to settle into your new job, but I wanted to write to you, because I don't know if the newspaper got to you yet. If not, this letter may not make sense. I wanted to ask if my parents ever knew Gilderoy Lockhart. . . if they would've trusted him with such a secret. I'll probably be at Hogwarts by the time you get this. I miss you. Good luck at work. Love, Elizabeth
Then, I set it out on the window to dry and waited, picking up a Lockhart book, the Werewolf one, and reading it.
After seven minutes, the ink had dried. I folded it up before stuffing it carefully into an envelope, writing the name Dad a.k.a Remus Lupin on the outside of it. Sadie flew down from the wardrobe and held out her leg. I tied it on carefully. "This ones important." I whispered to her. I kissed the top of her head. "I'll have a treat for you when you get back."
She hooted softly, making Ginny stir, and then I opened the window so she could fly out. I had a knock on Ginny's door at that moment. I opened the door and stepped out, so the person couldn't wake Ginny. Fred was standing there with the newspaper. I scowled at him.
"Interesting article." Fred said, his voice quavering as he tried not to laugh.
"It's stupid, we don't even look like each other." I muttered, snatching the newspaper out of his hands.
"You seem mad to be seen as possibly related to Harry Potter." Fred said, tauntingly. "Why?"
I sighed, looking around. "Because." I muttered, trying to make this convincing, "Harry's had to go through enough. Don't you think he wishes he had family, that I really was his sister? Or maybe not particularly me, but a sister or brother in general?"
Fred dropped his smile at my seriousness. "You're right, I didn't think of it like that."
I shook my head. "And apparently neither does the newspaper. This will just cause confusion in the world, cause trouble for- not only Harry- but me as well, and all they wanted was a stupid story."
"Soooo." Fred said, "you just hate journalists?"
I laughed, but my heart was still heavy from all the lies. I hated lying. "sure."
"Let's go play Quidditch." Fred said, grabbing the newspaper back and tossing it into the rubbish bin. I thanked him silently with my eyes.
"Agreed." I said, darting into Ginny's room and grabbing my Nimbus 2000. Nothing was going to stop me from getting on that Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Nothing.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖜𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖑𝖊 was not made fun of by myself, Mr and Mrs. Weasley, or Ginny. The others however, found the article hilarious and kept teasing Harry and I about it, unless Mrs. Weasley was around. Mrs. Weasley had the same opinion that I did, that Harry didn't need something else to feel pained about. She also added, to the others, not to my face, that I, as a single child with deceased parents, probably would feel pained over this article as well. I did feel pained over the article, but for much different reasons. Ginny couldn't have teased Harry if her life depended on it. Fred only made jokes about it if Harry wasn't around, and only with George.
To be fair though, I didn't mind the teasing, because it showed that they didn't believe the article. As long as they weren't trying to ask serious questions like they believed it, everything was good.
The end of summer vacation came very quickly. Perhaps too quickly, considering that I wasn't looking forward to school anymore. First, I'd have to face Draco's wrath after tripping and humiliating his father in public. Not to difficult, I could beat him in a duel. But of course, rumors were harder to squash than angry boys. And I had a very large rumor to squash.
On our last evening, Mrs. Weasley made a delicious dinner that was filled with Harry's favorite dinner foods and my favorite dessert- Vanilla cake with vanilla icing on it. I thought it was a nice touch.
Fred and George let off fireworks in the house. They were red and blue, in the shape of stars. I thought they were wonderful. I told Mr. Weasley- as he was interested- that Muggles had fireworks too but that they couldn't be let off inside the house because their fireworks emitted smoke and gases, and also that they went up very high into the sky. If set off in a house, it would probably explode. He thought that was just fascinating. Then, we had hot chocolate, though at this point, I was already full, before we went to bed.
I laid in bed, hoping that tomorrow was going to be better. As if in answer, I saw the barrier to Hogwarts Express, but someone was slapping their hand against it, and it wasn't going through. The vision was gone a moment later, leaving me nervous about the next day.
It took me a while to fall asleep, setting an early alarm. I woke up before the others and quickly jumped out of bed. Trying not to wake up Ginny, I started packing my trunk neatly so that everything fit. Then, I closed it, locked it, and started dragging it down the stairs to put it next to the door so we could put it in the car later. Then, I stacked Sadie's empty cage on top of that.
I went back upstairs and woke Ginny up so that she could get a start on packing. "Don't forget anything." I warned nervously. I could only imagine that the border closed when the train left, which meant we were going to be late. After all, they probably didn't leave the border open year round though I had never thought about it before.
She yawned and I helped her pack everything. "That's everything you need, right?" I asked.
She nodded, confused, but not suspicious. I sighed in relief and helped her carry her trunk down the stairs, putting it next to mine. Another trunk that had joined mine since I had gone back upstairs. Percy's by the look of it.
By this time, near most everyone else was starting to get up. Mrs. Weasley started on breakfast and then commanded me to keep watch of the stove as she dashed about the house, finding extra quills and spare socks.
I had a nice stack of toast going, using my wand made it go much faster, and buttered each side, stacking them on a plate. People kept coming in and grabbing a piece and going out, eating and getting ready at the same time.
I ate a piece of toast myself with a nice cup of lemon zinger tea. That would hold me over until I could stuff my face with sweets on the Hogwarts train.
I started breathing easier when it got to the point where all the trunks were loaded up in the trunk and everyone was starting to get into the car. I dashed back upstairs to Ginny's room and checked every crevice, making sure I had everything. I touched my neck, wrist, and finger to make sure I had my necklaces, bracelet, and ring.
Then I went downstairs and out to the car, grabbing my leather bag and sitting between Percy and Fred in the car.
"You remembered your broomstick, right?" I asked on a whim.
He gasped, and quickly dashed out of the car to run and grab his broomstick. He brought it back just as Mrs. Weasley and Ginny climbed into the car in the front seat.
"Well, Muggles do know more than we give them credit for, don't they? She asked. "I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside, would you?"
I giggled, quickly putting a hand over my mouth. Harry looked over his shoulder, watching the house disappear from view. Five minutes later, George said that he needed to go back for his Fireworks kit. I felt frustrated but was still able to breathe easily since Fred had his broomstick and Ginny had said she had everything.
We reached the highway, with thirty minutes to spare and then Ginny shrieked, making me jump, saying that she had forgotten her diary.
"I thought you said you had everything?!" I said, trying not to sound exasperated. We turned around so that we could go back for her diary. My nerves started going up again and I rested my head on Fred's shoulder, trying to relax. Good lord, he was tall.
By the time we got back to the house and Ginny got back in the car, we were starting to run late. We would still make it on time, thankfully, but we were going to cut it close. The image of the hand on the brick wall appeared in my head again.
I got that tingly feeling in my stomach and along my arms that one gets from being extremely anxious, almost sick. It was how I felt whenever I was invited to a birthday party somewhere and Dad and I weren't exactly late, but cutting it close.
Mr and Mrs. Weasley were arguing up front about whether or not we should fly the car which would cut our time in half. I wished they would. My stomach was doing flip-flops. I might vomit from nerves.
I mean it wouldn't be so bad, I supposed. Mr and Mrs. Weasley would probably discover, along with other parents, that they couldn't get back through the barrier. They'd find whoever was left behind and then either apparate them to Hogwarts, or send a letter off to Hogwarts to let them know about the barrier.
All we would probably miss, as Dumbledore was quite diligent, was the sorting, maybe the feast. Except I didn't have Sadie to write a letter.
The train left at eleven and we got there at 12 minutes till eleven. Mr. Weasley dashed across the road to get trolleys while Fred, George, and Percy started pulling the trunks out of the car. I waited, anxiously, holding my leather bag and empty bird cage.
Mr. Weasley brought the trollies over, and we started loading them up. I wheeled mine around and followed Percy into the station. Fred and George caught up, we were practically running through the station. Percy took quick look around and then ducked through the barrier. I waited impatiently as Mrs. Weasley ushered Fred and George through. Mr. Weasley followed.
Mrs. Weasley said, "You three come quickly, I'll take Ginny through right now."
I nodded, the hand on the brick in my mind again. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley quickly went through the barrier. I glanced up at the clock.
"Go Elizabeth." Ron said, hurriedly. I walked quickly and gently pressed my hand against the barrier. I sighed in relief and quickly turned to the others. If I kept my hand on it, they'd be able to get through.
"Let's go you two." I said and Harry and Ron hurried over. I went to pull my hand out and found that I was not able too. "Wait, somethings wrong." I said. I pulled again. My hand was stuck in the brick wall. I tugged again, panicking, but it hurt my wrist.
Harry and Ron glanced up at the clock at the same time. 8. . . 7. . .6. . . 5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . 1. . . The train had left.
"What are we going to do now?" Ron asked, sounding like he was on the verge of panicking himself.
"Can you free your hand?" Harry asked worriedly, looking around. I was just glad they hadn't crashed their trolleys the way I had seen in my vision. He came over, grabbing my wrist, and tugging. I hissed and he let go quickly.
I shook my head. "Take Mr. Weasley's car. Get to Hogwarts and let Professor Snape, Sprout, McGonagall, Flitwick or Dumbledore know. Whoever you see first. I can't do any magic here."
"So what are you going to do?" Harry asked, concerned.
"Act like I'm leaning against this wall, waiting for someone." I said, looking around nervously. No one was looking at us for the moment. I hoped that it stayed that way. "And hopefully people won't pay too much attention to me."
Harry nodded, giving me on last worried look, and then followed Ron out of the station. I groaned and leaned my head back against the brick wall. If only I had Sadie and could write a letter to Hogwarts. Oh I should've used Hedwig! Gosh darn it!
I gritted my teeth and leaned against the wall, waiting.
𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 later, Professor Dumbledore, Snape, and Sprout came walking down the corridor. I had my eyes closed, half asleep. I was bloody tired and hungry and was about ready to bust myself out of there. But I had already foreseen that Harry and Ron were in trouble with the car and I didn't really want detention either. Or a letter from the Ministry of Magic saying I could possibly be expelled for using magic in a place that was highly concentrated with Muggles for that matter.
It wasn't my fault. They would've taken it anyways and I knew the car had to be on Hogwarts' grounds for something later on, I just didn't know what at this moment.
"Miss Kane?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
I gave a start, as I was half-asleep, and opened my eyes. "P-Professor Dumbledore." I stuttered, straightening my position. "I didn't realize you'd come."
Dumbledore just smiled patiently, drawing his wand, and said, "Let's do something about your hand now."
"If you don't mind me asking, Miss Kane." Snape said while Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped the bricks around my hand. "Why didn't you send an owl instead of Potter and Weasley in an illegal flying car?"
I blushed bright red. While both Snape and Dumbledore knew about my futuristic visions, Professor Sprout didn't and I didn't want to say anything. After all, Professor Sprout was my house head. Letting her know that she was the last to know about something about one of her students wasn't exactly something I was looking forward to. "Oh um Sadie was on another trip, delivering a letter to my dad. And er-" I flicked my eyes between Snape and Dumbledore and then said, "Well I had a feeling the car needed to be on Hogwarts ground for er. . . some reason."
Dumbledore tapped the bricks a few times and my hand fell out of the bricks and I rubbed it. "Thank you."
"Let's get you back to the school." Dumbledore said. "Madam Pomfrey should look at your hand."
I shook my head. "It's fine. I'm just tired- and hungry."
"Understandable." Professor Dumbledore said. "Let's go. Severus, please take care of Miss Kane's things. Pomona, let's get Miss Kane to the hospital wing for a brief checkup."
Guess he was going to ignore me then. Snape and Sprout both nodded and we left the potions teacher behind.
"Please tell me what happened." Dumbledore said as we walked through the nearly empty station.
I explained what happened the best that I could with Professor Sprout there, and Professor Dumbledore seemed to understand.
"It's not entirely important." He said with a wave of his hand. "You can tell me eventually when you've gotten some rest."
"How are we going to get to Hogwarts Professor?" I asked Professor Sprout as Professor Dumbledore strode ahead. "Floo powder?"
"Yes, we've gotten permission from Madam Rosmerta to transport to the Three Broomsticks. Then it'll be a short walk to the castle." Professor Sprout said. She seemed a bit distracted.
"Is there something wrong, Professor?" I asked, concerned. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
She shook her head. "It's an extremely dangerous job. Potter and Weasley crashed the flying car into the Whomping Willow. It's going to need some slings."
"Oh no!" I exclaimed. I hadn't foreseen that. "Is the Whomping Willow going to be okay? Harry and Ron are okay too, right?" I added quickly, remembering that people were usually more important than plants.
She nodded. "Potter and Weasley didn't seem to receive anything more serious than some bruises. The car took more damage, according to Severus anyways. The Whomping Willow will be alright as well, probably maybe take three or so days to heal."
I nodded, feeling exhausted just talking about it. The Whomping Willow was a very dangerous plant to deal with. I certainly wouldn't be able to help with that one.
Professor Dumbledore held open a door to a small, abandoned pub. "Is this where you came out?" I asked, uncertain.
"We apparated." Dumbledore said with a calming smile.
"Oh, of course." I said, feeling stupid.
Dumbledore went first and I followed. I fell out into a nearly abandoned restaurant. There were a few customers in the back but it was quiet. The guests didn't look at us as we exited.
"Where's Professor Snape?" I asked as Professor Sprout joined us.
"He's already at the castle." Dumbledore said. "Your stuff will probably be in your dorm room for you when you get there."
We walked the rest of the distance to the castle in silence. My visions, I realized, were a curse and a blessing at the same time. I was only in this position because I'd tried to mess with the future. I didn't mess with the future. That was why Harry didn't know I was his sister, that's why I let Quirrell almost steal the stone, that's why I didn't tell anyone the content of my visions. Because I didn't mess with the future. If I'd just gone through the barrier, knowing that whether I stayed behind or not, Harry and Ron wouldn't have been able to get through, I'd already have eaten dinner and be in bed right now. That was it, I wasn't listening to any more futuristic visions- no matter what.
Professor Dumbledore left me with Professor Sprout who led me to the hospital wing. There was no one else in the wing, but Madam Pomfrey was still up, rearranging bottles of medicine in a cabinet and cleaning up.
"Ah Miss Kane, back so soon?" Madam Pomfrey asked with a thin smile. Probably because I'd been here about the last week of school or so.
"Professor Dumbledore just wants her hand looked at quickly." Professor Sprout said. She quickly explained the situation. Madam Pomfrey didn't even look surprised. I suppose she'd seen pretty much everything. Or maybe she'd heard about the flying car and a hand stuck in a wall was less crazy. But really, what constituted for crazy in the magical world?
Madam Pomfrey took my hand in hers and examined it for about two minutes. "There's a bit of a strain on these wrist bones, right here," she pointed to my radius and ulna. "I can put it in a small brace for about 12 hours, and as long as you take this potion, it should be perfectly fine after that."
I nodded. I needed my wrist healed. "Please."
The brace was applied, the sweet turquoise potion was drunk, and I followed Professor Sprout back to the Hufflepuff common room. "I believe Professor Snape asked a house elf to bring food up for you. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Herbology first thing."
"Do you have my schedule?" I asked quickly. I needed to study it.
"It will be on your bed with your stuff." She said. "Anything else?"
I shook my head. "No, thank you."
I hurried inside the common room. There was a plate of something on the table. I quickly took off the cover. I smiled, picking up the note and burst out laughing, and then quickly clamped my mouth shut.
I grinned, sitting down with the plate of cookies. I set aside the note.
'Because I remembered you had a sweet tooth. . . First private lesson Wednesday night' -your favorite potions teacher
"Only potions teacher." I muttered under my breath, but I picked the card up again, folded it, and put it in my pocket.
I sighed. I seriously wondered why he treated me so differently from the other students. I mean, he absolutely favored Slytherins, hated Gryffindors, and couldn't care less about Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. I wasn't a Slytherin. . . so why. . .
I shook my head and then after I was done eating, I hurried upstairs. Susan, Hannah, Leanne and Megan were all fast asleep. Sadie still wasn't back. I wondered exactly how far dad had traveled. We hadn't discussed it much, he hadn't really wanted to talk about it which had been strange in itself. I usually knew what sort of job he was doing.
I quickly looked over my schedule. I'd have to fix up private lessons with Flitwick and McGonagall. Flitwick had done lessons on Friday. Snape was Wednesday.
I set it aside and quickly crawled under my covers and fell asleep quickly, unable to wait for the next day.
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useramor · 1 year
your fall out buck post is awesome do you have any other thoughts on what music you think buck would listen to ?
for some reason my mind interpreted this as eddie not buck and by the time i noticed when you meant i had already compiled a list for eddie so you get both! under the cut because, as usual, this got pretty long.
also here is my fall out buck post if you haven't seen it :)
i think aside from fall out boy, he was very into green day up through his early twenties. he was 21 in 2013, so there's no way he didn't also go through an arctic monkeys moment, blasting flourescent adolescent in his earbuds all the time.
"flicking through a little book of sex tips / remember when the boys were all electric" was a lyric that'd get stuck in his head constantly as he bartended
also, the chance of buck not being an imagine dragons fan is zero.
i definitely also headcanon he had his white boy rap phase. i mean, c'mon, the guy was 26 in 2018. between 2016 (24) to 2018 (26) we had blond, coloring book, the life of pablo, starboy, damn, flower boy, astro world...you get it. and buck in LA during this time, going through the academy in southern california? yeah, he listened to drake.
i think he has his soft pop favs now. i think he's mostly past the rap, still listens to his pop punk music but more in a nostalgic sense. i do think current buck is a big fan of noah kahan, walk the moon (specifically what if nothing, though he found them through shut up and dance), some hozier, a good bit of sufjan stevens and phoebe bridgers on a sad song playlist he has set to private.
he's definitely the type to listen to one song on repeat for days, and i think that happened with some of the songs off melodrama by lorde to the point that they were his top songs on his spotify wrapped, even if she wasn't one of his top artists.
something about buck listening to supercut as he drives around LA late at night you know?
"cause in my head (in my head i do everything right) / when you call (when you call, i'll forgive and not fight)"
"i'll be your quiet afternoon crush / be your violent overnight rush / make you crazy over my touch / but it's just a supercut of us"
when he's pining for eddie??? come onnnnnn
eddie listens to classic rock, country music, and has a spanish songs playlist sophia made titled "canciones favoritas" that he has downloaded on his spotify.
he loves pink floyd, i think he's a big eagles fan, no doubt in my mind he listened to a LOT of the beatles growing up, and if you think he doesn't know every word to rumours by fleetwood mac, you've got another thing coming. eddie hums rhiannon under his breath as he cooks, a gentle rhythm that fills up his kitchen.
(buck's a little bit in love with his voice, always tries to bug him into singing out loud, and usually ends with them duetting queen loud enough for christopher to complain from his bedroom.)
but he's also from texas! he's got his classic country faves, privately listened to dolly parton whenever the house was empty. definitely a big george strait, willie nelson, rascal flatts fan. loves a good carrie underwood song, and he'll say it's because of his sisters until the day he dies.
(it's really not. there's just something about female country that eddie loves.)
his favorite song, though, now that he's older and in love and a huge sap is still the one by shania twain.
"looks like we made it / look how far we've come my baby / might've took the long way / we knew we'd get there someday"
"you're still the one i run to / the one that i belong to / you're still the one i want for life / you're still the one that i love / the only one i dream of"
he plays it for buck one night and they slow dance in the living room and eddie feels more love in his body than he ever thought possible, thanks.
now, the spanish song playlist. it has a truly absurd amount of selena.
so much selena.
also gloria estefan, celia cruz, and enrique inglesias' 1995 album that he used to hate as a teenager but that, admittedly, grew on him.
i've included this in a fic, but i stand by it. i think one of eddie's favorite songs is algo contigo by rita payés and elisabeth roma.
"what is missing is me telling you that I would die to have something with you / and it is that you have not given account of how much it costs me to be your friend / now I can not get close to your mouth without wanting it in a crazy way"
(^ the lyrics are in spanish but this an english translation)
also every time eddie listens to baila esta cumbia or bidi bidi bom bom he subconsciously starts dancing to it and the way he sways his hips drives buck crazy <3
okay i hope this is good!!! i've been thinking about eddie's a lot lately, i could probably do a more in depth lyric analysis like i did with my fall out buck post if anyone would be interested :)
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erikiara80 · 1 year
favorite/least favorite Byler and M!leven scenes?
Ciao, anon. Thanks for the ask.
If you follow my blog I hope you know that I'm not a fan of Mike and El as a couple. I like a few scenes, but I don't think their relationship is good for them or that they're actually in love.
Ok, if you're still reading, let me explain.
I never found them cute, not even in S1. When I watched it I didn't understand why the writers were writing such a good story set in the 80s, but with El and Mike it felt like I was actually watching an 80s show with the typical story, boy and girl kiss/end up together because... boy and girl must date. It felt wrong to me. It wasn't what ST was about. Now I understand that I was supposed to feel that way.
That being said, El and Mike are beautiful, complex characters, so these are the scenes I like.
1. El would (understand). Ok, not saying this is a Mlv scene, but Mike can be vulnerable with Will and say how he really feels. And I love what he says about El. He's right. She would understand. The funny thing, is that I think she would (and will) understand Will much better than how she understands Mike.
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2. I feel for them here. El's been isolated for so long, and Mike misses her and feels guilty for what happened to her. Interestingly, Castle Byers is playing here...
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3. From one look you can see the joy, the relief and all the pain this kid must've felt. Amazing (one of Finn's best performances)
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4. If I remember correctly, this was actually Millie being exhausted, not El, and Finn helped her. But it's in the show, and I love it.
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This s pretty much it.
My least favorite mlvn scene: 3x01. How they left their friends on Weathertop, and them making out and laughing at Hopper's face. Lol, those little shits.
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With Byler, it's the opposite. There's only one scene I don't like. The dnd campaign in S3. I know it's important and even foreshadowing of events in S5, but like the rain fight it reminded me of something that happened to me. That's all I'm going to say.
Now, my favorite Byler scenes...
1. Probably my favorite scene of the show, imo one of the best and also Finn's best perfomance. The shed scene is such a pivotal moment, when we learn, along with Will I'm sure, that asking him to be his friend was the best thing Mike has ever done. It all started with Will and Mike. Their bond is special, and it's forever. They were the ones who started the first party and they will start a new one together.
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2. You can feel how much they need each other and want to be close again. A precious moment that almost made me cry.
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3. He's quiet today. Four words that mean so much. The fact that Lucas says He's always quiet informs us that Will and Mike's relationship is different. That Mike knows Will better that the rest of the party and that Will opens up to him. And Mike does the same, as we see in the Crazy together scene.
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4. Mike's head on Will's heart. Adorable
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5. Another little moment that is so important. Just a Not possible, a flirty look and Mike's smile. They don't need anything else. Steve would've felt it, the electricity.
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6. Speaking of Mike's smiles, the ones in the van are something beautiful
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7. Crazy together. What else can I say?
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8. I love Will's sweet voice here: "It was you guys who saved me. It was you guys." Mike tries to hide a smile (he's so happy that Will is saying that he helped save him) Then Will's flirty: It always is, isn't it?" And Mike melts. It was too much for him.
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Honorable mention:
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And this (Gif credits to Celebslive)
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generalsnivy · 7 months
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This snake family just acquired a home that they were desperately looking for as the rent for their old home was so astronomically high, that they couldn't afford to stay there and also pay for necessities such as food, water, cleaning supplies, etc. Ladies and gents; you're looking at a Serperior mother with her Servine son as they are now proud homeowners of this lovely 2-bedroom, 1-bath house, located in a nice, quiet neighborhood, where most businesses are local and they're only about 20 minutes away from the nearest major town, so if they need something from a major big brand store, it won't take an eternity to complete a round trip. Let's have a round of applause and congratulations to this wonderful, happy family!
This drawing is also going to serve as an update as to where I've been as it's been ~3 months since I drew anything new and a lot has happened during that time. Back in July of this year, the property we were living at for the past 10 years was bought out by another realtor company and we feared that our rent was going to increase as it has already done so at the beginning of this year by ~$250. After the acquisition, we received a letter from the new realtor company that our rent wasn't going up (right away. More on this in a little bit.) which was a huge relief. However, around mid-August, we received another letter from them informing us that the rent would be going up once more, starting in October 2023, by another ~$300! That's 2 rent increases for this year, which is really, really bad! For those wondering if companies can do that since in several states, there's a law that exists that makes it so there's a cap on how much rent can be raised per year. Sadly, Maine is not one of those states that has this law so, realtors can raise the rent as much as they want, whenever they want, so long as they inform their tenants at least 30 days in advance in writing. As a result of this new rent increase, we would not be able to afford the new rent amount as Mom and I live on monthly paychecks, which are used to pay for expenses such as bills, food, necessities, clothes, cleaning supplies, unexpected expenses, etc. So, we had to spend the last 2 months packing up our home while also searching for a new one that's not only within our price range of what we can afford for a monthly rent payment but also had to include heat as heating is very expensive here in Maine and it is required in order to survive Maine's harsh, hard winters. It also had to have enough storage to store as many of our belongings as possible, and it also had to have washer and dryer hookups. Towards the end of September, we were able to find a place that met most requirements for a much cheaper price. However, the place is a lot smaller than our old home and when we moved in, we had to get rid of/donate a lot of things as we don't have the room for them, which sucked as we had a lot of nice things that we had to give away. Despite that, Mom and I are thankful that we not only managed to find a place before October that included heat, plus most other amenities, including electricity which is a huge bonus as not a lot of places include electricity in the rent. We're also thankful that we have a roof over our heads so we're not out on the streets, which I was fearing was going to happen as there weren't too many places for rent that were within our price range and included what we needed. We managed to unpack most of the house, but there's still quite a bit of unpacking left to do, especially in Mom's room as her room is much smaller than mine. (I had to take the bigger bedroom due to my bed and furniture being so large.) Overall, the past 3 months have been the most stressful and scariest of my life as I was filled with fear, anxiety on top of what anxiety I had already, and uncertainty due to these events. We are slowly settling into our new home and thankfully, we're living in a nice, quiet neighborhood that isn't in the boonies and we're only an hour away from a major town, which is nice. I should be able to get back into drawing like I normally do, but who knows what life will throw at us next? Only one way to find out.
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baahsu · 10 months
omg hi baah itsa me J.J :] anyways WHY is writing like an actual fanfic so HARD?? whenever i do hcs/ficlets shit comes so easy but the second i gotta formulate my word vomit into actual musings?? brain go THUNK. also the fact that i elected to write this from ichijs pov (the. the hardest sib for me to write for.) is NOT helping 😭😭 first 1k is just him being melodramatic and very sad as fuck
anyways i didnt just come into your box to yell-- heres some food. and also my hesitant attempt to see what reiju would be like as anything but a dom bc ive been curious abt it:
so whenever reiju loosens her dominatrix reigns a bit niji brings out a bit of tha whore in her and she loves it :) (but also a situation like this happens SPECIFICALLY and ONLY post wci/germa cover story bc i feel like reiju would soften up on niji and yonji a bit after they showed genuine concern for her when she was in danger during wci and also bc they were literally kidnapped and presumably tortured by the Charlottes in 'emotionless excursion') this is a hill i choose to die on
like theyd just be chillin in bed together doing nothin in particular, vibing in each others presence, and suddenly niji begins running his hand up and down reijus thigh and at first shes like "aw affection attempt how cute :]" but then his hand starts moving more and more inwards and she goes *"ah."*
they dont even have to say anything bc its just an all around safe, chill environment all while nijis hand keeps moving up until it's slipped under reijus dress and underwear (if she was even wearing any underwear in the first place 👁👁)
during all this they fr just stay where they are and continue what theyve been doing this whole time, the only difference being niji now fingering reiju and she just relaxing back into a pillow and sighing happily about it
ofc after she came (niji definitely didnt send out little electric sparks on her clit periodically to make sure she squirted and was overstimulated nooo i dont know what your talking about 🙂🙂) she turned to him and said smthn like
"youre getting tied up for that later."
and niji (with his fingers in his mouth bc. yk 👁) gives a muffled sarcastic reply of "fine, whatever. why dont you invite ichiji and yonji to watch while you're at it."
and reiju just chuckles bc like. thats not really a bad idea :]]
WOWOWO sorry for all the reiju spam recently bc i know you prioritize 1234ji together over her but shes been rotting my brain sm lately its crazy. i love my wif e :,]
Don't get me started at how words just stop wording when you try to write fics because that's definitely I thing and it's frustrating. A fic from ichiji's pov tho?? With possibly going through it and feeling feelings??? Yes pls??????
Now, while you're write about me kinda preferring 1234ji together I have to say this dynamic between niji and reiju is so tasty 🤌 I love reiju having a soft spot for him (and yonji too (and also ichiji bc why not lol)) and just letting him touch her as he pleases. It's also endearing how he started slow and soft, like, he was really trying to be a good boy and not rush things
THE BEST PART THO, NIJI USING HIS POWERS??? TO MAKE HER CUM LIKE SHE DESERVES?? WE LOVE A MAN THAT KNOWS HOW TO DO THEIR JOB. Damn I never thought of that but that's a perfect use of his abilities, I can imagine reiju trained him to do just the right amount so he wouldn't overstimulate her, but he felt daring this time and took it up a notch. And you can't convince me he wasn't considering he'd be punished for it later, he knows reiju and knows that her letting loose and relequishing control like this would come with a price later)
And of course he told her to invite ichiji and yonji on purpose too, there's no way he didn't!! He's a whore after all 😌
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firecoloredwater · 11 months
and ☔, if you want!
So I am definitely late answering this because uhhh turns out these are the hard ones. But I have today off so let's go!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
...you know for once I have titles all planned out, but not summaries? This is not my usual order.
Hmmm okay let's see. Current priorities to write/post are BSAU (already posted thus already summarized), edo tensei fic, and eternal tsukuyomi fic, so....
Edo tensei fic:
The month after Tobirama completes the first iteration of edo tensei, Butsuma dies.
...yeah honestly that feels like adding anything would weaken it so uhhh I guess I'm going with that.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
*shoves the self insert fics behind a curtain* WELL
...honestly I'd like to get around to most ideas I have. Some are lower priority so I'm not likely to, but if I ever have enough time I want to. The ideas I don't have interest in actually writing tend to be one-off what ifs, which I've probably halfway forgotten a few days later, so I don't really think of them as fics exactly? Just chat
Hmmm okay it's still not a fic idea exactly but I do have a Lot of headcanons about like, canon Founding of Konoha, which could fit into a canon-compliant or near-canon fic that I'll never write. There's no plot, but headcanons I would love to cram in somewhere include:
(under a cut because haha long)
Commercial electricity wasn't brand new, but it was newish, and Konoha was among and possibly the actual first city to be built with an electric grid. Tobirama spent his free time for a week or so on reading the available information re: electrical grids, then designing Konoha's.
Konoha spent its first few years spontaneously catching fire on a frequent basis (and spontaneously flooding houses or blocks on a not quite as frequent basis, because Tobirama is not a plumbing/sewer engineer either). Tobirama blamed the Uchiha for the fires at first, then once the electrical grid is redone and the fires stop, he sulked whenever the topic was brought up for the rest of his life.
Konoha's road system was also Not Great, but that's good for defense and does not cause active problems like fires or flooding, so it was never fixed and everyone who can just goes over the roofs and skips the roads entirely.
The Senju and Uchiha never moved to form Konoha. They built a "joint mission office" between them, invited other clans to participate as well, and a town formed around the mission office catering to the clients + encampments of shinobi from other clans, until eventually Konoha was a clearly extant thing that needed to be acknowledged, but it was far too late to forbid it from being made. This is Hashirama-edition "ask forgiveness, not permission" in order to evade any political objections to the shinobi centralizing power. (Also I thiiiink I came up with this while trying to guess what @asukaskerian is hinting at in Cherry Wine, although it's probably not what's actually happening there)
The above is also why clans in Konoha have so much power; Konoha was founded on a "haha we're all still independent! This is just a bit of cooperation!" excuse, so officially Konoha is only coordinating inter-clan affairs, and has no say on matters within a clan. Thus they can't do anything about the Caged Bird seal, and so on. Other villages, formed later and openly, have more centralized power and less independent clans.
Konoha has a number of clans that were not originally from fire country, but joined due to disliking how their country's village was forming, whether in the form of specific policies or just "this village was founded by our traditional enemies, who are now making extremely insulting and damaging demands as a condition for letting us join." Other villages are Not Thrilled about Konoha poaching said clans. ("Poaching" is... varying degrees of accurate. The first few joined on their own. After that Hashirama and Tobirama made a point of identifying clans that were likely to be disgruntled with their nation's village, so they could be invited.)
Pre-Konoha the Uchiha absolutely did not marry out, ever, under any circumstances, they have slaughtered entire clans over this. Post-Konoha they did arrange a few marriages where an Uchiha who didn't have the sharingan and whose parents and grandparents also hadn't had it married out, with the condition that any descendant of that person who manifested the sharingan would rejoin the Uchiha. The idea was to spread those marriages out so that eventually basically everyone in Konoha would be descended (however distantly) from one of those marriages, so the Uchiha would have the legal right to claim any child born outside the clan from affairs or one night stands, whether the child's family wanted to give them up or not.
The Senju did have a bloodlimit, it just wasn't as useful as it was dangerous. Essentially, their chakra was not self-contained, and was perpetually slightly mixing with all nearby chakra. This meant all Senju (with this bloodlimit) could sense chakra passively in the same way most people hear and smell, and that they could to some degree communicate in secret via chakra. But it also meant that if one Senju got hit with chakra poison (rare, but extant) the poison would spread to every other Senju with the same trait and in range, and then to every Senju in their range, and etc.
This is what killed Hashirama, and at least half of the Senju clan with him, because his chakra range was approximately "everywhere." Tobirama was the only Senju with that bloodlimit to survive, because he happened to be holed up in his lab at the time, and it had seals that kept all chakra from going in or out. The remaining Senju mostly quietly joined other clans in the aftermath, and that's why Tsunade is the only Senju left by canon time.
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empires-au-ideas · 2 years
Two episodes away from finishing tma so </3 I'm coping and emotionally prepared (<- lying)
Writing nature wives annoying coworkers to lovers is very amusing, I will say.
Edit: finished tma. What the fuck.
The Riffs Archives! Take this!
Peace and Quiet
Tw for death by car accident
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, Katherine.
Well I don't get why you can't just wait till Shelby gets back to record the statement, it's HER job, after all.
Actually... where did you say Shelby went?
The Archivist had a meeting to attend. Now-
Thank you so much for that... CRYSTAL CLEAR explanation. Truly.
[Low rumbling rises, then fades]
It's one statement, Katherine. I'd prefer it be recorded and filed before the Archivist got back.
You're an archival assistant now, Katherine. Do try and keep up.
And stop wasting the tape on the recorders. They're for statements only.
[Door opens and closes]
Well, I was doing JUST FINE in the research department. And I didn't even turn this stupid thing on in the first place!
[Paper shuffling]
Statement of- oh Jeez.
Okay, that makes a little more sense.
Statement of Shelby Shubble, regarding a childhood trip to her family home. Statement given June 25th, 2015. Jeez, almost seven years ago-
Oh, right. Uhm-
Statement begins.
Katherine (statement):
I've lived with my grandmother my whole life. She doesn't really talk about it, but through my own digging and what probably counts as snooping, I found out both of them died in a car crash, just after I was born.
Now, my grandma did the best she could. She was like, the grandma archetype. Cookies, knitting, "my grand child can do no wrong", all that good stuff.
But she did have her limits. I had not been an easy child to raise, nor an easy student to teach. I was hyper, I needed to be told things multiple times, but I also HATED being told to do things.
But it all got too much for my grandma... I think in sixth grade. I was called into the principal's office I think for throwing my samples for a science lab across the room because I wasn't understanding it. I stand by it to this day, it was the teacher's fault for yelling at me instead of telling me how to actually do the lab.
The silence was suffocating in the car ride home. I always liked having noise in the background of whatever I was doing incase I didn't feel like doing it anymore, that way I could just say the noise was distracting me. It also made me feel less alone. Hearing people talking was grounding, or birds chirping, or even the buzzing electricity in my house just reminding me there were other people, other living things on earth.
This all went down right before spring break, so I wad dreading the lecture I was about to be given. I knew it'd just end with me grounded. She lectured me about controlling myself, having more respect for those STUPID teachers-
But surprisingly? I was not grounded. Well. Sort of?
See, for some reason my grandma had kept my parents' house all those years. So instead of spending spring break in the dreary old suburbs where I had no friends and nothing to do, I was too be sent away to a place where I can find possibly more answers about my parents (at the time I hadn't figured out what happened to them yet, so this would be a big break through).
And I loved my grandma, I loved her so so so much, but I nearly cried out in joy when I heard she wouldn't be staying in the house with me.
That's just what being twelve does to you I guess.
I tried to keep he relief- the excitement off my face. It was the Thursday before my week off and I was to arrive on Sunday, so I spent two days packing and the Saturday making a checklist of what I wanted to find out at the house.
Sunday consisted of a three hour drive, listening to the car radio and singing songs, stopping for ice cream at one point, my grandma always did a terrible job at making sure I knew I was in trouble.
And I tried to do my homework in the car, I really did! But the sound of traffic and all the sights on the way distracted me. Hardly my fault. That's probably what I told myself, which is funny, because that's what I tell myself now.
The house was in the middle of the woods by a lake, so grandma warned me that it got pretty misty. She said there was a bike in the shed I could use to go to the town nearby incase of emergencies, but only for emergencies. I was going to be picked up on Friday.
It was a... really strange thing to entrust a kid- a twelve year old with.
I hugged my grandma goodbye and dumped all my school stuff I was SUPPOSED to be doing in the corner of the room. I immediately took to exploring, because as much as I loathed school, I loved learning new things and was just over all way to curious of a child.
It was a tall house, two stories, the shed, and an attic. The spider on the handle to the attic door deterred me from there the first day though, so i was stuck exploring probably the more boring stuff. A few framed photos of my parents, though they weren't smiling in any of them, an office with a bunch of finance papers, nothing too special.
It wasn't until the sun set and I tried to go to bed that I realized how quiet it was.
I was in the woods on the outskirts of town. But I heard no crickets, birds, even the shaking of the leaves was muted. I wasn't even that far from the road, so it was freaky to not even hear CARS. As much as I used the excuse of noise distracting me, the silence was way more tantalizing.
I immediately went downstairs and tried to do my homework, I just needed a distraction from the lack of noise. A whole weeks worth of homework done in one night.
And I couldn't even tell. I start homework at eleven, after trying to sleep through the silence for two hours, and I check the clock again and it's seven. I looked outside in a panic, but also relieved I had got some work done, and that the silence didn't drive me insane.
But the windows were still dark, like the sun never rose at all. I thought maybe the world ended, and I didn't notice because I was too lazer focused on homework. That I should have investigated WHY there was no noise last night. No noise because every living thing on earth died and I didn't even notice.
I opened the blinds, only to see absolutely nothing. A pure, neutral grey covered the world, the window burned my hand it was so cold.
So that was the fog.
I could distract myself though the spider was gone from the attic, so I was able to go up there. I'm not even particularly scared of spiders, never have been, so I don't know why it stopped me in the first place.
The attic was dusty and dull, full of boxes and brown cases. The whole thing was overlayed in that same grey. The way it was clear the attic hasn't been touched by humans in years, the quiet, it made me feel like I was truly alone. Just me.
I rummaged around in there for a bit, it was taking my mind off things, distracting me from the pit of despair in my stomach I hadn't realized was growing. It had always been there, with me having no friends, my teachers not helping me in favor of praising their "star students", never quite understanding the secret codes hidden in facial expressions or tones, but with no one around me the pit was threatening to grow, then burst.
I found some... odd letters. One of them mentions you guys, so I've attached it to the statement. It was from my dad I think, he was NOT HAPPY with someone named Conal, I'll tell you that much.
But after opening a few cases I found it. The solution to my problems. A record player. All the records they had were old, even for my parents probably, but I felt myself loosen up, knowing I could hear another human voice and have it fill the silence.
And for the next day I was relaxed. I double checked- triple checked my homework, it was rather boring now that I was done with the only thing I was supposed to be doing all week.
I doodled on old papers in the office, I tried baking, I caught up on some desperately needed sleep, it was... rather nice. If my spring break was spent making cookies, drawing and writing stories, and finding out secrets, I was content.
I was running over the decorative books and judging how boring the contents actually were for the millionth time when night came, the fog hadn't cleared up all day so I couldn't really tell, but it was eight. The record player made a noise and there was no more music. No more voices.
In an instant I am overcome with dread. What kind of twelve year old wastes their spring break dying of boredom in some musty old house? I was drained from trying to come up with new ideas for stories all day. I made cookies and cake but hadn't eaten them. My homework was so checked over my teacher might even give me a "nice job" stamp.
They did, they handed my papers back to me the following Wednesday, with numbers almost in the nineties for the first time ever. I had to meet with about half of them after school as they interrogated me on why I didn't do that kind of work on all my assignments.
Laying there on the couch with covers that itched just enough to notice, but not worth my effort to remove them, I was unmoving. I was twelve... why did it feel like my whole life was passing me by?
Why was it so much easier for everyone else? And if it was so easy, so natural, why didn't they explain it to me? Why did they leave me so far behind, when did I GET behind?
I must have laid there for hours before the tears stung my eyes. There. A feeling. It got me out of the depth and reminded me where I was, how I was feeling, and what was causing it.
The quiet.
I shot up and ran through the fog, I hadn't even been outside since grandma dropped me off, so I hadn't explored the shed or any of the surrounding area, not that I could with the fog. But I didn't care. I felt my way to the bike. It was probably later than eleven at this point, I couldn't see with the fog, I barely knew my way back to town...
But I didn't care. I just craved to be by another person.
The whole way was grey, but it did feel like the fog was lifting up. Luckily there were no cars or people on the road, they probably would have hit me. It was dark, and the bike was probably made before reflective tape was even a thing.
The town was quiet, which made sense, as it was the dead of night. But there were no lights on. And still no sounds. No rustling leaves. No cars. Or any noises from the houses.
But it looked like everyone had vanished seconds prior. There was food at the outdoor tables. Car doors open in parking lots, a trunk open like someone was about to put groceries in. But no people. It felt like I had just barely miss them, if I had gone a little quicker I wouldn't have been left behind.
And I was tired. I couldn't sleep for obvious reasons. So I sat at a park bench, the playground swings still swaying a bit, like someone had only just gotten off of them. And I waited.
And waited.
And waited
There was no sun, but I had been counting. I had sat at the bench for probably six hours. No people whatsoever.
After the realization his me, that I've been sat in complete silence for six hours, the fog comes into my vision again. I don't waste time stumbling back to where I had locked my bike and started riding to the house, even though I couldn't see a thing.
I get my way to a side door eventually and get inside, where the fog just barely goes away. Just enough to read the sticky note on the coffee table.
"Be back soon!"
Another on the fridge.
"Went off to school!"
Another in the office, on the paper I had been doodling on.
"Remember to water the plants!"
None of which had been there before. The creepiest thing about it was the pen in the office, still warm from the hands of another person. It... it truly did trouble me how much I yearned for the pen. It troubles me now still.
I gathered up all the notes, even the one on the paper with my drawing,cand threw them in the shredder.
I left to the town at around eleven, and waited for six hours at the park bench. An hour there and back, so that means from six to two thirty I was crying. It was noise at least. But even my sobs were muffled, like I was underwater.
I'm snapped out of it by a car door closing. I run to the window, filled with blinding sunshine as the fog had completely disappeared without me noticing. It was my grandma's car.
Which... no. I hadn't been crying for that long. It was only supposed to be Tuesday as well, when she was supposed to pick me up on Friday. I don't know if I realized it at the time though, I think I was just so relieved she was getting me out.
Her smile was so warn as she asked how my stay was. I don't remember saying a thing, but she keeps smiling, so I don't think I ever told her what happened. I remember her remarking that I had grey hairs now, she joked it was from all the homework.
The car ride home was the best thing I have ever experienced. The tired going over every piece of gravel and shaking the whole car. The radio. Grandma's humming. Hearing the other cars go by.
I still can't do silence. I'm always moving now, always watching other people to make sure they don't vanish either. The grey in my hair won't leave, but I think that's fine.
I always thought it was sound that I didn't want. I don't want the QUIET. Hardly my fault. How am I supposed to stay calm if I can't sense when someone's by my side?
Statement ends.
Oh... Jeez.
So. Shelby supernaturally acquired detachment issues. Nice.
Uhm... not sure how to do follow up for this one? It sounded like Pix doesn't was Shelby to know I've read the statement...
Why did Pix want ME to read the statement?
But it's cool. It's cool, if there's one thing I trust Shelby to do, it's to take this stuffy old place way to seriously. I doubt she'd try and prank the institute like one of those false statement givers.
Oh, and I should probably read the letters attached as well.
Katherine (statement):
Dear Gemini Tay, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute,
I know you are well aware of what we have planned by now, it's probably hard for you folk to miss a whole area of land you can't see.
But my wife and I thought it'd be wise to advise your institute to stay out of our business. You know how much our family hates the spotlight.
Everyone knows what you did to the Buried, to your own brother to stop it. It's an easy way to make enemies.
Mr. Shubble
End of letter.
So... yeah. It sounds like Shelby's parents were supervillains, so that's fun. And he talked about Fwhip... Fwhip only moved away? I didn't think Gem did anything to him.
And whatever was going on at the house, I hope the grandma had no idea, for Shelby's sake.
Ugh. I swear, if this whole thing was a ploy to get me to cooperate with Shelby more-
Ugh. What now, Pix? I'm almost off the clock, and I felt sick after reading that statement.
I don't like feeling sick.
So I swear if you have ONE MORE THING for me to do-
Well I'm sorry to make you do work during work hours, Katherine.
Shelby will be back tomorrow, and she... won't exactly be in the best of conditions. You can have the day off tomorrow-
As long as it is spent looking after Shelby.
Pix, come ON. You know how much me and Shelby don't get along. If she's not in "the best of conditions", SURLY she'll want someone she ACTUALLY LIKES around.
Well for how she's feeling, what she's experienced, I do not trust Sausage to take care of her in his state. Nor do I trust Fwhip, in general.
And I know it's not the same, but you've been sick before. So I thought you'd be best equipped for the job.
How the HELL do you know-
Because I look over the statements, Katherine. Is it so hard to believe I'm just a normal man working at his job?
Maybe, if that job wasn't HERE. And if you weren't so cryptic a the time.
So, do you know how to fix it?
I've been sorting through artifact storage to see if we have anything, but I'm not done yet. Rest assured, I'm not yet so "cryptic" that I won't tell you if I've found a cure.
Great. Cuz nothing bad EVER comes out of artifact storage.
I've helped many people, Katherine. I'm not trying to hurt you, not while you're already hurting.
Be at the institute on time tomorrow, Shelby will probably be late, but you'll have to clean up the room you've been staying in to keep her there.
And now she's taking my room...
And what did I say about the tape recorders?!
Oh, screw off!
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