#and I did have crushs as a teen
kookies2000 · 9 months
Huh, I just realized I never officially came out as asexual or demiromantic to anyone. I legit just started posting things about aroace, and that's how people online knew. As for family and friend's, they kinda figured it out when I didn't care about dating as a teen. An actual conversation when I "officially" came out to my friends on the group chat. Note: I had Covid, so I was kind of out of my mind.
Me: There's such thing as demi romantic?!? And no one told me!!!
Pansexual friend: I just thought you were a suppressed aroace. You did seem hesitant about sex and relationships.
Me: I legit told you I never cared about sex or romance. The only time I would ever find a guy attractive is if I was close friends with him. HOW DID THAT NOT GIVE YOU ANY HINTS!!! Instead, I had to find out about demi romantic through Tik Tok!!!
Gay friend: Wait, are you aroace? Or on the spectrum?
Me: There's a spectrum!!!!????
Pan friend: It's pretty complex, I can explain it to you........
Me: Nope! Just found out about on Tik Tok. Congratulations! You guys have a demiromantic and asexual friend now.
Straight girl of the friend group: 🥳 Jo's out of the closet!
Me: Dag nabbit Claudia!!! I'm still processing this!!!!
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3d-wifey · 5 months
it’s genuinely astonishing and impressive the way so many parallels are drawn UNINTENTIONALLY ?? goes to show how beautiful your writing is especially with all of the thought and planning being put into it. i can tell how much work and dedication you put into the chapters which make it even more enjoyable to read.
DONT STOP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING !! the way you write is beautiful and your characterization of everyone is absolutely spot on. also, hope your new year is going lovely you deserve it xx
thank you thank you thank youuuu i love how much y'all love it, and it's honestly kinda funny how many parallels i accidently make---that's autism and adhd collaborating right there. ANd characterization is something i pride myself on, so im so happy it showsss 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
ooooh and my new years has been pretty chill, here's my 2024 vision board/manifestation board i made
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batfamfucker · 11 months
Appreciation post for 'girly girl' characters and/or shows that celebrate traditionally feminine things that girls and women are shamed for.
Characters on this list that love makeup, fashion, hair, etc. Characters that are still written as strong, intelligent, brave, etc. That told young girls that these interests are valid, they are not lesser interests. Being feminine and liking traditionally feminine things does not make them weak.
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#I'm so glad I got to grow up with these girls#I was originally gonna make a post of Barbie Daphne and Stella and be like. They remind me so much of each other#And how much I love characters like them#Because I do#But then I was like fuck it let's just make a post for all the girly girls because they're so good#So here we are. In a world of misogyny. We still have them. And I am so greatful#I'm sad I missed out on celebrating my femininity and stuff like this in my teen years because of just. Stuff I was going through#But I'm glad I'm doing it now. I've been getting into makeup for the past year. Mostly eye it's so fun#The Barbie movie. Dressing up for it. Being proud makeup and skirts and dressing up like I did as a girl. God it was so wonderful#I've not felt this connected to this part of myself in years. It has helped to much#It reminded me of my love for Barbie. The movies. The fairies and mairmaids. The bright colours and fashions#And my love for all of these shows. The outfits and designs I fell in love with. The friendships and sisterhoods in all of them.#Yes it's just Rarity. I know some of the others girls also fit. But some don't as much so I didn't wanna just put a group one#And I know Kim and some others aren't as girly as others. But she's still a good example.#Her and Monique's shopping trip and other stuff is engraved into my mind. I actually think about them a lot I love them#Daphne was also a masisve awakening for me. I had such a crush on her. And the Hex Girls.#If you're wondering why other shows aren't on here. Like Trollz or Powerpuff Girls or something. It's msotly based on what I watched#And I didn't really watch them I'm sorry but feel free to add more.#We're ignoring how I mispelled mermaids. I'm not going back to change that tag.#Anyway I love women basically. We're awesome.#Barbie#Scooby Doo#Bratz#Monster High#Kim Possible#My Little Pony#Winx#Mew Mew Power
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snackugaki · 1 year
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lololol, aside from not drawing bayverse or next mutation turtles in forever my ass also hasn’t drawn my au turtles in a hot-ass minute either
like, since returning with Rise after my last memories were with Next Mutation one of the things I noticed is the teenage part seems roughly... the same? I can’t really speak on it since I’m barely scratching 03′s surface and I haven’t even gone near 12. But aside from contemporary fixtures like their cellphones, and maybe Rise!Leo dabbing.
like just very vague, almost non-descript “(american) teen culture” markers. but like. these are new york kids. 
and in my time they were new york kids from the 90s????? And they had them referencing Moonlighting???????? like Raph wouldn’t have been hard into Biggie, or Mikey wouldn’t be out on the cardboard mats with the bboys. c’man. At the very least Next Mutation had them throw a Save the Animals Rave, and honestly that’s the most 90s fucking thing they’ve done that I remember ‘til that point.
anyway, my AU is less an AU and more a “sure bad shit happened to them but they’re all alive and together, splinter’s here and so is venus, and they still play ninja pogs” retconning fluff
and they would’ve been fans of Boyz II Men (and Blackstreet and a ton of other groups from my childhood) and not a one of you can fight me about it uwu <3
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
lny visit 1 | 2
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llumimoon · 9 months
STILL thinking abt moody emo teenage Henry from the liveshow actually. he was so fucking funny 😭 motherfucker could have helped everyone escape at any moment but instead he just sighed and wrote gay poetry and drew trees and shit and ignored his grandson everytime he tried to talk to him tbh fucking iconic behavior I will never recover
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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loser teenagers doing loser teenage things like text each other while in the same room and gossip about adrien's boomer neighbor who refuses to put on pants when collecting the morning paper.
mckenzie’s visit was cut short because rosa went into labor !
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kisskissgotohell · 8 months
im rereading mdzs (again...) and the flower bookmark lwj has isn't the one wwx threw at him @ the baifeng mountain hunt, but actually the flower jyl threw that lwj stole off of wwx's chest?? sorry thats way less cute.. u can't just steal a man's FLOWER from his SHIJIE, my GOD🙄🙄
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capinejghafa · 3 months
Apparently, I needed to have a sad night bc I just watched Quiet on Set. And I almost got triggered.
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runespoor7 · 3 months
yesterday at our Exalted table where we play young Dragon-Blooded we rescued the NPC inspired by FE3H Flayn who had been kidnapped(!!!!) and I kept staring in the face that my WWX-inspired character has a quasi crush on the based-on-FE3H-Seteth NPC, or at least, y'know, a lot of admiration and trust, because the NPC is
- principled and upright
- intelligent
- hard-working
- reliable
- grumpy in a way that's funny
big "I don't like him and he's no fun whatsoever, but I respect him. he's a good teacher." stance
and he kind of mentally files that NPC and his JC in the same category
like, subconsciously he kind of imagines his JC will be like that as an adult (we all know JC has very little principles, but apparently my character thinks his JC's boringness implies these principles. "principled and upright" 😬)
which in this case translates to nothing aside from the fact that my character is super trusting when said NPC says things. (the biggest divergent point from WWX is that my character is very ambitious and willing to be politically-minded, so I'm always checking for hidden meanings and stuff. But not with JC-inspired-NPC. And very little with Seteth-inspired-NPC.)
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heirbane · 6 months
feel free to ignore if you’ve already talked about this before, but i was running prae recently and it got me curious about gaius’s feelings on livia / nero / rhitahtyn? or the xivth in general. :>
i have been roosting on this for. weeks? months? because i have Thoughts and not a lot of them are popular probably lol. long long post below. so!
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Livia and Lucia lived with Gaius after they were orphaned. The wiki gives like one sentence to say they were separated, but there's no linked proof. For the purposes of my canon, Lucia and Livia are identical twins, and fell into Gaius' custody around the age of nine or ten. (Mayhaps they had intended to separate them, but doing so to people so obviously two halves of one soul, as twins are oft believed to be, was cruel.)
Livia and Lucia were Gaius' first children. He was 39 and had spent twenty five years in the military already, a feat both telling of his ability and his early enlistment. Those who made it to twenty summers in the military had their futures financially secured for them. Gaius would never want for anything, and he now felt that he could offer himself up as a mentor figure to those younger... because as a child who had raised himself and had grown up in the military, he believed that all children needed was a safe home, plentiful meals, and education. His coin could provide all of those things.
Gaius scarcely remembered being ten years old. Not from lack of trying but from purposeful forgetfulness, a merciful omission made by his subconscious to truly forget the half-dozen winters spent trying to relieve his mother of her grief and fending for himself. He thinks he remembers being lonely, and cold, and scared. That, he thinks, he can avoid with the twins, even while he's on a tour of duty. He is so resplendently well-off and respected that the girls could attend private lessons and be dressed in the warmest coats.
(Providing the essentials - even to a level bordering on excessive, or stifling - is not a love children need. His first daughters were no better off than he at ten: they may have been clothed, in classes, and being raised by one of the military's finest, but they were still cripplingly alone. It is a knife he had handed all of his children, something he doesn't feel the blade of for over a dozen years.)
Livia was desperately, horridly lonely. Even before the death of her parents, she did not receive the amount of attention and love that she felt she needed. Her parents attention had always been split between her and her sister, and - as is often the case in multiple child households - Lucia was often seen as the more proper daughter. Upon their demise, Livia was left with a flurry of emotions she had yet to truly acknowledge and decode as one would growing up. Without a proper parent to idealize and a healthy, consistent environment to grow up in, Livia gorged herself on any and all attention, no matter how uncouth or unhinged. All attention was good attention.
She idolized Gaius to a suffocating degree. After her parents died, it seemed as if he swooped in and brought them into gilded luxury: she had everything she could have ever desired... but somehow - ... she still felt empty. But she felt loved and seen whenever he was home. She didn't know what she wanted, nor did she have the maturity to know there was a what: she simply wanted whatever scraps of affection he would offer... and never quite grew out of that. Trauma and emotional neglect is a bear trap one does not get free from on their own. Unfortunately, Livia was very much alone.
Lucia fled Garlemald at sixteen. Both girls were enrolled in the military at fifteen - one more willing than the other. Livia made leaps and bounds in a short few years, clawing her way to fight at Gaius' side, where she believed she belonged. Lucia focused on espionage, and used her adopted father's name to her advantage... and fled. Livia never saw Lucia after that, and died not knowing if her sister had ever found what she had sought in the savage lands.
Rhitahtyn, by comparison, was decidedly more a younger brother than son. A half dozen years his junior, Rhitahtyn entered the military not long after Gaius turned twenty-four. Not long after, Rhitahtyn was assigned to Gaius' very first platoon of soldiers ... as those from conquered lands were oft used as a new General's testing group.
Rhitahtyn and other Roe folk often used their native tongue to chitchat when in the barracks or otherwise not under the direct eye of Garlemald... or when they believed their superior to be ignorant of the language. Gaius had been in the military over a decade by the time they crossed paths and had chosen to learn the basics of the tongues spoken by those under his command. Needless to say, Rhitahtyn had choice words for his leader. (Needless to say, Gaius had his own in return. The floors of the platoon's bedquarters would never be nearly as clean as the Roe had made them that night as punishment.)
Despite the bad foot they got off on, Gaius saw promise in the younger man. He remained level-headed no matter the confrontation, already had years of work behind him as a mercenary, and had a sharp wit to boot. As time went on, their footing became less uneven, and Gaius began to see him as a peer instead of a recruit. Time and time again, he chose Rhi to be at his side, much like Nero and Livia.
Rhi knew the rest of Gaius' children. He met all of the Au Ri from Terncliff: he knew the Garlean orphans the man sponsored care for. They all came to see the Roe in a similar light to Gaius, despite the wide age gap between himself and them: to his children, Rhi was but another sibling. (It was Alphonse, still losing baby teeth and learning how Garlean names worked, who stumbled over Rhitahtyn's name enough that 'Rhi' came to be. Only the children dubbed him so. It was not a name Gaius would ever admit to using.)
As it is in canon, Gaius would not have sent Rhi to Cape Westwind to die. He would not have left the grounds to Livia and others. He did not believe the Warrior of Light so strong as to put down two soldiers he had trained himself: he had more faith in their abilities - and in Garlemald - than he had fear of the Warrior.
(As not many survived Westwind or after, it took Gaius many, many years to learn how Rhitahtyn perished - a fact only the Warrior of Light carried with them. He knew he had perished: he knew he had fought until the end. But to know that his brother-in-arms had fully intended to go down in flames with the Warrior of Light - ... to say he has regrets is but a sliver of the truth.)
In a perfect world, Gaius may have set up Nero with one of his daughters. In a perfect world, Midas would not have perished, and they would have happily co-parented Cid. Both Cid and Nero were born when Gaius was in his early twenties, and he sees both men in a similar light, much to Nero's disgust. A little competition never hurt anyone, and each boy's promise seemed to ignite fire in the other.
Much akin to Livia and Lucia, Nero is ... definitely the black sheep. While close to the age of his adult children, the man froths at the mouth when such is spoken, forever rushing to be great in his own right. Nero's sights for the future - his future, specifically - is both endearing and infuriating to Gaius, who sees his soldiers as part of a larger whole.
Unfortunately, no matter how infuriating or offbeat he is, Nero is a genius... but would have still come up short, had Cid stayed in Garlemald. Gaius knows this. Nero knows this, and he will fight until he is near dead to get out of the shadow Cid left behind by simply existing.
(Nero does not know why the shadow remains. He does not know why Gaius is soft-hearted for Cid, or why his voice is so fond for Midas. His relationship with the scientist is a secret only two other people were privy to: Midas' wife, and Cid. By the time Gaius meets Nero, Midas' widow has long since disappeared from under Garlemald's eye... and Cid is presumed dead.)
Had Lucia not fled and had Livia been sound of mind, he does think they would have made a fine lineage, all things considered. However, Livia only had eyes for Gaius... and Nero only had eyes for Cid.
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itadore-you · 7 months
fun life update I dressed up as misa from deathnote for a Halloween party, wrote down people's names and numbers (rizz) in my book instead of killing them, wingwomaned my bestie into making out with 2 girls and danced with college crush for maybe twenty seconds LIFE WAS GOOD here's my outfit
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adelle-ein · 8 months
some oomfs talking about a new starkid musical and i'm like oh, are they still at it? they've probably put out a few new things since i last kept up with them, let's go see what they are :)
anyway it's been Eleven. years since holy musical b@man/avpsy, aka the last of their musicals i watched, and i'm feeling really normal about that
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me: huh i think i mightve finally gotten over feeling perpetually stuck in my teenage years and might be feeling more like an adult
star wars: [puts hayden christensen back in new shows]
my 15 year old self finding the strength to break free from her brief subjugation:
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akajustmerry · 2 years
tried watching heartbreak high......it's a yeah nah from me. 1 episode was enough to remind me why I said I was done with high school teenager media after heartstopper. also as a teacher I just can't derive entertainment from watching my job badly dramatised lmao
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why are half of tubi’s recommended movies about teenage girls SeDuCiNg adult men like i already have enough of that with pll i dont need it here too 💀💀
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
:) holy fucking shit I'm livid
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