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a-b-riddle · 1 month
Part Three
Warning: If you don't like Taylor Swift, you're not gonna like this chapter that much, homie. But So Long, London is so fitting for this drabble series. (I guess a series since it's longer than a drabble at this point)
Can’t stop thinking about reader just trying to move on
You had to remind yourself several times not to check in with the guys. It had almost become second nature doing something big like this. But going to another country…
Not that they would care. You told yourself. It was for the best that way.
The expo went better than you expected. You didn’t believe that there would be a line out the door of eager readers wanting to read your book, but you got a decent amount. More than a few told you they couldn’t wait to read it. Several asking for photos and asking questions on any future books, a spin-off or even continuing the series.
When one a particular large group of girls your age asked for a group photo, you could have cried. They were had found each other in an online book club. You had given them your book several months ago. All copies signed with a note thanking them for taking the time to read what you had poured your heart into.
You had spent a large chunk of your free time talking to them. Bonding more so as women than over your book.
"Have you listened to Taylor's new album?"
It had only been out for two days and you had been able to avoid it like the plague. You didn't need to even listen to 'So Long, London' to know it would fucking gut you. So you would enjoy your time in the states. Save the listening experience for when you were packing up their stuff.
They had posted and tagged you before continuing on with the rest of the expo. You had reposted the photo to your own social media. Or at least one attached to the pen name you had crafted. You only had twelve thousand instagram followers, but it was something.
The first day was much like the second. You had attended several Q & A sessions with a panel of more experienced authors and managed to go to a few meet and greets. Before you knew it, it was time to pack up shop.
The agent the publishing house had assigned to you had stuck with you for most of the day. You were able to pick her brain a bit about new ideas for possible future plot lines and her thoughts. Overall, the trip was great.
Not only were you able to make great connections and take a lot back home with you to reference, but for a few days you forgot what waited for you back home. Or rather what wasn't waiting for you.
By the time your plane landed back in London you could barely hold yourself up. You left the expo, went straight to the hotel to shower, pack and head to the airport.
Your flight was delayed. Your luggage was taking forever to get onto the belt. It was only seven, but fuck if you weren’t ready to just call it a day. Tomorrow you would have to start again. Opening up the shop. Coming back to an empty flat. Maybe start gathering up the items the boys had left behind.
Should you give them in separate boxes or just one giant one and let them sort it out themselves? It was easy to discern whose sweatshirt and t-shirts belonged to who, but when it got to things like socks and chargers...
They could sort it themselves.
You could drop it off at Kyle's when you knew he would be at the gym. He was good at avoiding you anyway.
It wasn't until you stood in your apartment did it hit you.
You were alone.
For the first time in over a year you couldn't call one of them over to soothe that ache of loneliness.
For the first time in over a year, you had to relearn how to handle just being alone.
You usually showered at night. Washing away the grime of the day before settling into bed. But today was a new chapter. You woke up wanting to start it on a good note. Plus you went straight to bed after getting home so you still had a bit of airport funk on you.
It had been a week. One official since you had sent that text nailing the coffin shut. You had touched base with your friends who didn't bat an eye at you dating four men at once. They liked them, even if Simon scared them. You didn't give them the details of the breakup or the cause. You were pretty private in your problems and if you wanted relationship advice, you would seek an unbiased unopinion.
You had a good group of friends, but the moment you told them that you were well and truly heartbroken, they would insist the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Something you were nowhere near ready for.
So you needed to look like you had your shit together. You put on a dress that was feminine and, most importantly, comfy as fuck. An A-line floral frock paired with a light sweater and some white trainers. You knew a few of your friends would be stopping by for tea so you need to look like you were taking the separation well. Even if you were barely holding it together.
With makeup and perfume on, you started the early morning stroll to your shop.
You loved openings. Starting up the register and selecting the playlist for today. Picking out the essential oil to put in the diffuser even though you mostly stuck with a lavender and vanilla blend during the spring months.
For the morning you stuck with a Taylor Swift Instrumental playlist you had found initially for studying, but you liked the peaceful feeling it brought. Even when it covered the most gut wrenching songs.
You had started to collect the online orders that had accumulated over the last week. Sending out the e-mails alerting to your patrons that their orders were ready for pick up. Luckily you weren't set to receive a delivery until tomorrow.
It was eight and everything was set. Although not many people came to a bookstore at eight in the morning, it really didn't bother you opening up that early considering you were the only employee that was on the payroll. It gave you the possibility of making money, but mostly you spent the morning reading or writing.
You flipped the sign over from CLOSED to OPEN. Ready to start take on the day.
You had turned the kettle on in the back room when your friends had stopped by around lunch. You always said it was just tea, but you always had an array of snacks on standby for you all to munch on.
Meredith was complaining about what a dick the new client at the law firm was being. An absolute slime who had been married to his wife for almost twenty-five years before he decided to fuck his twenty-two year old assistant.
Tabitha didn't want to talk about work. To her, her career in tech was just a paycheck. She did what she needed to do and left when she was done.
You talked about the expo and how your book. Although neither of them really read, they had promised that they would read your book. You didn't hold your breath. They had reposted your posts as well as making ones of their owns in celebration of you. Words of praise about your dedication and hard work.
You realized that even though they couldn't give you the support you needed as readers, they supported you blindly. You could have written absolute garbage, but they would still support you.
You talked about how many people liked your book and wanted pictures and to sign their copies.
Then came the question you had been rehearsing since you had texted them a week ago. They both shared a look before Meredith finally asked.
"How are you holding up?" You gave a half-smile and a shrug. So perfectly rehearsed in your head you were ready to deliver your lies lines.
"I'm fine," you lied. "It was just fading so there isn't much of a difference, I guess." Not necessarily a lie. "We just wanted different things and were on different paths in life." Not a lie. "It's for the best." You weren't sure if that last one was a lie or not just yet.
They both shared a passing look before returning their gazes back to you. "You know you can come to us about this stuff." Tabitha's hand reached across the table, placing a hand on top of yours.
"It wasn't going to work out." You added. "Situations like that don't and I should have known better."
"A situation?" Meredith asked. "When have you ever called it a situation?"
"It always was one."
"I love you enough to call bullshit." She raised her eyebrow at you, crossing her arms over her chest. "You loved them and you need to stop pretending this is easy."
"You're a divorce lawyer, Mere," You reminded. "You see marriages fall apart every day."
"I do. I get to see from across the table how a woman is still willing to take her cheating arse of a husband back. So the fact that you went from on cloud nine with all of them to not even talking about the break up is concerning to say the least."
"Tabitha," you looked at your only ally left. "A little back up would be nice."
"I'm with her on this one." She confirmed. "You loved them. Not that I cared, but if you weren't talking about books or the shop, you were talking about them. What you did, where you went. How they fucked you."
"I think I'll miss that part the most." Mere sighed. "I lived vicariously through you."
"You know you could actually date people." Tabitha suggested.
"I'd rather live with chronic carpal tunnel than a man." You almost choked on your tea. If you were wearing pearls you would have used the comedic relief of clutching them to break the awkwardness of the current topic of conversation.
"That should be put on a t-shirt." You suggested
"I wouldn't mind it on a welcome mat to be honest." Tabitha added.
"But in all seriousness, cut this bullshit." Meredith gave you an sympathetic smile. "We're here. Good, bad and ugly."
You returned her smile. "I know."
You had closed up shop for the evening. Your lunch had gone longer than expected so now you were left doing the dishes and clean up during closing. You were setting the last cup on the drying rack when you heard the front door chime.
You must have forgotten to lock the door when you turned the sign.
“I’m sorry!” You apologized, making your way out of the back break area and to the front of the store. “We’re-”
“Closed.” He said, locking the door behind him. “I saw the sign.”
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w1ldthoughts · 8 months
There’s No Crying In Football
A/n: My first 5+1 fic!
Synopsis: Five times you cried out of immense love and the one time someone else did.
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“It’s really not that bad. It’s just—”
“I swear if you quote Monty Python again, you’ll be down two fingernails. Let me see it.” You gestured for him to come closer so you could inspect the damage, like you’d suddenly gotten your medical license in the last few hours.
“See? It looked so much worse than it actually is, I’m fine.” Justin tries to reassure you but you were too focused on the tears swimming in your eyes to notice.
Of course in the years you’d been together he had taken hits much worse than this, but for some reason today felt like a gut punch and the tears just continued to flow.
“Come here,” he whispered, running his non-injured hand along your back as you sobbed pitifully into his chest.
“I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I’m crying,” you huff out with a sniffle. He lets out a soft chuckle, telling you not to apologize.
“Would it make you feel better if we just ordered dinner and watch Love is Blind to start off bye-week?”
You nod and tilt your head up to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Two weeks later you were on the couch watching Netflix with Nova at your feet. She’d rarely left your side the last few days which was both sweet and concerning, given the fact that she was usually glued to Justin. You were simply minding your business one minute and the next minute you were crying watching the women argue on Selling Sunset.
“What is wrong with me?” You wondered out loud, trying to get ahold of yourself. Maybe your period was on its way, it usually did make you a little bit more emotional, but usually not emotional enough to cry over petty drama at the Oppenheim Group.
The Clue app on your phone was sure to have the answers you were looking for but when you pulled up the calendar, your heart was beating in your ass.
Your period was six days late.
As fast as you possibly could, you placed an order to be delivered to the house. The last thing you needed right now was to go online and find see headlines saying that Justin Herbert’s wife was spotted at CVS with pregnancy tests in hand. Probably not the best look.
Justin came home an hour later and immediately headed upstairs to look for you.
“Babe?” He knocked. “Since when do you lock the door?” His voice was even but you could tell he was a little perturbed by it.
You wiped your eyes and stood up to let him in.
“What’s going on? Why are you crying? What’s—oh. Are these…” You nodded shakily, your legs suddenly feeling heavy.
“Have you taken them already?”
“No. I was going to but it felt wrong doing this without you. I know you said you wanted to try for a baby but we had a plan and it’s too soon. I mean it’s literally the beginning of the season so that would mean they’d be born around—”
Justin places a warm hand on your shoulder. “Breathe. We’ll figure it out. There’s no one else in the world I want to do this with and yes we had plans but those can change. And if those tests are positive, I’m ready to do this…so long as you are too.”
He let you do your thing and came back in with the timer set on his phone.
Pregnant. All five tests had the same result.
“Well, I guess that explains the crying.” You joked as he kissed you on the side of the head.
“We’re gonna be parents.”
Hosting Thanksgiving at your house while your husband was in the middle of the season had to be top five most stressful things you’ve ever done. Besides the fact that no one but Justin and the two of you had gone through great lengths to keep it that way. You’d secretly ordered all virgin cocktails at the WAGs brunch last week and had been living in Justin’s T-shirts that were the perfect oversized look.
“Can you see anything? Do I look…you know?”
“Pregnant?” He utters with a laugh, “no, you look great. Nothing’s gonna ruin the surprise.”
Your family and the Herberts arrived about an hour later and dinner was served. The thought of having a baby of your own at the table this time next year was both a daunting task and an exciting one.
It was a family tradition to take a group picture at the end of the night so everyone got in front of the camera in their respective poses. You and Justin shared a look just before the flash went off and yelled “everyone say y/n’s pregnant” which silenced the room.
“Wait…are you two being serious? You’re really pregnant?” Holly asks, looking like she’s going to burst with excitement at any moment. She glances back and forth between you and her son, anxiously waiting for a sign of confirmation. Justin simply nodded and both of your moms pulled you in for a hug and immediately let you know that they couldn’t wait to babysit.
After two slices of pumpkin pie, you were ready to call it a night, until you walked into the den and heard Mark talking to Justin.
“I’m so happy for you son. Haven’t seen you this excited since you met her. And I know I don’t even have to tell you this but being a father is going to be one of the biggest and best adventures of your life. You’re going to be great at it. I love you, kiddo. So proud of the man you’ve become.”
“I love you too, dad.”
The crack in his voice may or may not have brought you to tears.
“I have a surprise for you.” Justin beams at you as soon as he spots you walking down the stairs after your nap.
He led you down to sit on the couch and told you to close your eyes.
You ran a hand up and down your bump, a new source of comfort. “Hurry up J, the anticipation is killing me.”
His laugh sent butterflies to your stomach even after all this time. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
“Are those…baby Air Force Ones? This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” You cried. “They’re so tiny in your big ass hands I can’t take it!”
“I’m glad you like them, I thought they were adorable so I ordered them as soon as I could. And judging by your reaction I’m glad to know you like them too.” He chuckles. “Very surprised you’re not dehydrated at this point. How are you feeling today? Did you have a good nap?”
You could tell the busy schedule of the season was making him feel bad about leaving you on your own the farther along you got in your pregnancy. “Physically I’m fine but emotionally? I feel like I’m in a glass case of emotion.”
You knew he’d like that one. He threw his head back with a small laugh and gave you a celebratory fist bump. “God you are the love of my life. Perfect quote usage.”
You took a bow, stating “thank you, thank you very much.”
“You’re a dork.” He deadpanned, although you both knew he very much loved it.
The final countdown had officially been on since you hit 36 weeks. But with your due date a week away, things were getting very real, very quickly. Luckily for you, Justin was the most prepared person in the world and had been gearing up for this moment since the very beginning it seemed.
“Let’s just go over the list one more time.”
Car seat installed and ready to go? Check.
Clothes for you and him? Check.
Extra phone chargers? Check.
Snacks? Check.
Pillows, birth-plan, toiletries? Check.
Postpartum care products? Check.
He looked so perfect just going over everything again and again, making sure that all of the newborn clothes were washed and there was an ample amount of diapers and wipes and that everything was in order.
“I think you’ve covered all your bases, don’t you think?” You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him from the back, feeling his body start to relax into your touch.
“Just wanna make sure we have everything you need. That you have everything you need. I know I can’t control what happens in there and when she’s born but I sure as hell can control this part.” He turned around in your arms and placed a kiss on your forehead and then your lips.
There was truly no better feeling than this, being loved by your best friend. “I was going to wait until she was born to give this to you but, I’m thinking now is the perfect time.” Justin raised his eyebrows when you reached over the back of the bookshelf and pulled out a wrapped book. It was a book telling their baby the story of how he become the beloved king of Bolt Nation. A bright eyed kid from Oregon who grew up cheering for the team that he would eventually lead into battle every week. The same man who’s heart now belonged to a little girl he had yet to meet.
His eyes welled up with tears when he finished the last page. “How did you—when did you even have time to do this?”
“I have my ways. You deserve something special too and now our daughter will know just how special her daddy is, to so many people. But especially to the people in this home. We’re so lucky to have you, Justin. So unbelievably lucky.”
“Although I appreciate you saying that, I’m the lucky one. I love you so much.”
Now it was your turn to wipe your tears. “I love you more. You know I’d do anything for you, like not get on Twitter and tell Emmanuel Acho what I really think of him.”
Exhaustion was all the two of you knew. It was like everyday was a constant cycle of changing diapers, dealing with spit up, or feeding your baby. But you couldn’t be happier. Your husband had of course adjusted seamlessly to fatherhood, celebrating the fact that it was the off-season and he could spend as much time at home as he wanted to. Which was lucky because neither of you had been getting much sleep and he couldn’t imagine playing football while running on fumes.
A high-pitched cry jolted you out of your REM cycle and your feet lead you to your baby’s room without your conscious effort. Reaching in to pick her up immediately had her suckling on your shirt, letting you know exactly what she wanted. She really was the perfect mix between the two of you but her almond-like light green eyes were all Justin.
Once she was done nursing and her diaper was checked, you headed back out of the room, meeting Justin in the hallway.
“What are you doing out of bed?”
He tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes but was pretty sure he’d be tired for the next full calendar year. “I heard you get up and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay. My precious girl is in there.”
“You know I used to be your ‘precious girl’,” you reminded him with an eye roll.
“Yes and you’re still up there, champ. Standing firmly at the number two spot.”
God if that wasn’t the cutest thing you’d ever heard, you would’ve smacked the smirk off his face. “This is the thanks I get for birthing your gigantic baby? You sure know how to make a girl feel special.”
“You are the most special babe. Thanks for giving me a baby.” He grabbed your hand and walked with you back to the room, cuddling you back to sleep.
Two hours later, that familiar sound woke you up again. But this time you weren’t moving.
“You better go Justin, your baby’s crying.”
“Haha very funny,” he mused, standing up to stretch. “I’ll grab her and bring her in here, can’t have my girls fighting over me. And hey, at least you’re not the one crying anymore.”
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brian-in-finance · 5 months
Video 📹 from YouTube photo shoot BTS forJuly 2018 Irish Tatler
Instagram cover and contents video 📹
Facebook Watch fun Q&A video 📹
Outlander-Online Instagram Story screenshot 📸
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Screenshots: Caitríona Balfe Fan
time for more
Caitríona Balfe talks to Shauna O'Halloran about time-travel, wedding plans and why women have had enough of Hollywood's shitty behaviour (her words, not ours).
A pair of stonewashed Levi's 501s, flat white converse and a little white T-shirt are all that Caitríona Balfe needs to rock up to a day's shooting in North London, and still have a full crew comment on how beautiful she is in real life. It's never something I like to lead with in interviews - we're here to discover the person, after all - but I do feel that to not mention it would be a shame, because she is quite stunning, even when off-duty. It's not that much of a surprise of course. The Monaghan native was once one of the most sought after runway models in the world, having been spotted by a Ford Models scout in Dublin. At 18, she was opening and closing shows in Paris for Chanel, Moschino, Givenchy and Louis Vuitton, to name a few. And this humble glossy is just one of many she's graced the cover of - with Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Elle magazines all having starred Caitriona over the years. So no wonder there was literally not one bad shot to be found in the photographer's edit.
Today however, Caitríona Balfe is known best to most of the world as Claire Beauchamp Randall - Outlander's time travelling 1950s nurse who falls for a dashing highland warrior by the name of Jamie Fraser, played by her costar Sam Heughan. The show, now on series four, is based on a series of novels by Diana Gabaldon and to say it has mega fandom is an understatement. Having taken up acting after her modelling career, Outlander was Caitriona's first major role and has propelled her into a stratosphere with over five million viewers per episode. How, I wonder, is that?
"It's been such a wild ride!" She tells me as we sit down to interview. She's back filming in Scotland for her fourth season and we already know that seasons five and six are a go, so Claire is going to be part of Caitriona's life for some time to come. "I was cast late into the proceedings. I got cast on the 11th of September and I was in Scotland [for fittings and filming] on the 15th of September 2013. I guess I knew about two days before they announced it!" She says of the whirlwind entry into Outlander. It didn't take long, however, for Caitríona to realise the scope her new role was going to have.
"After we filmed about four episodes Sam and I were taken to LA and we did a fan event. Nobody had seen anything and there was over two thousand people at this fan event...having not seen one minute of footage. We came out on stage and everyone was just screaming!"
The core fan base has stuck with them as the seasons have gone on and Outlander has won multiple awards. Caitríona, too, has been widely recognised for her role with 20 plus nominations and a host of Best Actress wins from institutions like the People's Choice Awards, the Golden Globes, the Saturn Awards, IFTA and BAFTA.
One of the notable points of the drama series is the sparky on-screen chemistry between her and Heughan during their many steamy scenes together. So much so that people have had a hard time believing that they're not a couple in real life. No matter how much the actors insist.
"It's nice that people kind of see something in that, but you know, we've always just been friends. And I said it from the beginning but people didn't want to hear it!"
Even so, it must be hard after four years of filming sexy scenes with someone to not get embroiled in a romance of some description.
"We went for a walk," Caitríona explains on how the deal was cut early on. "Both of us had to go to London right before we had to start filming, I was getting my second perm of the week and he was getting his hair dyed, probably for the 15th time that month and we met down in Kensington and went on a big long walk in the park. I was there with my poodle perm and he was there with some kind of terrible ginger-red version of his hair and we were like, You know what, who knows what this is going to be but we're going to be in this together and we gotta have each other's backs.' And from that time on we always have." A sweet moment that has led to a lasting friendship and has probably been key to Outlander's success.
"The shows that have been successful - I think you always see that they stick together. The minute you let ego or your pride or all of that kind of stuff get in the way, I think that it can really sour things," she says with honesty. It has to be said, there is no ego about Caitríona Balfe and as the lead role in the show, it's easy to imagine that she sets the tone for all involved.
The atmosphere on set, she says is supportive and tight, although she's painfully aware that not all hit shows and Hollywood sets are so lucky.
"Our work is really tough and we're in tough conditions, like when you're out in the pissing rain or sideways snow, which happens! To have people be supportive of each other and care about each other, that makes such a huge difference.
"I know somebody who worked on a show as the lead male and he and the lead female never spoke, literally didn't speak to each other unless they were in a scene. I can't imagine ever wanting to be in a situation like that, I can't imagine waking up in the morning and feeling like I have to go to work with someone who won't even speak to me. That's horrible."
But the stories are rife; even before #MeToo broke, celebrities and bad behaviour on set seemed to go hand in hand. And it makes for great, salacious tabloid fodder. And women, notoriously, seem to get the raw end of the deal, in everything from respect standards to salaries.
"I think everybody's waking up to the fact that they can't get away with that stuff," Caitríona chips in. "I obviously came to this point of my life a bit later so I've always felt very comfortable about standing up for myself or speaking up for myself but there can be a bit of a double standard. But I don't think, I mean I will stress this, it's not always men enforcing that. We've had male directors or male producers who are so much more sensitive and supportive than sometimes the females can be. I don't necessarily think that it's a split line down the middle about sex; it's not all women supporting women because that's not my experience. I think it's really about people." And does it hurt more, when it's a woman being the unsupportive one?
"Yeah, I think you expect better. And I think sometimes they think because they're women they don't think they're being discriminatory, but if what you're asking is completely out of line..."
In the hierarchical worlds of modelling and acting, people entering the careers at the bottom rungs are more vulnerable to mistreatment.
Caitríona notes that she did experience it in particular as a young model and her first career left her with some healing to do.
"I remember one of my first ever photoshoots in Dublin. I was so young and I remember coming back from it and my sister was like 'Where have you been all day?' I was just being sent off with a strange photographer who was older and with no kind of knowledge about where I was going, what was expected, just sort of thrown out to the wolves at 18."
It was that age that she first began travelling too, to Paris and Milan, and with little to no support structure. "It's just incredible when I look back now at how I navigated all of that because you literally are just sent off on your own, traipsing around strange cities where you don't know the language. You are just expected to fend for yourself.
"It was the wild west and you were lucky if you had a job. There was a discrepancy of power - the agency was really supposed to be there protecting you, but it was almost like you needed to please them to get the jobs.
"I think that's why so many girls who have gone through that experience are as tough as nails," she adds, also referring to herself, although that toughness hasn't come without cost.
"When I left the business, I moved to LA and I am so grateful that I was able to take a year...a lot of that was just dismantling a lot of the mental issues I had taken from the business because your confidence and your self-esteem is in the toilet after you've been in that business for so long. Most models I know have terrible self-esteem which is the most crazy thing."
Thankfully, in both modelling and acting, the industries are changing.
As someone who is in the Hollywood stratosphere and has been in the company of the likes of Weinstein and more, Caitríona has first-hand experience of being with the people at the very centre of the #MeToo storm.
"A lot of my year in LA was just dismantling a lot of the mental issues I had taken from the business"
"A lot of the names that have come forward, it's strange because you kind of go 'Oh yeah, that's not surprising.' With someone like Morgan Freeman; I grew up watching him and he's been that voice that calms everyone. But I had previously heard rumours. Nobody is above the law and what I do hope is that all of these things go through a process because I think the worst thing is that we get into this situation where there is like a mob mentality and we start being judge, jury and executioner on social media because that's never the right way of doing things.
"But I think there has been a real shift and I think people aren't going to put up with shitty behaviour anymore. And they shouldn't."
The one thing that high profile and influence does afford people is the ability to shine a light on situations that deserve more attention. It's something that Caitríona’s very aware of and since her Outlander fans have always asked 'who can we support on your behalf', she went out of her way to discover a charity that she could be an ambassador for. As a result, she is now a patron of Wold Child Cancer and travelled to Ghana last year to see two of the hospitals the charity works at. "It's very humbling when you see the different kinds of care you can expect if anything ever goes wrong in your life just because of where you are born," she says of the experience but is equally quick to downplay her role as a patron versus that of the people working on the ground, despite using her own time and profile to raise awareness and funds for the charity. "I feel so grateful that I can, the people in the trenches are the people who do work day-to-day and it's super impressive because they don't get a lot of credit for it."
Check Caitríona’s Twitter and you'll see how impassioned she is about this, as well as being a big supporter of other issues: she was vocal on repeal, supports ethical fashion choices and promotes a meat and dairy-free lifestyle.
"I believe that no matter what you do you should be a responsible citizen of the world," she says, "I think a lot of my social media is promoting issues I believe in and causes that I believe in.
“As for my more private life, frankly I'm not interesting so I don't like doing selfies, my partner is super private so he isn't on any social media and doesn't want to be so nothing is said about him. So yeah, that's naturally how I am!"
It's clear as the conversation goes on how grounded Caitríona is. She's fiercely proud of her Irishness and uses it as a conversation starter worldwide (*We command goodwill - people genuinely like us!") and while she laments how badly her name gets 'butchered' she misses the fada which she dropped for ease some years ago. "I'm devastated about it!" she says, before also confessing that technology had some part to play in its demise.
"In the early days of computers I didn't know how to put it on! I just learnt a couple of months ago, like ohhh it's that button there. So I might bring the fada back."
And she hasn't ruled out an upcoming wedding in Ireland - the actress is recently engaged to intensely private music producer Tony McGill, but plans for the nuptials are still undecided. Would she consider coming back to Ireland to tie the knot?
"If you put a sun lamp over it, yeah I'd love to!" She laughs. Wedding planning is not really her thing however, and doesn't garner giddy chats and wishlists.
"I would just love to have all of my friends and family and have a great party," she clarifies when coming across as less than enthusiastic about planning her perfect day. "I think the production side of it is just too much like work!"
And finding time that suits both their schedules is also proving challenging, with Caitríona lined up to film in LA with Matt Damon and Christian Bale. It's a biopic of mechanic and driver Ken Miles (Bale) and the conflict between Ford and Ferrari during the 1960s. "I play Christian Bale's wife and James Mangold [Walk the Line, Logan, The Wolverine) is directing. It's set in the sixties, it's all about Le Mans, the 24-hour race so it's a lot of fast cars, hot men and me!" She laughs. "I've been watching loads of documentaries on Le Mans which is really cool."
And this is Caitríona: totally unfazed, seemingly, by the prospect of working with some of Hollywood's most famous actors and directors and yet, nerdily researching so she can be prepared on the day. Oh, and consciously enjoying it too. With more projects in the pipeline, that demand is only going to get higher, but of one thing I can be sure: to her own self, Caitríona Balfe will always be true.
Remember… we command goodwill - people genuinely like us! ☘️ — Caitríona Balfe
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gepperl · 7 months
Targeted specifically at trans men who have not begun medical transition, but for anyone. Of course, this is just what works for me and everyone is different.
Shorts that fall mid thigh and are baggy can work really well to make a more masculine figure. This is a trendy style with cis men, and if they are looser on your thighs you can look more rectangular. Basketball shorts are always fine, but for bigger people can end up sticking to your thighs and making you look like a masc lesbian. Looking like a masc lesbian is so so common guys this is what we are trying to avoid. See here for reference
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2. WALK WITH YOUR SHOULDERS. Walk like your shoulders are the widest part of your body. Move them kinda forward and backward. Watch a video of a man walking next to a woman for context on what I mean. Women walk with their hips, and it makes all the difference for you in someone's head. Practice in the mirror before doing it so you don't look like a fool.
3. Hair!!!! I know you guys don't want to let go of the 2020 fluffy boi haircut and that is ok. If you don't want a skin fade short haircut, there are other options. Also, if you belong to a subculture, like punk/emo/whatever else there is, look at male styles as it can be very different than what is normally accepted ( for example, men have long hair in metal subculture, you can style it like them). In general, hair is very meticulous, as for some people too short is masc lesbian and too long is woman.
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This kind of hair can do wonders. For men of color/curly hair people, if you are not out locs are a very good option as they are typically read as masculine but are gender neutral. Afros, braids, even skin fades with a lot of hair at the top can read feminine. Another style option could be short cornrows that end at the neck, twists, or a fade with less hair at the top like this.
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I am not black, so I cannot speak for how this would be read in a black community, but this is how, from my experience, I would view the hairstyles. Sorry if this is not appropriate. Also, I am not here to tell you not to dye your hair. It can work if you style it with masculine clothes and are dressed in a specific style like emo or scene or something. Do what you will with that.
4. If there is ANY peach fuzz on your face, make the most of it. I know I have high testosterone levels naturally, so I grow facial hair a little, but if there is enough to dye it, dye it. If there is like barely any, if its not visible in the mirror if you're really looking (not INSPECTING), it's probably not worth it, and that is fine. use your judgement, and if it is not enough, just shave it. It's better to look clean shaven than desperate for face hair. Eyebrows, mustache hair, sideburns can all be darkened with eyeshadow, brow brushes, and just for men beard dye.
5. LAYERS. I know you guys have seen this one before. Flannels, button ups over black t-shirts, zip up hoodies. It might get a little hot, but it covers your sweat stains anyways. I promise guys it helps so much with shoulders, hips, boobs, it makes you look more masculine. Don't get that ugly ass red and black checkered one though. Think if you would see a masc lesbian wearing it and use your best judgement. I heart layers.
6. Pants. Woah. Pants. I HATE pants I know you fat trans men get me. Old navy women's jeans...and you guys won't like this one...are actually pretty good. SPECIFICALLY the sky high wide leg ones. Get those a size up and cuff them, wear them low on your waist, perfect. Other than that, jeans are shit. I don't really waste my time with men's pants anymore because of my hips but cargos are great, baggy sweats with the band at the bottom are great, PJ pants good, dress pants are a struggle but I've heard dickies work well for people with a smaller body. Not sure though. My tactic is I go to a thrift store for hours and try on all their pants, then find similar ones online or take pictures of the brand for the ones I like and find more.
7. Accessories and jewelry. Iffy. Anything you could describe as dainty, if it's not a family thing or important to you, probably not. Friendship bracelets are good, pendants are good, earrings depends on where you are and what you are wearing. Studs in men are common where I am, so I wear them. Observe the cis men at your disposal. Accessories, bags don't really matter unless they're like the strawberry hot topic mini bags. Don't get those at all those are fugly. Mini bags are not great in general, just better to get something else. Watches are heavily loved here they look very male and also you have the time always even a cheap watch is fine just not a woman's watch. It has to be a men's watch. You can tell when it is a woman's watch don't get those. Nail polish is fine no one cares, it's more popular now with boys. Especially if you're a little girly pop already. Of course that also depends on your environment.
8. Stance. Sitting with your ankle on your knee is comfortable and way more masculine than crossing your legs. Confidence. Fake it until you make it because cis men are so arrogant guys. This is what I mean btw
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9. Don't be afraid of being feminine. Don't give up being yourself in order to be masculine. Your happiness matters the most. Love you bye, I'll update this if I think of anything else.
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faegoddessog · 9 months
Fantasy Come True CH 1/8
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Chapter  1: Lumber Jason
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, sexual discussion, relationship troubles
Series Summary: Breaking into the acting world has been a life long dream. It's been tough, plus your relationship with you partner has some struggles, but who doesn't have struggles. A new guy shows up to your improv classes who seems strangely familiar. He seems rather interested in you and you feel unusually comfortable around him, like he projects calm and reassurance. Once you realize who he really is, and what he really likes... it's game on. 
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
A/N: This little gem is per request for the lovely and talented @purejasmine . It's been a collaborative project designed to meet her every Austin need as best I can. Here's to you darling! <clink> I hope ya'll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed the creative process with parameters not wholly my own!!
Here is the Masterlist of this series.
Message me if you'd like to be added to the list!
Chapter 1: Lumber Jason
You were having a hard time with your relationship. You loved him, sure, trusted him 100%, he was nothing if not honest with you, sometimes brutally so. All good things, to have in a relationship. But there was one thing that just didn’t click all the way. Sex. You loved sex, you even had it often with him. But he couldn't make you orgasm to save his life. Ok, maybe ‘couldn’t’ was a bit harsh. He just wasn’t interested in putting in the time and effort to get you off. For a long time you had been content to just do it yourself after sex. 
Recently though, you had heard about overstimulation and had become deeply intrigued. You knew he wouldn’t be willing to try it, but in the spirit of honesty and communication, you talked to him about it. He joked and blew it off. It’s hurtful, but you are an accommodating partner, even if he isn’t, so you dropped it. At least to his face. It’s been tormenting your mind of late. You’ve read online fics about it and you are just starting to daydream about what else may be out there for you. Would you leave the security and safety of your relationship over something like this? Your practical mind says definitely no. You had no real interest in trying to find someone else and you know there is only one circumstance that would make you leave this relationship, and that’s your Hall Pass contingency: Austin Butler. 
You walk into your Saturday afternoon improv class. Wearing your favorite sandals,  jeans and a women’s cut generic Disney shirt in black .   There are 3 people there, one you know, two are new.  You start off, as you do every class, with round robin stretches. Each person introducing themselves and saying one thing they did that week. 
“Hi I’m Rob,” says one of the new guys, pulling his leg up in a balanced runner's stretch. He went on a couple auditions this week. He is average height  blonde hair with jeans and a t-shirt, he’s average build, average voice, pretty average. 
The next person is a regular, Peter,  he does side stretches (as per usual) and says “I learned to cook salmon on the grill at my girlfriends’ parents house.” 
“Howdy, I’m Jason,” he has a nondescript midwestern accent, reaching down for his toes “I had a meetin’ this week about a new project that I got hired on for.” 
You assume it’s some kind of construction project or something, he is in scuffed up work boots, jeans and a flannel buttoned up, and rolled at the cuff. Jason rocks the lumberjack vibe, beard and everything. Although he looks a little too lean to go full-on lumberjack. There is something… familiar about him.
You introduce yourself and windmilling your arms, you are tempted to say ‘I learned what a pleasure dom is’ but that wouldn't be professional. “I um…went to a movie , actually in a theater. It’s been so long! I really missed it”. 
You notice that Jason seems to really pay attention to whomever is talking. It seems his eyes linger on you, casually looking you up and down, a fraction of a second longer than the others.  
You move into some warm up exercises.  Zip, Zap, Zop is about energy and eye contact. The name game is where everyone has physical gestures that go with their name. Jason swings an imaginary axe, Peter hops on one foot, you do sassy cross snaps, Rob tosses his hands in the air. 
You notice the intensity Jason is putting into the games, how when he passes to you, a little shiver makes you clench. You are almost taken aback, you just don’t react to people like this, and beards aren’t usually your thing. Weird.  Again you feel like you’ve seen him before, but can’t quite put your finger on it. 
At the break, Jason comes up to you while you are drinking water. 
“Hey, ya’ll did great on that last one,” he says, a bit nervously. 
“Thanks,” you tuck a stray hair behind your ear a little shyly,” you did great too, have you been acting long?” 
“Yeah, since I was kid… uh back home,” he seems to falter a bit in his response. “Do you come to this class often?” he asks, putting the focus back on you.
“Yeah, almost every week, I really like how it stretches me,” you smile. The teacher claps their hands for the break to be over. 
“Huh, I might start coming more often then,” he winks at you as he turns around to walk back to his seat. 
You can’t help but watch him walk away. Wow, he is pretty from this angle. 
Wait a second, did lumber-Jason  just flirt with you? Holy Crap. Did you lead him on somehow?   He jets out at the end of class, on his phone, before you can talk to him again.  Maybe it was in your mind, weird. You try to shrug it off, but deep inside you just can’t. Something wasn’t quite right. 
He was already there when you walked in next week. He waved you over the second he saw you. 
“Howdy! Did you have a good week?” he asks warmly, shuffling his feet a little. 
“Yeah, you?” It's uncanny how you feel comfortable around him.
“Yeah, I have a lot going on and I just needed…. I’m really looking forward to class today.” He smiles. 
All class he situates himself next to you, partners with you. It’s fun and easy and if you didn’t know any better, you’d swear there were sparks between you.  You really liked going to improv class, but it’s never filled you up like this before. 
The next week, you came to class early,  telling yourself  you are not looking for Jason to show up and no you did NOT wear your cute black wonder woman t-shirt on purpose. You just like how it hugs your curves perfectly and shows off your girls. You are starting to feel disappointed and your practical side is shaking its head at you when, two minutes before class starts, Jason walks in. 
You thumb your nose at your practical side and sit up straighter. 
He is wearing black jeans, his scuffed work boots and a black t-shirt with an open flannel. He has on a trucker hat with some sort of horse logo on it. He looks around, catches your eye and makes a bee line to the spot next to you, murmuring apologies for being late. 
In each warm up exercise he sends nearly everything to you.  He treats you like a friend, making side comments and laughing with you. It’s weird, but interacting with him feels really natural and that’s not… natural. You end up getting paired with him in one game. He picks Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’hara you say cooking breakfast, he says in a closet. 
“Is touch ok?” he asks, you nod.
You squish your back up to his side dramatically. He begins a pantomime of stirring a bowl over your head. He’s roughly 6’1”, you are, with your sandals on, about 5’8”.
“Scarlett, pass the eggs will you” he says in a passable Rhett Butler voice. 
“But Rhett, darling,” you turn awkwardly, taking tiny steps in a ‘cramped’ space, making it funny with his arms in your face. You grab his shirt front and lean dramatically into him “I’m sorry we… we don’t have any eggs left, the soldiers took them all, the chickens too!” you fake cry into his front. You feel his breath catch as you bury your head in his chest. 
Holy fuck he smells really good, like trees and lavender and amber. His long fingers  wrap around yours, and he tilts your chin up to look at him. As your eyes meet, something jolts your stomach.  He is staring intensely into your eyes and it’s like he’s staring into your very soul.  He is saying something… you can’t concentrate. Why? Because being this close you notice the freckles on his left cheek and forehead and just how blue his eyes really are. 
For a split second, your eyes widen in recognition. You know exactly who this is, and his name isn’t Jason. You almost melt into him, legs going weak. Oh well at least it’s in character.  Thank god you’ve been doing this improv class for long enough that you can hold your shit together enough to finish the scene. They all applaud  as ‘Jason’ ends with “Frankly, I don’t give a damn about the pancakes,” pantomimes opening the closet door,  and walking away with his bowl. 
You go back to your seat. You aren’t even paying attention to the next scene as your mind is racing.  It all falls into place. You covertly watch him next to you. He is watching the scene. You feel almost stupid that you didn’t see it right away, his eyes, his hands, the fullness of his exposed bottom lip. Clearly he doesn’t want to be recognized, the accent, the beard, the darker than usual hair. But once you see it, it’s all so clear. 
You decide to be a good human and leave him his anonymity. Maybe he really misses being a regular actor in classes. I mean, you think about how much you enjoy coming to class, he must as well. Maybe you can ask him for his number before he leaves. You can just chalk it up to industry connections. Maybe then you can somehow let him know that you know, without it being weird. 
On the break, ‘Jason’ saunters up to you getting a drink of water. He is exceptional at masking his natural gait. This is not surprising, you know how good he is. 
“Hey, that was great, ya’ll really have that southern bell thing down. I thought you might faint right in my arms,” he takes a pull on his water bottle. 
“Yeah you too, So very Rhett  of you,” you smile, not daring to tell him that you almost did pass out, ”you did great with his voice.” 
“Thanks, hey, um… what are you doing after this?” he locks eyes with you again. 
“Oh… just going home,” you almost say something about your partner.
“Want to get a bite?”  he says before you can say anything. 
What? Wait… did he just ask you out?
“Yes, I’d like that,”  you try to stay chill. “I’ve been meaning to try this little place nearby.” 
You are sitting in the corner of the overwhelmingly green dining room of Chifa. It kind of reminds you of a rich girls 1995 Jersey boudoir but with Chinese and Peruvian food. They are moderately busy. 
“So tell me about yourself,” he starts in before you can let him know that you know who he is. Yup, still the midwestern accent. 
You smile, knowing that it’s all fake but wanting to tell him about yourself too. You figure it's only fair that he learns about you, since you know ALL about him. Well, everything that is public anyway. As you start to talk, again you get that feeling of perfect naturalness in being around him, like you’ve been friends  for years. 
You talk about how you are trying to break into acting and how you know you have an uncanny ability to spot talent in people. He is laser focused on you, leaning forward and nodding. Just as you are about to talk about your partner. The waiter comes to the table..  
“Oh I haven’t looked at the menu!” ‘Jason’ says,  picking it up.
“May I? If you are good with sharing a few things,” you inquire, holding your hand on his menu. Your fingertips touch his briefly, it’s like lightning.  He waves you on with an interested look on his face. 
“Any allergies I should know about?” you ask. He just shakes his head. 
You open the menu, you’d checked it out before and had a good idea of what they had. 
“First for drinks, I absolutely HAVE to get the Yo Yo Good4U on my tastebuds. I love sparkling anything,” you say as an aside to ‘Jason’, “ also I want to taste the Chichi Morado and the Lai Chai. Do you want anything alcoholic to drink?” 
“Sure, you pick,” he waves his hand again.
Your tail is almost wagging in your seat as he puts his oral satisfaction in your hands. 
“How about a Drunken’ Yuzu?” your eyebrows up in askance. He nods. 
“We will have the Lomo Soltado,  the Brule Char,  and the Siu Anticucho,” your eyes expertly glide over the menu, “Ooo and the Traditional Zongzi, Tiradito and um… the Dan Dan Mien. And,” you take a big breath, “for dessert, let's try the Alfajores,  oh I have to get the Black Sesame Cheesecake Tart  and the Taro Coconut Cake Bar. And of course  we need the ice cream, “you look over your menu, “as a palate cleanser of course.”
“Of course” he says slowly, wondering what on earth is happening. 
“Which flavors Miss,” asks the waiter.
“Hmmm, fior di latte,  almond jelly, and  black tahini, please.” 
“Oh silly me, we need to get our veggies in! Let’s round this out with Wok-Hay Vegetables.”
“With the lap chueng?” he asks. 
“Yes please,” you hand the waiter your credit card immediately, considering your huge order. 
“Very good,” says the waiter, taking the card and walking away. 
“I’m a growing boy, but whoa, you really meant it when you said ‘try’ the restaurant,” ‘Jason’ is looking at you like you are a little crazy ordering all that food. 
You giggle at his look
“What, we aren’t going to eat ALL of it right now, I just have slutty little taste buds,“ you wink playfully, “plus I freakin’ love lots of leftovers,  it’ll keep my partner happy too, for being out later.” 
“Oh, I didn’t realize you had a partner…” he tries not to look crestfallen. 
“Yeah, I was getting to that…  but we are in a weird spot right now. Or at least I am.“ you smile reassuringly. 
“Can I ask what’s going on?” he says with concern in his eyes. Fuck how is it that he barely knows you, but can convery more care for your well being than your partner of years. 
“Well, don’t get me wrong, I care about him and I trust him,  but he just..” you wonder if it’s TMI, but you are too far in now to change the subject. Plus, if not now, when? “he doesn’t act like he cares about me sexually, Austin,” you say without even realizing you said his name until it was too late. His eyes go wide and he nods. You just wait to see how he reacts.
“Well, there’s a lot to unpack in that sentence” he says low and quiet but without missing a beat. His midwestern accent slipping by the wayside. 
“Mm hmm,” you press your lips and your thighs together, not able to think straight when you hear his sultry baritone voice waft across the table. You fear that things will change now. 
“Let’s start here: Tell me why you feel he doesn't care about you, is he not interested in sex with you.” He takes another sip and settles down to listen. In for a penny, in for a pound. 
“Well, no, we have a decent amount of sex. I’m very accommodating, it’s sort of like a love language, I guess. But he’s like… not.”  you say, trying to be tactful. You don’t really like to smack talk your partner, you’d not want him to talk bad about you. But on the other hand, truth is truth. 
“Hmm,” Austin is leaning on his fist, a little frown on his face and lips pursed together. His long legs crossed under the table. You can see his natural mannerisms coming out now. Damn he is amazing. 
“Ok,” he leans back, hands threaded into one another on the table, “second: How long have you known?” 
You look at him with a raised eyebrow and nod your forehead to him. 
He nods back. 
“Today, during the closet cooking scene, I’m sorry my almost fainting wasn’t acting,” you laugh. “although, I thought you looked a little familiar. I thought maybe someone from college or something.”
“Wow, I made almost three whole classes!” he says laughing and leaning back towards you. 
“I haven’t told anyone, I figured you were trying to be incognito to enjoy class,  so I didn’t want to ruin it for you. I’m good at keeping secrets. I think you could keep going.” 
“Well thank you kindly ma’am.’ he says with his accent back and touching the brim of his hat, “I may just do that.”
He doesn’t ask you anything else about your bedroom problems, in fact doesn't address your partner at all. Instead he treats you like a great friend, and you, grateful that he didn’t bolt or put a wall up, treat him the same. Honestly, it’s a dream come true. You talk about the love of acting and why you both are into it. About why LA is home and what about it has shaped you. 
When the plates and plates of food arrive, you two treat it like a wine or whiskey tasting. Each of you tries a little of the same thing. There is a lot of passionate talk about what you are eating, you use words like smoky, earthy, robust, pungent, acidic, umami, and delicate.  You talk about texture and mouthfeel, aromas and memories that are brought to the forefront. Together you don’t eat a quarter of what’s in front of you. You send the rest to be boxed up. 
Then the deserts come out. You bite into the cheesecake and your eyes flitter closed. Appreciative noises float from your throat as you roll the flavors around your tongue, taking your time to really taste.When you open your eyes, Austin is watching you with a tinge of lust in his eyes and his mouth slightly open as you unwittingly sexualize cheesecake. He blinks and blows out an almost whistle.
“Damn, that must be one helluva tart,” he says almost under his breath. 
You cock one eyebrow, lick your lip and look him right in the eye, “Oh, it is.” 
His hand slides from resting on his thigh to pulling the inseam of his jeans, creating some suddenly needed space. He covers his squirming by adjusting in his seat. Well, he thinks he does. You notice every minute detail and heat rises to your face directly from your core. 
He nods his chin towards the plate, his fingers doing a little ‘come on’ curl. 
With a forkful, you reach over the desert laden table. He opens his mouth and looking you in the eye, lets you place it on his tongue like a communion wafer. The sexual tension is thick between you. He closes his eyes with an audible  Mmmm, of pleasure, nodding in agreement. You rock forward in your chair,  wondering if you are going to cum in your panties right there. By the time he opens his eyes and looks at yours, you hope your face is some semblance of ‘normal.” He just smiles at you like he knows exactly what he just did to you. 
By the end of the dinner, You have several boxes to take home, Austin has a couple sample type boxes. And somehow ends up paying for all of it despite your attempt to thwart him earlier, damn sexy gentleman. He puts your phone number in his phone and says he’ll text you. You hope to god that it’s not just a brush off. 
You drive home on fucking cumulonimbus cloud nine. With a story you’ll likely never fully tell your partner, several boxes of delicious food and a promise that ‘Jason’ will show up next week. 
Your partner is so giddy that you brought home food, that he barely hears your story about how you were out with someone in the industry that you met at class and how you were talking shop. He liked that you were making connections. You didn’t DARE tell him it was actually Austin, not yet anyway.  
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Hi, may you please spare some advice on what casual, but also cool in a hot climate, clothing a baby butch could look into wearing that’s a bit fashionable and isn’t just a shirt and a cargo shorts?
whew first of all donate any & all cargo shorts immediately (pretend tan france is telling you that Urgently). i do understand finding shorts can be kind of weird depending on ur body shape bc men’s shorts are often bulky & long. i prefer a 5’ inseam, but you can go for a 7’ if that feels better. under No circumstances should ur shorts hit ur knees lol. madewell has some pretty good options (if you can find one that’s mens & womens in-store that’s the best). pacsun usually has some pretty chill options. for online shopping, bearbottom shorts is not too expensive & has a lot of colors in both 5’ & 7’ shorts. i really like the swim shorts both& just made (not sure if they’re sold out). get lighter colors in the summer if you want for shorts, & just… no khaki.
& i love a t-shirt, but it’s in how it’s worn. i don’t think it even needs to be an interesting t-shirt, but it should have a fit & pov that looks intentional. i like to get my t-shirts a size up & tuck them in, sometimes pair them with an overshirt. if i know i’m going to be SWEATING & i want to wear a tshirt, i’ll wear something looser & actually thicker cotton in either black or white. i’ve had top surgery so i can wear tanks without stress but if binding is a concern, both& has some great tanks for ppl who bind.
if you do want to be more dressed up than a short/t-shirt combo, the answer is & will always be linen. a short sleeved linen button up (from really anywhere you like that fits well — uniqlo has both men’s & women’s in many earthtones for under $50!) is The Key. put it on as an overshirt over your t-shirt or wear it buttoned halfway in a french tuck. i prefer to stay away from patterns & bright colors bc it can easily look a little zany, but do your thing there. i have a few pairs of linen pants i also love, especially for things like taking my wife on a date, or if it’s just a cool day/nighttime activity etc. literally just… linen button ups & linen pants, even drawstring pants! if you wanna ball out, theory makes my favorite linen pants, but oak + fort is a close second & much more affordable. everlane also has all of these pieces in mens & womens & is very high quality!
idk ur shoe situation but two great options are always birkenstocks (the rubber ones are under $50 & v comfortable) and/or all white low air force 1s. a good all white sneaker is a great starter sneaker & will always go with everything. i myself prefer dunk lows but u gotta rly be wanting to invest in some sneakers to do that lmao but if you are! they’re cool
lastly, small accessories go a long way! i have a few chains, a small hoop earring, a ring (& my wedding ring but lol i don’t think we can count that as an accessory), & then sunglasses i love. i have a Beautiful watch from my wife but literally just a watch w a normal watch face & a leather band is better than nothing or wearing a smart watch out when there’s quite literally no need lol. a good baseball cap, either plain black or from a cool brand (mine for this summer is aime leon dore) is both a nice addition & also practical. do not & i mean Do Not carry around a backpack unless u Absolutely have to lol. masc cross body bags or canvas totes are much better if u need a bag
- you can find tons of overshirts thrifting or at outlets! since they don’t have to fit perfectly it can be a great place to look for them
- i live & die by a good pair of light wash denim in the summer. allsaints & madewell always have beautiful denim, but you can look at levi’s as well, or thrift!
- tailoring is not expensive!!!!!!!!! if u find pants u love that are too long, just get them hemmed! fr it’s like $10, everyone needs a good tailor
- never underestimate a good sweatshort/t-shirt/overshirt/birks moment to go get a cup of coffee or something… 10/10
- i have definitely not been in a place financially to do this in the past, so pls take this w a grain of salt & of course do what’s best for your budget, but higher quality, simple fabrics ethically made are ALWAYS going to be best. they’ll last longer & keep their fit. launder ur clothes carefully too! hang drying pants & heavy cotton will get their lifespan to extend. & it’s 100% cool to find brands u love & stick to them. if u find a piece u like, u can get it in a few colors, rather than trying to find a bunch of other stuff. quality > quantity, capsule wardrobes are easier to wear & maintain
- some ppl whose fashion i like rn: courtney williams, arike ogunbowale, shanice van de sanden. & sue bird knows how to wear a short/button up summer set with the best of them. kristen kish Obviously. (& also i love mal from the queer ultimatum lmfaoooo)
- wear whatever u want, just not cargo shorts :)
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rockbuzz1 · 9 months
Rockbuzz: Buy Captioned Bengali Full Sleeve t-shirt,Bengali printed tshirts,Unisex Printed Tshirt Online in India, Online In India
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hushandwear · 9 months
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Men's Regular Solid T-Shirt
Material & Care:
Composition: 100% Cotton
GSM: 180
Country of production: India
Wash care: Machine wash cold with similar colours | Only non-chlorine | Warm Iron.
Estimated order processing time: 48hours - 72 Hours.
Estimated Delivery time: 7-10 Days
Size and Fitting:
Sleeve length: Half sleeve
Neckline: Round neck
Fit: Regular
0 notes
cg-saturn · 2 years
hey saturn! do you have any advice for people who can't really regress in their own home? i live with my parents and idk what they'd do if they found out(it's a stress response and i think that's contributing)
love you! hope you're having a good day <3
Tips for regressing while living with others
Hey @littlethena! Thank you for sending this ask, I've actually been thinking of making a post on this for a while now!
Sometimes having other people who live in your home can be really stressful for Littles who need to be discreet for any reason. Maybe you live with your parents, roommates, or in an open housing arrangement, and have a hard time regressing because you don't want to be found out. I promise it's okay! We've almost all been there at one point or another, and I want to let you know that luckily, there are tons of adorable but discreet ways to be little around others! This is a list that I've come up with, some things might be more achievable than others for some Littles and that's okay!! I promise there is no right or wrong way to regress and there's definitely no checklist of what you need to be a little. These are just some suggestions based on my personal experience with having to be discreet while living with others. I do hope this helps some of you!
Clothing can be a big part of regressing! Soft shirts, cute skirts, comfy pants, and adorable socks are some really simple but effective ways to help yourself regress! Depending on your big age and fashion sense, there are tons of options.
Soft graphic t-shirts are super easy to come by at big stores or online, and there's so many different designs you can pick from! You can easily find shirts related to kidcore, like care bears or even just cute prints!
Big sweaters are one of the best ways to help yourself feel tiny! Try buying one or two sweaters that are two sizes above your normal shirt size, and enjoy the sweater paw life! If someone asks, you can always tell them that the fitting rooms were closed or it was the last option for the top.
Cute or crazy socks are my personal favorite when it comes to discreet regressing. No matter what your shoe size is, there are hundreds of cute designs that you can hide under your shoes or with a long pair of pants! I suggest checking materials before buying socks, if you're in person definitely check that the stitching will stretch, or if you're online always check review! The Cat and Jack brand (not spon) makes kids items up to a size 6 us /8 women's us and I absolutely adore their cat socks!
Using "big" versions of little toys when people are around can be super useful for little ones who don't live alone! Stim toys and trinkets are easy to explain, and stuffies could always be a "gift from a friend".
Stress balls can be really fun for kiddos to keep around the house! I personally love the ones that have beads inside or the nets around them, and they're fun to play with anywhere you go!
Figurines and action figures are pretty easy to explain to people too! As far as anyone else knows, they're just cute decorations from your favorite shows or games, but you can play with them the same way you play with your dolls
If you're a kiddo that enjoys rattles, you can always make your own! Find some beads or small things that you can fill a toilet paper roll with, and get some colored paper to close up both sides with using tape, and decorate it however you want using stickers or markers! They're super easy to hide or even take apart once you're done playing with it!
"Adult" coloring books are a little's best friend. They're pretty self explanatory to anyone who finds it, and its typically seen as a therapy method for people! If anything, they might want to see all the awesome work you've done (but, you're more than allowed to say no if you're not comfortable sharing it!) You can even use crayons or markers if you want to feel more little, and there's tons of different large print books for if you don't want fine detail work.
Stuffies are such a comfort whether you're 2 or 95, and they're one of the easiest things to explain! Right now, everyone's collecting squishmallows- its just the trend! Any stuffie friend that might be questioned easily could be passed off as gifts from friends or family, or just simply that it was too cute to pass up!
Making bracelets, just like the coloring books, is super easy to explain too! It's just relaxing to do, and you can make them for the people you love without even telling them why you're making them!
Just having general cute decor can also be super fun for Littles. Depending on your living situation, things around the house can pretty easily just be made hidden Little objects!
Soft blankets of your favorite characters or colors are typically inexpensive and definately functional for around the house at this time of year! Cuddling up all comfy cozy is the best for helping bring yourself into little space, and what's better than a secretly special blankie!
Cute cups or mugs are great for daily use around the house! Star and I have a whole collection of cute mugs, some of which are specifically used when one of us is signaling that we're feeling little! If you have a CG or someone around who knows, this can be a helpful way to signal your needs! Or, if you don't have anyone who knows around, it can be seen as just another cute mug in the back of the shelf that you use once and a while!
Stuffies again can make a great decoration piece if you have a lot of them! Around our house, we use the stuffies to protect things like the record player or wires the cats might get at. The person we live with absolutely loves having them out to look at too, and they do an amazing job of keeping things safe!
Decorative lights like fairy or led lights can be fun for everyone! It helps set the mood in a relaxing tone! No matter what your big age is, fairy lights are a wonderful decoration for any space!
I really hope this list helps some kiddos that are struggling to hide their regression for any reason! You're still just as valid as any little, I promise. You deserve to enjoy the same comforts as the Littles that live alone, and I hope that some of these ideas can help make it easier while you're in whatever situation you're in! Remember that you are loved and cared about, and you deserve to regress. Please reblog with any other ideas you have! I'd love to hear them!
Pippi Saturn 💕
Dni: k!nk/nsfw, maps, terfs, homophobes, transphobes, anti-agere
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shoptheshop · 9 days
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Long sleeve soft tee, crew neck, slim fit.
Product features
Layer up in a soft long-sleeve tee, ideal for chilly days or chillier nights.
Slim fit, so order a size up if you prefer for a more relaxed fit.
Male model shown is 6'1" / 186 cm tall and wearing size Large.
Female model shown is 5'4" / 163 cm tall and wearing size Small.
Solid colors are 100% cotton, heathered and marled fabrics are 90% cotton, 10% polyester.
Size S, M, L, XL, 2XL.
Express by 5 days.
Standard between 6-10 days.
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could you do tanner adell for the style deep dive thing
Here it is!! 💞💞
Tanner Addell style guide
American singer and songwriter Tanner Addells style guide
Bustier/ Corset tops
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These go really really well with her country girl style. Pair them with jean shorts, mini skirts or a cowboy hat
denim corset top
Large, oversized t-shirts
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The first one she wears as a dress with the sleeves cut off. The second, she rolls up to make a crop top and wears it with jeans.
Denim on Denim
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Here we have two different denim on denim pieces. They have similar cuts and are both two pieces. Really gives off a country girl vibe
two piece looks
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I'm getting the vibe that she really really likes two pieces. Reminds me of Cher Horowitz and Blair Waldorf with the second one. She wears these sets with white tennis shoes and long socks
Fits that remind me of her style
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Overall style notes
crop tops
light wash denim
cowboy hats
casual trainers
country girl style
pastel colours
Sorry for taking long with this one. I couldn't find much on her style but I tried my best and I hope you like it @lovesickbrat
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womenhood-co · 1 year
Hello friends! Welcome to my brand-new, first ever online store supporting women in the realm of design and passion! And when I say women, I mean ALL women - however you identify doesn’t matter to me, as long as you feel good when purchasing one of my designs, such as this t-shirt supporting mothers down below! 
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There’s tons more to come - trying to have the most productive summer of my life, but we’ll see how it goes in real time, lol - but for now, here’s the link to my Pinterest, which has all of the designs I’ve created so far!
I do have to ask - because I’m so brand new - that even if you can’t purchase anything, a simple view to my Pinterest account would be great. And I am free to message if you would like me to create something custom for you. I plan to give everything my best shot!
Cheers to a great summer!
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carolinaboy34 · 2 years
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“Ring! Ring”
I rolled over and scrambled for my phone to answer it before it woke up my roommate.
“Hello. Who’s this?” I hadn’t opened my eyes yet to look at the screen.
“Hey, Drew. It’s Chris. What are you doing?”
“Um, I was asleep. Are you ok?” He was a good friend of mine from school and a lab partner in Biology.
“I need a ride, man. It’s a long, long story, but I’m naked in this chick’s driveway, and I need a ride back to campus. Can you come and get me?”
Fuuuuuck. “Yeah, sure. Be there soon. Text me the address.”
It was in a really nice part of town. Chris was always trying hard to find that special someone and striking out every time. He has gone through so many women this semester that I lost track weeks ago. And spending so much time together in the lab gave us plenty of opportunities to commiserate with each other about lost loves and missed opportunities, as well as celebrate the occasional victory. I’d come out to him at the first opportunity, and it was no big deal at all. He’s super supportive and a great friend, so there was no way I could say no to him.
I slammed on some sweat pants and a t-shirt then grabbed my keys and took off. The sun was just coming up, so it was cool out. I wonder why he was naked? Should I grab some clothes for him? No time, just go get him. My car has seat heaters if he's still naked.
He's nerdy cute. Nice build with a cute butt and light brown hair cut in a very normal way. His face is sweet and his smile is always warm. I better hurry if he’s still in trouble.
Google got me right there, and I pulled into the driveway, but he came from around the corner of the house and told me to get out of the driveway as quickly as I could. I dropped the car into reverse and pulled out into the street, where he greeted me and got in the passenger door. By this time, he had his clothes halfway on, but still had some of them crumpled in his hands, which he dropped to the floor of the car as he settled into the seat for the drive back.
“What in the hell happened?”
“Yeah, I really stepped into it this time. I met this chick online. She’s older, but I’m totally into that. We met for coffee then went out to dance some. We ended up drinking quite a bit then taking an Uber to her house. She was awesome - full of energy and totally into me. We got into her house and couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We made out in the foyer, barely getting the door closed, then moved all over the first floor into the kitchen and dining room then up to her bedroom. We got naked then crashed on her bed and made out some more. She was crazy - scratching, biting and licking me all over. It was driving me crazy and I couldn’t wait to bury myself into her. I started eating her out, and she was writhing on the bed, but then she stopped. I kept going, cause, duh, but after a while I looked up and she was dead asleep. She even started snoring! So, I crawled up the bed and laid next to her to cuddle. I thought maybe she’d nap, and we could resume in a bit. I was drunk too, so whatever. Just as I started to doze off, I heard a noise downstairs. I woke up and heard the door slam and keys drop onto the table. Fuck! She mentioned she was married, but her husband was away on business.”
“WTF??!?!? You hooked up with a married woman?”
“Well, yeah. I mean, she was hot and liked me. She said her husband was a dick and they hadn’t fucked in years, so she met guys and hooked up when he was out of town.”
“Jesus, Chris. This may be the best story yet!”
Anyway, I freaked out and threw my shit out of the second story bedroom window then jumped out onto the porch roof. I was able to climb down using the gutter and fence and trash cans, then I called you. The worse part is - we never had sex. I got all worked up but had to abort the launch. I have blue balls like crazy.”
We’d never had sex - he is always chaising women and never mentioned guys before, but I thought there’s a first time for everything, and desperation certainly is a motivator.
“You want to fuck me?”
“Dude, are you serious? I have thought about tapping your ass, but never grabbed the opportunity. You always talk about how good it is. Sure! Why the fuck not.”
It was so fucking early that we didn’t need to worry about getting caught, so I pulled into a strip mall parking lot and settled into a corner near some trees. I turned the car off and kicked off my sweats. He dropped his pants to his ankles, and he was similarly freeballing, so I leaned over and took him into my mouth. His dick was great - about 7.5 inches long with a little curve to the left and a large head on top of his veiny shaft. His hairy balls (straight guys…) were sitting on top of his thighs, since his legs were trapped by the tight seat and his pants. I took him all the way down and started throating his dick, coating it in spit and jacking the part not in my mouth. He was worried he’d fire off too soon, so he pulled me up and started kissing me.
That surprised me! I didn’t expect that, but he was a great kisser, using his lips and tongue and even teeth to overwhelm my mouth. We tongue fought and lip smacked for a long time, giving him a chance to calm down. Then he reached over and pulled my body over the center console. He reclined his seat, and I put my feet and knees on either side of his body and laid down on top of him. My dick was pressed between us, and his was pushing against my taint. He reached down and raised it up, and it was still wet from my spit, so I raised up slightly and lined him up with my entrance before pushing down and taking him in.
Car sex is never great, but the urgency and suddennes made it hot. He was pushing up into me, and I was holding steady, just letting him use my hole to get off. He started kissing me again, wrapping his arms around my body and holding me tight against his chest. He was driving into me, his balls slapping up against my hole. His veiny dick felt great in my hole, and his mushroom head was scraping against my prostate with each thrust into my body. That stimulation was driving me crazy, and I could feel my orgasm slowly building inside. I rose up and pulled off of him, since I didn’t want to cum yet and end this.
I turned around and put my feet on the floor between his knees, then lowered myself back onto his dick, the reverse position hitting new spots deep inside my hole. He reached up and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me down hard onto his dick each time I rose up. The big ridge of his head was nearly coming out of my hole, stretching me open with each rise and fall of my body. I kept squatting on his dick until I could feel my orgasm build inside again. He started moaning louder as well, so I leaned back and laid down on top of him, putting my feet on his knees. I kept thrusting onto his dick and grinding against his groin with each drop down onto him. About the fifth time I was grinding my hole against his body, my orgasm exploded out of me and covered my chest and abs with hot, white cum. My contractions around his dick and the milking of my colon against his shaft caused him to squeeze me tightly and fire his cum deep inside my convulsing hole. After we stopped cumming and came down from our ecstasy, we just laid there for a few minutes. I held his hands, and he nibbled on my ear.
I eventually rolled off of him and got into my seat again, his cum leaking out of my ass onto the leather of my car. I pulled up my sweats and then got out of the car to adjust everything and wipe the cum off my seat. He got dressed again and settled into the passenger seat again. By the time I got everything back together and got back into the car, he was passed out on the seat, smiling sweetly.
I got us back to campus, and he woke up enough to get up to his room and pass out again. After making sure he was safe, I got back to my room and crashed onto the bed, my sweats sticking to my ass crack where Chris’s load leaked out driving home.
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